August 2023 - Gaming : Business Strategy E Magazine

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Latest landscape of Investment Banking in India and Globally Mr. Manoj Aggarwal

The Future of the Gaming Industry 10 Groundbreaking Trends to Watch Game Development

Sushil Kumar

AI the Two Edged Sword Dr. Mythili Kolluru

Menstrual Leave Policy: Case Study

Breaking Barriers: Women Leading the Way in the Gaming Industry and Development



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Business Strategy E-Magazine | 2
3 | Issue 38

Investment banking plays a pivotal role in shaping the global economy. Armed with expertise in finance, these institutions connect businesses with capital to fuel growth and innovation. Through intricate financial maneuvers, they enable IPOs, M&A deals, and strategic partnerships, driving economic progress. With a profound impact on industries and markets, investment banking remains a vital force in creating opportunities and propelling businesses forward. As the world evolves, the enduring influence of investment banking continues to empower the financial landscape, cementing its status as a linchpin of economic prosperity.

In the fast-paced and ever-changing financial landscape, investment banking remains an indispensable pillar of stability and growth. Beyond its role in capital raising and deal-making, investment banks also provide valuable advisory services, guiding businesses through intricate financial challenges. These institutions employ top talent, combining financial acumen with strategic vision to navigate even the most complex market conditions. As technology advances and global markets intertwine, investment banking's adaptability and forward-thinking approach ensure its relevance endures. As we look to the future, investment banking's unwavering commitment to innovation and progress promises to shape a more prosperous and interconnected financial world.

The gaming industry stands at the forefront of a technological revolution, reshaping the way we experience entertainment. With cutting-edge advancements in virtual reality, augmented reality, and cloud gaming, players can immerse themselves in captivating digital worlds like never before. Moreover, the industry's relentless pursuit of innovation has transcended traditional gaming platforms, reaching mobile devices, PCs, and consoles alike. As gaming continues to break barriers and captivate a diverse global audience, it cements its position as a cultural phenomenon and a driving force in the digital era. With a future ripe with possibilities, the gaming industry is poised to redefine entertainment for generations to come.

The gaming industry's meteoric rise has not only redefined entertainment but also spurred economic growth. With a market size surpassing the film and music industries combined, gaming has become a lucrative sector attracting significant investments and job opportunities. Moreover, esports, a rapidly growing segment within gaming, has emerged as a spectator sport, drawing millions of viewers and commercial partnerships. As gaming companies continuously push boundaries and experiment with innovative concepts, they fuel a cycle of creativity that resonates with gamers worldwide. In this dynamic landscape, the gaming industry's ability to captivate, innovate, and adapt ensures its enduring relevance and its position as a cultural phenomenon that transcends borders and generations.

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Dr. Vaneeta Aggarwal Founder

Latest landscape of INVESTMENT BANKING in India and Globally



Managing Director of iAcuire Consulting LLP, a boutique investment banking firm. Here is the brief of his

interaction with Bizemag Editor

1. What kind of transactions handled by firm like yourself.

Answer: We at iAcuire Consulting LLP provide all kinds of financial advisory and consulting. We specialize in cross-border mergers and acquisitions however we also offer investments to startups from VCs and funding for private companies from PE players globally. We work both on the sell and buy side.

2. What are the major drivers behind the growth of the investment banking sector in India and globally?

Answer: The growth of the investment banking sector in India and globally is driven by several factors. Increasing globalization and cross-border transactions are creating greater demand for investment banking services. Economic growth and development

contribute to the need for capital and investment opportunities. Technological advancements and digital transformation are increasing efficiency and providing innovative solutions. Regulatory reforms and policy changes promote transparency and stability. The emergence of new financial instruments expands the scope of services. Improved financial literacy and investor awareness are increasing the demand. Strong relationships with corporate clients foster trust and collaboration. Together, these factors are driving the growth and success of the investment banking sector both in India and globally.

3. How does the regulatory environment impact investment banking activities in India and globally?

Answer: The regulatory environment has a significant impact on investment banking activities in India and

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globally. Regulations serve to ensure transparency, protect investors and maintain stability in financial markets. In India, regulators such as the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) enforce rules and guidelines to govern investment banking activities. These regulations affect aspects such as capital requirements, disclosure norms, licensing procedures and risk management practices. Compliance with regulatory requirements is critical for investment banks to operate legally and maintain the trust of clients and stakeholders. Globally, regulatory frameworks such as Basel III and the Dodd-Frank Act also play an important role in shaping investment banking practices and mitigating systemic risks. The regulatory environment therefore sets the parameters within which investment banking activities take place and ensures integrity, stability and investor protection.

4. What are some recent trends in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) in India and globally?

Answer: In recent years, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) have witnessed notable trends in India and globally. Firstly, there has been a rise in cross-border M&A activity, driven by companies seeking access to new markets, technology, and talent. Additionally, there has been a surge in digital and technology-driven M&A, as businesses aim to stay competitive in

the digital era. Another trend is the increasing focus on strategic acquisitions to enhance capabilities, expand product portfolios, or gain a competitive edge. Moreover, sustainability-focused M&A has gained prominence, with companies aiming to align their operations with environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria. Lastly, the pandemic has accelerated distressed M&A, as companies look for restructuring opportunities or distressed asset acquisitions. These trends reflect the evolving landscape of M&A, characterized by globalization, technological advancements, strategic alignment, sustainability, and adaptability to changing market conditions.

5. How does the valuation process differ in M&A transactions in India compared to the global market?

Answer: The valuation process in M&A transactions can differ in India compared to the global market due to various factors. In India, there is a greater emphasis on the discounted cash flow (DCF) method for valuation, which focuses on future cash flows and growth potential. Additionally, the Indian market often considers the net asset value (NAV) approach, which values companies based on their net tangible assets. On the other hand, the global market tends to adopt a more diverse range of valuation methods, including

comparable company analysis and precedent transactions. Moreover, cultural differences, regulatory frameworks, and market dynamics can also influence the valuation process, leading to variations between India and the global market in terms of valuation techniques and approaches used in M&A transactions.

Iacuire Consulting LLP is a specialized global investment bank.

Operating on an international scale, Iacuire serves as a financial services firm that facilitates significant and intricate financial transactions. This includes securing equity capital from Private Equity/ Venture Capital firms and High Net Worth Individuals (HNIs), as well as facilitating mergers between corporations and similar entities. Mr. Manoj Aggarwal, Managing Partner and Mr. Aniket Aggarwal, Partner spoke about some of the questions related to industry.

