Box & Fiddle Magazine May 2019

Page 1


42nd Year No. 09 May 2019


BOX& The magazine for Scottish music enthusiasts

t r a w e t S e Davi 019 2 r u o n o Guest of H


Shetland A&F Club Annual Tune Competition


is Centre Stage




3 the May issue of Box & Fiddle The magazine for Scottish music enthusiasts

Editor • Pia Walker 7 Tarvit Gardens Cupar, Fife, KY15 5BT Tel: 01334 657 850 Mob: 07715 115 489 Designer • Marie Martin Front cover © photo by Marie Martin Section icons by: FlatIcon

Printer • Ivanhoe Caledonian Printing Company Ltd Eskmills, Musselburgh, EH21 7PE

NAAFC Chairman Nicol McLaren The Shian, Woodlands Road Blairgowrie, PH10 6LD Tel: 01250 874 526 Vice Chairman Iain Cathcart Tel: 01555 661 017 Secretary Shona MacFadyen Executive Committee: Scott Band Charlie Kirkpatrick Susan MacFadyen Tom Orr Richard Ross Liam Stewart

May is the last month of the season for many clubs, although quite a few still have meetings throughout the year. I hope you will visit them during the summer to enjoy some music. Of course, the magazine is published throughout the year, so you won’t miss out. June for example will mention who were nominated for the Pia Walker, Editor BAFFIS. You have sent in your forms I hope. 5th May is the deadline for this. Last month I received quite a few messages that magazine invoices were missing from the club packages. This was because our printer stuck the invoices in one of the magazines for each club, and you couldn’t find them. I’m sure many of you will by now have had the invoice returned from the reader who purchased the magazine in question. In this issue, we are showing the guest artist update form, for publication of the directory hopefully in July. Musicians who are already on the list will still on the list, but if they are not and they do not send in their information and consent, I can’t add them. The directory is published once a year as hard copy and can be found on the website throughout the year. I feel for the reporter who was told that he got the spelling of a name wrong. We all want it to be right, but in the heat of the moment it can be difficult to decipher other people’s handwriting and there are the pitfalls of Mc/Mac followed by a capital letter or not, or ei/ie or e.g. is it Marion or Marian, Clelland or Cleland? I certainly have no way of knowing either although I do have a list of names I double-check for every issue. It reminds me of a visitor I had last month whom I took dancing. She came from the US, from Utah and she looked thoroughly bemused when someone asked her where she came from and then said: “Ah lass, ye’re fae U’a.” I’m called Pip and Pie regularly (and sometimes something much worse! ☺ I’m looking forward to seeing many of you soon. There’s the golf day oot and then the AGM and the BAAFIs and probably a dance here and there. Go clubbing and enjoy the music.

Keep up with the latest news at Box & Fiddle (NAAFC)


The editorial team reserves the right to refuse or edit all copy. The views expressed in this magazine are not necessarily those of the editor. Use of material and advertising from this publication is strictly prohibited without permission in writing from the editor. While every care has been taken in compiling Box & Fiddle to ensure that it is correct at the time of going to press, Box & Fiddle assume no responsibility for any effects from errors or omissions.





18 57 7 News 11 Guest artist update form Make sure you’re listed

11 Take the Floor 12 Guest of Honour 2019 Davie Stewart

16 Centre Stage Alasdair Macleod

18 Festivals TMSA Aberdeen Competitions Day;

Shetland A&F Club Annual Tune Competition



Club News The latest news from our clubs


Club Diary You are never too old to go clubbing!


Dance Diary Find the nearest dances and ceilidhs


In Memory Dick Black and Fred Davidson


Reviews Ashlar; Bold Champions


Music The Gardeners Strathspey

All articles, adverts, club reports and text for the magazine must be e-mailed to the editor by the 5th of every month at the latest. Copy received after this date cannot be guaranteed to feature in the next issue.





Send in your story. If you have a photo that tells a story, send it in with an explanation.

