BI Word - April 2023

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The BI Word

Is Drinking Celsius Dangerous? ChatGPT Controversy at the Game Awards! 18 13 10
April 2023 Hear an inside scoop about Hack BI!

The year continues!

The BI Word strives to keep you in the loop of news around the world and throughout the halls.

5 13 8 16 19 The Winter Ball 04 Boxing 05 Virginia Teacher Shot 06 Old Town Farmer’s Market 07 MLK Day 08 Hack BI 09 Game of the Year Award Controversy 10 Year of the Water Rabbit 12 Dark Literature 13 Superbowl LVII 14 Climate Change in 2023 16 Famine in Afghanistan 17 Celsius 18 A New Republican Congress 19 ChatGPT 20

The Winter Ball

To end Catholic’s Schools Week with a bang, winter formal was certainly something you cannot forget. This was the time to dress-up and get your groove on! This dance was used to celebrate the end of the first semester and the winter season. Winter Ball was known as the Sadie Hawkins, which demonstrates how any girl can ask the boy they would like to attend the dance with. This type of dance has evolved over the years, and is now called Winfo as we know it.

In accordance with this winter season, the theme was northern lights. The Winter Ball was scheduled on February 4 and began at 8 and lasted until 10:30. When one registered to buy tickets, the Bishop Ireton website mentioned that admission is $5, and donations were gratefully accepted for Louverture Cleary at the door. This event was a fundraiser and students were asked to be a little more thrifty for the evening. Wear an old homecoming dress, save money on dinner, carpool with your friends. Any money that you would save, consider donating to Louverture Cleary instead.

This was the first winter dance for juniors, sophomores, and freshmen. And the first time in a long time for the senior class due to covid. This dance symbolized many firsts, but for the senior class it resembled the happiest of lasts. “It’s really neat to see a full circle moment from freshman year to now as a senior”, said senior Addison Parker. “Even though it’s only going to be my second winter formal, I am excited to attend the event with my classmates and enjoy the last few months of my senior year.”

Behind the scenes of this dance and all the work put into it comes from the student council. They are what makes this event possible. They have different committees to help with promoting, fundraising, planning, and the decorations. “We’ve worked hard promoting activities and fundraisers on social media and coming up with ideas to make Catholic Schools Week entertaining and enjoyable. We want to make winter ball memorable since it will be the first for the majority of students” (Ashlyn Davis class of 24’). With the dance being the first for many, it is also a fitting last for others. The Winter Ball serves as a meaningful farewell for the senior class while also tying in the future for the underclassmen.


Boxing is Back

Boxing, a sport that has been around for centuries, has seen a resurgence in popularity in recent years, largely due to the rise of social media. Social media platforms have provided a new outlet for fans to connect with their favorite boxers, share highlights, analyze, and follow the latest news and developments in the sport. On these platforms, such as Instagram, Youtube, and various streaming services like DAZN and Showtime, fans can follow live streams of major fights, access exclusive content from top boxers, and engage in discussions about the sport with other fans from around the world.

Social media has also given rise to new opportunities for boxers to promote themselves and their careers, connecting directly with their fans and building their personal brands. As a result, boxing has become more accessible to fans and more widely covered in the media. With a larger audience, the sport has gained more visibility and more investment, leading to the growth of more professional leagues, more lucrative sponsorships, and the rise of new, talented fighters. However, social media has also brought new challenges to the sport. With so much content being shared and so many voices competing for attention, the more “traditional” style of boxing almost seems to be fading into the past because these influencers are presenting more of a draw from the public to the point that people will only pay attention to non-influencer fighters if they have already established a high standing within the boxing community like Canelo for example.

Additionally, the intense scrutiny of the sport on social media can put pressure on fighters to perform at their best and maintain their reputation. The resurgence of boxing and the impact of social media have created a dynamic, new landscape for the sport, bringing new opportunities and challenges for fans, fighters, and industry professionals alike. For example, the “Creator Clash” was a fighting event consisting of influencers and social media stars that participated in a boxing match because of the attention it gave other influencers like the Paul brothers and KSI, both of which have taken their careers to new heights thanks to the sport and in turn, have prompted these other influencers to do the same. Regardless of these changes, the timeless appeal of the sport, the drama of the fight, and the excitement of the match will always endure, and boxing will continue to be one of the most captivating and beloved sports in the world.


