BI Word - February 2022

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JAN. 18, 2022



Bishop Ireton students and faculty return back to school with high hopes for the New Year! Spider-Man: No Way Home Astounds Viewers


Proposed Renovations on Torpedo Factory


Virtual Learnings affect on Snow Days


LETTER FROM THE EDITORS Dear Reader, Welcome back to another edition of the BI-Word! Even though the COVID pandemic still remains a pressing issue, school events like Catholic Schools Week and HackBI are able to go on. Students have also been able to continue through their winter sports season, with many having successful seasons like the Mens Hockey Team, ranked first in the WCAC, and Womens Basketball Team, ranked 3rd in Northern Virginia. We have a lot planned for the new year and still hope to have as much student invovlment as possible. If you would like to have something put in the paper please feel free to reach out to


Jane Elkins or Jack Grzebien and we will consider it. Have a great



Jack Grzebien and Jane Elkins Editor In-Cheifs of the BI-Word


4 9


5 President Biden’s Build Back Better Plan


Cardinal Puck Undeafeated in WCAC


Spider-Man: No Way Home Astounds Viewers


The Students are Snowed in!


A Return to an In-Person Catholic 06 Schools Week

The Most Wonderful Time of Year 12

Proposed Renovations on Historic 07 Torpedo Factory

Mount Vernon Lane Closures Cause Controversy


Senior Spotlight: Cameron Arnold

March for Life





Virtual Learning’s effect on Snow 08 Days


President Bidens Build Back Better Plan By Thad Worth

Before his inauguration, President Joe Biden announced his Build Back Better plan, a bill that would provide COVID-19 relief, expand welfare and social services, infrastructure, and money for reducing the impacts of climate change. Republicans have slammed the bill as costly and an expansion of the welfare state, while Democrats have said that it is necessary to help the country get through the pandemic and will help Americans get good paying jobs and reduce the cost of healthcare. Parts of the Build Back Better plan have already been passed. On March 11th, on the one year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring the COVID-19 pandemic, President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan Act, which was a COVID-19 relief package and was intended to help Americans get through the pandemic. President Biden’s agenda faces an uphill battle in the Senate which is dead-locked 5050 with Sen. Manchin (D-WV) and Sen. Sinema (D-AZ) demanding that their fellow Democrats revise the Build Back Better and reduce its cost. This may have a serious impact on President Biden’s already falling popularity and serious implications for Democrats’ hopes in the 2022 midterm elections. If they don’t pass this bill, then they may be seen as partisan and unable to pass their legislation. Don Beyer, the Representative of Virginia’s 8th District voted for the Build Back Better Act, saying that it would create millions of jobs for Americans and reduce the cost of healthcare. He also touted President Biden’s plan to reduce U.S. emissions as advised by climate scientists. Rep. Beyer said that the Build Back Better Act would be paid for by the wealthy and big corporations. This has been repeated by many who support Build Back Better who say that the wealthy have gained massive amounts of money while the poor have become poorer. Democrats planned to pass Build


Back Better before Christmas, but with Senator Joe Machin refusing to vote, Democrats were unable to pass the bill in time for the New Year. This may have been the final nail in the coffin, as with each passing day the chances of passing Build Back Better seem to be getting slimmer. Republicans refuse to budge and Senator Machin seems unlikely to move unless the bill is changed. Added to the fact that the 2022 midterm elections are coming up, likely won’t get reelected if they can’t show what they have done and what they plan to do. According to the Washington Post, Sen. Machin sent a $1.8 trillion bill as a counteroffer to the White House before Christmas. His bill included money for Pre-K, climate solutions, and healthcare, but did not include child tax credits. He now has said that he won’t support this, due to the breakdown of negotiations. This happened after the White House said that Joe Machin was the reason why Congress was unable

to pass the Build Back Better. Machin then appeared on Fox News criticizing the bill. Many have claimed that Manchin’s state of West Virginia desperately needs this bill. Rolling Stone reported that since many people in West Virginia are poor and would benefit the most from the bill’s healthcare and child support. Rolling Stone also stated that renewable energy could give coal miners new jobs and that by shutting down West Virginia’s coal plants that the health of many West Virginians would improve due to increased air quality. No matter what decision Senator Machin makes, it will most certainly inflame how either liberals or conservatives view him. This bill has far reaching implications, as it will increase the nation’s debt and make the federal government even more prominent in everyday Americans’ life. Despite these trying times there is only one rock that stands firm in the raging sea, and that is God.


