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Medtech Companies
© BIOCOM AG, Berlin 2020 Guide to German Medtech Companies Published by: BIOCOM AG Luetzowstrasse 33–36 10785 Berlin Germany Tel. +49-30-264921-0 Fax +49-30-264921-11 service@biocom.de www.biocom.de Executive Producer: Marco Fegers Editorial team: Sandra Wirsching, Jessica Schulze Production Editor: Benjamin Röbig Graphic Design: Michaela Reblin
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Printed at: Heenemann, Berlin Pictures: Siemens (p. 7), Biotronik (p. 8), metamorworks/ istockphoto.com (p. 9), Fraunhofer IGB (p. 10) This book is protected by copyright. All rights including those regarding translation, reprinting and reproduction reserved. No part of this book covered by the copyright hereon may be processed, reproduced, and proliferated in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or via information storage and retrieval systems, and the Internet). ISBN: 978-3-928383-74-5
Medtech made in Germany The medical technology sector is a well-established pillar within the healthcare industry in Germany and one of the major drivers of the country’s export-driven economic growth. This also puts German companies in a good position to go through a period of change due to more challenging requirements on the regulatory side. Unless this situation, German companies have shown constant growth and record turnover. This year more than 32 billion euro of revenue will be generated. Among the reasons for this succes are the very German-like combination of tradition and inventiveness, focus on quality and efficient engineering know-how, resulting in continuous development of innovative medical products, new beneficial services and a strong exportoriented focus. Another of the sector’s drivers is its ability to cross-link with the pharma, biotech, IT and manufacturing sectors. These industries are discovering the digital opportunities of e-health, the combination of drugs with medical devices, the opportunity of artificial intelligence, machine learning, connected wearables and 3D printing. The German health related technology sectors are thus very much profiting from a close relationship between all players in the healthcare sector. With the fifth edition of our “Guide to German Medtech Companies”, BIOCOM AG follows this development, highlighting the broad competences of the German medical technology sector. The Guide offers a diverse picture of companies – from medical device developers to manufacturers, service providers, and organisations. In addition, the most recent developments in the German medtech sector are summarised in the introduction.
Sandra Wirsching Editor-in-Chief
Jessica Schulze Editor
The Guide to German Medtech Companies is supported by our partners Germany Trade & Invest, BVMed e.V., Medical Valley EMN e.V., Life Science Nord, Medical Mountains, SPECTARIS, Forum MedTech Pharma, IVAM, and VDMA. These national organisations and regional networks are important stakeholders, helping to establish further growth of “medtech made in Germany” by providing the right environment for traditional family-owned firms, global players, start-ups, technological forerunners, manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers. As this book will be distributed across many international medtech events in Europe and overseas, it will definitely provide strong visibility of German medical technology companies on an international level. Distribution is further supported by logistics specialist UPS. The publication is also available for free via our BIOCOM AG app. Either as electronic version or as printed copy, it will surely become a musthave on the desk of every professional in the German healthcare industry.
Marco Fegers Sales & Marketing
Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
The independent B2B online platform medtech-zwo.de reports on a daily base about innovative technologies that form the basis for the rapid growth of the industry. The up-to-date news portal for manufacturers, users and suppliers.
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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ENDOSMART GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Ergosurg GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
List of Event Partners. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
ETO Gruppe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 FAULHABER Drive Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 FRIWO Gerätebau GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
The German Medtech Industry . . . . . .
Gebr. Becker GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 Health Capital Berlin-Brandenburg. . . . . . . . . . . 66
Prefaces of Cooperation Partners. . .
INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
ITK Engineering GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
BVMed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Klingel medical metal GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
SPECTARIS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
LightPulse LASER PRECISSION . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
VDMA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
macio GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
Forum MedTech Pharma. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
mayr ® power transmission. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
IVAM Microtechnology Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
MedtecLive together with MedTecSummit. . . . . 80
Life Science Nord Cluster. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Mikron GmbH Rottweil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
MedicalMountains. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
MMM – Münchner Medizin Mechanik GmbH . . . 84
Medical Valley EMN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG. . . 86
United Parcel Service. Exclusive Logistic Partner 22
OCTUM GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 OECHSLER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Riegler GmbH & Co. KG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92
Participants of the Guide . . . . . . . . . . . .
Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH. . . . . 94 SGL Carbon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 System Industry Electronic Holding AG . . . . . . . 98
Profiles of German Medtech Companies . . . . . . .
SIGNUS Medizintechnik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 27
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
A.K. TEK GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
SMC Germany GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
Aesculap AG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Stäubli Tec Systems GmbH Robotics . . . . . . . . 106
B. Braun Melsungen AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Steinbeis Transfer Center Tribology . . . . . . . . . . 108
BIOCOM AG . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
T4M – Technology for Medical Devices . . . . . . . 110
Camozzi Automation S.p.A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
Tradex-Services GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
CARL HAAS GmbH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Viscofan BioEngineering. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Cicor Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
WILD Group. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116
CONZE Informatik GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
ZECHA Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH . 118
Corscience GmbH & Co. KG. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Domino Deutschland GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Elma Schmidtbauer GmbH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
German Medtech Companies . . . . . . .
Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
Event Partners
Arab Health Dubai | 27–30.1.20 www.arabhealthonline.com Medlab Middle East Dubai | 3–6.2.20 www.medlabme.com/en/home.html MDM West Anaheim | 11–13.2.20 https://mdmwest.mddionline.com/ Reg. Expo Japan Osaka | 26–28.2.20 www.regenmed.jp/en-gb.html Future healthcare 2020 UK London | 17–18.3.20 www.medlabasia.com Mediweek Birmingham | 17–18.3.20 www.aimlconvention.com/visit/ Expo Med Eurasia Istanbul | 19–21.3.20 http://expomedistanbul.com/en/ DMEA Berlin | 21–23.4.20 www.dmea.de/en/ Medtec Live Nürnberg | 31.3–2.4.20 www.medteclive.com/de Medtech Summit Nürnberg | 31.3-2.4.20 www.medteclive.com/de T4M Stuttgart | 5–7.5.20 www.messe-stuttgart.de/t4m/en/ Africa Health Johannesburg | 12–14.5.20 www.africahealthexhibition.com/en/home.html medtech Forum Berlin | 25–27.5.20 www.themedtechforum.eu/ MD&M East New York | 9–11.6.20 https://advancedmanufacturingnewyork.com/mdm-east Medlab Asia Pacific Bangkok | 10–12.6.20 www.medlabasia.com/en/home.html
epjh Genf | 16–19.6.20 https://ephj.ch/de/ FIME Miami Beach | 23–25.6.20 www.fimeshow.com/en/home.html Medical Fair Asia Singapore | 9–11.9.20 www.medicalfair-asia.com/?sc=hcm Medical Manufacturing Asia Singapore | 9–11.9.20 www.medmanufacturing-asia.com/ Medtec China Shanghai | 14–16.9.20 www.medtecchina.com/en-us/ Medical Technology Ireland Dublin | 23–24.9.20 www.medicaltechnologyireland.com/ Medica / Compamed Dusseldorf | 16–19.11.20 www.medica.de / www.compamed.de Zdravookhraneniye Moscow | 7–11.12.20 www.zdravo-expo.ru/en/
The German Medtech Industry: On the Cutting Edge By combining long-standing competences in engineering, manufacturing and healthcare, German medical technology companies are pioneers in the development of new products and devices. They provide state-ofthe-art products, fulfilling high quality and safety standards in accordance with international regulations. Germany is also recognised as a proven manufacturing location, with suppliers guaranteeing high-quality medical devices. Most of the German enterprises are very much export-oriented, as most of the revenue is generated in foreign countries. The high degree of innovation ‘made in Germany’ is evidenced by the fact that one third of sales are of medical products that are not even three years old. The medical industry benefits from leading research facilities in the various health and engineering disciplines, a high-level healthcare infrastructure with internationally well-known hospitals, and a high degree of manufacturing standards. But how have industry-changing developments such as digitisation affected the situation? What are current trends and figures of the sector?
Germany – prepared for disruption The medical technology industry is a major pillar within modern healthcare systems providing innovative solutions for major challenges and needs. The industry is also an important factor for the economy and the labour market. The exceptionally innovative medtech industry will continue to be a growth market due to the demographic development, medical-technological progress, and the dynamics of the emerging and developing markets. Experts estimate that the yearly growth rate will be between four and five percent. For the first time in 2017, health expenditure in Germany exceeded the threshold of 1 billion euros per day, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis). According to the latest figures from the industry association SPECTARIS, the medical technology industry consists of around 1,380 businesses (only those with more than 20 employees are considered) that employ around 148,000 people in Germany. The sector in Germany is backed to a large extent by family-owned small
and medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) who rely to tradition, quality and high standardisation. In addition, there are another 11,300 small businesses (with up to 20 staff) with almost 81,000 employees. In 2019, all companies generated a total of EUR 32 billion in sales. Compared to previous years, this comprises a continuous revenue growth, which has led to a strong commitment to Research and Development (R&D) in recent years.
International sales are growing The international business in particular contributed to this growth with international sales rising by 10.6 percent. However, domestic sales also showed a very positive trend with an increase of 8.1 percent. Several reasons contribute to this positive development. For example, income levels in many emerging markets, particularly in Asia, have risen significantly following the multi-year global economic boom, resulting in a sharp rise in investments in the healthcare sectors. German medical technology exports to China, for example, increased by 12 percent year-on-year. As a result of the mutual threats of sanctions in the US-Chinese trade dispute, sales in medical technology went up. Conversely, however, a delayed decline in demand must be expected. Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
British customers build up inventory due to Brexit Brexit is also temporarily having a positive effect on growth. According to the economic development agency Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI), there are signs that medical technology products in the United Kingdom will be in stock before they leave the EU. German exports underline this assessment: after a decline in the years 2016 to 2018, German medtech exports to the UK increased again for the first time and were 16 percent above the reference value of the previous year in the period January to August 2019. It can also be assumed that there have also been relocations of production and sales to Germany due to the Brexit and the associated uncertainties. Apart from Brexit, it is also possible that some medical technology sales increase could already be to avoid a possible supply bottleneck due to the effects of the new European Medical Products Directive (MDR). This effect, which could have a positive effect on sales now, must not obscure the fact that MDR could soon negatively
impact the economic situation of medtech companies. The digitisation of the healthcare system worldwide is another reason for the strong growth. According to a joint study by the management consultants Roland Berger, SPECTARIS and Messe DĂźsseldorf in 2018, sales of digital products and digital healthcare services are expected to grow by an average of 16 percent annually and reach EUR 15 billion in 2028.
Further growth expected It is not only digitisation and the developments described above that are driving the market. Other structural factors, such as global population growth, new technological developments for better diagnosis and treatment, demographic change in more mature economies, the increase in lifestyle diseases and the continuously increasing importance of health as a vital good, are also driving demand. It is therefore assumed that the medical technology market will continue to grow in the coming years. Frost & Sullivan anticipates an average annual increase of 5.6 percent by 2024. With their innovative products, German manufacturers are well positioned to benefit from this development and maintain their position in the world market. Germany currently accounts for 12 percent of global medical technology exports. The industry is thus the world’s vice export champion, only the US-American manufacturers export more goods.
New MDR – big challenge for SMEs The new EU Medical Device Regulation (MDR), for which the end of the transition period is scheduled for May 2020, is still one of the major topics causing turbulence in the German medical technology industry. One of the main reasons is the low number of notified bodies so far qualified to work under MDR and take over the certification of the medical products. With the release of the 2nd corrigendum, however, some relief could be seen, particulary in the region around Tuttlingen. Here, lots of suppliers are manufacturing renewable surgical instruments which are among the up-classified medical class I products profiting from a longer transition period.
Strong focus on R&D Currently, approximately 9 percent of the revenues of the medical technology sector are spent on R&D. Furthermore, Germany is second only to the United States with regard to medical technology patents, filed at the European Patent Office. Thanks to these excellent R&D conditions, a diverse start-up environment has formed in Germany. Driven by regional governments, large companies, and clinics, more than a dozen accelerators and local hubs support the foundation of new medtech start-ups, in particular with a focus on digital health solutions. Close relationships between research institutes, universities and hospitals place German medical technology companies in a sound position to cope with challenges such as the EU-MDR. This holds in particular true for the mostly small and medium-sized businesses which often address niche markets. Pooling together resources that allow advantageous synergy effects to be effectively realised, minimising R&D costs through joint purchasing initiatives or joint working groups on regulatory issues, are some of the strategies followed by German companies. Matchmaking and networking is supported by about 30 regional and local cluster initiatives focusing on medical technology. The MDR currently is one of the hot topics within all these
networks. Small and mid-sized companies in particular are supported with checklists, joint documents and partnerships with larger corporations to fulfil rising requirements.
Digital Care Act passed parliament In November 2019, the German Parliament passed the Digital Care Act. It will come into effect in January 2020. This law and the corresponding “better care through digitisation and innovation” law has been very much anticipated by the medical technology sector. Hopes are high that digital healthcare will finally gain momentum and not fall behind in comparison to the international level. Public health insurance funds will in future be able to reimburse digital applications such as digital therapeutics and telehealth video consultations. The aim is to offer everyone the most promising technologies if they specifically improve healthcare outcomes. It is also seen as an opportunity for innovative companies that previously were more likely to first enter the US or Chinese markets because of the high entry barriers in Germany. They will now be able to bring their products and services to the German market more easily. Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
be produced within 24 hours. Another promising area of 3D printing with high expertise in Germany is bioprinting. Tissue constructions can be produced in the shortest possible time and with individual, complex shapes. For instance, some researchers want to replace destroyed tissue with biological-functional tissue from the 3D printer. They are developing biological inks from natural materials that come very close to human ideal.
Demand for more regulation in additive manufacturing
3D printing meets medtech Another topic gaining momentum in the German medical technology industry is the additive 3D manufacturing which is continuously developing towards industrial applications. Enormous progress has been made from initial prototype construction to automated series production. Many companies in the value chain have enlarged their 3D printing services and have started to invest in start-ups. This is also reflected by the diversity of devices and functionalities presented for medical applications of 3D printing at relevant trade fairs in 2019. In particular, promising applications are seen with regard to personalised and individually designed products. Here, 3D printing offers the advantage of a quick and cheap manufacturing process.
High need for custom-fit implants Another promising application area for novel additive manufacturing processes are clinical surgery settings. For dental or neurological indications, for instance, custom-fit implants are often required on short notice. For this reasons, hospitals have started to set up their own 3D printing manufacturing capacities next to the operation theatre, so that patient-specific implants can
Against this backdrop, topics such as software integration, norms and standards on the regulatory level are now on the agenda of many manufacturers. At the end of June 2019, the European Parliament passed a “resolution on three-dimensional printing, a challenge in the areas of intellectual property rights and liability (2017/2007(INI))�. In addition, the German association 3D-Druck e.V. demands copyright protection for 3D data that is similar to that for software. They state that guidelines for 3D printing, in particular, are needed since the technology offers design freedom for individual and personalised products.
Industry 4.0. revolutionises medical technology Traditional sectors such as the automotive industry aren’t the only one to catch up with the new possibilities digitisation has for manufacturing and production processes. Medical technology is also on the track to digitise. Fields of application range from logistics to smart production plants and networked devices to hospital supply. New systems for automated batch management, near-real-time quality assurance or cyberphysical systems that interconnect machines and product carriers will become important. Smart and automatically convertible systems allow smaller batch sizes to be produced economically, which is becoming increasingly impor tant as personalised medicine progresses.
Our Cooperation Partners
Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
10 | 11
New business through innovation in Germany Germany Trade & Invest is the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany. The company helps create and secure extra employment opportunities, strengthening Germany as a business location. With more than 50 offices in Germany and abroad and its network of partners throughout the world, Germany Trade & Invest supports German companies setting up in foreign markets, promotes Germany as a business location and assists foreign companies setting up in Germany. Medical technology-specific information and support includes: ·· Market research and industry reports ·· Financing and incentives options ·· Tax and legal information ·· Regulatory and reimbursement information ·· Matchmaking with industry and science ·· Site selection
Close cooperation between Germany’s manufacturers and hospitals, universities and a plethora of research institutes helps the country maintain its internationally unparalleled competitive edge. R&D projects in the medical technology sector can also count on numerous types of financial support in the form of grants, interestreduced loans, and special partnership programmes. Germany is home to more than 30 medical technology cluster networks. Their goal is to achieve continuous innovation in R&D – as well as in manufacturing – by connecting companies, hospitals, universities, and other research institutions. Dedicated cluster management teams help obtain funding for joint R&D projects, provide shared facilities, and organise educational training programmes for their members. A detailed overview of the cluster networks can be obtained from GTAI. Individual company requests are welcome.
Readers of the Guide to German Medtech companies are invited to contact GTAI should they need any support on their way to becoming established in Germany. This publication is of great value to companies looking to find out who’s who in the German medical technology sector as well as seeking partners in Germany. GTAI’s expert team is ready to assist your search for joint-research and contract manufacturing-project candidates across the country.
Advantage Germany German medical technology is cutting edge. Hundreds of companies – nearly all of them small or medium-sized – produce medical technology innovations across the entire spectrum of products. Many specialise in very specific fields of applications or types of products. While these companies may focus on niche markets, they are often world market leaders in their respective fields. Moreover, they continuously strive to improve their existing products: one in three products on the market has been developed within the last three years, with companies investing around nine percent of turnover in R&D.
For more information: Gabriel Flemming Senior Manager Healthcare Germany Trade and Invest Friedrichstraße 60 10117 Berlin, Germany Gabriel.Flemming@gtai.com → www.gtai.com
Health Made in Germany
Germany is one of the world’s most important providers and exporters of healthcare products and services. The country’s innovative medical products set international standards for quality, safety, and reliability. German manufacturers and service providers in all health and life sciences segments attract overseas customers and partners and deliver leadership in healthcare innovation. HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY is the export initiative for the German healthcare industry. It supports international companies and organisations that are interested in establishing contact with potential German partners and suppliers. Set up by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi), the initiative bundles expert market intelligence for easy industry access. One of the initiative’s main goals is to promote the German healthcare sector through international networking activities for the mutual benefit of international partners and German companies alike.
Our support for your business: ·· We publish market briefs, in-depth market studies and company directories of the German healthcare industry and its different sectors. ·· Our calendar is regularly updated with the latest industry events in Germany and overseas. ·· We provide free access to 3,500+ German healthcare companies with our online database. Detailed company profiles and direct contact information help international businesses to identify potential suppliers and partners in Germany ·· We take part in leading healthcare trade fairs all over the world, organise networking events, and enjoy ongoing dialogue and exchange with international health policymakers. ·· Visit www.health-made-in-germany.com for more information about the German healthcare industry and all HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY activities.
HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY does this by providing proactive support (including market and regulatory insight), introductory services, and networking platforms including trade events at home and abroad. The initiative serves four major industries active in the international medical market: pharmaceuticals, medical technology, medical biotechnology, and digital health care.
Picture: Illing & Vossbeck Fotografie
HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY also works closely with 16 major German industry associations and is part of the BMWi’s MITTELSTAND GLOBAL umbrella program for small and medium-sized enterprises. The initiative is ideally placed to provide access to German healthcare market information and to help overseas businesses identify potential German partners. The HEALTH MADE IN GERMANY initiative is implemented by Germany Trade & Invest, the economic development agency of the Federal Republic of Germany, on behalf of the BMWi. For more information: www.health-made-in-germany.com
Stefanie Zenk Senior Manager Medical Technologies Health Made in Germany c/o Germany Trade & Invest Friedrichstraße 60 10117 Berlin, Germany Stefanie.Zenk@gtai.com www.health-made-in-germany.com Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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BVMed – The German Medical Technology Association Enhancing health
Our core messages
The German Medical Technology Association (BVMed) is an industry association that represents more than 220 medical technology industry and trade companies. Among the members of the association are 20 of the largest medical device manufacturers worldwide in the consumer goods sector.
1. Medical devices are indispensable for health and quality of life. 2. Medical technologies are an investment in life and in productivity of people. 3. Innovative medical technologies must be available for patients in need of them, without delay.
The German medtech industry at a glance 1. The medtech sector is shaped by medium-sized companies. 93% of the German medtech companies employ less than 250 people.
The scope of BVMed’s members comprises the entire sector of medical dressings, medical technical aids such as ostomy and incontinence products or bandages, plastic disposable items such as syringes, catheters and cannulae as well as the implants sector of intraocular lenses, hip, knee, shoulder and spinal implants, heart valves and defibrillators and even artificial hearts. Homecare services, applications of nanomedicine and biotechnology procedures, such as tissue engineering (tissue replacement), are further fields of activity of its members. As a trade association, BVMed promotes and represents the combined interests of the medical technology industry and trade companies. In various sectoral interest groups, focus groups, and working groups, the association offers its members a platform for a constructive dialog and exchange of views. BVMed represents the concerns of its member companies to policy makers and the public in general. This is achieved not only by information and public relations work, but also by participation in the development of laws, guidelines and standards.
2. The medical device industry is highly innovative and characterized by short product cycles. The German medtech manufacturers generate around one third of their revenue with products that have been developed in the recent three years. The pioneering medtech companies invest an average of 9% of their revenue into research and development. 3. The medtech sector is an important factor concerning jobs and the economy as a whole. In Germany, the industry employs more than 200,000 people. Furthermore, each medtech job secures 0.75 jobs in other industry sectors. The German medtech industry’s export rate is currently at 65%.
For more information: BVMed – Bundeverband Medizintechnologie e.V. Reinhardstr. 29b 10117 Berlin, Germany info@bvmed.de → www.bvmed.de
MEDICAL TECHNOLOGY in the German Industry Association SPECTARIS SPECTARIS represents the interests of around 400 member companies in Germany, with four sector-specific associations in the areas of medical technology, optical technologies, and analytical, biological, laboratory and consumer optics. Through its political activities, public relations, and industry marketing, the association gives its members a voice, formulates new responsibilities, and opens up new markets. This ensures the international competitiveness of German industry in these sectors.
Core services Lobbying | Industry Marketing – SPECTARIS promotes industry interests through our communication channels in politics, economics, science, and the media. Market Research | Statistics – SPECTARIS creates substantial economic advantages through its national, European, and global market reviews and industry data. Technology Consultation | Research Promotion – SPECTARIS’ technological guidance guarantees access to monetary support programmes. International Marketing | Promotion of Expor ts – SPECTARIS offers guidance on the global market and supports its members in securing international contacts. In the medical technologies sector, SPECTARIS represents around 150 German capital goods and auxiliary aid companies who mostly produce high-tech products and have a pronounced export orientation. The member companies cover an extensive research and applications environment which includes medical products for diagnostic and surgery purposes, supply systems, and anesthesia and intensive care devices. The association also represents manufacturers of ophthalmic devices, large and small sterilisers, medical functional room equipment, respiratory home therapy, rehabilitation aids, and orthopedic technology. The SPECTARIS trade association Medical Technology provides its members with support and information in various business areas and topics. In particular: financing, hygiene and processing, compliance, regulatory affairs, HTA, market access, research funding, and public affairs.
Global demand for German medical technology ·· High significance of the European market: 42% of German medical technology exports go to countries within the European Union, a further 10% to the rest of Europe ·· North America continues to be an important trade partner ·· Demand is growing in Asia, particularly from the People‘s Republic of China ·· €30 billion turnover, domestic turnover: €11 billion, overseas turnover: €19 billion ·· European medical technology industry: >71,000 companies, €95 bn turnover, 530,000 employees
For more information: Marcus Kuhlmann Head of Medical Technology Phone +49-30-414021-17 Fax +49-30-414021-33 kuhlmann@spectaris.de SPECTARIS. German Industry Association for Optics, Photonics, Analytical and Medical Technologies Werderscher Markt 15 10117 Berlin, Germany → www.spectaris.de Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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VDMA – Working Group Medical Technology Your network for success The VDMA represents more than 3,200 mostly mediumsized companies in the mechanical and systems engineering industry in Germany and Europe. With over one million employees and sales amounting to approximately 226 billion euros (2017), the sector is the largest industrial employer in Germany and one of the leading German industrial sectors.