Shooting of Teacher by Student

On the afternoon of January 6th, 2023, Abigail Zwerner was shot by a sixyear-old male student of hers at Richneck Elementary School in Newport News, VA. Zwerner’s attorney, Diane Toscano, spoke at a news conference and stated that multiple teachers had spoken with the administration about the boy’s behavior. It was also mentioned that they believed he had a gun on the school campus. Before the shooting took place, Zwerner spoke with a school administrator between 11:15 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. and expressed her concerns regarding a student threatening to beat up a classmate. As stated by Denise Lavoie of AP News, “The administrator downplayed the report from the teacher and the possibility of a gun,” Toscano said.

At 12:30 p.m., a second teacher took it upon herself to speak with a school administrator and search the boy’s backpack. In addition to this, just before 1 p.m., a third teacher went to a school administrator and told them the boy had in fact brought a gun to school and showed it to a fellow student during recess. Toscano mentioned the boy “threatened to shoot him if he told anybody,” according to Erik Oritz and Antonio Planas of NBC News.

After these issues were brought to the school administration, no action was taken. Even after these concerns were dismissed, a teacher requested permission from admin to search the boy and was denied, said Toscano. According to Erik Oritz and Antonio Planas of NBC News, the employees were told by the administrator to “wait the situation out because the school day was almost over,” Toscano said.

When the attack took place at around 2 p.m., Zwerner was wounded in her hand and chest. The weapon, a 9mm handgun, belonged to the student’s mother who legally purchased it. After being shot, Zwerner safely directed her first-grade students out of the classroom and away from the boy. A receptionist of the school stayed by Zwerner’s side before first responders arrived where she was then transported to Riverside Regional Medical Center. Since the shooting took place, it has been announced that Zwerner plans to sue the school district over the shooting, which left Zwerner with profound wounds and considerable medical bills.

Prior to the shooting, the administration of Richneck Elementary School had been notified multiple times about an armed and dangerous child. The officials of the school failed to act in defense of Abigail and the school which ultimately led to this horrifying attack. According to Erik Oritz and Antonio Planas of NBC News, Abigail Zwerner was quoted as a hero by Police Chief Steve Drew who stated at a news conference “I believe she did save lives, because I don’t know what else might have happened if those kids would have stayed in that room.”


Old Town Farmers Market

The Old Town Farmers Market, located in the buzzing City Hall Market Square, is considered to be one of the oldest continually operating farmers markets in the country and has opened every Saturday since 1753. This Farmer’s Market in Alexandria, a staple in the community for centuries, offers locals a unique opportunity to connect with history and tradition. The market, which was frequented by none other than George Washington himself, who sold produce from his Mount Vernon estate, continues to be a hub for the community and a celebration of local and national history. During peak season, an estimated number of 70 vendors attend the historical market selling a variety of items ranging from fresh produce to fabric art and painting.

The market boasts a diverse array of vendors, including The Patricia Palmerino Studio. The Patricia Palmerino Studio, led by the talented artist Patricia Palmerino, presents a collection of one-of-a-kind folk art pieces. Hailing from Alexandria, Virginia, Patricia’s paintings and prints capture the joyful celebrations, fairs, and parades that are a staple of the Alexandria and Washington D.C. area.

Another standout offering at the market is the traditional Ecuadorian cuisine from Ana’s Twist, a womanowned small business. Ana’s love for cooking was honed in her childhood spent in Quito, Ecuador, where she was surrounded by the culinary expertise of her mother and grandmother. Inspired by their skills, particularly her grandmother’s mastery of creating soups using only the freshest ingredients and her mother’s aptitude for baking all sorts of Ecuadorian sweets, Ana has elevated her passion to a new level. Her menu showcases the best of Ecuadorian cuisine and utilizes seasonal ingredients. Ana’s eight-year-old daughter, who is always eager to assist in the kitchen, is a crucial member of her culinary team. As the official taste-tester, the young girl provides valuable feedback and helps Ana perfect the flavors in her soups and sorbets. This mother-daughter duo brings their love for food and family to every dish they create, making them a dynamic culinary duo.

Whether you’re a local resident or a first-time visitor, a trip to the Old Town Farmers Market is an experience not to be missed. The vibrant atmosphere, filled with vendors selling a variety of goods, allows visitors to partake in a well kept Virginian tradition. Despite its rich history, the market is far from outdated. The diverse selection of goods on offer, from locally grown produce to handmade crafts, gives the market a modern vibrancy. The lively square, surrounded by historic buildings and charming cafes, creates a unique and lively atmosphere that is hard to match. With its combination of history, tradition, and contemporary charm, it is truly a celebration of community and the American spirit.



Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a national holiday that is celebrated annually in the United States on the third Monday of January. This day is dedicated to the memory of Martin Luther King Jr., one of the most influential leaders of the Civil Rights Movement and a champion of equality and justice.

The history of Martin Luther King Jr. Day can be traced back to the late 1960s when a push was made to create a national holiday in honor of the civil rights leader. At the time, many people felt that King’s contributions to American society were not being properly recognized. After King was assassinated in 1968, momentum grew for a national holiday to be established in his memory.

It wasn’t until 1983 that Martin Luther King Jr. Day was finally recognized as a national holiday by the United States government. At the time, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill into law that designated the third Monday of January as a federal holiday. The holiday was officially observed for the first time in 1986. The holiday was initially resisted by some states due to the prevalence of racism, and it wasn’t until the year 2000 that all of the 50 states celebrated the holiday.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day has become a significant day for reflecting on the progress that has been made in terms of civil rights and equality. It is also a time to remember the struggles and sacrifices that King and others made in order to achieve these important goals. Many people choose to mark the day by volunteering for organizations working for racial justice, participating in community events honoring the day, or attending special religious services remembering his legacy.

In addition to its historical significance, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is also seen as a time to recommit to the ideals that King fought for during his lifetime. These ideals include equality, justice, and non-violent resistance. Many people believe that King’s legacy continues to inspire people around the world to work towards a more just and equitable society.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a significant holiday that is celebrated annually in the United States. It is a day that honors the life and legacy of one of the most important leaders of the Civil Rights Movement, and serves as a reminder of the importance of working towards equality and justice. This day is an opportunity for people to reflect on the progress that has been made and to recommit to the ideals that King fought for throughout his lifetime.


HackBI: How It Went

HackBI occurred overnight from Jan 27 until the morning of the 28th, and was a massive success! With an incredible turnout this year HackBI Global attracted students from all around the DMV, of all different ages. The hard work of motivated student leaders and dedicated team members contributed to HackBI’s overall success. The hundreds of hours spent planning for this event proved to be well spent. With the revival of the overnight portion of the event this year, students from all over the area had enough time to formulate their project ideas and bring their visions to life alongside their fellow teammates, while still having time to fit in a little extra fun.

The hackathon included a number of student-led workshops where students could learn new skills to help them with their projects: Illustrator, Photoshop, Java, Python, robotics, and many other topics were available to improve on. Students were given the opportunity to ask questions and become immersed in material that they may not have fully understood previously. The knowledge they gained from these workshops will stick with them and be useful in their future programming endeavors.

Aside from just programming, participants had the opportunity to enjoy other fun activities around the school. Karaoke was a big hit starring Bi shop Ireton’s very own DJ Bob, as well an alumni panel and a delicious pizza dinner.

In addition to the high school hackathon, HackBI hosted a shorter event for middle school students. This 12-hour hackathon allowed students to collaborate with other middle schoolers who are interested in computer science. Students also had the opportunity to visit workshops and learn new skills at this event.

If you ask anyone on the team how important HackBI is to them, they will all respond with the same answer: very. Even though there were many stressful nights, numerous tasks, and time spent figuring out how to quickly adjus t to sudden changes, everyone on the team benefited greatly from putting on this even t. Not only is there the immediate gratification of organizing such a multifaceted ev ent, but HackBI allows everyone on the team to take the experience they gained and the leadership skills they developed with them on all future endeavors.

Thank you to everyone who participated in and attended Hack BI Global; it would not have been possible without you!


Controversial Game of the Year Award Brings Ragnarok

The video game awards that took place on December 8th, 2022 gave The Video Game of The Year Award to the adventure-fantasy video game Elden Ring, contrary to the game many people thought was going to win, the also adventure-fantasy, but also more story driven, God of War: Ragnarok. In the Game Awards, God of War won the most awards overall for the whole ceremony, winning a total of 6 awards out of the 31, including the award for best narrative.

