Bluffs & Bayous December 2015

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ach holiday season, with the help of my favorite, hard-working “elves,â€? I am tickled to carry on one family WUDGLWLRQ LQ SDUWLFXODU ² WKH Ă RFNLQJ RI P\ Christmas tree. Started in the Guido family by my JUDQGPRWKHU 'RULV WKH Ă RFNLQJ SURFHVV begins each year with selecting the perIHFW VKRUW DQG VWRFN\ Ă€U WUHH WKDW RYHU WKH next couple of days will transform into

a snowy symbol of the season. Each year, Nannie’s tree was fat DQG à XII\ HQRXJK WR ÀOO WKH RSHQing of the large, bay window in the OLYLQJ URRP RI KHU 0DQVÀHOG 'ULYH home; and the wonder of that tree mesmerized passersby from all over Natchez who came to see the annual splendor of Nannie’s festive, pastel Christmas tree with perfectly placed ornaments and carefully hung individual strands of tinsel. Having bound the tree to load and take it from the farm, we freed it from its wrappings once we got home, allowing the limbs to fall naturally into place. Then it had to be painted stark white. This was a step WKDW ZH WULHG WR VNLS WKH ÀUVW \HDU , KDG D à RFNHG WUHH DQG WUXVW PH WKHUH LV nothing Christmasy about the green, ghoulish glow that comes from an unSDLQWHG ÀU WUHH RQFH LW LV à RFNHG DQG OLW with twinkle lights. The tree has to be painted – no exceptions. Once the white paint has dried, the à RFNLQJ EHJLQV :H KDYH SHUIHFWHG RU so we think) the process of creating a snowstorm for the tree over Thanksgiving weekend; however, it’s a process that takes time, effort, and lots of patience. There is duck tape involved, a little light cursing, DQG VHYHUDO VKRS YDFV EHIRUH WKH à RFNLQJ

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is completed and the hundreds of tiny white twinkle lights bedeck the branches. However, once the tree is decorated, lit, and we are sitting back enjoying Home Alone with a glass of nog, Christmas season IRU WKH *XLGR IDPLO\ RIÀFLDOO\ EHJLQV 7DNH time to pass on your family’s Christmas traditions, and continue your holiday decoUDWLQJ IUXVWUDWLQJ RU QRW ZLWK \RXU IDPLO\ along and beyond the Mississippi.

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2015 { Page 5

December 2015


O’ Christmas Decor pages 44 - 45

O’ Christmas Delectables pages 46 - 47

Bedecked for the Holidays pages 48 - 50 Page 6 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2015 { Page 7

December 2015

FAVO R I T E S All Outdoors Overdressed ...........................................................................................................10

Events Louisiana Up & Coming! .................................................................................60-61 Mississippi Up & Coming!................................................................................62-71

G’s Fare Brunching Through the Snow ........................................................................16-20

In the Garden Poinsettia Season .............................................................................................34-35

Legal Notes Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s ...........................................................................24-25

Season’s Greetings pages 72 - 73

Something Scrumptious Down Home’s Best at Chism’s Diner ..............................................................40-41

Southern Sampler Season’s Greetings ...........................................................................................72-73

The Social Scene Recital with Levin.................................................................................................12 Annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner ..........................................................................13 Lincoln County Republican Ladies’ Luncheon...................................................22 Baby Shower for Smith ........................................................................................23

Brunching Through the Snow pages 16 - 20

Pamper & Paps ......................................................................................................42 Girls Night Out with The Pampered Sole ............................................................43 Shuffle to the Chefs Planning Meeting ...............................................................43

ON THE COVER During the holidays, sweets take top billing on most menus at Christmas. Satisfy your own holiday sweet tooth with these recipes that can be found on pages 46-47. Photography by Jennie Guido and Artistic Design by T. G. McCary

Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Living Legacy Initiative ....................................................51 International Women’s Friendship Day ...............................................................53 Sip and See for Baby Tosspon .........................................................................54-55 Birthday Party for Kennedy .................................................................................56 Cocktail Party for Audubon Pilgrimage Notables ...............................................59

The Wedding Scene Fiesta Engagement Party for Blount and Ellard ............................................26-28 Engagement Party for Cupid and Craig..........................................................30-32

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Jennie Guido


Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling


Tim McCary

Van O’Gwin

Bill Perkins

Cheryl Rinehart

Lisa Adams Whittington SALES STAFF

Jennie Guido

Cheryl Rinehart

Donna Sessions

JoAnna Sproles

CONTRIBUTORS Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin

Becky Junkin

Ross McGehee

Jennifer J. Whittier

Alma Womack

Cheryl Rinehart

Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Jennie Guido

Jean Biglane

Jan Ratcliff

Anita Schilling

Aimee Guido

Van O’Gwin

Tim McCary

Donna Sessions

JoAnna Sproles

Bill Perkins

Lisa Adams Whittington

Lucien C. “Sam� Gwin

Becky Junkin

Ross McGehee

Jennifer J. Whittier

Alma Womack

Bluffs & Bayous LV SXEOLVKHG PRQWKO\ WR SURPRWH WKH JUHDWHU 6RXWKHUQ DUHD RI /RXLVLDQD DQG 0LVVLVVLSSL LQ DQ LQIRUPDWLYH DQG SRVLWLYH PDQQHU :H ZHOFRPH FRQWULbutions of articles and photos; however, they will be subject to editing and availability of space and subject matter. Photographs, comments, questions, subscription requests and ad placement inquiries are invited! Return envelopes and postage must accompany all materials submitted if a return is requested. No portion of this publication may be reproduced without written permission of the publisher. The opinions expressed in Bluffs & Bayous are those of the authors or columnists and do QRW QHFHVVDULO\ UHà HFW WKH YLHZV RI WKH SXEOLVKHU QRU GR WKH\ FRQVWLWXWH DQ HQGRUVHPHQW RI SURGXFWV RU VHUYLFHV KHUHLQ :H UHVHUYH WKH ULJKW WR UHIXVH DQ\ DGYHUWLVHment. Bluffs & Bayous strives to insure the accuracy of our magazine’s contents. However, should inaccuracies or omissions occur, we do not assume responsibility.

OFFICE 423 Main Street, Suite 7 | Natchez, MS 39120 | 601-442-6847 bluf | bluf www.bluf

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2015 { Page 9



Ross McGehee

)LUVW WKH\ Ă€QDOO\ IRXQG WKH OLWWOH %DSWLVW FKXUFK RXW in the country. There were lots of pickup trucks in the yard but very few cars, excepting the hearse. Dressed in attire appropriate for the interment of a loved one, WKH\ SURFHHGHG LQWR WKH VDQFWXDU\ 1LWD ZDV Ă€UVW DQG halfway into the door she stopped, turned around, and said, “I think we’re over-dressed!â€? Sure enough, Etta says that no one else had bothered to “dress up.â€? Now, I know that this sounds like a James Gregory comic routine; but she swears that it is accurate. The minister, the minister, was wearing overalls with only one strap over his shoulder, a T-shirt, brogan shoes; and he had not shaved in a week. The men in the congregation were dressed similarly, sleeveless shirts, jeans, work boots, ball caps on in church. And WKH ZRPHQ KDG RQ VKRUW VKRUWV PLQL VNLUWV DQG Ă LS Ă RSV , JXHVV WKH\ ZHUH VDYLQJ WKHLU VXLWV IRU D VSHFLDO occasion. Etta says she didn’t know if she was early for a funeral or late for a hog-calling contest. :HOO WKH SUHDFKHU FRQGXFWHG WKH VHUYLFH PHQWLRQing that the dearly departed did not get to church very often, and what not, inviting everyone to the burial. In the middle of his eulogy, if you could call it that, there was the distinctive sound of the opening of an aluminum can with a pop top. The two sisters looked at each other and thought, “No, not really.â€? A few minutes later, someone else made the same sound; and Nita looked this time. Sure enough, it was a beer . . . in the church. :HOO WKH FRQJUHJDWLRQ JRW RXW RI WKH FKXUFK DQG readied themselves for the trip to the gravesite. Actually, that involved walking out in the yard and climbing in the backs of four trucks that presumably would start without jumper cables. They drove about ten miles to the burial. Nita and Etta begged off the pickup trucks and followed along in their car, you know, since they had on dresses and all that. As they followed the hearse and trucks, they wondered why three guys were drinkLQJ EHHU DQG GUDJJLQJ VKRYHOV RQ WKH EODFNWRS :KDW LV that all about? Then they realized; they were putting an “edgeâ€? on them. The burial site was, as it turned out, the home of the deceased. The grave was yet to be opened; but no matter, there were two barbecue grills being watched by D WKURQJ RI IRONV 6R DV WKH\ GXJ D JUDYH WKHUH ZDV RQH Ă€QH WLPH listening to country music, eating chicken, and drinking beer. Oh, and the grave site was under the light pole in the lady’s front yard. As it turned out, she did not like the darkness and wanted to be buried where there was going to be some light. Reminds me of the man that remarked that Jewish Hill in the Natchez City Cemetery was a good place to be buried because, he said, “The view is so nice up here.â€? Anyway, Etta and Nita had an experience at the funeral that won’t soon be forgotten. I wonder if they heard any banjos.

