Bisinfotech Magazine September Issue 2021

Page 20


Automotive MLCCs

Balancing Reliability with Miniaturization and High Capacitance in a Closely Intertwined Evolution with the CASE Trend CASE trend supported by the evolution and expanding range of utilization of electrical and electronic circuits The automobile industry is in the middle of a once-in-a-century revolution in line with the CASE trend (Figure 1). The CASE trend refers to four initiatives transforming cars and the car business; the acronym stands for “Connected,” connecting cars to the network at all times, “Autonomous,” to realize automated driving, “Shared and Services,” renewing the business models that provide means of mobility and transportation, and “Electric,” which is changing the main power source from engines to motors.

Figure 1. Once-in-a-century “CASE trend” revolution transforming the automobile industry

20 09 | 2021 BISinfotech

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