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so the next half-paradox is about how to keep individual units in a system in a status of free


will. the more diversified, the more order emerged in higher level. the whole system will be more


secure and sustainable. it's a safe control without control. it's a political wisdom every sparked


in chinese classic philosophies, however, it never been really adopted by rulers in history. arts can


change it in their works imaginatively.


the higher level of orders will be not definable by any single unit in a system, instead, it emerges

地从科学哲学家 stuart koffman 的进化上帝学说得到阐述。在 "reinventing the sacred" 中论及上

from evolution. the post-modern scientist, stuart koffman, cleary give us an image about


evolutionary god. in his book "reinventing the sacred", he argued that the ‘god' which supposed

物主不是必须的。这与我提出的"分享主义" (sharism)不谋而合,分享主义将独立个体的群

to create everything is actually a evolutionary power. it takes effects on everything we have today,


from single cell to complicated society. the rules run in different layers all come from evolution and

个高阶超能力,所以会产生“社会性上帝”(social god)现象,更整体地产生嬗变,个体无法

pre-adoption. it quite match my theory on sharism.


sharism define every human as a social neuron, the more we connect to each, the more we see a

我在 2009 策划奥地利电子艺术节研讨会时提出"云智慧"(cloud intelligence)作为主题,让科

higher level of intelligence. someday we can see the effect of "social god", which is super powerful


beyond today's democracy, much more intelligent than totalitarian system. any single individual

研讨会异常成功,其中来自加拿大的教育学家 stephen downes 也是主讲者之一,和我谈到宗教

can't understand the whole, however, they can feel the scared of the powerful intelligence.


i was curating ars electronica 2009 symposium with david sasaki. we defined "cloud intelligence" as the them of the conference. those artists and scients gathered and exited about that because

而是在进化中产生,因此就算如今上帝也可能只是在很婴儿的时期,我们每个人都是他大脑的一 个神经元而已。我们摆脱了“上帝”概念的控制,就成为了新上帝的一部分。

it's just like artist like cloud the shape and scientists like the forming. it's very successful. one of


the speaker in the symposium is a pedagogist from canana whose name is stephen downes. you


can find his blogging histroy back to 10 years ago. he told me that religion is just like the mirror of our future. in religion, the god created. in the future, we got another god from ourselves. so we have a infant god now, which we will grow with him. we can feel the power of ourselves because we are part of the god. the new god won't control us, it's just sustainable. aaajiao is such a social neuron in the social god brain. he doesn't like to control, but caring more about the meeting point in the peak of art and science. they share same peak, luckily.

isaac mao 毛向辉

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