BI Word - April 2022

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APRIL 26, 2022



Experience Bishop Ireton’s Student Retreats

Anatasia Astounds Audiences

Countown Until Prom




LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Dear Readers, Thank you again for picking up another copy of the BI Word. This edition we would love to highlight the great performances from all the cast members of Anastasia; congratulations on a great performance. This is our second to last issue as we will release one more edition in May. We greatly appreciate your continued support throughout the years and all the wonderful suggestions and help we have received from various students, teachers, and



Jack Grzebien and Jane Elkins Editor In-Cheifs of the BI-Word






6 Ukraine Russia Conflict Explained 04

First Black Women Confirmed to the Supreme Court


Experience Bishop Ireton’s Student 05 Retreats

Lent at Bishop Ireton


Spring Break!


Countdown Until Prom


Spring Sports Return!


Cheerleading Wins Yet Another National Championship


Course Selection Commences


March Madness: A Month of Underdogs and Upsets


Anatasia Astounds Audiences


Alexandria Pastry Cafe Offers Delectable Treats



What is going on?

The Russia Ukraine War Explained By Jane Elkins

Regardless, Putin invaded Ukraine on February 24th, telling the Russian people that this was a small scaled military operation that would “demilitarise and de-Nazify Ukraine” and protect the Ukrainian people from what he called eight years of bullying and genocide by Ukraine’s government. “It is not our plan to occupy Ukrainian territory. We do not intend to impose anything on anyone by force,” Putin insisted. The claims of genocide Source: and Nazi’s have no factual backing; rope-and-russia regardless, Russian stateMost everyone is aware as been veering towards the controlled media has been of the recent tragedy that has West and has been becoming required to promote that to the occurred in Ukraine. Russia democratized and westernized Russia people. invaded Ukraine on February right on Russia’s border. Putin President Putin has been 24th, causing one of the biggest cites the fall of the Soviet Union shocked by the response from refugee crises in modern times as a “disintegration of historical Western countries towards his as millions of Ukrainians have Russia” and now claims that invasion. fled to neighboring countries. Russia and Ukrainians are one in Although he knew NATO In addition to the suffering the same. would never send troops to and humanitarian crisis from This alongside his refusal Ukraine, he was surprised to the invasion, the entire global to acknowledge Ukraine’s see the harsh sanctions that economy has taken a hit as legitimacy, completely denies have already detrimentally hurt well. Inflation has risen and Ukraine of its own history and Russia’s economy. growth has slowed down. culture. According to Putin, Along with NATO wanting Although most are aware of “Ukraine never had stable to support peace in the east, the current situation, many do traditions of genuine statehood.” Pope Francis has condemned not fully understand Russia’s Russia has aimed to what he calls “a senseless motive behind the invasion, the reverse that and considered massacre where every day complicated history between the the overthrow of Yanukovych slaughters and atrocities are two nations, or what challenges an illegal coup. Russia then being repeated”. The Pope this war imposes on the seized Ukraine’s southern continues to pray for peace and international organizations. region of Crimea and triggered an end to violence. Tensions between Ukraine a separatist rebellion in the east While the conflict is far from and Russia have lasted since and a war that claimed 14,000 over, many in the United States 2014 following the Ukrainian lives. have continued to support Revolution of Dignity where Relations between the Ukraine and will continue to do thousands of Ukrainians two countries have remained so for the foreseeable future. protested and eventually relatively stable since the The sentiments of world peace overthrew the Pro-Russian invasion of Crimea until 2021 and are heard all over the world President of Ukraine, Viktor 2022 where the Russian military and especially thought of for all Yanukovych. Yanukovych upset began building up on the border civilians affected by this conflict. many Ukrainians with his of Ukraine. The United States A quick and fair resolution is refusal to align Ukraine with the sent a strong message that an yearned for by many at home European Union and NATO. invasion would be met with and abroad. Since the collapse of the dire consequences for Russia’s Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine h economy.

Opportunities for Growth and Faith


Experience Bishop Ireton’s Student Retreats By Thad Worth

Senior student leaders for the Spring 2022 Kairos trip pose for a photo before the retreat.

