Born Organized Magazine September / October

Page 31

Choosing décor styles which lends themselves well to the masculine-feminine balance I’m not a Designer into ‘set décor styles’ but it’s worth mentioning the Industrial style which has had quite a resurgence over the past couple of years, potentially due to the increasing involvement of the man in the house in décor related decisions. The style does actually lend itself well to the masculine-feminine balance with a significant inclusion of iron and metal elements. I’ve seen it work the best where there are dark sultry colours – think sexy charcoals, dark mood blues and greys, rich chocolate browns – combined with lots of textural elements - think old softened leather, luxurious velvet, faux furs and chunky knits which all give a space texture, lifting it from cold to inviting. If you’re heading down this route, the key to remember is contrast – hard, straight edges will make a room look and feel cold and uninviting, so introducing softer, rounded edges, for instance, on mirrors, round tables and accessories, will provide that ever essential yin & yang or masculine / feminine balance.

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