Business Matters Magazine Winter 22

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business matters
Inside: ROCCO Winners, Business Mentoring case-studies, Members news, Council updates and lots more… ROCCO 2022 The Winners
2022 EDITION The fabric of
business community.

President’s welcome

Dear Members, Welcome to the winter edition of Business Matters magazine. As the year draws to a close it is an opportunity to reflect on your Chamber’s progress over the last 12 months.

Membership remains healthy at just under 530 with over 50 new members joining and I welcome you all to the Chamber family – you help the strength and vitality of our thriving community.

In May this year we launched our new strategy for the next 3 to 5 years: “Connect and Grow.”

As part of that strategy, we have invested in a new Chamber brand and launched our new website.

In addition, we’ve designed new membership packages & choice-based models giving you more visibility and value-for-money which are already driving membership retention and growth…and of course, we had our newly updated Rocco logo proudly on display at this year’s awards!

Renfrewshire is a place of international trade, importing and exporting products and services around the world. Over 2 billion pounds of products are manufactured here and sent to international markets.

In 12 months our international trade team have processed over 14,000 export documents, the second highest of any region in Scotland.

We continue our investment in our Chamber Customs service to help companies trade with the EU post Brexit.

Our self-funded Business Mentoring programme has supported over 100 companies and individuals since launch in August 2020. thank you to our volunteer mentors for their dedication and time supporting the programme.

In a wider Renfrewshire context, the level of investment is unprecedented and the next 12 months will see many of these exciting projects come to fruition and major milestones achieved. For example, The National Manufacturing Institute will open the doors of their fantastic new facility close to Glasgow Airport. The Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, also part of NMIS is already up and running at the end of November.

Renfrewshire Council’s significant £100 million investment in our cultural assets should be applauded and Paisley Town Hall will reopen next year - in time to host the MOD 2023. We hope to see a significant increase in visitor experience and dwell time in our town centre.

The compelling re-imagining of Paisley Museum continues, and we are excited to see this internationally important collection gain the space and recognition it deserves. The level and scale of these investments is unparalleled and will be transformational.

Your Chamber is at the heart of this step change in driving support and opportunities for our partners and wider business community.

Partnership and collaboration are two unique factors of how we operate in Renfrewshire. Our work with the University of the West of Scotland and UK Government on the “Help To Grow” programme for SME’s is just one example. Help To Grow Offers a 12 Week, fully funded support programme with leading UWS academics and industry experts with a focus on how unlock the potential of your business. Over 40 chamber members have already taken advantage of the programme and we hope to see further cohorts announced in 2023.

Finally, my two year term as your President draws to a close as I step down following the AGM on the 15th December. The Chamber has made I believe significant progress and investment in our future. We will continue to support our members as we work together for the benefit of Renfrewshire and our business community. Thank you to the Board, Chamber Team, and membership for the support you have given me in that time. The Board will announce your new President after the AGM to serve the following 2-year period. All that remains for me to say is to wish you all a safe and happy festive period and a prosperous 2023.

2 Business Matters Winter 2022
Liz Connolly, President Renfrewshire Chamber


welcome from

Welcome to the Winter edition of our every popular Business Matters Magazine.

Rocco 2022 took place on Friday 18th November with a sell out crowd of 500 people attending at the Normandy Hotel. 17 award winners were announced following the appraisal of 32 judges on our panels. The Awards were fully sponsored with Paisley.Is returning as main sponsor once again. Our new ROCCO trophies were made in Renfrewshire following another collaboration between JGB Steelcraft in Hillington and Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company in Bishopston. The event has enjoyed significant coverage in the press and on social media highlighting Renfrewshire as a great place to do business. The event raised £9000 for the Chamber Charity fund.

Thank you to Liz Connolly for all her help and support as serving President in the last 2 years. Her vision and strategic skills have been hugely helpful as we map

out the direction for the Chamber in the coming years. Thanks also to our long serving Directors John McConnell and Company Secretary David Flint, who are standing down at our AGM after twelve and twenty three years respectively on the Chamber board. They have both shown great commitment to Renfrewshire Chamber and I have greatly valued their expertise and council over these years.

We return in January with our new networking series Chamber Connect on Thursday 19th January and our Burns lunch on Thursday 26th January at Ingliston Country Club, always a popular event with a Burns speaker and entertainment. Please take a moment to look at our extensive events programme for Q1 and book online at

To all our members, from myself and all the team at the Chamber have an enjoyable Christmas and best wishes for a successful 2023.

The fabric of the business community.
our Chief
Printed on ECF paper sourced from sustainable forests using vegetable based inks. Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce Bute Court, St Andrews Drive, Glasgow Airport, PA3 2SW t: 0141 847 5450 / f: 0141 847 5499 e: / w: Next issue of Business Matters is Spring 2023 Deadline for editorial and adverts is Friday 3rd March 2023 Themes are 3rd Sector/property & construction/ town centres Advertising & Editorial: Contact Jill Carrino t: 07702 909474 / e: Print and Design by: The Print Brokers (Scotland) Ltd / e: Business Matters Winter 2022 Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce would like to acknowledge the support of our Premier Partners: Follow the chamber: West College Scotland offers a range of professional training and development courses to help you update your skills. “ I’d like to update my professional qualifications ” 0300 600 6060 w Campus 0141 951 7555 Campus 01475 553 044 Paisley Campus 0141 581 2121

Supporting your employees through the cost of living crisis

With increasing inflation and interest rates, individuals, families, and businesses across the country are finding balancing the books increasingly difficult. In response to this, many employers are looking to provide cost-effective support to employees. So, what are the options available to employers and the corresponding tax and/or reporting obligations?

The most obvious options would be to make a payment of a oneoff bonus or increase salaries. Both of these will be subject to Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NIC) and reportable via payroll Real Time Information (RTI) in the usual manner. Cash payments will incur employer NICs and potentially pension contributions, so the cost to the employer will exceed the increase or bonus provided.

With businesses struggling with increased costs, these may not be feasible options. Our cost of living support guide explores some of the alternatives available to employers, including: expenses

• salary sacrifice

• travel costs, including electric vehicles

• trivial benefits: high-value vouchers or gifts and annual functions

• working from home costs

• buying/selling annual leave

• the steps employees can take

Scan the QR code or visit to download the guide.

We are here to help

All the options mentioned are complex and subject to many conditions being satisfied. Further advice should be sought in advance, so please get in touch with a local advisor today.

Partner, Accounts & Business Advisory Services

4 Business Matters Winter 2022

Following the recent opening of our new office in Manchester, Cory Brothers Shipping Agency Limited is delighted to announce the opening of its latest new office, Glasgow. The new logistics office, situated in Linwood, provides freight forwarding services on all modes and all international trade lanes. Glasgow Senior Manager, Associate Director Andy Irvine, a veteran logistics professional with 32 years’ experience is delighted to take the helm of the new office and looks forward to working with all Cory Brothers’ UK and international offices.

Andy quotes “Scotlandisofsignificant historicandstrategicvaluetome,myteam andtothegroup;It’sadynamicandforward thinkingcountryforbusinessandessentially, ishometomanyofourcustomers,suppliers, andnetworkpartners”.

Glasgow office branch manager, Susan Kelly, a career professional with 20 years’ experience in customer service, commercial and account management roles is very excited to have joined Cory Brothers and has high aspirations for her team’s continued success and further progression.

With over 100 years collective experience, the Glasgow office team have

worked together for over 10 years providing total supply chain solutions, specialising in sectors including industrial, aerospace, perishables, automotive, retail, technology & life sciences. The vastly experienced team also provide supply chain reviews, warehousing and customs clearance services.

Group Managing Director Peter Wilson states. “This is another excellent addition tothegroupandunderlinesourambitious developmentplans.Iampersonally delightedthatAndy,Susanandtheir talented team share the same ambitions, valuesandaspirationsasmyselfandthe

CoryTeamandformallywelcomethemto CoryBrothers”.

Cory Brothers Glasgow Business First Office 10 Linwood Industrial Estate Linwood PA3 3FP

• Branch Manager, Susan Kelly.

• Operations Manager, Scott Kelly.

• Multimodal Customer Services Operator, David Ritchie.

• Multimodal Customer Services Operator, David Marshall.

The fabric of the business community.
NEW OFFICE OPENING: GLASGOW Have a Happy New Year There are exciting things happening, find out more on our website. Braehead 123303 - BH Winter Press Ad 130x180mm v1 GF.indd 1 02/12/2022 11:39


Glasgow Airport’s FlightPath Fund awarded more than £85,000 in 2022 to help support 64 charities and community groups in Renfrewshire, Glasgow, East and West Dunbartonshire.

Representatives from community groups and charities to benefit from FlightPath Fund support in 2022 were joined by local politicians and members of Glasgow Airport’s senior management team at a celebratory event hosted by Erskine Arts, one of the organisations to received support this year.

A diverse range of groups received support from the FlightPath Fund in 2022 with award totals ranging from £200 to help pay for kits for several children’s football teams to over £5,000 to ensure 10 local primary schools can take part in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) project in 2023.

Other awardees included local disability associations, Scout groups, sports clubs, community improvement organisations and over £4,100 was provided for a theatre company to perform a sustainabilitythemed play in primary schools across the four local authority areas.

Ronald Leitch, Operations Director at Glasgow Airport, said: “It was fantastic to meetwithsomanyofthegroupsthathave receivedsupportfromtheFlightPathFund attheendofyearevent.

