BikeBiz March 2019

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Mar’ 19

MARCH 2019 01 BBMar19 Front cover_Final.indd 1

26/02/2019 13:00

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‘Cycling’s cost-effectiveness as a method of transport will serve as a layer of protection in the challenging years to come’

CONTENT Editor James Groves Staff Writer Rebecca Morley Graphic Designer Tom Carpenter Contributors Laura Laker

ADVERTISING SALES Sales Manager Richard Setters +44 (0)207 354 6028

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INTERNATIONAL BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson for opportunities and permissions.

MANAGEMENT Media Director Colin Wilkinson

Printed by Buxton Press Ltd ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2019


The final countdown? As we hurtle towards our exit from the European Union, it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid regurgitating the same old arguments we’ve all participated in on a weekly basis for the past three years. Regardless of the eventual outcome, there is little doubt identical discussions will continue beyond 29th March. Despite the perpetual analysis published since David Cameron called the referendum in February 2016, we’re still lacking real clarity on precisely how Brexit will alter the condition of each individual market. The cycling industry can take small comfort in comparing with other, highly-regulated industries, where the effects of leaving the EU will be much more fundamental. Cycling’s cost-effectiveness as a method of transport makes it a fairly recession-proof practice, and that will serve as a layer of protection in the challenging years to come. In the event of a no-deal Brexit, which threatens to put the brakes on the ever-growing EU e-bike market (and likely encourage a race to the bottom in terms of both quality and price), it would be difficult to maintain such optimism. Given recent political history, it’s difficult to put much faith in the powers that be, but the past three years have presented such turbulence that surely, this time around, the correct decision will be made...

James Groves

Biz Media Ltd, Axe & Bottle Court, 70 Newcomen St, London SE1 1YT


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03 BBMar19 Comment Final.indd 1


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Rebecca Morley

Richard Setters

Tom Carpenter

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+44 (0)203 143 8777

26/02/2019 15:57


MARCH 2019 Opinion


The car killer Jim Cregan, founder of Jimmy’s Iced Coffee, explains why he swapped his Mercedes C63 for a sustainable Tern GSD



The ‘bike-ocalypse’? Mark Hallinger offers many questions and the beginnings of an answer on surviving turbulent times



The B word BikeBiz speaks to three importers from the bike industry ahead of the UK’s impending exit from the European Union



COREbike 2019 Rebecca Morley reports from COREbike’s biggest ever year

IBD Focus


The IBD 100 Upgrade speaks to BikeBiz about its exclusive range for independents

05 BBMar19 Contents Final.indd 1



26/02/2019 13:01


Let’s play a game Kevin Burton presents an all-too-familiar scenario from bike shops around the country

6 | March 2019

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aving been a cyclist since I was a kid, I’ve racked up around 30 years of experience in the industry. I like to think I know my stuff! But let’s forget, for a moment, that I have that ‘insider knowledge’, and measure the shopping experience from a consumer perspective. Let’s say I want to start getting more into road cycling as I’ve mostly ridden off-road – I know a lot about MTBs and a little about gravel bikes. So, where to start?

The internet After many hours of searching forums and reviews on the internet, I settle on a couple of brands that I’m keen on, but I decide I need some advice from an expert. There are so many opinions and options to choose from! The bike shop I walk in and the staff are busy with a few people, but that’s a good sign, right? It builds confidence: if people are being dealt with, the shop must have good service and great products. After 15 minutes of looking around, the staff are still busy and I am yet to be acknowledged. There is not even someone who says: ‘Hello, we are really busy but I will get to you’. After 40 minutes or so, I decide to leave, and I won’t be going back to this shop. At home that evening, I’m looking online at a major direct-toconsumer brand, and given that the price seems great and it’s better value, why would I buy the product from a shop? I very nearly buy it there and then, but I get a recommendation to go to this cool trendy-looking shop a bit further away.

‘When someone walks into your store, it is because they have a need and a reason to be there. In this unsettled retail market, the last thing you should be doing is alienating a consumer’ I visit the store at the weekend. When I walk in they seem really busy, but two of the staff acknowledge me and ask me if I want a coffee while I wait. I’m impressed so far – it’s the little things! After a while, one of the guys comes over and we have a nice friendly chat. It wasn’t so much about bikes to start with, but that made me feel even more relaxed. We get talking about what I have done in the past, my experience and skills, and then go on to what I’m looking for. When I was asked about what I’ve looked at, I tell him about my online experience, and this store was open to helping me with that. If I bring it in they can set it up for me – at a cost, of course. They then take me through some models they think might suit my needs, talking through all the features and different options, and I’m offered a test ride on a few models. I go out on three different bikes and decide on one that is above budget, and I get a free set up when I collect the bike. We then go on to have a chat about other items like shoes, pedals, clothing and helmets. Two very different experiences!

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In my time I have seen similar things in different stores throughout the UK. I have been in stores that have said to me: ‘No, I’m not dealing with that bike as you purchased it online’. Why? This consumer still needs service work and accessories, and maybe next time they will buy the bike from you. The component that has been purchased online still needs to be fitted, and if you have a great workshop and look after the consumer they may buy the part from you next time. The first situation should never happen. I know everyone will get busy in-store, but it takes five seconds to say: ‘Hello, I will be with you as soon as possible’. When someone walks into your store, it is because they have a need and a reason to be there. In this unsettled retail market, the last thing you should be doing is alienating a consumer – we all know what happens if you do that!

8 | March 2019

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‘People buy from people for a reason. So give them a reason!’ The internet isn’t going away. You may have to adapt your business in some way, but it is still possible to use the internet to your advantage. Do what the internet can’t do and offer that as part of your unique buying experience. The internet does a lot of good things but so can brick and mortar stores. Retail is hard enough as it is, so don’t go and make it even tougher on yourselves. ‘People buy from people for a reason’. This was told to me on a sales training course over 20 years ago. So, give them a reason! 

26/02/2019 13:07


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14/02/2019 10:20


Could e-bikes kill the car? Jim Cregan, founder of Jimmy’s Iced Coffee, explains why he swapped his Mercedes C63 for a sustainable Tern GSD


day peddling Iced Coffee at the unit is over and I’m back home. The kids have been fed, bathed and are now tucked into bed. It’s dinner and chill time. It’s time to relax on the sofa and browse the internet, searching for things that make me itchy with excitement. The list starts with a Suzuki VanVan motorbike for forest cruising and ends with the Mercedes of my dreams staring at me on Autotrader.

11-12 BBMar19 Opinion Tern Final.indd 1

And not just any Mercedes, a black 2013 Mercedes C63 Estate with sports upgrade pack and a lot of other stuff. I decide to ring the dealership the next morning. I pay my deposit the following afternoon and pick the car up the day after. I had been on the hunt for one of these cars for years and here it was, parked in my drive. A 6.2l, V8 machine in black, with tinted windows. March 2019 | 11

26/02/2019 13:09


I loved the honeymoon period of this car. It was the guiltiest pleasure on the planet, but I began to fall out of love with the fuel indicator needle, which seemed to fall as fast as the speedometer would rise. I was spending £80 per week on fuel. Added to that, road tax was similar to a university degree fee and the planet was coughing every time I got in it. That was it, four years of lusting led to a four-month love affair. It was short and sweet, but the car had to be sold. I needed a more sustainable set of wheels. After doing some maths, I thought about how many miles I actually do each month and realised I should just get a bicycle. But not just any bicycle, I still wanted something that was going to make me smile like the Mercedes did. Impossible? Perhaps, but then it hit me – I needed an electric bike. I rang my friend Ben, who runs an electric bike shop in London called Fully Charged, and asked what he had. He explained to me that he was about to take delivery of the bike of my dreams, the Tern GSD (Get Stuff Done). I did some digging online and thought yes, this bike is actually going to replace the car. How, you ask? Well, it can take my two kids on the back with panniers for beers and a little BBQ, and it offers loads of other options too. The battery gives you all the extra power you need and it makes cycling fun for all. I paid my deposit and took delivery the next day. It made me smile more than the Mercedes did, not just through performance but the fact that it felt like I was cheating the system, but legally.

12 | March 2019

11-12 BBMar19 Opinion Tern Final.indd 2

In our personal lives, the bike has been so useful that myself and my wife both argue each day as to who gets to have the bike tomorrow. I need it to get to work, while she needs it to get the kids to school and ferry random things around. We spent a great deal of time at the beach last summer, and that meant carrying a lot of gear. But this is no longer a problem. We can get to the beach with two kids on the back, a heap of stuff on the front rack and all the food, towels, wetsuits and spades in a trailer, all without breaking a sweat. The fairly wide tyres allow you to get down dusty and sandy tracks, and a low gear in turbo mode propels you through sand like a Arabian Toyota Land Cruiser. You just have to remember to hang on. If we didn’t have the e-bike, we’d need to chuck our gear on a little land train and do trips back and forth to the beach to unload. Then there’s the work side. Last summer, I held a beach BBQ for The Wave Project (a surf-based charity) and I managed to tow a cool box full of food and cases of our iced coffee along the promenade to the venue. It was hands down better than driving in traffic, paying for parking and lugging all the gear to the spot. The Tern GSD is nicknamed the car killer, and I now understand why. It is the most useful thing I’ve ever owned. My advice to you is this: if you’re thinking about your wallet, your fuel bill, your overall fitness and the planet, get yourself an e-bike. Do your research online, book a test drive and get your wallet out. There’s also a couple of Cycle to Work initiatives, so I’d recommend exploring those options if you can. 

26/02/2019 13:09












DURABLE D e x s h e l l

@ d e x s h e l l u k

d e x s h e l l u k


The ‘bike-ocalypse’, or just change? Mark Hallinger offers many questions and the beginnings of an answer on surviving turbulent times


his opinion started as a humour piece back in October or November last year, a bit of good-natured grumpy reflection about where the cycling world might be heading. This would all be based on a range of characters I actually came in contact with over a few weeks last year. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales on wheels, perhaps. Or maybe a wild downhill ride a la Dante’s Inferno? Or, it could have a ‘Four Horsemen of the Cycling Industry Apocalypse’ theme. The first horseman might be a gaggle of 20-somethings on electric scooters roaring down the bike path. This could be coupled with a mythical study that noted that 63% of urban dwellers cite

16 | March 2019

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electric scooters as a regular form of transportation, whereas one year ago that number was less than 1%. Another horseman was seen on the same gorgeous October day as the scooter hipsters, a pair of 40-50 something businessattired movers and shakers on hoverboards. We’ve lost another demographic, I thought! For the benighted, hoverboards are those electric platform devices with a wheel on each side and gyroscopes for balance. If you’re stuck in the year 2000 like me in more ways than thinking that nine speed was enough already, they are sort of like a cut-down Segue with just the platform part, with no ‘handlebars’ reaching skyward.