Production technology & components for medical products in focus In the VDMA the fusion of machinery engineering and medical technology is manifold and offers tremendous potential for the future. The Working Group Medical Technology represents suppliers, manufacturers of production equipment, and all industry sectors active in the interdisciplinary field of medical technology within a joint platform. The Working Group is especially focused on pooling the heterogeneous interests of its members and providing an information platform for the companies, offering the opportunity to share and access relevant information.
Assistance with research and development Medical technology is an innovative and dynamically growing sector. Around one third of its sales are generated with products that were launched on the market less than three years ago. In order to constantly renew and expand their product ranges, manufacturers and suppliers invest huge efforts in research and development. Close cooperation among everyone involved – from research and development to the supply sector and the manufacturers of medical products – is extremely important in making sure this investment pays off. To aid this cooperation, VDMA’s Working Group Medical Technology provides its members comprehensive support in developing partnerships and collaborations. For example, research institutes gain the opportunity to present their developments for medical technology to interested companies at roadshows. In addition, we regularly bring doctors and hospitals together with engineers to discuss the future challenges facing medicine and to help to drive new developments forward.
With its huge network, the Working Group Medical Technology is in a position to recommend experts and to assist its members with fundamental issues. It offers market information for German and foreign markets, a comprehensive list of suppliers for the industry, activities for standardisation, and representation of political interest. Regular expert meetings and working groups provide information on various topics, including laws and regulations, production technology, components, and markets. Another essential part of our activities is the substantive and organisational support of medical technology events through content or strategic partnerships and participation at national and international fairs: as one of the main supporters of the new fair T4M in Stuttgart, through a joint stand at Compamed and two German pavillons in China (Medtec China), and in the USA (MD&M West).
For more information: Diethelm Carius VDMA – Working Group Medical Technology Corneliusstraße 4 60325 Frankfurt am Main d.carius@vdw.de → https://medtec.vdma.org
Forum MedTech Pharma – largest network for innovations in health care In the development of innovations, cooperation agreements are an important factor for giving companies and research institutions a competitive edge over their rivals. It was on this background that Forum MedTech Pharma was founded. Since that the association acts as a hub between science, business and research. ·· Opportunities through networks ·· Technology, market and health care focus ·· More than 550 members from 15 countries
Our focus Forum MedTech Pharma focuses on the identification of skills and potentials in the fields of business and science. The aim is to initiate innovations in health care and thus constantly increase the efficiency and quality of medical care. All the players involved with health care are integrated into this process: Research and development, production, clinical applications as well as cost bearers and self-administration.
Areas of thematic focus and projects Within its theme-based networks, the association focuses in symposia and expert conferences on biomaterials, diagnostics, clinical trials, mobile & digital health, hospitals & clinical trials and the health care system. Regulation-related areas, however, such as approvals or the MDR and IVDR are also discussed by experts in workshops. The circle from scientific principles to marketing is therefore closed – an important feat in an industry with the highest proportion of exports in Germany. Accompanying exhibitions, as well as the joint stand at Medica, offer small and medium-sized companies the opportunity to present their innovations in a targeted manner. Further areas of focus for the network activity include the field of education and training in medical technology. ·· Independent network for innovations in health care ·· Expertise in subject-focused events, projects and services ·· Customized topics adjusted to the needs of our members and clients
Forum MedTech Pharma establishes networking platforms for all players in the health care sector. Picture: OTH Amberg-Weiden
The network With about 550 members, Forum MedTech Pharma is one of the leading cooperation networks in Europe. Its member structure – 68% companies, 10% research institutes, 9% hospitals, 4% law firms and lawyers and 4% associations and insurance funds – reflects the heterogeneous nature of medicine and health care. Along with Germany, the association has members in nine other European countries, as well as in the USA, Canada, Australia, Japan and India. In the 20 years since it was founded, Forum MedTech Pharma has welcomed about 25,000 delegates at 250 of its own expert conferences. The speakers of that conferences support the activities of Forum MedTech Pharma free of charge with their expertise – just like the entire board of management, chaired by Professor Thomas Armin Schildhauer.
For more information: Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. Am Tullnaupark 8 90402 Nuremberg, Germany Tel. +49-911-20671-330 med@medtech-pharma.de → www.medtech-pharma.de Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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IVAM – The International Microtechnology Business Network The IVAM Microtechnology Network unites people who are excited about key enabling technologies and the way these technologies shape our daily life and our future. As an international business network and technology marketing expert, IVAM connects professionals in the high-tech industries and supports them in bringing technologies and products to market and gaining a competitive edge in international competition. IVAM was founded in 1995 and is one of the most experienced and efficient high-tech industry networks in Germany.
Key enabling technologies: the driver of ever-accelerating change Key enabling technologies such as microtechnology, MEMS, nanotechnology, photonics, and advanced materials have significantly accelerated innovation in the late 20th and early 21st century. These technologies have affected, improved, or fundamentally changed many areas of society, industry, and the economy – either by improving known products and processes or by triggering entirely new, previously unthought-of applications. Looking forward, key enabling technologies will provide answers to urgent questions and solutions for global challenges resulting from ever-accelerating change. And they are essential for addressing and reacting to some of the mega trends of the 21st century. For instance, creating a smarter world through continuing digitisation will not be possible without microtechnology products such as sensors, actuators, or electronic components. Many technologies that emerged in the 1990s, when IVAM began operating, have long since reached maturity. Consequently, technology suppliers today require support in marketing and finding customers. There is a growing need to access international markets. IVAM provides members and customers with business opportunities and international platforms for exchanging knowledge, initiating collaboration, and doing business with each other and with their customers.
Networking and business support worldwide Medical technology has been the most profitable market for microtechnology suppliers in recent years, and and its growth is continuing. IVAM has established joint trade fair pavilions at some of the most important medical suppliers’ trade shows worldwide, such as COMPAMED (DE), MD&M West (US), Medical Manufacturing Asia, MMA, in Singapore, and China International Medical Equipment Fair, CMEF, (CN). In order to push business opportunities even further, IVAM arranges B2B meetings where innovative companies can exchange experience, discuss business ideas, and kick off joint projects. IVAM matches possible business partners and makes appointments, e.g. during trade shows, combined with workshops, conferences, or company visits, and in cooperation with international partner organisations.
For more information: IVAM Microtechnology Network Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Strasse 13 D -44227 Dortmund info@ivam.de → www.ivam.com
Life Science Nord – working together for innovative medicine The Life Science Nord Cluster in the federal states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein embraces over 500 biotechnology, pharmaceutical and medical technology companies, clinics and research institutes. About 49,900 employees work in the health industry of Northern Germany*. In medical technology, Life Science Nord is one of the strongest regions in Germany with some 15,300 employees*. Particular features of the cluster are the broad business base and the complete value chains from basic and applied research to clinical studies and the marketable end product. The good, close cooperation between researchers, clinicians and industrial partners in many fields is reflected in innovative products, projects and technologies.
Cluster management and the association The cluster management organisation Life Science Nord was set up by the North German federal states of Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein to develop the cluster into a leading international life sciences network.
What Life Science Nord offers: ·· Comprehensive support in initiating innovative projects, arranging contacts to experts and providing know-how ·· Fast and uncomplicated access to regional, national and EU funding programmes ·· Admitting members to the network and helping them position themselves within the Life Science Nord Cluster ·· Extensive opportunities for collaboration within an international industry network ·· Participation in leading international and national industry trade shows ·· Providing data on business and technological capabilities in medical technology, biotechnology and pharma in Northern Germany ·· Providing the latest information on developments in business and science ·· Access to platforms on which the cluster players can exchange information and which support the dissemination of new developments in the cluster. This also includes the online newsletter and the Life Science Nord print magazine, both of which can be subscribed to via the website free of charge.
The cluster agency Life Science Nord Management GmbH and the registered association Life Science Nord e.V. work together to achieve that goal. About 260 regional firms and institutions in the health industry are organized in Life Science Nord e.V.. In a joint Life Science Nord partner programme, the agency and Life Science Nord e.V. offer their members numerous activities aimed at promoting regional networking, sharing experiences and know-how and jointly representing the regional life sciences industry on a national and international level. In 2018, Life Science Nord was awarded the Gold Label of the European Cluster Excellence Initiative for the second time.
* According to WifOR Study for 2016
For more information: Life Science Nord Management GmbH Falkenried 88 20251 Hamburg, Germany Phone +49-40-471-96-400 Fax +49-40-471-96-444 info@lifesciencenord.de → www.lifesciencenord.de Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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MedicalMountains – a strong network for a successful future Baden-Württemberg is one of the leading locations in the medical technology sector. Its attractiveness reaches far beyond the country’s borders. The district of Tuttlingen alone counts a concentration of more than 400 enterprises of the sector. For this reason, the region is also known as the “World Centre of Medical Technology”. For many years, tradition and innovation have gone global from here. Nonetheless the strongly regulated market and an intensely competitive environment raise permanent challenges for the sector. That is why a well-focused management of continuous advancement and an innovative network are an indispensable basis for long-term global success.
Success factor innovation – ideas that build bridges to the future We are MedicalMountains: A cluster initiative for the medtech industry based in the heart of the World Centre of Medical Technology. Shareholders of the MedicalMountains GmbH are the Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Tuttlingen District, the NMI Natural and Medical Sciences Institute at the University of Tübingen, the Surgical Mechanics Guild Baden-Württemberg, the Hahn Schickard Society for Applied Research, the Chamber of Crafts Constance and the city of Tuttlingen. Our particular interest is to strengthen innovative capacity and long-term competitiveness, both for single companies as well as for the entire medical technology business cluster. For this purpose we actively represent the interests of medtech enterprises on a political level, encourage innovation and technology transfer by directing work groups or R&D projects, organise training seminars and other informative events, and provide support for other service topics such as internationalisation or common marketing activities, amongst others.
MedicalMountains – more than just a loose affiliation of companies The companies of the cluster consist of more than 90% small businesses and mid-sized companies, making the importance of the network even more crucial now than ever before. The medical sector is experiencing constant change and increasing competition worldwide. For companies of any size, collaboration and exchange with regional partners brings immense knowledge and a lead in technology – as well as enhancing the appreciation of the location for the region itself. MedicalMountains brings order to this natural, mutual structure. Future-oriented, prudent management is the basis for effective, constructive and farsighted developments in medical technology. In collaboration with a growing network of industry, research institutions and government policies, the cluster initiative MedicalMountains actively represents the interests of medtech enterprises. The focus of the cluster initiative is to promote growth, strengthen competitive advantages, and increase the sector’s international visibility even further. For this purpose MedicalMountains provides a platform for regular dialogue and technology transfer. It brings forward innovation by initiating directed project works, promotes qualification of specialised staff, and advises on subsidies or the opening up of new foreign markets. Our way of working is based on a close collaboration with the companies of our network.
For more information: Yvonne Glienke CEO MedicalMountains GmbH Katharinenstraße 2 78532 Tuttlingen +49-7461-9697-211 glienke@medicalmountains.de → www.medicalmountains.de
Cluster of excellence – Medical Valley EMN The Medical Valley European Metropolitan Region Nuremberg (EMN) is a leading international cluster in medical technology. In this region, there are not only highly specialised leading international research institutions but also many emerging companies. They work closely with worldrenowned health research facilities in the cluster area in order to find solutions for the challenges of healthcare of today and tomorrow. The cluster is so outstanding that in January 2010 it was nominated as a national Cluster of Excellence by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Since 2007 Medical Valley EMN e. V. has been operating as a united cluster management organisation. It currently has more than 220 members ranging from sectors like industry, science or healthcare to network or political sectors. The key tasks of cluster management are the development, coordination, and marketing of the cluster. We measure our success by the aim to live up to the following fundamental questions: ·· Are we able to stimulate new ideas, projects and foundations? ·· Do we obtain R&D funding for innovative projects? ·· Do our services catalyse the innovation of ideas? ·· Do our activities promote the cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary exchange of knowledge? ·· Do we strengthen exchange in the cluster and improve cultural cooperation? ·· Do we promote creative minds? ·· Do we support the internationalisation of our partners? Our services help the commercialisation of your ideas. Our offerings include funding-procurement and consulting, foundation support, identification and exchange of clinical partners, regulatory approval and reimbursement, strategic needs assessment and health economics evaluation, and open innovation, as well as international market access. In order to provide you with comprehensive support, we incorporate established specialists and experts within the cluster through the “One-Stop-Shop” principle.
Our current specifically selected activities include the operation of innovation centers in Erlangen, Forchheim, Amberg-Weiden, and Bamberg. Moreover, we coordinate the Bavarian Cluster’s medical technology (in cooperation with Forum MedTech Pharma), the conducting of the Medical Valley Award (prize for research teams in pre-foundation phases), and the coordination of the platform “Digital medical/Health” within the Centre for Digitisation Bavaria. In addition, Medical Valley is an associated partner of the top-flight European consortium EIT Health. EIT Health is currently one of the largest health research programmes worldwide operating in the framework of Horizon 2020.
Contact the cluster for more information:
For more information: Medical Valley EMN e.V Jörg Trinkwalter Phone +49-9131-91617-47 joerg.trinkwalter@medical-valley-emn.de → www.medical-valley-emn.de Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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When compliance is critical, trust your healthcare shipments to UPS ® “Healthcare is one of our strategic imperatives. We’ve been able to leverage the strength of our global network to create efficient supply chains that meet the exacting requirements our healthcare and life science customers need.” Kevin Warren, UPS Chief Marketing Officer UPS is on a mission to improve healthcare supply chain logistics. As part of that commitment, UPS announced in 2019 that its network and services in Germany are now Good Distribution Practice (GDP)-certified for nontemperature-controlled pharmaceutical shipments. With this certification, customers in the healthcare sector trust that these sensitive shipments are being handled with the highest level of care right up until the moment of final delivery.
is what makes the vast UPS infrastructure so important. Healthcare companies are able to invest less in personnel, distribution systems, and facilities.
At UPS, everything is aligned to serve our customers – our reliable network, customs brokerage, trade management services, healthcare-compliant facilities, and quality and regulatory experts. In fact, UPS handles some of the largest and most complex healthcare supply chains for leading global manufacturers.
UPS has the flexibility and agility to meet the demands of a changing marketplace, no matter how complex and varied. The world’s largest integrated, multimodal delivery network puts the capabilities of the UPS teams everywhere the product is, and wherever it needs to be.
The future of healthcare
By 2050, the world’s population is projected to reach nearly 10 billion (according to the United Nations). But it’s not just growing, it’s also getting older. An ageing population means increased spending on healthcare. As more people become patients, healthcare products will need to get to more places even faster than before. This
Compliance with healthcare regulations can be daunting. A healthcare company faces the tightest and most complex regulatory environment of any industry. And not without reason – it’s all about protecting the patient. But to the advantage of healthcare companies, UPS knows the global, regional, and local rules and regulations. In fact, the UPS knowledge of this category is so respected, some countries have consulted UPS whilst developing their own regulations. Who’s more qualified to help healthcare companies follow the rules than a partner who has experience making them? The individual product’s integrity and security are under control. GDP certification means that the UPS network in Germany is suitable for shipping not only pharmaceuticals but also medical devices, diagnostic products, stable blood products, or even cosmetics. This certification is an endorsement of existing high standards throughout
Exclusive logistic partner
the supply chain that can reduce administration and simplify risk assessment processes when shipping with UPS. Let the UPS team help solve your logistics challenges with supply chain solutions and compliance expertise. Tap into our global network of healthcare-dedicated facilities, GMP- or GDP-compliant distribution space, and forward-stocking locations (FSL), as well as cuttingedge solutions for your time- and temperature-sensitive shipments from controlled room temperature (CRT) to cryogenic. Our strategically located healthcare distribution centres are complete with temperature and humidity controls. UPS has a network of 14 dedicated healthcare logistics facilities across Europe with 600,000 square metres of warehouse space. The centerpiece of UPS’s healthcare network is its campus in Roermond/Venlo, the Netherlands, which is located in close proximity to the company’s European air hub in Cologne, from which UPS can connect Europe to the world and the world to Europe. Plus, with UPS Proactive Response® Secure – a one-of-akind solution from UPS and UPS Capital® that combines transportation, predictive monitoring, intervention, and insurance coverage for most time- and temperaturesensitive shipments – nothing is left to chance.
Our global healthcare team Every member of the UPS Healthcare and Life Sciences team understands how important this work is. Better healthcare logistics and stronger networks ultimately lead to better patient outcomes. Getting products to mar-
ket swiftly, safely, and securely is vital to the well-being of a growing global population. So why go it alone? Turn to the experience, expertise, and network of UPS.
For us, it’s a patient, not a package.
The article refers to different services and locations of UPS around the globe. The actual service offering depends on the country and service specific options, subject to the relevant UPS Terms and Conditions
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Participants of the Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
ergoSURG Mechatronics and Medical Solutions
MEDICAL SOLUTIONS High-precision and economic manufacturing solutions for medical technology
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Profiles of German Medtech Companies
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Name · A.K. TEK GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Founded (year) Areas of Activity
· · · · · · · · · ·
Röhrenspring 16 58093 Hagen North-Rhine Westphalia Michael Arndt (CEO) +49-2331-396036-0 +49-2331-396036-8 info@ak-tek.de www.ak-tek.de 2003 | OEM | R&D
The combination of development and production competence “The origin of all technical achievements is the constructive fantasy of the technical inventor.” (Albert Einstein). Einstein’s quote aptly describes what motivates A.K. TEK on a daily basis, because the “daily bread” is the translation of natural phenomena. In the field of medicine technology, A.K. TEK provides the combination of development expertise with highend manufacturing technology, smart surface technology and continuous quality assurance. Due to decades of experience, the A.K. TEK is a sought-after development and manufacturing partner in medicine technology – from individual to series production. As industrial and project partners, the A.K. TEK is dedicated to current issues and takes part in important competitions at state and federal level, where the focus is on innovations in medical technology. The application and implementation of the latest technologies available are always in focus at A.K. TEK.
Range of services Further development and manufacture of dental implant systems, dental regulating components and retaining elements is developed with close and trustful cooperation with customers, implantologists, hospitals and universities – as well as with the inclusion of patient feedback. A good example of the variety of services and products A.K. TEK offers, are the dental implant moulds with specific surface types in combination with tailored system components. Together with leading manufactures of dental drills, A.K. TEK has developed a drill geometry that ensures a higher primary stability of the implant, thus essentially improving both the comfort of the implantation, as well as the handling by the operator.
In collaboration with surgeons, A.K. TEK has designed and manufactured individual solutions for the specialist area of spinal surgery, in particular, bone screws and innovative components, for example, for artificial disc replacements (cages). The development of surgical implant systems for hand surgery is another component of A.K. TEK’s portfolio. The A.K. TEK also has sufficient experience in the production of medical components – for example, for minimally invasive surgery.
Continuous quality standard Production is carried out exclusively on Swiss precision machines that meet the highest quality requirements. The product tests are carried out according to AQL (Acceptable Quality Level) and individually agreed standards in compliance with customer specifications. To be able to continue meeting customer requirements, A.K. TEK also has cleanroom technology (ISO Class 7/US Cl.10.000) on site – thus A.K. TEK is able to carry out parts cleaning, component assembly and packaging under cleanroom conditions. Further information can be found at: www.ak-tek.de
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Name · Aesculap AG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website
· · · · · · · ·
Am Aesculap-Platz 78532 Tuttlingen Baden-Wuerttemberg Felicitas Janßen +49-7461-95-1082 +49-7461-95-2600 info@aesculap.com www.bbraun.com www.aesculap.com
Social Media · FL Number of Employees · ca. 12,600 worldwide (2018) Founded (year) · 1867 Areas of Activity · Medical technology Annual Turnover · €1,824m (2018)
Company profile Aesculap is a reliable partner for treatment concepts in surgery, orthopaedics and interventional vascular medicine. Whether with surgical instruments, suture materials, implants, or sterile containers, the company strives for innovations which result in medical advances. Since 1976, Aesculap belongs to the B. Braun Group, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceutical products and services. Every day, 64,000 B. Braun employees in 64 countries share their knowledge with colleagues and customers. Through constructive dialogue, B. Braun develops high quality product systems and services that are both evolving and progressive – and in turn, improves people’s health around the world.
AESCULAP® AICON® and AESCULAP® SQ.line ® The supply of sterile instruments is a key priority as well as a vulnerable and sensitive field in hospitals. The new AESCULAP® AICON ® sterile container system sets new standards of quality in the sterile reprocessing of medical instruments with dependable safety and convenient handling. The new SQ.line ® of orthopaedic basic instruments focus on easier reprocessing and improved ergonomics for the orthopaedic surgeon. They improve daily work in Central Sterile Supply Department by providing easier visual inspection, time savings during reprocessing and at the same time safety for staff and patients.
EinsteinVision® With the EinsteinVision ® 3D visualisation system, Aesculap offers an innovative solution representing a milestone in 3D laparoscopy. The high-end optical components and tailored electronics deliver impressive 3D depth perception. The system’s built-in resolution provides extra sharp images and – combined with the large 32'' 3D monitor – excellent viewing quality. Member of
Enhancing Health
Ennovate® – Solutions Beyond Fusion Ennovate® is an innovative, technologically advanced solution platform that leverages the surgeon’s surgical experi-
ences and has the potential to increase clinical efficiency. From the thoracic spine to the ilium, the instrument design combines simplicity and versatility, allowing the surgeon to individualise the construct, based on intraoperative conditions and patient pathology, in order to provide a therapy with only one platform. Furthermore, the screw includes PolyLock® technology, that allows the conversion of one screw to multiple screw types, providing simplification of surgical steps and greater correction capabilities. Additional versatility and excellent intraoperative flexibility through PolyLock® activation is enabled at any step of the surgery with intuitively designed instruments.
AESCULAP® Aeos® AESCULAP® Aeos® Digital Surgical Microscope Platform provides remarkable vision quality on one or several 3D screens and enables neurosurgeons to maintain an ergonomically comfortable posture while performing surgery. Aeos® stands for efficient robotic-assisted 3D heads-up surgery where neurosurgeons see more and stand tall.
SeQuent ® Please NEO SeQuent ® Please NEO is the next generation Drug Coated Balloon for PTCA (Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty). Thanks to B. Braun’s proprietary polymer-free paclitaxel and iopromide drug coating technology, SeQuent ® Please NEO provides targeted drug delivery. Clinically proven, it offers new procedural options for cardiologists in their daily cath lab routine concerning various lesion types and patient groups.
Novosyn® CHD Novosyn® CHD is an absorbable braided suture coated with chlorhexidine diacetate. It creates a zone of inhibition against the most common pathogens that causes SSI (Surgical Site Infection) including Staphylococcus aureus, MRSA, Staphylococcus epidermidis and MRSE. SSI is one of most frequent type of hospital acquired infection and the second most frequent in Europe and the US, being associated with increased mortality, longer hospital stays and higher health care costs (http://www.cadth.ca/). Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
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Name · B. Braun Melsungen AG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year) Areas of Activity
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Carl-Braun-Strasse 1 34212 Melsungen Hesse Dr Bernadette Tillmanns-Estorf +49-5661-71-1630 +49-5661-71-3569 press@bbraun.com www.bbraun.com
FL I Q 63,751 (2018) 1839 Medical & Pharma
Annual Turnover · €6,908.1m (2018) Relevant R&D Budget · €352.0m (2018) worldwide
B. Braun – Sharing Expertise B. Braun is one of the world’s leading providers of healthcare products today, supplying the global healthcare market with products and systems for anaesthesia, intensive care, cardiology, extracorporeal blood treatment, and surgery, as well as providing services for clinics, physicians in private practices, and the home care sector. Every service provided by B. Braun incorporates the entirety of our knowledge and skills, the company’s deep understanding of users’ needs – and 180 years of extensive expertise. With its constantly growing portfolio of effective medical care solutions, B. Braun makes a substantial contribution towards protecting and improving people’s health. Located in Melsungen, north of Hesse, the family-owned company has been developing, producing, and distributing products and services for medicine, and with its modern approach and innovative strength, it has developed into a worldwide group of companies and a leading supplier for the healthcare market. B. Braun not only exports all over the world, it also has business activities in many different countries. With almost 64,000 employees in 64 countries, B. Braun develops high-quality product systems and services for users around the world. In 2018, the Group generated sales of approximately €6.91 billion.
