This Saving Little Piggy

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This Saving Little Piggy

Written and Illustrated by Beth Olson

This Saving Little Piggy Copyright Š 2019 by Beth Olson All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the author. Special discounts are available for booksellers or others. Inquire Printed in United States of America Bookemon Creative Author Press Publication Publication Date: 2019-05-09 ISBN-13: 9781605008080

Always Feed Piggy


Written and Illustrated by BETH OLSON


Always Feed Piggy


Always Feed Piggy

DEDICATION This book is dedicated to my grandchildren Sebastian and Harrison. I love you both so incredibly and I love seeing you each grow into wonderfully loving little boys. You both understand so much already of the concepts behind Always Feed Piggy that I know you will both be fine as you grow when it comes to your finances. You’ll both be able to go into life using your God given talents without the worry of having to “chase the dollar”.


Always Feed Piggy


Always Feed Piggy


ACKNOWLEDGMENTS First and foremost, I would like to acknowledge my Lord for giving me the inspiration and gentle whisper of bringing to life for all the idea and mission to Always Feed Piggy. That one day when I heard the whisper has changed forever the direction of my life and how I can help many others into a prosperous way of life. Secondly, thank you to my dear and supportive husband, Mark…your daily support and encouragement has gotten me through each day. Together, we are an incredible Power Team. Thank you for everything you do for me every single day! I love you! Thank you to my parents, Bob and Bert, and for all my family, for everything you have done for and with me throughout life! To my mom, who I can still count on to do my grammar checks. I also want to Thank my children, Crystal, Eric, Rick, Danny and Tony. All of you are my heart. My life is yours…always has been, always will be…the reasons I do anything and everything I do. I love you forever, I like you for always, for all of Eternity, my baby you’ll always be. You each make me soooo proud every day. Thank you always for your support! To my daughter-in-love, Sarah, for giving me my Sebastian and Harrison and being the most amazing mummy to them and an incredible Wife to my son. I never worry about any of them because you are so awesome! Finally and far from least, Thank you to the Co-opvertising Network, Jeff and Lisa, Team Vicky, The Next Impactors and all of the Co-op members who are driven to do their missions…All of you and your incredible missions are truly inspirational to me!

Always Feed Piggy


Always Feed Piggy


Notes to person reading this book to the child and teaching them about money… First of all, we want to Thank YOU for being an Educational Partner to the child you are reading this to. Please have fun with this book. Life is all about Love and fun. Children love fun, so please take this special time together to make memories that last a lifetime. You may want to take the socks off the little one, and for each page wiggle one of their toes starting with the big toe and ending with little toe…and make sure to tickle them up to their nose when you say “whee, whee, whee, whee all the way home”. This book can be used as a fast bedtime read or a longer read. It is separated into 4 sections for each page. It can be used to touch on subjects that may bring up some questions for the little one which you can elaborate on and use as teaching moments for the different subjects for which questions develop. This is a book about saving and managing money. It will teach through the story the different percentages that can and should be used for a lifetime. When a child gets money from anywhere and is encouraged to separate it out into jars, the child will learn and internalize saving and budgeting/managing money simultaneously. The younger the child learns, the better. Practicing and following the system will not only create their Emergency Bank that will always be there for them for life, but it will also put the child into a way of life that will help them into their future financially. The intent is that the child will internalize these concepts so they will go onto teaching them to their family and future generations. You are doing an Amazing thing for your family. Thank you for being a part of the Financially Literate Families Revolution!

Always Feed Piggy


We sincerely hope you enjoy this book, the Always Feed Piggy Jar system, and especially the time spent with your loved one. Always Feed Piggy!

How to read this book: Each page has been set up into Four sections. The blue lettering, the black lettering, the green lettering and the Happy Dollars sections. Each Happy Dollar represents 10% and is meant to be an easy way to begin the learning process of percentages for the children. 1. For a fast bedtime read—Just read the Big lettering at the top of each page in the Blue print. 2. For a longer read, read both the big lettering in blue And the black lettering sections. 3. For a more instructional/learning read, add in the Green lettering paragraph. 4. For a full instructional read, also count and talk about the pictures of the Happy Dollars. You can also mix and match the different sections to give your story some change for the child.

