Dear Friend | Boardwalk Communities

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This September, we invited our Resident Members across Canada to participate in a postcard exchange program.

Our incredible Residents anonymously submitted over one hundred heartwarming messages, stories of resilience and words of encouragement to strangers in the Boardwalk Community. You will find some of our favourite messages in this digital book. Let’s continue to show kindness to everyone – those we know, those we don’t and, importantly ourselves!

Your Boardwalk Family!

Dear Friend,

No matter what you’ve been through, there is always a rainbow after the storm and laughter after the tears. The best way to overcome difficult times is by staying positive and having hope. Stay strong and never give up. Always remember there is a reason for everything. Stay positive, my friend!

Member, Pineridge Apartments

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Dear Friend,

I hope my note finds you well. I want you to know that you are an incredible person, and please keep spreading your kindness everywhere you go. The world needs many more awesome souls like you. Our lives are already complicated, so let’s make them easy for others by being kind to them. An act of kindness costs nothing, but it goes on to help others significantly. “No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted” - Aesop.

So have a lovely day, week, month, year and beautiful life ahead, friend!

Resident Member, Spruce Ridge Estates


Dear Friend,

I am going to quote Aesop’s Fable called The Ant, and the Dove: An ant went to the bank of a river to quench his thirst and tumbled in. He was carried away by the rush of the stream and was about to drown when a Dove, sitting on a tree overhanging the water, plucked a leaf and let it fall into the stream close to him. The Ant, climbing onto it, floated in safely to the bank. Shortly afterwards, a birdwatcher stood under the tree, laying a net to trap the Dove. The Ant, perceiving the man’s intentions, bit him on the foot. The surprise made the man drop his net, and the Dove warned of the danger, flew off. The moral of this fable: One good turn deserves another.

Resident Member, Palace Gates

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Dear Friend,

I hope you are doing well! And if you’re not, just remember that things get better. These feelings are temporary. Show up for yourself every day. You are more than enough, and you are worth it! Treat yourself with kindness every day. You’re doing great, my friend!

Member, BRIO

Dear Friend,

We’re living through some pretty difficult times right now, aren’t we? And yet you’re still going strong! I’m so proud of you! Life is full of millions of seemingly impossible obstacles, yet you’ve continuously pushed through them to get to today.

Every single day is another badge of honour, showing your perseverance. So even if the world feels like it’s pushing down on you sometimes, remember that you’ve already made it through, and you’re resilient. Our brains have a funny way of twisting our memories, finding ways to say, “Ah, sure, I got through difficult times, but it’s no big deal.” No, it’s a big deal! Getting through those difficult days when you just want to give up is a fantastic accomplishment, be proud of yourself!

Don’t ever let the thoughts that you “aren’t good enough” or that you “aren’t capable” get to you. You ARE good enough, and you’re worthy of love and happiness!

Resident Member, Oak Hill Estates

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Dear Friend,

told me something once that I will never

“You have nothing to prove and everything to


will only receive positive

my life! So I want to tell you today, my friend - be your authentic self and share all the amazing things about who you are with the world.

Much love to

things in return.
you! Resident Member, Varsity Square Apartments

Dear Friend,

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Whatever you’ve got going on right now, know you will make it out on the other side a wiser and stronger person; the hard times will not last forever. You are loved a valued more than you can imagine. I mean these words, and I hope all the best for you!
Resident Member, Patrician Village

Dear Friend,

Today is a new day - a fresh beginning. What happened yesterday is done. Embrace the possibility of all the beauty that today may hold, and let go of the weight of any negative energy. You are loved a valued more than you can imagine. I mean these words, and I hope all the best for you! You’ve got this!

Resident Member, Westridge Estates

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Dear Friend, You don’t always need a plan, sometimes, you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens. Resident Member, Hillside Estates

Dear Friend,

I hope you are having an amazing day today. Fall is coming, which is my favourite season. Treat yourself this fall if you can, whether that be a nice hot bath, movie night, or anything else. These times are stressful, and they can feel so daunting. Make time to appreciate and love yourself for everything you’ve accomplished in your life and what you will accomplish in your future. Take a night off chores and relax. Enjoy today! My family and I are sending you all our love.

Resident Member, Southpointe Plaza

Dear Friend,

How are you feeling today? What a beautiful day it is. Do you know why? It is because you got up today and are trying your best. I hope you are doing well. If not, please know that it is okay not to be okay. This feeling will soon pass, so hang in there, my friend. Let’s go to the kitchen and have a tall, cold glass of water. I know sometimes we forget to drink water in our busy lives. I want to share my quote for the day. “Every morning, we are born again. What we do today is what matters most”, said Gautama Buddha. I give you strength and warmth. I am sending love your way. You can do this.

