Howard Bison Beat May 2020

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A Monthly Newsletter from the Office of the President

BISON BEAT May 2020 | Volume 9 Issue 3



Dear Howard University Community,


As this semester comes to an end, I am grateful for the acts of kindness, compassion and unity that has been demonstrated within the Bison community while we maneuver through this time of crisis. The COVID-19 pandemic continues to show us how resilient,


adaptable and strong we truly are. During this unprecedented

President Wayne A. I. Frederick M.D., MBA

time, our faculty, staff, students and alumni have shown their

In the midst of such anguish from COVID-19, the

commitment to the Howard University motto of “Excellence in

Truth and Service.”

wanted this issue of Bison Beat to be centered around pillar three of our strategic plan: Serve the Community. Although we have had to rearrange our daily routines, one thing has not changed—Howard’s mission to develop global leaders that are

Commitment to Service


Flying High: Captain Remoshay Nelson Serving the Nation

images of Black Americans treated without humanity and – in some cases – brutalized in the last moments of their earthly lives’ triggers waves of emotion including staggering grief and righteous

As we continue to learn and adapt to our new normal, I

Office of the Dean of the Chapel: A

anger. I recently pinned a letter to the Howard University community addressing these compounding crises. We must remember the names


Graduate Students Serving the Community


Alumnus Joshua Woods Investing in Student Scholarship

of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Atatiana Jefferson, Breonna Taylor and the countless other lives gone too soon. To read more from my letter, click here.

11 College of Nursing & Allied Health: Serving Vulnerable Populations

committed to excellence, leadership, truth and service. Looking ahead to the next academic year, I am confident we

12 Alumna Charmion Kinder: Serving the Global Community

will continue to move Howard Forward by implementing collaborative partnerships to best serve our diverse community. In this issue of Bison Beat, we highlight Howard


stories on mutually beneficial business partnerships to combat health disparities in the local community; spotlight alumni engagement that has demonstrated their active service and philanthropic contributions to their local communities; and the service initiatives of students, faculty and staff.


Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. Partnership to Help Women ‘Suit Up’ Faculty Practice Plan Offers Free COVID-19 Testing East of the River

16 New Appointments & In Memoriam 19 Appendix

Yours, in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick. M.D., MBA P RE S ID E N T

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The Office of the Dean of the Chapel: A Commitment to Service

Following some difficult conversations, hundreds of email and call updates to service sites, and just enough time to grieve, students picked up right where the planning left off—in true Howard Bison fashion. Instead of planning to serve other communities, students brainstormed ways to help their peers. During the scheduled week of HUASB, as the University prepared to close residence halls, students who remained on campus, were asked to

When the eager and resilient student leaders of Howard University’s Alternative Spring Break (HUASB) program decided in Fall 2019 that the 2019-20 theme, “The Service Continues” would pay homage to and be a play on the late

depart. HUASB students volunteered to ensure their classmates secured housing, helped pack one another’s belongings,


Nipsey Hussle’s iconic mixtape, “The Marathon Continues” that propelled its relevancy would be. This year, despite all

When asked, “what can you say you’re proud of achieving despite the drastic and unprecedented changes to the

odds, history was made.

program?” Sydney Montgomery, a rising senior and the HUASB 2019-20 executive student director, thoughtfully responded, “our first priority for HUASB is always to ensure our students’ safety throughout the entire process. I’m

Since 1994, HUASB has offered service-learning

proud to have led such an amazing group of individuals and produce the next generation of student leaders on Howard’s

opportunities in marginalized communities around the

campus. We reached a lot of milestones this year such as having the most students in the program’s history sign up to be

nation and the world.

a part of ASB (more than 1,100), as well as plan 22 sites across the globe, and I couldn’t have been any prouder. I’m beyond excited to see what the program

For the first time since inception, just two days before more

will produce for ASB2021.”

than 1,100 Howard University students were scheduled projects in more than 20 sites across the globe, a critical and challenging leadership decision was made to suspend

22 Service Sites Across the Globe

all HUASB-related travel. Although the spread of the novel coronavirus did and continues to force plans across college and university campuses to be canceled at a rapid rate, the word “cancel” does not apply to Howard’s Alternative Spring Break program. HUASB participants (students, faculty,

day until they departed campus. The service continued.

it was not yet clear how fitting the theme and the metaphor

to depart and begin their journey to complete service

coordinated with storage companies, supported small businesses and ensured that all participants had a warm meal every

Time has affirmed that what happens at Howard University has implications for the nation and the global community. At the nucleus of all things related to HUASB and the Office of the Dean of the Chapel is student leadership development. Though the COVID-19 pandemic has caused higher education

1 Mission

professionals and chaplains across the world to reimagine traditional approaches, the Office of the Dean of the Chapel team has successfully made modifications to how services are provided in order accommodate the needs of students, staff, and faculty. The following services are available:

Virtual Chapel services via YouTube on Sundays at 11:00 a.m.

communities in need. The program strategically involves

Spiritual advisement and pastoral care (by appointment)

students in meaningful service projects to develop the next

Daily virtual office hours with Office of the Dean of the Chapel staff and denominational chaplains

generation of servant leaders.

