Boise Weekly Vol. 21 Issue 13

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OCCUPY 2.0 Occupiers return to the scene to celebrate the first anniversary of the movement FEATURE 13

CLIMATE MATTERS Is this the year climate change gets respect? ARTS 28

BODY OF WORK Discovery Center prepares to unveil Bodies Revealed FOOD 32

POSTER CHILD Idaho tragedy draws attention to stalled food safety laws

So how is a pacifist supposed to vote this fall?


2 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly


BW STAFF Publisher: Sally Freeman Office Manager: Shea Sutton Editorial Editor: Rachael Daigle Features Editor: Deanna Darr Arts & Entertainment Editor: Tara Morgan News Editor: George Prentice New Media Czar: Josh Gross Copy Datatante: Sheree Whiteley Reporter: Andrew Crisp Listings: Copy Editor: Jay Vail Contributing Writers: Harrison Berry, Bill Cope, Randy King, Ted Rall, Trevor Villagrana Intern: Jordyn Price Advertising Advertising Director: Lisa Ware Account Executives: Sabra Brue, Karen Corn, Jessi Strong, Doug Taylor, Nick Thompson, Jill Weigel, Classified Sales Creative Art Director: Leila Ramella-Rader Graphic Designer: Jen Grable, Contributing Artists: Derf, Jeremy Lanningham, James Lloyd, Laurie Pearman, E.J. Pettinger, Ted Rall, Adam Rosenlund, Tom Tomorrow Circulation Shea Sutton Apply to Shea Sutton to be a BW driver. Man About Town: Stan Jackson Distribution: Tim Anders, Jason Brue, Andrew Cambell, Tim Green, Shane Greer, Stan Jackson, Barbara Kemp, Michael Kilburn, Amanda Noe, Northstar Cycle Couriers, Steve Pallsen, Elaynea Robinson, Jill Weigel Boise Weekly prints 30,000 copies every Wednesday and is available free of charge at more than 750 locations, limited to one copy per reader. Additional copies of the current issue of Boise Weekly may be purchased for $1, payable in advance. No person may, without permission of the publisher, take more than one copy of each issue. Subscriptions: 4 months-$40, 6 months-$50, 12 months-$95, Life-$1,000. ISSN 1944-6314 (print) ISSN 1944-6322 (online) Boise Weekly is owned and operated by Bar Bar Inc., an Idaho corporation. To contact us: Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad St., Boise, ID 83702 Phone: 208-344-2055 Fax: 208-342-4733 E-mail: Address editorial, business and production correspondence to: Boise Weekly, P.O. Box 1657, Boise, ID 83701 The entire contents and design of Boise Weekly are ©2012 by Bar Bar, Inc. Editorial Deadline: Thursday at noon before publication date. Sales Deadline: Thursday at 3 p.m. before publication date. Deadlines may shift at the discretion of the publisher. Boise Weekly was founded in 1992 by Andy and Debi Hedden-Nicely. Larry Ragan had a lot to do with it too. Boise weekly is an independently owned and operated newspaper.


NOTE CHANGING VIEWS ON CLIMATE CHANGE This week’s main story is a touchy subject: climate change. Although the notoriously hot-button topic hasn’t been front-and-center in the presidential election, the issue took a prominent place in headlines this summer as record temperatures and droughts ravaged the country while one well-known climate change denier, Richard Muller—whose research was funded by conservative anti-climate changers the Koch brothers—publicly switched sides and cited humans as “almost entirely the cause” of climate change, which he did not believe was occurring until his study. U.S. News and World Report published a brief several weeks after Muller’s op-ed ran in the New York Times that asked whether the Koch brothers—who, according to Muller in USNWR, “really do ‘want to get the science clarified’”— have changed their minds about climate change in light of the study’s findings. The question went largely unanswered. Also in the unanswered column this week: Rep. Raul Labrador’s opinion on climate change. Though the entirety of Idaho’s Congressional delegation was able to cobble together some kind of statement on climate change for “Scorched Earth” in time for Boise Weekly’s press deadline, Labrador’s office appears not to know, or at least care to share his position on the matter with BW readers. Should his handlers read my note and wish to contribute a statement after the fact, I’d be happy to publish it online. Coming up on the BW calendar: Best of Boise. Thanks to those of you who voted. The results of this year’s polling are on my desk and they’ll be ready for you by next week’s edition. In the meantime, troll for the ugly truth about the unchecked flow of money from super PACs, which may or may not have influenced polling outcomes. And save the date for Boise Weekly’s annual Cover Auction. This is an event we typically hold in November, but this year the date is Wednesday, Oct. 17. Each week, the cover of BW features the work of a local artist, and once a year, we sell off the entirety of the year’s work in an auction that fills the coffers of a private grant, which is redistributed to local artists and arts organizations. Join us at the Idaho State Historical Museum. Doors open at 5 p.m. and the auction starts promptly at 6 p.m. Admission is a $5 suggested donation, which also goes toward the grant fund. See for details. —Rachael Daigle

COVER ARTIST ARTIST: JanyRae Seda TITLE: Fall Sunflowers MEDIUM: Oil on board. ARTIST STATEMENT: Sunflowers along the roadside, next to the alley fence, growing in my garden ... Sunflowers always watching the sun go by. Can’t imagine the world without them so I better go paint more.


Boise Weekly pays $150 for published covers. One stipulation of publication is that the piece must be donated to BW’s annual charity art auction in November. Proceeds from the auction are reinvested in the local arts community through a series of private grants for which all artists are eligible to apply. To submit your artwork for BW’s cover, bring it to BWHQ at 523 Broad St. All mediums are accepted. Thirty days from your submission date, your work will be ready for pick up if it’s not chosen to be featured on the cover. Work not picked up within six weeks of submission will be discarded.

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WWW.BOISEWEEKLY.COM What you missed this week in the digital world.









NEWS What’s the future of the Exergy Tour? CITIZEN

BW COVER AUCTION OCT. 17 Boise Weekly’s annual Cover Auction is set for Wednesday, Oct. 17, at the Idaho State Historical Museum. Doors open at 5 p.m., the auction starts promptly at 6 p.m. Find details on the event at Cobweb.

HYDE PARK HAPPENINGS BW wandered Hyde Park Street Fair in search of free spirits who were willing to answer a few somewhat ridiculous questions for BW’s video series Street Spit. Log onto video. or scan the QR code to see what they had to say.

WE WRITE GOOD “There is five guys and five girls, the girls will get to sleep inside the plane so they don’t get to cold or scared.” That was written by an American eighth grader and according to the Nation’s Report Card, students in the United States are not doing so well when it comes to writing. Read the full story at Citydesk.

GRAPH IT New at Graph of the Week. How much liquor does Boise consume compared to Meridian? Who has the most parking tickets? We have the answers.

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FEATURE Scorched Earth










NOISE Deerhoof picks up the phone for new album




ARTS Inside Bodies: Revealed


SCREEN The Master


REC Can sage grouse conservation and hunting coexist?


FOOD Forwarding the cause of food safety












DR. RON PAUL IS THE MOST HONEST, TRUSTWORTHY, UNSELFISH, GENEROUS, PATRIOTIC PERSON IN GOVERNMENT, PERIOD.” —Hallie Lewis Roberts, (Citydesk, “Ron Paul, Other Members of Congress Corrupt, According to Study,” Sept. 16, 2012)

HUNTING AND CONSERVING As an Idahoan who does not hunt or fish but one who cares deeply about Idaho’s land and wildlife, I attended the Idaho Wildlife Summit at the end of August. Virgil Moore, director of Idaho Fish and Game, his staff and the commissioners really put on a terrific event. It was a wonderful opportunity to hear from a great diversity of folks. Shane Mahoney, an international conservationist and hunter, spoke about the critical and urgent need to protect Idaho’s wildlife diversity, including non-game animals. Conservation was a common theme to all of the speakers, and while the department is charged with managing all wildlife, the majority of funding comes from hunting and fishing licenses. It is a dilemma that will need attention into the future. The message could not be clearer that conservation may be the most important consideration of all, and we will all need to share in its support. I dream of a future in which Idahoans of all ages learn to know the plants and animals that make up the communities of their bio-regions. I believe that partnerships between land and wildlife managers and conservationists will make it possible to grow conservation education programs with the ultimate goal of conserving the natural world.

Many thanks to Idaho Department of Fish and Game for giving Idahoans the opportunity to share our views on Idaho’s wildlife. —Christine Gertschen, Sun Valley

VOTERS LEFT IN DARK OVER SCHOOL LEVY In a recent editorial in the Kuna Melba News, I asked for a detailed plan as to how the Kuna School District would spend the proposed levy funds. I wrote that I was “inclined to support” the levy. My only ask was a detailed plan as to how my school district would spend the money. The KSD’s answer? A vague response, claiming the money would go “primarily” to teachers. Beyond that, they offered no specifics. For example, in the budget, there is $100,000 listed for “textbooks.” However, it is not allocated by grade, school or subject. Moreover the KSD includes in that “textbook” category items labeled “technology,” “technology equipment,” and “equipment.” Textbooks then show up later in the budget under another category, “supplies-KHS” (Kuna High School). And while the “supplies” category is for the Kuna High School, there are also items listed “textbooks” and “curriculum” for the Kuna Middle School under the “High School” category. Why didn’t the Kuna School District offer voters

S U B M I T Letters must include writer’s full name, city of residence and contact information and must be 300 or fewer words. OPINION: Lengthier, in-depth opinions on local, national and international topics. E-mail for guidelines. Submit letters to the editor via mail (523 Broad St., Boise, Idaho 83702) or e-mail ( Letters and opinions may be edited for length or clarity. NOTICE: Ever y item of correspondence, whether mailed, e-mailed, commented on our Web site or Facebook page or left on our phone system’s voice-mail is fair game for MAIL unless specifically noted in the message. WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

a budget that enumerated how the money would be allocated? As a tutor in Kuna, I purchase textbooks and materials for my students— including family. I speak regularly with the teachers of my students. And I donate other resources to ensure my students learn. I am glad teachers will get more money. I am disappointed no government official told me how they planned to spend the estimated $252 to $515 from my pocket. Thank you. —Steve Ackerman, Kuna

WHAT’S ASPHALT GOT TO DO WITH IT? Shame on Garden City Mayor John Evans and the City Council. He paid $9,800 of my tax dollars to the Land Group of Eagle to tell us that it would take $1.3 million to pave a portion of the Boise River Greenbelt that doesn’t need to be paved. This was the cheapest scare tactic ever devised by a politician to get the public support to keep his stretch of the Greenbelt off limit to bikes. There are lots of other sections of the Greenbelt that are not paved between Boise and Eagle and beyond. We don’t need to pave the Greenbelt in order for a trail to be used by bicyclists, walkers and joggers as it was originally intended. In November 1980, the State of Idaho required the Riverside Village developer to construct a bike path beside the Boise River in Riverside Village in exchange for permission to build upon state owned lands there. On Nov. 6 remember to exercise your rights. Lift the ban. —Oliver W. Thompson. Garden City

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ORANGE, BLUE AND RED Cope’s empty chair talks back Let us leave aside politics and presidential campaigns for a day, as I wish to extend a helpful hand to some fellow journalists, living right here amongst us in the City of Trees, who I believe are suffering from some hideous form of writers’ block (WB). It is the most debilitating strain of WB, as far as I’m concerned, for instead of being unable to think of anything at all to write (as in the standard cases of WB), these poor souls are afflicted with a mutation that forces them to employ the same word, over and over and over. I’m talking about whomever it is covering local college football down at the indigenous daily newspaper. Perhaps you’ve noticed, too, that they can’t seem to type out the word “Bronco” without following it with the word “Blitz.” It must be painful, to be mired down in such a Pavlovian sump, and I simply cannot stand to see other writers suffer. So my intention on this day is to throw them a lifeline with which they might extricate themselves from this sinkhole of one-note hyperbole. I will remind them that there are indeed other words that might go with “Bronco,” and hopefully, one or more of the alternatives I offer up will shake them loose from their condition. I list the words alphabetically for easy access and continuing in the spirit of alliteration—that enticing Lorelei of writers’ frivolity that I suspect lured them into this dark entanglement in the first place—I will restrict my suggestions to those that begin with the letter “B.” Here goes. Gosh, I sure hope they are listening. Babble ... bagged ... bail ... balderdash ... banal ... bellyache ... bilge ... “Cope!” I got more bone to pick wit’ you.” “Shhhhh! Not now, Red. Can’t you see I’m busy? I’ll call you later, OK?” “Nosiree, you talk wit‘ me right now. Forget whate’er you’re doin’ an’ explain to me what reason you got for letting all them Dem’crats off’n the hook for what lies they told at their big hoopdeedoo.” “What are you talking about, Red? I didn’t hear any lies at their convention.” “You heard lies when the ’Publicans had their hoopdeedoo, dintcha?” “Oooooh, yeah. Plenty and plenty and plenty of lies.” “Wull dem Dem‘crats are politicians, too, ya’ know. And ever’body knows how that’s what politicians do ... is to lie. You plain ain’t being fair and balancinated when you go on ’n on about how one bunch lies, but don’t say jackcrap ’bout how the other bunch lies.” “There’s your mistake, Red. You’ve swallowed the biggest lie the Republicans tell … that since they will say anything it takes to win an election, it means the other side must be doing it as well. It’s what’s called “false equivalency,” Red, that all politicians and all politics are equal. It’s based on the misbegot-

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ten conviction that goes something like … ‘Well, since I’m a rotten sonofabitch, then everybody must be a rotten sonofabitch.’ Now look, buddy, I’m trying to bring some local newspaper people back from the brink, so you go away and come back next week. Uh, where was I? Bilious ... blab ... bland … blather ... blithering ...” “First of all, Cope, that Paul Ryan feller might o‘ got a couple ’r three of his facts bungled up, but that don’t mean all ’Publicans are as big a fibber as him. And second ... did you jus‘ call me a rotten sum’bitch?” “No no no, Red. You’re not a rotten sonofabitch. But you are a little too quick to believe real rotten sonofabitchs whenever they’re saying whatever it is you want to hear. And besides, Ryan’s lies are just the latest in a long tradition of Republican whoppers. Remember how Hillary Clinton murdered Vince Foster and dumped his body in a park?” “Oh yeah. I almost forget ’bout that. How’d that turn out, anyway? Hows come Hillary di‘n’t have to go to prison over it?” “Because it never happened, that’s why. Just like it never happened that Michael Dukakis’ wife burned an American flag like some Republicans were claiming she did. Just like it never happened that John Kerry was a coward in Vietnam instead of a hero, or that Richard Nixon was not a crook, or that Jimmy Carter was a weakling because some helicopters crashed in an Iranian sandstorm, or that President Barack Obama was born in Kenya and hates America, or that the State Department was crawling with Commies in the ’50s, or that John McCain fathered an illegitimate black baby like Karl Rove said he did just so George W. Bush could beat him in 2000, or that Ronald Reagan had no knowledge of the Iran-Contra crimes, or that Mitt Romney’s taxes are nobody’s business, or that ...” “Gull durn, shut up, Cope! Yous wearing me out. You sayin’ that no Dem’crat ain’t never told no lies?” “Of course Democrats tell lies. ‘I did not have sex with that woman’ comes to mind. But here’s the difference, Red. When a Democrat tells a lie, it’s not turned into party ideology. The Romney bunch jiggers an Obama comment into something he never said … like turning ‘You didn’t build that bridge or school or sewer system,’ into ‘You didn’t build your business’ ... and makes it into a central theme of their campaign. Lies, lies and more lies. Without them, Romney wouldn’t have a damn thing to run on. Now get lost. Pleeeeeze. I’ve got to get this done before next weekend’s sports section comes out. Blunderous ... boast ... bollocks ... boonies ... botch ... braggadocio ... bumble ...” “Whats ya’ doin’ anyway, Cope? Thinkin’ up words what go with ‘Bill?’ Ha! I’s got one for ya’. ‘Bronco.’ Like in ‘Bronco Billy’ ... get it?” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

We employed the distinct flavor of Nelson Sauvin hops to bring American pale ale and American lager together in this crisp and congratulatory Shift. So clock out and crack open a Shift Pale Lager to reward your work. Or play. Or, if you’re like us, combine the two and surround yourself with drinking buddies.


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Anti-warriors are citizens without a party

9:30AM - 1:30PM

8th Street from Bannock to Main Street & on the Grove Plaza Chef Abbigail Carlson - Cooking with fresh, seasonal produce from the Market - Saturdays Q 10am to Noon * Fresh locally grown produce, herbs, & flowers * Idaho Specialty Foods & Wines * Great Selection of Local Artwork

8 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Americans overwhelmingly oppose the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. Even many veterans say the post-9/11 War on Terror was a mistake. Anti-war sentiment is the majority opinion when it comes to the prospect of future conflicts. Of the two countries the United States is most likely to attack militarily, nearly seven out of 10 people are against invading Syria and public opinion is running opposed to attacking Iran, by 52 percent to 41 percent. Not only are most against wars, we want to slash defense spending. According to a National Journal poll, 60 percent want to cut the Pentagon budget, while 35 percent don’t. Eleven years after America lost the Twin Towers and then its collective mind, something remarkable has happened. We’ve come to our senses. We’re a nation of pacifists. So how is a pacifist supposed to vote this fall? Obviously not Republican: Mitt Romney says he’ll cut every department except Defense, wants to spend more on weapons and is open to fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq indefinitely. But with all the veteran and war messaging that went on at the national convention, Democrats look like a mirror image of the GOP: jingoistic, militaristic and gung-ho for war. It’s official: the Dems are a war party. Why the new bellicose tone? In part, it’s an attempt to counter the old canard that Democrats are weak on defense, a charge that Republicans used to their electoral advantage throughout the Cold War. It’s also a reflection of the triumph of Democratic Leadership Council-inspired conservatives, who have cowed, purged and marginalized liberals and pacifists from the party. Militarism may be unpopular, but it still

rules the ruling class. The military-industrial complex enjoys more direct political and economic influence among government officials than ever. The post-9/11 Cult of the Noble Soldier, coupled with the myth of a beleaguered United States defending the world from barbarians in an epic clash of civilizations, merely recasts old-fashioned fascist militarism—and it’s just as effective at confusing leftie opponents and putting them off-balance. Truth be told, the Democrats’ new hawkish tone is catching up with their party’s history. Ronald Reagan gets credit for the defense build-up of the 1980s that supposedly bankrupted the Soviet Union, but it was Jimmy Carter who started it in 1978. No one remembers now, but Carter also gave us draft registration. Mr. Habitat for Humanity sent arms to the Afghan mujahideen and provoked the Iran hostage crisis. Bill Clinton launched an optional war of choice against Serbia based on sketchy justifications and waged an incessant aerial bombing campaign against Iraq. President Barack Obama may not have been popular with the SEAL team he sent to assassinate bin Laden, but thousands of Pakistanis, Afghans, Yemenis and Somalis victimized by the reign of terror unleashed by his unprecedented, expanded program of drone plane bombings can attest to his credentials as a happy warrior. Democrats have always been pro-war. They might as well shout it from the rooftops. Most Americans are against the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the untouchable status of Pentagon spending. Yet, there is no political home for people who oppose war. Where is a pacifist to go?