26/02/2019 16:27


You stand on it, and when you lean forward you move forward at about the same speed that someone who rides a bike four times each year would average on flat ground. Anyway, seeing these grown men in suits on hoverboards was, I can’t say ‘freakish,’ I suppose. ‘Disconcerting’ seems a fair, non-judgemental word that says more about me than them. But seriously, did these guys know how ridiculous they looked? I say that as somebody who routinely shaves his legs and roars around town on a folding bike, sometimes wearing a tuxedo. My Brompton World Championships training and attire aside, when I saw these men on hoverboards the same day that I saw the young men on e-scooters, it dawned on me that I wasn’t in Kansas anymore… or 1988! The third horsewoman was sighted later that night. It was actually a collection of several women, one or two guys, and a child I saw on the sidewalks of the poshest urban bit of the near-in suburb of Washington D.C. where I live. In the space of five minutes I saw no fewer than a dozen of these folks clearly heading to some kind of exercise class, with things like yoga mats, gym bags and upscale water bottles (no BPA of course!) in tow.

None were arriving by bike – they were either coming from the train or walking from the ‘upscale city living’ apartments where they live. It was like a scene that a Hollywood elite would stage for a sitcom opening intended to reflect the blandness and uniformity of suburban life, as everyone was pretty damned similar. It clearly reflected the craze and trend of the ever-increasing options in fitness classes, whether they be spin cycling by candlelight with Enya music, kickboxing, something that emphasises the ‘core,’ Zumba, a Brazilian variety of martial arts, something that has the word ‘soul,’ in it, or others. If you remember the years when Starbucks was opening stores literally a block apart from each other in urban settings, that is how it now seems with trendy fitness studios. These are all fine things I’m sure, but as a cycling person I must note that my sighting of the uber-fit class takers were all within two or three blocks of a car-free trailhead that connects to other paved and gravel trails extending perhaps 1,000km or more. There was an hour or more of sunlight left, and all these people would rather attend a ‘class’ than ride a bike. How did we lose these folks, and how do we get them back?

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March 2019 | 17

26/02/2019 16:27


This scooter was found lying on its side at the midway point of a major 10K+ long cycling route connecting the urban downtown with a near-in suburb

A subset of these people would be the Peloton/Zwift/smart trainer customer. There’s a bit more overlap with actual cycling amongst these people, it seems to me. I’m seeing more and more cyclists invest in these as a foul weather training option. Personally, I’d rather ride my Fat Bike on icy roads in sub freezing temperatures than ride a trainer, but I am slowly starting to think about an indoor option I might be able to tolerate. One of the smart trainer video apps sold where I work can even throw a recent Brompton World Championships race up on the big video screen connected to the trainer. That’s pretty cool! While many smart trainer customers cross over to actual cycling, most of the people I’ve sold cleats or shoes to see riding inside as safer and far more convenient. They don’t want to ride on trail or road. I still put the thought in their head that those nice stiff shoes I just sold them could also be used on a real bike. Who should the fourth horseman be? The older you get, the more you will see cultural signs that elicit sighs or deeper expressions of frustration. The box of pasta I saw on a grocery shelf that contained spaghetti precut to be ‘pot-sized,’ made me shudder. How can people incapable of breaking a bundle of dried spaghetti with their hands ever operate the stiffer variants of a twist shifter found on a basic recreational bike? How could they ever have the hand strength to use brakes on a mountain bike ride with a lot of up-down and hairpin turns? What else scares me about our brave new world? The fact that the ‘pet fashion industry,’ is probably growing at a rate higher than cycling. 18 | March 2019

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And the idea that the International Olympic Committee has been seriously looking at eSports (which in truth is a multi-billion dollar growth industry that we should respect even if we do not partake). Electric skateboards bother me more than a bit. I am somewhat perplexed and yet impressed with all the horsemen mentioned above. The scary thing is that I avoid these things because I know I might enjoy them, and I have too many project bikes lying around to spend time playing video games, riding electric scooters, or picking out my dogs’ new Halloween costumes. And I’m told I should avoid Fortnite at all costs, lest my TT times suffer. Weakness aside, so far, none of my horsemen have actually been on bicycles. Perhaps the fourth could be an amalgam of the many younger urban dwellers I have in my car on the nights I do a bit of Uber driving. I always ask those who live within the urban part of metropolitan DC if they own bikes. Fewer do today than just a few years ago. I know this is true because my side job – where I refurbish 20 to 30-year-old bikes to sell as urban commuters – has fallen off the cliff. Why are fewer people under 30 riding bikes? ‘I don’t ride much, maybe a few times in the summer, and I would just use a bike share bike for that,’ is a common response. Others say that Uber itself is better than a bike for a trip of a few miles – less up front, less hassle with theft and storage, and safer. Of course, I’ve been told by more than a few people that bike share is the saviour of the cycling pastime and the planet, so the people I see on the grandmotherly bikes can’t be a part of the bike-ocalypse.

26/02/2019 16:27

BB-MAR18-HOTLINES:Layout 1 21/02/2019 10:11 Page 1

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Distributors of great brands across the UK Find your Local stockist at: or contact us on: Tel: 01772 459 887 Bob Elliot Ad 1 Logos.indd 1

12/02/2019 15:50


All I can say is that ten or 15 years ago, a fairly priced used bike posted on Craigslist used to elicit half a dozen responses within a few hours, and a sale within a day. Those same bikes today take weeks or even months to sell. While I know bike share may bring some into cycling, I have to see it as a competitor as well, and thus a worthy fourth horseman. Competition is good of course, but it sort of bothers me that these schemes get subsidised. I’m sure they ease congestion and the like, but so do independent bike shops, and people like me selling budget-priced old bikes. Do we get deals on the real estate we occupy or a subsidy to keep operating? Reality bites Right when I started thinking about this article in Q4 last year, a few things happened that took my thinking beyond whinging about the broad consumer and cultural trends I mention here.

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Within a week or two, the US industry was hit with two bits of ominous news. First, the parent company of 100+ store Performance Bicycle, the biggest chain of bicycle retailers, declared bankruptcy. At this point, almost three months later, many stores have closed, with stock eventually selling at 90% off. The rest will last a few more weeks as they help clear stock held by the stores’ online wings. Like a vulture, I stocked up on name brand parts and clothing I can resell on eBay, and I also acquired pro level work stands and shelving for my basement shop. The demise of Performance was not fully a surprise to those paying attention. It was, however, followed by something that I had not heard rumours of: Interbike, the venerable US cycling industry trade show, called off its 2019 edition. It might come back at a later date. Or not. A final incident that followed on that announcement was a surprise to me at least: Sky announced it would cease funding of its pro team after 2019. That was a capstone to a bad few weeks. But a few things kept me from being too depressed by all this. First, I was not only a 35 or more year customer of the Performance catalogue and online presence, I had also been a shop employee at two locations up until a bit more than a year ago, when I quit to work at an LBS. I know from this experience that these shops didn’t fail just because of larger demographic trends. What I saw happen at the two retail stores I worked at over nine years made me sad as a lifelong cyclist and ‘bike shop guy’, and there are some important takeaways for any shop. In a sentence, the chain overemphasised its ‘retailer’ role while dismissing its ‘bike shop’ role. That’s the clear takeaway for bicycle retailers in my eyes – don’t be a retailer at the expense of being a bike shop. Find a balance. Mid-level and district management was out of touch with the local cycling community and emphasised things like price tag placement on bikes and a lengthy, silly script on what to say when answering the phone. Conversely, things like basic new bike build quality, shop protocols, knowledgeable sales and mechanic staff, and being a part of the local cycling community was not emphasised and sometimes actively discouraged. While I knew more than a few good managers, mechanics and salespeople, every spring the store was generally repopulated with new staff of very young people who did not own or ride bikes. While there were some roses amongst the thorns here, it was often people who thought a bike shop was a better job than working the counter at a fast food joint. There was not a lot of cycling knowledge, and mechanical practices and competence varied from very good at one location to cringeworthy at another store. In other words, the stores and the repair shops within offered little added value to buying bikes online. There was also little local input allowed. I worked at a shop near some of the best mountain biking in the region. You wouldn’t know that from the stock we had, which was chock-a-block with far too many commuter and beach bikes, and few true mountain bikes. March 2019 | 21

26/02/2019 16:27


Philly Bike Expo is a great event that is attracting attendees from farther and farther away, great exhibitors and a strong conference presence

I remember when a customer came in looking for a pair of midlevel mountain bikes for his kids, who were really starting to enjoy thrashing the woods with dad. He wanted a pair of roughly $1,000+ bikes, and features such as hydraulic disc brakes and somewhat modern 2x10 drivetrains. All we had that week were very basic bikes with spindly plastic derailleurs. And when I asked the manager if there was any way we could request bikes to suit our region so we wouldn’t be caught lacking, I was told to sit down and shut up. Big brother at corporate knew better. Sell what you have, even if the size isn’t right or the customer wants something different! I saw all this first-hand and eventually gave my notice when working at a location that had become dysfunctional, with a district manager asleep at the wheel. Some positives My frustration and anxiety about the future of cycling was soothed a bit by a few things. First, I went to work quite quickly at an LBS and helped that shop have one of its best years ever, even with record breaking levels of rain all year long. That shop paid me almost twice what the big chain had paid me, they recognised cycling experience as something of value, and so do the customers, 22 | March 2019

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who expect something a bit beyond a ‘big box’ store in sales and especially mechanical experience. In a year when the big chain failed, we had a very successful year – stressing consistent pro level mechanical work has value that can sustain a shop. I also had a smile on my face at my new LBS employer. A few days each week, we had a bunch of teens under the age of 15 who would stop by and talk about their rides. And they weren’t scared to do their own mechanical work. They were thrilled about seat bags and water bottles and all the things I discovered when I was ten or 11. This group gave me hope, and the fact that my new LBS actually hires 15-year-olds is something I had thought no longer happened. And while the demise of the big industry trade show was viewed as ominous, I have been attending excellent regional or niche shows that are growing. Philly Bike Expo is a great event that is attracting attendees from farther and farther away, great exhibitors and a strong conference presence. The North American Handmade Bicycle Show (NAHBS) is a bit niche, but it’s a strong niche based on what I saw at the Q1 2018 event. So, the clouds have silver linings it seems. Between these thoughts here and my new, evolving attempt to foster a cult of achievement in those entering the sport, maybe I can be less worried about the future of my passion. n

26/02/2019 16:27

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Foam is where the heart is Tannus chats to BikeBiz about its new Armour insert, developed with the Aither technology, and what sets it apart in the market How was 2018 for the Tannus team? Since Taipei 2018, when we announced we would be launching the Armour, to say we have been busy would be putting it mildly. 2018 was undoubtedly our best year to date as we saw huge growth globally.

