Reps and PR 2018

Page 13




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Address: 1G The Chandlery, 50 Westminster Bridge, London SE1 7QY Website: | Telephone: +44 (0)207 953 7470 | Email: Key Personnel: Jules Ugo, Managing Director; Kate McWilliams, Associate Director


OTUS is owned and managed by specialists in the travel and

communication industries. LOTUS represents leading travel brands including airlines, national tourist boards, hotel groups, tour operators and transport companies. MD Jules Ugo explains: “Our approach is to build desire for brands, making them the next big thing. We create strategies combining traditional with

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modern, always integrated

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and always creative. We influence the influencers who speak directly to customers approaching projects with commercial intelligence. It is important to add value and generate return on client investment. That’s how we have achieved a legacy that’s grown our fan base and helped us to win awards."


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Our Spanish division, LOTUS LATAM, offers campaigns in all Spanish speaking destinations.

FOR TRAVEL AGENTS We run incentives, training programmes, promotions and fam trips. We offer agent sales and marketing support for clients.

PR campaigns, representation, copywriting, thought leadership profiling, events, press days, media trips, influencer programmes, crisis communications, launches, media/trade conferences, social and digital

Tweet us at @We_Are_Lot󰇻󰇷 Lik󰇪 󰇼󰇷 o󰈡 w󰇪󰈜󰇶e󰇱󰈢t󰇼󰇷a󰈪󰇪n󰈛󰈠

strategy, brand strategy and content creation.

REPS & PR 2018 / 13

Lotus.indd 13

10/26/17 02:55 PM

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