BikeBiz January 2020

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26-28 January // Whittlebury Hall

18:11 FOLLOW US BikeBizOnline


‘A new year serves to distract us from all the talk of uncertainty around leaving the EU and bring our business plans for 2020 into focus’

CONTENT Editor James Groves Staff Writer Rebecca Morley Graphic Designer Tom Carpenter Production Manager Sarah Lamb

ADVERTISING SALES Sales Manager Richard Setters +44 (0)779 480 5307

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INTERNATIONAL BikeBiz and its content are available for licensing and syndication re-use. Contact Colin Wilkinson for opportunities and permissions.

MANAGEMENT Media Director Colin Wilkinson


2020 vision I think it’s safe to say that 2019 was something of a trying year for all. There appears to be never-ending (and not particularly varied) commentary on the state of the nation, the future of the high street and consumer spending; so much so that there’s a part of me that’s amazed we’ve made it through to the other side in one piece. But let’s focus on the positives! A new year serves to distract us from all the talk of uncertainty around leaving the EU and bring our business plans for 2020 into focus. And hopefully, BikeBiz’s first edition of the year will help you do just that. In this issue, you’ll find a collection of industry experts identifying key trends for the year ahead, markets they expect to see grow in 2020 and beyond, and new ways in which business models will evolve (p9). And, if the cover hasn’t already given it away, this is also our COREbike special, meaning we’re bringing you all the latest and greatest from our annual visit to Whittlebury Hall from 26th-28th January (p21). On behalf of the whole BikeBiz team, we hope you had a fantastic Christmas and New Year, and hope to see you at the show.

James Groves

Printed by Buxton Press Ltd ISSN: 1476-1505 Copyright 2020


Biz Media Ltd, Axe & Bottle Court, 70 Newcomen St, London SE1 1YT

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Editorial: +44 (0)203 143 8779 Advertising: +44 (0)779 480 5307


All contents © 2020 Biz Media Ltd. or published under licence. All rights reserved. No part of this magazine may be used, stored, transmitted or reproduced in any way without the prior written permission of the publisher. All information contained in this publication is for information only and is, as far as we are aware, correct at the time of going to press. Biz Media Ltd. cannot accept any responsibility for errors or inaccuracies in such information. You are advised to contact manufacturers and retailers directly with regard to the price of products/services referred to in this publication. Apps and websites mentioned in this publication are not under our control. We are not responsible for their contents or any other changes or updates to them. This magazine is fully independent and not affiliated in any way with the companies mentioned herein.

Rebecca Morley

Richard Setters

Tom Carpenter

Staff Writer

Sales Manager

Graphic Designer

+44 (0)203 143 8777

17/12/2019 18:14

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Trendspotting As we enter a new decade, three cycling organisations look ahead to what are sure to be key industry trends throughout 2020


Ison Distribution Rebecca Morley visits Ison Distribution in Ely, Cambridgeshire, to find out more about the distributor’s ground-up approach to supporting independent dealers


COREbike As this year’s COREbike draws near, BikeBiz gathers the latest from new exhibitors to fresh product ranges



Continental BikeBiz catches up with Cambrian Tyres’ Shelley Childs to hear more about Continental’s bumper year in 2019


IBD Focus Arragons Cycle Centre was shortlisted for both the BikeBiz Awards and Indie Retail’s Best Small Shops competition last year. Owner Sarah Graham shares how the store has adapted to an evolving retail environment



Sector Guides This month’s product round-up showcases bike security alongside energy and nutrition

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Trendspotting As we enter a new decade, three cycling organisations look ahead to what are sure to be key industry trends throughout 2020

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Cycling UK Matt Mallinder, director of influence and engagement

‘Cycling is part of the solution and should not be ignored’


efore the country headed to the polls, I had a vision of the future – a nightmare where the Government had learned nothing from the past and maintained the status quo, where nothing changed, nothing happened. It was depressing. I’m talking of course about the state of cycling in Britain, where for the last 20 years the number of people cycling has been largely static at 2% of all journeys. We’ve seen a decrease in journeys cycled by children by 10% in the last ten years, and increases largely among one demographic – white, middle-aged men. As I rode to work the following day, the cloud of the nightmare began to dissipate and the silver linings appeared. I sincerely believe the positive changes I have seen will carry on through into 2020 and beyond. Last year, it was incredible how the environment crept up the agenda, whether through Extinction Rebellion, the Greta effect or the fact that our climate is visibly changing – despite the other issues competing for our attention. We’ve seen Governments across the UK declare a climate emergency. There’s widespread recognition that the UK’s air quality is appalling. With 57% of car journeys in Great Britain being five miles or less, and transport one of the greatest polluters, cycling is part of the solution and should not be ignored. All of which is making people begin to think about their everyday choices, including the way they get about. More people cycling inevitably means more sales and more profit for manufacturers and IBDs. There’s opportunity for shops to be part of the local conversations on how we can evolve our mode of transport to promote all types of cycling, So, my prediction for 2020 is not going to be about new industry developments, or whether e-bikes will usurp gravel bikes, but rather that we – charities, industry and consumers – are going to see continued change in the way we perceive and do our cycling.

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It’s great to see continued growth in cycling with one demographic – long may it continue – but more needs to be done to make cycling attractive to women, to the young and old, and to the wider multi-cultural society that makes up Britain, and this is where we will start to notice change next year. In the past, business has largely left it to the user to solve the problems we all face as cyclists, whether that’s the lack of decent infrastructure and joined up routes, the postcode lottery for cycle training or poor road conditions. But the cycle industry can make a difference and help to build tomorrow’s cyclists. While in many ways the industry has already doing this through initiatives like the Bike Hub, more can and must be done to increase the diversity in cycling. The benefits won’t just be the building of a better environment for us all to live in, but also with more people cycling there will be obvious business opportunities too. Money matters to whatever Government we have, and cycling is a definite earner for the Treasury. The cycle industry employs tens of thousands of people with a broad range of skills across the UK, and generates £5.4 billion for the UK economy every year, according to the Bicycle Association. It’s worth more than the steel industry, but outside of our own little bubble, these benefits are little known. If we together can get more people cycling – and that means from different demographics – then the sector’s value can only grow too. However, organisations like Cycling UK can’t increase the numbers of people cycling alone. We need the industry’s support, we need the industry to stand up for cycling and highlight to the Treasury that investing in cycling is a smart choice for the budget, environment and society at large. The cycle industry’s voice matters on both a local and national level, and it is my hope and prediction that we will start to hear it loud and clear in 2020. n

17/12/2019 17:50


Sustrans Tim Burns, senior policy and partnerships advisor “The Government should not rely on a single technology to reach a zero-carbon future”


e think 2020 has great potential for walking and cycling. In England, many places will receive funding for transforming their cities and Clean Air Zones will begin to be introduced in London and Birmingham. In Wales, the Government hopes to make 20mph the default speed limit for all urban areas, and in Scotland pavement parking will be banned and a new Transport Strategy launched, while Glasgow will host the next UN Climate Summit. The biggest trend we expect to see in 2020 is a changing transport policy landscape resulting from the climate crisis. 2019 was a defining year – 265 local authorities and eight city regions in the UK declared a climate emergency, and climate change was for the first time a mainstream political issue in the General Election. We expect this to continue and enter into a new phase in the New Year. Local and national Governments are working out how we meet the zero net emissions targets they have declared. One way to do this involves reducing our reliance on cars. Electric vehicles are an important part of the solution to curb harmful emissions, however, the Government should not rely on a single technology to reach a zero-carbon future. In fact, even if we reach the Government aim of 50% of new car sales being electric, we will have to cut car mileage by as much of 60% in order for emission reductions to stay on track. Therefore, we need to invest less in our roads and much more in sustainable forms of transport such as cycling, walking and public transport. We expect to see investment across cities and towns to reallocate road space for cycling, whilst we continue to invest in improving the quality of the National Cycle Network. We expect to see a significant rise in the use of electric, cargo and adapted cycles in 2020. In the UK, the potential of electric cycles (or e-cycles) has been largely ignored by the Government despite

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the fact that they are currently out-selling electric cars in the UK and beyond. For example, e-cycles have proven popular in the Netherlands among older generations. We also hope to see a rapid rise in different types of adapted cycles which can help people with mobility issues move around their city or town, and cargo bikes which enable parents to travel with their children. We believe this will be supported by the recent amendment to the Cycle To Work Scheme which enables people to purchase more expensive cycles such as electric, cargo and adapted bikes. However those who are in education, unemployed, looking for work, or retired are excluded from this support. Furthermore, higher unemployment rates exist among disabled people and those from more deprived neighbourhoods. If those people don’t have access to a cycle, they are less likely to be able to access amenities that most people take for granted, such as education, employment, community and healthcare. Often these are the groups that cycle least and need support most. Bike Life, the biggest assessment of cycling in cities, found significant appetite for cycling among women, disabled people, the elderly, and people from lower social-economic groups in 2017. Finally, we expect to see a step change in the use of cycles for the transport of goods within cities. Adapted e-cargo cycles used for last and first mile logistics and transport are becoming much more competitive in many sectors. We are seeing a rapid rise in their use by existing companies and new start-ups entering the market focusing almost entirely on the use of cycles. The use of cycles is also becoming more common in large companies like DPD and DHL in Europe and we hope 2020 will be the year the UK catches up. The UK cycling industry needs to be ready for this and respond to demand for both the supply and maintenance of all types of cargo bikes. n

11 | January 2020

17/12/2019 14:29


The ACT Chris Hall, head of business development ‘IBDs positioning themselves at the forefront of 2020 trends will lead the way in saving the high street’


hreats to the high street are continuing to grow. The last five years alone have seen independent retailers being hit with the decline of cash, the growth of online shopping and rocketing business rates. These terms are more than just headlines; they are real ongoing problems for the hundreds of thousands of independent retailers around the UK, and play a large part in the bike shop closure rate now being at its highest since the 1960s. During these challenging times, it is essential that independent retailers are proactive, staying one step ahead of the curve can be the fundamental element separating IBDs that can barely survive from those that adapt and thrive. Online retailers and large companies offer modern-day customers the easy, convenient and cheap option that often trumps any other shopping requirements that they might have. For all of these benefits that are being offered to customers, it is the independent shops that are paying the price; for the IBDs that are competing with these organisations, it can often seem like an arduous and fruitless task. The ACT is focusing on two key trends for 2020: events that increase consumer awareness of the importance of supporting local bike shops, as well as establishing digital technology to modernise IBDs and appeal more to today’s customer. Increasing awareness of IBDs IBDs offer their customers bespoke services, expert advice and individuality. An increasing number of initiatives are being introduced which highlight the benefits that independent shops offer to customers, communities and local economies. The Indie Retail Best Small Shops competition and Just a Card are a couple of the most well-known campaigns.