Overdressed N

ow I’m going to state right out front that I don’t intend to make light of the following situation, but some stories write themselves. Since it was reported to me by an eye witness who had some skin in the game, and she warned me that QRERG\ ZRXOG EHOLHYH LW ,¡P XVHG WR WKDW ,¡P PRYLQJ DKHDG with it. (WWD¡V KDOI EURWKHU¡V PRWKHU GLHG DERXW Ă€IWHHQ \HDUV DJR , VWLOO don’t get the half or full thing. I understand it, but I don’t get it. Anyway, she went on to her reward; and Etta got word of her passing and the funeral arrangements. She was not planning to attend; but her sister, Nita, felt like they needed to go and support WKHLU EURWKHU RU KDOI EURWKHU 6R WKH\ WRRN WLPH RII IURP ZRUN and went. Page 10 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

Columnist Ross McGehee, a lifelong resident of Natchez, Mississippi, owns a diversified and far-flung farm operation.

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Recital with Levin herish and Dr. Daniel McCallum hosted a recital at their home in Natchez, Mississippi, by renowned pianist Jonathan Levin on Monday, September 14, 2015. Levin performed covers of many favorite hits and more from his soon to be released album, American Portraits. Photography by Bill Perkins


1 Betty Ann Perkins and Bettye Jenkins 2 Bazile Lanneau and Jo Ann Brumfield 3 Amanda Jeansonne, Edna Ferguson, and Doris Ann Benoit 4 Dr. Brad LeMay and Dori Cavazos 5 Jerry Beach, Gail Healy Beach, and Nan Erle Schuchs 6 Friar Paul Andersen and Lilith Andersen 7 Betty Ann Perkins and Cherish McCallum 8 Cappy Stahlman and Bazile Lanneau 9 Bazile and Jeannie Lanneau 10 Hunter McCallum, Bill Perkins, and Jonathan Levin 11 Analisa Thierren and Jonathan Levin










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Annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner meristar Casino played host to the fifth annual Celebrity Waiter Dinner Tuesday, October 6, 2015, in Vicksburg, Mississippi. Local community leaders, politicians, and television personalities teamed up to wait tables to raise money for the American Cancer Society. The team of waiters enticed their guests to give tips, which raised $20,840.


1 Sally Bullard and Pat Cashman 2 Marion Roberson with Jeb and Melissa Blackburn and Ann Roberson 3 Jane Flowers with Tom and Susan Kendall 4 John H. Heggins, Troy Kimble, George Flaggs, and Glenn McKay 5 Kristi Smith with Nalini and Dr. Carlos Laturre 6 Michelle Hill, Lori Weathers, and Megan McBeth 7 Front—Donna and Ken Halford, Cindy Noble, and Paul Campbell; back— Annette Kirklin 8 Willie and Pat Williams, Oscar Denton, and Martha and Ernest Walker 9 Robert and Reatha Crear with Oscar and Cathy Denton and Jeff McIntyre





6 5




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Becky Junkin

Becky Junkin and Jennie Guido

Brunching Through the Snow “Have a holly, jolly Christmas; it’s the best time of the year. I don’t know if there’ll be snow, but have a cup of cheer.�


V , JHW ROGHU WKH \HDUV VHHP WR Ă \ by; and once again, I am putting together my Christmas menus for when the gang arrives. Our four children and their children alternate holidays with their in-laws, and this year they are coming KRPH IRU &KULVWPDV ² DOO Ă€IWHHQ RI WKHP SOXV WKHLU SXSV :KHQ ZH JHW WRJHWKHU food is the main topic of discussion; and EHIRUH ZH Ă€QLVK RQH PHDO ZH DUH WDONLQJ about the next. I have thought about doing a big brunch on Christmas and having it less formal than usual. If you choose not to do this for “lunch,â€? this would be perfect for Christmas Eve night since most of this can be made ahead. For the last thirty years, we have made milk punch for both Christmas and Thanksgiving. I have given this recipe out more times than I can count. The original recipe, from Southern Sideboards, calls for 1 gallon of milk. We have used half and half, heavy cream, and whole milk. Our favorite is a half gallon of half and half and a half gallon of heavy cream. (One year we used a gallon of heavy cream, and it was delicious but a little rich. Of course, we drank it anyway.) You be the judge of what you like best.

MILK PUNCH 1 gallon milk (See above.) 1 box powdered sugar 1 small bottle vanilla extract Ă„M[O IYHUK` In a large bowl, mix together the milk and sugar making Z\YL [OH[ HSS VM [OL Z\NHY PZ KPZZVS]LK (KK [OL ]HUPSSH HUK IYHUK` HUK Z[PY ^LSS 7V\Y PU[V OLH]` K\[` MYLLaLY IHNZ" HUK Z[VYL PU [OL YLMYPNLYH[VY \U[PS ZS\ZO` 7V\Y PU[V H WP[JOLY" ZLY]L PU W\UJO J\WZ Q\SLW J\WZ VY L]LU WSHZ[PJ J\WZ" HUK [VW ^P[O MYLZO NYH[LK U\[TLN

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This interesting appetizer, good for any time of the day, is called Armadillo Eggs. It is easy, tasty, and goes great with the Milk Punch. I got this recipe from Nancy Lambert, who makes these also for football parties. These Armadillo Eggs can be made ahead and frozen. I will triple this recipe for my family.

ARMADILLO EGGS 1 jar mild, whole jalapeno peppers 12 ounces cheddar cheese, grated 1 pound hot, ground sausage 1 can biscuits (10 count) Remove and discard pepper stems. Slit peppers length^PZL YPUZL [V YLTV]L HSS ZLLKZ HUK Z[\Ɉ ^P[O JOLLZL 7H[ ZH\ZHNL PU[V [OPU WH[[PLZ HUK ^YHW HYV\UK Z[\ɈLK WLWWLYZ laying the seam side down. Roll out each biscuit, place a sausage pepper at one end, and roll up, stretching the dough as you roll. Bake at 450 degrees until the sausage is cooked and biscuits are browned.

Milk Punch

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2015 { Page 17

I have used this recipe from Jackson’s Junior League cookbook Southern Sideboards for so many years that my cookbook automatically opens to this page. I have served this for family and parties for at least thirty years. I will make this a week or two before Christmas and freeze it until the day before I need it. Grillades is usually made with veal, but I have cut up roast or URXQG VWHDN ² ZKDWHYHU , FDQ Ă€QG RQ VDOH My family loves this over cheese grits, but friends have used rice. This serves twentyfour and can easily be halved or doubled.

Grillades and Sour Cream Muffins

GRILLADES WV\UKZ ILLM :LL HIV]L 1 cup oil J\W Ă…V\Y 3 cups onions, chopped 1 bunch green onions, chopped 5 stalks celery, chopped 3 cups green peppers, chopped 2 8-ounce cans tomato sauce 2 teaspoons thyme 2 cups burgundy wine (Use a quality brand. @V\ HYL NVPUN [V H SV[ VM [YV\ISL KVUÂť[ skimp here.) 1 - 2 cups water 1 1/2 tablespoons salt 1 teaspoon cracked pepper 1 1/2 teaspoons minced garlic 1 bunch parsley, chopped 2 teaspoons Tabasco 4 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce 6 - 8 bay leaves Cut meat into strips and brown in a little oil in a skillet. Do this in batches, and be Z\YL [V KYHPU [OL ^H[LY VɈ PM P[ ILNPUZ [V HJJ\T\SH[L PU `V\Y WHU @V\ KVUÂť[ ^HU[ [V IVPS [OL TLH[ :L[ HZPKL (KK YLZ[ VM [OL VPS [V WHU HUK Z[PY PU Ă…V\Y 0 \Z\HSS` OH]L [V add a little more oil. Continue stirring until a rich brown roux has been made. Do this on low-to-medium heat, and never stop stirring until it is a medium dark brown. (KK VUPVUZ JLSLY` HUK NYLLU WLWWLYZ" HUK Z[PY \U[PS [LUKLY (KK [VTH[V ZH\JL and thyme, stirring until sauce has lost its IYPNO[ YLK JVSVY (KK ^PUL HUK ^H[LY ULJessary to make enough gravy to cover the meat. Return meat to gravy, and bring to a IVPS (KK HSS [OL ZLHZVUPUNZ 9LK\JL OLH[ HUK ZPTTLY MVY H[ SLHZ[ [^V OV\YZ ;HZ[L HUK HKQ\Z[ ZLHZVUPUN :WVVU V]LY `V\Y MH]VYP[L YLJPWL VM JOLLZL NYP[Z

This recipe is so easy and has been around for years. I am not even sure where I originally got the recipe, but it is perfect for a party; and there is no need for butter since it is already in the recipe.


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Sausage Muffins Wessye Heard gave me this recipe. Her family loves these on Christmas morning. This recipe makes eiWKHU WKUHH DQG D KDOI GR]HQ PLQLDWXUH PXIÀQV RU D GR]HQ UHJXODU VL]H PXIÀQV 7KH\ FDQ EH PDGH DKHDG of time and frozen and are perfect for a brunch.