Heading for new horizons At tip-off made me contact the HOHNER factory to hear what the story re the reported demise of the Morino meant. I was therefore sent the following: Dear Pia, Thank you very much for your message and interest in our company. Enclosed you will find a press release about our cooperation with a factory in Castelfidardo, Italy, which we started around 2 years ago. We´ll have a new line (MATTIA) being launched soon. It´s a premium accordion, made for the same customer group as Morino. And we´ll

observe the markets in the coming months/years to see where the demand for Morino is going, since the market seems to be saturated. There is no hard stop for the Morino, it´s just that we´ll keep an eye on the market to find out if there is still a need for it. Theresia Höllerich, Product Manager Accordion & Melodica

HOHNER Germany and IMC Italy deepen their cooperation in the accordion sector - Trossingen JULY 2017 The field of high-quality accordion manufacturing benefits from a new partnership - with great prospects for the future! Matthias Hohner GmbH, owner of the HOHNER and SONOR brands, and Industria Musicale Castelfidardo (IMC), Italy, will sign an agreement on closer cooperation between the two companies. The goal is to pool the competences of both companies in order to expand in the premium accordion sector. As a long-standing manufacturer of accordions, IMC enjoys an excellent reputation for great craftsmanship and high quality. As world market leader, HOHNER has been building accordions for over 100 years and is committed to continually strengthening its presence in these markets. The cooperation with IMC is aimed both at expanding production capacity and also pooling know-how in order to continue to meet the increasingly sophisticated demands of the market. As well as their own brand Piermaria, IMC has for a number of years been producing the Anacleto range for HOHNER. In future the portfolio in Italy will

primarily be extended in the HOHNER premium segment. The town of Castelfidardo has long been a centre for the production of high-quality accordions. Apart from IMC, numerous other well-known accordion manufacturers and component suppliers are also located there, so that it was a logical step for HOHNER to use the opportunities for synergy available in Italy. The ever-growing demand for the individualisation of products and the changing customer requirements in the different markets mean that manufacturers need to be capable of reacting rapidly and appropriately. Through the new partnership with IMC, HOHNER can respond more quickly, combining worldwide distribution structures with fine craftsmanship in order to fulfil best the wishes of our customers. At the production facilities in Trossingen, HOHNER will concentrate on the manufacture of the famous Gola accordions and develop new customer services. l




Hen’s March - Davie at his auntie’s farm

19 0 2 r u no o H f to s e u G

t r a w e t S e i v a D Man of Harmonies


travelled to Kirriemuir on the last day of February to visit a very well-known person. No, he didn’t write Peter Pan, although he does live a stone’s throw from J M Barrie’s birth place. He has written a book with 42 tunes encompassing marches, slow airs, waltzes, polkas, reels, jigs, hornpipes, strathspeys … and the Kilberry Samba! The first thing he did during my visit was to sit down and play a waltz in my honour – thank you so much. In his 80th year he, as band leader, recorded a CD. He is none other than Davie Stewart, respected and well known for his harmonies and accompaniments, and one of our deserving 2019 Guests of Honour. Davie has been playing Scottish dance band music since the early 50s. Indeed, he calls himself a dance band musician and loves just to be part of a 6-piece band instead of being the leader. He especially loves it when the lead is strong and good and without ego-trips. Asked why he never became a bandleader himself, he answered that he did on his CD although it took him 50 years to do so. Davie was born in Forfar as an only child to his

By Pia Walker

mother Agnes and father David Peter Stewart who passed away when Davie was 3. He moved to Kirriemuir when he was 15 after his mother, a keen dancer, remarried Davie Stark who acquired a snack bar in Kirrie. Stark’s Snack Bar with its juke box was a popular meeting place in Kirrie. It was here he met Billy Craib and the ‘dynamic duo’ began a friendship that still exists. Davie calls Kirriemuir Cameron-country as it was teeming with musical Camerons - Angus, Alex, Scott and May to name but a few - and he played with them all. He has fond memories of the Ogilvie Arms afternoon ceilidhs. Indeed he has many memories, and I promised not to publish them in this family publication! His grandfather James Ferguson played a 2-row button-box by ear, and when Davie was 8 or 9 years old his grandfather wanted to give ‘the young lad’ the small Rauner accordion that David’s uncle Jim Ferguson had brought him from Germany in 45-46. But his mother forbade him to play it until he had learnt to read music. I think Agnes was quite a

Centre Stage


Alasdair Macleod An unflappable accordionist that can be seen playing with Colin Dewar, but also as a bandleader in his own right.

