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Background information : 09-02-98

The HAARP Project and nonb-lethal weapons Brussels, 9th February 1998

The HAARP Project and nonb-lethal weapons

The HAARP project and non-lethal weapons. Experts alarmed - public debate needed. The hearing on the HAARP project and non-lethal weapons was held in connection with a European Parliament own-initiative report, to be drawn up by Maj Britt THEORIN (PES, S), on the possible use of military resources in environmental strategies. Non-lethal (or non-deadly) weapons - a varied scenario As Peter TRUSCOTT (PES, UK) said in his introduction, "There is an invisible line between what is acceptable and what is suspect". This is the nub of the issue. Non-lethal weapons constitute a trend in military thinking which has developed since the end of the Cold War. The world is dealing with a different sort of crisis, which is less easily identifiable and less easy to manage with traditional methods and weapons - hence the desire to master the violence by means other than the same violence. Non- lethal weapons are compared by some authors to "straitjackets" and defined as "any action capable of modifying the behaviour of the adversary while avoiding his annihilation". This appears to be a significant element of crisis prevention but can be - and is - also used in civilian situations (e.g. crowd control). Mr Luc MAMPAEY, a researcher at GRIP, the Brussels-based European institute for research and information into peace and security, said he believed the expression "non-lethal weapons" was semantically contentious. He argued that the term had reassuring connotations. It was the politically correct term, and one which could delude the public into thinking that nowadays a clean war was possible and hence morally acceptable. In fact, as he himself and the Red Cross representative, Mr Robin COUPLAND (Geneva), pointed out, the dividing line between deadly and non-deadly weapons was not clear. Some weapons might result in death, while others could incapacitate their victims permanently or temporarily. Mr COUPLAND was quite categorical: the term "non-deadly", he said, was ultimately a marketing slogan. The problem of definition "by default" led all the experts to stress that there was no single type of non-lethal weapon and that a careful distinction must be made between the various types, from the simplest to the most sophisticated. These new weapons covered a broad spectrum of technologies, from optical systems with a dazzling or blinding effect, through sound and electro- magnetic waves, chemical, medicinal, adhesive, slippery, super-caustic and acidic substances, biological agents, bacteria and micro-organisms, to rubber bullets and electric-shock batons. Dangers to health and the environment The effects on health and the environment were also described as variable. Any weapon designed to disrupt an organism, as well as weapons capable of affecting an organism indirectly, by chemical or biological means, or optical, acoustic or neurological stimuli, could become fatal under certain conditions. Adhesive foam, it was said, could also have extremely dangerous side- effects. Only if a precisely calculated dose were perfectly delivered could it be guaranteed that sensory (or xenobiotic) stimuli would not have irreversible, or indeed, fatal effects. In practice, this perfect control over the degree of disruption was the first thing likely to go by the board under extreme conditions, where the desire for a swift and decisive solution would rapidly override considerations of ethics or toxicology. The risk of abuse in democratic societies However, it was argued, health and environmental issues were not the only concerns raised by the use of non-lethal weapons. Mr COUPLAND expressed concern about an overlap of civil, police and military applications. He was also afraid that these weapons might be used not to replace conventional weapons but in addition to them. In Mr MAMPAEY's view, as non-lethal weapons developed, links were bound to be created between military and law-andorder operations, which, he said, would enable certain current conventions to be bypassed. There was a danger of growing militarisation of domestic police forces, which would have access to more sophisticated weaponry. This could raise problems in any state which was supposed to be based on the rule of law and to be mindful of human rights and individual freedoms. The HAARP project Tom SPENCER (EPP, UK), chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee, said that the United States had been invited to state its viewpoint on this matter to the hearing. Although the US had declined an initial invitation, Mr SPENCER reiterated his offer, saying that the Americans could send a representative to address the committee in future if they wished. Ms Rosalie BERTELL, from Toronto (Canada), is one of the best-informed experts about HAARP (the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme), a programme which has been developed by the US military. She described the background to HAARP. The ionosphere is a high-altitude layer of the atmosphere with particles which are highly charged with energy. If radiation is projected into the ionosphere, huge amounts of energy can be generated and used to annihilate a given region.

