Repertoire June 2024

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Excellence in Sales

Ryan Hahn, Midmark Corp. Kay Kavert, McKesson Medical-Surgical
Bacterial Vaginosis can be time consuming and labor intensive for your customers. That is because Beverly here can be complicated to detect. The OSOM ® BV BLUE ® Test transforms the diagnostic process as they don’t have to search for clue cells. This provides a more accurate, direct and efficient diagnostic tool Your customers also save money with our unique QC Inside ® feature ; two extra tests for external QC at no charge.
Tired of searching for clues? © 2023 SEKISUI Diagnostics, LLC. All rights reserved. OSOM® and QC Inside® are registered trademark of SEKISUI Diagnostics, LLC. Because every result matters is a trademark of SEKISUI Diagnostics, LLC. QC Inside® feature is not available on all products. Contact us at 800-332-1042 or visit us at Speed, Accuracy and Value. Awesome........yes, OSOM.

Excellence in Sales `

Rebecca Koran of Lynn Medical shares her journey to becoming a sales rep and the value of a supportive team and

25 inVio Health and CVS partner

Collaboration aimed at increasing Medicare patients’ access to value-based health care across South Carolina.


a place where faith, family, and a peoplecentric culture have led to success in the marketplace and in philanthropic endeavors.

Dukal’s Gloria Lind believes a united sales team can accomplish even the most audacious goals. ` CHP

The retailer said it found it difficult to operate a profitable business due to a challenging reimbursement environment and rising costs.

How to identify and overcome the rut in your life.

A better understanding of decisionmakers will lead to more productive client conversations.

Sutter Health

Chain Leader

Denise Robson, Clinical Supply Program Senior Director, Supply Chain Services Clinical Alignment Team, Banner Health

A New York-based healthcare provider is using a recently launched podcast to promote primary care to the local community.

Facts, figures, data and statistics that distributor reps can use in the field.

A new study identifies a potential problem area for hospitals to address.

Repertoire June 2024 1 JUNE 2024 • VOLUME 32 • ISSUE 6 Repertoire magazine (ISSN 1520-7587) is published monthly by Share Moving Media, 350 Town Center Ave, Ste 201, Suwanee, GA 30024-6914. Copyright 2024 by Share Moving Media. All rights reserved. Subscriptions: $49.00 per year for individuals; issues are sent free of charge to dealer representatives. If you would like to subscribe or notify us of address changes, please contact us at the above numbers or address. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Repertoire, 350 Town Center Ave, Ste 201, Suwanee, GA 30024-6914. Please note: The acceptance of advertising or products mentioned by contributing authors does not constitute endorsement by the publisher. Publisher cannot accept responsibility for the correctness of an opinion expressed by contributing authors. Periodicals Postage Paid at Lawrenceville, GA and at additional mailing offices. Subscribe/renew @ : click subscribe CONTENTS ` PUBLISHER’S LETTER 2 Content, what is it? ` EVENTS 4 Medical Distribution Hall of Fame ` PHYSICIAN OFFICE LAB 6 Cervical Cancer Testing: Pap vs. HPV Information reps can use to provide value and consulting services for cervical cancer prevention and diagnosis. ` NEXTGEN SALES 10 Standing Out
Shaver on the day-to-day of working for Henry Schein as a sales rep in the Hawaiian Island Territory.
14 Personalized Approach
` LEADERSHIP 16 A Heart for Serving Wilburn Medical
22 The Human Factor
24 Walmart Health Closing All 51 Locations
` HIDA 26 A Road Map for Supply Chain Resiliency ` SALES 28 From Apologies to Applause How to
you mean it. 30 The Power
sell like
32 The
Dynamics of
and Emotion
` MARKETING MINUTE 34 Why Digital Marketing Works ` IDN INSIGHTS 48
51 IDN News ` TRENDS 52 The Remedy
Supply Chain Leader Spotlight Jennifer Carlson, Sr. Director of Strategic Sourcing,
` INFECTION PREVENTION 56 Surface Disinfection
58 Multidrug
Resistant Bacteria in Hospitals
` NEWS 59 Industry News
p. 38

Content, what is it?

We find content all around us today. It can be on your television, laptop, phone, radio, and so much more.

But what is it? It is anything we consume. For example, a Saturday afternoon of college football. The players and games are content to garner a certain demographic’s attention for companies to subtly slide in their messaging.

Another example is 24-hour news. The same is true here, it’s an effort to gain attention from Republicans and Democrats depending on which channel you watch.

Netflix is simply content to gain subscriptions. Apple puts out content through apps, music, and movies to sell more tablets and phones.

The last example I’ll give is Repertoire Magazine. We create content that hopefully helps you become the best you can be at selling medical supplies.

Why is content important?

` As a consumer it is how we learn and determine where we will spend our time and money. It allows us to research what is the best product for us.

` As a manufacturer selling through distribution, it is the single best way to educate and arm your extended sales team (the distribution reps) on your products and services.

` As a distribution rep it allows you to learn and more importantly share content with your end-user clients (In a recent third-party survey, 96% of medical distribution reps said they would share manufacturer sponsored content with their customers if it benefited them).

The golden rule of getting content consumed by your audience is to create things they are interested in. They want something that improves their lives. People do not consume content that is about what you want to tell them.

Here is an example of good content for an infection control organization. Instead of doing a podcast / article on how your product is the best thing in the space, do one on the 3 biggest issues facing infection control nurses today. If possible, use the voice of the customer to do it. This content will be readily received by other IC nurses and repurposed by distribution reps throughout the industry, because it brings value to their customers and helps them generate interest in you.

In closing, the two rock stars on the front of this issue are content worth your time. Be sure to read about their journey, doing what you do every day. Kay and Ryan, congratulations on winning the Rep of the Year Award. You are both amazing, and a huge asset to your organizations and the industry. To nominate next year’s reps, please scan the QR code. `

Dedicated to the Industry, R. Scott Adams

editorial staff


Mark Thill

managing editor

Graham Garrison

editor-in-chief, Dail-eNews

Jenna Hughes

art director Brent Cashman

circulation Laura Gantert

senior sales executive Amy Cochran (West Coast) (800) 536.5312 x5279

sales executive Aili Casey (East Coast) (404) 625-9156

publisher Scott Adams (800) 536.5312 x5256

founder Brian Taylor

Subscriptions or (800) 536-5312 x5259

Repertoire is published monthly by Share Moving Media 350 Town Center Ave, Ste 201 Suwanee, GA 30024-6914 Phone: (800) 536-5312, FAX: (770) 709-5432; e-mail:;

Repertoire 2 June 2024 Publisher’s Letter
Repertoire 4 June 2024 Events
Repertoire June 2024 5

Cervical Cancer Testing: Pap vs. HPV

Information reps can use to provide value and consulting services for cervical cancer prevention and diagnosis.

 This month’s POL article is devoted to providing information about the changing landscape regarding vaccination and testing for cervical cancer. Morbidity and mortality from all forms of cancer have declined in the U.S. over the past 20 years, due to earlier and better diagnosis as well as changes in lifestyle, including a substantial reduction in smoking, adoption of fitness programs and healthier eating habits. Cancer rates from all types currently stand at 144 cases per 100,000 of the U.S. population in 2020, down from 146 in 2019. These trends are encouraging, and as low dose CT scans for lung cancer and improved cancer tumor markers for multiple types of cancers continue to be introduced into the market, I expect the decline in cancer mortality to continue.

About cervical cancer

Where does cervical cancer fit into the picture and how is the landscape changing? Cervical cancer is the 16th most commonly diagnosed cancer, affecting 7 patients per 100,000 of population, down from 8 in 2019. It has lower incidence than other female cancers including breast at 119 and uterus at 26. Non-gender specific cancers including lung and colorectal are also still far ahead of cervical cancer in incidence among females.

With the relatively low incidence of cervical cancer, why is this topic important to us and the customers we serve? It is important because testing recommendations by the American Cancer Society, United States Preventive Services Taskforce and others have reduced the frequency of

testing for cervical cancer due to clear and compelling evidence that we were over-testing previously. In itself, this change has created a level of concern and confusion in the medical community. At the same time, experts have recommended the use of HPV testing in conjunction with traditional Pap testing. Studies over the past 30 years have shown

that HPV incidence has been linked to cervical cancer and one of the on-going discussions in medical circles today is: “do we test for cervical cancer using the time-honored Pap smear technology or do we use HPV? Or is there some sort of hybrid testing algorithm we should be using?” Recent recommendations hope to clear up this confusion.

Repertoire 6 June 2024 Physician Office Lab
By Jim Poggi, Principal, Tested Insights

Finally newer vaccinations are available for HPV and there is evidence building that early HPV vaccination all by itself will reduce the incidence of cervical cancer. For the distributor account manager looking to stay informed to be a respected consultant to their customers, there is a LOT to know here.

Cervical cancer testing background

The Pap smear was originally conceived by a Greek physician, Georgios Papanikolaou, in 1928. It began to be widely accepted as a diagnostic tool for cervical cancer in the 1940s. In 1957, Dr. Anna Marion Hilliard developed a simplified version of the Pap test. The principle of the test is for the clinician to obtain a sample of cells from the cervix and to place them onto multiple (typically three) microscope slides for examination and interpretation by a pathologist. One of the early limitations of the test involved samples that included multiple cell layers which made interpretation more difficult. For optimal microscope evaluation, a “monolayer” of cells is required. In 1996, the FDA cleared the first thin layer prep methods for Pap smear sample preparation aimed at overcoming this concern. Since then, computer-assisted screening has been developed with the aim of reducing human error and providing a more consistent and accurate initial screen. Any equivocal computer-assisted screens are subject to final interpretation by a pathologist.

There are multiple CPT codes reimbursed by Medicare for Pap smears as well as combination Pap smear and HPV testing scenarios. The primary ones are listed below. Other codes may

HCPCS Code Code Descriptor



Screening cytopathology, cervical or vaginal (any reporting system), collected in preservative fluid, automated thin layer preparation, screening by cytotechnologist under physician supervision

Screening cytopathology, cervical or vaginal (any reporting system), collected in preservative fluid, automated thin layer preparation, with manual screening and rescreening by cytotechnologist under physician supervision

G0144 Screening cytopathology, cervical or vaginal (any reporting system), collected in preservative fluid, automated thin layer preparation, with screening by automated system, under physician supervision

G0145 Screening cytopathology, cervical or vaginal (any reporting system), collected in preservative fluid, automated thin layer preparation, with screening by automated system and manual rescreening under physician supervision

G0147 Screening cytopathology smears, cervical or vaginal, performed by automated system under physician supervision

G0148 Screening cytopathology smears, cervical or vaginal, performed by automated system with manual rescreening

G0476 Infectious agent detection by nucleic acid (dna or rna); human papillomavirus (hpv), high-risk types (e.g., 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59, 68) for cervical cancer screening, must be performed in addition to pap test

P3000 Screening papanicolaou smear, cervical or vaginal, up to three smears, by technician under physician supervision

be appropriate. Your customer is advised to consult a billing expert for the proper codes since this area of medicine is complex and frequently changing.

How does HPV fit into the cervical cancer diagnostic picture?

More recently still, human papilloma virus tests have entered the market as diagnostic tools for cervical cancer. While cellular changes were observed by pathologists based on Pap smears, the specific reasons why cells became pre-cancerous and ultimately led to cervical cancer were unclear. No etiological organism was known in the early days. The linkage of certain HPV subtypes with cervical cancer became known in the late 20th century and

the American Cancer Society and American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology first recommended HPV screening in 2003. While there are known to be over 150 strains of HPV and according to the National Institutes of Health, more than 99.7% of all cancers of the cervix are tied to persistent high risk genital HPV infection, there are only three strains usually associated with cervical cancer, HPV 16 accounts for about 51% of all cases of cervical cancer and HPV 18 accounts for another 16%. HPV 35 adds another 8.7%. The linkage between HPV infection and cervical cancer shows a higher correlation than that between smoking and lung cancer. This level of correlation is extraordinarily high

Repertoire June 2024 7

and forms much of the basis for the latest recommendations in cervical cancer screening. Even more importantly, the federal Office on Women’s Health, within the U.S. department of Health and Human Services reports that human papilloma virus is the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. Their data indicates that “about 80% of women will get at least one type of HPV at some point in their lifetime”.

Cervical cancer testing recommendations

Many professional societies and experts provide recommendations about the type of screening and frequency they recommend for cervical cancer, as well as a number of other clinical conditions. These recommendations change from time to time and it is best to consult with your trusted laboratory product supplier for the latest information they are providing to customers. They are in the best position to research and offer this guidance.

United States Preventive Services Taskforce Recommendation

Women between the ages of 21 and 65 should be screened every three years with cervical cytology only. For women between 30 and 65, their recommendation is screening by cytology every 3 years or every 5 years with high risk HPV testing or a combination of both. NOTE: this recommendation is from 2018 and is in the process of re-evaluation.

