Rock Hard Abs Convert that Keg into a Six Pack

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The Serratus and Intercostal muscles are the finishing touches on the whole picture. They lace together like lattice over the top of the ribcage just below the pectoral muscles. They come in at a 45 degree angle toward the middle of the upper rectus abdominus like two sets of fingers diagonally interlaced. All of these sub-groups of muscles within the muscle grouping itself must be trained in order to attain a great result. It's also the way to keep your trunk strong in a complete sense for other athletic endeavors where trunk strength, balance and coordination are important. That goes for just about every sport, genius! THE EXERCISES You must do at least 2 exercises per section of abdominal muscle sub-group in order to fully work the abs. We'll give you a few per sub-group to get you started. Just know, there are tons more variations out there; the world is your oyster. And if you're anything like us, (we puke when we eat oysters too fast) hopefully, you'll puke after each ab workout! We also recommend that you work the abs at least 4 times per week to keep the heat on and keep the abs from totally recovering. They are a highly adaptable muscle and require consistency. Working the abs 4+ times per week will also help you build the endurance you need to keep improving and actually go the distance in a tough workout. Take just 30 - 45 seconds between sets and try to superset your exercises in a way that keeps the overall focus and intensity on the abs, but gives a slight break to each sub-group. For example: When you do a set of crunches, also do a set of hanging leg raises immediately following to give the upper rectus a rest and the lower rectus a run for its money! Make sure to go at least 15 reps or to failure when you can. You won't overtrain your abs like you would another body part doing this. You'll just make them harder and better! Upper Rectus * Crunches (with knees raised or on an ab slant board) The point is to lift with your upper rectus only. That means finding a spot on the ceiling with your eyes and sticking to it! Keep your lower back anchored to the floor or ab board. Use knees raised initially, and move to ab slant for a tougher workout! * Weighted crunches in kneeling position Hold upper cable pulley with rope attachment and a slight amount of weight. Keep elbows alongside your ears and don't move 'em! Use your abs to crunch down over yourself in a kind of praying monk position. *

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