24 | March 2019

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With Messingschlager taking over the new Armour distribution across much of Europe and Moore Large in the UK, 2019 promises to be an even better year and we are incredibly excited about the Armour launch on 4th April.

26/02/2019 14:42

What is the Armour? In short, the Tannus Armour is a foam insert that sits between your inner tube and tyre and acts as an additional layer of protection and vibration dampening. Whether it’s broken glass on the city roads that causes punctures, sharp rock sections on the trails in Fort William that slice our sidewalls, or pinch flats from hitting the corners of potholes or large rocks, keeping the air in our tyres is paramount to allowing us to enjoy riding. There is nothing worse than pushing your bike back, knowing others are riding. The Armour focuses on preventing three main types of puncture: • Sharp objects such as glass, thorns and nails that tend to cause such problems for city commuters and adventure touring cyclists • Sidewall protection. A massive race killer for downhill and enduro riders where the jagged rocks, flint and other razor sharp stones can shred your sidewall in a split second, no matter how much sealant you put in. • Pinch flats – common to both types of rider, when you hit an object and the impact causes your tyre to press your inner tube against the rim and you get those familiar ‘snake bite’ marks that let all your air out. The way we prevent these three types of punctures is in the bead-to-bead protection the Armour gives. At the apex, the part of the tyre in contact with the ground, the Armour provides an additional 15mm of protection on top of your tyre (so roughly 20mm of protection in total) as well as 2mm of sidewall protection that ensures that air stays in your tyres no matter what, so you can continue to ride all day long. As a last resort, in the case your valve fails or for whatever reason you leak air, the Armour will protect your rim to the extent that you can ride home on a totally flat tyre, at up to 10km/h without damaging your rim. So no matter what, you are still riding and not pushing your bike home. While the Armour will keep you riding all day long, the ride quality is something we focused on hugely during the development stages. Vibrations from bad roads or downhill trails takes its toll and effects how long we can ride comfortably before the arm ache kicks in. The Armour has been designed to absorb a huge amount of this vibration and dissipate the force evenly. The result is a very noticeably smoother, quieter and more comfortable ride. Is there any specific part of the market you are targeting with the Armour? What makes the Armour so exciting for us in these pre launch days (official launch is 4th April) is that we have had so much interest from just about every discipline within the cycling industry. Not matter what you ride, we can all identify with needing to keep air in our tyres. Although we wish it did, city life doesn’t wait around for you to fix a puncture. Time is precious, whether you are on your way to work, heading home or escaping for a weekend in the country. Nobody wants to be on the side of the road, covered in oil and wishing they had brought their pump. The Armour gives that reassurance that nothing is going to stop you riding.

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March 2019 | 25

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Downhill and Enduro have been a huge focus for Tannus, and our pro riders at the Moore Large/O’Neal race team have been working with us over the past months to get it right. Trying to follow DH World Cup rider Roger Vieria down the trails has been no easy feat, but his input and expertise has been second to none. We knew that if we were re-introducing the inner tube back into an MTB world that has been moving more and more towards tubeless, we had to offer a spec that really answered the issues that DH/Enduro riders suffer with a tubeless setup: sidewalls tears, rim damage and running too high pressures to get that protection that you reduce grip. The Armour resolves these issues. It gives you built-up sidewalls to protect against tears, absorbs impact and protects your rims, allowing riders to lower their pressure way below what tubeless can offer. Roger has been riding at ~17 PSI, which is unheard of on a big rock course. We are incredibly excited that Roger will be racing on the Armour next year. What sets the Armour apart from other products on the market? Our message is clear with the Armour : ‘Increased protection and performance’. We offer riders complete protection while at the same time improving their ride. This is something no one else offers. Some products will prevent some types of punctures, but they feel heavy and make pedaling much harder and therefore make riding less enjoyable. We offer near 360-degree protection from all kinds of punctures and what’s more, we actively make the ride more comfortable and more enjoyable. How does it compare to tubeless? We hope the rate at which Downhill and Enduro riders are swapping from tubeless to the Armour is an indication of just how well the Armour compares. Most of us have been riding tubeless for a few years now, and tubeless at the time offered more protection and the ability to run at a lower PSI than running a tube did. With the Armour, not only does our level of sidewall protection offer something tubeless simply cannot, but we can also run significantly lower PSI than tubeless (~15-20 PSI), giving us more traction than ever before. This combination of increased protection with improved grip and vibration dampening is a no-brainer for Downhill and Enduro riders. Not to mention that it installs like a regular tube, so there is no faffing about with sealant. When can we expect it to be available? The Armour will be available to the public from the 4th April. However, we are already taking orders from distributors and dealers now. For more info, contact your local Tannus distributor (Moore Large in the UK). The Armour will retail at £29.99.

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Tell us a little more about your Aither technology. Aither is that name we have given to the technology behind Tannus and indeed the Armour. Its properties are totally unique in terms of its durability, comfort and low rolling resistance. Ordinarily, you would expect an insert that offers so much protection to be very dense in order to withstand the constant impacts. However, Aither has allowed us to offer all-round protection, yet be super light and comfortable. Our development team of engineers have outdone themselves with the Armour. They have focused on overcoming the issues that all us riders have faced. We are incredibly excited for riders to feel how the Armour improves their experience. n

Q&A: Roger Vieria Pro DH racer, O’Neal/Moore Large Race Team Top three career highlights: 1st Place, American Continental Championship, Peru 2016 Top 40, World Cup, La Bresse, France, 2017 Top 15, Crankworx, Innsbruck, 2018

How does it affect your climbing? Well, the Armour allows me to use a really lightweight tyre and with a really fast rolling. I just lower the pressures and I get the grip I need.

Favourite tyre: Kenda Hellkat

Give us one example of something it allowed you to do that you couldn’t do on tubeless. It gives you more confidence when you are going through the rocks.

What PSI do you run with tubeless? 26 front 28 back. What PSI do you run with the Armour? 17 on the front and 19 on the back is the one. Why did you switch from Tubeless to Armour? Sidewall protection. I’ve lost races to tears in the sidewall. What was your initial impression? It felt different, but in a good way. It was super smooth and I was half a second faster. What differences do you notice? The grip is just endless and it’s like having a second suspension. What do you like most about it? The ride is a lot more smooth and you save a lot from arm pump. Running lower PSI: When does it help the most? On the off-camber and corners, the grip is just endless. You can trust a lot more and you don’t need to worry about the tyre burping in corners.

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Did you notice the weight? If so, how do you feel about it? I didn’t feel any difference riding-wise. It’s hard to tell. I used to use an insert on my tubeless wheels. You also have the choice of running a lighter compound tyre which ends up being lighter than tubeless altogether. What aspect of your riding will be most affected by it? Any race really, but in the rough tracks it definitely will make a huge difference. When was the last time you ran a lighter casing? In Revolution bike park in Wales. You can lower the pressure and have all the protection, so you can use a lighter weight tyre without sidewall protection and the Armour will provide the protection plus the grip you need by lowering the pressure. What would you say to the tube haters? I get it as I used to compete with tubeless, but if you want better grip, better protection and an overall smoother, more comfortable ride, try the Armour. n

March 2019 | 27

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BikeBiz speaks to three importers from the cycling industry regarding the UK’s impending exit from the European Union, and what it might mean for the future Peter Eland, technical manager, Bicycle Association In a no-deal Brexit scenario, exporters will see the most impacts, while retailers may even find some opportunities amid a difficult economic environment. What are the concerns? Potential disruption at the ports is a big one, for the large sector of the UK cycle industry supplied by imports from outside the EU. The main concerns are around Dover and other channel ports which deal with traffic from mainland Europe. In a no-deal exit these ports would see overnight changes in the checks and paperwork needed for UK-EU traffic, creating delays that could spread beyond the channel ports. Thankfully, a good proportion of the cycle industry’s goods come in via Liverpool and sea ports on the south coast, which largely deal with non-EU freight. The other main area of concern is for companies who deal with Europe directly – buying from Europe, selling to EU distributors or selling direct to EU consumers.

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Under no-deal, the UK becomes a ‘third country’ overnight, creating paperwork, admin and tariffs. Though there are mitigation measures announced, it’s hard to be confident that Government systems and businesses will cope seamlessly with the overnight change that results from a no-deal Brexit. The other main concern is the effect on the wider economy and consumer spending of a no-deal Brexit. Economic forecasters seem generally pessimistic about the prospects. There’s also the question of tariffs for exporters: If there is a no-deal exit, the UK drops out of all existing EU trade deals with around 60 non-EU countries, which could mean higher standard tariffs to clear those goods through customs. This could affect demand. What are the opportunities? Our industry is full of adaptable people and we’ll find opportunities in whatever trading environment comes along post Brexit.

