April 2020 Issue 13.11

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Inside This Issue:

April 2020 - Volume 13.11

Who Is Open For Take Out? Dead Sky - Navigating The Golden Road Love For Local Business in the Time of COVID-19



photo: Linda Kelly


R E C & H E A LT H

Cover Shot: - Linda Kelly 10

Why Owning House Plants is Easy - J Calloway 36


Top 10 Spring Hikes in Bozeman - K Springer 42

Taco Montes - M Hudlow 12 Who Is Open For Take Out? - A Ripple 15

M O N TA N A M U S I C Dead Sky: Navigating the Golden Road - G Louzan 16

S C R E E N & S TA G E Polaroid Stories: Postponed - K Brustuen 22


LIVING LOCAL Bringing Sexual Health In Focus - M Snyder 26 Love for Local Business COVID-19 - S Ward 31 Earth Day Around the House - T Ford 40




Theater Expert Tom Watson - C Reid 24

HOROSCOPE Black Rose Spiritual Center - Dr Nikki 38



April 2020



April 2020

Sarah Cairoli - Copy Editor Local writer, tutor, and mother who has been enjoying all Bozeman has to offer for the past decade. Copy Editor for Bozeman Magazine.

Angie Ripple - Publisher Angie makes Bozeman Magazine happen all while wrangling her three children and adventuring with her husband and living the dream.

Brian Ripple - Publisher Brian enjoys taking his kids camping, and skiing. He is an artist, sound engineer and co-editor of this fabulous magazine you are reading.

Nikki Judge - Horoscope Nikki is a spiritual counselor and life coach who is happily serving those who have chosen a solo spiritual path.

Elizabeth Anderson - Local Living A Bozeman native and senior at MSU majoring in English. She’s an intern for the summer writing and learning along the way about the magazine production.

Cammie Reid - Local Living Cammie Reid is a student, writer, and environmentalist at Montana State University. Hailing from the East Coast, she has written in publications in three different cities before arriving in Bozeman in 2017.

Kelly Hartman - History Kelly Hartman is the Curator at the Gallatin History Museum. She is also a painter and printmaker inspired by the beauty of Montana.

Abby Hernandez - Local Living Abby grew up in Paradise Valley, but currently calls Bozeman home. You can follow the adventures of her and her family on Instagram @adventurepeaksupply

Tim Ford - Real Estate Tim Ford is a Broker / Realtor® with Bozeman Broker Real Estate in Bozeman Montana.

Eric Kofer - Music Former ASMSU concerts director. Local music contributor and ChickenJam West Productions Owner. Eric spreads his love for music around the valley.

Kris Drummond - Local Living Kris Drummond is a writer, photographer, and traveler living in Bozeman and enjoying spring skiing in April.

Abby Bradford- Music The Marketing and Development Communications Manager for the Symphony, loves connecting people to purpose through the arts, outdoor adventure, and time shared together.

Jamie Calloway - Local Living Jamie Calloway is interning for Bozeman Magazine and is currently pursuing an English Writing degree at Montana State University.

Maggie Rose Hudlow - Dining Maggie is a lover of mutts and open mics. She will exercise moderately, but only to consume food excessively.

Kate Springer - Local Living Kate spends almost every free moment enjoying Bozeman and Montana in some way; hiking and exploring the mountains, skiing, or kayaking the rivers.

Rachel Phillips - History Rachel Phillips is the Research Coordinator at the Gallatin History Museum in Bozeman.

Kevin Brustuen - Screen & Stage Kevin Brustuen lives in Bozeman and can be contacted at kbrustuen@hotmail.com. He is an avid theater-goer.

Shawn Vicklund - Local Living Shawn is a local entrepreneur and professional marketer who enjoys running, hiking and spending time with family.

Greg Louzan - Health & Rec Greg is a senior English major at MSU. In his spare time he enjoys playing with basset hounds and giving out free lip piercings to local salmonids.

Chris Marie Forest - Local Living Chris Marie Forest is the greatgreat-granddaughter of William and Ellen Arnold. She was born and raised in Southern California, listening to bits and pieces of her Arnold family stories.

Mia Snyder - Local living Mia is a part-time intern and a full-time student at MSU. When she isn’t participating in Army ROTC program, she likes to drink coffee, play piano, and root for the Seahawks.


Lava Lake photo: Linda Kelly

INDEPENDENT & LOCAL PUBLISHER CASEN CREATIVE SALES MANAGER, CO-EDITOR ANGIE RIPPLE PRODUCTION MANAGER, CO-EDITOR BRIAN RIPPLE COVER ARTIST LINDA KELLY PHOTOGRAPHY BRIAN RIPPLE, JAMIE CALLOWAY, MAGGIE HUDLOW WHAT’S YOUR BEEF? SCOTT PARKER SEND TO: INFO@BOZEMANMAGAZINE.COM FOOD & DRINKS MAGGIE HUDLOW MONTANA MUSIC GREG LOUZAN SCREEN & STAGE KEVIN BRUSTUEN, CAMMIE REID RECREATION & HEALTH KATE SPRINGER LIVING LOCAL TIM FORD, JAMIE CALLOWAY, MIA SNYDER, SETH WARD, CHRIS MARIE FOREST HOROSCOPE NIKKI JUDGE, BLACK ROSE SPIRITUAL CENTER EVENTS CALENDAR YOU CAN ADD YOUR OWN EVENTS AT: WWW.BOZEMANMAGAZINE.COM THE BASICS Bozeman Magazine features a local artist on every cover and contributions from talented local writers each month. Every attempt has been made to provide our readers with accurate, dependable information about things which make the Bozeman area unique. Distributed to over 200 locations in the Gallatin Valley, and on MSU’s campus, well over 20,000 people enjoy Bozeman Magazine every month. We think you will too. CONTRIBUTING Bozeman Magazine relies on the hard work of creative local people to keep our flow of information going. If you would like to become a contributor in writing, art, or photography please email us at info@bozemanmagazine.com to learn how. Every attempt is made to include accurate information, however, our writers and staff can NOT be held responsible for misprinted information. ALL MATERIAL ©2020, CASEN CREATIVE LLC - Bozeman, MT FIRST COPY IS FREE, ADDITIONAL ARE COPIES $1.00 EACH All writing, photos, and artwork remains property of the author, photographer, or artist. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Bozeman Magazine staff or advertisers. Send feedback, comments, suggestions, questions to: info@bozemanmagazine.com CONTACT INFO WEB: bozemanmagazine.com EMAIL: info@bozemanmagazine.com OFFICE: 406-219-3455 • CELL: 406-579-5657 TO ADVERTISE OR FOR MORE INFORMATION contact: info@bozemanmagazine.com or 406 219-3455


April 2020


W H A T ’ S YO U R B E E F ?



Scott F. Parker


t happened again the other day. I was a few miles into a leisurely afternoon run when I heard a man shouting, “Don’t worry. He’s friendly!” There are few words less reassuring to a runner. A moment later, the dog was upon me. At least the man was right in this case. His dog was friendly, a young black Lab ready to play. It was friendly enough to jump up and land its paws on my arm, then on my stomach. Friendly enough to think obstructing my path no matter how many times I jagged was a game we were both playing. Friendly enough to run three blocks with me while his owner trailed farther and farther behind us calling half-heartedly. Friendly enough to follow me around a corner. Friendly enough to follow me across traffic. Here I stopped. As much as I wanted to teach the owner a lesson, I didn’t want the dog to die. So I corralled the Lab to the sidewalk, and together we waited for the owner to arrive. What did he say when he got there? He said, “He’s got a chase instinct.” What did I say? I said, “Huh.” When it comes to dogs, friendly beats unfriendly, that’s for


April 2020


sure. I’ve seen unfriendly. Every runner has. The ones that bark and growl and nip and sometimes bite. The ones that make you think about carrying bear spray on your neighborhood run. The ones that scare or hurt your children. Earlier that same day, I had been taking a walk with my three-year-old son when he turned to me and said, “Daddy, that dog was nice. It didn’t bite me.” If he’s afraid of dogs, I’d say it’s a reasonable fear after learning how to walk in Bozeman. During the past two years, he’s been knocked down, licked against his will and his loud objection, growled at, and barked at. And in each case, without exception, there has been a smiling owner trailing long behind the dog talking stupidly about how friendly the dog is. Of course, my beef isn’t with the dogs, it’s with the owners and their oblivious grins and their moronic shouts of, “Don’t worry. He’s friendly!” Do you know what’s better than a friendly dog? A dog on a leash. Because I’d like for my son not to have to say things to me like a nice dog is one who hasn’t bit him. I’d like for him not to be afraid of what your “friendly” dog is going to do next. It’s true he’s never been bit, but he was on my back last sum-

mer when I was bit. Popular trail, lots of hikers, kids everywhere, and a dog comes from behind and sinks its teeth into my calf. Of course, late upon the scene was the owner of the “friendly” dog. She felt bad. She assured me the dog had its shots. She had very sympathetic eyes. She offered me a hug. Needless to say, I did not want sympathy, much less a hug. I wanted her to be responsible for her dog. I don’t care if you think your dog is nice. I don’t care that you love it like a child or whatever. I care that your dog not bite me and that it not growl at my son or knock him to the ground. I care that you abide by leash laws. I care that you start being as concerned with the people who live in this community as you are with your pet. If your dog is growling at toddlers or chasing and sometimes biting runners and hikers and you don’t see this as a problem, you aren’t harmlessly self-unaware, you’re a public nuisance. And even if your dog really is friendly, the person it’s jumping on often doesn’t know that. How could they when every owner calls his or her dog “friendly?” How are we supposed to know anymore who knows what the word “friendly” means? I’m sure if I ran into Cujo on the trail one day, there would be a hearty Bozemanite somewhere in the distance shouting “Friendly!” I get that you want your dog to be off-leash. A runner gets that, if anyone does. Just go to a damn dog park. That’s what they’re for. Everyone who runs trails in Montana knows there’s a chance of being mauled by a bear. But that risk is nothing like the one we take every time we lace up our shoes and head out to the suburbs. p Scott F. Parker lives and runs in Bozeman. He is the author of The Joy of Running qua Running.

All generic disclaimers apply. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of Bozeman Magazine staff or advertisers.


at: www.bozemanmagazine.com/pages/contribute or to: info@bozemanmagazine.com



t Bozeman Magazine we have curiously and carefully followed updates and news pertaining to the Coronavirus and the COVID-19 pandemic. It has not been easy to keep calm and carry on when shelves are bare, events have been canceled and the future is uncertain. We understand that families, students, and individuals are being negatively impacted by the virus, no one will be unaffected by COVID-19. As events and gatherings continue to be canceled or rescheduled we will do our best to update our online calendar to reflect those cancelations. Because this is a day-to-day or hour-to-hour situation we will not always have the correct information when you are looking for it. We suggest that you view our events calendar online, but also contact any venue you are considering visiting to be certain that they are still hosting the event, or are open to the public. Venues across the nation and the state of Montana are losing ticket revenue and seeing record cancellations. Some of our greatest advertising partners have canceled events and will be closed for an unknown amount of time, even more disruption is likely on its way. Bozeman Magazine will be able to continue for an issue or two, but the effects are very real and the future for both us and our advertising partners at this time are very uncertain.