SAUSAGE MUFFINS J\WZ ÅV\Y J\W JOLKKHY JOLLZL NYH[LK 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 cup milk 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/2 cup butter, melted 2 tablespoons sugar 1 egg, beaten 1/2 pound sausage, browned and drained 7YLOLH[ V]LU [V KLNYLLZ 4P_ [VNL[OLY [OL KY` PUNYLKPLU[Z HKK TPSR HUK I\[[LY HUK TP_ ^LSS 4P_ PU [OL LNN" [OLU HKK IYV^ULK ZH\ZHNL HUK NYH[LK JOLLZL .YLHZL VY ZWYH` [OL T\ɉU [PUZ )HRL MVY [^LU[` TPU\[LZ

Bluffs & Bayous { December 2015 { Page 19

Pear and Candied-Walnut Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette

I had another salad to put here, the Seven-Layer Green Pea Salad, which is what I always use—that was until I went to my eighth grandchild’s christening; DQG WKH RWKHU JUDQGPRWKHU 'HEELH :LOOLV À[HG WKLV VDODG ,W LV SUREDEO\ RQH of the best salads I have ever had. The recipe was from Southern Scrumptious Entertains, a cookbook by Betty Sims, a friend of hers; but Debbie changed it up some by adding dried cranberries and fresh blueberries and, instead of blue cheese, cranberry goat cheese.


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This is probably the best Balsamic Vinaigrette I have ever tasted. I could have eaten it on the French bread.

BALSAMIC VINAIGRETTE 1 teaspoon dry mustard 1/2 teaspoon seasoned salt [LHZWVVU MYLZOS` NYV\UK WLWWLY 3 tablespoons Balsamic vinegar 2 tablespoons sugar 1/2 teaspoon onion juice 1 garlic clove, crushed 3/4 cup olive oil Combine the dry mustard, seasoned salt, and WLWWLY PU H IV^S" HUK TP_ ^LSS (KK [OL ]PULNHY Z\NHY VUPVU Q\PJL HUK NHYSPJ" HUK TP_ ^LSS 3L[ [OPZ Z[HUK MVY VUL OV\Y 7V\Y [OL TP_[\YL [OYV\NO H wire-mesh strainer into a bowl, discarding the solPKZ (KK [OL VSP]L VPS PU H Ă„UL Z[YLHT ^OPZRPUN JVUZ[HU[S` \U[PS ISLUKLK >L KPK UV[ \ZL H ^OVSL SV[ VM [OPZ I\[ P[ ^V\SK IL ^VUKLYM\S VU WSHPU SL[[\JL

Becky Junkin, mother of four and grandmother of eight, is a lifelong Natchez resident, a retired elementary teacher of twentyIRXU \HDUV DQG FHUWLĂ€HG 3LODWHV LQVWUXFWRU

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Lincoln County Republican Ladies’ Luncheon


he Lincoln County Republican ladies’ luncheon was held in Brookhaven, Mississippi, on October 30, 2015. Local and state candidates presented their platforms while visiting with those interested in promoting the Republican Party in the area. Photography by Jennifer J. Whittier



1 Blake Pickering, Sally Doty, Becky Currie, Cindy Moore, Cindy Hyde Smith, Steve Rushing, and Joe Cox 2 Blake Pickering, Karen Sullivan, Patsy Yates, Sally Doty, Michelle Mangold, Cindy Hyde Smith, Anna Moak, and Zach Harvestion 3 Joe Cox, Cindy Hyde Smith, and Angie Cox 4 Jamie Gatlin and Bobby Watts 5 Sally Doty, Zach Harveston, and Steve Rushing 6 Cindy Hyde Smith, Becky Currie, and Jennifer J. Whittier 7 Joyce Asken, Donna Ebey, Sylvia Keene, and Mary Helen Miller 8 Beckie Currie, Sally Doty, Steve Rushing, and Patsy Yates






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Baby Shower for Smith n September 19, 2015, a baby shower honoring Lanette Smith was hosted by family and friends at Mon Amie Children’s Boutique in Natchez, Mississippi. Hostesses included Tami Andre’, Brandi Garrity, Katie Goldman, Angie Hall, Lisa Joseph, Kristin Manning, Lisa Myrick, Amanda Nettles, Hannah Provance, Lisa Smith, and Summer Thompson. Guests enjoyed a beautiful shower filled with love and laughter celebrating the upcoming birth of baby Brooks Burkley Smith. Photography by A.M. Photography



4 1 Lanette Smith and Mitzi BurkleyCallon 2 Betty Smith and Lanette Smith 3 Lanette Smith and Donna Fiorello 4 Lanette Smith, Alee Cloy, Sophie Hall, Shelby Nettles, and Hailey Nettles 5 Front—Tami Andre’, Kristin Manning, Lanette Smith, Lisa Myrick, Lisa Joseph, and Lisa Smith; back— Hannah Provance, Brandi Garrity, Katie Goldman, Angie Hall, Summer Thompson, and Amanda Nettles









6 Lisa Myrick, Stacy Alexander, Lisa Joseph, and Lincoln Myrick 7 Mitzi Burkley-Callon, Lanette Smith, and Kristin Manning 8 Ann Poole and Lanette Smith 9 Lisa Smith, Naomi Jones, and Lanette Smith 10 Debbie Blackwell, Lanette Smith, and Regina Burkley-Bandy

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Dot the I’s and Cross the T’s


hether personally or professionally, leasing property is a way of life for many people here and DURXQG WKH FRXQWU\ :H OHDVH DSDUWPHQWV houses, shopping centers, agricultural land, DQG RIĂ€FH EXLOGLQJV ,I \RX KDYH QHYHU KDG to deal with a lease of any kind, then you are the exception not the rule. I am going to discuss a small but critical aspect of leases that, if not done exactly right, can wind up costing the lessee substantial amounts of money—options to renew or extensions of leases. The Supreme Court recently ruled on a case that involved the leasing of a large tract of agricultural land with an initial ´SULPDU\ OHDVH WHUPÂľ RI Ă€IWHHQ \HDUV ZLWK

WZR Ă€YH \HDU H[WHQVLRQV EXLOW LQWR WKH lease. Simply put, the lease provided that WKH OHVVHH VKDOO KDYH D ´Ă€YH \HDU H[WHQsion . . . except that the rental to be paid by Lessee to Lessor shall be re-negotiated and may increase . . . in land rent customary in the area for similar property . . . .â€? :KDW WKDW PHDQV LV WKDW WKH\ ZRXOG UHQHJRWLDWH WKH OHDVH LI WKH Ă€YH \HDU H[WHQsion is exercised by the Lessee and that any increase is based upon the “fair market valueâ€? of agricultural leases as of the time of the extension. I can’t tell you how many leases I have seen which contain similar language where the lease, in essence, is “renegotiatedâ€? at the time that the extension is exercised.

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Lucien C. Gwin III

It would seem that determinLQJ ´IDLU PDUNHW YDOXHÂľ IRU Ă€IWHHQ years down the road would be as simple as getting lease amounts for comparable properties. In the case of Intrepid Inc., vs. Joseph S. Asa Bennett, our Supreme Court found that the language quoted above did not in fact provide for an understood and agreed upon price. The Supreme Court ruled as follows: “The Court has reviewed the /HDVHV LQ WKLV FDVH DQG Ă€QGV WKDW the renewal options are nugatory based on the fact that they lack the essential element of price. Furthermore, because the Leases leave the renewal rental WR EH Ă€[HG E\ IXWXUH DJUHHPHQW between the parties, they are unenforceable and void for uncerWDLQW\ DQG LQGHĂ€QLWHQHVV Âľ In other words, if you enter into a Lease with an option to renew, and there is no stated future OHDVH SULFH RU DW OHDVW D GHĂ€QLtive formula for determining that SULFH H[FOXVLYH RI MXVW VWDWLQJ “fair market valueâ€? at the time), \RX PD\ Ă€QG \RXUVHOI ZLWKRXW D lease at a time in which you wish to extend such. Now, imagine a startup business that OHDVHV D EXLOGLQJ IRU Ă€YH \HDUV ,W¡V D JUHDW location and you develop a successful busiQHVV GXH WR \RXU ORFDWLRQ L H D UHVWDXrant, sporting goods store, etc.). At the end of your lease, you wish to extend it; and the landlord says to you, “Sorry we didn’t agree on a price.â€? This could be devastating to your business. 6R KRZ GR \RX GHWHUPLQH D IDLU Ă€[HG UHQWDO SULFH IRU VRPH SHULRG LQ WKH IXWXUH for a lease that you may want to renew at the end of the primary term? For my clients, I include a built-in formula that provides for a lease increase at the time of the extension. I insert a provision stating that upon the extension of the lease for an additional term, the lease DPRXQW VKDOO LQFUHDVH E\ Ă€YH SHUFHQW RU WKH Ă€YH \HDU DYHUDJH RI WKH &RQVXPHU 3ULFH Index, whichever is greater. This is an easy, computable formula. The Consumer Price Index is put out by the federal government annually, and it is a process of averaging

WKH SDVW ÀYH \HDUV DQG GHWHUPLQLQJ LI WKH SHUFHQWDJH LV JUHDWHU WKDQ ÀYH SHUFHQW Some leases include a stated increase. For example, if a lessee is paying $500 per month right now, and he decides to extend his lease, the parties can agree at the time of the extension that the lessee will pay $550 per month for the extension term. Rent is considered a material and essential term of a lease. Any essential elePHQW WKDW LV QRW À[HG LQ D OHDVH PD\ FDXVH the lease to be void or voidable, depending on the circumstances. My Take: Any time you enter into a lease, I always advise hiring an attorney. More often than not, the money you spend on an attorney is going to be far less than the money you may lose due to your lease being cancelled or your apartment being jerked out from underneath you because you didn’t dot the I’s and cross the T’s. Lucien C. “Sam” Gwin III was admitted to the Mississippi Bar in 1981 and has been practicing many aspects of the law at the firm of Gwin, Lewis, Punches & Kelley in Natchez, Mississippi, ever since.