6. What are the key challenges faced by investment bankers operating in the Indian market?

Answer: Investment bankers operating in the Indian market face several key challenges. Firstly, regulatory complexities and frequent policy changes can create uncertainties and increase compliance burden. Secondly, the presence of a large informal economy and lack of reliable financial data pose challenges in conducting due diligence and assessing risks accurately. Thirdly, market fragmentation and regional variations in business practices require investment bankers to have a deep understanding of local dynamics. Fourthly, intense competition from domestic and international players puts pressure on fees and profitability. Additionally, inadequate infrastructure, limited exit options, and challenges in raising capital for investment activities further add to the challenges faced by investment bankers in India. Finally, cultural nuances, language barriers, and relationship-building in a diverse market like India require investment bankers to have strong interpersonal skills and adaptability.

7. How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the investment banking and M&A landscape in India and globally?

Answer: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the investment banking and M&A landscape in India and globally. Firstly, deal activity initially slowed down due to market uncertainties and disruptions caused by the pandemic. However, as the situation stabilized, there has been a resurgence in M&A transactions, driven by companies seeking strategic partnerships, distress acquisitions, and opportunities arising from market dislocations. Secondly, virtual deal-making has become more prevalent, with remote due diligence and virtual meetings becoming the norm. Thirdly, sectors like healthcare, technology, and e-commerce witnessed increased M&A activity, reflecting the changing market dynamics influenced by the pandemic. Lastly, the pandemic has highlighted the importance of risk management and resilience in deal-making, leading to a greater focus on robust due diligence and contingency planning.

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8. What are the emerging sectors or industries that are attracting significant investment in India and globally?

Answer: Some of the emerging sectors or industries attracting significant investment in India and globally include technology and digital innovation, renewable energy and sustainability, e-commerce and online retail, healthcare and pharmaceuticals, and fintech. These sectors are experiencing rapid growth and are considered promising investment opportunities due to their potential for disruption and long-term viability.

9. How are environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors influencing investment banking and M&A decisions in India and globally?

Answer: Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors are increasingly shaping investment banking and M&A decisions in India and globally. Investors are recognizing the value of sustainable practices and responsible business behavior. Companies with strong ESG performance are viewed as attractive investments, while poor ESG practices can lead to increased risks and scrutiny. ESG considerations are integrated into due diligence processes, impacting investment decisions, risk assessment, and pricing. The inclusion of ESG factors promotes long-term value creation, resilience, and ethical business practices in the investment banking and M&A landscape.

10. What role does due diligence play in investment banking and M&A transactions?

Answer: Due diligence plays a critical role in investment banking and M&A transactions. It involves a comprehensive assessment and analysis of a target company's financial, legal, operational, and commercial aspects. The purpose of due diligence is to identify potential risks, liabilities, and opportunities associated with the transaction. It helps in validating financial projections, assessing the target's market position, evaluating legal and regulatory compliance, and uncovering any undisclosed information. Due diligence provides crucial insights that enable investors and acquirers to make informed decisions, negotiate terms, mitigate risks, and ensure the success and value creation of the transaction.

11. How is technology reshaping the investment banking and M&A landscape in India and globally?

Answer: Technology is reshaping the investment banking and M&A landscape in India and globally by introducing significant advancements and transformations. Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) are streamlining processes, enhancing efficiency, and reducing operational costs. Digital platforms and data analytics are providing insights for better decision-making and risk assessment. Virtual deal-making, remote due diligence, and online collaboration tools have become more prevalent, enabling global connectivity and accelerated transactions. Fintech innovations are revolutionizing financial services, from payment systems to crowd funding platforms. Overall, technology is driving digital transformation, improving client experiences, and revolutionizing the way investment banking and M&A transactions are conducted in India and around the world.

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The Future of the Gaming Industry: GROUNDBREAKING TRENDS TO WATCH

The gaming industry has undergone remarkable transformations over the years, and it continues to evolve at an unprecedented pace. From the early days of simple arcade games to the immersive virtual reality experiences we have today, gaming has captured the hearts of millions worldwide. In this article, we will explore ten groundbreaking trends that are shaping the future of the gaming industry.

1. Rise of Cloud Gaming Services

Cloud gaming has emerged as a game-changer in recent times. It allows players to access games instantly, without the need for high-end hardware, by streaming them over the internet. With the advancements in cloud technology, gaming companies are investing heavily in this sector, offering a vast library of games accessible on various devices. This accessibility will undoubtedly shape the future of gaming, making it more inclusive and convenient for players of all backgrounds.

Google Stadia, launched in 2019, offers a vast library of games that can be played on compatible devices without the need for dedicated gaming consoles.

2. Expansion of Augmented Reality (AR) Gaming

Augmented Reality has already made its mark with the immensely popular game, Pokémon GO. The technology overlays digital content on the real world, creating an interactive and immersive experience. As AR technology becomes more sophisticated and widespread, we can expect to see innovative gaming experiences that blend the virtual and physical realms seamlessly.

"Minecraft Earth" by Mojang Studios brings the beloved block-building game into the real world through AR. Players can interact with Minecraft creations in their physical surroundings, creating a unique and social gaming experience.

3. Virtual Reality (VR) Revolution

Virtual Reality has come a long way from its initial concept stages, and it is now poised to revolutionize the gaming industry. VR headsets offer an unparalleled level of immersion, transporting players into breathtaking virtual worlds. As VR hardware becomes more affordable and developers master the art of creating compelling VR content, we can anticipate a surge in VR gaming popularity.

The release of "Half-Life: Alyx" by Valve in 2020 demonstrated the potential of VR gaming. The game's innovative use of VR mechanics and breathtaking visuals set a new standard for immersive storytelling.

4. Integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is transforming the gaming landscape by enhancing non-playable characters (NPCs) and optimizing in-game experiences. AI-driven NPCs can adapt to players' actions, making the gaming environment feel more dynamic and challenging. Additionally, game developers are using AI algorithms to personalize gaming experiences based on individual player preferences, boosting engagement and retention.

"Red Dead Redemption 2" by Rockstar Games features NPCs with dynamic behaviors that react to the player's actions and the game's changing environment.

5. Inclusion and Diversity

The gaming industry has made significant strides in promoting diversity and inclusion, but there is still

much work to be done. Players are now demanding more representation in the games they play, pushing developers to create characters from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Embracing diversity not only makes the gaming world more realistic but also broadens its appeal to a wider audience.

