Blackheath High School Head's Vision

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Independent School for Girls Aged 3-18

V I S I o N 2024 V I S I o N 2024

A gdst welcome A gdst welcome


The GDST was founded by four pioneering Suffragists in 1872 on the principle that girls should be entitled to the same quality education as boys. These trailblazing women enshrined the values of ambition, fearlessness, equality, and a focus on reaching as many girls as possible - all of which the GDST remains passionately committed to today.

More than 150 years later, we have come a long way, but there is always more work to do. It may be tempting to think that we have achieved equality in education but a quick look at today’s workplace - one that still lacks a representative number of women in senior leadership positions - shows that our wider mission to achieve gender equality is yet to be achieved. It has never been more important to be true to our mission of helping girls learn without limits, so they can go on the lead lives without limits and make the world a better place for us all.

An education at a GDST school, which puts her at the centre of the learning experience, may be the only time in her life when she will be in an environment designed solely to help her realise her full potential.

That is why Blackheath High School’s Vision is so important – it puts girls at the very heart of everything it does. From learning in the classroom to the choices girls make and the people they become when they leave, everything Blackheath High School does is designed to enable girls to learn without limits and to achieve whatever they put their minds to.

Blackheath High School is constantly innovating – from its recent £18m redevelopment, creating a raft of new, state-of-the-art facilities; to the unique Girl emPowered Collective, a suite of initiatives that embody the school’s dedication to fostering the next generation of leaders, innovators, and changemakers; to the wonderful Mighty Girls Challenge, a Junior School programme designed to instil in pupils the skills and characteristics predicted by the World Economic Forum to be vital for the future workforce: from resilience to creativity, problem-solving to critical thinking.

With innovation at its very heart, I am excited to see where this bold, pioneering, girl-centred vision will take Blackheath High School.


This vision for the future of Blackheath High School is a collaborative effort, drawing on the informed insight, tireless passion, experience and integrity of our senior leaders, teaching staff, students, GDST colleagues, and the wider community. Grounded in knowledge and informed by best practice, it reflects not just the immediate needs of our students, but the broader aspirations and challenges facing girls and women in today’s society. It speaks to an education designed specifically for girls, not one where they fit in around the needs of boys. It is testament to our overarching commitment to shaping, empowering, and nurturing the leaders of tomorrow.

At Blackheath High School, we envision a future where every student – from Nursery to Sixth Form – is equipped with the knowledge, skills, ambition, and confidence to thrive in a rapidly changing world. A future where innovation, inclusivity, and excellence are not just ideals but lived realities.

The dynamic in a girls-only setting is different: there is strong evidence that girls are more likely to boldly take intellectual risks, adopt leadership roles, and be less inclined to conform to stereotypes. Research demonstrates that GDST girls leave school prepared to face the future, with the confidence to make choices and overcome barriers in a world that is far from equal.

Here, every subject is a girls’ subject. We believe that when girls are free of the shackles of damaging gender stereotyping, they are more likely to go on to study male-dominated subjects at university – from engineering to computer science, physics to ethical hacking; and are more confident in taking up leadership positions and reshaping the future workforce.

As we embark on this journey, guided by our collective vision and values, we are poised to make a meaningful and lasting impact, not only within our school community but far beyond its borders.

Aged 9, GDST girls have higher levels of confidence than their peers in a number of areas
6% 31% 20% 69% 73% 37% 35% 48%4 8% 5% 69% 80% Avoid certain activities because of their gender Feel negatively about the future Comfortable taking risks Comfortable talking to people with other views
National Girls National Boys
Natalie Argile Head
GDST girls



our ethos our ethos

We are a school where girls boldly go

Blackheath High School is a true community; an independent school for girls in the heart of one of the world’s greatest cities.

We see the world through our girls’ eyes, not girls through the world’s eyes.

A school that encourages girls to be daring.

To discover their passion.

To chase their goals with unwavering conviction.

To transform their aspirations into achievements.

A school which respects their dreams and then works tirelessly to nurture them, with the support of proven expertise in girls’ education.

A school that challenges the status quo, rethinks what’s possible and how to make it happen at every turn.

A school which champions individuality, so that each girl –whether she dreams of running a business, running the 800 metres at the Olympics or even running the country – can achieve her own personal best.


A Blackheath High School education inspires and equips girls to boldly step out into the world with the confidence, courage, and conviction to follow their passions and chosen path. Our school environment is one in which academic curiosity is cultivated and a balanced, open-minded outlook is nurtured. We empower girls to strive for personal excellence in all their endeavours – intellectual, physical, creative, cultural, and social.


The vision The Vision

academic excellence
futures wellbeing

girls girls

Our vision is to be the leading experts in girls-only education, engaging with research-led approaches

• An education designed for girls

• Research-based teaching methods tailored to girls

• Our Girl emPowered Talk Series

• Ongoing collaboration with experts, to ensure we are always innovating


We offer an education that is designed to meet the unique needs and aspirations of girls. Our holistic approach encompasses specialised teaching methodologies, collaborative partnerships, and a commitment to a feminist-centred approach in our curriculum and beyond.

