At Home Spring 2014

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at home spring 2014

published by the Bozeman Daily Chronicle vol. 15 number 1

Home Sweet Hangar Paradise Valley couple transforms airport hangar into livable space

Blurring Boundaries

Create indoor/outdoor connections with your spring garden

SECOND EDITION 40 pages of brand new entries plus all the old favorites.

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contents [ volume 15, number 1 | Spring 2014

at home Editor Tiffany Jerry

design Christine Dubbs


advertising manager

Home Sweet Hangar

Paradise Valley couple transforms airport hangar into livable space

Contributing writers Rebecca Ballotta Page Huyette Erin Schattauer

Sylvia Drain

Contributing photographers

Contributing columnists

Mike Greener Adrian Sanchez-Gonzalez

Editorial submissions Submissions are welcome and will be considered for publication. Query by emailing or by calling 406-582-2624.

Advertising inquiries Call 582-2640

Jan Cashman Anders Lewendal Diane Peterson

By Erin Schattauer


A River Still Runs Through It Big Sky home features Montana-themed décor to honor traditions highlighted in “A River Runs Through It” By Rebecca Ballotta


Blurring Boundaries

Create indoor/outdoor connections with your spring garden By Page Huyette

depa rt men ts

6 Interior Design Take the time to research light bulbs to determine the correct one for each space in the home.

18 in the kitchen Blacksmith Italian co-owner and head chef Cory Dragone shares his recipes for ricotta cheese gnocchi.

8 Gardening Jan Cashman shares tips for growing strawberries in Bozeman.

24 Sustainable Living Annual electric consumption is down thanks to energy efficient homes and appliances.

Cover Photo by Mike Greener

spring 2014 at home


interior design

Create the desired effect in each area of your home with the proper light bulb By Di a ne Pet er son

Photo courtesy of Gallatin Valley Furniture Carpet One


Each area of the home deserves the effort it takes to find the right type of light bulb for the space. 6

at home spring 2014

ith spring around the corner we are all looking forward to more sunshine and longer daylight. The dark days of winter offer a powerful reminder of just how important light is to our health and well being. More than any other element in a space, light has a profound effect on how design impacts our lives. With that thought in mind, I thought it would be a good time to write about the learning curve we are all going through with the new light bulbs. In 2007 congress passed the Energy Independence and Security Act requiring new energy efficient standards for basic light bulbs. From 2012 to 2014 all standard 100, 75, 60 and 40 watt incandescent bulbs are being phased out and are no longer produced. They are available while supplies last. A number of specialty incandescent bulbs will remain available. As a designer it is hard not to want to hold on to the old incandescent bulbs. They are the only ones that give off the warm light like that produced by the sun and create true color rendering. CFL (compact florescent – spiral) bulbs and LED (light emitting diode) bulbs generate a white light with a narrow spectrum. The quality of light from a CFL is dependent on a number of factors such as the age of the bulb and frequent on-off cycling which can greatly reduce its life span. LEDs have a longer life span than CFLs and are not susceptible to life span reduction from frequent on-off cycles. CFLs are much more cost effective than LEDs but they do contain mercury and while it’s not a very large amount per bulb it is mercury centralized in our home. It’s a big enough concern that the EPA has very specific waste management guidelines if you break a bulb in your home. Unfortunately, most of these bulbs will be thrown away with your common household trash resulting in hundreds of millions of mercury tainted bulbs in our landfills. Brightness or lumens is the amount of light emitted from a light bulb. The more lumens you have the brighter

the light, fewer lumens equals dimmer light. A standard 100-watt incandescent bulb produces 1,600 lumens. If you compare a 60watt incandescent, a 15-watt CFL and a 12watt LED, they all give off 800 lumens. By comparing the lumens and life of different bulbs of the same wattage you can select the bulb that provides you with the best combination of light output and length of life. One more term that is helpful to know is the Kelvin temperature scale. It is how light color or light appearance is measured. The lower the Kelvin numbers the more yellow the light, the higher the Kelvin numbers the whiter or bluer the light. The warmer light is better for areas of your home where you are looking to soften and relax the setting. While bright white or blue light can work well for task lighting in work areas. There is a time and a place for standard incandescent, halogen, LEDs and fluorescent bulbs. Each area of your home deserves the effort it takes for us to research the right type of bulb for the right space. There is not one bulb that can handle everything. You have worked hard to make your home beautiful and comfortable; don’t change the effect by purchasing the wrong lighting. If you have questions you may want to enlist the help of a certified lighting consultant. @

