Saskatchewan Farm Life, July 3, 2023

Page 1 WETAKEYOURSEEDINGTOAWHOLENEWLEVEL TheMorris 9 SeriesAirCartistheperfectbalance ofprecisionand reliability.Farmer-inspired innovationsinclude:Input Control Technology new tank configurations, a leftsideauger foreasier access, aredesigned stairway andthe TopconX35console Plus, a premiumperformance finish for extratoughness. To learnmore aboutthenewfarmer-inspired 9 Series,talk toyourMorrisdealer today. Nipawin,SK. BLAIRPIERLOT SALESMANAGER F.V.PIERLOT&SONSLTD. Bus.306-862-4732|Cell.306-862-6516 NEWSPECIALS 2023APACHEAS1250XPSPRAYER,120ft.1200gal,duals,hawkeye.........................................CALL 2022AKRONEXG300X GrainBagExtractor............................................................................ $61,000 2022VERSATILEFURY40’, High-SpeedDisc............................................................................ DEMO 2021SUNFLOWER6631VERTICALTILLAGE, 40’,22”Blades,Baskets...................................CALL 2021MF4710TRACTOR, MFWD,Platform,540pto,100HP.......................................................CALL 2022MF2860MTRACTOR, Cab,Loader,MFWD.60HP..............................................................CALL 2022MF1316SDISCMOWERCONDITIONER, 16’....................................................................CALL 2022PARKER1654GRAINCART, 1600Bushel,Scale,Tarp,900Duals.....................................CALL 2022FARMKING16X104AUGER, TeleSwing.............................................................................CALL USEDSWATHERS 2014MFWR9740, 1300Hrs.30’,Shears,GPS......................................................................... $89,000 USEDHEADERS 2009HONEYBEESP36, 36’Header,JDAdapter...................................................................... $35,000 USEDTRACTORS 2016MF4610M, 100HP,Cab,Loader,MFWD,625Hrs........................................................... $69,000 2017MF2705E, 48HP,1374Hrs,Hydro,4WD,LDR................................................................. $34,500
FarmLIFE Saskatchewan
Winning Photo by Bailey Dueker



NEW2022MF4710, 100hpw/loader ..........................$114,000

New2022MF2860, 60hp,hydro,cabloader10yrpowertrain

warranty .............................................................................$80,500

New2022GC1725, 24hp,loader,10yrpowertrainwarranty, 0%fin. .................................................................................$26,250