God of War: Ragnarok is an immersive story about Kratos, the Greek god of strength, power and war, and his son Atreus, also known as Loki, who is the Norse god of mischief, learning how to live in a world where everyone is trying to take their heads off at every turn. Atreus, played by Sunny Suljic, is a 14-year-old boy who wants to explore his destiny and find himself, but is constantly at opposite ends with his father who can be overprotective. Kratos, played by Christopher Judge, wants nothing more than to protect his son and not put him in harm’s way, even so much that he ends up pushing Atreus away with how protective he is. Kratos is also haunted by his past of being tricked by the Greek gods to kill his only daughter and wife. This father-son dynamic is entrancing and will make you feel the weight of the dangerous situations that they are put through. The game also features familiar faces such as Thor, and Odin, being new to the series, although being heavily teased in the last installment that came out in 2018. Ragnarok has main themes of revenge, forgiveness, the afterlife, and being better for the future. One of my favorite lines is, “No more. We have to be better for our children,‘’ as Kratos spoke to Thor.

The story of Elden Ring takes place in what the people you interact with throughout the story call, “The lands between ‘’. There are 22 major locations in the game such as Limgrave. The place where your character starts their journey, and features aspects to the game that immediately immerses the player into the game such as mini-bosses like the Tree Sentinel. A fast, yet massive knight that rides on a gigantic horse, while using a spear to chase after you and eliminate you. This is just one of the many locations in Elden Ring that will completely force the player to remain 100% focused while playing the game. As for the story, there isn’t a real traditional story being told through cutscenes, dialogue and all the other features that God of War has. Lore and story is generally told by you interacting with NPC’s. Although Elden Ring does not have a clear cut story like God of War, every single NPC that you interact with has lore, which creates a feeling of how big the world really is because literally everyone has a story. In the game there are multiple characters telling your character, who does not speak, that they are “tarnished”. This basically means that they were banished from the lands, and must regain the lost grace to become un-tarnished. Your whole motive throughout the game is to defeat the bosses and enemies who possess the ring shards(elden ring shards), and by doing this become the elden lord.


Contrary to God of War Ragnarok, Elden Ring does not really have a concrete story. That is not to say that it isn’t just as an immersive experience, but if we are comparing stories then God of War definitely has a better one. Now in terms of difficulty, Elden Ring without a doubt is harder than God of War. Elden Ring is a continuation of the Dark Souls video game series, which is a series prominently known for how hard the games are. Especially towards the beginning of the game, it can take up to hours for new and returning players to even understand how to fight effectively and gain items to battle harder mobs.

God of War’s difficulty is no pushover either, but you aren’t really left alone on leveling up because the story is a lot more linear compared to Elden Ring. Lastly, the customization features in God of War Ragnarok, in my opinion, are better than Elden Ring’s. In Elden Ring you can create your character from scratch and go into detail with how you want your character made, and you can also customize armor at some point in the game if you do a certain quest. However, in God of War you may not be able to customize your character’s physical appearance, but anything else you think you can customize, you are able to. Armor, weapons, shields, bows, arrows etc.., and you can even customize both Atreus and Kratos. This creates a sense of unity because not only does Kratos level up and gain new weapon customization; Atreus also levels up and you are given the freedom to customize him however you like.

If we take everything that was just compared into consideration, then I have to give the game of the year award to God of War Ragnarok. The story and gameplay is immersive like no other game that came out, it is fairly hard even compared to a game like Elden Ring, and the customization features give the player a sense of individuality to choose how they want to play the game. This is not to say that Elden Ring is necessarily a bad game at all, they are pretty much neck and neck to win the award in my opinion, but the main deciding factor for me was, firstly how God of War won more awards in the whole ceremony, and the storyline being as immersive and entrancing as it was compared to Elden Ring, giving it the edge over Elden Ring for me.


2023: The Year of the Water Rabbit

February 1, 2022 signified the start of the year of the Tiger, and is said to have brought strength and resilience to individuals around the world throughout the course of this year. But as it comes to a close, the year of the Rabbit begins. The Rabbit is characterized by the qualities of prosperity and hope. It is said that 2023 will bring peace and success to many.

The Water Rabbit is considered the luckiest of the twelve Chinese horoscopes animals to be born under, and it officially began on January 22, 2023. As many of you may be wondering, why does the Chinese New Year begin at the end of the first month? Well, the Chinese New Year is determined by the lunar calendar (a monthly cycle where the moon shifts through different phases). Celebrated across most east Asian countries, celebrations occur on the second new moon after the winter solstice on December 21, and lasts for 16 days. This celebration is also known as the Spring Festival.