Always Feed Piggy

Meet this Little Piggy named Tac‌ Tac the Little Piggy has been collecting money from allowance, helping his family in one of the family businesses, and from gifts from family. He knows it is so important to take care of and save money whenever it comes through his hands. He knows that taking care of his money in a smart way will help him now and for his whole life. So, he has set out to follow a smart plan for himself for Always. Tac gathered up 5 used, but clean peanut butter jars that he is going to use for his system.

Every time Tac the little piggy receives any money from allowance, gifts, chores, helping in one of the family businesses, any kind of money, he divides that money into 5 separate jars with the help of an older family member.


Always Feed Piggy


Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


This Little Piggy went shopping… Every time little piggy receives any money, he puts some of it into his Play Jar for himself so he can go shopping to Treat himself to “want’ items he has on his Want List. Today he went to the mall to buy a special toy for himself!

When he got

home, he joyfully took it out of its box and put the torn box in the recycling bin. Then he played for hours with his new toy. He’s been wanting this one for a long time and had been saving money into his Play Jar in order to buy it. Today was finally that day, and he is so proud of himself for saving up for it. Before bed time, he put his new toy into a very special place in his home. Afterall, this was a very special toy and it deserves its own special place! Every time little piggy receives any money from allowance, gifts, chores, any kind of money, he puts 10% of it into his Play Jar.

______Play Jar_____


Always Feed Piggy


Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy

This Little Piggy stayed home‌ Little piggy is staying home to learn about cooking with his family. He borrowed a cookbook from the public library. He also took some money from his Learning is Fun Education Jar to buy a new apron so he can keep his clothes clean while he prepares and makes the food. He had so much fun discovering a nutritious meal to make for his family. Preparing, cooking, eating, and, of course, cleaning up too was all part of the fun. What a fun Learning time this was for him and all his family. Not only fun, but Yummy too!! Little piggy can’t wait until he can learn more. Afterall, Learning is Fun!!!

This little piggy puts away 10% of any money that comes into his life into his Learning is Fun Education Jar.

___Learning is Fun___ 10%


Always Feed Piggy


Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy

This Little Piggy had Roast Beef… Little piggy has a Living Jar which is for money saved in order to pay for “Life” things, such as sports fees, lunch meals, shoes, clothes and things like that. The “needs” of life. Today school lunch was a special meal of Roast Beef, so he decided instead of bringing a sack lunch, that he wanted to participate in the special meal along with his friends at school. He took the amount that was needed for the special meal out of his Living Jar. He still has plenty left in his Living Jar to pay for registration for the soccer team and the special spikey shoes needed for soccer. He can’t wait to play on a team with his friends!!

Every time little piggy receives any money, he puts 50% into his Living Jar.

_______________Living Jar___________



Always Feed Piggy


Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy

This Little Piggy Shared Some‌ Little Piggy found out that some of the children where he lives have food insufficiencies at home. That means they don’t have enough food to make their tummies comfortable and nourished to help their cells grow strong and healthy. This made little piggy very sad. But he remembered he has been putting money into his Sharing Is Caring Jar and he knew just what he wanted to do with it. He always Shares some with his church, but he decided he will use the rest of the money in his Sharing Is Caring jar to buy jars of Peanut Butter and donate it to the food bank. Both the Church and Food Bank know how to help others. The church helps community members in many different ways, and the Food Bank helps by providing food to families who need it. Little Piggy feels good knowing he helped some children and families in his community to have some extra needed food to enjoy and keep them healthy!

