Best of BlogTour London 2012

Page 55

a room full of furniture piled high – so yes, I was influenced by Harry Potter. On Elegance I like to work on elegance – because elegance is understood. When I travel to any country they recognize what elegance is. If you go to Indonesia, they may not speak your language, they may come from a small village, but they recognize elegance. Elegance is understood throughout all cultures. Take, for instance, Audrey Hepburn who would be recognized as elegant anywhere. On The Future I am 52 now. What changed at 50? I thought before that my glass was half full, now I realize it is half empty and I realize the urgency of getting things done. I had a serious accident about two years ago. And just before

the accident I was writing my first will and I said to myself, the company would only have two years of existence without me at the helm because I am involved in so many areas. After the accident I set about structuring the company in a different way. I was modulizing it. I thought if I asked a designer to do a Christopher Guy collection they wouldn’t understand how. So I decided to break it down. On Success. I always think when you are climbing, never look down. I never think I have achieved a lot because I am thinking where I need to climb to. It is not success that drives you forward. It is the fear of failure. Success is nice but failure tastes horrible. There is never enough time to accomplish everything we feel the need to accomplish. Transcribed by Tim Bogan

Christopher Guy!


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