It is very common to see people wearing the color red throughout the Chinese New Year, as it is said to ward off demons like Nian. Chinese legends say that Nian was a mythical beast who would go to villages on Chinese New Year’s Eve and destroy their crops and livestock. It was believed that one night a villager saw that Nian was scared after seeing a child dressed in red clothing. So to this day, people wear red and hang up red banners outside of their homes to prevent demons like Nian from coming back.

The color red is considered to be lucky in countries all over the world, but in Asia specifically it is said to represent happiness and prosperity, while also keeping people safe from evil spirits. Different colors play a big part in Chinese culture given that they have been categorized to represent certain qualities and have managed to maintain their significance over the course of decades. Similarly to the meaning behind the color red, green is the color of health, healing, and harmony. It also signifies the beginning of spring, after the winter months when flowers start to bloom again, trees regain their leaves, and everything in nature is brought back to life.

On the fifteenth day of celebrations, the lantern festival is held. This festival marks the end of the Chinese New Year and the beginning of the Lunar New Year. Because the fifteenth day is the first full moon of the new year and after the spring festival, it is customary for people to celebrate by eating yuanxiao, a sweet dumpling that resembles a full moon. The circular shape of this treat represents unity and demonstrates wholeness within a family, bringing them closer.

During the festival, people release bright lanterns all throughout the street. The abundance of colorful fireworks and lanterns are a way for people to honor lost loved ones and help to guide their lost soul home. Oftentimes, there are riddles written on the lanterns that are left for children to solve in exchange for a prize. People fill the streets to watch dancers perform the lion and dragon dances, just like people generations before them did. Although everyone is dealing with something different in their lives, this festival provides an opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate their Chinese heritage.

As we have seen throughout this article, all the fun activities, gift giving, fireworks, and food, are enjoyed by many. It is also a time for people to actively uphold their Chinese traditions and get rid of the bad in their life to welcome the new and good things as the new year begins.


A Historic Superbowl in the Making

The NFL’s Super Bowl is perhaps one of the biggest events every year. The occasion when the entire family gathers in front of the T.V to watch the game, eat pizza, wings, and chips, view the commercials, and of course, the halftime show. This year was no different as the 57th Super Bowl took place on February 12th at 6:30pm EST at the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona. The two teams in the Super Bowl this year were the Philadelphia Eagles and the Kansas City Chiefs.

During the Super Bowl, there were a lot of things that were happening, such as the new advertisements that many different companies and brands put out every year. This year, there were about 80-100 advertisements during commercial breaks of the Super Bowl taking up about 50 minutes of total TV time. It’s a privilege for these companies to have a Super Bowl ad because the average cost of having one is between $6 to $7 million. Some brands that released new commercial advertisements for the Super Bowl included Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Nike, and many more. Perhaps the biggest brand advertisements for the Super Bowl were Fox because they were the media company that hosted the Super Bowl on television this year and Apple because they sponsored this year’s Super Bowl halftime show for the very first time, which was performed by Rihanna. This was Rihanna’s first time performing on the big stage, but it wasn’t a problem for her. She is already a 9 time Grammy Award winner, 12 time Billboard Music Award winner, 13 time American Music Award winner, 8 time People’s Choice Award winner and many more. Other people that performed at the Super Bowl were Chris Stapleton performing the National Anthem, Sheryl Lee Ralph singing “Lift Every Voice and Sing”, and Babyface singing “America the Beautiful”.

Besides all of the food, advertisements, commercials, and performances, there was the big matchup, which had a lot of history in the making. Both of these teams entered the game with a 16-3 record and both teams were the number 1 seed in their conferences: the Eagles representing the NFC and the Chiefs representing the AFC. To go along with their record, the Chiefs had the #1 offense in the league and the Eagles had the #2 offense in the league. Current Kansas City Chiefs head coach, Andy Reid, faced his former team, the Philadelphia Eagles, where he was the head coach for 14 years. Also, Kansas City Chiefs’ tight end, Travis Kelce, and Philadelphia Eagles’ center, Jason Kelce, became the first brothers to play against each other in the Super Bowl. Finally, the matchup was historic because of the quarterbacks from both teams. Philadelphia Eagles quarterback, Jalen Hurts, and Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, were the two frontrunners for the MVP award all season long and this was the first Super Bowl matchup between two African American quarterbacks. With all the history and big things at stake, this Super Bowl was set to be one of the most anticipated and one of the best Super Bowls’ in NFL history and it did not disappoint.