"Life is Strange" by Dontnod Entertainment tackles themes of LGBTQ+ representation, mental health, and female empowerment, setting new standards for narrative-driven games.

6. Blockchain in Gaming

Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize the gaming industry through its decentralized nature and ability to facilitate ownership of in-game assets. By leveraging blockchain, players can truly own and trade virtual items, creating new opportunities for the gaming economy. This trend is already gaining momentum, and we can expect blockchain gaming to disrupt traditional models significantly.

"Decentraland" is a blockchain-based virtual world where players can buy, sell, and trade virtual land and assets using cryptocurrency.

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7. Cross-Platform Gaming

Cross-platform gaming allows players to seamlessly play the same game across different devices, such as consoles, PCs, and smartphones. As this trend gains traction, gaming communities will become more interconnected, and friends can play together regardless of their chosen platform. This inclusivity and flexibility will undoubtedly shape the future of gaming, fostering a more cohesive and united gaming community.

"Fortnite" by Epic Games allows players to play together regardless of whether they are on consoles, PCs, or mobile devices, fostering a united gaming community.

8. Subscription-Based Gaming

The rise of subscription-based gaming services is changing the way players access games. Instead of purchasing individual titles, players subscribe to a service that provides access to a vast library of games. This model benefits both players and developers, as it offers a steady revenue stream and allows players to explore a wide variety of games for a fixed price.

Xbox Game Pass by Microsoft offers a wide selection of games that subscribers can download and play as long as their subscription is active.

9. Social Gaming and Esports

Gaming is no longer limited to a solitary activity; it has become a social experience. Social gaming platforms enable players to connect, communicate, and play together, regardless of geographical boundaries. Furthermore, the rise of esports has transformed gaming into a competitive and lucrative industry, drawing massive audiences and professional players who compete on a global stage.

Esports tournaments like "The International" for "Dota 2" and "League of Legends World Championship" attract massive audiences and offer substantial prize pools.

10. Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Practices

As the gaming industry expands, the need for sustainable practices becomes more apparent. Players and developers alike are pushing for eco-friendly initiatives and reduced carbon footprints. From energy-efficient hardware to environmentally conscious in-game events, sustainability will play an essential role in shaping the future of gaming.

The future of the gaming industry is undeniably bright, with these ten groundbreaking trends leading the way. From cloud gaming services and augmented reality experiences to the VR revolution and AI integration, the gaming landscape is set to transform like never before. Embracing diversity, cross-platform gaming, and sustainable practices will further enhance the industry's growth. As technology continues to advance, we can only imagine the exciting possibilities that await gamers in the years to come. So, gear up and get ready to be a part of this extraordinary gaming journey!


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Game Development is the art of creating games and describes the design, development and release of a game. It may involve concept generation, design, build, test and release. While you create a game, it is important to think about the game mechanics, rewards, player engagement and level design. A game developer could be a programmer, a sound designer, an artist, a designer or many other roles available in the industry. Game Development can be undertaken by a large Game Development Studio or by a single individual. It can be as small or large as you like. As long as it lets the player interact with content and is able to manipulate the game’s elements, you can call it a ‘game’.

To get involved in the Game Development process, you do not need to write code. Artists may create and design assets, while a Developer might focus on programming a health bar. A Tester may get involved to see that the game works as expected.

To resolve problems that game frameworks had, tools like unity and OpenGL were developed. They helped game development to be a lot faster and easier, providing lots of pre-made functions and features. However, it was still hard to enter the industry or understand a framework for someone coming from a non-programmer background, a common case in the game development scene.

My Game Development Journey and Experience

I started this journey in 2021. On that time I have no any experience to develop game. First I confused to choose what game engine is best? Then I find and take many reviews then finally I got my compatible game engine Unity. Till now I understand many more things about game and its industry. Game development industry is vast industry You can make career in this field. I made some games which is my beginner level but according to time I increased my knowledge about game. There are various game engine which you can use to develop game.

 Cry Engine

 Unreal Engine

 Unity Game Engine

 Game Maker

 Construct 2 or 3

These game engines you can use to build a game. You can download its free personal version or paid versions. I recommend you have to choose unity game engine and download its free developer version. These game engines provide various tools to develop a good game setup.

Use engine according to your knowledge and suitability. Also know about programming language which is supported in particular engine.

In starting I faced many difficulties to develop a game. But according to time I learn more about game engine and gain experience. In several companies the demand of game developers are increased. The opportunity comes and you can make career on this particular field. You can create game projects, their levels, design to make game interesting. Really you can believe that developing game is very interesting. There are some games which I had made.

 Cube Runner

 The Gold Runner

 Car Destroyer

You can download Car Destroyer Game from play store. Which I had uploaded few months ago. The experience was quit good when I develop my new game to upload. When you design or develop a game then you feel really good and exciting. The environment of game development is good to feel something new and creative. Your thinking skill and creative skill help to make good design and levels of the game. When you develop a game and play then you can enhance and check the function.

Which Game Engine is Best and Why ?

I use basically a unity game engine. Because it is the best platform to develop a game. It’s easy to understand and provide various tools. The Unity Game Engine ranges somewhere in the middle, while it is beginner friendly, some popular and commercial games have been built using Unity.

Unity engine has various versions. Which has various built in platforms like – android, web etc. C# scripting language used in unity engine. Which is object oriented programming language. Game development is very interesting field. Its provide various interesting tools and build in features. Anyone can use this unity engine and make games for self-purpose and for publicly. He/ She can upload their game on play store. If you are a beginner then you should try Unity engine. Because unity engine is more convenient to use as a beginner. You can learn easily and apply your codes and ideas in your game. Unity game engine is very popular and high rated engine. When you develop a game you feel good as a developer. And no anymore difficulties to face when you learn it. You can learn unity from documentation where all information you can elicit about animation, scripting, graphics, tools, layouts, controllers etc.

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A unique feature, that has contributed to Unity’s popularity, making programmers and game creators’ life easier, is the play mode option. With the help of this effective tool, developers can edit their work in no time, as it allows them to test and review the gameplay as they go, being able to instantly check their work. In this sense, when discovering bugs, programmers can pause the game and make the necessary changes with ease. Out of all the game engines out there, Unity is by far the most popular one that is being used today. The perks that it offers, such as the excellent graphics, compatibility with multiple platforms, strong community, and its unique and efficient features, like the play mode option, have made Unity stand out of the crowd. What’s more, it is the go-to cross-platform engine for both beginners and experienced game developers, and once you get the hang of it, you won’t want to trade it for anything else.