Spider-Man: No Way Home Astounds Viewers By Jane Elkins

Photo Credit: Marvel Studios via Spider-Man: No Way Home released exclusively in theaters on December 17th, 2021 and has become the 2nd ever highest grossing film in a weekend in American history. The movie was the finale to Marvel’s Spider man trilogy starring Tom Holland and has so far surpassed all other Marvel movies in revenue besides Avengers: Endgame. The film begins immediately after the events of the 2019 Spider-Man: Far From home, after the main villain, Mysterio, reveals to the world Spider Man’s identity; Peter Parker. No longer able to separate his life as Spider-Man and Peter Parker, as well as being seen as a villain to the world, SpiderMan, played by Tom Holland, seeks the help of Dr. Strange, and the stakes become all the more dangerous. Since the film’s announcement in 2020, many theories regarding the cast have been circulating social media. After it was announced that Jamie Foxx, an actor who played Electro in a previous SpiderMan franchise, would bring the character back in Spider-Man:

No Way Home, many fans started questioning if any other SpiderMan characters from other franchises would appear in the movie. Toby Macquire, an actor who played Spider-Man in Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man trilogy, and Andrew Garfield, who played Spider-Man in the 2012 reboot An Amazing Spider Man, are the most popular characters that fans hoped to see in the latest movie. “I was super excited to watch the movie after hearing that Electro from the Amazing Spider Man would make an appearance.” senior Malachi Robinson Says. “I remember seeing so many fans online hoping to see previous Spidermen in the film.” Although the rumors were backed by expectations from fans, many speculated that Andrew Garfield and Toby Mcquire would not make an appearance in the movie. The two were not in any promotions of the movie and are both not listed in the cast list. Fans who clung to this theory believed the film would create a multiverse in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, similar to that of Spider-Man: Into the

Spiderverse, that would connect the 3 Spider-Man franchises together. Surprisingly, these fan theories were correct. Both Andrew Garfield, Toby Mcquire, and a multitude of former Spider-Man villains like Doc Ock, Sandman, Electro, and the Green Goblin played a huge role in the film. “The audience in my theater went crazy when Andrew Garfield made an entrance and I started crying,” senior Ella Rier says. “No one actually thought that Marvel could actually get the actors on board because of legal and timing issues. Theaters all over the country shared this same reaction upon the entrance of former Spider-Man characters. “These characters were such a huge part of my childhood, “ senior Malachi Robinsonsays. “It was insane to not only see them in the movie, but see them play such important roles. ” “Watching Spider-Man: No Way Home in theaters was an overwhelming experience,” senior Ella Rier says. “I have watched it in theaters 4 times now, and if you haven’t watched it yet, you are truly missing out.”


A Return to an In-person Catholic Schools Week By Olivia DiCarlo

“It’s part of a national celebration.” says Father Noah describing Catholic Schools week. Catholic Schools week will take place at Bishop Ireton the week of January 31st to February 4th. During this week we will reflect on what it means to be a Catholic School and the impact of Catholic Education. Over the course of the week there will be class challenges, mass, and finally a student versus faculty basketball game. According to the National Catholic Educational Association, the theme this year is “Catholic Schools: Faith. Excellence. Service.” “I am very proud of the Catholic identity of our schools and the role they play in helping our students draw closer to the Lord and to live his Gospel.” says Bishop Michael F. Burbidge for Catholic Schools Week 2021 January 31 to February 6, 2021. As a Catholic school we have this wonderful opportunity to learn more about God and the life He has given us. As we have gone through this past year, as both a school and as a Catholic community have shown great strengths and efforts. Starting the week of January 31 is a regular I day, then Tuesday and Wednesday we’ll kick off the month of February with class challenges. Thursday will be a $2 dress down day for the Haitian Project, and finally Friday we will have our Faculty versus student basketball game. “Faith, Excellence, Service - - 3 major attributes of Bishop Ireton High School - - are central to the work of Catholic schools across the diocese.” Mrs. McNutt Head

of School gives us her word on how this year’s theme reflects on our school. At our school we do many things such as beginning the day with a prayer, attending retreats, and donating to charities by bringing in money or canned food items. To recap Catholic schools week we celebrate

what it means to practice in the Catholic faith, and to really take advantage of the opportunities to serve, practice, and better forward ourselves.