Photo courtesy of Gallatin Valley Furniture Carpet One

Diane is recognized as one of the area’s finest interior designers. Diane graduated with honors from the Parsons School of Design in New York. She is an Allied Member of the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID). Her career with Gallatin Valley Furniture Carpet One started in 1991. The South West Home Builder’s recognized her professionalism by titling her Parade of Homes with “Best Interior Design” several times. Diane’s clients are home owners for many of the finer homes in the Bozeman area as well as Big Sky. Warmer light is better for areas of the home that need softening, while bright white or blue works well for task lighting in work areas. spring 2014 at home



Grow Your Own Str awberries Everyone’s Favorite

by Ja n c a shm a n

Family: Rosaceae Genus: Fragaria


ild strawberries are native to the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Asia. The strawberry was cultivated as far back as ancient Rome. Then, in France in the 1700s, a hybrid variety was developed by breeding wild strawberries from North America with bigger wild berries found by explorers in Chili. Today there are hundreds of strawberry varieties that are big, sweet, and disease-resistant. Over the years, a number of varieties have been bred for our colder, northern climate.

Getting Started April or early May are ideal times to plant strawberry plants (bare root plants can be purchased inexpensively in the spring) so they have all summer to get established. You can plant strawberry plants in any garden area or even in a container or strawberry pot. Strawberries thrive in a raised bed where drainage is better. They prefer a loose, slightly acidic soil, such as our mixture of 25 percent compost, 15 percent sand, 15 percent peat moss and 35 percent topsoil. Space plants as close as 8 inches or as far apart as 24 inches. Spacing plants further apart allows the runners to have room to develop and form new plants, filling in the area. Eventually your strawberry plants will be too thick if you don’t thin the runners so the plants are about 12” apart. Plant them in rows as wide as 5 feet apart in a garden area to allow an aisle between the rows. Plant the crown of the strawberry plant at ground level. Strawberries dry out quickly the first few days after planting, so keep the ground around them constantly moist until they become rooted. Pinch the Everbearing Varieties-Bear 2 Crops in Late June & August Ogallala

Zone 3


Firm, freeze well, tasty

Ozark Beauty

Zone 4


Widely grown, 2 large crops


Zone 4


Heavy bearer

Day Neutral-Bear Continuously All Summer Tri Star

Zone 4


Sweet, productive

Junebearing Varieties-Bear Once in Early Summer Heavy bearer, prefer Large Honeyeye Zone 3 light soil Do well in heavy soils, Medium Red Chief Zone 3 freeze well Sparkle 8

at home spring 2014

Zone 4


Sweet, vigorous, productive

blossoms off your newly planted strawberries the first year to allow the plant’s energy to produce a stronger plant next year with more and bigger berries. Care Weeds and grass can be difficult to keep out of your strawberry patch. Be sure to start with a weed-free bed and cultivate frequently. A mulch of black poly or straw between rows will help. Renovate your strawberry bed every three to five years or so. Then, you can start again weed free. Runners from your old plants can be transplanted into the new bed. Shallow-rooted strawberry plants need plenty of moisture in our dry climate. Fertilize strawberry plants twice a year, once in the spring when they begin to grow and again after the first crop in mid-summer. Use a well-balanced fertilizer like 10-10-10, preferably one that contains trace minerals like iron, calcium, and manganese. Pests To keep birds from eating your strawberries, cover your patch with netting as the berries ripen. A few insects, namely slugs and spittle bugs, attack strawberries, but we have not found them to be serious threats. Many of us are becoming more aware of the need to eat healthy; strawberries are a great source of vitamin C, minerals, fiber, and anthocyanins (cancer-fighting antioxidants). Plant yourself a strawberry patch this spring – the results are a delicious, easy-to-grow fruit enjoyed by young and old! @ Jan Cashman has operated Cashman Nursery in Bozeman with her husband, Jerry, since 1975.