WHAT CAN THE BOZEMAN COMMUNITY DO? We know that our community is strong and comes to the rescue of neighbors often, we believe this will continue as COVID-19 continues. Many local businesses will be struggling to keep their doors open, if they are able to, owners and employees already struggling to make ends meet will be most affected. Here are some actionable steps you can take to help our community cope in this uncertain time (gleaned from a variety of resources): • Don't ask for a refund. If you have tickets to a canceled event consider your purchase as a donation to the venue, artist, event promoter, if you are able. • Purchase a gift certificate/card remotely (phone/internet) to continue to support the local businesses you love. • Use take out, drive-up or delivery services to continue to support the restaurants you usually enjoy and don't forget to tip the delivery driver! • Check on neighbors you know that may be having a hard time getting the things they need to self-quarantine, ie. elderly, those with young children, etc. • Like, share and comment on social media posts from your favorite places, retailers, venues, restaurants, and performers to increase their exposure and show your support. • Keep checking our site and others you trust for up to date local information. We will be updating our NEWS posts with streaming events, online options for "attending" events, virtual learning opportunities (museum tours) and more. • Stay home and call your healthcare provider if you think you need to be seen. Bozeman is a very special place, we don't want to see anyone in our community compromised or put out of business due to this pandemic. We will continue to provide the best information about what is transpiring locally to keep our community safe and as entertained as possible. Take care! e Angie Ripple


April 2020






inda has been exploring Montana’s wilderness for over 25 years and still today is an avid hiker and horsewoman. She has had a lifetime career as a graphic designer and wildlife photographer. “I’m passionate about protecting our wildlife and their environment. Photographing wildlife takes respect, patience, and an understanding of animal behavior in order to capture that special moment. Sometimes you just need a little luck with lighting and


April 2020


what naturally happens around us. Either way I just love being out there!” After Linda’s son and husband completed Iraqi Freedom combat tours, she used her graphics and photography talents to start www.OperationNeverForgotten.org. She created awareness campaigns and helped keep memories alive for surviving gold star families. Linda also shared her Montana passion by bringing combat altered veterans to outdoor retreats.


In the 1980s, Linda owned a successful marketing and advertising agency in Madison, Wisconsin while volunteering as an emergency medical technician. In the 1970s, she toured the racquetball circuit as a professional and nationally ranked player. Stop by to see some of Linda’s photos exhibited at the Fireplace Center (on Jackrabbit between Belgrade and Four Corners), or visit her website at www.WestoneImages.com.



April 2020




Maggie Hudlow


aco Montes is one of my favorite places to grab lunch in Bozeman. Dreamy handmade flour tortillas—lightly blackened—make the perfect vessel for big flavor tacos. I hate to be a stereotype—by ordering my first Taco Montes taco on repeat—but, I almost always order a Korean style pork belly taco. It’s so good. The pork belly is just the right thickness so that it’s meatier than bacon, but you don’t have to fight through it. It’s a little sweet and tangy with the kimchi and bulgogi sauce of the Korean style, and I probably don’t need to mention them again, but the tortillas are the ultimate unit to house this beast of a taco.


April 2020

It’s also hard for me to not order chips and queso every single time I walk in the doors. Everything is homemade, including the chips and queso, and it is worth getting. This is not melt-a-blockof-Velveeta-and-call-it-queso. Oh no. This queso is meaty without having meat in it. The chips are thick enough to stand up to the strength of the cheese. It’s a melty, crunchy, masterpiece served in a basket. For those of you readers who have not had the opportunity to eat at Taco Montes, let me take a minute to explain the menu. There are 12 different styles of tacos to choose from and match with 9 “meat” options that range from guaca-


mole and grilled tofu to beef barbacoa, shrimp, and braised pork. The idea is to mix and match whatever meat and style you want together to achieve the ultimate fusion of flavors in a tasty taco wrapping. For example: the “Fresco” has tomatillo pico, roasted habanero crema, queso fresco, and pickled onions, and I think this style goes great with the beef barbacoa. A classic, in my mind. However, the “Desperado” which has lime infused cabbage, chipotle ranch, cilantro, crispy onion, and a lime wedge; I prefer to order with guacamole as the meat. That’s right. This meat-lovin’ woman intentionally orders a taco with just guacamole,

because it’s honestly that good. The crispy onions add texture and the tortilla provides the structure; this is a taco like you’ve never had. I was lucky enough to catch Hal Pedersen, owner of Taco Montes, and sit down for an interview before the lunch rush really set in. Maggie Hudlow: How was Taco Montes conceptualized? Hal Pedersen: In 2013, the owner of College Street Café wanted to change things up, I was working for him and at Ale Works at the time. So, I started working on a menu for a sandwich shop and two weeks before we opened up, we decided to add a few breakfast tacos to the menu. We made the decision to make homemade tortillas for those, and as we were sitting there trying them, it became very clear that we should only do tacos. Everything that was going to be a sandwich got turned into a taco. We transitioned into more Tex-Mex ideas after that. MH: What makes Taco Montes unique in the Bozeman food scene? HP: Homemade tortillas! Distinctive ele-

ments are combined together to cater to a variety of tastes. Everything is made from scratch and made to order. Meat isn’t just held hot and thrown onto a manufactured tortilla. Every piece of every order is made fresh and the taste is noticeably different. MH: What do you want people to experience when they walk through your doors? HP: An anti-corporation establishment, more of a hole-in-the-wall dive bar feel than anything. Local art is constantly rotating over the walls, giving it a homey vibe for near-by MSU students. It’s fast food, but its real and good food. MH: What item do your regulars keep coming back for? HP: Typically, the first thing they try. I assume because they like it so much, they don’t want to try anything else. So, everyone has their “go-to taco,” but we have punch cards with all the different types of tacos, to try and encourage people to experiment outside of their established comfort zones. And of course, everyone loves the chips and queso, it’s hard to resist. continued on next page www.bozemanmagazine.com

April 2020


Taco Monte’s p. 12 MH: What do you enjoy most about being a part of the Bozeman community? HP: People support the community a lot more here, compared to other places. If you are a part of the community and you put yourself out there, as a member of the community, the effort is reciprocated. There is even a peaceful coexistence with the neighboring restaurants. Sharing and swapping specials from time to time with U Burger next door, who have a similar set up, except it’s burgers instead of tacos.

MH: Do you have anything upcoming that you want readers to know about? HP: Well, we did a spring break shut down, we revamped, remodeled, and reorganized. Update the menu, new POS, spring cleaning kind of stuff. Beyond that, we will probably do some events similar to last summer, with music in the parking lot. More info on that when the time comes. 14

April 2020

MH: You were recently voted Bozeman’s Choice #1 for late night eats as well as best kept local secret, what does being voted Bozeman’s Choice mean to you? HP: First of all, we’re really proud for getting the vote. We’ve won best late night eats a few times, and we love winning that. But best kept local secret is really exciting for us, because that kind of transcends food and goes into other realms. So thanks for the votes! Everything about Taco Montes makes me feel at home, the chalkboard walls and rolls of paper towels for napkins. I am a dive bar girl and a lover of tacos. I honestly have felt conflicted about writing this article because I want it to stay “the best kept local secret.” This restaurant is my ultimate comfort food. Being walking distance from the MSU campus is a little dangerous and I have to monitor my own taco intake, one visit a week, I tell myself. After speaking to manager, Taylor Salsbury, I realized however, there is another side to Taco Montes that I have never experienced, the late-night life. Taco Montes being open from 10 pm until 3 am provides a hub for people to grab a bite, re-collect themselves, and maybe even sober up a bit. So, if you are seeking out a quick lunch or find yourself in need of a late-night snack, I recommend Taco Montes. h Maggie is a lover of mutts and open mics. She will exercise moderately, but only to consume food excessively.


815 W. COLLEGE ST, BOZEMAN tacomontescatering@gmail.com

(406) 600-5752

FOOD STYLE: Tex-Mex Fusion


Caprisun, Red Bull, Dountain Drinks


11am-6pm M-Sat, closed Sundays Friday & Saturday close at 6pm and reopen from 10pm-3am!

PRICES: $-$$


Down to Earth, Casual

NEW EVENTS ADDED DAILY AT: www.bozemanmagazine.com


who is open for take out 14 NORTH

Call or TEXT Nick To Order or Pre-Order 406-696-2455 • doordash.com for Deliveries


The kitchen is open for to-go orders! Give us a call (406) 587-9250 Liquor store also open for carry out.


Delivery available through the delivery.com app use promo code LOCALFIRST for FREE delivery • (406) 404-1996

BACKCOUNTRY BURGER BAR Free order of hashpups with every takeout order - 406-577-2454 for to-go orders


We are still open for take out and call in orders with reduced hours of 7am-1pm. (406) 585-1727

BOZEMAN SPIRITS DISTILLERY Open daily from 3-6pm for bottle sales.


Call 406-577-BEER To Order Food & Growlers For Pick Up



Open 11-6 Monday- Saturday and 12-5 Sunday. Call ahead if you would like and we can have your order ready when you get here! • (406) 404-1103


Call 406-404-1291 to order take out, and come pickup at our window on east side of building • doordash.com for deliveries

Thank you for continuing to support Clark’s Fork! Our hours will be Monday thru Thursday 7:30 - 2:00 and Fri - Sunday 7:30 - 2:30 effective immediately! • 406) 522-0550



Take out Tues-Sat 11am-9pm (406) 586-3153


Take-Out Orders daily 11 a.m. – 8 p.m. Special Limited Menu • (406) 587-2124


To-Go Dinner Menu available Monday – Sunday from 4 p.m. – 8 p.m • (406) 556-6212


Providing curbside service! Come up to the door and place your order at the window, or call ahead to place your order, and when you get here, we'll bring it out to your car! If you have any questions call us at (406)586-2146

Curbside and delivery • (406) 587-0484

To-go orders! We are happy to walk out curbside or people can come in to pick up their food. We will be open everyday 11am- 6pm (406) 585-0080







Drive-Thru OPEN. Additionally, we will continue to accept call-in orders for prescheduled pick up times. To order by phone, call (406) 585-3083. We will continue our normal operating hours - Tuesday through Sunday from 11:00 a.m. to 7:30 p.m.


Open for take out 9am-2pm daily (406) 587-2405


Open for Take-Out Service Monday through Friday 4:30pm-6:30pm. Please see our new Take-Out Menu and order after 4pm (406) 577-2585


Free wine deliveries while we are all in lockdown! Call or email and we can setup a wine drop to your front door 406-381-9386 drink@blendbzn.com

Call in take-out and drive thru! Breakfast burritos, lunch wraps, coffee and fresh baked pastries made from scratch. 406-586-4121

Open for pick up service or you can get free delivery through Cafe Courier using the promo code LOCALFIRST. As always thank you for your continued support, we look forward to serving you. • (406) 248-3440


Liquor Store open 8am until 5pm daily.


