for SATB acappella
byChristinaGeorginaRossetti LeapfrogProductions 303UpperMountainAve. UpperMontclair, NJ07043 ph:(973) 783-9192 Fax: (973)783-9126 ©2013
Beforethepalingofthestars, Beforethewintermorn, Beforetheearliestcockcrow JesusChristwasborn: Borninastable, Cradledinamanger, IntheworldHisHandshadmade BornaStranger.
InJerusalem, Youngandoldlayfastasleep IncrowdedBethlehem: SaintandAngel,OxandAss, Keptawatchtogether, BeforetheChristmasdaybreak Inthewinterweather.
Inthestablecold, SpotlessLambofGodwasHe, ShepherdoftheFold: LetuskneelwithMaryMaid, WithJosephbentandhoary, WithSaintandAngel,OxandAss, TohailtheKingofGlory.
Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Piano Be Adagio Adagio forethepalingofthe Before Beforethe the stars,Beforethe stars,Beforethe palingstars, stars, winter winter winter winter morn,Be morn, morn, morn, ----1
S A T B Pno. 5 foretheearliest Beforethe Beforethe Beforethe cockcrow cockcrow cockcrow cockcrow JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas born: born: born: born: -- S A T B Pno. Bornina Bornina Bornina A A stable, Borninastable, stable, Cradledina Cradledina Cradledin manger, manger, Cradledinamanger, manger, InHisHandshad IntheworldHisHandshad IntheworldHisHandshad Intheworld - -2
S A T B Pno. 14 made made made HisHandshadmade BornaStranger. BornaStranger. Borna Borna Borna Borna Stranger. Stranger. Stranger. Stranger. Stranger. Stranger. sub. sub. sub. sub. sub. Stranger. --- S A T B Pno. PriestandKinglayfasta PriestandKingfasta Priestfast Priestfasta B B sleep sleepasleep asleep sleep InJerusa InJerusa InJerusa InJerusa lem, lem,Jerusalem, lem, lem, -3
S A T B Pno. 23 Youngandoldlay andoldlay Younglay oldlay fastasleepIn fastasleep fastasleep fastasleep crowdedBethle crowdedBethle crowdedBethle crowdedBethle hem: hem: hem:Bethlehem: hem: - S A T B Pno. 27 SaintandAngel,Oxand Saint,Angel, Saintand Angel, Ass, Ass, Ass, OxandAss, Keptawatchto Keptawatchto Keptawatchto watchto gether, gether, gether,together, gether, --4
S A T B Pno. 31 BeforetheChrismas Beforethe Before Beforethe daybreak daybreak daybreak daybreak Inthewinter Inthewinter Inthe Inthe weather.Be weather. weather. weather. - - S A T B Pno. foreBe Before Before Before C C foreBe Before Before Before forethepalingstars,Be BeforeBe stars,Before Beforestars, foreBe forethewintermorn, morn,Be Beforemorn, --5
S A T B Pno. 39 foreBe Before foreBefore Before foreBe Before Before Before foreBe Before Before BeforeBe foretheChrismasdayBe theChrismasa Chrismasday foreChrismasday --- S A T B Pno. 43 foreBe Before Before Before foreBe Before Before Before forethepalingstars,Be BeforeBe stars,Before Beforestars, foreBe forethewintermorn, morn, Beforemorn, ---6
S A T B Pno. 47 foreBeforethe Before Beforethe Beforethe earliestcockcrow thecockcrow cockcrow cockcrow JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas born: born: born: born: -- S A T B Pno. JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas JesusChristwas sub. sub. sub. sub. D Unpocomenomosso D Unpocomenomosso sub. born:was born:was born:was born:was born: born: born: born: -7
S A T B Pno. Mo JesusonHisMother's E L'istessotempo L'istessotempo E ther's breast Mother's breast Inthe Inthestable breaststable cold, cold, cold, cold, - S A T B Pno. 59 SpotlessLambof SpotlessLambof Spotless Spotless GodwasHe, GodwasHe, GodwasHe, GodwasHe, Shepherdofthe Shepherdofthe Shepherdofthe Shepherdofthe Fold: Fold: Fold:oftheFold: Fold: -8
S A T B Pno. 63 Letus Letus LetuskneelwithMary Letus kneelwith kneelWith Maid,With kneelwith Josephbentbentand Josephbentand Josephbentand Josephbentand hoary, hoary,With hoary, hoary, -- S A T B Pno. With SaintandAngel,Oxand SaintAngel, SaintAngel, F F SaintandAngel,Oxand Ass,With Ass,WithSaintand Ass,With Ass, SaintandAngel,Oxand Angel,With SaintWith With Ass,With SaintandAngel, Saintand --9
S A T B Pno. 71 SaintandAngel,Oxand SaintandOxand Oxand Oxand Ass,To Ass, Ass,To Ass, hailtheKingTo hailKing hailtheKingTo hailKing hailtheKingTo hailKing hailtheKingTo hailKing hailtheKingof hailtheKingof hailtheKingof hailtheKingof S A T B Pno. Glory. Glory TohailtheKing Gloryof G G Glory. Glory TohailtheKing Gloryof Glory. Glory TohailtheKingof Gloryof Glory. Glory Glory. Glory. ------10