Member of
Enhancing Health
B. Braun’s target customers are hospitals, medical practices, pharmacies, and care and emergency services. The product spectrum ranges from infusion solutions, injection pumps and accessories for infusion therapy, intensive medicine, and anaesthesia to surgical instruments, sterile containers and sutures, hip and knee endoprostheses, power systems and accessories for extra corporeal blood treatment, and products for wound care. The complete range encompasses more than 5,000 different products, 95 per cent of which are manufactured by the company. In addition, the company offers consulting services, for example helping hospitals to optimise their processes and assure quality, or preparing patients and their families for home
B. Braun Melsungen
handling all the formalities for them, supporting them in the transition period, and ensuring that they receive qualified care. B. Braun draws its innovative strength from a corporate philosophy that promotes the exchange of information and experience both within the company and also with practitioners in hospitals. In dialogue with those who use B. Braun products everyday, “Sharing Expertise” is the best way to gain knowledge and to process this into product engineering. In this way B. Braun helps to optimise processes in clinics and practices and to improve safety in healthcare. B. Braun invests in production facilities around the world, for example in Malaysia, Indonesia, Switzerland, France, Spain, Japan, and the USA. With this investment B. Braun shows its commitment to these locations. This also includes accepting social responsibility and promoting diversity through cultural engagement. There are numerous models: B. Braun provides financial and organisational support in art, cultural, and sports projects; it is a partner in Private Public Partnerships; and it has assisted universities, doctors, and students through scholarships or in the organisation of scientific events. Since 2003, within the initiative “B. Braun for children”, every B. Braun company has promoted a project for children that helps to secure the future and improve the living conditions of the next generation. In 2018, B. Braun supported a total of 236 social projects in 39 countries. This social engagement, the dialogue with specialists, the development of new and improved products and the production processes, as well the promotion of system partnerships with our customers – all of this serves the ultimate objective of B. Braun: to protect and improve the health of people around the world.
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Name · BIOCOM AG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Luetzowstr. 33–36 10785 Berlin Berlin Sandra Wirsching +49-30-264921-63 +49-30-264921-11 s.wirsching@biocom.de www.biocom.de 36 1986
Areas of Activity · | C onsulting |P ublishing | E vents
Publishing house & agency BIOCOM incorporates professional communication skills and a wide range of specialist media for the life sciences-driven industry sectors such as pharma, biotechnology and medical technology. Since 1986 – content-driven and result-oriented. For us, scientific competence on the one hand and sound communication skills on the other belong together – either as a double qualification of individual employees or in the composition of the project teams. This way we manage to implement subject-specific client projects in the area of print, online or video communication. In addition to our contract work, we have also been successful in the market with our own high-quality products for more than 30 years: We are unparalleled in science and business communication to targeted audiences. Our medical technology publishing products such as the medtech zwo magazine and the Guide to German Medtech Companies are a profound basis to start with.
Medtech knowledge & expertise For our medical technology clients we offer in-depth expertise and understanding of the medtech industry, ranging from providing input about relevant research and development trends, financing and start-up businesses or regulatory and policy frameworks. The main advantage of working with BIOCOM is to have journalistic compentence on board, to identify major messages very easily and to bring them to a targeted audience.
Printed publications & social media Whether brochures and reports, company magazines, online editing or social media campaigns – we provide everything as a one-stop shop. Since 1986, BIOCOM AG has been publishing German and English specialist journals and books on biotechnology, life sciences and medical technology – indispensable for our readers and advertising customers. From this publishing experience the concept, design and distribution of corporate publishing will be developed according to the clients needs. We provide coroporate journals, sector reports, or tailord content based on articles, news or tweets.
Corporate videos & animation
Perig76 - Freepik.com
BIOCOM unites moving image and industry knowledge in medical technology. You can rely on our content expertise and our extensive experience in TV, corporate film and events. Highest quality from the research, shooting and editing to the distribution of the video. Online magazines, explanatory films, documentaries, event videos will be done under one roof, using the professional equipment which is needed – be it stateof-the-art cameras, glidecam, dolly, crane, light or drone, there is nothing we cannot do. Based on our own editing stations or on site via live editing we provide post production with motion design, whiteboarding, animation as well as color grading and 3D animations for your perfect corporate video. Even, if you are not sure, which idea should be implemented in a film, we will find the right format. Documentary, fictional or animated? We make the narrative approach visible with moodboard, storyboard, exposé and treatment. Furthermore, BIOCOM is able to provide distribution channels in the medical technology industry via websites and social media.
Events & programme support With professional expertise and an extensive network in the fields of medical technology, we set up and implement tailor-made in-house and commissioned events in Germany and Europe. This includes professional planning, organisation and execution – we ensure that nothing is left to chance and that every event is a success. We also offer well-founded specialised consulting for conference programmes, strategic positioning of events or integration of new elements. If you ask us for event support, we will develop the format according to your communicating needs – whether frontally in front of a large audience or interactively in small working groups; as a partnering event; as an exhibition or exclusive roadshow through Europe. This comes along with the support of speakers selection and management. If required, we take care of the complete appearance of the event – conception, design, texts as well as the production of communication media of all kinds.
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Name · Camozzi Automation S.p.A. Address/P.O. Box · Via Eritrea, 20/1 Postal Code/City · 25126 Brescia Country · Italy Subsidiary: Camozzi Automation GmbH Address/P.O. Box · Porschestraße 1 Postal Code/City · 73095 Albershausen State · Baden-Wuerttemberg Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · ·
marketing@camozzi.com +39-30-37921 info@camozzi.com www.camozzi.it
I 2000 1964
Areas of Activity · Manufacturer of Components for Industrial Automation, Transportation, and Life Science Annual Turnover · €243m Relevant R&D Budget · 6% External · Partnership with important Collaborations universities (Berkley, IT Genova, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Brescia, Università di Udine) – Partnership with Research Centers in Germany and Spain
Components and solutions for your industries Founded in 1964, Camozzi Automation has become a global leader in the production of components, systems, and technologies for industrial automation, the control of fluids – both liquids and gases – and specific applications dedicated to the transportation and life science industries. Its offerings include increasing numbers of IIoT products, both for the digitalisation of production processes and the creation of real cyber-physical systems.
Components and systems for the life science sector The Fluid Control department responds to the needs of an increasingly complex and innovative market, in both the industrial and the life science sectors. This division provides solutions that are designed, developed, and tested in exact accordance with customer specifications, in order to achieve increasingly customised solutions.
Life science fields of application Devices and machines used in the medical and analytical sectors require lightweight and compact components with low energy consumption. Camozzi manufactures components that satisfy the requirements of life science in terms of performance, both material compatibility and specific legislation, such as dental and anaesthesia equipment, ventilators, dialysis equipment, oxygen therapy, hospital sterilisers, surgery equipment, and more.
Camozzi components
Member of
·· Miniaturised solenoid valves with low power consumption along with fluid isolation are suitable for use in portable devices, such as pulmonary ventilators. Camozzi is one of the leading manufacturers of solenoid valves, with a wide range of products. ·· Proportional solenoid valves can be used where a flow or pressure control is required. Cartridge or manifold design makes them particularly compact, thus they can be mounted directly near the workstation.
¡¡ Pressure regulators have been designed for use in all applications and equipment where it is necessary to insert the single component into customised integrated pneumatic circuits (manifolds) or collectors. The compact size allows the regulator to be plugged into a proper seat, making the installation easier and reducing the assembly time.
Special solutions Camozzi main goal is to be close to its customers throughout the world and it is through such partnerships that it provides quality components and custom systems in accordance with local regulations and standards. The company has broad experience in the development of a range of customised solutions for the control of liquid and gaseous fluids. These solutions combine miniaturised solenoid valves and other components to produce modern and functional design with high performance systems.
The Camozzi clean room In order to guarantee the best quality in all production phases, Camozzi has created controlled atmosphere environments and an ISO 7 cleanroom for the assembly of products and for solutions that require cleanliness and the elimination of all organic and inorganic contaminants. Ultrasonic cleaning and inspection equipment make it possible to supply components that can be used with aggressive liquids and highly flammable gases like oxygen.
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Name · CARL HAAS GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Dr.-Konstantin-Hank-Str. 18 78713 Schramberg Baden-Wuerttemberg Uwe Stoll +49-7422-567-117 +49-7422-567-239 uwe.stoll@carl-haas.de www.carl-haas.de 250 1904
Areas of Activity · Medical products
Passion for your success Since 1904 the name CARL HAAS has stood for highprecision products. Our experience is invaluable in the intensive engineering of medical products used in diagnosis and therapy. We concentrate on products made of wire and strips, such as guidewires (classes IIa and III), stone baskets and graspers, reinforcements for tracheal catheters, ureter prostheses, stylets, and assemblies laser-welded according to specification. From the raw material to the finished product, everything is managed by HAAS. State-of-the-art technologies such as laser welding are used in the manufacturing process. Continuous improvement has led to a top level of knowledge and competence, guaranteeing reliable processes and the high quality of CARL HAAS products. The quality management system is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001, 13485, 14001, and 50001. CARL HA AS is a company of the KERN-LIEBERS GROUP.
Guidewires Our extensive experience in the development and manufacture of guidewires allows us to reliably offer you high-quality products – from prototypes to high-volume production.
Stone extractor baskets The innovative product range of stone extractor baskets from CARL HAAS is the ideal surgical option to remove kidney and bladder stones. CARL HAAS has developed a series of products with different numbers of wires and in various shapes.
Micro-turned parts Member of
Decades of manufacturing experience: macro know-how for micro precision-turned parts.
Ureter prostheses The first ureter prostheses were developed in the 1980s. Since then, we have continuously developed this product to improve its properties.
Set and unset springs for the spectacles industry Production of the smallest, highly loaded compression springs, which ensure the function of spring hinges in spectacle optics.
Ultra-fine wires and flat wires The finest wires and high-precision strips with CARL HAAS-developed drawing machines and rolling mills.
Reinforcement spirals The spirals are used for the reinforcement of e.g. tracheal tubes in order to improve their dimensional stability.
Assemblies Our wide range of technologies enables us to produce hybrid assemblies for you as our customer, including in clean rooms.
Special solutions All prototypes and small batches of our special solutions for medical technology are produced according to your specific requirements. We process all stainless steels according to DIN and AISI, including common implant materials.
Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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Name · Cicor Group Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City Country Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Gebenloostrasse 15 9552 Bronschhofen Switzerland +41-71-91373-00 +41-71-91373-01 info@cicor.com www.cicor.com
LI Q 2,100 worldwide 1966
Areas of Activity · l Engineering and test engineering l Printed circuit boards l Thin-film and thick-film substrates l Electronic manufacturing services l Microelectronic assembly l Box building l Tool design and fabrication l Plastic injection molding l 3D-MID l Printed electronics Annual Turnover · CHF 248 m (2018)
Cicor Group – your technology partner The Cicor Group is a globally active development and manufacturing partner with innovative technology solutions for the electronics industry. With about 2,100 employees at ten production sites, Cicor offers highly complex printed circuit boards, hybrid circuits and printed electronics as well as comprehensive electronic manufacturing services (EMS) including microelectronic assembly and plastic injection molding.
Customised solutions Cicor works together with customers to develop innovative products and offers solutions that meet the needs of the market, reflect the latest trends, and convince through their application. Cicor’s broad portfolio of innovative technologies, services, and global production capacities offers the right solution for even the most demanding requirements, such as high-tech and highreliability applications. Thanks to a focus on consistent quality and maximum traceability, rapid prototyping, flexible choice of materials, miniaturisation and realisation of potential savings, as well as development and assembly services, Cicor is a partner that is able to meet the requirements of medical technology using new ideas and cutting-edge solutions. Cicor supports its clients starting in the planning stage, guaranteeing the ideal outsourcing solution, tailored to the client’s specific needs. Cicor is a partner over the entire product lifecycle, from product development through series production to after-sales service.
One-stop shop for electronics and plastics solutions Cicor is an electronics service provider with an international structure and a broad range of production capabilities in printed circuit board assembly, system assembly and box building, control cabinet construction, cable assembly, and in the areas of tool design incl. fabrication and plastic injection moulding. Cicor offers complete outsourcing solutions for the development and manufacturing of electronic component assemblies as well as complete devices and systems. As a company with global operations and production sites in Switzerland, Romania, and Asia (Singapore, Viet-
cicor group
nam, Indonesia, and China), Cicor employs its synergies to offer solutions based on long-term know-how.
Innovative power through technological expertise As a leading manufacturer of sophisticated microelectronics and high-quality substrates, Cicor is able to provide a broad range of products and services of the highest standards. In the area of microelectronics, Cicor offers state-of-the-art assembly and packaging technologies under clean room conditions. In the field of substrate manufacturing, Cicor is characterised by the production of highly complex rigid, rigid-flexible, and flexible printed circuit boards and substrates using thinand thick-film technology. Cicor works closely with its customers to develop and manufacture sophisticated products, ranging from prototypes to large-scale serial production. Cicor also offers a high degree of process stability, consistent top-quality, and absolute delivery reliability.
Sophisticated implants Cicor manufactures complex circuits of various materials and realises ultrafine structures, which can be less than 0.02 mm thick despite having a high functional density. Using CiP (chip in polymer/plastic) technology, the overall thickness of chip packages can be reduced to between 60 and 100 μm. State-of-the-art technology now makes it possible to manufacture multilayer circuits from biocompatible materials or stretchable components in conjunction with multilayer technology on flexible substrates.
Printed electronics In the first quarter of 2019, Cicor opened a technology center for printed electronics at the Bronschhofen site in Switzerland. Technical capabilities: ·· Lines/spaces down to 10 μm ·· Printing thickness from < 100 nm to tens of μm ·· Large material portfolio (conductive, non-conductive, resistors, biocompatible, photoresist, etc.) ·· Printing on standard materials ·· Efficient printing process Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
40 | 41
Name · CONZE Informatik GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Agathastrasse 63 57368 Lennestadt North-Rhine Westphalia Dennis Conze +49-2721-60 07 78-0 +49-2721-60 07 78-80 info@conze.com http://conze.com
FL Q 40 2009
Areas of Activity · l User Interface Engineering l Desktop and Embedded Software Engineering l Development and Prototyping l GUI Layer l C#, C++, .NET, WPF, Qt External · University Siegen Collaborations
Healthcare, your profession. Software, our passion. CONZE Informatik GmbH, a specialist in user interface engineering, develops intuitive user interfaces (Human Machine Interfaces; HMI) for sophisticated devices and software systems. The focus lies on the areas of medical technology and healthcare. The owner-managed company promises its customers trustworthy support within long-term projects. Thanks to years of experience and a high degree of academisation, the 40-member team at the Lennestadt and Siegen locations knows what is important about controlling complex hardware with software. For projects, CONZE takes over the technical integration as an extension of the customer’s HMI technical department. CONZE implements the UI/UX concepts of the usability experts into a professional Graphical User Interface (GUI) as a component of the customer’s software. Doing so, the CONZE team always focuses on the technical feasibility of the visual design with the greatest possible range of functions, highest performance, robust stability, and, at the same time, smooth operability of the software.
Digital workbench
Member of
One of CONZE’s central services is the competent expansion of the customer’s development team by experienced remote teams with well-founded GUI know-how. Its project management controls and coordinates the own team as well as that of the customer if desired. The transparent, cost- and performance-optimised project management can make a clear statement about the status quo, budget, and resources at any time within the project. Bottlenecks or even risks are identified at the earliest stage in order to react flexibly to changing requirements and actively present an appropriate solution. Thus, the team manages the daily balancing act between process-critical solutions in medical technology, userfriendly product design, and compliance with legal regulations. This way of working allows the consistent development of international, market-ready software solutions of high quality according to the hightest standards.
Quality management and safety In order to guarantee and prove the high quality and safety standards of medical technology, CONZE’s quality management is certified by TÜV Rheinland according to DIN EN ISO 9001:2015. In addition, CONZE complies with DIN EN ISO 13485:2016 (Medical devices – Quality management systems; Requirements for regulatory purposes), DIN EN 62304:2016 (Medical device software – Software life-cycle processes), DIN EN ISO 14971:2013 (Medical devices – Application of risk man-agement to medical devices), and DIN EN 62366-1:2017 (Application of usability engineering to medical devices).
The innovative strength of tomorrow As a cooperation partner of the University of Siegen, CONZE is involved in the research of the Chairs of Life Sciences, Medical Computer Science, and Human Computer Interaction. In this way, the international character of the research and the flow of knowledge are expanded in the long term.
Get in touch! Benefit from experience and knowledge in the field of User Interface Engineering. Talk to the CONZE experts about your current or future software project!
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Name · Corscience GmbH & Co. KG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Hartmannstraße 65 91052 Erlangen Bavaria Sales Department +49-9131-977986-0 +49-9131-977986-449 info@corscience.de www.corscience.de
FIQI approx. 80 2001
Areas of Activity · l Medical device engineering l Products & licences l Manufacturing & test services
Company profile Corscience is a “one stop company”, due to its wide range of medical devices and systems for use in clinical, preclinical, and homecare applications as well as for clinical studies. With us, you get everything from one source: ·· Medical device engineering: electronics development, software development, mechatronics, system design, graphical user interfaces ·· Products and licences: OEM modules & accessories, OEM interpretation algorithms, technology integration support, white label products ·· Manufacturing and test services: final assembly & inspection, conformance testing services, pilot runs & series production, design & development of test systems, prototype manufacturing
Services Through our expertise and our extensive technical knowhow, we have been able to develop products as well as module and algorithm integrations far beyond our core competencies: heart pumps, ECMO systems, surgical lights, footswitches / remote controls, medical software products, dialysis units, and many more. Each of our OEM modules or OEM interpretation algorithms is based on proven technology paired with innovative solutions and is designed to be integrated into a medical device. The modules meet the relevant medical device standards and, together with the accompanying documentation, form the foundation for a successful CE certification of your system. For easy commissioning of the modules and for testing purposes we offer comprehensive development kits. The open communication protocols allow for easy integration, for which we offer support at any time.
Member of
Our B2B business model is in demand worldwide from medical device manufacturers. They appreciate our quality solutions and related services with a wide range of customised adaptations. With Corscience, you will gain a reliable partner with individual consultation and custom work at the highest technical level.
As our customer, you will benefit from our expert knowhow, our many years of experience, and our detailed industry and expert knowledge. Our extensive portfolio ranges from electronics, software, and mechanics all the way to systems for safety-critical applications in anaesthesia equipment, life support systems, and electronic surgery devices.
Core skills ·· Electrical stimulation: defibrillation, AED, PAD, pacing, muscular stimulation pacemakers (intracardiac, extracorporeal), and neurostimulation ·· Ventilation: emergency, transport, home, and criticalcare ventilation ·· Gas analysis: capnography, oxygen measurement, multigas analysis ·· Monitoring: vital signs sensors and biosignal analysis, ECG devices, ECG analysis and interpretation, vital parameter measuring devices, neurofeedback, GUI, SpO2, NiBP, CO2 ·· Mobile health: telemedicine expenses, transport monitors, event recorders, ECG w/ UMTS, webservers, integration of interfaces like Bluetooth®, Zigbee, Wifi, ANT+, GPRS, UMTS, Ethernet, or HL7
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Name · Domino Deutschland GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Lorenz-Schott-Straße 3 55252 Mainz-Kastel Hesse Simone Ritter +49-6134-250-651 +49-6134-250-55 pharma@domino-deutschland.de www.domino-deutschland.de
FL I Q 172 1983
Areas of Activity · Many industrial sectors, including l Food l Beverage l Life sciences l Industrial products External · l GS1 l EuPIA l OMAC l OPC
l Coalition Against Illicit Trade l AIM-D e.V.
Domino – coding for medical compliance Domino is the leading business within Domino Printing Sciences. Founded in 1978, the company has established a global reputation for the development and manufacture of coding, marking, and printing technologies, as well as for its worldwide aftermarket products and customer services. Today, Domino offers one of the most comprehensive portfolios of complete end-to-end coding solutions spanning primary, secondary, and tertiary applications designed to satisfy the compliance and productivity requirements of manufacturers. These include innovative ink jet, laser, print & apply, and thermal transfer overprinting technologies that are deployed for the application of variable and authentication data, bar codes, and unique traceability codes onto product and packaging, across many industrial sectors, including food, beverage, life sciences, and industrial products. Domino employs 2,700 people worldwide and sells to more than 120 countries through a global network of 25 subsidiary offices and more than 200 distributors. Domino’s manufacturing facilities are situated in China, Germany, India, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA. Domino became an autonomous division within Brother Industries on 11 June 2015. Domino’s continued growth is underpinned by an unrivalled commitment to product development. In 2017, Domino was awarded the Queen’s Award for Innovation.
More than a mark Even the most innovative medical products need to comply with official regulations in order to be made available to the market. The requirement for traceability throughout the production and supply chain, to ensure patient safety and prevent counterfeits, has increased significantly. Under the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) regulation in the USA, manufacturers have been required to implement UDI (Unique Device Identification) on medical product packaging since September 2014. Manufacturers producing for the European market will face tougher regulations under the MDR (Medical
Device Regulation): by 26 May 2020 a UDI-DI (Device Identification) code needs to be registered at the new central databank EUDAMED for every product considered to be a medical device. Depending on the productâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s risk class the packaging needs to be labelled with a UDI.
What makes the difference? With a global team of life sciences sector experts we are able to provide manufacturers around the world with knowledge of legislations and support for legally compliant production. In addition, Domino creates strong partnerships with OEMs and packaging providers. Our scientific approach can provide manufacturers with a holistic view of their product manufacturing requirements for serialisation and aggregation. Dominoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s range of coding equipment provides manufacturers with the right solutions for printing, from the smallest packaging unit through all following packaging levels and including direct parts marking. Domino takes pride in developing solutions to help our customers tackle the issues they face: e.g. the requirement for sterilisation-resistant, direct coding on Tyvek led to the development of a suitable ribbon for our Thermal Transfer Overprinters, which is now available to all customers. Dominoâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s range of coding and marking solutions offers manufacturers of medical devices the most suitable technology in order to achieve UDI compliance. We also provide validation packs, and our specialist validation team can assist your company in becoming UDI compliant.
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Name · Elma Schmidbauer GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 17 78224 Singen Baden-Wuerttemberg Fabian Merk +49-7731-882-0 +49-7731- 882-266 www.elma-ultrasonic.com
F I Q 260 1948
Areas of Activity · l Medical Technology l Photonics l Laboratory l Health Care External · l Fraunhofer Institut Collaborations l Medical Mountains
Elma – Leading in High-Precision Cleaning Elma Schmidbauer GmbH is leading in the field of industrial high-precision cleaning of products during their production or processing. Our expertise in medical technology is based on ultrasonic cleaning processes and steam cleaning technology. Thanks to many years of experience, innovative research and development, as well as industry-specific know-how, Elma supplies cutting-edge technology for a wide variety of cleaning applications in the medical technology and health care sectors.