The HAARP project involves the manipulation of the earth's ionosphere, whose natural role is to moderate energy transfer from the sun to the earth and is used as a missile trajectory and as a reflector for radio communication. The aim of HAARP is to control and manipulate the ionosphere so as to enable the manipulator to wipe out communications at will on a global scale, or to make them resilient in the event of a nuclear war. It also enables communications to take place with submerged submarines and can, in theory, create geomagnetic pathways to guide particle beams which could then deposit large amounts of energy anywhere on the globe. In simpler terms, HAARP, with its power of intimidation, of delivery or denial of electrical energy on a global scale and its control of communications, is an element of a system which could control the global village in some frightening ways. According to Dr Nick BEGICH, an expert from Alaska and author of one of the leading publications on the subject*, the HAARP programme would allow such concentrations of energy to be attained that an entire region of the planet could be deprived of water. Electromagnetic waves can cause earthquakes or tidal waves. Mr SPENCER pointed out that, under international conventions, any actions leading to climate change were prohibited. Mr BEGICH said that in his eyes the project was purely and simply "Star Wars technology". Moreover, it was a secret project, as the US Congress had refused to finance Star Wars. The USA, he claimed, had allocated 91 million dollars to the main programme, to which must be added the related programmes. Over the last 50 years, he said, certain levels of security had been developed which were protected from public scrutiny. State secrets were acceptable in themselves but if they involved such major repercussions for human beings and the environment they must be made public. In his view, the international community should be allowed to evaluate the risks of the HAARP programme. Eurico DE MELO (EPP, P) said he regarded the revelations as terrifying and said that there was a need for a campaign to inform the public about it. Winding up, Magda AELVOET (Green, B) told the hearing that there was a saying: "War is too important to be left to the generals". She feared we had forgotten this truth. Further information: Etienne BASSOT - tel. 284 47 41 * Angels Don't Play This Haarp, Advances in tesla technology, Earthpulse Press, USA, 1995

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43 Responses to Documents 1.

RONALD WILLIAMS says: July 21, 2015 at 6:23 pm How do we the people detoxify these particles from our bodies??? Reply


jonathan says: May 5, 2015 at 11:44 am Anyone post the newest game call of duty advanced warfare? It’s full of chemtrails. Why? Developers are going and think this is normal skies or are they part of the problem? I think it’s the later reason. What do you think? Reply


JaJ says: January 18, 2015 at 5:13 am The problem is, when you think about it, that “they” dont have a limitations in financies. Think about it- the banks can print money when they need. Recesions and inflations can be and are regulated. People at the US government and the army have no limitations in money and power. On top of that, most of the computer fight games for boys children are created in the US. I am starting to see the link from brainwashing our children and us to making anybody whom talks about the spraying as a mad conspiracy theory person creator. It is really annoying how people are blind. The whole planet should start to think twice and see the reality and help us to survive. And the generations after us ! love Reply


JaJ says: January 18, 2015 at 5:04 am I Agree and, I think you should write a “fiction” story about this. Writers of a time always inprint into their books what is actually important. People need to know. Go for it. Love

Reply 5.

phildo says: January 6, 2015 at 1:12 pm “Blood clots when it contacts foreign surfaces following platelet activation. This can be catastrophic in clinical settings involving extracorporeal circulation such as during heart–lung bypass where blood is circulated in polyvinyl chloride tubing. Studies have shown, however, that surface-bound carbon nanotubes may prevent platelet activation, the initiator of thrombosis. We studied the blood biocompatibility of polyvinyl chloride, surface-modified with multi-walled carbon nanotubes in vitro and in vivo. Our results show that surface-bound multi-walled carbon nanotubes cause platelet activation in vitro and devastating thrombosis in an in vivo animal model of extracorporeal circulation. The mechanism of the pro-thrombotic effect likely involves direct multi-walled carbon nanotubeplatelet interaction with Ca2+-dependant platelet activation. These experiments provide evidence, for the first time, that modification of surfaces with nanomaterials modulates blood biocompatibility in extracorporeal circulation.” Reply


Hazel Lucks says: December 7, 2014 at 2:38 pm I agree . The money trail leads you to the truths in this case Reply


Hazel Lucks says: December 7, 2014 at 2:37 pm I see them here in s.w scotland . They started last sunday after a very clear day they began at dusk Reply


PauL says: November 16, 2014 at 6:36 pm F*** ‘em!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they try to ruin me life evryday, i don’t care anymore! WE have some higer forces with us. we must be courageous or in wich mode is written in this language. know what I mean?!!!! nofear ! against the end Reply