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These events champion independent retailers and getting involved in them is a great way for shops to build brand awareness among the local and wider communities. The ACT is a member of the Independent Retailers Confederation (IRC), the organisation that manages the Indie Retail UK website, as well as organising the annual Best Small Shops competition. While being fairly easy on the wallet, these events can offer countless benefits to IBDs. The 2019 competition saw two cycle shops shortlisted as being in the top 25 shops in the UK, with Arragons Cycles saying about the event: “It is these such events that reignite the spark for why we still do this day in, day out and gives us some light at the end of the tunnel.” Promoting more cycle-specific celebrations such as Local Bike Shop Day (LBSD) can also be a great way to stand out. Initially launched in 2018, LBSD has since grown to have over 150 bike shops taking part and the most recent LBSD on 4th May 2019 saw the hashtag #supportyourlocalbikeshop have over 100,000 total impressions. The day provides IBDs with a great opportunity to run promotions to drive footfall, web traffic and ultimately increase revenue. Better Health Bikes, who took part in the 2019 LBSD, said that it had the “busiest day ever with the highest turnover and many new customers”. It also said of the day: “Local independent bike shops have little voice within national and local news outlets but Local Bike Shop Day is helping to give IBDs a voice and stay front of mind.” The 2020 LBSD stands to see a number of leading suppliers, organisations and sponsors jumping on board to help drive the event even further.

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Digital technology for IBDs As well as taking part in events and competitions, awareness can also be raised through using the latest technology that has been designed specifically to help independent shops. Technology can often be viewed as a threat by many cycle retailers: the unstoppable force that enables customers to order whatever they need whenever they want and have it arrive within days from an endless host of online retailers. However, this giant cannot be fought by ignoring it and hoping that customers continue to wonder into high street shops, and if you cannot beat it, join it. Embracing change and introducing forefront digital technology to a shop instantly makes it more accessible to modern-day customers, as well as providing them with an incentive to continue returning. During this time of changing shopping behaviour, the ACT recommends using services such as NearSt, a partner of Google that allows shoppers to search live in-store inventory directly in Google search and unlock the vast potential of brick and mortar retailers. This retail technology platform drives in-store footfall by automatically connecting the products currently hidden on shop shelves to the millions of local shoppers searching for them, in real-time, through an integration with a shop’s Point of Sale system.

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This award-winning service helps customers to realise the ease of high street shopping as it enables customers to quickly and easily find what they are looking for in a physical shop, thus supporting local businesses and stemming the flow of business to the online retail giants. Similarly, the ACT is also currently working on bringing an innovative new app to the cycling industry with the aim of improving customer loyalty. booost is a first of its kind three-in-one product helping to level the playing field between independent retailers and corporates, a multi-sector solution to cater for the modern shopper. booost is being launched later this year. While there is no doubt of the mounting difficulties threatening the cycle industry, the ACT believes that a fundamental retaliation is to take advantage of the events, competitions and technological innovations that contribute towards raising awareness of the importance of IBDs. The cycling industry as a whole must show prescience during these hard-hitting times; IBDs positioning themselves at the forefront of these 2020 trends will lead the way in saving the high street. n For more information call the ACT on 01273 427 700 or email

January 2020 | 13

16/12/2019 14:42


Family ownership, geeking out and CORE values: Ison on 28 years in the trade

Rebecca Morley visits Ison Distribution in Ely, Cambridgeshire, to find out more about the distributor’s ground-up approach to supporting independent dealers


s modern retail challenges continue to rear their ugly heads, it has become increasingly important that larger companies throughout our industry support the IBD, and, judging from trade chatter throughout the past year, it’s clear how large an impact a strong distributor relationship can have. Lloyd Townsend, managing director of Ison Distribution, has first-hand experience of many of the issues involved in running an IBD, from the showroom through to the office duties, and beyond into the workshop.

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The company was started in Cambridge in 1895 by Townsend’s great grandfather, JA Townsend, who was making his own bicycles, branded as The Light Blue. He sold them through his shop, known as Townsends. He stopped manufacturing bikes after WW1 and the company evolved as a local IBD, selling other more competitively priced mass-produced brands. “I joined Townsends in 1978 as a Saturday lad at the age of 14,” Townsend explains. “I learned from the ground up what being an independent bicycle dealer was all about.

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Not long after starting, he became ‘factory-trained’ at Raleigh as a mechanic, back in the days of the Triumph Road establishment. “In the early 1990s, I travelled to several international cycle shows and soon realised there appeared to be a host of interesting and useful products that back then weren’t readily available in the UK,” he continues. “I wondered if we could successfully offer other IBDs some of the useful items that were available to us. For the next 15 years, we saw steady organic growth of the distribution business until we were operating on split sites within the city, with stock bursting at the seams.” The distribution arm was started 28 years ago, importing products and selling to other bike shops, which was called Ison Distribution. In 2006, a new bespoke facility was decided upon, the building was designed, and the ground purchased. On 31st July 2009, Ison moved into its present purpose-built office and warehouse facility on Lancaster Way, Ely. It expanded the warehouse capacity by another 75% in 2014. Geeking out Ison is not a mass volume bike distributor but is instead heavily focused on the specialist parts area of the market. Townsend explains that with his background stemming from the workshop in his career in the whole business, he’s a bit of ‘bike geek’. The company is most interested in the successful distribution of sustainably modest volumes of high-quality, desirable bikes, being sold at competitive prices by fullservice dealers that know and understand both the products and the customers’ needs. Its bike brands include All City, Surly, The Light Blue Urban, The Light Blue Sport, Identiti and Benno, the latter being new for 2020 and is Ison’s initial venture into the e-bike market place. Identiti began life as the classic ‘for riders, by riders’ small bike company, and the current mountain bike range was spearheaded by former sponsored rider Pat Campbell-Jenner, aided in no small part by industry icon Michael Bonney. Ison has a stack of spacers, adapters, tools and all manner of specialist kit, Townsend adds. Put simply, he likes to offer solutions to problems for his customers. Ison exclusively distributes a significant number of component and accessory brands including Dia Compe brakes, MRP chain devices and suspension, Renthal handlebars/stems, Tioga saddles/tyres, HT pedals, TSG helmets, SP dynamos and Rohloff Speedhubs. It also distributes several newly emerging leading specialist brands such as Cush Core, Redshift Suspension stems and seat posts, and BZ optics. These brands are often “carving new sectors in the market,” Townsend says.

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Ison office

In addition to the brands it works closely with on an exclusive basis, Ison also has in-house brands that are designed to complement its exclusive brand partners, including Halo Wheels, Gusset Components, Genetic Components and Passport Accessories. The company has a staff base of brand managers, designers and engineers that are all passionate about the products they develop, and so Townsend says it’s not so unusual for its in-house brands to manage to score well against several other ‘larger’ brands in independent tests and reviews. Ison holds around 11,000 different SKUs in stock and aims to ship the same day for orders placed before 1pm on an overnight service to UK mainland destinations. The ability for dealers to mix and match with so many options in one portfolio is a strength that the distributor offers. Townsend says: “We often find that we have the options needed by the dealer on the shelf that no-one else cares about, and I think that’s because we understand the needs of the IBD.

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“In essence, we are aiming to offer the key benefit of one order, one supplier, one delivery, and one set of paperwork. “This all goes to help make things more efficient for the dealer in handling specialist products, and in the process of delivering this, our dealers can, in turn, offer great products at competitive prices that their customers will appreciate.” Improving Point of Sale items is something that Ison is continually developing for its house brands, and also working in closer cooperation with its exclusive partner brands too. It recognises that branding at the physical point of sale can make the difference in selection for the consumer. As such, it is happy to provide available POS for specialist dealers who want to commit to selling their products in-store. In addition, it is also happy to discuss bespoke co-op POS options where something may be applicable. Staffed by cyclists With over 25 years of experience and with many knowledgeable staff, Ison remains on hand to provide expertise and advice, Townsend continues. It is staffed primarily by cyclists. This means that its sales staff, brand managers, warehouse staff, webmaster, designer and engineer are all passionate about what they do on a day to day basis.

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“However, being the boss and being more than a bit of a ‘bike geek’ myself, it’s also quite satisfying being able to have many of the ‘get me out of jail’ tools, adaptors, spacers to supply our customers,” Townsend says. “Those bits and pieces are often quite niche, and as such, they may not deliver us the biggest profits, but they do allow us to complete the full package of goods for the customers we serve. I feel quite fortunate that we don’t have to answer to venture capitalists or other financially driven paymasters for every decision that we take in business.” He says he expects some of the design decisions Ison made with its building specification in 2009 may have been questioned at the time, but he thinks that now its green investments are becoming “easy to understand”. On recycling, he says it’s certainly a “big deal”, and one Ison tries to support, but it’s also important to re-use where possible. The distributor has always tried to re-use every box it receives goods in to ship out with instead of recycling them. Expert sales service and on-going local support can make a huge difference to the performance, enjoyment and safety of the products, and these factors have significant effects in the use of the bike and the long-term development of cycling overall.