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Fiesta Engagement Party for Blound and Ellard fun fiesta-themed engagement party was hosted for Andrew Ellard and Ashlee Blount July 25, 2015, in Natchez, Mississippi. Sixteen couples hosted a colorful and saucy party with margaritas, hot tamales, salsa, chips, and other related treats to celebrate the couple’s engagement. Photographs by Lisa Whittington


1 Front—Mike Ellard, Andrew Ellard, Ashlee Blount, and Sandra Ellard; middle—Lisa Salvo Wilson, Lisa Dale Mayers, Ann Gaude, Penny McCary, and Beverly Ogden;back— Janet Aubic, Melinda Yarbrough, Ann Elizabeth Kaiser, Pam Middleton, Elizabeth Turner, Andrea Bradford, Susie Ater, Nancy Biglane, and Nancy Kuehnle 2 Jerry David and Jasper Seale 3 Nancy Kuehnle and Dr. John Magee 4 Dennis Short and Emmett Burns 5 Courtney Fletcher and Ashlee Blount 6 Teresa Burns, Gail Stallone, Joanie David, and Kathy Faye Jones 7 Courtney Fletcher, Josh Stanley, Ashlee Blount, and Kelsey Stanley 8 Kelsey Stanley, Ashlee Blount, Andrew Ellard, Brandon Jones, Courtney Fletcher, and Josh Stanley 9 Ashlee Blount, Courtney Fletcher, Kelsey Stanley, and Marty Ellard










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THE wedding SCENE








10 Avery Middleton, Tyler Jordan, Brent Gaude, and Selah Roberts 11 Dr. John Magee with Bif and Karen Partridge 12 Emmett Burns, Ashlee Blount, and Andrew Ellard 13 Nancy Kuehnle, Ann Gaude, and Penny McCary 14 Sandra Ellard, Opal Vines, and Teli Walker 15 Teli Walker, Andrew Ellard, and Jerry Walker 16 Kate Ellard and Andrea Browning 17 Lou Magee and Nancy Biglane



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18 Kate and Sandra Ellard, Ashlee Blount, Andrew, Marty, and Mike Ellard 19 Lisa Dale Mayers, Kate, Marty, and Andrew Ellard, Ashlee Blount,Sandra Ellard, Beverly Ogden, and Lisa Salvo Wilson 20 Brent Gaude, Selah Roberts, Andree Gamberi, Pam McCann, Elizabeth Turner, Ann Gaude, David Gaude, and Blake Turner 21 Chase Brown with Lance and Rebecca Kelpe 22 Glenn Laird, Mitzi Ferguson, and Kathy Faye Jones 23 Sandra Ellard and Janet Aubic 24 Sandra and Marty Ellard 25 Lisa Dale Mayers, Mike Rinehart, and Beverly Ogden

8 18

7 19






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Engagement Party for Cupit and Craig party celebrating the engagement of Anne Houston Cupit and Carl Craig was hosted at the home of Dr. Anne Henderson in Brookhaven, Mississippi, by friends of the couple on the evening of Saturday, August 15, 2015. Photography by Bill Perkins


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Carl Craig and Anne Houston Cupit Ellie Phillips and Ann Houston Cupit Anne Houston Cupit and Paul Phillips Elizabeth Huff and Kayla Fisher Amy Valentine and Joni Culpepper Jonothan and Megan Winborne Gwen Davis Rob Fisher and Robin Aker Carl Aycock and Charlene Elliott Dr. Chad Smith, Ellie Phillips, Anna Smith, and Dr. Anne Henderson 11 Pattie Perkins, Tim & Holly Slay, and Dorothy Leblanc 12 Don Underwood, Dauphine Magee, Dr. Ryan Case, and Phil Magee 13 Todd and Jennifer Aycock with Stacy and Dusty Walker














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14 Mary Catherine Franklin, Margaret Alice Lampton, and Ellie Phillips 15 Kathleen Calcote with Katie and Brandon Baker 16 Elizabeth Wessey, Reverend Anne Matthews, and Catherine Bumgarner 17 Sally Lampton, Celeste Carty, and Julie Montalvo 18 Henry and Diane Ledet with Dr. Anne Henderson 19 Lilly Cupit, Lori Coldrin, Anna Coldrin, and Eva Cupit 20 Dr. Ed Henderson and Betty Ann Perkins 21 Pete and Deanna Moak 22 Erin Culpepper and Brad Carr 23 Dorothy LeBlanc and Kathleen Calcote 24 Vickie Driskell and Angie Cox 25 Brooks and Amanda Warren

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26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33

Tim and Tiwana Munn Beverly Craig and Elaine Brewer Sophie, Malcolm, and Lilly Cupit Christie and Kim Sessums Marty and Amy Cooley with Lyle Hobbs George and Elaine Brewer Kay and Doug Boykin Elizabeth Huff, Blake Hobbs, Margaret Alice Lampton, Justin Hobbs, and Mary Catherine Franklin 34 Dauphine Magee, Wendi Case, Celeste Carty, Kathy Behan, and Pat Allen






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Dr. Gary R. Bachman


Dr. Gary R. Bachman

Traditional, bright-red poinsettias are a popular holiday decorative plant.

Poinsettia Season


e all knew it was going to happen sometime. That change in the seasons is an inevitable event as we move into the later months of WKH \HDU %XW ,¡P QRW UHIHUULQJ WR WKH WLPH of year when we start planting all of the gorgeous, cool-season bedding plants like pansies, violas and dianthus. The change I’m talking about is from Halloween to Christmas; it seems like it happened overnight. Maybe it had something to do with the time change, that whole falling back that occurred early last month. I like to write about plants for the changing seasons, and there’s no better plant to write about now than the poinsettia. I’m being a little proactive, for I have not seen any poinsettias in the garden FHQWHUÂł\HW %XW DIWHU YLVLWLQJ SRLQVHWWLD growers a couple of weeks ago, I know it’s only a matter of days before you can

KDYH WKH Ă€UVW SRLQVHWWLD SURXGO\ GLVSOD\HG on your block. 7KHUH DUH FRORUV WR Ă€W DOPRVW DQ\ GHFRUDtion scheme. Of course, there are the traditional bright red poinsettias; but I really like the whites, pinks, and marbled bicolors, too. There are also maroon varieties to help celHEUDWH WKH VXFFHVV RI WKH %XOOGRJV 7KHUH DUH HYHQ URVH Ă RZHUHG VHOHFWLRQV $QG LI WKDW¡V not enough, growers are changing colors by painting the plants and adding sparkles. , JHW TXHVWLRQV DERXW SRLQVHWWLD Ă RZers each year. However, what most people WKLQN RI DV Ă RZHUV DUH DFWXDOO\ PRGLĂ€HG OHDYHV FDOOHG ´EUDFWV Âľ 7KH WUXH Ă RZHUV are the yellow/green bead-like structures called “cyathia.â€? Your poinsettia will last longer if you select plants with unopened or only partially opening cyathia. You can even carefully remove these structures for longer lasting color.

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Here are some care tips to help keep your poinsettia looking good long after the Christmas holidays. Poinsettias need comfortable room temperatures and at OHDVW VL[ KRXUV RI LQGLUHFW VXQOLJKW :KHQ poinsettias are grown in the greenhouse, the temperature should be about 72 degrees during the day and 60 degrees at night. The closer you can come to providing this temperature range, the longer your poinsettia will last. The absolute most important thing to remember about poinsettias is not to overwater them. Poinsettias are sensitive to wet feet, and root rot will set in very quickly. %HIRUH \RX ZDWHU D SRLQVHWWLD WKH SRWWLQJ mix should feel dry to the touch. Remove the decorative sleeve, and water the top of WKH FRQWDLQHU RYHU WKH NLWFKHQ VLQN :KHQ WKH ZDWHU KDV ÀQLVKHG GUDLQLQJ UHSODFH WKH decorative sleeve.

Poinsettias are sensitive to wet feet, and root rot will set in very quickly. It is important not to overwater them.

Don’t let the leaves or bracts touch the window glass. Poinsettias are fragile plants, and the stems can break quite easily from mishandling. Pay particular attention when removing the paper or plastic sleeves that can hide any damage. Never try to slide the shipping sleeves off because of the potential for damage. Always tear or cut off the sleeve. Contrary to widely reported information, poinsettias are not poisonous to pets. The latest information from the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals indicates eating poinsettia leaves will induce only GI tract irritation. As with all ornamentals and houseplants, they’re not meant to be eaten by animals. To be on the safe side, keep the poinsettia out of your pets’ reach. &ROXPQLVW 'U *DU\ 5 %DFKPDQ LV DQ DVVLVWDQW H[tension professor of horticulture at Mississippi State 8QLYHUVLW\¡V &RDVWDO 5HVHDUFK DQG ([WHQVLRQ &HQWHU LQ %LOR[L 0LVVLVVLSSL

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BROOKHAVEN, MISSISSIPPI Page 36 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