STILL PEDDLING Exergy cycling looking forward to Rio 2016 despite payment woes HARRISON BERRY James Carkulis, president and CEO of Exergy Development Group, sat at the marble table in the glass-enclosed penthouse suite of the nesting doll that is the Hoff Building. Thumbing through a short stack of printed media articles and e-mails, he settled on one article from The Idaho State Journal and read aloud: “So far, even Exergy’s hometown has been stiffed.” “We haven’t stiffed anyone,” Carkulis said. The article and Carkulis refer to the thenrecently paid $27,500 bill from the City of Boise for police and waste disposal, one of an undisclosed number of invoices it was left after the Exergy Development-funded Exergy Tour, the women’s road cycling race Boise hosted in May. Since the tour, Exergy Development’s cash shortage has become an open secret that continues to draw scrutiny–– and Carkulis’ ire––as he and his cycling teams look forward to next year’s tour and beyond. Invoices began piling up almost before the Exergy Tour was over. Though Carkulis declined to comment on how much is left to pay or to whom, he said that Exergy Development originally allocated $1 million to the tour. By the time he has signed the last check, cash outflow from Exergy Development to Exergy Tour will total $1.9 million. The doubling of Exergy’s sponsorship of the Exergy Tour dragged a business page quarrel between the energy development company and Idaho Power to page one. Exergy Development’s role in funding the tour ballooned after filling in a budget gap left when unnamed race organizers didn’t provide sufficient funds. To pay for the overages, Exergy diverted the difference from its business cash flow. “Unfortunately,” Carkulis said, “our cash flow was constrained with the current Public Utility Commission filings in Idaho and placing on hold $250 million of our Idaho projects, which we had under construction.” In July, construction at six sites became mothballs. A conflict between Idaho Power and Exergy Development over transmission services and interconnection processes culminated in both parties entering mediation through the Public Utilities Commission. Idaho Power filed complaints with the PUC that Exergy’s projects had not been completed by their scheduled July 2011 operation date, violating the terms of their energy sales agreement. Idaho Power then testified that adding new WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

A collection of “no” signs has been added to the updated version of Occupy Boise.


Exergy Development is expecting that its Exergy Tour bills will total $1.9 million. It initially allocated $1 million.

sources of wind energy would unnecessarily drive up electricity costs to the tune of $594 million over the 20-year term of Exergy’s agreement to provide wind energy in Idaho. Idaho Power spokesman Brad Bowlin said that the company was unable to comment on the subject of its dealings with Exergy because of the terms of the PUC’s mediation. In mid-August, Exergy Development permanently suspended its open Idaho wind energy projects, giving up its rights to projects in Twin Falls, Lincoln and Bingham counties. Exergy’s prospects for wind energy generation in Idaho were at an apogee in 2010. Two years later, they were nil, but the profitability of Exergy’s venture had been in slow decline for more than a year by the time the PUC ruled. In April 2011, the Idaho Legislature voted to allow a tax credit exempting alternative energy companies from usage and sales taxes to expire that June, cutting into Exergy’s bottom line. As the company’s cash flow was pinched, so was the tour’s, and the bills are still being paid. One group voiced its disappointment with Exergy Tour’s late invoices in the media. When the Wildcat cheerleading squad from Columbia High School in Nampa didn’t receive a $2,000 donation to sponsor a cheerleading camp in return for working trash and recycling services at the tour, it posted a disgruntled letter on the KTVB Channel 7 website. “After months of non-payment, yesterday Columbia Wildcat Cheerleaders were told that Exergy would not be paying,” wrote KTVB-user “mebgreer.” “Does this teach these impressionable young girls not to participate, work or volunteer at other community events and with other groups in general?” Carkulis said that Exergy has since paid the cheerleading squad, and that the team being told it would not be remunerated for

its services was a misunderstanding that arose when a third-party race organizer contacted the squad. The Wildcat Cheerleaders’ coach Jennifer Dickinson and the unnamed race organizer could not be reached for comment. Others have been more relaxed about Exergy Tour’s late payments. On Aug. 30, Exergy paid its bill to the City of Boise for waste and police services. The bill was weeks overdue, but upon receipt of payment, Boise welcomed the return of the tour with open arms. “The mayor and the Council were thrilled with the Exergy event,” said Adam Park, spokesman for Boise Mayor Dave Bieter. Park is confident the tour had a positive economic impact on cities and towns that held events, but said that the attendance and its tourism value remain a guess. More concrete is in how the tour fits in with the city’s long-term branding and development agenda. “It’s more than just economic impact—it fits in with the livability goals the mayor and Council have set,” he said. One of those goals is for Boise to solidify its image as a recreation hub. Exergy Tour and the Twilight Criterium (and, from 1984 to 2002, the Women’s Challenge) contribute to that image. Despite the payment woes, Exergy’s men’s and women’s racing teams are already looking to the future. Tad Hamilton, race director of Team Exergy, is tinkering with his roster. In the coming weeks, he will drop six riders from his squad of 16 and add three. “You have to look at who has done a good job for you and the guys who you think can win,” he said. Building a winning team isn’t just about having the fastest riders. The best squads spare aggressive riders for most of a race so they can surge to a 12 winning finish at the end––“It’s a bit

Some circled Sept. 17 as “Constitution Day” or “Citizenship Day.” Tens of thousands of self-proclaimed 99 percenters saw the third Monday in September as the one-year anniversar y of the Occupy Wall Street movement, which spread to scores of the world’s cities, including Boise. “Happy anniversar y, Occupy citizens,” said the message from Occupy Boise, welcoming protesters back to the grounds in front of the Old Ada County Cour thouse, which saw an eight-month tent city grow through the fall and winter of 2011-2012 into a more symbolic presence when the tents came down in June. That’s when U.S. District Judge B. Lynn Winmill ordered the occupiers to disappear—for at least eight weeks—while the State of Idaho per formed lawn maintenance. But when Occupy Boise returned Sept. 17, its presence was much more por table. “It shouldn’t take us more than an hour to set up and an hour to move out, just in case we have to vacate for groundskeeping,” occupier Gene Bray told Citydesk. Fellow Occupier Barbara Kemp added, “You wouldn’t want free speech to interfere with lawn mowers and sprinklers.” Winmill’s eight-week ban ended more than a month ago, but occupiers face a litany of new restrictions, enacted by the Idaho Depar tment of Administration in its effor t to control similar protests. “No sleeping, no loitering, no cooking.“ Bray counted off more than a dozen “no’s” that he printed out on signs—some more serious than others—that also included no assembly for more than four hours and no snoring. Occupy Boise organizers spent the anniversar y recruiting volunteers as “vigil keepers” to attend the protest site each day between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. In par ticular, occupiers said they wanted to call greater attention to Boise’s homeless citizens and crafted what she called a “homeless wish list,” on which the homeless could categorize their immediate needs. Meanwhile, the homeless—or anyone else—can’t consider Occupy Boise a home, temporar y or other wise. But the vigil site has definitely returned. —George Prentice

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ROB PEREZ Making shoes, managing a bank and taking out the trash GEORGE PRENTICE

How old were you when you began making shoes? I went to work at the age of 13. I was the only apprentice who stayed because the shoemaker was very hard on us. I was there for 10 years. Isn’t shoemaking nearly a lost art? Masters start to see their trade as an art form and the creative process takes on a different dimension. My mentor, Ralph Turner, integrated philosophy with his business. He had a library in the back of the shoe shop, filled with books about Buddha and the writing of Kahlil Gibran. We would be making shoes and he would stop and ask me, “What do you think the relationship is between truth and beauty?” Did you take great pride in your work? I remember walking across the street to make our deposit into the Idaho First National Bank, and my hands were stained with dye and my apron covered with glue. I could see the tellers rolling their eyes as I walked in the door. And here I am all these years later as the president of a bank. Did that experience inform how you see customers? When you’re serving, you’re subordinat-

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ing to someone, and that’s a form of communion with another human being. There’s no greater calling. I learned that in a shoe shop. In your 30-plus years in banking, you’ve seen two serious recessions. Have you seen colleagues or friends suffer financially? Not a week goes by that I don’t get a call from someone asking to sit down and talk about his or her challenges. The struggles are less this year compared to last year, but the problems facing some businesses continue to be relatively pervasive. You’re currently sitting on the board of the Greater Boise Auditorium District (a position Perez agreed to take when Mike Fitzgerald resigned in March) but you’ll need to decide sooner than later on whether you want to run for the same seat next year. The term expires in May 2013. When they solicited me, I told them I had to see how well the GBAD board would function. Can you appreciate that a number of citizens look at GBAD and scratch their heads? Absolutely. The past two years have not included the board’s finest of moments. The board needed to see itself as a team,


Rob Perez is one of Boise’s most active citizens, serving on the board of the City Club of Boise, the Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry and the Boise State Foundation. He’s also president of the Arid Club and a recent addition to the Greater Boise Auditorium District board. Perez is also the founder, president and CEO of Boise-based Western Capital Bank, which recently merged with Northwest Bank, stretching its customer base through the Pacific Northwest. But Perez still sees himself working behind a bench in a Mountain Home shoe shop, as apprentice to a master craftsman.

and I feel the board today is working very effectively. I believe we’ve made some significant strides by engaging with important stakeholders, which GBAD hasn’t necessarily seen as partners previously. I’m talking about the City of Boise and the Capital City Development Corporation. What’s the chance of dirt being turned for a new auditorium, convention center or new meeting complex in the next five years? Very good. For the better part of two years, that discussion hadn’t really progressed. There’s a recognition today that we couldn’t continue to just study, study and study. We need to make a decision if there’s a need, if we can afford it and if the community supports it. If not, quite frankly, we shouldn’t be collecting a 5 percent room tax. Are you close to determining that need? We know there’s a need for more space today. But I also think the board is getting greater clarity of what we can afford. Shopping for a $1 million home makes no sense if you’re only qualified for a $200,000 mortgage. Might a new hotel be integral to any future plans for a new auditorium? Convention goers don’t like to




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NEWS of politics, a bit of performance,” Hamilton said––and unlike profes9 sional sports like baseball or basketball, ticket sales, broadcast deals and merchandise don’t pay the bills. Big sponsors like Exergy do. The bills aren’t chump change. Hamilton said the average men’s team has a $1 million budget, about one-third of which goes to riders in the form of salaries. Most entry-level pro racers have a take-home income of just $5,000 per year, but that allowance is supplemented by about $30,000 in lodging, food, training and equipment. This coming season, the net loss of three Team Exergy riders will save his team $100,000. Hamilton’s objective is to maintain his squad’s balance. On his roster are up-andcoming riders as well as seasoned veterans of the continental tour, and their skill levels allow Team Exergy to compete successfully with big American teams like Optum, LiveStrong and Bissell. “We’re at a level that is a bit of a developmental level,” he said. While Team Exergy is stirring up its roster, Team Twenty16 (formerly Team Twenty12) is stirring up the role women play in the sport. This year at the London Summer Olympic Games, Exergy Twenty12 cyclists Kristin Armstrong and Lauren Tamayo represented the United States. Armstrong won her second gold medal in the individual time trial.

But the Exergy brand is looking to expand women’s cycling beyond the visibility of its most aggressive riders. In professional cycling, the gender line is a sponsorship cliff. “We have a concern about adequate sponsorship on the female side of the sport,” Carkulis said. Carkulis envisioned the Exergy Tour growing the sponsorship opportunities and participation in women’s cycling. To do that, the tour had to expand its visibility. Beyond local and cycling-specific media, the Exergy Tour used TourTracker, the online race viewer used at the Tour De France, marking the first time TourTracker had been used at a women’s cycling event. Nicola Cranmer, Team Twenty16’s general manager, said Exergy Tour and TourTracker have enhanced women’s visibility within the sport, but added that her riders have a different outlook on participating in professional sports from their male counterparts. “We really encourage our women to think about life after cycling,” she said. Unlike the members of Team Exergy, many of Cranmer’s riders are junior riders still finishing high school. Others are trying to raise a family or secure full-time employment. These competing interests are reflected in the rigorousness of the women’s team’s schedule. “Some teams choose to race every weekend and we don’t,” Cranmer said.


spread out too much, so we need to have a substantial hotel presence near that space.

If you want to see those plans through, you’ll need to decide soon if you want to run for another term. If I can help because of my business and finance background, and we have an effective team, I’ll feel really good about running. As it sits today, there’s a high probability that I will. Did you ever run for office before? Only student government. Speaking of which, I want to show you a sketch that we found in the Boise State digital archives. I think this is you in 1979. I had pretty long hair and a mustache. I looked like a Sandinista rebel. Who was this young man? I don’t know. He’s vaguely familiar. I don’t think that young man had too many plans. Are you proud alumni of Boise State? If it hadn’t been for Boise State, college education would have been very difficult to come by, given my economic background.

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Frankly, I now work in an industry that makes loans for a living, but I was always taught to be debt averse. My work in the shoe shop and as a resident adviser for all four years of college allowed me to pay for school. As part of this year’s homecoming weekend Friday, Oct. 19, you’ll be honored as a distinguished alumnus. It only means I’m getting older. Recognition is nice, but no one here at the bank knows about it. What’s your favorite part about being a bank president? I like to solve problems. I had a client come to visit the other day and I was walking through the parking lot because I was taking the trash out. He said, “Rob, wait a minute. What are you doing?” I said, “The trash needs to be taken out.” Do you still think that you’re making shoes, figuratively? It took me a while to figure that out. The most satisfying thing I ever did was make shoes. I’m a shoemaker first and a banker second. When I came to that conclusion, it changed everything.




IMAGINE THIS: It’s 2050. Global warming has melted the icecaps, and rising oceans are swallowing up islands and countries. Papua New Guinea is gone. So is Florida. Refugees from Bangladesh stream into India and Pakistan, two countries perpetually on the verge of conflict. The millions of refugees spur panic. And then war.


It’s 2100. Greenhouse gases have reached the tipping point where the atmosphere traps more heat than it releases. Runaway warming begins turning the world into a hot, dead marble like Venus. No one on Earth can stop it ...


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HOT POTATO Where do Mitt Romney and Barack Obama stand on climate change? It depends when you’re asking. Both candidates have altered their remarks over the years. Romney has said in the past—and in his 2010 book No Apologies—that he believes climate change is caused by human actions. That changed as he vied to become the Republican choice for president. “My view is that we don’t know what’s causing climate change on this planet,” an October 2011 story by CNN quotes Romney as saying. “And the idea of spending trillions and trillions of dollars to try to reduce CO2 emissions is not the right course for us.” And Romney, in a statement to, said: “I am not a scientist myself, but my best assessment of the data is that the world is getting warmer, that human activity contributes to that warming and that policymakers should therefore consider the risk of negative consequences. However, there remains a lack of scientific consensus on the issue—on the extent of the warming, the extent of the human contribution and the severity of the risk—and I believe we must support continued debate and investigation within the scientific community.” Obama has done some of his own shifting. Like other Democrats, he’s chucked the soar-

ing rhetoric of saving the planet in order to talk about the consistently uneven economy. In November 2008, Obama vowed during the presidential campaign “to reduce climatealtering carbon dioxide emissions by 80 percent by 2050, and invest $150 billion in new energy-saving technologies,” according to a 2008 New York Times story. But while Obama still talks about how we need to reduce greenhouse gases, the lofty promises are absent. In remarks last week, Obama instead touted a series of smaller moves already made by the administration to curb greenhouse gases. “Climate change is one of the biggest issues of this generation,” he said in a statement to, “and we have to meet this challenge by driving smart policies that lead to greater growth in clean energy generation and result in a range of economic and social benefits. Since taking office, I have established historic standards limiting greenhouse gas emissions from our vehicles for the first time in history. My administration has made unprecedented investments in clean energy, proposed the first-ever carbon pollution limits for new fossil-fuel-fired power plants and reduced carbon emissions within the federal government.” —Joe O’Sullivan


What do Idaho’s elected congressmen have to say on the issue of climate change?


Crapo’s Communications Director Lindsay Nothern said Crapo believes the climate change discussion has merit, but that he’s not 100 percent convinced of man’s involvement as opposed to natural occurrences. “He’s convinced there’s definitely an impact, but he’s always said whatever steps we take to deal with the situation is something that we have to do globally, not just nationally,” Nothern said. He added that Crapo supports alternative energy options like nuclear and green energy, and adds that it’s important to widen our energy portfolio. Nothern added that Crapo is still cautious about moving too quickly. “The worst thing is plunging our economy into problems because of energy prices,” he said.


Risch’s Communications Director Brad Hoaglun said that Risch approaches the issue of climate change from a scientific perspective since he did his undergrad work in science. Hoaglun said Risch points to the fact that science has shown that the Earth has natural cycles of heating and cooling, and that while current science does show a warming trend in some areas, it cannot prove, at this point, the exact cause of the phenomena. Risch also points to the competing scientific theories, adding that

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theory can only become fact after repeated experiments, which can’t be done. Regardless of the cause, Hoaglun said Risch believes that wherever it is reasonable, we should use alternatives to CO2-emitting sources of energy, but quickly added that he also wants to protect Idahoans from high energy costs. And while Risch supports nuclear energy, he is strongly opposed to any “enormous, radical or expensive program” like Cap and Trade.


Simpson issued the following statement: “There is widespread disagreement as to the magnitude of human influence on the climate and the degree to which any effort by humanity to reduce carbon output would slow or reverse the effects of climate change. “While I believe we must work to move our economy to a sustainable, independent energy source, I am concerned that recent government efforts to address climate change would result in large tax increases, major job losses and higher energy costs, all without any real improvement in climate conditions over the next 100 years. Instead of creating a host of expensive government mandates and duplicative programs, I support looking at all the options as we move our economy toward environmentally responsible energy independence.”


Rep. Labrador’s office was unable to comment by press time.




But why go with the doomsday, sci-fi scenarios? Let’s stick to the evidence and what scientists think they can establish for certain. So, what if: It’s 2050 and it’s been a grueling summer. Summers and winters in Eastern Washington are on average 3 degrees warmer than at the century’s start. The snow pack melts early and leaves rivers nearly dry by summer’s end. Lower river flows hamper the dams that generate electricity. And the heat sustains more bugs: pine bark beetles eating into forests, codling moths burrowing into apples. By this point, climate change is costing Washingtonians $6.5 billion per year, according to a study by the American Security Project, a think tank headed by guys like conservative former Nebraska Sen. Chuck Hagel and liberal Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry. The 3-degrees figure comes from Nick Bond, Washington state’s climatologist. And while he says long-term projections have to be taken with a “bucket of salt,” Bond said that by 2100, Eastern Washington could be 7 degrees or 8 degrees hotter than it is now. “We’ve kind of already made our bed,” Bond said. After decades of talk about global warming, politicians have done little to stop the greenhouse gases that began pouring into the atmosphere at the dawn of the Industrial Age. And since 2008, when the Great Recession began choking the United States’ economy, mention of climate change has been largely verboten. In its place have come immediate needs: millions of Americans unemployed, having lost their homes and retirements. But with much of the country still wilting under the third-hottest summer on record—plus a prominent climate skeptic changing his mind, drought declarations hitting 26 states and the CIA now analyzing catastrophe scenarios—we could look back on the summer of 2012 as the moment we finally embraced the implications of human progress. But will our current political climate

stymie efforts to address global warming? If so, can the Inland Northwest create change through its own policies? More to the point: As the region withers, how will people adapt?