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In terms of the general economy, there’s a saying that ‘cycling does well in a recession’. When everyone is feeling the pinch and there’s widespread job insecurity, car costs become ever harder to justify. That produces an uptick in cycling for transport, providing a boost both to sales and to bike shops who repair, sell parts, etc. There are also some more specific factors. Anti-dumping measures imposed on China by the EU will cease to apply in the UK if we leave the Customs Union with no deal. This could make it cheaper to import, at the risk of a ‘race to the bottom’ in terms of price. That said, much of the supply chain has moved away from China and it may take some time for this to change back. The main source countries for bikes imported to the UK are currently Cambodia, the Philippines and Bangladesh. For higher-end bikes and e-bikes in particular, it’s possible that new EU-UK tariff barriers could make the prospect of assembling bikes in the UK, rather than in mainland Europe, more attractive. On the retail side, there’s certainly a great opportunity to shout about the economy, fun and health benefits of getting around by bike, whatever the Brexit outcome. Cycle retailers are where people should go for great value solutions to their transport needs, be that a new e-bike or just fixing up an old commuter.

Longer-term, the ‘future arrangement’ is still also up in the air. It’ll probably be some sort of free trade agreement with Europe which would allow zero tariffs, but not frictionless trade like we have now. Experts say this could take closer to ten years to negotiate than the maximum four years available if the Withdrawal Agreement goes through. So it’s almost certain there are many years of Brexit discussions and upheaval still to come. Overall, I’m really quite optimistic for the UK cycle industry. For most UK cycle sector companies, the general state of the postBrexit economy will be key.

Neil Davies, managing director, Pashley Cycles We export our bikes, handcrafted in Stratford upon Avon, to 45 countries, so disruption to export trade is not helpful if we have a no-deal Brexit. How are you preparing for 29th March and beyond? We’ve worked with larger customers to plan orders which avoid shipments taking place around the potential no-deal cliff edge at the end of March. We’ve done the same with component shipments and we’re keeping resources tight because we don’t know what will happen.

Any other predictions or comments? When it comes to some of the really big Brexit questions, we can still only wait and see. There’s a huge difference between a no-deal Brexit and an orderly exit via the proposed Withdrawal Agreement. The Withdrawal Agreement would give a two-year transition period, which could be extended to up to four years, during which trading would continue much as it is now, allowing much more time for new arrangements to be put into place. Under no-deal, our status changes overnight.

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What impact is Brexit having on the business already? The UK economy has slowed with the uncertainty caused by Brexit, and we are impacted by consumers holding back spending on larger value items such as cars and bikes. We are offsetting that with growth in our bike hire business in London and Edinburgh. We are the last of the historic brands to manufacture in Britain and source in the UK where we can. For components sourced abroad, it’s challenging dealing with a sterling weakened by the Brexit vote. What do you predict will happen with importing and exporting goods around the world for manufacture and sale? It’s impossible to predict as we don’t know whether we will have a cliff edge no-deal, or a more orderly transition period. If it’s a nodeal, then in the short-term we would expect a fall in sterling, changing tariffs, changing administration on shipments. Mediumterm, if we go through an orderly transition period, we still have to decide what the final outcome of our exit will be, so there is likely to be more uncertainty at that point. Longer-term, ensuring we remain involved in the right standards regulation and testing regime is critical.

Claire Beaumont, marketing manager, Condor Cycles Right now the pound is poor so a lot more international customers are purchasing from us. At the same time, our products have risen in price because the pound isn’t as strong against the Euro. In all honesty, we don’t know what’s going to happen. We could plan for something to happen but it changes all the time, every week. We have imports that come by air and road from Europe all the time, our frames come in all the time, which could be affected. We buy from Taiwan and China for some products, like SRAM. We are used to buying from markets outside the EU, so if we switch to similar arrangements with the EU it won’t be much of a shock. We have a lot of frames or stock which are priced already, at the moment we hold about 1,000 frames in stock. Grant Young (the son of Condor founder Monty Young, who has worked with Condor since 1972) remembers the time before Britain was in the EU. The price of the Euro is always fluctuating so we are used to that. A number of my colleagues are from the EU and I hope they don’t leave Condor as a result – they are really valued! 

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March 2019 | 31

26/02/2019 15:53


CORE blimey! Rebecca Morley speaks to Rouleur’s Chris Holman to gather his thoughts on this year’s COREbike, before reflecting on the brands and products on show

32 | March 2019

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OREbike 2019 returned for another year to Whittlebury Hall from 27th to 29th January. Rouleur’s Chris Holman tells BikeBiz why it was a such a success

How was COREbike 2019? It went very well and the feedback from exhibitors has been very positive. They saw over 500 dealers from all over the country and the hotel reported that they served a record number of lunches on Monday. The final count of badges collected over the three days confirmed that it was the best-attended COREbike since the show started way back in 2005. How was this year different to last year? No snow for starters, although the weather was a bit grim further north on Monday evening. We only had a few dealers saying they couldn’t make the trip, which was a shame, but there weren’t any major issues really. The big change on-site was the new marquee space for Moore Large, which allowed it to bring more of its brands to the show and also freed up space for Bergamont and Syncros to attend this year. The marquee looked like it worked very well with a nice natural flow of visitors going through. How many people were in attendance? Dealers: 1,109 Press: 90 Other industry: 158 Do you think the Bike Place’s date change had an impact? No, it doesn’t appear to have. The two shows were also on different dates last year, albeit only a week apart that time, but CORE has now enjoyed two record years in a row. I think the real positive is that the dealers that were leaving early after lunch to try and squeeze Bike Place in don’t do that now, so there’s more quality time being spent at the show. How do you hope to build on this for next year? We will be looking at ways to try and increase the number of hotel rooms available next year for dealers to stay over. Clearly some dealers need the extra day to get around and see all the companies they need to, so it’s important we can facilitate that for as many as possible. Looking further ahead, the hotel has plans to add another wing so that will create more capacity on-site, and there’s also a new Hilton hotel being built just down the road at Silverstone. n

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Rebecca Morley takes a tour of Whittlebury Hall and speaks to some of the people behind the products and ranges at COREbike 2019... First in at the entrance was Hope, with a stand close to the door meaning visitors had to pass it before they reached the registration desk. Sales and marketing manager Alan Weatherill says: “It was nice being by the entrance, people just walk through, so I think we saw just about everyone! It was a good show, it always seems to go well.” In the Silverstone Courtyard, Silverfish, joined by Bergamont and Syncros on their COREbike debuts, showcased brands including Yeti Cycles, Knog, Muc-Off, 100%, Mondraker, SDG, Race Face, Fox and Skratch. From Knog came the Cobber, a light that has 330-degrees of visibility, meaning that it was “just as visible” from the side of the bike as the back, according to marketing manager Richard Schofield.

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The distributor, which is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year, also displayed brands new to its portfolio – Birzman, with its range of workshop tools, multi-tools, tool boxes, pumps, luggage and accessories, and Michelin, with its bike ranges of tyres, alongside the new Protection range from 100%. Schofield adds: “100% never had armour before, so it’s all new. Now the range is gloves, goggles, helmets, protection and riding gear, so quite a lot going on. Now we’ve got things for downhill, trail, and the glove range is not specific to any particular discipline.” ZyroFisher, over in Astons restaurant, also had a wide range of brands on display, including Santini, Hiplok, Master Lock, GT85, Alpinestars, Vittoria, and Selle Italia. It was also the first showing of Argon 18 as a ZyroFisher brand, as well as Evoc and Niterider. Other brands on show included Tacx, Abus, Altura, Bell, CamelBak, Hamax, Giro, SKS, Torq, Fenwicks and Panaracer. It was also announced in January that ZyroFisher will distribute Deity Components, the US manufacturer of premium race goods.

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Founder Eric Davies says: “The show’s gone great, it was amazing to be there. We’ve been waiting to get back to the UK. The goal is to get involved with bike shops, the community and the riders over here and hit the ground running. “I’m used to events where you stand in line and talk to somebody, and mostly you can only get 30 or 60 seconds with them. So to be able to sit and talk to somebody for an hour is what the relationships are all about. It’s why we’re so excited about the UK scene, it’s different over here than in the United States. Everything’s a little bit closer, it seems like everybody’s very supportive of each other.” Next to ZyroFisher, Extra showcased its brand portfolio in the Grand Prix suite, including the new additions to the UK market of M2O Industries and Tubolito, alongside an expanded product portfolio from its existing brands. The distributor’s stand also had a different layout to previous years. Stephen Hayes, head of marketing, says: “We basically got rid of everything that we had last year to give more of our brands a bigger presence and a bigger impact at the show, which allowed us to showcase the new products especially, but also some of the other bigger messages that we wanted to get across, like some of the detail underneath each product. “With a brand like M2O, which is a new brand for us, it gives us a chance to showcase that with the new stand. We like to bring the brand to CORE as well. We’ve got representatives from pretty much all our brands, so it was a big change for us this year, along with a new exhibition stand, new brands and lots of new people joining the business. Tubolito is brand new as well, with the inner tubes. It’s very important for us to introduce new brands and really showcase them. There’s lots and lots of new products within each of the areas as well.” Upgrade Bikes, one of the original founding companies of CORE, also debuted two brands at the trade show, Ritchey and Fusion, at its stand in the Bentleys lounge. It also showcased products from Lezyne, DMR and Kinesis. It says Fusion Clothing is a ‘different proposition’ for the retailer because there is no pre-ordering involved, stores only need to buy a unit once they’ve sold through current stock. Jamie Hawthorn of Fusion says: “Our proposition is a minimal range that doesn’t change, every six months. It has continuity, some of our products have been on sale and unchanged for two years because if we do need to make a change, we can install that and have it done on our next production run.” Upgrade also had a section of products across its brands that make up the IBD 100 range, exclusive to IBDs on Upgrade’s dealer log-in. Also in the Bentleys lounge, Windwave debuted its new brand CeramicSpeed, where dealers were able to see a full range of products including the limited-edition gold editions to mark the brand’s 20th anniversary. Other brands on show included BBB, Colnago, DVO, Fantic, FSA, Hutchinson, Transition and Vision.

