Blikki Magazine ~ February / March 2013 No. 2

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Blog + Wiki = Blikki ~ The Sustainable Lifestyle Magazine


Chocolate, and more Chocolate! Vegan Chocolate Mousse p. 23

20+ Tempting Pages of Chocolate:

• Recipes - Gluten Free, Vegan, & Raw! • Gardening - Chocolate Flowers! • and More!

February / March 2013

February / March 2013

Wholesome Skincare Perfected by Nature HI, I’M INDIE LEE. On Earth Day 2009, my life was changed forever. I awoke

Just the finest, all-natural ingredients that don’t sacrifice

from brain surgery to discover that a potentially fatal tumor

luxury for sake of being green. This experience has also taught

had been successfully removed.

me a very important lesson: life is a gift!

Having learned that environmental toxins may have been

Treasure every moment. Remember, what you put on your

the culprits, I began devoting myself to leading a healthier

body is just as important as what you put in it. Give them a try

lifestyle, leading me to create an all-natural skin care line.

and let me know what you think at



Featured in Rachael Ray Magazine, Indie created this all natural balm to deliver healthy, soft to the touch skin. Say farewell to dry, chapped hands and heels.

A blend of deep-cleansing essential oils combine with skin-balancing Jojoba to purify, exfoliate and cleanse acne-prone skin. Best for oily and blemishprone skin.



This invigorating tea tree, mint, and salt-based scrub revives and softens your feet while removing dead skin and rough spots.

This lemongrass citrus wash stimulates your senses and leaves your skin feeling clean, refreshed, and ready for the day.


1oz $12.95

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16 Blikki® - [b’lik-kee]

February/March 2013

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Editors Memo The Magic of Chocolate Scented-Hued Flowers Chocolate and your Pet Avoiding the Flu Ignite your Cacao Passion Bean Chili with Walnuts & Chocolate Vegan Fudgey Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies Raw Banana Macadamia Coconut Dream Pie Raw Avocado Fudge Cupcake Vegan Chocolate Mousse Gluten Free Chocolate Ginger Bread Truffles from Belgium Raw Chocolate Glazed Red Velvet Doughnuts Caponata Easy Veg 101 - Chocolate Baguette Soul Food

©2013, All Rights Reserved. Blikki® is the registered trademark of All other marks are either trademarks, service marks, or registered trademarks of their respective owners. No portion of this magazine may be reprinted, copied or distributed in print or on-line without prior written consent. The statements and products featured in this publication and/or on this site may not have been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration. The statements and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. The articles written are from the author’s viewpoint and or opinion and may not necessarily reflect he opinions or views of Blikki, its owner, publisher, or editors.


Joy E. Stocke is co-

founder of the online literary magazine Wild River Review and its imprint, Wild River Books. She is the author of the memoir Anatolian Days and Nights: A Love Affair with Turkey, Land of Dervishes, Goddesses and Saints. She has been an Ayurvedic practitioner for 15 years.

Amy Lyons is the

recipe creator at Fragrant Vanilla Cake, a blog specializing in raw, vegan, and vegetarian recipes. She uses her eye to create food art that is pleasing to look at while being deceptively nourishing. Her mission is to revamp classic recipes and make them healthier while being exquisitely delicious

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Jill Hillhouse BPHE, CNP is a Certified

Nutritional Practitioner whose practice is based on her philosophy that each individual is metabolically unique. She seeks to identify the root cause of peoples’ health concerns and to educate and inspire them to be an active partner in their own health.

David & Luise of

Green Kitchen Stories live in Sweden with their daughter Elsa. They are putting the finishing touches on their first cookbook which will be released in the spring of 2013. The book will be in the same spirit as their blog, but with 80 new recipes.

Dr. Laura Figoski, is a

Raya Belna is an

Kathy Patalsky is the author of 365 Vegan Smoothies and founder of the popular vegan recipes blog She also founded Kathy grew up in Santa Cruz, California and currently lives in LA with her husband and kitty.

Olive Aguas from the

Karina Allrich:

Carly Fraser is a

licensed Naturopathic Doctor (N.D.) practicing in San Francisco, CA. Emphasizing nature-based, individualized and holistic recommendations, she provides naturopathic primary care with a focus in heart disease and diabetes. Ultimately, her mission is to help her patients find or regain peace, joy and ease.

Bee’s Knees Kitchen. I’m a raw food blogger living in Europe for the past 10 years gathering up inspiration for my raw dishes from all the cities I’ve lived in and traveled to. I now call Amsterdam home where I teaching raw food cooking workshops.

organic plant-based chef, specializing in gluten-free, vegan and raw foods. She owns the successful organic catering company, Wildcraft, showcasing local, raw, and wild foods. Her awardwinning raw cupcakes have been featured on the Food Network and were voted Best Cupcake 2012 by the editors of OC Weekly.