Blurring boundaries Create indoor/outdoor connections with your spring garden

Creating connections A successful landscape design looks at both the present and potential future patterns of use, human movement and relationships to the larger environment. This may include how the home sits on the land as well as its contribution to the fabric

Integrate instead of separate Take the idea of a group of people working together to build a trail instead of one person toiling away alone. While everyone has their own role in the project, there is the shared goal of building a trail in a designated location using agreed upon methods. The same concept works when starting a master plan for your garden. Placing the right element in the right place creates supportive relationships threaded throughout the design. In other words, each piece has an important job, no matter how small. Everything is connected. One example of this is choosing a color for your front door. Instead of stopping there and transitioning to beige walls inside, carry that same color onto an inside wall visible from the entry. You immediately connect the two and create design cohesion. If your garden is small or even nonexistent, claiming your sidewalk to create temporary chalk or other natural art is a different way to bring your indoor style out the front door while also directly engaging with community. Repetition Using linear or repetitive elements in a garden is often seen as static or dull. But consciously choosing where to place hedges or multiple pieces of pottery in the landscape, you can create outdoor rooms

Design by Scotie Cousin

The big picture The very notion of stepping back and viewing the big picture is one reason it can be hard to implement your own ideas, or replicate ones you find in design magazines. The closer you are to something on a daily basis, the harder it is to see objectively. Life’s cadence can cause distraction and sometimes results in the urgent need for change, often sated by a quick colorful purchase or the seduction of a beautiful single plant at the nursery. This design-on-the-fly technique can result in a garden that looks disjointed and cobbled together, lacking connectivity to your house and personal taste. Taking a master plan approach not only allows you to implement your goals in phases, it can also provide a framework to accept fun, spontaneous purchases or experiments with your garden. Let’s take a look at some concepts that are explored during this design process:

of the neighborhood and larger community. Once these factors are observed and recorded, a design can be created that improves, alters or enhances all of these factors to blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors as much as possible while creating an end result that appears as though it has always been there. This is the best and most efficient solution to maximizing use and enjoyment of a space.

Use chalk or other art to bring your indoor style out the front door.

ŠLinda Oyama Bryan for The GardenConsultants, Inc.


n the tail end of winter comes a hesitant spring. These seasonal changes encourage us to begin planning ways to enjoy our time in the garden once the snow melts. By taking a few steps back from the way you manage the small tasks of your day-to-day life for both home and garden, you can observe patterns already present in nature and architecture. Recognizing these patterns and connections helps form the backbone of a successful outdoor design that directly responds to the way you live inside your home.

By Page Hu y et t e

Use hedges or pottery in the landscape to create outdoor rooms.

spring 2014 at home


within and around the boundaries. This concept moves beyond traditional foundation plantings and is based on the same idea of rooms within a home. The difference outside is that the boundaries of each space have varying levels of transparency and height, and may be much more subtle. If your living room overlooks a commanding view, creating a long rectilinear patio flanked by bold pots at the corners is one way to frame the view while also introducing approachable, human-scaled elements into the space.

Design by Scotie Cousin

Don’t be afraid to experiment. By working within a planned framework, a big picture design will better reflect how you really envision home and garden intertwined. It will also provide a direct connection to the land and exploit your garden’s ability to delight on even the coldest early spring days. @ Page Huyette owns Vida Flora Design and can be reached at Don’t be afraid to experiment when creating a design that blurs the boundaries between the indoors and outdoors.