“Howweworkwithandsupportthe communitiesisveryimportanttoGlasgow Airportandisacorepartofourwider sustainabilitystrategy.Myselfandmy colleaguesareincrediblyproudofthework theFlightPathFundhasdoneovertheyears on our behalf.

“WearealsohugelygratefultotheFund’s Chair Archie Hunter and committee members who volunteer their time to vethundredsofapplications,speakwith groupsapplyingforsupportandmeet throughouttheyeartodesignatefunding awards.”

Established in 2010, the FlightPath Fund was set up to provide grant assistance to local organisations working in and around the airport community. Since its inception, the fund has given £1.7 million in donations to over 750 charities and community groups with a focus on improving education, employment and the environment.


The FlightPath Fund committee, includes elected members or representatives from each of the four council areas that neighbour the airport, operates independently of the airport and meets every two months.

The Fund’s Chair Archie Hunter said: “TheFlightPathFundhashadan undoubtedlypositiveimpactonlocal communitieswhichneighbourtheairport andhasbeenaforceforgoodthroughits supportforliterallyhundredsofcharities andgroupsacrossfourlocalauthorities.

6 Business Matters Winter 2022
Over 750 local groups and community organisations have received over £1.7m in support since 2010
How we work with and support the communities is very important to Glasgow Airport and is a core part of our wider sustainability strategy. Myself and my colleagues are incredibly proud of the work the FlightPath Fund has done over the years on our behalf
The airport’s Operations Director Ronald Leitch, George Adam MSP, Mhairi Black MP, Chair Archie Hunter, Natalie Don MSP and Gavin Newlands MP.



“Ourendofyeareventgivesthe committeemembersandtheAirport’s teamtheopportunitytomeetwith representativesfromthegroupstobenefit fromtheFund.Itwasmostpleasing tospeaktothesepeoplewhoareboth passionateabouttheworktheydoand gratefulforthesupportreceivedfromthe FlightPathFundin2022.

“SpecialmentionmustalsogotoGlasgow Airport,forwhichnoneofthegoodwork oftheFlightPathFundwouldbepossible without its continued commitment. OperationsDirectorRonaldLeitchandhis teamcontinuetobeourbiggestchampions andwearegratefulfortheirsupport.”

To apply for FlightPath Fund support visit: FlightPath Fund | Glasgow Airport


The fabric of the business community.

The Flightpath Fund committee Cllr Iain Nicolson, Cllr Sam Mullin, Cllr June McKay, Chair Archie Hunter, Jennifer Stewart and Cllr Calum Smith


With 2023 fast approaching and everyone looking ahead to what the new year will bring the team at Hillington Park is also looking back at the positive achievements of 2022.

A year of major investment, new project developments and many new businesses moving onto Scotland’s largest business estate have all brought significant, positive economic impact to Renfrewshire with the final few months of 2022 seeing some of the most significant moments.

The £14m West 100 & 200 scheme, the biggest speculative new build scheme on Scotland’s largest industrial estate in over 25 years, has seen occupancy reach over 50% just seven months from its completion. Recent new occupiers include Kayfoam, the largest converter of industrial and technical foams in Scotland; Headlam, one of Europe’s leading floorcoverings distributors; J&E Hall, one of the world’s foremost

refrigeration solution providers, and Golf Principles, a successful custom fitted golf equipment supplier.

And while new modern industrial buildings were going up, a well-known old building was coming down. The former Bensons Beds and Harveys Furniture warehouse on Hillington Road which had lain empty for nearly two years was demolished to make way for a new development planned for 2023. More than 4,000 tonnes of waste materials were successfully cleared and are now set for recycling.

Modernisation and refurbishment of other older industrial units also continued across the estate with around £3m of investment by Frasers Property bringing previously unlettable or dilapidated premises back to life and back to the market, most of which were relet before or shortly after works were complete.

Grant Edmondson, Commercial Director at Hillington Park said: “2022 has been a

verybusyandproductiveyear.Interestin the new West 100 & 200 scheme has been highandresultedinanumberoflettingsto qualitybusinessesacrossdiversesectors. Ourcontinuedcommitmenttorefurbishing olderunitshasprovedverysuccessfulina veryactivemarket.”

Other highlights in recent months include the re-opening of the Triumph motorbike dealership, now on Hillington Road, full occupancy of the Cameron Court office development with the arrival of Aerius Marine, and the opening of national fastfood wholesaler T.Quality’s largest branch in the UK.

The business estate, which has been at the heart of Scottish industry for over 80 years, is home to over 500 companies operating in a wide range of sectors including transport & last mile logistics, automotive, construction services, manufacturing, engineering, retail, technology, and the public sector.

8 Business Matters Winter 2022 Already 50% LET New high spec industrial & logistics units 6,805 - 12,562 sq ft TO LET M8/J26 Glasgow, G52 4JG Large secure yards Energy-efficient LED warehouse lighting BREEAM Very Good accreditation Internal office accommodation 0141 226 1000 0141 204 3838 New high spec industrial & logistics units 6,805 - 12,562 sq ft TO LET M8/J26 Glasgow, G52 4JG Large secure yards Energy-efficient LED warehouse lighting BREEAM Very Good accreditation 0141 226 1000 0141 204 3838

Celebrating 40 years of surgical innovation

Inchinnan-based Terumo Aortic recently celebrated the incredible milestone of 40 years since the company was founded.

From humble beginnings in the West of Scotland four decades ago and with its roots firmly in the Renfrewshire textiles industry, the company has certainly come a long way to now be a global company with a world leading range of medical devices.

The saying goes that life begins at 40 but with well over 2 million lives saved by its incredible products, the company has already made a huge contribution to society.

Erik Pomp, Chief Executive of Terumo Aortic, commented: “Weallloveatripdownmemorylaneandthecompanyhas certainlygonethroughremarkablegrowthandtransformation sincethoseearlydayswhichweareallincredibleproudof.A moment like this also allows us to look forward to the next 40 years,Itrulybelievewehavethepeople,productsandplansto gofromstrengthtostrengthandwritemanymorechaptersin the future of Terumo Aortic.”

The fabric of the business community. Erik Pomp, Chief Executive

Arnold Clark inspires the next generation with Girls with Skills: The Test Drive Event

Despite great progress, the automotive industry remains male-dominated in many areas but Arnold Clark have made it their mission to address this balance. Their Girls with Skills programme is designed to educate girls of school-leaving age about apprenticeship opportunities within the business and provide a pathway towards a career within the automotive sector. This will ensure a more balanced future, not just for Arnold Clark, but across the whole industry.

Girls with Skills: The Test Drive Event was a new offering for 2022 and took place this October in GTG Glasgow, Arnold Clark’s leading-edge training facility. While the full Girls with Skills programme provides some sector-specific training, this one-day event offered a taster session for girls aged 11–17 to take part in fun and engaging activities related to Arnold Clark apprenticeship programmes, to help them find out exactly what the automotive sector has to offer with stations dedicated to various apprenticeships in a wide range of disciplines including workshop, bodyshop, parts and customer service.

At GTG, they get to work with experienced mentors alongside the latest technology, so they’ll know exactly what to expect if they choose to pursue a career within the industry. As well as the traditional wrenches and jacks, they also got to grips with virtual reality to experience spray painting without having

to leave the room. They also learned what social media means to the company and expressed their creativity through a TikTok challenge.

In addition, sports presenter and former professional footballer Alex Scott delivered a workshop on presenting skills and answered questions from the candidates. The writer and broadcaster was able share her experiences of working in a maledominated industry, and help to highlight the importance of strong communication skills as they enter the workplace.

Jen Miller, Arnold Clark Early Careers Operations Manager, said: ‘The idea behindthedaywastohighlightallthe opportunitiesavailablethroughout apprenticeshipprogrammes.Wehada partstaskwhichinvolvedidentifyingcar partsandexplainingwhattheydo.Wehad abodyshopsectionwheretheyhadthe opportunitytotryavirtualrealityspray paintinggun,whichwasahugehitwith thegirls.Therewasamechanicalsection whichwasallaboutchangingtyresand

a customer service section which was all aboutengaging,communicatingandhow tohandlecustomerinteraction.Ihopeit hasbeeninspiringandshownthereare differentopportunitiestofiteveryskillset.’

The full Girls with Skills programme will return in 2023. The two-stage programme begins with a day-long session at Arnold Clark’s leading-edge GTG Training centres where the young people will be given a tour of the training facilities, meet some apprentices and assessors and participate in skills challenges. The second stage is a week of work experience at an Arnold Clark branch where the candidates will learn from some of Arnold Clark’s experienced employees and find out what’s involved in the day-to-day working life of an apprentice. After completing the course, they’ll be invited to a celebration event and have the opportunity to apply for a full apprenticeship.

You can find out more about Girls with Skills here: girls-with-skills

10 Business Matters Winter 2022

Whether it be economic factors, the pace of technology or the need to futureproof your own career or your workforce, the world of work around us seems to be changing faster now than ever before. It is now essential that individuals as employees are highly skilled, adaptable and agile and that employers embrace innovative practices in the workplace to help boost productivity. To keep pace and remain competitive as businesses, we all simply have to.

So in the midst of a busy working week, when do we prioritise the learning needed? At West College Scotland, we recognise the need to minimise time out of the business whilst recognising the importance of personal and professional development. That’s why our broad portfolio of upskilling courses allows both employers and individuals the opportunity for practical learning around the day job.