After being diagnosed with Celiac’s disease, Karina started her blog Gluten Free Goddess. Currently, she lives in the Berkshires with her husband and two sons. For more gluten free recipes, please visit her blog Gluten Free Godddess.

blogger, raw vegan and nutrition enthusiast. As a result of her own health problems, Carly discovered naturopathic medicine. She focused much of her time studying to incorporate natural medicine not only in her own life, but in her pet’s lives as well.

Editors Memo Listen. Do you hear that clapping Photo Not Available

Food52 is a community for people who love food and cooking. Follow them at and on Twitter @ Food52.

sound? That’s me patting myself on the back. As you leaf through our chocolate issue I triple-dog-dare you not to drool. I have a dear, dear friend who because of her gluten and lactose sensitivities used to always hate Valentine’s Day. It was nearly impossible for her to find chocolate that wouldn’t make her sick. So this issue is dedicated to chocolate lovers worldwide who’ve felt left out on Valentine’s Day. Just for you, we searched the globe (literally) to find raw, vegan and gluten free chocolate recipes. We even found a few savory recipes for die-hard chocolate foodies. And then, we went one step farther. Just so you won’t feel too guilty, our resident nutritionist, Jill Hillhouse BPHE, CNP, gives you several reasons why you should eat chocolate. So go ahead, enjoy a bit of chocolate, and when your friends ask, just tell them you’re doing it for health reasons.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Hippie Diva If you find our e-zine useful, please tip us a few dollars to show your love and support.

PS - And don’t forget to “Like” our Facebook page - 5

The Magic of Chocolate ScentedHued Flowers

by Joy E Stocke


hen I think of Valentine’s Day, I’m of two minds One: Here it comes again, another holiday invented by chocolatiers and florists. Two: Here it comes again, that most romantic of holidays when each of us has a chance of becoming a god or goddess in our beloved’s eyes. Or maybe the arrow of love will strike us and we’ll discover our beloved. This year, my romantic side is flourishing and in a twist on the old standbys, I’ve culled a list of flowers, chocolate-hued, chocolate-scented, most can be planted in the garden so they can flourish long after Cupid’s arrow has pierced our hearts. On the facing page - clockwise from upper left: Chocolate Cosmos – Cosmos Atrosanguineus - A gardener’s dream. If you can’t find the plant in winter for your beloved, buy packets of seeds and a box of chocolate to hint at summer-to-come. Cosmos blooms all summer and on hot days will fill the air with the scent of sweet milk chocolate. (photo Chocolate-Scented Orchid - Oncidium Sharry Baby - (And who can resist the name?) combines the smell of chocolate with the scent of vanilla. Here is where a bar of chocolate comes in handy because while you’ll be seduced by the scent, unlike those of other orchids, the flower is inedible. Wax Plant - Hoya Nummulariodes’ flowers are typically light pink, star-shaped, and borne in clusters.

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Their exquisite chocolate scent comes from the flowers’ nectar, sometimes so profuse it drips from the petals. Chocolate Lily - Califlora: Fritillaria Biflora - is native to California and would be a lovely, carefree addition to a western garden. (photo donpaulson. com) Chocolate Calla Lily - “The calla lilies are in bloom again. Such a strange flower—suitable to any occasion,” says Katherine Hepburn in the 1937 movie, Stage Door. Exotic, chocolate-colored calla lilies may just be the perfect Valentine’s Day flower. Chocolate Mint-Scented geranium – Pelargonium CV – doesn’t smell like chocolate, but it is a wonderful indoor or garden plant with chocolate-colored veins that fade to a deep green in summer and back to chocolate in February (when grown in doors). Brush your hands across the leaves and dream of chocolate laced with mint. Chocolate Dahlias – Native to Mexico and South America, luscious dahlias are long- lasting cut flowers and a vibrant chocolate-brown. And who can resist them in the garden? Rosa Hot Cocoa - We can’t forget roses, can we? With its rich chocolate scent, the Hot Cocoa rose varies in color from russet to cinnamon. A good outdoor rose, it will bloom frequently and the petals will become darker when it over-winters in colder climates. {B}

Flowers, Flowers . . . oh, great flowers . . . flowers in heaps and scattered about . . . Chant to the Goddess Durga

Chocolate and your Pet

Carly Fraser

Dinner has been served,

and what could be better than to end the night with a nice slice of chocolate cake. You place your plate on the side table and briefly head to the washroom. Before you know it, your dog has scarfed down the piece of cake, and hours later becomes restless, begins vomiting and falls on the ground. Many foods that are safe for you may not be so good for your furry companion. In fact, many people do not know that certain foods can actually trigger detrimental health effects in their pets. These foods can include things such as chocolate, avocados, macadamia nuts and alcohol among others. To stick with the theme of this month’s feature, “Chocolate,” I will describe to you why chocolate is dangerous (and even fatal) to our canine and feline friends.

