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Self Care

THE KNOW HOW Health & Wellness

Self Care


Life can be very stressful, busy, and sometimes hard. You are not alone if you feel this way. No matter where you are or how old you are, there are things that make you worried or overwhelmed. It is a natural response from your brain that comes from sensing danger,so your brain is getting your body ready to fight or run for protection. Unfortunately, this does not change as you get older. This is why it is so important to take time for yourself. If you learn strategies about how to deal with busy, stressful times now, you can use these strategies for the rest of your life. There is no right way to take care of yourself or recharge. It can look very different for everybody. The important thing is that the activity is something you enjoy. In general, you can consider these categories, but like I said, there are many others. Exercise: Whether it be running, biking, skating, swimming, or dancing, this is a proven way to relieve stress. When we exercise and get our heart rates up, the body releases chemicals, or neurotransmitters, which signal your brain to do the opposite of what your body does when you are stressed. It also makes us feel strong and confident which is very important! Art: Painting, music, singing, photography. Sometimes being still and losing yourself in beauty is a good way to reset your brain and gain perspective on what you are going through. Science has shown that music tells your brain to release those same chemicals that make you feel happy and tell your excited body systems to slow down and relax.

42 May/June

Meditation: This word may make you picture a certain image when you hear it, but meditation can look different every time you do it. It simply means to be still and reflect or think about something. Some people find it helpful to recite a phrase to help calm themselves and clear thoughts from their mind. Others will focus on breathing in and out. And still others will use body movement through yoga or tai chi to help clear thoughts and center themselves. These are just a very few examples of ways to help take care of yourself and reset your mind. You may have heard of this new buzz word “ Mindfulness” which is sweeping the country. It means to live with intention, listen to your body, and take time to recognize what emotions you may be feeling. It is taking the time to think if these emotions are good or ones that you don't like. The next time you feel off, ask yourself, “What am I feeling?,” and decide if it is good or otherwise. If it is stress, try some of these methods and afterward ask yourself the same question. Hopefully you will have a different answer. Be patient with yourself. Self care is a skill you continue to develop throughout your entire life. But if you start now, you will be masters by the time you reach adulthood and will be ready to face the new challenges that come with age. Dr. Brittani M. Corbisiero, DO