Howard Bison Beat January 2020

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A Monthly Newsletter from the Office of the President

BISON BEAT January 2020 | Volume 9 Issue 1

Enhancing Academic Excellence

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Dear Howard University Community,

Extensive Art Collection Gifted to Howard

This semester presents a new opportunity for all of us to recommit to our mission and goals. The best way for us to honor the torch-passers who came before us is to develop a community that is

Looking Ahead With Provost Wutoh

both inclusive and innovative. Veritas et Utilitas is the guiding force behind all that we do. Together,

+ Student Connections

we can be exactly who those from whom we ascended dreamed we would.

“O’omi alwaju ko ba le tele tutu”

is a Yoruba saying that translates thusly, ‘pour out water ahead of you, so that your feet may tread on

cool ground.’ In other words, we must put in the work now, sow good seeds now, give generously now, and extend grace and love to others now. And someday, somehow, someway we, along with the generations after us, will reap the rewards. Please join me in taking up the vital work of making Howard University and this nation recommit

HU Alumna Goes Global

on its promises. May our vision, mission and commitment to purpose be even more clear this year. In Memoriam Excellence in Truth and Service,

Wayne A. I. Frederick. M.D., MBA P RE S ID E NT

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STEM Program Received Historic $10 Million Gift

Foundation Gift Expanded Prestigious STEM Scholars Program

Flashback: Memories of Martin Luther King Jr.

New Appointment


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“Simply put, we believe education, expertise and research in STEM fields will define mankind’s future, and we are proud to be able to help Howard attract and support the best and brightest students for its already renowned program.” According to the National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, Howard University is the No. 1 baccalaureate institution of African American science and engineering doctorate recipients. Each year, the program attracts hundreds of competitive high school students who are interested in careers as research scientists, physician scientists, policy makers and corporate leaders. Scholars selected for the program receive a scholarship that covers 100 percent of the tuition and fees associated with attendance. The program provides an inclusive learning environment to challenge students, through rigorous coursework, mentorship and immersion experiences. The Karsh Family Foundation was founded in 1998 by Bruce A. Karsh, Oaktree Capital Management co-founder and co-chairman, and his wife Martha L. Karsh, an attorney and designer. The Foundation’s philanthropic focus and mission is educational equity and opportunity; to date, it has made gifts and pledges

STEM Program Received Historic $10 Million Gift

of approximately $250 million to support education and scholarship at all levels.

The University recently received a generous $10 million gift from the Karsh

Foundation Gift Expanded Prestigious STEM Scholars Program

Family Foundation to endow its prestigious and highly competitive Bison STEM Scholars Program, which will be renamed the Karsh STEM Scholars Program (KSSP). Founded in 2017, the program is designed to increase the number of underrepresented minorities earning a Ph.D. or combined M.D./Ph.D. in a STEM discipline. This is the largest gift in Howard University history. A portion of the gift established the Lomax KIPP Scholarships, a unique, debt-free financial aid program for graduates of KIPP, the Knowledge is Power Program, a nationwide network of high performing public schools in underserved communities. Lomax KIPP Scholarships are named in honor of Michael L. Lomax, CEO and President of United Negro College Fund (UNCF), and a longtime distinguished advocate and inspiration for African American students seeking higher education. When this program was created, with the support of the Board of Trustees, the University envisioned building a model program to demonstrate how higher education can serve as a pipeline to diversify STEM fields nationally, but it wouldn’t be sustainable without external resources. This gift will ensure that Howard can train the nation’s brightest students who desire to obtain their Ph.D. or combined M.D./Ph.D. for generations to come. The Karshes’ gift will support the overall program and ensure its future viability to fund cohorts of approximately 30 scholars per year. “We are excited to endow this visionary program at Howard,” said Martha and Bruce Karsh.