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Colnago brand manager Luke Leuillette says: “It’s been a bit quieter today (Tuesday 29th), Monday was absolutely manic. I think maybe the weather forecast of snow put people off, or they all just came yesterday. It’s been really good, we’ve been fortunate in that the new brands that we’ve launched here have drawn a lot of people in and it’s been positive for us. Generally, it’s been quite positive, whereas normally at a trade show everyone’s doom and gloom.” In the Chequers courtyard, the new marquee space, Moore Large showcased brands including Tannus, Tern, Alpina and WeThePeople. Brand director Adam Garner says: “The Armour from Tannus is really quite exciting for us. Everything’s exciting because it’s new, our brand portfolio keeps evolving as we’re adding bits to it. We’ve added a few new categories this year, and the products within the brands that we’re doing have got better as well. It was just great to be there and to present the products. “There’s kind of been a trend for people doing concept stores, like Specialized and Giant. We know that with Tern, we’re never going to be able to do a Tern concept store, but what we offered at the CORE weekend was a Tern corner store. That’s a brand new concept for us, and with that comes a heap of dealing benefits. That’s something quite exciting. We’re launching a brand new range of Alpina as well, with focus on this urban, visible product. That’s quite exciting for us, we’ve been doing Alpina for a few years, but it’s slowly starting to get a bit of traction now. WeThePeople was only launched this year, so this was its first time at COREbike with us, so we were definitely excited about that.” Next to Moore Large in the Hockenheim room was Hotlines, which had brands on show including Niner, Wilier Triestina, Ghost, Nukeproof, Fuji, Rondo, NS Bikes, Creme, Ragley, Leatt, Spank, iXS, 661, WTB and Hayes. Ragley was back after a one-year sabbatical, and the ‘old favourites’ have updates to geometry, tube profiles, frame ‘standards’ and spec. There were also two new additions to the brand line-up, the Big Al and the Trig. In the Indianapolis and Hungaroring rooms was Ison, which had MRP, Genetic and HT Pedals, as well as the showing of US tyre and rim protection brand CushCore for the first time at CORE. Visitors were also able to see a full demonstration of the features and how to fit the product. Surly was also at the show, showcasing some of its latest offerings including the new Ogre. Lloyd Townsend, managing director at Ison, says: “It was really good. We’ve got some new grips, new wheels, new handlebars, new saddles. The show was great, much better than previous years. It was busier, but it also seems quite upbeat, most people visiting seem quite enthusiastic.” 2pure, which had its stand in the Monza room, showcased brands including Scope, Donnelly, Feedback Sports, Ibis, Lizard Skins, Moustache, POC and Unior, with Scope a brandnew addition to its brand portfolio.

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On the brands, marketing manager Robyn Bowie says: “I love the Moustache bikes personally. Scope is a cool one because it’s brand new.” In addition to the brands, the distributor also brought back its coffee machine, after feedback that it was the ‘best at the show’. “Last year, everyone was coming in asking for the coffee machine,” Bowie continues. “Of all the industries, people in the bike industry rate a good coffee, so we brought it back but made it small.” She also welcomes the date change of the Bike Place show, which will take place from 30th June to 2nd July this year, meaning it will not clash with or be too soon after CORE. She says: “Definitely last year the show felt quieter. The year before we didn’t feel it so much because it felt that there was more people going between the two of them. Last year, people didn’t seem to be jumping between the two of them. It’s great for the dealers as well, because if they’re back to back they have to choose because they don’t want the shop to close or to take a day out two weeks in a row. So it probably works better for the industry as well.” Chicken CycleKit, based in the Nurburgring room, showcased a small range at CORE, given that most of the new bikes were launched at the Cycle Show at the NEC last year. It did however have Bend36 on display, which has been announced as a new addition to Chicken CycleKit’s portfolio. Lyon made its CORE debut this year in the S6 and S7 rooms, where it showcased new brands Salsa Cycles and Teravail Tyres.

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The distributor announced the exclusive UK and ROI deal in January, and the team said there had been lots of enquiries about the new additions as well as the existing brands. It also reported a slightly slower last day, but said that overall the numbers had been ‘pretty consistent’. In the Monaco room was Magura, which has expanded the ergonomic options for its MT brakes, and is also offering brakes with the new flatmount mounting system. Bosch e-Bike Systems exhibited too this year, showcasing the latest technologies including the ABS system, Kiox and Fast Charger. The team also wore t-shirts proudly displaying its 125th anniversary, which was celebrated last year. i-ride, located in the Melbourne room, which was just round the corner from and on the way to lunch, also showcased new brands it recently added to its portfolio, including Bryton Computers. Marketing manager Adam Glew says: “We’ve got four or five new brands, with some new products within the brands we already do. Bryton hasn’t been distributed in the UK for probably about four years, so no one in the UK really knows about them. The products look really nice and premium, so they fit with the rest of our brands very well. “Ceepo is triathlon specific. It has been distributed in the UK previously, but by a small company so they weren’t quite as visible as they should be. Hopefully now we can get them out and get them more visible.” n

26/02/2019 15:08


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14/02/2019 09:38


Evolving with the times Make do and mend or make and break? Laura Laker talks to five local bike shops about the role of repairs and servicing in their retail offering

40 | March 2019

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Trisports, 48 Station Road, Letchworth, Hertfordshire Michael Humphris, owner | If a shop is working correctly, the workshop is only going to be a small percentage of the turnover, but it’s still got to be something you promote and keep to a high standard. Your reputation can hinge around what happens with the workshop and staff, they are an integral part of the business. They ensure customers come back. In all walks of life, you are dealing with a wide range of people and personalities and we can always do better, even in small increments – you can’t rest on your laurels. There’s almost nothing you can’t buy online – repairs, upgrading and servicing are different. This is a human to human part of the shop’s offering and has to be dealt with properly. The pricing policy has got to be correct. You can’t just do jobs for £5, and the customer has to understand that they are getting a quality service for what they are paying.

In the past you could go into a bike shop and you didn’t care much, because it was a bike. The cycle world has evolved and there’s a lot of technology, manufacturers have put a lot of effort into their products and you have to project that in your business. I wouldn’t spend £2,000 to £5,000 where the workshop was a token gesture in the corner, and it was a mess. Staff need a decent wage to produce a good service. It’s no good if a family comes along and your staff don’t stay in the trade because the money isn’t good. If they’re a good worker they have to be able to earn. In April, everybody has got to step up because pension contributions are going up. Either your staff are going to take home less money or you are going to have to give them more than a 3% increase in wages. 

Greenwich Cycle Workshop, 37 Woolwich Road, Greenwich, London Jameel Auhammud, co-owner | We opened in March 2016 and by December 2016 we became repairs only. People found out we were good at repairs and so the space filled up with people’s bikes. It’s me and my dad, he has been working with bikes since he was 12 and he’s 53 now. For me it was a hobby that turned into a job. We do the odd customer build here and there, but mainly our focus is on repairing and servicing. It’s difficult to compete with people like Evans so our focus is on strong service. We are on a decent commuter route where lots of people are heading into the city and Canary Wharf. We get a lot of people who live around here and commute. Year on year we have improved, we have lots of new customers and returning customers, so we are doing something right. I think it’s also a lot to do with attitudes and how we deal with people. If we provide service of a certain level they will do full transactions with you rather than online. Even if someone did go online, we aren’t going to penalise them because everyone likes a deal.

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That’s something a few shops I know do. I just think it’s better than nothing so just get on with it with a ‘can do’ attitude. If we were to expand the business, we will probably add a collection and drop off service, but we also have space at the back where we can extend and have more staff. I think we are building a pretty decent reputation and we treat people and customers as friends. Once the work has been done they notice an immediate difference on the road and from that they know that maybe it’s better not to neglect the bike, and to get it serviced regularly. Once we repair it we tell people when to come back, based on their bike use and mileage, which we calculate. They set up a reminder on their phone. In the summer we are probably here until 8pm or 9pm just to get the turnover on the bikes. We don’t mind that. Even in February we have around 20 bikes in the shop waiting to be repaired. 

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Alf Jones Cycles, 82 Chester Road, Gresford, Wrexham Andy Castle, whose grandfather started the business in 1954 We started off as one person in one tiny shop, now there’s nine or ten of us. I drifted into it in 1985 and I have been here 35 years. Prices of a bike have changed, from £5 to £6 to several thousand. The only thing that’s constant is that what we sell has two wheels and is driven by a chain. The pace of change is increasing in life all the time and products tend to have shorter life spans, whether that’s built into their design or not. The workshop is an integral part of the business, everything that’s out there on display has to be built and set up for customers.

It’s part and parcel of the business, we have two dedicated full time mechanics. I believe that as a consumer, if you bought yourself something that was important you would want to make sure it was looked after properly by somebody who knew what they were doing. A bike can be almost as expensive as a car, it’s a piece of sporting equipment. For me I want to take it somewhere someone has the proper tools. I would say the workshop is where your reputation comes from. Good products, decent people working meticulously and being careful. Any reputation is hard earned. 

Condor Cycles, 49-53 Gray’s Inn Road, London Claire Beaumont, marketing manager | Condor is slightly different, we are like the bigger online retailers. We are a manufacturer and we are a small independent retailer, only with slightly more buying power. We are also one of the few retailers that are Campagnolo pro shops. This means that we can fix it on the spot, whereas Halfords or Evans would take in a Campagnolo product and contact the manufacturers to talk about warranties. Our offering isn’t just that we can fix your bike, but additional things we can do to offer the best possible service, which is different from what you get online or from a multi-chain retailer. We are a premium Brompton retailer as well, that’s the only bike we sell other than Condor, and we can service certain e-bikes. For some of our customers who own hybrids and would like a general service, what we offer is probably a bit overkill, but there are people who buy high end bikes, love them and want them operating as if they were new.

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We use Trustpilot for our servicing but we also ask people to give us a workshop review, and after bike fittings we send them an email asking them for feedback. We heavily rely on the reviews we get. The bike fitting we offer is free when you buy a Condor cycle or £150 for other brand bikes. We saw a gap in the market and a way to use downtime in the store. Anything we can do to bring people through the store is important to us. There are times in winter when mechanics can be twiddling their thumbs, but from February our workshop is booked up for two weeks. They have a service with us, they like the work, we rather them to buy accessories from us and they then start visiting the store, and might choose to upgrade to a Condor in a year or two. The other thing we do is a respray and refurbishment for classic bikes. We are starting to build on that, putting examples of that work online and on social media. We have quite a lot of parts here that are hard to get, as you can’t really get them online. 