17/12/2019 11:34

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Feb 18th - 20th 2020 Marshall Arena, MK1 1ST

SiS ambassador Sir Chris Hoy will be

JOIN CHRIS AND US! the SiS stand at various points

joining us at iceBike* on Tuesday 18th

throughout the afternoon. This is not a

February. Chris will be hosting new

show to be missed! Discover the latest

product development workshops on

show updates and register today at



PCJ and Michael Bonney Hence, Ison’s primary customer base is the IBD, Townsend explains. “That all said, of course, some customers are perfectly happy buying products remotely (and prefer to do so) – and that’s all fine if that’s their choice. In this modern world, there has to be a sensible omnichannel position too.” As a small family-run company, it wants to be more than just a trading customer to the brands and suppliers it works with. It aims to be strategic UK partners to its key suppliers. Many of its relationships have evolved across decades of working together with mutual trust, and this aspect usually delivers stability, which filters through to the dealer network, Townsend says. Market concerns We are still seeing many high street retailers struggling to survive – a problem that is not only seen in the bike industry. Some say this is all down to the internet, but Townsend thinks it’s not quite that simple. “I believe the internet has its place, and it’s not going away either. The fact is – it’s often a good aid to everyone, especially so when talking about availability and convenience of some products. It’s also often used as a research tool prior to purchasing decisions. “Of course, pricing is an issue that cannot be overlooked, but I feel it should not be about simply being the cheapest, it should be more about offering the best service and overall value for the consumer. I have some concerns with the position where some folks appear to have lost sight of the fact that turnover means nothing if you are not making any profit (and especially so, if you are losing money on every unit you sell).

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“The problem seems to be especially prevalent with some internet players who are haemorrhaging money on many of the products they offer. The far-reaching nature of the internet causes an additional problem that didn’t exist 20 years ago in retail. “Before the internet, if someone decided to have a special offer or they wanted to move a bit of extra product, it was a relatively isolated affair. Now, with the internet, instead of being ten miles away, they’re a click away from all of the competition. “The old competitive stance of ‘if you find it cheaper then we’ll beat that price’ exacerbates the effect on the internet to become a national race to the bottom, and even global, within seconds. “To be successful, I think dealers probably have to consider the mix of products they actively promote and sell to ensure they are able to service their customers’ requirements at competitive prices – sensibly.” Showtime The beginning of 2020 sees the return of COREbike, taking place at Whittlebury Hall from 26th-28th January. Ison will be present, back in its nominated room space, Townsend says. As one of the founding members, he explains the benefits of the trade show: “I do feel that there is still a significant interest for shows like CORE, where a dealer can take a couple of days out from their business at a quiet time of year and have a look at what’s new. “Talking to the owners and the brands is something you very seldom get the opportunity to do. If you want to drive your business forward, as a dealer, I think you miss out if you don’t go to CORE.” He says it’s an opportunity to gain an insight into where brands are going and what they’re thinking – there are bound to be new products that will be missed by dealers otherwise. “I think we’re seeing a bit of a turn away from too many house shows,” he continues. “Five years ago it was more common for every larger distributor to have one. “I’m still convinced that CORE has its place. If anything, it’s got more of a place than it had before. A rep can’t possibly bring everything to a dealer’s doorstep – even when we display at CORE, we all have to take only a snapshot of what we have to offer.” He says Ison plans to announce several new exciting additional brands to its range at this month’s show. Public shows still have their place too, as they may be one of the primary opportunities for the consumer to come into close contact with the products and the brand. Townsend concludes: “There’s more to business than just buying and selling something.” n

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2020 As this year’s COREbike draws near, BikeBiz gathers the latest from new exhibitors to fresh product ranges

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January 2020 | 21

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New in town

Dan Lacey – Federal pro team

The floorplan for this year’s show at Whittlebury Hall has been sold out for several months now, but that doesn’t mean there’ll be a shortage of new brands for dealers to see, with three companies making their first appearances in the exhibitor line-up...

Seventies – S5 Syndicate Room The Hastings-based distributor has been involved in BMX since the 1980s, running the original ‘Backyard’ shop on the seafront, which later spawned the legendary Backyard Jam events and firmly staked the company’s place in BMX freestyle folklore. The business became increasingly distribution-focused over the subsequent decade,

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but to this day, Seventies still retains its support for grassroots BMX, with the Jams relaunched last year at skateparks around the UK. The company’s product line-up combines in-house brands offering everything from frames to soft goods from the likes of Federal, through to complete bikes and components from rider-owned brands in the US such as Cult, Kink, Subrosa and Primo. n

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Pinpoint Distribution – S4 Syndicate Room Pinpoint will be debuting at COREbike 2020 with 4iiii power meters, Limar helmets, LedLenser lights and AfterShokz performance headphones. Their distribution is managed from its head office in Cheshire, but you’ll no doubt have spotted it at all the major cycle shows in the UK as well as supporting national

triathlon events with Limar, which was added to the Pinpoint portfolio last year. The Italian helmet brand has long been highly-regarded in road cycling circles with its sponsorship of the Astana Pro Team, but it is also building a strong triathlon following its recent partnership as the official helmet partner of British Triathlon. n

Astana Pro Team Ultra Sport EU / Smith Optics and Helmets – S6 Syndicate Room Rounding off the new faces at Whittlebury is Ultra Sport Europe, which will be showing the latest Smith eyewear and cycle helmets. Smith products are competition tested by a stellar lineup of athletes which includes Aaron Gwin, Steve Peat and

50|10 crew, through to homegrown enduro standout Mark Scott. The helmet range offers choices for road and off-road including the much-anticipated Smith MainLine Enduro Mips full face helmet and the new entry-level Convoy Mips. The Smith line-up also offers dealers a full range of performance eyewear, including the award-winning Wildcat glasses right through to race-ready goggles. n

Aaron Gwin

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The COREbike Show Whittlebury Hall Hotel Whittlebury Northamptonshire NN12 8QH

24 | January 2020

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Opening times Sunday 26 January 9:00 – 17:30 Monday 27 January 9:00 – 17:30 Tuesday 28 January 9:00 – 16:00

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Sets & Plugs & Rock & Roll BikeBiz contacted various distributors and brands to gather all the latest product launching at CORE





Ragley Bikes


Using the new online Fit Right System, visitors to COREbike can see how easy it is to find the perfect fitting WTB saddle and Hotlines will even ship one out to you FOC to prove the system works! Rather than trying to persuade customers to use memory foam pads and other devices in store, dealers can just can take a quick measurement of the customer’s wrist and plug it into the on-line app via the WTB website. You can then give a recommendation on saddle models and correct width, based on riding style and anatomy. The system works on the principal that correlations exist between different parts of the body that hold true for the vast majority of us.

MY20 sees Polish brand Rondo refine the design of the award-winning RUUT and HVRT platforms as well as introducing two new models. The BOGAN ST offers bike packing performance on and off-road, comfort over distance and ingenious features inspired by the needs of real-world travellers. Riders looking for a slightly more conventional all-road machine the MUUT may be just what they’re looking for. Think of it as a modern touring bike, equally perfect for long distance commuting or comfy backroad adventuring. Of course both new bikes feature Rondo’s innovative Vario geometry made possible by the Twin-Tip fork.

Once again Ragley will be using COREbike to launch its entire MY20 range. With only good things said about the 2019 range (MBR: Marley 9/10, Cycling Plus: Trig 4.5/5, Piglet 4/5, MBUK: Blue Pig 4/5) the bikes have received just subtle tweaks to keep them up to date and on the money. There are two notable additions to the line-up that are set to raise the bar when it comes to spec and performance for 2020, but you’ll need to wait until January 26th to find out exactly what these are!

With the advent of Shimano’s Micro Spline being open to more third-party brands as of January 2020, Halo are proudly one of the few brands to be able to offer a hub solution from the get go. The Micro Spline design has 23 rectangular splines that allows for the use of a multi-part cassette with a 10-tooth cog, which is what Shimano’s 12-speed mountain bike cassettes use. With only limited number of licences initially issued to manufacturers, Shimano have now made it much easier for brands to produce compatible driver bodies. Halo has been collaborating with sister company Identiti to offer OEM hubs, which utilise Micro Spline, and the first will be available aftermarket in the new year.

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Knog Plug


COREbike gives the UK bike trade the chance to get up close with the new Crafty Carbon, Mondraker’s revolutionary e-bike which set a new standard for performance and overall category weight. Available in three models, the 29in wheeled MTB is the first full e-MTB to be below the coveted sub 20kg barrier and with an unstoppable performance package, it is backed up without any compromises in any areas.

Birzman is an established brand with riders and mechanics. Its high-quality tools and awardwinning tool boxes continue to grow in popularity. COREbike sees the brand displaying a range of new tools perfect for any workshop or tool box including a new home or trackside bike stand, internal cable routing guides, tubeless specific tools and a full range of e-bike motor tools, helping to make sure every workshop is capable of servicing this growing sector. On top of new tools, you’ll also be able to view its firm favourites and an expanded track pump range.

The new Knog Plug light harkens back to Knog’s roots; using on over moulded TPU outer in four fun colours, packed with fresh technology, the Plug is your new riding friend. A domed rear lens and cut outs in the front light body help improve side visibility and make sure this light packs a punch. Even with all of the light being dispersed by the Plug lights, riders don’t need to sweat the battery life of their lights. Thanks to Knog’s battery development in all of its lights, the Plug is conveniently USB rechargeable, so you never need worry about batteries ever again.

Building on the success of the Wild Enduro range, Michelin enters the new year with the introduction of new performance tubeless road tyres. The result of years of testing and development, the new range is perfect for riders looking to go wider, faster and further. 2020 also sees the brand maintain its focus on the urban rider and battery-assisted market with the Protek tyre range and E-Wild off-road e-MTB tyres continuing to gain traction. Various Silverfish-distributed brands, including 100%, Birzman, Marzocchi, Race Face, Ride Concepts and SDG will also be showcasing new products at CORE.

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EVOC Bike Packing Range


With the killer combination of being lightweight, well ventilated, and having universal helmet compatibility, the Descender is everything you need on the mountain, and nothing you don’t. Multilayer face foam that is specially shaped to contour around your face and nose provides the perfect seal. A premium jacquard strap with a wide layer of silicone keeps your goggles where you put them, no matter how hard you ride. A speciallydesigned lightweight frame provides a wide and tall field of view through the highquality lens.