With the ongoing digital skills gap across Scotland, West College has a breath of choice from basic digital shorter micro courses through to more specialist training in Microsoft, Oracle, Cisco and Adobe and offering something for everyone at every level. So if you or your staff need to know where to get started with Java, a demand for database development or a gap in cloud computing skills, we have courses available across all levels which have all been designed by our specialist teams to be practical and applicable to those currently in or moving into roles that require a basic or higher level of competency. For flexible accredited learning we offer a range of online digital skills courses from Digital Skills for Employability through to Digital Marketing, offering a course or package of training that suits all level of skill with the opportunity to further develop.

When and where training is delivered is also flexible with fully online, blended learning and face-to-face options available. Individuals who may be looking to change career path can retrain in their own time through one of our fully funded Online Learning courses which offer accredited courses in as little as 10 weeks from start to certificate across of range of topics from Health and Social Care to Business and Health and Wellbeing. These courses can be offered to individuals or whole organisations, offering flexible accredited learning opportunities.

We can also advise on availability of funding such as Flexible Workforce Development Fund (FWDF) ensuring organisations not only access training which is tailored to the specific needs of their

business but also explore funds to support the cost of building that workforce fit for the future. Contact West College Scotland to kick start your own personal or wider employee development either by email at or by calling 0800 052 9612.

The fabric of the business community.
Prepare yourself and your workforce for the future by upskilling with
FREE Introductory &Certificated courses STUDY WHEN IT SUITS YOU ONLINE LEARNING WEST COLLEGE SCOTLAND For further information visit Childcare  Health and Safety  Health & Social Care Hospitality & Cookery  Essential skills First Aid Training & Development  Coaching & Counselling Business, Administration & Management Courses available in:
West College Scotland

The Malcolm Group celebrates a century in the presence of Transaid Patron HRH The Princess Royal

On 23rd June 2022, at the Donald Malcolm Heritage Centre, Linwood, The Malcolm Group celebrated their centenary in the presence of Transaid Patron HRH The Princess Royal.

As a corporate member of international development charity Transaid, The Malcolm Group were delighted to welcome both representatives from the organisation and its Patron The Princess Royal to the Donald Malcolm Heritage Centre for their special centenary lunch.

The Princess Royal was shown around the Heritage Centre and the company’s history was explained by CEO Andrew Malcolm. HRH was then introduced to several guests who included customers, suppliers, staff and family and spoke to them at length about the company’s progress over the past 100 years.

Andrew Malcolm, CEO of The Malcolm Group expressed his gratitude to everyone who attended. He said:

“Iamdelightedweareabletosharethis celebrationwithlong-standingcustomers, suppliers,employees(pastandpresent), charitiesandfamilymembers.Aswe alwayssayinMalcolm’s,thebrandabove thedoorisonlytheentrypoint,it’sthe peoplebehinditthatmakerelationships long-term.MayIthankyouallforattending andforyourcontinuedsupport.“

The Princess Royal also addressed the guests saying: “Iamdelightedtobeatsuch aspecialoccasiontomark100yearsof TheMalcolmGroupin,whatIamsureyou willagree,isquiteaspectacularvenue. Beingsurroundedbytheheritageofthe organisationintheformofvehicles,as wellasbeingabletomeetthosewhohave madetheorganisationwhatitistoday,isa pleasure.Iamdelightedtohavebeenableto celebratethissignificantmilestoneinThe MalcolmGroup’shistorywithyoualltoday.”

The celebrations concluded following the lunch and The Princess Royal unveiled a celebratory plaque to commemorate the occasion.

12 Business Matters Winter 2022
HRH The Princess Royal
The fabric of the business community. HRH The Princess Royal & Andrew Malcolm Andrew & Walter Malcolm HRH The Princess Royal meeting Alan Thornton, Nicola Malcolm (Robertson) Walter Malcolm Andrew Malcolm HRH The Princess Royal and Andrew Malcolm Andrew Malcolm addressing the room


As winners of the 2022 ROCCO Award for Excellence in Tourism, an experience which is second to none can be expected at Ingliston Estate and Country Club.

A picturesque 100-acre private estate in Bishopton, Ingliston is synonymous with exceptional facilities for business and pleasure and is conveniently located just 10 minutes west of Glasgow Airport and 25 minutes from Glasgow City Centre.

Four exquisite internal event spaces are supported by a 32-bedroom boutique hotel, 14 luxury Alpine lodges and an award-winning restaurant; Palomino’s, a new luxury RV Park; The Paddocks, and of course Ingliston’s prestigious Equestrian Centre.

New Grand Marquee Launched

Following a significant investment and refurbishment, Ingliston’s Grand Marquee is a state-of-the-art space which provides

a spectacular, flexible platform - a gorgeous suite that can hold the largest of events (up to 500 delegates) from conferences, award dinners, corporate conferences, and balls but that can also be segmented for smaller events. As a company, there’s never been a better time to get your team together, build those all-important relationships and plan for a bright future ahead in 2023.

With many years’ experiences of running corporate events of all sizes, we have a dedicated and knowledgeable team, talented Chefs who can turn their hand to any culinary request and amazing accommodation facilities, that means overnight stays are easy to organise if so desired.

Exceptional Event Spaces

As well as the Grand Marquee, you can also choose from the Connemara Suitedesigned by the award-winning Scottish Interior Designer, John Amabile, it provides

a contemporary collection of elegant rooms, to include a sleek Champagne bar and al fresco terrace.

Or for some unique and unashamed Art Deco glamour, The Salerno Suite could be just the venue for you. Located over two levels, with its own entrance and welcome into the reception and bar area, this event space allows you to own your event from your delegate welcome to end of day drinks on the terraces.

If you’d like to find out more, or discuss your upcoming event requirements, please contact Lynne McDermott, Sales & Event Manager on 01505 864 333 or email


Tourism resilient despite fresh challenges

AsweapproachtheWinterseason, we know that Scotland’s tourism industryisfacingfreshchallenges, andthiscomeshavingalready experiencedconsiderabledifficulty duringtheCOVID-19pandemic.The riseinthecostofdoingbusinessis havingasignificantimpactonthe industry,aswellasongoingissueswith staff recruitment and retention.

“At VisitScotland, we continue to work withpartnersinourtourismandevents industryonpromotingactivitythatextends theseasonandensuringScotlandand Renfrewshire remains front of mind for potentialvisitors.

Thegrowthinpopularityofevents likeSma’ShotDay,theSpreeFestival, PaisleyHalloweenFestival,supported byEventScotland, aswellasPaisley’s Christmasareallhelpingtogenerate visitorsandprofileforourregion.

“WelaunchedourGreatDaysOut campaign with the Association of Scotland’sVisitorAttractions(ASVA) and Historic Environment Scotland to encouragepeopletotakeadvantageofthe discountedratesandexperienceadayout atoneofthemanyfantasticattractionsand experiencesonofferacrossthecountry.

Renfrewshire’salsobenefitingfroman award from VisitScotland’s Rural Tourism InfrastructureFund(RTIF)tosupportthe developmentofanaccessibleboardwalkat RSPB Lochwinnoch Nature Reserve. This projectisdesignedtogreatlyenhancethe visitorexperienceandallowgreateraccess tothoseseekingtoenjoythewildlifeand historic features.

“Justaswedidthroughthepandemic, VisitScotlandiscommittedtosupporting industrymanagetheimpactofrisingcosts. We’reusingourVisitScotland.orgwebsite, withadedicatedcostofdoingbusiness

section,toofferadviceandguidancethat willhelptourismandeventbusinessesin the short term and allow them to build a more sustainable future.

“Byworkingtogether,wecanensurethe sustainableandlong-termrecoveryofone of Scotland’s most valuable industries.”

14 Business Matters Winter 2022


Ingliston Estate and Country Club on the outskirts of Bishopton in Renfrewshire is to open a fully serviced luxury Motorhome and RV Park (Recreational Vehicle Park) on its grounds widening its reach as a popular tourist destination.

The Paddocks will feature 30 hard standing pitches complete with water and electric supply as well as access to all the amenities Ingliston has to offer including restaurants, bars, live entertainment and award winning equestrian facilities.

Representing a £500,000 investment, the Park is expected to create a minimum of 10 new jobs.

Works have included a full upgrade of water and power supply including the introduction of a new electricity substation to supplement the site’s own solar panel power generation, as well as full hook up facilities for each pitch, including

electricity, water and waste supply. The Park has been designed to be open 365 days per year.

Luxury amenities include onsite shower, toilet and washing facilities and a laundry.

Managing Director Paul Fraser said, “Ingliston’slocationisattheheartofits charm,notjustitsviews,andwehopethe newMotorhomeandRVParkwillopenup anewleisuremarket,whichhasexploded sincethepandemic,thatwillbeofbenefit notjusttousbutthelocalcommunity.

“As well as an investment in our Estate we’realsopassionateaboutgenerating investmentforthelocalarea,includingjobs and the wider economic benefits.

“Webelievestaycationsareheretostay andourexistingfacilitiesandentertainment, aswellasouraccessibilitytobothGlasgow andLochLomond,providealltheattributes neededforaterrificholiday. TheParkis nowopenandwearereallylookingforward


A family owned business founded in 2007, Ingliston, which spans 100 acres, is popular all year destination for visitors, weddings and corporate events and as a luxury equestrian centre at its heart.

Gary Clark, Operations Director who project managed The Paddocks added, “CreatingThePaddocksopensup incredibleopportunitiestooffernew customersacompletelynewexperience includingabilitytostopoffandenjoy Renfrewshirewhiletouringfurtherafield.

“Peoplearealsobecomingmore consciousofreducingtheirairmilesand astaycationatThePaddocksoffersthe opportunitytoenjoyaneco-friendly holidayinawaythatstilloffersluxuryand choiceinyoursurroundingsandfacilities.”