Open regular hours, 7-days a week. Complete menu. Call ahead and we'll have it ready for you • (406) 388-4687


We are so glad we're able to help keep people smiling! We're still open for pickup orders! • (406) 404-1694

Drive Thru Traffic only. Hours will remain the same at this time. Mon-Fri 7am-5pm, Sat 7am-2pm. • (406) 404-1471

Open for free delivery and take-out only. Call us at (406) 587-5544.


Booking contactless delivery orders for this Tuesday through Saturday. The more notice the better, so we can get a delivery time slot scheduled for you. We quit taking orders for the day at 10:30 am on the day of. Please call us at (406)577-2787.


The Co-op is open, dining areas are closed at both Co-op locations.

who is open for take out COPPER

Family Style Take-Away is available TuesdaySaturday, from 11-2pm and 4-7pm Call ahead (406) 599-7065



Offering our signature take and bake items glove-made from scratch with free delivery directly to your door. • (406) 595-1730

Open for take out and delivery during the Covid - 19 crisis. Also, we are able to deliver BEER AND WINE from the Belgrade store with your pizza purchase!! • (406) 582-9292 Bozeman • Belgrade (406) 924-2189




We will be “open” but will only be serving take-out • Call (406) 556-1351


Free delivery, pick-up or curbside. Order @ Dickeys.com, via our APP or call 866-BARBECUE. •(406) 404-1333


Give us a call at 406-586-0319 or order online at edible.com! Open M-F 9am-4pm, Sat 12-4pm.


Take-Out only • Call ahead (406) 599-7065


Open for take-out orders, delivery.com, and ubereats! Call us to get your order started! \ (406) 404-7999


We have shifted to a takeout only offerings, daily from 4pm-7pm • (406) 577-2377


Offering ice cream delivery to Bozeman and Belgrade. Delivery is free on orders over $25. Current available flavors are on our website www.genuineicecream.com•shop.

Ghost Town Cafe is open regular hours for your take out food and drink needs. (406) 577-2662


Open for pick-up 7am-2pm Tues-Fri 8am-2pm Sat-Sun • cash only


Open from Noon-7pm for pick-up and delivery, order on grub hub. We blocked off spots behind the Rocking R Bar for pick-up! (406) 587-9355


Lanny burger anyone? The Haufbrau is serving food and offering package beer, liquor and individual drinks to go. (406) 587-4931


YES WE ARE OPEN FOR TAKEOUT! Guys, it's a tough time for everyone but we are going to be here for you daily from 12-8pm offering takeout, pickup service for sure. Call us at (406)586-8282 for a takeout order during business hours.

We still working for you‼️ Call us and order your favorite plate, it will be ready in 15 min. Due to recent law changes, we will be serving to go DRINKS!!!! • 406-585-1414 Monday to Saturday-11am to 7:30pm




Drive Thru only. Limited menu. Order by phone (406) 404-1653. Pay with Debit, credit card. God bless and thank you.

Free Delivery when you order through Cafe Courier. Use promo code LOCALFIRST at bozeman.cafecourier.com • (406) 551-1144

To-go Only 8am-3pm daily, breakfast all day, lunch Mon-Sun 11am-3pm (406) 585-1761



We will ONLY be doing TAKEOUT and DELIVERY. We have resumed our partnership with Doordash and encourage you to place delivery orders. Takeout orders are also welcome, just call us directly! We will be closing at 7pm Tuesday-Saturday. (406) 577-2706


Take-out orders call (406) 551-2692

Open for take-out and delivery orders. Delivery is on us for all orders placed through our app. Download the latest version of our app to place an order today. https:jmikes.co (406) 404-1991


Our main shop at 110 South Rouse is NOW OPEN! We have closed the Petite shop in the Baxter. We offer shipping, in-store pick up and take out. Call (406) 522-5440


La Tinga Bozeman is open only for take out cash only • (406) 548-8169


Take away WINE + BEER + CIDER now available with your meal orders! Order online. Order cutoff for today’s pick up is 1pm! (406) 624-6463


Open 7 days a week from 11:30 to 7:00 for carryout or delivery (through Delivery.com)

MAIN STREET OVEREASY Call 406-587-3205 for you pick up or curbside delivery needs 7 Days a Week Serving Breakfast & Lunch 8am - 1pm


Open Every Day 6AM–3PM • 406-522-8690


Curbside and Delivery beer service only! Curbside orders can be picked up in the west side parking lot by the patio. Don’t worry, we have signs out for you, just park where the signs are! • (406) 587-4070


Call Ahead for Curbside Pickup at 406-624-6790


Open for take out orders only until April 10th • 406-924-6017 • 4:30 - 8:00 PM


Open regular hours Tue-Sat 11am-9pm Sunday-11am-8pm for delivery through Cafe Courier and for pick up. Call ahead to have your meal waiting for you (406) 577-2141

MONTANA FISH COMPANY Open for take-out 5-9pm, daily (406) 577-2332


FREE Daily BEER Delivery, 5-9PM on all beers! (Must be within Bozeman city limits and must have valid government issued photo ID to present to driver. Minimum $50 purchase) Call us at 406.219.3480 or sales@ mountainswalking.com now to place your order!


Open for take out! Call or order online (406) 585-4501

who is open for take out NINA’S TACOS AND TEQUILA



ONLINE: Order direct for prepaid pick up with no additional fees at www.ricethaimontana.com Your order will be ready for contactless pickup at our designated tables. Or, use Doordash • Grubhub. PHONE ORDER: Call us direct at each location - Pay in-store method and counter pick up is still available with hand sanitizing protocol. (406) 404-1196



Take-out- 10% off all orders, 12p-8p daily (406) 577-2620

NORDIC BREW WORKS Take-Out 4-7pm • (406) 414-0730

Take-Out & Door Dash • (406) 586-2511

Now taking orders by phone for delivery. All orders are untouched and prepared with gloves. Please call (406) 577-2552 between 11am and 6pm.


Curbside TOGO. Hours of operation for to go will be 11:30am to 8pm Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs and Sunday and 11:30am to 9pm Friday and Saturday. • (406) 587-9404


Special to-go menu from 5-9pm daily (406) 404-1940


Will be temporarily closed, but hopes to reopen for takeout soon! Stay tuned!


Delivery daily we will have family-style meals available for delivery or curbside pickup. Order by 5pm and we will have it made fresh packaged safely and ready for pick up or out the door for delivery by 3pm the next day! • (406) 922-5047


Free delivery via Eat Street • (406) 587-2411


Take-out, curbside and delivery, daily (406) 586-7482

Sticking to our same days, same hours, and same menu. You just can’t hang out with us for very long.


Our full menu - INCLUDING BEER & WINE is available NOW for curbside pickup. DoorDash for delivery. Give us a call to place your order tonight! / (406) 587-8387


PICK-UP CURBSIDE @starkysauthentic today! Call (406)556-1111, place your order, add your payment info, and when you pull up, give us a call with your car make•color & we’ll run it out to you!

Come on by to get some great meals to go or if you're stuck at home order through Cafe Courier and Uber Eats. (406) 624-6815

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Navigating The Golden Road Greg Louzan


orn out of a common love for Grateful Dead music, Bozeman’s own Dead Sky has been responsible for rampant bone shaking and face thievery in the Gallatin Valley over the last two years. The band is made up of some of Montana’s most seasoned musicians and features many familiar faces from the Bozeman music scene. Dead Sky features members of Pinky and the Floyd, MOTH, The Hooligans, Kelly Nicholson Band, Slomo Joe trio among, other area projects. Joe Knapp (vocals and guitar), Luke Flansburg (vocals and guitar), Rich Robiscoe (bass), Kelly Nicholson (vocals), Joe Kirchner (Keyboards) and Brett Goodell (drums) make up this Bozeman sextet. Having seen the band for the first time outdoors at Pine Creek Lodge on a Friday the 13th in September, I was struck by their fresh interpretation of classic Dead songs. Seeing them again on the second night of their two indoor shows at Pine Creek in February it was clear that the band is moving “like a steel locomotive rollin’ down the tracks” and have grown even more comfortable exploring the catalogue with one another. The other night I had the opportunity to sit down with guitarist and vocalist for Dead Sky: Luke Flansburg. We talked about everything from their grassroots start to the process by which they’ve started selling out shows in the Bozeman area for eager deadheads across the age spectrum. Greg Louzan: Where did the idea for

Dead Sky come from, when did you recognize the need for a Bozeman-based Grateful Dead tribute? Luke Flansburg: The idea first came out of a gig at Museum of the Rockies with the Kelly Nicholson Band, which is the core group of Dead Sky with 5/6 members playing in both. After playing “Deep Elem” blues and a few Dead songs, one of the Outlaw Brewing bartenders suggested that we play a couple more. This got the wheels turning and spawned a new project once the longtime Hooligans bassist Rich Robiscoe joined as bassist. Rich was turned on to the Dead during his time in the Hyalite Blues Band and has been playing these songs for 30+ years. So he has been a huge help in further educating us about the philosophy of playing Dead music and his contribution to the band cannot be overstated. From our first show at the Filling Station for the Day of the Dead celebration to our most recent shows at Pine Creek we’ve been improving and having a blast. It wasn’t so much recognizing a need in the market but more of a natural evolution of a bunch of friends that love playing Grateful Dead music together. GL: How do you guys go about learning a new song such as “Help on the Way”/”Slipknot”/”Franklin’s Tower”? LF: Everyone agrees on a specific version and studies up on their parts. In this case

we chose the studio version from “Blues for Allah” and brought it into rehearsal after everyone had done their homework. There isn’t a ton of jamming at rehearsal but instead we work through sections of a song like “Slipknot” until we all feel comfortable taking it on stage together. Joe and I will agree on who is taking vocals and rhythm guitar or lead guitar. From there we were able to get through “Help on the Way” fairly quickly but “Slipknot” took an entire practice to nail. A big part of this was getting the whole band to count it out together until we were all comfortable with the timing. Also getting musical cues established and recognized helps in trickier sections, especially on stage. Once we get to the point where we play it live we feel so comfortable with it that even if something goes astray we can recover smoothly. For “Franklin’s Tower” we don’t even really practice it because of the simple chord progression and spontaneous nature of the song. By the time we get to “Franklin’s Tower” we are ready to let loose and improvise based on what we’re feeling from the audience. GL: Is there a particular era that the band is fond of? LF: Myself and a few others are big fans of the Spring 1977 tour, everything including and surrounding the Cornell Show. Having Donna Godchaux in the mix for those shows helps since we have a continued on page 21


April 2020



KGLT facebook post - 3.17.2020

POSTPONED! KGLT 2020 Fund Drive is postponed due to Covid 19. In light of the current coronavirus situation, the safety of you all is the top priority. We’ll continue to bring wonderful music to you as well as updates and community information. KGLT is here for you. This is the first time Fund Drive has been cancelled in 52 years, our largest source of operations income. If you would like to support the station, please go to www.kglt.net. Fund Drive will return when appropriate. KGLT is here for you through this crazy time. We want you to take good care of yourselves thereby doing the best for your community and we will help in every way possible. k


April 2020


Dead Sky p. 18


female vocalist in Kelly Nicholson. If I had to pick another I’d probably say the Europe ’72 album which is a classic album and has a strong early Dead vibe which we all like. We aren’t necessarily trying to play a certain era or vibe like Dark Star Orchestra does, recreating specific nights from Grateful Dead history.

