Bolton School Junior Boys' Weekly Newsletter - 15 May 2024

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Bolton School Primary Division

Junior Boys’ School

Spring Term, 2024 - WEEK B

From Mrs. Faulkner

Wednesday 15th May

Squad Development

Swimming, 4-5 pm

Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Thursday 16th May

LAMDA, 4 pm

Jujitsu, 4 pm

Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Friday 17th May

Y4/5 Pop Lacrosse, 10am, LP

U11 AJIS Cricket, TBC

Fencing 4-5 pm

Hockey 4-5 pm

Monday 20th May

Y3 & 6 Exam Week

Y5 to Patterdale

Judo 4-5 pm

Warhammer 4-5 pm

Tuesday 21st May

Pickleball 4-5 pm

Chess (invitational), 4-5pm

Angling Club 4-5:30 pm

Wednesday 15th May

This week feels like a much quieter one, with all year groups in school and of course Years 4 and 5 sitting their Summer Term assessments. Next week, Years 3 and 6 will have their assessments, while Years 4 and 5 head off on their respective visits to Patterdale.

If you are helping your son to pack for Patterdale next week, do please add in a pair of long trousers cargo or jogging pants, rather than jeans. The tics seem to be out in force around the Lake District, so long trousers would be good for some activities.

Mr Grieve’s sports round up seems to be ever-growing and there have been a great variety of fixtures squeezed into the last few weeks. It is always great to hear the boys talk about their endeavours outside of normal sport lessons. The joy they get from representing school, and the sense of teamwork which is an inevitable element of that representation do make it all worthwhile. Thank you very much indeed to all of you as parents for supporting that aspect of school life, we work very hard to provide as many opportunities for the boys as possible, some even venturing into entirely new sports, such as this week’s Pop Lacrosse Festival. Lacrosse is not one of the sports that the boys usually play in school but is very popular as a boys’ game in clubs across the north -west and it has certainly proved popular with those boys who have tried it out. If your son is interested in trying out this new sport, then one of our local clubs, Brooklands, is keen to have new young members join; more details can be found at their website

Still on the sporting front, particular congratulations should go to Gwilym in Year 6 who represented school at the AJIS Tennis Festival last week. This is always a hard fought contest and Gwilym and his teammate, Raees, played extremely well, with Gwilym eventually finishing in second place.

Details have been sent out this week about the Year 6 Bikeability programme which this year will operate in the final week of the school year for all Year 6 boys (Monday 1st to Friday 5th July). This is run by Bolton Council and is an excellent opportunity for the Year 6 boys to develop their proficiency in cycling and support them in being safer when out and about on their bikes. In the last few years, we have noticed an increase in the number of boys who find riding a bike much more difficult and are less experienced at doing so, so please do encourage your son to get out and practice a little over the half term break if you can.

Finally, tickets have gone on sale for this year’s Year 6 production of Aladdin. I am sure it will be a very colourful extravaganza and I am enjoying watching the boys rehearsing their parts. Details of how to purchase tickets can be found below: The show will run for three nights, Wednesday 26th , Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June at 7pm, in the Girls’ Division Theatre. Refreshments will be available before each show and during the interval in the Art rooms across the corridor from the theatre. Each show will have a limited number of tickets, so please purchase early to avoid disappointment Tickets are £5 per person and will be distributed via your son’s form teacher prior to the performance. Tickets are only available by making a payment on ParentPay (

Please do not attempt to order tickets via the School Office or to send any cash into school.

Park Road, BOLTON, BL1 4RD. t: (01204) 434735 , e:

The School Office is open from 8.15am - 4.15pm during term time.

Please direct all enquiries to and always include your son’s first name and surname, as well as his form If your son is going to be absent from School, whether he be off sick or attending dental, medical or any other appointment, please email so that the registers may be marked accordingly. Please use this email address for all day-to-day enquiries relating to school matters to ensure that your enquiry may be dealt with in a timely manner.

For all coach/transport enquiries: Logistics Co-ordinator: Mr B. Gould, t: (01204) 434711, e:

Contacting the School

Wednesday 22nd May

Y4 to Patterdale, 9am Y6 Career Carousel, all day

Y5 return from Patterdale, 3.55pm Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Thursday 23rd May

LAMDA, 4 pm

Jujitsu, 4 pm Cubs 6.30-7.45 pm

Friday 24th May

Y4 return from Patterdale, 3.45pm Fencing 4-5 pm



Monday 3rd June 8.45am

News from the Art Room

I have been really impressed with the amazing work produced by boys in Clay Club.

They have been making tiles based on the school logo which will be fired over at Senior School before we glaze and then refire before displaying them in school.

Great work, boys. JPM.

News from the Park Road PA

We are looking for volunteers to sell and bake cakes and snacks for sale at the Year 6 production of Aladdin on Weds 26th, Thurs 27th and Fri 28th June. Please contact us if you are able to help man the stalls on any of these occasions.

If you have any old uniform to donate, we would be very grateful. We are holding a pre-loved uniform sale on New Parents’ Evening (Monday 24 June, 7-8.30pm) at Park Road. Please contact the PA if you are able to assist us with this event.