Bigger adventures with mountain, gravel or racing bikes require more equipment and storage space on the bike itself. The more demanding the terrain, the tighter the handlebar, frame and saddle bags must be attached to ensure riding fun, flow and safety. The brand new collection of EVOC’s 2020 on-bike packs made of robust, waterproof materials guarantees quick attachment and clever positioning of equipment. The cooperation with fastener specialist BOA ensures uncompromising hold of the Handlebar Pack Boa and Seat Pack Boa – even with dropper and aero seat posts.

Hiplok is introducing the ANKR, a revolutionary ground and wall anchor designed as a fixing point for the secure storage of bikes inside or outside. ANKR has a unique easy-fit design, meaning it can easily be relocated if required at a later date, without compromising on security. Built from premium hardened steel, ANKR is both motorcycle and bicycle Gold Sold Secure. RRP £69.99.

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Panaracer Race A Evo 4 Folding Road Tyre

The Race A Evo 4’s new “All Contact Tread Shape” has been re-engineered to accommodate wider rim widths to continue to deliver superior grip and low rolling resistance. Panaracer’s new ZSG Compound further reduces the low rolling resistance of the previous ZSG compound by 10%. In addition, grip in all weather conditions has been improved by 20% over the previous generation. We’ve further enhanced the ZSG compound by significantly increasing the compound’s resistance to cuts out on the road.

January 2020 | 27

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This month’s movers and shakers throughout the cycle industry...

Alex Rafferty, SRAM SRAM has appointed Alex Rafferty as European MTB communications manager. Rafferty competed as a cyclist in both road and MTB in his youth, before moving solely to MTB during his graduate studies. His commitment to MTB marketing echoes his passion for riding; developing an MTB leadership awards programme, skills coaching company, and working alongside his brother, Joe, delivering Enduro events, prior to starting at SRAM’s Drivetrain Development centre in Schweinfurt, Germany. His new role comes after four years as a core member of the SRAM marketing and communications team in Europe, where he specialised in planning and executing the delivery of SRAM, RockShox and Zipp MTB products to the market. Rafferty said: “I’m very excited to take this next step and head up the European MTB communications team.

“We’re lucky enough to have some of the smartest, most inspiring and creative people I’ve ever met – growing in this company is a real honour. “Our brands, people and culture are such a huge part of my life, and working with such a fantastic group of people with aligned goals is hugely motivating.” 

Jay Man, Extra UK

Peter Kimberley, Pure Scooters

Extra UK has appointed Jay Man as area sales manager for East, Home Counties and North London. Most recently with ZyroFisher, Man brings with him a wealth of experience in account management, business development, key account and senior accounts roles. Simon Ford, sales director at Extra UK, said: “When looking for the right person for this role, Jay’s name kept on cropping up. “He has a great manner and his enthusiasm and professionalism is clear to see. I’m delighted to have him on the Extra team.” Man can be contacted on 07899 894 964 or 

Pure Scooters has appointed Peter Kimberley as international managing director. He will join the business early this month after leaving Cycle Republic and Tredz Bikes at Halfords Group. He had joined Halfords in 2014, having previously been head of retail for Evans Cycles. He oversaw the opening of the first Cycle Republic store in December 2014, and 2015 saw the retailer open shops in Norwich, Manchester, Bristol, and Nottingham alongside new shops in the capital. Pure Scooters’ founder and CEO Adam Norris said: “Peter brings a huge wealth of retail industry experience. I am so excited to be working with him to develop our customer proposition, product ranges and our rapid international expansion programme. As an inspirational leader within the cycling sector, his knowledge, expertise and insight will be invaluable to drive our team and business ambition to be Europe’s leading electric scooter retailer.” 

28 | January 2020

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Doug Baker, Tom King and Emmalou Johnson, Shift Active Media

Doug Baker

Tom King

Shift Active Media has strengthened its team with the appointment of Doug Baker as head of strategy. In this role, he will also work on major strategic projects across the wider Play Sports Group, supporting its growth plans. Alongside Baker’s arrival, which will commence in the new year, Shift has also welcomed Tom King and Emmalou Johnson to the senior team.

Emmalou Johnson In the newly-created head of media role, King’s strength in search, social and online media planning will be crucial to the advancement of the media planning and buying offering at the agency. Johnson brings video filming, editing, audio postproduction and music supervision experience to her newly-created role of executive producer. 

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A lock-in with Hiplok


ritish security company Hiplok is at the forefront of the fight against bike crime. It’s hard to believe that with a full line-up of innovative products built to keep your bike safe, the company only burst on the scene with its groundbreaking original wearable bike lock less than a decade ago. The 2020 Hiplok range promises to be as innovative as ever. With all products still designed and developed in the UK by product design duo and company co-founders Ben Smith and John Abrahams (pictured above), we caught up with Ben to get the lowdown on security, innovation and keeping your cool.

The Hiplok ANKR’s revolutionary design means it offers maximum security but can be easily relocated

30 | January 2020

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2019 was another record year for Hiplok. What have been your highlights? Product innovation is at the core of Hiplok and so highlights always include new product launches. This year we launched Hiplok SPIN through UK IBDs and we’ve been really pleased with the reaction to our first wearable combination lock. On a more personal note, getting the opportunity to fulfil a lifetime ambition of riding the mountains around Bend, Oregon after another fantastic year at The Sea Otter Classic was pretty epic. How have you applied your design ethos to bike security for home? Unfortunately, we are hearing more stories of bikes being stolen from homes and garages and this trend is highlighted in the latest crime statistics. There just didn’t seem to be a good range of practical, quality and aesthetically designed product available. AIRLOK, our Sold Secure Gold lockable wall hanger marked our entry into this area and we continue to grow our STORE + SECURE line for 2020 with the introduction of ANKR alongside our maximum security chain locks.

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Hiplok ANKR is rated Gold Sold Secure for motorbikes and bicycles

Tell us more about ANKR. ANKR is our new ground and wall anchor. It is Sold Secure Gold rated for both motorcycle and bicycle, which is particularly important given the value of e-bikes. We not only wanted to address the fact that anchors are traditionally ugly and cumbersome, but also the practical issue of how to move them if you move house or simply want to change your bike storage. ANKR has a unique three-part design which makes the bolts inaccessible when mated with a lock, but easy to relocate when not in use. What is the testing process for new Hiplok product such as ANKR? As the thieves’ weapons of attack improve, it’s vital that we stay one step ahead. Testing really starts from concept - John and I spend a large proportion of our time attempting to break different materials long before the first prototype stage (much to the annoyance of the rest of the office!). Through real world rider testing and working with experts at independent security bodies such as Sold Secure in the UK and ART in Europe, we ensure the lock is secure for purpose way before launch. How important is the UK IBD in the growth of Hiplok? We sold our first product through a London based independent bike store and this channel remains imperative to the future of Hiplok. We see good retail partners as an extension of our team in communicating the values of our brand and unique product benefits, that’s why we have launched the Hiplok Flagship Store Program with ZyroFisher. Now that we have a full line of security solutions, we are working with some of the best retailers in the country to support them in merchandising and selling.

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What’s new from Hiplok at the COREbike Show? Once again, we will be attending CORE with our partners, ZyroFisher. As well as launching ANKR, we have a number of exclusive IBD packages available which we hope will support the opportunity for independents in selling unique security that meets their customers’ needs. Beyond CORE, can you share any longer-term plans for Hiplok? We always have something new on the drawing board and 2021 will be no exception. As long as there’s a practical need, we will innovate to match it. We are already seeing a huge response to our Z LOK security ties from outside of the bike industry also. A wide range of outdoor enthusiasts, from triathletes to skiers, use Z LOK to secure their equipment. This is an interesting new market for Hiplok. Hiplok has coined the phrase “Keep Your Cool”. How do you keep yours? Check with the rest of the team as I’m not sure I always do! Starting a business from scratch presents its challenging moments for sure but problems are why John and I started Hiplok – we wanted to solve them through good design. I find that collaboration keeps us cool under pressure, it’s great to have such a talented inventor and great friend as a business partner. Where are you hoping to ride in 2020? We’ve just appointed a new distribution partner in the Nordics and so I’m hoping a little Norwegian heli-biking trip might be on the agenda for summer! n Hiplok is available to UK IBDs through ZyroFisher.

January 2020 | 31

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WE ARE MANUFACTURING Our exciting new range of KX Wheels are produced right here at Bob Elliot HQ. Utilising our specialist machinery, we prepare the hubs using reliable, economical, high quality componentry and lace the wheels before finishing them to precise tolerances with the use of a robot which are then quality checked to deliver the perfect wheel every time. Competitively priced replacement wheels offering a wide selection for 700C and all MTB disciplines. » Built here at Bob Elliot HQ « » Quality componentry from all around the World « » Over 50 years combined wheel building experience « » All wheels finished to exacting tolerances « » Comprehensive range, competitively priced « » Next day delivery available « To find out more about KX Wheels contact your area sales manager or email or call us on 01772 459887


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20/06/2019 13:25


Tread talks Rebecca Morley catches up with Cambrian Tyres’ Shelley Childs about Continental’s bumper year in 2019 Continental rider Nina Gutenthaler, also known as Miss Peaches

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taying safe when cycling can be complicated – whether riders are avoiding hazards on the road or up a mountain. According to road safety charity Brake, every 20 minutes, someone is killed or seriously injured on a British road. Continental says that it supports everyone in sharing the road safely, irrespective of whether they’re a cyclist or a driver. Its Vision Zero initiative strives to eliminate road fatalities, injuries and accidents, and has partnered with key sporting events like the Tour de France, Vuelta a España, Giro D’Italia and Prudential RideLondon.