When was the first time you

What are the best places in the

performed in public?

world you have visited?

At a primary school concert.

Singapore, New York, Seoul, LA,

What do you appreciate most in life? My wife, family and friends and music

Islay and Shetland. What is your favourite musical venue? The Barrowlands. I was there recently for an EMBRACE

What is your most cherished

concert. It is such a classic

childhood memory?


Family summer holidays in Menorca

How would you like to be remembered?

Who was a big influence in your

As someone that tried his best.

life and/or your music?

What makes you angry, annoyed

In life: my mum and dad. In

or short tempered?

music: Colin Dewar, Gus Millar


and Jack Delaney – I would not be doing this if it wasn’t for them.

What is your favourite location in Scotland?

What was your first job?

Singing Sands Beach, Islay.

Seasonal greenkeeper at

If you had to leave what would

Buchanan Castle Golf Club.

you miss and what would you be

What is your greatest indulgence? Tunnocks tea cakes. What is your abiding musical memory? Yell Up helly aa with Ian Hutson’s band.

glad to see the back of? I would miss playing with the different bands. Glad to see the back of the West Coast weather. If your house was on fire what item would you save? My Morino 5. Who are your heroes and why?

What are your worst fears?

Barry Ferguson. Just cause. My

Not being able to play any more.

wife Laura. She works hard and

puts up with many nights in the house without me. She will tell you that’s a good thing though. The Scottish dance music scene - your thoughts and hopes? As someone who likes the traditional bands, I hope they continue to do what they are doing. With young bandleaders coming through and putting their ideas into the mix, I think the music scene is in a great place. What 5 people would you invite to your dream dinner party? Samuel L Jackson, Kylie Minougue, Billy Connelly, Steven Page and Dominic Brunt. Your 1, 2, 3 of favourite tunes/ songs? Music: 1. The Dandy Dancer (Jim Johnstone), 2. Memories of John (Robert Black), 3. Tennessee Waltz (Pee Wee King). Songs: 1. Dry Kids (Embrace), 2. Smile (The Supernaturals) 3. The Circle (Ocean Colour Scene) Today I will Eat: Biscuits Drink: Diet Coke Read: E-mails Visit: Work Watch: Emmerdale


Aaron Clark wi


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Charlotte Slat



Amelia H


TMSA Aberdeen Competitions Day 16 TH MARCH 2019


berdeen Boys’ Brigade Headquarters was once again buzzing on 16th March with musicians competing in the annual TMSA event. Youngsters Charlotte Slater (fiddle) and Kory Buckingham (clarsach) retained their titles with top-class performances while Aaron Clark, a year after his first competition, won not only the melodeon for the second time but also the tune-writing with his piece, Ghost of the Glen.

Winners FIDDLE: Intermediate:

Stewart Campbell Charlotte Slater

BOTHY BALLAD: Allan Taylor Junior: Jodie Beaton


Aaron Clark


Laura Simpson

TRADITIONAL SINGING: Men: Geordie Murison Women: Iona Fyfe Junior: Katelyn Adams


Kory Buckingham


MOUTH ORGAN: Denis Shepherd


Denis Shepherd


Bill Clark Heather Terwey

Ian Russell

STORYTELLING: Jackie Ross Junior: Amelia Halcczyn SONG WRITING: Anne Greig



Club News Just remember to seek permission to publish the photos and tell us the name of the photographers.