WhatsApp if you would like to join the PA WhatsApp Group to keep up to date with all things PA, please click on the following link: If you would like to be added to the PA mailing list, please get in touch:

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter/X: @BSPDJnrBoysPA

Pot Noodles for Urban Outreach

Following our successful Christmas collection appeals, the School Council decided that it would be a good idea to support Urban Outreach throughout the year. We organised the emptying of the green Grub Tub on the bottom corridor and it is now ready again to receive donations.

Urban Outreach needs certain things all year round and so we have volunteered to collect pot noodles. Please bring in sealed pot noodles (any flavour) and put them in the green Grub Tub.

Our aim is to collect as many pot noodles as we can by the beginning of July. Thank you ! School Council

After School Activities—CANCELLED

Please note that this week's water polo training session (Friday 17th May) and next week's session (Friday 24th May) have had to be cancelled.

This is due to clashing fixtures, Patterdale trips and staff absences.

Please note that there will be no hockey training either on the last day of this half term Friday 24th May.

Kidzone & BSS May Half Term Schedule

In May half term, Kidzone will be offering its usual Holiday Club, the programme for which can be found linked here. The link to BSS’s May Sports Camp can be found here.

As ever, please do book early to avoid disappointment.

School Uniform Shop-Opening Hours

Please note that the last trading day for the school uniform shop will be Saturday May 25th , it will then be closed from Monday May 27th and will reopen on Monday June 3rd

The shop will also close on Friday July 6th and will be closed from Monday July 8th until Monday July 22nd

May Geography Mission—Eurovision !

The Eurovision Song Contest 2024 was held in Malmö, Sweden last weekend. Create a fact-file for the country of Sweden to persuade people to come and visit!

You could include information about the Eurovision song contest, the capital city of Stockholm, famous landmarks to visit, famous food and drink you can try, famous Swedish activities including biking, canoeing, fishing and hunting, famous Swedish traditions, 3 fun facts about Sweden.

Email with your submission by 4pm on Friday 31st May.



Y5 English

In Year 5 English, we are starting to write a report on the Amazon rainforest connected to our new book The Great Kapok Tree. Boys were working in collaborative research groups and sharing their summaries so that everyone had a full set of notes ready for report writing.

It was great to see the boys sharing their research enthusiastically and also asking some great questions. JPM

Y3 Trip to Patterdale Hall

The Year 3 boys had an unforgettable first visit to Patterdale Hall last week. They had glorious weather and all had the most amazing time everyone is looking forward to going again next year !

Visit from Polar Explorer

Last week, Year 5 boys had the privilege of listening to polar explorer, author, photographer and motivational speaker, Alex Hibbert, talk about his arctic adventures, not all of which ended in the success he had expected. He took the boys on a photographic journey through some of the most challenging terrain in the world, explaining how he and his team survived the conditions and adapted to changing circumstances and how the decision to spend time learning how to use the local dogs turned out to be the right one.

The session concluded with an engaging Q&A with Alex. LH

Year 6 Summer Production : Aladdin

The Year 6 musical production at the end of this year will be Aladdin! This will take place in the Girls' Division Theatre at 7pm on the 26th, 27th and 28th June.

Information about how to purchase tickets will be emailed to you all soon.

Due to the busy term ahead, including the Year 6 week in Patterdale, there are a number of rehearsal dates planned at the theatre.

We would therefore request that when making any appointments next term, that every effort is made to avoid the following dates and times below where possible.

Please note the provisional theatre rehearsal dates below:

Wednesday 22nd May 9-12, Thursday 23rd May 9-12

Wednesday 5th June 9-12, Thursday 6th June 9-12, Wednesday 19th June 9-12, Thursday 20th June 9-12 (dress rehearsal), Friday 21st June 9-12 (tech rehearsal), Monday 24th June 9-12 (dress rehearsal), Tuesday 25th June 1.30-4, Wednesday 26th June 912 & 1.30-4

Performance dates - Wednesday 26th, Thursday 27th and Friday 28th June 7pm

Thank you from the Year 6 Teachers !

Cricket 6s @ Manchester Grammar School

Sports News Round Up

Earlier this week, eight boys travelled to MGS to take part in the annual 6s Cricket Competition.

After two very convincing wins in the morning, we made it through to the Cup Final group, alongside King’s Macclesfield and Stockport Grammar. After a further two close matches, our boys finished 3rd in the whole competition.

Congratulations to everyone involved for some great cricket.

Swimming Gala Vs Manchester Grammar School

On Tuesday, we headed to Manchester Grammar again, for 16 boys from Years 3 to 6 to take part in a head to head swimming gala

After some close races, our boys narrowly lost by a mere eight points to a very strong MGS team.

Congratulations to everyone who raced. TWRG

Well done to Dylan in Year 5 (pictured here with Mr Wilson), who played chess for the county last weekend, winning 3/3 in the 2024 EPSCA U11 Final held in Northampton.

The Manchester team finished sixth overall in a really tough competition.

What a great achievement, Dylan !

Good luck in the Mega Final which takes place in Newcastle this coming weekend.


Congratulations to all the boys who were awarded a commendation in today's Celebration Assembly!

Well done !

What a rugby season Sebastian in Year 4 has had!

Seb was awarded “Coaches’ Player of the Year” for Under 9s and Bolton Rugby Club U6s and U12’s TREDS Player of the Year, having demonstrated brilliant team work, respect, enjoyment, discipline and sporting standards.

Well done congratulations on these amazing achievements !

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