Details of prices and to book can be made by calling 01505 864333 (OPTION 4) or from

16 Business Matters Winter 2022
L-R Andy McClusky, Founder & Business Owner, Open Road Scotland; Paul Fraser, Managing Director at Ingliston; Bob Grant, Chief Executive, Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce; and Gary Clark, Operations Director at Ingliston

Pacitti Hamilton Chartered Accountants are a dynamic accountancy firm with a finger firmly on the pulse of business in Renfrewshire. They offer professional, accessible accountancy services with a modern, inclusive approach to the business needs of their clients.

Situated in the heart of Paisley, Pacitti Hamilton’s team have a wealth of knowledge, skills and experience, offering services such as Business Advice, Accounts Preparation, Corporation Tax, Personal Tax and Vat Services from their modern offices.  The team specialise in working with business owners, in particular those looking for business growth, including family businesses, hospitality, landlords, retail and more.

As winners of Most Promising New Business at the 2022 ROCCO Awards,  Pacitti Hamilton are passionate about providing

The fabric of the business community.

Hamilton Chartered Accountants Meeting Rooms and Conference Spaces for Hire Across Renfrewshire • Flexible spaces and room layouts with capacities from 1-300 delegates. • Unique venues in convenient, town centre locations. • Free WiFi and excellent AV facilities including projectors, screens, flipcharts and microphones. • In-house technicians who can provide onsite support for those bookings which require a higher level of delivery. • Dedicated Events Coordinator. • A range of catering options to suit a variety of tastes, budgets and dietary requirements. • Short and long-term lease opportunities. 0300 300 1210

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VIAS: your strategic partner

Partner with VIAS and start tapping into real solutions that will positively affect your business. VIAS is an independent non-profit organization dedicated to measurably improving the quality and integrity for providers and people. We are offering a 25% discount to Renfrewshire businesses for any of our services between October 2022 and March 2023. Please get in touch to capitalise on this fantastic offer! For more information call VIAS’s team of consultants at 0141 212 3395 or visit


AGS Airports Ltd, which owns and operates Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports, has confirmed that Andy Cliffe will succeed Derek Provan as chief executive officer.

Mr Cliffe has extensive experience of the aviation industry having previously spent 19 years with the Manchester Airports Group (MAG) where he served as a member of the group’s executive committee.

During his time with MAG, Mr Cliffe held the position of managing director of East Midlands and Bournemouth airports. He also held senior positions across a variety of functions including finance, operations, commercial, real estate development, strategy and corporate development.

Latterly, Mr Cliffe was the chief executive of Midland Expressway Ltd which operates the UK’s only major toll road, the M6toll. Mr Cliffe will take up his position at AGS on 1 January 2023 and will work closely with the Board, chaired by Lena Wilson CBE, as it seeks to build on AGS’ position as one of the UK’s leading airport groups.

Commenting on his appointment, Mr Cliffe said: “I am relishing the opportunity of joining AGS and leading the group into the next chapter of its development. Having worked in the sector for almost 20 years, I fully recognise that the success of airports and the regions they serve is intertwined. Not only are they enablers for the success of other industries, they create much needed employment and drive wider prosperity. I am looking forward to getting started and working with the teams, business partners and wider communities served by Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports.”

Derek Provan, CEO of AGS Airports, said: “I feel honoured to have had the opportunity to lead this fantastic business and to have worked with the dedicated and committed people who make AGS. I now leave the business in a strong position and in the hands of a very experienced and capable chief executive and wish Andy and the business every success in the future.”

Andy Cliffe Appointed CEO of AGS Airports PROFESSOR JAMES



Aprominent academic and eminent higher education leader has joined University of the West of Scotland as the new Principal and ViceChancellor.

Professor James Miller, who officially took up the role on 1 November, has overall responsibility for the management and operation of UWS, as well as being responsible for driving forward and delivering the University’s ambitious Strategy 2025.

Speaking of his new appointment, Professor Miller said: “I am thrilled tobejoiningUWSasPrincipaland Vice-Chancellor and I look forward toworkingwithstudentsandstaffto taketheUniversityintoitsnextexciting chapter.UWShasanoutstandingrecord intransformingthelivesofitsstudents and is an anchor institution across the communities it serves in the West of Scotland,inLondonandbeyond.Iam extremelyproudtobejoiningaUniversity thatplacessuchaclearpriorityon ensuringitsstudentsareattheheartof

fabric of the business community.

everydecision,andonewhichforgessuch strong,meaningfullinkswithlocal,national andinternationalpartners.

Beginning his career as a clinical nurse in Edinburgh, Professor Miller is the first nurse to be appointed as a University Principal and Vice-Chancellor in Scotland – bringing a wealth of experience, values and vision closely aligned with that of UWS.

With a substantial leadership track record, Professor Miller was most recently Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Glasgow Caledonian University from August 2015 to November 2022 and previously held a range of other senior roles, including Director of the Open University in Scotland and Chief Executive of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, a member of the Institute of Directors, a member of the International Advisory Board for the Amity University Group in India, and was a founder member of the British Council’s Digital Advisory Board.

Professor Miller has also held a series

of roles in healthcare, including Deputy Director of Nursing for West Lothian Healthcare Trust and Divisional General Manager in South Glasgow University Hospital NHS Trust.

After completing his registration at North Lothian College of Nursing and Midwifery in 1986, Professor Miller undertook a post registration degree at what is now Abertay University. He also has an MBA from Edinburgh Napier University, a PhD from the University of Edinburgh and is an alumnus of Harvard University’s Institute of Education Management.

AGS CEO Andy Cliffe UWS Principal & Vice-Chancellor Prof. James Millar

ROCCO AWARDS 2022 Winners crowned celebrating business excellence in Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire’s annual celebration of outstanding achievement returned with the ROCCO Awards on Friday 18th November at the Normandy Hotel, Renfrew. A sell-out crowd of 500 people roared on 17 winners lifting the trophies at Renfrewshire’s largest black tie business event, now in its 18th year. Paisley.Is the dynamic destination brand returned as main sponsor for the 4th year shining a spotlight on Renfrewshire as a great place to do business.

20 Business Matters Winter 2022

Chamber President Liz Connolly outlined the extensive Chamber investment in a new brand, strategy and website in the last year and highlighted plans to help Renfrewshire “Connect & Grow.” The guests were piped into the Normandy by the talented St Columba’s School Pipe Band.

Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson gave the principle sponsor address showcasing the significant £100 million investment in cultural assets including Paisley Town Hall and the compelling re-imagining of Paisley Museum.

The ROCCO raffle raised an outstanding £9,000 supporting the Accord Hospice and Renfrewshire’s Toy Bank.

Rocco favourite Fred MacAulay was in great form entertaining the audience all evening and the outstanding King of Birds from Elderslie performed 3 excellent tracks from their new album. The Awards also featured a brand-new trophy for the second year designed and made in Renfrewshire by J.G.B. Steelcraft and Scotland’s Bravest Manufacturing Company.

The Winners:

ROCCO Award for Excellence in Customer Service sponsored by XSITE Braehead.

ROCCO Award for Environmental Sustainability sponsored by Paisley Is.

The fabric of the business community.

Winner: Spectrum Service Solutions Ltd
Winner: Scottish Leather Group
Council Leader Iain Nicolson gives main sponsor address The Normandy Hotel RCC President Liz Connolly Rocco Host Fred MacAulay

ROCCO Award for Innovation & Technology sponsored by University of the West of Scotland.

Winner: QIoT

ROCCO Award for International Trade sponsored by Glasgow Airport.

Winner: Diageo Plc

ROCCO Award for Most Promising New Business sponsored by Renfrewshire Council.

Winner: Pacitti Hamilton Ltd

The Winners:

ROCCO Award for Excellence in Manufacturing

Sponsored by National Manufacturing Institute Scotland.

Winner: Smith & McLaurin Ltd

ROCCO Award for Invest in Renfrewshire sponsored by Invest in Renfrewshire.

Winner: Morrison Construction Scotland

ROCCO Award for Renfrewshire’s Favourite Business sponsored by Braehead

Winner: Mill Magazine

22 Business Matters Winter 2022

ROCCO Award for Excellence in Tourism sponsored by Paisley Is.

Winner: Ingliston Country Club

ROCCO Award for Young Business Person of the Year sponsored by Rolls-Royce.

Winner: Darren CryansInstant Impact Group

The Winners:

ROCCO Award for Family Business of the Year sponsored by the Malcolm Group.

Winner: Spectrum Service Solutions Ltd

ROCCO Award for Community Champion of the Year sponsored by Engage Renfrewshire & Royal Bank of Scotland:

Winner: Tannahill Centre

The fabric of the business community.

ROCCO Award for Employer of the Year sponsored by West College Scotland.

Winner: Lochlie Construction Ltd

ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business <=5 full time employees sponsored by ChamberCustoms.

Winner: Squared Insurance Brokers Ltd


ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business >5 & <25 full time employees

sponsored by Terumo Aortic.

Winner: J.G.B Steelcraft (UK) Ltd

The Winners:

ROCCO Award for Outstanding Performing Business >25 full time employees

Sponsored by Altrad Babcock.

Winner: Kibble Education and Care Centre

Chamber Chief Executive Bob Grant said: “ROCCO 2022 wasanuplifting, awesomeevening celebratingall thatisgoodin our business communityin the face of the currenteconomicclimate.Thebreadthofwinnerswastruly inspiringwithstoriesofingenuity,innovation,andoutstanding performanceinresponsetothesechallengingeconomictimes.”