The Elma portfolio The product portfolio ranges from ultrasonic and steam cleaning devices (also registered according to MDR (EU) 2017/745) to modular and customer-specific cleaning systems as well as suitable accessories. Our cleaning chemistry, developed in our own application laboratory and manufactured in-house, is perfectly matched to its cleaning tasks and thus solves even the most difficult challenges in pre-, intermediate, and final cleaning. Highly qualified process engineers work together with our customers to develop individual process solutions for various cleaning tasks in our in-house process laboratory. This jointly developed cleaning process is basic to the design of the cleaning system. Tailor-made and depending on customer requirements, these cleaning system concepts also include calibration certificates, audit trail, bar code entry, and data logging. Of course, there are also individual accompanying documents such as FAT, HDS, SDS, FDS, IQ, and OQ for the qualification and validation of these cleaning systems.
Member of
Elma Schmidbauer
The Elma philosophy Unconditional commitment to the highest quality standards is the foundation of Elmaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s company philosophy. The consistent development of core competencies, the constant striving for improvement, and the constant focus on high customer satisfaction reflect the very high quality standards of Elma. Therefore, Elma is certified by DQS according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2016. 100% family-owned, today Elma employs about 250 people at several operation sites. The family business was founded in 1948 in Singen as a precision machine factory and is now being run in the third generation.
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Name · ENDOSMART Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik mbH
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Telephone Fax Email Website
· · · · · · · ·
Lorenzstr. 6 76297 Stutensee Baden-Wuerttemberg Sales Department +49 7244 939 86 0 +49 7244 939 86 22 sales@endosmart.de www.endosmart.de
Number of Employees · 85 Founded (year) · 2001 Areas of Activity · Development and production of medical devices for minimally invasive therapies
ENDOSMART® – your Nitinol experts ENDOSMART® is a German Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) company with nearly 20 years of experience in the field of creating medical Nitinol solutions. The head office is located in Stutensee near Karlsruhe. As a competent partner in the field of Nitinol, ENDOSMART® offers innovative solutions and services. Our team of advanced engineers and material experts make ENDOSMART® a sophisticated solution provider for Nitinol medical components, instruments, and implants. ENDOSMART® keeps quality alive. Once a week, all co-workers meet briefly in order to discuss issues of the work process and possible improvements. Efforts to improve the quality of the end-product and the production process itself as well as a constant awareness of how to best serve the partners and customers is part of the daily work experience. Our vision is to develop and manufacture instruments and implants for minimally invasive surgery in order to reduce the pain and recovery time of the patient.
Member of
We offer ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
Made in Germany 20 years of know-how in medical technology Nitinol processing Complete solutions Contract manufacturing Support in development process Cleanroom production Automated manufacturing Serial production In-house laser marking
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50 | 51
Name · EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · ·
Im Schwöllbogen 24 72581 Dettingen Baden-Wuerttemberg Georg Uihlein +49-7123-9784-0 +49-7123-9784-66 www.epflex.com 360 1994
Areas of Activity · Metallic components for minimally invasive medicine Annual Turnover · €30m
EPflex – better ideas, better health We are one of the pioneers in the development and manufacture of metallic components for minimally invasive medicine. Over the years, we have repeatedly developed solutions that have opened up completely new, previously unimagined possibilities for diagnosis and treatment. These include, among others, the world’s first MRIcompatible guidewire.
The EPflex portfolio ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
Guidewires Stone baskets Snares Stylets Packaging Sterilisation CE-certification
The medical disciplines ·· ·· ·· ··
Urology Gastroenterology Vascular surgery Cardiology
Our products are high-tech precision instruments, developed and manufactured on the basis of unique know-how and years of experience, with the aim of delivering consistently high quality. For this purpose, we are equipped with state-of-the-art technologies and production facilities at our manufacturing site in Dettingen. Our employees are specially trained and pay attention to even the smallest details with the highest precision. Particularly complex work steps are carried out by our experts by hand.
epflex feinwerktechnik
Manufacturing competencies ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
Grinding Laser welding Gluing Wire forming Shrinking Electrolytic marking Laser marking Sandblasting Coating
Quality right from the start We use high-quality materials, such as medical grade stainless steel or Nitinol, platinum, tungsten, and special polymers for our guidewires. Our solutions and products are perfectly tailored to the individual needs and requirements of our customers. What can we do for you? Just let us know. We are looking forward to hearing from you.
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ergoSURG Mechatronics and Medical Solutions
Name · Ergosurg GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · ·
Gleissenweg 1 85737 Ismaning near Munich Bavaria +49 89 322 094 62 +49 89 322 094 66 info@ergosurg.com www.ergosurg.com <50 2006
Areas of Activity · l Medical technology l Robotics
Company profile Enthusiastic about technology, inspired by a great will to innovate and the ability to develop and manufacture, Ergosurg has developed into an important engineering and production partner in mechatronics and medical device technology. More than 20 years of experience in development and more than 10 years as an OEM manufacturer form the basis for rapid implementation from the idea to the series product. For our customers we realise product definitions for rapid and secure market success. In addition to the perfect interaction of software, electronics, and mechanics – the three core competencies within the company – the focus is on high quality. From the specification to the project handover, our development, production, and service all operate according to EN ISO 13485.
Annual Turnover · < €50m
Electromagnetic navigation devices and instruments The high performance electromagnetic surgical navigation system (EM-system) uses wired instruments with integrated sensitive micro coils which are measured with high precision in an alternating electromagnetic field. This measurement allows a precise real-time representation of the instruments relative to the patient in intraand preoperative medical images. The EM-system has the advantage that no line of sight to an optical system is required and the surgeon can move freely in the surgical area without obstructing the measurement.
Optical navigation devices and instruments The sophisticated optical surgical navigation system measures the position and orientation of the patient and the instruments through infrared light, which is reflected from our patented and unique glass reflectors mounted on the instruments. This allows a high precision measurement and real-time representation of the instruments relative to the patient in the medical images. The optical navigation system has the advantage that active instruments such as milling machines or RF knives can be navigated without any loss of accuracy and no wiring of the instruments is needed.
Navigation-System with Instruments (EM/Optical) Navigation-System with Instruments (EM/Optical) Navigation-System with Instruments (EM/Optical) Navigation-System with Instruments (EM/Optical) Navigation-System with Instruments (EM/Optical)
Both systems, the electromagnetic and the optical, can be combined with any equipment trolley or endoscopy tower and can be connected to the clinic network for data exchange. Thus the systems can be integrated easily into any operating room. All instruments can be designed to be autoclavable and reusable, eliminating special costs and additional waste from disposable devices.
Planning and navigation software
Skull Base/ENT-Surgery and Spine-Surgery Skull Base/ENT-Surgery and Spine-Surgery Skull Base/ENT-Surgery and Spine-Surgery Skull Base/ENT-Surgery and Spine-Surgery Skull Base/ENT-Surgery and Spine-Surgery
Interventions have to be performed efficiently and in short succession. A surgical navigation system must therefore be easy to use and intuitively understandable in the respective national language, and the preparation time must be short. Safety features such as distance measurements from risk structures or the deactivation of active instruments prior to contact with risk structures are just as self-evident as convenient intervention planning and documentation. In order to fulfil these tasks, we develop customer-specific surgical navigation systems for different medical fields with an ergonomic user interface and efficient workflow.
Augmented reality and 3D endoscopy Augmented Reality and 3D Endoscopy Augmented Reality and 3D Endoscopy Augmented Reality and 3D Endoscopy Augmented Reality and Endoscopy Augmented Reality and 3D3D Endoscopy
The most important source of orientation for many surgeons is the video endoscope. Its real-time video images are the basis for all instrument movements during the procedure. It therefore makes sense to visualise surgical information such as risk structures, instruments in the vicinity of the endoscope, or the planned access path in the real-time video images of the endoscope. The augmented reality navigation can be used with a 3D endoscope to enhance the impression of optical depth. For further information please visit us at www.ergosurg.com or at the MedtecLive 2020, Nuremberg, Germany. Stand number: 9-207.
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Name · ETO GRUPPE Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Hardtring 8 78333 Stockach Baden-Wuerttemberg Bernd Hardy +49-7771-809-0 +49-7771-809-100 info@etogruppe.com www.etogruppe.com
IQ 2,400 worldwide 1948
Areas of Activity · l Medical technology l Industry l Passenger cars and commercial vehicles Annual Turnover · €400m Relevant R&D Budget · €21m External · Numerous projects with recommended Collaborations customers, different universities, and research institutes.
ETO – THE HEART OF MOTION Since 1948 ETO GRUPPE has developed, produced, and delivered innovative valves, actuators, sensors, and integrated modules to customers all over the world. Our products are the impulse generators in the customers’ systems, the heart of the machine so to say, and can be found wherever highly dynamic processes take place and improve safety or efficiency as well as environmental compatibility. In medical technology our products have been providing precise dosing of fluids for leading device manufacturers for more than 30 years.
Innovative solutions for our customers Every year, we invest about 6 percent of our revenue in research and development and successfully develop new approaches over and over again. Our high number of patents is further proof of the unlimited innovative strength of ETO GRUPPE. For example, our engineers developed MAGNETOSHAPE®, a pioneering technology on the basis of magnetic crystals that change their shape and are used in completely energy-efficient applications as next-generation actuators. This is not only about commercially feasible techniques but the conscious predevelopment of the applications of the future.
Sophisticated processes for highest quality ETO produces according to the highest quality standards because of the high requirements of the medical technology industry, but especially because of the high standards we set for ourselves. Our production locations are certified according to common quality management systems as well as standards specifically for the automotive industry. We produce products by the million in fully automated high-tech facilities. In the event that our customers require smaller quantities, we produce at optimal costs in partially automated production.
Member of
Our employees make the difference The basis of our top-quality innovations are ca. 2,400 employees globally. At our 8 sites in Germany, Poland, USA, China, India, and Mexico, they deliver the highest performance in their areas and are always close to the customer. Globally, more than 200 engineers work on a daily basis on the further development of our products and the ongoing optimisation of our production processes while repeatedly setting new benchmarks. Continuous training as well as the regular exchange with universities and research institutes guarantee the latest in innovation with state-of-the-art technology.
Proven lifesaver â&#x20AC;&#x201C; solenoid valve for dialysis technology For more than 30 years ETO actuators have reliably provided precise dosing in dialysis machines. They control the dosage of the dialysate at the balance chamber and guide the different media flows for patient treatment, hot cleansing, and the chemical cleansing phase. The long service life allows for the maintenance-free operation of dialysis machines over many years.
Innovations in medical technology We are currently expanding our product portfolio under the trademark ETO HUMEDIC. In addition to pressure sensors, proportional valves and hose-pinch valves complete our range of products. Our pioneering product innovations guarantee longer service life and provide reduced energy consumption. This results in lower temperatures and a careful use of resources while significantly lowering the total operation costs of the devices.
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Name · FAULHABER Drive Systems Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Daimlerstrasse 23/25 71101 Schönaich Baden-Wuerttemberg Volker Beck +49-7031-638-523 +49-7031-638-8523 volker.beck@faulhaber.de www.faulhaber.com
F II 2,000 1947
Areas of Activity · l Medical & Laboratory Equipment l Optics & Photonics l Robotics
The driving force for medical engineering Medical engineering is an extensive subject. It ranges from research and development of patient-operated mobile devices and surgical and diagnostic tools to simulation facilities for the training of physicians. Each application case makes special demands on the components that are used. However, what they all have in common is the requirement for maximum reliability, safe operation, as well as high precision. Microdrives from FAULHABER are therefore playing an increasingly important role, particularly in medical engineering. From the powerful DC motor with a continuous torque of 200 mNm to the filigree microdrive with an outer diameter of 1.9 mm, the standard range offers more than 25 million different ways of putting together the optimum drive system for a particular application.
Minimally invasive operations and endodontics Compact drive solutions make it possible to install state-of-the art technology in small devices that require little room, therefore providing the basis for surgical implements that can be used in patient-friendly, minimally invasive operations (Image 1). Thanks to a brushless DC motor with a diameter of 4 mm, intracorporeal pumps which replace a heart-lung machine during the operation are so small that they can be inserted into the patient through a small incision in the groin. And lightweight, comfortable microscope glasses with automatic focus adjustment are already standard equipment for surgeons. Quiet DC microdrives are also the driving force behind new endodontics systems, which are becoming more common in dental practices, helping to make even complicated root canal treatments more bearable for the patient.
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Faulhaber drive systems
Mobile applications The small drives are also extremely suitable for mobile applications due to their low power consumption. They therefore make it possible to have compact, fully-automatic blood pressure gauges that do not place a strain on the user, even over long-term use (Image 2), and medication pumps that the patient wears directly on the body for individual active substance dosage. Scanners for measuring circulation at the hand or innovative respirators for patient-friendly ventilation are also typical areas of application.
Innovative prosthetics As well as for their compact design size, the drives score points because of their high-precision control, excellent EMC compatibility, and long service life with maintenance-free operation. Thanks to their versatile designs, the drives can be integrated into different devices, and customer-specific adaptations can be achieved within a short period of time, which opens up many other potential uses. In prosthetics, for example, powerful micromotors ensure that myoelectric hand prostheses can grip quickly and firmly and maintain the gripping force constantly while holding (Image 3). The versatile microdrives are therefore making an important contribution to the future of medical technology in many different areas.
Award-winning innovation FAULHABER has won several prestigious awards. In 2018, the company received the Factory of the Year award in the category â&#x20AC;&#x153;Excellent Small Series Assemblyâ&#x20AC;?. In the same year, FAULHABER was selected for the third time for its innovation success to be part of TOP100, Germanyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s most innovative small and medium-sized companies. Furthermore, in 2019, Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG made first place in the innovation ranking of the German magazine WirtschaftsWoche.
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Name · FRIWO Gerätebau GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website
· · · · · · · ·
Von-Liebig-Str. 11 48346 Ostbevern North-Rhine Westphalia Christian Hielscher +49-2532-81-0 +49-2532-81-112 sales@friwo.com www.friwo.com www.friwo-shop.com www.emerge-engineering.com
Social Media · FL I Q Number of Employees · 2,000 Founded (year) · 1971 Areas of Activity · | Power Supplies | Chargers | Battery Packs | LED Drivers | Motor Control Units | Drive Systems Annual Turnover · €100m
Medical power supplies: the heart of your application Heart failure – one of the most dreaded incidents in medicine. If the heart fails, so does everything else. The same applies to your application’s power supply: if its service diminishes, the entire system will be affected – which can be disastrous in medical technology. It is therefore of utmost importance to have a reliable partner for power supplies. We want to meet this need: ever since the invention of the world’s first plug-in power supply in 1971, our customers have been relying on our expertise, since we have already manufactured more than one billion power solutions. More than 45 years of know-how and our German engineering skills safeguard the delivery reliability of your application – and thus the maximum safety of the patient.
One-stop-shop for power supply and drive system solutions Today FRIWO is an international manufacturer of stateof-the-art chargers, battery packs, power supply units, and LED drivers. In addition, the company acts as a system provider and supplies digitally controllable drive solutions from a single source. The product range includes all components required for a modern electric drive train: from the display and engine control to the battery, charger, and control software.
Innovative solutions for the toughest requirements FRIWO’s medical power supply solutions are designed for the most demanding conditions. Whether it is about surviving falls during hectic emergency treatment with a patented encapsulation technique, protecting the patient with minimal leakage currents from ≤ 10 μA, or securing the power supply with redundant systems and battery-operated backup solutions: FRIWO develops and manufactures reliable power supplies.
We always think from the userâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s point of view and develop innovative concepts to make everyday medical life easier. In the field of inductive charging technology, for example, we already offer contactless energy solutions with up to 150 W transmission power and parallel data communication. The use of inductive charging technology enables the development of medical devices with completely closed housings â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an invaluable advantage for sterile workplaces! FRIWO always develops and produces taking into account possible future changes in standards and increasing efficiency requirements in order to ensure smooth and long-term marketing of your product. FRIWO is also at your side as a reliable partner for new legal regulations such as the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) 2020.
Global network for maximum flexibility Thanks to our competent global network, customer requirements and wishes can be flexibly implemented. With modern engineering and production centres in Germany and Vietnam, as well as sales offices in Europe, Asia, and North America, we are present in all important markets of the world.
ISO 13485 certification as an additional quality promise In particular, certification according to ISO13485 is an additional quality promise for medical technology, as it defines regulatory requirements for a comprehensive management system of medical device manufacturers. As an internationally recognised standard, this regulation contains guidelines for design and development, production, installation, maintenance, and sales. This certification places high demands on the exact adherence to all process steps. Particular attention is paid to risk management and consistent and complete documentation; not only with regard to minimising risks, but also with regard to optimum traceability of products and components.
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Name · Gebr. Becker GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year) Annual Turnover
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Hölker Feld 29-31 42279 Wuppertal North Rhine-Westphalia Stefan Beierlein +49-202-697-106 +49-202-69738-106 beierlein@becker-international.com www.becker-international.com 900 1885 €174m
Areas of Activity · l Customised, energy-efficient vacuum and compressed air systems l Proven oil-lubricated vacuum pump systems l Oil-free vacuum units for many areas of clinical and outpatient treatment l Centralised surgical vacuum for hospitals l Mobile / portable surgical vacuum pumps l Anaesthetic gas scavenging systems (AGSS) l Dental suction l E xternal counter pulsation (ECP) l Cosmetic applications / skin treatment l Patient positioning & immobilisation l Vacuum-supported handheld massage devices
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Precision systems for the medical industry The modern medical market counts on precision, reliability, and dependability, especially when high performance is important and required – day after day. Thus, countless clinics worldwide rely on Becker vacuum pumps – the reliable pacesetter for central suction units.
Becker – the strong heart of technology Often inconspicuous, yet indispensable: Becker vacuum pumps and systems contribute to efficiency, safety, and comfort in several of today’s key industries. Also in the medical sector Becker’s high-quality products and services have demonstrated their performance in many projects and collaborations with our partners and customers. Our vacuum supply systems ensure profitability and energy-efficiency in the day-to-day clinic business. Becker equipment is robust and long-lasting with low maintenance and operating costs. That is why we are recognised as one of the best vacuum pump solutions providers in the world.
Becker – the worldwide-preferred supplier Oil-free vacuum pumps for medical technology are a true Becker innovation, operating with practical and virtually maintenance-free dependability. At over 90%, the share of Becker dry-running systems e.g. in America is extremely high, with good reason: clinics in America operate strictly according to the “best value for money” principle.
Gebr. becker
Leading OEM partner and technology provider We are a proud family-owned company with over 130 years of extensive experience in German engineering and produce over 120,000 devices and systems annually. Becker combines innovative technology with future-oriented solutions that meet individual customer requirements. Tank-mounted surgical centralised vacuum system.
Complying with the highest standards Becker creates custom-designed vacuum systems and pumps engineered specifically for your application and complying with the highest international medical standards. Our systems comply with the following standards: ·· European DIN EN ISO 7396 ·· US NFPA 99 ·· British HTM 02-01 Becker rotary vane vacuum pump for cosmetic / face treatment products.
Becker holds the following certificates: ·· ISO 9001 ·· ISO 14001 ·· ISO 50001 ·· BS OHSAS 18001
We are ready to help What can we do for you? Do you have a question or a specific challenge? As a customer-focused company, we are always delighted to prepare an individual offer designed to your specific needs. Call us today!
Oil-less / dry-running Becker VTLF series vacuum pumps with integrated variable frequency drive.
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Name · HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
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Borsigstraße 11 93092 Barbing Bavaria Mr Stockmeier +49-89-379-100-6000 info@hawe-microfluid.com www.hawe.com
LI 2,470 1949
Areas of Activity · HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH: drives for emergency stretchers (EMS), lifting columns for operating tables, floorlock-sets for medical devices such as surgery robots / C-arms, general microhydraulic components as well as hydraulic applications for a variety of medical devices. Annual Turnover · €363m
Integrated medical solutions HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH is a certified company (DIN EN ISO 13485/9001) and a member of the HAWE Group. Looking back on more than 35 years of experience in the microhydraulics and compact hydraulics field, HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH has established itself as a specialist in this market not only nationally, but also internationally. The company is synonymous with maximum reliability, quality, and safety and welcomes individual customer requests. Fields of application · Operating tables · Stretchers/gurneys · Robotic surgery · Medical devices
Lifting columns for operating tables Working under efficiency pressure, operating teams have to manage an increasing number of surgeries in a limited time frame. The operating table has assumed a central role in making their work as easy and comfortable as possible. It has to be highly functional in order to cover every aspect of an operation, yet must have a compact design and be absolutely reliable – no matter the patient’s weight. The lifting column thus functions as a core element of the operating table. Lifting columns made by HAWE offer a wide performance range for operating tables and offer diverse functions, a wide range of adjustment options, and optimised space requirements. They are synonymous with high operating comfort, safe operation, and maximum quality, and are generally electrically operated, but can also be optionally fitted with a manual emergency actuation function. Our components and systems meet key requirements, regardless of size, use, or system complexity. All versions are delivered fully functional and undergo comprehensive testing prior to shipping. As a result, they are ready to use immediately. Basic functions of all lifting columns ·· Height up/down, Trendelenburg/anti-Trendelenburg, tilt right/left
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Supplementation by a max. of five additional functions ·· Leg/back adjustments, slide, kidney bridge, floor lock
Hydraulic drives for stretcher/gurneys In an emergency, every second counts. It is crucial to provide patients with immediate care, and rescue vehicles must carry versatile equipment to be able to handle any accident scenario. Particular attention is given to patient transport, since it is important that patients are handled safely at the site of the accident and on the way to the hospital. This is where stretchers/gurneys come in, which must be lightweight, versatile, and robust. Functions ·· Significant relief for paramedics due to active raising and lowering ·· System durability and safety as a result of high efficiency and manual emergency function ·· Suitable for special medical transport situations (such as premature babies) ·· In general: greater safety and comfort in daily use
Floor-lock-sets for medical devices During use, mobile medical equipment such as operating tables or surgical robots must be secured and supported, regardless of flooring. At the same time, maximum safety must be ensured – a top priority in ongoing clinical operations. With the increasing emergence of hybrid operating rooms, these topics will be of tremendous importance in the future and HAWE offers you a number of solutions. Functions ·· Lock, stabilizing aid, and damping for surgical robots, operating tables, and mobile medical equipment
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Name · HealthCapital – Cluster Healthcare Industries Berlin-Brandenburg Address/P.O. Box · c/o Berlin Partner für Wirtschaft und Technologie GmbH Fasanenstr. 85 Postal Code/City · 10623 Berlin State · Berlin Contact Person · Dr Kai Bindseil (Cluster Manager) Telephone · +49-30-46302-463 Email · info@healthcapital.de Website · www.healthcapital.de Social Media · FL Areas of Activity · | Technology transfer between science and industry | Initiation and support of networks | Support for technology-orientated startups | Funding support for innovative project concepts | Providing and presenting regional life sciences information | Building and coordinating scientific and interdisciplinary networks | Establishing contacts among experts from all disciplines | Organisation of events and seminars | Public Relations for the life sciences field External · | Founding member of the Council of Collaborations European Bioregions | Member of ScanBalt and the European Diagnostic Clusters Alliance |M ember and contact point in Berlin for the Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) |C ollaborations with clusters and SMEs in Horizon 2020 projects, such as INNOLABS (www.innolabs.io), finished end of 2019
Berlin Brandenburg … … a leading hub for life sciences The Berlin-Brandenburg region is one of the leading international locations for life sciences. The area concentrates on clinical research via a dense and compact healthcare network, and boasts a state-of-the-art IT infrastructure. It is no coincidence that the region is Germany’s “health capital” as it is both home to the German government and the centre for healthcare industries. The region’s distinction is anchored in its unique research and clinical landscape, as well as its ability to closely link the key players in the life sciences and healthcare. Medical technology, in particular, is a strong driving force within the Berlin-Brandenburg healthcare industries cluster – HealthCapital – generating innovation and growth there and beyond. Around 300 medical technology companies are located in the German Capital Region. These include market leaders such as B. Braun, BIOTRONIK, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Cerner, Eckert & Ziegler, Berlin Heart, Karl Storz, W.O.M. World of Medicine, Zimmer Biomet.
