PCR August 2019

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August 19



Elevate Your Sales Process With The New Go-To-Market Hub

Staying on top of cloud products can take a lot of time. The GTM Hub, unique to Ingram Micro’s Cloud Marketplace, is here to help.

August 2019

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The Go-To-Market Hub Your one-stop shop for enablement and marketing tools.

The Go-To-Market Hub, available at no-cost to Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace reseller partners, accelerates demand and revenue generation by providing a comprehensive set of sales enablement resources to educate and enable your salespeople on new cloud products and services while providing pre-built campaign templates and valuable marketing tools to your firm’s marketers. It is a single destination, fully-digitised resource where resellers can discover and learn about vendor products, create and execute marketing campaigns, and access customisable sales enablement resource and industry insights so you can be the go-to cloud experts for your customers. The Go-To-Market Hub delivers: • Convenient access within Cloud Marketplace • Standardised sales enablement and education • Customisable sales collateral • Full digital marketing automation tools • Extensive reporting and analytics

Advance Your Cloud Strategy The new Go-To-Market Hub will advance your business strategy to reach Cloud Awesomeness through business development insights, valuable market information, ready-to-use sales and marketing collateral, and insightful reporting. Leverage the Hub to build a more profitable business by providing the cloud services and solutions your customers want and need, delivered with authority, confidence, and backed by industry best practices.

“There is only so much a person can learn about a certain cloud provider. But we need multi-cloud skills. We can’t just specialise in one cloud provider, as we might become biased and miss security gaps or other opportunities elsewhere.” David Warburton, Senior Systems Engineer, F5 Networks

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Contact the Cloud Specialists CLOUD@INGRAMMICRO.CO.UK 0371 923 3060

23/07/2019 16:25:18

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03 PCRaug19 Leader_final.indd 1

TheEditor Secure in the knowledge ONE OF PCR’S most popular issues we run each year is the security special. It’s one of those few themes that feels like it really does extend in so many parts of the industry. It covers software and hardware, vendor, distribution as well as retail and resellers. And it extends into consumer and business awareness. It can be scary out there in the world of malware, cyberattacks and hacking scandals. When you’re not ensuring your customers have everything they need to make sure their business data is safe, you’re probably trying to explain to your grandparents why they need to change their email password from ‘password123’ to something more complex. It can get somewhat overwhelming at times, but hopefully the pages of this magazine will put your mind at ease that there is an abundance of companies out there paving the way for the next generation of cybercrime-busting software. In this issue, you’ll read about Kaspersky’s plans for a cyber-immune future (p16), BullGuard’s views on why the humble password isn’t dead just yet (p22) and what security products retailers and resellers are most passionate about selling at the moment (p30). So, sit back, have a ready about the latest advancements in the security landscape, and then go and update your passwords.

“There’s an abundance of companies out there paving the way for the next generation of cybercrime-busting products”

Laura Barnes, Editor


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Beccy Barr

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Nikki Hargreaves

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August 2019 | 3

24/07/2019 15:59

PCR-AUG19 Bullguard_Layout 1 24/07/2019 11:24 Page 1

Voted V o oted Best Softwar Software, e, Services and Support V Vendor endor e 2018 and 2019 by PCR Voted V o oted Best Partner Pr Programme ogramme 2019 by CRN Partnership in Pr Protection otection

Voted the Channel’s F avourite AV AV Vendor Ve endor Favourite 4T The he Best P Protection rotection 4 The Best Revenue Share Share 4 The Best Support Support what’s what’s not to love? Isn’t Isn’t it time you got the BullGuar BullGuard d Advantage? Visit Visit us at bullguar bullguard.com/partners d.com/partners

16 Aug 2019 06 Retail Analysis: Tackling violence on the high street 10 Industry opinions 16 The Big Interview: Kaspersky's David Emm 22 Is the password dead? 26 The benefits of 5G 30 What security products do you sell? 32 Sector Guide: Security Software 36 In My Team: The PR Room 38 Crowdfunding Corner 40 Sector Guide: Security Hardware 46 Life in the Channel: Synology's Jeremie Francois 49 Logging Off


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46 @pcr_online


PCRmag August 2019 | 5

24/07/2019 14:02

Retail Analysis

Tackling violence on the high street With reports that there are around 42,000 violent incidents in the industry a year, retailers are calling on the Government to do more to counteract crime on UK high streets. Laura Barnes investigates...


very day, 115 employees within the UK retail sector are attacked in their place of work. I personally found this statistic from the British Retail Consortium (BRC) to be shockingly high. As someone who has never got into a situation that has led me to harass or attack someone working in a store (or anywhere else, for that matter), I’ve been somewhat ignorant to the fact that retail crime comes in many forms. It’s not just burglaries in the dead of night when no-one is around, but there are also many instances where those at the coal-face are in real-time, threatening situations. This news got me thinking back to many moons ago when I worked in a high street store myself. For a brief stint in my teens I worked in a shoe shop. Thinking back, one of the main reasons why I only stayed there for six months was to do with the way I was treated by customers: often spoken



August 2019

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down to, and sometimes getting the brunt of a shopper’s frustration at not finding the right item or something not being in stock. While I was lucky enough to not be on the receiving end of any acts of violence during my time working in a retail store, as BRC’s report shows, many aren’t so lucky. Between 1st April 2017 and 31st March 2018, BRC recorded just over 42,000 violent incidents for the industry. “When we look in more detail at the nature of the incidents, something which simple data cannot illuminate fully, we see a trend towards incidents becoming more violent and frightening, with an increasing willingness to use weapons to intimidate, even for relatively small amounts,” outlines BRC. These trends are despite record spending on crime prevention by retailers, estimated by the BRC at over £1


24/07/2019 13:37

Retail Analysis

“Shop staff play an important role in our communities. Everyone has the right to feel safe at work” Victoria Atkins, the Home Office

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06-08 PCRApr19 Retail Analysis_final.indd 2

billion per year. And now, a group of businesses and trade bodies representing the retail sector have written to the Government, urging them to do more to tackle widespread violence and abuse against shopworkers. In the letter addressed to the Home Secretary, Lord Chancellor and Minister for Crime, the group says: “Retail is the largest single private sector employer in the UK, with roughly three million direct employees. Perhaps uniquely, it is woven into the fabric of each and every community and constituency in the country. “As an industry, retail faces a range of challenges, but perhaps the most pressing and difficult is the rising tide of violence against retail workers.” Alongside BRC’s statistics on retail crime, the letter highlights a number of shocking revelations from other

August 2019 | 7

24/07/2019 13:37

Retail Analysis

“Retail is the largest private sector employer in the UK, with roughly three million employees spread across each and every community, and violence against employees is the most difficult issue it faces” Helen Dickinson OBE, BRC sources. The Association of Convenience Stores’ research estimates there were almost 10,000 incidents of violence in convenience stores in the last 12 months. Usdaw’s work highlights that, on average, a shopworker is abused, threatened or assaulted 21 times a year – that is once a fortnight. According to research by the Charity Retail Association, one quarter of charity retailers report that incidents of violence against volunteers have increased in the past two years and nearly a third of charity retailers report that incidents of verbal abuse against volunteers have increased in the past two years. The Home Office’s own Commercial Victimisation Survey shows the retail sector consistently suffers several times more crime per premises than any other business sector surveyed. Call for evidence The evidence these multiple retail organisations are providing is in response to a Call for Evidence from the UK Government, which was seeking the views of organisations and individuals who wished to “contribute to its understanding of the problem of violence and abuse toward shop staff in England and Wales”. The Government said it wanted to “understand the true scale of the issue of violence and abuse toward shop staff” so it could put in place measures which may help prevent these crimes and find out the extent to which existing legislation is being used to tackle them. It also plans to identify examples of best practice. “Shop staff play an important role in our communities, however, unfortunately we know they can be the victims of crimes such as shoplifting, or suffer violent or abusive behaviour,” said Victoria Atkins, Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability, in the Home Office’s Call for Evidence information pack. “This is clearly unacceptable, and



August 2019

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the Government is clear that everyone has the right to feel safe at work. As Minister for Crime, Safeguarding and Vulnerability, I understand the significant impact that these crimes can have on victims. In addition, the impact of violent and abusive incidents is also felt by colleagues, retailers, the wider community, and customers.” She adds: “The Government works closely with the retail sector, police, and others to help tackle this issue, including through the National Retail Crime Steering Group which I chair.” The consultation period for the Call for Evidence ended on 28th June, 2019, so we can expect to hear more about the Home Office’s findings soon. Meanwhile, looking deeper into Usdaw’s Freedom From Fear survey, over the past year more than two-thirds of shopworkers were verbally abused, 37% were threatened and around 265 were assaulted every day. The group works with employers to achieve safety and security improvements in stores, and to raise the issues of neighbourhood policing, retail crime and underage sales. They also lobbied the government to enact a new law, creating a specific offence relating to assault on people who work in a face-to-face public role. Respect for Shopworkers Week is an important part of Usdaw’s Freedom From Fear campaign. Every year, its reps take the campaign to the public by running stalls in their workplace, aiming to spread the message that abuse is not part of the job. Helen Dickinson OBE, chief executive of the BRC, comments: “Retail is the largest private sector employer in the UK, with roughly three million employees spread across each and every community, and violence against employees is the most difficult issue it faces. “These are not victimless crimes: they impact upon the skilled, passionate, committed individuals who make the industry so vibrant, as well as their families and loved ones. That is why so many of our members and aligned groups have come together to ask the Government to do more to tackle this problem, and do it now.” Paddy Lillis, Usdaw general secretary, adds: “Evidence from employers, police and shopworkers shows that violence, threats and abuse against retail staff is a persistent and increasing problem. Usdaw’s own survey revealed that on average a UK shopworker can end up on the wrong side of a verbal or physical assault nearly once a fortnight. Our message is clear, abuse is not a part of the job. “We continue to call for stiffer penalties for those who assault shopworkers and the introduction of a simple standalone offence that is widely recognised and understood by the public, police, courts and most importantly criminals. “Retail staff have a crucial role in our communities and that role must be valued and respected, they deserve the protection of the law.”


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Cybersecurity-as-a-service: opportunity or threat for channel partners? Ed Baker, Senior Director EMEA Partners at McAfee, discusses the opportunity for agile MSPs to meet a clear customer need for cybersecurity-as-a-service...


he uncomfortable truth is that despite increases in security education and technology spending, data breaches continue to soar. In fact, recent research from McAfee revealed that 47% of UK IT professionals have experienced at least one breach at their current employer, and 70% of all breaches in the UK require public disclosure – putting brand reputation and business viability at risk. Against this backdrop, many organisations are looking for ways to implement more sophisticated security but with fewer resources – and turning to as-a-service models as a result. Managed security services are growing in popularity for many of the same reasons that businesses are opting for public cloud infrastructure with the likes of AWS and Microsoft Azure, rather than hosting privately. Put simply, they can scale and tweak service according to demand and the growth of the business, without investing in expensive hardware that would need to be updated and maintained. As well as these valuable savings in capital expenditure costs, outsourcing security services is also a way to address the staffing challenges that are still prevalent in the industry. A Cybersecurity Ventures report estimates there will be 3.5 million unfilled cybersecurity jobs by 2021. In this context, many organisations, particularly SMEs and midsized businesses, are finding it difficult to staff in-house security roles. As a result, the as-a-service model is an appealing option. With the MSP taking care of the more mundane security needs, the internal team can focus its efforts on the most critical tasks.