Proposed Renovations on Historic Torpedo Factory By Jack Grzebien

Photo Credit: NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES The Torpedo Factory Art Center, located in historic Old Town, Alexandria, VA, is a former naval munitions factory built after World War I. The factory went into its main use during World War II producing Mark III and Mark XIV (torpedoes) for submarines. The building underwent many changes to its use such as a munitions supply, federal records center, and then in 1973, The Art League obtained the lease to the building, according to the art center website. The rest is history, since the building reopened for artist space in 1983 it has been an Alexandria staple. In recent years many artists have worked in the building and this is where their business lies. The Torpedo Factory is not only a space for business, but is a tourist attraction throughout the northern Virginia area

and beyond. Recently, Diane Ruggiero, Deputy Director, Recreation, Parks & Cultural Activities Dept., and Julian Gonsalves, Assistant City Manager for Public-Private Partnerships, released a plan that would change not only the use of The Torpedo Factory, but would also impact the small businesses that work inside. This plan advocates for a 36% decrease in studio space on the first floor. As an Alexandria native and supporter of small businesses, I cannot support a plan that hurts local businesses and tries to turn a historic site into a restaurant. The plans would modernize a site that needs no modernization and change the overall feel of the atmosphere. After the release of these plans, many in agreement with my sentiments signed a petition started by an artist who works in The Torpedo Factory, M. Alexander Gray.

This petition to date has over 7500 signatures with people sharing the same belief that modernization, in this case, is not beneficial and actually quite negative. One signee, Mary Cook, said “I’m signing because the people want to see artists working NOT another place to get a cup of coffee or food. The arts helped to build Alexandria and make it the tourist hub it is today.” This sentiment is shared among many others who have also expressed their concerns about the plans. While I do agree with the idea that sometimes updates need to be made to improve the quality of a space or increase the value, the changes proposed are ones that cannot be argued for as they would affect many in the community and change the course of the Old Town feeling forever.


Senior Spotlight: Cameron Arnold By Jack Grzebien

This Edition’s Senior of the Month is Cameron Arnold. Cameron is a part of Computer Science Honor Society, National Honor Society, Girls Who Code, Sustained Dialogue, and Flock Together. She also plays bassoon in band and bass in jazz band. She is mainly focused on Hack BI this time of year. She is one of the three student leaders along with Kieran Kelleher and Courtney Quinn. Together they oversee what the whole team does and assign them tasks to get done. She is specifically in charge of the outreach and design teams, so she makes sure that emails get sent out, social media posts go up and helps figure out the swag and the swag designs for the event. Her favorite part of HackBI is working with the team. There are 30 students working on this event and everyone is involved and doing their jobs well. “It’s a lot of fun working with my friends and seeing how it all comes together in the end” Arnold Says. HackBI takes place on the 22nd and 23rd of January and it is a fun two day event where students can learn to code and compete to win really cool prizes (including an internship)! For next year Cameron doesn’t have any official plans yet, but her top school is La Salle University and Philadelphia and she got into their Nursing program. Though she does not know for sure what she wants to do, she wants to work on something that benefits others.