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology: Recommendation

ACOG presently mirrors USPSTF guidelines.

American Cancer Society Recommendation

ACS recommends that cervical cancer screening begins at age 25. A “primary HPV test” should be done every 5 years. In the absence of a primary HPV test, screening should include an HPV test along with a Pap test every 5 years or a Pap test every 3 years.

The FDA clears and defines a “primary HPV test.” Presently there are three tests that meet FDA criteria as “primary HPV tests,” with more likely to join the market in the near future. While there is some divergence in recommendations across medical societies and other experts, a few things are clear:

` No matter how you do Pap smears, they are still part of the current screening recommendations.

` HPV testing, including newly cleared primary methods, is becoming a more fundamental part of cervical cancer screening.

` Screening is not recommended after age 65 as long as the patient has had a history of recent negative screening tests.

` Since there is still some divergence in cervical cancer screening guidelines and the USPSTF guidelines are in review, you can expect more changes in available tests as well as new screening recommendations down the road. Stay current with your key lab manufacturers.

How does vaccination fit into the picture?

Development of vaccines against the most common and pathologic strains of HPV is an encouraging development. Two vaccines have been approved by the U.S. FDA since 2009. The

vaccines are available for both males and females. Multiple studies have shown that early administration of the vaccine is remarkably effective in reducing the rate of HPV infection. The CDC recommends vaccination routinely at 11 or 12 and advocates vaccination through 26 years of age for persons who were not vaccinated earlier in life.

One landmark study, conducted in Sweden and reported by the National Cancer Institute has shown impressive results. In a study of nearly 2 million women, vaccination reduced the incidence of cervical cancer by more than 90% over an 11-year period. This study gives credence to the need to assure vaccination against known pathogens to reduce disease including cervical cancer.

Bottom line

For the savvy distribution account manager, the cervical cancer story presents an exceptional range of conversation starters with your customers, particularly with OB/GYN and pediatric practices. Many of you offer Pap testing products including swabs, microscope slides and even thin prep systems. In addition, there are several HPV tests available as part of an effective screening protocol.

Finally, for getting to the root of the problem, vaccination is a sensible adjunct to many of the practices you call on. The well-informed distribution account manager can provide valuable information and consulting services for cervical cancer prevention and diagnosis, further increasing their credentials as a go-to consulting resource.

Repertoire 8 June 2024 Physician Office Lab

The right outcome starts with the right test.

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This product has been authorized only for the detection of proteins from SARS-CoV-2, not for any other viruses or pathogens; and, in the USA, the emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of in vitro diagnostics for detection and/or diagnosis of COVID_19 under Section 564(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 21 U.S.C. §360bbb-3(b)(1), unless the declaration is terminated or authorization is revoked sooner.Unt. Viverteatum dem vit atatimoente tionesta nitant? Etiam. Ox notili pes ego auterit anterfe ciocaeque furnia pultur, sum ina, unclest involudem, ut publicio et in stis culese perficiae patiamd ienatore, non vem deatiem Romnos, nesi sedius tem condit.

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Standing Out

Jeramy Shaver on the day-to-day of working for Henry Schein as a sales rep in the Hawaiian Island Territory.

 Jeramy Shaver broke into the med/surg industry right out of college, landing his first job at the age of 22.

When he graduated from university, his aunt’s neighbor at the time was employed as the hiring manager for AstraZeneca. After a lucky interview with her, Shaver began working in the company’s diabetes division in Hawaii.

Shaver went on to work in pharmaceutical sales, and later in a sales position at a national distributor. Now, post-pandemic, he

works for Henry Schein, and can recall the many changes that have taken place in the industry since he started out.

“The impact of the pandemic has been very territory-specific because every region in the country has a unique expectation as to how they want reps to perform, and how reps are expected to move forward from the health crisis,” said Shaver. “During the

Repertoire 10 June 2024 NextGen Sales
Jeramy Shaver
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pandemic, what made reps stand out was their ability to reach out to customers and to keep working through challenges. Overall, it brought me closer to our customers. The pandemic was an emotional and stressful time for everyone. By continuing to be there as someone health care professionals can rely on, our relationships deepened.”

supporting the build out of reference labs and new facilities.”

Grit and resilience within sales

Managing a med/surg sales portfolio in an extensive island territory undoubtedly presents obstacles, and Shaver is no stranger to them. Shaver believes that it takes grit and resilience from leadership

“I’m very lucky to have a circle of friends and family who have been very successful in different areas of sales, and I always bounce new ideas off of Brandon Young (a top sales rep at Henry Schein), trying to understand how he’s getting better and what’s working for him.”

Shaver’s sales territory at Henry Schein covers the entire state of Hawaii. In between flights to and from the islands and windshield time, Shaver experiences a wide variety of climates, elevations, and rural areas as he travels among hospitals and outpatient centers for work. These factors, including the large geographical distance between some of his customers, present logistical considerations for sales reps in Hawaii that greatly differ from reps on the mainland.

“In Hawaii, the three largest IDNs are currently taking over healthcare spaces such as urgent care and surgery centers, and their needs are very fluid,” said Shaver. “For example, I help streamline orders for surgery centers and urgent care centers, while also

teams to ensure sales reps have what they need to succeed. He explains that there are times within the industry when everything is working well and teams are crushing sales, but that there are also times when sales reps must dig deep to get through difficult situations. With that in mind, Shaver believes that a good leader should have the ability to help sales teams through all the highs and lows within the industry.

To learn and develop his sales skills, Shaver “consults people both inside and outside of the industry for advice,” he says. “I’m very lucky to have a circle of friends and family who have been very successful in different areas of sales, and I always bounce new ideas off of Brandon Young (a top sales rep at Henry Schein),

trying to understand how he’s getting better and what’s working for him.”

“I feel like I’ve always had the humility to ask people for help and advice, and then I’ve always tried to apply it into my craft of sales and see what works and what doesn’t,” said Shaver.


Shaver was raised in Hawaii and has now been able to start his family and develop his career on the island. He and his wife recently had their first son, and right now, he desires to stay living and working on the Hawaiian Island.

On his current position at Henry Schein and plans for the future, Shaver says, “I feel completely empowered and entrusted in my territory. Henry Schein has been 110 percent behind me for whatever I need in my career, and I plan to be with the Company for as long as I can.”

Shaver believes Henry Schein is overwhelmingly supportive with any issues that may arise upstream or downstream in the supply chain, and he rarely faces logistical obstacles, despite being located on the Hawaiian Islands.

“I’m very fortunate that Henry Schein absolutely excels in its distribution,” said Shaver.

No two workdays for Shaver look the same. Some days, he has several appointments around Oahu, and other days he travels between the airport to the Big Island for business for sales meetings.

“I am grateful to have had the opportunity to move back to my home state, where I can raise my family and work for a supportive company doing what I love,” said Shaver.

Repertoire 12 June 2024 NextGen Sales
*April 2024 Readex Research Study of reps still prefer print of reps share manufacturer’s sponsored content with their customers 79%
reps are
an ad or article in Repertoire 95% 96% New product information is still the number one thing reps want to see in the magazine #1 For more information how you can take advantage of all that Repertoire has to offer contact: AMY COCHRAN 770-263-5279 AILI CASEY 404-625-9156 OR What everyone is saying about
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Personalized Approach

Rebecca Koran of Lynn Medical shares her journey to becoming a sales rep and the value of a supportive team and company.

 Rebecca Koran always wanted to be a doctor. She grew up around technology and innovation, and through her parents’ career as computer scientists, witnessed how technology impacted people positively.

After experiencing a personal medical emergency, she realized that she could make a bigger positive impact by educating people on the latest in medical technology, and making it accessible to them as a medical sales rep.

Koran, now a clinical specialist for Lynn Medical, has done exactly that. Koran began her medical sales career on the front lines in cardiovascular operating rooms at the University of Michigan before the pandemic. Now, in her current role, she invests her time into learning more about products and continuing to hone her sales skills.

“I believe that a comprehensive product knowledge is

paramount in sales effectiveness. I prioritize understanding our products inside and out,” said Koran.

“My approach involves clinically diagnosing the needs of physicians and practices, and then meticulously matching those needs with the most suitable solutions Lynn Medical offers.”

Great customer relationships

Koran believes that excelling in medical device sales requires personalized client relationships and a genuine interest in a client’s success. Nurturing strong client relationships is a cornerstone of Lynn Medical’s approach in the marketplace, she said. “We prioritize effective communication by ensuring clarity, responsiveness, and versatility across various

Repertoire 14 June 2024 NextGen Sales
Rebecca Koran

platforms. Trust is built through consistent reliability, transparency, and integrity in every interaction.”

Understanding a client’s unique needs allows the team at Lynn Medical to provide tailored solutions that directly address their challenges and goals. “Demonstrating value is inherent in our commitment to delivering impactful results that exceed expectations,” Korn said. “Establishing personal connections fosters a sense of collaboration and mutual respect. Additionally, our adaptability enables us to remain agile and responsive to changing circumstances and client preferences. Through these concerted efforts, I am able to maintain enduring partnerships that thrive, even in remote work settings.”

Koran has continued to pursue opportunities to stay ahead in the industry and was set to graduate with her MBA this spring. She also reads sales and personal development books in her personal time to always be upping her sales game.

“For me, I feel like product knowledge is the most powerful sales tool. I focus on clinically diagnosing the needs of a physician/practice and then finding the best fit for those needs,” said Koran. “By staying informed, educated, and focused on understanding and meeting the needs of our clients, I continuously strive to improve and excel in sales performance.”

Be their guide

On the heels of the pandemic, physicians are feeling the pressure of uncertainty. Physician burnout, staffing shortages, and recruitment difficulties are ongoing concerns within the healthcare industry, Koran said. “Economic uncertainties, changes in reimbursement rates, and the financial impact of the pandemic may continue to be sources of stress for healthcare providers. That’s why I always try to focus my consultations on a win-win-win: help physicians provide better care, cut their spending, and maximize their reimbursement.”

What she admires most about working for Lynn Medical is the unity and trust that everyone has for each other.

“At Lynn Medical, I’ve discovered a close-knit community where support is readily available, making the workplace feel like a second family. Surrounded by individuals who are committed to personal growth and excellence, I’m constantly inspired to strive for my best and contribute positively to the team,” said Koran.

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A Heart for Serving

Wilburn Medical USA is a place where faith, family, and a people-centric culture have led to success in the marketplace and in philanthropic endeavors.

 Growing up, Emily Wilburn Andrews got a front row seat to how an entrepreneurial spirit can make a real impact. Her father, Rick Wilburn, started North Carolina-based Wilburn Medical USA 27 years ago with that in mind.

When Emily was 8 years old, she recalls being at the beach on summer vacation when her dad got a call from a customer. Rather than roll his eyes or put his phone on silent, Emily watched as her dad eagerly took the call and talked with the customer. When he hung up, he was smiling from ear to ear when he looked at Emily and said “Did you see that? I just got to help a customer!”

“It was always exciting to hear how the business was growing and the impact my dad was making,” she said.

Emily knew that as his only child, she could follow in Rick’s footsteps and join Wilburn Medical USA. In college though, her biggest desire was to grow her faith. After graduating, she worked in full-time Christian women’s ministry for four years but felt a calling in 2019 to join her dad at Wilburn. She believed transitioning into the business was God’s plan for her life, and the best place for her to make a difference in the community.

In an interview with Repertoire, Emily discussed the company’s mission, her career journey and work during the pandemic, how she has grown as a leader, and more.

Repertoire: Can you tell us about the origins of Wilburn Medical USA and its mission today?

Emily Wilburn Andrews: My father, Rick Wilburn, started Wilburn Medical USA in 1997. At the time, he was an all-star rep, selling mostly syringe pumps and specialty capital equipment. He worked for a great company, but he was essentially outselling his compensation plan, so he decided to start his own business.

He has an incredible entrepreneurial spirit. He started the company when I was young. It’s grown a lot, but his heart really has always been – and will always be – to exceed customer expectations. That’s his anthem. He wants to make sure that he is always exceeding the expectations of our customers.

My dad and I are both a part of a group called C12. The

Repertoire 16 June 2024 Leadership
Emily Wilburn Andrews

group’s aim is to learn how to grow our business for greater mission and purpose. For us as Christians, that means growing the business not for our glory and gain, but for those around us and ultimately for a greater good. The money doesn’t just go into our pockets, it goes into the community while showing God’s love to our customers, vendors, employees, and families.

In 2020, I purchased the majority of the company. We’re certified as a women-owned small business (WOSB), which means we’re a diverse supplier. Wilburn Medical was recently named No. 30 on the 50 fastest growing women-owned and led companies in North America.

We have access to the same supplies as the larger national distributors, but we don’t have the high overhead. We’re able to pass the savings on to our customers and serve as a one-stop shop.