26/02/2019 17:16

FEATURE FEATURE someone’s back pocket, but that it will compact enough to make a

Cycle locations in York differenceHeaven, when it goes inthree their bag.”

The first sample of the final design was delivered to Terry in July

Andy Shrimpton, managing director | 2017, at which point he was still working from cafés, showing raw prototypes to potential investors and asking them to picture the We have three a big finished helmetworkshops as he’d hadin inYork, his mind forstore six years. At last,Skillset it was changes as technology changes, ten years ago disc brakes weren’t a thing. People I now would describe as a destination store, where in his hands. “It was another special moment,” he says. “I was have come to trust and value the mechanics. One we cover most categories in the market, and a really happy with it. I still am.” of ours has been with us 15 years, another joined more specialised store which focuses on folding Four months later, on 10th November 2017, LID launched a us five or six years ago. They really know their bikes. If you’re strong in the workshop it gives crowdfunding campaign through Indiegogo and by the New Year stuff and would go up against anyone. customers confidence in what you do rather had smashed its target. Now, a year on from the launch, hundreds It’s not well paid or easy work but if you are than just flogging bikes. of helmets have been sold and the buzz continues to grow. flexible and accommodate your mechanics’ Our workshop tends to be full all year around, needs it works for everyone. It’s also believing and customers What’s next?come back. If you have staff who in what we do, we are very values-driven in the are trained in both repair and retail and More sizes, including a children’s range, are coming early 2019, workshop. We want to convert the world to technical mechanics, you have a much more and there is no shortage of ideas for what will follow. A range because we think it will make the world flexible labour force, you can move them of helmet accessories, such as rain covers and winter liners,cycling is a better around depending on demand. set to follow too. Most of all, though, Terry sees LID as an enabler place. I wouldn’t do it for money.  of mobility: “The scope is endless, especially with this new category of electric scooters which have exploded in the US and are now coming to Europe. When I started on this in 2015 that wasn’t on anyone’s radar; it all happened in the last year. So, the future is exciting.”n

‘Lots of people think sporty cycle helmets look silly, which they do!’


“To offer my customers fast support in case of defects I always have MAGURAs MT Sport on stock.” Hardys Bikeshop

Reliable brake performance for 51,34 £. The new MT Sport has all technical features German engineering has to offer. With the stiff Disctube brake hose it is the perfect choice for Cross-Country and the city. The low price, a 5-year leak proof warranty and its simple installation make it the perfect workshop brake for your store!

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March 2019 January 2019 | | 43 13

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Giving something back Upgrade sales manager Matt Killick speaks to Rebecca Morley about the IBD 100 programme, which offers 100 products from its catalogue exclusively to IBDs “We wanted to come up with a range of products that were unique in a lot of ways for IBDs, as it is getting more and more difficult for the IBDs to compete with online retailers,” says sales manager Matt Killick, explaining Upgrade’s IBD 100 programme. It is an initiative the distributor thought up in which independent bike dealers are exclusively offered 100 products from the Upgrade catalogue. “Mainly they are different products, rather than just different colours of products,” he continues. “It just ensures that there’s a point of difference for the IBDs or chain stores compared to the online-only customers, whether that’s Lezyne products, whether that’s unique pumps that we’ve actually made from the brand directly. Similarly, with DMR, we were able to come up with some custom colours, a grip and some pedals that aren’t available to anybody else. It’s about giving something back, we’re trying to continually support the IBDs as things change in the retail market.” The IBD 100 programme was officially launched in August of last year. “That was when we actually had it all up and running,” he explains, but it also made an appearance at COREbike last year. This was so Upgrade could receive feedback from its dealers, suppliers and sales teams.

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Killick says: “We asked some questions, wanted to know if dealers thought it was a good idea and we had some very positive feedback from the retailers that we spoke to. It took a bit of time getting the list of products together, the products that were exclusive. We needed time for that to be made, and we also had to do a little bit of IT work internally so we could get our website working correctly, but essentially it was about August when we got it working.” He says the feedback in general on the programme has been ‘very positive’, as IBDs can sell profitable and desirable products with confidence. Despite the current retail climate, Killick says there was a lot of positivity at COREbike this year too, where Upgrade displayed a section of products across its brands that make up the IBD 100 range. “I think it’s difficult, obviously as we all know with the uncertainty of the next couple of months, but I think there was a lot of positivity at the show,” he says. “Out of the past three or four years, I’d say it was one of the most positive COREbikes that we’ve had. There’s still obviously some trepidation from a lot of people, but overall with the products that we have and the brands that we had there, people were very excited about what we can do in the coming 12 months, in general, but also the IBD section that we had there.

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“We were actually able to tell people about the programme, as a ‘thing’ now. It’s all out there, people know and recognise what the logo is across the website on those products that are listed as IBD 100.” Will it always remain as 100 products? “It will be loosely 100, it will be everevolving is the best way of saying it,” Killick says. “It might suddenly grow to 150 if we’ve got a new brand for instance, but loosely it will be around that number. “Most brands have products in the range,” he continues. “Fusion Clothing, in particular, is only available to IBD brands. Fusion Clothing will be a very different proposition for the retailer because there’s no pre-ordering, there are no seasonal buy-ins needed, it’s buy one, sell one. There’s no commitment needed in any sizable amount from the retailer, so it’s very unique and something we’re trying to get people’s heads around really, because they’re so used to buying clothing in a certain way. Having to only buy one bibshort and one jersey is alien to some people. But it will come I’m sure, we just need to keep pushing it and getting the brand name out there.” Other products in the IBD 100 range include offerings from Lezyne, DMR, TRP and Challenge, and dealers can view IBD 100 products when they log on to Upgrade’s website as the trade, with products identified as IBD 100 with a logo in their listing.

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There is a mixture of products across the brands, Killick says, which was deliberate in order to make sure there is a range of products available. “We didn’t want to just pigeonhole it to the two brands of Lezyne and DMR, we wanted to make sure it was across the board really,” he says. Rory Hitchens, marketing manager at Upgrade Bikes, adds: “IBD 100 is supporting the independent dealer with a range of products that bring about unique conversations with their customers. We think it is important for dealers to develop a point of difference and Upgrade supports this with a unique selection of key lines from our top-selling brands. “It is also a chance for Upgrade to introduce brands like Fusion Clothing that sit best in an in-store environment and with a limited dealer base where brands can be exclusively promoted. IBD 100 also lends itself well to high-tech products like Lauf’s True Grit carbon gravel frameset where the dealers’ time invested in a prospective customer absolutely needs to return with the sale and usually a custom-build. “Upgrade looks forward to introducing more brand options for their dealers in 2019 and building a closer working relationship with their IBD 100 dealers via their sales and marketing teams.” 

26/02/2019 15:13

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Workshop and training courses 1






Livewire by Oxford


Brake cables and wires

Home Folding Workstand

Suspension fork service Training

Distributor: Oxford Products

Distributor: Raleigh UK

Distributor: Greyville Enterprises

If you need performance brake cables and wires that are available in a myriad of options to suit all bikes and needs, then look no further. Reliable, slick and incredibly strong, the Livewire braking cables are a great upgrade to any bike, helping restore bikes back to their best. Livewire brake cables can be purchased as individual cables in either galvanised, stainless steel or superslick stainless steel and there’s even a tandem stainless steel brake wire. Workshop quantities of 100 units are also available in brake wires and outer cables.

This XLC foldable work stand is perfect for home or as a spare workshop stand that can be folded neatly away to just 60cm x 100cm. The height-adjustable legs extend from 105cm–150cm and includes the all-important tool tray. The rubber jaw with adjustable quick release clamp means it’s quick, easy and safe to use on the seat post or frame. The RRP is just £104.99 – great value to the customers and retailers.

Greyville offers a full service/warranty facility on SR Suntour suspension forks for both aftermarket and O.E. supply. To back up this service, we also provide training days free of charge at our Lichfield offices for any shop owner or staff member, whether a customer of Greyville or not. Instruction is offered on stripping down, servicing, tuning and repair of all models of SR Suntour forks. We also include a free buffet lunch and Fork Test Rigs are available for purchase at a very modest price. Dates are set as demand arises, so if you’re interested, get in touch.

Contact: 01993 862 300

49-51 BBMar19 Sector Guides - WorkTrain Final.indd 1

Contact: 07730 666 646

SR Suntour


March 2019 | 49

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Velotech Cycling


Technical one, two, three & e-bike

Modular courses

e-bike training

Distributor: ATG Training & PJCS in the UK

Distributor: Velotech Cycling

Distributor: Raleigh UK

For the last three decades, Cytech has been offering a comprehensive range of technical courses encompassing the basics of bike mechanics right through to dealing with the most advanced and high-tech components and parts. Cytech courses are continually developed by the industry, for the industry and are now delivered in an increasing number of countries worldwide, being recognised as the global standard for professional cycle technicians.

For all mechanics, from entry level to professional team technicians. With over 4,000 certifications issued and approaching its 11th year of quality provision nationwide in the UK and abroad, Velotech offers modular courses delivered through local, quality-audited partners (entry to intermediate level) or at the main training workshops (Stoke-on-Trent). Head technician and trainer at Velotech, Graeme Freestone King, is one of only two UK holders of the coveted UCI Level 3 Mechanic’s Diploma and is Campagnolo SRL’s lead UK technician.

Our Bosch training is conducted at Raleigh HQ by the UK’s Bosch e-bike specialist every two months. The training is free of charge to all our e-bike brand stockists and includes theory and the chance to get hands-on. You will be shown all the latest tech from Bosch, how to take a motor out the frame and diagnose issues that may occur. You will also have the opportunity to test ride the latest bikes from Haibike, Lapierre and Raleigh. Trainees will leave the course feeling confident to tackle any service issues and answer some of your Bosch queries.