Virtual Learning’s Effect on Snow Days By Jamie Kaiser

Winter break officially ended on January 3rd, however the weather had other plans. The recent winter snow storm was one of the most powerful we have seen in years, and the storm caused a few online learning days as well as some snow days during the first week of January. As students we tend to be more than happy about having a snow day or multiple snow days especially in one week, however, some feel that valuable instruction time is lost in our days off. As student’s we all enjoy a snow day but some parents seemed to have been fed up in the first full week of January. Some parents have been vocal about kids having too many days off and questioning if

FCPS and other schools are taking the process seriously. Their argument can be fair but with the amount of snow that came on the night of January 3rd and the huge incident on I-95 South, it is very reasonable for school being cancelled. With the heavy snow and extremely icy roads it took many families days before they started driving again. Luckily, Bishop Ireton is able to provide an alternative to in-person instruction when impending weather causes school delays and cancellations. Since Bishop Ireton had a hybrid schedule in the 20202021 school year, many virtual days have already been built into the 2021-2022 school year and utilized early this year for exam review. This has allowed for

virtual learning to be an option when the weather doesn’t allow for In-person school and on January 3rd and 6th, Bishop Ireton offered a fully online school day instead of a snow day. This was helpful for many students and teachers. All until the snow had begun to freeze and trees began to fall on power lines knocking out the power out in many places of the Northern Virginia area which contributed to some cancellation. Although Bishop Ireton wasn’t able to be in person, having the option of going virtual is beneficial in many ways in the future of this school year in case of any more school closings.


Cardinal Puck undefeated in WCAC Conference Play By Jack Grzebien

The 2019 Bishop Ireton Football team took the field before their Homecoming game. This was the last time Bishop Ireton went head to head against PVI.

Cardinal Puck, the Ireton hockey team, started off the season with a 9-6-1 record in conference play. This team is competing for the WCAC and state title this year. Many of the players are happy to be back to a more “normal” season when they can play again at Mount Vernon Recreation Center, also known as “the Vern”. Not only are the players excited for this season, but the Cardinal Crazies, Ireton’s student section, is also excited for a winter of cheering on their classmates. The year started off with two consecutive losses to Yorktown and Bishop O’Connell. However, the team recovered from a crushing 5-1 win in their first CSHL league game of the year over Woodbridge. In Ireton’s first WCAC matchup of the season, the Cardinals took on St. Mary’s Ryken and sent them back to Maryland with a crushing

10-2 victory for Ireton. This win marks the start of their campaign for the WCAC title. The Cardinals this year have a new goalie, freshman Johnie Hays. Hays has been an integral part of many wins this season. He has a save percentage of .932. In comparison, Hays has a higher save percentage than the starting goalie of the Washington Capitals, Ilya Samsonov. Many players were nervous about not having a goalie after the former goalie, Will Oakely ‘21, graduated. Hays has been a welcomed addition to the team and a player that the Cardinals will build on in the years to come. Senior Captain Arthur Seng says that “Johnnie has a great mindset and he brings his best to the table every game”. This sentiment is shared throughout many of the players on the team as they appreciate willingness to step up into a big

role as a freshman. As the season continues to progress the Cardinals plan to build on what they have learned and accomplished in the early stages of their season. Although their last game before the break was a crushing loss to Bishop Ireton’s rival, West Potomac, they bounced back with a 10-4 WCAC conference win over the St. Paul VI Panthers. In the Cardinal’s most recent game they won 8-3 over Our Lady of Good Counsel. This win solidified their #1 spot in the WCAC Metro League. Although the season is not over yet, many members of the team are already happy with what they have accomplished this year. The seniors continue to look forward to the playoffs while also taking it one game at a time.


The Students are Snowed in!

A snow storm extended Winter Break by a week, giving students a relaxing and fun start to the New Year. Photos courtesy of Mrs. McNutt and Student Submissions

On January 3rd, it snowed reoughly 9 inches in the Northern Virginia area. Schools all around the county closed for snow including Bishop Ireton. The school provided a total of 3 Snow Days and 2 remote learning days throughout the first wekk of January.

Seniors Graham Lawerence, Trey Hobson, Henry Swoope, Ana Jones, Lily Taylor, Max Zummo, David McAdam, Maddie Rauner, Charlie Murphy, Taylor Ballenger, and Camryn Craig ultilized their Snow Day to go sledding down a nearby hill and build snowmen. “We tried to snow board down the hill”, senior David McAdam says. “But, that didn’t work out very well. It was nice to have some time off to spend time with friends in the snow.”