Our specialty is point-of-care testing. Wilburn Medical provides point-of-care testing equipment and supplies to physicians, clinics, hospitals and wellness facilities. Through Covid-19 our business grew tremendously. We were able to distribute life-saving supplies across the country. During this time, I got a crash course on distribution, the value of the healthcare supply chain, and the challenges that can happen when it’s delayed, shut down or cut off.

Repertoire: What was it like coming into the business and getting up to speed on distribution?

Wilburn Andrews: I joined the company in 2019, and then in 2020 we were thrown into the middle of a pandemic. Being in healthcare distribution, it was all

My dad has modeled this for me. He is someone who cares deeply and is devoted to helping others. This past year, he raised

over $100,000 for a domestic violence shelter in our area.

hands on deck. We’re a small team in North Carolina. It was insanity for us, but in a good way. We were getting to help a lot of people. So, that was really my entrance into healthcare distribution – high need, high demand, a lot of work, and grinding it out. Our team rocked it.

Repertoire: Who have you tried to model your leadership style after?

Wilburn Andrews: I would say my biggest influence is my faith. I want my faith to flow into my interactions with employees,

customers, and the people in our industry. I want them to see that something is different, and I want them to experience that difference and know that it’s not of me. My number one leadership influence is my faith in Jesus. That shapes and models for me how to live. It’s not a life of selfcenteredness, but a life focused on others and service. So, I’m learning service leadership, that no job is too low for anyone –especially me – and what it looks like to serve our customers.

My dad has modeled this for me. He is someone who cares

Repertoire 18 June 2024 Leadership

deeply and is devoted to helping others. This past year, he raised over $100,000 for a domestic violence shelter in our area. He has modeled what it looks like to give back to the community and care about issues that we can use our contacts and our businesses to make a difference.

Repertoire: You are on HIDA’s board. What’s your experience been like working on industry issues?

Wilburn Andrews: Incredible. There are great people on the HIDA board. I’m a member of the Independent Distributors Leadership Council and a Supplier Diversity Council Member. I’m learning a lot and getting to collaborate with great people in the industry. It’s been amazing to see the impact that HIDA has on distribution.

Repertoire June 2024 19

Specifically with independent distributors, it’s incredible to see the ways small distributors work together. That has been inspiring to me personally because I know in the past, there’s been a culture of competition. While competition is healthy, we go so much further when we work together. HIDA creates a place where we can work together and be of more service to our customers and Country.

Repertoire: As an independent distributor, what are your biggest areas of concern?

Wilburn Andrews: Coming out of the pandemic, we’re looking at new normals. As a small business, a challenge we’re going to meet head on is learning about new technologies and how to incorporate those into our business to

Our customers’ time is valuable. At Wilburn Medical, we understand that purchasing supplies can feel overwhelming. That’s why, since 1997, we’ve helped our customers get the supplies they need without the hassle.

better serve our customers. Our goal at Wilburn Medical is to provide the right supplies and equipment quickly, and at the highest possible value. We are looking at technology and how to build out the infrastructure to be able to deliver quickly to our customers.

But at the same time, we have a people-centric culture at Wilburn. We care about people. We love people. For example, just this week we got a new customer who is in our area. We know the lady by name, and it’s our joy to

put orders together for Danielle. That’s the difference in shopping with Wilburn over Amazon or over some of the big guys. We’re leading with who we are and being true to who we are. We care about people and want to offer them incredible service, and we do.

Repertoire: What are you hearing from customers as to their biggest pain points in today’s economy?

Wilburn Andrews: Medical providers should be healthcare heroes

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for their patients. To do that successfully, they need affordable, convenient medical equipment and supplies delivered straight to their door. Unfortunately, many are wasting critical time searching for available supplies at a price that won’t impact patient care, leaving them frustrated and overwhelmed. Our customers’ time is valuable. At Wilburn Medical, we understand that purchasing supplies can feel overwhelming. That’s why, since 1997, we’ve helped our customers get the supplies they need without the hassle.

Repertoire: Tell us about your experience in the Women Presidents Organization (WPO). How has your involvement helped you grow as a leader?

Wilburn Andrews: My membership has been tremendous. We meet once a month, and those ladies have truly added value

to our business, and to me as a young leader. These women own incredibly successful businesses, and just being in a room with them and knowing that they have paved the way for me has been very helpful and encouraging.

Recently, I’ve had to have some hard conversations internally. During one of our WPO meetings I told the group about this, and one of the women leaders looked at me and said, “Emily, this is your job.” They then went on to help equip me to have those hard conversations, face adversity and persevere.

Repertoire: What’s in store for Wilburn Medical in 2024 and beyond?

Wilburn Andrews: In 2020, we grew times four, and then in 2021, we grew times five. Now we’re trying to figure out what the new

normal looks like internally. We’re having some growing pains as anyone would, but it’s exciting.

We’re also navigating what it looks like for my father to hand things off slowly. He’s got this huge gift for sales, so I’m learning how to navigate the sales piece, but I am also running the team while leading the overall business.

We’ve hired a new VP of sales, Rick Rogers. We’re really excited about him helping us drive sales.

My heart for people leads me to focus on our business culture, who we are as a team, and how we work together. I’m working towards continuing to grow in that area of how to build and maintain a place where the culture is encouraging and where everyone enjoys what they do, and experiences God’s love in the process.

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The Human Factor

Dukal’s Gloria Lind believes a united sales team can accomplish even the most audacious goals.

 Gloria Lind realized early on in her career that to succeed in the medical sales industry, an individual needed to have grit, determination, and the ability to operate through discomfort. This realization came after working with a large national account that had strong opinions and grand expectations.

“I learned quickly that within sales, you may be uncomfortable before you get comfortable with a client,” said Lind, now the director of sales for Dukal. Lind works in the Western U.S. Region, managing and leading a sales team that covers 19 states.

To gain the trust of her customers, Lind has learned to build relationships by way of researching her audience and actively listening to them during appointments.

“Early on as a sales rep, I asked a great deal of questions and requested data and information that I might not normally be comfortable asking for. It was at that moment I knew I also had to give customers my candid opinion,” said Lind. “I realized that it is more than okay to circle back with customers if you do not have the answer at that exact moment.”

Growing a profitable sales territory requires clear direction toward a desired goal. Lind experienced that aspect of the job firsthand in her transition from sales rep to a leadership role. “At the producer (sales rep) level you are an individual contributor, in the trenches, and working directly with your own accounts to build relationships

and achieve a set individual goal. From the onset, the jump from producer to leader was more like a leap,” said Lind. “Making the move requires a shift in mind-set. I no longer focused on my own performance or accounts that I once worked with directly. While you cherish your past account relationships you are now passing the account baton. Instead, I am laser focused on the performance of my team and all customers.”

Learning from experience

Lind’s approach to her current leadership role has in part been drawn from her experience as vice president of sales and marketing at a smaller company. Dukal acquired Lind’s company eight years into her tenure there but encouraged her to stay. “When I transitioned roles, both companies I worked for shared a lot of the same customers and market space,” said Lind. “In a much

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Gloria Lind

larger company, there’s more people, there’s more protocols, different systems, but the sales and management aspect of the role was the same, allowing me to grow further in my career.”

To address managing a wide variety of individuals and personalities, Lind believes in approaching leadership with the same qualities as an aspiring salesperson – listening intently, being confident, and getting outside of your comfort zone. In leadership, she has also placed emphasis on the qualities of being decisive, humble, accountable, and communicating clearly.

“Motivating and clearly communicating expectations, clear sales objectives, strategic plans, and goals for the inside and outside sales team is front and center,” said Lind. “When you manage a team, leading by example and instilling the company’s culture, purpose and beliefs is continuous.”

Often, sales teams that are most successful have a respect for each other, mutually support each other, and work for the success of everyone, not just themselves.

“That there is no ‘I’ in ‘TEAM’ holds true. My role is about the human factor now more than ever. I am responsible for individuals and a united group to accomplish goals,” said Lind. “As a leader, you now are the mentor, coach, the go-to person, relationship manager and presumed lightbulb. The ability to lead, delegate, communicate effectively and create cohesion with an effective team is rewarding.”

Strong teams

When hiring new team members, Lind values candidates

that have talent, technical skills, those who can build lasting relationships, and those that work well within a team. As a leader, Lind wants sales reps who have high energy, leadership potential, approachability, and the ability to stay organized.

“Team dynamics are core to the overall success of leading and developing high performing individuals. You must lead by example,” said Lind. “Trust and respect are the glue that holds relationships within the team together. But you also must set measurable goals, have structure and clarity, define roles and responsibilities, and afford the team continuous learning and improvement whether it comes from internal or external training.”

As a sales team collaborating with its customers, Dukal’s new, accessible platform InSight™ Supply Chain Solutions have been a game changer, according to Lind.

“Dukal is changing the industry standard, putting an end to the antiquated allocation processes and inventory disruptions with complete visibility of your products’ progress from production to delivery to ensure customers have what they need, when they need it,” said Lind.

Through the new platform, customers can feel secure and confident with the status of inventory assessment and allocation. The Insight Supply Chain Solution has worldwide monitoring, proactive collaboration, automated collaboration and reporting, and product tracking down to the item level. This allows Dukal’s customers to feel confident that they can provide the best patient care with reliable medical products.

New perspectives

Today’s workforce is a blend of several generations, from Baby Boomers to Gen Z. Everyone brings something different to the table, whether it’s a work style, their mindset, or their skillset, Lind said. Indeed, today’s reps have a nice blend of generational thinking. “I think we can all learn something from each other.”

For sales reps that are aspiring to an eventual role in leadership, Lind stresses the importance of having a career mentor or trusted advisor.

“A career mentor is anyone who takes an interest in you and your career, and anyone who provides guidance, advice, feedback, and support. This is priceless to a sales reps’ early career trajectory,” said Lind.

She also encourages new entrants to the industry to ask themselves what they desire from their career and what they value personally and professionally.

The U.S. healthcare supply chain is forever changing, Lind said. She encourages younger reps to learn as much as they can about the industry, know what keeps their customers up at night, what the experts are saying about the future, the indicators, and shifts. “Follow leaders in the industry, attend healthcare industry shows and meetings,” she said. “Network as much as possible.”

When starting out in sales, it is important to give yourself realistic goals and timelines, identify and start with the desired result, Lind said. “Highlight your strengths and work on your weaknesses. Be okay with asking for help. If you make a mistake, it is only a mistake if you learn nothing from it.”

Repertoire June 2024 23

Walmart Health Closing All 51 Locations

The retailer said it found it difficult to operate a profitable business due to a challenging reimbursement environment and rising costs.

 Walmart Health is closing all 51 primary care health centers across five states over a 45- to 90-day span since its announcement on April 30. It’s also shuttering its telehealth service Walmart Health Virtual Care.

Other retail-based commercial healthcare providers (CHPs) have seen difficulties too. Walgreens has closed many of its VillageMD clinics and Amazon has cut hundreds of roles in its healthcare division, including its primary care company One Medical. CVS Health spent billions of dollars on its clinics for seniors but fell short of its revenue projections in the first quarter and cut its earnings outlook for 2024.

Walmart said in a release it could not operate a profitable business due to a challenging

reimbursement environment and rising costs, including labor costs tied to a shortage of healthcare workers in the U.S. It’s closing clinic locations in Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Illinois and Texas.

Walmart had recently announced expansion plans for Walmart Health It was a surprising announcement because it came one month after Walmart announced it planned to open 22 new locations in 2024 and even more locations in 2025. Walmart opened its first Walmart

Health in Georgia in 2019. After Walmart disrupted the pharmaceutical industry with generic drugs as low as $4 at its pharmacies, the retailer planned to do the same in other areas of healthcare.

But the healthcare business was tough to crack for Walmart against big hospitals and health systems. All Walmart associates with Walmart Health are eligible to transfer to any other Walmart or Sam’s Club location. If after 90 days, they don’t transfer or leave, eligible associates will receive severance benefits.

Walmart Health’s provider partners will continue to serve existing patients while clinics are open. These providers will be paid for 90 days through their respective employers, after which eligible providers will receive transition payments.

Walmart said in a statement, “We are deeply grateful to these associates and providers for their caring service to patients in our communities and to the patients who trusted us with their care.”

Walmart continues to operate its pharmacies and vision centers.

Repertoire 24 June 2024 CHPs

inVio Health and CVS partner

Collaboration aimed at increasing Medicare patients’ access to value-based health care across South Carolina.

partner associated with CVS Health. CVS Accountable Care financially supports providers on a path with different programs and service models to meet providers where they are. The sector of the company began in 2023, enabling 200 plus health systems and 70,000 clinicians in care contracts, improving care for over one million Medicare patients.

CVS Accountable Care will utilize their understanding of inVio Health Network’s community needs through provider enablement, aiming to improve not only patient care but also community outcomes, while also strengthening care coordination for patients.