Establishment of the Faith, Service, Justice Coalition

Virtual meetings with student groups to include Alternative Spring Break student leadership, Chapel Assistants, Muslim

staff and alumni) have always been committed to serving

The students who led the program spent their entire school

Student Association, Juvenile Justice Advocates

year planning, organizing and coordinating. They were committed to finding themselves in the service of others and the words Veritas et Utilitas were inscribed on their hearts.

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Resilience and community support through virtual spaces for meditation, fellowship and prayer

The Office of the Dean of the Chapel will continue to be proactive in providing support to the University community and respond to inquiries and requests for assistance. Visit for updates on additional Chapel services.

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Flying High: Captain Remoshay Nelson Serving the Nation The University has a commitment to service that has become embedded within the Howard legacy, and transcends beyond student matriculation. Our mission is themed in encouraging excellence in truth and service, and those words remain significant as we spotlight alumna Remoshay Nelson, the first Black woman to serve as an officer on the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds. Captain Nelson is a May 2011 graduate who was recognized as magna cum laude from the School of Communications with a Bachelor of Science degree in speech communications. During her time at Howard, Nelson was in the Air Force ROTC program, an active volunteer and leader for the Howard University Alternative Spring Break (HUASB) service initiatives each year, and became a member of the Alpha Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. The Thunderbirds were established in 1953 and have 12 officer positions on the team. Since the team’s inception, only 332 officers have been selected. In her role, she serves as the public affairs officer for the squadron where she is responsible for the team's marketing, recruiting and publicity programs. As we globally acknowledge the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, Captain Nelson and the Thunderbirds recently completed flight demonstration missions to recognize and salute healthcare and frontline workers. Captain Nelson says she “was incredibly honored to be part of a mission that recognized healthcare workers, first responders, military and other essential personnel.” Captain Nelson highlights her time at the University, and how her mission in the Air Force has developed opportunities for her to impact populations most in need. “I cannot be more thankful for my journey. It has challenged, pushed and shaped me into a better person, Airmen and

leader,” Nelson says. “It has also provided me the opportunity to acquire invaluable skills, fail forward and make connections all around the world.” In this issue of Bison Beat we highlight the University’s pillar of service in the community; Captain Nelson notes how her active service and leadership continue to align with many of the principles fostered during her time at Howard.

“Howard University provided me with two very unique service opportunities that shaped who I am, how I serve others and how I lead in the Air Force,” notes Nelson “[such as] participating in Alternative Spring Break and pledging Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated.”

During her eight years of service in the Air Force, Captain Nelson has led public affairs teams in Turkey, Germany, Botswana, South Korea and several different cities across the United States and Europe. Similar to the HUASB initiatives, Nelson notes that there is a very short amount of time to make a difference and strategize making lasting impressions on individuals that she and her team engages. Nelson acknowledges her unique position as a Black woman and a U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds officer; Nelson says she hopes to inspire young Black and brown girls especially, and those who may come from low-income families and first-generation college students. “I want to engage everyone, but I want to make sure that I am very present for people who look like and have similar experiences as me,” Nelson says. “By doing so, I hope to provide encouragement, reassurance and an opportunity for them to envision themselves achieving their own dreams.” Nelson’s advice to young Black women interested in the armed forces is to research and identify how they want to serve. We are proud of Captain Nelson as she continues to set an example to African American girls who aspire to fly and lead; she is an inspiration to us all. The Howard University community thanks Captain Remoshay Nelson for her resilience, active duty, and her commitment to the mission of truth in service.

Nelson also recounted on how the process of becoming a member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, had introduced her to the methods of applying for rigorous leadership positions. “This is very relevant for my past and current positions as a public affairs officer in the Air Force; and I rely on the problem-solving skills, self-discipline and tenacity developed from ASB and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated to tackle professional tasks and challenges,” Nelson says.

“I honestly never thought that I would be a Thunderbird because of my own misconceptions of the type of people they historically selected to be on the team. After much research, I learned the Air Force was more embracing of diversity and advancement because people of color and women had served on the team before and are serving in high ranking positions throughout the armed forces.” - Captain Remoshay Nelson

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Graduate Students Serving the Community

Alumnus Joshua Woods Investing in Student Scholarship

The third pillar of the Howard Forward strategic plan focuses on service within the local and global community.