LF: Right now we’re working on “Women are Smarter” which everyone is excited about and I’m hoping we’ll get into some Jerry Garcia Band stuff in the future. I’d love to play a big Dark Star at some point but we’ll have to see. Right now we have about 50 songs in our repertoire with a few wish list songs sprinkled in. Our plan is most likely to cap it at 60 until we are really comfortable with them. With a lot of classic and familiar songs it leaves plenty of options for a two-night run.

GL: Will this mostly be a local project or are there plans to take Dead Sky out on the road and play in places outside of Montana? LF: As of right now it looks like we will mostly be playing around Bozeman and Livingston but we’re certainly looking to play in Missoula. Some of us have families and day jobs so right now I don’t see us going further than we could travel and play in a weekend. Jackson could be a possibility in the future if everyone is on board. But we’ll probably steer clear of bigger cities for the time being, especially since established Dead acts already exist in these cities and can sometimes be a bit territorial. GL: Are there any songs in the works that you and the band are particularly excited

GL: For a state that only hosted 1 Grateful Dead Concert in the band’s decades-long career, Montana has a thriving population of deadheads. How has Dead Sky been received by the Montana community?

the lifestyle in Montana lines up perfectly with the music and culture surrounding the band. Being a ski town and an outdoor hub has attracted a lot of deadheads to Montana and between Bozeman and Missoula there is a consistent desire for Dead music. Of course, with how Bozeman is growing too it attracts people from all over the country, many of whom are deadheads. I have a friend with a computer program that is able to pinpoint the hottest markets for Dead cover bands and related music; it has Bozeman in the very top echelon. I left my interview with Luke more encouraged than ever about the steady rise of the Bozeman music scene and this seminew project. With new venues popping up and touring acts consistently making a stop in town, the options for live music in Bozeman are more abundant than ever. If you are a fan of Grateful Dead music and live in the Gallatin Valley, Dead Sky is a must see. I would encourage anyone with an interest to check out Dead Sky at the Filling Station on April 24th, rest assured they have something in their bag of tricks that will make you smile, smile, smile. q Greg is a senior English major at MSU. In his spare time he enjoys playing with basset hounds and giving out free lip piercings to local salmonids.

LF: Only one show in 1974, but I feel like


April 2020



Life on the Streets POLAROID STORIES Kevin Brustuen


olaroid Stories, a play about homeless youth living on inner-city streets, tells the story of young people searching for self-identity in the face of powerlessness. Ovid’s Metamorphosesis is the foundation which playwright Naomi Iizuka used to write her play Polaroid Stories, which Bozeman Actors Theatre brings to Bozeman stages in April. Ovid, a popular first-century poet in Rome during the reign of Caesar Augustus, wrote Metamorphoses in 8 AD as a paean to the emperor. Metamorphoses is a collection of fifteen books, each telling ancient myths which Ovid crafted to illustrate power and abuses of power, and thus proclaim the legitimacy of Augustus’ reign. Metamorphoses includes stories about misuses of power which Iizuka uses as a lens for examining the disenfranchisement of homeless youth in Polaroid Stories. The homelessness, drug and alcohol abuse, and violence that so often become the norm for at-risk youth permeate the storylines of Polaroid Stories. Bozeman Actors Theatre brings Polaroid Stories to life on the Eagles’ ballroom stage opening April 9 and running for three consecutive weekends, directed by Mark Kuntz. His passion for telling Polaroid Stories stems from his years as an actor touring nationally and internationally, finding homeless people in every country, in every state, the poverty and misery of life on the streets plain for all to see. Yet, he would go to the theatre and perform in front of people every day who blocked out such ubiquitous examples of poverty so they could go about their normal lives, unaffected by the misery around them. Naomi Iizuka, one of the most commissioned playwrights in contemporary theatre, wrote Polaroid Stories in 1997. Iizuka has published nearly 30 plays, often tapping into her Classical Literature education for the sources of her drama. She taught playwrighting at the University of Iowa and the University of Texas, Austin before settling in at the University of California, San Diego. Her experiences growing up as an American citizen of Latina and Japanese heritage in Japan, Indonesia, the Netherlands, and the United States inspired hybrid stories and characters, blending ancient mythologies with contemporary characters, such as Orpheus and Skinhead Boy, characters in Polaroid Stories. One of the difficulties that contemporary audiences overcome with Polaroid Stories is the non-linear, episodic nature of the vignettes playing throughout the story. Lacking a main plot that drives the play from beginning to end, there is a theme of “seeking one’s identity.” much as the characters in Ovid’s Metamorphoses are 22

April 2020


searching for their identities in a series of vignettes. Think of Narcissus, Echo, Philomel, Eurydice and Orpheus, with a one-person Greek chorus named Dionysus observing and commenting throughout the various episodes. Iizuka set Polaroid Stories in an abandoned urban pier, a desolate scene where young people are trying to survive at the far fringes of society, often unseen, unheard, forgotten and abandoned by others, until something goes wrong, when they attract the attention of the powers that be. It’s a life of hopelessness, frustration, and a desperate search for survival. Kuntz’s concept for presenting Polaroid Stories in the Eagles Ballroom is innovative. Using two long runways that extend out into the audience, the characters can strut up and down these “piers.” occupying the stage itself as well as the piers and the “lake of forgetfulness ”between the piers. All the while, the audience is up close and personal with the action, having a very intimate experience with the characters, the poetry of the language, and a rather voyeuristic experience of being homeless and at-risk. Ben Leubner serves as dramaturg for Polaroid Stories. Leubner teaches Metamorphoses in his Honors College classes at MSU. He speaks to the connection between Metamorphoses and Polaroid Stories, and especially about the language in Polaroid Stories: “The language can be difficult, as it mixes poetry and profanity. It’s lyrical and prosaic, and tells a story in the language of contemporary youth.” Watching a performance of Polaroid Stories helps one understand the poetry in the language. Polaroid Stories has a cast of ten. For the first time in Bozeman Actors Theatre’s history, they are bringing in an outside actor, Tsiambwom Akucha, a young man from Atlanta who fills the role of Orpheus in the play and also serves as a choreographer. The cast performs several hip-hop dances as part of the performance, another first of its kind in Bozeman. Iizuka did not include dancing or choreography in the original script. Akucha explained why adding hip-hop dancing to the script makes sense and adds to the play when he talks about the homeless and at-risk young African-Americans in inner cities across America. He explains, “these young people, teenagers really, feel dispossessed with no sense of power, no sense of belonging, or of having any image of who they are or what their purpose is in life. So they dance—they dance in an expression of freedom, an expression of self-identity, and when they dance these hip-hop dances, they transform themselves into an individual who has an identity, and a purpose in life.” It’s easy for us to ignore those atrisk people we see on the streets, or huddled under bridges, or in public spaces out of the rain and cold. In fact, we – this author included— often go to great lengths to avoid eye contact or physical contact, to say nothing of engagement of any kind. Part of the purpose of drama and art is to jar audiences out of their comfort zone, encouraging people to see things differently or at least to see things they hadn’t recognized before. Bozeman Actors Theatre’s mission statement includes

performing “cutting edge, thought-provoking, difficult drama.” Polaroid Stories meets this mission, and in a most wonderful fashion, hopefully raising public awareness about a very real problem in our own community. Homelessness is a problem here in Bozeman, as it is almost everywhere. It’s part of life, and apparently always has been. But that doesn’t mean we should accept it or pretend poverty and atrisk people do not exist here. As far back as the Old Testament and the Torah, written over 27 centuries ago, poverty and homelessness were noted and exhortations given to care for these people: “for the poor you will always have with you in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’” Director Mark Kuntz, who acted in Polaroid Stories once and directed it several years ago, hopes this play makes an impact on Bozeman audiences, raising awareness of our region’s homeless and at-risk population, especially among the young people of the valley. “I would love to see audiences react to this play by becoming more involved in volunteering for and donating to organizations that work with at-risk populations,” says Kuntz. On any given day Bozeman has around 100 homeless people on the streets. This does not include a not insignificant number of homeless and at-risk students in the Bozeman School District nor a sizeable number of homeless MSU students. With this play—Polaroid Stories—Bozeman Actors Theatre hopes to bring awareness and support to these at-risk populations and to the organizations that support them. Performances had been scheduled at the Eagles Ballroom, downtown Bozeman, starting at 8 pm on April 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, and 25. For tickets or more information, please go to the Bozeman Actors Theatre’s website at www.bozemanactorstheatre.org, or call (406) 451-4677. k Kevin Brustuen lives in Bozeman and can be contacted at kbrustuen@hotmail.com. He is an avid theater-goer.