 CVS Accountable Care Organization, Inc. and inVio Health Network have partnered to increase Medicare patients’ access to value-based care across South Carolina. CVS Accountable Care is a division of CVS Health. The companies announced a collaboration to participate in a Medicare model through the Center for Medicare & Medicaid Innovation (CMMI). The new Accountable Care Organization (ACO) Realizing Equity, Access, and Community Health (REACH) program focuses on reducing barriers to receiving care.

CVS and inVio Health Network’s goal together is to provide coordinated, patient-centered care to improve the health, clinical outcomes, and satisfaction of patients with Medicare. Since 2015, inVio Health Network and its partners successfully managed Medicare patients through MSSP, reducing costs for more than 60,000 Medicare patients.

inVio Health Network is one of the largest integrated networks

in the Southeast. Prisma Health Upstate and Prisma Health Midlands Networks operated as two separate organizations before, coming together in 2021 to form the inVio Network. The agreement continues to build on the Medicare Shared Savings Program (SSP), which is a similar CMS program that ensures patients have access to equitable care.

CVS Accountable Care is a risk enablement and management

“We are on a collaborative value-based journey with our physicians and healthcare clinicians to improve the quality and health across South Carolina, regionally, and nationally,” said Dr. Bill Gerard, CEO of inVio Health Network, “This new model allows us to provide enhanced resources and clinical services across our network where we will be collaborating with MinuteClinic locations across South Carolina to be part of our network’s ACO REACH program. We look forward to the incredible opportunities ahead as we transform healthcare together.”

“Innovation programs and collaborations like these help us make a meaningful difference in the lives of Medicare patients across the United States by enabling more connected, effective care experiences for people who need it most,” said Dr. Mohamed Diab, President, CVS Accountable Care. “Together, we are increasing access to valuebased care, which can improve outcomes for Medicare patients while achieving lower costs.”

Repertoire June 2024 25

A Road Map for Supply Chain Resiliency

 To plan for the future, you need a destination in mind with a vision of how to get there. Only then can you shape a road map that gets you to your destination. In that spirit, the Health Industry Distributors Association (HIDA) recently published the Supply Chain Resiliency Road Map – Leading Future Preparedness & Response Initiatives. HIDA consulted with supply chain leaders in the medical supply chain to share learnings from past public health events and provide a foundation for future public health responses.

The Road Map focuses on five pillars to support a resilient supply chain:

Diversified Sourcing and Domestic Production Strategy: A strategic blend of domestic, near-shored, and global production is critical to a resilient supply chain that can surge to meet the demand of future emergencies. The goal is to establish capacity for quick ramp-up of domestic production for critical products. The government has a role through long-term, multi-year purchase commitments to support capacity.

Buffer of Critical Products: A buffer of critical products such as personal protective equipment (PPE), testing supplies, and infection prevention products is needed for future emergencies to meet initial demand during a crisis. The proposed buffer would be housed in private-sector distribution centers, which allows the supply chain to adapt and increase production. The government’s support is crucial for the successful implementation of this buffer system. Ideally, the federal government should fund distributors to carry up to a 90-120 days of supply in critical items.

appropriate clinical patient care. Delays have negative consequences for patients and public health. HIDA strongly supports bipartisan Fast Pass legislation (HR 6140) to ensure critical medical supplies are expedited during emergencies. The bill directs the Secretary of Transportation to initiate a study to examine efforts to expedite the movement of critical cargo across all modes of transportation.

Public-Private Partnerships: When it comes to healthcare preparedness, neither the private sector nor the public sector can do it alone. Distribution companies and government agencies should meet regularly during steady state to maintain relationships, ensure lessons are implemented, and collaborate on supply chain solutions. Tools like HIDA’s Traffic Protocol Playbook were created to coordinate production and distribution decisions during emergencies. It emphasizes the need to maintain relationships, communication, and transparency between sectors in order to ensure an effective crisis response.

Future Stockpile Strategies: It is important to rethink the role and size of government stockpiles. Dynamic stockpiles must be actively managed at every level of government – federal, state, and local –to meet long-term needs during public health emergencies. A new mindset envisions a stockpile as a continuously rotating and replenished store of resources, backed by sustained and reliable funding.

Expedited Transportation of Medical Products: The medical supply chain relies on predictable transport to communicate product availability to providers, allowing them to deliver

Overall, these strategies enhance preparedness, resilience, and response capabilities. They will ensure the availability of critical medical products during public health emergencies. A resilient supply chain has to be bolstered by collaborative strategies and policies. This Road Map charts a course for long-term, sustainable solutions that are consistently funded to ensure future readiness.

Repertoire 26 June 2024 HIDA

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From Apologies to Applause

How to sell like you mean it.

 Alright, gather around, let’s get this out of the way: “I am a salesperson.” Feel that? That’s the sound of shackles breaking. For too long, we’ve tiptoed around our titles, cloaking ourselves in innocuous labels like Sales Associate, Solutions Consultant, and – my personal favorite –Relationship Manager. As if managing a CRM pipeline is akin to handling dating advice!

But here’s the deal: we are the heartbeat of commerce, the maestros of the marketplace, the dynamos driving the economy. So why not embrace it? Let’s ditch the apologies and own our role with a dash of pride and a pinch of swagger.

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The psychological swagger of selling

Imagine this: You strut into your day with the mantra, “I am a salesperson,” proudly emblazoned in your mind. This isn’t just a morning affirmation – it’s your war cry. Embracing this identity shifts your mindset from the underdog to the alpha dog. You’re not just participating in the economy; you’re leading it.

This mental shift isn’t just about feeling good; it’s about performing good – scratch that –great. Social psychology tells us that confidence can influence perceptions dramatically. Approach your sales call like you’re apologizing for existing, and guess what? No one’s buying what you’re selling. But step up with the confidence of a rock star entering the stage, and you might just have them waving lighters (or credit cards) in the air.

Confidence: Your secret sales weapon

Here’s the kicker: Confidence in sales is not about being smug. It’s about believing in the cosmic importance of what you’re doing. Every widget you sell, every service you provide, is changing the world incrementally. And that’s not sales puffery – it’s fact.

When you’re confident, you don’t just speak; you resonate. Your body language sings harmony to your words, and your voice pitches the perfect sale. And let’s talk about the self-fulfilling prophecy – believe you’re a sales legend, and you’ll act like one. You’ll prep like a boss, handle objections like a lawyer, and close deals like a Vegas card shark.

Stop apologizing, start mesmerizing

Why do so many sales calls start with an apology? “Sorry to bother you, but…” But nothing! Every apology is a speed bump in the race to a close. Flip the script. Start every interaction with the assumption that you are about to offer extraordinary value.

Try kicking off with, “You’re going to want to sit down for this …” It’s not just intriguing; it sets the stage for a blockbuster revelation. You’re not a nuisance; you’re the highlight of their day – maybe even their week if you’ve got your sales charm dialed up to eleven.

psychic, tuning into unspoken needs like a therapist, and delivering solutions like a hero swooping in just in time to save the day.

Selling with style

The truly unapologetic salesperson knows that their job is not just a job – it’s a lifestyle. It’s about crafting stories, igniting passions, and sometimes, yes, making dreams come true. Think of yourself as a corporate matchmaker: You’re not pushing products; you’re creating perfect unions between needs and solutions.

So the next time you pick up the phone, hit the road, or fire up a

Every apology is a speed bump in the race to a close. Flip the script. Start every interaction with the assumption that you are about to offer extraordinary value.

The fun side of sales

Here’s where it gets really fun. Embracing your identity as a salesperson allows you to infuse creativity into your pitches, playfulness into your presentations, and a little bit of theatrical flair into your negotiations. Ever thought of sales as performance art? Well, start now. Every call, every meeting, every handshake is your stage. Own it.

And let’s bust another myth while we’re here: Sales is all about numbers and targets. Sure, those things matter. But at its heart, sales is really about human connection. It’s about reading a room like a

Zoom call, remember: You are the coolest person in the room. You bring the solutions, the energy, and yes, the indispensable flair that makes business happen. In conclusion, throw out the old playbook that says you need to be apologetic or subdued. It’s time to be bold, be proud, and maybe even a little cheeky. After all, in the grand theater of commerce, the salesperson is not just a participant but often the most memorable star. Shine on, you crazy diamond, and sell like everyone’s watching – because when you do it right, they definitely will be.

Repertoire June 2024 29
Brian Sullivan, CSP, is the founder of PRECISE Selling and a leading voice in the field of sales training and development. He believes in the potential of every salesperson to achieve their best and continually challenges sales professionals to reach new heights. To have Brian Sullivan or one of his stable of trainers and coaches help your team get to the top, visit him at

The Power of Flipology

How to identify and overcome the rut in your life.

 Have you ever found yourself in a rut? You might not have noticed it at first, or even how it happened, but many of us have encountered a rut in our careers, personal lives, and relationships. Plenty of things can contribute to a rut, especially in the workplace. You can feel purposeless and adrift, which will drastically impact your mood and productivity.

The challenge with finding yourself in a rut is making sure that you can pull yourself out of it. Easier said than done, but it’s still possible with the right amount of focus and tenacity. Repertoire recently spoke to Rob Cross, filmmaker, coach, public speaker, and author of “Flip Your Thinking”, a book designed to help people unlock their careers, their relationships, and their purpose by pulling themselves out of a rut.

What causes a rut?

The best place to start is identifying the source – what is causing your rut? It could be a multitude of combinations and pressures, and they could differ each day. Despite all the possibilities, Cross speculates that it comes down to familiarity. “I think we are all addicted to familiarity. It is so comfortable. There is no risk, no discomfort. We love feeling in control.”

Comfort can mean a lot of things to a lot of different people.

Sometimes it’s a relationship that we need to give up, other times it’s a job that no longer serves our needs. For some, the lull of nostalgia acts as a comfort to those who want to live in the past. No matter how it manifests, that comfort we feel in the familiar can be a dangerous drug, keeping us stuck in what we already know. Why would we bother taking a risk when we don’t have to?

“There is no real challenge in a rut,” Cross said. “It is cozy and there is no threat. But there is no prize either – it offers no reward, no fulfillment. That is why we reach a point where enough is enough. We are designed and geared to grow and get better. Everything that’s alive grows, that’s the design of life. When we’re not growing, we feel rotten and stuck.”

Applying “flipology” to your life

Flipology is a sort of tongue-incheek term that Cross coined to describe the recognition that life may not be working out the way that you planned. That outlook on life is something we have all felt at some point, but it doesn’t make it any less difficult or painful.

With this flipology principle, you can flip the way you think

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Rob Cross

and react to difficult situations.

Cross said, “The foundation of flipology is recognizing that I’m not a product of my environment, but my environment is a product of me. We tend to see our lives as a chess set of manipulating pieces around to make it work for us, but our lives are closer to a classroom. Everything and everyone is my teacher. Instead of resisting, I’m engaging. Responding over reacting. I am exactly where I brought myself.”

As for applying the principle of flipology, he said that it’s just like anything else – taking it one step at a time. The first step is recognizing that you’re stuck, which Cross says is hard for many people to do. After that, we must identify what isn’t working and how we can fix it. All too often, our blame is holding us in place.

Cross understands what it’s like to be stuck in a rut because he’s been there before. He said, “When my last marriage didn’t work out, I was ruined. I felt ruined because I watched my parents in love for 49 years. I knew that marriage worked. I knew love worked, but my marriage didn’t work, and I was ready to tell you why – it was her. I reached a point where I was frustrated and ready to do things differently.”

For Cross, that was his first flip. When he took responsibility for his marriage not working, it brought him to a place where he felt the power to create the love, life and marriage that he wanted. Despite how hard of a pivot that was, it changed everything for him.

Leveraging flipology for sales

In a sales setting, being in a rut can feel like a death sentence. You

can feel like you are stuck in a cyclical pattern where you aren’t meeting your quotas, unable to meet or anticipate the needs of your clients. If you let it get to you, this rut could cost you clients or even your job.

This is why the flipology principle is so critical for the sales industry. Sales reps are faced with rejection every day, and you must be able to roll with the punches, no matter how often they come. When you let yourself believe the lies that can infiltrate your minds facing so much rejection, it will impact the way you think about yourself.

While it may not be truth, we can convince ourselves of anything. When we spend enough time believing it about ourselves, we can manufacture a falsehood that others will believe to be true as well. Your coworkers, leadership team, and your customers will see how it affects you. Push back against those intrusive thoughts and reclaim the truth.

Cross said, “The power of your thinking is severely underrated. You are what you think, and you need to recognize that you are either going to control your thoughts or be controlled by your thoughts. Grab them by the horns. Claim your brilliance.”

Repertoire June 2024 31

The Dynamics of Logic and Emotion

A better understanding of decision-makers will lead to more productive client conversations.