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10 at home spring 2014

Home Sweet Hangar

Paradise Valley couple transforms airport hangar into livable space B y E r i n Sc h at ta u e r – C h ro n i c l e S t a f f W r i t e r P h o t o g r a p h y B y M i k e G r ee n e r


hen Martin & Katie Clemons bought the Flying Y Airport in Paradise Valley, it never crossed their minds to live in the house on its grounds. “It was just so big,” Katie said, referring to the 2,500 square foot home. Instead, it was the mezzanine area of the cavernous airplane hangar next to the house that snagged their attention. Since buying the airport in 2011, they have spent the past three years transforming

part of the industrial Martin and Katie 1980s airplane han- Clemons transformed an airport hangar into livable gar into a cozy, livable space. space for them and their 3-month-old son, Niklas. Over heaps of old airplane parts and other clutter, they could picture their future home. The airport held a special place in Martin’s heart. He started learning to fly there the summer he turned 18 and returned over the next few summers, honing his skills while on spring 2014 at home 11

Martin and Katie Clemons constructed an apartment in the upstairs area of a Paradise Valley airplane hangar.

break from attending the aviation program at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Martin, originally from Germany, and Katie, a Butte native, were married in 2005. They came to the airport together in 2009 so Katie could learn to fly. A year later when they returned, the former owner was looking to sell it. They saw an opportunity. The couple set their sights on clearing out the hangar, cleaning it up and constructing an apartment in the upstairs area that previously housed a storage area and guest room for visiting pilots. The idea was to keep their living space simple while using the larger spaces – the main hangar area and nearby house – as their office areas and workspace. Both Martin, a flight instructor, pilot, electrical engineer and computer programmer, and Katie, who creates and sells journals online, work from home. The kitchen includes a corner pantry and German appliances. 12 at home spring 2014

The bathroom houses the washer and dryer, which also operate as a changing table for the couple’s baby.

The kitchen cabinets are built from reclaimed maple from the Shields Valley.

While they need plenty of room to work, they don’t feel the same way about their living space. “We want to live as efficiently as possible,” Martin said. The couple designed and built their home themselves. Working around the hangar’s existing steel beams, they framed their apartment and tore out part of a wall to install windows. They also removed the existing floor and installed a radiant floor heating system. Most systems call for poured concrete surrounding the heating coils, but that would have been too heavy for the hangar’s upstairs area. Instead, they came up with a system that used pinewood instead of concrete. Martin designed and built a geothermal system that heats and cools the apartment and the rest of the hangar. Thermal insulation was used in both spaces to make it more energy efficient. While Martin focused on the construction, Katie helped design and decorate the apartment. The apartment is 13 feet by 60 feet. Katie sees that as a benefit. “It means that we can buy less furniture, but we can buy nicer furniture. We can have nicer flooring than if we had a bigger home,” she said. Katie enjoys that the smaller space allows her family to spend less time working on their home and more time enjoying it. It takes less time to clean and she doesn’t have to trek up and down stairs to do laundry. “Everything, as you have a larger home, becomes more challenging,” she said. The apartment, located in the back, upstairs area of the hangar, has three rooms.

Martin and Katie wanted to keep their living space simple and efficient. spring 2014 at home 13

Martin and Katie’s bedroom is just large enough for a bed and small desk.

The main living room area houses seating and dining areas with a bookshelf built by Katie’s grandfather. Decorations like German-styled glass stars and a teapot made by Katie’s grandmother add personal touches to the minimally decorated room. A counter separates the living area from the kitchen, which has a neatly stocked corner pantry and German appliances. The cabinets are built from reclaimed maple from the Shields Valley. The counter is made from recycled glass. Wheatboard was used for the inside of the drawers and cabinets. “We wanted to create a home that had the least amount of impact as possible,” said Katie, adding that they also wanted their home to be ecofriendly for their health. The living room wall opposite the bank of windows sports a vibrant wallpaper pattern. Putting the focus on that wall prompted Katie to paint other walls white. 14 at home spring 2014

The bedroom closet is carefully organized with folded clothes fitting neatly into drawers.