The Philadelphia Eagles took control of the first half of the game as they scored three touchdowns, including 2 rushing touchdowns from quarterback Jalen Hurts, and a field goal. On the other side, the Chiefs only had one touchdown from Patrick Mahomes to Travis Kelce and a defensive touchdown after a fumble recovery off of a Jalen Hurts fumble. However, the second half proved to be a different story as Patrick Mahomes proved why he was the MVP this season. Mahomes was picking the Eagles defense apart in the second half as the Chiefs scored 24 points in the second half with Mahomes throwing for two more touchdown passes. The Chiefs defense was also very big down the stretch as they tried to contain Jalen Hurts and the Eagles offense. With five minutes left in the game, it was tied 35-35. The Chiefs offense was on the field with a chance to try and score and seal the game. Play by play, Patrick Mahomes was able to escape the pressure of the Eagles defense and connect with his receivers. With 2 minutes remaining, the Chiefs were in the red zone on a 3rd and 8. If the Chiefs converted they could easily run out the clock and they could kick a potential game winning field goal, but if they didn’t convert, the Eagles would have a chance of getting the ball back for one more offensive possession. Kansas City Chiefs wide receiver Juju Smith-Schuster releases inside, but then heads to the corner of the end zone, but Philadelphia Eagles cornerback James Bradberry wraps his arm around his man’s waist and he gets flagged for pass interference on the throw. The Chiefs would end up kicking the game winning field goal with 11 seconds remaining and would end up beating the Philadelphia Eagles 38-35. It was a great performance from both teams as Eagles quarterback, Jalen Hurts had 3 rushing touchdowns and 1 passing touchdown, while Chiefs quarterback, Patrick Mahomes, had 3 passing touchdowns. Patrick Mahomes would end up winning the Super Bowl MVP and would prove why he is currently the best quarterback in the NFL.


Will Climate Change Affect 2023?

With climate change being a huge topic of discussion every year, it’s important to know what climate change is and how it will affect our weather this year in 2023. Climate change is the shift in weather and temperature primarily due to human activities such as burning fossil fuels and cutting down forests. It is due to the burning of fossil fuels that greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide get released into the air and trap heat in our atmosphere.

Cutting down forests is an additional factor to climate change because when forests are emptied, carbon stored in the trees get release into the atmosphere. Over the years climate change has greatly affected the weather in the US with states in the Northeast and West Coast becoming much warmer than normal and the number of wildfires rapidly increasing yearly. According to the Climate Prediction center, there is a 50-60% chance of hotter than normal temperatures across the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic. Not only is it predicted that it will be hotter this year, but also a high chance of rainfall indicating a high chance of severe flooding that will cause damage to homes of not only humans but also animals.

According to World Wildlife Fund, hundreds of thousands of animals globally are endangered due to climate change. Some of the animals are the Amur Leopards, Rhinos, Orangutans, Turtles, Elephants, Sunda Tigers, Saolas, and much more. Each animal plays a unique role in the animal kingdom and live in habitats that support their lifestyle. With deforestation and climate change killing numerous animals every year, the more species that will get wiped out off the food chain.

In brief, climate change is destroying Earth as we know it and the effects of climate change will be seen again in 2023 through changes in weather and an increase in natural disasters. It is because of climate change’s negative effects to our planet, that it is important to stay educated on the topic and consider changing some aspects of your life to better the environment for not just humans, but for all life on earth for years to come.


Famine in Afganistan Amidst Record Breaking Cold Temperatures

Sixteen months since the pullout of American troops, the Taliban have re-emerged as the dominant political power in Afghanistan, retaking control of the country in less than six months. After defeating the American-backed government, the new Islamic regime instituted Sharia law following a strict interpretation of the Quran. The new judicial system is strictly around the Quran, and uses an extremely conservative interpretation of the text. According to the Human Rights Watch, a nongovernmental agency and advocacy organization, 90% of the population already have some form of food insecurity. According to the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification, an organization that records and advocates for global food security, half of the population is experiencing high acute food insecurity.

This winter, Afghanistan has experienced further environmental issues with record breaking low temperatures, as low as -27 degrees fahrenheit making it the lowest temperature in 15 years. 160 people have already died as a result of the cold temperatures. Adding to the disaster, over 70,000 cattle have died from the low temperatures. All of these factors have exacerbated the crisis, leadening to a horrible famine plaguing the country.