In the next 5-10 years, we’ll see even more customers looking to buy cybersecurity services from partners. This is reflected in research by Kaseya, stating that nearly a fifth (19%) of managed service providers have listed cybersecurity services as their top IT problem this year. Security was also found to be the most lucrative service for MSPs, above more traditional offerings such as infrastructure monitoring and desktop support. Channel organisations are recognising this opportunity, with many setting off now in the race to build out their managed service provider cybersecurity capabilities as soon as possible in order to meet this shift in priorities. There has been much talk in recent years of traditional reseller and VAR models being threatened by increased cloud adoption and falling hardware prices. However, this new channel landscape presents a clear opportunity for agile MSPs to meet a clear customer need for cybersecurity-as-a-service. In an increasingly crowded marketplace, there are several approaches that channel partners can take to differentiate themselves. As always, customer intimacy is key, and MSPs are often trusted as much for their security insights and expertise as they are for their technology. The cybersecurity-as-a-service model gives partners the opportunity to position themselves as strategic partners who are trusted to give advice, make recommendations and be at the cutting edge of research to stay one step ahead of the cybercriminals. This is the key to moving beyond a purely transactional partnership and towards a long-term relationship that is beneficial for both sides.

“In the next 5-10 years, we’ll see even more customers looking to buy cybersecurity services from partners”

10 | August 2019

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23/07/2019 11:00


Consumer awareness is driving brand sustainability James Murphy, Head of Marketing at Kondor, looks at how consumer demand eliminating single-use plastic from their packaging has risen and why brands and retailers need to listen up...


lastic waste has become a hot topic for government, brands, retailers and consumers, fuelled by programmes like the BBC’s Blue Planet II series that clearly demonstrated the damage that it is doing to the environment and possibly human health. According to Greenpeace, approximately 300 million tons of plastic are produced globally each year with eight to 12 million tons ending up in oceans. They estimate that 80% of plastic waste originates on land, much of it is packaging. The World Economic Forum reported that about 150 million tons of plastic, much of it non-degradable, is floating in our oceans and a UN environmental report stated that only 9% of the world’s nine billion tons of plastic has been recycled. The rest is predominantly in landfills and oceans. Single-use plastic (SUP) has now become a familiar term with consumers. Research from YouGov showed that 46% of people in the UK feel guilty about the amount of plastic they use with eight out of 10 consumers trying to reduce their plastic waste. Not only are they willing to change their behaviour, they are also willing to pay more so companies can find and use alternatives to SUP. Sustainability concerns are clearly already influencing customers’ buying choices and consumers are expecting brands to take more responsibility for their packaging. According to an Ellen MacArthur Foundation report, only 14% of the plastic packaging used globally is recycled with many companies not prioritising sustainability when considering the design, use and disposal of packaging with the majority still single-use and non-recyclable. O2 has been one company quick to recognise the importance of sustainability, specifically in packaging and its associated supply chain. O2 approached Kondor to look at ways of improving its accessory packaging to eliminate the use of SUP and to help educate their customers on how to recycle their packaging. As part of Kondor’s research, we identified that in removing SUP from O2 branded accessories alone, it would save over 974kg of plastic in the first year, which happens to be the weight of nearly 6,000 iPhone X


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devices. In the redesign, we reduced the actual size of the original packaging, removed SUP, used more sustainable and eco-friendly materials and took the opportunity to educate the end customer on how to recycle. By reducing the dimensions of the packaging, we were able to use less materials and consequently improve the carbon footprint in their transport. We have been working with our suppliers to source, develop and test biodegradable and fully compostable bags to be used in transit to protect the packaging, which is another big contributor of SUP within the supply chain. During the entire process, O2 was extremely supportive and receptive to the changes and we are both committed to removing all SUP from O2-branded accessories by the end of this year. As a result of the O2 project, other brands and retailers have started approaching us with the same objective. Horrifying statistics about the fate of our planet and disturbing images of our plastic filled oceans are widespread across social media and the news. As individuals it can seem like we’re helpless to improve the dire state of our environment, so making more conscious decisions about the products we buy is a great place for many of us to start, reducing our personal environmental impacts and supporting brands that are aligning with our personal values and environmental stance. It will certainly be an interesting period for consumer electronics as traditionally packaging within this category has been lavish with spot UVs, foil, window patches and plastic components, all prevalent to increase the perceived value of the product. The stripped back, naked packaging approach works with food due to the connotations of organic produce. However, this is very different for technology, and there will be considerable changes required over the coming months and years as consumers adjust their expectations. One thing is for sure, when consumers demand eliminating SUP from their packaging, brands and retailers will have no option other than to respond, which creates a huge opportunity for those who respond the quickest.

August 2019 | 11

24/07/2019 11:19


At last, some good news from the high street ParcelHero’s Head of Consumer Research, David Jinks MILT, looks at some healthy results for tech sales – but questions why some online stores are still missing out...


recent Reuters poll revealed retail experts feared a particularly dismal outlook for June sales, with a slump of 0.3% or more forecast. Instead, the Office of National Statistics (ONS) retail sales estimates for June show sales were up an encouraging 4.3% YOY, with e-commerce sales up 8%. Flaming good figures for flaming June, considering the general gloom and doom surrounding retail currently. If you’re up for it, June’s numbers are worth a bit more investigation, as they may give a clue to how tech sales are shaping up this summer. That overall 4.3% rise was a measurement of the value of items sold; as opposed to the quantity. But here too there was good news, the volume of items sold also rose: 3.8% against June 2018. Drilling down a little more, overall month-on-month sales were also up: 1.3% by value and 1% by volume against the previous month, May 2019. That’s all very encouraging, but what about tech sales in particular? What can we glean about computer, tech and IT sales from the stats? ONS stats tend to list retailers of PCs, laptops etc as ‘Household Goods stores’, and these sales saw a healthy monthly rise of 2.2% by value and 1.9% against May. But there is distinctly less good news for Britain’s beleaguered department stores. These were the only sector to show a fall in non-food stores, at -0.2% for the amount spent and -0.4% for the quantity bought – the sixth consecutive month-on-month decline. This dip is likely to reflect falling sales in some department stores’ electrical goods departments, as well as obvious areas such as clothing. Department store’s falling tech sales may be bad news for this sector, but an opportunity for local computer and IT stores who have traditionally lost sales to department stores. There is one potential fly in the ointment amongst all these positive results. While online sales romped away with an 8% rise YOY, they actually fell back by -0.7% month-on-month. That’s an unexpected result. It may simply reflect the fact June enjoyed better weather than May and more shoppers ventured outside. But

12 | August 2019

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it might point to a more significant fault-line in one sector of e-commerce tech sales. Though online household stores sales actually rose – up 3.5% month-on-month – online department store sales continued to wobble, scraping just a 0.7% rise. Online electrical goods sales highlight the fact a number of department stores have yet to successfully conquer omni-channel sales. While some stores, such as John Lewis, have successfully extended their reputation for quality and expertise to cover their online tech sales, others have found the move significantly more challenging. Identity crisis Take a look at customers’ experience of buying a laptop, tablet or PC from Debenhams. When you reach this section of the site you are immediately warned ‘Please note by clicking on debenhamsplus.com you will leave your Debenhams shopping basket. Debenhams account card and gift cards are not accepted as a form of payment on debenhamsplus.com.’ That’s scarcely the seamless, integrated, retail experience consumers expect today. Leaving behind your existing basket and not being able to spend store cards is frankly the opposite of a user-friendly experience. That’s because, in reality, shoppers have left the Debenhams site entirely. Instead they arrive at what is effectively a ‘white label’ site belonging to Buy it Direct. Buy it Direct is a specialist retailer of a wide range of electrical goods, IT equipment, and kitchen appliances. The site join feels clunky and, because the entire supply chain behind the operation is independent of Debenhams, several purchasing and delivery options are entirely different. It’s good that sales picked up in June, but that little month-onmonth online sales stutter is a warning that no sector – not even seemingly invincible e-commerce – is out of the woods yet. And some brands can do more to help themselves present a clearer offering to the public.


24/07/2019 12:44


Are you visible? Trends, tips and mainstream media Michael Breeze, Group Head of Marketing at QBS Technology Group, offers up advice to on how cybersecurity businesses can be a reassuring presence in an often-threatening environment...


he Cybersecurity business continues to be fast-moving and rapidly changing. Worldwide spending on information security products is rising 8.7% year-on-year according to Gartner. Working in partnership with leading software publishers, QBS is ideally positioned to help channel partners keep up-to-date on the latest trends to best service their customers. We polled some of these publishers to share their expertise of the current landscape, and to find out how best to be a reassuring presence in what has become an often-threatening cyber environment. Latest trends The domestic information landscape is changing rapidly. Because most individuals use many devices and with the Internet of Things (IoT) being on the increase, homes today can have literally dozens of vulnerabilities. Furthermore, surveys reveal that we are becoming increasingly concerned about corporate entities capturing and using our data. Wim Cops of Bitdefender commented: “Most people feel they have lost control over how personal information is collected and used by companies. Virtually everything we do online can be stored digitally. Also, more connected devices mean more online threats. IoT devices can be very unsafe.” In the commercial arena, one of the biggest growth areas recently has been ransomware. Neil Martin of Panda Security commented: “We’ve seen a shift from straightforward, destructive attacks to more targeted attacks using ransomware.” The assailant encrypts or steals the victim’s data and then provides a restore key or returns the information in exchange for a large payment, inevitably in Bitcoin or other cryptocurrency (another great cybercrime enabling technology). Rather than proactively relying on backups or advanced security, “the problem is aggravated by some victims taking the morally dubious route of paying up, usually quicker and cheaper”. Staying positive All vendors today agree on the overriding approach when it comes to marketing and selling cybersecurity solutions, to both the home


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market and also business to business: avoid scare tactics. People today know the score. Bitdefender’s Wim Cops said: “Stay positive and do not try to scare people. It only contributes to the ridiculous notion that we publishers are malware contributors ourselves.” Panda Security’s Neil Martin agreed: “Stay clear of FUD (Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt) and speak in clear language. To businesses, explain the benefits of automating previously resource intensive activities. Back this up with accreditations such as ISO, Cyber Essentials and vendor accreditation. Use case studies.” Always focus on what benefits the customer: peace of mind at all times, without the constant concern about losing data, being hacked or having precious data held for ransom. Remain easy to understand, keep it simple and don’t be over technical. Our partners develop state-of-the-art cybersecurity technologies, programmed and optimised by hundreds of engineers and experts, with advanced skillsets applied to sophisticated concepts. But ultimately the only thing the end-user wants is to be protected and have an easy-to-use, worry-free solution. In the media Cybersecurity has gone mainstream in the media. With frequent reports now hitting news channels and not just the reserve of the industry and IT hobbyist. This presents a challenge insofar as some clients will tend to think they know all about it, but it’s also an opportunity. CEOs ask questions of their IT departments, small business owners want to understand how their businesses are protected; and home users who have placed their identity and life online want to understand how to protect themselves. It’s important to all of them, so make it visible. Show them the value! Give them guidance that’s easy to find and relevant to them. It could be in the form of demos, videos or blogs. Reinforce, build confidence and make your processes visible. In most cases there are many features they don’t know about, so show them and you gain their confidence, becoming a trusted partner. This gives your relationship longevity. This is the path to sustained profitability.

