Mister Amperduke Tourist Trade preview

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The Grocer waves goodbye to his Girlfriend as she and The Tourist board the transport module. RIGHT: The Duke brings the module to The Collectors house for the trade....

Below is a side by side comparison of Amperville and the host city complex. The owner spared no expense in constructing it but he lacks interest in the running of the cities, resulting in the rapid evolution of two autonomous and nearly self sufficient monarchist states.

RIGHT: the Collector shows an impressed Mr. Amperduke his set up. Walls lined with dozens of plasma screens to view the citizens as they live their daily lifes.

BELOW: The Snodules are greeted in “no man's land� by the leaders of each city and must choose with who to go with.

The Almendran King warmly greets The Tourist as his bodyguards look on

Their city depends on drawn carriages and wind up vehicles.

The Tourist snaps away as he sees the wonderful Almendran Kingdom for the first time. Below is a look beneath the Schnuckies outer fur.

The Puptonian city is much more technologically advanced than their rivals. They have a seemingly endless supply of batteries as evidenced by their various motorised vehicles and weapons.

The Grocer‘s Girlfriend is lavished with gifts and parades by The Prince. Unbeknownst to her she has been crowned as Princess but she kindly explains that however tempting it is, she has a boyfriend waiting for her back home

The Prince is confused why she would reject him and vows to make her his no matter what it takes. If his plan succeeds she will never return to Amperville and fall in love in with him forever...

Thanks for looking at this small preview of the forthcoming Graphic Novel. You can join the mailing list by sending a mail to me at bb2clam@yahoo.com or by joining the Clamnuts Facebook group And of course there will be regular updates at


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