This Little Piggy regularly puts away 10% of any money that comes into his life into his Sharing Is Caring Jar. SHARING IS CARING 10%


Always Feed Piggy

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:


Always Feed Piggy


This Little Piggy went whee, whee, whee, whee, All The Way Home. Piggy knows how very important it is to Always Feed Piggy! He first starts by putting some of his money into his Piggy Bank until it reaches $400. This way he ALWAYS has an emergency fund readily available if necessary and replenishes it as soon as possible if he does need to use it. After his Piggy Bank is full, he fills his special Save and Grow Jar. When he has saved a good amount in his Save and Grow Jar, he’s ready to start the Growing part! There are many choices when it comes to Growing money. This is Piggy’s Safe Money and he wants to keep it Safe for Always and have use of it when and if he ever has to use it. With the help of his family, he puts his money into a very special place that has Never lost money. He was soooo excited, he couldn’t help but squeal whee, whee, whee, whee as he got the Growing Part of his Save and Grow Jar started.

Little Piggy has a Very Special Emergency Piggy Bank. He puts 20% of any money that comes into his life into his Very Special Emergency Piggy Bank until it reaches $400. After Little Piggy has $400 in his Emergency Piggy Bank, the VERY Special Piggy Jar is now used to save that 20% of any money that comes into his life into his VERY Special Piggy Jar, which is also called his Save and Grow Jar. Always Feed Piggy!


Always Feed Piggy




Always Feed Piggy!

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


Concept information, Lessons and Guidance for the Parent and/or Person Reading Book. Meeting Tac: -Tac---stands for Teach A Child -The average person has over a million dollars go through their hands throughout life. The different ways of having money come through the hands of the child are introduced for ideas for helping the child to begin to save money. The topic of the family business is introduced for both the child and the family. This is a powerful way for the family to save on taxes and also benefit the child. -Re-purposing of peanut butter jars is used as a way to introduce the idea of helping the environment and re-cycling. -Happy Dollars are used to introduce percentages. Each Happy Dollar equals 10%.

Play Jar: 10% -How money is used for our Wants as well as our Needs. -Re-enforces recycling. -Taking care of things within the household.

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


Learning is Fun: 10% -Education is important throughout life. Education should not end after graduation. -Cooking at home is fun and a great way to share family time. -Healthy food is important to each family member.

Living Jar: 50% -Living Money equals Spending money—the money needed for the Needs of Life. This is where the budget process will begin for the future as the child grows. -It is encouraged to have a family business because not only the child is taught along the way better financial concepts, but the family can pay significantly less taxes. Tax savings are important to everyone’s financial life. -The child learning to use money for his “Needs” teaches him responsibility.

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


Sharing is Caring: 10% -That there are others that don’t always have food available. -Sharing with, caring for, and helping others. -Understanding healthy food is important to the cells of our bodies.

Save and Grow: 20% -The importance of Saving Money -Having a $400 Emergency Fund so the child doesn’t become a statistic of the 100 Million people who don’t have an Emergency Fund unless they sell something or borrow that needed money. And they learn to replenish it when and if they need to use it. -Growing money in a safe way so it never loses money. There are specific products that will continue to Grow even while using the money with NO interruptions on that growth. These products keep your money Safe with Guarantees on Principal and Growth, tax deferred accumulation, no taxes on distribution, no limits on contributions and no distribution limitations.

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


You are encouraged to contact us for more information or any help you need on any of the above concepts, at Welcome to the Financially Literate Families Revolution!

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


Always Feed Piggy







Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:

Always Feed Piggy


Always Feed Piggy


2019—100 Million adults can’t afford a $400 Emergency Fund without selling something or borrowing that money from somewhere. My mission is to eliminate this problem by building communities of parents and grandparents to be the important links to help their children learn and understand about money and managing it through love, fun and play which will build stronger families. The impact of teaching this to the children in our families will transform our future families and their finances. They will be able to use their God-given talents throughout their lives also since they will not have to be “chasing the dollar”. Together we can impact the children of our world by helping the children in our lives to begin and continue throughout life their own Piggy Jar System. A bright future is built on a strong financial platform.

Be sure and share your saving journey and experiences in our Facebook Community as you and your child fill Piggy’s belly at:


Always Feed Piggy - it began with a Whisper - grew into a Strategy - and is now a Movement A Movement that has become a Community of families coming together to help young children learn at early ages to manage the money that will go in and out of their hands throughout their lifetimes. You are invited to be part of the Financially Literate Families Revolution! Please join us!

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