August 2019 | 13

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Here are some of the most interesting stats and facts from the tech channel…

CRUNCHING 44% Only 44% of UK businesses say the flexibility of the cloud has lived up to their expectations, according to a recent report from Advanced.


In the first two months of the second quarter (April and May), sales of monitors 30-inches or above in screen size grew by 57%, reports CONTEXT.


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£178,000 British retailers are wasting on average £178,000 in failed e-commerce budget according to a study by Greenlight Commerce.


WatchGuard Technologies’ latest quarterly Internet Security Report shows a massive 62% increase in overall malware detections in Q1 2019 compared to the previous quarter.

$1 million Over the past year, organisations faced on average more than nine DNS attacks, an increase of 34%. Costs also went up 49%, meaning one in five businesses lost over $1 million per attack, according to EfficientIP.

August 2019 |


23/07/2019 09:02

“We need to make devices secure right from the early stages of the design and manufacturing process�



August 2019

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24/07/2019 15:48


“It’s no longer enough to be reactive” Laura Barnes sat down with David Emm, Principal Security Researcher at Kaspersky, to find out how the influx of connected devices entering the market is forcing the cybersecurity industry to become more proactive...


ybersecurity software and services have traditionally been thought of as a way to block an incoming attack or threat, but as the rise of IoT has created a whole new sector of connected devices – ranging from fitness trackers, to smart appliances, to business hardware – the security industry is in the process of evolving its offerings to no longer just react to incoming threats, but to make these products “cyber-immune” in the first place. PCR sat down with David Emm, principal security researcher at Kaspersky, to find out more about this evolution in the market, how the company is working with the channel, and what emerging areas of technology are in the most need of new security protocols and understanding. What have been some of the biggest changes in the security landscape over the past year? Over the past year, the biggest change – when it comes to how cybersecurity affects the business landscape – is the increasing vulnerability of supply chains. Cybercriminals have clocked onto the fact that hacking a supply chain for data is an effective, and less obvious, way of sneaking through the back door. Businesses have become more educated towards cybersecurity, and in some cases the front door is bolted shut, but supply chains remain a weakness. The increasing use of smart devices, used by enterprises across many aspects of their operations, is also creating more cybersecurity issues for companies. The more connected devices that are used, the broader


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the attack surface is. GDPR has of course also had a growing influence on enterprises, as it was always going to. It’s been a year since it came into effect and, for some businesses, has proven to be a massive hurdle to overcome. It has forced them to act. It’s only recently that we have started to see huge fines imposed for non-compliance; most recently the fine of £100 million imposed on Marriott and the record-breaking charge of £183 million handed to British Airways. How is Kaspersky responding to these changes and turning them into opportunities? Historically, the cybersecurity industry has been reactive, but with IoT tightening its grip and becoming more influential and implemented, it’s becoming increasingly important to change this approach and mindset. We need to make devices secure right from the early stages of the design and manufacturing process. We are regularly seeing smart devices of all kinds entering the market with connectivity, but with little thought to security. Such devices must be made secure before they are available to consumers. At Kaspersky, we have long recognised that it’s no longer enough be reactive. But in the future, we all need to think in terms, not just of being proactive, but becoming cyber-immune – meaning that every product that is rolled out is vigorously tested to ensure that it is secure, and protected against all known cyber-threats. The approach of retro-fitting security to existing devices and systems is no longer sufficient.

August 2019 | 17

24/07/2019 15:48



“The digitisation of almost everything is revolutionising the daily lives of consumers and businesses alike and is massively increasing the attack surface available to cybercriminals”

would fall on deaf ears. Rather than technical jargon, they simply need to know how their actions could affect their lives, and what they can do to guard against those scenarios becoming a reality.

Do you think consumers are becoming savvier when it comes to understanding the importance of security? If so, does this affect the way you develop and market your products? Overall, consumers are becoming more cyber-aware and now take cybersecurity more seriously. In the not so distant past, hacks and breaches carried a shock factor when they hit the headlines, because there wasn’t the understanding around them that there is today. However, after so many stories about and around them, people are much more aware than they used to be. We also used to see experts and spokespeople, such as researchers from Kaspersky, called upon for comment and insights once a breach had happened, but this too is becoming less regular now. This again shows that there is a wider and deeper understanding of cybersecurity across society as a whole. People are also vastly more aware of the terminology and phrases used within this sector and use them regularly amongst themselves in conversation, which also demonstrates a wider, deeper understanding of the issue. This has inevitably changed how we market our products – our products available are the same in function, but the way we convey our messages is much different so that they resonate with people’s changing attitudes, just as how the tech they are using constantly changes. New platforms such as WhatsApp and FaceTime change the way consumers engage with tech, and the age ranges of those who do. As a result, we need to evolve with them, to ensure our messaging does not fall on deaf ears when it comes to marketing our products. There is no point in including technical terms, industry phrases and terminology to tell a young adult why they should be cyber-aware when they’re using Instagram – the message

What emerging areas of technology are in the most need of new security protocols and understanding? IoT is the big one right now. It is an area that requires a thorough understanding from the cybersecurity industry, manufacturers, businesses and even consumers. People buy a connected device for the function that it carries out. Consumers buy a baby monitor to check on their children. However, they don’t necessarily understand the implications of the connectivity built into it. This is often true of manufacturers also: they understand the need to make use of the latest technology, but don’t always understand the security impact. I think that the Government also has a responsibility to safeguard consumers by laying down standards that ensure that smart products are safe for use. This means developing an industry standard – similar to the safety standards we’ve all come to expect with toys clothing, soft furnishings, etc. Last year the UK Government introduced a code of practice for IoT devices. This is a good start, although I would favour making it mandatory.


August 2019

16-18 PCRaug19 Big Interview_final.indd 3

How important are the reseller and retail channels to Kaspersky and what are you doing to work more closely with channel partners? The channel is extremely valuable to Kaspersky, and we continue to work to maintain an effective working relationship between us and our channel partners. This relationship is very important. Important for us, since it’s a vital way for us to market and sell our products; important for our channel partners, since they want to ensure that their customers secure their businesses using the best products and services.

What’s next for Kaspersky? The digitisation of almost everything – from every day objects to industrial processes – is drastically revolutionising the daily lives of consumers and businesses alike and is massively increasing the attack surface available to cybercriminals. This is an area that Kaspersky has been focusing on for some time, and will continue to do so. It involves the aforementioned shift towards cyber-immunity and more proactive approaches. That represents the only real solution to the problems that IoT devices present – whether for security of consumer goods or critical infrastructure installations.


24/07/2019 15:48



@PCR_Online #PCRAwards

For sponsorship opportunities please contact Beccy Barr beccy.barr@biz-media.co.uk PCR Awards 2020 Save the Date House ad 210x265mm_v1.indd 1

25/06/2019 15:54

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This month’s movers and shakers in the tech industry...

new 5G services, paving the way for the future roll-out of 5G across the UK. Leprince, who previously held the position of president of Nokia Global Services, has extensive experience of working with a variety of network operators, equipment and service providers. At Nokia, he led a team of 25,000 telecom professionals, was responsible for €6bn of P&L and formed part of the group executive team, which was at the forefront of the development of 5G technology. Since leaving Nokia, Leprince commenced a new career path as an angel investor, board member and chairman of several companies in the technology sector.

IBML Secarma has appointed ex-military cybersecurity expert Holly Williams as technical director, as it looks to bolster its growing cloud security division. The board-level role sees Williams heading up the technical development and direction of Secarma’s 40-strong team of penetration testers and senior management. Williams previously served for five years as a site security officer with the British armed forces, overseeing the installation, maintenance and decommissioning of secure communications systems, including a seven-month deployment in Afghanistan. Since leaving the military and completing an MSc in Information Security and Privacy, she has worked in penetration testing for six years, supporting clients including global, blue-chip business, SMEs and the public sector. She is CREST certified as a web application specialist.


WM5G – a new organisation set up to deliver the UK’s first region-wide 5G testbed in the West Midlands – has appointed Igor Leprince as chair of the WM5G board. Leprince will report to the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), whilst overseeing the WM5G programme to accelerate the deployment of 5G and fibre networks and trial, prove and scale innovative


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IBML has appointed Donald Monistere has the company’s chief operating officer. Monistere brings with him more than 29 years of executive management experience at information technology companies. Reporting to Martin Birch, IBML’s president and chief executive officer, Monistere is responsible for the day-to-day operations of IBML’s sales, marketing, IT services and support functions. Previously, Monistere was senior vice president and general manager at C-Spire where he was responsible for developing and executing short and long-term plans in collaboration with the company’s executive teams. Before C-Spire, Monistere served in leadership roles for TekLinks, most recently as the company’s president. C-Spire acquired TekLinks in 2018. He also served as president and chief executive officer of Vista Information Systems, a company that he founded and was acquired by TekLinks after 15 years.

August 2019 | 21

23/07/2019 09:02

Password security

Is the password dead? Laura Barnes speaks to security vendor BullGuard and reseller Smart Computers UK about how the humble password is evolving, and how these changes can create new opportunities for the channel...


ernando Corbato was the first person to use passwords to protect user accounts. He joined MIT in 1950 to study for a doctorate in physics, but realised during those years his passion for the machines that physicists used to do their calculations. Computers during the 50s could only handle one processing job at a time. In a bid to overcome this limitation, Dr Corbato developed an operating system for computers called the Compatible Time-Sharing System (CTSS), So rather than have the machine dedicated to one person, CTSS divided up the processing power of a computer into small slices, meaning it could do smaller chunks of work for a number of people. The computer pioneer sadly passed away at the age of 93 in July 2019. However, despite number industry figures and tech companies stating over the years that his invention is on its way out, security vendor BullGuard believes the story isn’t over just



August 2019

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yet. “Some say the password is dead. Long live the password,” Steve Hicks, head of global sales at BullGuard, tells PCR. “There is something like 90 billion passwords in existence so they are definitely not declining. In 2004 Bill Gates said passwords are

“Biometric ID is gaining more traction, but the password is going to be with us for some time” Steve Hicks, BullGuard


23/07/2019 14:24

Password security

“Over the past six months we have seen an influx of customers coming into the store to discuss security needs and concerns” Dean Wood, Smart Computers UK

dead, in 2011 it was IBM’s turn and in 2013 Google rung the death knell for passwords. “But the password shows no sign of going anywhere. Some estimates predict around 300 billion passwords in the next few years. What is changing is greater awareness about the need for stronger passwords and the importance of two-factor authentication. Biometric ID will certainly gain more traction, yet the password is still going to be with us for some time, but it will likely become just one layer in a wider approach to security.” Hicks says that he has seen a number of trends emerge over the past few years, such as smart technologies, the internet of things and the advent of voice-driven computing like Alexa. “At the heart of these new technologies is the need to protect customer data. Due to high profile data breaches people are becoming more aware of the need to safeguard their personal information rather than trust an organisation to do it,” he explains. “This provides a good opportunity for resellers to focus on protecting personal information. This of course includes guarding against malware such as Trojans and spyware but also on the steps that can be taken to safeguard ID data.” Dean Wood, operations director at reseller Smart Computers UK, tells PCR that these changes are reflected in the types of enquiries customers are making, “Over the past six months we have seen an influx of customers coming into the store to discuss security needs and concerns. High profile data breaches and major security hacks, which are getting mainstream media coverage, are fuelling this trend. So rather than us having to talk about vulnerabilities and push people into considering online protection, customers are actually coming to us looking for assistance and guidance on how to bolster their cybersecurity,” says Wood. When asked if resellers see it as their role to educate customers, both industry experts agreed that it was an important part of selling security products. “Astute resellers clearly see the importance of playing an educational role,” says


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Cap: L-R: BullGuard head of global sales Steve Hicks and Smart Computers UK operations director Dean Wood

Hicks. “When you’re immersed in the industry it’s easy to overlook that many people have only a basic grasp on cybersecurity. For instance, how many retail customers know what an IP address is or have any kind of insight into what hackers do with stolen data and how they sell it on? Or how to safeguard children online or identify a fake website? This is basic knowledge for people in the industry. Yet it escapes many consumers. A reseller who can step into this breach can become a trusted cybersecurity advocate for customers and of course grow sales.” Woods adds: “We are at the coal-face and dealing first-hand with the customer. Our customers are looking to us for advice and guidance. By educating them, we can ensure their personal identities and ID information is protected when online. If we protect our customers we don’t have to deal with the aftermath if they become infected with malware or ID data has been stolen. Naturally this approach works in our favour because we become an ‘expert’ voice who can offer guidance.” Smart Computers UK, which solely works with BullGuard for its consumer security solutions, outlines the importance of the support of a switched-on vendor when selling their products to customers. “BullGuard are extremely helpful. For instance, they provide printed guides in simple, easy-to-read formats for parents and silver surfers when using the internet. We put the guides in the window and there is a high demand for them. We get people coming into the store to enquire about the guides, so we are definitely meeting a pressing need,” says Woods. “Additionally BullGuard runs a detailed blog page with the information on the latest threat trends which we can circulate to our customers via email and social media. BullGuard is about the only vendor we work with who is still supplying this level of educational content to help the customer understand the security landscape.”