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Jennifer J. Whittier


Jennifer J. Whittier

Voted #1 cheeseburger in local poll

Down Home’s Best at Chism’s Diner J

XVW RII ,QWHUVWDWH DW ([LW LQ %URRNKDYHQ 0LVVLVVLSSL \RX ZLOO Ă€QG IULHQGO\ FRQYHUVDWLRQ D family-like atmosphere, and home cooking that rivals any Sunday dinner at Grandma’s house. This hidden gem, located at 1389 Union Street Extension, is owned and operated by Chester and Cassandra Chism. The constant stream of dine-in and carry-out customers is better advertisement than any glowing neon sign. Ask the regulars; and they will quickly tell you that the hamburgers, FDWĂ€VK IULHG JUHHQ WRPDWRHV DQG SODWH OXQFKHV DW &KLVP¡V are unparalleled. It’s little wonder that the appetizing menu, reasonable prices, and delicious food have won Chism’s the title of third best Mississippi diner, according to Only in Your State’s website and the best hamburger in the Daily Leader Reader’s Choice competition. Chester and Cassandra were born and raised in %URRNKDYHQ DQG DOWKRXJK WKH\ ERWK FRXOG KDYH FKRVHQ D different path, they are happiest when preparing their speFLDOWLHV DQG VHHLQJ WKH VDWLVĂ€HG VPLOHV RQ WKHLU FXVWRPHUV¡ IDFHV 8SRQ JUDGXDWLRQ IURP %URRNKDYHQ +LJK 6FKRRO Chester went on to play wide receiver at Copiah Lincoln Community College and at Arkansas State University. He is also a licensed realtor and loves helping others achieve the dream of owning their own home. Cassandra, also a %URRNKDYHQ +LJK 6FKRRO DQG &R /LQ JUDGXDWH KDV D GHJUHH Page 40 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

Owners, Cassandra and Chester Chism

Chism’s Diner, a Brookhaven favorite

in Child Development. She and Chester have been married for twenty-three years and have one daughter, Theja, who is majoring in physical therapy at Mississippi State University. Their educational backgrounds could have led them to other career choices; but through prayer and hard work, they have become the owners of one of the most successful eateries in the state. Chester credits his love for preparing delicious food to his mother, who started her own diner in 1979. After working in her business, he began to think about starting one of his own. Cassandra admits that before she got married, she never cooked much; but that quickly changed, and her skill level has soared! Some of the most popular dishes at Chism’s are Cassandra’s own creations, and others are old family recipes. This combination of options results in a wide variety of foods that are both delicious and popular in the community, and

the staff works diligently to ensure customer satisfaction. The Chisms believe that “word of mouth” is the best advertisement; that operating as a unit helps solidify their business; and that hospitality, good food, and cleanliness draw repeat customers. They thank the community for its support of their successful business, and they praise God for allowing them to have the opportunity to live their dream. The Chisms are a humble, prayerful family who welcome their customers with a heartfelt smile and a plate brimming with homemade love. Chism’s Diner—a place where food, family, and friendship blend to create the perfect recipe. Jennifer Jackson Whittier is a retired English/ Spanish teacher from Brookhaven, Mississippi. She and her husband Greg have two beautiful daughters and three precious grandchildren.

One of a variety of plate lunches

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Pamper & Paps 1


he Women’s Health Center of McComb, Mississippi, has been offering a “Pamper and Paps” after-hours clinic each month for working women. The evening consists of the women wellness exam along with a massage and hor d’ouevres. In conjunction with Breast Cancer Awareness in October, the clinic also sold cookies to promote early detection of breast cancer and held a “Paint the Pumpkin Pink” party.





5 1 Dr. Louise GombakoA-Amos and Tara Price 2 Kelly Ham, Nickki Brown, Joyce Smith, and Tara Price 3 Kelly Ham and Ty Montogmery 4 Sarah Bordelon, Brittani Dixon, and Kate Slonaker 5 Front—Jordyn Hunt and Shari Frank; Back— Kate Slonaker, Dr. Louise Gombako-Amos, and Gwen Seals 6 Tammy Fowler, Tara Price, Jennifer Warren, Shari Frank, Maria Cain, Kelly Ham, Brittani Dixon, DeeDee Hinton, Sarah Bordelon, Kate Slonaker, Ty Montgomery, Joyce Smith, Cherish Canton, Mahaley Coker, Jordyn Hunt, SarahBeth Pearson, Gwen Seals, and Dr. Louise Gombako-Amos

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Girls’ Night Out with The Pampered Sole




n Thursday, October 8, 2015, the Concordia Parish Chamber of Commerce and Adams County Chamber of Commerce hosted a girls’ night out at the newly renovated Pampered Sole in downtown Natchez, Mississippi. Members of the community along with patrons of the boutique enjoyed a sneak peek at the newest in fall fashions.






THE social SCENE


Shuffle to the Chefs Planning Meeting lanning Shuffle to the Chef to benefit St. Andrew’s Mission in McComb, Mississippi, is Niki Gibson with the help of her committee and corporate sponsor, C-Spire. This year’s event will be held in the McComb Mill on Thursday, January 28, 2016 and will feature fifteen professional chefs and beverage pairings, along with an auction and live music.


1 2 3 4 5 6

Christi Ballard Mary Frances Sessions Morgan White Mary Frances Sessions and Latrice Ramsey Jamie Burley and Darla Wilkinson Christi Ballard, Abi Wheeler, Latrice Ramsey, Alana Moore, and Morgan White 7 Morgan White, Christi Ballard, Latrice Ramsey, Abi Wheeler, and Alana Moore

Niki Gibson, Kristin Ratliff, Betsy Murrell, and Brice Belsom

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OÊ Christmas Decor


hristmas is the time to decorate with the best of garlands DQG PRUH %\ XVLQJ IUHVK SLQH DQG HYHUJUHHQ IRXQG LQ your own yards and gardens, you can not only save a buck on pricey decorations but also impress your family and guests at just how talented your decorating skills are. At Magnolia Hall in downtown Natchez, Mississippi, members of the Natchez Garden Club deck the hall with such fresh Page 44 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

décor in order to add both a beautiful arrangement and a festive fragrance in each room. Member Shannon Case shared, “This particular parlor at Magnolia Hall was used as a library and has a very masculine feel in its décor. I used that direction when SXWWLQJ WRJHWKHU WKH PDQWOH 0RVW RI WKH IUHVK ÁRUDO SLHFHV XVHG can be found in your typical Mississippi backyard.”

By placing several narrow containers along the THU[SL ÄSSPUN [OLT ^P[O ZVHRLK ÅVYHS VHZPZ *HZL is able to create for the parlor a festive feature that can last the entire holiday season. “I used cypress and magnolia cuttings from my own yard and created a focal point with a piece of beautifully twisted wood ^P[O [\YRL` MLH[OLYZ ¹ Case shared. “By utilizing the oasis and keeping the arrangement watered, the festive greenery and rosecolored berries maintain their color throughout the TVU[O ¹

Using fresh bunches of berries throughout your mantelpiece adds punches of color. Case explained, “Nandina berries are the perfect addition to achieve [OPZ LɈLJ[ ¹

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OĂŠ Christmas Delectables :

LWK IHVWLYH DQG VSLFHG Ă DYRUV RI WKH VHDVRQ WKHVH KROLGD\ FDNH recipes are sure to invite your guests for a second slice during your Christmas gatherings.

From the Kitchen of Rose Atwater:

ITALIAN CREAM CHEESE CAKE For the cake: 1 15.25-ounce package white cake mix (I prefer Pillsbury.) J\W HSS W\YWVZL JHRL ÅV\Y 1 3.4-ounce instant vanilla pudding mix 4 large eggs 1 cup buttermilk 1/4 cup vegetable oil 1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract 3 tablespoons rum or rum extract (Or to taste. If you don’t like rum, don’t add this much.)

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SVVZL J\W Ă…HRLK JVJVU\[ 1/2 cup chopped pecans For the frosting: V\UJL WHJRHNLZ JYLHT JOLLZL ZVM[LULK Z[PJRZ YLHS I\[[LY ZVM[LULK 2 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon coconut extract 1 teaspoon rum extract, optional WV\UKZ ZPM[LK JVUMLJ[PVULYZÂť Z\NHY 2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream, as needed J\W ZVM[ Z^LL[LULK Ă…HRLK JVJVU\[ MVY NHYUPZO J\W JOVWWLK WLJHUZ MVY NHYUPZO

From the Kitchen of Edna Welch

RED-VELVET CAKE 2 cups granulated sugar J\WZ HSS W\YWVZL Ă…V\Y 1/4 cup less 1 teaspoon cocoa powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 cup buttermilk 1 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla 1 teaspoon vinegar V\UJLZ YLK MVVK JVSVYPUN 4P_ [VNL[OLY [OL Z\NHY Ă…V\Y JVJVH WV^KLY ZHS[ and baking soda. While mixing on low, add buttermilk, VPS LNNZ ]HUPSSH ]PULNHY HUK MVVK JVSVYPUN 4P_ VU SV^ ZWLLK \U[PS ^LSS ISLUKLK 7V\Y PU[V NYLHZLK HUK Ă…V\YLK PUJO YV\UK JHRL WHUZ )HRL H[ KLNYLLZ MVY TPUutes or until cake tests done. Cool, and ice with a creamcheese icing. From the Kitchen of Rose Atwater