“YoucanviewallimagesonourFacebookpageandcomments on#2022Rocco.IencourageallRoccowinnerstoutilisetheir winacrosstheirPRchannels.ThankyoutotheentireChamber teamforalltheirworkbeforeandonthenighttoensureour500 guestshadagreattime.,Diageowho suppliedourdrinksreception,AndrewO’BrienfromJ.G.B. SteelcraftandtheteamatScotland’sBravestManufacturing Coforournewtrophies,CameronPresentations&GapTV foralltheAV,thePrintbrokersfortheprogram,Gary&Jan fromNSDesignfortheexcellentsocialmediacoverageand theNormandyHotelforthemealandservice.ThanksalsotoSt Columba’sSchoolPipeBandwhowelcomedguestsinsuchstyle.

Finally,thanksalsotoKingofBirdswhoentertainedusso well.PlanningforRocco2023isalreadyunderway,andIwould encourageyoutoenterandgainrecognitionnextyear”

ROCCO Award for Business Leader of the Year sponsored by Diageo.

Winner: Derek Provan, CEO AGS Airports Ltd

24 Business Matters Winter 2022
Pipers & Drummers from St Columba’s School Diageo Bar Team Chamber Staff Team King of Birds


The fabric of the business community.

New members
and the
would like to welcome onboard the following new members.
On behalf of the Board of Directors
Chamber staff, we
Gleddoch Golf & Spa
Hospitality 01475 540711 Pamela Fraser
Credit Union
Express Solutions Ltd
Chiropractic Chiropractor
Graham & Lianne Fisher (Practice Manager)
Brothers Shipping Agency Limited Shipping Agency
& Robertson Solicitors Solicitors
Docherty 0141 889 3196 Pentland Communications Planning communications consultancy specialising in community and stakeholder engagement Barrie Cunning 07484659545 Dangerous.Studio Creators of Video, digital content Scott Anderson 0131 440 5692 G2BS Solutions Ltd Specialists in providing Health & Safety Services Tracey Graham 0141 212 1167 Mental Note Ltd Performance Psychology Lee Holland 07742243987 West Cove Catering Repair Catering Repair Nicola & David Steele 01475 540121 Mark Westbrook Public Speaking Coach Mark Westbrook 07821806153 hello@publicspeakingcoachscotland. com Relax Accounting Accountants Chris Moffat 01412660211 Jacork Ltd Construction Chris Dickson 07478315354 Maltacourt Scotland Ltd Logistics Holly Todd 01414010760
Xtensive Ltd Website Designer 0141 237 4994 Colin Thomas Values Into Action Scotland Scottish charity supporting people with autism and/or learning difficulties 0141 212 3395 Norma Curran Dean Finance Finance 07536176392 Conor O’Hagan Thistle
Credit Union 01698 711112 Jim Lannigan Rhino
Logistics 0141 648 4260 John Alexander Instant Impact Group Ground Maintenance & Other Services Darren Cryans / Amanda Cryans 07523274059 Connected
0141 887 0444 Cory
Andy Irvine & Susan Kelly 0141 812 1205 Hunter

Up and Coming Events

Chamber Connect: Build your Network

Thurs 19th Jan: 10am – 11.30am, Courtyard Marriott, Glasgow Airport Michael Clerck from Basics and Beyond - insight into “Demystifying the Key Financial Information” for your business.

FOC for members

January Burns Networking


Thurs 26th January 12pm-2.15pm

Ingliston Hotel & Country Club Members £35+vat Non-Members £45+vat

Includes Burns Speaker & Burns Singer

Chamber Connect: Build your Network Thurs 16th February 10am – 11.30am, Venue: Active Communities, Johnstone, Paula Dinnett of Rightway Credit Union will give an insight into their services.

FOC for members

March Networking Lunch

Thurs 27th March 12pm-2pm venue tbc

With Paul Marsella, Site Director Diageo Shieldhall. Members £30+vat Non-Members £40 + vat

Happy Christmas

From all the staff and Board at Renfrewshire Chamber of Commerce

26 Business Matters Winter 2022
and Best Wishes for a Healthy
and Prosperous 2023

Smart meters are a smart decision for your business this winter

Make informed choices about your firm’s energy usage

A smart meter could give you valuable insights into how your business uses energy, day and night, helping you to identify ways to reduce your energy use.

Close the door on estimated bills

Installing a smart meter is a positive step in taking control of business outgoings. Once installed, smart meters digitally measure how much energy you’re using and send your meter reading directly to your energy supplier at agreed intervals, putting an end to estimated bills.

Don’t let energy costs keep you awake at night

Firms of all sizes are currently confronted by a host of challenges, from soaring energy bills, labour shortages, spiralling inflation, and climbing interest rates.

As a business owner, you need to ensure that your doors stay open and that your business can thrive no matter what the season brings.

Did you know that a smart meter could help your business this winter and beyond? Smart meters are the next generation of gas and electricity meters currently being rolled out in homes and small businesses across Great Britain by energy suppliers.

If you are looking for practical advice to help tackle these challenges, a smart meter could be a positive step for your business.

Installing a smart meter can help you closely monitor where you spend your money, helping with planning and projection of costs in the short, medium, and long term. They allow you to spend less time worrying about cash flow and more time running your business.

Find out if you are eligible for a smart meter

Whether you rent or own your business premises, you could still be eligible. If you don’t have your own gas and/or electricity meter, ask your landlord if they plan to get one for your building.

Half of eligible businesses across Great Britain already have a smart or advanced meter installed.

Firms with 10 employees or less could be eligible for a smart meter. Click here to find out whether you are eligible. You can also contact your energy supplier or broker.


With 35+ years logistics experience, Rhino Express offers unmatched supply chain support. Our services include all types of transportation including installation, technical, white glove, time critical transport, onboard courier and abnormal loads. Our year-round warehouse operation can accommodate slow- or fast-moving products with services such as order fulfilment, full inventory management, Ecommerce pick, pack, sub-assembly & labelling. With our inventory management control, it allows for the precise tracking of fast flow components with emergency pick, pack and distribution if necessary. This is all carried out in our 24-hour CCTV and monitored facilities.

We work closely with our customers as their partner, understanding their business will have its own unique demands. We cover all aspects of these requirements and this includes the logistics planning and controlling the entire supply chain process. This ensures collection through to the final delivery is a seamless, trackable and smooth process.

The fabric of the business community.

Our all-in-one comprehensive logistics packages are created to dramatically streamline your supply chain, bringing all logistical requirements under one roof.

Please contact us today to discuss how we can support your business:

27  Tel: 0141 648 4260
Address: Upper Floor, Pavilion 1, St James Business Park, 85 Linwood Road, Paisley, PA3 3BB



Access to the internet underpins so much of life in the 21st century. Streaming the latest blockbuster, entertaining the kids or video calling colleagues, all of this is dependent on a connection to the internet. This broadband connection must be fit for purpose to meet these demands.

So, what must be done? At CityFibre, we are the UK’s largest independent full fibre platform, and we are working to bring our state-of-the-art technology to around 8 million homes by 2025. This ambition includes Renfrewshire, where we have been working since 2020. We are well underway in our build, with work expected to complete on our proposed build footprint in 2023. At present, this plan includes Paisley, Linwood, Brookfield, Kilbarchan, Johnstone, Elderslie, Renfrew, Hillington, Hawkhead, Charleston, Ralston, Oldhall, Penilee and Gallowhill.

But what is full fibre? Currently, most of the digital infrastructure in place to deliver broadband to homes and businesses relies on copper. This transmits data using a slow and heavy electrical signal. In comparison, full fibre networks use 100% fibre optic cables to carry data at light-speed all the way from your home to the internet exchange – a full end-to-end service.

We believe it is only right that everyone has access to the benefits of the digital age. This is why we are working up and down the country to deliver these full fibre networks. In Renfrewshire, and further afield, this will boost the value of homes, increase productivity, and future proof the community as our lives move ever more online.

A faster, greener and more reliable connection

Copper cabling was designed to carry sound, not data. While this used to be enough for our digital needs, for many it is

For updates on the build and when we’re heading to your area, visit:

no longer fit for purpose. Your broadband service needs to be able to evolve with your data needs, and be a service you can depend on. We have all experienced the frustration caused by the dreaded buffering, but with full fibre there are ‘symmetrical speeds’ which means you will get the same speed for upload and download. So, no more staring at the constant cycle of ‘loading.’

While buffering is frustrating, your internet cutting out completely can bring new levels of irritation. Some of the most common causes for this are poor weather and network damage. Our networks are built with resilient design to protect against this. Our networks are also extremely energy efficient, using less electricity to operate than traditional copper-based networks.

Is this the savviest choice?

One of our core beliefs at CityFibre is that a more competitive telecoms landscape will drive service improvement. That’s why our network is open access – we want you to be

able to select the deal which best suits you. We are working with an ever-growing list of internet service providers (we have 30 different ISP partners across the UK so far), and in Renfrewshire this includes TalkTalk, Vodafone, Giganet, Zen and Brawband, with more brands set to join the network soon.

Ready to make the switch?

Getting onto our network is quick and easy. Simply check the postcode tool on our website to see if your home is ready to be connected. You can then choose your package, and we will connect your property to the network.

If your area isn’t quite ready to connect, don’t worry – by registering your interest, we will keep you up-to-date on when services will go live, and you can rest assured with the knowledge we are working as quickly as possible to build our network, connect your home and futureproof your community.