August 2019 | 23

23/07/2019 14:24


6th-11th September, Berlin ExpoCenter, Berlin

IFA in Berlin presents the latest products and innovations in the heart of Europe’s most important regional market. Only IFA offers such a comprehensive overview of the international market and attracts the attention of international trade visitors each year from more than 100 countries. IFA is the main meeting place for key retailers, buyers, and experts from the industry and the media.


11th-12th September, NEC, Birmingham

Channel Live one of the UK’s leading ICT trade specific conference, exhibition, thought leadership and networking events rolled into one. At Channel Live, resellers, VARS and other channel partners will openly discuss margin opportunities with vendors and solution providers. Described as the “David Attenborough of the business jungle”, business writer, humourist and director Guy Browning will be the after-dinner speaker at the Channel Live gala dinner.


26th September, Ascot Racecourse, Berkshire

This year, Tech Data Live will focus on “customer obsession” and the distributor will be offering immersive experiences through a number of solution zones to demonstrate how all aspects of its business are designed with its customers in mind. Visitors will be able to engage in key networking opportunities, meet multi-vendor partners, learn more about Tech Data’s full portfolio of products and services, and network with Tech Data’s senior teams and technical experts.


27th September, The Cedar Court Hotel, Bradford

2018 marked Target’s 20th anniversary year, with the annual Open Day taking a celebratory turn, particularly in the evening. The day’s exhibition – Target’s biggest yet with over 40 exhibitors – included new brands like Thermaltake, ECS and Patriot. There were also business workshops, which included product roadmaps and training for the first time, with highlights including those from Tenda, ECS EliteGroup, West Yorkshire and Humber Cybercrime Unit. For 2019, Target promises more exhibitors and brands than ever before, with

24 | July 2019

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Find out what tech and retail events you should be attending in the coming months…

everything from the latest products and technologies, to market research information, demonstrations and more.


7th-8th October, Park Plaza Westminster Bridge Hotel, London

Technology is transforming our lives – making everything newer, faster, better – and to thrive in the IT industry, both staying current and seeing what’s ahead are essential. That’s why attending the EMEA conference is a must for anyone in the business of technology; whether it’s selling solutions anywhere they’re needed or training and teaching tech skills. Don’t miss this fantastic, annual learning and networking opportunity. This two-day event welcomes all organisations building, selling or influencing the adoption of technology to collaborate, partner and share best practices to prosper in this expanding ecosystem.


9th-10th October, ExCeL, London

IP Expo is back for its 14th year and promises to be “better, bigger and cooler”. If you’re in IT or cyber security, this is the show for you. IP Expo Europe has built a reputation as the best event for cloud, infrastructure and cyber security pros in Europe. It has now extended to include data analytics, AI and software development as well as IoT and Blockchain.


4th March, The Brewery, London

Save the date for the 2020 PCR Awards! We’ll be back at The Brewery in Central London on 4th March to once again celebrate the very best of the UK tech and IT industry. On the night, we will recognise those that have made the biggest impact in the channel. Vendors, distributors, channel services, resellers and retailers will all be celebrated in front of a room of 500+ industry members. Guests will enjoy an unmissable night of networking and hospitality as we reflect on the achievements of the channel over the past year. If you would like to find out more information about being a PCR Awards 2020 Partner, get in touch with Beccy Barr on 07703 503 101 or at Beccy.Barr@biz-media.co.uk.


24/07/2019 15:51

Partner Content from Synology

3 hidden costs when purchasing a backup solution


here are two types of business models in the backup market: backup hardware and software sold separately, and an all-in-one integrated backup appliance. For most companies, the reason they purchase backup software is to leverage existing hardware. However, software license fees associated with the total cost of ownership are often overlooked – take VMware backup for example. Below are three common hidden costs:

1. Licensing and maintenance cost

In VM backup cases, vendors typically take different approaches to how they charge you; either per CPU socket or per VM host (system). Depending on setup, a per host charge may not always be more expensive than per socket. E.g. if running services on a 2-socket VMware server at $500 per socket, that’s going to cost more than a charge of $800 for just the host itself. Aside from licensing fees, don’t forget maintenance renewal costs for software updates, patches, and technical support. Did you know the cost of annual support renewals can account for 22% – 27% of the perpetual license cost? Table 1 shows that if we compare 3-year total cost on backup software, there’s almost no cost difference between perpetual and subscription licenses after counting in support renewal costs.

Have you been tasked with finding a new backup solution, only to become overwhelmed with various options, features and licensing models? If you’re looking for a backup solution, Synology can provide the insight to help steer clear of pricing pitfalls… licence fee savings, you can get a Synology NAS while protecting business workloads on virtual machines, physical servers, Office 365, and G Suite – both accessible with a price approximately the same or less than the first-year license fee. You can further improve storage efficiency with global deduplication, which prevents redundant data when backing up from multiple devices. For example, global cosmetics brand Shiseido saved 54% (28TB out of the total 58TB) storage usage with global deduplication in its business environment. Without this technology, it could have cost approximately $1,500 to store the extra 30TB of data on hard drives and expansion units. Table 3 shows how Synology Active Backup for Business compares with other backup solutions. Besides cost advantages, Active Backup integrates features you can find in modern backup software, allowing you to manage backup tasks from one console, ensuring fast and reliable recovery. Table 1

2. Management cost

The integration of software and hardware involves two different companies with different support systems. Businesses need to look at the software and hardware separately to determine the root cause when a problem arises. If you don’t have an in-house IT team, you’ll probably have to contact different vendors, going back and forth, leading to reduced productivity.

Table 2

3. Storage cost

The last thing to keep in mind is the cost of hardware. Many businesses are limited by budget and usually opt for freemium software. However, freemiums can come with feature limitations, the major drawback of which would be to perform a full backup every time. For example, if you want to keep daily backups for seven days and the data size is 1TB with the average daily change rate at 5%, you’ll find incremental backups will save 80% on storage. By contrast, it’s very likely you’d waste over 6x more space at the destination server compared with freemium software. Make sure to include the cost of hard drives and server hardware when you want to back up complex business workloads.

Table 3

It all adds up in the end

We compared the license fees from other backup vendors with similar feature sets (see Table 2). In just the first year alone, Synology Active Backup saves you more than 50%. The cost savings can be even more significant when compared to Dell EMC or HPE as backup storage servers, or when you need to back up larger business workloads. With www.pcr-online.biz

25 PCRAug19 Synology advertiorial_final.indd 1

August 2019 | 25

23/07/2019 09:03

How 5G will boost the smart home market Gekko Field Marketing’s Dan Todaro looks at how 5G will enhance the possibilities for connected devices in, and outside, the home...


ver the last few years, smart home technology has revolutionised the way we live at home and according to PWC’s white paper, ‘Connected Home 2.0’, £10.8bn will be spent on smart home devices in the UK in 2019. But despite this, a recent survey we carried out into the connected home highlighted consumer frustration with smart home technology, with consumers citing that they can’t get their smart home technology to connect to each device and talk to each other, they have no idea how it all works, they are worried about security and there’s little perceived benefit or value. Whilst this may sound negative, this presents a huge opportunity for 5G to boost further device adoption and showcase the future possibilities in the home.

26 | August 2019

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There’s been a lot of hype around 5G – from downloading a full HD movie in under five seconds to making fully automated vehicles a reality – but I believe 5G will be a transformative technology for the home, as it’s spearheading a multi-dimensional world connecting devices, brands and people in real time with its fast bandwidth and reduced latency. Take a look round your home, count up the numerous devices that rely on a strong wireless connection to stream, to work, to secure, to survive – tablets, mobiles, TVs, voice assistants, PCs, thermostats, lightbulbs, alarms, cameras, and gaming right through to connected appliances. Without a good connection, they can all come to a grinding halt. Stadia by Google is an example of where 5G and gaming complement each other. No downloads, no patches and no console


23/07/2019 16:36

5G benefits makes this the cloud gamers dream, and Google is delivering this incredible service without compromising on graphics quality. With 2.3bn active gamers globally and 46% of those (1.1bn) spending, the financial impact to the establishment is significant. Stadia will be a tough act to follow, with sharing options via YouTube, which has 63m daily viewers worldwide, Google Assistant built in, 4K resolution games at 60 frames per second with HDR (High Dynamic Range), and a plan to support 8K resolution in the future. Now with Stadia, the internet – accessed increasingly via 5G – will be your store, with the network and data centre as your platform. The innovation that is 5G will provide an alternative to fixed wireless internet making things connect quickly, faster, nicely and simply. From rural areas where broadband speeds are poor to urban areas where speeds can suffer from congestion, 5G will enhance the possibilities for entire communities and not only the smart home. This will pave the way for 5G enabled fully integrated living spaces that adjust to the needs of each member of the family, changing the way people entertain, consume media, use their utilities, communicate and cook. Virtual assistants like Alexa and Google Home are only the start and we’ve seen just a fraction of what personal assistants are capable of. Google announced at CES earlier this year that it wants to make its assistant the focal point of a consumer’s life; in the home, in the car and on mobile devices. 5G will be that enabler. Layer on top of this the possibilities of 5G enabled in-home augmented and virtual reality for cooking. Imagine at the touch of a button, Delia or Jamie standing next to you showing you how to cook one of their recipes. Sit down with your friends and family to watch a tennis match and image real time sports data appearing over tennis players as they hit the ball. 5G will make smart homes even smarter by unshackling developers from the speed restrictions and other issues that exist with today’s solutions where devices rely on Wi-Fi networks or Bluetooth connections. For those who feel security could be an issue, the good news is that mobile operators are ensuring security is built into the fabric of their 5G networks and there’s no reason for 5G networks to be any less secure to use than 4G. When connecting a device to a 5G network the same protocols you’d apply to security software, passwords etc. should be applied as normal, however it is worth noting that all data sent over 5G is encrypted and 5G devices will offer increasingly advanced security options. Interestingly, according to research from Ericsson, 29% of people would like DNA authentication to be a biometric security option. The reality is that 5G can provide a more consistent approach, making things easier to setup and thus encouraging product development through to subsequent consumer adoption and increased usage of the vastly developed Internet of Things. With inbuilt future proofing, one of the most interesting effects will be the societal impact 5G will have for our aging population, assisting those who are fit but may be less able to manage themselves. This may blur the lines between hospital and home. For many, it’s more effective to manage the healthcare of patients who require the most resources from home rather than via our currently overloaded NHS. In addition, its adoption can reduce loneliness and speed of response in the event of an emergency. We’ve already seen how sensor operated smart home tech can alert families to movement, so they know their elder relatives are up and about in the house and not lying there injured. There are also remote


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surgeries where doctors see patients by video call, however buffering is often an issue in remote locations, which makes the service more difficult for vulnerable people to use. The implementation of 5G will take this to a whole new level; real-time remote monitoring of medication usage; food intake levels and exercise; connecting the vulnerable to seamlessly operated telehealth services and tracking indicators from sleep to blood pressure and insulin levels. It can help power personalised, preventative and smarter care capabilities and elevate connected medicine to an unprecedented level, helping elderly people live fulfilling and productive lives on their terms. This is exciting times for a growing societal issue here in the UK but let’s not underestimate the understanding we need of the health ecosystem and what it will take to implement the systems to connect to these technologies.