50oz of milk chocolate, 15 oz of semi-sweet chocolate, or 5 oz of baking chocolate would be the toxic dose for a 50lb dog. You can tell whether your dog has consumed a toxic dose of chocolate from the following symptoms: vomiting, diarrhea and hyperactivity during the first few hours, followed by increased heart rate, restlessness, hyperactivity, muscle twitching, increased urination or excessive panting. These symptoms may eventually lead to muscle tremors, seizures, coma or even death. If your dog has eaten a lethal dose of chocolate or if they show any of the above symptoms following accidental chocolate consumption, you should call your nearest veterinarian.

Cocoa, the main ingredient that makes chocolate, chocolate, contains chemical compounds that adversely interacts with the canine (and feline) nervous system. Chocolate products contain methylxanthines, or in particular, theobromine and caffeine in smaller amounts. High doses of these chemicals can induce clinical signs of intoxication characterized by polydipsia (excessive thirst), vomiting, diarrhea, and tachycardia (abnormally fast heart rate; 1).

Just like humans, once a dog has consumed chocolate, they begin craving more. A healthier chocolate-like alternative for dogs, as well as cats, is a food called carob. Carob is derived from an evergreen flowering shrub and does not contain the harmful compounds that the cocoa bean contains. The great thing about carob is that it tastes just like cocoa, but is naturally sweeter and is packed full of vitamins like A, B, B1, B2, B3, B6 and D, and minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, potassium, manganese as well as protein.

According to Ford and Mazzaferro (2), the toxic dose of chocolate in a dog is 100-150 mg/kg. So, for a 50lb dog, a toxic dose would be around 2.2 grams of pure chocolate. Concentrations of theobromine vary in different chocolate formulas. For example,

So don’t let your dog or cat miss out on their chocolate fix. Instead, give them treats dipped in carob or made with carob powder. They will love you for it! {B} - 9

Avoiding the Flu

Laura Figoski, ND


aybe for you it starts with a little lump in your throat, or a simple sniffle, or a headache behind your eyes. Then before you know it you are stuck in bed with fever, body aches, congestion and nausea. It’s official; you have the flu. The best way to treat the flu is to not get it in the first place, especially this year, with more severe strains of the virus circulating. Keep your immune system strong with general healthy habits. • Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables; especially focusing on green leafy

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vegetables and berries. Phytochemical, flavonoids and antioxidants are all important for a strong immune system. • Ginger and garlic. These are both immune enhancers and antiviral. Also, remember these if you come down with a bug. • Minimize refined sugars and alcohol. These depress the immune system and fuel viruses. • Make sure to get plenty of sleep. The immune system is particularly sensitive to stress and will take a dip if you are under-slept or pushing too hard.

If you are looking to do more to support you immune system consider the following: • Astragalus membranaceus: A wonderful herb that is supportive for the immune system. It can be taken daily for long periods of time. • Vitamin Supplements: Vitamins A, C, D and Zinc are all specifically important for immune function. You don’t need a fancy specialty product, but look for at least 100% RDA of these nutrients. Higher dose can be helpful, especially if you feel you are on the verge of getting sick. If you are pregnant, be

careful with Vitamin A, do not take more than 5,000IU/day. If you’ve come down with the flu there are a few additional options for you. All the above strategies are still important. • Oscillococcinum: A homeopathic medicine, which can be helpful in shortening the duration of flu, especially when taken at the onset of symptoms. • Do not suppress your fever: The fever helps the immune system to work more efficiently. As long as the fever is lower than 104°, you are safe. Consider taking lukewarm (not cold) showers if you are uncomfortably hot. • Food: Most people with acute flu will not have much of an appetite. This is fine and normal. It is important to stay hydrated

though. Good strategies here are simple broths, teas or soups to provide some nourishment in easily digestible form. There really is some wisdom to the classic “chicken soup” cure. • Osha (Ligusticum porteri): This is a wonderful herb for lung infections with fever. It strengthens the lungs tissue and is anti-inflammatory and anti-viral as well • See your doctor. If you’re getting worse instead of better. If your fever goes higher than 104°. This is especially important if you have preexisting chronic diseases. A flu infection can last up to two weeks. Sometimes, the best treatment really is just rest and time. Be patient with your body, give it what it needs, and you’ll be back on your feet before you know it. {B} - 11

Converting Measurements Because our readers are all over the world, you may need a conversion table before you prepare our recipes. Below is a great link and a conversion table from their page to get you started: Converting Recipes to Metric Measures (visit The Metric Kitchen web site for full details). Liquids (and Herbs and Spices)


Liquids can be converted to liters or milliliters with the following table. Small volumes (less than about 1 fluid ounce or 2 tablespoons) of ingredients such as salt, herbs, spices, baking powder, etc. should also be converted with this table. Do not use this table to convert other non-liquid ingredients.

Weights can be converted with the following table. Note that the ounces referred to in this table are not the same as fluid ounces.