A HISTORY OF CHANGE “I’m not very optimistic,” said Gonzaga University Associate Professor Brian Henning. “I wish I was.” Henning, who teaches global warming ethics, said Americans would need to cut between 60 percent and 80 percent of greenhouse gases to stave off catastrophe (species going extinct, global populations being displaced). The professor practices what he preaches—he bought a house within walking distance of Gonzaga so he wouldn’t have to drive to campus—but like many others, he sits in an air-conditioned office. The average American generates 20 metric tons of carbon per year, according to a 2008 study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Even an average homeless American, the study found, uses more carbon (8.5 tons) in a year than does the average global citizen (4 tons). “You need to have a conversation about whether our habits are sustainable,” Henning said. “[Many people] like to think we can keep on pretty much as we are, if [they] just put solar panels up.” The science is paradoxical. Greenhouse gas—the cocktail of carbon, nitrous oxide, methane and other gases found in the atmosphere—is what holds in the sun’s heat and allows life. From orbiting spacecraft, it appears as nothing more than a blue shell the width of a thumbnail. The gases occur naturally—plants give off oxygen and take in carbon and when those plants die, they often release the carbon again. “The greenhouse effect is completely natural—if we didn’t have [some greenWWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

by libertarian Charles Koch, one of two house gas] in the atmosphere, the planet oil magnate brothers whom liberals blame would be frozen roughly to the equator,â€? for funding climate denial. Between 1997 Henning said. and 2008, Koch Industries contributed Too much greenhouse gas is equally more than $50 million to groups that deny fatal. Consider Venus, sometimes called climate change, according to a report by Earth’s sister planet. The two planets share Greenpeace. a similar size and gravity. But as a result Muller may have changed his mind, but of runaway greenhouse gas—meaning its blanket of gases continue to trap more heat according to a March Gallup poll, nearly half of Americans don’t believe global than they let escape—the surface temperawarming is happening right now. ture of Venus can reach more than 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The climate—the temperatures, seasons and weather patterns that surround us— has always uctuated. So why do scientists believe humans are causing climate change this time around? Several factors have been discarded The headquarters of Shepherd’s Grain as plausible theories, according to HenCo. consists of a pair of rooms on the ning. The changes can’t be coming from second story of a building on a dusty the sun, because given its current activity, stretch of Highway 231 north of Reardan, we’d be getting cooler. And it can’t be from Wash. The road looks dusty, but that’s only the planetary cycles that cause ice ages because combine operators are threshing and warming periods, because we’re still grain and wheat stubble along the lazy hills 50,000 years away from another ice age, that the highway divides. A pour of red he said. feed ows from the spigot of a grain bin In the absence of other evidence, sciinto a semi-truck as Fred Fleming walks entists believe humans are the reason the from his house to his ofďŹ ce. It’s a busy day world is warming faster than ever recorded for a busy guy. In addition to co-owning before. Technological advances in the Shepherd’s Grain and owning Reardan Seed Industrial Revolution of the mid-1800s Co., Fleming, 63, farms the family land. brought factories, the internal combustion Parts of his ďŹ elds are the same ones engine and the need for fuel. Fossil fuels— his great-grandfather farmed when he coal and gas, the buried carbon leftovers of homesteaded in 1888—the same ďŹ elds his trees and plants from ancient forests and grandfather roamed with a baby Fleming in swamps—satisďŹ ed this demand. In the early his truck. 1900s the number of cars burning motor “I always claimed that I was weaned in a fuels measured in the thousands. In 2010, 1950 pickup,â€? he said with a chuckle. the number of cars worldwide surpassed 1 Decades spent farming—he started spotbillion. ting for grain “We’re trucks when just simply he was 12— making that helped Flemblanket—CO2, ing evolve his methane and practices to help nitrous oxide— popularize what he thicker, trapping calls direct seeding, more heat,â€? Henning also known as no-till -BRIAN HENNING said. farming. It’s not just cars As “a practice that burning fossil fuel. mirrors nature,â€? direct By churning up carbon seeding combines the stored in the ground, seeding and fertilizing of agriculture—the industry croplands and it allows the tasked with feeding 7 billion stubble from last year’s crops mouths across the world—also to serve as fertilizer. Instead of contributes to greenhouse gases. making eight or 12 passes across There’s been talk over the the ground, Fleming’s equipment years of whether fossil fuels are may just pass over it two or three really polluting the atmosphere, but times. Less carbon is released from climate change deniers lost a major disturbing the soil, and the amount of ally this summer, when scientist and fuel Fleming has to pour into tractors climate skeptic Richard Muller anis 38 percent less than before. When nounced his ďŹ ndings after an extensive Fleming began 10 years ago, barely global warming study. anyone in the region practiced direct-seed “I still ďŹ nd that much, if not most, of farming. what is attributed to climate change is specNow, he estimates about 85 percent of ulative, exaggerated or just plain wrong,â€? the farmers in the watershed are using the he wrote in a July 28 New York Times practice. opinion piece. “I’ve analyzed some of the Customers have responded to Shepherd’s most alarmist claims, and my skepticism Grain’s image as an Earth-friendly and loabout them hasn’t changed.â€? cally sourced crop. This year, the company But, he continued, “I concluded that expects to ship 500,000 bushels of grain. global warming was real and that the prior Some of that will show up in Spokane at estimates of the rate of warming were corBennidito’s Pizza, Sweet Frostings and rect. I’m now going a step further: Humans Main Market Co-op. are almost entirely the cause.â€? Despite being an advocate for globally The irony: Muller’s research was funded conscious farming, Fleming scoffs at the





Grand Re-Opening Celebration! September 30, 12-5 Boise Co-op Parking lot


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FRED FLEMING OF SHEPHERD’S GRAIN CO. doomsday scenarios, like Earth becoming another Venus. He points to advances he’s witnessed in 50 years of farming—in technology and more sustainable practices. How can scientists predict what will happen in 50 or 100 years? How can anyone predict the hot, dead mess of Venus happening here? “I’m not going to believe that,” he said. “To me, that seems extreme. ... There’s many other end-of-the-world scenarios you could come up with besides climate change.”

HISTORY OF MISINFORMATION By the mid-1990s, politicians began to act on the consensus that global warming was real and human-made. In 1997, countries struck an agreement known as the Kyoto Protocol to begin lowering greenhouse gas emissions. (Today, 84 countries, including China, India, Russia and much of Europe are signatories—but not the United States.) It was a consensus that posed a grave threat to the industries—in particular, oil and coal—whose production, when burned, release once-buried carbon into the air. In looking for a reaction plan, they cribbed from an industry long experienced with damning publicity: Big Tobacco. Using money from corporate and personal benefactors, they borrowed the playbook from tobacco companies that had spent decades spreading doubt and confusion about the danger of cigarettes, according to Connor Gibson, a research assistant with Greenpeace. The first component, according to Gibson, was denial—global warming isn’t real. Then, diversion. “It’s real, but we can’t do anything about it. It’s real, but we can’t fix it. It’s

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real, but it’s too expensive to fix,” Gibson said, ticking off arguments. It’s a set of arguments still in vogue with politicians opposed to climate change policies. Republican Washington Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers—who sits on the House Energy and Commerce committee—reflected this approach in a statement she made this summer to the Spokesman-Review. In precisely four sentences, McMorris Rodgers denied that people are responsible for climate change, said private industry must lead the way in cutting emissions, then called cap-and-trade a “Big Government” scheme that will destroy jobs. She ended by saying that reducing greenhouse gases is hopeless because of rising emissions by emerging countries such as China. Climate change deniers have also founded think tanks, published books and pressured mainstream media reporting on climate change to pursue “balance” in their stories by including skepticism about global warming. Gibson cites an example that TV viewers in the Deep South may have seen in the wake of Hurricane Katrina. Andrea Saul—currently a spokeswoman for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney—was then working for DCI Group, a public relations firm for Exxon Mobil, according to Gibson. “DCI set up another firm [called] Tech Central Station to say there’s absolutely no link to Hurricane Katrina with climate change,” Gibson said. “And local news media picked it up.” “It’s been extremely effective,” Gibson said of the doubt-sowing campaigns. “We’ve seen climate change legislation crash and burn on the global stage. The Dems don’t want to talk about it. [Barack] Obama doesn’t want to talk about it. ... [Mitt] Romney is more a climate change denier now.” While they pursued healthcare reform, Democrats attempted to enact a national WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

carbon cap-and-trade system. Cap-andtrade would set a price for units of carbon pollution generated by companies. It would also set maximum caps per year of how much carbon a company can generate, allowing those who produce more carbon to buy credits from companies who come in below the threshold. The theory goes that while some businesses have to pay for disposal of their garbage—a restaurant, for example, pays the city to pick up its trash each week— large energy producers pollute the atmosphere for free. “One cost of mining is getting [coal] out of the ground and bringing it to market, but [they] don’t have to pay for the exhaust [they] put into the atmosphere,” said Henning. The cap-and-trade bill had the support of Obama and passed the House in June 2009. Even though it had the support of large corporations—big companies like General Electric, Johnson and Johnson, Honeywell, Alcoa, DuPont and Dow Chemicals joined a coalition that supports cap-and-trade—the bill died in the Senate in 2010.

farmers and more chances for crop damage. The warm weather could also bring more pine bark beetle infestations in the forests of Washington. Such beetle infestations have caused the loss of up to 1 million trees a year, according to U.S. Forest Service studies. Warmer winters mean the snow will melt earlier off the mountains. Since 70 percent of the water in Western mountain regions comes from snow pack, water supply, wildlife and fisheries will suffer, according to the Ecology report. Under conservative estimates, snow pack in Washington mountains will decline by a quarter of its current average for the 2020s, by a third in the 2040s, and by over half toward the end of the century. Hydropower production in the summer is likely to decrease about 10 percent by the 2020s, according to the report. And less water will further hurt the forests of Eastern Washington, increasing the number of forest droughts and spurring on wildfires. The report predicts the land burned annually in fires will double to around 800,000 acres in the 2020s.



Researchers in Washington aren’t talking about alarmist claims—they’re talking about what will happen if, as expected, our temperature bumps up just a few degrees. By 2020, changes in climate are projected to cost Washington state close to $10 billion annually, according to a report released in April by the state Department of Ecology, due to “increased health costs, storm damage, coastal destruction, rising energy costs, increased wildfires, drought and other impacts.” The study, commissioned in 2009 by the Washington State Legislature, isn’t an idle research document. It’s a plan for how to cope as the state morphs. “People know how to deal with natural variability—we’ve always had droughts and floods,” said Hedia Adelsman, an executive policy adviser at Ecology. “Climate change will make these events more chaotic, but also ... they’ll become much more frequent and intensive. “Washington, if we don’t take it seriously, we will be unprepared.” Crops are one concern. Because of the Evergreen State’s northern latitudes, declining crop yields aren’t a huge worry, according to Chad Kruger, executive director of the Center for Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resources at Washington State University. Instead, Kruger worries about declining quality. “A lot of our agriculture is really driven by high quality fruits and veggies, which are more susceptible for quality issues in a change-climate scenario,” he said. And there’s the addition of more pests eating into crops. The larvae of the codling moth, for example, seeks out fruit, gobbles through the skin and bores through the fruit, eating its way to the seeds. “The further we get out from today, the more likely we are to get a third generation of codling moth” in a single growing season, Kruger said. That means more pesticides on the food, more expense for

Could the Pacific Northwest tackle global warming by itself? Highly unlikely. But several states are trying, using what Henning calls the “California” effect. “California passes higher emissions standards, and businesses don’t want to make products especially for California,” Henning said. “So they end up adopting California standards nationally because California is such a big market.” With this in mind, a group of Western states and Canadian provinces has been laboring to assemble states for a cap-andtrade system. The Western Climate Initiative began in 2007 as five Westerns states teamed up to develop targets for reducing greenhouse gases. Washington and Oregon both withdrew from the plan in November 2011. Currently, only California and four Canadian provinces are part of the project. Jerome Delvin, a state senator from Richland, Wash., sponsored the bill to remove Washington from the WCI. Delvin cites studies by the conservative Heritage Foundation that say gas prices could rise by $1.40 per gallon under cap-and-trade. And he calls it arrogant that people assume to predict the future of climate change. “To the effect they say it’s happening, I don’t think so,” Delvin said. Henning holds out hope that a global solution—an international cap-and trade or a carbon tax, for instance—can be found. He describes those big reforms as a kind of insurance. “I’m not likely to get into a car accident, but should I get insurance because I might?” he said. “Some people have a higher risk tolerance than others.” But, “the burden of proof should be on the people who say there isn’t a problem,” he said, “rather than on the people who say there is, out of an abundance of caution.”


This story first appeared in the Sept. 11 edition of The Pacific Northwest Inlander.

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Catch some star light, star bright and wish you might have a wish you wish Saturday night.

Sun Valley Harvest Festival: a little food, a little drink and a great excuse for celebration.

SATURDAY SEPT. 22 celestial



food SUN VALLEY HARVEST FESTIVAL Back in the days when horses were high-tech transportation, everything revolved around the annual harvest. Whether you were picking it, storing it, preserving it or selling it, everything led up to the harvest. But we all know the best part has always been eating it. It’s a tradition that continues as people everywhere celebrate the harvest by stuffing themselves silly—but nowhere does it with as much style as the Sun Valley Harvest Festival. Beginning Friday, Sept. 21, through Sunday, Sept. 23, foodies will gather for the third-annual festival filled with everything food—from a restaurant walk and cooking demos to a martini and caviar party. Events kick off from 5-7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, with a restaurant walk in Ketchum in which participants wander between eateries, sampling seasonal specials paired with beer or wine for $35. Saturday, Sept. 22, is filled with cooking demonstrations from guest chefs, after which the audience will get to taste test the creations paired with wine. Boise Weekly’s own Randy King will serve as master of ceremonies and demos cost $40 per session. A Harvest Market will also be held from 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. at Dollar Lodge. Things get swanky Saturday evening with the Martini and Caviar Party at Boca from 5:30-7:30 p.m. where attendees can swill artisanal cocktails on the rooftop while sampling Idaho sturgeon caviar and munchies for $75. The party wraps up Sunday, Sept. 23, with the River Guide Cooking Demonstrations from 10 a.m.-noon at Dollar Lodge, followed by the Grand Tasting, during which the public can OD on tastings from some of the area’s best chefs while sipping Idaho wine, beer and spirits. Tickets are $75 for the Grand Tasting. A full schedule and more details are available online. Friday, Sept. 21-Sunday, Sept. 23. Various times, locations and costs. Sun Valley,

FRIDAY SEPT. 21 pants afire BOISE’S BIGGEST LIAR It may not have been the best summer for camping, with raging wildfires and the resulting hazy, almost-cut-

it-with-a-dull-knife air. And that may have put a damper on time spent around open campfires, swapping tall tales and spooky stories while crisping marshmallows. Storytelling pro Daniel Bishop wants to “bring the campfire to you,” or, more specifically, the Linen Building Friday, Sept. 21. Bishop will weave some creative

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yarns onstage as part of the storytelling event Boise’s Biggest Liar. Bishop has been telling tales professionally for 12 years and was trained in theater at Utah State University. The raconteur tells everything from ghost stories to historic stories to fairy tales, with vocals ranging from a whisper to booming projec-

Parties involving stars tend to end up on the covers of those smutty Hollywood mags you try not to let anyone see you reading while in line at the grocery store. But Saturday, Sept. 22, you can go to a star-filled party that probably won’t end up being out-of-the-corner-of-your-eye reading material. Idaho Camera, Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area and Boise Astronomical Society have teamed up to present a Star Party in the parking lot of the Frontier Point Lodge. The building will be open from 6-10 p.m., and an interpretive nature hike will take place at 7 p.m. Pack a picnic dinner and channel your inner astronomer as you enjoy daytime and dusk moon viewing, a guided constellation tour and dark sky object viewing with people who know a thing or two about celestial bodies. Members of the Boise Astronomical Society will set up their telescopes and help you figure out what you’re looking at. And if you end up enjoying telescopes, you just may be able to take one home. The event will include a drawing for a Celestron telescope. Beverages will be available at the cash counter in the lodge. The best viewing hours are 8:30-10 p.m., and the constellation tour and drawing will begin at 9 p.m. Admission is one can of food for the Idaho Foodbank. Visit Bogus Basin’s website or call 208-332-5100 for cancellation notices due to inclement weather. 6-10 p.m., by donation. Bogus Basin Frontier Lodge, Bogus Basin Road,

tions and more animation than a teenage cheerleader on a sugar high. In addition to storytelling from the pro, brave audience members can sign up to try their hand at competitive fibbing. And risk having their pants burst into flames. Audience members will have five minutes to craft their tale and a winner will be elected by secret ballot from the audience. Tickets are available in advance at for $8 ($9.27 with service fee) or $10 at the door. A full bar will be available for those 21 and older

with ID. Learn more about Bishop at 7 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. show, $8 adv., $10 door. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., 208-385-0111,

SATURDAY SEPT. 22 porters & poodles B’ARC AND BREW In 1987, Anheuser-Busch launched a starlet’s career in a Bud Light commercial that

aired during the Super Bowl. It was a pool party scene with a Western theme, featuring a trio of backup dancers shimmying in cowboy boots with bare midriffs singing about the “original party animal.” That party animal was Spuds Mackenzie, and after that commercial, Spuds enjoyed years in the limelight, surrounded by women and beer as Bud Light’s mascot. And as it turned out Spuds was a girl. And since the end of Spuds’ 15 minutes of fame, the beer industry hasn’t made any attempt to replace her. But if there’s one thing WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M




CENTRAL INDIAN FOOD AT JERRY’S MARKET Training for the Barmudalympics at R Bar one shot at a time.