To ensure a more readable section, please only send in max 250-300 words. A photo tells a better story, so add one or two of those too. Why not of your audience? Information in Club News helps attract visitors to your club, so make sure your club sounds like the place we want to go to.

ABERDEEN FEBRUARY Chairman Scott Gordon welcomed us and during the first half we had on accordion Frank Burnett, Keith Duncan and Sandy McAllan, all accompanied by Stanley Flett or Esma Shepherd on piano and Dennis Constable on drums. They got us into the mood for our guest artists The Colin Garvin Trio. Colin on accordion was accompanied by Colin Donaldson on 2nd box and Alan Irvine on drums. Some of the super tunes they played were MacLeod of Mull, Miss Joan C MacKenzie, The Frost is all Over and Welcome to Cork. We also had a great sing-along and finished the first half with a rousing set for the country

The Colin Garvin Trio, Aberdeen

Neil MacMillan, Aberdeen

dance Bratach Bana. Local players included Denis Shepherd on moothie and Brian Stanger, Charlie Lawie and Lynne Christie, on accordion, all accompanied by Stanley, Esma and Gordon Middler on piano, Susan Gordon on fiddle and Dennis and Scott Gordon on drums. We are lucky to have

so many local supporters to play for us. The guests returned with a wonderful Burns selection followed by a beautiful slow air and some beautiful waltzes. Another rousing sing-along then followed. Sadly, we had to end the evening, but finished with a great set of reels followed by a set of jigs. It was a fantastic evening of music as usual here in Aberdeen. MARCH Scott Gordon welcomed us and asked Keith Duncan, Stanley Flett and Dennis Constable to start. The latter two stayed on stage for most of the first half. Next up was a visitor, Morag Sinclair - haste ye back, please - followed by moothie player




Club Diary May 2019 DATE








North Coast Fiddlers with Addie Harper

National Hotel, Dingwall IV15 9HA

7.30 pm

Elspeth Weir 01349 877 675



Club Night (Visitors welcome)

Glenfarg Village Hall, Glenfarg PH2 9NU

7.30 pm

Stewart Smith 01577 830 296



Lomond Ceilidh Band

Park Hotel, Montrose DD10 8RJ

7.30 pm

Ron Ramsay 01241 879 487



Club Night (Visitors welcome)

The Reel, Kirkwall KW15 1KD

7.30 pm

Jim Marwick 01856 874 474



Jim Gold Trio

The British Legion, Crieff PH7 3EB

7.30 pm

Irene Anderson 01764 654 298


Isle of Skye

Alistair Macleod Trio

The Royal Hotel, Portree IV51 9BU

7.30 pm

Linda Shaw 01478 611 122



Addie Harper and Friends

Commercial Hotel, Cuminestown AB53 5WJ

7.30 pm

Pat Steele 01888 562 486


Castle Douglas

Keith Robertson Duo (Dance)

Crossmichael Hall, Castle Douglas DG7 3JG

7:30 pm

Ian Riddet 01387 255 919


Button-Key (Windygates)

Shand Morino Day

The Greig Institute, Windygates KY8 5DG

1.00 pm

Mary Cook 01592 713 687



Jennifer Cruickshank SDB

St Mary’s Club Rooms, Lanark ML11 7JS

2.00 pm

Shirley Cathcart 01555 661 017


Lewis & Harris

Bon Accords

Caladh Inn, Stornoway HS1 2QN

8.00 pm

Janette MacIver 01851 704 870



Brandon McPhee

Pentland Hotel, Thurso KW14 7AA

7.30 pm

Ian Wright 01847 892 050



Gordon Shand SDB

Glazert Country House Hotel, Lennoxtown G66 7DJ

7.30 pm

Billy Hutton 07889 021 972


Fort William

Club Night (Visitors welcome)

Railway Club, Inverlochy, Fort William PH33 6LY

7.30 pm

Alisdair MacDonald 01397 701 505


North East

Neil Hardie

Royal British Legion, Keith AB55 5EN

7.30 pm

Rory Smith 07769 801 996



Club Night (Visitors welcome)