 In a previous column I wrote that successful reps are adept at following their clients to get a decision. So, to help you improve your ability to get decisions, let us focus on helping you better understand your decision-maker.

When your customer goes into decision-making mode, two considerations are influencing them:

1 What do I know? This is the logical side of our brain calling up all the data and facts that we have that pertain to the decision at hand.

2 How do I feel about what I know? This is the emotional side of the decision-making equation.

Each of these considerations will influence the decision-making process depending on the importance of the decision. A simple decision, like reordering a supply, will be dominated by the logical side of our brain, i.e., “How many do I have on hand?” “How many do I use in a month?”

However, a more complex decision, like switching suppliers, will be dominated by the

emotional component of decision making, i.e., “Am I sure this change is necessary?” “Am I comfortable with this manufacturer?” “What are my risks?”

So, if you are proposing a new product or service, your customer’s logical side may be thinking about their current situation and what the potential impact could be on their practice. At the same time, their emotional side could be apprehensive of all the extra work involved and the failure of previous attempts. This conflict might produce inaction, and your customer avoids deciding today. Or you could use your influencing skills to help your customer reach the biggest decision they can manage at that moment.

This dynamic is constantly in play and creating decisionmaking attitudes inside of the customer. That is the sad news – you cannot see an attitude. The good news is that those attitudes translate into actions, and that is something you can see in your customer’s body language, hear in your customer’s voice, and correlate to their words.

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Attitudes and actions

The following is the full range of attitudes and corresponding actions you will see and hear from your customers and prospects when they go into decisionmaking mode:

` Apathy: Indifferent to your idea. Look for these non-verbal clues – lack of interest, low energy, little or no eye contact, unresponsive, pessimistic, monotone, uncaring or the lack of any reaction at all. “Increasing my workload isn’t a priority.”

` Troubled: Always the first to complain. Look for these non-verbal clues – low energy, sighing, apologetic, tired, slow movements, sees only failures or extreme negative exaggerations. “That program will just cause my inventory to increase with no real increased return on investment.”

` Risk: Trying to avoid taking a position. Look for these nonverbal clues – indecisive, unsure, hesitant, nervous, fidgety, withdrawn, shy, poor eye contact, short attention span, apprehensive or always looking to postpone deciding. “You are asking me to commit with no real guarantees. It is just too risky.”

` Hostility: Trying to stop the conversation and flow of information. Look for these non-verbal clues – raised voice, ruthless, biting, righteous, intolerant, blames, threatens, controlling or uses profanity to intimidate. “Absolutely not!”

` Skepticism: Challenging the idea on the table. Look for these non-verbal clues – expresses

doubt, contests, debates, argues, forceful, aggressive, unbelieving, win/lose, yes/but, or disguised as the “devil’s advocate.” “I’m skeptical that my customers will actually commit to a long-term program.”

` Neutral: Willing to listen to you and look at your proposal. When your customer is open to your idea you will see these nonverbal clues – relaxed, amicable, polite, casual, pleasant, friendly, laid-back, and interested but not intense. “I’m open to the idea of participating.”

full attention, are considerate and willing to share ideas. “How does the program work? What is my investment? When do I have to decide?”

` Enthusiastic: Is beyond study and interest. They like the idea and are imagining the implementation, operation, and outcomes. They will display these nonverbal clues – smiling, laughing, high energy, faster speech, eagerness, and enthusiasm. “That sounds great. I have been looking for ways to practice more gold standard medicine.”

When customers are

interested, they are – involved, have higher energy, questioning, good eye contact, cooperative, constructive, pay full attention, are

considerate and willing to share ideas.

` Studious: Wants to study, analyze and/or review your idea. When decision-makers are reserved and in study mode, you will see these non-verbal clues – positive, pleasant, reflective, analytical, conservative, mildly interested, balancing pluses and minuses, and reserved. “There is a lot of information to digest. Let me run the numbers. Give me a call Friday.”

` Interested: Has reviewed your idea and is interested in getting more specific information. When customers are interested, they are – involved, have higher energy, questioning, good eye contact, cooperative, constructive, pay

` Confidence: Becomes a coowner of your idea and committed to seeing it through to completion. They will display these non-verbal clues – positive, calm, relaxed, decisive, assertive, convinced, and in complete selfcontrol. “Let’s do it.”

Since your role is decisiongetting, you want every customer to end up with a confident wellinformed decision. You need to know their starting attitude and each attitudinal change along the way to develop the appropriate strategy to help them get from where they are to where they want to be.

Patrick T. Malone is a business advisor and leadership mentor based in Taylors, South Carolina. He is the co-author of the bestselling business book “Cracking the Code to Leadership” and may be reached at or 404-630-7504.

Repertoire June 2024 33

Why Digital Marketing Works

 Digital marketing is the great frontier of marketing initiatives, proving that businesses can only succeed when they are flexible with the current trends and technologies. Your digital footprint is more important than ever, as companies in every industry are fighting to keep up with the increasing demands of having an online presence. If there’s any hope of being competitive in today’s market, you need an understanding of what digital marketing is, how it works, and what we need to implement to stay ahead of the curve.

Repertoire 34 June 2024 Marketing Minute

Content marketing

Content is the prime form of digital marketing currency right now because of how effective it is. When marketers refer to content marketing, they are referring to the generation of content for lead generation, traffic growth, generating brand awareness, and growing their customer base. These are informational pieces about the industry, your product/service and how your brand can solve their problems.

Knowing your audience is an instrumental part of creating content. You need to write pieces that cater to your audience. Blogs are a great way to demonstrate your industry expertise and present your company’s service as a solution to the reader’s problem. Blogs will also help generate search traffic for your business. eBooks are long-form pieces of content that help to educate those who visit your site, as well as provide an opportunity to get your audience’s

contact information. Infographics provide information in a visual format, which is a great way of showing how your company works.

Social media marketing

Social media is no longer a new concept at this point, but companies are finding new and exciting ways to use their social accounts every day. Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn are the most widely used accounts, but a lot of companies dabble in Snapchat and Pinterest as well.

The most effective way to run your various accounts is to connect to each social channel through an online tool.

The most effective way to run your various accounts is to connect to each social channel through an online tool. This way, you can send all your social media messaging from one place. Streamlined messaging will keep your social content consistent across each channel, which will make your messages much more effective.

Marketing automation

The biggest way that digital marketing is changing the way we work is the way that it can automate our basic marketing operations. This software greatly increases our efficiency by doing smaller, repetitive tasks for us. This is great for email marketing campaigns, as it will shrink or expand your contact list based on who wants to see you messaging, in addition to automatically sending your emails. You can also use automation for your social media post scheduling, lead generation and campaign tracking.

How can your organization leverage digital marketing to increase revenue and improve brand recognition? At Share Moving Media we help best in class manufacturers build relationships with the industry’s decision-makers. Please contact us at to learn how we can help you gain market share through distribution.

Repertoire May 2024 35

Addressing Industry Pressures with Patient Care Solutions

Understanding how patient care products can help meet the growing needs of healthcare facilities, providers, and patients.

The patient care market has faced unprecedented financial pressures in recent years – an aging population, increasing healthcare expenses, and the ever-growing demand for highquality care services.

From 2010-2030, the population of people over 65 is expected to grow by 90%, with the fastestgrowing segment of the U.S. population being seniors over 85.

While many health systems have successfully rebuilt their nursing workforces in recent months, estimates still suggest a potential shortage of 200,000 to 450,000 nurses in the United States, with acute-care settings likely to be the most affected.1

Nurses report spending the majority of their shift – 54%, or about seven hours of a 12-hour shift – providing direct patient care and creating personal connections with patients.

Surveys reported that spending sufficient time on patient-care activities promotes both nursing satisfaction and quality of patient care, while rushing care and insufficient time to meet patients’ needs can contribute to moral distress and burnout.2

With both financial and workforce pressures – there’s now, more than ever, a need for creative solutions to maintain the quality of care while containing costs and addressing ever-growing labor needs.

Where do healthcare manufacturers fit into the solution?

As healthcare providers continue to face rapidly changing realities and address industry challenges, healthcare manufacturers must see beyond traditional healthcare to solve today’s patient care needs – putting the wellbeing of patients and all who serve them at the heart of what they do.

Dukal, a leader in healthcare manufacturing, has identified four key capabilities within its patient care line to help meet the needs of today’s healthcare industry.

1 Ensure caregivers have what they need when they need it, through a resilient and transparent supply chain Healthcare systems need trusted partners who can guarantee inventory so providers can focus solely on the well-being of patients. Through advancements in supply chain innovation and automation, Dukal’s InSight program is mitigating disruptions and building an intelligent and proactive supply chain – seeing and responding to disruptions before they impact patient health or revenue. Visit dukal. info/insight to learn more about Dukal’s supply chain capabilities.

2 Provide industry-leading quality and regulatory compliance and service

Dukal’s extensive product portfolio and resilient supply chain are under-

pinned by its InSure program, with rigorous quality control processes, strict adherence to regulatory standards, and an ongoing commitment to innovation – ensuring the highest level of quality and care.

3 Provide products that make care more efficient and simplify workflows

By helping to simplify the way care teams work, we can reduce staff burdens so that they can better focus on their patients. Dukal’s rinse-free product solutions streamline operations within healthcare facilities and elevate the quality of care provided. Visit rinse-free to learn more about Dukal’s line of rinse-free solutions.

4 Provide comprehensive product solutions to optimize care no matter the location

Understanding the vast number and diversity of patient care settings, Dukal provides a wide array of sizes and product options to meet clinician and facility needs. Expanding product diversity into CHG-compatible, hypoallergenic, paraben-free, and sulfate-free options further allows patient care products to meet the wide spectrum of patient requirements.

` Oral care

` Cleansing

` Combs and brushes

` Deodorant

` Disposable

cloth wipes

` Moisturizing

` Nail care

` Shaving

` Incontinent care

` Admissions



Repertoire 36 June 2024 SPONSORED: Dukal

Excellence in Sales

What is excellence in sales? Numbers help, for sure. But every Repertoire reader knows it’s more than that. It’s that drive to get better, to help people, to have an impact on something meaningful. More often than not, it’s also fun. Since 2000, Repertoire recognizes two people – one from the distributor side, one from the manufacturer side – who embody that excellence. See if you can’t find something of yourself in their stories.

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Repertoire June 2024 39
2017 Victor Bakkar, McKesson Medical-Surgical Patrick Thombs, Clorox Healthcare 2016 Mike Ludwig, Henry Schein Chris Huppert, Midmark 2015 Todd Matthews, McKesson Medical-Surgical Nick Riordan, Welch Allyn 2014 Chuck Ryan, McKesson Medical-Surgical Nate Williams, Midmark 2012
2009 Rich
Tommy Whitehead, Midmark 2008 Tom Jacob, McKesson Medical-Surgical Denny Monnin, Midmark 2007 Dick Daley, Affiliated Healthcare Systems Bob Chaldu, TIDI Products 2006 Mike Leva, CME Corp. Jack Moran, Med Care Associates 2005 Marty McCurdy,
Steve Bakalar, Welch Allyn 2004
Jeff Daner, Midmark 2003
Health 2002
Kavert, McKesson
Hahn, Midmark Corp. 2023 Mike Malec, CME Corp. John Ballarin V, Abbott Rapid Diagnostics 2020 Stacy Comb, Claflin Company Claire Bishop, Quidel
Jarrel Watkins, McKesson Stephen Raggio, Welch Allyn
Mike McGoldrick, Henry Schein Dianna Hundl, Quidel
Paul Lilly, McKesson Medical-Surgical Louis Cupo, Cardiac Science 2011 KC Meleski, CME Corp. Mimi Hobson, Terumo
Steve Marshall, Cardinal Health Mike Paige, Med Care Associates
Bilz, Henry Schein
Denise Hassler, Caligor
James Barnes, Cardinal
Jim Wheeler, Seneca Medical 2001 Linda Phillip, McKesson Extended Care 2000 Brad Jacob, McKessonHBOC

Kay Kavert: Never stops moving

A competitive spirit and a sense of daring enhance her approach to sales.

Kay Kavert cut her teeth in sales right out of college, taking a job in Sacramento, California, as a corporate sales recruiter. She worked on gaining accounts that wanted to hire outside recruiters and helping them find sales talent – entry level to VP. “It was 100% commission, right out of college,” she says. “We got some sales training, but we were all green. Looking back, maybe it wasn’t the best way to enter the profession. But really, maybe it was. When else can you do something like that but when you’re 22?”

In the blood

Kay Kavert, McKesson MedicalSurgical account manager – and recipient of this year’s Excellence in Sales Award for a Distributor – was born in Norfolk, Virginia, but the family moved to Northern California when she was just a year old. She grew up on a couple of acres in Sonoma, California.

From her father, Tom Shearer, a native Texan and retired Exxon Shipping Company executive, she inherited a competitive Tomboy spirit, a love of athletics and outdoor activities, and a Texas-style name – Billie Kay.