Basement Company, where actors fear to tread.

drink BARMUDALYMPICS Unlike Boise natives Kristin Armstrong and Nick Symmonds, most of us weren’t born to become Olympic athletes, but many still enjoy some good old-fashioned competition. For those who strongly believe in drinking as a sport you now have a chance to take home the gold. The second-annual installment of the Barmudalympics will take place Sunday, Sept. 23, at 2 p.m. Teams of two will compete in grueling rounds of darts, beer pong, Jenga, horseshoes, pool and bean bag toss, and enjoy a few adult beverages. While the events resemble a unique mix of frat house drinking games and children’s birthday party activities, make no mistake—this affair is only for those 21 and older. Events will take place at the Bermuda Triangle of Broadway bars—that odd university-adjacent sector of Boise, where R Bar, End Zone and Suds are all conveniently located within stumbling distance of one another. Participating teams will receive a free pitcher of Crooked Fence Brewing Co. beer or Pabst Blue Ribbon and one free drink each. Second- and third-place winners will receive gift cards and the first-place team will receive a Pabst Blue Ribbon skateboard, along with a Crooked Fence longboard—finally, something your parents can be proud of. Teams must be signed in at R Bar by 1 p.m., but should probably arrive early to pregame with some happy hour bloody mary’s and mimosas to fight off the inevitable hangover from “training” the night before. 2 p.m., sign up before 1 p.m., $20 per team. R Bar, 1041 Broadway Ave., 208-629-0029,

Boiseans love to do with their canines, it’s sit on a patio during the dog days of summer. Unfortunately, the local patio mafia has been cracking down on restaurants and bars all over town this year, banning four-legged friends from languishing in the shade of their owners’ tables. However, booze-drinking pet owners, The Arc and the Crescent “No Lawyers” Bar and Grill are teaming up to put the animal back in party


animal with B’Arc and Brew. The Arc, which assists adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities, will take over a space in the parking lot for this first-ever fundraiser. The $15 entry fee gets you a mug and eight drink tickets, as well as access to food and drink specials on the Crescent’s patio. Get your pooch all gussied up in his or her best outfit for the costume contest. And maybe think about

TUESDAY-THURSDAY SEPT. 25-27 subterranean THE BASEMENT COMPANY The struggling, desperate writer is a trope as old as time. And while that character tends to linger in a messy, low-lit room waiting for inspiration amid mounds of crumpled paper, his creativity rarely turns criminal. But that’s not the case for the pathetic playwright at the center of local writer Adam Harrell’s new play, The Basement Company, which will be staged by Homegrown Theater Tuesday, Sept. 25-Thursday, Sept. 27, at the Linen Building. According to Homegrown’s website, the play centers on a “desperate playwright who is struggling to get his play produced, so he kidnaps the [city’s] best actors and forces them to produce the play in his basement.” For the production, director and Idaho Shakespeare Festival actress Sarah Gardner (Romeo and Juliet) has kidnapped some of her fellow ISF co-workers—Dakotah Brown (Romeo and Juliet, The Winter’s Tale), Veronica Von Tobel (The Winter’s Tale), Rod Wolfe (ISF Touring Company) and Justin Ness (ISF 2000-2001 season actor)—to star in the production. Homegrown’s past staged productions include Veronica Livingstone, I Presume, by Boise Weekly’s Josh Gross, Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl and Closer by Patrick Marber. Homegrown also hosts the monthly BLIP reading series at Hyde Park Books and prides itself on using “local actors, local playwrights, local carpenters, architects, photographers, artists and designers” whenever possible. The Basement Company is a dark comedy and therefore recommended for ages 15 and older. 6:30 p.m. doors, 7 p.m. show, $10 general admission, $8 students and seniors. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St.,

taking your dog on a few long walks between now and then so that he’s all trained up for the rigors of doggie games. There will also be an ownerand-dog lookalike contest. All the dog activities happen from noon-3 p.m. and then the live music kicks off

In the cool, dark interior of Jerry’s 27th Street Market—just past a long cooler of Pepsi products and a cardboard Snickers display—is a rather peculiar sign. Today’s special: Pav Bhaji. Though a convenience store might not be the first place you hit up when you’re on the hunt for authentic Indian food in the JERRY’S 27TH ST. valley, it should be. MARKET Chicago transplants Jerry and 819 N. 27th St. 208-344-0302 Hiral Fandel moved to Boise eight For menu updates visit years ago to take over Jerry’s Jerry’s on Facebook. Market. In October 2011, after struggling to find some of their favorite Windy City comfort foods, they decided to start offering rotating hot specials from around 11 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. “I am Indian and my mom and I cook the Indian food, and then we do things from home like a deep-dish pizza and Italian beef sandwiches, just things that you can get anywhere but you don’t get anywhere here,” said Hiral. Apparently Hiral and her mother Kanta Patel’s Indian specialties—everything from mutter paneer (peas and homemade cheese) to chicken masala with basmati rice to the aforementioned pav bhaji (a spicy blend of vegetables served on buns)—have been such a big hit that they’re now expanding. “We’ve gotten good feedback so now half of it’s going to be a restaurant and half a market,” said Hiral. The restaurant space will open at 6 a.m. to serve breakfast along with an expanded Indian menu and sandwiches. The couple hope to have it up and running by late October. —Tara Morgan

with Bernie Reilly, Wilson Roos, Rebecca Scott, Emily Tipton and Mr. Betty taking rotations on the stage from 3-8 p.m. Noon-8 p.m., $15. Crescent No Lawyers Bar and Grill, 5500 W. Franklin Road, 208-322-9856.

an event by e-mail to Listings are due by noon the Thursday before publication.


BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 19


On Stage BECKY’S NEW CAR—An original comedy with serious overtones— a devious and delightful romp down the road not taken. 7:30 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104,


LES MISERABLES— Cameron Mackintosh presents the 25th anniversary production of the legendary musical, with new staging and reimagined scenery inspired by the paintings of Victor Hugo. Part of the Broadway In Boise 2011-2012 season. 7:30 p.m. $37.50$67.50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-4261609,

TEACHERS’ NIGHT OUT—Teachers can learn about free curriculum, field trip and classroom resources from nonprofit organizations. Opera Idaho and Boise Philharmonic will perform. Visit teachersnightout2012.eventbrite. com to RSVP. 4:30-7 p.m. FREE. Esther Simplot Center, 516 S. Ninth St., Boise, 208-345-9116.

NOISES OFF—Laughter abounds with Idaho Shakespeare Festival’s production of Michael Frayn’s farce about a company putting on a play that goes horribly—and hilariously—wrong. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208336-9221, idahoshakespeare. org.

Literature BOOKS TO FILM SERIES—Bring a snack and a movie based on the book Dune as part of the Library!’s series of films based on books. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., Boise, 208-562-4995, LUCY’S LEGACY: OUR AFRICAN ORIGINS—Presentation by Professor Donald Johanson, the American paleoanthropologist who discovered Lucy, a 3.2 million-year-old fossil of a female skeleton in Ethiopia that changed the world’s understanding of human origins. Book signing with Iconoclast. 6 p.m. FREE. The Community Library, 415 Spruce Ave. N., Ketchum, 208-726-3493,

Citizen BREATHE EASY BREAKFAST— Hear keynote speaker Doug Fine, NPR journalist and author of Farewell, My Subaru, celebrate the physicians of Boise Valley Asthma and Allergy Clinic as the 2012 Breathe Easy Champions, and enjoy breakfast at this fundraiser for the American Lung Association. 7:30-9 a.m. $25, $400 for VIP table of eight. Stueckle Sky Center, Boise State football stadium, Boise.

THURSDAY SEPT. 20 Festivals & Events ST. LUKE’S WOMEN’S SHOW— Shop and sample the offerings of more than 160 businesses. St. Luke’s Celebration 5K and Stroll participants may pick up their packets. Visit celebrateall. org for more info. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900,

20 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

Politics are given the Mamet treatment in November, featuring Ben Hamill as the president’s assistant, Archer Brown, and Sean Small as President Charles Smith.

DAISY’S MADHOUSE’S NOVEMBER Instead of music, Daisy’s Madhouse plays presidential campaign commercials before the start of its new show November by David Mamet. Seeing decades worth of ads back-to-back and how little they’ve changed in relation to production style and their adherence to truth is a jarring experience. But it sets the stage nicely for what is to come: a deep exploration of the absurdity in which American democracy seems mired. The play tells the story of Charles Smith, an American president desperate to win re-election. There’s only one problem: He’s out of campaign cash. So, naturally, he turns to blackmailing turkey farmers for $200 million. It only gets more absurd from there. Before the show is done, Smith is nearly assassinated, almost starts a nuclear war and an outbreak of bird flu, and wades deep into the politics of same-sex marriage and Native American casinos. Friday, Sept. 21, and SaturThe show is complete with day, Sept. 22, 8 p.m., $10 adv., $12 door. Mamet’s trademark, razorsharp dialogue. IDAHO OUTDOOR “She got a girl?” Smith ASSOCIATION GRANGE says of his speechwriter’s HALL recent adoption of a Chinese 3401 Brazil St. 208-918-1351 baby. “That’s all they sell there,” his chief of staff fires back. But the comedy loses some of its momentum in the second act as the plot drags. In a prime example of art imitating life, the constant escalation of absurdity gets lost in the machinations of politicking. The show is mostly held together by a single actor: Sean Small, in the role of President Smith. Small bellows and mugs every line as if even his office chatter is delivered from the stump. Even when the show drags, he still makes with the zingers. But Small is handicapped by a particularly weak performance from Ralph Smith as the lobbyist for the turkey industry, who was stiff and seemed to be smirking to himself between lines. But his is a smaller role that doesn’t bring the show down as a whole. November won’t be the best play you see this year, but audience members will likely find themselves quoting it on the way home. November is great fun and a welcome release in the midst of a poisonous election season. —Josh Gross WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

8 DAYS OUT COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JEFF CAPRI—Enjoy some jokes at the comedy show, followed by dueling pianos and dance music by DJ Mighty Delta One. 7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, THE END IS NEAR HERE—The Red Light Variety Show presents its fall performance, with an apocalypse-themed show of aerial arts, belly dancers, ballet, burlesque, boylesque, hooping, acroyoga, song and pole acrobatics. Advance tickets available at 9 p.m. $10 adv., $15 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, LES MISERABLES— See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. $37.50-$67.50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate. edu. LIQUID LAUGHS: TROY BAXLEY—Also featuring Mundek Clement Stein. Purchase tickets at, by calling 208-941-2459 or at Liquid or Solid. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208287-5379, NOISES OFF—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208336-9221, idahoshakespeare. org.


Odds & Ends

RAW ARTISTS: ENSEMBLE— This event features a variety of up-and-coming artists working in all kinds of mediums. This event is for ages 18 and older. Cocktail attire is requested. Visit for more info. 8 p.m.-2 a.m. $10 adv., $15 door. Powerhouse Event Center, 621 S. 17th St., Boise, 208-331-4005.

LADIES’ LOUNGE—Swig back some cocktails with the ladies of Boise Weekly and enjoy prize giveaways, drink specials and oh so much more. Visit boiseweekly. com’s Promo page to get the 4-1-1. 5 p.m. FREE. Willi B’s Saloon, 12505 Chinden Blvd., Boise, 208-331-5666, willibs. com.

Talks & Lectures BASQUE TREE CARVINGS— They didn’t send tweets, texts, or “Friend” on Facebook—or did they? Dr. John Bieter from the Boise State Basque Studies Center will show photos and discuss his research on Basque tree carvings in Idaho. In collaboration with the BMCC, more than 500 photos of tree carvings have been collected from various areas in Idaho. They reveal the thoughts and desires of Basque sheepherders as they worked in the hills guiding their flocks. From names and dates to crests of home soccer teams and family farmhouses, get an inside look at the marks that herders left behind. Open to the public. 7 p.m. FREE. Basque Museum and Cultural Center, 611 Grove St., Boise, 208-343-2671,



FRIDAY SEPT. 21 Festivals & Events ST. LUKE’S WOMEN’S SHOW— See Thursday. 9 a.m.-8 p.m. Boise Centre, 850 W. Front St., Boise, 208-336-8900,

On Stage BECKY’S NEW CAR—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, BOISE’S BIGGEST LIAR—Daniel Bishop hosts this competitive storytelling event. The person who crafts the most creative fib in five minutes will be elected the winner by a secret ballot vote by the audience. Full bar available with ID. See Picks, Page 18. Tickets are available in advance at brownpapertickets. com. 8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111, COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JEFF CAPRI—See Thursday. 7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-9060658, THE END IS NEAR HERE—See Thursday. 9 p.m. $10 adv., $15 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, LES MISERABLES— See Wednesday. 8 p.m. $37.50-$67.50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-4261609, LIQUID LAUGHS: TROY BAXLEY—See Thursday. 8 p.m. and 10:15 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379,


| HARD |


Complete the grid so each row, column and 3-by-3 box (in bold borders) contains every digit 1 to 9. For strategies on how to solve Sudoku, visit Go to and look under odds and ends for the answers to this week’s puzzle. And don’t think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply double-checking your answers. © 2009 Mepham Group. Distributed by Tribune Media Services. All rights reserved.



NOISES OFF—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208336-9221, idahoshakespeare. org. NOVEMBER—Daisy’s Madhouse presents David Mamet’s November, an over-the-top comedy about American politics. Advance tickets are available at This play contains adult language and is for mature audiences. See review, page 20. 8 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door. Idaho Outdoor Association Hall, 3401 Brazil St., Boise,

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8 DAYS OUT Food & Drink


THE GARDEN PLATE—As part of the national Let’s Move! Initiative, chefs from Boise Co-Op will provide inspiration for using healthy, seasonal vegetables as part of a daily diet. 7 p.m. $5, FREE for IBG members. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-3438649, SUN VALLEY HARVEST FESTIVAL—The 2012 festival will embrace the national movement toward regional food and eating and feature local, sustainable foods. The festival will feature a restaurant walk around downtown Ketchum, cooking demonstrations hosted by Boise Weekly contributor Chef Randy King, the Idaho Martini and Caviar Party, and many more events. See Picks, Page 18. Sun Valley and Ketchum,

Chicago busted out love ballads and rocking hits in Boise.

EATING IT UP Talks & Lectures SEX AND INTERNET ADDICTION—Dr. Mary-Linda Sara, licensed marriage and family therapist and expert in sex and Internet addiction will discuss the dangers of sex and Internet addiction, how to recognize if a loved one is struggling, and what can be done to help them recover. 6:30-7:30 p.m. FREE. Boise State Student Union Hatch Ballroom, 1910 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-1677, sub.

Animals & Pets ZOOBILEE!—Guests at Zoo Boise’s premier fundraising event will be treated to an unforgettable evening, featuring cuisine from local restaurants, live music, live and silent auctions and special zoo experiences. For tickets, call 208-384-4125, ext. 200, or go online to, and click on “events” to reserve your spot. Space is limited. 5:30-10 p.m. $75-$125. Zoo Boise, 355 Julia Davis Drive, Boise, 208-384-4125, zooboise. org.

SATURDAY SEPT. 22 Festivals & Events BOGUS BASIN STAR PARTY—Members of the Boise Astronomical Society are setting up their telescopes at Bogus Basin Mountain Recreation Area to provide views of the sun, planets, stars, nebulae, galaxies, and myriad other celestial objects, many invisible to the naked eye. Drawing for FREE telescope. Event is weather permitting. Dress warmly. See Picks, Page 18. 7 p.m. Admission is the donation of a can of food for Idaho Foodbank. Bogus Basin Frontier Point Lodge, Bogus Basin Road, Boise.

Curtis Stigers may have dropped his new album, Let’s Go Out Tonight, in April, but he didn’t officially debut it to a packed, enthusiastic Boise crowd until Sept. 14 at the Egyptian Theatre. According to Boise Weekly’s Josh Gross, Stigers primarily played tracks from the new record, which “leans much closer to Stax Records-era soul than it does smooth jazz gangstas like Kenny G.” He also threw in a few covers, including Elvis’ “That’s All Right” and a brief a cappella version of “Call Me Maybe,” by Carly Rae Jepsen. And the audience ate it up, knowing it would be months before Stigers plays Boise again. And speaking of eating it up, more than 500 folks decked out in steampunk style flooded Idaho Botanical Garden for the second-annual Carnevale Sept. 14. According to BW freelancer Mika Belle: “The family friendly party drew its inspiration from traditional Carnival celebrations and included local foods and drinks and a Venetian theme with an assortment of activities throughout the evening, including a fashion show, photo shoot, fire dance, fortune telling booth and more, headlined by the Red Light Variety Show.” Visit for a photo slideshow of all the action. And speaking of crazy parties, BW film guru George Prentice spent the last couple weeks at the Toronto International Film Festival soaking in all of the year’s forthcoming releases. “Having watched more than four dozen films over the past 10 days (still only a fraction of this year’s entries), I can report that the 2012 Toronto International Film Festival was, for the most part, a success,” wrote Prentice. “There are some sure bets for Oscar gold, some refreshing new visions in independent film and some outright stinking duds.” For a behind-the-scenes look at all the flops and fantastic successes, visit And speaking of success, legendary American rock band Chicago rocked the Morrison Center with its extensive catalog of hits Sept. 16. According to BW’s Andrew Crisp: “Though the lineup has changed considerably over the last four decades, the band had more energy than the electrified lines of the Chicago Transit Authority, from which the band swiped its name.” Before launching into the track “Just You ’n’ Me,” Crisp noted that singer James Pankow wiped his lips and said: “We like to think of this song as having two audiences. One that got married to it, and one that got conceived to it.” Though Chicago played popular love ballads, Crisp also said “they never shied away from going all out on their rocking hits. At the end of ‘I’m a Man,’ percussionist Wally Reyes and drummer Tris Imboden duked it out in a huge drum solo, which had both men pounding their sticks against every surface.” —Tara Morgan

22 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly


8 DAYS OUT CELEBRATE GOOD NEIGHBORS—Celebrate good neighbors with chalk drawing, face-painting, refreshments and giveaways on the sidewalk in front of the library. Guitarist Bob Crist will be playing. No registration required. For more information, call 208-562-4995 or visit Noon-3 p.m. Library at Collister, 4724 W. State St., Boise, 208-562-4995, FALL FIESTA—Enjoy a Mexican buffet dinner by Mena Catering, silent and live auctions, dessert auction and raffle, along with music by Mariachi Tleyotltzin and dancing by Ballet Folklorico Mexico Lindo. The event is presented by Capstone Missions, an Idaho nonprofit organization that helps build a better future for Tijuana’s orphans. Visit for more info. 6-10 p.m. $25, $40 per couple. St. Mark’s, 7960 Northview St., Boise, 208-375-6651,


Animals & Pets

GREAT SHRUBS FOR ALL SEASONS—Learn how to get four seasons out of your garden. 10 a.m. FREE. Madeline George Garden Design Nursery, 10550 W. Hill Road, Boise, 208-995-2815,

KOI IN THE GARDEN—The Idaho Water Garden and Koi Society hosts its 19th annual Koi and Goldfish show. Enjoy the koi exhibit and competition, Bonsai display by the Bonsai Club, the Kawa Taiko Japanese drummers and cultural items from the Idaho Japanese Association. 10 a.m.-4 p.m. FREE. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649,

Odds & Ends IMPROV CAGE MATCH—Watch improv comedy groups compete. The audience and judges decide who stays. 7-9 p.m. $5. Fatty’s, 800 W. Idaho St., Ste. 200, Boise, 208-514-2531,

TOUR DE COOP—View chicken coops in Boise and Eagle with a map, available for $10 at Bricolage or North End Organic Nursery. Examine coop construction, chicken wrangling and a few beehives. The tour will conclude with an afterparty at NEON with music by Jeff Moll. 10 a.m.,

SUNDAY SEPT. 23 Festivals & Events LAST CHANCE SHOW & SHINE CAR SHOW—Show off classic cars, hot rods, motorcycles and tricked-out bicycles. Sponsored by the Road Riders for Jesus to benefit Canyon County Habitat for Humanity. Competition registration costs $10 for motorized and $5 for non-motorized. Food and beverages as well as live music, raffles and an auction. 1-4 p.m. FREE. Habitat for Humanity ReStore Caldwell, 5214 E. Cleveland Blvd., Caldwell, 208-459-3344,

On Stage BECKY’S NEW CAR—See Thursday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $12.50, $9 seniors and students. Boise Little Theater, 100 E. Fort St., Boise, 208-342-5104, COMEDY AT THE VARSITY: JEFF CAPRI—See Thursday. 7 p.m. $8. Varsity Pub, 1441 N. Eagle Road, Meridian, 208-906-0658, varsitypubmeridian. com. THE END IS NEAR HERE—See Thursday. 9 p.m. $10 adv., $15 door. Visual Arts Collective, 3638 Osage St., Garden City, 208-424-8297, LES MISERABLES—See Wednesday. 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. $37.50-$67.50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate. edu. LIQUID LAUGHS: TROY BAXLEY—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, NOISES OFF—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221, NOVEMBER—See Friday. 8 p.m. $10 adv., $12 door. Idaho Outdoor Association Hall, 3401 Brazil St., Boise,

Concerts GUEST ARTIST RECITAL—Featuring trombonists Ken Shifrin and Mike Hall. Call 208-426-1596 for more info. 7:30 p.m. $5, $3 seniors, FREE for students and Boise State faculty and staff. Morrison Center Recital Hall, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise State campus, Boise, 208-426-1609.