Contact: 07802 758 469 07533 129 435

Contact: Contact your Raleigh area account manager to check eligibility

Contact: 01273 427 700

50 | March 2019

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26/02/2019 16:32










Livewire by Oxford

Wheel Truing Stand

e-bike training

Gear wire and gear cables

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Raleigh UK

Distributor: Oxford Products

Beautiful tools that work perfectly – the Birzman Wheel Truing Stand is an instant classic and should find a place in any good workshop. Compatible with all current wheel sizes, the stand features lengthened and strengthened uprights to fit wheels up to 29in with or without a tyre, and is compatible with hub widths up to 180mm. Its spring-loaded callipers enable symmetric adjustments of the arms, accepting rim widths up to 4in. Sturdy turning dials, in signature Birzman green, offer the ultimate in grip and accuracy.

The Yamaha training hosted at Raleigh HQ is conducted by our in-house Yamaha e-bike Specialist every two months. The training is free of charge to all our e-bike brand stockists, including theory and the chance to get hands on. You will be shown all the latest tech from Yamaha, how to take a motor out the frame and diagnose issues that may occur. You will also have the chance to test ride the latest bikes from Haibike, Lapierre and Raleigh. Trainees will leave the course feeling confident to tackle any service issues and answer any questions that they may have.

We change gear thousands of times when we ride our bikes, so having top quality gear wires and gear cables is absolutely essential. Livewire gear wires and cables are of the upmost quality, being super reliable, strong and efficient, keeping every shift as crisp as the first. There are workshop quantities of 100 gear wires and cables available, as well as individual quantities of Stainless steel, galvanised, superslick stainless steel and tandem stainless steel gear wire, in addition to stainless steel gear cables.

Contact: 01752 843 882

49-51 BBMar19 Sector Guides - WorkTrain Final.indd 3

Contact: Contact your Raleigh area account manager to check eligibility

Contact: 01993 862 300

March 2019 | 51

26/02/2019 16:32

DON’T DON’T GET GET DROPPED DROPPED ®®® Clean Clean Clean smarter. smarter. smarter. Smartwasher Smartwasher Smartwasher offers offers offers superior superior superior bike bike bike cleaning cleaning cleaning ininin aafraction afraction fraction ofofof the the the time time time and and and cost. cost. cost.

®®® The The The Smartwasher Smartwasher Smartwasher could could could be be be the the the most most most profitable profitable profitable tool tool tool ininin your your your workshop. workshop. workshop. ItItmakes Itmakes makes our our our job job job much much much easier easier easier because because because we we we can can can clean clean clean a awhole awhole whole bike bike bike twice twice twice asasas fast fast fast asasas our our our previous previous previous spray spray spray and and and rag rag rag method. method. method. We We We wouldn't wouldn't wouldn't be be be without without without it!it!it!

Dan Dan Dan Murtagh, Murtagh, Murtagh, Rutland Rutland Rutland Cycling, Cycling, Cycling, Whitwell Whitwell Whitwell

Cleaning Cleaning Cleaning up up up the the the bike bike bike industry industry industry • Safely • Safely • Safely cleans cleans cleans and and degreases and degreases degreases all all bike all bike bike parts parts parts • Quicker • Quicker • Quicker servicing servicing servicing time time time forfor faster for faster faster throughput throughput throughput

® ® ® “Having “Having “Having thethe Rozone the Rozone Rozone Smartwasher Smartwasher Smartwasher has has has

• Warm • Warm • Warm temperature temperature temperature and and no and no vapours no vapours vapours forfor a for more a more a more user-friendly user-friendly user-friendly experience experience experience • Increase • Increase • Increase revenue revenue revenue within within within your your your existing existing existing service service service package package package • Solvent-free • Solvent-free • Solvent-free cleaning cleaning cleaning – great – great – great forfor you for you and you and the and the environment the environment environment

increased increased increased efficiency efficiency efficiency in in ourin our workshop, our workshop, workshop, allowing allowing allowing usus tous to triple to triple triple ourour servicing our servicing servicing output output output onon aon daily a daily a daily basis” basis” basis” Jake Jake Jake Hayes, Hayes, Hayes, Leisure Leisure Leisure Lakes Lakes Lakes Bikes Bikes Bikes Cheltenham Cheltenham Cheltenham

® ® ® • Mobile • Mobile • Mobile Smartwasher Smartwasher Smartwasher to to suit to suit the suit the way the way you way you work you work work

• Easy • Easy • Easy to to maintain to maintain maintain without without without a costly a costly a costly service service service contract contract contract

onolnyolnyly ATATAT V 9+V+V 9619+ 6 6 1 1 1 1 1 £££ iyvreyry ivlre edleidvlee + +d+

• Clever • Clever • Clever technology technology technology significantly significantly significantly reduces reduces reduces hazardous hazardous hazardous waste waste waste disposal disposal disposal

Call Call Call ususon usonon 0121 0121 0121 526 526 526 8181 8181 8181 for for for a aFREE aFREE FREE two two two week week week trial trial trial


After After After


Triathlon 1



4 1





Redshift Sports



Aeroman Hydration Carrier

Quick-Release Aerobars

Crew Plus Compression Sock

Road Disc Carbon SLS

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Ison Distribution

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Oxford Products

Birzman’s brilliantly innovative Aeroman Hydration Carrier, in conjunction with the Uncage Bottle Cage and Uncage Repair Kit, allows triathletes to carry water bottles and tools in a convenient and, importantly, highly aerodynamic mounting system. It is simple to install, made from robust 6061 aluminium, is lightweight (105g including hardware), and was a 2018 RedDot Design Award Winner.

Redshift’s Quick-Release Aerobars are different than any other aerobars on the market. The patent-pending quickrelease mechanism allows you to attach or remove the aerobars in a few seconds, without any tools. You can choose the best setup for every single ride. A dual-position seatpost provides an optimised aero riding position on your road bike.

M2O’s Run Fast Crew Plus Length Compression Socks are created for cycling. They are scientifically designed with a unique energy maintenance system, simultaneously supporting and stimulating the area from heel to calf. We have engineered this sock with a Class two graduated compression rating (16-28 mmHg) which encourages better blood flow, upgraded energy transfer and greater circulation in the whole body.

When it comes to triathlon, speed and efficiency on the bike is everything. When it comes to Acros wheels, speed and efficiency are just two of the many qualities. Built around the superb Acros hubs, with Sapim CX ray spokes, these wheels weigh an eye watering 1,290 grams. For a wheelset that is lightweight, there is no compromise on stability which is further aided by the 19.1mm rim width and the 35mm rim height, making it a great wheelset in all conditions.

Contact: 01752 843 882

53-55 BBMar19 Sector Guides - Triathlon Final.indd 1

Contact: 01353 662 662

Contact: 01933 672 170

Contact: 01993 862 300

March 2019 | 53

26/02/2019 15:18











Redshift Sports



Dual-Position Seatpost

Transiro triathlon shoes

F-121 Triathlon Shoe

Distributor: Raleigh UK

Distributor: Ison Distribution

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Bob Elliot & Co

The Lapierre Aircode and Aerostorm combine the latest science and aerodynamic technology, utilising carbon framesets that are aerodynamic under all conditions whilst staying stiff with an efficient power transfer. Specific technology including Lapierre’s Power Box concept for better energy transmission, Kamtail shaped downtube, aerodynamic seat-tube, integrated seat clamp, semi-integrated/integrated stem, slimmed–down headset and optimised fork profile all contribute to aerodynamic gains.

The patent-pending DualPosition Seatpost lets you ride a true aero position on a standard road bike, without sacrificing your normal road position. The key to riding powerfully and comfortably with aerobars is proper saddle position. The forward position of the Dual-Position Seatpost allows you to ride with proper aero bike fit on a standard road bike, letting you ride faster and more comfortably.

For 2019, fizik has introduced a new triathlon shoe range: • Transiro Infinito R1 knit (£359.99), with a full uni directional ventilated carbon sole and double BOA infitinto fit system • Transiro Inifito R3 (£234.99), with a full carbon sole and a BOA and strap volume control fit system • Transiro Powerstrap R4 (£109.99), with a carbon injected nylon outsole and single powerstrap closure system

Reliable, comfortable, lightweight and durable – the F-121 is the choice for the triathlete and meets high demands! The upper part of the shoe is barefoot-friendly and crafted from a mix of lightweight open-air mesh, providing the shoes with the ultimate ventilation and stretch-free synthetic upper to create shape, spread pressure, stabilisation to the foot and provides an anchor point for the straps.

Contact: 01933 672 170



54 | March 2019

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Contact: 01353 662 662

FLR Shoes

26/02/2019 15:19








Maxxis UK




Campione TT

Drone Wide Body

AeroComfort Triathlon 3.0

EC90 Aero 85 Disc wheels

Distributor: Extra UK & Madison

Distributor: Direct to retailer


Distributor: Silverfish UK

Maxxis UK has a range of race tyres perfect for conquering the cycling stage of any triathlon. Leading its offering is the Campione TT, the brand’s lightest tubular tyre to date. Available in 28”x23 and 28”x25, the advanced rubber utilises a 3C Triple Compound to provide exceptional tread-wear and lower rolling resistance, while progressively softer shoulder compounds deliver increased grip while cornering.

The MET Drone’s unique wide body and aerodynamic design directs the flow of air, greatly decreasing turbulence and drag, allowing for that precious increase in rider speed. Drone does this with an added volume design on the helmet’s sides that guide air over the rider’s shoulders, a natural area of turbulence that creates wind resistance and drag. A system of internal air channels maximises cooling while guiding heated air away from the head without sacrificing aerodynamic function.

Lightweight, easy to use and comfortable to carry, while guaranteeing a high level of protection in all the right places. The AeroComfort Triathlon 3.0 Bike Bag is compatible with thru axle systems as well as traditional quick release, provides extra reinforcement and has a new Twin Wheel system for easier transportation. The clever design of the bag allows the bike to remain fully intact.

The EC90 Aero 85 Disc is the ultimate triathlon aero wheelset. Easton has taken the award winning Aero55 Fantom rim profile and upped its game. Mounted to a thru axle or QR compatible, fast-engaging Vault road disc hubs, bringing advanced aerodynamics riders expect from Easton components and combined them with the predictable control disc brakes provide. A tubeless ready 19mm internal profile gives an improved contact and tyre profile for a smooth ride and reduced rolling resistance.



53-55 BBMar19 Sector Guides - Triathlon Final.indd 3




Contact: 01752 843882

March 2019 | 55

26/02/2019 15:19


The Bikebiz DIRECTORY 2019 is out now, providing the industry with a musthave guide to the UK’s retailers, distributors, manufacturers and related businesses.