Late last year, Howard University received a $4 million gift from the Hopper-Dean Foundation to fund the formerly named Bison STEM Scholars Program (BSSP). The generous gift will provide 10 computer science or computer engineering students with a full-ride scholarship for four years. In addition to eliminating the financial burden for students, the gift will support the expansion of Howard’s STEM education program. At the time of this gift, it was Howard’s largest gift received from a foundation to date. The Hopper-Dean donation will make a life-altering difference in the lives of our students and we appreciate their investment and confidence in the University. This generous gift will further enhance Howard’s strategic plan and University mission to diversify the workforce with skillfully trained students who are prepared to focus on careers in computer science and computer engineering. “As the importance of computing and computer science continues to grow, we truly believe the population of computer scientists should reflect that growth in terms of diversity,” said Jeffrey Dean and Heidi Hopper. “This gift to Howard University is designed to support Howard’s robust STEM education program and help expand its reach in the future.” In addition to student scholarships, the gift includes $1 million designated to the President’s Innovation Fund to support future programs and initiatives related to STEM education.

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Looking Ahead With Provost Wutoh

Extensive Art Collection Gifted to Howard Internationally renowned scholar and activist Ronald

spur interdisciplinary

W. Walters, Ph.D. was recognized as a leading political

collaborations across the

strategist and expert on issues affecting the African

University on critical issues

diaspora. A dedicated leader, Walters served as a

of race and Black politics,

professor in Howard University’s Department of

especially those issues that

Political Science for 25 years and was department chair

affect Americans of the

for nearly a decade. In honor of Walters’ legacy, his

African diaspora.

This is a significant year for the University. In addition to the Middle States re-accreditation visit taking place in April, we are nearing the completion of the Academic and Administrative Program Prioritization process. The Program Prioritization Task Force was charged with conducting a systematic review of all academic and administrative programs across campus. The resultant recommendations will allow us to strengthen the

wife, Patricia Turner Walters, gifted Howard University with her coveted collection of African American art,

Dr. Walters was a giant

valued at $2,519,950.

among scholars here

University’s overall academic portfolio, facilitate utilization of best “Glory” (ca, 1960) by Elizabeth Catlett

at Howard University, It is an incredible honor to receive this generous gift of

nationally and internationally, and this endowed chair is

precious art from the Walters family. This collection of

designed to be a reflection of his unique history as an

sculptures, portraits and paintings will be an excellent

activist, a political strategist and a trailblazing academic

complement to our gallery and a beneficial focus of

professor. This gift came at the perfect moment to

training in our art history courses.

expand our students’ involvement in the political conversations of our time.

practices in the development of new academic programs, and ensure effective alignment of resources with University initiatives. Additionally, we will highlight areas of academic strength where additional investment is necessary, as well as create opportunities for key new program development. The strategic plan will guide this process by enhancing academic excellence through supporting faculty, research and student development, academic rigor and

Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D. Provost and Chief Academic Officer

retention, and continuous improvement of our academic programs.

Additionally, the University will establish the first Ronald W. Walters Endowed Chair for Race and Black

The gift of art includes 152 pieces of African American

Politics to continue Walters’ legacy of expanding

art of various forms. The collection includes original

the University’s capacity as a leader in emerging

pieces, sculptures, rare prints, photographs and pieces

scholarship in Black politics. The chair will be housed

from notable eras, including the Harlem Renaissance.

in the Ronald W. Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center at Howard University. It is intended to

Patricia Walters began her collection in the late 1980s, amassing most of her pieces after 2002. The collection, dear to the Walters family, became a notable part of the couple’s collective legacy as people in their community reveled at the collection over the years. It features artists like Robert S. Duncanson, Edward M. Bannister, Grafton Tyler Brown, Aaron Douglas, Norman Lewis and Romare Bearden, as well as contemporary artists like Kehinde Wiley, Barkley Hendricks, Kerry James Marshall and others.

