Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 22 May 2024

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Bolton School Primary Division

Junior Boys


Summer Term, 2024 - WEEK A

Wednesday 22nd May

Y4 to Patterdale, 9am

Y6 Careers Carousel, all day

Y5 return from Patterdale, 3.55pm Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

From Mrs. Faulkner

Thursday 23rd May

Maths Master Class, BD, all day

LAMDA, 4 pm

Jujitsu, 4 pm

Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Friday 24th May

Y4 return from Patterdale, 3.45pm Fencing 4-5 pm


Wednesday 22nd May

By the end of this week we will have completed this year’s visits to Patterdale, and what a fantastic time we have all had. Whether it has been the boys’ first or third visit they have all impressed both the school and Patterdale Hall staff with their enthusiasm and engagement. Whilst we have all very much enjoyed the various activities on offer, the main learning points for these trips are always around developing the boys’ ability to work collaboratively and creatively and to rise to the many new and varied challenges they face whether that is getting in a kayak, jumping in the gorge, or staying away from home for the first time. All of the boys have really risen to the occasion and it has been wonderful to hear them reflect on the progress they nave made in those wider aspects of their learning. I would like to say a huge thank you to all of the Park Road staff who have attended the trips this year, some doing several stints, the huge effort and support which goes into making these trips possible is very much appreciated.

With all those trips now out of the way, we are all very much looking forward to the half term break and none more so than Mr Price who will be spending the holiday in Malta getting married. We wish him and his fiancé Amy the very best both for a beautiful wedding day and a long and happy marriage.

Also in terms of good news, I am delighted to share with you the news that both Miss Fletcher and Mrs Hunt are expecting babies in early October. For Miss Fletcher this will be her first child and for Mrs Hunt it will be the second addition to her young family. Mr Livesley is also expecting an addition to his family later this term. We wish them all well and will look forward to sharing further news of those arrivals with you.

There is a further update to the Extra-Curricular Activities programme for the next half of this term which can be found linked here.


School Office

Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 , e:

The School Office is open from 8.15am - 4.15pm during term time.

Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.

For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:




Monday 3rd June


Judo, 4-5pm

Tuesday 4th June

AJIS Athletics

Victoria Park Athletics Track, Warrington, 11am 3pm

Pickleball, 4-5pm

Chess, 4-5pm

Angling, 4-5.30pm

Wednesday 5th June

Y5 African Drumming session, 9.15am

U11 Water Polo Tournament, St. Ambrose, 12 midday

Swim Development, 4-5pm Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Thursday 6th June

LAMDA, 4 pm

Jujitsu, 4 pm Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Sailing Club, 4-6pm

Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

News from the Park Road PA

We are looking for volunteers to sell and bake cakes and snacks for sale at the Year 6 production of Aladdin on Weds 26th, Thurs 27th and Fri 28th June. Please contact us if you are able to help man the stalls on any of these occasions.

If you have any old uniform to donate, we would be very grateful. We are holding a pre-loved uniform sale on New Parents’ Evening (Monday 24 June, 7-8.30pm) at Park Road. Please contact the PA if you are able to assist us with this event.

WhatsApp if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: If you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch:

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Pot Noodles for Urban Outreach

Following our successful Christmas collection appeals, the School Council decided that it would be a good idea to support Urban Outreach throughout the year.

We organised the emptying of the green Grub Tub on the bottom corridor and it is now ready again to receive donations.

Urban Outreach needs certain things all year round and so we have volunteered to collect pot noodles. Please bring in sealed pot noodles (any flavour) and put them in the green Grub Tub.

Our aim is to collect as many pot noodles as we can by the beginning of July.

Thank you !

School Council

After School Activities—CANCELLED

Please note that this week's water polo training session (Friday 24th May) is cancelled.

Please note that there will be no hockey training either on the last day of this half term Friday 24th May.

Kidzone & BSS May Half Term Schedule

In May half term, Kidzone will be offering its usual Holiday Club, the programme for which can be found linked here. The link to BSS’s May Sports Camp can be found here.

As ever, please do book early to avoid disappointment.

School Uniform Shop-Opening Hours

Please note that the last trading day for the school uniform shop will be Saturday May 25th, it will then be closed from Monday May 27th and will reopen on Monday June 3rd

The shop will also close on Friday July 6th and will be closed from Monday July 8th until Monday July 22nd

Year 6 Summer Production : Aladdin

The Year 6 musical production at the end of this year will be Aladdin! This will take place in the Girls' Division Theatre at 7pm on the 26th, 27th and 28th June.

We would request that when making any appointments up until the production takes place at the end of June, that every effort is made to avoid the following dates and times below where possible.

Please note the provisional theatre rehearsal dates below:

Thursday 23rd May 9-12

Wednesday 5th June 9-12, Thursday 6th June 9-12, Wednesday 19th June 9-12, Thursday 20th June 9-12 (dress rehearsal), Friday 21st June 9-12 (tech rehearsal),

Monday 24th June 9-12 (dress rehearsal), Tuesday 25th June 1.30-4, Wednesday 26th June 9-12 & 1.30-4

Performance dates - Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June, 7pm

Thank you from the Year 6 Teachers

Primary Engineer

All Year 5 and 6 Challenge Group boys had the opportunity to enter the Primary Engineer competition, where they had to research what engineers did, interview an engineer and then, finally, come up with a solution to a problem that they feel exists.

Out of thousands of entries, two of our boys have been incredibly successful! William Webster in Year5 received a 'Highly Commended' for his design and David Alalade in Year 6 won the whole competition!

We're getting ready to attend the awards ceremony at the start of July.

Well done to all Challenge Group boys! PC

Competition Winners Achievements

Well done to Finley in Year 6 who has been voted to “Player of the Week” for his local cricket team this week.

The “Team of the Week” is comprised of players selected by the coaches from a combination of all age group players including adult teams! His team won and Finley also took two wickets with his bowling! Fantastic news, Finley !

Congratulations to Dylan, in Year 5, who won the UKCC 24 NE Megafinal Under 10 chess competition held at the Royal Grammar School in Newcastle last Saturday, winning 5.5/6 points and remaining undefeated on the day.

Dylan has now qualified to attend the regional gigafinal in Edinburgh on 22nd June and we wish him the very best of luck in this competition.

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