“One of the most interesting effects will be the societal impact 5G will have for our aging population” The opportunities 5G technology offers all generations extends beyond the home and to the streets through autonomous vehicles, traffic management and the smart monitoring of the environment around you, telling you in real-time, for example, where best to avoid pollution on your daily run. Moreover, everything you would currently expect to be able to access or control in the home will be available to you wherever you are, without any comprises imposed on you by being away from regular Wi-Fi based connectivity. Ericsson forecasts that by 2024, 5G subscriptions will reach 1.9bn, and that coverage could blanket up to 65% of the world’s population. The UK’s largest network operator, EE, was the first to launch 5G in the UK on 30th May, 2019, beaten by the Swiss who launched in April. Service started in London, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Belfast, Birmingham, and Manchester, with several other cities joining before 2020. Vodafone also launched on 3rd July 2019 in seven cities with 12 other cities to be included before 2020. Three will join the 5G race in August in London. A total of 25 other locations will get 5G in the UK via Three before 2020. Lastly O2, with no published launch date, announced its plans to roll out its 5G network in 2019 in Cardiff, London, Belfast, and Edinburgh to start, with more areas getting 5G in 2020. Whilst the UK is already partially 5G enabled, devices are limited and we’re not that far ahead of the vast majority of developed nations whom all plan to launch in 2019/2020 such as Germany, Italy and Norway all behind Vodafone Spain who are ahead of all EU nations having launched on 15th June in 15 cities. Gekko is a full service field marketing agency, specialising in connecting brands with consumers in retail throughout the UK and Ireland. Find our more at www.gekko-uk.com

August 2019 | 27

23/07/2019 16:36

Partner Content from Ingram Micro Cloud

Increasing efficiency in sales and marketing with the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace The latest innovations make it easier for independent software vendors to publish, market and monetise in the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace, while enabling channel partners to activate their demand engine. Here, the company explains more about the marketplace’s new features...


ngram Micro has announced the debut of the Go-To-Market Hub and Connect on the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace. The new features, functionalities and resources are designed to help technology partners and independent software vendors (ISVs) to do more with more. Inspired by partner feedback, the new enhancements streamline and standardise processes, increase efficiencies and effectiveness in sales and marketing, and ultimately will make it easier for technology partners and ISVs to grow their business more profitably using the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace.

28 | August 2019

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These key enhancements and features are readily available today as part of the Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace: • Go-To-Market Hub – An industry-first, digital suite for technology partners designed to help educate and enable their salespeople on cloud services while providing pre-built digital campaign templates and valuable tools to their marketers. The complementary resource provides a single destination to discover and learn about cloud services, create and execute marketing campaigns, and customise sales enablement and access industry insights so they can be the go-to cloud experts for their customers. www.pcr-online.biz

24/07/2019 14:23

Partner Content from Ingram Micro Cloud

About Ingram Micro Cloud At Ingram Micro Cloud, we view cloud not just as a single technology, but as a foundational platform to run and drive a whole new way of doing business. By leveraging our platforms and ecosystem, cloud service providers, telecom companies, resellers and enterprises can quickly transform and get up and running in the cloud within minutes, with little to no investment. Our portfolio includes vetted security, communication and collaboration, business applications, cloud management services and infrastructure solutions designed to help clients monetise and manage the entire lifecycle of cloud and digital services, infrastructure and IoT subscriptions. For more information, please visit: ingrammicrocloud.com • Ingram Micro Connect – Powered by CloudBlue, Ingram Micro Connect is an easy-to-use, digital module that provides a fast and cost-effective way to publish, manage and promote cloud services to as many as 200,000 technology partners using Ingram Micro Cloud Marketplace. Ingram Micro Connect simplifies and automates distribution by providing robust publishing tools, digital contracting, multimarketplace targeting, and sales and marketing content creation tools. Ingram Micro Cloud aims to add hundreds of vendors to its ecosystem immediately with the enhanced Ingram Micro Connect module, allowing vendors to quickly onboard and publish in more than 20 marketplaces. However, many of the vendors joining Cloud Marketplace will be smaller and won’t have the big budgets and resources to expend on capturing the attention of resellers. The Hub changes that. Resellers can access and customise sales collateral as well as create and launch digital marketing campaigns. And they’ll find every product has a playbook and a corresponding marketing campaign. Product playbooks include product features and benefits, vendor description,

business challenges, competitors and more. Sales enablement collateral includes customisable sheets, videos, logos and product screenshots. And marketing campaigns include customisable banner ads, landing pages, emails and social media. Solution playbooks, grouped by business size and industry, are also available to help resellers sell solutions rather than just products. In addition, the Hub features industry insights, such as white papers and event listings, and the Cross-Sell Advisor, which gives resellers product recommendations to cross-sell and package to customers. Plus, these recommendations come with estimates of potential revenue and potential margins. “Together, these new additions to the Cloud Marketplace will enable our technology vendor partners to automate more processes and, as a result, not only operate more efficiently to increase profits, but also to expand their market footprint, and enable our reseller partners to monetise an ever-larger pool of anything as a service,” said David Wippich, CTO and senior vice president, global cloud, Ingram Micro. Ingram Micro’s Cloud Marketplace is used by more than 55,000 technology partners worldwide to manage nearly 4 million fully automated seats.

Industry Statistics • Channel partners spend up to 40% of their time sifting through content. Source: Quotient, “Five-Step Guide to Enable Channel Sales,” May 2016 • When enabled, resellers achieve 28% shorter sales cycles and a 12% higher lead conversion rate. Source: Aberdeen Group, “Territory, Training, Technology: Best-in-Class Channel Sales Management,” March 2016 • A recent study from The 2112 Group notes 73% of MSPs don’t have marketing plans or programs, and 52% of partners say they’re expanding sales and marketing efforts of existing products and services to grow their business in 2019. Source: The 2112 Group, “2017 State of the U.S. Cloud Channel Report”


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August 2019 | 25

24/07/2019 14:23

WHAT SECURITY PRODUCTS AND SERVICES DO YOU PROVIDE AND WHY? This month, Tech for Techs asks its retailer, reseller and tech services members about the security products they provide to customers… MARK, COMPLETE TECH www.ctsnw.co.uk “We provide Panda for AV with mail filtering for on prem email, Ubiquiti for WiFi, Draytek for routers, Grandstream for on prem pbx or yealink for hosted, Dahua or avigilon for CCTV, and Brother printers. We only deal with businesses – no retail/home user, and we try to stick to these brands, as it can be a pain relearning and supporting too many items.” ◆◆◆

JENNI GRIFFITHS, CHIPS COMPUTERS www.wefixanycomputer.com “I provide my customers with BullGuard Internet Security because it works and my customers find it user friendly. In the shop I like Malwarebytes to clean up machines with. There are not as many viruses these days as malware it seems.” ◆◆◆

STEVEN BURROWS, PYRAMID IT https://pyramid-it.co.uk “Anti virus is Bitdefender Gravity Zone or ESET if they don’t want to pay monthly. Bitdefender was at the top or near the 30


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top of independent tests and ESET is nice and simple to use for non-managed clients. Spam filtering is VADE, Barracuda or everycloudtech. Vade is easy to set up if you can’t alter the MX records and I like Barracuda for when I can. I still have some clients on everycloudtech but their control panel was not the easiest to use. Firewall is Barracuda – easy monthly fee with no upfront costs. Cyber awareness training is Knowbe4, as humans can be the weakest link. They offer weekly tests as well as training material to increase their knowledge and lower your risk.” ◆◆◆

NATHAN WARD, SPA IT SERVICES www.spaictservices.co.uk “We Provide Bitdefender Endpoint Security to all customers, be it a home user or business, as it provides one of the best results we have come across from the 11 years of trading. With an easy management console and simple deployment, it has been a pleasure to sell this product. It provides a strong firewall stopping not just viruses but also most spyware and malware. Heimdal Web Protection is what we use as either a tag on to Bitdefender for home users or an auto included piece of software for our business clients, stopping all pop ups or www.pcr-online.biz

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Retail Talk restricting you access to web pages with malicious content. We also provide PFsense Units around the UK and even to places in Western Europe.” ◆◆◆

NIGEL PERRY, CADISHEAD COMPUTERS www.cadisheadcomputers.co.uk “Another vote for Bitdefender Gravity Zone. It’s an easy upsell to the majority of clients once you explain to the client. It’s a case of setup and leave it for the client. Let us take the hard work out of their virus issues on their behalf.” ◆◆◆

MITCH WESTBROOK, WESTBROOKS COMPUTER SERVICES www.123ifixit.co.uk “For businesses’ device protection, we generally promote Symantec. The brand is well established and this lends it credibility. For home users, we are phasing out Comodo because it is completely unknown and, therefore, hard to ask money for, and we are currently promoting BullGuard, which has proven to be very popular this year. For CCTV we only supply Hikvision, but we install anything the customer has purchased.” ◆◆◆

DANIEL POTTER, GATEACRE COMPUTERS www.gateacrecomputers.co.uk “In regards to internet security, we offer BullGuard free of charge with any repair we carry out. This is mainly to ensure our customers computers leave us with a robust security package installed. In regards to CCTV, depending on the customers requirements, we usually install Hikvision systems. For home users who need only a couple of cameras we sometimes install a Ring doorbell at the front and stick-up camera at the rear of the property. One of my customers actually uses the Ring camera to talk to his dog whilst at work.”

many years. Always found it to be a reliable solution which customers find easy to install and use. The end user support from BullGuard is great (especially the live chat), and the reseller program means an ongoing revenue stream from the original sale. The reseller portal gives regular updates of revenue earnt, as well as potential revenue share based on sales. In terms of workshop tools we use Malwarebytes, Fabs and Paragon more than anything else.” ◆◆◆

PHILIP GRIFFITHS, TECH FOR TECHS & CHIPS COMPUTERS www.TechForTechs.co.uk “There are so many security products to offer on the market, and sometimes there is little between them. What I would recommend with any product is they you try the product out first and even trial it out before you start selling it. Always check to see if you are able to get hold of support or some form of rep easily, one of the main reasons we use BullGuard Internet Security in our retail store is that if we do have any issues we can easily get hold of live chat or even call someone who deals with resellers directly. On top of this, the product is easy to use and you get a 25% revenue share if the customer renews the product online for life. For customers we have on maintenance contracts we use Webroot or Bitdefender as they teams up with our RMM software. One thing that a lot of people forget with security is it’s not just about having a firewall and anti-virus, it’s also about having backups available in case something does go wrong, nothing is 100% secure. Even if you provide things like CCTV you have to make sure that the customer knows that nothing is 100%. We have seen a lot of cases where people can disable Wi-Fi CCTV systems with items that basically block the signal, so you need to make sure these cameras have some form of onsite backup like a built in SD card. If you are a computer tech you need to make sure you have proper tools to remove virus/malware. One tool that we have found that is very good at what it does is Malwarebytes TestBench, its able to remove problems as well as pickup other problems the system may be having as well like services not running and problems with the HDD/SSD.”