Excellence in Truth and Service, the University’s motto, has a commitment to assist populations that demonstrate unmet needs. In alignment with the University’s mission, we encourage our students to effectively engage service opportunities to positively impact their communities. We recently had the opportunity to catch up with Ms. Chioma Tait, the Graduate School Council (GSC) president to discuss some of the service initiatives that she has worked on to serve diverse communities through outreach and collaborative partnerships

Q1: Discuss some of the service driven initiatives that you and GSC have recently completed. One of my favorite initiatives included bagging lunches and donating them to Martha’s Table around the season of giving, also known as Thanksgiving to some. Not only did we pack sandwiches and chips, but we included mini hand-written notes in the lunches as well. Martha’s Table is an organization that focuses on supporting the growth of children, families, and communities while giving them access to healthy food options, educational programs, and family support systems. As an organization, GSC thought it was important to give back to an organization that not only believes in their community but works within and for their community as well. This service initiative was particularly delightful for me because my undergraduate colleagues from Residence Life participated as well as Howard University School Psychology Association HUSPA and the Howard University School of Social Work HUSSW. It was a great time for us to get to know each other and interact across disciplines and varying degree levels. Another service initiative that was very enjoyable, happened at DC Prep last November. Graduate students from Howard University visited the DC Prep Edgewood Elementary Campus to lead mock interviews. It was our goal to prepare the young scholars for Interview Day at their prospective high schools. The students were very enthused to engage with us and took advantage of the opportunity to practice their professional skills.

University, first announced his new scholarship while at the United Negro College Fund’s National “A

Q2: How has the University supported GSC service initiatives? Working with GSC has revealed the level of access that I and other students have

Mind is…” Gala earlier this spring. Woods, who was a

Q3: What motivates you to serve your community; in what ways does this influence service locally, nationally, or internationally.

to faculty and staff members on campus. Not only am I privy to the access, but I am

As a student at Howard University, I believe

aware of how passionate and willing they

it is crucial to serve the community around

are to help. Whether they allow me to set

us because we are essentially guests in their

an appointment with them to brainstorm

home. I wholly practice the idea that you should

community service ideas or I crash their

leave a space in a better condition than when

lunch hour for financial advice, they are

you arrived. My personal passion is to serve

consistently available. Gaëlle Ivory, in the

my immediate community because it is often

Office of Student Life & Activities, is a

overlooked and underserved.

detailing the parameters that are involved with budgeting and program planning, overall. Jamie Triplin and Dean McDonaldKaufman, in the Graduate School, are great with problem solving the logistics and small details of a community service initiative. Not only will they help with the planning, they will also take the time out of their day to attend the event and show support. More than the overt assistance that I’ve received from the administration, the motto, “In Truth and Service” is ever present on logos, in email signatures, and on our website. The spirit of Howard University encourages community service

Proctor & Gamble Scholar during his undergraduate career, was chosen to introduce the company’s CEO, David S. Taylor at the event. While reflecting on what the scholarship had done for him along his journey leading up to that moment, he announced he would be creating his own scholarship to help another student in a similar position. With an audience of over 1,000, the “Joshua T. Woods Elevate Accounting Scholarship” came to life. Woods, a Chicago native, moved from the South Side to the south suburbs during his adolescent years. Woods credits the events he witnessed and faced while living in the South Side, along with his

great financial advisor; she is thorough in

in an overt and covert manner.

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Joshua Woods, a 2019 graduate of Howard

Q4: Considering the current global health crisis, discuss your thoughts on the importance of service.

move, to his “relentless will to succeed.” His first job

Service is as important now, if not more

Career Awareness Program (ACAP) during his high

important than before. Whether you’re serving

school years. After the two-week summer program,

your community by physical distancing or

Woods says he knew he wanted to attend Howard

donating extra Personal Protective Equipment

and study accounting.

as a golf caddy at a local country club instilled in him a strong work ethic. This work ethic led him to the Howard University School of Business’ Accounting

(PPE) to essential workers, a selfless act during these times could save a life. During this pandemic, it’s understandable that we are predominantly focusing on ourselves, but I’d like to encourage us all to think outside of our personal dilemmas, reflect, and then act on how we can support other individuals or organizations that are in need. MAY 2020 | Bison Beat Monthly Newsletter | PAGE 9

Woods is now sitting for the Certified Public Accountant (CPA) Exam and working to complete his master’s degree in the KPMG Master of Accounting with Data and Analytics program at the University of Missouri. To complete the program,

As nations are being impacted by the COVID-19

need, but they were able

healthcare crisis, disparities in quality care, access, and

to express compassion and


resources for dispossessed and vulnerable populations

humanity through rich and

expose the pitfalls of equity within society. Since its

rewarding conversations.

