1 minute read

Russia Cyber Attacks

Russia Cyber attacking the U.S.

Through the information I have gathered I found a group called APT29, or Cozy Bear. They are working for Russia’s foreign intelligence service that breached multiple U.S. government agencies. Including the treasure, energy departments and the national nuclear security administration. I believe that they did this because they wanted to cause something bad to happen that could lead to the deaths of many people, even probably framing it onto the U.S. Leading this to potentially be the biggest cyberattack since 2011. This is when 200,000 computers were hacked in about 150 countries stealing loads of money. They were able to do this through ransom. Ransom is when you block someone's personal data and be able to get the amount of money you would want or even more personal information. So as hackers they would be able to get into the government files and wouldn’t be able get the information back without paying the hackers. My opinion about cyberattacks is that they are bad and are considered a criminal attack. The way that we can stop cyberattacks is by getting antivirus and by getting massive security that will be able to stop viruses from attacking our corporations and government. Oliver