While at B.I., students are invited to go on a retreat with their classmates. There are three main retreats that students can go on: Kairos, Bethany, and Camden. On each retreat, students are invited to grow closer to God and help others. On the Camden retreat, students get a chance to work in one of the poorest areas in the country, on Kairos, students take a step back from life and spend time in prayer with their friends and on Bethany, students strengthen their relationship with Jesus. For Kairos, upperclassmen (Juniors and Seniors) take a bus to a camp, where away from technology and society they spend time in prayer and growing closer to God. Everyday they attend Mass, afterwards going into small groups to prayerfully consider and discuss the questions of the day. Questions invite participants to look inward and reflect on their lives. Have they been living in the image of Christ or have they fallen short and turned away from Him? After

considering this, students discuss among themselves what they think they should do to be better Disciples of Christ. All students eat meals together and in between can snack on any food that they brought. Kairos is the perfect time for students to reflect on the gift of life that God has given and the plan He made for them. For Bethany, Seniors, Juniors, and Sophomores go with students from Bishop O’Connell, Paul VI, and John Paul the Great and strengthen their relationship with God. Senior Elizabeth (Liz) Ferguson felt that her relationship with God grew deeper and feels that she is closer to Him now after Bethany. Bethany got its name from the Bethany of the Bible. Two miles away from Jerusalem, Bethany was where Jesus would stay when He went to preach in Jerusalem. It was the home of the sisters Mary and Martha, who lived there with their brother Lazarus. It was as they say His ‘home away from home’. Camden is more exclusive, with about eighteen upperclassmen going to

Camden, New Jersey, one of the poorest places in the country in the Fall and Spring. Junior Anne Nealon went on the Spring trip and saw firsthand the poverty that residents in Camden endure. She saw the deep connection that they had with God, which showed her the beauty in life’s simplest things. There students visited a homeless center, went to an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, and picked up trash that littered the streets and sidewalks. On Camden, students learn to appreciate what they have as they interact with the homeless, poor, and those addicted to drugs. These retreats bring students closer to God and show them the gifts that He has given us. Students learn to appreciate what God has given them and how to use these talents to help others. Whether a student is Catholic or not, everyone can agree that they have learned something from their time away from others.



Easter Vacation has just concluded and that means students are back to class. Easter was on the first Sunday of Spring break and the churches were full. Some families traveled while others stayed close to home. Spring break this year was 11 days long with students getting out after Wednesday, April 13 and returning to class on Monday, April 25. Some Bishop Ireton activities have special plans over the break. The Wind Ensemble Disney trip started on April 18th and returned on the 25th. This trip was where students and their parents decided whether they want their child to go on this great school trip with friends and teachers. It is run by the music teachers within the fine arts department with help from the student life office. The girls Lacrosse team traveled to Dallas and Austin, Texas. The team played games against other schools and had some city time when they were not on the field.

Spring Sports Return! By Cami Perez

The Spring sports season has arrived, which means lacrosse, tennis, baseball, softball, track and field, and golf are being played this season. At Bishop Ireton, students are adamant about getting back on the field. Weather is getting

The team had a successful trip with multiple wins down south. Most importantly, spring break was during holy week and Bishop Ireton students had time with their families to finish the rest of the Lenten Season and spend Easter Sunday all together on April 17th. Other students traveled with their families. According to Sophomore Toni Goulet, “I plan on going to Belize and hope to have a fun time on the beach and go snorkeling. This trip has been rescheduled four times due to Covid so I’m excited to finally go.” A lot of trips have been canceled these past months due to Covid, but now that the cases have dropped, people are finally ready to get back to traveling. Another Bishop Ireton student, Dominic Young, said, “We are going to look at colleges in Ohio, I will be especially looking at Franciscan University of Steubenville.” Since juniors have been working hard on their SATs warmer which means that the athletes will have more sunshine for their practices and games these upcoming months. According to a female JV lacrosse player, Charlie Kelly, “We go through plays and watch back film so we can work on the things we did wrong and so that we can improve and have a great season.” With hope and good athletic preparation, the Bishop Ireton sports teams will be able to play their best this upcoming season. With games against O’Connell, Gonzaga, Visitation and many other teams, Ireton will put in all their effort to make sure they win the season. Girls lacrosse at Bishop Ireton won the 2014, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 WCAC as champions. The team has also won states 2014, 2015, 2017 and 2018 and hopefully this upcoming season they will continue the championship mentality and win those games. Mrs. Kieran Mitchell, says “Spring sports are exciting because we get back outdoors and have more teams to support. We work very hard to be fair to all the teams when scheduling practice space, transportation and meeting other