I personally suggest you that You can learn unity game engine as a beginner. According to expertise and my experience it’s the best suggestion for you all game developers, later you can switch any one of them game engine. Selecting a suitable game engine is essential to making a mobile game development project successful. The feature-rich Unity 3D engine aids game develop-

ment for different platforms that are compatible across multiple devices. The game engine features many resources, such as instant assets, IDE, online community assistance, free tutorials, and intuitive tools. Due to these robust features, Unity 3D has become a popular option among developers seeking to build exceptional, easy, and affordable 2D and 3D game designs. Before discussing the reasons for choosing this high-quality game engine, let’s know about it briefly!

Important Factors of Game Development

There are some factors on which our game is dependent. All the developers make sure that their game design and assets are good because these things affects our game environment. If in any case the assets and design of the game is not quite fair then its environment and playing experience is worst. According to my experience it is the main factor of any game development engine. With more games being launched every year, the video game business has expanded substantially. But gamers and game creators frequently ask, “How much does it cost to develop a game?”

A variety of factors may influence the cost of game creation. Therefore the answer to this question is only sometimes obvious. We’ll examine these elements in more detail in this post and consider how they affect the overall price of game production. The game platform is another crucial factor that can affect the cost of game development. Developing games for different platforms, such as consoles, mobile devices, and PCs, can require various tools and technologies, impacting development costs. Developing games for specific platforms may also require additional licenses and fees, which can add to the overall development cost.

Factors are basically: -

 Design

 Cost

 Assets

 Devices

 Audience

These are some important factors by which a game can survive in a market. If you target audience thinking and design according to their playing experience then it’s the good sign for your game to take over into market. If you making high quality game then you should invest more money. Sometimes your money refundable after launching the game due to its popularity. But in case its probability that you lose the money which you invest in your game if it’s not survive in the market. But don’t lost any hope, You can launch new versions of the game. It’s critical to realize that expenses involved with game production might extend beyond those incurred directly, such as wages and licensing. Additional hidden costs include legal fees, post-release support and upgrades, and marketing and promotion. Budgeting for game development must consider these expenses to keep the project financially sustainable.

So here I am sharing my game experience and other situations as a game developer which I had faced. Hopefully this article helpful for all game developers who wants to start their career in game development industry.

Business Strategy E-Magazine | 20 21 | Issue 38



Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force in the modern world, revolutionizing numerous aspects of human life, society, and business. With its ability to process vast amounts of data, learn from patterns, and make autonomous decisions, AI has the potential to drive holistic development across multiple domains. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field with transformative potential. It offers numerous benefits across various sectors but poses significant challenges and risks. In this article, Dr. Mythili Kolluru, a prolific writer and researcher, examines the growth of AI and its impact on human well-being, societal advancements, and business innovation. This article explores AI as a two-edged sword for the world, discussing both its positive contributions and the concerns it raises.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) can revolutionize every aspect of life. While it offers numerous advantages, it is essential to recognize and address the potential threats and risks associated with its growth. By examining its potential and limitations, we can navigate AI's complex landscape and responsibly harness its power. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a rapidly advancing field with trans formative potential that reshapes how we live, work, and interact. AI has become an integral part of our daily lives, from self-driving cars and virtual assistants to advanced healthcare diagnostics and personalized recommendations. As AI continues to evolve and permeate various sectors, it brings tremendous opportunities and significant challenges, presenting itself as a two-edged sword for the world.

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Dr. Mythili Kolluru

Artificial Intelligence is a double-edged sword with immense potential for positive contributions and significant concerns. Embracing AI's benefits while addressing ethical considerations and mitigating risks is crucial for responsible AI development. By fostering transparency, accountability, and inclusivity, we can maximize the positive impact of AI on society while minimizing the potential drawbacks. Striking the right balance will enable individuals and organizations to navigate the complex landscape of AI and ensure its deployment aligns with human values and societal well-being.

Potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

On one side of the sword, AI continues to revolutionize industries, enhance human capabilities, and drive societal progress. The rapid advancements in AI

technology have improved efficiency and productivity across manufacturing, logistics, and customer service. Through AI-driven automation and intelligent algorithms, businesses can optimize processes, reduce errors, and streamline operations, resulting in cost savings and increased output.

In the realm of healthcare, AI has the potential to transform patient care. By analyzing vast amounts of medical data and leveraging machine learning algorithms, AI-powered systems can aid in early disease detection, accurate diagnosis, and personalized treatment plans. This improves patient outcomes and enables more precise and targeted healthcare interventions, leading to more efficient resource allocation and enhanced overall healthcare quality.

Furthermore, AI facilitates smarter decision-making by analyzing complex data sets and identifying patterns and trends that might not be discernible to human observers. This data-driven decision-making empowers businesses to optimize strategies, improve operational efficiency, and gain a competitive edge. From marketing and sales to finance and supply chain management, AI-powered insights enable organizations to make informed choices and adapt to ever-changing market dynamics.

Additionally, AI offers personalized experiences to users through recommendation systems, virtual assistants, and chatbots. AI algorithms can tailor content, products, and services by understanding individual preferences, behaviors, and context, providing users with personalized recommendations and support. This level of personalization enhances user satisfaction, engagement, and loyalty, fostering positive customer experiences and driving business growth. Furthermore, AI has the potential to drive innovation and new product development. Through machine learning algorithms, AI systems can uncover hidden patterns and relationships in data, developing new insights and ideas. This fosters innovation and helps businesses stay ahead by identifying emerging trends and customer needs.

AI's growth has the potential to revolutionize various societal domains. AI-powered transportation systems can enhance road safety, optimize traffic management, and reduce congestion. Furthermore, AI can contribute to sustainable development through energy optimization, environmental monitoring, and climate

change prediction. Machine learning algorithms can facilitate efficient learning and adaptive education systems, tailoring educational content to individual needs. AI-powered virtual assistants and chatbots provide personalized assistance and support, improving accessibility and convenience for individuals.