Senior Arthur Seng and junior Evan Safreed went snowboarding and skiing at Liberty Ski Resort during their snow day. “This time of year is great” Seng says. “You never know when snow can come and and give you some time off.”

Senior Colin Nash went sledding with his friends at Pinecrest Golf Course. “We had a lot of fun playing in the snow.” Nash says.


The Most Wonderful Time of the Year By Jamie Kaiser

With lots of hard work behind us and only more on the way, Christmas break at Bishop Ireton has many people ready to reset, relax their minds, and enjoy their families and their traditions. With Covid-19 impacting a lot of Christmas last year, 2021 should have been a great year to pick up on some holiday traditions and quality family time. In the Catholic Church, Christmas is one of if not the most important holidays of the year and the birth of our Lord Jesus is celebrated in numerous ways. As the focal point of the holiday season approach, students at Bishop Ireton were nothing short of excited to take a brain break and reset on the importance of quality family time during the season. I went around and asked some Bishop Ireton students what they enjoy doing during the holidays, what traditions they have, games they play, movies they watch and more. I caught up with junior Kate Clark and asked what she planned on doing for break and if her family had any traditions. She replied, “ I don’t have too many family traditions for Christmas, but my family and I always attend Christmas Mass. This year we plan on taking a trip to Las Vegas and visiting California so we can enjoy our break in some nice weather.” I later talked to Junior Reid Burke about what makes the holiday season so special to them and why it’s so enjoyable. “ I really love the holiday season because it gives me great memories from when I was a kid. It brings me back to thinking about how the simple things in life make me happy. I especially like the holidays now because I can get to spend quality family time and my brother gets to

come home from college and it’s nice to see him after not seeing him for a while.” To conclude our interviews, I asked Freshman Steven Ntambwe what makes break so relaxing to him and if school work is still in mind during the break. “Break is really relaxing because I don’t have any school work to worry about, and I usually feel like there’s a lot of weight off my shoulders so it is way easy to be relaxed during break; to be honest school work is the last thing on my mind during

break especially since we have finals (before Christmas Break) once those are over i’m just going to enjoy the time off.” With midterms ending and the second quarter coming to a close soon, many people have been under stress, but there is nothing better than having the wonderful holiday season to come back to the important enjoyable things in life and take advantage of the time we have.


Mount Vernon Lane Closures Cause Controversy By Chris Stone

In recent months, sections of southbound Mt. Vernon Parkway have been closed, with yellow lines and cones narrowing the road from two lanes to one. The change has people throughout Alexandria and Fairfax frustrated, confused, and angry. This is largely due to the fact that the National Park Service has refused to give an in-depth response to the question “what is going on?” According to The Washington Post, the only response that the National Park Service has given is that the parkway is “going on a road diet”, in which the number of southbound lanes will be reduced. The National Parks Service Parkway Chief of Staff Aaron LaRocca was quoted as saying “By definition, a parkway is an attenuated (thin) park with a road through it, but a park, nonetheless.” While this may be true, of the 25,000 daily users of the parkway, few ever actually stop to visit. The parkway is mainly used as a commuter route for those who live in the Fort Hunt and Mount Vernon areas, the same people who are currently upset with the parkway’s “road diet.” One of these upset commuters is Bishop Ireton Senior, Jack Hare. When asked about how the lane closures have affected his commute, Hare replied “It (lane closures) makes the drive home from school much slower and less enjoyable, and I am often stuck driving behind someone who is going below the speed limit” He went on to describe how he was pulled over while illegally using the new turning lane to pass someone who was driving slowly. This is not an uncommon occurrence, as other drivers can be doing the same on a daily basis. A solution to this problem was offered by Janet Blanton in another interview. When asked what she would like to see from the city of Alexandria as a solution, she said “I would like to see a raise in the speed limit

What are your thoughts on the Mount Vernon Park Way lane closures?

Henry Swoope

Lauren Cremer

“I do not like the lane closures. They have slowed down traffic a lot and is ineffective because it is not preventing or helping anything.”