RED-VELVET CAKE 1 white or yellow cake mix (I use Pillsbury.) 1 cup sour cream 1/2 cup buttermilk 1/3 cup oil 3 eggs V\UJL YLK MVVK JVSVYPUN 1/2 tablespoon almond extract 1/2 tablespoon vanilla extract 1 tablespoon vinegar 2 tablespoons cocoa powder 1 box instant vanilla pudding Spray your pan with non-stick spray or use parchment paper. Thoroughly mix all ingredients together. (I like to mix it for at least three minutes )HRL H[ KLNYLLZ MVY HIV\[ [V TPU\[LZ MVY PUJO VY PUJO YV\UK WHUZ (SSV^ [V JVVS MVY [LU TPU\[LZ PU [OL WHU [OLU Ă…PW V\[ HUK completely cool on a cooling rack. From the Kitchen of Nancy Kuehnle: 7YLOLH[ V]LU [V KLNYLLZ :WYH` [^V PUJO WHUZ ^P[O UVU stick cooking spray. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the cake TP_ Ă…V\Y W\KKPUN LNNZ I\[[LYTPSR VPS HUK L_[YHJ[Z 4P_ MVY [V TPU\[LZ \U[PS ]LY` ^LSS JVTIPULK .LU[S` MVSK PU [OL JVJVU\[ HUK WLJHUZ +P]PKL [OL IH[[LY IL[^LLU [OL [^V WHUZ HUK IHRL MVY [V TPU\[LZ *OLJR ^P[O H [VV[OWPJR MVY KVULULZZ While the cakes are baking, combine the butter, cream cheese, HUK L_[YHJ[Z PU H TP_PUN IV^S )LH[ \U[PS ]LY` ZTVV[O (KK PU [OL ZPM[LK WV^KLYLK Z\NHY HUK TP_ \U[PS ZTVV[O (KK OLH]` JYLHT HZ ULLKLK [V [OPU [OL MYVZ[PUN MVY ZWYLHKPUN At this point, some people mix in the coconut and pecans; but I prefer to leave the frosting smooth and garnish the cake with pecans and coconut.)

CREAM-CHEESE FROSTING J\WZ I\[[LY ZVM[LULK V\UJLZ JYLHT JOLLZL ZVM[LULK 1 pound powdered sugar (If the frosting is too thin, use more.) 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 7SHJL I\[[LY PU IV^S VM HU LSLJ[YPJ TP_LY Ă„[[LK ^P[O [OL paddle attachment, and beat on medium to high speed \U[PS SPNO[ HUK Ă…\Ɉ` HIV\[ [^V TPU\[LZ (KK JYLHT JOLLZL HUK ILH[ \U[PS ^LSS JVTIPULK HUK Ă…\Ɉ` HIV\[ [^V TPU\[LZ TVYL (KK Z\NHY HUK ]HUPSSH HUK ILH[ \U[PS JVTIPULK HIV\[ [^V TVYL TPU\[LZ <ZL [V MYVZ[ [OL YLK velvet cake above.

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Bedecked for the Holidays

Photography by Aimee Guido Page 48 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous


un and festive is the decoratLQJ WKHPH WKDW %HFN\ :LOVRQ tries to achieve each holiday season in her beautiful home VRXWK RI 1DWFKH] 0LVVLVVLSSL :LWK decorations bought in boutiques in 1DWFKH] :LOVRQ HQOLVWHG KROLGD\ KHOSers Martha and Kim Gammill to create a winter wonderland with a brightly


Elegant decorations can help dress up a dining room.

colored tree and elegant tablescapes WKURXJKRXW KHU KRPH :LOVRQ DGGHG ´, collect Mark Roberts fairies to use in my holiday decorating and love putting them throughout my home each year.â€? Gather up your decorations and create a Christmas village in your own KRPH ZLWK WKH KHOS RI :LOVRQ¡V HODERrate and festive decorating ideas.

Bring the outdoors in with woodland creatures to spruce up your decor.

First impressions start with festive holiday notes at your front door.

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Wilson’s Mark Roberts fairies add holiday cheer to her home.

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Alpha Kappa Alpha’s Living Legacy Initiative n Saturday, August 1, 2015, the Mu Xi Omega chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha sorority held its Living Legacy Initiative, honoring the works of B. Beatrix Scott and Ida L. Jackson, at Traveler’s Rest M.B. Church in Vicksburg, Mississippi.





1 Mable Jennings and Berteal Rodgers 2 Zelmarine Murphy and Gayla Sanders 3 Velma Lois Jones, Esther Rigsby, Mary B. Conner, Dorothy Buckhanan Wilson, Vanessa R. Long, and Cynthia Finch 4 Anitra Nichols, Mary Conner, Dorothy B. Wilson, Gayla Sanders, and Zelmarine Murphy 5 Joslyn Fergerson, Winnie Anthony, and Fannie Glasper 6 Dorothy B. Wilson, Charles Atkins, and Walter Armstrong




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On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Natchez k vidalia k Ferriday k Page 52 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous

On the River k On the River k On the River k On the River

THE social SCENE

International Women’s Friendship Day


n Sunday, September 27, 2015, the members of the Natchez alumnae chapter of Kappa Delta sorority celebrated International Women’s Friendship Day with local Girl Scout troops at Natchez Coffee Company in downtown Natchez, Mississippi.



1 1 Mackenzie Kind, Ashley Anderson, Avery Moffett, Lauren Burns, Mary Margaret Gilly, Corbin Bowlin, Piper Faust, Lily Claire Armstrong, Marcie Carlton, Anabella Laird, Eden Armstrong, Breontay Webster, and Addison Laird 2 Lauren Burns, Mary Margaret Gilly, and Ashley Anderson 3 Anabella and Addison Laird


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Sip and See for Baby Tosspon 1






n Saturday, August 22, 2015, friends and family gathered at the Garden Room on the grounds of Monmouth Historic Inn in Natchez Mississippi, for a sip-and-see honoring Rosalie Tate Tosspon, the daughter of Halley and Brent Tosspon. Photography by Aimee Guido


1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11


Megan Guido and Brenda Vines Brock Vines and Tim Morrison Brock Vines and Wren Nightengale Carlton and Natalie Brock Grayson Tosspon and LeJean Rand Melissa Brown and Brent Tosspon Ann Gaude, Elizabeth Turner, Rosalie Tate Tosspon, and Cathy Fitzpatrick Jeri Sue and Raymond Kelly with Grayson Tosspon Haley Tosspon, Shannan McCalip and Rosalie Tate Tosspon Rosalie Tate Tosspon with Brock and Matthew Vines Cathy Fitzpatrick, Elizabeth Turner, Brenda Vines, Rosalie Tate Tosspon, Ann Gaude, and Shannan McCalip Alli and Madison Stampley with Whitney and Hayes Bradford





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15 13 Halley, Rosalie Tate, Grayson, and Brent Tosspon 14 Brent, Grayson, and George Tosspon 15 Halley and Rosalie Tate Tosspon with Brenda Vines and Natalie Brock

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Birthday Party for Kennedy elanie Burns-Kennedy was honored recently with a birthday party held at her brother’s Natchez, Mississippi, home, Beekman Place Livery B&B. Family and close friends enjoyed appetizers, a delicious meal, and birthday cake. Later Melanie was treated to a trip to New York City by some of her siblings.








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3 1 Blake Turner, Lauren Smith, Tom Borum, and Brooks Turner 2 Britany Kennedy with Paul Burns 3 Patrick Vogt and Harrison Burns 4 Melanie and Owen Kennedy 5 Charles Conner Burns, Rose Borum, John Grady Burns, and Jane Bush 6 Elizabeth Turner and Jay Calhoun 7 Paul Burns, Parnell Burns, and Jimmy Dickey

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Cocktail Party for Audubon Pilgrimage Notables uests gathered at the home of Julie and Mike Bordelon on the evening of Wednesday, November 4, 2015, to honor the 2016 Audubon Pilgrimage Chairman, Susie Tully. Also honored were this year’s home and garden owners: Peggy and Joey Gammill of The Cabildo, Teeta and John E. Moss of The Myrtles Plantation, Lynda and Peter Truitt of Rosale Plantation, Nancy Vinci of Vinci Cottage at Virginia, Leigh Anne and Butch Jones of Woodleigh Garden, Trisha Aleshire of Rosedown Plantation, John House of Oakley Plantation, and Mrs. Morrell Trimble of Afton Villa Gardens. All were recognized for their significant contribution to the annual event to be held March 18, 19, and 20, 2016. Guests enjoyed a buffet of Louisiana favorites prepared by the committee of Jane Daniel, Linda Flynn, and Mary Godke. Photography by Lauren Field



1 Joey Gammill, Nicole Cohen, Morgan Moss, Susie and Tom Tully, and Lynda and Peter Truitt 2 Bobby Daniel, Mike Bordelon, and Joey Gammill 3 Julie Brashier, Morgan Moss, and Nicole Cohen 4 Bobby Daniel, Lauren Field, Mike Bordelon, and Joey Gammill 5 Mike and Julie Bordelon 6 Mary Cleland Owen, Lucie Cassity, and Linda Flynn 7 Peter and Lynda Truitt with Susie and Tom Tully 8 Fiona, Susie, Tom, and Claudia Tully 9 Tom and Susie Tully with Butch and Leigh Anne Jones