and grades it is a great time to explore places to go to college considering applications are right around the corner. Students prepared to end their Lenten journey with their families, and had the opportunity to sleep in a little more and go to sleep a little later because for a solid 10 days, they didn’t have to wake up around 6:30 every morning for an active day of learning. The school building was closed for students during these days as maintenance will be taking place inside. Happy Easter to all! needs.” Bishop Ireton has had great athletics in the past and currently our baseball team has had a great start to their season as they take the win 5-1 against Saint John Paul the Great High School. The Girls Varsity Softball Team also took a great win against Bishop Mcnamara High School along with the Boys Tennis Team winning their match 6-3 against the Bendictine College Preparatory school. Bishop Ireton athletes are off to a great start this season and are prepared to play more games and matches to conquer the season this year. With great hope and preparation for the upcoming season from Bishop Ireton’s athletes we can hope for great outcomes. Students are encouraged to support their teams at games and cheer them on from the sidelines. As Bishop Ireton’s team continues playing against other schools, it is important to remember to have great sportsmanship and positive feedback to all players and teams. Never forget, let’s Advance Always as a school and as a community.


Course Selection Commences By Olivia DiCarlo

This year for course selections for the 2022-23 school year, students requested their classes on the portal under “Course Requests’’. Students were able to request any class they were eligible to take. Teachers and administrators continued to remind students that this is only a request, it is not guarenteed you wil have the exact class you are requesting. Students want to make sure they are comfortable and are reaching their personal expectations. While choosing classes for next year, students should keep in mind any sports or extracurricular activities that they may have. Student’s want to make sure that they are achieving their standards and pushing themselves. Requesting classes on Blackbaud helps organize what student’s interests are so that conflict within specific class selections is avoided. Something that is also new, is that teachers are allowed to recommend students for a class. Students are able to consider recommendations to help when choosing their classes. The completed course selection form that was due Friday March 25 was turned into the student’s advisor. This allows administration to have a hard copy including a parent and student signature. Included in the changes this year are orerequisites in the world language and science departments have been changed. It is required that you complete level III of a language before you can stop taking it. In the science department, before taking physics it is required that you have taken Algebra II. Teachers and counselors are always available to help with any questions or concerns you may have. Allie Smith ‘22 wants to tell students to talk to other students and get their opinions and to not “go in blindy” when choosing your classes.

Counselors and Students choose classes for the 2022/2023 School Year

Students are looking forward to classes from many different subjects. Audrey Pickard ‘23 is looking forward to Dual Enrollment: Film Adaption, Charlie Pierce ‘23 who is looking

forward to Personal FInance, and Siena Puglisi ‘23 who is looking forward to Honors Human Anatomy and Physiology.

What class are you looking forward to taking the most next year?

Nardos Zekaria

Sofia Meller

“The class that I am most excited for is AP Computer Science. I am very interested in computer programming and can not wait to take a more challenging class.”

“I look forward to taking the sophomore religion classes next year. The Mission of Jesus Christ seems like a very interesting class.”




Anatasia Astounds Audiences

Hardwork Paid Off for the Bishop Ireton Theater Department as Performances of the Musical Anatasia Impressed All Photos Courtesy of Bishop Ireton Theater Arts Instagram

The cast of Anatasia painted the rock outside the front of the school to encourage students to come to the musical.

Sofia Cruz and Aidan McNerny are pictured singing. Cruz played the lead role of Anya/Anatasia and McNerny played the antagonist Gleb.


Bishop Burbidge is photographed here with the cast of Anatasia on opening night.