A dedicated team of school-based consultant teachers leads the way in implementing research-based pedagogical methods tailored specifically for girls. With a passion for excellence in education, they equip our teachers with innovative strategies to engage and inspire girls.

For parents, we offer the Girl emPowered Talk Series; a range of insightful, impactful talks that explore the nuances of girls’ development and support families as they navigate raising girls in the modern world. The aim is to open up dialogue between staff, parents, and students, and equip families with a toolkit of ideas and resources.

Our ongoing collaboration with experts at the GDST, the International Coalition of Girls’ Schools, and the Girls’ School Association allows us to access to the latest data, leverage research methods, share best practice, and continuously enhance our approach to teaching and learning.



School is a place where girls learn without limits.

The Mighty Girls Challenge for Years 2-5 is an empowering programme designed to inspire pupils to develop core skills which will be central to their development, now and into the future. The challenges are based on the key skills the World Economic Forum predicts will be central to our girls when they enter the world of work, and include creativity, critical thinking, complex problem-solving, and resilience. Each challenge also asks the pupils to reflect on what they have learned and achieved, boosting confidence, building resilience, and promoting a sense of agency.


academic excellence academic excellence

Our vision is to enable girls to achieve outstanding academic success, through a carefully cultivated curriculum from Nursery

• An inspiring, rigorous and challenging curriculum

• Passionate, aspirational teachers

• Extensive co-curricular programme

• Bespoke guidance and support for higher education

• Girl emPowered Scholarships

• Opportunities to take part in competitions at every level

• Consistently excellent exam results


We foster curiosity of learning, embrace challenge, and deliver a rigorously stretching curriculum. This is led by an experienced, highly aspirational academic team, focused on outstanding achievement and dedicated to supporting individuals on their unique path.

Our curriculum is underpinned by a rich and diverse co-curricular offering that provides huge opportunity for intellectual challenge beyond the classroom.

The Blackheath High School Girl emPowered Scholarship Programme – a bespoke, worldclass academic concept designed to mentor, guide, enrich, and empower talented students – rewards academic excellence in the Senior School with a huge range of unique, dooropening opportunities.

Another way we encourage our students to stretch and challenge themselves is through academic competitions. These include both GDST-wide and high-level national competitions, creating an engaging programme to showcase talent, encourage participation, and develop leadership skills.

All students studying Maths, from Year 5 to Year 12, take part in the UK Mathematics Trust challenge.

Our Senior School students benefit from an array of optional, additional GCSEs, including Astronomy at the prestigious Royal Observatory, Ancient Greek, Statistics, and Psychology.

From Year 11, all students take part in preparation for higher education. The newly devised Competitive Admissions pathway offers specialised preparation, tailored guidance, and support for those applying to the UK’s most competitive courses and institutions.

All of these add up to a student body of girls who face their exams with confidence and determination. On average, the proportion of top GCSE grades achieved by GDST students is 3.5x the national average.


wellbeing wellbeing

Our vision is to teach girls to have a proactive approach to their wellbeing and to give them the tools needed to self-regulate, allowing them to thrive

• A culture of wellbeing that celebrates every girl’s individuality

• Exceptional pastoral care to nurture student resilience

• Brand-new wellbeing centre

• Our Girl emPowered Enrichment Programme

• Partnership with Tooled Up Education resources and access to evidence-led resources

• Balanced curriculum with wellbeing firmly embedded


Student wellbeing underpins all that we do at Blackheath High School. We foster a genuine culture of positive wellbeing that celebrates the unique diversity and individuality of every girl. Embedded into our ethos, we combine academic excellence with exceptional pastoral care to deliver a holistic education which enriches and nurtures students to become resilient, confident, empowered individuals who are outward-looking and forwardthinking.

Proactivity is key to our approach to wellbeing; it is integrated into our curriculum and Futures Programme, and has been designed to embed personal motivation, teaching girls to self-regulate and manage their own wellbeing.

Wellbeing extends beyond the classroom, with a rich and diverse school life. Academic stretch and ambition are balanced with opportunities for students to develop non-academic passions, support their communities, and develop relationships. These include trips days, workshops, societies, residential visits, and community outreach. There is also a selection of mindful co-curricular activities to choose from, from Walk in the Park, to yoga, to book clubs, and even knitting hats for premature babies.

Our brand new wellbeing centre, The Nest, will provide a vital place for students who might need a little space in their day. It will also be the new home of our Head of PSHEE & Wellbeing, and our dedicated School Counsellor.

The Blackheath High School Girl emPowered Enrichment Programme complements and expands on the curriculum. Every Senior School student takes part in the programme, from Year 7 all the way up to Year 13. Over the course of their time with us, a wide range of topics are covered - from career skills like leadership, journalism and film analysis, to healthy eating, and eco-friendly fashion.