AI's impact on businesses is far-reaching. Automation and intelligent algorithms streamline operations, optimize workflows, and reduce costs. AI-powered customer service systems provide efficient and personalized experiences, enhancing customer satisfaction. AI also enables smarter decision-making. By analyzing vast amounts of data, AI algorithms identify patterns and trends, empowering businesses to make informed choices. This data-driven decision-making helps optimize strategies and gain a competitive edge in various industries. Moreover, AI-driven innovations foster product and service advancements, opening new markets and revenue streams.

Challenges of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

While the positive contributions of AI are undeniable, the other edge of the sword reveals ethical and societal concerns that demand attention and careful navigation. The rapid pace of AI development raises questions regarding job displacement and the economic impact of AI automation. As AI systems automate tasks and processes traditionally performed by humans, there is a risk of job losses in specific industries. Certain jobs and industries may face disruption, requiring individuals to adapt their skills or seek new career paths. The potential consequences of widespread job displacement call for proactive measures to ensure a smooth transition in the labor market and provide opportunities for reskilling and upskilling the workforce. With the increasing use of AI, the collection and analysis of vast amounts of personal data has

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become significant. Data privacy, security, and protection against data breaches and misuse are critical to maintaining trust in AI systems.

The complexity and autonomy of AI systems can lead to unintended consequences. As AI algorithms continuously learn and adapt, it is challenging to predict their behavior accurately. Unforeseen biases, errors, or unintended outcomes may arise, requiring constant monitoring and evaluation. AI's impact on socioeconomic dynamics may create new challenges. The concentration of power and resources in the hands of AI-driven organizations or individuals may exacerbate existing inequalities and pose societal risks. Ensuring inclusive growth and addressing economic disparities becomes imperative. In the long term, the potential for significant job displacement due to AI automation may lead to unemployment and social disruption. This can affect entire industries and communities, necessitating proactive measures for reskilling, upskilling, and social support.

AI also poses risks related to the potential misuse of advanced technologies. For instance, deepfake technology can be used maliciously, such as creating fake news or manipulating audiovisual content. The spread of misinformation and the erosion of trust in media are significant challenges that must be addressed in the AI landscape.

Moreover, the ethical use of AI is crucial to prevent biased decision-making, protect privacy, and ensure accountability. Transparency in AI algorithms, fairness in algorithmic decision-making, and responsible data handling are essential to avoid discrimination and maintain public trust. Ethical guidelines, regulations, and standards are needed to guide AI development and deployment, ensuring that AI aligns with societal values and respects fundamental human rights. Additionally, addressing the potential impact of AI on job displacement and economic inequality is essential to ensure inclusive growth and societal well-being. The availability and accessibility of AI technologies must be democratized to provide equal opportunities for all. Addressing the digital divide, promoting digital literacy, and fostering inclusive AI policies are crucial steps in mitigating these risks and ensuring that AI benefits are distributed equitably.


The growth of AI presents immense potential for holistic human, societal, and business development. From enhancing human capabilities and driving societal advancements to fostering business innovation, AI is reshaping various aspects of our lives. However, addressing ethical considerations and balancing technological progress and human values is critical. By embracing AI responsibly, we can leverage its benefits to create a more equitable, efficient, and sustainable future. While AI offers immense opportunities for human, society, and business development, it is crucial to acknowledge and address both visible threats and hidden risks. Job displacement, ethical considerations, data privacy, unintended consequences, socioeconomic impact, and unemployment are challenges that need careful monitoring and regulation. By proactively mitigating these risks, we can harness the benefits of AI while ensuring a sustainable and inclusive future. AI stands as a two-edged sword for the world, offering immense opportunities for progress, innovation, and societal advancement while raising significant ethical and societal concerns. As AI technology continues to evolve, striking the right balance between reaping the benefits of AI and addressing its potential drawbacks becomes imperative. Responsible AI development, guided by ethical considerations, transparency, and inclusivity, is essential to navigate the complexities of AI and leverage its power for the collective benefit of humanity. Ensuring inclusive growth and equita-

Author Profile

Dr. Mythili Kolluru is an experienced Assistant Professor in the Undergraduate Studies Department at the College of Banking and Financial Studies in Oman. She specializes in Strategic Management, Organizational Studies, and International Business, with a doctorate in Strategic Management. Dr. Kolluru is a certified Strategic Planning Professional and Chief Strategy Officer of FunkeyB, a London-based Management Consultancy firm. Dr. Kolluru's research has been published in several top ranked journals, she is an author,and holds several copyrights. Contact her at

ble distribution of AI benefits becomes imperative to avoid deepening socioeconomic divides.


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World Economic Forum. (2020). The Global Competitiveness Report 2019. Retrieved from https://www.

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We started in December 2021, had to take a long break due to multiple issues. And we’re resuming our services in June 2023. We do have budget constraints, like any other company, but that won’t stop us.

About Film Terrain’s Menstrual Leave Policy:

Work from Office, or Work from Home doesn’t matter at all. We want our women to perform their tasks with a real smile.

Our menstrual leave policy is designed in a way that a woman gets completely disconnected from her work space. Every month, our female employees get 3 menstrual leaves along with 1 casual leave and 1 sick leave, all paid. We want our female employees take zero stress about work during periods.

We never talk about Comparison and Competition. So, there won’t be any pressure on our women employees to work for longer hours/on weekends or be productive on par with male employees, just because they avail menstrual leaves. We assure them of promised leaves, promised pay and promised working hours.

Some people might say this. ‘This will create imbalance. We can’t meet the deadlines; we can’t finish work on time.’ Women naturally tend to finish a task with perfection and that too within a short time. It’s natural, like many other things on earth. Today, on an average, several studies say that women are 50-65% more productive than men. With such equations, we don’t think a 3-day menstrual leave can make any difference.

We also have plans of providing special allowance for menstrual needs. And a lot more for their mental and physical health. For that, Film Terrain needs to grow a little bigger. But, any day, Film Terrain will take a decent care of female employees.

About Film Terrain:

Film Terrain is established to promote talents linked with movies. We have plans of producing movies and web series in future. We also have plans of including other topics like Fashion, Health, Technology and much more. Our aim is to make Film Terrain, a one-stop portal.

About the Founder/CEO: Joel Jayakar

B. Tech in Electronics and Communication Engineering, MBA in Mass Communication, Life Coach, Nutrition and Fitness Consultant, Digital Marketer

Business Strategy E-Magazine | 28 29 | Issue 38

BREAKING BARRIERS: WOMEN LEADING the Way in the Gaming Industry and Development

In recent years, the gaming industry has witnessed a significant shift as women have emerged as powerful leaders and innovators, breaking barriers and making a mark in a domain traditionally dominated by men. This article explores the remarkable journey of women in the gaming industry, highlighting their contributions, challenges faced, and the pivotal role they play in shaping the future of gaming and development.