Food & Drink B’ARC & BREW CRAFT BEER FESTIVAL— Southwest Idaho’s largest dog-friendly beer festival featuring delicious craft beer. There will also be doggy games, a best-dressed contest and a doggy parade, as well as vendors and food. Live music by Bernie Reilly, Emily Tipton, Wilson Roos, and The Matthew James Band. See Picks, Page 18. Noon-8 p.m. $15. Crescent “No Lawyers” Bar and Grill, 5500 W. Franklin Road, Boise, 208-322-9856, SUN VALLEY HARVEST FESTIVAL—See Friday. Sun Valley and Ketchum, IDAHO BREWERS UNITED BEER FEST—Featuring brews from 10 regional craft breweries and live music by Ophelia and Tom Drake and Undiscovered Country. For more info, log onto 2 p.m. $15. Salmon River Brewery, 300 Colorado St., McCall, 208-634-4772,

Art SUIT UP AND STRUT—Nick Cave’s Soundsuits have sparked creative energy all over the country. Boise Art Museum invites the public to be inspired and join the celebration. Meet near the Friendship Bridge on the Boise State campus side to share wearable works and follow a Soundsuit to the Center of the Earth. 11 a.m. FREE. Julia Davis Park, 700 S. Capitol Blvd., Boise,


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8 DAYS OUT On Stage LES MISERABLES— See Wednesday. 1 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. $37.50-$67.50. Morrison Center for the Performing Arts, 2201 Cesar Chavez Lane, Boise, 208-426-1609, mc.boisestate. edu. LIQUID LAUGHS: TROY BAXLEY—See Thursday. 8 p.m. $10. Liquid, 405 S. Eighth St., Ste. 110, Boise, 208-287-5379, NOISES OFF—See Wednesday. 7 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-3369221,

Food & Drink SUN VALLEY HARVEST FESTIVAL—See Friday. Sun Valley and Ketchum,

Animals & Pets SNIP GRAPE STOMP FUNDRAISER—Join Spay Neuter Idaho Pets at Indian Creek Winery for a smashing fundraiser. Three live bands, harvest hors d’oeuvres souvenir wine glass, live and silent auctions, and a beer and wine bar will complement the fun of the grape stomping competition. Tickets cost $40 per person or get eight for $275. Visit for more information. 2-6 p.m. $40. Indian Creek Winery, 1000 N. McDermott Road, Kuna, 208-922-4791,


Talks & Lectures

available at brownpapertickets. com. The play is appropriate for 15 and older. See Picks, Page 19. 6:30 p.m. $10 gen., $8 students and seniors. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111,

MARK TWAIN VISITS THE BOISE RIVER—Idaho Rivers United and the Garden City Library kick off the fall Boise River lecture series with a special visit from Mark Twain. This FREE public program will feature Boise naturalist John Heimer, who will entertain participants with stories about life on the Boise River in character as Mark Twain. 6 p.m. FREE. Garden City Library, 6015 Glenwood St., Garden City, 208472-2941,

NOISES OFF—See Wednesday. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208336-9221, idahoshakespeare. org.

Workshops & Classes COUPON CLASS—A Thrifty Mom will explain how to get the best bargains using a variety of resources and methods. Space is limited. Call 208-888-4451 to reserve a seat. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Meridian Public Library, 1326 W. Cherry Lane, Meridian, 208-8884451,

WEDNESDAY SEPT. 26 On Stage THE BASEMENT COMPANY—See Tuesday. 6:30 p.m. $10 gen., $8 students and seniors. The Linen Building, 1402 W. Grove St., Boise, 208-385-0111,

PERSONAL SAFETY AND SELFDEFENSE CLASS—This clinic will teach safety tips for people running at night and anyone else who wants to feel a little safer. Donations of old cellphones are encouraged. Call the store to reserve your space. 6:30-8 p.m. FREE. Shu’s Idaho Running Company, 1758 W. State St., Boise, 208-344-6604,

NOISES OFF—See Wednesday, Sept. 19. 7:30 p.m. $12-$40. Idaho Shakespeare Festival, 5657 Warm Springs Ave., Boise, 208-336-9221,

SEEDY SEPTEMBER SEED SAVING WORKSHOPS—Explore the history, culture, and magic of seeds in the United States, and learn why small farmers and gardeners are a crucial part of the growing revolution to protect the world’s food supply by saving seeds from our gardens. Threepart series taught by Casey O’Leary from Earthly Delights Farm. 6 p.m. $10. North End Organic Nursery, 2350 Hill Road, Boise, 208-389-4769,

On Stage STORY STORY NIGHT—The popular Story Story Night series continues with Consumed: Stories of Hunger and Appetites. The evening will feature storyteller Emma Arnold and musician Jack Loyd Gish and a collaborative piece by choreographer/ dancer Chanel DaSilva, dancer Libby Schmoeger and writer Jessica Holmes. An open story slam will follow. Visit storystorynight. org for tickets and more info. 7 p.m. $7 adv., $5 door. Rose Room, 718 W. Idaho St., Boise, 208-381-0483, roseroom.

EYESPY Real Dialogue from the naked city

TUESDAY SEPT. 25 On Stage THE BASEMENT COMPANY—HomeGrown Theater presents The Basement Company, by Boise writer Adam Harrell. Directed by Sarah Gardner, this dark comedy is about a desperate playwright struggling to get his play produced, so he kidnaps the city’s best actors and forces them to perform it in his basement. Advance tickets

24 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

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DEERHOOF PHONES IT IN The “best band in the world” telecommutes on new album JOSH GROSS

Deerhoof guitarist John Dieterich wasn’t quite sweating bullets, but he was a little worried. When BW spoke with him the band’s tour was starting in only five days—a tour that will bring it to Boise for the first time Thursday, Sept. 27, to perform at Visual Arts Collective—and the musicians were still figuring out how to play the songs from the Deerhoof’s (left to right) Ed Rodriguez, John Dieterich, Satomi Matsuzaki and Greg Saunier band’s new album. Most bands would probeven bowl each other over. ably have gotten that out of the way before recording the album in the first place. But an incredible amount of discipline and sort of The general goal Deerhoof had for this Deerhoof has never been most bands. album was to play up the rhythmic interaction commitment to material. You have to really Over 18 years and 16-ish albums— understand how to work within this stuff in “depends on where you start counting,” said the band has been developing in recent years. order to be creative. There’s plenty of free“We wanted it to be dance music, but not Dieterich—the band has recorded everything genre dance music,” said Dieterich. “Extremely improvised music that comes out pre-canned from improvisational noise to quirky garage sounding like every other piece of improvised high-intensity noise dance music.” rock to experimental pop. It has recorded music. It ceases to become a spontaneous thing But without being in the same room, Dieteverything in one live take and tossed out when you express that the sound of it is X, erich admits it was a bigger challenge. traditional instruments altogether to work “God only knows what we ended up with,” when in fact it could be open.” entirely with samples. But the value Deerhoof places on freehe said. You name it and Deerhoof probably tried wheeling improv would also seem to stand at Had Dieterich consulted with various it before it was cool. That’s why in 2005 odds with the boxed-in recording strategy it deities, they likely would have informed him Pitchfork called it “the best band in the that the album didn’t land far from Deerhoof’s employed for Breakup Song. But Dieterich sees world.” No pressure. it as a central. goal. It opens with a crunchy drum and bass Unsurprisingly, for its new album, “Spontaneity is absolutely necessary to groove that immediately sets the head bobbing, Breakup Songs, the band chose to again try compose,” said Dieterich. “If you don’t have though the bobbing gets a little trickier as the something different: telecommuting. spontaneity, you’ll never compose anything.” beat is dissected in the middle of the song. “We have always written stuff separately, He said he’s lost count of the number of Following that is “There’s That Grin,” but then gotten together to work on it,” said times when random experiments or goofs which apes the approach of early, rudimenDieterich. “But in this case, we were all living ended up as the finished product. in three-to-four different cities, so we were just tary hip-hop mixed with lo-fi indie rock. “I’ll bring something in and people will say, “Zero Seconds Pause” sending stuff out.” ‘Oh, that’s perfect,’” he said. “It’s like this, sounds like it was The various pieces literally, incredibly rough demo where I never cannibalized from an of Breakup Song were Deerhoof with Buke and Gase, intended for anything, just to show the basic early rave experiment. recorded independently Raleigh Moncrief and Luke Wyland (from AU). idea, and they’re like, ‘No, don’t change that.’” And then there is one of one another and Thursday, Sept. 27, 7 p.m. doors, The band has recorded long-distance 8 p.m. show, $12. of the album’s most shared online between before, but Dieterich said the scope of Breakup unusual tracks, “The band members in PortVISUAL ARTS COLLECTIVE Song was far more extreme. Trouble with Candyland, Ore., New York 3638 Osage St., Garden City 208-424-8297 “The last one we ended up eventually hands,” which juxtaCity and Albuquerque, getting together for a month or two to hash poses a mambo beat N.M., who would then things out,” he said. “But in this case, it was and horns with noisy, tweak and add their like a week. And in that week, we had to finindie rock guitars and own pieces. Dieterich ish the songs, mix it and master it. So it was then a peppy chorus reminiscent of mid-’90s said that while no one ever expected to get a pretty intense.” pop ska. song back just like they sent it out, that didn’t That is why the band is just now getting Though it may not be an obvious connecmean everything went smoothly the whole around to learning how to play its own matetion sonically, the band has listed The Rolling time. rial for a tour. “We went through a lot of ideas of what it’s Stones as a primary influence. “Things sound great so far. I’m actually “Ed”—Rodriguez, the band’s guitarist— supposed to be,” said Dieterich. “And we’d desuper-surprised,” he said. “A lot of these cide this is what it’s going to be and then work “and I both came from free improvisation songs, one person records the parts. And that’s with rock instruments,” said Dieterich. “In on it for months and then talk again on the cool. But there’s a feel that happens when the phone or Skype or something and decide, ‘Oh, the case of someone like The Rolling Stones, four of us are playing together. It’s more fun. it’s not that at all. Let’s do something else.’ We they developed a style of never playing a song And I think it sounds better.” the same way twice. … It’s a form that takes kept changing our minds.” WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

Mr. Gnome joins the Duck Club Friday, Nov. 2.

DUCK CLUBS AND EVIL WINE First rule of Duck Club is that everybody should talk about Duck Club. And the team behind Treefort Music Fest makes that easy enough by taking a cue from Bonnie Raitt and giving ’em something to talk about. Recently announced talkworthy shows include Mr. Gnome at Red Room Friday, Nov. 2, with Finn Riggins and The Gunfighters opening. Talkdemonic plays the same night at Visual Arts Collective, with Mwahaha and Le Fleur opening. And then there’s the onetwo punch of Typhoon and Laura Gibson Wednesday, Nov. 7, at Visual Arts Collective. Local up-and-comers for that show are still to be announced. Tickets for all those shows are available via and cost $10 for Mr. Gnome, $10 for Laura Gibson and Typhoon and $8 for Talkdemonic. Also recently announced for Boise is a decidedly lamer event: the white supremacist music festival Hammerfest. The roving annual gathering will go down at an undisclosed location in Boise Saturday, Oct. 6, and feature the finest in hate rock from bands whose lyrics are the only thing stupider than their names. For info about exactly where the show is, you have to be a vetted bonehead or in the FBI. Moving to science fiction news, E! reported that British arena-rockers Muse are being sued for $3.5 million by one Charles Bolfrass, who claims that the band’s 2009 album, The Resistance, was ripped from a rock opera concept called Exogenesis that he pitched the band in 2005. The album features a three-part symphony called Exogenesis, but the band issued a statement calling the claims bollocks. And finally, bringing it back to Boise from outer space, the organizers of the Evil Wine Carnival have announced that the punk shenaniganfest will be headlined Saturday, Sept. 29, by some of the sweetest shenanipunks to ever walk the Earth: Green Jelly/o. The Hollywood, Calif.-based band made a name for itself with songs like “Three Little Pigs,” “The Bear Went Over the Mountain” and “Electric Harley-House of Love,” as well as for its over-the-top live shows, which include dozens of life-sized puppets and costumes. Considering how long it has been since the band toured, the show is, to quote Ron Burgundy: “Kind of a big deal.” Tickets for the Evil Wine Carnival—which will also feature dozens of local bands and more general weirdness—are $15 at the door, or $18 from Record Exchange for an all-weekend pass. —Josh Gross

BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 25




ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Featuring Diego’s Umbrella with Desirae Bronson. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove


BRIT FLOYD—7 p.m. $19.50$59.50. Revolution

CONCERTS IN THE GARAGE— Featuring James Orr and Boise Rock School bands. 7 p.m. FREE. Boise Rock School

CALLOW—With Jumping Sharks and A Seasonal Disguise. 8:30 p.m. $3. Red Room

BEN BURDICK—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown BOURBON DOGS—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian CISCO ADLER—9 p.m. $5. Reef

WASHED OUT, SEPT. 21, REEF If you feel a sense of intense calm settle over Sixth and Main streets around 10 p.m. Friday, Sept. 21, don’t worry, you aren’t having a stroke. That’s just the chill vibes emanating off of the stage at Reef from Georgia electronic artist Washed Out. Within and Without, Washed Out’s latest album, weaves layers of sound until they blur together like a dreamscape. The songs are soft and luscious, with dance beats subtly pulsing beneath and melodies as gentle as a summer breeze. Ernest Greene, the lad behind Washed Out, cites hip-hop as a primary influence, but the tunes he cranks out are so inviting, he could just as easily cite clean sheets or Peter Pan’s happy thoughts. Greene started Washed Out as a bedroom project while looking for a job after college. Then it blew up online and he signed with Sub Pop. Now he’s bringing the Chillwave gospel to Boise. —Josh Gross With Shades. 10 p.m., $12 adv., $15 door. Reef, 105 S. Sixth St.,

26 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

DAVE MATTHEWS TRIBUTE BAND—8 p.m. $10-$22. Knitting Factory GAYLE CHAPMAN—With Robb Howell. 5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar LIKE A ROCKET—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s NEWS FROM THE FRONT—With Skittish Itz and Jimmy Sinn. 8 p.m. $5. Shredder REPTILIAN SHAPE SHIFTER— With Cat Massacre and Art Fad. 8:30 p.m. $2. Red Room RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid SHON SANDERS—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Downtown STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers TERRY JONES AND BILL LILES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill

DAVID LIEBE HART BAND— 8:30 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Red Room FRIM FRAM 4—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s

DYING FAMOUS AND PARALLEL COLLISION—9 p.m. FREE. New Frontier Club FLY2VOID—With Half The World, The Fav and Exit Prose. 7 p.m. $6 door. Knitting Factory

GREAT GARDEN ESCAPE— Featuring Blues Brothers Rock N’Soul Revue. 6 p.m. $10, $7 IBG members, $6 ages 5-12, FREE ages 5 and younger. Idaho Botanical Garden

GAYLE CHAPMAN—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid

THE HEAD AND THE HEART—8 p.m. $20-$40. Knitting Factory

LEE PENN SKY—With Willy Dallas and Megan Nelson. 9 p.m. FREE. High Note Cafe

LAST KING OUTLAW—9:30 p.m. FREE. Liquid ROBERT JAMES—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid ROCK AND RODEO SHOWCASE—Featuring Half the World. 9:30 p.m. FREE. Humpin’ Hannah’s THOMAS PAUL AND FRIENDS—6 p.m. FREE. Modern WHISKEY BLANKET—10 p.m. $5. Reef


SWINGIN’ WITH ELLIE SHAW— 5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar TERRY JONES—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill TRAIN—With Mat Kearney and Andy Grammer. 7:30 p.m. $29.50-$55. Taco Bell Arena WASHED OUT—With Shades. See Listen Here, this page. 10 p.m. $12. Reef

SATURDAY SEPT. 22 A TASTY JAMM—9 p.m. FREE. Big Al’s AKA BELLE—9 p.m. FREE. O’Michael’s BEN TAYLOR—8 p.m. $19 adv., $22 door. Egyptian Theatre

METAL 4 THE MOUNTAINS— Featuring Karin Comes Killing, Ripchain, Kilmer and Villainous. 5:30 p.m. $15. Old Idaho State Penitentiary

BUCKETHEAD—8 p.m. $20$40. Knitting Factory

NEW TRANSIT—10 p.m. $3. Grainey’s

MICHAEL MANRING—With Jared Hallock and Thomas Paul. 7 p.m. $15-$35. Rose Room

REILLY COYOTE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Humpin’ Hannah’s RYAN WISSINGER—9 p.m. FREE. Solid

ERIC GRAE—6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill

NEW TRANSIT—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s PILOT ERROR—10 p.m. $5. Reef



GUIDE ROCCI JOHNSON BAND—9:30 p.m. FREE. Humpin’ Hannah’s

SCOTT H. BIRAM—With Restavant. 7 p.m. $10. Neurolux


TODD DUNNIGAN—10:15 a.m. FREE. Berryhill

SALLY TIBBS—With Kevin Kirk. 6:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar SAMPLES—7 p.m. $20-$40. Knitting Factory


TAUGE AND FAULKNER—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s

SEPT. 24

TREASURED GROOVES: UNDERGROUND HOUSE—Featuring Trevor Vichas. 9 p.m. $7 donation. Red Room WAITING FOR A LION—9 p.m. FREE. High Note Cafe

SUNDAY SEPT. 23 ALEX RICHARDS BAND—8 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s CARMEL CROCK—1:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar EQUALEYES—10 p.m. $5. Reef HATEBREED—7:30 p.m. $20$40. Knitting Factory HUME—With Mozam and Shades. 8 p.m. $5. Red Room JOHNNY SHOES—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid PAT RICE—1:30 p.m. FREE. Solid


COLLEEN GREEN—With Plateaus. 8 p.m. $3. Red Room FREUDIAN SLIP—5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar I WAS TOTALLY DESTROYING IT—With Gypsyhawk and The Old One Two. 8 p.m. $5. Shredder PUNK MONDAY—8 p.m. $3. Liquid TRAVIS WARD—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid


JONAH SHUE AND THE COUNTRY CLUB—5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar RADIO BOISE TUESDAYS—Featuring Brainstorm. 7 p.m. $5. Neurolux RAT CITY RUCKUS—8 p.m. $TBD. Shredder TEGAN AND SARA— With Speak. See Listen Here, this page. 8 p.m. $30-$60. Knitting Factory

WEDNESDAY SEPT. 26 ALIVE AFTER FIVE—Featuring Matti Sand and Hayes Carll. 5 p.m. FREE. Grove Plaza BEN BURDICK—5:30 p.m. FREE.Flatbread-Downtown BRANDON PRITCHETT—8 p.m. FREE. Reef

JERRY JOSEPH AND THE JACKMORMONS—8 p.m. $8 adv., $10 door. Neurolux JONATHAN WARREN AND THE BILLYGOATS—10 p.m. FREE. Grainey’s KEN HARRIS—With Rico Weisman and Lawson Hill. 6 p.m. FREE. Berryhill KILEY AND ELLIE SHAW—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Bown MATISYAHU AND DIRTY HEADS—8 p.m. $30-$60. Knitting Factory PAMELA DEMARCHE—5:30 p.m. FREE. Flatbread-Meridian REILLY COYOTE—8:45 p.m. FREE. Pengilly’s RYAN WISSINGER—5:45 p.m. FREE. Solid SHADES—With Animal Eyes and Fanno Creek. 8:30 p.m. $3. Red Room STEVE EATON AND PHIL GARONZIK—8 p.m. FREE. Chandlers

GAYLE CHAPMAN—With Robb Howell. 5:30 p.m. FREE. Sandbar GEORGE THOROGOOD AND THE DESTROYERS—8 p.m. $29.50-$49.50. Revolution

IDAHO SONGWRITERS FORUM—6 p.m. FREE. Gamekeeper Lounge

TEGAN AND SARA, SEPT. 25, KFCH Identical twins Tegan and Sara Quin broke into the indie spotlight in the early aughts, sporting spiky haircuts and dueling acoustic guitars. But after more than a decade, there is still much to be learned about this duo in transit. Hailing from Calgary, Canada, the band’s previous album, Sainthood, has been on the shelves since 2009, garnering the sisters mainstream success and an ever-growing flurry of fans. The record was dark, catchy and much heavier than 2007’s The Con or 2004’s So Jealous. With a United Kingdom tour with dance pop legends The Killers slated for later this year, Tegan and Sara is gearing up to release its seventh full-length in 2013. Videos of an elusive new song entitled “Closer” have been popping up on the Web, and if this ’80s-inspired pop gem is an indication of the direction Tegan and Sara are taking, there is certainly a bright future ahead. —Trevor Villagrana

V E N U E S Don’t know a venue? Visit for addresses, phone numbers and a map.