… providing an excellent landscape of clinics and research Companies of the Berlin-Brandenburg region benefit from close cooperation, both with science and with more than 130 hospitals – above all, one of Europe’s largest university hospitals: Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Customers from research and industry have access to patient cohorts of urban and rural populations of about 180 ethnicities, covering all medical indications. The many technology parks and networks create the excellent infrastructure and technological support that characterise the Berlin-Brandenburg life sciences area. In addition to Charité, the German capital region is home to over 40 renowned scientific institutions, including the Berlin Institute of Health (BIH), the German Heart Center Berlin, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), and other well-known Fraunhofer, Helmholtz, Leibniz, and Max Planck Institutes in Berlin and Brandenburg.
… a leading location for innovative medical technology and digital health Medical technology in Berlin-Brandenburg is characterised by successful technology transfer and the quick translation of research results into competitive products. Medical technology activity within the region focuses on digital health, medical imaging, cardiovascular support systems, minimally invasive surgery, as well as orthopedics. The particularly smooth cooperation among clinics, science, and business delivers innovations to patients in a quick and short way. Thanks to networks that include all players along the entire value chain, the region has one of the highest Germany-wide growth rates.
… where startups meet grownups With their innovative spirit and digital expertise, startups deliver fresh solutions for digital transformation in the healthcare industry. The German capital region is home to over one hundred digital health startups, and the numbers are growing each year. State-of-the-art technologies such as machine learning, artificial intelligence, and big data accelerate new applications. The regional startup ecosystem is highly self-organised and offers young pioneers a broad range of events such as meetups, bar camps, seed camps, and hackathons.
… offering service and support for life sciences in the German capital region The central contact and coordination office for all issues concerning life sciences in the German capital region is the cluster HealthCapital. At the interface of business, science, and clinics, the HealthCapital cluster management drives networking and technology transfer, and supports companies interested in relocating to the region. Berlin Partner for Business and Technology and Economic Development Agency Brandenburg (WFBB) are responsible for managing the cluster.
Meet us in 2020! HIMSS, March 9–13, Orlando DMEA, April 21–23, Berlin BIONNALE, May 12, Berlin MEDICA, November 16–19, Düsseldorf Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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Name · INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · ·
Plochinger Str. 92 73730 Esslingen Baden-Wuerttemberg +49-711-3191-0 info@index-traub.com www.index-traub.com ~2,100 1914
Annual Turnover · ~€575m
With its INDEX and TRAUB brands, the INDEX Group is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of CNC turning machines. The Esslingen group of companies is active around the world with five production sites, five international sales and service companies, as well as 80 representative offices.
Progress has a long tradition INDEX-Werke was set up in 1914 by Hermann Hahn, who began that year with the production of automatic turret turning machines. He was a Swabian entrepreneur through and through, who laid the foundation for an impressive enterprise with creative ideas and an aspiration for quality. Within four decades, more than 20,000 turning machines had been sold and these formed the basis for the excellent reputation of INDEX around the world. In 1975, INDEX began with the production of multi-spindle turning machines. A few years later, the company entered the market for CNC technology, in which it soon assumed a pioneering role. After the death of Eugen Hahn, the son of the company’s founder, 85% of the company shares were put into a foundation. In 1992, INDEX introduced a new generation of turn-mill centres based on a modular component system. In 1997, TRAUB Drehmaschinen GmbH & Co. KG from neighbouring Reichenbach/Fils was taken over and integrated into the INDEX Group. The company pursues a two-brand strategy to this very day.
Optimal production solutions for the customers
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Since 2002, INDEX has offered multi-functional production centres in which different process technologies can be integrated in one machine. The complete machining means not only that quality and precision are higher but also that production costs, in particular, are reduced as a result of the shorter throughput times. This benefit is appreciated by INDEX customers worldwide, as it strengthens their competitiveness. The main customers of INDEX turning machines include, above all, companies from the automotive and automotive supplier industries, from the mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, and electronics sectors, as well as manufacturers of fluid technology and of controls and instruments. Growth markets are to be found in medical technology and in the aerospace industry. INDEX has many years of experience with difficult-tomachine materials such as titanium, cobalt, chrome and stainless steel and is a competent partner for the production of implants, e.g. hip, shoulder and spine. In addition, INDEX has high-tech solutions for the production of a wide variety of bone screws and dental abutments. The solutions are designed individually with the customer reduce machining times and ensure safe processes.
Everything from one source The particular strength of the INDEX Group lies in the development of the best production solution for each customer. With its INDEX and TRAUB brands, the Group offers the largest programme for complete machining of turned parts, both for series and single-item production. The application engineers can draw on this basis when developing ideal production strategies for their customers. Particularly with geometrically demanding and highly precise workpieces, the engineering services for customers are of inestimable benefit. Engineering, along with research and development, has a key role at INDEX. More than 10 percent of all staff are employed in this field, and they contribute with their know-how and their ideas to ensuring that INDEX and TRAUB customers have a competitive advantage.
Quality, made in Germany INDEX and TRAUB consciously count on Germany as a production location and produce important components on their own turning machines and turn/mill centres. Motivated and superbly qualified employees ensure the high quality of the machines, each one reflecting their diligence and attention to detail.
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Name · ITK Engineering GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
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Im Speyerer Tal 6 76761 Rülzheim Rhineland-Palatinate Dr Alexander Huber +49-7272-7703-0 +49-7272-7703-100 medizintechnik@itk-engineering.de medical.itk-engineering.com
FIQ 1,300 1994
Areas of Activity · Medical systems engineering including software and hardware development, component and product development, manufacturing as OEM partner, and consulting
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Tomorrow’s Healthcare Technology Medical Systems Engineering: Software and Systems Development ITK Engineering GmbH is an internationally operating technology company that supports customers across all industries with the development of tailor-made systems including software, hardware, and mechatronics. In the healthcare business unit, which is certified according to EN ISO 13485:2016, ITK Engineering implements standards-compliant system and software solutions for medical products on its own responsibility up to the finished OEM product – from embedded real-time systems, web and desktop applications, medical apps, cloud-based patient solutions, and data analytics up to hardware and electronic controls for medical devices and control algorithms for robotic assistance systems. The digital transformation is in full swing in the medical and healthcare industry. Competitive pressure is high. Developments have to come fast. Systems must be user-friendly, yet secure. ITK Engineering has been rising to these challenges as an ISO 13485- and ISO 27001-certified engineering partner since 1994. Capitalising on its cross-industry experience, the company combines software and systems engineering, device connectivity, and cyber security to shape the things to come in digital health.
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itk engineering
Supporting customers throughout the development process, from the inceptive idea to the product and beyond, ITK Engineering develops full-fledged solutions with full traceability and end-to-end documentation, which paves a smooth path to MDR, FDA, or CFDA approval. The company also advises on quality standards as well as new business models and technologies to prepare customers’ medical products for the digital transformation.
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ITK Engineering, headquartered at Rülzheim, RhinelandPalatinate, has ten branch offices in Germany, as well as worldwide in the USA, Japan, Spain, and Austria. More than 1,300 employees, mainly engineers, computer scientists, and natural scientists, work on the technology of tomorrow to bring “intelligence into machines”.
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Name · Klingel medical metal GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
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Hanauer Straße 5–7 75181 Pforzheim Baden-Wuerttemberg Murat Gülecer +49-7231-6519-0 +49-7231-6519-70 info@klingel-med.de info@klingel-group.de · www.klingel-med.de www.klingel-group.de · I Q · 330 (600 group) · 1986
Areas of Activity · Contract manufacturer with one-stop shop service for the medical application fields: l dental (implants, abutments, instruments) l orthopaedics and trauma (implants and tools for spine, hip, knee) l endoscopy (housings, guiding parts, optical parts) l cardio(vascular) systems (micro parts for blood supply, heart valves, pacemakers) l robotic assisted surgery (endoscopic parts, housings, joints) l medical devices (sensor and light housings, parts, and assemblies with mechanical function) Annual Turnover · €32m (€74m group) External · Part of Klingel medical metal group Collaborations with its partner companies l K lingel medical metal GmbH, Pforzheim (D) l Josef Ganter Feinmechanik GmbH, Dauchingen (D) (since 2015) l GEHRING CUT AG, Matzingen (CH) (since 2018) l Bächler Feintech AG, Hölstein (CH) (since 2019)
Metal Precision for Medical Purposes Since its founding more than 30 years ago, the Klingel medical metal GmbH has developed into a Europe-wide leading company in the area of precision engineering. The machining specialist develops and manufactures high-precision, functional components from hard-tomachine materials, primarily stainless steel and titanium, in uncompromising quality and technical aesthetics. The products of the full contract manufacturer meet the highest standards of medical technology and other sectors, such as measurement and control technology and aviation and aerospace. The high-quality services with their long-standing core competences in precision CNC-machining are based on decades of experience and expertise in the specific characteristics of the materials. Klingel medical metal is certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485:2016 and is FDA-registered. The 330 employees work in compliance with certified and traceable process instructions, which are reliably documented. Together with Josef Ganter Feinmechanik in Dauchingen and the two Swiss companies Gehring Cut and Bächler Feintech, the company belongs to the Klingel medical metal group, with its headquarters in Pforzheim. The “mother company” of this merger has four plants in the industrial zone “Altgefäll” with a total production area of 16,000 square meters. The unparalleled onestop shop of the Klingel medical metal group with its four partners offers its customers a large selection of technologies and a wealth of experience in processing complex, hard-to-machine materials and geometries. The meticulously planned process and interface management ensure maximum efficiency and reduced throughput times. With its sustainable growth strategy, including continuous investments in state-of-the-art machinery, new manufacturing technolgies, and automation, the Klingel medical metal group stands for long-lasting partnerships. Our customers rely on the highest quality in metal precision with minimal tolerances and maximum functionality – made in Germany and Switzerland.
One-stop-shop for medical components Klingel medical metal manufactures and finishes medical parts such as dental implants as well as orthopaedic and spine implants and tools, but also instruments and components for endoscopy, minimally invasive and robotic surgery, (cardio)vascular systems, and medical devices. Based on our high in-house competence for a broad, customised value-added service, we work on more than 200 CNC turning and milling centres and special machinery. Our highly qualified staff are experts at the conjunction of raw material specifications and process know-how for CNC machining, assembling, and surface finishing. From small and mid-size series up to six-digit mass production quantities, Klingel medical metal produces high-precision mechanical CNC turned and milled parts, wire-eroded components, and ready-to-install and 3-D free-form components – even at short notice if required, and with packaging and logistics included. We can establish your individual manufacturing process in our one-stop-shop system, which includes ·· Design for manufacturing ·· Metal laser sintering ·· Machining (turning/milling/erosion) ·· Cleaning ·· Surface finish (electropolishing, anodising, coating, grinding) ·· Laser engraving ·· Assembly, 100% inspection, sterilisation ·· Packaging ·· Logistics
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Name · LightPulse LASER PRECISION Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Pfaffenwaldring 43 70569 Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Christian Freitag +49-711-685-69759 info@light-pulse.de www.light-pulse.de
IQ <10 2018
Areas of Activity · Material processing with ultrafast lasers: l Process development l Prototyping l Contract manufacturing l Technology consulting External · l IVAM Microtechnology l VDMA Arbeitsgruppe Medizintechnik l microTEC Südwest l Photonics BW
l UKPL Technologie Netzwerk l Allianz Faserbasierte Werkstoffe Baden-Württemberg
Competence in material processing with ultrafast lasers LightPulse LASER PRECISION is a start-up company based in Stuttgart, Germany, specialised in material processing with ultrafast lasers. The company’s aim is to open up the innovation potential of the technology of micro processing using ultrafast lasers for its customers. With more than 8 years of experience in process development with ultrafast lasers, LightPulse is your ideal partner for the implementation of complex applications.
The ultrafast laser – a highly precise and versatile tool With ultrafast laser radiation, the energy of the laser is concentrated in light pulses with a duration of approximately one trillionth of a second. This extremely short and spatially very precise energy input allows workpieces to be structured, drilled, cut, or modified with micrometre precision and without undesired damage. Even difficult-to-machine materials like hardened steel, ceramics, or carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP) can be machined without any problems. LightPulse offers a wide portfolio of processes: Microdrilling The ultrafast laser as a high-precision and flexible tool makes it possible to drill the smallest holes in any material with great freedom in the geometry of the hole. Thanks to the ultrafast laser, there are virtually no limits to creativity in the design of the hole shape. Completely new applications become possible in this way. Fine cutting When fine cutting with ultrafast lasers, the material is vaporised in the cutting slit with minimal heat input into the surrounding material. This prevents the formation of melt and produces steep, high-quality cutting edges. Straight cutting edges can be achieved by adjusting the laser beam during the machining process.
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Structuring The ultrafast laser can generate 2.5-D structures in a workpiece, a process known as deep engraving. A 3D model of the structure to be generated is converted into a layered model. With the ultrafast laser, the individual layers are removed step by step to create the desired structure. Surface functionalisation The properties of surfaces can be specifically changed by structuring with ultrafast lasers. Laser-generated structures can be used to make a steel surface waterrepellent (hydrophobic). Water-repellent properties are achieved by self-organised structures in the micro- and nanometre range.
Development of ultrafast laser processes and prototyping The design of ultrafast laser processes is a demanding task that requires expert knowledge and specialised equipment. LightPulse develops processes for you to implement your application and produces prototypes that you can use to evaluate the technology. The needs and requirements of our customers are always the focus of our attention.
Contract manufacturing by specialists LightPulse offers contract manufacturing with ultrashort pulse lasers. Benefit from our know-how and the possibilities of our modern system technology for reliable and high-quality production.
Expert consulting on the technology LightPulse has many years of experience in process development with ultrafast lasers. Benefit from this experience by making use of LightPulseâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s service of technology consulting. Supporting the conceptual design and choosing the correct system technology is just as much a part of the service as the optimisation of laser processes with regard to costs and quality.
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Name · macio GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Am Kiel-Kanal 1 24106 Kiel Schleswig-Holstein Eric Thomas +49-431-67072–0 +49-431-67072-29 eric.thomas@macio.de www.macio.de
F I Q 150 2002
Areas of Activity · l user interface design l consulting l ( medical) software engineering l ( medical) software development l embedded software engineering and development l mobile apps development l smart production development l cloud architecture and development
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Safety, user guidance, simple operation Nowadays the user interface is an essential part of the development of medical devices. Thanks to many years of experience as a service provider of software development in the area of medical technology and the unique combination of user interface design and software engineering, macio is the competent project partner for the invention of innovative medical user applications and getting them across the finish line. We know how to find the balance between certified methodical competence according to ISO 13485 on the one hand and creative processes on the other hand. Medical devices in particular are an area where we focus on the early incorporation of design methods and the compliance with the safety-relevant norm DIN EN 62366 as well as the seamless transfer to the processes of DIN EN 62304. In doing so, compliance with the norm is integrated into the design process without restricting it.
The combination of process safety and design competence is an essential combination for the successful implementation of medical devices. We are not only proficient in the special requirements of medical products and offer norm-based and document-supported developments, our software development process also supports customers in the best possible way during medical approval by using transparent processes. Our QM, design and software experts are there to assist you with their know-how during the entire scope of the project.
QMS and norms DIN EN ISO 13485 | QMS â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Requirements for regulatory purposes DIN EN 62304 | Medical device software â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Software lifecycle processes EN 62366 | Application of usability engineering to medical devices DIN EN ISO 14971 | Application of risk management to medical devices
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76 | 77
Name · mayr® power transmission Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year) Areas of Activity
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Eichenstraße 1 87665 Mauerstetten Bavaria Bernd Kees +49-8341-804-2607 +49-8341-804-492607 bernd.kees@mayr.de www.mayr.com
F I Q I 1,200 1897 l Electromagnetic ROBA-stop® safety brakes for the holding, positioning, and securing of medical devices and furnishings such as surgerysupporting robots, X-ray devices, tomography beds, electric wheelchairs, surgical microscope stands, etc. l Load-disconnecting EAS® torque limiters in medical devices such as tomography beds, etc. l Electromagnetic, energise to engage ROBA®-quick brakes, for example in therapy devices for muscle build-up l tendo® DC motors, for example in devices used to look at X-ray images
External · VDMA Arbeitsgemeinschaft (German Collaborations Engineering Federation) for medical technology
Member of
Safety does not allow for compromises mayr ® is an internationally-leading company for mechanical power transmission. Every day, clutches, couplings, and brakes made in the Allgäu region safeguard machine movements worldwide. This task does not permit compromises on quality – especially in medical engineering, because the safety of patients has utmost priority at all times. Whether in x-ray devices, surgical microscopes, electric wheelchairs, or in surgery-supporting robots – mayr ® safety brakes have a wide field of application in medical engineering. High-tech devices often require individual brake solutions. For this purpose, mayr ® power transmission provides a wide portfolio of application-optimised safety brakes based on market-tested series products. These fulfil individual customer wishes and distinguish themselves by the same quality, technical maturity, and safety as standard products. For example, during surgery the robot arm must not under any circumstances wobble or sink. The brakes must hold determined positions accurately and backlash-free, and simultaneously operate extremely quietly. This task does not allow for concessions in quality, because safety does not allow for compromises.
Short switching times and high performance density Safety brakes by mayr ® power transmission are tailormade to the requirements of medical engineering. They ensure reliable, constant holding torques throughout their entire service life and convince by extremely short switching times and high performance density despite low energy consumption. Furthermore, a long service life, minimal maintenance, and simple and quick installation make these brakes a particularly cost-effective solution. Depending on the requirements, the brakes are equipped with integrated noise damping. Every individual safety brake which leaves the mayr ® power transmission works must pass a 100% inspection after complete assembly and adjustment. All measurement values determined are recorded with the corresponding serial number of the brakes in an electronic database.
This guarantees 100% traceability. These comprehensive tests and checks are a central component of the mayr ® understanding of reliability and quality. They ensure that the values stated in the catalogue can also be reliably achieved and that the brakes function under all ambient conditions.
Reliable partner since 1897 Due to its quality standards, mayr® power transmission has gained the trust of many leading industrial companies as a reliable partner worldwide. Quality is not just theory at mayr® power transmission, but also an integral component of our corporate culture, which the company has incorporated in all processes, products, and structures since it was founded in 1897. The guiding principles of our renowned family-run company are safety, reliability, and innovation – not only in Mauerstetten, the German company headquarters, but also in all international locations. mayr ® power transmission operates two further production sites in Poland and China, and is globally represented with sales subsidiaries in the USA, France, Great Britain, Italy, Singapore and Switzerland, and additionally with over 40 further national offices.
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
78 | 79
Name · MedtecLIVE together with MedTech Summit
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · ·
Messezentrum 90471 Nuremberg Bavaria Jessica Nether +49-911-8606-8603 medteclive@nuernbergmesse.de www.medteclive.com
L I Q 2018
Areas of Activity · l Exhibition l Conference l Networking External · l Forum MedTech Pharma e.V. Collaborations l BVMed l VDI l VDE l ZVEI l Bitkom l Eit Health l and many more
Member of
Enhancing Health
A leading event for the international medical technology community Following its successful premiere, MedtecLIVE is now entering its next round. From 31 March to 2 April 2020, it invites representatives of the medical technology sector to enjoy professional dialogue with experts at Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. The trade exhibition’s offerings cover the full process chain in the production of medical engineering equipment, from prototypes to ready-formarket products. Leading companies, associations, and institutions will engage in networking at MedtecLIVE to cultivate contacts, share ideas, and create new innovations. The international scope of MedtecLIVE was confirmed in 2019, when it welcomed visitors from 50 different countries who networked with the more than 400 exhibitors from 30 nations.
In-depth knowledge transfer “Connecting the Medical Technology Supply Chain” is the theme of the second round of MedtecLIVE 2020, which presents the entire supply chain for the sector. It’s where representatives from the development and procurement fields, regulatory bodies, sales, marketing, and R&D departments come to talk shop and make direct contact with decision-makers from renowned companies. High-calibre technical presentations at the MedTech Summit congress, but also in the exhibition forums, facilitate in-depth knowledge transfer and provide valuable insights into technology and marketspecific issues.
Researchers and industry professionals come together The internationally renowned MedTech Summit Congress and the matchmaking event â&#x20AC;&#x153;Partneringâ&#x20AC;? will be an integral part of the MedtecLIVE exhibition and are accessible to all visitors and participants. The MedTech Summit will bring representatives from research and clinical applications together with manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers in the medical technology industry. Together with the extensive supporting programme, the result will be a platform for targeted and practical exchanges. Broad-based congress sessions will address trends in technology. The Partnering Event, which takes place as part of the MedTech Summit, also offers an additional opportunity for direct dialogue â&#x20AC;&#x201C; discussion appointments can be made online in advance and will encourage direct discussion between exhibitors and visitors to the exhibition and congress. For further information, see www.medteclive.com.
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
80 | 81
Name · Mikron GmbH Rottweil Abteilung Werkzeuge Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Berner Feld 71 78628 Rottweil Baden-Wuerttemberg Simon Sprissler +49-741-5380-450 +49-741-5380-480 info.mtr@mikron.com www.mikrontool.com
I 245 (worldwide) 1998
Areas of Activity · Development and fabrication of cutting tools Annual Turnover · €45m Relevant R&D Budget · €1.4m External · DMQP (DMG MORI Quality Products)Collaborations Programme
Tools are our passion, small dimensions are our specialty, and hard-to-machine materials are our challenge. Every day at Mikron Tool is dedicated to achieving the best possible results in these areas.
Mission – Mikron Tool We are working daily to achieve a leading position worldwide in the high-precision machining of small dimensions and challenging materials. This includes the regular development of new and unique tools as well as customer-specific solutions. In everything we undertake, a high level of competence is important. Focusing on our strong points is the key to our success. These include our well-trained and motivated employees, intensive development activities and investment in the most advanced production technologies.
MedTech Solutions – the tool range The highest quality, precision, and process reliability are some of the main criteria when manufacturing medical devices, wether you are speaking about implants (trauma, prostheses or screws), instruments, or devices. This is exactly where our strength lies: in the development of carbide cutting tools for machining high-quality and biocompatible materials such as stainless steels, titanium, or chrome-cobalt alloys. We offer standardised tools for drilling, milling, and deburring in a diameter range from 0.1 to 8 mm as well as customised solutions up to 32 mm for all machining operations.
Latest innovations A product is considered NEW at Mikron Tool only when it is unique and with high added value for the user. Without a doubt, this is true for every single CrazyLine product. For example: Machining hexalobular sockets for bone screws CrazyTool Hexalobe is a new concept for machining hexalobular sockets on medical screws (better known as Torx® sockets) made of stainless steel or titanium. A combination drill and a milling tool is all you need to
mikron tool
complete the four operations (predrilling – chamfering – milling – deburring). In three steps you reduce the cycle time by 50% whilst achieving a highly precise profile and an excellent surface quality. Reducing machining time for bone plates Integrated cooling, high- performance coating and carbide, adapted cutting geometry, all combined with an optimised cutting strategy – these are some of the features of our performance cutting tool package (CrazyDrill and CrazyMill product lines). With this we are able to reduce the machining time from two hours to 48 minutes for a distal radius plate made of titanium.
Technical support How to produce a new part with the best adapted tools? What is the right tool for a new material? How to optimise quality and cycle time in an existing process? How to be more efficient and maximise my possible cost saving? Shall I use standard tools or rely on a special solution with combined tools? To answer all these questions, we are at your disposal with our Technology Centre and our specialised cutting tool team!
Quality made in Switzerland and Germany All our tools are produced in Switzerland or Germany, where identical production facilities, machine programmes, measuring instruments, and skilled tool grinders guarantee the same level of quality for all our products.