“Upon completing my final internship, I had noticed

foundation, the University has prioritized the act of

one must intern during the busy season, which is usually from the end of December through early

something that I persistently thought about,” says Woods. “While I took pleasure in embracing and learning from other cultures in the firm, there was no one who I could really connect with or anyone with a similar background as me on my particular engagement.” From this realization, his experiences growing up and his time at Howard, the inception of his scholarship began. “With the ‘JTW Elevate Accounting Scholarship,’ hopefully that will change,” says Woods. “It is designed to push that high school student with a passion for numbers, combined with business acumen to not let statistics - or even what anyone says - to discourage you from pursuing an accounting degree and becoming a certified public accountant.” The scholarship is for African American high school seniors in the Chicago area planning to study accounting in college. Woods is currently discussing a partnership with the high school he attended to distribute the award. Along with his scholarship committee, he plans on releasing the application for the upcoming fall. Woods says he included the word “elevate” in his scholarship because attending Howard and receiving his degree allowed him to elevate in his career; with this scholarship, he hopes to also elevate another young person in their career pursuit. “It feels amazing to be in a position like I am currently in, because I have always felt that I was the one to make a difference from leading by example as by giving back,” says Woods. “That is what I think success is cultivated upon, not just the ability to achieve numerous amounts of awards or meet ‘x’ amount of milestones, but to reach back and help those without the means to be presented with an opportunity to fulfill their potential.”

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College of Nursing & Allied Health: Serving Vulnerable Populations

serving within diverse communities across and beyond

Such poignant

campus borders to cultivate civility and wellness. In the

conversations led to an

uncertain nature of a global healthcare crisis, the University

opportunity to speak with

continues to lead in truth and service through community

a gentleman who had overcome many personal battles

engagement and outreach.

with substance dependence as he proudly lauded his 14year sobriety; he noted that he “was grateful for the mask

During the first COVID-19 surge this past April, the College of Nursing and Allied

project.” He shared his experiences and was, “appropriately tearful at God’s deliverance,” Dean Brown notes.

Health Sciences (CNAHS) gave out over 300 re-useable

It was indeed a rich experience and an event that highlights

masks to disadvantaged groups

the third pillar “Serve the Community.” The College

without access to PPE. Dean

of Nursing and Allied Health Services look forward to

Gina Brown, Ms. Ellen Dunbar

acquiring more masks to

(team seamstress), and their and

continue in their efforts

their colleagues visited areas

and mission to spread

in the greater Washington,

compassion, develop

D.C. area most saturated by

community engagement

economic, health, and housing inequality. They began

and awareness to

their visit by starting at the Community for Creative Non-

health disparities among

Violence (CCNV), the Mitch Snyder Shelter at 2nd, and

underprivileged populations. Their goal was to provide

then within the side streets of D Street NW corridors.

blankets, masks for safety and prevention, and to deliver uplifting and prayerful messages to vulnerable populations

Dean Brown and her team assembled quart-sized zip

during this difficult time as we collectively strive wellness

lock packets which included: one re-usable mask/cloth

and continue to push the University’s mission forward.

mask, two personal hygiene items, and two Bible study pamphlets. Along with the personal care and protection items, the CNAHS volunteers were able to provide small nonperishable food items to shelter residents. While there, they were also able to raise awareness of local and global issues, as they noticed that many of the populations did not have access to information on the rapid developments of the health pandemic. Dean Brown and team not only

Ways to Help:

If you are interested in assisting or supporting Dean Gina Brown’s efforts in servicing the

local community, please contact her directly at

were the able to provide resources to populations most in

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Alumna Charmion Kinder: Serving the Global Community Earlier this year, Howard University alumna Charmion N. Kinder was appointed as the global public relations director of Global Citizen, an international advocacy organization. Global Citizen, which is a movement of engaged citizens who are using their collective voice to end extreme poverty, has had the support of celebrity ambassadors and global partners. In Kinder’s role, she directs media relations for international initiatives, spanning across locations including: Dubai, UAE; Seoul, South Korea; New York; Lagos, Nigeria; and more.

Q2: How have your experiences at Howard University helped to develop your personal and professional interests in service? When I was a student at Howard University, we were trained to be ‘Leaders for America and the Global Community.’ Then, during my service to the Obama Administration – specifically as a press aide to the First Lady – it was my honor to understand the responsibility

In this service issue of Bison Beat, we had the opportunity to catch up with Ms. Kinder to discuss the role of Global Citizen, the function of her role in assisting vulnerable populations throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, and her commitment to service.

of executing that vision in real time. Operationalizing leadership, striving for excellence, and guided by the power of service and truth, we woke up daily to execute our federal duties on behalf of more than 327 million Americans. And as Americans, we also acutely understood our responsibility to be leaders in the world. I have never

Q1: What is Global Citizen’s mission and how does it encourage action to serve disadvantaged and vulnerable populations? Global Citizen is the world's largest movement of action takers and impact makers dedicated to ending extreme poverty, reducing inequality and protecting the planet by 2030. With over 10 million monthly advocates, Global Citizens drive lasting change toward the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development, and tweet, message, vote, sign, and call to inspire those who can make things happen to act.

taken the connection between my undergraduate career and journey as a civil servant lightly.