“As a younger person I thought, I don’t want white walls, that’s boring,” she said. “But then the more I kept thinking about it, I thought, white can be a very beautiful color.” The white walls extend into the bathroom, which also is partially tiled in white as well, a very German design, she said. The bathroom also houses the washer and dryer, which also operates as Niklas’ changing table. On the opposite end of the apartment is Martin and Katie’s bedroom, which is just large enough for a small roll top desk, a bed and a computer. “Ok, we can have a small bedroom, but let’s have a big closet,” Katie remembers telling Martin when they were designed the apartment. Their bedroom closest is carefully organized with folded clothes fitting neatly into drawers. As Niklas grows up, the Martin and Katie realize they’ll have to expand the home. The existing mezzanine area outside their apartment door allows for that. The space is currently used for storage but will allow for the addition of another room when the time comes. For the couple, the airport is the perfect place to grow their family and business and carve out a small but comfortable place to go home to. “I think we wanted to make Montana be our home and Martin wanted to make aviation accessible and a place to grow our business,” Katie said. “This kind of gave us all of those things in one spot.” @ Erin Schattauer can be reached at 582-2628 or She’s on Twitter at @erinschattauer.

The bathroom is partially tiled in white, which Katie said is a very German design.

Zen and feng shui principles informed all of Klasson’s decisions.

spring 2014 at home 15

S o u t H w e S t M o n ta n a B u i l d i n g i n d u S t R y a S S o c i at i o n ProjEcT of ThE MonTh By

S T cu S ToM hoME S , LLc 1195 Stoneridge Dr., Suite #5 • Bozeman, MT 59715 • 406.579.5310 •

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or most families building a home is the greatest financial investment they will ever make. It can also be an overwhelming process leaving some buyers confused and wondering where to begin. The ST Homes’ tram take that very seriously and can put your mind at ease to help facilitate this process with a step by step guide for your home building design, move in day, and everything in between. ST Home owners Matt Schuyler and Mike Thorne bring craftsmanship, extensive experience and an impressive portfolio to the custom home industry. Their passion for quality is evident in the beauty, longevity, and attention to detail in their portfolio of homes. Their team of vendors and subcontractors are all committed to the same vision, and together provide the highest quality product in the Gallatin Valley. The Featured home is located in Baxter Meadows West subdivision where ST Homes has built over 15 homes and have multiple homes under construction right now. This single level home with walnut hardwood floors, alder trim and doors, heated tile in the master bath, extensive built ins and custom closets/shelving. Granite countertops, a three car garage, and a very open and functional floor plan are all part of what make this home the perfect fit for any homeowner. This home is currently under contract but there are more homes in progress. Please visit to learn more. Photos by Jim Harris •

16 at home spring 2014

S o u t h w e S t M o n ta n a B u i l d i n g i n d u S t r y a S S o c i at i o n

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A River Still Runs Through It Big Sky home features Montana-themed décor to honor traditions highlighted in “A River Runs Through It” B y Re b ecc a B a l l o t ta P h o t o g r a p h y B y A d r i a n S a n c h ez- G o n z a l ez

18 at home spring 2014


was the find of a lifetime according to Tom and Eileen Pawlacyk. “We happened to be out on vacation, driving up to Big Sky, and saw the ‘for sale’ sign by the highway,” Tom said. “I was intrigued by the beauty of the canyon so we stopped on our way back to Bozeman to look at the place. Once I saw that it was right on the Gallatin River and got the history of the house, I didn’t see how I could pass it up.” And the history of the house includes the fact that this stretch of the Gallatin is where segments of the movie “A River Runs Through It” were filmed. In one of the final scenes of

the movie, when the When Tom and Eileen older son, now an old Pawlacyk saw the ‘for sale’ sign in front of man, goes back to fish the “big water,” this Big Sky home, they decided they could not the sheer rock face pass it up. visible behind him is the exact 300-foot, sheer rock face that the Pawlacyks view from their living room and master bedroom every day. The filming had taken place in their backyard. However, the house significantly predated the movie and needed some serious updating, so the Pawlacyks went to work. Thanks to connections they made through Deb Young, their neighbor and owner of Little Bear Interiors in

The interior transformation of the house involved practically gutting it and starting over.