To download any of our recipes, click the Download Recipe button. d Downloae Recip

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Showcasing the web’s best vegan, vegetarian, raw and gluten free food bloggers, chefs, and organic brands; Mouth watering plant based recipes, inspirational photography and interviews with nouvelle cuisine foodies around the world. Helping you garden with the latest in sustainable gardening

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Would you like to be featured in our gorgeous magazine? Please e-mail: - 13

Ignite Your Cacao Passion Cacao is packed with natural compounds that scientists have discovered can protect our bodies and promote good health Jill Hillhouse, BPHE, ROHP

“You can’t make me give up my chocolate!” blurted my client the other day as we were finishing our nutritional intake.

This is certainly not the first time I have heard this and being a chocolate lover myself, I can completely empathize. “Ok” I said, “but first, how much chocolate are you eating and more importantly how dark is it?” The percentage we see on chocolate refers to the total amount of ingredients that come from the actual cacao bean. Generally there is an inverse relationship between the percent cacao and the amount of sugar in the chocolate and since the higher percentage means more cacao solids, it also means more of the health benefits. In terms of cell-protecting antioxidant capacity, dark chocolate (at least 70%) and especially raw cacao greatly surpass the well-known super foods blueberries and green tea thanks to an abundance of compounds called flavanols. These antioxidants are one of the keys to heart health because they de-fuse free radicals or unstable molecules that can (among other things) oxidize LDL cholesterol leading to the arterial injury that contributes to atherosclerosis. Flavanols in dark and raw chocolate also appear to promote the body’s production of nitric oxide, a powerful vasodilator that relaxes and widens artery walls thereby reducing blood pressure. The fact is that in the body, without minerals, quite simply nothing works. Thank goodness then for chocolate and its significant mineral content. One ounce (28g) of unsweetened chocolate boasts twenty-seven percent of the daily requirement for iron, one of the most common nutrient deficiencies in the U.S. Magnesium is another big issue with some health experts estimating that eighty percent of us have insufficient levels for optimal health. That same little ounce of dark chocolate provides sixteen 14 -

percent of the daily requirement. Magnesium is used in over three hundred chemical reactions in the body and helps promote healthy blood pressure and (ironically) balanced blood sugar. Copper (critical for heart health) and zinc (important for healthy immunity) are also well represented. As with all the health benefits outlined, the darker the chocolate the better; raw cacao being the ne plus ultra. Chocolate has a long history associated with feelings of euphoria and love due to its assortment of natural compounds some of which have been classified as mood-elevating and pleasure-inducing because they affect the neurotransmitters in the brain. One relatively newly discovered compound is anandamide, a messenger molecule that plays a role in pain, depression, appetite and memory and takes its name from the Sanskrit word for “bliss”. Chocolate also contains tryptophan which causes the release of serotonin a known anti-depressant and feel-good neurotransmitter. Theobromine is yet another chemical in chocolate which is a mild natural stimulant that can make us feel alert but does not strongly stimulate the central nervous system like caffeine. It is also a vasodilator contributing to the cardiovascular benefits of improved circulation. It is important to remember that not all chocolate is created equal. In terms of healthpromoting benefits, and I repeat myself, the darker the better with raw cacao being the best. So while I don’t require my clients to give it up, I do get them to move to one ounce of really dark chocolate or raw cacao per day – except for maybe Valentine’s Day. Technical note: Many people have asked me about Dutch chocolate. It is created when an alkalizing agent is added to the cocoa powder to reduce acidity and give it a milder flavor and a darker color. {B} - 15

The Recipes Bean Chili with Walnuts & Chocolate Serves 6-8

This bean chili is not only warm, comforting and spicy, it also has the most wonderful flavor from dark chocolate, coffee, red wine and crunchy walnuts. I seriously can’t think of a more perfect recipe to embrace the cold weather with. 2 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, ghee or coconut oil 1 large yellow onion, peeled and finely chopped 2 cloves garlic, peeled and finely chopped 2 tsp cumin seeds 1 fresh chili, minced (more if you like it spicy) 1 tsp ground paprika 1 tsp dried oregano 2 bell pepper, red & yellow, finely chopped 1 carrot, finely chopped 1 parsnip, peeled and finely chopped 2 large stalks of celery with top greens, finely chopped 1 ½ cup (150 g) raw walnuts, very finely chopped 5 cups (800 g) cooked mixed beans (adzuki, kidney, black eye, borlotti) 2 x 400 g cans whole plum tomatoes 1 cup (240 ml) water 2 tsp salt 1/2 cup (120 ml) red wine or balsamic vinegar 1/2 cup (120 ml) coffee (optional) 2 oz (60 g) 80% dark chocolate, broken in pieces

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Recipe and Photographs Courtesy of GreenKitchen

For serving 1 bunch of fresh cilantro, coarsely chopped 1/2 cup (120 ml) plain yogurt 1 lime, quartered 4 corn tortillas, toasted

Add bell pepper, carrot, parsnip and celery, let cook for another couple of minutes.