Student Connections Kapriatta Jenkins, Ph.D. candidate in the Communications, Culture and Media Studies program, is learning the foundation of what an academic scholar needs to do in order to be an expert in the field. Currently taking Qualitative Research, Critical Methods and African American Issues in Communication, she has enjoyed learning the history of what has shaped the communications systems we see today, specifically how media has largely impacted African Americans. Now working as a teaching assistant, she shared with Bison Beat her thoughts on being a student and teacher at Howard and the impact the experience has had on her. “Being a teaching assistant at Howard is one of the best experiences I have had in my educational career. It is exciting to see students begin a new journey, and the fact that I get to have an impact on their college experience makes my position so rewarding. I teach Principles of Speech, a course that helps students learn to organize their

“Untitled Landscape” by Robert S. Duncanson

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thoughts and gain the necessary skills to deliver a public speech. I allow them to choose their own topics for each speech—this gives them freedom of expression and allows them to research their passions.

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“ … There is no deficit in human resources; the deficit is in human will. Today more than ever before we must get together to get rid of poverty. We must come to see that the “haves” must be concerned about the “have nots”; the rich nations must be concerned about the poor nations; the developed nations must be concerned about the undeveloped nations because we are all tied together.”

The fact that I get to have teaching experience at one of the top HBCUs in the country is more than I could have ever dreamed.” - Kapriatta Jenkins, Ph.D. Candidate

–Martin Luther King Jr. during his remarks at Howard’s Charter Day Convocation, March 2, 1965

“I believe giving students the opportunity to explore their interests not only keeps them engaged, but it also helps them form new ideas. I give them the tools, but they make the product. When we discuss different topics in class, I cannot help but be impressed at how similar yet different we all are and that makes me even more passionate about teaching. I went to the University of Southern Mississippi and received a Bachelor of Arts degree in advertising and a Master of Science degree in sports management. Transitioning from undergraduate to graduate student requires a lot of discipline. The work is more advanced and the expectations are higher. The transition has allowed me to set goals

“ … I always feel like being at home or coming home when

for myself and consider what is important to me and my future. I have no doubt that choosing to come to Howard

I come to Howard. I feel, in a sense, that I am coming home

for my doctoral degree has been one of the best decisions of my life. I am constantly surrounded by academics who

to my alma mater. I happen to be an honorary alumnus

assure me that I, too, can be a driving force in the future of education. I am exploring and doing work in things I am

of Howard University, so that I always come here not as a

passionate about, such as Black athletes and protesting, which makes this experience even more special.

stranger but as one who loves this institution of learning

Going from student to teacher has made me want to be sure that I am setting a positive example for the next generation. One of my mentors is a Howard graduate from the same exact department and she had a big impact on my decision to come here. As a student, I was looking for guidance; as a teacher, I get to help guide others. Coming from a family of teachers—both my mother and father are educators—I knew that education would be in my future.”

and as one who has a deep sense of gratitude for all that Howard University has done for the cultural life of our nation, not only our nation but the whole world.” –Martin Luther King Jr. during his remarks at the 7th Annual Gandhi Memorial Lecture, Nov. 6, 1966

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In Memoriam

HU Alumna Goes Global

Honoring the Life of Floyd J. Malveaux, M.D., Ph.D. Howard University alumna Charmion N. Kinder (BA

University, we were trained to be leaders for America

‘03) was appointed as global public relations director of

and the global community. Then, during my service

Global Citizen, an international advocacy organization.

to the Obama Administration – specifically as a press

Global Citizen, which is a movement of engaged citizens

aide to First Lady Michelle Obama – I had the honor of

who are using their collective voice to end extreme

executing that mission in real time.”

poverty, has had the support of celebrity ambassadors.

Floyd J. Malveaux, M.D., Ph.D., passed away early this year. Born on Jan. 11, 1940, and raised in southwest Louisiana, Dr. Malveaux was inspired by his mother, a math and science teacher. His father, a laborer, likewise supported his son's aspirations for higher education.