The Rise of Women in Gaming

Embracing Diversity for Success

The gaming industry, once perceived as a male-centric domain, has experienced a gradual transformation over the past few decades. Women have actively embraced gaming, both as consumers and creators, leading to a more diverse and inclusive gaming landscape. The inclusion of different perspectives and experiences has proven to be a catalyst for success, sparking creativity and driving innovation within the gaming community.

Pioneering Female Developers

Breaking into the male-dominated world of game development wasn't without its challenges, but pioneering women persisted, determined to make their mark. Notable figures like Brenda Romero, Amy Hennig, and Jade Raymond have played instrumental roles in creating some of the most iconic and critically acclaimed games in the industry. Their vision, talent, and dedication have shattered stereotypes, paving the way for countless aspiring female developers.

Women at the Forefront of E-sports

From Players to Champions

In the competitive realm of e-sports, women have proven their skills and prowess as formidable players across various titles. From the precision of first-person shooters to the strategic complexity of multiplayer online battle arenas, female gamers have achieved remarkable success, dispelling the myth that gaming proficiency is gender-dependent.

Shaping Esports Organizations

As the popularity of esports soared, women took charge of pioneering esports organizations, ushering in a new era of professionalism and integrity. These women-led organizations, such as Cloud9's Jane "Rami" Romera and 100 Thieves' Rachel "Valkyrae" Hofstetter, have not only excelled in competitions but have also focused on empowering and uplifting women in gaming.

Empowering Women in Gaming Encouraging Representation

Recognizing the importance of representation, various initiatives and movements have emerged to promote women's visibility in the gaming industry. Organizations like Women in Games and Girls Make Games have been instrumental in encouraging girls and women to pursue careers in game development, design, and leadership roles.

Mentorship and Support

Mentorship programs have proven invaluable in providing guidance and support to women seeking to enter the gaming industry. Female leaders have taken up the mantle of mentors, sharing their experiences, knowledge, and insights, nurturing the next generation of talent.

Challenges and Triumphs Overcoming Stereotypes

Despite significant strides, women in the gaming industry still face stereotypes and prejudices. The misconception that women are not "serious gamers" or lack the technical expertise required for game development persists. However, women have proven time and again that passion, skill, and creativity know no gender boundaries.

Advocating for Inclusivity

Creating a truly inclusive gaming industry requires consistent advocacy. Women, along with their male counterparts, have been vocal proponents of fostering a safe and welcoming environment for all gamers, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, or background.

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Breaking New Grounds

Innovating Storytelling

Female game developers have brought a fresh perspective to storytelling within games. Titles like "Gone Home" and "Celeste" explore emotional and relatable narratives that resonate with players on a profound level, challenging traditional gaming norms and stereotypes.

Addressing Representation

Representation of women in gaming has also improved significantly, with more games featuring diverse and well-developed female characters who serve as powerful role models and protagonists.

The Future of Women in Gaming

Shaping the Industry's Evolution

As the gaming industry continues to evolve, women will undoubtedly play a crucial role in shaping its future. Their vision, leadership, and creative prowess will lead to the development of innovative technologies, groundbreaking game mechanics, and emotionally immersive experiences.

Dismantling Barriers

The road ahead may still be challenging, but women in gaming are steadfast in their pursuit of dismantling barriers and championing inclusivity. With each new milestone achieved, they inspire countless others to follow in their footsteps, perpetuating a cycle of progress and empowerment.

Women’s Who Broke Stereotypes in Gaming Industry

Let's explore some real-life examples of women in the gaming industry and the impact they have created:

1. Jade Raymond - Shaping AAA Game Development

Jade Raymond is a veteran game developer known for her work on blockbuster franchises like Assassin's Creed. She co-founded Ubisoft Toronto and later became the head of Google Stadia Games and Entertainment. Her contributions to the gaming industry have been monumental, and she continues to inspire many aspiring female developers. Jade Raymond's success showcases that women can lead AAA game development projects and excel in executive roles. Her work has challenged stereotypes and proved that women can thrive in highly competitive spaces.Despite her accomplishments, Raymond has faced gender-based criticism and scrutiny in the male-dominated gaming industry. This highlights the challenges that women still face in reaching leadership positions.


Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim - The Trailblazing Esports Star

Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim is a South Korean professional Overwatch player. She made headlines in 2016 when she became the first woman to join the Overwatch Apex League. Her exceptional skills as a tank player have earned her respect and recognition in the esports community. Geguri's success has broken down barriers for female gamers in the esports world. Her presence has shown that women can compete at the highest level in competitive gaming, paving the way for more female players to pursue professional careers. While Geguri's achievements are commendable, she has faced sexism and harassment from some members of the gaming community. This underscores the importance of creating safe and inclusive spaces for female gamers in esports.

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Se-yeon "Geguri" Kim Jade Raymond

3. Brenda Romero - Shaping Game Design and Advocacy

Brenda Romero is a game designer, writer, and advocate for diversity in the gaming industry. With a career spanning decades, she has been involved in the development of numerous successful games. She is also a co-founder of the International Game Developers Association's Women in Games Special Interest Group. Brenda Romero's dedication to advocating for diversity and inclusivity in the gaming industry has helped raise awareness about the need for equal representation. Her work fosters an environment where aspiring female developers feel encouraged to pursue their passion. Despite her efforts, the gaming industry's progress towards gender equality has been slow. Romero's advocacy work often faces resistance from those who resist change or refuse to acknowledge the importance of diversity.

4. Nina Freeman - Championing Indie Game Development

Nina Freeman is an indie game developer known for her deeply personal and narrative-driven games. She has been recognized for her unique storytelling and perspective in games like "How do you Do It?" and "Cibele." Nina Freeman's indie game projects explore themes of identity, relationships, and personal experiences, offering a refreshing departure from traditional game narratives. Her work demonstrates the power of storytelling in gaming as a means of connecting with players on a more emotional level. The indie game development scene, while more open to diverse voices, still faces challenges regarding funding and exposure. As a result, gaining visibility and financial stability can be more difficult for women and other underrepresented developers.