PauL says: November 16, 2014 at 6:32 pm Some years ago I meet a woman that work to get signatures against this shame. But her and some other have already done an ‘interparliament quest’ but in response Rome said that this is above the powers of

the state. Yes. Reply 10.

m kia says: November 7, 2014 at 4:43 pm Follow the money where does the money come from to pay for this and who is capitalizing from the sale of supplies and the service to perform the program. Then we will understand more as to who to hang. Reply


AJ says: October 17, 2014 at 2:53 pm I read all of the documents listed above. Although it seems utterly ridiculous to me that any human beings would be so apparently insane as to be doing any of these things, I do believe the data to be true. What bothers me the most is, considering the size, scope and money behind this insanity, how do we stop it? And is it too late to save the planet and ourselves from these “madmen”? It amazes me that this kind of craziness could remain hidden for so long. I truly believe that secrets can never stay hidden forever, they always come out, no exception, but will it be too late to change the outcome? Seriously, I’m floored. I’m a fiction writer and I couldn’t have made up anything as insane and crazy as this apparent reality. I can understand why it is so difficult for people to believe that this could be real but never the less, facts don’t lie. Reply


Faydanna says: October 15, 2014 at 5:51 pm I have seen the chemtrails here in the UK, I live in South west wales, and it gets sprayed regularly usually in the early morning before people get up and notice. Reply


Alexius says: September 4, 2014 at 3:53 pm Not sure if you have got the answer to your question on list of patents. Here it is anyway: Not sure it includes all patents but there’s alot of them.. Be safe. Reply


Bren says: July 12, 2014 at 2:01 am I agree with you 100%… As far as our “politicians”, I think that anyone who makes it in politics to the level of say U.S. Senator/Rep is watched very closely. If they start making waves, asking too many questions and basically not playing ball, then something happens to quiet them down – whether it be blackmail, threats or “if ya can’t beat em join em”! Most definitely though every one of our presidents in the past several decades have been part of the “good ole boy network”… They may not start out that way, but it is easy to get people to play along when you are talking about the kind of power, money and resources these people have. That is partly what Bohemian Club/Grove is all about… the things that happen there are all recorded and used against them if they want to stray from the flock, so to speak! Reply denise ward says: June 21, 2015 at 8:49 am Apparently it has come out that politicians, especially heads of committees, have something in their past that is used to keep them in line. Many of them are pedophiles or have something else that is denounced by the public, in their history. One thing I would like to know is who sells these chemicals? And how are they transported and brought onto the planes?


Bren says: July 12, 2014 at 1:41 am Where can I get the complete list of patents in relation to HAARP and chemtrails? I used to have it and “lost it” somehow… Also what is this from comments posted back last year about implants of some kind at birth…?? (between eye brows. that are activated by HAARP supposedly) Can someone please explain this further and provide documentation? Thank you! Reply Lt. Dan says: June 21, 2015 at 1:14 am GOTO; Other interesting reports at "ApexMarketing" on eBay.


naikuay says: July 9, 2014 at 8:46 pm That’s why they have underground bases all over the injure United states alone. Some even go as far as the ocean floor. We don’t hear about this because the main stream media is ran by the elites. Their job is to mold out beliefs with propaganda. Research it there is lots of information out there. It’s time to wake up.

Reply 17.

Lrrpman1967 says: June 9, 2014 at 6:03 am Think about this. Theory is those involved at the root of this spraying would be poisoning themselves thereby they go down with us. WRONG the government here in the USA has massive underground bases and highways connecting these bases and above ground bases. These bases can sustain life undergroung almost indefinatly. They have food production facilities and oxygen production facilities. They have vast resources and even a river connecting a desert submarine base with the ocean. So could it be that that is where the elite will set out the coming storm of famine starvation poisioning and death of the worlds population? It is well known that people exist that want to reduce the world population from 6 billion to 500 million. Of course they can not support 500M but a few thousands will be the seed for the renewal of population on the planet. OK so now for crazy… what if nano aluminum is inside the brain. It could be cooked with microwave and fry the brain cells. The death of billions easly accomplished. Zombie A. Why is it that our political reps are standing silent when thousands have demanded answers? I’ve written and the answers are pure bullshit in which they never address the issues. Could they be part of the elite to be protected and to survive? I have no real answer but the fact this is being hidden denied and avoided by those who are supposed to look out for us is telling us that their is something terribly wrong going on. If it were benign they could sell it to the public. They do not they keep the public asleep. They tell us not to believe our lying eyes. They pay so called debunkers to post lies in the internet and try to make us look like conspiracy crazies to turn off anyone who may seek truth. Most importantly the American People are trusting Uncle Sam and are in denial because the truth is so scary they hide their heads in the sand. Cast any doubt out of their minds because life is already to stressful and they fear knowing will just worsen their mental health. I praise the Lord Jesus and our Father in heaven and pray for enlightenment and that the truth will be revealed before it’s to late. Reply