Four Corners, all the necessary contractors and artisans were quickly assembled. The first order of business was to remove a massive wooden deck built at the upper level that spanned the length of the entire living room and master bedroom. It was classic 1970s design with thick timbers and heavy benches built into the railings, and it completely obliterated the remarkable view of the river from the upper level of the house. In addition, it blocked all sunlight that may have attempted to even peek into the basement, leaving the lower level feeling more like a dungeon than part of a home. French doors had provided access to that deck from both rooms and, after the deck

was eliminated, those doors were replaced with walls of windows that not only embraced the river below with open arms, but also opened the view all the way to the top of the majestic rock face. On the lower, exterior level, a grand patio was constructed where the mason (Scott Koelzer Masonry in Three Forks provided the stonework throughout the house) made a level cut on stairstepped concrete retaining walls, faced the insides with stonework, and finished each of them with a stone cap. A fire pit and patio furniture were added, and the stonework was extended as in-ground stairs descending to a leveled-off platform right beside the river – an area that defines respite.

Everything about the house was dark: dark brown cedar siding and cedar shake roofing material outside, dark brown trim and dark brown and black stonework on the fireplace inside. Fortunately, the exterior was pretty easy to lighten up by painting over the cedar siding and adding light-colored stonework for accent. Replacing the cedar-shake roof with a standing-rib steel roof both improved the aesthetic and eliminated a strong fire hazard in the event of a forest fire. Improving both the exterior and the interior, old windows were replaced with a repeating pattern of walls of windows to open the home to the irresistibly stunning mountain and river views just spring 2014 at home 19

Carved juniper mantelpieces appear on either side of the see-through fireplace.

The kitchen cabinets were replaced with honey-colored custom cabinets made by Suzy Beauregard. 20 at home spring 2014

yards away from the house. “The old windows were so deteriorated within themselves, that when the new ones were put in, George Krizenawski, our contractor, thought they had forgotten to put glass in them; they were so clear,” Tom said. The interior transformation involved practically gutting it and starting over. A few treatments were preserved, like the whitewashed pine paneling on the kitchen ceiling that became aglow once the inset fluorescent lighting tucked behind a yellow plastic panel was eliminated. Retaining the fixture alcove contributed to the appearance of a reverse tray ceiling, now fully reflecting the newly installed recessed lamps. Throughout the rest of the house, several of the whitewashed pine ceilings were augmented by the addition of hickory exposed beams and complemented by lovely ash flooring below. The ominous kitchen cabinets were completely replaced by honey-colored custom cabinets made by Suzy Beauregard from Gallatin Gateway (who also built the pantry and bar, among other things). Beauregard chose the blue countertop to reflect the fabulous Montana sky. A strong Montana theme prevailed while decorating, as is evidenced by the abundance of antlers in furnishings and décor all built by Fish Fisher. Many other furnishings, like the carved juniper mantelpieces that appear on either side of the see-through fireplace and the dining room table, came from Little Bear Interiors. Additionally, it’s impossible to miss ProBuilders’ signature look with the bear footprints inlaid in the stairs, the trees carved into the banister posts, and the beautifully custom-carved front door. It was important to the Pawlacyks that this home honor the Montana traditions that the movie highlighted and that they personally love (fishing, hunting, hiking); so they have trout in the coffee table, on the walls, in artwork, and accessories. The kitchen bar is complemented by “cowboy steer hide” saddle stools, and along with antlers everywhere, wildlife and nature artwork also abounds. “We didn’t want to go overboard with it, but it all blends and gives a Montana cabin feel without being too dark,” Tom said. “We feel this location totally justified the extensive remodel.” And in the final reel, this is a very cozy, livable house. @

in the kitchen

Blacksmith Italian brings hand crafted Italian dishes to Bozeman By T iffa n y Jer ry At Home Editor


ory Dragone estimates that he has worked in 33 kitchens in eight different states since he first began cooking at the age of 15. He knew early on that he wanted to own his own restaurant one day and decided it would be best to start cooking. Through the years, Dragone has rolled sushi, owned a small popcorn business, cooked at a variety of restaurants and operated his own food cart in Portland, Ore. Most recently, however, Dragone’s dream of owning his own restaurant finally came true when he and his father, Steve, opened