In her youth she tried just about every sport and played softball throughout high school and afterwards in an adult league. She started lifting weights and running her junior year and still does so today. She has been doing yoga for about 10 years as well as snow skiing, paddleboarding, kayaking, hiking and mountain biking. She ran one marathon in her life – on her 40th birthday – and many half marathons too, has competed in four Spartan Races, including two “beasts,” which were 17-plus miles with 30-plus obstacles. “I will never stop moving,” she says.

From her mother, Raymonde Shearer, she inherited a sense of daring. Raymonde was one of 16 children in Quebec, Canada, and the only one of them to leave Quebec. She came to the United States with few English language skills, married Tom, gave birth to her two children – Mark and Kay

– and after that, went to school and earned a nursing degree.

From both parents she inherited a strong work ethic and cando spirit, and she learned from a young age that she could do or be anything she wanted. At one point, given her mother’s native French language and her own

Repertoire 40 June 2024 Excellence in Sales
Kay Kavert

interest in business, Kavert contemplated a career in international business – though not the sales side. “I had young, preconceived notions about what sales would entail,” she says. “Who knew that was exactly where I belonged!”

At her first firm, she was working with clients and helping people find jobs. “That was the job,” she says. “But as I got into it, I realized there was a skill and an art to it. We got some sales training and I found it was kind of fun. After I got going and learned what I needed to learn about the company, things came naturally to me. I have no problem meeting people, I can relate to people well, and conversations come naturally to me.” And she found the concept of earning more money simply by working harder very appealing. “It all kind of clicked.”

Medical sales

Several years later, eager to get her foot in the door of a medical company, she took a sales job with IVPcare, a closed-door pharmacy specializing in fertility treatments. “They were a small, privately owned company with a reputation for being extremely ethical, customer- and patientdriven and great to employees.” (In fact, “IVP” stood for Integrity, Value and Passion for Care.) She called on physicians, RNs, clinical managers and administrators, and medical assistants in fertility clinics in Washington, Oregon and California.

“I learned foundational sales skills at IVPCare,” she says. “I learned how to continually bring value to my customers (and how NOT to sell on price), how to ask tough questions, how to get to

the bottom of people’s needs (as they aren’t always obvious), how to navigate difficult conversations, how to negotiate, and how to make sure I was a consultant who my clients could always count on. They knew I was someone who kept up with industry news and information and who could help their business grow and evolve.”

facilities with multiple specialties. I had to learn how an OR operates as well as how to understand the unique needs of each customer. I also had to learn how to juggle, as being a distribution rep often feels like being a quarterback, where you have 10 things going at once and you’re at the center. Moving into this business put my work ethic

‘Being a distribution rep often feels like being a quarterback, where you have 10 things going at once and you’re at the center.’

IVPCare went through some changes and became part of McKesson Corp.’s McKesson Specialty Pharmacy before being acquired by Walgreen Co. in 2008. At that point, Kavert made the jump to McKesson Medical-Surgical.

“I was ready to grow and evolve my career,” she says. “I also wanted to start a family but was traveling way too much for that. I was gone two or three nights a week due to the size of my territory, which I knew I wouldn’t want when I eventually became a mother. The fact that the med/surg opportunity had a local territory was attractive and I was excited about all the opportunity McKesson had to offer.

A drink from the firehose “The first thing I had to do was wrap my mind around the incredible number of products we sell, so I drank out of a firehose for about two years. Soon I realized that was just the beginning. I also had to learn about GPOs and contracts, how to manage pricing, and how to get through the doors of larger

and foundational sales training to the test and I was able to build on it from there.”

Today, she calls on accounts in Sacramento, California, and suburbs and about 50-60 miles into the Central Valley. She also carries a couple of larger accounts that are expanding nationally.

Corporate accounts call for a slightly different approach than independent clinics, she says.

“When you’re focused exclusively on local businesses, you get to know people very well and, in a sense, become part of the family. A lot of local customers see me as an extension of their team. With corporate customers, you’re dealing with the administrative level, and that’s a whole different conversation. You’re talking about bringing in new revenue streams, cutting costs, improving inventory management across all sites or creating ordering formularies. Then you must execute that corporate strategy at the individual account level. At the high level, it’s finance and strategic discussions; at the local level, it’s more of a service level discussion.”

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But in the end, regardless of the size of the account, it’s about listening, guiding and differentiating yourself, she says.

“One thing I learned a few years into my career in med/ surg was that you can do well in this field selling cotton balls and Band-Aids, but if you really want to set yourself apart, you’ve got to be strategic and bring unique solutions to your customers. For example, you can turn a request for a 224 table into a discussion about medical casework, tables with built-in scales that automatically transmit data into the EMR through connected vitals device, mobile workstations instead of mayo stands, and computer workstations as well. Once a customer falls in love with the equipment and workflow, you’ve not only increased your current sale, but you’ve set a precedent for future ones. It takes knowing your customers intimately and understanding the gaps in their business to provide solutions that are unique. And once you’ve brought an idea to them that turns into a success, they’ll keep coming back for more, and you become their most cherished consultant.”

Energy that’s contagious

Manufacturers are a vital part of the picture, she says. Working with vendors who are ethical, capable and customer-oriented help Kavert be more strategic in sales. And manufacturers take notice.

Midmark Portfolio Manager Brady Bernhoft says, “Kay is a passionate leader who makes healthcare better every day. Her character is the best and she always does what’s ethically right for her customers. She cares about her customers and patients, and her

goal is to improve patient care and the experience for all. She will work around the clock to ensure this happens. Kay is intelligent, and her knowledge of clinical workflow, design, EMR integration and infection prevention are the best. The added value she brings to our industry is inspiring, and her positive energy is contagious.”

bioMerieux Account Executive John Butterfield says, “Kay’s dedication to being reliable and loyal to her customers is why her customers love her. She always maintains a customer-first attitude and ensures that every one of her customers is taken care of regardless of how big or small they are. The overarching traits that Kay demonstrates are dedication, loyalty and reliability.

She is available 24/7 and will always respond quickly. Her relationship with the manufacturing community is on the same level as with her customers. She always treats everyone with respect.

“Kay has always been the rep who will volunteer to help train new reps and raise her hand to be part of a committee or focus group that her corporation thinks is important. She is always the SME for her team.”

Throughout six years of working with Kavert, McKesson Medical-Surgical Area Sales Manager Mike Ross says “she has given me countless levels of support and coaching to make me and the team better. Kay is a great listener and is very willing to ask questions – even the hard ones. She is very thorough and drives herself, vendors and customers to competition. She cares. Her listening skills are amazing, follow-up skills are crazy good, and her closing skills even better. Her style inspires her customers, her supervisors and coworkers to make good decisions.”

Kay lives with her husband, Shawn, in El Dorado Hills, California, with their two boys, Lucas and Logan. Kay and Shawn will celebrate their 20th anniversary in September.

Repertoire 42 June 2024 Excellence in Sales


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Ryan Hahn: Always in the batter’s box

He owns his swings, hits and misses throughout the customer buying journey.

What makes a medical sales professional? In Ryan Hahn’s case, it’s a lot of things: His parents, baseball, management training at a car rental company, a brief stint in personal banking and, since 2005, working for Midmark Corp. Hahn is the 2024 recipient of the Excellence of Sales Award for a manufacturer.

“Ryan is an ‘owner’ and not a ‘renter’ of the position he holds as a territory portfolio manager at Midmark,” says Steve Esnard, Midmark Medical Products & Services Central Region director. “He has approached his job and role as a responsibility to deliver the highest quality products and services for his dealer partners and end-customers. Ryan does not waiver from that responsibility.”

Born in Minneapolis and raised in the Fort Worth, Texas, area, Hahn lives in Bee Cave, Texas, a suburb of Austin. His territory comprises Central and South Texas, including the Austin, San Antonio and El Paso metropolitan areas. It might be a stretch to say he was destined for medical sales, but it would be fair to say the stars seemed to align themselves

in that direction. His father, Gary, who recently retired from Steris, spent a large portion of his career with Johnson & Johnson Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics, a manufacturer of in vitro diagnostics (sold in 2014 to The Carlyle Group). His mother, Randa, was a medical assistant in a family practice and later, worked in claims/benefits management for Bell, the Fort Worth-based helicopter manufacturer. Their son learned lasting lessons about healthcare and healthcare sales from both.

Baseball’s lessons

Playing baseball through high school, for example, he saw the similarities between the sport and medical sales. “My father would work on a deal and make the sale or not. It sounded like a chance to win or lose to me.

“Baseball is a sport of failure,” he continues. “Even the best hitters fail at the plate 60% of the time. Baseball taught me how to compete, how to lose, how to adjust when things don’t go your way – all things that correlate with sales.” Sales had another draw: “You work harder, you earn more.”

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Hahn also grew up fascinated with medical technology. “My father sold life-saving, lifechanging equipment,” he says. “It always piqued my curiosity to see these incredible pieces of technology, which were quickly changing and always cutting edge. And I was interested in medicine itself. I was curious about things like, what can a diagnostic test tell a human being about their body?”

From his mother he got a closer look at the patient perspective of healthcare, first through her experience in a family practice and later as a claims/benefits manager for Bell. “She saw healthcare through the patient’s eyes. When a worker’s comp claim came in, she advocated for the patient and oversaw their journey from injury to completion of the plan.”

‘Baseball taught me how to compete, how to lose, how to adjust when things don’t go your way – all things that correlate with sales.’

While working as a management trainee for Enterprise RentA-Car, he noticed that the medical and pharmaceutical sales reps to whom he rented cars were some of the smartest people he came across. It was another clue that medical sales would be a good fit for him. “As medical salespeople, the sophistication of the products we sell – the pills going into someone’s body or the equipment that provides a pathway to healing – is at a different level than what many other salespeople deal with. And while I was at the rental car business, I felt those representatives were a big part of it.”

His goal became to obtain a healthcare sales job that sold

life-saving and life-changing capital equipment. But while he was searching for that job, he gained valuable experience as a personal banker at JPMorgan Chase. “Our selling approach was to present insights for our clients about their financial picture, and then prescribe solutions. And that’s what I do today at Midmark. We present health systems and physicians insights into things they might not have thought about before, and we offer a prescription for a better way forward.”

An incredibly complex industry

As a new medical sales rep, the greatest challenge Hahn faced

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was learning what he calls “an incredibly complex industry, with many moving parts. The clinical knowledge was the most challenging part and took the longest. Immersing myself and trying to understand how Midmark products are used day in and day out by clinical users took years.

“A lot has changed since 2005,” he says. “Back then we focused on single-solution selling – pointing out a problem and recommending the solution. Today’s strategy is much

more advanced and impactful. For example, through our design and space planning services we present an entire portfolio of products. Our current approach requires a higher level of business partnership and alignment between Midmark reps and distributor reps. This stronger level of collaboration and deeper commitment has provided the foundation for our rapid growth over the past decade and will continue to produce success for years to come.”

‘I tee it up, he sells it’ Nichole Castanon, McKesson Medical-Surgical account manager in the Southwest Region, summarizes her selling relationship with Ryan Hahn this way: “I tee it up, he sells it. He follows through from sale to implementation. He responds and delivers. If there is an issue with the product, he facilitates the solution. Professional to the core.”

Says Steve Esnard, “Ryan has been instrumental not only as a peer to others in our region but to our overall sales organization. He does not rely on the company brand and market share to pull his business in. It is the exact opposite. With the pull that the brand and market share afford him, he takes the opportunity to ensure that every touch along the way in the customer buying journey is productive, with prompt and attentive interaction, resulting in an exceptional experience for the end customer and his dealer partner.

“He has built his career around the mindset of immediate positive results and long-term success with the foundational pillars of honest, genuine, trustworthy professionalism. That ‘ownership’ is felt by his dealer partners and every single end-customer, and it is returned with the utmost trust, respect and loyalty. ’Renters’ never get to experience that reciprocated high level of professional respect from their dealer partners and end-customers like a true ‘owner’ such as Ryan Hahn.

“I can’t count the number of times I have heard from his dealer reps what an outstanding person Ryan is,” says Esnard. “When he is involved with them and their customers, Ryan not

Repertoire 46 June 2024 Excellence in Sales

only increases the revenue/sale on a particular deal, but he makes sure the customers’ relational impact and experience is second to none.”

Help for those without homes

Since 2011, Hahn has volunteered with a non-profit organization called Mobile Loaves & Fishes, which focuses on providing food, services, employment and housing to people who have lost their homes. The organization’s Community First! Village occupies 51 acres in northeast Travis County outside Austin. It is currently home to more than 370 formerly homeless neighbors and is preparing to provide housing and community for more than 500 people who once struggled to survive on the streets of Austin. Each home has a front porch, and homes are clustered around common areas with laundry rooms, restrooms and shower facilities, outdoor community kitchens and green space.