Start by preparing all vegetables. Heat oil in a large thick-bottomed saucepan or dutch oven. Add onion, garlic, cumin, chili, paprika and oregano, and let fry for a couple of minutes, stirring occasionally, until the spices smells fragrant. Be careful so they don’t burn.

Now add red wine, coffee and chocolate, stir around carefully and let cook for 5 more minutes. Taste and season with sea salt and freshly ground pepper.

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Add walnuts, beans, tomatoes, water and salt and let cook for 30 minutes more.

Serve in bowls with a dollop of yogurt, fresh cilantro, lime and toasted corn tortilla.

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Recipes and Photographs Courtesy of LunchBoxBunch

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Vegan Fudgey Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies makes 1 tray of brownies, 9” square or circle baking pan

These Fudgey Peanut Butter Swirl Brownies have two distinct qualities. They are vegan. And they are made with a black bean base. But I dare not call them black bean brownies in my house, since a few of the people who tried them and LOVED them .... hate beans of all kinds. These super fudgey brownies are topped with a generous swirl of velvet-y peanut butter, some crunchy walnuts and vegan chocolate chips. I enjoyed these brownies straight from the oven all gooey and soft. But they also keep quite well in the fridge. Just warm before serving. Ingredients:


(2) 15 ounce cans of black beans (unsalted) drain and rinse 7 large Medjool dates, pits removed 4 Tbsp virgin coconut oil, melted, organic 1/2 cup agave syrup 1/3 tsp vanilla extract 1 tsp salt 1/2 cup cocoa powder 1/4 tsp cinnamon 1/2 cup spelt flour (or any flour to substitute) 1 tsp flax seeds (optional) 2 Tbsp Maca powder (optional) 1/2-1 tsp instant coffee (optional)

1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.

Topping: 3 Tbsp peanut butter + 1 tsp coconut or safflower oil 1/3 cup raw walnuts, chopped 1/4 cup chocolate chips, vegan (optional, not shown) 1/4 cup coconut flakes Notes: The flax seeds add a bit of ‘egg replacing’ body to the brownies, but are optional. If you do not add them, you may want to add in an extra Tbsp of flour. Nutritional info per piece (12 pieces per recipe) Calories: 188kcal, Fat: 6g, Fiber: 6g, Protein: 6g, Carbs: 31g Iron: 11% RDA, Calcium: 5% RDA

2. Add the dates (pitted), black beans, agave syrup, salt, vanilla extract, coconut oil (melted state), and optional flax seeds to a high speed blender (Vitamix) or a food processor. Start on low and blend until very smooth. 3. Transfer this mixture to a large mixing bowl and fold in the cocoa powder, flour, cinnamon, instant coffee and Maca powder. 4. Grease your baking pan and pour in the brownie mixture. Smooth out with a spatula. 5. Heat the peanut butter and oil together so that you have a very liquid peanut butter mixture. Swirl that over top the brownie batter and swirl into brownies with a knife. 6. Add the chocolate chips and walnuts over top that. (Coconut flakes are optional. 7. Bake at 375 degrees for about 35 minutes. Allow to cool at least fifteen minutes before slicing - serve warm for more messy, soft brownies that kind of fall apart when you eat them. Or allow an hour to cool for more firm, slice-able brownies. Store on the counter top if serving within one day. Or store in the fridge for up to one week. You will need to warm the chilled brownies in microwave or oven before serving. - 19

Raw Banana Macadamia Coconut Dream Pie Makes 1 - 6 inch tart

When I started to get serious about making desserts back in college, one of my favorite things to make was banana cream pie. I thought my recipe was the best... deep dish banana bourbon cream pie, piled high with billowy, clouds of whipped cream and topped off with toasted coconut. It was pretty amazing, and I made it many times, never thinking it could be trumped.

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That is, until I made the most amazing banana cream pie I have ever tasted. It needed no dairy, eggs, or refined sugar, it was veganlicious, and way more amazing! Crunchy and a little salty from the crust and topping, creamy, sweet and dreamy in the middle, plus chocolate and fruity bananas...pure heaven! Crust: 1 cup macadamia nuts 1 cups shredded, dried coconut 1/2 cup sprouted, dried buckwheat (or additional coconut 1/8 teaspoon sea salt 8 soft medjool dates, pitted and chopped Filling: 2 cups sliced bananas 1/2 cup raw cashews (soaked for at least 4 hours in filtered water and drained) 1 1/2 cups young coconut meat or soaked cashews (drained) 1/3 cup plus 1 Tbsp raw agave nectar or raw honey 1/4 tsp sea salt 2 tsp pure vanilla extract and seeds from half a vanilla bean (half reserved for topping) 1/3 cup raw coconut oil (warmed to liquid) 2 sliced bananas 3 Tbsp raw cacao powder

For the crust, combine the nuts, coconut, and buckwheat in a food processor and process until crumbs. Add the sea salt and dates and process until the mixture starts to come together when squeezed. Press into the bottom and up the sides of a 6 inch spring-form pan, sprayed with nonstick coconut oil spray. Place in the freezer while you prepare the filling. For the filling, combine 2 cups bananas, coconut, coconut water, agave, sea salt, and vanilla in a food processor and process until smooth. With the motor running, slowly add the coconut oil and process for a minute. Divide the mixture into 2 bowls, then place one back in the food processor and add cacao powder. Process until combined. Pour the chocolate filling mixture over the prepared crust, then top with sliced bananas, then the plain filling, then more bananas. Place in the freezer to set for about an hour.