First Black Women to be Confirmed to Supreme Court

By Jane Elkins

On February 25th, 2022, President Joe Biden nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to serve as the next Supreme Court Justice. Jackson would replace Justice Stephen Breyer, who announced his retirement from the court earlier this year, and become the 116th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. Jackson’s nomination makes history for the United States because she will be the first black woman to serve on the court as well as the first Justice who attended public high school and worked as a public defender. Few have come to question Jackson’s merit as her immense experience and education are admirable. Jackson attended Harvard University and Harvard Law School, where she graduated cum laude. Jackson then went on to serve many careers in the legal field including a Public Defender, Judge on the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia, a clerk to former Justice Stephen Breyer, an attorney in private practice, and a federal judge on the US District Court for the DC circuit. Last month, Jackson endured through her Senate Judiciary Committee confirmation hearings, which like most Senate confirmations, were riddled with toxic partisan politics. The hearings resulted in an 11-11 tie, and majority leader Chuck Schumer called for the vote to be sent to the Senate floor to break the deadlock. Although it’s uncommon for a tie to occur within the Senate Judiciary Committee on a Supreme Court nomination, the current 50-50 split in the Senate caused an equal number of Democrats and Republicans on the committee. The Senate vote took place on April 10th and confirmed Jackson to the Supreme Court in a 53-47 vote, with three Republicans voting in her favor. Jackson will become the third Black Justice on the Supreme Court, after Thurgood Marshall and Clarence Thomas, and will

Photo Credit:

also become the sixth woman. Jackson will enter the court alongside 3 other women, Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Amy Coney Barrett, making four out of the nine justices women for the first time in U.S. history. Although many are both empowered and optimistic about Jackson’s confirmation, many opposers, primarily in the GOP, expressed their concerns regarding her nomination during her hearings. During the hearings, many Senators were keen on questioning her political ideology and how that would affect her rulings. “The judge must call balls and strikes,” said Texas Senator John Cornyn. “And given what I’ve seen, and her unwillingness to disclose her judicial philosophy, and disavow an expansionist view of unenumerated rights, I have concerns that Judge Jackson will be pinch-hitting for one team or the other.” Senator Lindsey Graham from South Carolina defended his vote against Jackson in the Judiciary Committee. “My decision is based upon her record of judicial activism,

flawed sentencing methodology regarding child pornography cases and a belief Judge Jackson will not be deterred by the plain meaning of the law when it comes to liberal causes,” said Graham. Jackson put down these concerns swiftly, answering them by shying away from a “particular label” behind her judicial philosophy and instead describing her methodology behind court rulings. According to Jackson, she approaches court cases by first assuming a position of neutrality, then proceeding with various tools toward a transparent ruling “without fear or favor,” and studiously abides by judicial constraints. Throughout her hearing, she reiterated this numerous times to questions concerning her ideology. When Vice President Harris called the final tally, the Senate Chamber erupted in cheers. Jackson will join the Court after Breyers retirement over the summer of 2022. Her first term on the Court will deal with cases regarding race in voting and affirmative action.


Lent at Bishop Ireton By Olivia DiCarlo

Countdown until Prom By Jack Grzebien

In this photo Father Noah is distributing ashes to students along with a blessing, during the Ash Wednesday Mass.

Lent prepares Catholics for Easter, which is the day Jesus ascended into Heaven. Lent is the 40 day season of preparation for Easter. In the Old Testament Moses and Elijah also had a 40 day fast, this foreshadows Jesus’s 40 day fast in the New Testament. This year the season of Lent began on Ash Wednesday which was March 2nd, and ends on Easter Sunday, April 17, 2022. Some of the practices in this season include receiving ashes, going to confession, abstaining from meat on Fridays, fasting on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday, giving something up as a sacrifice that is a part of your daily life, and helping those that are less fortunate. Catholics use this time of lent and preparation to meditate fully on the passion of the death of Jesus. Bishop Ireton celebrates this season in many ways. This year at the annual Ash Wednesday Mass, Deacon Malcolm D’Souza, a BI Class of ‘84 alumnus celebrated with students. During the Ash Wednesday Mass students received ashes. The ashes are a symbol of repentance and mortality, meaning that people were created from dust and will return to the dust. Catholics practice