D E N O POSTP www.bozemanmagazine.com

April 2020





s the Resident Scene Designer for Montana Shakespeare in the Parks (MSIP) and an Associate Professor at the Montana State University School of Film, Tom Watson regularly finds himself at the helm of the vibrant and clamoring theater scene that flanks our Bozeman arts community. This Spring, he will star in a play called Proof alongside a gaggle of his students, but as Watson counts the days until curtains up, he has time to reflect on the winding path he has seen the scene travel, however firm-minded he may have been the whole time. Watson always knew that he wanted to be active in theatrics. In high school, he allowed himself to be bussed daily into the city of Fort Lauderdale to attend afternoon classes at a performing arts school, and even graduated early at the age of 17. Soon after, he received his undergraduate degree in Theater Performance from the University of Idaho in Moscow. “I knew back then that I enjoyed theater and I wanted to keep doing it, and I just haven’t stopped I guess,” said Watson. Soon after graduating, he got his first job at a dinner theater in Denver, where he made his first real paychecks working as an actor. He said, “I always had a dream that I wanted to get paid as an actor, so I had that stint where I was actually getting a paycheck for performing. I later thought that that was maybe a curse that I had only dreamed of that far, and since I had accomplished it suddenly my life had to change and I had to do something else”. Which is how Watson found himself in a graduate program in Nebraska, where he switched from studying Theater Performance to studying Stage Design. During his time in Lincoln, Nebraska, he got to design costumes, something he had never done before, for a show called American Buffalo. “It was a good exercise to really design and devise the whole picture, and to think about the storytelling related to the visuals and how you were gonna reinforce what the story is and who the people are, and how to make good artistic choices to do that without just randomly deciding what to do,” Watson said. Now, Watson uses his wisdom to shine upon students in the School of Film, teaching the dramatic arts to a field of many facets. He teaches courses from Advanced Makeup, which includes lessons on prosthetic design, to Theater Production, a class that fully produces a live theatrical performance each semester. “I now sometimes wonder about my identity. I have two colleagues that just retired, so now I’m the only theater academic left in this department. It’s the age of extinction or something like that, but it’s still going on,” Watson shared, reminiscing on a time when Theater was its own department at Montana State University, just before he arrived here in Bozeman. Around when Watson first came to Bozeman, the University had made the decision to dissolve the Theater department into Film and Television, which was a much younger department. “When I arrived the theater department had already dissolved and merged with Film and Television. So at that point, the theater professors were still teaching with the understanding that film students needed a grasp on the dramatic crafts, like acting, directing, and


April 2020


production design. So I joined the group knowing full well that it was a theater department evolving into a film-centric department. But I was okay with that.” he said. The new department would be called the School of Film and Theater Arts, and in order to create filmmakers that were prepared for the new millennium, Watson knew that he would have to keep the dramatic crafts involved with theater production such as acting and set design alive. Watson insists, “This department is always thinking about how media should be talked about and taught,” understanding that a clean evolution is important to keep up in a fast-paced world. Now, he teaches dramatic crafts to film students while also keeping live production running in Bozeman. He sees to it that live theater gets put on each year in both the Black Box Theater and the Procrastinator on the Montana State University campus, and film students are often involved. “They really enjoy storytelling from that side,”Watson divulged, telling of his Theater Production class which is composed solely of students from the now-dubbed School of Film and Photography. This Spring, the class will be putting on a production called Proof, and Watson himself has a starring role, proving he still grasps many angles of the dramatic crafts. Talking about his flexibility in theater, he said “The collaborative nature of theater is something I’ve always enjoyed ... all of the people involved contribute up until it’s ultimately there. It’s not just one person that should get the credit.” And that love for theater has motivated him to support the theatrical arts both on and off campus, stretching his expertise to the larger theater community of Bozeman. Watson first moved with his Montanan wife to Bozeman in the Spring of 1997. He began his tenure with MSIP the following Summer, where he still works as Resident Scene Director. Though now, due to the expansion of the program, he shares the responsibility across the multitude of productions put on by the company. He also teaches in their education program dubbed “Shakespeare in the Schools,” which boasts performances across and outside the state of Montana. At the Willson School, he worked as Stage Manager for a production of The Nutcracker, and helped as a Technical Director for an original show by the Montana Ballet Company. Ever since Montana Theater works bought the Ellen, Watson has been a member of their team, given his love of the rich vaudeville history that theater represents. There, he has designed sets for A Christmas Carol and White Christmas, as well as others. He also performed there, as an actor in the show Fiddler on the Roof. “Theater has been around ever since the Greeks … It still exists. It’s still here. There’s still a place for it to happen. There’s some logic for it to happen,” Watson insists, a mantra he seems to live out every day. b Cammie Reid is a student, writer, and environmentalist at Montana State University. Hailing from the East Coast, she has written in publications in three different cities before arriving in Bozeman in 2017.



In Focus

A Conversation with Anna Couch, Bailey Mihalovich and Katie Meyer Mia Snyder


nna Couch, Bailey Mihalovich and Katie Meyer are three Montana State University students who have taken a special interest in sexual health as a public health issue. I recently spoke with them about their opportunity to present their story and research at the upcoming TEDxBozeman conference. We discussed their research process, their personal histories with sexual education,

Mia Snyder [BM]: Can you talk a little bit about your backgrounds? What are you studying? What year of school are you in? What made you interested in sexual health? Katie Meyer: Well, we’re all graduating this spring. I’m an art and photography major and I grew up here. I grew up very religious, Christian, and sexually suppressed so through my art, I was reclaiming my sex-

Anna Couch: Yes, I’m a writing major, and I minor in Women’s, Gender and Sexuality Studies. And that kind of sparked why we’re doing the research we’re doing, at least for my experience. I have interned at Bridgercare too, as a writing intern. And that was great and helped me launch what I wanted to write about, which is reproductive health. Bailey Mihalovich: I’m a community health major and I also have a minor in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. I’m from rural eastern Montana. So, that has played a huge part in my wanting to provide health education. Honestly, I took a sexuality class my sophomore year of school and I realized how uncomfortable I was with it originally. Then I realized I had a passion for trying to spread that education so everybody felt like they could make the choices that were right for them because I felt like I was not given that education. I intern at Bridgercare now too. Doing this research has been very interesting and we’re trying to make a difference in how we can empower others with their knowledge of their own health. AC: As a group, we like to talk about what’s taboo, not in the sense that it makes people flush, but to make it okay to talk about it. I know that I, at least, have been hushed and told I wasn’t supposed to talk about this thing, but actually we can and we should normalize it and start a conversation. And because also when we talked to friends, they also didn’t have that knowledge. You’re not alone in this.

POSTPONED and their experience working with the TED organization. The young women hope to continue promoting the importance of sexual health through art and formal education.


April 2020

uality. Then, it was touching other people and I was hearing other people’s stories and realizing that this is bigger than just myself. And I ended up wanting data to put behind these stories and that’s how I met Anna.


BM: Yes, and creating safe spaces to have those conversations, where you’re not going to be judged no matter what your decision or your belief is and it’s totally okay to ask a question and there’s never a question you should already know the answer to.

seconds because they don’t want to listen.’ So they’re helping you form your opinion in a way that when someone might not agree with you, they will listen to you the whole time and be like, ‘Okay, I can meet you on a common ground maybe.’ And that’s been really great.

KM: Well there is so much misinformation and so much fear and poor decisions out there that come from that. A little bit of information is really helpful and empowering when you’re making decisions for yourself and your sexuality and your sexual health.

KM: I’m also first generation.

MS: What made you want to speak or prepare this project for TED, or for the TEDxBozeman conference specifically?

AC: I think one of the things I would give credit to, at one of our last sessions with the speaking coaches and the creators of TEDxBozeman, that really stuck with me was that they were supportive of us and reminded us that we’re not on the stage so that people agree with us, but that we’re on this stage to start a conversation. And I think that was very freeing because of the taboo of our topic. I was a little worried going into that first session and being like, ‘Is the person in the room going to be okay with that? Are they going to try to censor us or silence us in any way?’ And they have not and they’ve been very welcoming.

KM: Well that’s easy. Obviously this is academic research but it relates to everyone and so we were really excited to get this from academia into the public. That’s one of the reasons why I am part of the team because I will be making an installation piece that can be a way to have a visual to connect with the public. And then this opportunity came along and we were like, that is amazing. It’s one more step that we can bring what we’ve been finding to the public and to people that can do something about it and make a change. AC: From the beginning, one of our goals was always to get it out to the community because it was community-based research. And also, I don’t know if you guys are but I’m a first-generation college student. So I didn’t like the idea of the research being stuck in academia and in the institution and college and I wanted to share it.

MS: Wow, okay. How would you describe the culture of TED and of this conference? And how do you fit into this culture as a student and a woman etc.?

KM: They’re open with us making the audience uncomfortable but in a way that’s not accusing. BM: They’re very respectful and treat us like we’re intelligent beings which is really great and powerful. Like we’re experts at our topics, and they’re like, ‘no matter who you are, you have such great things to say. Let’s word it in a way that nobody’s going to stop listening right in the first 30

AC: And then what’s the theme this year? How did we talk about that in our application video? KM: It’s ‘In Focus.’ BM: I think we talked about how because ​ human beings are sexual beings, sexual health is public health​. And moving forward we need to treat it like a public health issue. Right now we treat it more like a personal problem. KM: So talking about that forward-thinking, ‘In Focus,’ let’s also bring sexual education with it. MS: So I’m curious more about the process. You mentioned that you’ve been going to speaking coaching sessions. What else can you tell me about applying to talk at a TED conference? For you, what was that like? BM: We had to make a video pitch that was continued on next page


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April 2020



TedX p26 forty seconds long and show your public speaking skills and also your topic. It was like a mini elevator speech really. We did that in December or November, and then you apply and then we found out we were accepted when we got an email over Christmas break. AC: And then we had the orientation. BM: And that was fun because we got to meet everyone and hear what everyone else was doing. We’ve gone in for two weeks now to practice our speeches and we have to have it completely done by the end of March, which is almost a week before the presentations. And then we’re going to do dress rehearsals, and so they make sure you’re really prepped. KM: It’s more intense than we were expecting and it’s taking a lot of our time but it’s going to produce something that is really polished. AC: I was surprised and grateful that they had speaking coaches. And as a reminder, everyone who is associated with TED, speaking coaches included, are volunteers. I was also glad to see the variety of speakers, not even just topics but backgrounds and ages. BM: It’s very diverse. KM: You have all of your speech sessions with at least two other speakers, so you’re hearing everyone’s talks as they evolve. So you are very much connected with everyone else in the event, you’re not a solo act. You’re encouraged to reference other talks if they’ve come before you. MS: So, are you all speaking? BM: Yes, we’re a three-person TED talk.

KM: Which has actually been harder to be cohesive than I was expecting. We all have so many thoughts and personal stories and just to try to get them to mesh and have that same inflection that a TED talk does, has been challenging. MS: What has your research process been like? BM: It’s been long, we started in August. We went live with our survey in November. And then started interviewing in January and now it’s March and we’re still transcribing and sorting out data. We have all of our quantitative but we’re working on our qualitative. And then Katie’s starting to work on the art install. I think we’ve been meeting once a week since September. I think we’re going to have a sort of ‘what now?’ moment when it’s all over. MS: That was my next question, like how does this relate to what you will be doing after graduation? KM: Honestly for me as an artist, it’s making me think differently about grad school because I knew I wanted to get my Master’s in Fine Art either in printmaking or photo. And my topic has always been female body sexuality. But now that we’ve done formal research and it’s gotten such a good response, I am now thinking of ways that I can take that into my art practice. And so I’ll apply to a more interdisciplinary grad school that will include or support my research and then also still be an artist. AC: I think in my experience, similar to Katie’s, it’s opened up other doors that I’ve wanted to navigate. I really enjoyed this process and this project. And we also started this as our own idea versus a faculty member coming to us and recruiting us. It was really driven by us. It’s felt like ours the whole time. And that’s why I want to pursue something more in the public health sphere. I applied to

an internship through the CDC and University of Michigan School of Public Health and one of their internships is over the summer for someone who’s in between undergrad and graduate program. And one of their boxes is like, ‘where do you want to focus?’ and I picked research because this has been so fun. BM: For me, this research has impacted me short-term. My old guidance counselor asked me this week, after I’ve graduated, to come to the last four weeks of the high school and teach sex ed. They’ve been seeing what I’ve been doing and then they’re noticing some issues with their current program. So that’s really cool. And then, my goal is to be a health educator. So this has been really interesting, I’ll take the NCHES (National Community Health Education Specialist exam) in April and then I can do that anywhere in the country based on what programs people create. So it could be about youth substance abuse or sexual health education. But it’s just reaffirmed that I like education a lot and that’s what I want to do. MS: Is there anything else you’d like to say about the topic? KM: Just that we’re talking about something that affects everyone and it’s from your community. And that if you’re a parent with children, this is a really relevant issue. AC: We’re excited to have the TED stage to spread our message! The TEDxBozeman conference will occur on October 11, 2020. More information can be found at tedxbozeman.com. Mia Snyder is a part-time intern and a full-time student at Montana State University. When she isn’t participating in activities for the Army ROTC program at MSU, she likes to drink coffee, play piano, and root for the Seattle Seahawks.