Flying the UK flag Cambrian Tyres has been the official UK importer of Continental bicycle tyres for more than 30 years, and is the biggest distributor of two-wheel tyres in Europe, says brand manager Shelley Childs. Its association with Continental came about in the late 1980s, when Continental Tyre Group was keen to outsource the motorcycle range to a specialist wholesaler. A couple of trips to the Milan show later, and Cambrian was signed up to fulfil the role. In 1989, it briefly also took on bicycle tyres as a stop-gap when CTG were between UK bicycle distributors. “Things didn’t work out with the then cycle distributor and so by 1991, CTG asked if Cambrian would like to add bicycles to its portfolio, to which we duly obliged,” says Childs. Far from being just a regional wholesaler for Continental, Cambrian has been involved with Continental’s bicycle HQ in Korbach, Germany, at planning, strategy and marketing stages for product development. “We are seen as a key market and so we work closely with Korbach to wave the UK flag in terms of what products are specifically required for our market,” Childs says. “We don’t always get our way, but we certainly feel like we’ve helped bring some classic models to the market over the years.” Worth the wait 2019 has been a ‘bumper year’ in terms of new products for Continental, says Childs. “The biggest model release by far has been the Grand Prix 5000, taking over from its market leading predecessor the GP4000 after 14 years at the helm!” Not only was this a simple like for like succession, Continental also introduced a tubeless option– its first tubeless road tyre. “After spending a fair few consumer and trade shows answering ‘that’ question, it was finally nice to be able to answer customers that we had a tubeless road tyre, and that the wait would be worthwhile,” Childs continues.

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Cambrian Tyres’ Shelley Childs

“The project took over two years, starting from scratch, all in Germany and ending up with the best tubeless road tyre on the market.” Last year also saw Continental throw its hat into the gravel market, with the launch of two new TR tubelessready tyres, the Terra Trail and the Terra Speed. Designed and handmade in Continental’s HQ in Korbach, both tyres are made with Continental’s premium Black Chili Compound and feature the ProTection Technology. “These can of course be ridden tubeless, and like with our MTB tyres, the application and inflation is so easy, which is a testament to the engineers and product managers at Korbach and also at Continental’s own plant in Hefei China,” explains Childs. A mid-priced Shieldwall Terra Trail will be arriving in early 2020 from the Hefei plant.

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The MTB range has been boosted by the roll out of the standardised bead and casing format across all premium and performance lines, meaning that any Continental MTB folding tyre is tubeless-easy, inflating with a regular track pump and holding air. All the wire bead models have now been upgraded to E-25 for use on e-MTBs and match the folding range in terms of pattern design. “Having the Athertons back on board as brand ambassadors is already paying dividends,” Childs continues, “especially as they are based just 20 miles down the road from us here in Aberystwyth!” But Childs’ personal favourite is the new Contact Urban tyre, a tyre some eight years in planning. It is Continental’s first urban tyre to feature in a size for Brompton bicycles. “Cambrian started asking Continental to make a Brompton tyre in 2011, and last year we finally received some lovely samples and gave the tyre a launch at the RideLondon event. “Serial stock arrives with us in February and the market reaction has been fantastic. We’re talking with the Brompton community and are very excited to embark on this new journey.” Another new product causing a ‘stir’ is the Urban Taraxagum, which is a 700x35 city slicker “with a difference”. The tread compound uses natural rubber extracted from Dandelion roots. Continental has piloted this new technology in a bicycle tyre, with the eventual goal to roll this out to automotive. “Harvesting natural rubber from Dandelions reduces the dependency on NR harvest in subtropical regions,” Childs explains. “Basically dandelions can grow almost anywhere, so the journey from fields to factory will be a lot shorter in future years. 30% of a bicycle tyre’s weight is from natural rubber and so there is a lot of growing to do before the dandelion can completely take over!” Standing out from the crowd Cambrian’s business model means that it has made the Continental brand more accessible to the UK trade by having multiple wholesale partners, Childs says. “Every sales rep from Madison, Raleigh, Bob Elliot and i-ride has access to our range information and current offers, and the products are all listed on the companies’ B2B platforms. “We work with our wholesalers to ensure our products are listed correctly and that the best and most appropriate tyres from the range are focused towards the dealer. “We also have our own sales team on the road who provide staff training and advise each shop on the Continental tyres than may enhance their tyre offerings and make them more margin.

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“The Contact Plus model has seen huge growth as we’ve focused on this area specifically recently. We’re keen to show that Continental is not just about GP4000s and Gatorskins! Any dealer finding it tough to gain access to the Continental range can call us up and we’ll point them in the direction.” Looking ahead 2020 will see the role out of the new Contact Urban, the additional Shieldwall Terra Trail gravel tyre, a new Ultrasport III and the improved King series in MTB. “We’ll be at all the big cycle shows and summer events like RideLondon,” Childs concludes. “We’re generally out and about during the season and look forward to talking to our consumer and trade customers along the way.” Continental has also agreed a three-year deal to become the presenting partner of the Sea Otter Classic in Monterey, California. The first ‘Sea Otter Classic Presented by Continental’ runs from 16th to 19th April 2020, when the cycling festival will celebrate its 30th anniversary. The tyre brand will also be showcasing its ranges across off-road and road. It will be the Gold Sponsor of the Bicycle Leadership Conference, hosted in the lead-up to Sea Otter from 14th to 16th April. n

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The rise of mobility on-demand Global Market Insights outlines significant developments in the bike-sharing sector in the near future...


ver the years, the bike-sharing market has gained remarkable momentum due to the initiatives undertaken by Governments to reduce the levels of carbon emission. According to 2018 data, emissions from the transport sector accounted for 27% of the total carbon dioxide emissions in the EU. There is an evident need to control environmental degradation and Governments are levying stringent regulations to ensure this. In a bid to control greenhouse gases from the transportation sector, the United States Environmental Protection Agency has set emission standards for passenger vehicles and trucks, while setting ambitious reduction targets. For example, it estimates eliminating around six billion metric tons of greenhouse gas emissions from light-duty vehicle models sold up to 2025. Lately, there have been advancements in the bike-sharing industry owing to widespread application scope in urban mobility. Transportation flexibility, reduced congestion, lowered vehicle emissions, cost savings, health benefits and reduction in fuel consumption are some of the vital advantages associated with the use of bike-sharing services. It has been estimated that the global bike-sharing market will surpass $10 billion by 2025.

‘There is an evident need to control environmental degradation and Governments are levying stringent regulations to ensure this' Favourable Government initiatives to fuel bike-sharing With the urgent need to reduce carbon emissions, Governments and other authorities are emphasising the use of electric vehicles across the globe. The manufacturers are being provided with necessary subsidies and tax redemptions to encourage the production of electric bikes. A considerable growth of companies providing shared bikes has been observed in Asian countries over the years. China and Singapore have released guidelines for dockless or free-floating bike-sharing services in their respective countries. These included the necessity of imposing traffic standards and punishments for improper parking of the bikes.

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Initiatives like these will encourage businesses to establish their services in more cities, spending capital on geographical expansion. Rules and regulations for ensuring the quality and longevity of bikes will benefit users and stimulate the acceptance of bike-sharing schemes. Intelligent transportation to pave the way Technological developments along with the introduction of artificial intelligence in the transportation sector will positively influence the bike-sharing industry outlook. The introduction of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS), which is the application of sensors, data analysis, control and communication technologies to ground transportation systems, will help in ensuring mobility, safety, and efficiency of conventional as well as e-bikes. ITS offers numerous advantages such as incident management, travel time improvement, capacity management, reduction in stops and delays at intersections, speed control and improvement. Global expansion to drive mobility on-demand As per statistics, the US bike-sharing industry is witnessing a robust growth with over 35 million trips taken in the year 2017. With the changing trends towards the use of sustainable modes of transportation, many leading companies are shifting focus towards e-bikes as well. Leading mobility firms have intensified efforts to try and penetrate previously hostile markets. For instance, Uber launched the Jump bike-sharing platform in Rome in October. Reportedly, the company has initially deployed 700 bicycles across the city and could see the number rise to 2,800 in the very near future. n

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18/06/2019 15:02

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BB-JAN20-HOTLINES:Layout 1 13/12/2019 10:08 Page 1

A long history of test-winning hardtails, Ragley needs no introduction. The 2020 range will be launched at Core Bike, 26.01.20. Stock arriving in February, it’s time to stake your claim on being a dealer. Want a sneak peek? Contact Hotlines today.


The lifeblood of high streets

Arragons Cycle Centre was shortlisted for both the BikeBiz Awards and Indie Retail’s Best Small Shops competition last year. Owner Sarah Graham tells Rebecca Morley how the store has adapted to a changing retail environment


mall independent businesses are essential to retail – offering specialist products and services with knowledge and passion for the community, something that cannot be given online. Arragons Cycle Centre is run by Phil and Sarah Graham with the help of a dedicated team of sales staff and cycle technicians. The business has been in the family for 50 years, with Sarah Graham’s parents owning the shop previously. And 2019 saw the store not only nominated in the 11th annual BikeBiz Awards last September,

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shortlisted in the Best Independent Bike Dealer category, it was also shortlisted in Indie Retail’s Best Small Shops competition 2019 for the second year in a row. “The biggest thing for me was that our team believes that we deserve it, and we’re worthy of it,” says owner Sarah Graham. “It’s been really nice to experience being a business owner where I've got a team of staff who believe in themselves and believe that we're doing the best that we can be.”

January 2020 | 41

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Adapting to change We all know how much the retail environment has changed recently – but Graham says that Arragons Cycle Centre has enjoyed a positive 2019 in business. The store has continued to evolve its offering to emphasise its service portfolio, which for the growth in e-bike customers in particular, has increased confidence over anything else. “It's not been without worry and fear, but we decided to adapt to the situation rather than to succumb to it. Service has been a massive part of that. We've always had a Shimano service centre and we've always tried to keep on top of new tools as they come out, and new technology. “But we've put ourselves a bit more at the forefront this last couple of years.” The preference to shop online over the high street has become the norm for many consumers and some retailers have cited the internet as a major factor in the rise in empty storefronts – which last year rose to their highest level since January 2015. But that doesn’t mean it’s all doom and gloom – there are many benefits to shopping in a brick and mortar retailer, especially when a store does not compete with online prices and instead focuses on its customers’ needs.