To find out more, including the providers available in Renfrewshire, visit

28 Business Matters Winter 2022
from scratch, with the latest full fibre technology, this is a digital network like no other. Giving communities and businesses in Renfrewshire the fastest most reliable broadband for generations to come.
David Cannon


Built from scratch, with the latest full fibre technology, this is a digital network like no other. Giving communities and businesses in Renfrewshire the fastest most reliable broadband for generations to come.

For updates on the build and when we’re heading to your area, visit:

The fabric of the business community.



What do over 10,000 of the UK’s most innovative businesses have in common? They have all benefitted from Innovate UK’s Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTP) programme. With programme funding set to double to £60m in 2023 there has never been a better time for businesses to participate in a KTP with a university centre of excellence. As businesses recover from the impact of the pandemic, collaboration between industry and academia is key to growing the economy (Universities UK, 2021).

Funded by Innovate UK, KTP is a threeway partnership between a business, a university and a highly skilled and experienced KTP Associate employed to work in the business full-time leading a strategic project that delivers both new knowledge and profit impact for the business. The collaborative nature of the undertaking is key to its success; with the academic team providing support to the business and Associate.

The average annual cost to a SME is £30k per annum, with the 67% grant being paid direct to the academic partner. Large organisations are also eligible, albeit at a reduced grant rate of 50%. Projects can last between 12 and 36 months and span all areas of business from new product development to operations management, marketing and internationalisation. Businesses partner with their chosen university based on their project requirements.

At UWS our motto is Dream, Believe, Achieve. UWS’s award winning KTP Centre has supported nearly 50 businesses secure Innovate UK funding for £10m worth of projects in the last 5 years; with several winning international awards - Forres based Phoenix Instinct Ltd was the recipient of the $4m Toyota Mobility Foundation Global Mobility Unlimited Challenge prize developing the first ever ultra-lightweight smart wheelchair The UWS KTP Centre is a one-stop shop for all things KTP. The dedicated team support businesses from ideation to bid development and post award

project administration.

Novosound is an award-winning Scottish sensors company. Based on IP developed at UWS and embedded in the business via a KTP with UWS’s Institute of Thin Films and Sensors and Imaging (ITFSI), the business has launched a range of flexible ultrasound sensors which are now being applied globally across all industry sectors.

Touchless Hygiene Ltd, trading as Sandondaf, embraced the challenge of COVID to enhance their service offering via the KTP project. The KTP embedded engineering and microbiology expertise to facilitate the launch of the next generation of microbial disinfection and decontamination technology. The business has seen exceptional growth over the COVID period, with both commercial and private clients.

For more information, visit the KTP website business/ or contact the UWS KTP Centre

30 Business Matters Winter 2022
L to R: Scott Sinclair - Marketing Coordinator, Carol Thomson - Support Team Leader, Stuart McKay - Senior Manager, Kay Henderson - Business Development Officer, Paul Rafferty - Support Coordinator

The fabric of the business community.

Gleddoch Golf Membership


1st April 2023 - 31st March 2024 Full membership is available, allowing you access all year round. £850 per annum

SENIOR MEMBERSHIP 65 years and over - £625

INTERMEDIATE MEMBERSHIP Our Intermediate Membership starts from 18 years of age and supports golfers up until the age of 30. The membership offers all of the benefits and playing rights as a Full Member. 18 – 25 - £475 26 – 30 - £575

CORPORATE MEMBERSHIP Combine business and pleasure. Ideal for impressing potential clients and rewarding staff whilst increasing their morale and wellbeing. Prices from £1750 + Vat

Gleddoch Golf & Spa Resort, Old Greenock Road, Langbank, PA14 6YE Tel: +44(0)1475 540 704 | Email:
Please note that a £100 joining fee applies to all memberships

Should you have a business TikTok account?

TikTok has taken the social media world by storm, but is it suitable for business users? Well, with over a billion active users per month, there’s a good chance a chunk of your prospective customers are hanging out on TikTok –especially if they’re under 30.

Used well, a business TikTok account can be a useful and creative marketing tool.

Getting started with a business TikTok account

If you’re looking to get started with TikTok, the first step is to register a business TikTok account. This is not the same as an individual creator profile. Unlike individual accounts, business accounts allow you to: Link your brand’s info to your account Track your content’s performance in real time

Use the app’s built-in Business Content Guide

• Discover and respond to content that’s trending

• Choose from 500,000 royalty-free sounds and songs

• Access your own business suite with analytics and advice

You can use all of these features to help you come up with content ideas, test those ideas, and refine them. Like any new marketing technique, it’s about being willing to try new things, being open to different ideas, and some trial and error to find out what works for your business.

Using TikTok for business: what to think about

Here are some things to consider when using TikTok for your business:

• The audience

The 16-30 age group is the core TikTok demographic (with late teens and early 20’s being the biggest share overall). It’s also slightly more skewed towards females, with girls and women comprising nearly 60% of the audience. Keep these demographics in mind when you plan your TikTok marketing strategy.

• The content

Videos just trying to promote or sell your products aren’t likely to do well on TikTok. Instead, post authentic brand videos, making a feature of you or your team. Check out big brands such as Nike, Skittles and Pepsi for examples of businesses tailoring their content to their TikTok audiences. You can also look at individual Marks and Spencer stores (Romford being one of our favourites to show on training sessions) to see the creative trust they give to their staff!

• The tone

The reason TikTok is so popular with its young audience is because it’s a fun place to hang out. Your content needs to be lighthearted, entertaining and visually pleasing. Save your serious videos for Linkedin or your website! However, that’s not to say you can’t cover ‘serious’ topics. Check out how Dr Julie Smith uses TikTik in a playful way to raise awareness of mental health issues.

How to 10x your reach: partner with influencers

As a small business, gaining traction needs to be your first priority, and the fastest way to do that is to piggyback onto other people’s success. This is where influencer partnering comes in. The idea is that you pay someone who already has a TikTok following to host or share your content.

Asking Kim Kardashian to promote your local bakery might be a stretch, but did you know that 91% of social media influencers are actually ‘micro influencers’? These are accounts which may not have the fame and fortune of the big names, but which nonetheless have great klout in their particular niche.

Some simple examples might be The Jazzy Golfer (helping you raise awareness of your golf related products and services), or Tequila Jay (if you’re looking to launch your new Tequila brand!).

If you would like further help with your business’s social media strategy, please get in touch at any time, or join us at our next “Embrace the Space” social media for business masterclass. We’d love to help you get your business visible on the right platforms!

32 Business Matters Winter 2022




Online Live Webinar

20th January 2023 : 10.00am – 3.30pm (with 30min break) £50 per person (+ VAT)

Online Live Webinar delivered via Zoom Register now

Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre opens at AMIDS

Amajor centre accelerating stateof-the-art solutions in medicines development and manufacturing is now open in Renfrewshire.

The Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre brings world-leading science and technology expertise under one roof at Scotland’s home of manufacturing innovation AMIDS.

It is delivering 100 initial high-value jobs and will enhance international investment into Scottish life sciences and manufacturing innovation.

Forecast to generate £200million in technology innovation in its first five years, the centre is a unique collaboration led by UK technology innovation organisation CPI and supported with £88million in public and private investment.

New advanced technology and manufacturing solutions developed between CPI and pharmaceutical

companies based at the Centre will help the industry become more productive and sustainable, benefitting people across the globe through the development of new and improved medicines.

Dave Tudor, Director of Medicines Manufacturing, Biologics and Quality at CPI, said: “Thefacilitywehavebuilthere inRenfrewshireisthefirstexampleofa consistent and concerted effort from the pharmaindustrytocollaborate.Thiswill becrucialtounlockingthechallenges we’ve faced so far to translate research intotangiblebenefitsthatwillhelpaddress unmet health needs.

“Our‘GrandChallenge’businessmodel aimstobringkeyplayerstogetherto acceleratesolutionstokeychallenges includinghowwereducewasteandlower theindustry’scarbonfootprintthrough better,moreefficientmanufacturing processes.”

The Medicines Centre is the first facility to open at Netherton, the 52-hectare councilowned site next to Glasgow Airport at the heart of the manufacturing innovation district which also spans Westway and Inchinnan Business Parks.

Every aspect of AMIDS is focused on a net zero future and the developed district is securing Renfrewshire’s position as the primary place for manufacturing research and development in Scotland, bolstering an already hugely productive manufacturing sector accounting for 8,000 roles, 10% of total jobs.

The fabric of the business community.

Is 2023 the year that you potential with Business

Renfrewshire Chamber offers members the opportunity to join our Business Mentoring Programme as part of our support package for businesses. We carefully match business owners or key employees with experienced and talented mentors from a variety of backgrounds, industries, and skill sets.

Stuart Murray, Development Executive manages the programme and spoke with some recent participants and their mentors about their experiences and the benefits they have gained.

Muirmedia is a creative solutions provider offering high quality graphic design, branding, print and photography. Dave Muir has over 20 years commercial experience designing in the print industry.

What was your motivation to join the Business Mentoring Programme?

I had started Muirmedia full-time in December 2014 and have been basically ‘winging it’ since then. Despite the business growing and achieving a great reputation over the years I felt that it was only just ticking over, I had a growing, niggling feeling the business was capable of achieving much more and after a chance meeting with Stuart Murray where he explained the benefits of the Chamber and especially the mentoring scheme I realised that this was the catalyst that I needed to grow so I joined up and quickly took up the offer of the mentoring programme.

What are the key benefits that participation has delivered for you?