April 2020




‘CO’ STANDS FOR ‘CORONA,’ ‘VI’ FOR ‘VIRUS,’ AND ‘D’ FOR DISEASE. Formerly, this disease was referred to as “2019 novel coronavirus” or “2019-nCoV”. There are many types of human coronaviruses including some that commonly cause mild upper-respiratory tract illnesses.


April 2020




in the time of

COVID-19 Seth Ward


s I sit down to write, the local economy and social landscape is changing quickly and dramatically. Life will have changed more by the time this gets to print. The disruptions are impossible to ignore, and causing us all some anxiety, to say the least. I am reassured to be in Bozeman during this time, where so many of us are committed to keeping it a great place to live. My whole adult life I’ve watched my community surf that distinctly Montana crest between rugged independence and care for our neighbors. These values are a sort of social collateral that we can

borrow against in uncertain times. We know how it’s done. If you’ve lived here long enough, even 10 years, you’ll remember when late March to late May in Bozeman was financially brutal and socially punishing EVERY YEAR. We called it “Off Season.” Many familiar local businesses originally learned to swim by first figuring out how to hold their breath for a month or two every spring. Eventually, the snow melted, the park opened and we all had 4 glorious months to pay bills on time before it happened again in the fall. It wasn’t just luck and creative accounts-payable practices that saw us through. Back then, Bozeman was a little nuts in our support for local businesses. Lifestyle magazine writers often made a point of

mentioning a borderline obnoxious level of boosterism from every local they talked to. Everyone’s friend’s brother’s dog had a guide service or a catering outfit and they were sure to let you know all about it. It was that kind of rabid support that saw businesses through the lean times. They paid it back by sponsoring your kids’ softball team, or swinging your friends a deal, or maybe naming a sandwich after you. This all adds up to something important. Your daily coffee isn’t just a cup of coffee, for example. The local shop uses a local roaster, and gets their pastries from a local bakery. The bakery spends extra to buy Montana-grown flour, eggs and honey from locally-owned distributors and grocery stores. The employees of all those companies can take the money they earn from that business and spend it in the local economy over and over again. Which is EXACTLY what your friends and neighbors who ARE the local economy need right now. Corporate Coffee doesn’t even pretend to do any of that. Amazon? Get real. We have what it takes to do this. It’s not going to be easy. A lot of us had been preparing (and staffing up) for a busy season. Now we need YOU to be as enthusiastic and creative in your support of local businesses as you were 10 years ago. Now is when we rally as a community and find reasons every day to buy local. Even as you socially-distance and cut back your own spending, every dollar spent at a local business makes a difference. The multiplier effect of local dollars circulating in a community is never so important as when there aren’t as many dollars to begin with. Your favorite restaurant delivers. The local print shop lets you upload your order online. Cactus Records has a rad selection on Ebay. Your yoga instructor is doing a live-stream class. So get after that local boosting, Bozeman. Make it a thing that you actively do. Get creative with it. Share your ideas on social media. Then this summer when we cross paths at that rescheduled concert, we’ll smile knowingly and trade stories of how we survived the Big Off Season of 2020. w Seth is a first-generation Montanan, navigating fatherhood, business and downtown life (on a budget) in the New West. He is a freelance photographer, web designer, and aspiring artist. www.bozemanmagazine.com

April 2020



Jerome Waterman A man (possibly Jerome B. Waterman) stands behind the counter inside Jerome Waterman’s butcher shop in Belgrade Photograph courtesy of the Gallatin History Museum

Gallatin Valley Pioneer Chris Marie Forest


erome Byron Waterman, my great-great-uncle, led a very full, prosperous and somewhat tragic life in his short 48 years. He was born during the American Civil War on December 17, 1862 in Saginaw, Michigan to Christopher and Catherine Boyle Waterman. Christopher had been a world-traveled sailor and Catherine was a recent immigrant from Scotland. At the time of Jerome’s birth, his father was working at the Waterman cooper business.


April 2020


The wooden barrels made there were used for large storage of gun powder and food. In 1864, Jerome’s father once again caught the gold fever (he had been a successful entrepreneur during the California Gold Rush of 1849) and decided to try his hand again in Virginia City, Montana. After Jerome and his mother were settled in New York City with the Boyle family, Christopher set off for Montana, via

wagon train that spring. it. After persistent knocking, and the children hiding as best they Upon arriving in Montana and deciding once again that gold could, Catherine opened the door with a shotgun in her hand, to mining was not for him, Jerome’s father settled in the Gallatin Valfind a Native American woman with a sick child and accompanied by ley on a homestead in August 1864. That next spring, after buildseveral men. They had been traveling through the area in a caravan. ing a rudimentary house and planting a small potato crop, he sent When Catherine decided that the home remedy of sulfur and molasword to his family to join him. Catherine and Jerome set off almost ses was going to help the situation, the visitors made Catherine immediately. give it to her own children first. Catherine was not happy about Two-year-old Jerome and his mother headed by ship from New “wasting” a precious commodity on her healthy children, but she York City down to the did share with the kids Gulf of Mexico, across and then gave it to the the Isthmus of Panama sick baby. In time, the (soon to be the Panama Sioux in the area became Jerome, Dora, and Freddie Waterman, late 1880s Canal) in an open train, friends with the family. Photograph courtesy of Chris Marie Forest and then took another Due to Christopher’s ship to San Francisco, poor health, he rented California. There they out a portion of the met with Catherine’s homestead and they brother John. He helped all moved back east to to guide them the rest of Maryland in 1875. The the way. The only probWatermans bought an lem was that John had old plantation home sent them to Virginia of 80 acres. They lived City, NEVADA, instead of across the river from Virginia City, MONTANA! the Naval Academy of Catherine and Jerome Annapolis, where they returned to San Francisco could hear taps every and once again setting night. Their life must out, went thru Salt Lake have been so different City via stagecoach. than that in the wilds of Once outside the city, at Montana. The children one of the stagecoach attended school on a stations, they were told regular basis and the they would not be able family most probably to go any further, due attended many social to a Native American events around town. uprising in the area. The However, after three previous stagecoach had years the family returned been stopped, burned, to Montana. This time and everyone had been it was the children who killed. Catherine, who were becoming ill from was running very low on the swamp air of the funds at the time, perWashington D.C. area. severed and convinced Upon returning to Bozethe all-male stage that man, the family sold the she was not going to be current homestead and stopped from reuniting bought new property with her husband. Upon between Belgrade and arriving in Virginia City, Bozeman. The homeMontana she was told, stead would grow to however, that everyover 1,500 acres by the one in the area where turn of the century. Christopher was living Around 1883/1884, had been killed the at the young age of 21, previous week. Luckily that proved to be wrong and a few days later Jerome set his sights on being a successful entrepreneur and bought there was a happy reunion. When Catherine and Jerome arrived at Lots 1 and 2 in the new city of Belgrade. This was across the street their new home in Middle Creek in the Gallatin Valley, they were from the newly laid railroad in the business area of town. He later surprised to find a log house with a sod roof, not one that Catherine bought Lots 20 and 21 and built a butcher shop and home there had envisioned. on Main Street. A year later in 1884, Jerome married Dora Melvina Jerome would grow up here with two younger siblings, CathSales. The Sales family ran a successful sawmill and farm in an area erine and Charles (my great-grandfather). There were not many that would come to be called Salesville. Jerome and Dora had one settlers in the area and the family went almost two years before seeson, Frederick Byron, born May 4, 1887. ing another pioneer family, with no one else for the children to play Jerome was becoming a young man in excellent standing in with or a school to attend. the Belgrade community. In 1890 and again in 1892 the Avant CouThere were many tales of the Native Americans coming to rier wrote glowing praises about him. “visit” the Watermans. Once, Christopher was asked to “sell” his wife for 40 horses to the chief of the local tribe. She had red hair “He is a wide-awake dealer in agricultural implements and the Indians had never seen anyone like her and considered her in Belgrade.” - June 12, 1890 a Queen. Of course, that did not happen. Another time and in the middle of the night and with Christopher off hunting, there was a pounding of the door and Catherine fearing the worst did not open continued on next page www.bozemanmagazine.com

April 2020


“Jerome Waterman one of the enterprising young businessmen in Belgrade.” - August 28, 1890 “Jerome is quite a young man and there is a good future in store for him.” - November 14, 1892 The latter was written after he had won his precinct for Sheriff as a Republican in a predominately Democratic district, but unfortunately lost in the very close race. Indeed, there was much good fortune in store for him in his adult life. In 1891 he was heralded when he was the first of the season to harvest 60 acres of oats on his father’s farm. Using a thresher, he reaped 3,400 bushels. The oats were sold at 1 cent per pound. That would amount to about $1,100 then or $31,000 today. Not bad for a few days of work. In 1892 Jerome’s parents gifted him with a parrot from Panama named “Polly” that had been bought on the wharfs of San Francisco, California. Polly was taught many phrases by Jerome, including “Are you serving coffee for breakfast?” and “What are you doing?” This was according to an actual newspaper obituary for Polly in the Anaconda Standard on May 21, 1914. She lived to be 22 years old and out-lived Jerome. In 1898 Jerome acquired an additional 316 acres from the Northern Pacific Railroad east of Bozeman. This was most probably used as his cattle ranch. A year later he was reported to be the official representative for the Sons and Daughters of the Pioneers at a local Gallatin Pioneer Picnic. In June 1902 Jerome married Mary Miller Lang, who was the granddaughter of Mary “Granny” Yates. Granny Yates was a famous wagon train master and pioneer, and a very colorful figure in Montana’s history. She had documented that she left Missouri on May 4, 1864, the same day and same area as Jerome’s father Christopher Waterman documented that he did! It is unknown whether they met on the trail or not. In 1903 the Watermans celebrated the reopening of the butcher shop with a hoe-down dance. The new building which included a community meeting area would be called Waterman

Jerome Waterman’s gravestone in Brondel Catholic Cemetery Photograph courtesy Pauline Dawes Morgan


April 2020


Rose (left) and Alice Weaver in a buggy in front of Rutledge & Schultz Hardware in Belgrade Jerome Waterman’s Pioneer Meat Market is behind the buggy on the left Photograph courtesy of the Gallatin History Museum