Kinder will be reaching a global stage, further advancing the image and voice of the organization.

After earning his Ph.D. from Michigan State University in 1968, Dr. Malveaux became an assistant professor

Kinder will direct media relations for the international

of microbiology at Howard University College of

initiative, spanning across locations including: Dubai,

Medicine. By 1970, he decided that in addition to

UAE; Seoul, South Korea; New York, New York; and

educating medical students, he wanted to add a clinical

Lagos, Nigeria; with events in to-be-announced cities in

component to his research. He earned his medical

Latin America and Europe.

degree at Howard University College of Medicine in 1974 while continuing to teach and advise graduate

As a student at the Cathy Hughes School of


Communications, Kinder was undecided regarding her future career path. She started as a film major and quickly learned that she was a more skilled writer than

Through her Howard experience, including membership

a film producer. So, she began to channel her talents

in Alpha Chapter, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority Inc.,

towards a career in public relations.

Kinder learned operationalized leadership, which expanded her strides toward excellence and cemented

“I did not expect to be here after getting my degree

her unwavering commitment to truth and service, the

[from Howard],” says Kinder, who earned her degree

motto of her alma mater.

in public relations and fashion merchandising in 2003. “Dr. Rochelle Ford, Dr. Pettus-Hargrove, Dr. Gregory

In reflection of her time at Howard, Kinder was inspired

Carr and Dr. Michael Frazier – may God rest his soul

by the student body to become a better version of

in peace – were pivotal in shaping what would later


become a solid public relations career in social impact,

Son of Howard and former Howard University professor

Dr. Malveaux honored the University by serving in several administrative roles across the University enterprise, including chair of the microbiology department, emeritus dean of Howard University College of Medicine, interim vice president for health affairs and vice provost for health affairs. In the spring of 2001, Dr. Malveaux oversaw the

and improve the quality of healthcare and health outcomes, especially among low-income, urban and underserved populations. He crowned a trailblazing career as a physician, educator and public health servant with the establishment of The Floyd J. Malveaux, M.D., Ph.D. Endowed Chair in Public Health. “Howard University has a rich history of advancing civil rights, social justice and improving healthcare for all. It stands as a beacon of hope,” said Dr. Malveaux. He was a champion of Howard University and of interprofessional approaches to addressing health concerns faced by the African American community. The Floyd J. Malveaux, M.D., Ph.D. Endowed Chair in Public Health and the faculty members who hold this

establishment of the National Human Genome

position embody Dr. Malveaux’s sustained commitment

Center at Howard University, the only such research

to teaching, service and research in the field.

center at a predominately black school. The center

equity and inclusion and global communications.”

focuses on genetic variations and their relationships

May his memory be blessed and a constant reminder

to the causes, preventions and treatments of

that living on purpose requires that we discover our

Kinder managed to consistently be employed by

disease among African Americans.

mission and approach it with boldness and fierceness,

the right people. “When I was a student at Howard

ever confident that the torch will one day be made A nationally recognized expert on asthma and allergies,

to burn even brighter once it is passed to the next

Dr. Malveaux, who personally suffered with childhood


asthma, worked extensively to address health disparities

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New Appointment Author Lisa Farrington to Serve as Associate Dean for the Division of Fine Arts The University appointed award-winning academic author and alumna Lisa E. Farrington, Ph.D., as associate dean of the Division of Fine Arts in the College of Arts and Sciences. Farrington returns at a pivotal period as the program prepares to transition into a free-standing College of Fine Arts. “Dr. Farrington is a seasoned curator, administrator, scholar and educator with scholarly expertise in race and gender in visual culture, African American art, European Modernism and Haitian art,” said Anthony K. Wutoh, Ph.D., R.Ph., Howard University provost and chief academic officer. “The Howard University community welcomes her

As an award-winning academic

back in this new role of leadership of our fine arts programs.”