Seghill Comrades Club, Cramlington NE23 7TQ

7.00 pm

James Youngson 01670 356 410



Richard Smith Trio

Jubilee Hall, Newton on the Moor NE65 9JY

7.30 pm

Mungo Riddell 07836 637 638



The Full Scottish SDB

Victoria Hotel, Tytler Street, Forres IV36 1EL

7.30 pm

Ann Sharp 01309 672 672



Club Night (Visitors welcome)

The Reel, Kirkwall KW15 1KD

7.30 pm

Jim Marwick 01856 874 474


Button-Key (Windygates)

Steven Carcary Duo

The Greig Institute, Windygates KY8 5DG

7.00 pm

Mary Cook 01592 713 687



Bob Liddle

St Margaret Mary’s Social Club, Carlisle CA2 4JX

7.30 pm

Alison Davies 01228 675 505



Iain MacPhail and his Band supported by Nikki Lawson and Alan Brown

Armstrong Hall, Jubilee Institute, Rothbury NE65 7SD

7.30 pm

Mary Davidson 01668 281 307



Lindsay Downie Trio

Arbroath Artisan Golf Club, Elliot, By Arbroath DD11 2PE


Tony Simpson 01241 875 326



Dance Diary

Contact: Tel: 01389 767718 or send your entry to: Alasdair Graham, 1 First Avenue, Dumbarton G82 2PU

Ceilidh & Old Time Dances

Regular Weekly Events











St Magnus Centre

Live Music

7.30 pm - 10.00 pm


Door - All Welcome 01856 873 534

Orkney Dance Assoc.


Coupar Angus

St Anne’s Church Hall, Forfar Road


7.00 pm - 9.00 pm


Tracy Thom 01828 628 747

Ceilidh Class.



St Andrews in Square

Live Music

7.15 pm - 9.30 pm

£5.50 Bar

Door (Tricia Matthews) 01324 716855

Ceilidh & Old Time Class



Primary School


7.00 pm - 9.00 pm


Janette Maciver 01851 704 870

Ceilidh & Old

Ceilidh & Old Time Dances

School term time only

May 2019











Greenhow Centre

Homelanders Act

7.30 pm - 11.30 pm


01387 371 227

07704 727 463 Charity Concert



Rannoch House

James Coutts

7.30 pm - 11.30 pm

£5 Bar

01875 615 138

Pay at Door



Village Hall

Irish Bands

8.00 pm - 11.00 pm

£5 Tea

07961 437 615

Weekly Dance KY9 1HZ


N. Kessock

Village Hall

Dave Husband S.

8.00 pm - 12.00 mn

£6 Tea

01463 222 393

Social Dancers BYOB & Food


Bridge of Earn


Gavin Piper

7.30 pm

£5 No Bar

01738 813 997

Tea & Biscuits



Village Hall

James Coutts

7.30 pm

£6 No Bar

01289 386 400

Pay at Door – Soft Drinks avail.



Village Hall

Lindsay Weir

7.30 pm - 11.30 pm


07704 727 463

(own food) BYOB DG14 0UX



Village Hall

Dave Husband

8.00 pm - 11.00 pm

£5 Tea

07961 437 615

Weekly Dance KY9 1HZ



Ashdale Hall

George Rennie

7.30 pm - 10.00 pm

Pay at door

01569 731 465

Blackburn Club Charity Dance



Village Hall

Steven Carcary

7.30 pm - 10.00 pm

£4 No Bar

01738 552 688

Set & Couples Dances



Village Hall

Gavin Piper

8.00 pm - 11.00 pm

£5 Tea

07961 437 615

Weekly Dance KY9 1HZ


N. Kessock

Village Hall



£6 Tea

01463 222 393

Social Dancers BYOB & Food



Park Hotel

Wayne Robertson



01241 879 487

A & F Club Sunday Ceilidh



Town Hall

Ian Cameron


£5 tea

01577 863 244

Proceeds to Charity. Pay at Door



Heathfield C.C.

