Reps and PR 2018

Page 17

Sponge Marketing


Address: 72-74 Chamberlayne Road, London NW10 3JJ | Website: Telephone: +44 (0)20 7644 9988 | Email: Key Personnel: Jane Hansom, Director


PONGE MARKETING is a full service marketing, PR and social media

agency specialising in sports and travel. We have a track record in driving tourism footfall to global destinations by delivering awareness of sports events, active holidays and promotion of a health and wellness lifestyle by micro-targeting audiences. Sponge galvanise interest in regions through delivery and amplification of a host

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of activities spanning open water swims, triathlons, marathons, cycling sportives, and yoga/wellness festivals, to more general activity holidays such as hiking, walking, history, culinary exploration and adventure travel. We work with hotels direct to amplify their sports offering and drive occupancy in the off season by targeting both sports tour operators and sports clubs, schools and universities offering

Spo󰇳󰈪󰇪 M󰈜r󰈫e󰇺󰇮n󰇫 ha󰇽󰇪 󰇩󰈥en 󰇴󰇮󰇾󰈣ta󰇰 in 󰈧󰈦󰇮v󰇯󰇳󰈪 bo󰇹󰇭 m󰇪󰈧󰇯a an󰈧 󰈝󰈢n󰇷󰇼󰈩er 󰇮󰇳󰇺󰈥re󰇷󰇺 󰇮n Bar󰇨󰇧󰈨󰈣s 󰇨󰈠 c󰇶e󰇧󰇺󰇯n󰇫 a󰈡d s󰇬o󰈟c󰇧󰇷󰇯󰈡g 󰇹󰇭e b󰇪󰇷󰇺 󰈣f Bar󰇨󰇧󰈨󰈣s 󰇹o 󰈡󰇪w a󰇻d󰇯e󰇳󰈝󰇪s"

USA, South Africa, Hong Kong, Dubai and Jordan.

SERVICES Strategy, marketing planning, PR communication, social media, events, creative concept development and production, sponsorships, brand partnerships.

training camps and training or competition experiences. The team are sports and travel enthusiasts embracing new experiences. Sponge has worked with an array of destinations that include Barbados, St Kitts

Tweet us at @Spo󰇳󰈪󰇪󰉄󰈜r󰈫e󰇺󰇮n󰇫 Lik󰇪 󰇼󰇷 o󰈡 Sp󰈢󰇳󰈪󰈥󰉄ar󰈫󰇪󰇺󰇯n󰇫

and Nevis, Almeria Region, Portugal, Germany,

REPS & PR 2018 / 17

Sponge.indd 17

10/26/17 02:58 PM

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