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F AL L2011I S S UE04

CONTRIBUTORS “what is your favourite brunch spot in Toronto?”

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Ar ounnaKhounnor aj

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“Il i k es av i nggr ac eondundaswes t af ewbl oc k swes tofours hop.The l i neupsar el ong,buti t ’ ss ur ewor t h t hewai t-myf av our i t edi s hi st he v eganbuc k wheatpanc ak es ”

“Igues sI ’ m at r adi t i onalguy– eggsbenedi c tandani c es al ad wi t hs t r ongc of f ee.For t unat el yI don’ thav et or oam f arf r om home. Nex tdoorac t ual l y ,t ot he pal mer s t onc af éwher eDom s er v esj us tt hatonat oas t edpani ni -andagr eatpat i owheni t swar m. ”

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“Boom r es t aur antonCol l ege St r eeti smyf av our i t epl ac ef or br unc h.Ial way sor dert heboom powerbr eak f as t-s i mpl eeggs , bac onandt oas t .I tal s oc omes wi t har oas t eds eas onedt omat o t hati st odi ef or . ”

“RolSani nChi nat own.St eamer bas k et sf ul loff r es hdi ms um i st he bes twayt os t ar taweek end. ”

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J enMas t er s

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THI SI SSUE Wel c omebac k ! It hi nkt hef i r s tt hi ngy ouwi l lnot i c ewi t ht hi si s s ue i st hati thadal i t t l emak eov ert hank st ot he hel pofJ en.Wewant edt obr i ngadi f f er ent l ookandf eel ,butnott ak eawayf r om t hec ont ent . I nt hi si s s uewehav eay ummyas s embl edt ac of r om v er oni c at oppedwi t hahomemadepeac hs al s a andpi c k eds hal l ot s .Adam s har eswi t husgar dens undergl as s-ani c ewayt obr i ngt heout door s i ns i de,es pec i al l yasweappr oac ht hec ol dermont hs . Al s o,Iam l ov i ngMar gi e’ ss por epr i nt i ngpr oj ec t-i t i ns pi r esmet odoas por edr awi ngf oranewpr i nt ! Ihav eal s oi nc l udedanews ec t i onc al l ed‘ pr oc es s ’whi c h wi l lgi v ey oual i t t l ei ns i ghti nt os omeofourpr oduc t s andwear el aunc hi ngournew2012c al endar( t ot hel ef t i sas mal lpeekatadet ai l ) . t hanky ouf orv i s i t i ng-enj oy !


These tacos combine savoury shredded pork with sweet peach salsa. It’s a match made in heaven. The pickled shallots add a bit of tang and the Cotija cheese rounds out the flavours with a nice hit of saltiness. And yes, these tacos can be messy, but I think the best ones always are.

HOM E MADE SALSA Top it off with the peach salsa.

JAR RI TOS A popular brand soft drink in Mexico.

h ot sa u c e Add some flavour.

TORTILLAS Use soft tortillas.


Just a squeeze.


PEACH SALSA: Makes five 250ml jars 2 cups tomatoes - chopped 1 cup sweet red pepper - finely chopped ½ cup green pepper - finely chopped ½ cup of cider vinegar 1 jalapeno - seeded and minced 4 cups ripe peaches - peeled and chopped 3 cloves of garlic - grated ½ cup cilantro - finely chopped 4 tbsp of honey ¼ cup of lime juice 2 tbsp of sugar 3 tsp cumin 1. Combine all of the ingredients in a large pot. Bring to a boil. 2. Reduce the heat and simmer for 25 minutes. Stir the salsa gently so that the peaches don’t break down too much. 3. Pack into hot, sterilized mason jars and process in a water bath for 20 minutes.

quick-pickled shallots: 3-4 shallots - thinly sliced 1 cup rice vinegar 1 cup water 1 tbsp sugar ¼ tsp fennel seed 1 bay leaf 4-5 whole black peppercorns 1. Place shallots in a mason jar or bowl. 2. Bring the vinegar, water and sugar to a boil. Add the rest of the seasonings and boil for 5 minutes. 3. Pour the hot vinegar mixture over the shallots and let sit for at least an hour or, even better, overnight.

slow-roasted pork: 5 lb boneless pork shoulder ¼ cup sugar ¼ cup kosher salt 1. Combine salt and sugar. Rub all over the pork. Let the pork sit in the fridge for at least 6 hours or up to 24 hours. 2. Wipe excess salt-sugar rub off of the pork and place in a roasting pan. Roast at 250 degrees for 7 hours or until pork is fall-apart tender. Baste every hour with the juices that renders out of the pork. 3. Let the pork rest for 30 minutes before shredding.

to assemble: fresh corn tortillas, warm Cotija cheese - crumbled fresh cilantro - chopped limes - sliced  1. Take two stacked warm tortillas and top with shredded pork. Spoon over a bit of salsa, cheese, cilantro and a couple of pickled shallots. Squeeze some fresh lime juice over the top and serve immediately.


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i t em name:f l oc kmobi l e i s s ued:2005 mat er i al :mapl ev eneerandwi r e pr i c e:$160

STUDIO VISIT BY AROUNNA KHOUNNORAJ It was nice to take a stroll down my street for a short walk to Suzanne Carlsen’s studio. Her small but efficient studio is located in a lovely warehouse shared by three other jewellers.