2013KubotaBX2370, loader,60”bellymower511hrs


2019KubotaM7-152D, loadergrapple .........................$155,000

2011Leon10’4wayblade, cameoff1486IHtractor.....$9,500


2022KubotaSVL75skidsteer, 535hrsbucket ............$92,500

2022KubotaSVL75skidsteer, 435hrsbucket............$92,500



1997Rogator854, 5665hrs ..................................................SOLD


9620FarmKing3ptsnowblower, 8’,540pto,hyd.Chute






NEW2022Morris78’heavyharrow, carbide ...............$81,500

2019MorrisQuantum70’airdrill, dualchute,pairedrow




NEW2022MF2956A, baler,net&twine .......................$79,500

2010MasseyFerguson2856ABaler, mesh,twine,largetires


2006Hesston956Abaler, 12000bales ........................$12,500


2013MFWR9735,36’, sheers,770hrs ...........................$75,000

2018MFW9950, 35’dualswath,GPS,480hrs ...................SOLD



Riteway3500, headertransport .......................................$3,500

2019HoneyBeeF240AirFlexheader, CNHadapter ...Coming

1997MF8780, w/pickuphead ......................................$19,500


NEW2022AkronEXG300 bagextractor......................$60,000

Saskatchewan Farm Life A2 Monday, July 3, 2023
TODAY! 306-445-2427
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Saskatchewan Farm Life Monday, July 3, 2023 A3 TAKE THE STRESS OUT OF OUTOF CALVING Monitoryourcalvingbarnsanytime whileyou’rehome,oraway. ENSUREFARMSECURITY Checkoutyourentireoperation24/7-365, whetheronthefarm,orelsewhere. COMMUNICATIONS GROUP LethbridgeLtd. , Ph(403)380-6602 or 1-800-763-4721 2847–2Ave.N. Lethbridge,AlbertaT1H6S2 1-888-703-0587 FarmLIFE Saskatchewan SilageCovers NetWrap SilageBags GrainBags Twines BaleWrap Andmore... Freedeliveryoptionsavailable. 7802064666 7803796444 Contact adi h d l GRAIN CH&S CANADIANHAY& SILAGE LTD
Saskatchewan Farm Life A4 Monday, July 3, 2023 FarmLife Staff Top picks email photo submissions to
Photo by Mattea Jacklyn Photo by Dwight Teale Photo by Jennifer Berry

Don’t poop in the water!

That’s what society says to a ranching family that has been herding their cattle through a stream for over a century.

“OK” says the rancher. “I’ll fence off the creek, drill wells and install water systems.”

“Oh, by the way, it’s going to cost about $50,000 to do this. Who do I send the bill to? Or will I get more money for my beef because I done the “sustainable” thing?”, asks the rancher.

As the world grapples with the urgent need to address environmental concerns, farmers are finding themselves under increasing pressure to modify their practices and adopt new technologies to promote sustainability in agriculture. However, a significant question arises: who will bear the financial burden of these changes?

This article delves into the dilemma faced by farmers and explores whether consumers are truly willing to invest their money in supporting sustainable agriculture.

The Challenge for Farmers:

Farmers often face resistance and financial strain when asked to adopt more sustainable methods or integrate new technologies. Consider additional costs of air seeders and sprayers equipped with sectional shut off, variable rate capability or turn compensation. The cost of such modifications can be significant, placing an added burden on the already slim margins of farmers.

The question of who should pay for these changes is crucial. While society benefits from sustainable practices, farmers bear the immediate financial consequences. Is the cost to be borne by the farmer, the government or passed onto consumers?

Consumer Willingness to Invest

To achieve true sustainability in agriculture, consumers need to actively support farmers by choosing sustainable products and being willing to pay a premium for them. However, the willingness of consumers to back their sustainability rhetoric with their wallets is still uncertain. While surveys often show that consumers prioritize sustainable practices, their actions at the checkout counter may not align with their stated values.

Creating a Sustainability Index

One proposed solution is the implementation of a sustainability index

on packaged food products. Such an index would provide consumers with information about the environmental impact of the food they purchase, enabling them to make more informed choices. Would a sustainability index on a package of pasta be better than having a nonsensical non-GMO label on the item? And would consumers pay $.50 more for a spaghetti with a sustainability index of 89 verses one at 53?

Would consumers truly walk the talk?

Potential Benefits for Farmers

The introduction of a sustainability index could have positive implications for farmers and ranchers. A higher sustainability index on their products could potentially command a higher price, providing financial incentives to adopt sustainable practices. This could help offset the costs of implementing environmental improvements, such as erecting fences or drilling wells, and encourage broaderadoptionofsustainable methods throughout the agricultural sector.


The quest for sustainable agriculture necessitates changes in farming practices, often at a considerable financial cost to farmers.

The question of who should bear this burden remains complex. While consumers express support for sustainable agriculture, their willingness to pay a premium for sustainable products is uncertain. Implementing a sustainability index on packaged food may help bridge this gap, potentially driving consumer behavior and rewarding farmers for their sustainable practices. However, further research and evaluation are needed to determine the effectiveness of such initiatives in ensuring a fair distribution of the costs associated with sustainable agriculture.