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Graham hopes that retail is coming out of this challenging period of time, with one of the key reasons being the adaptation into service. “The internet has been blamed for the declining retail, and I agree to some extent, especially with the aggressive pricing – which has probably been more profound in our industry,” she says. “But we do much more than just selling product – we give the after sales and the bike fit. We do bike hire now, and I'm looking forward to what's happening.” The store has also established itself a bit more on the service side of the business, Graham says. “We’re not going to be around forever if people only buy online. I've probably done it myself, where you think that the online’s the devil, but we've used it to our advantage these last couple of years. We’ve been very active on the social media side of things. “We don't aggressively retail online but we do have our inventory of stock there, so customers can access the website and see what we've got in store. “We’ve retracted and gone back to what we do best, which is bricks and mortar and service, and our customers are starting to see that, especially when they have problems like warranty issues, we make things so much easier when things go wrong.”

January 2020 | 43

17/12/2019 14:24


Celebrating retail Last year's Best Small Shops competition had a focus on consumer engagement and how independent retailers promote their businesses to the local community and consumers. Shortlisted retailers were invited to attend the reception at the Houses of Parliament on 5th November where they had the opportunity to meet with MPs, trade representatives and industry peers. Speaking at the event, Meryl Halls, vice chair of the Independent Retailers Confederation, said: "It is great to be able to celebrate the lifeblood of our high streets, our independent retailers, especially at this time of uncertainty and discord. “The role of an independent retailer can seem like a thankless task but they are nothing if not survivors. Small shop owners employ local people and contribute to local communities and we are so pleased to have been able to showcase the best of independent retailing and give a vision of how engaging and exciting our high streets can be." “It's really nice to be celebrated,” Graham continues, “and be part of a group of businesses that are doing what we do well. The small shops award is not just our trade only, and we went down there not expecting anything other than to be part of the day. “We got a lot from that because we spoke with a record company, a bookshop, a cafe and a barber store. They’re different to what we’re offering but what resonates is what everyone’s doing. We're all enthusiastic, we all love what we do and we all try to please the customer bases that we've got. “I've come away with new ideas that don't necessarily relate to the bike trade, which is great for us. We try harder every year as well, we like being part of that small business celebration.

44 | January 2020

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“Already I'm thinking about what can we do next year to make our entry or our nomination justified. It keeps us on our toes, if nothing else, so it’s good.” #TeamArragons So what does the store have planned for 2020 and beyond? “Probably building on the team that we started this year,” says Graham. “We thought we needed to really do something to make us recognised when we're out racing, so we've made our Team Arragons. “We want to build upon that. We set that out not to be elite, not to be cycling or triathlon only, but if anybody wants to represent or feel like part of a community then all you need to do is buy the jersey. “We haven't got a membership as such, just the feeling of belonging.” The community aspect of owning a bike shop has always been “massive”, Graham says. She and her husband Phil took over the shop in Autumn 2003 and they’ve always tried to be involved in what’s going on in the community. “Whether that’s putting on events for people or supporting the local bike clubs and triathlon clubs, I think you have to put yourself out there and be willing to get amongst what's going on, whether it's an activity or celebration. Being part of the community is key for us and we want everybody to want to be part of our team. “We're just trying to push on," she concludes. “I'm really tired of the whole negative: ‘What’s happening to the high street?’ It's very sad and horrible to witness. But I think you've got to move beyond that and realise that there are still people that want to support shops like mine. I believe we're serving the community well.” n

17/12/2019 14:24

BB-JAN20-WELDTITE:Layout 1 09/12/2019 11:20 Page 1


Squire secures cycle alliance with Ison Distribution


new partnership between two top names in the cycling industry will see Squire’s Bikelok cycle security being distributed in the UK by Ison Distribution. Squire’s Bikelok range of Sold Secure rated combination locks, cables, chains, D-locks, lock and chainsets, and wall and ground anchors is now available via Ison Distribution to independent bicycle dealers nationwide. Importantly, Ison will be tasked with distributing Squire’s new advanced Inigma range of Sold Secure rated Bluetooth bike locks, combining one of the world’s most secure smart bike lock systems and functionality. The two highly respected independent brands are both recognised for innovative, niche products of the highest quality and their longevity at the forefront of the UK cycle industry. Premium lock manufacturer Squire has a proud 240-year history as a global market leader in the development of security products. Ison Distribution has long been established as an outstanding distributor of high quality bicycles, parts and accessories since 1992, with a heritage as an independent family-owned business going back to 1895. CEO John Squire explained the two companies share important common values. He said: “Alongside our proud traditions, we are forwardthinking companies which have cultivated strong partnerships and inspired confidence in both our customers and dealers. “This is an exciting time for Squire as we launch our new Inigma range of smart bike security. We are delighted to join forces with Ison and see this partnership as a great positive for our cycle security portfolio. “It is extremely important that we share the same goals and enthusiasm, and we have the ability to provide retailers with a first-class service and distribution network. Ison clearly fitted our stringent criteria as a renowned and successful brand in the bicycle market. “Similarly, we share the same forward-thinking approach and commitment to developing technological advanced cycle products. We look forward to a long and successful partnership.” Bryan Harris at Ison said: “Our collaboration with Squire is a testament to the importance we attach to quality products. “The quality, innovation and level of security offered by Squire’s cycle security products impressed us immediately. Not only does the range feature all three levels of Sold Secure rated

46 | January 2020

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locks, it also delivers unique, patented designs, which have never been seen before. “It means the large network of dealers we supply now have the opportunity to buy the very latest security technology.” Call Ison Distribution on 01353 662 662 or visit n

New Inigma range debuts at COREbike The latest additions to Squire’s world-beating Inigma range of smart cycle security will be unveiled at COREbike 2020 on Ison’s stand Indianapolis/ Hungaroring. Alongside Inigma BL1 - the world’s first Bluetooth bike D-lock to achieve a Sold Secure Gold rating - will be Squire’s brand new Inigma Bluetooth folding lock (FL1) and integrated chain (IC1). As one of the world’s most secure smart bike lock operating systems, Squire’s super-secure Inigma uses top level AES-256 bit military grade encryption technology. Bluetooth operated with no keys to lose or combinations to forget, Inigma lets you lock and unlock your bike via smartphone app. Sold Secure Bronze rated, easy to use and quick to unlock, they also feature complex programming settings and audit trails.

17/12/2019 16:13

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Feb’ 19

Mar’ 19


19th - 21st February 2019 Arena:MK, Milton Keynes, MK1 1ST


MARCH 2019

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25/01/2019 11:59 10:58

EDITORIAL CALENDAR 2020: 01 BBMar19 Front cover_v1.indd 1

25/02/2019 15:31


Inclusivity and accessibility Hybrids and folders Cycle luggage


Industry diversity Women’s bikes Workshop tools and cleaning


IBD Innovation Helmets Local Bike Shop Day


Cycling technology Cycle computers Triathlon


The kid’s market Children’s bikes and accessories Brakes


Sustainability Indoor training and power meters Cycle lights


The MTB market Mountain bikes and accessories Stocking fillers


Trade show season Cyclocross Winter and protective clothing


Cycling infrastructure Road bikes and accessories Retail science Chains, gears and cranks


The e-bike market E-bikes and accessories Carbon footprint


The Year in Review Wheels, tyres and inner tubes Distributor Focus Cycle footwear


WANT TO ADVERTISE IN ANY OF THESE ISSUES? Contact Richard Setters 0779 480 5307 or email BB Forward Features 2020 210x265mm_Final.indd 1

Want your company or product to be involved with any of these features? Contact James Groves, editor 0203 143 8779 or email

17/12/2019 16:47


A transport revolution or the opening of a chasm? Last month’s General Election gave the Tories their biggest win since 1987. But what does that mean for cycling in the UK?


ycling has many well-known benefits, whether it’s for commuting, as a hobby or sport. It also offers environmental benefits – more people riding means fewer people driving and according to Sustrans, our dependency on using motor vehicles to get around has driven the climate change crisis. It costs the economy £7.9 billion a year through traffic congestion and is the major cause of air pollution in our towns and cities. Last month, the Conservatives won a majority in the General Election. But with many people discussing Brexit, others were more focused on the issues that they face around them, such as health, congestion, decarbonisation and air quality. So given the environmental benefits that cycling brings, what do the Tories have planned in terms of spending? Its manifesto promises a ‘transport revolution’, saying a key part of its plan to level up the UK’s cities and regions is to connect them. It said it will support commuter cycling routes, so that more people can cycle safely to work and more families can go out together. It will create a new £350 million Cycling Infrastructure Fund with mandatory design standards for new routes. It will also extend Bikeability to every child and will work with the NHS to promote cycling for healthier living. The Tories will also launch a pothole-filling programme as part of its National Infrastructure Strategy – and said its investment in roads will ensure new potholes are “much less likely to appear in the future”. But is this £350 million enough?

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It translates to just £70 million a year, which Cycling UK says “opens up a chasm between what has been promised and what is actually needed”. “Cycling UK is alarmed at the prospect of a new Government slashing the level of funding for cycling in England to less than a quarter of its current levels for the next five years,” says Cycling UK chief executive Paul Tuohy. The Cycling and Walking Investment Strategy, launched in 2017, set out to double the number of cycling trips by 2025. However in a safety review document to support the strategy published towards the end of 2018, the Department for Transport admitted that its current policy would only see cycling increase by a third over the next six years. The Walking and Cycling Alliance wants £17 per person per year to be spent on active travel, rising to £34 per person by 2025. Spending is currently £7 per person annually. Sustrans’ manifesto for the election called on the next UK Government to provide a sustained long-term investment in walking and cycling, including at least 5% of the transport budget to be spent on walking and cycling by 2020/21, rising to at least 10% before 2024/25. “The Conservative manifesto commitment would see the current £7 per head currently being spent on walking and cycling in England, outside of London to just £1.55 per head,” adds Tuohy. “This would be an abject failure by this incoming Government to address the climate, air pollution, congestion and inactivity-related health crises the country is now facing.” n

January 2020 | 49

17/12/2019 16:39


minutes with... BikeBiz catches up with the brand alongside exclusive UK distributor Bob Elliot Can you give us a little background on Controltech? Starting with just a pair of lightweight bar ends, Controltech USA produced its first bike product in 1989. It quickly developed a reputation for expertise with aluminium and became famous for light, strong and cleverly-designed bicycle parts and components using a range of high-spec alloys. After an extended hiatus from the European market, it returned in 2005 with all-new MTB and road lines and has continued to develop its product range as well as expanding into new materials including scandium, titanium and carbon fibre. Controltech has long been a strong OE supplier to some of the biggest bike brands, including Giant Contact components, and has recently added Merida – as well as Whyte’s gravel range – to its ever-growing list. What is your vision for the brand? For Bob Elliot, it was Controltech’s increasingly strong range of aftermarket products that led us to add the brand to our portfolio in September 2018. Its philosophy of ‘reliability, ingenuity, quality and value’ means that we can offer a family of excellent finishing kit components at all levels across road, gravel, TT and MTB – from the entry-level, budget-friendly

50 | January 2020

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One products, through the Falcon Aero range and the CLS gravel options, to the carbon EXL MTB selection. The vast majority of bike builds and bike fitting requirements can be met with the range of Controltech products, with the assurance of excellent value and quality no matter the level. What is your distribution model, and why does this suit you? As the exclusive UK distributor, we are keen to build good relationships with IBDs who can use Controltech as their ‘go-to’ brand for bars, stems, seatposts etc. Knowing that they will always be buying trusted products from an easy to select from range, with good margins for the dealers as standard. Although it has a long history in the industry and many people do recognise the brand and are aware of its reputation for quality, it does need to have an online presence to help this continue. However, having it as an exclusive means we are able to work closely with UK online dealers ensuring that Controltech products are looked after in the marketplace to encourage long-term growth for all stockists.