“MLF is the first organization to discover the root cause of homelessness, which is the profound catastrophic loss of family,” he says. “Essentially, the majority of people who end up homeless are orphan adults. They experience a traumatic event, usually during childhood (or sometimes during adulthood), which leads to having zero family members to provide a backstop. Addiction is the symptom of this loss and compounds it. Their greatest need that we as neighbors can provide is relationship. For the chronically homeless, love, affection and encouragement –which normally come from family – must come from elsewhere.

“I serve as part of the food trucks ministry, where we drive

‘I’ve always been passionate about primary care and do whatever I can do to further it.’

out and hand deliver meals to the homeless, which allows us to initiate conversation and build relationship. I’ve also had the privilege of purchasing and handbuilding permanent homes at Community First! Village.”

Hahn’s work with Mobile Loaves & Fishes meshes well with his work with Midmark and his belief that preventive care is the frontline of the entire health

system, leading to less chronic disease and a healthier society.

“There are three defined social determinants of health –diet, exercise, and a relationship with a primary care provider,” he says. “I’ve always been passionate about primary care and do whatever I can do to further it. I love Midmark’s mission in preventive medicine. It has fueled my passion.”

Repertoire June 2024 47

Supply Chain Leader Spotlight

Editor’s note: The following interview originally appeared in The Journal of Healthcare Contracting, a sister publication of Repertoire Magazine.

Please tell us about your role/responsibilities within your organization.

As the Sr. Director of Strategic Sourcing at Sutter Health, my team of 90 employees is responsible for non-labor expense management initiatives, product and service variation reduction, contracting for goods and services, purchasing, and capital sourcing.

In what ways has the market changed that makes supply chain more important to hospitals and health systems?

Supply chain teams were always valuable, but often went unnoticed or underappreciated until disruptions in available supply began to wreak havoc on the world a few years ago. We have had to adapt to a regular stream of back ordered and discontinued products and to find solutions that make sense clinically, financially, and hopefully can be implemented without too much disruption to care teams. Additionally, increased financial pressure has shifted more attention to supply chains to deliver cost reductions and control the rate of

inflation through creative negotiating and more standardization of products and processes.

What are some of the biggest challenges facing supply chain departments today?

From my perspective it is data. Other industries have had data standards like UPCs since the 1970s. In healthcare, we are so far behind on data standards. Even the EMR data we use to review physician utilization of medical devices isn’t standard from one hospital to the next. Although we

Jennifer Carlson
I have been spending time recently connecting with peers, resources, and various councils to learn best practices that my team can adopt rather than reinventing the wheel.

have access to tons of data, it is often inaccurate or incomplete. It’s challenging to analyze and interpret data sets when you have to spend so much time normalizing them first.

When you hear words like diversity and equity in the workplace, what does that mean to you? How can prioritizing these values contribute to the success of an organization? I think of this in two ways:

First, diversity in our work force adds varied experiences and perspectives, which I believe translate into creative problem solving, better decision making, and employee retention. During my time in healthcare, I have reported to a number of strong female leaders, and I am grateful to have had them as role models. It was empowering to see other women succeed, and it helped me have confidence that I could move into management roles.

Healthcare has a high rate of female leaders compared to other industries, but women are still underrepresented in top leadership positions. Supply Chain was also historically very male dominated, and it is exciting to see more women, especially in top roles, over the last several years. Employees can really benefit from seeing themselves

Repertoire 48 June 2024 IDN Insights

represented in the leadership roles of their organization. For some, seeing leaders they can identify with based on background, culture, ethnicity, gender, etc. can be very motivating and inspirational.

Second, when I started in Supply Chain Management, supplier diversity wasn’t widely acknowledged outside of government agencies. Now it’s become a global phenomenon. Supplier diversity can create a positive economic impact in our local communities by enabling job creation and capacity expansion, increase competition by widening the supplier pool, encourage innovation and entrepreneurship, and increase supply chain resiliency with more sourcing options. My team is actively working on building out a robust supplier diversity plan to grow our spend and measure the impact in the communities we serve. I have been spending time recently connecting with peers, resources, and various councils to learn best practices that my team can adopt rather than reinventing the wheel. I am also currently pursuing ISM’s Certified Professional in Supplier Diversity to strengthen my own understanding of the concepts.

What is a recent project or initiative you’ve been excited to work on?

When I came to Sutter there was no established Value Analysis structure at the system level; however, a few hospitals were running local product approval committees that Supply Chain was supporting. With executive leadership support and partnership with the

clinical service lines, we implemented CTAC, or the Clinical Technology Assessment Council, which has become a centralized Value Analysis governance structure. The subcommittees are service line focused and made up of physicians who review and make approval recommendations for all new medical devices requested in our system. The physician chair from each subcommittee also sits on the governance committee, along with other clinical and non-clinical leaders, where final

growth. Whether it is through formal education courses or more informal avenues like listening to a podcast on healthcare reform, there are so many ways we can grow by acquiring information and applying it to the work we do.

One my new favorites is LinkedIn Learning. There is a huge library of topics to choose from, including a lot of supply chain focused content that I am very excited about for me and my team.

Whether it is through formal education courses or more informal avenues like listening to a podcast on healthcare reform, there are so many ways we can grow by acquiring information and applying it to the work we do.

decisions are made to approve all new devices. My team facilitates by processing all requests, prepping agendas and providing cost, revenue, and contractual impacts. We developed a charter that defines everything from decision criteria to attendance expectations. We have excellent engagement from physicians and I am really proud of how successful this endeavor has been though we continuously look for ways to improve our processes.

How do you focus on your growth as a leader?

As they say, “knowledge is power,” and although I have been in healthcare for 25+ years, I am always learning something new and it’s critical to my

The other thing I often think about is a quote from the movie “A League of their Own” when Tom Hanks says “It’s supposed to be hard. If it were easy, everyone would do it.” I often prefer to tackle the hard stuff. Challenges present opportunities for growth and supply chains have had unprecedented challenges. Even projects that fail have something to teach us by reflecting on what we could have done differently or analyzing data points that we may need to factor into the next project, for example. It’s important to fail quickly and move on. The pandemic has taught us that we have to be bold, adaptable, and creative; all things I associate with growth.

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Supply Chain Leader Spotlight

Please tell us about your role and responsibilities within your organization

As the Senior Director over the clinical team, I provide clinical leadership to drive supply chain cost reduction across the system assuring achievement of the Supply Chain Strategic Initiative goals of making healthcare easy, affordable, and reliable.

I direct and lead the overall strategy, development and implementation of all clinical cost improvement and value analysis work. I oversee the teams that lead multi-disciplinary supply chain services standards teams to decrease product use variation and costs through the development of consensus supply utilization programs and initiatives.

I also oversee the development of clinical and related operational financial performance improvements and outcomes in the areas of Perioperative Services, Cardiology, Cardiac Cath/ EP Lab, Women’s and Infant Services, Interventional Radiology, and various procedural areas. Finally, I lead and support the new product and technology review process.

What are some of the biggest challenges facing supply chain departments today?

Rising supply costs and continued product disruptions are something we will continue to deal with. These issues have placed supply chain in a very visual position, and we must

work side by side with our clinical stakeholders to ensure we are providing safe care for everyone.

When you hear words like diversity, equity, and inclusion in the workplace, what does that mean to you?

We value and celebrate diversity, equity, and inclusion by promoting and cultivating a culturally rich workforce honored to serve, support, and provide services to our diverse communities. At Banner we are a tapestry of cultures, experiences, and expressions, and we are HERE FOR EVERYONE.

Banner Supply Chain Services employs a diversity program manager and has an inclusion and outreach program. We are a member of Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN), Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC), and have participation from our board of Directors on the Pacific Southwest Minority

Supplier Development Council (PSWMSDC) and the Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

In FY22, 99.8% of Banner Health’s diverse spend was with MBEs and WBEs. This is more than twice the Healthcare Anchor Network (HAN) reported average of 38.6%.

Banner is also one of 15 IDNs in the country to sign the impact purchasing commitment (IPC).

How can prioritizing these values contribute to the success of an organization?

By working with local diverse suppliers, we can have a positive impact on our local economy and community. This fosters greater collaboration with suppliers and can lead to increased positive outcomes.

What is a recent project or initiative you’ve been excited to work on?

Helping our system move further down the Value Analysis maturity cycle. This will lead to increased clinician and physician engagement in our processes that supports our One team approach and our Banner Values of Cost Quality and Performance.

The Value Analysis process is an integral piece of the process that the clinical team in Banner Supply Chain Services uses to determine how we obtain supplies, services, and equipment. The process strives to balance issues related to quality, patient and staff safety, revenue enhancement, and reimbursement optimization across the continuum of care.

Repertoire 50 June 2024 IDN Insights
Denise Robson

IDN News

Hospitals and health systems continue to face rising costs, economic pressures

An American Hospital Association (AHA) Report revealed that hospitals and health systems continue to experience significant financial pressures, challenging their ability to provide patient care. Data from 2023 showed that hospitals and health systems continued to face high costs for labor, drugs, and supplies. Additionally, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements did not keep pace with higher costs, leading health systems and hospitals having to navigate commercial insurer practices such as denying and delaying access to payment and patient care. In 2024, these

challenges have persisted, and have also been exacerbated by events such as the recent Change Healthcare cyberattack.

The AHA report showed that economy-wide inflation grew by 12.4% between 2021 and 2023. It also showed that workforce challenges continue to cause financial stress for hospitals, with hospitals’ labor costs, which on average accounts for 60% of a hospital’s budget, increased by more than $42.5 billion between 2021 and 2023.

CommonSpirit Health announces plans to expand in-house GPO CommonSpirit Health, one of the nation’s largest nonprofit health systems, is excited to announce

its plans to grow its internal Group Purchasing Organization (GPO) – Edgewise. Edgewise is CommonSpirit Health’s in-house GPO and also provides GPO services to member organizations outside CommonSpirit. By growing Edgewise’s reach and scope, CommonSpirit will be able to serve the diverse needs and provide even greater value to its members.

CommonSpirit is also releasing a Request For Proposal for a support Group Purchasing Organization (GPO). While a third-party GPO will continue to play a role in CommonSpirit’s procurement strategy, the scope of this partnership will be redefined to meet CommonSpirit’s changing needs.

The Remedy

A New York-based healthcare provider is using a recently launched podcast to promote primary care to the local community.

 Many patients across the U.S healthcare system struggle with the affordability and accessibility of receiving care. It can often be difficult for patients to understand the complexity of health systems, and many patients often struggle to understand the services covered by their insurance, or what care they can receive without insurance.

Health systems, as a result, have begun to communicate with patients more directly, through content creation, social media, podcasts, and more, with the goal of allowing patients to get a glimpse of available health services. One such example, NYC Health + Hospitals, the nation’s largest safety net health system, aims to bridge aspects of the

health system knowledge gap in its local community with the launch of its new health-related podcast titled “The Remedy.”

The Remedy podcast features renowned leaders and healthcare providers as special guests to discuss health topics ranging from community health and wellness, nutrition, women’s health, and more.

The focus of the NYC Health + Hospitals system is on delivering care to communities regardless of their ability to pay, their immigration status, or challenges they may face to receiving care. The hospital’s mission as a safety net healthcare organization is to provide New Yorkers with the primary care and specialty services they need, emphasizing that they administer care to everyone, regardless of where in life they are coming from.

The health system also offers nuanced health program models to its patients, ranging from lifestyle medicine to telehealth reproductive care. Other topics relevant to the health of New Yorkers are addressed in the podcast, such as COVID-19 and preparing for the next pandemic, the homelessness crisis, and the migrant crisis.

The podcast

The Remedy podcast features host Dr. Michael Shen, Clinical Director of the Primary Care Safety Net Clinic at NYC Health + Hospitals/Woodhull. Dr. Shen plans and outlines the storylines and conducts the interviews featured in the podcast. Podcast guests are

Repertoire 52 June 2024 Trends

employees of the health system, who share their unique perspectives on the care that they provide to patients. The podcast aims to connect patients, staff, and other healthcare providers.

The podcast was started to “help New Yorkers get a sense of the huge hospital system that serves them,” said Dr. Shen. “A podcast is a good way of letting people hear the voices of public hospital leaders while helping New Yorkers understand how we can serve them.”

As media-based marketing has increased within the healthcare industry, health systems too have entered with their own content.

“It’s a big deal that a public health system is entering into the media world, it makes health systems more personable. Media forms such as podcasts are an important thing for medical field professionals to make healthcare more accessible for people,” said Dr. Shen.

Holistic care

New York City feels like a place with hundreds of specialists and doctors to choose from. It can be a confusing and arduous for patients seeking medical care to know how to start and what care model works best for them in their current situation.

“As a public hospital system, we want people to focus on that they can approach healthcare from a holistic perspective instead of a fragmented perspective with specialty care nationally,” said Dr. Shen. “It is a question of how we navigate the fragmented healthcare system in a holistic and person-centered way.”