Robert Saik is a professional agrologist and certified agriculture consultant.HeisanauthorofFOOD5.0and

The Agriculture Manifesto and CEO, of AGvisorPRO an app that connects thoseseekingagricultureadvicewith experts who provide answers. You can reach Rob by downloading and connectingtohimonAGvisorPRO

Saskatchewan Farm Life Monday, July 3, 2023 A5
CONSUMERS PREPARED TO PAY FOR SUSTAINABILITY? Sendusyourbestpictureforachancetohave yourphotoselectedtobeonournextcover forManitoba&SaskatchewanFarmLIFE newspapers.Everymonthallsubmissionsare enteredtowina$100.00giftcardcourtesyof COVER COVERPPAGE AGE CONTEST end bestpic f chanc ha SEND YOURPICTURESTO *Onlyonecoverphotowinnerwillbeselectedpermonth(betweenManitobaFarmPressandSaskatchewanFarmPresspapers)asselectedbyBlackPressMedia. Throughsubmission;anyonesendingpicturestoenterthephotocovercontestauthorizepublishingoftheirphotowithoutcompensation,andfurtherconsentto theirnamescredited.PrincessAutogiftcardsareacceptedasisandarenotnegotiableforcash,restrictionsmayapply.
Saskatchewan Farm Life A6 Monday, July 3, 2023 Classified Section Mary Kemmis Publisher 403-506-1768 PublishedEvery OtherMonday READTHEPAPERS ONLINEAT Visa or Mastercard Phone Orders - Toll Free: 1-888-703-0587 E-mail: The Saskatchewan FarmLife is a division of Black Press Media and is distributed every other week to every farm and ranch in Saskatchewan. Toll Free 1-888-703-0587 “WE DELIVER TO EVERY FARM & RANCH!” FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AG-VISER Farmer / Stockman FarmLIFE Manitoba FarmLIFE Saskatchewan AD-VISER Farmer / Stockman TO PLACE A SASKATCHEWAN FARM LIFE CLASSIFIED AD CALL: 1-888-703-0587 Beat heart disease and stroke. Learn more © Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, 2022 | ™ The heart and / Icon on its own and the heart and / Icon followed by another icon or words are trademarks of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada. CLASSIFIED ADS WORK! 1-866-865-4460 MISCELLANEOUS MACHINERY PARTS SEEDS GRAIN, FEED & HAY THANK YOU FOR RECYCLING THIS NEWSPAPER. MURPHY SALVAGE: New, used, rebuilt parts, for tractors, combines, swather’s, balers, tillage & miscellaneous machinery. Toll Free: 1-877-858-2728 or 204-858-2727, Deleau, MB. Certified Seed Wheat • AAC Goodwin, Go Early, Pintail Winter Wheat Oats • AC Juniper, AC Morgan, AC Mustang, Derby, CDC SO1 Super Oats Barley • AB. Standswell, Cerveza, CDC Austenson, CDC Maverick, Sundre Barley Peas • Very Early Yellow Pea & Forage Peas • Polish Canola & Spring Triticale Call: 403-556-2609
Saskatchewan Farm Life Monday, July 3, 2023 A7
Photo by Claire Paradis Photo by Emma Fehr Photo by Dwight Teale
Saskatchewan Farm Life A8 Monday, July 3, 2023 UNRAUAUCTIONLtd. AuctioneerJoshUnrau204-871-0279 DOYOUHAVEITEMSTOSELL?CALLUSTODAY! GOTO UNRAUAUCTIONS.COM FORFULLDETAILSANDTOPLACEYOURBIDS! 2.milesEastofAustinMBonnorthsideoftranscanadaHWY1. (BetweenRd62and63West,Useserviceroad), MacGregor,R0H0R0MB,CA ThiswillbealargeSale,FeatureconsignorsareNathanandMarieElias. TheyhavedecidedtoselltheirbinbuildingoperationandSelltheiracreage andpursueotheropportunities.Thissalewillfeaturebinbuildingequipment includinghydraulicbinjacks,Hugeassortmentofbinparts,binbolts, telehandler,equipmenttrailer,campertrailers,aswellasKubotaacreage tractorwithloaderandattachments,pickuptrucksandMUCHMORE!! PaymenttobemadeinCanadianfunds.GSTandPSTchargedwhereapplicable. August3rd EquipmentConsignmentAuction August3,2023 NOBUYERS PREMIUM

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