With Speak. 7 p.m. doors, 8 p.m. show, $30-$60. Knitting Factory Concert House, 416 S. Ninth St., 208-367-1212,

BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 27



RATHER REVEALING Controversial Bodies: Revealed exhibit bares all in Boise ANDREW CRISP

TMP takes a collaborative leap this fall.

CONSUMING COLLABORATION After a whirlwind tour through the Philippines, Vietnam, China and South Korea in May, Boise’s lithe cultural ambassadors Trey McIntyre Project have officially selected the Korea National Contemporary Dance Company to complete a three-week-long collaborative residency with the company. TMP and KNCDC will combine acronyms and talents for a special performance debuting at the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s Next Wave Festival in November. “I could tell they had a real generosity of spirit and a way of being present and in the moment that is very similar to the way [TMP] works,” Artistic Director Trey McIntyre said in a press release. TMP was able to tour Asia through DanceMotion USAsm, a program designed and funded by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. In addition to the performance in Brooklyn, N.Y., the companies will also show off their collaborative skills at the Morrison Center for the Performing Arts in Boise on Saturday, Nov. 10, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. Moving from works on stage to works on paper, Stewart Gallery will host an opening reception Friday, Sept. 21, from 6-8 p.m. for its annual Works on Paper exhibition, which features local, national and international artists. Stewart is located at 2230 Main St. and the show will be up through Friday, Nov. 2. In other debut news, burlesque troupe the Red Light Variety Show will present its apocalypse-themed fall show, The End is Near Here, at Visual Arts Collective Thursday, Sept. 20-Saturday, Sept. 22, and Friday, Sept. 28-Saturday, Sept 29. Doors open at 8 p.m. and the show starts at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 in advance or $15 at the door. On the final night of the performance Red Light will host a FREE afterparty at VAC from 11 p.m.-2 a.m., featuring Radio Boise’s Psycache spinning end-of-the-world tunes and a post-apocalyptic costumed dance party. After you’ve sated your burlesque appetite, head to The Rose Room Monday, Sept. 24, to savor Story Story Night’s latest theme, Consumed: Stories of Hunger and Appetites, with storytellers Brent Southcombe, Cheryl Maddalena and Anna Demetriades. This month, in addition to a story slam, the evening will boast two fusion art performances. Storyteller Emma Arnold and musician Jack Loyd Gish will perform a short piece on “an all-consuming family experience,” and choreographer Chanel DaSilva, dancer Libby Schmoeger and SSN hostess Jessica Holmes will debut a piece “centered on a spoon full of sugar.” The show starts at 7 p.m. and priority seating tickets are $7 in advance or $5 at the door. —Tara Morgan

28 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

A 1632 Rembrandt oil painting shows seven men watching intently as a figure in a widebrimmed black hat peels back the skin of a cadaver’s arm. Innumerable artists have paid homage to the human body using oil and canvas. But by using silicone polymer, scientists are now able to preserve real human forms for public viewing, creating 3D pieces of art. “You want something that doesn’t lie to you, that tells you the truth about the body, the only thing that does that is a real one,” said Dr. Roy Glover, chief medical director and spokesman for Bodies: Revealed, who previously ran the Polymer Preservation Laboratory at the University of Michigan. In May, Discovery Center of Idaho and St. Alphonsus Health Systems announced a partnership to bring Bodies: Revealed to Boise. The exhibit will open Saturday, Sept. 29, and run through March 31, 2013. It will highlight human circulatory, nervous, reproductive and other systems. “The exhibit has many goals,” said Glover. “But one of them is to impress on people that not only are they in control of their own health, but there are things they can do to prevent disease from happening.” Bodies: Revealed uses a process called plastination to preserve cadavers in a variety of poses at different levels of dissection. Plastination halts the decay of corpses by replacing water, which makes up more than 70 percent of the body, with liquid silicone. The plastination process for an entire human body can take up to a year, but individual organs can be transformed much faster. The result is a pliable, sterile, silicone-filled body. Staff then shape the bodies into their final positions. “Basically, we want people to learn more about

on display, Glover said his company focuses themselves,” said Glover. on health. The exhibition shows what a tumor Some of the bodies exhibited are simple, looks like and the effects of smoking. like a skeleton draped only in a bright red “That’s the core of why we’re doing this circulatory system, while others are more comexhibit,” said Boire. “It’s all about health and plex. One body retains all muscular tissue, the helping us understand our bodies.” arm cocked back holding a baseball. Dr. Mary River, a neurologist at St. AlphonDr. Gunther von Hagens, who wears a sus, said she had seen the Bodies: Revealed trademark black hat similar to the one in the Rembrandt portrait, developed the plastination exhibit previously in Chicago. “Anymore, without people dying in the process and calls himself an “anatomy artist.” home, hospitals take “He’s very theatricare of the death of a cal,” said DCI ExBodies: Revealed opens Saturday, Sept. family member,” she ecutive Director Janine 29, and runs through March 31, 2013; said. “I think this exhibit $14-$18 non-members, $6-$8 members, Boire. “And very FREE kids three and under. is part of saying, ‘You sensationalistic.” do need to see this. Von Hagens, DISCOVERY CENTER OF IDAHO 131 W. Myrtle St. People do die.’” who has a penchant 208-343-9895 DCI felt a more scienfor blurring the line tifically focused exhibit fit between science and better with its mission. art, created the Body “[Bodies: Revealed] is more educational,” Worlds exhibit. That show debuted in Japan in 1995 and has drawn criticism for its portrayals said Boire. “There’s more text, if you will. It’s still very tastefully displayed, but it’s got less of the dead. Bodies: Revealed is a competing showmanship.” exhibit put on by Premier Exhibitions, which But is that artistic element still present in Glover called more scientific. “We go from the skeleton through muscles, Bodies: Revealed? “There definitely is,” Boire said. “Art but nerves, blood vessels, lungs, all the way not theater.” through the body,” he said. “Each gallery has Facial features are still perceivable in the specific organs or whole bodies in it that help intricate, sinewy tendons and muscles clinging tell the story of that to cheekbones and around eye sockets. Lips specific system.” are closed in dispassionate, blank faces that are While von neither smiling nor grimacing. Hagens claims River also compares bodies to works of art. all of the caWhile she said she wasn’t very religious, she davers used in quoted Psalm 139:14. his exhibit are “I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and obtained from wonderfully made,” she said, adding, “It’s like consenting North American the machinery of a fine Swiss watch.” The Discovery Center also considered the and European religious implications of an exhibit that deals donors, critics of with corpses and death. Boire said DCI met Bodies: Revealed have accused the company of using with members of local faith communities before announcing the exhibit. Chinese political prisoners “That was one of my favorite parts of this for its exhibit. But Glover whole process,” said Boire. “We had already said the bodies in his company’s exhibit are unclaimed made the decision and the commitment to do corpses for whom no family the exhibit. But we just wanted to reach out, as a matter of respect, to the local community.” came forward. DCI met with representatives from the “We partner with the Chinese,” said Glover. “We Catholic, Jewish, Islamic and Mormon faiths. The LDS church supported the cause. know who these people “The core of their belief system is the are, and we have all the body is a temple to be treated well,” Boire confidence in the world that when they procure a said. “The thinking was: The more people understand their body, the more people will body that’s donated, treat it well.” that’s exactly how All ages are encouraged to view Bodies: they obtain it.” Revealed. However, staff recommends young While Body children attend with their parents. Worlds and “I believe our bodies are our most precious Bodies: gifts,” said Glover. “They’re the only things Revealed we carry with us from the day we’re born until both put human bodies our last breath.” WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M


Special Screenings GLENN BECK’S UNELECTABLE 2012—Glenn Beck will face off against Brian Sack, host of The B.S. of A., and his “say anything to get elected” character during this live broadcast of the political commentary from the Majestic Theater in San Antonio. Thursday, Sept. 20, 7 p.m. $20. Edwards Boise Stadium 22 and IMAX, 7701 W. Overland Road, Boise, 208-377-9603; Edwards Boise Downtown Stadium 9, 760 Broad St., Boise, 208338-3821,

YES, MASTER The Master features the year’s two best male performances GEORGE PRENTICE The Master—which explores the lure and vagaries of power and free will—excises veins of American complexity rarely seen since the plays of Arthur Miller. Screenwriter and director Paul Thomas Anderson’s modern masterpiece depicts an early 1950s America, still unable to measure its post-war trauma, and finds two lost souls: one thirsty for salvation and another drunk with delusion. Already shrouded in controversy before its North American premiere, The Master Joaquin Phoenix stars as Freddie Quell, a WWII vet who becomes a charismatic cult leader’s test subject. has been shackled to a question that I heard repeatedly prior to its screening at the Toronto would be to dismiss the pleasure of watching a chasing him. When he quite literally stumbles International Film Festival: Is the movie’s title (he’s often stone drunk) into a man who will masterwork of drama. character based on L. Ron Hubbard, founder become his master, Quell senses that he has The film’s pillars are the two best male of the Church of Scientology? been found and ultimately laid bare. performances of any movie this year: Philip The answer, not unlike the film, is compliAnd Hoffman’s Dodd is all too eager to Seymour Hoffman as Dodd and Joaquin cated. I’ve known many devout followers of oblige, using Quell as a test subject for pseudoPhoenix as Freddie Quell. Each actor is sinScientology and I can say with no reservation that fictional “master” Lancaster Dodd’s teach- gular in his achievement, yet it’s impossible to psychological interrogation in order to break his spirit. But when his chicanery has done its consider one without the other. If there’s any ings bear a close comparison to Hubbard’s. damage, Dodd quickly fills the soul’s void with justice in Hollywood, However, deep into Hoffman and Phoenix enigmatic refuse. the end credits of The Amy Adams is also spellbinding as Dodd’s will be nominated as Master, I read the folTHE MASTER (R) wife. Instead of leaning on a stereotypical Oscar’s first quinella lowing caveat: Directed by Paul Thomas Anderson performance as a cult leader’s spouse, Adams for Best Actor. “The story and its Starring Philip Seymour Hoffman, Joaquin plays Peggy Dodd as a measured puppeteer. Phoenix, an uncharacters are fictional Phoenix and Amy Adams “What color are my eyes?” Peggy asks nerving talent of skill and the events and acOpens Friday, Sept. 21, at The Flicks sweetly as she is nose-to-nose with Quell. (I Walk The Line) tions portrayed do not “Green,” Quell mumbles. and cockamamie (I’m reflect the actions of “Turn them black,” she whispers. Still Here) portrays any movement or any Maybe it was special effects, but I could Quell, a veteran still at war with himself. living or deceased individuals.” swear I saw her eyes turn to coal. I had to After Quell is abused as a child, World War After wrestling with the “is it or isn’t it” remind myself to breathe again. II wreaks havoc on what little there was left debate, I resigned to bask in The Master’s cinThe Master, told with maturity and masematic radiance: a warm glow here, a blistering of his life force. As an adult, he sulks through tery, is not to be missed. life like a fugitive, though no one is ever burn there. To obsess over such delineation

MOVIES IN THE GARDEN: NAPOLEON DYNAMITE—Pack a picnic, bring a blanket and enjoy movies on the outdoor big screen. Food and beverage vendors will provide snacks and summer treats. Movies start at dusk. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 7 p.m. $3-$5. Idaho Botanical Garden, 2355 N. Penitentiary Road, Boise, 208-343-8649, MUST COME DOWN—This one-night-only screening will be followed by a Q&A with writer-director Kenny Riches and lead actor David Fetzer. This feature film premiered at Cinequest San Jose and went on to screen at the Phoenix Film Fest, Newport Beach Film Fest, and the Minneapolis St. Paul International Film Festival, among others. For more info, log onto Monday, Sept. 24, 8 p.m. $10. Boise Contemporary Theater, 854 Fulton St., Boise, 208-3319224, THE PRINCESS BRIDE—The 1987 classic film will be shown outdoors as part of the Sun Valley Center for the Arts’ multidisciplinary project Happily Ever After?, which examines fairy tales. Bring a picnic and blanket. Friday, Sept. 21, 7:30 p.m. FREE. Sun Valley Center for the Arts-Hailey, 314 Second Ave. S., Boise, 208-726-9491,

Opening DREDD 3D—A judge named Dredd fights to clean up the mean streets of an America, which have become a wasteland in this sci-fi flick. (R) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 END OF WATCH—Jake Gyllenhaal, Michael Pena, Anna Kendrick, Frank Gillo and America Ferrera star in this crime drama about Los Angeles police officers. (R) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 HOUSE AT THE END OF THE STREET—A divorcee and her daughter move to a new town with a chilling secret. (PG-13) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22 THE MASTER—See review, this page. (R) The Flicks ROBOT AND FRANK—Frank Langella, Susan Sarandon, Liv Tyler and James Marsden star in this futuristic film about a retired burglar who is given a robot as a caretaker. (PG-13) The Flicks


1. SNOW WHITE AND THE HUNTSMAN First week in release.


2. SAFE Dropped from No. 1 on Sept. 12.

—Source: Video Memories, 4504 Overland Road, Boise, 208-385-0113

3. BATTLESHIP Dropped from No. 2 on Sept. 12.

4. WHAT TO EXPECT WHEN YOU’RE EXPECTING First week in release.

5. THINK LIKE A MAN Third week in release. Returns to top 5.

TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE—Clint Eastwood stars in this film about an aging baseball scout and his daughter, who reconnect when trying to save the scout’s career. (PG-13) Edwards 9, 12, 14, 22

For movie times, visit or scan this QR code. BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 29



GROUSING The quandary over the threatened game bird RANDY KING The City of Trees Marathon needs you.

EYE ON WILDLIFE With public lands and wildlife management agencies’ budgets taking major hits in the last few years, private grants have become even more important for restoration and management projects. The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation announced a series of grants totaling $134,460 to support conservation projects in 20 Idaho counties, with a special focus on the Clearwater Basin, where the elk herd has experienced a major decline in the last decade. “Our concerns for the Clearwater Basin herd are more immediate. At one time, the Clearwater herd was the second largest in the entire country with 36,000 elk. Now it’s down to just 5,000,” David Allen, Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation president, wrote in a press release. In other areas of the state, programs will include forest thinning, prescribed burns and other projects on roughly 29,000 acres, with the goal of improving wildlife habitat. In Boise County, money will go to a prescribed burn of more than 2,000 acres to improve winter grazing, as well as the construction of fencing designed to guide wildlife to an underpass under Highway 21 to help cut down on vehicle-wildlife collisions. In Elmore County, the grant funding will help with prescribed burns, as well as rehabbing areas burned by wildfires in 2010. In Owyhee County, funds will go to help restore 1,000 acres of sage-steppe habitat by removing juniper and replanting native grasses. Since the foundation began the grant program in 1985, it has helped with 418 projects valued at $51.2 million. The Idaho Department of Fish and Game is looking at the future of wildlife itself in the wake of its recent Idaho Wildlife Summit. The August event brought the public, conservation groups and management agencies together to talk about the future of wildlife conservation at a time when traditional funding is not only being cut, but fewer people are contributing through hunting permit sales. IDFG recorded the event and has started posting video segments on its website while staff is going through public comments. Check out the videos at fishandgame. Finally, if you’re more of an athletic supporter than an athlete, organizers of the City of Trees Marathon are looking for some volunteers for the Sunday, Oct. 14, race. Volunteers are needed to help with everything from manning water stations to helping take everything down after the race. Shifts are between two and three hours. For more info, email cotvolunteer@gmail. com. —Deanna Darr

30 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

When the manila envelope arrived in the mail from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game, I was concerned. Never before had I received such a large package from a government agency. Most of the time, my mail from the IDFG is a survey or a “you forgot to file your harvest report” notice. But this package was different. Inside was a note asking me to send in the wings of the sage grouse that I was planning to shoot. The package had prepaid postage, waxed envelopes and a letter telling me about the importance of data collection. The letter even had specific directions on what part of the wing IDFG wanted: “Try to send us the wing with the fewest shot off, blood stained, dog chewed and otherwise damaged feathers.” Got it. It felt dirty, a little wrong, to package up dead upland game animals’ wings and send them via the U.S. Postal Service. In fact, it reminded me of the movie Seven. But if it was what I had to do to hunt the birds, then I was going to comply. But hunting sage grouse is not a guaranteed thing. They are in a difficult position around much of the country right now. A few hundred years ago, before roads and subdivisions divided the landscape, much of the West was unaltered tracts of sagebrush. These large areas allowed sage hen to roam freely and keep healthy population levels. But with the encroachment of man and habitat change, some areas have seen a sage grouse population loss of up to 80 percent. According to the Nature Conservancy, if left to the status quo, the sage grouse population is expected to decline by another 19 percent in the Intermountain West in the near future. Populations are so small that hunting sage grouse is confined to a single week most years. Some years, in times of extreme drought or very cold and wet springs, the season is canceled altogether. Other years, with times of fire, only certain sections are closed to hunters. Each year, Fish and Game decides when and where the birds can be harvested. The information about hunting season often comes out only the month before the season starts. For a native bird that has been hunted for hundreds of years by Idaho’s inhabitants, not having a season is a jagged little pill to swallow. Compare the short season of sage grouse to other game birds. Quail, for example, have a season that’s more than four months long, from September to January. Idaho has a plan to keep the hunting and the conservation of sage grouse a priority. IDFG, the Nature Conservancy and several other agencies and nonprofits have banded together to help protect and restore sage grouse habitat.