An anonymous woman was quoted by Al Jazeera saying: “If we buy coal and wood, then we won’t be able to buy food. The money my husband sends us is not sufficient to even cover basic requirements,”

Since the United States left in August of 2021 amidst Taliban takeover, the nation has been under major sanctions and international isolation, limiting the amount of aid that can be provided for the people struggling there.

The United Nations and the United States have pressured the Taliban in loosening their restrictions on women’s rights in the nation, in exchange for increased aid. Since taking power, the Taliban has banned women from most education, limited their right to work, and countless women have been suffering from domestic violence with little to no justice. Recently, the Taliban has restricted female aid workers, prompting international organizations, such as the CARE, Save the Children, and the International Rescue Committee to pull their aid from the nation.

Even before the Taliban takeover, the nation struggled with issues of poverty, education, and reliable infrastructure. Since the takeover, these issues have yet to be seriously addressed due to the rampant food insecurity, which itself has been exacerbated by the current weather. We should keep these people in our prayers in the coming months.

There are still ways that our school can show our support for the men, women, and children suffering in Afghanistan with organizations such as:

• Doctors Without Borders

• The International Committee of the Red Cross

• Islamic Relief USA

• Catholic Relief Services



“Live Fit” is written on the front of every Celsius can and is a prominent aspect of its ad campaign. Celsius positions itself as a healthier choice compared to traditional energy drinks. Celsius advertises for a very specific audience. Younger generations that wish to live a healthy and trendy lifestyle. However, the company and its products’ false advertising has finally caught up with them.

In early 2022, the company was faced with a lawsuit for false advertising. The company claimed to have no preservatives in their product, but it was found that the drink contains citric acid. Citric acid is an organic compound and is naturally found in fruits, like lemons. However, the one Celsius used is not naturally found in nature and instead manufactured. While the company maintains the stance that the chemical was used to flavor and not as a preservative they still reached a settlement in late 2022. Claiming not because of any wrongdoing but “to avoid the expense and risks of the lawsuit.” Any person who has proof of purchase is eligible to receive up to $250 dollars.

But, this isn’t the last potential lawsuit Celsius is facing. The brand is now facing claims from popular TikTokers that the drink may cause heart problems, as listed on the brand’s website as potential side effects, including increased heart rate and insomnia These drinks are still popular most due to their successful advertising, such as maintaining an active social media presence through apps like Tik Tok and Instagram; Celsius is still a popular drink. Despite its popularity and active social media presence, it is crucial to be mindful of the potential risks when consuming energy drinks like Celsius. Just because something may say it’s safe does not mean that’s true.


A New Republican Congress

In November, Republicans regained control of the House of Representatives for the first time since 2019. This has been seen as a result of the public’s dissatisfaction with how President Biden and Democrats have been running the country. Republicans have promised changes on several key issues such as inflation, the war in Ukraine, and the rising debt. They have also promised to create several committees to investigate the business dealings of Hunter Biden, the origin of COVID-19, and Anthony Fauci and his role in gainof-function research.

Due to spending during the covid pandemic and several large spending bills that have been passed, the national debt has ballooned. According to Trading Economies, the government’s debt rose from roughly 22 trillion dollars to over 31 trillion dollars, or an average of $2.25 trillion each year. From 2020 to 2022, the debt increased by over six and a half trillion dollars, due to covid spending bills such as the $2.2 trillion CARES Act passed in March of 2020 and the $2.3 trillion Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2021. Republicans have promised to cut down on spending, which will likely include cutting welfare and benefit programs.

There has been much speculation on the origin of covid. There are two main theories; the first is that it spread naturally from animals at a wet market in Wuhan, the second is that it was accidentally released from the Wuhan Institute for Virology, where viruses are studied. Many Republicans have favored the theory that there was a leak at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, causing COVID-19 to be spread, over the theory that COVID originated in a wet market. The first theory leans heavily on the belief that the Chinese government has covered-up any wrongdoing or an accident, which could have caused the virus to spread. While he was the head at the National Institute of Health, Fauci had funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan, which is where viruses are manipulated to make them more deadly, so that they can be studied. Due to the potential risks involved, such as creating a deadly virus, this type of research is illegal in the US and cannot be studied here. This has raised the question of why Anthony Fauci was funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab. Republicans have expressed that they want to have more hearings on why the National Institute of Health was funding gain-of-function. In 2022, after Fauci had announced that he was stepping down, Kevin McCarthy (R) said that “Dr. Fauci lost the trust of the American people when his guidance unnecessarily kept schools closed and businesses shut while obscuring questions about his knowledge on the origins of COVID. He owes the American people answers”