“I really do not like the lane closures because people drive a lot slower and my comute to and from school is a lot slower. Also., the single lane floods fast when it rains hard and it creates a lot of issues.”


on the parkway. It is unfair for drivers to get stuck going well below the speed limit when they are trying to make curfew or go home.” The main issue with the parkway appears to be this: The parkway is a major commuter route, and is managed by the National Park Service, which does not have the budget to maintain a road with that much traffic. The failure to maintain the Mount Vernon Parkway is the same issue that the National Parks Service struggles with in the major national parks. There is currently a backlog of maintenance tasks that have yet to be completed in some of our most famous national parks, such as the Shenandoah National Park, Yellowstone, and Yosemite National Parks. The National Parks Service has begun a process of “deferred maintenance”, which essentially delays the repair of major roads and bridges until the department receives the budget to pay for


the re-construction. The lane closures have caused major controversy in the city of Alexandria. The National Parks Service has been put in the tough position of maintaining a road without the proper budget to do so, but has failed to communicate this to Alexandria’s citizens. The problem at hand is not just the parkway’s speed limit, the lack of proper lighting, or lane closures, but rather a lack of communication by the National Parks Service, and of the allocation of a budget by the federal government that accommodates the maintenance of a major commuter route. Hopefully, the commotion created by the lane closures will drive policy makers to pass a Parks Service budget in the future that allows the parkway to be properly repaired, rather than closing sections, and choking the flow of traffic.


March for Life

By Olivia DiCarlo

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

By Chris Stone Celebrated on the third Monday of each year, MLK Day is a time of reverence, gratitude, and celebration of the accomplishments and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King Junior. Dr. King dedicated his life to the service of others, and the achievement of civil rights for the African American community throughout the United States. Dr. King was born on January 15th, 1929 in Atlanta, Georgia. At the age of 15, Dr. King enrolled in Morehouse College, in Atlanta. After graduating, Dr. King worked odd jobs in the Atlanta area before establishing a reputation as a preacher. He went on to lead the civil rights movement to

tions Department

Ireton we have a pro-life speaker come in yearly. Jannette Stewart, who works with the Life Training Institute, spoke at a schoolwide assembly during November. In the past, Bishop

Photo Credit: Robert D. Farber University Archives and Special Collec-

Around this time of year people come to Washington, D.C. from all over to take a stand against the Roe V. Wade ruling made by the U.S. Supreme Court on January 22, 1973. This year’s 2022 March for Life theme was “Equality Begins in the Womb,” which organizers from the March for Life website say “highlights how true equality is only possible if we recognize that children in the womb also deserve protection.” Numerous people came together at the march to stand up for the importance of all human life. This year the March for Life took place in Washington, DC on January 21, 2022 . Bishop Ireton participates by encouraging faculty members, students, and families to attend the March for Life. At Bishop

the achievement of equality in America through the ratification of the 24th Amendment to The Constitution, and the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Dr. King would tragically be assassinated on April 4, 1968 at a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. In 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill designating the third Monday in January as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. In honor of Dr. King, the city of Alexandria holds an annual memorial program, in which there is a poster exhibit, with entries from students in grades 2-5 at local elementary schools, a City of Alexandria Staff celebration, and a virtual assembly held by city officials. Senator Mark

Ireton students along with Bishop Burbige and other youth gathered at George Mason University to partake in the “Life is VERY Good” rally along with Mass. This year the rally was canceled due to covid concerns.

Warner, Alexandria City Mayor Justin Wilson, and former Virginia Governor L. Douglas Wilder will speak during the assembly. The assembly, which had been held in person annually for 25 years, will be held virtually until the end of the Covid19 pandemic. One of the many ways that we remember Dr. King is through his written works. His “I have a dream” speech, and his “Letters from a Birmingham Jail” are his most famous written pieces, however, there are countless others that are not commonly known or referenced. Bishop Ireton’s Director of Diversity, Mr. Powell said in an interview “I encourage people to go read works by Dr. King that you haven’t heard of.” Dr. King was more than an important part of the Civil Rights Movement, he was an important figure in American history. His faith, acts of charity and determination are all models for us to follow. He maintained a legendary reputation, but at the same time was a father, husband, and a preacher to those who knew him personally.


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