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
82 | 83
Name · MMM Münchner Medizin Mechanik GmbH
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year) Areas of Activity
· · · · · · · · ·
Semmelweisstraße 6 82152 Planegg/Munich Bavaria +49-89-899-180 info@mmmgroup.com www.mmmgroup.com 1,200 worldwide 1954 Healthcare – hospital sterile supply departments l Cleaning and disinfection l Sterilisation l Packaging l Logistics l Documentation l Mobile RUMED units l Services & validation l Consulting and planning l Training and academy Life Sciences – laboratory and pharma industry l Cleaning and disinfection l Sterilisation l Heat technology l Services & validation l Consulting and planning
MMM. Protecting human health MMM Group has been operating worldwide as one of the leading system providers in the service of health since 1954. With a full portfolio of products and services pertaining to sterilisation and disinfection systems for hospitals, scientific institutes, laboratories, and the pharmaceutical industry, MMM has positioned itself as a crucial quality driver and innovator on the German and international markets.
1,200 employee’s expertise to the mission of the MMM At our production plants in Stadlern (Bavaria) and Brno (Czech Republic), we manufacture products tailored to the needs of our customers around the globe. With both of these production sites, we ensure a high manufacturing depth and thus meet the extensive quality requirements of the medical technology industry.
Complete solutions for greater effectiveness Our regional sales and service centres are proud to offer an ethos of customer focus and dedicated project management. Our customers can rely on us to find the very best solutions tailored to their individual needs – both reliably and quickly. Whether it involves installing new devices or bringing existing devices in line with current guidelines by installing MMM upgrades – we have the perfect solution for everyone.
MMM as a holistic provider Our services cover detailed planning and consultation, products and their software, installation, logistics and service, which includes the validation of all processes in the RUMED, right through to the end-to-end project management of extensive construction works. Member of
MMM group
Our quality “made in Germany” sets us apart The high vertical range of manufacturing in our production plants ensures that we fulfil the strictest demands of quality for our customers. Our products “made in Germany” have garnered international recognition and meet the strict requirements of the medical technology sector.
Reliability is our commitment You can rely on the durability of our products and their outstanding level of quality, as well as on our effective customer service. The high level of satisfaction amongst our customers and the extraordinary dedication of our staff speak for themselves.
We maintain strong partnerships At the intersection between people and machines, and between business growth and social responsibility, we attempt to strike a balance among the interests of everyone involved and maintain cooperative relationships on a level playing field.
We are committed to your needs With expert servicing, innovative products and services, and in our lively discussions with our customers, suppliers, and employees we do everything necessary to ensure that MMM continues to live up to its reputation as an outstanding provider of goods and expertise in the sterile goods sector.
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
84 | 85
Name · MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller SE & Co. KG
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Bahnhofstr. 4 87787 Wolfertschwenden Bavaria +49-8334-601-0 +49-8334-601-199 muwo@multivac.de www.multivac.com
FL I Q Approx. 6,400 1961
Areas of Activity · MULTIVAC is one of the leading providers worldwide of packaging solutions for food products of all types, life science and healthcare products, as well as industrial items.
Reliable packaging solutions for the life science and healthcare industry In 1968 MULTIVAC launched its first packaging solution for sterile medical products. What at that time began as an offshoot of the core business of food packaging solutions, is today a highly specialised business unit, which develops solutions for the automated packaging to GMP standards of medical items, pharmaceuticals, and biotech products.
Packaging solutions from MULTIVAC – flexible, modular, intelligent Changing regulations, shorter life cycles for products, and the transition to just-in-time production have resulted in ever smaller batch sizes in the medical industry and pharmaceutical sector. At the same time, the industry is developing increasingly complex and sensitive products and applications, which in some cases are even tailored to individual patients. Many products are also having to be packed in ever smaller batches in order to meet regional and statutory specifications. These trends require packaging machines that can be converted quickly and easily to other pack formats or materials, so that short set-up times can be achieved. For these applications MULTIVAC provides flexible and customer-specific packaging solutions, which are characterised by their modular construction. This means that new components, such as identification and inspection solutions, can be integrated very easily. To ensure strict compliance with the statutory requirements within the sector, MULTIVAC offers a wide range of innovative packaging solutions. This machine concept is specially designed for the demands of the life sciences and healthcare industries, and it takes into consideration aspects of the packaging machine such as process reliability, ease of cleaning, cleanroom compatibility, and compliance with requirements on cleanliness.
Member of
MULTIVAC is also working on the development of digital solutions and services, so that it can offer companies the required added value. Thanks to its comprehensive sensor system and seamless digitisation, the RX 4.0 thermoforming packaging machine creates a completely new dimension in terms of maximum packaging reliability and consistent pack quality. The machine is also prepared for networking with the MULTIVAC Cloud, and this offers even more potential uses in digital services, for example.
About MULTIVAC MULTIVAC is one of the leading providers worldwide of packaging solutions for food products of all types, life sciences and healthcare products, as well as industrial items. The MULTIVAC portfolio covers virtually all manufacturer requirements in terms of pack design, output, and resource efficiency. It includes a variety of packaging technologies, as well as automation solutions, identification, and inspection systems. Thanks to comprehensive line capability, all modules can be integrated into complete solutions. Thus MULTIVAC solutions ensure a high degree of operational and process reliability, as well as high efficiency. The MULTIVAC Group has approximately 6,400 employees worldwide, with some 2,200 based at its headquarters in Wolfertschwenden. With over 80 subsidiaries, the Group is represented on all continents. More than 1,000 sales advisors and service technicians throughout the world use their know-how and experience to the benefit of customers, and they ensure that all installed MULTIVAC machines are utilised to their maximum. Further information can be found at: www.multivac.com.
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86 | 87
Name · OCTUM GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Renntalstraße 16 74360 Ilsfeld Baden-Wuerttemberg Nadja Pichlhöfer +49-7062-91494-0 +49-7062-91494-34 info@octum.de www.octum.de
Q 40 1996
Areas of Activity · Machine Vision
Experts in Machine Vision solutions. For almost 30 years we have been supplying world-wide system solutions for inspecting production and manufacturing processes. For optical quality inspection and material flow control in series production we develop and implement individual machine vision solutions based on world-wide available and proven technologies. A competent and dedicated team develops innovative, processreliable solutions to meet your requirements. A good partnership and fair cooperation with customers and suppliers are very important to us. Building up and developing long-term business relations are at the forefront of our activities. Depending on customer request, we deliver just the machine vision solution or, together with our partner companies, complete solutions. With more than 5,000 production-reliable, installed system solutions, OCTUM is one of the most experienced suppliers in the industry.
Safe solutions for your quality product. Pharmaceutical products pass through many hands every day, which makes safety the most important factor. Machine Vision is the best technology to keep an eye on every process step and document the results. Since the company was established, OCTUM has been supplying inspection systems for the pharmaceutical and medical industry. With every installation you benefit from many years of experience in an environment where safety is the number one priority. Our inspection systems comply with the GAMP5 directives as well as the requirements of 21 CFR Part 11 and cover the complete process chain. The recognition of all Pharma codes as well as character recognition (OCR) and verification (OCV) on all kinds of labels are important components of cross-company track-and-trace solutions. Our inspection solutions: Pipettes and cups ·· Injection moulding defects ·· Dimensions and shapes ·· Roundness inspection ·· Bending, deformation and skew position ·· Webbing/burr ·· Presence inspection and particle inspection ·· Completeness in the rack
Cups (Top View)
Tip (Side View) Tip RMS 0,011mm Found Flash 0 Right Angle 88,7° Left Angle 82,9°
Tip (Bottom View) Inner Flash Found 0 Outer Flash Found 0 Inner Roundness RMS 0,004mm Excentric Variance 0,002mm
Concentricity (Side View)
Tubs and trays ·· Completeness of the syringe nest and tray ·· Tyvek position and seal joint inspection ·· Printing inspection on tub and nest Syringes ·· Syringe length measurement ·· Finger flange damage inspection ·· Syringe cap fitting inspection ·· Plunger assembly inspection ·· Label position inspection ·· Safety device assembly inspection Vials (Glass/Plastic) ·· Empty vial inspection ·· Vial Opening inspection ·· Filling level inspection ·· Stopper fit inspection ·· Crimped cap inspection ·· Printing inspection on crimped caps and flip-offs Labels ·· Verification of label type ·· Quality and printing of characters and design samples ·· 1D and 2D codes ·· Validation of GS1 codes ·· Code grading Wound material ·· Contamination and sealing ·· Dimensions and shapes ·· Structure and completeness of the layers ·· Print inspection
Tipping: 0,28°
Ampoules ·· Ampoule head contour inspection ·· Inspection for burn marks ·· Printing inspection ·· Coloured rings inspection We support you in the fulfilment of legal specifications throughout the entire pharmaceutical production process and guarantee you a constant production. We are happy to show you the best solution for your application! Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
88 | 89
Name · OECHSLER Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · ·
Matthias-Oechsler-Straße 9 91522 Ansbach Bavaria +49-981-1807-0 healthcare@oechsler.com www.oechsler.com
FIQ Approx. 3100 1864
Areas of Activity · l Injection molding l Assembly l Tool making l Development Annual Turnover · €430m
Founded by Matthias Oechsler in the Franconian town of Ansbach in 1864, the company is today regarded as a high-tech company for forward-looking solutions in plastics technology – from precise individual parts to complex assemblies and systems. Together with 3,100 employees at eight worldwide location sites, we drive innovation forward and open new future markets. Due to our diverse product portfolio, we operate in various sectors, such as automotive medical, and footwear industry, as well as others. We are an innovative partner and driving force for our customers. For over 30 years OECHSLER’s healthcare products have valuably contributed to the pharmaceutical and medical industry. Our certified and high-quality product portfolio ranges from components for e.g. inhalers, wearables, and blood glucose meters to complex assembly units with many high-precision single components and integrated displays for medical products. All products entail the following benefits: ·· Filigree details/structures at microscale ·· Different surface structures possible, e.g. scratchresistant, brilliant, etc. ·· Certified according to ISO 13485 in Germany and China ·· Integration of electronic and mechatronic components Following GMP principles, the individual components for healthcare products are manufactured under cleanroom conditions (ISO class 8) in accordance with validated processes in a precision injection moulding process. They are then assembled fully automatically on high-performance automatic assembly machines and subjected to a fully integrated 100% inspection. These resulting assemblies are delivered directly to e.g. the pharmaceutical industry with corresponding certificates (“C of A”/batch documentation).
Member of
With our technologies and innovations we drive improvement within the healthcare and pharmaceutical sector forward, which reaching and affecting many people.
Our services – your benefit ·· International footprint (local for local) – production at international OECHSLER production facilities possible, local delivery. ·· 30 years of experience in healthcare (pharmaceuticals and medicine) ·· Many years of expertise in complex, fully automated module production ·· Integration of electronic and mechatronic components ·· International project implementation – from development to industrialisation ·· Own toolmaking (among the top 20 annually: “Excellence in Production”) ·· Precision, multi-component injection moulding as well as IMD technology ·· Clean-room production according to GMP principles ·· Ample clean-room production area
Career Become part of our team, in which technology meets passion. You would like to contribute to our success story? Then join our international team at OECHSLER and make your career with us! You will find more information at www.oechsler.com/karriere
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90 | 91
Name · Riegler GmbH & Co. KG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Bahnhofstraße 80 64367 Mühltal Hesse Jens Christoph +49-6151-919-340 +49-6151-919-919 info@riegler-medical.com www.riegler-medical.com 330 1946
Areas of Activity · l Diagnostics l Medical technology l Pharma l Packaging
Riegler GmbH & Co. KG – we bring plastics to life Since 1946 Riegler GmbH & Co. KG has been a highperformance system supplier for plastics processing and a development partner for plastic-based product solutions. Focusing on quality and innovation, Riegler has also internationally made its mark in the diagnostics, medical technology, pharmaceutics, and packaging industries – with high-precision, customised components, assemblies, and systems. Our core competences include development, design, moldmaking, injection molding and extrusion blow molding, and a wide range of assembly, finishing, and logistics services. Most of production is carried through in class 7 clean rooms pursuant to ISO 14644-1. Highest, standardised quality and hygiene standards are assured using gapless, certified quality management according to ISO 13485, 9001, 15378, and ISO 50001. Presently, more than 300 employees work at three sites in Mühltal and Ober-Ramstadt – on a total area of around 55,000 square meters. Riegler GmbH & Co. KG has been a subsidiary company of the internationally active, family-managed Wirthwein Group since 2005.
Highest article purity thanks to certified ISO 7 clean room production As an experienced expert in clean room production, we manufacture customer-specific system solutions and components under standardised and controlled conditions. Based on our hygiene guidelines according to DIN EN ISO 14644-1 (Class 7), process monitoring, and our Riegler Minimum Human Contact philosophy we guarantee clean and dust-free production of your products. Our reliability is appreciated by our customers from pharmaceutics, diagnostics, and also medical technology, particularly in the application field of PCR and in ATP hygiene monitoring.
The perfect finish for the final product ready for sale As a full service partner in plastics processing we support you in finalising your products with a broad and flexible spectrum of surface refinement and printing options. Depending on the specification, application area, and material used we check which processing technology is appropriate and makes sense for you. We are also able to develop individual packaging solutions for small and large batches and, on request, manufacture them in clean rooms by automation.
Diagnostics Application areas: ·· Diagnostics systems for automated blood analysis ·· PCR diagnostics (e.g. tubes & stripes) ·· Laboratory diagnostics (e.g. petri dishes) ·· Systems for DNA analysis & DNA duplication
Medical technology Application areas: ·· Micro-moulded parts made of thermoplastic materials ·· Tubes and flanges for hemodialysis ·· Systems for ophthalmological applications
Pharmaceutical industry Application areas: ·· Rapid test devices (e. g. for ATP measurements) ·· Dosing and closure systems ·· Plastic bottles for drugs and sensitive active ingredients ·· Primary packaging for maximum patient safety
Packaging Application areas: ·· Closures and covers ·· Bottles, containers, and cans ·· Application systems and mixing systems ·· Primary and secondary packaging
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
92 | 93
Name · Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Seedorferstraße 91 78713 Schramberg-Waldmössingen Baden-Wuerttemberg Mr Reiner Fries +49-7402-740 contact@sw-machines.de www.sw-machines.de
F I 1,000 1995
Areas of Activity · Medical and precision engineering as well as automotive and automobile supplier industries, aerospace, hydraulics, and in pneumatics. Annual Turnover · €400m in 2018
Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH (SW), with headquarters in Schramberg-Waldmössingen in the German state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, is an expanding manufacturer of internationally successful manufacturing systems. SW currently has 1,000 employees worldwide and generated sales of about €400 million in 2018. The SW portfolio features one, two, three, and fourspindle horizontal machining centres as well as multispindle machines. The different series allow for four and five axes as well as five-axis simultaneous machining of complex metal workpieces. The range extends from precision machining of very small parts to automated loading and unloading of workpieces with maximum dimensions of 1,500 x 950 x 650 mm. As a solution supplier, SW automates complete manufacturing lines and assumes responsibility for complete process planning – from blank to finished part. The focus at SW is on the people – the Technology People – who develop and build processes and manufacturing solutions and successfully place them in operation.
Peak productivity over the entire lifecycle: life Services from SW With its wide range of life Services, SW ensures maximum productivity in all usage phases of machines and systems. The offer includes training sessions, commissioning, malfunction analyses via remote access, and service on site, as well as the SW in-house spare parts service and the option of modernising and upgrading machines. SW also offers plant simulation and databased machine diagnostics, which facilitate predictive maintenance with the aid of the SW CloudPlatform. This makes it possible to detect wear and errors before they lead to an unplanned machine standstill.
Member of
Schwäbische werkzeugmaschinen
SW is a world market leader in multi-spindle machining centres. The companyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s energy-efficient manufacturing solutions are used in medical and precision engineering as well as the automotive and automobile supplier industries, aerospace, hydraulics and in pneumatics. In addition to SW Automation in Tettnang, Germany, which specialises in automation, SW also has subsidiarÂies in France, Italy, and Poland as well as in the USA, in China, and in Mexico.
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
94 | 95
Name · SGL Carbon Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees
· · · · · · · · ·
Werner-von-Siemens-Str. 18 86405 Meitingen Bavaria Jochen Schutzbach +49-8271-83-2809 central.innovation@sglcarbon.com www.sglcarbon.com
FL I 5,100
Areas of Activity · Specialty graphite and composites for various industries such as automotive, aerospace, solar, wind energy, semiconductor, LED and energy storage.
Lighter weight for greater stability Carbon fibre-reinforced plastic (CFRP) – a material with benefits for medical engineering and healthcare applications. In the automotive and aerospace industries as well as in the area of renewable energies, high-tech materials such as carbon fibre-reinforced plastics are already finding use with a high market penetration. Now, the medical engineering and healthcare branches are also increasingly taking advantage of the benefits of CFRP as a material: it is biocompatible, physiologically safe, x-ray transparent, and can be steam-sterilised with the appropriate matrix. Its high rigidity and strength, yet low weight, enable the development of efficient structural parts for improved product performance. As a solution provider, SGL Carbon has control over the entire value chain – from the production of carbon fibers made of polyacrylonitrile, to intermediate products, to series production of components. In this way, the company can develop tailor-made medical engineering solutions in collaboration with the customer. SGL Carbon supports its partners from the initial concept to planning to implementation, backed by the latest modelling and simulation solutions. You, too, can benefit from the advantages of engineering with CFRP and a partnership with SGL Carbon! As a technology partner and component supplier for medical engineering, SGL Carbon stands for custom solutions.
SGL Carbon
Success story Successful component transformation for exoskeletons Objective: Weight reduction In the modern working world, exoskeletons are on the rise. One important characteristic for wearable comfort is their weight. By transforming the main carrier element from aluminum to CFRP, SGL reduced the weight by approximately 20% in the first iteration. Additional topology and structure optimisations in further iterations can cut weight by another 30 to 40%. SGL services ·· Transformation engineering ·· Digital twin ·· Component production
Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
96 | 97
Name · System Industrie Electronic Holding AG
Address/P.O. Box · Millennium Park 12 Postal Code/City · 6890 Lustenau Country · Austria
Subsidiary: System Industrie Electronic Deutschland GmbH Address/P.O. Box · Altstadt 72 Postal Code/City · 84028 Landshut State · Bavaria Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · ·
+43-5577-89900 +43-5577-89901 info@sie.at www.sie.at
FIQ over 400 1994
Areas of Activity · l Medical l In vitro diagnostics l ABL l Government l Security l Automotive l Safety & Security l Automation l Industry Annual Turnover · €38.9m
Member of
HIGH-TECH – UNITED IN EXCELLENCE System Industrie Electronic Holding corporation‘s group of companies offers a wide portfolio of innovative and highly specialised high-tech enterprises in the fields of electronic development, manufacturing, and related services. As a full service provider, our partners benefit from numerous cross competences within an experienced and familiar group network. Originally founded in 1994 in Lustenau, Austria by Udo Filzmaier, System Industrie Electronic has seen steady growth through highly specialised research and development dedicated to targeted deployment in new and emerging markets. The entire family of companies is dedicated to work based upon transparent quality assurance systems in accordance with ISO and other international industry-specific standards bodies.
S.I.E SOLUTIONS We at S.I.E Solutions are convinced of the opportunities of a interconnected and dynamic world. Our expertise lies in shaping this world collaboratively and reliably. Our product and service portfolio ranges from electronic assemblies, display and touch solutions, medical computing units (MCUs), and medical monitors (MMs) to individual industrial design solutions supporting our partners throughout the complete product life cycle.
SIE CONNECT We at SIE CONNECT act internationally as a specialist for project coordination, shortage supply, and excess stock management. We find individual solutions for the challenges of our partners and accompany them throughout the entire product and project life cycle. Through our understanding of different regulations and cultures, we create global market transparency and build bridges that overcome language barriers and time zones. We operate and maintain our international network in order to recognise changes in the markets at an early
stage and to inform our partners about risks and solutions in good time. This enables us to guarantee costand performance-optimised project management.
TAGOR Electronic We at TAGOR Electronic provide the EMS industry (Electronics Manufacturing Services) a complete service with the ability to manage the entire production cycle, including design and product development, engineering, cost reduction systems, comprehensive manufacturing solutions, and technical support. Our core competencies also include R&D solutions for our clients. We turn your ideas and requirements into specifications, designs, technical drawings and, ultimately, into the final electronic or electromechanical products that you and your customers have envisioned.
GBS Tempest & Service GmbH We at GBS Tempest & Service GmbH operate three radiation test laboratories recognised by the BSI. In addition to the authorisation to carry out approval measurements and short measurement procedures according to the National Zone Model, the company is also authorised to carry out approval measurements and short measurement procedures according to SDIP 27 Level A.
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Name · SIGNUS Medizintechnik GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Industriestr. 2 63755 Alzenau Bavaria Mareike Siedler +49-6023-9166-172 +49-6023-9166-171 m.siedler@signus.com www.signus.com
I Q 80 1994
Areas of Activity · SIGNUS offers a comprehensive product range, from cervical spines to SIG sacroiliac joints.
SIGNUS – the Sign for Spine: Passionate! Dynamic! Worldwide! High-end spine implants: For more than 25 years, SIGNUS has been the experienced specialist and provider of comprehensive solutions in surgical spine care. Surgeons around the world rely on our innovative product portfolio to provide their patients with the best possible mobility in everyday life. Our company was founded by Susanne and Uwe Siedler in Germany’s Lower Franconian city of Alzenau in 1994. It currently employs approximately 80 people at sites in Germany and Australia. In addition to Europe (CE) and the USA (FDA), we sell our certified implants throughout the world on every continent.
Strong solutions for weak vertebrae Degenerative changes of the spinal column, fractures, scoliosis, or tumours – SIGNUS offers the complete range of products from the cervical spine to the sacroiliac joint as well as an exceptional service level in matters concerning the spine. To put it in the words of the company’s founder and owner Uwe Siedler: “We do nothing else but spine – and this with dedication and passion.” Apart from many years of experience, consistent product advancements, the use of state-of-the-art technology, and comprehensive practical expertise, it is the continuous dialogue with the users that makes SIGNUS a reliable global partner for physicians and healthcare practitioners.
From Alzenau into the world – featuring supreme quality The majority of our implants are manufactured in the nearby production facilities of ProCon Medizintechnik in Alzenau, while a small part of the product portfolio is produced in the USA, Switzerland, and France. In terms of the production in Germany and abroad, company owner Susanne Siedler, who is responsible for the division “Quality and Approval”, places great emphasis on consistent process monitoring; from development and manufacturing through to delivery, the quality of SIGNUS implants as well as the subsequent processes are fully monitored and documented.
High-Tec meets tradition Producing innovative high-end products of supreme quality to supply orthopaedists as well as trauma, spinal, and neurosurgeons with customised optimum solutions for their patients has been our team’s motivational force for more than two decades. The use of cutting-edge technologies, such as additive production, is both incentive and challenge at once. Setting new standards in spinal surgery options is our top priority at all times. Notwithstanding our pioneering role in this sector, our independent family-operated company relies heavily on traditional values – commitment and cooperation result in trust and excellence. We excel due to our receptiveness new ideas and technologies for the benefit of our patients, our respectful relationship with our employees, customers, and partners, as well as the consistent implementation of targets.
Always there for you! “Spinal systems develop their quality and full potential only when the surgeon’s mind and hand are fully prepared for them,” is the experience of Uwe Siedler. Therefore, the comprehensive service provided by SIGNUS also includes regular advanced training sessions, an international training and observation programme, as well as surgery consultations. Susanne Siedler confirms, “The trusting cooperation between the company and the users shall remain our decisive formula for success in the future.” The entire SIGNUS Portfolio, with detailed information and descriptions, is available for you online at www.signus.com
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Name · SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES AG Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year) Areas of Activity
· · · · · · · · · · · ·
Hanauer Landstrasse 103 63796 Kahl am Main Bavaria Dirk Scholze +49-6188-440-188 +49-6188-440-130 dirk.scholze@singulus.de www.singulus.de
I 358 1995 l Solar l Semiconductor l Medical technology l Consumer goods l Optical disc
Annual Turnover · €127.5m (2018) Relevant R&D Budget · €13.4m (2018)
SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES Wet chemical and vacuum deposition for medical technology The core competencies of SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES include various processes of coating technology, surface treatment, wet chemical, and thermal production processes. For medical technology SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES offers innovative wet chemical and vacuum deposition process solutions.