RICH FORTH, PHASE 4 COMPUTERS www.p4com.com “For our home users we provide F-Secure, it’s simple no nonsense AV that does the job. We’ve also started with Malwarebytes and using their fabulous Techbench (total life saver when removing viruses and other malware). Very recently we’ve started installing Uniview CCTV systems (running one in the shop) and very happy with the quality and ease of install!” ◆◆◆

RICHARD OVERFIELD, RL SUPPLIES LTD www.rlsupplies.co.uk “We have been a reseller of BullGuard Internet Security for


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TECH FOR TECHS Launched in January 2018, Tech for Techs (TFT) is a new community for technicians of all kinds, including on-site call out services, retailers, resellers, managed service providers, vendors and distributors. Free to join, TFT is run by the team behind retailer Chips Computers and offers up insight and information on the industry, as well as product reviews, price comparisons, free directory listings and more. Visit www.techfortechs.co.uk for more information.

August 2019 | 31

24/07/2019 12:13

Sector Guide

Security Software Whether you’re looking to protect your personal or business devices, we round up the best software on the market for keeping your data safe...

BullGuard Premium Protection Specs: Operating systems: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista. Mac OS X 10.11 or later, Android tablets and phones, Android 4.0 and higher. “BullGuard Premium Protection protects PCs, Macs and Android devices with one license. It includes all the features found within BullGuard Internet Security but also features Identity Protection which safeguards all personal information, from bank account numbers to driving licence numbers, passport information, debit/credit card numbers, email addresses and passwords. Thanks to a unique algorithm, Premium Protection scans the internet, including the dark web. If any of the information is detected the user receives an immediate alert and advice on what steps to take. A Home Network Scanner is also included which constantly monitors a network for any vulnerabilities informing users if a smart device they have added to their home Wi-Fi network is vulnerable to hacking or the network they are using has vulnerabilities.” Contact: Spire Technology, Target Components, VIP UK, Centerprise, Micro Warehouse

Panda Patch Management Specs: Operating systems: Windows XP SP3+, Windows Server 2003 (32/64 bits and R2) SP2+. “Reduce the risk and complexity of vulnerabilities in systems and third party applications. Panda Patch Management is a solution to manage vulnerabilities and their corresponding updates and patches, both for operating systems and hundreds of applications. Strengthen threat prevention, containment and remediation capabilities, amd reduce the attack surface on Windows servers and workstations. It provides visibility of endpoint health in real time, in terms of vulnerabilities, patches or pending updates, and unsupported software (EoL).” Contact: QBS Distribution



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Sector Guide

F-Secure Freedome VPN Specs: Blocks online tracking, safely connect to public Wi-Fi, hide your IP address, bypass georestrictions. “F-Secure Freedome VPN was made with a simple goal in mind: to make a powerful privacy and security app that is incredibly easy to use. Push one button and you can connect safely to any public Wi-Fi, block malicious sites and effortlessly get around geo-blocks to access the content you want to see. Trackers, advertisers or even your internet service provider can’t see what you do online, your real IP is hidden from the pages you visit with no logging of your traffic which is also encrypted so no one can spy on your activity, even when you’re connected to public hotspots.” Contact: Target Components

Kaspersky Internet Security 2019 Specs: Operating systems: Microsoft Windows 10 Home / Pro / Enterprise, Microsoft Windows 8 & 8.1 / Pro / Enterprise / 8.1 update, Microsoft Windows 7 Starter / Home Basic & Premium / Professional / Ultimate – SP0 or higher. “When you go online shopping or banking, we protect your money and account details. When you socialise, we safeguard your identity. When you surf, we prevent attacks. When you download or stream, we block infected files. Whatever you do in your digital life, Kaspersky’s Internet Security premium protection is here to help you protect it all.” Contact: GNR Tech


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Sector Guide

Webroot Endpoint Security Specs: Operating systems: Windows 10 / 8 / 8.1 / 7, Vista, XP 3, XP, Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.14. “Criminals are constantly developing new ways to attack networks, take advantage of employee trust, and steal data. Smaller businesses may think they’re not a target, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. In fact, small businesses with 100 employees or fewer now face the same risk of attack as a 20,000-employee enterprise. No matter their size, businesses need reliable endpoint security that can stop modern attacks. And since most companies are subject to some form of compliance and privacy regulations, protection for endpoints is 100% necessary to help businesses avoid hefty fines and damage to their reputation due to a security breach.” Contact: QBS Distribution

BullGuard Internet Security Specs: Operating systems: Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Mac OS X 10.11 or later, Android tablets and phones, Android 4.0 and higher. “BullGuard Internet Security provides award-winning malware protection that keeps users safe online. A nextgen triple layer threat detection engine and layered firewall provide outstanding protection against all sorts of threats, ranging from malware and banking Trojans to cryptocurrency mining malware. It is particularly effective in identifying zero-day threats and phishing attacks. Safe Browsing also flags up websites that are hiding malware or are known to be used to harbour malicious code. Of particular importance for gamers is the patent-pending Game Booster that enables lightning fast uninterrupted gaming. Some security software interferes with gaming but not BullGuard. Cloud integrated back-up is another important feature enabling users to store and work safely in the cloud thanks to encrypted cloud transfers.” Contact: Spire Technology, Target Components, VIP UK, Centerprise, Micro Warehouse



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Sector Guide Norton 360 Deluxe Specs: Antivirus and malware protection, PC Cloud Backup, Smart Firewall, Password Manager, secure VPN, PC SafeCam, parental control, 100% virus protection promise. “Norton 360 Deluxe provides anti-malware, firewall, spam and phishing, and cloud technology protections to help safeguard users’ devices and private information from existing and emerging threats – all in a single solution. All PC, Mac, tablet, or smartphone devices receive protection against online threats as users bank, shop and browse online. Personal information, when transmitted through the device, has protection both at home and on-the-go with Norton Secure VPN that adds bank-grade encryption to help block cybercriminals from accessing user’s personal information when connecting to Wi-Fi. Norton 360 Deluxe also includes 50GB of cloud storage as a preventive measure against data loss due to hard drive failures, stolen devices, and ransomware, and Password Manager that allows users to manage their passwords and logins. The additional and improved feature Norton Parental Control also provides easy-to-use tools to help parents keep their children’s interactions safe, allows them to set screen time limits, block unsuitable sites or monitor search terms and activity history.” Contact: Exertis, Tech Data, Ingram Micro

Bitdefender Total Security Specs: Operating systems: Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 / 8 / 8.1 / 10. “Bitdefender Total Security 2019 delivers multiple layers of protection against ransomware. It uses behavioural threat detection to prevent infections, and protects your most important documents from ransomware encryption. With Bitdefender Total Security 2019 you get 4-in-1 security for Windows, macOS, iOS and Android, at a price that beats any other offer. Bitdefender consistently scores best protection in malware detection tests run by independent labs. Bitdefender security software offers optimised speed and the best cross-platform performance.” Contact: GNR Tech


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The PR Room The company discusses being at the forefront of smart home PR and how the industry has changed in the past 16 years since the family-oriented business began... How and when was The PR Room formed? Sarah Chard, who has 22 years of in-house and agency experience in both B2B and B2C PR, formed The PR Room in 2003, securing her first client within a week of setting up, which rapidly snowballed into a bursting client list. Today, a dynamic family trio – yes, we are sisters – make up The PR Room’s management team. Kerri Chard joined the team in 2004 applying her PR and wordsmith skills to deliver expertly constructed, creative key messaging and ingenious ready-made content for both our clients as well as appreciative journalists. Kerri’s recruitment was swiftly followed by Michelle Cross, our injector of enthusiasm and passion. In Michelle’s role as lead account and events manager, her sociable demeanour is addictive and highly regarded by clients and the media. What companies do you work with in the tech sector? We’re happy to boast that The PR Room is one of the most renowned and established tech PR agencies around, having enjoyed 16 booming years in the industry. Many of our clients have used our services for over a decade, which is a testament to our ability to become a fundamental part of their team and our commitment to achieving positive, effective results. We work with start-ups through to global giants living and breathing their business. From manufacturers of computing hardware and peripherals, and software developers, through to health and wellbeing and lifestyle brands, we partner with a variety of clients on varying projects. What projects are you working on at the moment? We are at the forefront of smart home PR, specialising in all things IoT,

including the world’s first internet-connected hearing aid, the world’s first internet-connected smart meat thermometer and essential smart home technologies for automated IoT threat detection utilising AI. We’re currently working on a number of thought leadership projects that underline our clients as experts in their respective fields, as well as influencer campaigns for several product and service launches. Other key focus areas include raising awareness of vulnerabilities in today’s IoT devices in the home, such as webcams, digital assistants and other connected devices, and we are also heavily promoting the use of AI in many of our clients’ products. How has the industry changed over the years? Tech products used to be expensive and a luxury. There are still products out there that fit this category, but today, tech dominates our everyday lives. We would be lost without it. As such, there are an abundance of players in the market, competition is extremely fierce, and everyone is vying for the attention of the media. Brands need to be extremely clever and creative with their approach to marketing and PR. A good example is the IoT space, where some analysts predict there will be over 20 billion internet-connected devices by 2020, which clearly represents massive opportunities for brands, and demonstrates why it’s essential that they win the battle to capture the attention of customers and the media. What are your go-to karaoke songs and why? We don’t mention karaoke to Michelle. She is completely tone deaf (think Cameron Diaz from ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’) but, to our dismay, always ready to pick up a microphone to sing pretty much anything. Sarah will pick up the mic for any 80s classic. Kerri loves karaoke full stop. Challenge her to any song, she will give it a go.