charity, prayer, and pennece during the season of Lent. During this almsgiving students and teachers participate in the Rice Bowl Program. The proceeds from this charity go to Catholic Relief Services (CRS). Many opportunities in prayer will open up and a form of Penance by abstaining from eating meat on Fridays. Catholics refrain from eating meat on Fridays, at Bishop Ireton the cafeteria will not serve any options with meat on this day of the week. According to Father Noah, the school Chaplain, Catholics do not eat meat on Fridays because “back in the day when farming was big, meat was a delicacy and killing was always crucial especially during this time, fish was still allowed.” Penance will help Catholics better say no to their sins, but this doesn’t mean giving something such as chocolate, but instead doing random acts of kindness each day, or going on a walk everyday for 20 minutes. By taking the sacrifice part seriously this will allow you to celebrate the season of Easter with more joy.

This year Bishop Ireton will again host a prom on April 30th for the Senior and Junior classes. Last year Bishop Ireton held a Senior Formal Etiquette Dinner at the Fairview Park Marriott. While last year prom was affected by Covid-19 and the school could not hold the traditional prom that students were accustomed to, this year prom will be back in full swing with the Seniors and Juniors being able to enjoy a staple of the “high school experience” that includes music and dancing. This year the theme of Ireton’s prom will be the Royal Ball. As in previous years, this year’s prom will feature a dinner for students and guests as well as the usual dancing one would expect at a high school prom. Tickets went on sale on Friday, April 8 for $75 a piece. Prom will take place from 8 P.M. until 11:30 P.M. Students must arrive by 8:30 to be allowed in. Students will be attending prom at the Falls Church Marriott Fairview Park located at 3111 Fairview Park Dr, Falls Church, VA.

Why are you excited for Prom?

Jude Sparrow Junior

“I am excited for prom this year because this is the first since COVID-19.”


Cheerleading Wins Yet Another National Championship By Thad Worth

This year, the Bishop Ireton cheerleading team had the highest score at the Cristian Cheer Nationals (CCN) and won first place in the four routines that they did. The B.I. cheer team has won first place at Nationals and the Grand Championship every year since 2016 (except for 2021, as the competitions were not held due to COVID-19). They also had the chance to show their skills to the greater Washington area when Fox 5 visited B.I. to feature the team doing several of their routines and interviewed Coach Angel Hope-Eskew along with the team’s seniors Regan Houser and Isabella Leathers. Going into the season many team members didn’t have much previous experience, with only two members of the team having cheered

competitively before. Creating an even tighter squeeze was the injury of three of the cheerleaders teammates making them unable to compete at the national championship. Despite this, the team managed to come in first place in their four routines beating the odds and overcoming the challenges they faced. “I had full confidence in my team” Regan Houser told the Fairfax Times “winning was super exciting, we were sitting on the mat holding hands.” Reagan Houser, a senior, is very proud of the team explaining that this is the first time that the team has done four routines, and they came in first place in all four. The team has also won the Spirit of Competition award in 2020, which measures

a team’s enthusiasm and encouragement of others. Another senior, Isabella Leathers has been on the team for 3 years and talked about how some of the cheerleaders on the team have gone on to cheer at the collegiate level. One has become the captain at Elon University. With strong commitment and an enthusiastic team, the Bishop Ireton cheerleaders are likely to continue to win national titles and championships for years to come, bringing home trophies and victories that will ensure that they are never forgotten.


St. Patrick Day Festivities By Jack Grzebien

Photo Credit: Getty Images

St. Patrick’s Day is a celebration of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland, and of Irish people across the world. In America, St. Patrick’s Day is normally celebrated with parades and appreciation of Irish culture the weekend before or after March 17th. Though the creation of St. Patrick’s Day in the United States is argued over, to many it is known as being started by The Charitable Irish Society in 1737. In the United States, the largest St. Patrick’s day celebration is in Boston, Massachusetts. At most celebrations people will wear the green colors of Ireland and eat corned beef and cabbage to start their day. For the first time in the past two years Americans across the country will be able to celebrate with parades and other festivities that in prior years have been postponed