We continue to develop a strong, collaborative partnership with experts at Tooled Up Education, focused on sharing evidence-based resources, ideas, and parenting good practice, to ensure that student wellbeing is prioritised across both school and home life.

At every step, Blackheath High girls are encouraged to become independent, resilient students, learning skills that will help them to self-regulate, grow and thrive in later life.


futures Futures

Our vision is to teach girls the skills they need to thrive; particularly in a world where they have to shout a little louder for equality

The Futures programme will be:

• Research-led

• Designed for girls

• Empowering with vital skills

• For all ages, from Nursery to Sixth Form

• Integrated into school life


Our Futures programme is pioneering, specialised, and tailored to girls. It is rooted in robust GDST research, implemented by our dedicated Head of Futures, and embodied by all staff and students.

We are designing the programme to meet the specific needs of girls for maximum effect, for every age group. Different to similar programmes in a co-educational environment, we teach skills that enable girls to succeed in future environments where they may find they need to shout a little louder than their male counterparts to be heard.

We aim to empower through a focus on leadership, confidence, risk-taking, personal and social responsibility, resourcefulness, critical thinking, collaboration, resilience, and intellectual curiosity. The carefully audited, comprehensive programme will be integrated into daily school life.

Our Wollstonecraft Speaker Series, Girl emPowered Enrichment Programme, community outreach, PSHEE lessons, assemblies, workshops, and co-curricular activities all pull together alongside the core curriculum to enable our girls not just to survive, but to thrive; now and in the future.

“We have to teach and empower girls to realise that they can take up space, challenge and be heard.”
- Gina Miller Leader of the True & Fair Party, and Founder of MoneyShe

Financial Literacy is taught from Nursery, where pupils learn to understand coins, to Year 13, where we explore the impact of rising interest rates.


sixth form sixth form

Our vision is to deliver an academically rigorous and competitive Sixth Form curriculum, harnessing the power of the GDST to provide an unrivalled offer

• A focus on the individual success of each girl

• Passionate and aspirational Sixth Form leadership team

• 1:1 mentoring and university application support

• Specialist Competitive Admissions preparation

• The GDST Lead course, run in partnership with LSE

• An alumnae network of over 70,000

• Prestigious scholarships, prizes and awards


Our newly-expanded, specialised Sixth Form Leadership Team focuses on the academic success of each girl, getting to know every student as an individual, and guiding them through these vital last two years of school with dedicated support.

Small classes and seminar-style teaching encourage discussion and debate, and prepare students for the transition to university and life beyond. 1:1 support for future progression is provided to all through our Prospects Programme; from apprenticeship applications, to UCAS submissions, to personal statements, we help ensure that every student finds the right path for her. Further specialist support is provided through our Competitive Admissions pathway for students applying to the most sought-after courses, including subjects like medicine and veterinary, overseas study and Oxbridge preparation.

Every Blackheath High School student is part of the GDST family for life. The GDST alumnae network has more than 70,000 members, spanning the world and every professional sector. Being a GDST alumna offers endless opportunities, from mentoring and business support to professional networking and social events.

A wide range of Sixth Form specific scholarships and prizes, including the prestigious GDST Trust scholarships, reward exceptional talent in different disciplines. Receiving a prize is a great honour, recognised by universities and other higher education institutes during the application process.

Blackheath High is part of the GDST family, giving Sixth Formers access to elite opportunities such as The Oxbridge GDST Conference, American Universities workshop, professional conferences, CareerStart, and GDST Space Tech in conjunction with NASA.


Making possible Making possible

We deliver our vision together with a talented, motivated workforce in an inspiring, effective environment, underpinned by a solid financial foundation.


We will continue to recruit and retain a talented, diverse, motivated workforce who are passionate about girls’ education and empowering the next generation of leaders. We commit to working closely with staff to understand how each individual is best supported, and we place huge importance on the value of skills, investing in external training, mental health support, skills development and much more.


We will remain dedicated to ensuring our diverse student body reflects our multicultural area, and creating global citizens with an awareness of the cultural, ethical, political, and economic issues facing the world. We will continue improving and investing in our school to ensure it remains an outstanding academic and pastoral environment, for our students and the wider community.


this possible this possible


A solid financial plan, combined with our place within the GDST network, will ensure that we remain financially robust in uncertain economic times. We will continue to focus on our bursary programme to ensure that every girl, whatever her background, is given the opportunity to fulfil her potential and her dreams.


We will ensure we continue to operate as a responsible and ethical organisation, and to focus on creating a positive impact on the world, rather than solely minimising our negative impact. We will be progressive and bold in our approach, and we are committed to fostering a culture of sustainability that transcends the classroom, extends into our community, and resonates with each individual.


Where girls boldly go


@blackheathhigh blackheathhighschool

Blackheath High School | Vanbrugh Park | London | SE3 7AG | 020 8853 2929

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