Hall. The building still stands today and opened last summer as The Outpost Hotel. The following year in 1906 Jerome was elected as an Alderman in Belgrade and served for many years. In 1907, he married for the third time, Rose Weaver Johnston from another pioneer family. Her father Alex Weaver owned an extensive cattle ranch. Unfortunately, among these joys there were many sorrows as well. During the winter of 1886/1887 “The Great Die Up” happened and temperatures in the Gallatin Valley dropped to -40 to -63 degrees below zero. Many of the cattle were in the open free range at the time and by some estimates, 60-80% of the cattle died from freezing and starvation. How this affected Jerome and his butcher business is not known, and Dora was also pregnant with Frederick at the time. It would have been hard trying to stay warm in a house without insulation and no central heating in those temperatures to be sure! Tragically, on September 20, 1900, a fire broke out at the local hotel, which was on the same block as the Waterman’s business and home. The fire ended up burning the entire block and left little but smoldering ruins. There was not a fire department at the time, and all they had were buckets to put out the fire. It was said in a newspaper article that if there had been wind that night, the whole town probably would have burned down. The Waterman property was a total loss and valued at $5,500. Jerome was also injured about the same time during a cattle round-up, when his horse stumbled and fell upon him, causing internal damage that would bother him for the rest of his life. And a year later, in 1901, his wife Dora died after a long illness. She was buried with her Sales family in Sunset Hills Cemetery. On July 26, 1905, the Anaconda Standard published an article about Jerome’s 18-year-old son Frederick. He had been thrown from a horse and the local paper printed that day that he was dying from broken ribs and internal injuries and would not make it through the

night. Luckily, he did recover and lived to be 90. Then in April 1907, both his wife Mary and grandmother-in-law Granny Yates died within a couple of weeks of one another. Mary is buried at East Gallatin Cemetery and Granny Yates is buried in Dry Creek Cemetery in Belgrade. Jerome became gravely ill in 1911 and his father took him to California to see a medical specialist for the ongoing pain in his back. He was referred to the Mayo Clinic’s St. Mary’s Hospital in Rochester, New York where he had kidney surgery. A second surgery was recommended, but due to his declining health, he was sent back home to Montana. Six weeks later Jerome died at the young age of 48. He is buried at the old Brondel Catholic Cemetery in Bozeman. His wife Rose outlived him by almost 50 years and died at the age of 90 in Manhattan, Montana. At the time of his death, Jerome’s estate worth was listed as $35,000. In today’s terms, that would be almost a million dollars. Jerome’s son Fred married Vera Hogsed in 1909 and they had a daughter, Vivian “Doreen,” ten years later. Fred tried his hand at ranching for twenty years and then went into the plumbing and electrical business. He and his wife Vera, and two infant children, are buried at Fairview Cemetery in Hardin, Montana. Doreen married and had three children before dying in 1990 at the age of 87 in Oak Grove, Missouri. Jerome’s sister Catherine married William McDonnell in 1893 and they had four children. Brother Charles married Mary Arnold in 1894 and they had four children as well, including my grandmother Marie Waterman Harper. f Chris Marie Forest is the great-great-niece of Jerome Waterman. She was born and raised in Southern California listening to bits and pieces of her Waterman family stories. Jerome was always the mystery man in the family. Now they will know his amazing life story. www.bozemanmagazine.com

April 2020



Why Owning House Plants is Easy Jamie Calloway


April 2020



ou have probably heard “I do not have a green thumb” from a close friend or relative at some point in your life. Who knows, you may have said this yourself. Well, I am here to tell you that anyone can have a “green thumb” and the key is to find the perfect plant for yourself.


One of the most common mistakes that beginner plant owners face is self-confidence. Most people believe that they are either born with the skills to keep a plant alive or that they are going to kill every plant they touch, and that is not the case. I consider myself a plant enthusiast and I have even killed plants from time to time. The best advice that I can give someone is to find a plant that “fits your schedule” in regards to maintenance.“I recommend different plants for beginners, ones

I’ve personally raised successfully in Bozeman. If you take a plant’s needs into account, you can decide what type of plant is best for you and your lifestyle. There are a variety of common mistakes made when raising house plants. They include watering too much, providing too much light, and over-maintenance. Too much water is kind of a given but each plant requires different amounts. Watering from the bottom of your plant’s pot is a great way to avoid this and it also avoids draining nutrients from your plant. You can buy a plastic saucer from home improvement retail stores or local nurseries to achieve this method. Another option is to fill a bathtub or sink with a few centimeters of fresh water, which gives you the advantage of watering multiple plants at once. After soaking your plants for a few hours, dump the saucer or drain your bathtub/sink and allow the plants to completely drain. Another tip to avoid overwatering your plant is to buy terracotta pots. These pots pull water away from the plant and roots which can help you avoid this issue. When I wonder if my plant needs more water, a trick that I sometimes. I will stick a kabob

skewer all the way down to the bottom of the soil. If there is no dirt sticking to the skewer when you pull it out, then it is okay to water it. If there are clumps, let it dry out more before watering it. If you attempt this method, I recommend pushing the skewer down the side of the pot instead of in the middle of the plant so you can avoid damaging some of the plant’s roots. Too much light can also damage some plants and even burn them. To determine if this is causing a problem with your plants, look for bleached (where your leaves loose color) or dark spots in the general direction that the sun is hitting your plants. If this is the case for your plant, move it to a spot in your house that gets some shade throughout the day so that it can recover. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reverse these effects once the leaves have been damaged. One of the last mistakes that people make is providing too much maintenance for your plants. This means that you may be moving the plant from one pot to another too early or you may be moving the plant way too much. Surprisingly, you can stress out a plant and its roots as a result of this movement. Sometimes you just have to let a plant be a plant. Here are a few tips for buying a plant that fits your lifestyle. If you are not home as much as you would like to be, find a plant that does not require a lot of water. If you have a problem with overwatering plants, then get a plant that prefers moist soil. There is always going to be a plant that is flexible to some of the struggles with plants. One of my personal friends always struggled with root rot which would cause the entire plant to decay. I introduced her to a Butterwort (or pinguicula), which requires constant watering and a lot of sun. Ever since she bought this, she regained her love for plants. I will now discuss plants that I personally recommend for beginner plant owners. I will rate them from 1 to 4, 1 being the easiest to take care of and 4 being the hardest. Do not worry, they are all pretty simple as long as you give them what they need.


One of the plants that I highly recommend for new plant owners is the snake plant. The snake plant is popular for the plant owners who “cannot keep anything alive.” This plant thrives on dry soil and it can stay alive in low light. This is also a perfect plant for offices because of the minimal amount of care they need. When shopping for snake plants, look for plants that have dark leaves, because lighter leaves may indicate that the plant is already faltering. You also want to pick a soil that drains a


continued on p.38 April 2020




April 2020


Aries: Happy Birthday! An infu-

Libra: Take a deep breath and

sion of great energy comes your way as you feel like the bonds are released and you can move forward with your plans. Be patient with others and yourself, a lot of change has happened within you recently. There’s no need to act.

look down, your feet are firmly planted on terra firma. You are feeling detached and disgruntled because fears run strong. Sometimes change is what is needed to push us forward in directions we would not have considered before.

Taurus: It is all about you get-

Scorpio: Life seems to lose a lot

ting comfortable with the new you that you have become. You will find that you are able to look at those values, morals and ethics that have been such a staunch part of you in a different way, which allows you to see the who you are.

of its luster and you are lost in a sea of what if. Some things that used to be deeply important are no longer important, and that is by your choice. Find your ways around traditional acts in order to be able to make the connection for you.

Gemini: It is okay to stay float-

Sagittarius: A completely new

ing on a cloud of happy, but further advancement happens with having faith in someone close to you. It will be quickly revealed that they see things much the same way you do. Take a getaway on the 15th and 16th to rejuvenate.

jolt of positive energy comes your way, helping to clear out some of the emotional cobwebs and clean the will, you can move forward. Whether from a job, a relationship, a friendship, or a family member, you are able to cut ties that bind.

Cancer: Are you a little crabby?

Capricorn: Your challenge is

Humans do not seem to be your favorite animal. Add to that good doses of feeling like you are a hamster running on the wheel, and there is no wonder you are easily irritated. Slowing down and focusing will helps gain control.

to stuff old fears down and put them in the past where they belong. A major shift is here and you are at the center. Have faith; trust that this time of transition brings you to a better place than where you were earlier this year.

Leo: The intensity you have

Aquarius: It is time to get

been dealing with since January is finally lessening. It will drop off sharply and leave you wondering what you should do with your time. The answer is, well, nothing. Relax, rejuvenate and recuperate and enjoy the time!

serious and find someone who can provide some accurate and appropriate advice. That idea you have been nurturing needs to be brought out into the open and given the opportunity to evolve into more than you even hoped.

Virgo: Freedom is an important

Pisces: Your energy levels and

word for you right now, and it is okay to shed those outdated patterns and thoughts. Change can be liberating, and you sure are changing. Ready for some socializing and fun, reach out to folks and have some fun, you earned it.

luck seem to be in high gear. You have what feels like endless energy and the world seems to glow. Options and potentials are available in more ways than ever. It is time for positive thought before taking your best action.

lot. Personally I recommend getting cactus or succulent soil because it has adequate draining and avoids root rot. There are a variety of these plants and they come in different shapes and sizes. Most people often get tall thin ones, but I personally like the short, stumpy ones. No matter which one you get, it will require little maintenance.


Cacti and succulents are also great plants for beginners. Similar to snake plants, they thrive in dry soil and do not need much watering. Where they differentiate from each other is that cacti and succulents require a lot more light than snake plants. They are susceptible to stretching or rapid growth if they are not placed in direct light. This means that your plant will disform and it may not look the way you intended it too. Once, I bought a cactus that was perfectly round but I accidently left it in a shady corner and a little “arm” grew out of him. Long story short, he is definitely not round. One of the benefits of getting a succulent is that you can find a variety of echeveria, which are rose or flower-shaped. In my opinion, these echeverias are some of the most beautiful plants that you can get for your home and you can get them in a variety of greens and blues. Sometimes you can even find red or blue echeverias.


If you want a plant that is unique and grows a decent amount throughout the year, then the pothos/philodendron is for you. The only difference between the pothos and philodendron plants are that philodendrons are often heart-shaped. This plant is a vining plant with green leaves that have yellow or white streaks, depending on which kind you get. The most common pothos that you find in Bozeman is a golden pothos which has green leaves and splashes of yellow coloring. Another beautiful variety is the marbled queen philodendron. This plant is variegated and has a beautiful white pattern all over the plant. This is a plant that prefers moist soil over dry soil. When it wants more water, the leaves will start to droop and become a little soft. I own one of these currently and I water it roughly every two weeks, and more if Bozeman gets warmer days than usual. The golden pothos can easily grow between six and ten feet long and sometimes even longer than that. It is trendy to hang these plants from the ceiling and let them grow to the ground. Some people also take fishing line and tie multiple parts of the plant to the ceiling so that the vines travel across the room. This plant will defi-

nitely catch your guest’s attention and be a conversation piece.