09/12/2019 15:22

What is your relationship with IBDs? Bob Elliot has become especially strong in workshop and high turnover consumables segments of the industry, and we have successfully introduced a number of brand partnership programmes to offer on-going improved margins where possible. With the increase in bike fitting and customisation of both new and existing customers bikes, Controltech is steadily becoming part of the consumables segment and we will look to reect that with improved pricing for those dealers that are also seeing increased demand in this area. What are some of the more recent developments? Since the brand was introduced last year, we have continued to expand the range. Recent additions have included well-priced dropper posts with both internal and external cable options and fully serviceable;

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a TT handlebar-mounted hydration system, that allows the rider to refuel without taking their hands from the aero position. A neat selection of lightweight performance saddles were added to complement the seatpost range as well as some very well-received bar tape in a multitude of colour options and material types. What are your plans for 2020 and beyond? Controltech continues to develop new products and technologies all the time, it is currently working on a new design of one-piece carbon road bar and stem! As tempting as it may be to bring in everything it produces, part of our job as distributor is to identify those products that have a place in the UK market and ensure that the ones we bring in are consistently kept in stock and at the right price. ď Ž

January 2020 | 51

09/12/2019 15:22

BB-JAN20-CORE DISPLAY ADVERT :Layout 1 17/12/2019 09:24 Page 1





26-28 January // Whittlebury Hall


Energy and Nutrition 2


3 4





Active Root




20 Pack - Original Ginger

Horizon Enduro Flexi Flask

Crunchy Protein Bar

Isotonic Drink

Distributor: The Cycle Division

Distributor: Hotlines

Distributor: Raleigh

Distributor: Chicken CycleKit

Active Root is a sports drink that aims to optimise fuelling and hydration. It delivers the benefits of natural root ginger – keeping the stomach settled during a ride. Each box contains 20x sachets. Active Root enhances performance in three ways: Balance – The ginger in the product eases stomach discomfort before, during and after exercise. Fuel - Natural cane sugar is a clean carbohydrate fuel. Hydration – Sea salt replaces electrolytes lost in sweat.

What do you do if you need to keep your hydration and energy levels up but your bike doesn’t have a bottle cage mount? The Flexi Flask holds 500ml, enough for a short ride, and is fitted with a simple bite valve. What makes it better than a stubby bottle though is that it’ll shrink down as you drink, and the soft nature means it’s easy to stuff in a pocket or bum bag.

Crunchy Protein Bar – 32% Protein bar covered in a layer of delicious caramel and crunchy milk chocolate. A luxurious tasting bar blended from soy protein isolate and whey protein concentrate with a high biological value. Crunchy Protein Bars have a balanced content of fat and carbs and are perfect for post-training recovery or as a snack to top up your protein intake during the day.

Enervit Sport Isotonic Drink is a drink granulate for preparing a carbohydrate-electrolyte solution to replace salts lost by sweating and carbs used in intense muscular and athletic activity. Reducing tiredness and fatigue. Four sources Carb mix: sucrose, dextrose, fructose and mix of maltodextrins with different grades of polymerisation.

53-56 BBJan19 SG1_Final.indd 1

January 2020 | 53

16/12/2019 14:57




8 6





One Pro Nutrition




Peanut & Cacao / Raspberry & Chocolate


Energy Bar

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Fast-Acting Protein Energy Gel in Berry

Nuun sport has new packaging, cleaner ingredients and an even better taste. Nuun’s flagship sports drink product is packed with complete electrolytes and made with clean ingredients that replace what is lost when you sweat during exercise. New Nuun sport now features re-optimised amounts of sodium and potassium for maximum H2O absorption. On top of the existing electrolyte blend, chloride has now been added which plays a key role in fluid transportation and electrolyte balance.

For 2020, Torq has updated its Energy Bars, improving both the recipe and range of flavours available. Renowned for its class-leading, research-driven performance products, Torq’s Energy Bars still contain 30g of multi-transportable carbohydrate, but are now vegan and 100% organic, with a moistness that makes them easy to eat in all conditions. This change of ingredients has allowed Torq to refresh the flavours too, which are now Zesty Orange, Zingy Apple and Sundried Banana, alongside the original Juicy Mango.

Distributor: One Pro Nutrition The new vegan, gluten-free high protein bar comes in two delicious flavours, Peanut & Cacao and Raspberry & Chocolate, each wrapped in compostable packaging. Both bars contain pea protein isolate and pea protein crispies to support muscle mass and tissue repair, contain no artificial sweeteners, sugars, fillers or additives, and use vegan chocolate that has a lower GI than its standard alternative.

54 | January 2020

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Distributor: Bob Elliot • 20g of protein with 2g of added leucine. • Probably the easiest, most convenient way to consume 20g of protein. • Fast absorbing protein hydrolysate to spike plasma amino acid levels. • Great Cherry/Berry flavour full of natural phytonutrients from berries and olive extracts. • Keep handy and consume whenever a protein boost is required.

16/12/2019 14:57




11 12






Active Root


Skratch Labs

Isotonic Energy Gel – Fruit Salad Flavour

Active Root Taster Kit - 750ml Sports Bottle and 4 sachets

Recovery Drink

Exercise Hydration Mix

Distributor: Hotlines

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Madison

Distributor: The Cycle Division

The Isotonic gels from SiS are designed to be consumed without water, so you can get energy into your system without the bloated feeling that can come with over drinking. One gel contains 22g of carbohydrates and are easy to carry in a pocket or on a race belt. Now available in this fantastic new Fruit Salad flavour.

Each Taster Kits contains a 750ml sports bottle, one Peppermint, one Original, one Green Tea and one ElectroLite sachet. Active Root enhances performance in three ways: Balance – The ginger in the product eases stomach discomfort before, during and after exercise. Fuel - Natural cane sugar is a clean carbohydrate fuel. Hydration – Sea salt replaces electrolytes lost in sweat. All products are gluten-free, dairy-free and vegan-friendly.

The ultimate post-exercise drink and the choice of many pro teams. Mix it up with water or milk for a tasty drink that contains whey isolate as a quality source of protein and enough carbohydrate to replenish muscles low in glycogen. Available in boxed sachets for convenience or 1.6kg tubs, High5 Recovery drink comes in banana, chocolate or summer fruits flavours.

Skratch Labs Hydration Mix was created to replace the electrolytes lost in sweat using real fruit for flavour. This gives it a light taste that will delight the taste buds without offending the belly. No artificial colours or preservatives and no bad after-taste. Available in four flavours and packed in 1lb (454g) bags and boxes of 20 servings. SRP £14.95 (bag), £26.95 (box of 20 servings).

53-56 BBJan19 SG1_Final.indd 3

January 2020 | 55

16/12/2019 14:57











Skratch Labs



Competition Bar

Energy Bars

BLOK Energy Chews

Explore Flapjack

Distributor: Chicken CycleKit

Distributor: Silverfish UK

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Enervit Sport Competition is an energy bar made from rice and oats, useful in case of intense muscular effort in sports. We recommend one to two bars during endurance activity. Eat one bar with an appropriate quantity of water.

The Anytime Energy Bars from Skratch Labs are powerful enough for endurance workouts but tasty enough for a snack any time of day. Made with real plant-based ingredients for easier digestion, fast absorption and sustained energy. Free from artificial sweeteners, colouring or binding agents. Non-GMO, gluten-free, dairy free and vegan. Available in six delicious flavours and packed in boxes of 12. POS displays also available. SRP ÂŁ29.95.

CLIF Bloks offer a streamlined approach to performance nutrition. An easily chewable source of carbohydrates, perfect to energise during long rides, runs, and races. Three Bloks contain the same carbohydrate as one CLIF Shot Gel (six Bloks per pack) and is available in six delicious flavours, including our favourite, Ginger Ale.The semi-solid makeup of CLIF Bloks also offers a great alternative to athletes who may not typically enjoy the consistency of gels, but still need to maintain energy levels during endurance efforts.

Torq’s Explore flapjacks are designed for the recreational rider and outdoor enthusiast. Launched in 2019, they have been hugely successful, used in sportives and on long hikes, as much as for mid-morning snacks at home or work. 100% Soil Association Certified Organic and vegan, Torq has added delicious Banana Cake and Bakewell flavours to this popular, both available from February 2020.