EpicThoughts says: May 16, 2014 at 9:33 pm I have only just learned of this chem trail info 2 years ago along with much more devastating truths. at first when I was told about this I was very skeptical I coukd not believe it, I refuse to believe, it could not be possible. I was in complete and utter denial. over the next couple of days it kept nagging at my thoughts…. questions kept coming to mind and it was to my thinking that ignorance was NOT an option. I fufilled my need for answers. I began to google my random questions and found infinate answers. Since that day I have been doing extensive research and am convinced without a doubt this is INSANLY ACCURATE TRUTH. Please if this sounds like you do yourself and your planet a favour and self educate yourself accordingly. I don’t even watch the ‘real’ news anymore. I refuse to watch the propiganda, I rely on accurate sources which can provide proof. The biggest part of the solution is KNOWING WHAT WE ARE UP AGEANST AND WORKING TOGETHER FOR A GLOBAL SOLUTION. I urge you all to share share share. Xo peace

Reply 19.

Stephan Toth says: May 5, 2014 at 11:10 pm Oh, the totally independent politicians put forward for election by the Citizens must be people who known to fully support and will definitely implement this political change program. There is no point in putting forward existing corrupt politicians just because they have always been on the political circuit and are in the public eye. Reply


Stephan Toth says: May 5, 2014 at 11:03 pm Hi, This is a very important issue but it is only a very minor effect of a vastly more significant root cause issue. That issue is the fact that the super rich international corporations have bought the top corrupt politicians in every single party all around the world that have a viable chance of winning an election. The very nature of these political parties is to divide the nation into political interest groups. These interest groups are played off one against the other in order to distract peoples attention away from a multitude of issues just like this one. The ONLY SOLUTION to this problem is to literally take away the political shields in every country around the world that protect and hide the activities of the super rich corporations. To do this, the CITIZENS must adopt the attitude that THEY OWN THEIR COUNTRIES, THEY OWN ITS NATURAL RESOURCES AND THEY OWN ITS GOVERNMENT. With this attitude they will be in a position to unite with a mind to totally abolishing the party political system. By getting rid of political parties, the politicians within them are exposed to being disciplined by the Citizens. This means that all of the politicians that are not listening and acting in the best interest of the Citizens can be recalled at any time and be sacked. YOU CANNOT SACK POLITICAL PARTIES FOR FIVE YEARS. AN POLITICIAN THAT CANNOT BE SACKED IS NOTHING MORE THAN A DICTATOR. The way to bring this about is to only vote for totally independent politicians at all levels of elections. Once you have your totally independent politicians in place you can bring in stringent anti-corruption legislation. Once that is in place your can abolish and make unlawful all forms of lobbying while at the same time make it unlawful to give or receive money or goods and services in kind for political favors. Once you have brought the corruption problem under the control of the Citizens you can start work on the quality of political decision making in public office. The first thing that is necessary is determining what decisions politicians can make unilaterally and what decisions must go to the Citizens for approval in a referendum. Because governments have abused the Citizens trust when it comes to spending their tax money. Legislation needs to be put in place that would cover a baseline budget that if the politicians are going to exceed would automatically trigger a referendum for approval by the Citizens. This legislation would also cover key issues where the Citizens demand to be consulted before political decisions are made. This would for instance cover taking the country to war, implementing controversial and expensive projects such as fracking and the building of nuclear power stations etc.