– my dad’s mom – taught me how to cook when Blacksmith Italian in Bozeman last November. Named after Dragone’s great-grandfather, I was a kid. She’s the only one that’s not ItalStefano, who worked as a blacksmith, the restau- ian, but her husband was 100 percent Italian, so she was used to cooking for Italians. My rant features a variety of homemade Italian mother’s also from Italy. I think it’s just in me dishes, with some local flair. Dragone said they and it’s just the food we eat growing up and it’s try to make everything homemade and include what comes naturally.” as many local ingredients as possible. Italian dishes from a menu created by Drag Originally from Rochester, N.Y., Dragone said cooking Italian food “just kind of comes natu- one, in collaboration with his father, are served up Monday – Saturday at Blacksmith, in a rally” to him and is something he enjoys doing. “I’m Italian and I learned Italian cooking grow- setting he describes as casual, but with “homemade, nice food.” ing up in Rochester,” Dragone said. “My grandma

Photo by Mike Greener

“I think it’s just in me and it’s just the food we eat growing up and it’s what comes naturally.” -Cory Dragone

Cory Dragone prepares ricotta gnocchi at his restaurant, Blacksmith Italian. Dragone and his father, Steve, opened the restaurant last November. spring 2014 at home 21

ask the chef AH: Where did you learn to cook? CD: When I was 15 I started cooking at a fish market in Rochester, N.Y. I cooked fish there every Friday for three years. I learned a lot at a French bistro (in Rochester) when I was in my early 20s. From there, I learned from a talented chef in Key Largo, Fla. I’ve also worked at the Culinary Institute of America in Napa Valley. AH: How would you define your cooking style at Blacksmith? CD: My cooking style here is definitely Italian-American. Some classic Italian dishes, but also just trying to cook with local ingredients to make Italian-inspired dishes.

Photo by Mike Greener

AH: What is your favorite dish on the menu to prepare? CD: My favorite thing is probably the manicotti. It’s simplistic, it has all the flavors that people remember and they love it. It’s just that rustic Italian comfort food that kind of symbolizes this place.

Cory Dragone grates cheese over a plate of ricotta gnocchi.

AH: What is your favorite dish on the menu to eat? CD: The squid ink pasta. I just think it’s cool. It’s fun to make, it’s different, especially with black noodles, and then it comes with bison chorizo. From a chef’s standpoint, I just still think it’s cool. AH: Which dish is the customer favorite? CD: The orecchiette rustica. That’s probably our number one seller. It’s also one of my favorites. That one we call rustica because we only make that with flour and water. We don’t even use an egg, which is as old school as you can get. It comes in a pomodoro sauce and then it has homemade Italian sausage inside of the pasta. That’s the pasta with red sauce and meat that people love. AH: What is your favorite part about having your own restaurant? CD: My favorite part is that the place came together how we wanted, the food has come together how we wanted, the town … I feel like my favorite thing is just the whole package. AH: As a chef, what are three things you cannot live without? CD: Wine, olives and cheese. I can’t live without that at this restaurant.

22 at home spring 2014

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Ricotta Gnocchi • 1 ½ cups ricotta • 2/3 cup fine shredded pecorino • 1 large egg 1. Combine ricotta, pecorino, nutmeg, eggs and salt into mixing bowl. Stir in flour and mix until fully combined. Gnocchi dough should be squishy, but pliable, but dough should not stick to floured hands. Add more flour to mixture if needed 2. When dough is mixed, separate into approximately 1-cup sized portions and

• 1 ¼ cups flour, plus more for dusting • 3/4 TBSP nutmeg • Pinch of salt roll on a wooden cutting board into lengths that are about 3/4 inch thick. Cut these lengths of dough into 1-inch pieces, using a flat-bladed knife or a dough cutter. 3. Gnocchis can be stored well floured and separated on a tray in the fridge, or frozen.

