BioIntelligent Wellness - Relevant Tips to Treat Adrenal Fatigue

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Relevant Tips to Treat Adrenal Fatigue By: BioIntelligent Wellness

IntroductIon • If you suffer from symptoms such as fatigue, low blood pressure, and sleep and mood disturbances, you may have a condition called adrenal fatigue. A controversial and unconventional diagnosis, adrenal fatigue can have a serious affect on an individual’s life.

Tips to Treat Adrenal Fatigue • Learning about Adrenal Fatigue and Getting a Diagnosis • Know about the controversy • Treating Adrenal Fatigue • Adjusting your diet • Decrease the stress in your life • Take medications and supplements • Consider hormone replacement

Learning about Adrenal Fatigue and Getting a Diagnosis •

Adrenal fatigue is a syndrome that occurs when the adrenal glands work below the necessary levels for your body to function properly. The syndrome is a term applied to a collection of nonspecific symptoms, including pain, fatigue, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and digestive problems.

Know About the Controversy •

While there is a wealth of information available on the internet about adrenal fatigue, it is a controversial diagnosis. Not recognized as an actual condition by medical doctors, most proponents of adrenal fatigue are holistic and alternative medicine practitioners.

treatIng adrenal FatIgue •

Before you start any treatment program for adrenal fatigue, consult with your doctor. Talking to your doctor will help ensure that your treatment plan will not harm your health.

Adjusting your Diet •

Making some simple changes to your diet can optimize your health and help combat the symptoms of adrenal fatigue. From eating bone broth to avoiding caffeine, these suggestions will help you to recover faster.

Take Medications and Supplements •

Although adrenal fatigue may cause a deficiency in hormones, it may also cause a deficiency in vital nutrients the body needs. Taking medications and supplements can help alleviate the symptoms of adrenal fatigue and put you on the path to recovery.

decrease the stress In Your lIFe • One of the underlying causes of adrenal fatigue is stress and its related hormone of cortisol. Reducing the stress in your life through activities such as meditation and unplugging from electronics will help your body recover from adrenal fatigue.

• Hormone replacement is another option to help treat adrenal fatigue. You’ll need a prescription from your health care professional for any hormones you take, including cortisol, DHEA, pregnenolone, testosterone, progesterone, estrogen, and adrenal extract.

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