POLKA DOT PLANT (HYPOESTES PHYLLOSTACHYA) The polka dot plant is one of my alltime favorite plants, but I’m going to be honest, it is a little scary and probably the most dramatic plant that you will ever buy. When this plant needs water, all of the leaves will completely droop. It will honestly look like it is dying but roughly an hour after you give it some water, it will perk right back up and look like a completely different plant. The plant prefers moist soil so it will most likely droop once or twice a week depending on how much sun it is getting. These plants have beautiful and colorful “polka dot” patterns all over the leaves. The most common colors that you can get are white, pink, and a deep red colored

plant. To keep these colorful patterns, you are going to want to mist the plant every day and make sure it gets plenty of indirect sun. This plant will definitely catch anyone’s attention with its bold colors. If I was to give you one last piece of advice, I would recommend experimenting. At the end of the day no one is going to be an expert on plants and you just have to look for something that works for you. When you purchase plants from local nurseries, the employees will be more than willing to provide instructions on how to care for your plant. Along with this, there are local plant Facebook groups that are full of people who have knowledge about plants. They are usually willing to present some of their ideas, and who knows, you may even acquire a plant from one of these groups. confident and do your research on your new plant and there is no doubt that you will be successful. c Jamie Calloway is interning for Bozeman Magazine and is currently pursuing an English Writing degree at Montana State University. If you would like to contact her, you may email her at callowayjamie@gmail.com


April 2020



EARTH DAY AROUND THE HOUSE Tim Ford – Real Estate Broker


ince April is the month of Earth Day, it’s also a great time of year to start planning some home improvement projects for the spring and summer. What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by trying to make your home more energy efficient? Not only will you help relieve some of the strain on the planet, you’ll ease the strain on your pocketbook as well. A great place to start for NorthWestern Energy customers is with an on-site energy audit. A specialist can come to your home to look over items like insulation, plumbing fixtures, and appliances. According to their website, they offer education on how lifestyle and habits affect energy use. Additionally, they can offer tips on energy efficient practices along with recommendations on cost effective weatherization methods. In order to qualify, homes must be at least 5 years old and cannot have received an audit since September 25th, 1994. For more info, call 800-823-5995 or visit northwesternenergy. com/audit Caulking gaps around exterior doors and windows is an inexpensive and simple task to complete. Not only will it help eliminate drafts and air leaks, it will also prevent moisture intrusions. Depending on the age of your home, it may be worth adding additional insulation to the attic. When adding insulation to an attic, it’s also worth insuring there is adequate ventilation. This not only helps keep the home cooler in the summer, it can also prevent damaging ice dams in the winter. Insulating hot water pipes not only saves on energy, it can also increase your water’s temperature by a few degrees. This project could be completed in homes that have unfinished basements or crawlspaces to

access pipes. Inside the home, cleaners are often a cause of unwanted chemicals. Consider looking at greener options, or to really save, just make your own cleaner out of apple cider vinegar and some water. You can also add essential oils for a nice scent. If you’re really wanting to take a big leap, consider solar panels. Some experts believe they can be paid off in 7 years or fewer based on the money saved on electric bills. This number could actually be lower depending on the future costs of energy and doesn’t take into account any added value in resale. There are still tax credits in place, but they are decreasing. For those that install a system in 2020, they can deduct 26% of the cost of the system from their taxes. However, this number decreases to 22% next year. Any level of commitment to energy efficiency is likely to pay off in multiple ways; including reducing home energy costs, increasing a home’s value, and decreasing the stress on the planet. As usual, I have included data for the number of homes sold during the first 2 months of 2020. In addition to the 113 homes sold during this time period, another 124 homes are currently pending, or under contract, as of the date of writing this article. This compares to 121 homes pending at this same time last year. The included data reflects sales of single-family homes in the greater Bozeman area, including Four Corners, Gallatin Gateway, Bridger Canyon, and Bozeman city

limits. The data includes home sales reported through the local Big Sky Country MLS, and does not include private party sales, Condominiums, or Townhouses. x

Tim Ford is a Realtor® with Bozeman Brokers Real Estate in Bozeman Montana. He can be contacted at 406-209-1214.be contacted at 406-209-1214.


April 2020



April 2020





pring hiking in Bozeman can be a bit tricky. Many forest service roads are closed this time of year which makes accessing some of Bozeman’s most popular hikes a bit more difficult. So, when it comes to spring hiking in Bozeman you’ve got to get creative. Here’s our list of the best spring hikes in Bozeman.


This is a popular trail because of its close proximity to town. You can easily head there for a before or after work jaunt and it can be as long or short as you want it. This trail gets used by trail runners, bikers, families with strollers and everything in between. The trail is nice and wide and follows the Bozeman Creek, which, fun fact, is the source of a good portion of Bozeman’s drinking water! The stream also offers several great spots to wade in and cool off on a hot day. You can go the full ten miles to Mystic Lake or turn around at any point.


Head just east of Bozeman for this trail that stays pretty quiet. (Once you get up high enough and past the interstate noise that is!) This trail is most commonly used by climbers heading to Frog Rock and if you’re lucky you’ll get to catch some of them in action. The trail starts right away with switchbacks so it won’t take long to feel like you are high up in the mountains. After a couple miles, views of Frog Rock will make an appearance and you’ll be able to sneak a peek into Bozeman. This can be a great turnaround spot if you’re looking for a quick hike. Otherwise, continue to the top 42

April 2020

of Chestnut Mountain which is just over 6.5 miles from the trailhead.


This trail can be muddy, but it’s totally worth it. The trail follows Bear Creek all the way up to Bear Lakes. You are near the water for the majority of the trip and there isn’t much elevation gain, making it a fairly easy and enjoyable hike. A couple of miles in, there’s a loop you can make or if you want to head all the way to Bear Lakes it ends up being just over 8 miles out and back.


Lava Lake is a popular trail in Gallatin Canyon. Spring is a perfect time to hit this popular trail before the tourists get here! It’s a rocky trail through a thick forest with a steady climb the whole way up. Once there, the view is pretty spectacular, with the lake and mountains surrounding it. The lake is most likely still frozen right now but should begin thawing out soon. It’s a 5.5mile hike round trip with a 1,600-foot elevation gain


This hike is popular with mountain bikers, but don’t let that discourage you! The views are great and there are a lot of options as it connects with the Bridger Foothills Trail. There’s water this time of year, mountain meadows and plenty of wildflowers in spring to enjoy. They’ve added some switchbacks and it’s around 3 miles round trip.


Over in the Bridger Foothills, this trail is always bursting with wildflowers come spring! The trail follows a seasonal stream, goes in and out of the forest and ends with an overlook two miles up offering spectacular views of the valley. It connects with the Bridger Foothills trail so if you want to hike further you can continue along the ridge all the way to Mount Baldy and then down the M trail. This is a popular trail because it’s easy to get to. Parking can get a little crowded and because the trailhead is in a neighborhood, be sure to be respectful of where you leave your car.



This is a great hike because it’s never too crowded! It’s also in Gallatin Canyon, so it is busier during summer months when the tourists are around, making spring the time to hit this trail. The hike starts by climbing up to a ridge and then dropping down towards Hell Roaring Creek. About a mile in, you cross Hell Roaring Creek and continue to follow the trail along the creek

into forested areas eventually opening to meadows throughout. The trail connects with other trails within the Spanish Peaks so you can make the hike as long or short as you feel up to. After the initial climb up the ridge, there is little elevation gain and it is a pleasant, easy trail.


This in-town trail is perfect for an after-dinner stroll or early morning walk. There are a few loops to choose from and all are flat so it’s an easy trail. When the mountains get a late spring snow, this trail is a good choice to get a little walk in. Even though it is right off Frontage road, it feels peaceful on the trail. This trail requires dogs to be on a leash. It’s a popular spot for fishing access to the East Gallatin River and also can lead over to the East Gallatin Recreation Area (and MAP Brewing if you feel like a break and a beer!)


This is another in-town trail that is part of the Main Street to Mountains trail system. Park at the base of Peets Hill and either head up the trails on the hill or cross Church Street along the Gallagator Trail which follows Bozeman Creek towards the climbing rock and Langohr gardens. These are popular running and biking trails so you certainly won’t be alone on them. A nice walk is going along the Gallagator, past the climbing rock, through the gardens and then up to Willson. Then you can make your way back through the historic neighborhoods of Bozeman.


If you are looking for a view, this is the hike for you! This hike is located in Gallatin Canyon and is a steep but rewarding climb up to the top of the prominent Storm Castle Rock. While this hike can get a little muddy, it is south facing so it dries up quicker than most trails this time of year. This hike is just under 5 miles round trip with 1,850 feet of elevation gain. Please keep in mind that the gate on Storm Castle Road is closed until May, which will add 2 miles to this hike. b Kate works at Bozeman Real Estate Group, a locally owned real estate company in Bozeman that is passionate about the community we live in. This article, 10 Best Spring Hikes in Bozeman was provided by Bozeman Real Estate Group. To read the original article click here. (https:// bozemanrealestate.group/blog/best-springhikes-in-bozeman)


April 2020



vents; be they for education, entertainment, food, culture, etc. are an essential part of community life here in Bozeman & the Gallatin Valley as well as across the country. Event cancellations have greatly impacted countless people, businesses, nonprofits, and other organizations as their livelihoods have all but been taken away. We have seen it locally and across the country; venues, event spaces, and performers are losing critical ticket revenue, hotels are seeing record cancellations, and foot traffic inside local restaurants and retailers is all but gone. We could list many more affected businesses. The economic impacts are immediate, and the long term lasting effects are still unknown. Case in point, you may notice that there is no print issue of Bozeman Magazine this month. This is in great part to us doing our part to flatten the curve of COVID-19 in our community by eliminating the print and delivery processes, we felt it was the right thing to go online this month. But, keep in mind that as events get cancelled, so does


April 2020


their promotion and coverage. As we got closer to our deadline this month nearly every event we intended to feature in this issue was cancelled or postponed, It took several days to get our website to reflect the influx of cancellations. In fact, though we’ll do our best to keep our online event listings up-to-date, whatever event information remains should be double-verified. We work along side local venues, restaurants, and retailers year-round to help create and foster the culture of the Bozeman community. Local businesses provide the stages, shelves, tables, and walls to display the community’s hard work. We all need your support right now. We don’t want to lose a single Bozeman business to the coronavirus pandemic. Please do what you can to help, while keeping the safety of you and your family in mind. Together we can weather the health and economic impacts of this pandemic, and come out better, stronger, and wiser on the other side. Cheers Bozeman! p


April 2020




April 2020


All listings are subject to change. Check ahead for full details.

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