Cream Topping: 3/4 cup raw cashew pieces (preferably soaked overnight) 1/4 cup coconut water 1 cups fresh young coconut meat (or additional soaked cashews if not available) 3 Tbsp raw agave nectar or raw honey 1/4 tsp sea salt 1 teaspoons vanilla and seeds of half a vanilla bean 1/4 cup raw coconut oil (warmed to liquid)

To make the topping, combine the cashews, coconut water, sea salt, agave nectar, and vanilla and process until smooth. Add the coconut oil slowly with the motor running (If the mixture starts to separate and clump, the filling is too cold to emulsify the oil, so warm some of it and process again). Place the topping in the freezer for about 30-45 minutes until it firms up to frosting consistency. Once frosting consistency, move to the fridge until ready to use. Once the filling has set, spread the topping over the tart.

1/2 cup raw macadamia nuts 1/2 cup large flake coconut large pinch of sea salt 1 Tbsp honey

In a food processor, place macadamia nuts, coconut, sea salt, and honey and pulse until chopped. Sprinkle over tart, and serve! Store extra in the fridge.

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Recipe and Photos Courtesy of Fragrant Vanilla Cake - 21

RAW Avocado Fudge Cupcake Chef Raya Belna

yield: 1 dozen standard cupcakes


4 avocados, extra soft 2 c cacao powder 2 c maple syrup 1/4 c cacao butter, liquid 1/4 c coconut oil, liquid 1 T olive oil 1 T vanilla bean powder 1/2 tsp sea salt (fine) Process all ingredients until smooth, adding cacao butter last. Chill for 30-60 minutes or until slightly firm.


2 c brazil nut flour 2 c cacao powder 1 c coconut flour 2 c maple syrup 1/4 c filtered water 2 T vanilla bean powder 1 tsp sea salt (fine) Place all dry ingredients for crust in clean, dry food processor. Process lightly until well mixed. Add in wet ingredients and continue to process until mixture begins to stick together. Form balls using hands or ice cream scoop and press into lined cupcake molds. Frost cupcakes and serve immediately or keep refrigerated

d Downloae Recip Recipe Courtesy of Raya Belna - Photograph Courtesy of Anne Watson 22 -

Recipe and Photograph Courtesy of food52

Vegan Avocado Chocolate Mousse Serves 2 to 4

Chocolate lovers of all stripes will appreciate this rich, easy to prepare confection. Avocados provide the creamy smoothness of traditional chocolate mousse. Part of the beauty of this recipe lies in its versatility. The dessert can be lightened up by eliminating the coconut milk, or made even quicker by substituting raw cacao powder for the bittersweet chocolate. For a colorful touch top with fresh berries or chopped pistachios sprinkled with sea salt or a smidgen of cinnamon.


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1 ripe Hass avocado 4 ounces bittersweet chocolate 1/4 cup thick coconut milk (from the top of the can) 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract 3 tablespoons agave syrup 1 pinch sea salt

Directions: 1. In a heatproof bowl, melt the chocolate in the coconut milk over hot water, or in the microwave. Stir until smooth, cool slightly. 2. Put remaining ingredients in a food processor bowl, and add cooled chocolate mixture. Blend until completely smooth. 3. Spoon into dessert cups. Serve well-chilled, with a dollop of coconut cream, if desired. - 23

Gluten Free Chocolate Ginger Bread Makes one loaf

The taste of this dense and lovely gingerbread smacks delightfully of cocoa and ginger spice. The texture is akin to pound cake. This is a perfect not-too-sweet cake for afternoon tea with your best friend, or an edible sigh-inducing respite from wrapping gifts. Nibble it playing Scrabble by a crackling fire. Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice flour or sorghum flour 3/4 cup almond meal 1/2 cup cornstarch or potato starch- not potato flour 1 cup light brown sugar 1/3 cup unsweetened cocoa powder 2 teaspoons baking powder 3/4 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon xanthan gum 2 teaspoons ground ginger 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 3/4 teaspoon fine sea salt 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg or cardamom 2 large organic free-range eggs, beaten 1/2 cup unsulfured molasses 1/4 cup organic coconut oil 4 tablespoons non-dairy milk 2 teaspoons bourbon vanilla extract