In 2021, Americans saw American soldiers withdrawing from Afghanistan. Pictures showed crowds of people trying to climb over the fence that surrounded the Hamid Karzai International Airport, hoping to get on a plane leaving Afghanistan. There was footage of women throwing their babies over the barbed wire fence, hoping that someone would take them . These images and reports shocked the world, especially Americans. Republican Representative Michael McCaul, the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who has called the withdrawal a disgrace and asked the White House to share documents pertaining to the American withdrawal. This comes after McCaul demanded that the State Department preserve the records of what happened in Afghanistan last October.

With a divided Congress, it will be nearly impossible for Democrats to pass legislation, especially if they are unwilling to negotiate with Republicans. This will put a wrench in President Biden’s agenda as a united Congress is essential for laws and other legislation to be passed and put in place. What Republicans will do with their majority in the House remains to be seen, but it seems likely that they will investigate many high profile names and people in power.


The Benefits and Drawbacks of ChatGPT

Have you ever wanted to have a robot that can write an essay for you, answer almost any question for you, and be able to provide advice? ChatGPT is a website that launched on November 30 2022 and has taken the internet by storm. Chat GPT is an AI (artificial intelligence) that has brought a lot of attention and controversy to itself in recent times. In our world of overstimulation from media and other forms of electronic entertainment, could ChatGPT be bringing humanity to a less critically thinking era, or can we redirect our efforts somewhere else now that we don’t have to spend time researching questions that take a lot of time and effort to answer?

ChatGPT can be convenient for various reasons. For example, it can answer a question that may take a lot of time to research. If you wanted to write an essay about the best and worst parts of Grover Cleveland’s presidency you could ask ChatGPT something such as, “Give me a response that includes both the good and bad things that President Grover Cleveland accomplished in a five-paragraph essay.” In 35.21 seconds ChatGPT wrote an essay for me pertaining to this request. When comparing 35.21 seconds to how long it takes a human to write an essay, it seems tempting to use ChatGPT to write an essay for you instead of doing the work yourself. According to CyberWise which is a website committed to teaching youth safe use of technology, “ChatGPT can adapt to the student’s level of understanding and adjust the difficulty of the conversation or questions accordingly. This can make the learning experience more personalized and effective.” ChatGPT is also capable of helping solve coding issues as well as do things such as come up with rap songs and stories, which are neat bonuses to using the technology.


Humorously, I asked ChatGPT, “who is Chuck Norris” and ChatGPT responded, “Chuck Norris is a fictional character and an internet meme, and he is not a real person.” Chuck Norris however in fact is a real person. However, I asked ChatGPT the following day the same question and it gave a different response stating, “Chuck Norris is an American actor and martial artist…” Based off this information it made me wonder why ChatGPT changed its’ answer from earlier. When asked, “Can you do research?” It said, “I’m sorry, but I am not capable of doing research. I was trained by OpenAI on a large dataset of text, but my training data only goes up until 2021, and I do not have the ability to browse the internet or access new information. I can provide answers based on the information I was trained on, but I cannot perform any new research or access real-time information.”

This raises the question as to how and or why ChatGPT changed its answer about who Chuck Norris is. Evidently, ChatGPT may not be the most reliable source for this reason. A professor in South Carolina College caught one of his students essays that used ChatGPT due to its rudimentary and peculiar answer that also consisted of a few hellmarks that flagged the essay as an AI answer. Two more notable things about the technology are that it claims it does not have an opinion and cannot answer explicit questions.

After reviewing pros and cons of using ChatGPT, is ChatGPT technology you want to use? If you would like to know something such as how to solve for code or a rap song about Bishop Ireton beating O’Connell in basketball, then ChatGPT would be a very helpful tool to use. ChatGPT seems to be a revolutionary technology that has the possibility of helping a lot with time saving when it comes to searching for answers. Some answers ChatGPT produces may be false, so it is always important to fact check the information it gives you if you want to be certain of an answer you are searching for. ChatGPT is an evolving toolbox and so these minor problems may not be prevalent soon with the AI. It’s important to remember that using ChatGPT is a direct violation of the Bishop Ireton honor code.


Thank you for reading!


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