Trees & Shrubs Bedding Plants Seeds & Seeding Supplies North 19th at Springhill Road • 587-3406

Ricotta Gnocchi with Vodka Sauce • • • •

4 cups ricotta gnocchi Pecorino romano Extra virgin olive oil Salt

1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. In a large wide-bottomed pan, heat 4 cups of vodka sauce over medium flame and put 20 oz. (approx. 4 cups) gnocchi into the boiling water. Frozen gnocchi will take 3-4 minutes, fresh gnocchi – approximately half that time. Gnocchis are ready when they begin to float, but be careful not to stir them too much – they will break apart. 2. When cooked, strain the dumplings and add them to the vodka sauce. Add in the organic peas and simmer for 2-3 minutes. 3. Stir spinach and cherry tomatoes into sauce, being gentle with the gnocchis. As soon as the spinach begins to wilt, the dish is done.

Vodka sauce • 2 2/3 cup pomodoro or marinara • 1 1/3 cups heavy cream • 2 TBSP vodka

4. Spoon it into bowls and top with pecorino romano, extra virgin olive oil and microgreens. 5. Makes 4 servings. Gnocchi portions are 5 oz. or approximately 1 cup each

Photo by Mike Greener

• 4 cups vodka sauce • 1 cup organic peas • 1 cup halved cherry tomatoes • 4 oz. spinach

spring 2014 at home 23

sustainable living

Becoming more energy efficient

Average annual electric consumption down nearly 10 percent thanks to efficient homes, appliances By a nder s Lew enda l


ith all of this talk about energy efficiency and sustainability, have we made any progress? In Bozeman most of the energy used goes toward heating our homes, commercial buildings and making hot water. Not long ago the city of Bozeman adopted the 2009 IECC (International Energy Conservation Code). Every residential building had to update its building practices from the 2006 IECC. Studies have shown the 2009 version improved energy efficiency by 10 percent over the 2006 code. Sometime this summer, our building department will adopt the new 2012 IECC. We will have to wait and see what the extra cost of complying with this new code is and comparing that to the real energy saved. The homes we build today are far more efficient that older homes. That is a good thing. How about the rest of our energy consumption? Have we as a society become more efficient? Too many people think that we are burning tons of fuel and not making any progress. Fortunately, that is not true. Here are a few interesting statistics: In 2010 American electric consumption per household peaked out at 11,504 kilowatt hours per year. Even though we have a bunch new gadgets plugged into our outlets, last year the average annual electric consumption per household was 10,819 kilowatt hours. That is almost a 10 percent reduction in usage. The Energy Department predicts by the end of 2014, we may reduce our electrical energy usage by another 1 percent. Building tight and efficient homes will save us plenty of dollars in the future. Some other items that are much more efficient are air

24 at home spring 2014

conditioners that use almost 20 percent less energy than similar ones built in 2010. Today a 40-inch LED television uses 80 percent less energy than those old cathode ray tube TVs. Compact fluorescent and LED light bulbs are also something close to 80 percent more efficient than incandescent bulbs. I bet there are plenty of other examples like our vehicles that are more efficient. The city of Bozeman has a goal of reducing per-person energy use by 10 percent by 2020. Some people have participated in the city’s Energy Smackdown and recorded 19 percent reductions. I wonder exactly what they did and if that effort changed how they live substantially. Maybe I can find out and report to you in the near future. In the meantime, think about finding all of those cracks and holes in your homes and get them sealed up this spring. Your home will feel more comfortable and you will save dollars too. Maybe you can take a vacation next spring with all of those extra dollars. Anders Lewendal moved to Bozeman in 1991 and owns Anders Lewendal Construction, Inc. He became involved in sustainability in the early 1980s working for a large commercial recycling company and then composting for the City of San Francisco after receiving a degree in business economics at UCSB. Currently, he chairs the Green Building Committee for SWMBIA. Anders is also an NAHB Certified Green Professional and an Energy Star builder.

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