Wet processing systems Batch & inline systems as well as customised solutions SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES presents with its MEDLINE platform a modular system for wet chemical applications adaptable for different process applications. Eye lenses and dental implants are only two samples for the application. The spectrum ranges from manually loaded wet chemical tools for research and development applications to fully automated platforms for high volume mass production in demanding technologies. With its process and machine technology, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES is a reliable partner for international customers in the fields of pharmaceuticals and healthcare. The MEDLINE system family offers high flexibility and customised solutions. The systems are available as inline as well as batch versions according to customer requirements. The modular design provides flexibility for both manual and fully automated operation. The systems can be easily integrated into every production process. Flat substrates in large dimensions can be processed, but also 3-dimensional and thin parts are typical for highvolume production equipment as well as customised tools for special applications.
Member of
Typical examples for wet chemical processes: ·· Washing, cleaning, and pre-cleaning ·· Ultra- or mega sonic cleaning ·· Surface conditioning ·· Coating, etching ·· Surface modification ·· Electrochemical etching
singulus technologies
Vacuum deposition technology Sputtering & plasma-enhanced chemical vapour deposition For medical technology, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES offers processes and equipment for coating technology (sputtering, evaporation, PECVD, CVD). A common trait of all processes is the basic principle of efficient, lowresource production technology. Application examples for medical devices: ·· Antibacterial coatings ·· Dense barrier layers, gradient layers ·· Antireflection coatings ·· Hard coatings ·· Adhesion-promoting layers ·· Plasma functionalisation ·· Plasma cleaning, plasma sterilisation ·· Decorative coatings A variety of deposition materials with its wide range of metals, metal alloys, ceramics, etc. is available for the respective application. Inline sputtering systems, such as the POLYCOATER, are the result of the combination of proven coating technologies, high-performance expertise, and unique experience bundled with a revolutionary concept for the application of 3-dimensional coatings onto parts. Not only decorative, but also functional layers, e.g. for the packaging of medical parts, can be applied. Possible approaches are antibacterial coatings, EMV-shielding, or electrically conductive layers. The environmentally friendly, low-cost functional antibacterial coatings minimise the risk of infection by the so-called “hospital superbug” MRSA and by E. coli bacteria, as various studies have shown. SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES pursues an integrative validation strategy and supports customers in the validation of machine technology. The corresponding quality management system has been adopted at SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES. This serves to guarantee product quality and meet the binding marketing requirements of health agencies, in particular the rules of GxP/FDA.
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Name · SMC Germany GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Telephone Email Website Social Media
· · · · · · ·
Boschring 13–15 63329 Egelsbach near Frankfurt/Main Hesse +49-6103-402-0 info@smc.de www.smc.de
SMC Corporation – A strong company World market leader in automation technology ·· Locations in 83 countries ·· 36 % market share worldwide ·· Headquarters: Tokyo, Japan ·· Products: 12,000 basic models with more than 700,000 variations ·· Production: 31 countries worldwide
Areas of Activity · Automation technology Association · VDMA Medical Technology, ZVEI, EHEDG, PEC, DIL
SMC Germany GmbH Subsidiary company of the SMC Corporation, Tokyo, Japan ·· Founded: 1978 ·· Headquarters: Egelsbach near Frankfurt/Main ·· Sales offices Germany-wide: 11 ·· Employees: 740 ·· Sales and Production ·· German Technical Center (GTC), one of the SMC Corporation’s five technology centres worldwide ·· SMC Trending topics: Energy efficiency, Safety, Industry 4.0
SMC Germany – Your partner with the best industry expertise 40 years of experience and an excellent reputation in different industries ·· Automotive ·· Electronics incl. photovoltaics ·· Food & Packaging ·· Life sciences ·· Machine tools ·· Robotics & Automation
Member of
Innovative automation for medical technology SMC has many years of experience in the life science sector and can offer you the utmost competence for your special applications. Benefit from ·· Worldwide product availability ·· A comprehensive global service network ·· International development expertise in the field of life sciences ·· Unrivalled manufacturing capacity ·· Tailer-made solutions – all from a single source
A broad product range for medical applications: ·· ·· ·· ·· ·· ··
Temperature control equipment Process valve technology Miniature valves Drives and grippers – pneumatic and electric Fittings and tubing Instrumentation components such as sensors, controllers, and filters
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104 | 105
Name · Stäubli Tec Systems GmbH Robotics Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person
Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · ·
Theodor-Schmidt-Straße 19/25 95448 Bayreuth Bavaria Sonja Koban Marketing Manager & Division Business MarCom Manager +49-921-883-3212 +49-921-883-3444 s.koban@staubli.com www.staubli.com/en/robotics/
· · · · · FL I Q · 5,500 · 1892
Areas of Activity · l Industrial automation l Industrial robots l Life sciences l Medical technologies
Robotics solutions for medical industry Stäubli is a global mechatronics solution provider with three core activities: textiles, connectors and robotics. Based in Switzerland the international group is present in 29 countries, on the corporate site. Our global workforce of more than 5,500 shares a commitment to partnering with customers in nearly every industry to provide comprehensive solutions with long-term support. For many years now, Stäubli Robotics has been on a mission to develop robots for life sciences applications. Stäubli FAST picker TP80, SCARAs, and six-axis robotics arms are setting the benchmark for hygiene, safety, and productivity for all production conditions in the clean to sterile range. Whenever speed and accuracy have to be maintained alongside factors such as particle emissions, easy-toclean surfaces, and availability, robots from the house of Stäubli have long led the way. With its specialised robotic arms, Stäubli brings its unique robotics expertise to the table in all medical device manufacturing operations, from deburring and polishing the surfaces of orthopaedic implants to injection moulding medical components, assembly, and handling medical and optical instruments. Their superior cleanroom suitability results from a fully enclosed design; a prerequisite for use in these sensitive areas. In addition to the cleanroom-compatible standard robots, there are numerous dedicated cleanroom variants, wet room versions, and Stericlean robots to choose from.
Member of
Stäubli tec systems
Made for medical: Stericlean robots
Six identical Stäubli Stericlean robots handle the implants. Shown here is the chemical treatment station.
Texere Biotech has recently begun production at a fully automated plant, the first of its kind in the world, using six Stäubli Stericlean robots. The company uses femoral heads and processes them into cuboid implants known as “bone allografts”. Its output is significantly higher than that of other providers who still rely on manual production methods. The result is microporous decellularised bone blocks in the standardised size of a sugar cube, which experience has shown will knit very well with another patient’s bone material without causing rejection, as they contain no stem cells. With the capacity to process 5,000 femoral heads a year, the six identical TX60 Stericlean robots are positioned at six stations along the processing line. The first of them lifts one whole femoral head off a tray and conveys it to an image processor which assesses it for size and shape. This data is used to map out the cutting lines for the next stage, in which the second robot presents the bone material to the fully encapsulated water jet machine. In contrast to sawing or milling, this does not generate the sort of high temperatures that might destroy natural bone properties and eliminates all risks of cross-contamination between femoral heads. Robot number three retrieves the resulting cuboid allografts and places them on a tray. The next two robots in line are responsible for handling the allografts as they undergo chemical treatment and sterilisation. At station number six, the last of the Stericlean robots inserts the individual cubes into vials. After they have been vacuumsealed and individually labelled, the vials are stored at ambient temperature pending delivery to hospitals.
Benefits ·· ·· ·· ··
Increased efficiency and overall capacity Reproducible quality at the highest level No contamination, including cross-contamination Prevention of errors caused by manual work
The entire medically certified system operates under cleanroom conditions and is housed in a 40ft module.
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Name · Steinbeis Transfer Center Tribology Address/P.O. Box · Postal Code/City · State · Contact Person · Telephone · Mobile · Email · Website · Founded (year) ·
Erzbergerstrasse 121 76133 Karlsruhe Baden-Wuerttemberg Prof. Dr Diemar Schorr +49-721-9735-831 +49-172-9057349 info@steinbeis-analysezentrum.com www.steinbeis-analysezentrum.com 2013
Areas of Activity · l Medical technologies l Tribological systems l Wear analyses l Surface analyses l Coating measurements l Material analyses
The company The Steinbeis Transfer Center for Tribology, Surface Analysis and Material Testing at the Cooperate State University in Karlsruhe specialises in the analysis of surfaces, materials, and wear, offering services for industry and research institutions. This also includes analyses and consulting on all aspects of friction and wear. We perform optical surface measurements for the determination of roughness and waviness of surfaces as well as measurements of shape and contour. In addition, we offer complete analytics for coatings and carry out precise material tests and material analyses. We use these comprehensive investigation possibilities for wear analyses of tribological systems and thus clarify the underlying causes of wear. We work on the scientific basis of a university with the competence of an industrial company.
Philosophy We are satisfied if you are.
Surface analysis The surface is the part of a component with which it comes into contact with its surroundings or with another component. We determine the microstructures of surfaces through very precise analyses. For this purpose, high-resolution three-dimensional surface measurements with subsequent structure analyses are carried out. Scanning electron microscopy is used for imaging surface analyses with very high magnification. Furthermore, we carry out friction coefficient measurements and determine the wettability of surfaces.
Member of
STZ Tribologie
Coating analytics We offer complete analyses of coatings and coating systems. This includes measurements of coating hardness, thickness, and adhesion to the substrate. We can analyse a wide range of coatings, including varnishes, hard coatings, and very thin coatings in the nanometre range.
Material testing
285 6(59,&(Ě
The material properties in the peripheral zone of a component are responsible for the friction and wear behaviour. We have the necessary tribological knowhow to evaluate the edge zone of a component using state-of-the-art analysis methods. These include various hardness testing methods up to nanohardness testing as well as photothermal peripheral zone analysis as a unique technology. With this technology, the material properties at the component edge are determined nondestructively.
Wear analysis At the Steinbeis Transfer Center Tribology, wear analyses are carried out in such a way that the basic causes of friction and wear can be determined. All properties of a tribological system are analysed and evaluated. In our laboratory in Karlsruhe we have the most modern analytics for surfaces and materials at our disposal. It goes without saying that we also carry out wear tests on components in order to determine the best material and coating combinations.
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Name · T4M – Technology for Medical Devices (a product of Messe Stuttgart) Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Messepiazza 1 70629 Stuttgart Baden-Wuerttemberg Tanja Wendling +49-711-18560-2186 +49-711-18560-2026 T4M@messe-stuttgart.de www.T4M-expo.com www.twitter.com/T4Mexpo Premiere of T4M in 2019
Areas of Activity · Trade fair with lecture forums, free workshops, large start-up world incl. pitch stage, networking evening External · l VDMA Collaborations l Swiss Medtech l MedicalMountains … and many more
About T4M – Technology for Medical Devices Following the successful premiere in 2019, Messe Stuttgart is organising the second T4M – Technology for Medical Devices – from 5–7 May 2020 in Stuttgart (Germany). In the centre of one of the economically strongest regions and one of the most important industrial locations in Europe, the trade fair organiser brings medical technology suppliers together with manufacturers and contractors. New technologies, innovative processes, and diverse materials: the focus of T4M on the manufacture and production of medical technology products guarantees exhibitors and visitors an efficient exchange among experts. Renowned companies will exhibit in 2020, such as ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH, Cicor Group, FANUC, EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH, Fort Wayne Metals, Georg Fischer AG, HIGHTEC MC AG, IMSTec GmbH, MedNet GmbH, Trumpf AG, phg Peter Hengstler GmbH & Co. KG, Photon Energy GmbH, SAMAPLAST AG, SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG, SINGULUS TECHNOLOGIES, SolidCAM GmbH, Steiger Galvanotechnique SA, Treffert GmbH & Co. KG, Viktor Hegedüs GmbH, Weber Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG, CHIRON-WERKE, as well as Wild & Küpfer AG. Be a part of it when the successful combination of trade fair, forums, workshops, and networking opens its doors again in Stuttgart (Germany) from 5 to 7 May 2020. Further information can be found at www.T4M-expo.com.
About Messe Stuttgart We bring people together. Located in the heart of Europe, Messe Stuttgart is the central hub for ideas and contacts. World market leaders from every industry meet mediumsized hidden champions and exciting start-ups here. Interesting cooperation agreements and new lines of business are therefore established at our trade fairs, congresses, and events. In direct exchange, without any diversions. 12 per cent of the up to 1.36 million visitors come from abroad to the trade fair centre directly beside Stuttgart Airport. Messe Stuttgart serves its customers in 52 countries with three subsidiaries, 19 foreign representations, and numerous sales partners.
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Name · Tradex-Services GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
Am Schlichtfeld 2 82541 Münsing Bavaria Angie Löffler +49-8177-99822-0 +49-8177-99822-10 info@tradex-services.com www.tradex-services.com 5 1998
Areas of Activity · Exhibitions
Your full-service provider! Working exclusively together with some of the biggest Exhibition organisers, we support companies from Germany, Austria and Switzerland. We deal in procurement of floor space and the comfort of showcasing their company and products within our custom built pavilion, individually or as part of official country pavilions. We are there to help with all their needs from A–Z to help them grow their business presence worldwide. With years of experience within the MEA and APAC region, our Know-How and high level of customer service, we can guide them through to each step to a successful exhibition experience. With our unique tools, Tradex+ and Virtual Fair, we are offering lead generation and networking benefits in the area of Life Science. Be seen and search contacts online as well as offline. Additionally our partners can offer assistance in a wide range of services around exhibitons and market entries.
Tradex+ – your marketing and networking platform Promote your company 24/7/365 on Tradex+ and Virtual Fair. Share product and service pictures, videos, detailed descriptions and downloadable catalogs on a media-rich profile. Add social media links and personalized team contact information to your profile to gain direct contact with customers, partners and distributors from around the world. Virtual Fair ·· Promote your company, products & services 24/7/365 on Virtual Fair, directly linked to your Tradex+ profile ·· Be found by existing and potential customers, distributors and partners worldwide in real time before, during and after the trade show ·· Virtual Fair lets you attract more interest and exposure to your business by offering detailed information about your company, products and services via a free, online trade show map ·· Enhance your customer interaction. Reach potential sales targets with: · downloadable product catalogs · brochures
· product photos, videos and detailed information · visual demonstration videos ·· Engage your audience with integrated social media links and personalized team contact information Networking Platform ·· Stay connected with distributors, dealers, partners and customers - 24/7/365 ·· Reach visitors before the trade show, inviting them to check your latest products and services available on your Tradex+ page ·· Gain exposure from our international marketing campaigns, highlighting Tradex+ and Virtual Fair at exhibitions worldwide ·· Increase your reach by accessing contact information from registered distributors, dealers and partners through Tradex Connect ·· Schedule business appointments and meetings and generate sales leads Prime Advantages ·· Profit with preferred offerings from our partners across the Tradex network in travel, accommodations, logistics, media, business and legal consultancy ·· Generate additional business contacts with an enhanced Tradex+ company profile ·· Obtain exclusive access to show registration before the general release ·· Allow your target group to connect with you 24/7/365 even if they don’t attend a trade show ·· SEO incorporation within your profile for improved visibility Partners Selected partners who are highly specialized in business consultancy, design/architecture/mounting, legal consultancy, media promotions, travel-accommodation and much more, will help you meet your businesses trade shows management and experience needs: Air Travel | Design, Architecture and Mounting | Legal Consultancy | Business Consultancy | Logistics | Media | Travel + Accommodation | Main Exhibition Organisers Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
112 | 113
Name · Viscofan BioEngineering – a business unit of Naturin Viscofan GmbH Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Badeniastraße 13 69469 Weinheim Baden-Wuerttemberg Dr Lluís Quintana +49-6201-86-358 +49-6201-86-226 contact@bio.viscofan.com www.viscofan-bioengineering.com
I 10 2008
Areas of Activity · Development and manufacturing of collagen products for l regenerative medicine l biomedical R&D l nutraceuticals External · l University of Tübingen Collaborations l University of Navarra (Spain)
Your partner for medical collagen Viscofan BioEngineering is a business unit of Naturin Viscofan GmbH – the centre of excellence for collagen within the global Viscofan group. Our know-how is based on 85 years of experience in the extraction and processing of collagen from bovine skin on an industrial scale. Our collagen products serve nutraceutical markets as well as cell biology research and especially the biomedical sector, enabling the development of novel therapies in regenerative medicine.
Product portfolio Collagen is the most abundant protein in mammals and can be found in various organs, e.g. tendons, cartilage, and dermis. As a major structural component, collagen type I forms a scaffold to support cell attachment and function as well as organ integrity. What sets our collagen products apart is the intense yet gentle purification of insoluble collagen type I fibres preserving their natural and complex structure. This enables us to manufacture highly biocompatible scaffolds with unique properties. ·· Extruded to flat films, the dense network of long fibres gives unique strength to the resulting membranes. Our technology gives us high flexibility in designing collagen membranes tailored to need as novel implantation tools: · Collagen Cell Carrier ® membranes with very good performance in tissue engineering. Thin (20 µm) & elastic, yet strong & suturable, they are an ideal supportive matrix for pinpoint cell implantation, improving cell survival and the effectiveness of cell therapies (clinical phase I trial started). · Customisable membranes adjustable in thickness, tear-resistance, degradability, etc. for tissue enforcement, closure, or regeneration (e.g. wounds, hernias, etc.) ·· A smooth fibrous mass (Viscolma®) with concentrations of up to 15% collagen for efficient biocompatible coating of medical devices or for the generation of novel implantable 3D scaffolds.
Membranes and mass are produced in R&D and in medical grade quality, manufactured in our GMP-compliant production unit in Weinheim. We also provide soluble collagen type I suitable for coating of cell culture vessels and 3D cell culture models in hydrogels. New in our portfolio is a premium collagen hydrolysate to supply the health food market. COLLinstant ÂŽ is a highly soluble collagen peptide powder of neutral taste and odour, intended to support skin and joint health. We provide COLLinstantÂŽ as an ingredient to manufacturers of nutraceutical products.
Quality & Safety Viscofan BioEngineering is certified according to DIN EN ISO 9001. Moreover, to ensure the highest possible product safety for our medical products we are introducing a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 13485 and source our raw material from New Zealand, a country with negligible risk of BSE. We also guarantee full traceability.
What we offer We offer highly standardised and customisable collagen products for the improvement or development of novel therapies with next-generation collagen fibre preparations. Provided both in research and medical grade quality, those biomaterials permit easy and cost-efficient bench-to-bedside transfer. Moreover, together with our partners, Viscofan BioEngineering is also developing its own pipeline of products in regenerative medicine. With the combination of premium products, our all-round know-how in collagen manufacturing, and expert customer support, Viscofan BioEngineering promotes new breakthroughs in medical development and is open to collaborations.
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Name · WILD Group Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City Country Contact Person Telephone Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · ·
The WILD Group – corporate philosophy
Wildstraße 4 9100 Völkermarkt Austria Wolfgang Warum +43-4232-2527-390 wolfgang.warum@wild.at www.wild.at
WILD is the most trusted partner in optomechatronic systems for the world market leaders in medical technology, optical technologies, and industrial technology. WILD develops and produces your high-quality products and guarantees stable processes across the entire product cycle.
WILD develops and manufactures exclusively on behalf of its customers and also makes all research, development, and design results available to the customer.
450 1970
Areas of Activity · Contract development and contract manufacturing of optomechatronic systems for medical & life science and in-vitro diagnostics & analytics External · l SPECTARIS Collaborations l WIN – WILD Integrated Network l EIT Health l Additive Manufacturing Austria l HTS – Human Technology Styria l Silicon Alps l Medizintechnik-Cluster Business Upper Austria l Photonics Austria l VNL – Verein Netzwerk Logistik
WILD endeavours to always behave in such a manner so as to ensure that customers, suppliers, staff members, investors, and all stakeholders develop a maximum level of trust in WILD.
One-stop process WILD is your system partner for the development and production of your sophisticated optomechatronic assemblies and complete devices: ·· Adjustment of our service packages to suit your requirements ·· WIN – WILD Integrated Network – A partner network that ensures flexible and full availability of all required skills and resources ·· No own products under the WILD brand
Our service modules We solve complex problems with a flexible combination of suitable elements from our range of services: Engineering | Co-Engineering | Re-Engineering | Value Engineering | Life Cycle Engineering | Process Engineering | Validation | Standards | Supplier Qualification | Prototyping | Supply Chain Design | Production Transfer
Member of
wild group
Your benefits Simple ·· Simplification ·· One-stop shop for optomechatronics Reliable ·· Comprehensive, carefree package ·· From the idea to the product’s end-of-life Quick ·· Time-to-market success ·· Prompt replacement Optimised ·· Avoiding wastage ·· Minimised total cost of ownership Flexible ·· Rapid implementation of changes ·· High availability combined with low capital ·· Commitment
WILD Figures Core business areas Medical technology and optical technologies Certifications ISO 9001 – certified since 1990 ISO 13485 – certified since 2004 FDA registration Annual mfg capacities 350,000 hours Cleanroom ISO class 6 cleanroom ISO class 5 flow box Low-germ manufacturing 50 CFU accord. to ISO 14698
Benefit from the modularity of our processes – tailored to your requirements! Guide to german Medtech companies 2020
116 | 117
Name · ZECHA HartmetallWerkzeugfabrikation GmbH
Address/P.O. Box Postal Code/City State Contact Person Telephone Fax Email Website Social Media Number of Employees Founded (year)
· · · · · · · · · · ·
Benzstraße 2 75203 Königsbach-Stein Baden-Wuerttemberg Arndt Fielen +49-7232-3022-0 +49-7232-3022-25 info@zecha.de www.zecha.de
FIQI approx. 130 1964
Areas of Activity · l Medical and dental technology l Chronograph industry l Automotive industry l Tool and mould making External · l AlienTools GmbH l MPK Special Tools GmbH l ZECHA PRECISION TOOLS LIMITED
ZECHA Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH has been a pioneer and trendsetter in the field of micro cutting, blanking, and forming tools for over half a century. The company’s origins in the chronograph industry can be seen not only in its uncompromising specialisation in the production of miniature tools of the highest precision, but also in its special tool solutions. Precision and quality are key for the international utilisation of tools in different industries, for example, in medical and dental technology. Experts in the company’s own research and development department are constantly developing ground-breaking geometries and tools for sophisticated applications and cutting-edge materials.
Precision tools for Torx interfaces In medical technology, the Torx interface is a tried-andtested, force-fit connection between bone screw and screwdriver. It transmits the torque extremely gently into the sensitive bone structure and thus indirectly supports the healing process. The Torx interfaces have to be inserted into the screws made of titanium or various kinds of stainless-steel with appropriate accuracy. For these applications ZECHA product range offers five milling cutters that not only provide the highest level of precision but at the same time ensure sustainable profitability.
Precise threads for implants The patented hard metal whirl thread cutters in the ZECHA 462 series can be employed to achieve cylindrical and precisely contoured interior threads for implant posts or medical devices calling for the highest precision. The expanded geometric shaping of the section produces completely burr-free threads. The tools unite maximum accuracy in minute areas with absolute reproducibility of surface quality. The whirl thread cutters can be used on low-alloy steels, stainless steel, nonferrous heavy metals, brass, titanium, precious metals, plastic, and other nonferrous metals. Member of
Reliable tools for the dental industry The demands made on precision and process-capability in the manufacture of denture products are continually growing. Particularly difficult-to-machine materials demand high-quality milling cutters in order to implement the small and complex geometries of inlays and onlays, bridges, and crowns. ZECHA has a range of reliable diamond-coated milling cutters for the processing of zirconium oxide, cobalt chromium, plastics, and wax.
Competency in bone plate manufacture The machining of titanium, stainless steel, and special materials in the field of medical technology calls for individual solutions of the highest order. It is precisely the complex manufacture of bone plate that sets a number of challenges. The use of high-quality, optimally tailored ZECHA tool solutions can easily tackle these demanding applications.