Recipe and Photos Courtesy of Gluten-Free GoddessÂŽ

Instructions: Preheat the oven to 350ÂşF. Line a 9-inch ceramic loaf pan with a piece of parchment paper that rises up the long sides of the pan. In a mixing bowl, whisk together the dry ingredients- brown rice flour through nutmeg. Add in the eggs, molasses, coconut oil, nondairy milk and vanilla extract and beat well, until the batter is smooth. A standing mixer will handle this task best. Scoop the gingerbread batter into the prepared loaf pan and bake in the center of the oven for roughly an hour. The top will crack a bit. A cake tester inserted into the center should emerge clean. 24 -

Allow the loaf to cool in the pan until it is cooled enough to handle. Gently remove it from the pan (this is where the parchment paper lining comes in handy) and continue to cool on a wire rack. Slice with a sharp bread knife. Wrap the loaf well for storing overnight. For longer storage, slice and wrap pieces in foil, bag, and freeze. Cook time: About 1 hour Makes one dark and divine gingerbread loaf.

d Downloae Recip Recipe and Photos Courtesy of Gluten-Free Goddess速 - 25

Truffles from Belgium Vegan Raspberry Belgium Chocolates Raspberry Cream Filling: 3/4 c Raspberries 1 1/2 tsp Lemon Juice 1/4 c Coconut Oil 1/4 c Cashew, soaked for 2 hours optional 1/3 c soft Date + 3-4 tbls Filtered water 1 tsp Vanilla extract 1 Vanilla Bean Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt Blend the dates and water until completely incorporated and resemble a paste. If it is still too stiff add more water 1 tbls at a time. Remove from the blender and set aside. Blend the raspberries and lemon juice briefly and pour into a mesh sieve over a glass bowl in order to filter out the seeds. Use a spatula to move and push the raspberry pulp around in order to separate the juice from the seeds. The raspberry juice should yield 1/2 c of juice. Blend all the ingredients until completely smooth. Pour into a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Let set in the freezer for 20 min or until solid but not frozen, or leave overnight in the fridge. To shape into balls, use a 1/2 tbls size measuring and scoop out the cream onto a wax paper surface. Roll into balls using the palm of your hands. The Raspberry Cream is a very soft cream so if it starts to get too soft, then return to the freezer for 10 minutes or until solid. Once all the balls are rolled, return to the fridge until just before they are ready to dip into the Belgium Chocolate.

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Recipe and Photos Courtesy The Bee’s Knees Kitchen

Belgium Chocolate: 1/3 c Cacao Butter 1/3 c Cacao Powder 3 tbls Agave Nectar 1/2 tsp Vanilla Powder Pinch of Celtic Sea Salt Pinch of Chili Powder Bring 2 cups of water to a simmer in a small saucepan. Place the cacao butter in a medium size glass bowl and place the bowl over the top of the saucepan. Stir with a wooden spoon until the cacao butter is completely melted. Stir in the agave, vanilla, salt and chili powder. Turn off the stove and while continuing to stir, shift in the cacao powder. To dip each ball in the chocolate, place a toothpick in each of the Raspberry Cream ball. Dip it in the melted chocolate and continue to turn the ball until all the excess chocolate drips off. Holding the chocolate covered ball upright, slide just the tip of a fork off under the ball, very carefully slide the ball onto a non-stick sheet. Repeat until all the balls are covered. If you like to add a little extra to the Raspberry Belgium Chocolate top with either chilli powder, cacao nibs, coconut or goji berries. Place back in refrigerator to set the chocolate. Makes 20 Raspberry Belgium Chocolates

d Downloae Recip - 27

d Downloae Recip

Raw Dark Chocolate Glazed Red Velvet Doughnuts Makes 16

Doughnuts: 3 cups almond meal 2 1/2 cups dried shredded unsweetened coconut 1/2 tsp sea salt 1/4 cup plus 2 Tbsp agave nectar or honey 2 tsp pure vanilla extract 1 small 2 inch chunk of organic raw red beet (or enough to color the cake red) Raw Chocolate Glaze: 1/2 cup melted coconut oil 1/2 cup raw cacao powder a pinch sea salt 1/4 cup agave nectar

“I was craving raw doughnuts this weekend. But the problem was I didn't know which kind to make. It was between Dark Chocolate with Salted Caramel, Apple Walnut Spice, and Red Velvet. So I took a poll on Facebook and it was unanimous, Red Velvet won! “

To make the doughnuts, combine all ingredients and process until smooth. Shape into 16 balls, and then shape into doughnuts and place on a dehydrator sheet. Dry for about 8 hours or until not sticky. To make the glaze, whisk all ingredients until smooth. Let sit a little while to thicken. Place the doughnuts on a drying rack. Drizzle the glaze over the doughnuts, then them on a foil lined sheet pan. Place in the freezer to harden for a few minutes. Remove from freezer, and serve!