Q3: As we globally navigate the effects of COVID-19, what significance does service work have in flattening the curve, and raising awareness on health disparities?

Through direct engagement, Global Citizens learn about the systemic causes of extreme poverty, take action on those issues, and earn rewards, which can be redeemed for experiences all over the world. To date, actions of the Global

Frontline healthcare and essential workers are instrumental

Citizen community, along with high-level advocacy efforts and work with partners, have resulted in commitments and

in the global COVID-19 response, putting their own health

policy announcements from leaders valued at over $48 billion, affecting the lives of more than 2.25 billion people by

on the line to protect and care for others. It’s going to be


imperative that we all leverage our skillsets, connections, organizations, funding streams and talents to serve those

Disadvantaged and vulnerable populations are nimble and innovative communities of promise that deserve an equitable

who have opted to serve us – and all of humankind – as a

opportunity at thriving in life. Global Citizen is committed to providing pathways towards those opportunities and we


do so by focusing on eight core areas of concentration, including inspiring progress in the development of stronger global health systems, education, finance and innovation, advancement for women and girls, food security and hunger

As the world unites to combat the spread of the

prevention, water and sanitation, environmental protection and global citizenship.

COVID-19 pandemic, we must continue to show unity among all people who are affected by the virus and we

Most recently, Following One World: Together At Home, a historic global broadcasting event, Global Citizen, announced

must also engage in advocacy to ensure that global health

$127.9 million in commitments to date in support of health care workers in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic

systems are strong enough to stop future pandemics

– $55.1 million of these funds will go directly to the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund and $72.8 million to local and

before they start.

regional responders. Black and brown communities, domestically and globally, have been disproportionately impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. The Together At Home effort will also aid over 100 local and regional charities that will

At Global Citizen, we are calling upon corporations,

also receive funds, including Education Cannot Wait, Direct Relief, Feeding America and United Way, among others.

governments, and philanthropists to fund critical global

My experiences in helping to expand the connectivity that government, political, non-profit, business and advocacy organizations have always been about centering people – and what they experience on an everyday basis. That training started at Howard University, through my service as a ‘School of C’ Student Council and UGSA PR Representative, NAACP Vice President, Student Ambassador, Initiate of Alpha Chapter Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. and Campus Pal. I have empathy for the state of the world due to my training in the power and complexity of what people of color, in addition to vulnerable communities, have been through to survive in the world. We can do more to equalize health systems, tackle climate change, reduce inequality and end extreme poverty by 2030. And through my role at Global Citizen, I intend to help move as many people to action as possible.

as many people as possible to consider joining us at to lock arms to beat coronavirus.

“We can stop the next COVID-19 — but only if we invest in the health of everyone, everywhere.” To build strong health systems everywhere, the world needs to invest in key areas beyond health care, including access to affordable food and clean water, slowing climate change, this will help to ensure equality and access to education, so that vulnerable populations do not fall behind. Through her Howard experience, Kinder learned operationalized leadership, which expanded her strides toward excellence and cemented her unwavering commitment to truth and service.

COVID-19 response efforts and we are encouraging

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Iota Phi Lambda Sorority Inc. Partnership to Help Women ‘Suit Up’ Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated, an organization for

different categories such as professional, business casual

business and professional women, has a mission to “unite

and smart casual. They then organized the clothing based

in a sisterhood qualified business and professional women

on the specific article, from blazers to dresses to trousers.

who will encourage, inspire, nurture, and assist persons

Their organization and attention to detail did not stop

engaged in business vocations.”

there, they then organized the clothing by size.

Over the course of the 2019-2020 academic year, the

The Delta Phi Chapter also fostered conversations around

Howard University Delta Phi Chapter, inspired by the

strategic planning and outreach. They offered advice on

sorority’s mission, created and implemented a service

how to garner more clothing donations, hosting more

project with Suited for Change. Suited for Change is a

open houses and working with more organizations at the

Washington D.C. based non-profit organization, founded


in 1992, with a mission to “empower women by increasing their employment and job retention potential.” Serving

Due to social distancing, the chapter isn’t currently serving

over 28,000 women since its inception, the organization

in person at Suited for Change; however, service is still

offers business attire, mentorship and more.

the driving force of their goals.