More information at www.theprroom.co.uk 36 | August 2019

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23/07/2019 09:04


PCR is read throughout the channel, from store managers to leading executives. Put simply, PCR is the trade publication that everybody in the industry reads. Print is still the most effective way to target an audience engaged with the content they’re consuming. Find out more about advertising in PCR by contacting Beccy Barr at Beccy.Barr@Biz-Media.co.uk

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@PCR_Online 29/05/2019 14:14

TRIO triple screen laptop monitor TRIO is a multi-screen laptop accessory designed to boost productivity and multitasking efficiency. The monitor magnetizes to the back of any laptop and is ideal for professionals, gamers, stock traders, entrepreneurs, coders, and students. One or two TRIOs can be attached to one laptop, giving users a maximum three-screen setup. For group presentations, the two TRIOs can be attached via clips and rotated 180-degrees to form a triangle. The TRIO also works as a standalone screen with its own stable base, giving users multiple setup options. For more information visit: http://kck.st/2IDLF9T

Lyra handheld games console Lyra can virtually emulate any game console of the classic era, making it possible for you to carry hundreds of them in your pocket. You can play your all-time favourite video games whenever you want, wherever you want. Powered by Raspberry Pi CM3L (Compute Module 3 Lite), Lyra is a games console, personal computer and entertainment system all in one. Specs include Broadcom BCM2837B0, Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit SoC, 1.4GHz 64-bit quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU, 1GB LPDDR2 SDRAM, 5� TFT LCD with 800 x 480 resolution, DPI interface, HDMI, Micro USB 2.0, 16 GB Micro SD card, integrated speaker, 3.5mm audio output, and 3000 mAh LiPo battery. Lyra comes in two variants: out of the box completely assembled and tested, or as an all-inclusive DIY kit. For more information visit http://kck.st/2Jih2r4



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23/07/2019 09:04

Minibook mobile workstation The Minibook is an ultra-portable Windows workstation featuring a 360-degree Yoga design, Intel Core m3 processor and an 8-inch FHD screen. With 8GB LPDDR3 memory and 128GB storage, the Minibook supports M.2 SSD expansion, has a Type-C port and 2MP front camera. Minibook measures just 1/4 the size of a traditional notebook, yet packs a fully-integrated keyboard. The unique 360-degree design allows the device to be transformed into laptop, workstation or tablet with a simple twist. The laptop will be available in two variants – one with Intel Core M3 8100Y and the other boasting an Intel Celeron N4100 processor – to fit different needs and budgets. For more information visit https://igg.me/at/chuwiminibook/x#/

With so much talent in the channel, it can be difficult to sift out the freshest gear and potential tech giants of tomorrow. Stay ahead of the curve with PCR’s Crowdfunding Corner…

Super Cable charging cable built with ballistic fiber The Super Cable is a USB-C to Lightning charging cable made out of ballistic fiber, making it stronger and more conductive. Available in 1.2m and 2m models, the cable is Apple MFI certified, has an anti-bending design and boasts the ability to charge your Apple devices up to 2.5 times faster. The cable uses special technical processes and materials to make it stronger and more conductive. You can even pull a car with the Super Cable! Anti-bending technology means the cable promises to work reliably after 30,000 multi-directional flexes – lasting 30 times longer than other cables. For more information visit http://kck.st/2Ws8chZ


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August 2019 | 39

23/07/2019 09:04

Sector Guide

Security Hardware From enterprise routers with extensive security features to smart doorbells, window locks and cameras, we round up the best security hardware on the market...

Kingston UV500 Self-Encrypting SSD Specs: Full-disk encryption with TCG Opal 2.0; 3D TLC NAND; 120GB, 240GB, 480GB, 960GB, 1920GB capacities; 2.5-inch, M.2 2280, mSATA form factors; up to 520 MB/s read, 500 MB/s write; up to 79,000 read / 45,000 write IOPS; 60TB - 480TB Total Bytes Written; Marvell 88SS1074 controller. “The Kingston UV500 SSD automatically protects data in a client desktop or laptop computer with 256-bit AES hardware-based encryption of the whole disk. The UV500 is a great choice for a primary boot drive where mission critical, sensitive information is being handled, ensuring data cannot be accessed if a device is lost or stolen.” Contact: Hammer, Ingram Micro, Simms, Tech Data, Exertis, Avnet

HomeGuard GuardianEye Pro Doorbell Specs: 1080p video streaming, smartphone/tablet controls, two-way talk, motion detection, Wi-Fi connect, 2MP 150° ultra wide angle lens, 16ft/5m night vision, IP65 weather-resistant casing, free rolling 30-day cloud storage service, free HomeGuardEye app. “HomeGuard GuardianEye Pro 1080P Wi-Fi Doorbell is a doorbell that detects visitors and alerts you instantly. With two way audio and a live video feed direct to your smartphone, tablet or PC utilising the free HomeGuardEye app. Video footage is recorded on the rolling free 30 day cloud storage. Installation requires an existing hard-wired doorbell for utilisation of chime. Otherwise wired and connects to smart devices.” Contact: VIP UK



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Sector Guide TP-Link KC200 Kasa Cam Outdoor Specs: Free Cloud storage, IP65 rating, wide-angle 1080P video, night vision up to 30ft, 2-way audio. “The KC200 camera has been designed to enable users to protect what they love most and avoid having their garden valuables stolen. Its magnetic wall mount makes for a quick DIY install and can be rotated for the best angle. With motion and sound detection, users can receive alerts of activity that matters with notifications sent straight to their smartphone. Think of it as the device which keeps your other outdoor tech and valuables safe.” Contact: Exertis, Tech Data, Spire Technology, CMS Distribution, Nimans

Ubiquiti UniFi Video Camera G3 Dome Specs: 260g in weight, 10/100 Ethernet port, 1/3” 4MP HDR sensor, microphone, night mode. “The UniFi Video Camera G3 Dome represents the next generation of the UniFi Video surveillance management system. It records 1080p HD video, day or night, indoors or outdoors under an overhang. Control and monitoring are easy using the UniFi management app and the software is completely free with no licensing or maintenance fees.” Contact: Target Components

Hama WiFi Motion Detector Specs: Infra-red motion sensor, up to 10m range, surveillance of rooms/areas over WiFi, app control, IFTTT compatible, push notifications for alarm and low battery alerts, auto-trigger lights (Wi-Fi enabled only), wall bracket installation, battery powered (2 x CR123A included), operating system: Android 4.3 and iOS 8.0 or later. “Complete with WLAN infra-red motion sensor, the Hama WiFi Motion Detector will detect any movement within a 10m radius, immediately alerting the user of an intruder via the free Hama Smart Solution app so that action can be taken. Easy to install, the Hama WiFi Motion Detector can be wall mounted with the included bracket, permitting full surveillance of rooms, passageways or other areas within the premises. Integrated manipulation protection prevents tampering. In addition to security purposes, Hama WIFI Motion Detectors can also be used as part of a smart home network to automatically trigger lights (e.g. on the homeowner walking through the door), turn on music or activate various other commands for full intelligent home integration.” Contact: Hama UK


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Sector Guide Kingston DataTraveler 2000 Encrypted Flash Drive Specs: 8GB to 128GB storage capacities, PIN protection, AES 256-bit data encryption. “Kingston’s DataTraveler 2000 is designed to be secure, with an alphanumeric keypad that locks the drive with a word or number combination, for easy-to-use PIN protection. The DT2000 features hardware-based, full-disk AES 256-bit data encryption in XTS mode. Encryption is performed on the drive and no trace of the PIN is left on the system. It’s FIPS 197 certified, to meet a frequently requested corporate IT requirements.” Contact: Target Components

Moobox Pro XT Outdoor Security Camera Specs: 120-degree wide angle lens, 2 way audio, PIR motion sensor, IR night vision to 16 feet. “The Moobox Pro XT is an all-in-one Cloud CCTV system comprising a cordless and weatherproof 1080p HD Wi-Fi home security camera plus a Hub/DVR. Unlike other outdoor security cameras Moobox has a rechargeable battery so there’s no holes to drill, ensuring easy and fast setup. Extremely low power consumption delivers up to four months running on one charge. Online Cloud storage and local DVR is included which means no subscription fees or extra charges. MooboxCam app is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android phones. From the app you can simply and easily manage your hub and cameras, stream live video, get motion alerts and playback event clips which are stored in the cloud and on the 16GB SD card which comes pre-installed.” Contact: Moobox

HomeGuard FHD Wireless CCTV Kit Specs: Full wireless CCTV kit including: 1 x 8 channel NVR, 4 x 1080p full HD wireless fully weatherproof (IP66) CCTV cameras, 30m night vision, 1TB HDD, auto-pair technology for easy set up, built-in long range 900m Wi-Fi module between cameras and NVR, motion detection, smart access and control with free HomeGuardLink app. “The HomeGuard Wireless Full HD CCTV Kit features an 8 channel network video recorder and 4 x 1080p HD day/night cameras. Put security in the palm of your hand with the ability to view live or recorded video on your smart device using the free HomeGuardLink app. With auto-pair technology the HomeGuard Wireless CCTV kit couldn’t be easier to install, with on need for messy cables and using state-of-theart wireless technology to ensure a secure and reliable connection at all times, cameras can mounted up to 900m away from the NVR. 1TB HDD included. Additional cameras available separately.” Contact: VIP UK



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Sector Guide Netatmo Smart Outdoor Camera Specs: 100° field of view, 12W dimmable LED floodlight, HZO waterproof standard, UV resistant plastic and glass, Full HD 1080p recording, 4MP video sensor, 2.4GHz Wi-FI 802.11 b/g/n, 24/7 live streaming, local video storage with up to 32GB MicroSD card, subscription-free; Android/iOS monitoring app, Apple HomeKit/Google Assistant support, size: 50mm x 200mm x 110mm. “The Netatmo Smart Outdoor Camera can distinguish between people, animals, cars and random movements. The Camera sends users real-time alerts when it detects an unknown person or vehicle on their property. The smart floodlight integrated in the camera can help deter unwanted visitors. All these features as well as video storage are available without subscription. Specifically designed for outdoor use, the Smart Outdoor Camera is fully waterproof and simply replaces existing outdoor light fixtures.” Contact: Netatmo

Hama WiFi Door / Window Security Sensor Specs: Magnetic sensor, app and voice control, IFTTT compatible, works with Alexa and Google Assistant, display status “open” or “closed”, push notifications alert change of status, adhesive pad/screw on mounting, battery powered (2 x AAA included), operating system: Android 4.3 and iOS 8.0 or later. “Part of the Hama smart home series, the Hama WiFi Door / Window Security Sensor allows remote wireless monitoring of any door or window to which it is installed. At home or away, the free Hama Smart Solution app delivers the status of each entry point as “open” or “closed” direct to your smartphone screen (no gateway required), sending an immediate alert should this status change. Status can also be checked via voice control, being compatible with both Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant in addition to the IFTTT smart system. Easy to install, the inconspicuous design of the Hama sensor allows it to subtly blend into most window and door frames, with both screw and adhesive pad mounting options and built-in tamper protection.” Contact: Hama UK

Uniview UNV 4 Channel 4 Camera CCTV Kit Specs: Support Ultra 265/H.265/H.264 video formats 4-channel input, Plug & Play with 4 independent PoE network interfaces, up to 2MP resolution recording, 1 SATA HDD up to 10 TB. “This Uniview IP 4-camera security kit is plug and play and features 4 independent PoE network interfaces with simultaneous HDMI and VGA output from the 4-channel NVR. It supports up to 10TB hard drives as well as cloud storage, with day/night functionality, smart infrared recording and Digital Noise Reduction.” Contact: Target Components


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Sector Guide HANNspree HS329PQB 32” Monitor Specs: 32” 16:9 LED, 2560 x 1440 QHD 4K, 178°/178° ultra-wide viewing angle, HDMI + DP, 3W stereo speakers, VESA, built-in power adapter, edge-to-edge frameless, flicker free, low power consumption, 3 yr warranty. “This monitor is designed to work hard, and for long periods, making it ideal for security applications. Ultra-low blue light mode protects eyes from strain and flicker free technology ensures continuous, reliable picture. With a 2K resolution a superb visual performance with impeccable on screen detail is guaranteed, while 178° viewing angles deliver precise viewing from almost any angle. Boasting edge-toedge frameless design (98% screen-to-body ratio), this monitor is ideal for multidisplay setups providing seamless continuity between displays. The design also includes built-in power adapter, fantastic heat circulation and VESA support for wall mounting.” Contact: Exertis, GNR Tech, Ingram Micro, Midwich, Westcoast