author, Farrington has lectured on three continents and authored or

Farrington earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree from Howard University in 1978. She then completed a Master of Arts degree at American University. She also earned a master’s degree in philosophy and a doctorate in art history from the City University of New York Graduate Center.

co-authored 10 books and dozens of scholarly essays, including two awardwinning historical texts for Oxford University Press: “African-American Art: A Visual and Cultural History” and “Creating Their Own Image: The History of African-American Women Artists.” In addition, she was the 2008 Endowed Scholar of the Humanities at Spelman College and won the coveted Creative Capital Writers Award from the Andy Warhol Foundation for her manuscript on African American artist Emma Amos.

Howard University

Charter Day Dinner March 7, 2020 Washington Hilton Hotel

1919 Connecticut Avenue, NW Washington, DC 20009

For more information and to purchase tickets, please visit the Charter Day website at

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1/27/20 10:53 AM

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TH E HOWAR D G OS PE L CHOIR hosted the commemorative holiday performance for Martin Luther King

(Please make checks payable to Howard University.)

Jr. Day at the THEARC: Town Hall Education Arts Recreation Campus. Additionally, one of their top performances of the season was the URBAN ONE HONORS awards show. The choir was invited by Urban One founder and

Enclosed is my gift of $

chairwoman, Cathy Hughes, to open the show with emerging artist Jac Ross.

Name: _____________________________________________________________

TH E HOWAR D UNIV E RSITY SWIMMI NG AND DI VI NG TE AM S recently partnered with the USA

Title: ______________________________________________________________

Swimming Foundation, York YMCA, and the City of York, Pennsylvania, to teach more than 70 African American

Company/Organization: _____________________________________________

and Latino youth how to swim. The community event, titled "Make a Splash," was designed to increase minority

Address: ___________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: ______________________________________________________

participation in aquatics in one of York's underserved communities. The participants ranged from ages 5 to 17

If new address, please check: ¨

years old.

Home Phone: _______________________________________________________ Office Phone: _______________________________________________________

TI A A AND AARP SPONSORE D the University event “Financial Wellness in the African American

Mobile Phone: ______________________________________________________

Community: Reviewing the Evidence, Spotlighting Innovation and Considering Solutions,” this January, which brought together industry experts for a discussion on the financial challenges African Americans face and potential solutions to critical issues, including financial literacy, saving for retirement, managing debt and student loans, home ownership, and wealth inequality. A S S ISTANT P ROFE S SOR OF CHE MIC AL E NG I NE E R I NG TAO W E I recently received the prestigious


“The Journey”

National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development Award for his research on multiscale simulations of metal oxide nanoparticle-protein electron transfer. NSF presents the CAREER Awards research grants to stellar faculty who have the potential to serve as academic role models in research and education, along with leading advances in the mission of their department or organization.

“The Journey” is a weekly 15-minute program hosted by Dr. Wayne A. I. Frederick, 17th President of Howard University. A family man, scholar, surgeon, leader, and servant of the world, Dr. Frederick engages in dynamic dialogue with local and national guests, learning about their journeys and their thoughts on a full range of issues of the day. Listeners can hear conversations about raising boys to manhood, encouraging women in leadership, detecting cancer, mentoring youth, preventing domestic violence, the value of a village and much more.

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Email: _____________________________________________________________ Class Year:__________ College/Program:________________________________ PLEASE CHARGE MY CARD: Visa


American Express


Name on Card:_____________________________________________________ Credit Card Number: _______________________________________________ Exp Date:_______________ Security Code:______________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________ If same as above, please check: Signature: _________________________________________________________ Date: _____________________________________________________________ My and/or my spouse’s employer will match my/our gift. For online giving, visit: DIVISION OF DEVELOPMENT & ALUMNI RELATIONS HOWARD UNIVERSITY 2225 GEORGIA AVENUE NW, ROOM 901 WASHINGTON, DC 20059

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