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DECEMBER Louisiana Up & Coming! Throughout December Louisiana Holiday Trail of Lights ZZZ KROLGD\WUDLORÁLJKWV BATON ROUGE Throughout December Various Holiday Events ZZZ YLVLWEDWRQURXJH RUJ December 6 & 7 Theatre IV presents: The Shoemaker & the Christmas Elves 6KDZ &HQWHU IRU WKH $UWV· 0DQVKLS Theatre Times vary (225)344-0334 / ZZZ PDQVKLSWKHDWUH RUJ December 11 – 20 A Christmas Carol Theatre Baton Rouge 7:30 pm (225)924-6496 / ZZZ WKHDWUHEU RUJ December 12 Christmas Parade Downtown Baton Rouge 5:30 pm (225)341-3412 / ZZZ FKULVWPDVLQEU FRP December 13, 19 & 20 Playmakers of Baton Rouge presents: A Charlie Brown Christmas 0XVLF 'UDPDWLF $UWV %XLOGLQJ 2:30 pm ZZZ VZLQHSDODFH RUJ December 19 & 20 The Nutcracker: A Tale from the Bayou Baton Rouge River Center Theatre 2 & 6 pm ZZZ EDWRQURXJHEDOOHW RUJ FERRIDAY December 5 $ 'DQJHUÀHOG 1LJKW &KULVWPDV 0XVLF Lights Parade Downtown Ferriday 5:15 pm ZZZ FRQFRUGLDFKDPEHU FRP ST. FRANCISVILLE December 1 – 31 19th Century Christmas Decoration Rosedown Plantation 9 am – 5 pm (225)635-3332 ZZZ FUW VWDWH OD XV /RXLVLDQD

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Louisiana Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 4 – 6 Christmas in the Country Throughout St. Francisville (225)635-3873 ZZZ VWIUDQFLVYLOOHIHVWLYDOV FRP

December 5 )ULHQGV RI :HVW )HOLFLDQD /LEUDU\·V Christmas Tour of Homes Throughout St. Francisville 10 am – 4 pm $25 in advance / $30 at the door (225)635-3364 ZZZ VWIUDQFLVYLOOHIHVWLYDOV FRP December 5 – 6 A Civil War Christmas Oakley Plantation Home Living-history demonstrations Saturday: 10 am – 4 pm Sunday: 10 am – 2 pm DXGXERQVWDWHKLVWRULFVLWH ZRUGSUHVV FRP December 12 Christmas at Rosedown Rosedown Plantation 9 am – 5 pm (225)635-3332 ZZZ FUW VWDWH OD XV /RXLVLDQD VIDALIA December 6 A Star Spangled Christmas: Christmas Parade City of Vidalia 3 pm ZZZ FRQFRUGLDFKDPEHU FRP December 8 Concordia Chamber Christmas Luncheon Hotel Vue $10 (318)336-8223 ZZZ FRQFRUGLDFKDPEHU FRP December 12 Breakfast with Santa Comfort Suites 8 – 10 am / $5 (318)336-8223

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! BROOKHAVEN December 3 “Light the Way” Christmas Parade Downtown Brookhaven 6:30 pm December 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, & 13 Brookhaven Little Theatre presents ,W·V D :RQGHUIXO /LIH The Haven Theater 7:30 pm / Sunday: 2 pm $10 ZZZ EURRNKDYHQOLWWOHWKHDWUH FRP December 5 Jingle Jamboree Brookhaven Recreation Department 3 – 7 pm December 6 Brookhaven Junior Auxiliary & Crown &OXE·V &RRNLHV 0LON ZLWK 6DQWD )(0$ %XLOGLQJ Member exclusive: 2 – 3 pm General admission: 3 – 5 pm ZZZ IDFHERRN FRP -XQLRU $X[LOLDU\ RI %URRNKDYHQ December 13 Old Fashioned Christmas Celebration /LQFROQ &RXQW\ 0XVHXP 1 - 4 pm Refreshments with Santa (601)833-8023 December 15, 17, & 20 %URRNKDYHQ /LWWOH 7KHDWUH·V $XGLWLRQV for )XQQ\ /LWWOH 7KLQJ &DOOHG /RYH The Haven Theater 6:30 pm / Sunday: 2 pm ZZZ EURRNKDYHQOLWWOHWKHDWUH FRP JACKSON Throughout December Various Holiday Events ZZZ YLVLWMDFNVRQ FRP Throughout December /LYH 0XVLF &RQFHUWV Duling Hall ZZZ GXOLQJKDOO FRP

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER Throughout December Holiday Spectacular Events 0LVVLVVLSSL &KLOGUHQ·V 0XVHXP ZZZ PLVVLVVLSSLFKXOGUHQVPXVHXP FRP Through January 3 Wolf to Wolf: The Story of Dogs 06 0XVHXP RI 1DWXUDO 6FLHQFH ZZZ PGZIS FRP December 4 83rd Annual Singing Christmas Tree Belhaven University Athletic Bowl 7:30 pm ZZZ EHOKDYHQ HGX

December 4 – 6 %DOOHW 0LVVLVVLSSL SUHVHQWV The Nutcracker 7KDOLD 0DUD +DOO 7:30 pm / 2 pm (601)960-1560 / ZZZ EDOOHWPV FRP

December 5 & 6 %DOOHW 0LVVLVVLSSL SUHVHQWV 7KH 6XJDU 3OXP )DLU\·V 7HD 3DUW\ 06 0XVHXP RI $UW Noon / $30 (601)960-1560 / ZZZ EDOOHWPV FRP

December 4 – 20 A Christmas Carol New Stage Theatre 7 pm ZZZ QHZVWDJHWKHDWUH FRP

December 5 – 7 39th Annual Chimneyville Crafts Festival 0LVVLVVLSSL 7UDGH 0DUW Preview party: Dec. 5 7 – 10 pm / Saturday: 10 am – 5 pm / Sunday: Noon – 5 pm ZZZ FUDIWVPHQJXLOGRIPV RUJ

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 12 & 13 0LVVLVVLSSL 0HWURSROLWDQ %DOOHW presents: The Nutcracker Jackson Academy Performing Arts Center 7:30 pm / 2 pm ZZZ PVPHWUREDOOHW FRP December 12 & 13 Nutcracker “Sweet” Tea Party Jackson Academy Performing Arts Center 4 pm / $25 ZZZ PVPHWUREDOOHW FRP December 20 0LVVLVVLSSL 2SHUD SUHVHQWV Amahl & WKH 1LJKW 9LVLWRUV 0DGLVRQ &HQWHU IRU WKH $UWV 3:30 pm (601)960-2300 / ZZZ PVRSHUD RUJ December 22 &ODUH DQG WKH &KRFRODWH 1XWFUDFNHU 7KDOLD 0DUD +DOO 8 pm ZZZ &ODUHDQG7KH&KRFRODWH1XWFUDFNHU QHW

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER 0&&20% December 5 60$*·V &KULVWPDV 9LOODJH $UWV +DQGPDGH &UDIWV 0DUNHW Jubilee Performing Arts Center 9 am – 3 pm (601)248-2165 December 5 Christmas Parade Along Delaware Ave 10 am – Noon ZZZ SLNHLQIR FRP December 5 Classic Car Show & Toy Drive Downtown Parking Garage Noon – 4 pm ZZZ SLNHLQIR FRP December 12 Christmas at The Depot & Classic Car Show Railroad Depot & Downtown Parking Garage Live music, food, and arts & crafts / Pictures with Santa (601)684-3602 / ZZZ SLNHLQIR FRP

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 12 – 13 Once Upon A Christmas: Introducing Ronnie Temple The Depot Theatre 7:30 pm / 2:30 pm $10 (601)310-4933 December 28 Auditions for Harvey The Depot Theatre 6:30 pm (601)310-4933

NATCHEZ Throughout December /LYH 0XVLF (YHQW &DOHQGDU ZZZ YLVLWQDWFKH] RUJ IXOO HYHQW FDOHQGDU Through December 11 Featured Artist Exhibit ArtsNatchez Gallery ZZZ DUWVQDWFKH] FRP Thursdays, Fridays, & Saturdays in December &KULVWPDV 7RXU 0LON 3XQFK Linden 11 am – Noon ZZZ OLQGHQEDQGE FRP

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December 1 – 20 A Natchez Christmas Carol Natchez Little Theatre Tuesday, Friday, & Saturday: 7:30 pm Sunday: 2:30 pm (601)442-2233 ZZZ QDWFKH]OLWWOHWKHDWUH RUJ December 2, 9, 16, 23, & 30 &KULVWPDV 0DUNHW Gazebo on the Bluff Noon – 5 pm MHVVLFD#YLVLWQDWFKH] RUJ

Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 3 1DWFKH] *DUGHQ &OXE·V 9LFWRULDQ Luncheon 0DJQROLD +DOO 11:30 am – 1:00 pm / $15 (601)443-9065 December 3 – 20 Jeweled Christmas The Towers Tour times vary Adults: $20 / Children: $15 ZZZ YLVLWQDWFKH] RUJ December 4 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF SUHVHQWV A Christmas Cabaret Natchez Community Center 7 pm / $35 / Cash Bar ZZZ QDWFKH]IHVWLYDORIPXVLF FRP December 5 Breakfast with Santa -HIIHUVRQ 6WUHHW 8QLWHG 0HWKRGLVW &KXUFK·V )DPLO\ /LIH &HQWHU 8 - 11 am / $8

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 5 Christmas Parade Downtown Natchez 6 pm

Elward December 6 )ULHQGV RI WKH /LEUDU\·V 7RXU RI +RPHV Throughout Natchez 2 – 5 pm / $15 or 2 for $25 (601)445-8862 / ZZZ DUPVWURQJOLEUDU\ RUJ December 6 1DWFKH] )HVWLYDO RI 0XVLF SUHVHQWV 7KH Alcorn Choir 6W 0DU\ %DVLOLFD Free / 7 pm ZZZ QDWFKH]IHVWLYDORIPXVLF RUJ