and canceled due to Covid. St. Patrick’s Day in the United States is a widely celebrated holiday and for good reason. Over 31.5 millions Americans claim Irish ancestry (US Census Data) and millions more choose to celebrate the holiday. In the Ireton community many students would usually celebrate with the Annual Saint Patrick’s Day Parade put on by the Ballyshaners in Old Town. This year, for the third year in a row, the Ballyshaners will not put on the parade due to permitting and funding issues. The Ballyshaners is a volunteer organization located in Alexandria that states that their goal is to “promote and preserve Irish Heritage”. While students may not be able to attend the Old Town parade or the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in Washington, DC, which was also postponed,

students can still participate in celebrations at home and by supporting local Irish restaurants by immersing themselves in the food of the Irish. In a catholic school it is not a shock that there is a healthy population of Irish Catholics. Kieran Kelleher, an Irish Bishop Ireton Student, said that “​​to me St. Patrick’s Day is a day to come together with friends and family to celebrate Irish culture and tradition. Personally, this allows me to get to know my family history better and connect more with my cultural background. For years my family has hosted a party to do this, where people have the opportunity to enjoy some traditional Irish food and other Irish traditions. A handful of students planned on celebrating St. Patrick’s Day by attending Shamrock Fest. Shamrock Fest is an Irish music festival which this year was planned to feature Dropkick Murphys, a prominent Irish band. Due to the snow on Saturday, March 9, the festival was canceled. This event was postponed until Saturday, March 26, where many will be able to attend in a safer, less snowy, environment. This year there seems to be a return to some normalcy in celebrations for St. Patricks, even though some local events are still facing repercussions from Covid.


March Madness: A Month of Underdogs and Upsets When it comes to heart attacks and dreams coming true, nothing matches the two like the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. Starting every year in March, the NCAA men’s basketball tournament, also known as “The Dance”, floods television screens and packs stadiums all throughout the country. For these few weeks in March, conference champions and high ranked teams prove why they are the best division 1 basketball teams and battle it out in the tournament of 64 for the chance of being crowned National Champions and putting their team and school in the record books forever. Every year new teams enter The Dance and every year there are amazing upsets. Teams that were thought of to have absolutely no shot in winning against higher ranked teams in David and Goliath type battles ending up on top. When it comes to upsets and Cinderella teams in march madness nothing fits more than the Saint Peter’s Peacocks from this year’s tournament. Despite being a fifteen seed, the Peacocks defeated the Kentucky Wildcats in the first round who were a two seed and potential final four contenders. This supring upset sent shock waves throughout the basketball world surprising many fans, but they didn’t stop there. The Peacocks also defeated a loaded Purdue squad with future NBA players and punched their ticket into the Sweet Sixteen. Although they lost to a red hot North Carolina Tar Heels team their success as a team this year will forever be remembered as another great underdog story. With Coach K of the Duke Blue Devils in his last season many were anxious to see how his team would perform in the tournament. His players knew how important this would be not only in this tournament but the history of college basketball. With a mix of veterans and young NBA

By Jamie Kaiser

Photo Credit: prospects the Blue Devils after losing in the ACC championship to Virginia Tech, went on a tear in the tournament knocking off tough teams such as Texas Tech and Arkansas. With another trip to the final four in Coach K’s last year; the Blue Devils fell short to their rivals UNC in one of the most anticipated college basketball games in recent years. A sad end to Coach K’s season but a legendary career nonetheless. Damian McGhie, a Junior here at Bishop Ireton expressed his feelings about this year’s NCAA tournament. “I liked watching this year’s tournament a lot more than other years, with it being Coach K’s last year and all. Saint Peters really surprised me. I had no clue they were going to beat Purdue or even make it that far. I thought that was pretty sweet. I had Villinova winning it all in my bracket but as the tournament went on I could see Kansas probably taking it.” With a great tournament concluded: the number 1 seed Kansas Jayhawks took home the National Championship after an amazing comeback to beat the confident North Carolina Tarheels. This is the Jayhawks fourth National title win in school history, along with head coach Bill Self’s third title appearance with Kansas. With another great tournament filled with upsets, entertainment and Cinderella

stories college basketball remains to dominate the sporting world in the month of March.

Who were you rooting for this March Madness?

Damian McGhie Junior

“I was rooting for Duke because it was Coach K’s last year but I was also very impressed by Saint Peters. I had no clue they were going to beat Purdue or even make it that far. In my bracket, I had Villanova winning it all but Kanas beat them in the final four.”