After conducting research on different organizations and charities, the service committee of the Delta Phi Chapter ultimately decided they wanted to work with Suited for Change. Suited for Change offers women in the Washington D.C. Metropolitan area professional attire free

“Service is extremely important in business because it is an outward demonstration of an inward belief of what is most important: impacting the lives of others,”

of charge. Women in need of the clothing have access to

Faculty Practice Plan Offers Free COVID-19 Testing East of the River Howard University Faculty Practice Plan began offering free Coronavirus testing at its Benning Road Clinic in early May. The testing site was funded by a grant from Bank of America and provides the critical resource in areas most in need of

clothing racks, set up similar to a boutique, with changing

said DeVille and Zimmermon. “Money, profits, and

rooms for trying on the apparel.

rankings all come and go, but impacting the life of an


individual less fortunate than you lasts forever. Ultimately,

Bank of America has awarded a $1 million grant to the Faculty Practice Plan (HUFPP) to improve access to COVID-19

“The organization’s goal was to help organzie their office

service shows that you care and understand that life is so

testing in the diverse Washington, D.C. communities located east of the river. Howard's team of physicians will see

space in a warm and inviting way that would make these

much bigger than what you can do for yourself, but what

patients who are showing symptoms or who believe they are asymptomatic.

women feel comfortable and confident while getting

you can do for others.”

‘suited’ in their professional attire to make a change in the world,” said Mykela DeVille, chapter president, and Genesis Zimmermon. The young women of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Incorporated, spent time organizing several donations into

“The Faculty Practice Plan testing site allows citizens who are most vulnerable in our city to be tested at no cost and receive the early interventions that can help save their lives,” said Howard University President Wayne A. I. Frederick. “Providing care for the most vulnerable citizens has always been Howard’s mission, and that tradition continues.” As the need increases, the Howard team will look at expanding to include a mobile unit to provide testing options in a second area of the city. In addition to funding the tests and equipment, a portion of the grant will be used to enhance Howard University Hospital’s telehealth services. This will expand a doctor’s ability to see patients remotely and increase the patient’s access to care, while maintaining social distancing guidelines.

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“As we continue to expand access to free testing citywide and as Washingtonians continue to save lives by staying home, we are grateful that organizations such as Bank of America and Howard University are partnering to support the residents of Wards 7 and 8 with this new testing site,” said Mayor Muriel Bowser.

Anthony D. Wilbon, Ph.D.

“Not only is this site providing free testing, but it is also equipping residents with the information they need to protect themselves and their families from COVID-19. Together, this is how we save lives and ensure all residents are getting the care they need during these unprecedented and uncertain times.”

Howard University has appointed Anthony D. Wilbon, Ph.D., PMP as the dean of the Howard University School of Business. Wilbon has served in positions of increasing responsibility at the Howard University School of Business since 2011 and most recently served as associate dean of Academic Affairs and Administration. Wilbon will is the fourth dean of the School of Business, succeeding Barron H. Harvey, who

The testing site is meant to eliminate the obstacles so more people can be tested in the community. African American

announced plans to retire from the position last year.

communities tend to suffer from higher incidence of hypertension, heart disease and diabetes; such conditions are linked to the higher incidence of coronavirus experienced in African American communities.

In 2018, he successfully coordinated the process for the School of Business AACSB re-accreditation for both the overall School of Business and the Department of

“Howard University is on the front lines in this war against the coronavirus and it is a privilege to partner with them to get

Accounting. He also led the design and implementation of the Bloomberg Finance

help where it is needed most,” said Larry Di Rita, Greater Washington, D.C. Market President, Bank of America. Dr. Hugh E. Mighty, Howard University vice president of clinical affairs, said the community is already embracing the new testing initiative. “The schedule is filling up,” said Dr. Mighty, who also serves as the dean of the College of Medicine. “Testing is the natural thing to do for our community, and it’s the healthy thing to do. Testing is nothing the community needs to be fearful of.” For more information, please visit the Howard University Newsroom.

Lab, working across project stakeholders, including the alumni sponsor and Bloomberg Corporation, to ensure a successful launch. Wilbon also managed and coordinated the Howard University School of Business Executive Lecture Series, securing CEOs from Fortune 500 corporations, major sports league executives, and leaders of major organizations as speakers, and initiated the Entrepreneurship and Non-Profit Executive Lecture Series. Wilbon has more than 50 peer-reviewed publications, reports to Federal Agencies, and Technical Reports, as well as a published book. As a researcher and principal investigator, he has led teams that have generated several million dollars in research and contract fund. He has also served on numerous departmental, school, university, state, and national committees and organizations, including his current service as associate editor of the Engineering Management Journal.