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 7 Rick Bragg Book Signing Turning Pages Bookstore 5 – 7 pm (601)442-2299 ZZZ WXUQLQJSDJHVERRNV FRP December 9, 11 & 12 Live Nativity -HIIHUVRQ 6WUHHW 8QLWHG 0HWKRGLVW Church Corner of Jefferson and Union Streets 5:30 - 7 pm December 12 Sharon Richardson presents: Light on the Landscape of Elms Court Elms Court 2 - 5 pm (601)445-5431 ZZZ VKDURQULFKDUGVRQ QHW December 12 Ann Dier Book Signing Turning Pages Bookstore 3 – 5 pm (601)442-2299 ZZZ WXUQLQJSDJHVERRNV FRP December 12 Gifts of Art Auction ArtsNatchez Gallery 5 – 8 pm (601)442-0043 ZZZ DUWVQDWFKH] FRP December 12 Second Saturday Downtown Natchez 6 – 8 pm (601)442-2929 December 13 6th Annual Auburn Open House Auburn 1:30 – 4 pm Free / Refreshments & entertainment ZZZ DXEXUQPXVHXP RUJ December 13 Santa at Stanton Hall Stanton Hall 2 – 4 pm / Free (601)442-6282 December 13 Lessons & Carols 6W 0DU\ %DVLOLFD Free / 3 pm (601)445-5616

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DECEMBER Mississippi Up & Coming! December 22 Castle Christmas Celebration Dunleith 6:30 – 9 pm / $45 (601)446-8500

December 7 Christmas Parade Along Robb St 6:30 - 7:30 pm ZZZ SLNHLQIR FRP

December 1, 8, & 9 Storytime at the Library Warren County Public Library 10:30 am (601)636-6411


December 13 &DQGOH /LJKWLQJ 0HPRULDO 6HUYLFH Catchings-Sharkey Funeral Home 3 pm (601)276-7475 / ZZZ SLNHLQIR FRP

December 3 %HHFKZRRG·V &KLOGUHQ·V &KDULW\ 1LJKW Beechwood Restaurant 6 pm (601)636-3671


December 12 Santa Fest Downtown Osyka Craft & food vendors / 8 am (601)249-5910

December 5 3-·V 3DQFDNHV 3ODQHV Breakfast with Santa Southern Cultural Heritage Air )RXQGDWLRQ 0XVHXP $10 / 8 and 9:30 am (318)574-2731 SDWW\#VRXWKHUQKHUWDJHDLU RUJ

December 12 Christmas Parade & Fireworks Downtown Osyka 4 pm / Fireworks: 7 pm (601)249-5910

December 5 8th Annual “Holly Days” Arts & Crafts Show SCH Auditorium 9 am – 3 pm / $1 (601)631-2997 / ZZZ VRXWKHUQFXOWXUH RUJ

December 12 2nd Annual Wreaths Across America Ceremony Osyka Veterans Park 11 am (601)249-5910

6800,7 December 3 – 6 60&& SUHVHQWV Christmas Stage Band Show Hurst Auditorium 7 pm / Sunday: 2 pm ZZZ VPFF HGX

Throughout December Christmas in the Park: A Drive-thru of Christmas Lights 6 – 8:30 pm / Prices vary (601)876-2636 VICKSBURG

December 5 Christmas Parade of Lights Downtown Vicksburg 5 pm (601)634-4527 ZZZ GRZQWRZQYLFNVEXUJ RUJ

Through December 6 V105.5 Caroling Contest Vicksburg Convention Center 6 pm / Sunday: 7 pm (601)630-2929 ZZZ YLFNVEXUJFFHYQWV FRP

December 11 – 13 The Christmas Post +DZNLQV 8QLWHG 0HWKRGLVW &KXUFK 7 pm / Sunday: 2 pm Free (601)636-2242 / PVKHU XV#\DKRR FRP

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Mississippi Up & Coming! DECEMBER December 12 $ 0DJLFDO %UHDNIDVW ZLWK 6DQWD Vicksburg Convention Center 8 – 10 am (601)630-2929 ZZZ YLFNVEXUJFFHYHQWV FRP December 12 Confederate Christmas Ball 2OG &RXUW +RXVH 0XVHXP Period dress / Coat & Tie $50 couple / $25 person (601)636-0741 VRFLHW\KLVWRULFDO#EHOOVRXWK QHW December 16 Vicksburg-Warren County Chamber of Commerce Luncheon VCC Noon (601)636-1012 ZZZ YLFNVEXUJFKDPEHU RUJ


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Season’s Greetings “Christmas is acoming, and the geese are getting fat, won’t you please put a penny in the old man’s hat. If you haven’t got a penny, then a ha’penny will do; if you haven’t got a ha’penny, may God Bless You.�


ell, there are no geese getting fat here; but the dogs are all rather plump, and the chickens are dandy, and the wild ducks are settling in for a spell. I will not comment on the size of the people here except to say that none of us look like we’ve missed too many meals. Page 72 { December 2015 { Bluffs & Bayous


Alma M. Womack

7KH SHQQ\ DQG KD¡SHQQ\ SDUW DOZD\V P\VWLĂ€HG PH DV D little child; for even then, I didn’t think a penny was much of a contribution to an old man. A ha’penny sounded like it was even a worse idea; but if it made the old guy happy, well, so be it. My how the times do change. I am writing this article at Halloween, pretty early for me to even think about Christmas. After the ghosts and goblins are laid to rest, we will have the once-cherished American KROLGD\ RI 7KDQNVJLYLQJ WR FHOHEUDWH %XW DIWHU WKH WXUNH\ and trimmings are put away, the main event of November JHWV XQGHUZD\ %ODFN )ULGD\ ZKHQ VRPH $PHULFDQV JR completely off their rockers, crashing into stores and people to get whatever is popular and a “got to haveâ€? that particular year. People who stand in line for hours are a lot more interested in the goods of our society than I am. Maybe it’s the chance of a bargain, or the thrill of the hunt, or the idea of EHLQJ Ă€UVW WR JHW WKH JRRGLHV RQ WKH VKHOYHV WKDW PRWLYDWHV WKHP -XVW QHYHU Ă€JXUHG LW RXW P\VHOI 6RPH IRONV , NQRZ ORRN IRUZDUG WR %ODFN )ULGD\ DOO \HDU JHWWLQJ LQ WKH VWRUHV Ă€UVW LV D WUDGLWLRQ WKDW LV MXVW DV LPSRUWDQW DV KDYLQJ WKH ELJgest Christmas tree or spreading the most Christmas cheer by buying a ton of gifts and going into debt for the next twelve months. :KHQ +ROO\ DQG -RULH ZHUH OLWWOH FKLOGUHQ WKH $OH[DQGULD Mall was new; and they were decorating top to bottom for Christmas. Stupid me thought, oh, won’t it be nice to take my little girls to the mall the day after Thanksgiving to let them see all the beautiful displays of Christmas cheer. 7URXEOH ZDV , NQHZ QRWKLQJ DERXW WKH PRE VFHQH RI %ODFN Friday, or I would have planned for a later stroll through WKH PDOO WR DGPLUH WKH RIIHULQJV RI WKH EXVLQHVVHV WKHUH :H JRW WR WKH PDOO HDVLO\ HQRXJK EXW ZKHQ ZH JRW RQ WKH Ă RRU the girls could see nothing but people in front, to the sides, and behind them. They were too big to pack, so I had just had to shove my way through with two unhappy children. :H PDGH IRU WKH H[LW GRRU LQ 'LOODUG¡V DQG ZHQW WR McDonald’s for a treat before starting home. Holly and Jorie were disappointed, but I was glad to escape with our limbs intact. I learned my lesson and have never gone farther than -RQHVYLOOH RQ DQ\ %ODFN )ULGD\ VLQFH WKHQ It will soon be time for me to gather the greens, berries, and assorted free things from around the lake and the woods for my Christmas decorations. My decorations are not as shiny and elegant as the store-bought ones; but I am happy with them, and no one else around here seems to have any preference, so I reckon it is all okay to go with what nature provides. :KHQ LW FRPHV WR JLIWV , KRSH WR IROORZ WKH JXLGHOLQHV , UHceived in an email early in November, which is worth sharing with everyone. The person who originated the email encouraged people to think outside the box with gifts for family and friends. Instead of purchasing more Chinese-made goods, try helping out hometown businesses with gift cards for goods and services that they have. It helps the recipient, the business, and the local tax base. I think it a grand idea and am willing to try it this year. It surely will be a lot easier, not having to go all over the place, collecting gifts that hardly anyone remembers the next week.

There is also another formula that I have tried for Christmas giving. It goes like this: “something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read.â€? This was fun for me, for I got to pick out more personal things for each of my family members. “Something to readâ€? was my own favorite gift to give, for I am a reader and like to share that joy with others. I hope that all our Bluffs & Bayous families, here and far away, have a blessed Christmas and will look forward to the new year of 2016 when, with God’s help, the pendulum will swing right, and true hope will be on the horizon. Please pray for RXU VROGLHUV DQG RXU ODZ RIĂ€FHUV ZKR SURtect us that they may be kept safe as they pledge their lives to keep us from harm. Please pray for our nation, for we are in seriously troubling times and in need of guidance from above. Merry Christmas, once again, to our Bluffs & Bayous readers from all of us on %ODFN 5LYHU 86$ Columnist Alma Womack lives on Smithland Plantation on Black River, south of Jonesville, Louisiana. In addition to her duties as maitresse des maison, she is the keeper of the lawn, the lane and the pecan orchard at Smithland.

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