“What we do is go in and remove the junipers that have encroached on the wetland habitat,” said the Nature Conservancy’s Ken Miracle about what that organization is doing to help the sage grouse population. “With the over-fighting of fires, junipers have started to thrive in nontraditional areas like meadows, and when they show up, meadows tend to dry up and go away. Junipers can absorb a lot of water.” To remove the junipers, the group will often use a tree chipper-like device. “What we do is called mastication. We mulch and spread the juniper over the whole area,” Miracle said. “This is a lot better than just felling the tree and letting it lie since that provides obstacles for cows, elk and deer.” The removal of junipers has a secondary benefit of removing roosts for hawks and other sage grouse predators. Most of the work the Nature Conservancy does is on private land. As a human predator, I am amazed by the sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus. They belong, roughly, to the same family as the chicken. Thus their nicknames—sage hen and prairie chickens. The mature toms—male birds—can be the size of a small turkey. The birds do elaborate mating dances, puffing up their chests and letting out a bleating noise that can be heard for hundreds of yards. They sound like a helicopter when they are spooked from underneath some scrub. What the big birds lack in coordination and maybe even tact, they make up for in size. They are, on average, about twice the size of the other

grouse in Idaho. I know of a few wetland areas, called “stands,” that hold sage grouse. If all goes well opening day I will be taking out my oldest son to harvest his first sage grouse. We will be high up in the Owyhee Mountains replicating a hunt in which five generations of my family have participated. After having hunted sage grouse for a few years, wandering the high desert slopes, I have learned something about myself. Sage hen offer a prime example of a personal dilemma. I hunt them, I kill them and then eat them. But they taste like crap. It seems that no amount of Cajun seasoning can mask the kind of overcooked liver flavor they have. Eating them is a chore, a responsible thing to do, not the joy that eating other wild game can be. But I hunt them anyway. I want the predator-prey relationship on what I consider my home turf. I want to use my incisor teeth, my tools and my brain. I simply like to hunt the birds. I just wish they tasted better. Miracle does not share my opinion. “Sometimes I hunt the sage grouse for meat. ... I like the big old toms. Shooting them has less of an impact on the population, and they make excellent chili.” I think I need to get his recipe. I’ll continue to hunt sage hen each year, one per day. Because I can. Because I want to. Because I am not sure how much longer I will be able to. And I will make sure to send in my wings with the fewest shot off, blood stained, dog chewed and otherwise damaged feathers. WWW. B O I S E WE E KLY. C O M

LISTINGS/REC Events & Workshops CLIMBING SKILLS: ADVANCED CLIMBING TECHNIQUES— Climbers who have passed a basic belay check may par ticipate in this class, which will help you to more effectively use your body to enhance your climbing skills. Discount offered for taking multiple classes in the series. Visit the Rec Center

website for more info and to register. Wednesday, Sept. 19, 7-9 p.m. $10. Boise State Rec Center, 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-5641, 208-4261131, CLIMBING SKILLS SERIES: INTRO TO REPELLING—Climbers who have passed a belay check can par ticipate in this class, which focuses on smooth transitions from climbing to de-


scending. Discount offered for multiple classes in the series. Visit the Rec Center website for more info and to register. Wednesday, Sept. 26, 7-9 p.m. $15. Boise State Rec Center, 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-5641, 208-426-1131,


ST. LUKE’S CELEBRATION 5K RUN, WALK OR STROLL—Enjoy music and festivities beginning at 7 a.m., followed by the 5K beginning at 8:45 a.m. and ending with a par ty and awards in Ann Morrison Park. Visit for more info. Saturday, Sept. 22, 8:45 a.m. Idaho Capitol, 700 W. Jefferson St., Boise, 208-334-2120. WOMEN WHO ROCK—Want to tr y indoor climbing, learn a new sport or diversify your regular workout? This women-only climbing night features a two-hour basic skills clinic followed by climbing time. Friday, Sept. 21, 7-9 p.m. $5, FREE for Rec Center members. Boise State Rec Center, 1515 University Drive, Boise, 208-426-5641, 208-4261131,


POI CLASSES AT OPHIDIA STUDIO Workouts involving tube socks and tennis balls tend to also employ rackets and non-amorous usage of the word “love.” But the tennis staples take on a different purpose in poi classes at Ophidia Studio. As Ophidia instructor Julie Meek explained to a small class recently, poi originated with the Maori people of New Zealand. And although commonly known for the iterations of the artform using fire, poi needn’t involve flames—just tethered weights (also called poi) that can be swung, hence the tube socks with the tennis balls that Meek brought to class. Before beginning, Ophidia owner Allison Holley told me that poi was more like a puzzle and less about burning off your eyebrows. I can’t say I really understood at the time. And having never fully mastered the mind-body connection that so many yoga teachers preach, I didn’t expect to completely get it when Meek brought up the mental aspect of poi. However, after getting over the silly feeling of standing in front of a mirror with the weighted socks in hand, and listening to Meek explain planes (which triggered unsavory memories of geometry class), stalls and splittime, it all made sense. It also resonated when Meek Wednesdays, 8 p.m., $9, said, without sounding trite or $40 five-class card, $70 overly philosophical, that poi was 10-class card. similar to life in that you often OPHIDIA STUDIO feel like you’re messing up but 4464 Chinden Blvd., Ste. A, you’re not. Garden City There’s a great deal more to 208-409-2403 this performance art than meets the eye. Moving one of the poi forward while simultaneously rotating the other in the opposite direction is a magnificent exercise for the brain. Moves like the corkscrew and butterfly—aside from looking wicked cool—require thinking about timing, movement and force. Some moves are easy to master at first and then don’t make sense when revisited. Others are the complete opposite, and mastering a new move provides an exciting sense of accomplishment. Ultimately, it’s addicting. I laughed when one of the poi bounced off of my head and went soaring across the studio. Needless to say, I’m not yet near the level of skill needed to practice with flaming poi. But I did go home and scour my closet for a tennis ball to put in my tube socks, so maybe I’ll get there. —Sheree Whiteley WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

THURSDAY NIGHT RUN/ WALKS—Join the group for year-round fun run/walks ever y Thursday night of three, four or five miles. All abilities are welcome. The group meets regardless of weather. The run/ walk star ts at 5:30 p.m. sharp. First-timers should arrive a few minutes early to sign up. Join the mileage club to earn points for free rewards. Thursdays, 5:30 p.m. FREE, 208-3446604. Shu’s Idaho Running Company, 1758 W. State St., Boise, idahorunningcompany. com.

e a p r s e e k a h Stars S UNDER THE

TONE-2-RHYTHM—This class uses choreography in the styles of jazz, hip-hop, modern and more to provide a cardiovascular workout and toning exercises. Wednesdays, Saturdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. $10, discount when multiple classes are purchased. Ballet Idaho, 501 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208343-0556, YOGA—Build strength and increase your flexibility. This class is open to all levels of yoga experience. Wednesdays, 9-10 a.m. $10, discount when multiple classes are purchased. Ballet Idaho, 501 S. Eighth St., Boise, 208-343-0556,

Register LIFE TIME TORCHLIGHT 5K—Race-goers of all ages are invited to run or walk 3.1 miles (5K) Wednesday, Sept. 26, at 6:30 p.m. The evening concludes with a post-race par ty featuring food, drinks and music. The star ting line is on Main Street and Capitol Boulevard, and the finish line is on Eighth Street between Idaho and Main streets. Online registration will be open until Monday, Sept. 24, or register on race day 5-6:15 p.m. $20-$40.

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Luke Massengill, Noises Off (2012). Photo—DKM Photography.


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BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 31



21ST CENTURY FOOD SAFETY Idaho foodborne illness victim becomes a poster child for change CHRISTINA MARFICE Make it a cioppino Sunday at Cafe Vicino.


32 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly

dealt mainly in preventing adulteration of food products, while, according to Eskin, “the big threats now in terms of food safety are bacteria, viruses and other pathogens.” Food safety regulations that are in place now are reactive, or designed to respond to outbreaks of foodborne illness once they have occurred. The FSMA will signal a shift to a system that strives to prevent outbreaks before they happen by holding importers, growers and processors of food to higher safety standards. The new law will require there be Food and Drug Administration offices in at least five foreign countries that export food to the

“There are three major components in the law that reflect that prevention basis,” Eskin said. “Those are the three for which we’re still waiting for these implementation regulations.” The FDA has drafted the three provisions and sent them to the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, where they have stalled enough to miss the final deadline outlined in the law for public proposals to be published. Nearly two months have passed since the July 4 deadline, and Eskin, Allgood and other food safety advocates are still waiting. “We just don’t understand why they’re being held up,” Eskin said. “There’s no reason for it. We know they’ve been written.” The OMB issued an official statement to the media in late July, stressing the importance of getting the rules right and claiming the delay is caused by their “complexity and importance.” But the FDA can’t enforce the new regulations until they are finalized and approved by OMB, which has been causing frustration and impatience among the law’s supporters. Eskin and her food safety coalition are now working to bring publicity to the issue, increasing pressure on the OMB to release finished proposals. Most recently, the coalition began to run advertisements featuring photos of foodborne illness victims, including Kyle Allgood, in several national papers. “Our efforts have been, if not under the radar, just above the radar,” Eskin said. “Starting in January, we sent an initial letter to the White House. Many representatives of our coalition have met with White House officials. We tried to impress upon them how important these rules were. It wasn’t until we exhausted all of those avenues that we decided to go more public. There was a desire to not make this a big issue if it didn’t need to be. We’ve been echoing the message for months now. We pressed for as long as we felt like we could, but we reached a point where there was no one else to talk to. We felt like it was important enough to go public in a big way.” In the wake of two deaths in late August linked to a salmonella outbreak from Indiana cantaloupe, the Center for Food Safety joined the fight, filing suit against the FDA and the OMB, claiming the delays were “unreasonable and dangerous.” 33 The lawsuit seeks to force the FDA JAMES LLOYD

It looks like the periodically dormant Bouquet space at 1010 Main St. is finally getting a face-lift. After an exhausting openclose dance, the historic downtown bar is gearing up to open as The Ice Bouquet in late October. Owners have been trying to ramp up hype for the spot with coy Tweets and Facebook posts like: “Looks like something is getting a makeover. Wonder where and what it could be? #ICEisComing” For more on what will fill the new bucket, check back with Boise Weekly in coming weeks. Another downtown staple that has gone through a recent revamp is Le Cafe de Paris. The bistro/bakery debuted a new dinner menu with a “more traditional” French bistro focus in early September. “Everything is made from scratch daily, but it’s not over the top; it’s just good comfortable cooking,” said owner Mathieu Choux. New menu items include duck confit, steak frites, a bacon onion tart with wholewheat crust and oysters on a half shell. In other restaurant evolution news, Cafe Vicino just announced that it will now be open for dinner Sunday nights from 5-9 p.m., beginning Sunday, Sept. 30. “We’ve had a lot of customer requests to add Sunday night, and are looking forward to offering a relaxing start to the work week or relaxing end to the weekend depending on your point of view,” chef-owner Richard Langston wrote in an email. Reservations can be made by calling 208472-1463 or online at And in more opening news, Bleubird is now slinging specialty sandwiches Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the former Fixx location at 224 N. 10th St. The airy, robin’s egg blue space serves sandwiches, artisan cheese and charcuterie plates and fresh squeezed sodas. The spot’s daily “apres” happy hour runs from 4-7 p.m. and features an array of wine and beer options served in quaint mason jars. For more info on Bleubird, visit Speaking of downtown openings, Reel Foods Fish Market is now in full swing in its new expanded location at 611 Capitol Blvd. In addition to fresh fish and meats, the space features more prepared food options, like fresh ahi poke. For daily updates on fresh fish offerings, visit And finally, Spacebar Arcade, 200 N. Capitol Blvd., has announced that it will open Saturday, Sept. 22. The spot will feature around 30 coin-operated vintage arcade games and rotating taps. —Tara Morgan

The first thing Pocatello resident Jeff Allgood will tell you about his son Kyle is that he was always in a hurry. Kyle was born in the Allgood family’s upstairs bathroom because he arrived faster than an ambulance could. He was a quick learner and walked and talked well before he was expected to. “He was pretty excited to get into this life, I guess,” said Allgood. “That’s kind of how his whole life went. He was always in a hurry to grow up.” Kyle was a strong, healthy and active 2-year-old when he fell ill with what appeared to be a bad stomach flu. “It didn’t really worry us at first,” said Allgood. Kyle’s older sister had been ill for several days, and Kyle didn’t begin to show symptoms until after she had recovered. But in the first few days of his illness Kyle’s symptoms worsened, and Allgood suspected he knew why. “We had heard the reports that there was E. Coli in spinach and we were eating it regularly,” he said. “We said that we think that it’s E. Coli, so that’s how we were treating him the whole time.” But E. Coli treatment can only target the symptoms of the infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is no evidence that treatment with antibiotics is helpful. After the toddler was flown to a larger hospital in Utah, his health continued to decline. “Once we got there, his condition tanked very quickly,” said Allgood. “We were probably only there about three hours before he passed away.” Since Kyle’s death, Allgood has become an advocate for better food safety regulations. He is currently involved in a campaign to implement the Food Safety Modernization Act, a law signed by President Barack Obama in January 2011. The act is a consolidation of several laws drafted gradually over the last 15 years and serves mainly to update food safety provisions upheld by the Food and Drug Administration. According to Sandra Eskin, project director of the Pew Health Group’s Food Safety Campaign, certain food safety regulations haven’t been changed since the 1930s. “What you were dealing with in terms of food safety threats at that point are very different than what we deal with now,” Eskin said. In the first half of the century, regulations

United States. It will also update safety standards for the growth and harvesting of produce and the processing of high-risk food products. These three provisions are designed to improve food safety oversight and reduce the risk of contamination. Eskin and the Allgoods worked together in petitioning Congress to draft updated laws, and although the FSMA is now law, the three provisions pertaining to importers, growers and processors that will help prevent food contamination are no closer to being implemented than they were before the law was passed.



to implement the new regulations before they are finalized by the OMB, preventing further holdup after more than 18 months of delays. But Idaho officials insist that many foodborne illness safeguards are already in place here. According to Patrick Guzzle, a food safety expert at the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare, while the FDA only inspects higher-risk food establishments yearly, the case in Idaho is different. “We have a statutory obligation in Idaho to conduct inspections of all food establishments under our jurisdiction at least annually,” said Guzzle. But only Idaho producers fall under that jurisdiction, and the FSMA will help regulate food that is imported into the state, hopefully precluding another tragedy like the one that befell the Allgood family. And while some provisions may be stalled, the FSMA has already affected Idaho by improving communication between state and federal agencies. “Because of [FSMA], there is a much enhanced ability to share communication between my agency and the FDA when it comes to food safety,” Guzzle said. “Since its passage, I’ve been able to get information much more quickly and much more efficiently than I ever have before.” According to Allgood, this is a major step in the right direction. “Communications need to be improved,” he said. “Ability to trace to a source is very important.” But Allgood’s tragic personal experiences make him believe more needs to be done to improve safety standards and prevent outbreaks. “For the sake of the whole industry, whether it’s a program that’s implanted by the government or just by the companies on their own, something needs to change.” 32

TRANSITION INTO FALL WITH COTES DU RHONE Some of the best wines in the world are blends. That’s certainly true in Bordeaux, where merlot and cabernet come together, happily sharing the bottle with a few other varieties. In France’s Cotes du Rhone, grenache takes the lead position. There are other parts of the world where that grape stands alone, and it can be quite nice, but grenache really shines when it is blended with syrah. The combination makes for an easy-drinking, food-friendly red that’s a great choice for the transition to fall. It’s a wine designed to enhance an occasion, not dominate it. Here are the panel’s top picks: 2009 DOMAINE COSTE CHAUDE COTES DU RHONE, TRUFFIERE, $16.99 The intriguing aromas are bright and lively, leading off with creamy cherry that blends beautifully with earthy notes of smoke, savory olive, orange zest and bay leaf. The wine is ripe and round in the mouth with concentrated flavors of silky plum and cherry liqueur. This is definitely a fruit-forward, crowdpleasing style of wine. 2010 DOMAINE CROS DE ROMET COTES DU RHONE VILLAGE, CAIRANNE, $18.99 A blend of 80 percent grenache and 20 percent syrah, this wine’s aromas offer a heady core of dense, dark berry fruit with herb and game accents. The palate is equally dense with supple ripe berry, pepper, bacon and earth, backed by balancing acidity and smooth tannins. It’s approachable now, but would definitely benefit from five or more years in the cellar. 2010 GASSIER CERCIUS COTES DU RHONE VIEILLES VIGNES, $18.99 “Vieille vignes” translates from French as “old vines,” and at 80-plus years of age, this blend of 85 percent grenache and 15 percent syrah certainly qualifies. On the nose, you get berry and cassis backed by both fresh-ground coffee and black tea, with touches of game and mineral. Supple plum and boysenberry fruit flavors are colored by herb and pepper-laden spice. Smooth tannins linger nicely on the finish. —David Kirkpatrick WWW. B OISEWEEKLY.C O M

BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 33



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OFFICE ADDRESS Boise Weekly’s office is located at 523 Broad Street in downtown Boise. We are on the corner of 6th and Broad between Front and Myrtle streets.


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essary! Call our Live Operators Now! 1-800-405-7619 EXT 2450 http://www.easywork-greatpay. com MARKETING SPECIALIST The Idaho Small Business Development Center is seeking a Marketing Specialist to manage a website update & to strengthen internal marketing systems. PT temp. wk. avg. 18-30 hrs./wk. approx. 4 mo. Successful candidates will have a strong background in marketing; understand website design & operation; have project management experience; possess excellent communication skills; & be detail oriented. A graphic design background and/or experience are a plus. To apply for the position, please email a cover letter & resume to Loraine Hand, LoraineHand@ Applications will be accepted through September 21, 2012. Salary range $18- $20/ hr. depending on qualifications. OVERACHIEVER WANTED The Snake River Alliance seeks to strengthen its communication tools and outreach capabilities across its program areas. Emphasis on graphic design, website management, social media and event organization. Fulltime. Salary commensurate with experience. Benefits included. Applic. accepted until October 10. Email: lwoodruff@snakeriveralliance for full job description and requirements.


* Some special issues and holiday issues may have earlier deadlines.



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BW CAREER INFO. ACTORS/MOVIE EXTRAS Needed immediately for upcoming roles $150-$300 /day depending on job requirements. No experience, all looks needed. 1-800560-8672 for casting times /locations. Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.

COMMON GROUND CHORUS Open auditions for all vocal parts. Sept. 10, 17 & 25. For more information visit or phone Randy 208794-7839.

BW LOST SILVER/AMETHYST BRACELET Lost at Art in the Park, Sunday afternoon, memory wire amethyst/ silver bracelet. My personal design, please return to Art Museum front desk or call 272-1673. Thank you!

BW GARAGE & ESTATE SALES ANNUAL YARD SALE Eagles Lodge-7025 Overland Rd. (behind Cinema). Saturday, Sept. 22nd, 8am-4pm & Sunday, Sept. 23rd, 9am-3pm. Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.


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34 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S



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These pets can be adopted at the Idaho Humane Society. 4775 W. Dorman St. Boise | 208-342-3508

K.J.: 10-month-old male Lab/pit bull terrier mix. Big, boisterous puppy. Active, needs training. Appears to be housetrained. (Kennel 410#17029048)

CLAUDIA: 1-year-old female domestic shorthair. Petite and somewhat independent. Litterbox-trained. Likes a relaxed home. (Kennel 13- #17169404)

OLIVE: 4-year-old female domestic longhair. Extra-large lapcat. Needs a quieter home. Fearful of dogs. Very affectionate. (Kennel 06- #4849880)

MAX: 3-year-old male English pointer mix. Good with kids, basic training. House- and crate-trained. High energy. (Kennel 412#17116803)

ROSCOE: 3-year-old male greyhound mix. Abundance of energy. Needs a home that will keep him active and teach commands. (Kennel 424- #6219322)

PEEK-A-BOO: 6-monthold female domestic longhair. Adorable kitten. Inquisitive, playful. Litterbox-trained. (Kennel 19- #17205250)

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT - MASSAGE These pets can be adopted at Simply Cats.

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CORDUROY: Adoption LAVENDAR: Come fee includes spay/neu- adopt a playful buddy ter, vaccines, microchip or two today. and more.

BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 35


B O I S E W E E K LY rison Center on Sept 20, 2012 at 7:30pm. Asking what we paid ($105 total, $52.50 each) OBO. SEC MID-MZ ROW H SEATS 29 and 30 Please contact me soon TXT 801-842-7755 or e-mail at

BW CONCERT TICKETS LES MISERABLES TICKETS Two tickets to the upcoming Les Miserables Broadway at the Mor-

VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill

MIND, BODY, SPIRIT BW BEAUTY $10 CUT AND DEEP CONDITION Come into see Katie at Plush Hair Lounge, llc and get your $10 hair cut and deep conditioning treatment! Your hair will love you! Call/Text 353.0574 to book an appointment today!



Purchase Classic Facial receive complimentary Brow Wax at Massage & Body Boutique. 16th & State St. Boise. Call today 8419062.

BW COUNSELING Place your FREE on-line classifieds at No phone calls please.