Because of the complexity of political decision making it would be necessary to change the way politicians vote on issues. The current Yes, No system is inefficient and infective and does not provide the Citizens with the best possible decision being made on their behalf. A voting system where politicians have to swipe their ID card and then select on a keypad (one to ten) how in favor of an issue them are is a much better system. At the end of the vote all the votes are aggregated and then a percentage of favor is reached. If the percentage of favor is less than 33 percent the issue is rejected, if it is above 33 percent but below 66 percent the issue is sent back for further discussion and rework. If the decision is 66 percent and over it is passed. All issues are published on a website and all voting is automatically recorded on that site for all Citizens to see. This system immediately tells the Citizens how well their employees are working on their behalf and if they are not, it would trigger a recall and disciplinary hearing. IT IS THIS LEVEL OF TRANSPARENCY AND CONTROL BY THE CITIZENS THAT EMPLOY YOUR COUNTRIES POLITICIANS AT EVERY LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT THAT ENSURES THAT THE SORT OF ABUSES EXPOSED BY THIS SITE CAN NEVER EVER HAPPEN. Please note, this is a global template, each country would have to adapt it for their own government in order to overcome obstacles and resistance by political parties, politicians and their activist and supporters. Reply denise ward says: June 21, 2015 at 8:53 am The political system is so corrupt, you truly believe the count is accurate that is given to us? Every president of the US has links to royalty, most very direct. Obama is a sixth cousin to the Bush family. The whole thing is theater to keep us engaged in their drama not ours. Because if we cut them out and thought about our own lives and how to make them better, we would have incredible solutions in no time. They know we are powerful. And that is why they go to all the trouble. 21.

Danny Brown says: May 1, 2014 at 12:49 pm I have been following chemtrails for the last 14 years, since about the fall of 1999, when I was introduced to them by Phil Marie Jr. from new Hampshire. His father a nuclear engineer who had been noticing a laser beam being shot into the skies from Mount Washington, followed by chentrails being sprayed to modify the region, Mount Washing is close to 6400 ft, and has the highest recorded lane speeds in the US, with a built in weather station that monitors the weather year round. Both Phil marie and his father highly publisized what was going on where attacked by the military with black helicopters flying over there homes and buisness, and where attacked and forced to close down and loose there homes by government officials crating problems for them financialy driving them into the poor house, phill marie had a news broadcast of chemtrails on a local weather station, and this was the last as he gave up on trying to pursue this. I felt that this story needs to be told, and for people to wake up and see that if they pursue the chemtrail stories they to may come under attack from mysterious forces causing them financial hard ships, this is how one would no that there is something to these chemtrails, and they need to report to skyder alert of such activities when they are being attacked by said fources. Chemtrails are real, just look up. I have taken some great photos over the past, and had them on skyder alert, and william thomas site as well. I would appreciate any corespondnese from

people who have hasd similar stories as well. My final suggestion would be to pursue chemtrails with the utmost care, and publish all remarks to skyder alert so that they can account for and help thoseto retain there privacy when reporting chemtrails. Reply 22.

Denise says: April 24, 2014 at 10:19 pm IF chem trails are true? Of course they are. Just read the info on this site and there is no doubt its a fact. Just looking up when they are spraying proves it. Con trails dissipate after a few minutes, these chem trails hang around all day and ruin our blue skies. Reply


Michael Davis says: March 24, 2014 at 1:52 pm It’s 30 degrees right now on March 24, 2014 at 8:48 Central in Owensboro, Ky. USA. It’s 63 degrees Right now on March 24, 2014 at 8:48 in Moscow Russia!! Reply


Walsh Motxhe says: March 7, 2014 at 7:46 pm This video demonstrates the lab test results and view under microscope of chemtrail filaments: Watch this video too: Reply


hadecl says: March 1, 2014 at 5:19 pm hi everyone ,can any one tell me how these psy paths protect them self while they killing us all or is this total self destruction (them and us) ? Reply


Ann Reier says: February 3, 2014 at 3:06 pm I have been “looking up” for quite some time now, and believe the thing we need to do is create a voice for ourselves! WE NEED TO SPEAK UP PEOPLE! I have created a petition to the President to put an end to geoengineering. PLEASE, PLEASE, go to the following link, log in, and sign the petition! We only have until February 22,2014 to get 100,000 signatures. PLEASE HELP, PLEASE SHARE!! THANK YOU!! Reply 27.