A key benefit of the mentoring programme is the sense of accountability. As a small business owner with ideas constantly flowing, I felt the ideas were never coming to fruition as they were cast aside and left undone when busy workloads took over my time. Before I embarked on the programme I had no real sense of responsibility, If I didn’t feel like it, or couldn’t find the time to complete major tasks then there was no issue as it was only myself to blame. With David on board I am motivated to push through and get things over the line.

DPS Agency was formed in 2004 as a sales and marketing company offering expert advice aimed at increasing profitability. With over 30 years’ experience in blue chip companies David Scouller provides specific programmes in sales and marketing and is a long-standing Business Mentor.

What was your motivation to join the Renfrewshire Chamber Business Mentoring Programme as a mentor?

My motivation was to assist people to develop and not make the basic mistakes, everybody is very busy and, in most cases, work very hard IN the business but do not spend enough time working ON the business. Engaging with a mentor ensures that at least once a month mentee spends time working ON the business.

What are the key benefits that participation delivers for business owners or participants?

The key benefits are using the mentors experience, avoiding mistakes the mentor has made, engaging with a non- judgemental listening person, and perhaps using an experienced mentor contact sphere. Also receiving directional suggestions, support, and guidance which can improve confidence and motivation.

Barbara Davey believes that growing older doesn’t mean living any less of a life. Olden Goldies is a family run business providing a companion service for people in their golden years who would like to enjoy life to the full.

What was your motivation to join the Business Mentoring Programme?

I was at the stage of my business that I needed an “old head” who could balance my objectives with some real business acumen. I needed input on my marketing, how to reach our target client, grow our business and consolidate our position in a very competitive market.

What is your aspiration for Olden Goldies and has Business Mentoring helped you in reaching this?

My first aspiration for the business was for it to develop on a firm footing so that future growth could be easily accommodated. My

business mentor, Alistair Moodie, helped me to put the structure in place that I needed through my business plan and gave me guidance on marketing strategy and accounting.

Now my aspiration is to continue with the successful and careful growth of the business which comes about through perseverance and successful marketing for which my mentor provides very valuable support by helping to analyse the success of marketing campaigns, ways to find new clients, reminding me about profitability and costs and reviewing my strategies for growth.

Some of our regular meetings are quite intense but they are always followed by a sense of achievement and a renewed buzz.

34 Business Matters Winter 2022
Development Exec Stuart Murray

you unlock your Mentoring?

Alistair Moodie heads up Scotia Business Solutions providing guidance and support for SME’s and Start-ups with Marketing Strategy, Brand Development, Web Development and Business Growth challenge.

What are the key objectives you identified and set to focus on with your mentee?

Business planning, marketing and sales/profit metrics were identified as the key priorities. Olden Goldies, like many SME’s are driven by the owners from the heart, and sometime need an experienced outside influence to add structure and metrics to their already successful business

What was your motivation to join the Renfrewshire Chamber Business Mentoring Programme as a mentor?

Many start-ups or small companies struggle to keep growing- I have seen and experienced quite a few. I saw mentoring as a learning opportunity, where I could teach and advise them, but also learn something from them. I may have more experience in a particular industry, but the mentee may have insights into different markets or industries.

Spex Appeal is a mobile optical dispensing business based in Paisley owned by husband-and-wife team Alan and Lynn Leitch, bringing a collection of world leading brands at discounted prices direct to customers homes or from their showroom.

What is your aspiration for Spex Appeal and has mentoring helped you reach this?

When we joined the BMP our aspiration was simply to make our recent move and growth more manageable. Our mentor Michael Clerck has helped us massively with that.

What are the key benefits that participation has delivered for you?

The key benefits have been having another pair of eyes looking in from the outside allowing us to pick up on things that we may have missed and make small changes to everyday practices.

Why would you recommend the Business Mentoring Programme to other individuals in Renfrewshire?

You may think you know it all, have read the book, seen the movie, and worn the T-Shirt as far as your business is concerned but you ARE missing something that you’ve never even considered and those fresh eyes looking in may notice it. Even if you only take one piece of advice from your mentor that allows your business to operate more efficiently it’s well worth it!

Passionate about business growth, Michael Clerck held a portfolio of senior management positions in an international manufacturing organisation. Basics and beyond provides expert support focusing on Business Growth, Change Management, Risk Management and Marketing Strategy.

Why would you recommend the RCC Business Mentoring Programme?

The programme matches business owners with a designated mentor with the appropriate skills and knowledge aligned to their specific development needs and growth aspirations for their business. A mentor will not tell business owners what to do but will support them to ensure they make the best decisions for their business giving them the confidence that will enable them to continue to pursue their business ambitions well beyond the duration of the assignment.

A mentor will provide a safe sounding board for sharing business objectives and creating the route towards achieving them, developing an understanding of how to anticipate, and overcome obstacles and exploring business growth opportunities.

The fabric of the business community.

Why not join Renfrewshire Chamber and take advantage of our fully funded support service and find out how our Business Mentors can help you?
Contact Stuart Murray, Development Executive for information on how to access the programme 07525 323500 or
What are the key benefits that participation delivers for business owners?

Renfrewshire Council Updates:

Renfrewshire businesses hail new commercial connection

Anew Renfrewshire road bridge inspired by Scotland’s aviation pioneers has officially opened, providing a critical connection for businesses across the White Cart river.

The 70-metre Barnwell Street bridge takes its name from the Barnwell Brothers and has been built by Renfrewshire Council to link business centres either side of the river.

It forms part of a series of infrastructure improvements jointly funded by the Scottish and UK Governments through the £1.13billion Glasgow City Region City Deal which has enabled development of the Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS).

Located between Arran Avenue in Paisley and Wright Street in Renfrew, the crossing enables vehicles coming from Paisley to access commercial premises on the Renfrew side and gives Renfrew companies a new connection into AMIDS, Glasgow Airport and the motorway network.

There’s no through road for vehicles onto Wright Street to prevent it being used as a shortcut and over time helping to reduce HGVs and commercial traffic in nearby residential areas.

It also includes a public walking and cycling crossing which joins up with the growing network of cycling and walking routes across Renfrewshire.

Business representatives with the Council Leader at the Barnwell Street bridgeRenfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson joined businesses benefiting from the bridge and Glasgow Airport employee Alan Carson, whose daily commute is now by bike thanks to the new route, to mark its official opening.

Councillor Nicolson said: “I’mdelighted toseetheBarnwellStreetbridgenow open.We’realreadyseeingthebenefitsof thisinvestment,withnewdevelopments choosingtolocatenexttothebridge, bringingnewjobsandopportunitiesto Renfrewshire.

“RightacrossRenfrewshirewe aremakingamajorinvestmentin infrastructurelikeroads,bridges,walking andcyclingroutes,betterconnecting communities to their work, studies and leisure.Thisinvestmentisanticipated tobolstertheeconomybymorethan halfabillionpoundsbyattractingnew developmentstolocateinRenfrewshire.

“Localresidentswillalsoenjoythe benefitsoftheBarnwellStreetbridge, makingitmucheasierandquickerto choose to leave their car behind and walk, cycleorwheelacrosstoAMIDS,Glasgow Airportandfurtherafield.

The district has already attracted the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre to locate here, as well as aerospace giants Boeing who are partnering with NMIS on their first research and development project in Scotland.

Scottish Government Business Minister Ivan McKee said: “TheopeningofBarnwell StreetBridgemarksasignificantmilestone fortheGlasgowCityRegionDealand forthelocalcommunity.Thisisavital projectwhichwilllinkcommercialcentres includingtheAdvancedManufacturing InnovationDistrictScotland(AMIDS) andoffersgreaterpedestrianandcyclist access. The Scottish Government is an equalpartnerintheGlasgowCityRegion Deal,committing£500millionover20 years.”

“It’sfittingit’snamedafterthebrothers whobuiltthefirstsuccessfulpowered aircraft made in Scotland as AMIDS is fastemergingasScotland’shomeof manufacturinginnovation,wherecutting edgeresearchandtechnologyisbeing appliedtomanufactureinabetterway,ina cleaner,greenerway.”

Glasgow City Region City Deal funding for the project has also seen a pedestrian and cycle bridge over the Black Cart river onto Greenock Road open last year.

And a new road, called Netherton Avenue, has replaced Abbotsinch Road to provide a bespoke route through the innovation district.

UK Government Minister for Scotland Iain Stewart said: “Renfrewshire is channellingthepioneeringachievements of the Barnwell brothers with its ambitious infrastructureprogramme.Inthespiritof itsnamesakes,thenewbridgewillhelpthe localeconomytotakeoffbyconnecting companiesacrosstheWhiteCartand supportingresidentstocycleandwalkto work.TheUKGovernmentisinvestingin excitingprojectsliketheBarnwellStreet bridgeaspartof£2billionforlevellingup communitiesrightacrossScotland.”

Glasgow City Region City Deal funding is also supporting construction of the first opening road bridge across the River Clyde at Renfrew, helping to create an attractive waterfront area and projected to inject as much as £230million into the economy and create more than 2000 permanent and temporary jobs.

Business feedback

Iain McKissock, Director at freight forwarders and custom brokers AirSea Scotland said: “Witharound70percent ofourexportsandimportbusinessbeing

36 Business Matters Winter 2022
We’re already seeing the benefits of this investment, with new developments choosing to locate next to the bridge, bringing new jobs and opportunities to Renfrewshire

Renfrewshire Council Updates:

Before the bridge was built, I would use my car, cycle or walk to work. Now the bridge is open, I will walk or bike which changes my journey time from 45 minutes down to 15 minutes or as little as five by bike

handledthroughGlasgowAirport,thenew bridgeonBarnwellStreetgivesuseasier accesstotheairportandwillhelpustocut down on our emissions.