5. Rhianna Pratchett - Evolving Game Narratives

Rhianna Pratchett is an accomplished video game writer and narrative designer, known for her work on games like "Tomb Raider" (2013) and "Mirror's Edge." She has played a significant role in bringing depth and complexity to video game storytelling. Pratchett's work has pushed the boundaries of game narratives, creating compelling and multi-dimensional characters, particularly female protagonists. Her contributions have elevated storytelling in gaming, making it a more immersive and emotionally engaging experience. Despite her successes, Pratchett has faced criticism and backlash from some corners of the gaming community, highlighting the challenges that women often encounter in male-dominated spaces.

In conclusion, the rise of women in the gaming industry and development is a testament to the power of determination, talent, and passion. As they continue to break barriers and challenge norms, women's presence in gaming will only strengthen, fostering an environment where diversity thrives,

and creativity knows no bounds. By embracing the talents of women and providing them with equal opportunities, the gaming industry can reach new heights, appealing to a wider audience and reflecting the rich tapestry of the global gaming community.

In embracing diversity and inclusivity, the gaming industry not only enriches itself but also sets an inspiring example for other sectors to follow. With women leading the way, the future of gaming looks brighter than ever before, ready to welcome a new era of innovation and creativity. As we celebrate the accomplishments of women in gaming, let us remember that their success is a triumph for all gamers, regardless of gender, and a testament to the power of unity and collaboration within the gaming world. Together, we can continue to foster a gaming landscape that is diverse, welcoming, and ready to conquer new frontiers.

Business Strategy E-Magazine | 34 35 | Issue 38
Brenda Romero Nina Freeman

ABU DHABI Travel to Middle East

UAE or the United Arab Emirates is one of the most flourished countries in the world, recognized as one of the most elegant global tourist hubs. Abu Dhabi being the capital of UAE needs no introduction especially when it comes to travel and tourism. While Dubai is the star of the show, Abu Dhabi can be considered as a more grounded and down to Earth emirate to travel. UAE or the United Arab Emirates is an elective monarchy in the Arabian Peninsula that is formed by a congregation of 7 Arab Emirates with Abu Dhabi as the capital.

Abu Dhabi is the perfect blend of traditions and modernism. The extravagant resorts, beaches, hotels, shopping palaces are all an example of the richness of the kingdom and is ambient enough to attract tourists from all over the planet. When it comes to Abu Dhabi it is not only about the desert, but the quintessential beaches are also a part of the tourist illumination. Abu Dhabi has all that you need to enjoy a glorious holiday.

You could plan a tour to travel all the 7 emirates of UAE or Abu Dhabi in particular. Abu Dhabi houses one of the most elegant and grand mosques in the world, the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. It is a heaven for the racing lovers being the residence to the world.

Must Visit Places in

Abu Dhabi

Though Abu Dhabi has spectacular infrastructure and exciting tourist spot almost in every nook and corner, here are the famous attraction of Abu Dhabi that you simply cannot miss:

Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque

Not only the biggest mosque of UAE, but the largest mosque in the world is situated in Abu Dhabi. It is a marvelous work of architecture reflecting rich Arab traditions. This unequivocal insignia of modern Islamic architecture is a true representation of engineering marvel. Built under the kingship of Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan Al Nahyan, the glamorous and exquisite mosque is one of the top tourist spots especially among global travelers. The entry to this mosque is free.

Yas Island

If you want to explore the true luxurious edge of Abu Dhabi, Yas Island is a perfect getaway. Stretches of sandy beaches with the world’s most luxurious hotels can be the perfect destination for experiencing the grandeur and luxury of Abu Dhabi. And yes, for all the formula 1 racing enthusiasts, the Yas Marina Circuit awaits you for an ultimate dose of adrenaline rush. The Yas water world is a heaven for all the water adventure lovers.

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Etihad Towers Observation Deck

Want to enjoy a panoramic 360 degrees view of the majestic Abu Dhabi? Visit the Etihad Observation deck situated at the 74th floor of the Jumeirah second tower. The magnificent view of Arabian Gulf and the Abu Dhabi skyline is a treat to the eyes. Also, this one is the tallest skyscraper of Abu Dhabi. The deck is always open, and it costs AED81 to get up there.

Ferrari World

The biggest indoor amusement park for car lovers is situated on Yas Island. The chief attraction is obviously the cars, but the Formula Rossa is also another showstopper. It is the world’s fastest roller coaster ride. Also, an ideal destination if you want to buy the rich luxurious premium Ferrari cars.

Warner Bros World

Packed with ample fun activities, interactive shows, rides, and every other premium entertainment that one can associate with Warner Bros, this one is one of the most exciting new places in Abu Dhabi situated in the Yas Island. There are six zones in the park with the following themes: Metropolis, Cartoon Junction, Bedrock, Dynamite Gulch, Gotham City, and the Warner Bros Plaza.

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 Deyay Nashef

 Ma Khoboz Wagafi

 Saloona Deya Ma Khuddar

 Luqaimat

 Aysh Biryani

 Robyan Mashwi

Here are the most celebrated restaurants in Abu Dhabi that serves the authentically traditional Emirati food:

Abu Dhabi Food

The Emirati cuisine is one of the luxurious yet balanced Arabic cuisines. When it comes to the UAE, hospitality and generosity are key ingredients of not only the tourism sector but also of the culinary world. Abu Dhabi has premium top-class restaurants, street side cafes as well as the heritage desert safari food hubs. You can also enjoy food at the traditional wooden boats or Dhows. Emirati cuisine revolves around the usage of wholesome spices and several Asian ingredients. The use of saffron, cinnamon, dried fruits, nuts, lime, and turmeric is mostly prevalent. Fish is one of the primary staples of Abu Dhabi food as it is a coastal country. Some of the must try Abu Dhabi dishes are:

Must Try Activities in Abu Dhabi

Here are some of the most fun things to do in Abu Dhabi

Desert Safari

Dhow Dinner Cruise

 Al Arish

 Al Dhafra Dinner Cruise

 Al Fanar Restaurant

 Al Maqam

 Al Mrzab

 Mezlai

Meat and bread are the primary food people rely on. When it comes to desserts - dates and dairy are the most important ingredients. Emirati cuisine has a distinct flavor and story.

A trip to the middle east is incomplete without a spectacular desert safari on board. The culture and lifestyle of Abu Dhabi is desert centric and there is no way you can miss out on this one. Enjoy the desert camps, sunrise and sunsets and give your guts a kick with the dune bashing.