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Dear Friend,

Everything you have experienced up to this point has a purpose. Focus on your life’s purpose, and you will get through any obstacle that comes your way. Believe in yourself because you’re worth it. I hope this message has inspired you and you have an amazing day.

Resident Member, Meadowcrest Apartments


Dear Friend,

I hope you are having the best time of your life. I know that life is hard on some of us, but there will always be a silver lining which may get revealed later. Always have high hopes and move forward. Remember, the universe listens and sees us all. No hardship will go unseen or unanswered. Wishing you all the best!

Resident Member, PH 1-5

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Dear Friend,

Each one of us has burdens in life. Keep trying to do your best. Being positive in everything you do will hopefully lead you to betterment. Remember the Golden Rule - respect every person; if not love, at least be good to them. You never know what they’ve been through. Making someone smile in a very simple way makes a big difference. Resident Member, Pineridge Apartments

Dear Friend,

One day you will tell your story of how you overcame your hardships, and it will become part of someone else’s survival guide.

Resident Member, Radisson Village

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18 Dear
“Autumn carries more gold in its pockets than any other season.” May you reap the harvests of the season and begin preparing for a time of inner work. Many blessings of the season to you and yours!
Member, Varsity Square Apartments

Dear Friend, Isn’t it so nice to see a smiling face in the elevator or lobby? Make your tenancy a friendly experience. Remember to say hi to your neighbours. Offer them a hand if they need it. I’m older and live alone. A smile means so much to me!

Resident Member, Richmond Towers

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Dear Friend,

your own garden and decorate your own soul instead of waiting for someone else to bring you flowers!
Member, Northwest Pointe

Dear Friend,

Try to be grateful for the little things in life. The sun is shining, beautiful birds are chirping, and we are grateful to have a beautiful landscape and fresh air here in Canada. Try to look up more often and notice the little things in life. Do an act of kindness every day, and I promise it will make you feel better. Even just giving someone a smile helps!

Resident Member, Patrician Village

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Dear Friend,

You are amazing, you are loved, and you are beautiful. No matter what battle you are fighting, just know the sun will come out, and you are strong and will conquer any battles that come your way.

Resident Member, Russet Court


Dear Friend,

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“With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts” keep your head up and smile
Resident Member, Solano House

Dear Friend,

seven rules of life, plus one bonus rule:

ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday.

to other people; live a life that’s

to you.



should try to compete with

the person

in time

were yesterday.

figured out. Know

will get there.






while you have it.

the people in your life that

most as much as possible. Don’t hold back your


grateful for the love you receive, as a life without love is no life at all.

West Edmonton Village

I would like to share my
1. LET IT GO; Never
2. IGNORE THEM; Don’t listen
4. DON’T COMPARE; The only person you
5. STAY CALM; It’s ok not to have everything
6. IT’S ON YOU; Only you are
7. SMILE; Life is short;
8. LOVE; Express your
matter the
emotions, and
Resident Member,
Boardwalk Dear Friend–102522 | 25 Dear Friend, I wanted to share one of
favourite quotes
you: Life is 10% what happens to you and 90 % how you react to it. - Charles R.
Have a great day! Resident Member, Eastside Estates

Dear Friend,

I know that the responsibility of being an adult is hard and overwhelming and that your efforts might not be seen or appreciated but know that you are making a difference and that you are worth that effort too! Sincerely, a friend. Resident Member, Victorian Arms

Dear Friend,

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I know times are really tough right now, but they will not last forever. Always keep a smile on your face and dance a little bit each day. Remember that you’re not alone and have a community around you that loves you. You’re beautiful, strong and loved.
Member Meadowside Estates

Dear Friend,

The beauty you see in anything is a reflection of the beauty in you. Resident Member, Riverview Plaza

Dear Friend,

I live alone with no close family. I have a sister and nephew, but I do not see them often. I want to thank you and all my neighbours because sometimes when I’m down and I see you, you offer a smile and a warming conversation. I truly consider you and all the kind families and neighbour’s here in my building like family. We see each other every day. We smile, we laugh, and we visit, and for that, I am ever so grateful. I love my Boardwalk building and my neighbours. We need more love in the world, and I just wanted to tell you how much you make my day when I see you. A smile and a hello can really change someone’s day. So thank you.

Resident Member, Lord Byron Tower III

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Dear Friend,
“When it rains, look for rainbows! When it’s dark, look for stars.”
Resident Member, Russet Court
Boardwalk REIT 200 – 1501 1st St. SW Calgary, Alberta T2R 0W1 T 403.531.9255 F 403.531.9565

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