The podcast is set to include seven episodes, with a new episode released every two weeks.

The first episode, titled “The Power of Primary Care,” features host Dr. Michael Shen interviewing Dr. Mitchell Katz, the President and Chief Executive Officer of NYC Health + Hospitals and

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a primary care physician at NYC Health + Hospitals/Gouverneur; Dr. Andrew Wallach, Ambulatory Care Chief Medical Officer of NYC Health + Hospitals and Chief of Ambulatory Care at NYC Health + Hospitals/Bellevue; and Dr. Michelle Soto, Chief of Ambulatory Care at NYC Health + Hospitals/South Brooklyn Health.

In the podcast, Dr. Katz touches on patients seeing a specialist when they could instead visit a primary care provider.

Each doctor emphasizes that primary care is a fundamental form of care, and that the role of the primary care doctor is coordination and continuation of care. Primary care providers can be thought of as the “glue” that holds a patient’s healthcare experience together.

“The first season of the podcast highlights the big picture programs that our health system feels are innovative and unique to NYC Health + Hospitals,” said Dr. Shen. “The first episodes

A barrier to primary care is lack of insurance, but NYC Health + Hospitals has a program for those that don’t qualify for health insurance. NYC Care allows underinsured, or uninsured, patients to get access to top quality care within the system.

feature primary care, innovative food and lifestyle medicine topics, and will go on to discuss factors that affect the health of New Yorkers. By giving a glimpse of what’s available from these programs, patients can benefit.”

A barrier to primary care is lack of insurance, but NYC Health + Hospitals has a program for those that don’t qualify for health insurance. NYC Care allows underinsured, or uninsured, patients to get access to top quality care within the system. Patients can enroll and have access to primary and specialty care for free or at a reduced cost, and all New Yorkers can participate despite their situation. It is important to be able to treat all the communities across New York for public health.

The second episode of the podcast, “Food is Medicine,” emphasizes plant-based eating as medicine, considering how hospitals can help patients eat healthier and lower high blood pressure and bring type 2 diabetes into remission. The third episode, is titled “Ready for the Next Pandemic,” and covers how health systems navigate and respond to health crises.

“We hope to get the podcast renewed for a second season. Another focus of the podcast is to help connect hospital staff and provide them with information about what’s happening across the system,” said Dr. Shen. “We plan in upcoming seasons to feature what we as a health system are doing on the ground locally, so that other parts of the system share knowledge between different facilities, and it goes on to benefit New Yorkers.”

Repertoire 54 June 2024 Trends




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Surface Disinfection

Facts, figures, data and statistics that distributor reps can use in the field.

 Here is a quick look at the whys, what’s and where’s of the surface disinfection product segment. Included are key metrics that make this an important part of healthcare distribution and infection prevention:

The numbers

After market disruption during the pandemic, the surface disinfection product category has rebounded and is back on track to consistent growth.

` There were 10.2 billion wipes sold into the healthcare market in 2023, up 6.1% over prior year.

` In 2023 the surface disinfection market in healthcare was valued at over $557 million, up 7.4%.

10.2 billion

The number of wipes sold into the healthcare market in 2023.

` The breakdown in dollars by product type is 85% surface wipes versus 14% liquid disinfectants. This trend has been flat and is back to pre-pandemic trends.

` The largest market segment for surface disinfecting wipes is the hospital, accounting for 54% of the volume. As procedures are trending away from the hospital, so is demand. Alternate care market segments are currently at 46% and growing.

Repertoire 56 June 2024 Infection Prevention

Market dynamics – the good, bad and silver lining

The was an immediate focus and heightened sense of awareness around surface disinfection both during and even after the pandemic. However, due to healthcare worker burnout and turnover rates, it is now both a challenge and opportunity to train and educate new staff on what products to use and how/where to use them.

Stock piling occurred at both the distributor and customer levels during the pandemic. There was a period where demand significantly fell off as the market depleted its excess inventory. Additionally, due to supply restrictions, there were disinfectant brands that popped up in the market that did not have proper kill claims or EPA certification. This issue has normalized and ordering patterns and demand seem to have fully rebounded.

How to estimate the demand/volume of a facility

There is not a perfect science to figuring out facility usage. Some use ADC “Average Daily Census” as a metric for hospitals to estimate wipe utilization. For non-acute facilities, particularly physician offices, the CDC recommends disinfecting the exam room after each patient, so the number of patients seen daily on average is a good metric to start with. The number of wipes used to turnover a room typically depends on the surfaces they are wiping down more frequently.

Voice of the customer

When customers are selecting a surface disinfection wipe they are

typically using the criteria below:

` Compatibility

` Product Format

(Canister, Liquid, Spray, etc.)

` Kill Claims

` Contact Time

` Cost/Contract Compliance

` Valued Added Services

(Brackets, Training/Education, Clinical Support, etc.)



` Chairs harbor the highest concentration of pathogens in waiting rooms.

Source: “Survival of Influenza Virus on Environmental Surfaces.” University of Arizona, Mar. 2023.

` Inadequate disinfection can result in a 40% increase in acquiring an infection.

Source: “Controlling hospitalacquired infection: Focus on the role of the environment and new technologies for decontamination.” Dancer, S. J. (2014).

` 60% of samples collected from chair arms and environmental surfaces in LTC facilities tested positive for at least one Multidrug Resistant Organism (MDRO)

Source: “Prior environmental contamination increases the risk of acquisition of vancomycin-resistant enterococci. Clinical Infectious Diseases” Drees, M., Snydman, D. R., Schmid, C. H., Barefoot, L., Hansjosten, K., Vue, P. M., & Prior, R. B. (2014)

Wash your hands!

$557 million

What the surface disinfection market in healthcare was valued at in 2023.

Up and down inventory.

Stock piling occurred during the pandemic. There was a period where demand significantly fell off as the market depleted its excess inventory, but the issue has normalized.

Repertoire June 2024 57

Multidrug Resistant Bacteria in Hospitals

A new study identifies a potential problem area for hospitals to address.

 A new study highlights the high possibility for contamination through sinks and other water sources in hospitals. The study, published in the American Journal of Infection Control (AJIC), reports the infection prevention steps taken to control a months-long multispecies outbreak of carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales that occurred at the Toho University Omori Medical Center in Tokyo in 2017.

Carbapenemase-producing Enterobacterales (CPE) are a major public health threat because of their resistance to widely used antibiotics. Multidrug resistance can be passed from one bacterial species to another, which contributes to the growing epidemic of antimicrobial resistance.

If one CPE species outbreak takes place in a hospital, it has the potential to turn into an outbreak involving many species. This makes outbreaks much more difficult to prevent and stop. Many previous studies have also shown the high risk

of CPE contamination from hospital sinks.

The new report from the medical center in Tokyo exemplifies the detection of CPE in a single patient in June 2016. The outbreak resulted in an infection of a total of 19 pediatric patients.

The infection prevention team involved in the study sampled microbes from infected patients, including the environment of the pediatric ward, to better understand how the outbreak was spreading.

The team determined that nine sinks were contaminated

with CPE, including six in hospital rooms and three more in a nursing center, waste room, and an ice machine. The CPE-positive sinks were all found in rooms where CPE-positive patients had been treated. In rooms with CPE-negative patients, no sink contamination was detected.

Measures implemented by the infection prevention team in the report included recommended hand disinfection after using sinks, introducing disposable tools for cleaning sinks, prohibiting mouth-washing with sink water, enacting disinfection and drying procedures to any items exposed to sink water, and more.

The infection prevention effort exemplified in the Tokyo study outlines the effort that went into controlling outbreaks involving antimicrobial resistance, and the comprehensive approach to infection prevention that is required during these outbreaks.

Any bacterial outbreaks reported in hospitals should be closely monitored, and processes and procedures related to hand hygiene and disinfection of sinks should be consistently followed as prevention measures.

Repertoire 58 June 2024 Infection Prevention

Industry News

Henry Schein extends partnership with Special Olympics through 2025s Henry Schein, Inc. announced that it has extended through 2025 its existing partnership with Special Olympics to support health screening and education for its athletes at select events around the world. Through this partnership, Henry Schein donates essential oral health and medical care products for the Special Olympics Healthy Athletes® program in Australia, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The goal of the Healthy Athletes program is to support the physical and socialemotional well-being of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) and to reduce health disparities and increase life expectancy.

Since 2018, Henry Schein has supported Special Olympics and its athletes by donating a range of essential health care products and most recently, for the June 2023 Special Olympics World Games held in Berlin, Germany. As a Spirit Partner to Special Olympics, the Company actively serves an important role in Special Olympics’ health programming. In addition, the partnership empowers and encourages health care providers to volunteer their time and services to increase the knowledge of best practices in caring for and communicating with people with ID.

Midmark introduces new web page for US federal government customers Midmark Corp. announced the launch of a new medical page on designed to enhance the buying experience for its U.S.

federal government customers. The new web page allows Midmark government customers to view contract information and medical equipment available to their agency and learn more about authorized government partners and distributors. A simple “Request a Quote” feature provides assistance on how to buy from an authorized distribution partner.

Additional resources available include:

` List of available Midmark products.

` REVIT files for architectural u se and that are available free for download.

` Design resource links to explore styling options, including color, finishes and other elements.

` Continuing Education Courses for nurses and allied health professionals.

` VA federal supply vendor show schedule.

In addition, government customers can view virtual and in-person design resources, which take a lean design approach.

Midmark also offers designs that support the VA Patient Aligned Care Team (PACT) model, which examines the process of care delivery from the veteran’s perspective to design medical facilities that support a patientcentered healthcare experience. This approach provides a framework by which design teams can prioritize and align purpose and intended outcomes.

For more information about Midmark products and its new resource page, visit

QuidelOrtho appoints Brian J. Blaser as President and Chief Executive Officer

QuidelOrtho Corporation announced the Company’s Board of Directors has appointed Brian J. Blaser as President and Chief Executive Officer effective May 6. In addition to his appointment as President and CEO, Blaser will join the Board, effective May 15, 2024, when the Board will be expanded from 10 to 11 members.

Blaser most recently served as Executive Vice President, Diagnostic Products of Abbott Laboratories, where he oversaw the global diagnostics organization, including core laboratory, point of care, rapid diagnostics, and molecular diagnostics businesses. Prior to that role, Blaser held various strategic, operational, and diagnostic roles at Abbott, as well as previous leadership positions at the Ortho Clinical Diagnostics division of Johnson & Johnson, Eastman Kodak, and General Motors.

Blaser holds an MBA with a concentration in Finance from the Rochester Institute of Technology and a Bachelor of Sciences in Mechanical Engineering Technology from the University of Dayton. He is actively involved in various industry and community organizations, including serving as Advisory Council Chair of the University of Dayton School of Engineering and Chairman of the Board of Trustees for Cristo-Rey St. Martin College Prep.

Repertoire June 2024 59

Adding Some Warmth to the Cold Call

Guilio Segantini shares how to find ways to make a connection through cold calling.

 Cold calling is one of the hardest parts of the sales rep’s job. Even with years of experience, it can be difficult to win over the other person on the call, especially if you are trying to sell something. While there are plenty of approaches to cold calling that can make it easier and more successful, being yourself might seem like a solution that’s a little too obvious.

The reality is that being yourself in a setting like this can be disarming for the other person. Finding your own way through cold calling can be the best trick you could use – whether it’s through a step-bystep script or through a loose sense of humor.

In a recent episode of The Cure...With Scotty and Sully, Scott Adams and Brian Sullivan sat down with Guilio Segantini to discuss overcoming the challenges of cold calling and leveraging your personality to make a connection.

The challenge of cold calls

Segantini said, “Sales is really about asking the right questions. 70% of what you do on a cold call, apart from the pattern interruption, is asking the right questions. I would say there’s definitely a philosophy to that. How can you make the more statistically psychological option in a cold call to get the best option? That’s the kind of philosophy you should have behind it.”

Asking the right questions is critical to the success of any sales call, especially for cold calling.

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Workshopping your approach to these situations is the best way to ensure that you’re prepared to handle the rejection that often comes with cold calling. Another key aspect of formulating your approach is figuring out the most important piece of the puzzle: you.

Leveraging yourself

We each have our own unique strengths and abilities – you just need to find what you are great at and use it to your advantage. Humor can be a great equalizer if you’re smart about it, and everyone appreciates honesty. Find what works for you.

“Every salesperson will have their way,” Segantini said. “For example, are you a really flat person? It’s just who you are. If you pretend to be me, it’s likely going to be weird. I think the biggest problem is that we see all these sales gurus and we think we need to be just like them, when you should want to take what they do and make it yours.”

The best thing to remember about cold calling is that you shouldn’t take yourself too seriously. There will be wins and losses – take everything in stride and keep the show rolling.

Repertoire 60 June 2024 The Cure

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