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26/02/2019 15:21

The Cycle Division Ltd Units 17&18, Park Valley Mills, Meltham Road Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD4 7BH Tel: 0845 0508 500 Web:

Yellow Jersey Prospero, 73 London Road, Redhill, Surrey, RH1 1LQ Tel: 0333 003 0046 Web:

V12 Retail Finance 20 Neptune Court, Vanguard Way Cardiff, CF24 5PJ Tel: 02920 468900 Web:

Velotech Services Ltd 26 to 27 Western Road, Stratford Upon Avon Warks CV370AH Tel: 0845 475 5339 Web:

Cycle Expo Yorkshire Yorkshire Event Centre, Harrogate, HG2 8NZ Tel: 0113 394 6130 Web:

The Bikebiz Directory 2019 is available to view online at

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·· Established Established · Established ·1974 1974 Established 19741974

New Dealers can register online.

MARKETPLACE 01170117 972 4730 0117 972 972 4730 4730




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EMAIL WEBSITE 64 | January 2019 WMFG 88 x 107mm.indd 1


60 | March 2019

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26/02/2019 15:09


Closing the gap GB cyclists have fronted a national campaign to boost women’s cycling by one million by 2020...


aura Kenny, Lizzie Deignan, Sir Chris Hoy, Elinor Barker and Joanna Rowsell Shand are just a few of the world and Olympic cycling champions to join a host of ‘real women’ in backing a long-standing campaign aiming to narrow the vast gender cycling gap and get one million more women on bikes by 2020. Latest research from British Cycling shows that two thirds of frequent cyclists in Britain are men (69%), compared to countries like Denmark where male cyclists account for 47% and female cyclists 53%. Insight from the National Governing Body shows a vast disparity in confidence levels amongst women and men, with more than six in ten women (64%) saying they don’t feel confident riding their bike on the roads (26% higher than men) and a similar number claiming

61-62 BBMar19 Data Analysis GB Final.indd 1

that infrastructure (63%) and driver behaviour (66%) does not make them feel safe (17% and 13% higher than men, respectively). If these barriers were removed, statistics indicate the true potential to grow women’s cycling, with 36% of women – equating to 9,720,000 – saying they would like to cycle more frequently. British Cycling launched its women’s strategy in 2013 when just 525,000 women were cycling regularly – with the aim to boost this figure by one million by 2020. The initiative, backed by Sport England’s This Girl Can campaign, has helped to inspire over 800,000 women to take up cycling to date. However, despite this progress, the organisation says the stubborn gender disparity and dwindling confidence levels indicate there is much more to be done. March 2019 | 61

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The One in a Million campaign aims to tackle perceptions which prevent everyday women from getting on a bike, including almost three-quarters (72%) who feel there should be safer cycle routes and they have a lack of knowledge of where to go. Julie Harrington, British Cycling chief executive, said: “Aside from reaching our one million target, we want to create a cultural shift which normalises cycling for everyone, so that an equal number of women to men are riding bikes in this country. “Cycling is increasingly being understood as a fundamental part of the solution when it comes to issues of public health and air quality. However, change will not come unless people feel safe on the roads and we know this disproportionately affects women. “We want women to know that cycling is safe and there are plenty of easy and accessible options available for people wanting to get started. Our Breeze programme has helped to transform the lives of thousands of women who would never have considered cycling otherwise. This alone, however, is not enough. We need to work with other organisations to improve infrastructure, accessibility and break down the barriers to transform Britain into a great cycling nation.” Indigo Kelly Forest, a teacher from Leicestershire, said: “I was a size 24 when I first got on a bike. I was dealing with grief after losing my mother and I decided enough was enough. Despite feeling embarrassed to even be seen on a bike, I discovered my local Breeze club and I’ve never looked back. “Cycling helps me with all aspects of my life now, from my physical and mental wellbeing to pushing me on to achieve things I never thought I could. Before I started cycling, I had a perception that it was unsafe, and that cycling wasn’t for me. But getting over that initial hunch was the best thing I ever did – it’s completely changed my life.” Olympic Champion Hoy, an ambassador for the campaign, said: “Cycling, in all its forms – whether it’s commuting, competing, coaching or as a career – must be just as appealing to women as it is to men. And it’s really important that everyone involved in cycling takes responsibility for this. “These heightened negative perceptions of confidence and safety on a bike amongst women are concerning as this is worsening the cycling gender gap and preventing women from getting on bikes altogether. “If we are to close this gap we need to redouble our efforts to encourage more women to consider cycling and show them that it is safe, you don’t have to be super fit or have a wardrobe full of lycra, and that there are women’s-only Breeze rides across the whole of the country waiting to welcome beginners. “Getting a million more women in the saddle will be a great feat, but if we are to change the face of cycling in the UK, we need to drive forward progress by creating additional opportunities and true gender parity for women in cycling at every level.” n

62 | March 2019

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69% 64%

of frequent cyclists are men of women say they don’t feel confident riding their bike on the roads


of women say infrastructure does not make them feel safe


of women say driver behaviour does not make them feel safe


of women say there should be safer cycle routes and they have a lack of knowledge of where to go

26/02/2019 15:25

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MEDIA PLANNING GUIDE: APRIL 2019 – DECEMBER 2019 01 BBMar19 Front cover_v1.indd 1

April, 2019

Sector Guide: Helmets Special: BMX








May, 2019 AD DEADLINE: 10TH APR Sector Guide: Indoor training and power meters Special: Cycle computers June, 2019


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August, 2019


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November, 2019


December, 2019


Sector Guide: Winter and protective clothing Special: Cyclocross

Sector Guide: Lights Special: Women’s bikes

Sector Guide: Chains, gears and crankss Special: Children’s bikes

Sector Guide: Stocking fillers Special: Road bikes Extra Distribution: Eurobike

Sector Guide: Bike trailers and transport Special: Mountain bikes Extra Distribution: The Cycle Show

Sector Guide: Brakes Special: E-bikes

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Building a healthier future More cycling could prevent 34,000 life-threatening illnesses in seven major UK cities by 2040, says Sustrans


n estimated 34,000 incidences of eight life-threatening conditions, including type two diabetes, stroke, breast cancer and depression, would be prevented in seven major cities between 2017 and 2040, if cycling increased at rates like those seen since the millennium in London, Sustrans has claimed. Cycling levels in London have more than doubled since 2000 but have remained largely static elsewhere. Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, published a first-of -its-kind report which looks at what the health, economic and environmental benefits of cycling could look like by 2040 in

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Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Greater Manchester and Newcastle. Transforming Cities: The potential of everyday cycling is based on data from Bike Life, the largest assessment of cycling in UK cities, and highlights the impact of doubling cycling trips every eight years between 2017 and 2040. The modelling follows the UK Government’s Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, which seeks to double cycling in England over eight years by 2025. It has estimated that more than one billion cycling trips would take place in 2040 in those major cities, which is an eight-fold increase from 123 million trips. March 2019 | 65

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It is predicted that this would: n Equate to over 242.4 million hours of additional physical activity n Prevent 628 early deaths n Generate £21 billion of savings to the economy, including £319 million of savings to the NHS over the 23-year period England’s chief medical officer and the UK Government recommend adults get 150 minutes of physical activity each week. However in 2015, 34% of men and 42% of women reported that they did not meet UK guidelines on physical activity. Physical inactivity currently costs the NHS around £1 billion each year, and when including costs to wider society, this rises to around £7.4 billion each year. In the UK, the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence (NICE) issued a proposal earlier this month which recommends city planners should develop connected travel routes which prioritise pedestrians and people on bikes. Sustrans warns that the substantial health benefits from increased cycling are only possible if long term political commitment and investment across Government exist. Currently, the Government’s ring-fenced cycling and walking investment in England, outside of London, is on a steep downward trajectory: from £2.16 per person in 2016/17, to just 37p in 2020/21. Whilst some devolved authorities are able to invest additional funding, the majority need greater financial certainty from the Government through ring-fenced funding to be able to invest and plan for active travel in the long-term. Sustrans, along with other walking and cycling organisations, wants the UK Government to commit 5% of the transport budget on active travel, rising to 10% by 2025 in the next Comprehensive Spending Review. This would amount to £17 per person annually in 2020/21, rising to £34 per person in 2024/25 in England. The report outlines a set of five must-haves for local Government to help increase, and therefore normalise, cycling for local journeys, including: n Political commitment alongside ambitious plans and long-term investment n Delivery of a high-quality cycling network: including on-road cycle tracks separated from motor traffic, off-road paths, and local routes on low-trafficked and low speed streets n Neighbourhoods are designed in a way that prioritises people walking and cycling, including traffic restraints measures n People and businesses are supported to change travel behaviours n Cycling is fully integrated with public transport, homes and work Xavier Brice, chief executive at Sustrans, says: “Our report provides 34,000 reasons why Governments across the UK should prioritise investment in cycling. Every part of the country is facing a physical inactivity and obesity crisis, which is why decision-makers need to get on the front foot and tackle these problems head on. 66 | March 2019

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“'Prevention is better than cure' is an often repeated mantra of health ministers across the UK, but tackling the deepening health crisis shouldn’t be left to the NHS alone. That’s why the forthcoming Comprehensive Spending Review should prioritise prevention and provide greater public funding for cycling to deliver our five ‘must haves’.” Andy Burnham, mayor of Greater Manchester, says: “Cycling in Greater Manchester, like in many UK cities and regions, is increasing, although not at a pace we’d like to see. We have a long way to go before we can call cycling a ‘normal’ way to travel, which is accessible to all our residents. “This is why we are investing £160 million in walking and cycling. We cannot think of a better way to spend £160 million on transport that brings such widespread benefits to residents across our region. This investment however is just the start – we want to double cycling and then double it again. We were made to move and now is the time to act on this and transform our great city region.” n


Key stats It is recommended adults get 150 minutes of physical activity each week In 2015, 34% of men and 42% of women reported that they did not meet UK guidelines on physical activity Physical inactivity currently costs the NHS around £1 billion each year Sustrans wants 5% of the transport budget committed to active travel, rising to 10% by 2025

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