“Theopeningofthebridgeandthearea beingpartofthemanufacturinginnovation districtgoesalongwaytohelpfuture growthandwillhopefullyattractmore businesses to the area and in turn this meansmoreexportsandimportsrequiring processing,whichwe,asprobablythe largestindependentforwardingagentin Scotland,areinaprimepositiontoassist.”

Rob Large, Director of Canmoor, Asset Manager of Westway Park said: “The GlasgowCityRegionCityDealhasbeen instrumentalincreatingconnectionsand improvingtheinfrastructurearound WestwayandthenewBarnwellStreetbridge isanotherpositivemilestoneinthisprocess.

The fabric of the business community.

“AswellasimprovingaccesstoGlasgow Airportforouroccupiers,itwillhelpreduce theimpactofheavyvehicletrafficfrom residential areas around Porterfield Road andcentralRenfrew,aswellasconnecting withthePaisleytoRenfrewcycleroute.

“Wearecontinuallyinvestinginthe futureofWestwayandourplansinclude creatinganewparkentrancecloseto thenewbridge.Wehavecompleteda £12millionredevelopmentandimprovement programme,whichhasincludedthe refurbishmentandupgradingofaround 200,000squarefootofindustrialspaceand wehavealsodevelopedandsecuredapreletforthenew120,000squarefootFilshill Distribution Centre.”

John McKail, Managing Director of Bullet Express, said: “Inadditiontoincreasing ourstoragecapacity,oneofthemain driversforuschoosingWestwaywasits accesstoGlasgowAirport.Thisbridge significantlyenhancesthataccessibility, bringingusevenclosertoourcustomers and to the air and road links that enable us togettheirproductswheretheyneedtobe. Withstoragecapacityfor12,000palletsin our67,000squarefeetstoragefacilityat Westway,BulletExpressisnowevenbetter placedtomeettheneedsofourcustomers.”

John McCluskey, Bidfood Head of Operations (Hubs) Scotland, said:

“We looked at a number of sites in the west to be closer to our customer base, reducingroadmiles,avoidingcongestion ontheM8andKingstonbridgewhen

returningbacktoourEdinburghdepot, togrowourbusinesslocallyandprovide furtheremploymentopportunities.

“This site is ideal with the close links to themotorwayandairportnearby.The bridgewillhelpusavoidcongestioncoming intoRenfrewandwillkeeptrafficaway fromtheresidentialareawhichwillhelp maintainroadsafetyfortheresidents andwillprovidefastandeasyaccessonto themotorwaynetwork.Havingagood roadnetwork,transportlinksandpublic transportwillbekeytoensuringthatwe areabletoensureourcolleaguesareableto accessthearea,gettingtoandfromwork.”

Cyclist feedback

Alan Carson, an ASU Operative at Glasgow Airport, is enjoying cycling to work now the bridge has opened. He said:

“Thisnewbridgeisanabsolutegame changerforthepeopleinmyarea,notjust forwork,butforwalksalso.Iliveveryclose toWrightStreetandthebridge.Beforethe bridgewasbuilt,Iwouldusemycar,cycle orwalktowork.Nowthebridgeisopen,I willwalkorbikewhichchangesmyjourney time from 45 minutes down to 15 minutes oraslittleasfivebybike,cuttingmytravel timemassively.

“Thebridgeisgoingtobegreatforleisure purposesforeveryonewholivesonthe Renfrewsideasnowwecanjoincyclingor walkingroutestobothInchinnan,Paisley andbeyond,keepingusawayfrombusy roads.”

The group photo shows Renfrewshire Council Leader Iain Nicolson (centre) and Renfrewshire Council City Deal and Infrastructure Programme Director Barbara Walker with business representatives from: AirSea Scotland; AMG Group; Bidfood; Bullet Express; Canmoor, Asset Managers of Westway; Trident Engineering Consultants and Westway. Also pictured is Alan Carson, ASU Operative at Glasgow Airport.

Renfrewshire Council Updates:

The Advanced Manufacturing Innovation District Scotland (AMIDS) in Renfrewshire is creating the perfect place for manufacturers to innovate and transition to net zero.

“We’veresearchedsuccessfulinnovation districtsworldwidetosettheblueprintfor howwe’redevelopingAMIDS,withakeen focusonsupportinganetzerofuture,” explains Barbara Walker, Programme Director from Renfrewshire Council’s City Deal and Infrastructure team, who are overseeing its development.

AMIDS is Scotland’s home of manufacturing innovation and spans a new 52-hectare site called Netherton next to Glasgow Airport together with the established Westway Park in Renfrew and Inchinnan Business Park.

Working together on its success alongside the Council are the Scottish Government, Scottish Enterprise, University of Strathclyde and West College Scotland.

It’s also supported by its two anchor tenants, the National Manufacturing Institute Scotland (NMIS) which is operated by the University of Strathclyde and is building its headquarters at Netherton and the Medicines Manufacturing Innovation Centre, led by CPI - both part of the High Value Manufacturing Catapult.

At Netherton, the Council has been putting in place the infrastructure to attract manufacturers across different sectors to locate here and access the latest research and technology to become more productive, more efficient and transition to net zero.

Barbara adds: “Ourmasterplanhelps us to deliver an attractive, low carbon environmentatNethertonandguidenew developmentsbeingbuilthere.

“Thisincludesthefirstrenewableenergy heatingnetworkofitskindinScotland whichwillprovideheatingandhotwater tofacilitiesinaway90%greenerthana traditionalgasboiler.

“We’verecentlyopenednewwalking andcyclingconnections,fundedthrough theGlasgowCityRegionCityDeal,to encouragepeoplecommutingandvisiting AMIDStomakethisjourneysustainably andworkisunderwayonthelandscaping around the innovation centres to create an appealingenvironmentwherepeoplecan meet, talk and collaborate.”

Renewable engineering experts FES Group are currently completing installation of the first fifth-generation renewable energy heat network to be built in Scotland.

The system converts treated water into low temperature heat at an energy centre

in Paisley before channelling it into a 4km loop of underground pipes around AMIDS where heat pumps upgrade it to suitable levels for heating and hot water.

FES Operations Director (Energy) James Reid explains: “We’rereallyproudtobe deliveringthisrenewableenergynetwork for Renfrewshire Council. It’s been a fantasticproject,gettingtobuildthefirst heatingsystemofitskindinScotland, rightatthecuttingedgeoflowcarbon technology.”

Work is also progressing by civil engineers RJ McLeod on development of Netherton Square, an area of green space and public realm at AMIDS where people can meet and collaborate.

The company behind the landscaping of the Helix project in Falkirk have started construction of the square which is based on a circuit board design and will provide seated areas, event spaces, new lighting and environmentally-friendly drainage.

Jamie Russell, from RJ McLeod, explains: “We’reusingasolarpoweredgeneratorfor oursitewhilecompletingconstructionand it’senablingustodramaticallyreduceour carbonemissionsbyasmuchas94%while alsosaveonfuelcostsandmakingless noise on site.”

38 Business Matters Winter 2022
Invest in… Jobs | Training | Skills | Recruitment Business & ICT Childcare, Social Care and Health Care Customer Service Creative Industries Construction, Manufacturing, Security and Logistics Net zero environment at AMIDS to benefit major manufacturers


STEM West arranged by DYW West & hosted by West College Scotland, returned face to face for the first time since 2019 this November. The interactive careers event supported by 40+ employers saw >600 pupils & students get inspired about future careers in Science, Tech, Engineering & Maths.

Commenting on the event, DYW West Director & Lead Official Bob Davidson said … “STEMWest2022wasagreatsuccess–biggerandbusierthaneverbefore.Thank youtoalltheorganisationsforsupporting, thecollegeforhostingandtoallthepupils and educators that attended. Due to Covid we have not been able to have events like thissoit’sgreattobebackfacetofaceona bigscale.Youngpeopleneedtoseeinafun andinteractivewaywhatSTEMsubjects atschoolcanleadtoandwhytheyare important.”

Renfrewshire firms that attended included: Altrad (Doosan Babcock), NMIS, West College Scotland, Thermo Fisher, Rolls Royce, City Gate Construction, HPE,

Swissport, Scottish Leather, Lenovo, Arnold Clark, Howden, BA & UWS.

Check out the event on socials – search for #stemwest22

To find out how DYW West can help your organisation engage with & attract young people please visit |  - our services

Can your organisation support

are free and we are connected with every school in Renfrewshire, the wider West region and indeed all over Scotland #ypguarantee #dyw

DYW West are seeking employers in Renfrewshire to pledge their support to the Young Person’s Guarantee (YPG). If you are already involved in or are interested in any of the following 5 “asks”, you are supporting the YPG (and could get to use the YPG logo in your comms channels and be listed on the national YPG website).

The 5 asks are:

1. Prepare young people for the world of work (e.g. support a school, offer work experience, mentoring) 2. Help young people to achieve their potential (e.g. support those looking for work, CV prep, work experience) 3. Invest in a skilled workforce (e.g. offer apprenticeships –modern or graduate) 4. Create jobs, volunteering and training opportunities (e.g. Kickstart, volunteering, paid work experience / interns)

5. Create an inclusive and fair workplace (e.g. living wage, disability confident etc.)

Employers don’t need to support all 5. If you are interested please email and we can help you complete the form and support you on your journey to achieving the relevant asks (such as direct support from DYW or signpost / refer to partner organisations). Almost 700 employers across Scotland have so far pledged their support.

fabric of the business community.

Forecast checked. Helmet on. Let’s go.

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