New Appointments

John M. M. Anderson

Head Football Coach, Larry Scott

Howard University announced John M. M. Anderson, Ph.D., as dean of the

Coach Scott brings to the program more than a decade of experience, serving in

College of Engineering and Architecture (CEA). Anderson most recently served

several Division I coaching positions, including the University of Miami, the University of Tennessee and the University of South Florida. Most recently, he was integral to the staff that led the University of Florida to an 11-2 overall record and a top-10 ranking in the country. The Sebring, Florida native has spent a majority of his coaching career in his home state—at USF, where he attended from 1997-2000 — he coached from 2006-12; at Miami, he coached for three seasons from 2013-15; and most recently, he coached at the University of Florida from 2018-19. Prior to joining the Florida coaching staff, Scott was a member of Butch Jones’ staff at the University of Tennessee during the 2016-17 season. Earlier in his career, Scott served for four seasons as a high school football coach. His experience recruiting, training and molding student-athletes to excel on the gridiron and in the classroom are

as interim dean of the College of Engineering after holding various positions of increasing responsibility within the College since joining the University in 2002 as an associate professor of electrical and computer engineering. Anderson served on various committees on the departmental and college level. He is currently a member of the National Academy of Engineering Deans’ Roundtable. Prior to joining Howard University, he was an associate professor at the University of Florida and served as a program director at the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering. With specific research interests in image reconstruction and ground penetrating radar, Anderson is the recipient of three patents from the US Patent Office and a recipient of the National Science Foundation CAREER Award.

aligned with Howard’s mission and values.

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Samuel G. Puryear

In Memoriam

Howard University named Samuel G. Puryear as the new head coach for the men and women’s golf program.

Ralph C. Gomes, Ph.D.

Coach Puryear, a native of Winston-Salem, N.C., graduated from Tennessee State University with honors. During his time as a collegiate golfer and team captain, he played under the leadership of Coach Dr. Catana Starks, the first woman to coach a men’s Division I golf team. Puryear’s 12year coaching career includes Stanford University, Michigan State University and Queens University of Charlotte. Puryear became the first African-American head coach at a Power Five Conference University (MSU 2008). To date, his coaching career has produced one national championship, one Big Ten Championship, two Coach of the Year honors, two Conference Carolina titles and two South Atlantic Conference championships. More than 10 of Puryear’s former players have played in PGA Tour events, which includes one player participating in the Masters. Puryear has been recognized by several media outlets as a prominent spokesperson discussing the future of minorities in golf. His work with student-athletes has also been featured on ESPN, Big 10 Network and “Inside the PGA TOUR.” Additionally, he served as a consultant for the movie “From the Rough,” starring Academy Award nominees Taraji P. Henson, Tom Felton of “Harry Potter,” and Michael Clarke Duncan from “The Green Mile.” Puryear has amassed a bevy of accomplishments, but his biggest joys are his three amazing children and his granddaughter.

We remember the life of Dr. Ralph C. Gomes, a professor in the Department of Sociology and Criminology who dedicated 49 years to the department where he remained active until his passing. A tireless champion for the department, Dr. Gomes was always seeking opportunities to enhance its academic standing and was a trailblazer in curriculum development. In 1974, he wrote the proposal and successfully advocated for the establishment of what remains the only Ph.D. program in sociology at an HBCU. Dr. Gomes willingly assumed significant leadership roles in the department, serving notably as the director of the Graduate Program for several years (1974-1984 and 1999-2007) and in other positions throughout the years, including acting chair; associate chair; chair of the Appointments, Promotion, and Tenure Committee; and director of the Undergraduate Program. Dr. Gomes leaves behind an impressive legacy of scholarship and mentorship. With his late wife, Dr. Linda Faye Williams, he co-authored the book “From Exclusion to Inclusion: The Long Struggle for African American Political Power,” and published more than 15 book chapters and a large number of refereed journal articles. While Dr. Gomes was proud of his scholarship, he was most delighted by his work as a mentor. He oversaw and served on the master’s thesis or dissertation committee of more than 100 students within the Department of Sociology and Criminology and other campus departments. He was directly responsible for developing many current African American sociologists, who are operating as change agents, administrators, public servants, and scholars around the country, as well throughout countries in the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East and South America. Dr. Gomes was also generous with department colleagues, advising and mentoring those rising through the ranks and freely engaging in discussions of all kinds.

Emeritus Professor Richard Paul Thornell The Howard University community remembers the life of Richard Paul Thornell, Professor Emeritus who served as a faculty member in the Howard University School of Law from 1976 – 2005. After receiving a bachelor’s degree from Fisk University, Professor Thornell became the second black graduate of Princeton University's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, where he received his master's in public affairs before going on to earn a law degree from Yale University. A respected educator, Professor Thornell taught thousands of students who later served in the judiciary, law enforcement, elected office, philanthropy and the corporate world. He also served as Howard University’s general counsel. In the 1990s, Professor Thornell helped launch the Howard University Republic of South Africa Partnership (HURSAP) with the newly established South African government. He traveled with other Howard University leaders to South Africa to provide counsel to President Nelson Mandela’s administration on the design of the country’s constitution. Professor Thornell was widely revered by the Howard University community, including Howard University School of Law students and alumni. He returned to the Law School for the Howard University School of Law’s Fourth Annual Alumni Reunion in 2008 where he received an award in honor of his more than 20-year legacy.

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Barbara F. Harland, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.N.