Recipe and Photos Courtesy of Fragrant Vanilla Cake - 29

Vegan Caponata di melazane al cioccolato (Caponata with chocolate)

1kg small aubergine 500gr red tomatoes 500gr celery stalks 50gr rinsed salted capers 2 onions 200gr pitted green olives 60gr pine nuts 50gr sugar half glass red vinegar fresh basil leaves dark chocolate 70% - 90% 1 pinch ground pepper or chilly pepper rock salt olive oil Wash the aubergines, dice them, put the pieces in a strainer, sprinkle them with rock salt, and let sit for 2 hours to draw out the bitter juices. Chop the celery stalks, boil them in unsalted water for 5 minutes, drain well, pat dry with kitchen paper then fry them in olive oil and set aside. Chop onion and tomatoes. Start with a bit of olive oil in the pan and gently fry the onions, then add the green pitted olives, capers, pine nuts and after a few minutes add the tomatoes. Cook for about 15 minutes then put aside. Wash the aubergines, pat them dry with kitchen paper then fry the aubergines in olive oil. Gather all the ingredients together in a bigger pan: aubergines, celery stalks and onion with tomatoes. Mix well, add sugar and vinegar and cook at medium high until the vinegar has evaporated. Let it cool completely. Just before serving, melt a bit of dark chocolate at baigne-marie with a pinch of ground pepper or chilly pepper. Drizzle over the caponata and decorate with fresh basil leaves.

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d Downloae Recip Recipe and Photo Courtesy of Fiordizucca

What is Caponata? Caponata is a Sicilian eggplant relish made from chopped fried vegetables (mostly eggplants and peppers), seasoned with celery, olives and capers, in a bittersweet sauce. Variations of the ingredients exist: the “classical” recipes on the whole island number well over 37. Today, caponata is typically used as a side dish or appetizer, but, since the 1700s, it has sometimes been used as a main course. Caponata is an example of the eggplant-tomato combination that is found in many cuisines, such as the different moussaka found in the eastern Mediterranean. The etymology of the name is not entirely known and evokes some controversy: it comes from either the “capon” or from the “caupone”, the sailors’ taverns.

Easy Veg 101

Photo Courtesy of SheWhoEats Blog

Chocolate Baguette 1. Slice your favorite baguette 2. Brush baguette with organic olive oil 3. Top with organic chocolate 4. Place in 350 degree oven until chocolate melts 5. Sprinkle with Himalayan Pink Salt 6. Eat! - 33

Soul Food

Celebrate the Heart Chakra on Valentine’s Day Joy E. Stocke


wenty-one days after conception, when we implant ourselves in our mother’s wombs, we join in our first relationship with another heart. Our own hearts begin to beat in rhythm with our mother’s hearts, something an ultrasound recognizes as bursts of light radiating energy to our developing brains and organs. And here is where one of the world’s oldest energetic systems, the chakra (chakra means wheel or energetic turning) system comes into play. Hindu and other belief systems including Tibetan Buddhism, place the heart at the center of the chakra system, just as it resides in the center of our bodies, making our hearts the conduit between emotion and higher consciousness. The most familiar system in the west consists of seven chakras and corresponding colors: Muladara - root - red Swadisthana - sacral - orange Manipura - gut - yellow

Anahata - heart - green Visshuda - throat - blue Ajna - third eye - lavender Sahasrara - crown - white Anahata - heart - means “unstruck sound”. But how is an unstruck sound possible when we can hear and feel our hearts beat? Mystics say the answer lies beyond consciousness and can be described as a divine spark. Scientists study the Schuman Resonance, a repeating atmospheric pulse, also called the earth’s heartbeat, an intermingling between the electromagnetic current of the atmosphere and space within the earth itself. We may wonder why the color green represents the heart in the chakra system. Again, we see the earthly and heavenly realms intermingle where our guts, represented by the color yellow, contain what scientists recognize as a second brain; and our throats, represented by the color blue, hold our center of speech. Our hearts transmit signals from our guts to our throats making it possible to feel and say the words, “I love you.” There is a second color system associated with the heart: In Tibetan Buddhism, Shakti or divine feminine

energy, is symbolized by a red drop, and Shiva, divine male energy, by a white drop. When the red and white drops intermingle, the resulting pearl-pink color symbolizes the union of male and female energies. Shakti is also represented by an upward facing triangle and Shiva by a downward facing triangle creating a hexagram within the center of the heart. If you are giving gemstones to your beloved for Valentine’s Day, appropriate stones to honor the heart chakra are emerald, peridot, chrysoprase, rose quartz, pink pearls, and pink tourmaline. We might also bestow chocolate, flowers, and kisses upon our beloveds. But the sense organ associated with our heart chakras is our skin and the action is touch. Why not press your hand gently against your beloved’s breastbone and feel his or her heart pulsing with light? Ask your beloved to press his or her hands against your breastbone. Now close your eyes. Breathe slowly and treasure a precious gift, the beat of an unstruck sound. You and your beloved are holding one another’s hearts in your hands. {B} - 35

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