I met Suzanne as one of my students in my first year of teaching at OCAD University and I have enjoyed following the path of her artistic career. When I first saw her work I was immediately taken by her attention to detail, craftsmanship and the narratives that came with them. I also like how she combines textiles with metal elements. I hope you enjoy this visit into her creative space.


That’s a really tough question for me, a lot of the times I would say the actual materials. Then again when I am working on something specific, say for a show or exhibition, it really comes from me wanting to communicate that idea, statement, feeling, sometimes even a joke and then figuring out the best way to do that.

When you are working in a format where you can bring so many disparate things together, how do you decide on what elements go together; is it a story, is it a juxtaposition or is it visual? Story telling is a big part of it for sure, I find in most cases I think of the embroidered story, images, idea and then how the metal surrounds or supports it, turning it into the object or piece of jewellery.

As a non-traditionalist jeweler what are some of the pros and cons of selling in the market place? A pro for sure is that people have always responded well to my work because it is quite different. There is never a shortage of interest, encourangement and support. But in saying that, selling is never easy especially when it is something so unconventional and highly labour intensive. There is always the constant struggle of trying to figure out what people want or what people are willing to pay for something. Although I am a strong believer in that as a maker you have to make what you want to make to be happy, and someone will love it; As opposed to what you think people will want to buy.

You currently work part-time at a flower shop— how do you think that has influenced your jewellery work? It is super nice to have a great creative part-time job that I love. How has it influenced my work? I would have to say it has definitely given me other materials to work with. I have recently started a project which I call ‘the brooch of the month club’ where essentially I send you a new brooch every month, made from semi perishable materials, some of which you might find at a flower shop. Think a long lasting, highly textured, sometimes slightly alien but always interesting-brooch.

I noticed that you also create accessories for bicycles, what lead you to create this line of work? I have always been an avid cyclist and with my metal working background it just kind of happened. Actually lot of credit can be given to my partner, Noah Rosen, who is a Toronto based custom bicycle painter. I started making custom headbadges for some of his customers and it just took off from there.

What are you currently working on? I just finished new websites for both my self ( as well as poka cycle accessories— with linked etsy shops so that has really been keeping me busy. Also preparing for my first American solo show in December at Quirk gallery in Richmond Virginia, pretty pumped about that especially since it is in an old vault. Lastly my studio—elevator art lab is organizing a pop up shop for the fall featuring a ton of local artist and designers. What is your favourite tool? I would have to say it is a tie between my jewellers saw and a needle and thread. They both allow me to draw in different materials.

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av ai l abl ei nt hr eepr i nt s i nouret s ys hop


c al endar




Terrariums are a great way to bring a bit of the outdoors inside and are a fun project to do with friends or family. What I like most about them is that they’re unique, whimsical and low maintenance.

1. Choose a glass vessel to use as your container. Interesting pieces such as vintage apothecary jars and even fish bowls are great choices. 2. Begin by placing a layer of stones about one-inch deep on the bottom for drainage. 3. Add a thin layer of charcoal on top of the stones. This will help control root rot and the spread of disease. 4. Top with good quality soil. Depending on what you’re planting, you can sometimes find special soil mixes that cater towards specific plants.

5. Succulents and cacti are perfect for terrariums because they need little attention and survive in many different environments. Â Some other options include the Maidenhair Ferns, Resurrection Ferns and Jewel Orchids just to name a small few. 6. Be aware of how much space you have. You want your terrarium to look lush, but not too over-crowded. I like to plant the largest plant first and then move on to the smaller ones. Try to keep leaves and flowers from pressing against the glass to prevent them from developing too much moisture and rotting.

def i ni t el ywantmor e!


S por epr i nt i nghasbeenus edf ordecades asat ool f ormus hr oom i dent i f i cat i onbutI t hi nkt hepat t er nsder i vedt hi swayar e f r amewor t hy. F al l i saf ant as t i ct i met ot akeawal ki nt he f or es tt ogat hers omemus hr ooms .L ookf or t hos et hathavegi l l s .If i ndt hatt hel es s dens et hegi l l sar epackedt hemor e gor geoust hepr i ntwi l l be.S t or et hegi l l s f aci ngupunt i l youhavebr oughtt hem home.Whenyouar r i vehomecutof ft he s t emswi t has har pkni f e.Pr epar es ome paperf orpr i nt i ngon.I ngener al ,dar ker paperwor ksbet t ers i nceal mos tal l s por e pr i nt swi l l beof fwhi t e-Ir eal l yl i kehow t hepr i nt sl ookonkr af tpaper .L ayyourmus hr oom capsdownont hepaperandt hencovert hem wi t hacl eargl as sves s el -t hi swayyou cankeepaneyeont hepr i nt i ngpr oces s .I tus ual l yt akesaf ew hour sf ort hepr i nt i ngt o occurast hes por esf al l ont ot hepaper .Whenyouar ehappywi t hi t ,r emovet he mus hr ooms( s omecanber eus edunt i l al l t hes por esar egone)andl ett hepr i ntai rdr y.

phot ogr aphsbyMar gi eOomen

v i s i tt hebook hous hop

798dundass t r eetwes t ,t or ont o


w i n t e r w o n d e r l a n d

bookhou 798 dundas street west toronto, ontario tel:416.203.2549

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