Cherry Blossoms Bloom in DC By Jamie Kaiser

As the warm weather approaches nature begins to grow and bloom. Each year the cherry blossoms bloom and are celebrated in Washington, DC. The history behind the cherry blossoms dates all the way back to the early 1910s. The Cherry Blossom Festival is a celebration in Washington, Dc. The festival celebrates the gift of cherry blossom trees from the Japanese government in 1912. The Japanese gifted the tree that carried a symbol of rich meaning in their culture. According to the National Park Service the trees were given to the U.S to grow a relationship and promote peace between countries. When spring rolls around many locals including Bishop Ireton’s students and even tourists take time to enjoy the beautiful sights of the various colors of the Cherry blossoms.

With many different attractions and historical sites and monuments the cherry blossoms and The Cherry Blossom Festival are a great addition to the city and the awesome things that happen during the changing of seasons. The cherry blossoms bring many great sites along with memories and traditions for people who enjoy them. Valerie Watkins, a junior at Bishop Ireton had much to say about her connection and experience with the Cherry blossoms and the Cherry Blossom Festival. “ I haven’t been to the Cherry Blossom Festival in a very long time, the last time I went I think I was around 6 or 7 but I remember it being a real treat to look at the Cherry Blossoms and enjoy the nice weather. I think it’s pretty cool that the cherry blossom

trees are such an attraction in D.C. I think they really compliment the beauty of the city.” To further curiosity, junior Amondi James added his experience with the cherry blossoms and the Cherry Blossom Festival. “I haven’t paid attention to the festival and stuff in a while but I always appreciate seeing the nice colors of the cherry blossoms out of the window of the car on the way home or to practice.” The Cherry Blossoms that are often appreciated by the great citizens of Washington, D.C., and even have an impact on people’s lives all around the world. The Cherry Blossoms are just another addition to DC’s great attractions and historical sites.

Alexandria Pastry Cafe Offers Delectable Treats By Chris Stone

Alexandria is home to many great shops, restaurants, and cafes. One of these is Alexandria Pastry Cafe, located in Bradlee Shopping Center. The cafe is a popular choice of students after school, passersby, and in my case, people leaving nearby churches. The cafe serves a very diverse menu including breakfast and lunch. However, just as the shop’s name would imply, Alexandria Pastry Cafe’s specialty is baked goods, specifically cakes. The cafe also offers catering services for any event. The Alexandria Pastry Cafe has become an important part of the Alexandria community, and has been owned and operated by Tom Lally since its opening in 1989. The Cafe’s “Takeout” menu offers a wide variety of sandwiches served hot or cold, and side salads. The Bakery menu offers three smaller menus titled: Baked Goods, Year-Round Cakes, and Seasonal Cakes. The Baked Goods include a wide variety of cakes, and a glass case full of

assorted pastries from croissants to cake pops to cookies. The YearRound Cakes menu offers a more elaborate and wider selection of cakes, most of which are for special occasions. The Seasonal Cakes menu includes a rotation of cake selection depending on the time of year, showing yet again that Alexandria Pastry Cafe’s specialty is their delicious selection of cakes. I first discovered Alexandria Pastry Cafe as a child with my father. Every other Sunday, we would attend services at Fairlington United Methodist Church, located a few blocks down King Street from Bradlee. After the services ended, we would frequently walk to Bradlee and the cafe. During these walks, he and I would talk about anything and everything that interested us, from the Church services, to politics, to our shared love of baseball, and the Washington Nationals. Naturally, these walks, among other things, resulted in a deep and lasting

friendship between my father and I that lasts still today. After arriving at the cafe, I would always get a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, and usually chocolate milk. Though I can’t remember our first visit to the cafe, I remember looking up at the black wall behind the counter, covered decoratively in smashed plates, and thinking “Hmm, that’s kinda unusual.” I have since moved, and neither my father, nor I have set foot in the cafe for years. However, every time that I pass by the red lettering of the sign outside, I reminisce about the days that my father and I would enjoy the walk between the church and the little cafe.


Visitors from the Farm!

Bishop Ireton hosts Chicks for students to visit in Administrative Offices during the Lenten Season.


Thanks for reading!

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