Dr. Todd Drumm

We remember the life of Professor Barbara F. Harland, Ph.D., R.D., L.D.N., who served as a tenured graduate professor within the department of Nutritional Sciences, College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences for more than 30 years. Dr. Harland was born in Chicago, Illinois and earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Iowa State University, a Master of Science degree from the University of Washington, and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Nutrition from the University of Maryland. Prior to joining Howard University, Professor Harland worked as a research biologist at the USDA and was licensed as a registered dietician and nutritionist by the State of Maryland.

We remember Dr. Todd Drumm, associate professor in the Department of Mathematics. Dr. Drumm was a talented mathematician, who specialized in differential geometry, to include Complex Hyperbolic Geometry and the Geometry of Crooked Planes. He received his bachelor’s degree from Westminster College, New Wilmington, Pa., and his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park. Dr. Drumm joined the Howard faculty in 2008 and was an active and energetic member of the faculty throughout his tenure. An outstanding teacher, Dr. Drumm mentored undergraduate, and Ph.D. students. He was frequently lauded as a dedicated teacher who genuinely cared for his students and colleagues. Dr. Drumm participated in and organized the geometry seminar and the departmental colloquium series, as well as several national and international conferences. Before joining the faculty at Howard, he taught at the University of Pennsylvania, Swarthmore College, Bryn Mawr College and Yale University.

Notably, Professor Harland was recognized as a leading nutrition researcher. She worked tirelessly to further nutrition research and innovation. During her tenure, Professor Harland was honored by the College of Pharmacy, Nursing and Allied Health Sciences for her work, including accolades as the 1996 Outstanding Scholar/Researcher, 1998-1999 Outstanding Service/Scholar, and the 1999-2000 and 2000-2001 Awards for Outstanding Achievement for Internal & External Grant, Support, Textbook, Journal Publications. Professor Harland leaves an exemplary legacy of scholarship teaching and service, contributing to the lives of the students, faculty, and staff she touched with her knowledge, commitment, and leadership.

Appendix Dr. Leslie Hicks The Howard University community remembers Dr. Leslie Hicks, retired Professor in the Department of Psychology. Dr. Hicks served at Howard University for over 62 years as a faculty member in the Department of Psychology. After completing high school, Dr. Hicks graduated magna cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa from Howard University with a Bachelor of Science degree in psychology. He received the Master of Arts and Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology from The University of Wisconsin. He was one of the first African Americans to earn a Ph.D. in Physiological Psychology. During his 62 years at Howard University, Dr. Hicks taught generations of undergraduate and graduate students about the brain and behavior. As Chairperson of the Department of Psychology at Howard, he cofounded the Ph.D. program in Psychology, and it was under his Chairmanship that Howard University became the first Historically Black College and University with a Clinical Psychology Program accredited by the American Psychological Association. Since the first Ph.D. was awarded in 1973, the doctoral program at Howard has produced over 375 Ph.D. recipients.

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He was the recipient of several lifetime achievement award, the Honorary Doctor of Science degree from the University of Wisconsin and the Howard University Alumni Award for Distinguished Postgraduate Achievement in Psychology and Education. His long and distinguished career produced numerous publications about attention, memory, aging, Parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia, and other neuropsychological topics. His accomplishments in program development, teaching and research made him a legend in psychology and neuroscience. His tireless and unyielding advocacy of progressive ideas expanded the educational opportunities of generations of African Americans. He also was widely known for championing diversity in science. However, his career was particularly noteworthy because of service. As a member of the American Psychological Association (APA), he served on the Committee on Human Research, the Education and Training Board, the Committee on Equality of Opportunity in Psychology, the Board of Social and Ethical Responsibility in Psychology, and the Publications and Communications Board.


Congratulations to the class of 2020. We celebrated more than 1,300 stars, radiating with the knowledge gained at Howard University. We sent our congratulations as they continue to light up our skies and provide a path forward in the darkness of these times. Celebrating our nurses during #NursesWeek we acknowledge the unwavering commitment and compassion nurses around the country have shown during this unprecedented time. In honor of #TeacherAppreciationWeek I would like to thank all teachers for imparting invaluable knowledge, inspiring change, and igniting my imagination and hope. Thank you to Howard University graduate Remoshay Nelson for her service and first season with the Air Force Thunderbird squadron. Thank you for setting an example for other African American girls who aspire to fly.

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“The Journey” “The Journey,” is a weekly 15-minute program hosted by Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, 17th President of Howard University. A family man, scholar, surgeon, leader, servant of the world, Frederick engages in dynamic dialogue with local and national guests, learning about their journeys and their thoughts on a full range of issues of the day. Listeners can hear conversations on how University scholars are navigating through a pandemic; the new voice for HUH; and a conversation with Monique McClung, the President of the Howard University Staff Organization; and more.


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Will you answer the call? MAY 2020 | Bison Beat Monthly Newsletter | PAGE 23

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