Heritage Village Visit

Want to know how the middle east looked in ancient times? Step into the heritage village - a perfect treat for culture vultures. It is situated just beside the Marina mall and is home to the traditionally authentic middle eastern lifestyle and handicrafts.

A lovely ambiance by the ocean, extremely delicious dinner, and vibrant sights by the cruise- the Abu Dhabi dhow cruise is the best thing you can do in Abu Dhabi. An unforgettable delight in a luxurious cruise will blow your mind.

Visit to Emirates Park Zoo

One of the most recommended activities in Abu Dhabi - it is a great spot for animal lovers. With a collection of more than 1700 species of animals, it is a delightful experience to have lunch and dinner with the leopards or parrots.

Abu Dhabi is all set to welcome you. Plan your middle east tour today to create unforgettable lifetime memories.

Business Strategy E-Magazine | 40 41 | Issue 38


Astrology Report for August 2023

August the eighth month of the calendar is considered as the end of the summer season and the beginning of monsoon. In the southern hemisphere it marks the beginning of the warmer months while in the northern hemisphere it is the beginning of rains. In India, this month is extremely auspicious - the month of Shraavana that is perfect for the worship of Shiva. The monsoon brings relief from the extreme heat of summer months. Monsoon brings a flow of endless possibilities, success, and prosperity. Here is all you need to know about the August horoscope of this year.

Venus’s combustion in the Cancer retrograde, is not an extremely favorable condition for Aries. This month will bring emotional and sensitive turmoil in your life. Health issues like digestive problems and hypertension may persist. Saturn will show retrograde motion and that will hinder high professional growth. However, if you are into professions like defense or navy, there can be some chances of success. Your marital and love life will be through ups and downs. Students may also experience some kind of difficulties in acquiring lessons and knowledge. Don’t plan any marriage or major business startups during this month.

You may achieve great results in your academic and financial career but with higher efforts. There may be some kind of family disagreements during this time, but you can handle it well. Keep a check on excess expenditure because it may become limitless. There are high chances of business hand overs or job changes, position switches and so on. For business natives, this month may not be highly profitable. The best way to succeed during this month is to be at peace and avoid disagreements. Do not consider marriage during this month. Students may find it difficult to score high, however, there are greater chances of study opportunities abroad.

An extremely satisfying month awaits you in August. You can expect unexpected wealth and status gains due to the favorable position of the planets. There are high chances of promotions at the job sphere during this month. Business owners can expect high profit during this month and new partnerships will bring great luck ahead. The chances of business outsourcing and starting off a new career overseas is possible. August is the time to discover new love for the Gemini natives. Your existing romantic and marital relationships are all set to achieve new heights during this month. For students, this is an ideal time to crack abroad opportunities. Great month for initiating marriage.

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August will be a moderate month in your love. The results in all aspects of life - relationships, career and business will be moderate. You may face several pressurizing situations at the workplace during this month. There are high possibilities of a career shift. Cancer natives may expect a job change or a promotion at workplace during the month. Unforeseen expenses may rise. Business natives may not earn much but there won't be loss. Students may face some lack of concentration but with higher efforts, you may expect greater and positive results.

August will be a month full of turmoil. There can be several ups and downs for Libra natives. You may have to overwork during this month for obtaining even the minimal success. There are chances of high grief prevailing in the family during this month. Emotional rivalries are extensive during this month. The later half of the month will be beneficial to the natives. Multiple pending initiatives will find a way out during this phase. New partnerships can be formed. Some health issues like skin issues, headaches and digestive ailments may prevail.

Not a great time for family relationships. There are chances of clashes and disagreements during August. If you are looking for love, this may be a great time to get started. However, this is not an ideal month for satisfaction or fulfillment. Your long-standing relationships will find great endings and may result in marriage. You can have great health during this time. Professionals may experience great promotions and career boost. Business natives are expected to enjoy substantial profits during this time. Do not enter new partnerships because it won’t be fruitful.

Expect delays in all types of work that you do. Even for business natives, the month may not be highly beneficial. You may have to indulge in loans. Students can lose interest in their academics during this time, it is expected of parents to help them stay motivated. Undesired disputes and family issues will be on rise. During the later half of the month, the natives can expect things to become better. Mother’s health is at high risk during August. Take care of your mothers and your relationships with them. Among couples, there may be a lack of mutual affection.

The Virgo natives will enjoy a moderate month during August. The position of mercury in the eleventh house will be highly beneficial for academicians. The position of Jupiter in the eighth house will reduce the level of concentration among students. Be careful with your eye health because health issues may be at peak during August. Increased expenses are another key concern for the Virgo natives during this time. Business owners will have a moderate take with neither profit nor loss. New ventures can be troublesome - be it marital relationships or business partnerships. Not a great month for couples.

It is a month of massive success for the Sagittarius natives. Saturn is in the third house that is indicative of great financial success. You should be smart enough to grab opportunities and demonstrate your skills at the workplace. Natives can also be awarded with some great rewards. Great month for business natives in terms of high-end profits. Your health will be great. For students - it is the right time to opt for overseas opportunities. The natives will be in great health. There may be some disagreements during this time among family members. Great month to tie knots with your loved ones.

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The natives will go through several ups and downs during this time. You have great professional chances abroad. Financial sustainability may be at risk. Youwon’t be able to save much because expenses will shoot as high as possible. Business owners will have low to moderate profits and even heavy disputes with business partners. There is expected lack of mutual understanding among couples and family members. Students may be distracted from their academic career due to several reasons. Headaches and eye irritations may be high. You can experience difficult times during this month.

August is a month of mixed results for the natives of Aquarius. Overseas travel and study opportunities may not be conducive for the students. Health issues will be on high rise during this time. There are higher chances of misunderstanding and lack of communication during this time. Married couples will also experience lack of harmony during August. It will not be a great month for the couples. Decision making can be truly difficult during this phase. New startups and business houses may not experience as high profits as expected during this time. Keep realistic expectations in life to avoid heart breaks.

Obstacles will get tougher during this time. For health issues - joint pains, digestion problems and stress will prevail, stay careful. If possible, postpone your wedding because August may not be a great month for couple agreements. Business natives will expense both profits and losses. There are several opportunities for money saving. The expenses may rise, the higher costs can be avoided with wits. Use smart work and intelligence to utilize the resources and to grab better opportunities. Try to save money as much as possible because high expenditure can be a concern during August.

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