COUNSELING Matthew D. Geske LCPC. Treating addiction issues, relationship problems & difficulty with change through individual psychotherapy in a professional & confidential setting. 841-3000. NEW COUNSELING PRACTICE Peter Wollheim, M. Couns, LPC, CCW Counseling Support for Individuals, Couples & Families Living with Severe & Persistent Mental Illnesses. Treating people as people, not diagnoses. Call 921-2027. Visit or PARENTING CLASS: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WITH DIRECTION 2-day workshop presented by Lorn Adkins, M.Ed., LCPC, LMFT & Shirley O’Neil, M.Ed., LPC. Friday, September 28th 6:30pm – 8:30pm & Saturday, September 29th 9:00am – 3:00pm., with follow-up groups on Tuesdays, October 9th, 16th & 23rd 7:15pm - 8:30pm. Please call 385-0888 or email to reserve your spot.

BW MASSAGE A Full body massage by experienced therapist. Out call or private studio. 863-1577 Thomas.



1/2 hr. $15. FULL BODY. Hot oil, 24/7. I travel. 880-5772. New website Male Only. Private Boise studio. Back in Boise after 5 weeks of training abroad. Tantra Massage by Jamie. 440-4321. FULL ROOM MASSAGE Deep tissue Swedish. Full body: $50/hr., $40/half hr. Foot Massage: $25/hr., $20/half hr. 7 days a week. 9am-10pm. 626-3454266. 320 N. Orchard St.

ACUTONICS FACIAL This facial consists of a personalized European facial and incorporates sound healing using tuning forks on acupressure points. This vibrating facial will help calm, sooth and balance your body, mind, and spirit. Massage & Body Boutique. 841-9062.






6 Scuba tank parts 12 Famous lawmaker? 18 Big fairy



6 19







88 92 95





106 112























58 63





62 66






























23 … and 33-Across: “must wear gloves in the field” 25 Causing a stink, maybe 26 Mrs. ___ (“Entourage” role) 27 Penguin’s spot, maybe 28 Aviator’s guide 30 Jazz’s Simone 31 Solzhenitsyn novel setting





12 21

33 39














27 31







20 Nazareth’s locale 22 Cheap cigar, in slang






116 119


36 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S




33 … and 50-Across: “experienced in conducting surveys for sites” 37 Peculiar 39 Groucho’s real name 41 “Hogwash!” 42 Friends’ feud 43 Of greatest interest to a bibliophile, maybe 44 Space traveler? 50 … and 62-Across: “may be tasked with generating impressions” 53 Control 54 Potsdam attendee 55 Actress Myrna 56 Viracocha worshiper 58 “Finnegans Wake” wife 59 Shout from a field 60 Highballs? 62 … and 69-Across: “excellent filing skills required” 65 Mythical figure represented in Vermeer’s “Art of Painting” 66 ___ paradox 68 Bet on 69 … and 86-Across: “focused on improving circulation” 73 Integral course, informally 74 Elided preposition 77 “Desperate Housewives” role 78 Ring toss activity? 79 Whoop 81 Careful writer’s concern 83 One down in the mouth 86 … and 96-Across: “willing to open chests and work on vessels” 89 Settled things 91 Jewelry item 92 Remain true 93 Mendes of Hollywood 94 Abbey Road, e.g. 95 Wi-Fi connection spots 96 … and 112-Across: “strong, disciplined hands a must” 102 Dance with a “casino” style 104 “Rubáiyát” poet 105 Walsh with three golds in beach volleyball

106 Tenant’s contact, casually 107 Rescuer of Mowgli in “The Jungle Book” 110 Cleanup hitter, say 112 … and 23-Across: “should be comfortable sitting on the bench” 117 Find, as a station 118 Herbalist’s drink 119 1972 Jack Lemmon comedy 120 Sonnet part 121 Chivalrous greeting 122 Break up

DOWN 1 Japanese bowlful 2 Skyscraper support 3 Cause of a product recall, perhaps 4 ’Fore 5 Fishing line attachment 6 Perform a body scan on? 7 Punishment on the knuckles 8 Awesome, in slang 9 Actress Vardalos 10 Some ancient carvings 11 “Peace!” 12 It might say “A.T.M. Here” 13 Antiquity, once 14 Worth no points, say 15 Shinto temple entrance 16 Bids one club, say 17 Silently greet 19 Pride Lands queen 21 First name in mysteries 24 Legislative holdup 29 Fumble follower 32 “___ then …” (on-air sign-off) 33 Bygone sedan 34 Like some investments 35 Cherubic 36 What the French once called “la Belle Rivière” 37 Many pledges 38 Utah’s ___ National Forest 40 Mount Narodnaya’s locale 43 “Dance at Bougival” painter 44 What “.99” may represent 45 School bully?

46 Co-explorer of 1804 47 It can be smoothed over 48 Cause of some teen angst 49 Oenophile’s specification 51 Nabisco brand 52 Seating area 57 Troubadour’s love song 61 Word before and after “will be” 62 Fannie ___ 63 Brown shade 64 Become part of history 65 Peppery herb 66 Dharma teachers 67 Borodin’s “Prince ___” 69 Goddess pursued by Hera 70 Superstar 71 Sticky situation 72 Purplish shade 73 Four seasons, e.g. 74 Incomparable 75 Where enfants learn 76 Divides 79 Mars atmosphere features 80 Japanese bowlful 82 Turkish leaders 84 Player of TV’s Det. Tutuola














85 Decorative Valentine’s Day gift 87 Pollster’s need 88 Arranges a blind date for 90 Easter egg roll, say 94 Like Shylock 95 Divide 96 Dessert wines 97 Saturate 98 Boons for farmers 99 Medieval helmet 100 Typical golf shots 101 Golf event 103 Pacific capital 106 Lab order 108 Dessert wine 109 Causing trouble 111 Took in 113 “Pinocchio” keepsake 114 Letter that’s an anagram of 111-Down 115 Something you might turn on 116 Tikka masala go-with Go to www.boiseweekly. com and look under extras for the answers to this week’s puzzle. Don't think of it as cheating. Think of it more as simply doublechecking your answers.

W E E K ’ S
























VISIT | E-MAIL | CALL | (208) 344-2055 ask for Jill



BOISE’S BEST! With Bodywork by Rose. 794-4789.


Hot tub available, heated table, hot oil full-body Swedish massage. Total seclusion. Days/Eves/Weekends. Visa/Master Card accepted, Male only. 866-2759. Embrace the moment with a sensual massage at ULM. Now accepting new clients. ULM 340-8377. Hrs. 8:30AM-8PM. ESELAN STYLE MASSAGE The long slow t’ai chi-like strokes awaken awareness, and as the tissues open to the warm touch, the contact deepens. A sigh moves through the body as the practitioner responds with integration strokes into related areas. Each session is unique, 1.5 hrs. long, tailored by personal requests, comfort level, phycial tension. Licensed, 15 year practitioner. Derrick Gillikin L.M.T. Office in healing center. 208-995-0179. MASSAGE BY GINA Full Body Treatment/Relaxation, Pain Relief & Tension Release. Call 908-3383. New Client-Your First Massage $20. 322 Lake Lowell Ave. Nampa. Call Betty 283-7830. RELAXATION MASSAGE Call Ami at 208-697-6231. RELAXATION MASSAGE Pamper yourself with a relaxing massage. I offer full body massage $40/hr. & $60 for 1.5 hours. I offer in & out services. I’m in SE Boise. Call or text Richard to schedule your massage at 208695-9492.


FREE Head & Should Massage with 1 hr. Chinese Reflexology Foot Massage at VIP Massage. 377-7711. Stop by 6555 W. Overland Rd near Cole.

PARENTING CLASS The multi-faceted problems of today’s world seem overwhelming with the tools that we learn from our parents to answer the questions that our children face in the twenty-first century. 2-day workshop presented by Lorn Adkins, M.Ed., LCPC, LMFT & Shirley O’Neil, M.Ed., LPC. Friday, September 28th -Saturday, September 29th with follow-up groups on Tuesdays, October 9th, 16th & 23rd. Please call 385-0888 or email to reserve your spot.

BW PROFESSIONAL GETTING PAROLE IN IDAHO IS NOT EASY If you have a family member or friend who is trying, there are things they can & must do to help their cause. Contact Maloney Law on our 24 hr. line 208-392-5366 for a free consultation. Assistance available in parole & probation violations also. GRAPHICS BY TONI Graphic artist specializing in music CD layout & design. 15 yrs. experience. Very reasonable rates. Check out samples of my work on my web site “Graphics by Toni”. Call 208-922-7192. LEARN TO PLAY THE BAGPIPES The Boise Highlanders will be starting their annual Piping School in October. Lesson will run from October-May. For information on registering for lessons, please contact Ron or Joyce Lopez at 362-3144 or email

BW INSTRUMENTS USED BASS CLARINET FOR SALE Lovely Used Bass Clarinet for sale. This instrument was given to me by my grandmother in high school. $1,500. Willing to negotiate. YCL-220 Yamaha model Wooden 3 piece instrument . Contact: Erika:

BW MUSICIAN’S EXCHANGE ROCK BAND ORIGINALS Have songs written, want to practice & work on them for playing out. Wanted: singer, back up & lead, depending on the song; bass; drums; and saxophone or clarinet; and keyboards; fiddle violin player also if it fits. 208-9361863.



EMF, RF Testing & Consulting. Assess the safety of your home or office for dangerous electromagnetic fields. Protect your health & well being! Rebecca Saxon, RN, BSN, MA 703-9784.


BASS LESSONS Pro Bass player offering bass lessons. Techniques, “finding the groove” song analysis. General music theory. Trouble shooting. $20/hr, $15/1/2 hr. I will also negotiate long & short term deals. I am mobile-I come to you. I offer a fun patient teaching method that moves at your pace. Thank you Sandy Sanford 208-392-5379.

MUSIC BW MUSIC INSTRUCTION GUITAR LESSONS Learn Guitar & Bass in my home studio. 40 + yrs. of professional exp. Beginners & intermediates welcome. Rate: $30/hr. Here me on reverbnation Boise. Rick “Lika” Segoine. 922-7192 or 724-3297.




IGLOO DOG HOUSE This dog house igloo is for a small sized dog. Good condition. 208376-2353. MANUAL WHEELCHAIR Manual wheelchair only used twice, seat width is 17 ” depth is 15 .” Chair is in very good condition. 208-376-2353. QUEEN PILLOWTOP MATTRESS SET. Brand new-still in plastic. Warranty. MUST SELL $139. Can deliver. 921-6643. SOFAS AND LOVE SEAT Beautiful Sofas (2) & loveseat (1). In wonderful condition. Beige micro fiber only 3 yrs. old. Must sell soon! $500 for all or OBO. Please contact Greta at 208-440-9029.

BW ART, ANTIQUES & COLLECTABLES FLEA MARKET SALE The Treasure Garden at 6521 Ustick Road is reopening soon. Looking for Artists, Crafters and Venders. Starting 9-15 Saturdays and Sundays 10 to 6. 10 x 10 Spaces $25 per weekend. Flea Market Style. Reserve your space now! 3440811

NOTICES BW LEGAL NOTICES IN THE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 4TH JUDICIAL DISTRICT FOR THE STATE OF IDAHO, IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ADA IN RE: Zachary Leonard Sodenkamp Case no. CV NC 1214599 NOTICE OF HEARING ON NAME CHANGE A Petition to change the name of Zachary Leonard Sodenkamp, now residing in the City of Boise, State of Idaho, has been filed in the District Court in Ada County, Idaho. The name will change to Adrianna Elaine Sodenkamp. The reason for the change in name is: personal. A hearing on the petition is scheduled for 1:30 o’clock p.m. on October 16, 2012 at the Ada County Courthouse. Objections may be filed by any person who can show the court a good reason against the name change. Date: Aug. 21, 2012.

BW WANT TO BUY CASH FOR CARS: Any Car/Truck. Running or Not! Top Dollar Paid. We Come To You! Call For Instant Offer: 1-888-420-3808

HOT GAY & BI LOCALS Browse & Respond FREE! 208472-2200. Use FREE Code 5914, 18+. MEET SEXY SINGLES Reply to Ads FREE! Straight 208345-8855. Gay/Bi 208-472-2200. Use FREE Code 7760. Visit, 18+. Try It. Discreet 1 on 1. Private massage. Call Angelica or txt!! 24/7, 205-886-5071. WHERE SINGLES MEET Listen to Ads FREE! 208-345-8855. Use FREE Code 7759, 18+.

BW KICKS TO THE GUY AT 6TH & GROVE In the red SUV/Truck & crewcut on Friday, September 14th: You were screaming mad at me, so mad you couldn’t even tell me the problem. All you could muster was, “I don’t talk to idiots.” From my point of view, I stopped to let 6 pedestrians cross the street at 6th & Grove. In the future, expressing yourself with explanations rather than anger will help you & society. Call Boise Weekly to advertise your Yard Sale. 4 lines of text and a free Yard Sale kit for $20. Kit includes 3 large signs, pricing stickers, success tips and checklist. Extra signs avail. for purchase. Call Boise Weekly by 10AM on Monday to post your Yard Sale for the next Wednesday edition. 344-2055.

BW CHAT LINES ALL MALE HOT GAY HOOKUPS! Call FREE! 208-489-2162 or 800777-8000. www.interactivemale. com 18+. REAL DISCREET, LOCAL CONNECTIONS Call FREE! 208-287-0343 or 800210-1010. 18+.


BW KISSES SWEET PEACHES Kisses to the guys at the Fruit Stand on W. State St. Not only are they the nicest guys, but the local peaches from Emmett are perfectly delicious! YOUR GUESS May be right. Your guess may be wrong. Either way, I’ll write you a song.


CLERK OF THE DISTRICT COURT By: Debra Urizar Deputy Clerk Pub. September 5, 12, 19 & 26, 2012.

PETS BW LOST Lost Cat. Long Hair Brown & Black 20#, white tuffs of hairs coming ourt of ears. 4 white boots, racoon striped tail. N. 24th St. (Irene). 813-351-9288.

BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 37

FREE WILL ASTROLOGY ARIES (March 21-April 19): For every trillion dollars the U.S. government spends on the military, it creates about 11,000 jobs. That same expenditure, if directed toward education, creates 27,000 jobs. Personally, I’d rather have the taxes I pay go to teachers than soldiers. I suggest that in the coming months, you make a metaphorically similar move, Aries. Devote more of your time, energy and resources to learning and less to fighting. Ironically, doing that will ultimately diminish the fighting you have to do. As you get more training and wisdom, you’ll become more skilled at avoiding unnecessary conflicts.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Questions and more questions. Will the monkey on your back jump off, at least for a while? Will the sign of the zodiac that you understand least become an X-factor in the unfolding plot? Will a cute distraction launch you on what seems to be a wild goose chase—until it leads you to a clue you didn’t even know you were looking for? Will a tryst in an unsacred space result in an odd boost to your long-term fortunes? The answers to riddles like these will be headed your way in the coming weeks. You’re at the beginning of a phase that will specialize in alluring twists and brain-teasing turns.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Now is an excellent time to cull, prune and winnow. I urge you to look for opportunities to pare down and refine. On the other hand, don’t go too far. Be careful that you don’t truncate, desecrate or annihilate. It’s not an easy assignment, Taurus. You will have to be skeptical about any temptation you might have to go overboard with your skepticism. You will have to be cautious not to allow your judicious discernment to devolve into destructive distrust.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Want to submit a letter to the editor of a major newspaper? The odds of you getting published in the influential Washington Post are almost three times as great as in the super-influential New York Times. The Post has a much smaller circulation, so your thoughts there won’t have as wide an impact. But you will still be read by many people. According to my reading of the astrological omens, you’re in a phase when you should be quite content to shoot for a spot in the Post. Please apply that same principle to everything you do.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Why did people start drinking coffee? Who figured out that roasting and boiling the bitter beans of a certain shrub produced a stimulating beverage? Historians don’t know for sure. One old tale proposes that a 9th-century Ethiopian shepherd discovered the secret. After his goats nibbled on the beans of the coffee bush, they danced and cavorted with unnatural vigor. I urge you to be as alert and watchful as that shepherd, Gemini. A new source of vibrant energy may soon be revealed to you, perhaps in an unexpected way. CANCER (June 21-July 22): “Hello Dear One: My name is Lorita. I am a beautiful heartfelt woman from Libya. I was browsing online through the long night when I came across your shiny dark power, and now I must tell you that I am quite sure you and I can circle together like sun and moon. It would give me great bliss for us to link up and make a tender story together. I await your reply so I can give you my secret sweetness. —Your Surprise Soulmate.” Dear Soulmate: Thank you for your warm inquiry. However, I must turn you down. Because I was born under the sign of Cancer the Crab, I have to be very careful to maintain proper boundaries; I can’t allow myself to be wide open to every extravagant invitation I get, especially from people I don’t know well. That’s especially true these days. We Crabs need to be extra discriminating about what influences we allow into our spheres.

38 | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | BOISEweekly C L A S S I F I E D S

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): According to the Asian spiritual traditions of Tantra and Taoism, it’s unhealthy for a man to have too many ejaculatory orgasms. Doing so depletes his vital energy, and can lead to depression and malaise. But medical researchers in the West have come to the exact opposite conclusion: The more climaxes men have, the better. According to them, frequent sex even promotes youthfulness and longevity. So who to believe? Here’s what I think: Every man should find out for himself by conducting his own experiments. As a general rule, I recommend the empirical approach for many other questions as well—and especially right now for Libran people of all genders. Rather than trusting anyone’s theories about anything, find out for yourself. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): The 19th-century Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen was an iconoclast who relished exposing the hypocrisy and shallowness of conventional morality. While working on one of his plays, he kept a pet scorpion in an empty beer glass on his desk. “Now and again,” he testified, “when the creature was wilting, I would drop into the glass a piece of fruit, which it would seize upon in a frenzy and inject with its poison. It would then revive. Are not we poets like that?” Keep these details in mind during the coming weeks, Scorpio. You will

probably have some venom that needs to be expelled. I hope you’ll do it like Ibsen writing his brilliantly scathing plays or the scorpion stinging some fruit. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): “There is nothing more difficult for a truly creative painter than to paint a rose,” said French artist Henri Matisse, “because before he can do so he has first to forget all the roses that were ever painted.” I’d love to expand this principle so that it applies to everything you do in the coming week. Whatever adventures you seek, Sagittarius, prepare for them by forgetting all the adventures you have ever had. That way, you will unleash the fullness of the fun and excitement you deserve. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Where do you belong? Not where you used to belong and not where you will belong in the future, but where do you belong right now? The answer to that question may have been murky lately, but the time is ripe to get clear. To identify your right and proper power spot, do these things: First, decide what experiences you will need in order to feel loved and nurtured between now and your birthday. Second, determine the two goals that are most important for you to accomplish between now and then. And third, summon a specific vision of how you can best express your generosity between now and then. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Are you excited about your new detachable set of invisible wings? They’re ready. To get the full benefit of the freedom they make available, study these tips: 1. Don’t attach them to your feet or butt; they belong on your shoulders. 2. To preserve their sheen and functionality, avoid rolling in the muddy gutter while you’re wearing them. 3. Don’t use them just to show off. 4. It’s OK to fly around for sheer joy, though. 5. Never take them off in mid-flight. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): You know that leap of faith you’re considering? Now would be a good time to rehearse it but not do it. How about that big experiment you’ve been mulling over? Imagine in detail what it would be like to go ahead, but don’t actually go ahead. Here’s my third question, Pisces: Have you been thinking of making a major commitment? My advice is similar to the first two issues: Research all of its ramifications. Think deeply about how it would change your life. Maybe even formulate a prenuptial agreement or the equivalent. But don’t make a dramatic dive into foreverness. Not yet, at least. This is your time to practice, play and pretend.



BOISEweekly | SEPTEMBER 19–25, 2012 | 39

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