Zyxel Nebula Cloud Managed Security Gateway NSG100 Specs: 4 x LAN (GbE), 2 x WAN (GbE) ports, 2 USB ports, unlimited users, 450Mbps maximum SPI firewall throughput, 40,000 maximum TCP concurrent sessions, 16 VLAN interfaces, Firewall, VPN (IPSec, L2TP over IPSec). “The Zyxel cloud-managed Nebula Security Gateway, NSG100, comes bundled with a one-year subscription to the Nebula Security Pack, which better protects your networks through IDP, Application Patrol, Content Filtering, and Anti-Virus security services. IDP guards your business from a wide range of attacks and suspicious activities such as SQL injection and DoS; Application Patrol helps boost productivity and prevent bandwidth abuse by prioritising, throttling, and blocking unnecessary applications; and Content Filtering uses categorisation and URL filtering to stop users from accessing malicious and inappropriate sites. Finally, the Anti-Virus acts as a bulwark against malware including viruses, Trojans, worms, spyware, and rogue ware, being the first line of defence for your networks. The NSG100 can be quickly and easily deployed at a remote location through nearly zero-touch cloud provisioning. It automatically pulls policies and configuration settings, receives seamless firmware upgrades and security signature updates from the cloud without the need for on-site networking expertise.” Contact: Zyxel

Ubiquiti USG UniFi Security Gateway Enterprise Router Specs: 366g in weight, 512 MB DDR2 RAM, 2GB flash memory support. “The UniFi Security Gateway extends the UniFi Enterprise System to provide costeffective, reliable routing and advanced security for your network with management of the UnmiFi Security Gateway and other UniFi devices through a single, centralised device with Firewall, VPN and QoS built in.” Contact: Target Components



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Sector Guide Netatmo Smart Indoor Camera Specs: 130° field of view, infrared night vision for night-time use, Full HD 1080p recording, 4MP video sensor, 2.4GHz Wi-FI 802.11 b/g/n, 10/100 Mbit RJ-45 ethernet port, 24/7 live streaming, local video storage with up to 32GB MicroSD card, subscriptionfree, Android/iOS monitoring app, Apple HomeKit/ Google Assistant support, size: 45mm x 45mm x 155mm. “The Netatmo Smart Indoor Camera uses advanced facial recognition to provide immediate alerts if an intruder enter your home. Capable of recognising loved ones, pets and familiar faces, it lets you know if it spots a stranger while remaining sensitive to your privacy. All these features as well as video storage are available without subscription.” Contact: Netatmo

TP-Link Deco M9 Plus Smart Home Mesh Wi-Fi System Specs: Wi-Fi dead-zone killer, superior Tri-Band speed, built-in smart hub, connects over 100 devices. “Deco is the simplest way to guarantee a strong Wi-Fi signal in every corner of your home up to 4,500 square feet. Enjoy fast and secure Tri-Band Wi-Fi no matter how many devices you have. Deco M9 Plus connects and controls all your smart home devices as a hub, no need for additional hub.” Contact: Spire Technology

EZVIZ Indoor Security Cam Specs: 110/130-degree viewing angle, magnetic base, two-way talk system, MicroSD slot allowing for up to 256GB of local storage. “The EZVIZ Indoor Security Cam is the perfect entrylevel device for those looking to protect their home and keep an eye on their property when away or on holiday. Compatible with Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant and IFTTT devices, the Indoor Security Cam allows users to view live streams via the Echo Show/Spot and Google hub devices, all whilst offering a 110/130-degree viewing angle on each model respectively.” Contact: EZVIZ


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“At Synology we make sure our solutions have the best security levels that are also easy for users to set up and monitor� 46


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Synology’s Jeremie Francois The NAS manufacturer’s Business Development Analyst discusses upcoming expansions to its surveillance and high-end rack solutions, reveals how Synology is adapting to changes within the storage and security sectors, and explains why prevention is always better than cure...

Tell us about your career in the industry and your current role at Synology. I joined Synology back in 2012, working at our HQ office in Taiwan. I was working on software side of the business as a product manager for mobile applications. As I was moving to the UK, a sales role came up in the Milton Keynes office, so I joined the team there as a business development analyst working on channel management and sales. What is your team focused on at the moment? In terms of our product range, we have got some very important updates on the high-end rack range enterprise segment coming. Traditionally Synology have been strong on the SMB market, more so desktop NAS, however we have got some great solutions coming out, all-flash array updates and a dual controller with ActiveActive technology being released later on this year. On the software side of the business, solutions such as Veeam are very popular and often customers use a


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Synology NAS as the storage target. Since many businesses need fully integrated solutions and software optimised for its hardware, we have developed a package called Active Backup. This package is completely licence-free, it turns the Synology into a backup appliance to protect all IT workloads for businesses. We have also recently added support for Sharepoint, and more options for virtualisation environments as Hyper-V is in the pipeline. Microsoft users should be delighted! How is data storage and security changing, and how is Synology adapting to these changes? Conventionally building an IT infrastructure implied a tough decision; private cloud versus public cloud. Private cloud means that you have 100% control of the hardware infrastructure, with the downside of less flexibility and possible over investment compared to that of a public cloud. Public cloud means a loss of control over a businesses data, which can be a major concern to

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businesses, particularly after the implementation of regulations such as GDPR last year. What we have seen is that customers are wanting to have a hybrid solution. This allows them to have their data exactly where they need it, and gives them the ability to access it when whenever they want. Take the media and broadcasting industry as an example; they are often needing to edit very large files and are also needing this done locally, with little to no latency, however when you have finished the editing and you want to share these files (especially if your customer is in a different country). You may actually be happy to

very limited impact on your business. Prevention is better than cure. Are there any upcoming plans or projects at Synology you can tell us about? In terms of product, we have a very exciting NAS coming soon to our surveillance range. Surveillance is a critical activity nowadays and making live-view analytics ever more intelligent is a key challenge, so our newest unit to join the surveillance family is an AI powered model. It is called the DVA3219 (due to be released very soon) and is perfect for the SMB market.

“Our annual launch event, Synology 2020, is a great opportunity to network with like-minded people, try hands-on demonstrations and learn more about what the Synology product roadmap holds for 2020” upload that specific project to a platform such as Google Drive to share the file more easily. Synology strives to make that as simple as possible, with apps such as Cloud Sync, allowing users to build their own “Hybrid Cloud”. Security is ever more important. We have all heard about the ransomware threats and they are very real. What Synology does is to make sure that the solutions we provide have the best security levels and that these are easy for the user to set up and monitor. This goes beyond simply storage and the overall network. We have our own range of routers with excellent features like VPN solutions and threat prevention. It is important to still plan for the worse should your IT infrastructure be affected. We also have great backup disaster recovery solutions that allow you to guarantee if you are impacted that you will always be able to recover fast by retrieving your data and getting systems up and running again, and making sure it has a

Essentially these are completely powered by the Synology NAS, no cloud platform is relied on which is essential for data confidentiality. We are currently working on strengthening our highend rack range and are soon to be releasing a dual controller product notably with Active-Active technology. We are very much looking forward to its release to introduce it to the market. To properly push these high-end rack solutions, in addition to our partner programme launched last year, we are looking to upgrade our service-levels, by working more closely with service partners, Stortrec in the UK notably. We are holding our annual launch event ‘Synology 2020’ in London later this year where we shall be showcasing our newest technologies. It’s a great opportunity to network with like-minded people, try hands-on demonstrations and a chance to learn more about what the Synology product roadmap holds for 2020. More event details can be found on our website.

More information at www.synology.com



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<Logging off>\\| Out and about in the industry

<The tech channel’s very own Ironman > Rob Boyns from Network Group member Boyns Information Systems recently completed his 9th Ironman distance event, making him a bona fide tech channel hero is PCR’s eyes. Raising money for Hope House / Ty Gobaith Hospice, who provide palliative care for children, Boyns swam 2.4 miles, cycled for 112 miles and then run a marathon in the Bolton event. “This is my 3rd year raising money for Hope House / Ty Gobaith and I have visited the facilities a few times and have learnt a lot about the great things they do – both the staff and volunteers. On each occasion I have been humbled,” said Boyns. After completing the hardcore Ironman challenged, Boys said: “I am now ready for a summer rest of a few ice creams, the odd beer and some relaxation with the family.” Boyns got a lot of support from “corporate” sponsors, which contributed to his charitable efforts and in turn got a spot on his shirt. He is also accepting donations from individuals, so if you would like to show your support for Boyns’ impressive feat and the great work Hope House does, visit: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/robertboyns2019


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<Logging off>\\| Out and about in the industry

<Biggest tech news from… August 2010> Now you’re up-to-date with the latest issues in tech retail, let’s take a trip down memory lane to some interesting stories from yesteryear… Intel buys McAfee Back in August 2010, Intel announced that it would be acquiring security specialist McAfee in a deal worth $7.68 billion. The boards of directors at both firms unanimously approved the deal. Intel said the integration of hardware and security software under one roof would “ultimately yield more advanced threat detection and prevention”. “Hardware-enhanced security will lead to breakthroughs in effectively countering the increasingly sophisticated threats of today and tomorrow,” said Renée James, Intel senior vice president, and general manager of Intel’s software and services group, at the time.

Cameron Diaz is world’s most dangerous celeb... online Hollywood actress Cameron Diaz replaced Jessica Biel as the “most risky celebrity to search for online” during 2010, researchers at McAfee found. Malware writers often use famous names to lure people to websites laden with spyware, adware, spam, phishing scams and viruses. As such, actors and models were among the worst on the year’s Most Dangerous Celebrities list, while politicians such as Barack Obama were among the safest to search for.

IT industry has largest gender pay gap

Hard drive makers face ‘significant decisions’ ahead

A study conducted in 2010 by the Chartered Institute of Management found that IT had the largest gender pay inequality of any industry. According to Silicon.com, the average wage for men in the IT industry at the time was £50,487, while the average wage for women was just £32,751. In lower-level jobs, the gap was smaller but still unequal, with men earning £20,187, compared to £19,068 for women. Although the pay gap is decreasing, with women seeing a better rate of pay increase than men, it is still estimated that it will take 63 years for women to catch up at the current rate of increase.

Nine years ago, hard drive maker Hitachi’s research boss said that a “big change is needed” to take physical disks beyond 2015. The market leaders of hard drives had earlier agreed to form a joint research group to pool resources in developing new technology to break through a storage density barrier. “So in the next two years we have to make some significant decisions,” Currie Munch, vice president of worldwide research at Hitachi GST, told the EE Times. “The supply base needs a common direction from the industry, and that can’t come from one company alone,” he said.

Send stories to Laura Barnes at laura.barnes@biz-media.co.uk

NEXT MONTH Gaming Special The next issue of PCR will be our gaming special, where we’ll be looking at the latest gaming gear and how best to sell it. As well as opinions and analysis on the market, we’ll be showcasing the latest gaming PCs, components and peripherals in our sector guides and interviewing some of the biggest players in the field. If you would like to get involved in our annual gaming special, get in touch via the email above.



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