Rick Williamson says: January 27, 2014 at 12:55 pm We’ll here in the North East, New Hampshire to be specific, they have been spraying mostly at night and in the early morning. Now that average temps have been around 4 to 20 deg F and humidity levels non-existant, some of the trails have pretty much stayed in the atmosphere for several hours. It isnt Ice crystals, that for sure.Very cold temperature means little or no humidity and any HVAC person knows that if you want refrigeration temperatures you remove moisture. So heres my take on the “Chemtrail spraying” it isnt us thats doing it, for a species to completely destroy itself, even one as pathetic as human beings, we have a very strong will of self-preservation. To dump the amount of nano particles in the atmosphere as has been done in the past 20 years is total suicide. my take is we are being exterminated if Chemtrails are true. Bad day to be life on earth Reply


C brown says: January 21, 2014 at 1:30 am I want to know who they think they are,We should be told what we are being sprayed with,They dont want us putting drugs and stuff into our bodies,but it is ok for them to pump us full of their crap without our concent,they should serve time for their crimes against nature. Reply


Pseuodnym says: January 12, 2014 at 3:03 am Deep cogitation respecting the ramifications of these projects has lead me to a variety of questions dealing with the import of the phenomenon itself and what it means for the world..I have heard that the dispersion of these “particulates” have been found to alter the ph of soils. If this is true, then my question is to what degree of potency do these substances affect microorganisms, particularly ones that plants depend on for fixation of certain nutrients? Are we looking at a potential ecological collapse? if so, are the controllers of such phenomena aware of the damage? I mean to allude to the conspiratorial. Reply


Massey Ferguson says: November 8, 2013 at 10:02 pm “Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more.” Blessings and power to we the good people. Peace. Reply

YN says: November 9, 2013 at 2:14 am I have had that same thought myself, Massey! Blessings to you! 31.

PC says: November 7, 2013 at 10:33 pm So if thats the case, how come they don’t melt when directly in front of the sun? In actual fact they look no different to the crap thats on the other side of the sky, so naturally it can’t be water/ice. Go away troll!! Reply YN says: November 8, 2013 at 1:42 am Thanks PC, I missed that one!


concerned citizen says: August 8, 2013 at 8:57 pm I Have been researching geoengineering for years and at first I dismissed HAARP as to week to influence weather but this mountain of info on the combination of factors is to much to dismiss. We should get serious about this. Look at the persistent effects of AGENT ORANGE on generations of Vietnamese and spent uranium on Iraq children. Well worth the time watching! why in the world are they spraying what in the world are they spraying HAARP Engineering ‘FRANKENSTORM’ Hurricane Sandy – CAUGHT on SATELLITE and RADAR!!! Reply


Patti Jo Edwards says: July 25, 2013 at 9:23 pm I keep being told there is no proof. I have begun to read through these documents to find one or three to pass on to these people. Not light reading. Anyone can narrow it down for me? Reply admin says: July 25, 2013 at 10:48 pm It is a complex topic, that’s for certain Patti. Several of the films are full of evidence, like What in the world are they spraying. You might follow up with a couple of good patents and one of the

real damning documents. The bottom line is that some people will believe you, and others won’t no matter how much proof you give them. Some will believe you and you’ll think they’re awake, but then they’ll go back to sleep again. People are scared. It’s a frightening reality to allow to sink in. And it’s so easy to go back to your tv, believe what you’re being told, and feel ‘safe’ again. 34.

james strawn says: June 30, 2013 at 6:37 am the evil sick people that are doing this need to be exposed and punished for their crimes ,if enough good people could be woke up we could stop them and save the planet.if not we are all doomed.please for our childrens children ,please wake up. Reply


Concerned American says: March 20, 2013 at 5:42 am What in the world are you spraying? How in your right mind can you fill the sky with aluminum, barium and believe that there is no harm done! I, and the other people of the earth, am tired of looking up to see plane after plane spewing this cobweb-like crap, leaving trails of cloudy pollution. PLEASE wake up and realize that your scientifically wonderful mind should be used for something other than this horribly frightening experiment on the earth & people. Humans, animals, and plants are all getting SICK as a result to your trying to play god and manipulate the weather. WE want our true blue skies back. I looked around this website and cannot, for the life of me, figure out WHY caring citizens would want to create storms that tear up and rip homes to shreds? WHY do you want to create thunderstorms? What is your purpose in bringing peril to our nation and the world? Please explain yourselves. No matter how much money you make from your “business” ventures, nothing will matter at all if you don’t have a healthy earth on which to live. Reply Carol Davies says: March 15, 2014 at 9:03 pm I want this book re bad but I don’t have a visa card how can it got it. Could you sent it c.o.d. denise ward says: June 21, 2015 at 8:57 am The last thing the masterminds of evil do is explain themselves! I know, I want to hear their reasons too but they don't give information. They always play their cards very close to their chest. Our ignorance is what they thrive on. Our ignore-ance. We ignore what is going on around us.

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