56 | January 2020

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16/12/2019 14:57

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Geardrive Geardrive cassettes cassettes offer offer excellent excellent quality quality and great great value. value. Available Available in 8 to to 11 speeds, spe eeds d , with ith a range range off ratios, ratio tios, including i l di 11-50t for for wide i range id ide range 1X setups. setups. Order Or O der from from our easy to to use usse B2B ordering ordering system system for for o next next day day



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WHERE THE TRADE GOES FOR THE LATEST JOB OPPORTUNITIES Contact: | +44 (0)779 480 5307 Get Staffed HALF-PAGE 183 x 115mm.indd 1

XX Two half ads.indd 1

21/11/2019 09:56

17/12/2019 11:04


Bike security 1


4 3









K-Traz U17 U-Lock 230mm

Spin Superbright


Distributor: Bob Elliot

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: Oxford Products

Evolution Mini 7 with 4-foot Cable

The K-Traz U17 is a U-lock with a loop made from very high resistance steel. This anti-theft device offers a quadruple locking, ultra-performance system. Fitting to the bike is quick and easy using the mount frame (included) that can be used on any tube from 20 to 80mm in diameter. Provided with three keys and the possibility to duplicate keys in case of loss.

Hiplok’s wearable combination lock now comes in an ultrareflective Superbright version, ideal for riding in darker winter months. The patented wearable fastening adjusts to fit and is never locked when worn, providing a safe and convenient way to carry a chain lock. A 6mm hardened steel chain protects from theft while the four-digit resettable combination code means you don’t have to carry keys. RRP £39.99.

The Oxford LinkLock adds a new level of flexibility to cycle security. With its compact multi-link folding design and unique carry bracket the problems of carrying locks on the bike or in a bag are over, as the bracket can be attached to all bikes in a myriad of ways. The LinkLock has an 840mm perimeter length made up of six attack resistant hardened steel links, meaning there is plenty of length to attach bikes to immovable objects.

58 | January 2020

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Distributor: Madison The Evolution Mini 7 features a 13mm hardened maxperformance steel shackle that’s specifically designed to resist bolt cutters and leverage attacks. It also uses Kryptonite’s hardened double deadbolt design that gives additional resistance to twist-style attacks and comes with a 4-foot flex cable and a Flexframe U-Bracket to make it easy to carry.

16/12/2019 15:00


6 5

7 8






Pinhead Locks




City Ultimate Pack

13mm D-lock

Distributor: Raleigh

Distributor: Chicken CycleKit

Inigma IC1 integrated chain lock

Icon2 is a light packed with more brightness and intelligence than ever before. It has 300 lumens in the rear light and 400 lumens in the front, gives you 16 hours of run-time in full power reactive flash mode, and shines powerfully in all lighting conditions, both day and night. The security is offered through theft alerts directly to your phone when your bike is moved or disturbed.

58-61 BBJan20 SG2_Final.indd 2

Protection for your whole bike including frame, both wheels, seat post and headset. Replaces your existing quick release skewers, seat post clamp and headset top cap. Easy, one-time installation. One key to lock and unlock your wheels, seat post and headset. Skewer installed weight: 33g (front) / 37g (rear) Seatpost Lock installed weight: 41g Headset Lock installed weight: 16g Materials: Precision forged Cro-Mo steel and aircraft grade aluminium alloy City Lock weight: 660g Nylon cover on the City Lock prevents damage to your frame.

Distributor: Ison Distribution Squire’s new Bluetooth integrated chain lock combines the world’s most secure smart bike lock technology and functionality.As one of the world’s most secure smart bike lock operating systems, Squire’s super-secure Inigma uses top level AES-256 bit military grade encryption technology.Bluetooth operated with no keys to lose or combinations to forget, the lightweight aluminium lock body comes with a hardened alloy steel chain. Sold Secure Bronze rated, easy to use and quick to unlock, it also features complex programming settings and audit trails.

Distributor: ZyroFisher A great entry into the Gold Secure D-Lock market with the Master Lock 13mm D-lock delivering reassuring security with features to protect your ride. A thick 13mm hardened steel shackle to resist cutting; a high-security disc cylinder to prevent picking with an antidrill plate for added protection; a dual locking mechanism to prevent pull/pry attacks. An anti-dust cover also protects the mechanism from the elements. A carrier bracket is included for easy storage.

January 2020 | 59

16/12/2019 15:00














Smart-X 770A Alarm


K-Traz U13 Cable Lock

FoldyLock Classic

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: ZyroFisher

Distributor: Chicken CycleKit

Distributor: i-ride

Bike security gets smart. The use of innovative technology, combined with maximum mechanical security, makes the 770A SmartX the most secure bike lock in its class. Enjoy the benefits of the innovative SmartX cylinder and make your iOS or Android smartphone your individualised key using a secure Bluetooth connection. Combined with the proven 100 dB alarm, this lock offers maximum security and is perfect for high-quality e-bikes and load-carrying bicycles.

One of the most lightweight Gold rated locks on the market, the Hiplok DX features double locking and anti-rotation tabs to protect against attack. Hiplok’s patented Clip + Ride system means it is easy to carry on belts and bag straps making it easy to access when you stop. A rubberised shackle prevents frame scratch on lock up and DX comes with three coded replaceable keys as well as Hiplok’s lifetime warranty. Also available in new DX Plus which includes a 2m steel braided cable for wheels and accessories. RRP from £69.99.

A tough hardened steel shackle lock and a strong cable lock made from flexible twisted steel surrounded by a tough vinyl cable cover. Material: Hardened Steel. Flexible twisted steel wire with a tough vinyl cable cover. Mounting: Adjustable on down tube – dia from 20 to 80mm Supplied with 4ft cable for additional security. Dimensions: 115 x 230mm / 4.5 x 9.1in Diameter: 13mm / 0.5in Cable length: 120cm / 47in Cable dia: 10mm / 0.4in

An impenetrably strong lock which conveniently attaches right to your bike. Solid, hardened-steel with drill protected rivets make boltcutters a non-issue. Made with hardened steel links for increased security to protect your bike. Each rivet used is designed with VSR technology against sawing, drilling or cutting. The links are also plastic coated to prevent scratches on the bikes frame. This also helps keep the lock from rattling as the mechanism prevents the lock from shaking while riding. It folds to a compact shape and is easily stored inside the frame mounted case.

60 | January 2020

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16/12/2019 15:00














Bordo Alarm 6000A

Defender Framelock

Oxford Shackle 14

Inigma FL1 folding lock

Distributor: Extra UK

Distributor: Bob Elliot &Co Ltd

Distributor: Oxford Products

Distributor: Ison Distribution

The first alarmed folding lock on the market! The Bordo Alarm 6000A is the first folding lock anywhere in the world to sound an alarm (at a volume of 100 dB) if it detects an attempted attack. It does so thanks to the smart 3D Position Detection sensors, which detect the smallest of movements in all three dimensions and can distinguish between picking attempts and the small vibrations which can occur when the lock is in use.

The Defender is a high-quality frame lock with an innovative design and the option to link a plug in cable or chain to the lock so you can lock your bike to a fixed object. The Defender ring lock offers optimal safety with its anti drilling cylinder and hardened steel bracket. The ergonomic design of the push button and the luxurious foldable key with online key service offer you maximum comfort.

The Oxford Shackle 14 has a hardened steel 14mm shackle that surpasses the bicycle Gold Sold Secure standards. Further security is added with the dual locking mechanism which has to be cut on each side to release without a key. A unique carry bracket provides an option for carrying the lock on the bike no matter the style, and there is also an optional hooped cable which can secure the wheels to the frame as well as an immovable object.

Squire’s new Bluetooth folding lock features Inigma, the world’s most secure smart bike lock operating system, as confirmed by PTP. Using top level AES-256 bit military grade encryption technology, it lets you lock and unlock your bike via Inigma app. With no keys to lose or combinations to forget, the lightweight aluminium lock body folds into an easy-to-carry holster. Sold Secure Bronze rated, other features include sharing the lock with friends and opening at set times and dates.

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64 | January 2020 BB House Marketplace Ad Jan20.indd 1

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24/12/2019 10:46 24/12/2019 10:48

NUMBER CRUNCHING 65 BBJan20 Stats_Final.indd 1

A study by Cycleplan has revealed the shocking truth about bike theft in the UK.... The bike insurance company worked with the charity Unlock to survey people convicted of bike theft about how bikes are stolen and which deterrents are most effective...


of stolen bikes are sold on within just a few hours of them being taken



of respondents said CCTV put them off stealing a bike

of those surveyed admitted to stealing a bike to order

According to data from the Office of National Statistics,


of all bike thefts were from the home

According to data from BikeRegister,

317,000 bikes are stolen every year in the UK

16/12/2019 15:02


A look ahead to upcoming cycling industry events...


15th-16th January, Del Mar Racetrack, California ‘For the second year at the Del Mar Racetrack near San Diego, CABDA West has expanded its floorplan by nearly 100%.

It’s added more food and lodging options, three brand new breakout areas for tech and sales seminars, and terrific indoor and outdoor demo tracks. Located just 20 miles from San Diego International Airport, convenient to I-5, Light Rail and Amtrak stations.’


26th-28th January, Whittlebury Hall, Towcester ‘COREbike will return to Whittlebury Hall on 26th-28th January to kick-start the 2020 industry calendar. Exhibitors are set to include 2pure, Bergamont, The Bicycle Association, Cannondale, Chicken CycleKit, Citrus-Lime, Endura, Exposure Lights, Extra UK, Hope Technology, Hotlines, i-ride, Ison Distribution, Lyon Equipment, Magura, Moore Large, Oakley, Silverfish, Upgrade, VeloBrands, Windwave and ZyroFisher.’


18th-20th February, Arena:MK, Milton Keynes ‘The iceBike* show continues to be one of the biggest in-house trade shows in the UK cycling industry. Visitors can expect to see Madison and Sportline’s portfolio of brands including Shimano, Park Tool, Kryptonite, PRO, Saracen, PEARL iZUMi and Elite to name a few. There will also be a raft of new brands for dealers to visit for the first time alongside new products, demos, and a range of thought-leading seminars from industry experts. Visitors are encouraged to register now via’


The BikeBiz Awards will return for its 12th year in 2020, offering an array of expertly-curated categories designed to reflect the varied and vibrant nature of the sector: from prizes that honour local independents and distribution giants through to accolades for innovative brands and those providing essential services to the industry including training, advocacy and beyond. More will be revealed in due course, but if you’re interested in being involved, please contact Richard Setters via

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BIKE SHOW 26-28 January // Whittlebury Hall


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