Liam Stewart


Pay at Door

01292 440 037

Monthly Dance Club



Village Hall

Wayne Robertson


£5 Tea

07961 437 615

Weekly Dance KY9 1HZ



Fred Davidson


anchory melodeon player, compere and TMSA enthusiast, Fred Davidson, passed away on 21st December 2018 at the age of 84. Fred originally picked up the melodeon from former Keith publican Davie Davidson of the Seafield Hotel at the start of the TMSA Keith Festival all those years ago. Fred was a stalwart of all the TMSA festivals throughout Scotland for many years, was long-term compere for Banchory Fiddle and Accordion Club and often travelled to Shetland Festival as a guest compere and musician. Fred’s coothy humour and storytelling always went down a treat at all concerts and his capable handling of the melodeon was well appreciated wherever he appeared. Fred will be sadly missed at all accordion clubs and festivals throughout Scotland but is still well

represented by family members such as his daughter-in-law Jane Davidson and grandson Graeme Davidson, both regular fiddle players at Keith Festival with The Mayfield Fiddlers. l Brian Cruickshank Banchory Fiddle and Accordion Club

for Sale


all new musical instrument policies for Box & Fiddle readers

Beltuna Balkan Star 6 row Button Accordion Double Cassetto/ Scottish Mosette Spring Contact Midi System /Microphone System

£3,250 103 Coney Green Business Centre, Wingfield View, Claycross, Chesterfield S45 9JW

Tel: 01246 252 868

94 Tel: 01250 8763 99 Mob: 07934 8762




If you wish your CDs, DVDs or books to be reviewed, please send them to: Bill Brown, 3 Galahad Close, Cippenham, Slough, SL1 9DT

Ashlar Còig Independent Those of us who love our kind of music have by now discovered the great treasure trove of delights that regularly comes out of Canada in general and Cape Breton in particular. If you haven’t made that discovery yet then you don’t know what you’re missing and perhaps you could begin by checking out this fabulous new release from Còig made up of four highly accomplished multi-instrumentalists: Chrissy Crowley, Rachel Davis, Darren McMullen and Jason Roach. The group’s sound is very high energy in its musical approach and style with the band easily transitioning from centuryold tunes to original upbeat compositions featuring the band’s range of over a dozen instruments (vocals, fiddles, piano, guitars, banjo, mandolin, viola, bouzouki and whistle). With driving tunes and haunting songs with stunning vocals, Còig are without question an unparallelled musical force to be reckoned with. The new album, Ashlar, features ten original compositions comprising covers and traditional tunes that offer a fresh and unique mix of four different talents. From lively sets to tender traditional ballads to fabulous covers, Ashlar

is full of surprises. The band are also writing more, singing more and basically having more fun than ever. Check out their take on the Gordon Lightfoot 60s classic Home from the Forest featuring vocals from Darren and Rachel’s beautiful version of the Gaelic classic O Luaidh. It’s a traditional song for sure but it’s performed here in a very different way. In fact, it’s stunningly beautiful. Although all four band members come from a traditional background, they all individually have different musical influences. For example, Jason Roach the group’s pianist has a jazz degree, Chrissy Crowley who plays fiddle likes to dive into a lot of world music, and Darren McMullen (mandolin, guitar and banjo) has been heavily motivated

musically by the Irish influence. This dynamic young Cape Breton quartet have earned rave reviews from audiences around the world and an impressive list of credits for their previous recordings, Five (2014), Carols (2015) and Rove (2017). Those credits include a Canadian folk music award, a Juno award nomination and multiple East Coast Music and Music Nova Scotia awards. Ashlar is both a moving and a highly enjoyable listen and I can’t recommend this great Cape Breton band highly enough. They are just simply superb! Còig will embark on a UK Tour during May/ June this year with a sprinkling of Scottish dates in Orkney, Stornoway, Kinross, Findhorn, Musselburgh and Stirling. l

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