Challenge of PEEK processing The highly abrasive material PEEK is finding increasing application in medical technology. Nevertheless, its properties make it difficult to machine. The high wear of all standard tools and the high friction heat lead to a poorer surface quality of the component and an increase in burring. ZECHA has taken up this challenge and suggests the deployment of the IGUANA line furnished with a diamond-coated and laser-sharpened cutting edge. Virtually no tool wear has been detected during use and the tool life cycle has been considerably increased. In addition, the surface values have been improved significantly and any additional post-processing on account of burring can be dispensed with. Another advantage of the milling cutter line is its ability to be employed in wet and dry machining.
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German Medtech Companies
The register contains cluster members and associated companies of: BVMed: German Medical Technology Association EMN: Medical Valley European Metropolitan Region of Nuremberg FMP: Network Forum MedTech Pharma IVAM: Microtechnology Network MM: Cluster MedicalMountains LSN: Life Science Nord Cluster SPECTARIS: German Hightech Industry Association VDMA: The Mechanical Engineering Industry Association
1stQ Deutschland GmbH, Mannheim (BVMed) 2be_die Markenmacher GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) 2E mechatronic GmbH & Co. KG, Kirchheim unter Teck (FMP/MM) 2k produktentwicklung Koentopp + Kargl GbR, München (FMP) 2W Technische Informations GmbH & Co. KG, München (VDMA) 3C-Carbon Composite Company GmbH, Landsberg am Lech (FMP) 3D Scanworks Scanservice, Köln 3D-LABS GmbH, St. Georgen (MM) 3D-Shape GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) 3M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss (BVMed) 3M Deutschland GmbH, Neuss 3T TextilTechnologie GmbH, Aachen 3win ® Maschinenbau GmbH, Aachen 42DP Labs GmbH, Köln 4CARE AG, Kiel (LSN) 4plus GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) 4Plus GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) 4voice AG, Haar (FMP) 5Med GmbH, München (FMP) 9Solutions GmbH, Düsseldorf
A. Hopf Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH, Cadolzburg (FMP) A. u. K. Müller GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf A.K.TEK GmbH, Hagen A.R.C. Laser GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) A7-24 Aumann Gmbh, Bamberg (EMN) Aachen Resonance GmbH, Aachen aap Implantate AG, Berlin (BVMed) ab medica Deutschland GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf AB-CT – Advanced Breast-CT GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) Abbott GmbH & Co. KG, Wiesbaden (BVMed, SPECTARIS) Abbott Medical GmbH, Wetzlar (BVMed) abeeyo GmbH, Paderborn Abena GmbH, Zörbig (BVMed) ABF-Pharmazie, ABF, Apothekerin Eva Schreier e. K., Fürth (EMN) Abiomed Europe GmbH, Aachen (BVMed) AC Aircontrols GmbH, Kempen ac.biomed GmbH, Aachen acad group GmbH, Heilsbronn (EMN, FMP) Acandis GmbH, Pforzheim (BVMed) ACCETIS International Germany GmbH, München (EMN) Accumold, Ankeny (IVAM) ACD Elektronik GmbH, Achstetten (FMP) ACE Stoßdämpfer GmbH, Langenfeld (VDMA) Acentiss GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen (MM) ACMIT GmbH, Wiener Neustadt, AT (FMP) acp systems AG, Ditzingen (MM)
Acquandas GmbH, Kiel (LSN) ACSIOMA GmbH, Bochum ACSYS Lasertechnik GmbH, Kornwestheim (VDMA) Active Key GmbH & Co. KG, Pegnitz (EMN) Activoris Medizintechnik GmbH, Gemünden (FMP) Activoris Medizintechnik GmbH, Gilserberg (EMN) Activus GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) ACTO GmbH, Braunschweig (FMP) Acto Service GmbH, Aachen Actuator Solutions GmbH, Gunzenhausen (FMP) ADAPT Localization Services GmbH, Bonn (FMP) ADCO GmbH, Aachen add’n solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) ADE GmbH & Co., Hamburg (LSN) Adentatec GmbH, Köln Adhesys Medical GmbH, Aachen ADL® GmbH, Münster ADOR-Edelmetalle GmbH, Hilden ADT Angst Drehteile GmbH & Co. KG, Frittlingen (MM) Advalange, Moskau, RUS (FMP) Advanced Medical Solutions, Winsford, UK (FMP) ADVANOVA GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) AE Adam GmbH, Felde (LSN) AEMtec GmbH, Berlin (FMP, IVAM, MM) Aesculap AG, Tuttlingen (BVMed MM, SPECTARIS) aescuvest GmbH, Frankfurt (EMN) AFRA GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) AFS Medizintechnik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) AGA Sanitätsartikel GmbH, Löhne AGATHON Informationsdienste, Duisburg AGENEO Life Science Experts GmbH, München (FMP) Agfa HealthCare GmbH, Bonn AGH Diagnostics GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Agroisolab GmbH, Jülich Aicher Präzisionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Königsheim (MM) AiCuris GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal AIR LIQUIDE Medical GmbH, Düsseldorf Air Products Medical GmbH, Hattingen air-be-c Medizintechnik GmbH, Gera (SPECTARIS) AirMed PLUS GmbH, Bochum AirTec Beatmungshilfen GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlheim AIT Austrian Institute of Technology, Wien (IVAM) AKP GmbH, Freiburg (MM) Akrus GmbH & Co. KG, Elmshorn (LSN) aks – Aktuelle Krankenpflege Systeme GmbH, Troisdorf aktivmed GmbH, Rheine (BVMed) AKTORmed GmbH, Barbing (FMP) Albert Hohlkörper GmbH & Co.KG, Hemer Albomed GmbH, Schwarzenbruck (EMN) Albrecht Präzision GmbH & Co. KG, Wernau (VDMA) ALCON Pharma GmbH, Freiburg (BVMed) Alcon ® Pharma GmbH, Großostheim (SPECTARIS) Alere GmbH, Köln ALERION HEALTH CARE GmbH, Essen Alexander Pidt GmbH, Herten alfa-Horizont GmbH & Co. KG, Zimmern ob Rottweil (MM) Alfred H. Schütte GmbH & Co. KG, Köln (VDMA) Alfred Schweizer GmbH & Co. KG, Sesslach-Gemünda (FMP) ALHO Systembau GmbH, Morsbach ALL4NET GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Allied Vision Technologies GmbH, Stadtroda (VDMA) ALLISTRO GmbH, Frankfurt (EMN) ALLMEDT GmbH & Co. KG, Essen AlloCon Med GmbH, Wermelskirchen alloPlus GmbH, Saarbrücken (BVMed) Allround Team GmbH, Köln ALLTEC GmbH, Selmsdorf (MM) Alna-Medicalsystem GmbH, Hamburg (LSN)
ALPO TECHNIK MEDICAL PRODUCTS GmbH & Co. KG, Auerbach (EMN, FMP) ALU REHAB ApS, Ry (SPECTARIS) AMA XPERTEYE GmbH, Köln Amedo STS GmbH, Bochum AMEDTEC Medizintechnik Aue GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach amerdis GmbH, Münster AMIPLANT GmbH, Schnaittach (EMN) AMNOTEC International Medical GmbH, Neuhausen o.E. (MM) Amplifon Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Amplitude Germany GmbH, Köln (IVAM) AMPLITUDE GmbH, Nieder-Olm (BVMed) AmpTec GmbH, Hamburg (FMP) ams Sensors Germany GmbH, Nürnberg (IVAM) AMSilk GmbH, Planegg (FMP) Anaesthesio ® Dr. Bloch und Dr. Nitschke GbR, Dorsten Analytical Services Dr. Ralph Nussbaum, Aachen Anderson Europe GmbH, Detmold (VDMA) Andreas Fahl Medizintechnik-Vertrieb GmbH, Köln (BVMed) Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co.KG, Tuttlingen (SPECTARIS) ANDREAS MAIER GmbH & Co. KG, Fellbach (VDMA) Angewandte System Technik GmbH, Wolnzach (FMP) Angiocam IVS GmbH, Duisburg Ansell GmbH, München (BVMed) anteris medical GmbH, Holzkirchen (FMP) ANTRIMON Deutschland GmbH, Aldingen (MM) Anura Innova GmbH, Rosenheim (FMP) AnyTec Hygienesysteme, Apolda (FMP) AP NENNO Medizintechnik GmbH, Marl AP&S International GmbH, Donaueschingen – Aasen (MM) appecon GmbH, Aachen Applied Auxetics GmbH, Dortmund Apptrac GmbH, Bottrop AQ Implants GmbH, Ahrensburg (LSN) Aqua free GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) aquila biolabs GmbH, Baesweiler Arbeitskreis Medizintechnik Hamburg e.V., Hamburg (LSN) ARBURG GmbH + Co KG, Loßburg (VDMA) Arcadis, Köln arelion AG, Schwabach (EMN) ARGONOPTICS GmbH, Haltern am See Arjo Deutschland GmbH, Mainz-Kastel (BVMed) ArtFlex Software GmbH, Nordhalben (EMN) ARTIMED ® Medical Consulting GmbH, Kassel (MM) Artus Communications Ltd., Halle (FMP) ärzte.de MediService GmbH & Co. KG, Nürnberg (EMN) AS Medizintechnik GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) ASANUS Medizintechnik GmbH, Neuhausen (MM, SPECTARIS) ASBACH MEDICAL PRODUCTS GMBH, Obrigheim (FMP) ascendi MEDIZINTECHNIK, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) Ascenion GmbH, München (FMP) ASCO Numatics GmbH, Ölbronn-Dürrn (VDMA) ASINCO GmbH, Duisburg Asklepios Kliniken Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) asm – Axel Selbach Metallbearbeitung, Wermelskirchen Asmuth GmbH, Medizintechnik, Minden ASQF e.V., Potsdam (EMN) ASSAmed GmbH, Bexbach (BVMed) Assmann GmbH, Kiel (LSN) Assmann Medical, Wenningstedt-Braderup/Sylt (LSN) ASSTOR Reinstwassertechnik e.K., Castrop-Rauxel Astrum IT GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP, MM) Asys-Tecton GmbH, Mönchweiler (MM) at-design GbR, Fürth (EMN, FMP) ATLANT 3D Nanosystems, Kongens Lynby (IVAM) ATMOS MedizinTechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Lenzkirch (BVMed, SPECTARIS) Atos Medical GmbH, Troisdorf AtoZ-CRO GmbH, Overath ats Medizintechnik GmbH, Voerde Attends GmbH, Schwalbach am Taunus (BVMed) AUC – Akademie der Unfiallchirurgie GmbH, München (FMP) Audio Service GmbH, Herford Audio-Ton Medizinisch-Technische Systeme GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Audion Elektro GmbH, Kleve August Reuchlen GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Augustine Medical GmbH, Arizant Deutschland GmbH, Trittau (LSN) AUMENTA GmbH, Düsseldorf auric Hörsysteme GmbH & Co. KG, Rheine (BVMed) AURITEC Medizindiagnostische Systeme GmbH, Hamburg (LSN)
AusSI Systems Pty. Ltd., NSW Marrickville, Sydney, AU (EMN) Automation W+R GmbH, München (VDMA) Autronic Reglersysteme GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Avanti GmbH, Hamburg (FMP) avasis GmbH, Radolfzell (MM) avinotec GmbH, Siegen aXcent medical GmbH, Koblenz (SPECTARIS) AxynTeC Dünnschichttechnik GmbH, Augsburg (FMP, IVAM) aycan Digitalsysteme GmbH, Würzburg (EMN) AYOXXA Biosystems GmbH, Köln ayxesis GmbH, Kevelaer
B & S Analytik GmbH, Dortmund B-K Medical Medizinische Systeme GmbH, Quickborn (LSN) B. Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen (BVMed, SPECTARIS) B. Ketterer Söhne GmbH & Co. KG., Furtwangen (MM) B.Braun Avitum Saxonia GmbH, Radeberg (SPECTARIS) B5tec, Madrid (IVAM) Babtec Informationssysteme GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) bachorskidesign, Lübeck (LSN) BAG Diagnostics GmbH, Lich (FMP) BaHe Verpackungen OHG (Georg Schrepfer), Nürnberg (EMN) Balda GROUP, Bad Oeynhausen Balluff GmbH, Neuhausen (VDMA) BAM GmbH, Weiden (EMN) Barkey GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld Barlog Plastics, Overath Bartels Mikrotechnik GmbH, Dortmund (IVAM) Basko Orthopädie Handelsgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg (LSN) Basler AG, Ahrensburg (VDMA) BATT mbH, Erfurt (IVAM) Bauer & Häselbarth – Chirurg GmbH, Ellerau (LSN, SPECTARIS) Baumüller Direct Motion GmbH, Bad Gandersheim (FMP) Bausch & Lomb GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Bavaria Digital Technik GmbH, Pfronten (FMP) Bavaria Medizin Technologie GmbH, Oberpfaffenhofen (FMP) Baxter Deutschland GmbH, Unterschleißheim (BVMed) bayer Feinwerk GmbH & Co.KG, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Bayer HealthCare AG, Odenthal Bayer Pharma AG, Wuppertal Bayer Vital GmbH, Leverkusen Bayerisches Laserzentrum GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) Bayern Innovativ GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) BAYOOMED Medical Software (Bayoonet AG), Darmstadt (EMN) bayoonet AG, Darmstadt (FMP) BayStartUp GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) BAZARGANI | Design+Innovation, Hamburg (LSN) bb med.product GmbH, Kalkar BBF Sterilisationsservice GmbH, Kernen-Rommelshausen (MM) BBmedica medizinische Vertriebs- und Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Aachen BBT Biotech GmbH, Baesweiler bc-technology GmbH, Frickenhausen (MM) BD Becton Dickinson GmbH, Heidelberg (BVMed) BDT-MVZ Radiologie & Nuklearmedizin, Erlangen (EMN) bebro electronic GmbH, Frickenhausen (FMP) BEE Medic GmbH, Singen (FMP) Belimed GmbH, Mühldorf (SPECTARIS) BEMA GmbH + Co. KG, Emmingen-Liptingen (MM) BERGER Industries e.K., Troisdorf (IVAM) Berghaus Translations, Speyer (FMP) Berkner & Beerwald – Elektro- und Medizintechnik GmbH, Bergkamen Berlin Heart GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Berliner Glas KGaA, Berlin (IVAM) Bernhard Schulz & Sohn Ärzte- und Krankenhausbedarf, Hamburg (LSN) Bernstein AG, Porta Westfalica (VDMA) Bertrandt Services GmbH, Ehningen (FMP) Berufliche Bildungsstätte Tuttlingen GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) bestbion dx GmbH, Köln BETZ Dentalgeräte GmbH, Kiel (LSN) BEWATEC Kommunikationstechnik GmbH, Telgte Bezirkskliniken Mittelfranken, Ansbach (EMN, FMP) BGS Beta-Gamma-Service GmbH & Co. KG, Wiehl (BVMed, FMP, MM) bielomatik Leuze GmbH & Co. KG, Neuffen (MM, VDMA) bien plus team GmbH, Spaichingen (MM) BILZ Werkzeugfabrik GmbH & Co. KG, Ostfildern (VDMA) binder elektronik gmbh, Sinsheim Bio-Gate AG, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) bio.logis Genetic Information Management GmbH, Frankfurt (FMP)
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biobedded systems GmbH, Gladbeck biocell Gesellschaft für Biotechnologie mbH, Engelskirchen BIOCOM AG, Berlin BioEpiderm GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) BioKat Systeme GmbH, Lahr (MM) biolitec biomedical technology GmbH, Jena (BVMed) Biomagnetik Park GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) BioMed Center Innovation gGmbH, Bayreuth (EMN) BIOMEDICAL SERVICES, Strullendorf (FMP) BioMedTech Communications, Regensburg (FMP) Bionicgermany – VeriMexx GmbH, Bestwig BioPark Regensburg GmbH, Regensburg (FMP) BIOSHIP, Wuppertal BioTeSys GmbH, Esslingen (FMP) BIOTREND Chemikalien GmbH, Köln BIOTRONIK SE & Co. KG, Berlin (BVMed) BioVariance GmbH, München (FMP) BioVariance GmbH, Waldsassen (EMN) Bisping Medizintechnik GmbH, Aachen BITMOS Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik mbH, Düsseldorf Blaser Swisslube GmbH, Stuttgart (MM, VDMA) Blisotec GmbH, Jülich Block Optic Ltd., Dortmund Bloss-Systems GmbH, Wendelstein (EMN) BlueSens gas sensor GmbH, Herten Bluewater Medical GmbH, Kiel (LSN) BmedS Beste medizinische Spezialitäten GmbH, Timmendorfer Strand (LSN) BMF Reinraumtechnik GmbH, Reutlingen (MM) BMP Competence GmbH, Alsdorf (FMP) BMP Labor für medizinische Materialprüfung GmbH, Aachen Böckelt GmbH, Marienheide Boehringer Ingelheim microParts GmbH, Dortmund (IVAM) BOGE KOMPRESSOREN Otto Boge GmbH & Co. KG, Bielefeld (VDMA) BOLLE System- und Modulbau GmbH, Telgte Bomedus GmbH, Bonn Bon Optic Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Lübeck (LSN, SPECTARIS) BONESUPPORT GmbH, Frankfurt (BVMed) BOSANA Medizintechnik GmbH, Dorsten Bosch + Sohn GmbH u. Co. KG, Jungingen (SPECTARIS) Bösl Medizintechnik GmbH, Aachen Boston Scientific Medizintechnik GmbH, Ratingen (BVMed) BoxQM, Tuttlingen (MM) Bracco Imaging Deutschland GmbH, Konstanz (BVMed) Brainport Industries, Eindhoven, NL (FMP) Breas Medical GmbH, Herrsching (SPECTARIS) Breitenbach Software Engineering GmbH, Möhnesee Bridge Facenet Ltd., Bonn BRIEM Steuerungstechnik GmbH, Nürtingen (MM) Bristol-Myers Squibb GmbH & Co. KGaA, München (FMP) Brückner Group GmbH, Siegsdorf (VDMA) Bruker France S.A.S, Palaiseau (IVAM) BSCON Brandschutzconsult GmbH, Essen BSF Kunststoffe GmbH, Gütersloh bsh medical communications GmbH, Düsseldorf BSL BIOSERVICE Scientific Laboratories Munich GmbH, Planegg (FMP) BSN medical GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) BSN-JOBST GmbH, Emmerich BSV BioScience GmbH, Baesweiler BTG International Germany GmbH, Düsseldorf (BVMed) Bürkert GmbH & Co. KG, Ingelfingen (VDMA) Büro für Biomechanik, Kreuzlingen, CH (FMP) Buschmeier Maschinenbau + Medizintechnik, Löhne Business Upper Austria – OÖ Wirtschaftsagentur GmbH, Linz, AT (EMN) BYTEC Medizintechnik GmbH, Eschweiler (FMP, VDMA))
C-tec Cleanroom-Technology GmbH, Rottenburg (MM) C. Bruno Bayha GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) C. HAFNER GmbH & Co. KG, Wimsheim (MM) C. Otto Gehrckens GmbH & Co. KG, Pinneberg (VDMA) C. R. Bard GmbH, Karlsruhe (BVMed) CabTec AG, Rotkreuz (Schweiz) (VDMA) CADFEM GmbH, Grafing bei München (FMP, VDMA) Cadida Software GmbH, Freiburg (MM) CADiLAC Laser GmbH, Hilpoltstein (FMP) Camed Medical Systems, Köln cameDio GmbH, Recklinghausen Camfil KG, Reinfeld (VDMA) camLine GmbH, Dortmund
CAMOLEON knowledge brokerage, Hamburg (FMP) Camozzi Automation GmbH, Albershausen (VDMA) CAMPTON Diagnostics GmbH, Itzehoe (IVAM) CANDOR Bioscience GmbH, Wangen (FMP) Canto Ing. GmbH, Lüdenscheid Carbopress Deutschland GmbH, Kandern (MM) Cardinal Health Germany 507 GmbH, Norderstedt (BVMed) Cardiobridge GmbH, Hechingen (BVMed) CardioFocus Inc., Geretesried (BVMed) Cardionovum GmbH, Bonn (BVMed) Cardioscan GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) CARE diagnostica Laborreagenzien GmbH, Voerde Carl Benzinger GmbH, Pforzheim (VDMA) Carl Haas GmbH, Schramberg (MM) Carl Martin GmbH, Solingen (SPECTARIS) Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena (SPECTARIS) Carl Zeiss Meditec Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Berlin (BVMed) Carl Zeiss MESS Solution GmbH, Ulm (VDMA) Carpegen GmbH, Münster CAS Clean-Air-Service AG, Herzogenrath Caspar & Co. LABORA GmbH, Aachen CAT PRODUCTION GmbH, München (FMP) CATCAP GmbH, München (EMN) CC&A Medical Components Ltd., Niederlassung Aachen, Aachen CDE Communications Data Engineering GmbH, Hagenberg, AT (EMN, FMP) CEA Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) CEATEC Medizintechnik GmbH, Wurmlingen (MM) cedrei, Nürnberg (EMN) CEIT-IK4, Donostia - San Sebastian (IVAM) Cellpack AG – Medical, Villmergen (MM) Celonic GmbH, Jülich Celsius42+ GmbH, Köln Centronic GmbH, Wartenberg (FMP) CeramOptec GmbH, Bonn CeramTec GmbH, Plochingen (BVMed) CERES GmbH evaluation & research, Lörrach (FMP) Cerus Europe B.V., Karlsruhe (BVMed) CG.Tec injection, Frasne (IVAM) CGS Sensors GmbH, Aschaffenburg (FMP) Changzhou Institute of Materia Medica Co., Ltd., Reutlingen (MM) Chemagen Biopolymer-Technologie AG, Baesweiler Chemische Fabrik Kreussler & Co. GmbH, Wiesbaden (BVMed) Chemotrade Chemiehandelsgesellschaft mbH, Düsseldorf Chempatex Medizinische Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH, Wentorf (LSN) Chimaera GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) chimera biotec GmbH, Dortmund Chip GmbH, Bochum CHIRON-WERKE GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (VDMA) Chiroplant GmbH, Wesseling Chirurgie Bad Schwartau, Bad Schwartau (LSN) CHP GmbH, Düsseldorf Chr. Diener GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) Christian Dunkel GmbH Werkzeugbau, Berlin (VDMA) Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel, Kiel (LSN) Christoph Miethke GmbH & Co. KG, Potsdam (SPECTARIS) Cicor Electronic Solutions, Bronschhofen, CH (FMP) Cicor RHe Microsystems GmbH, Radeberg (IVAM) Cilian AG, Münster CiNNAMED GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) CINOGY GmbH, Duderstadt (BVMed) Circulite GmbH, Aachen CiS Forschungsinstitut für Mikrosensorik GmbH, Erfurt (IVAM) Citizen Machinery Europe GmbH, Esslingen (VDMA) CIVAL Medtech GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) clean4med Gmbh, Konstanz (MM) CleanControlling Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Emmingen-Liptingen (MM) ClinicAll Vertriebs GmbH, Neuss Closomat GmbH, Hemer CM PR GmbH, Köln CMC Medical AG, Wurmlingen (MM) CNC-Fertigung Glöckler KG, Trossingen (MM) CODAN Medizinische Geräte GmbH & Co. KG, Lensahn (LSN) CODAN pvb Critical Care GmbH, Forstinning (FMP) codecentric AG, Solingen CoGAP GmbH, Köln COGITO GmbH, Düsseldorf CogniMed GmbH, Reinfeld (LSN) cognitas. Gesellschaft für Technik-Dokumentation mbH, Ottobrunn (VDMA) COGNOS AG, Köln
Coherent Kaiserslautern GmbH, Kaiserslautern (IVAM) Coherent Laser Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Lübeck (LSN) Coherent Munich GmbH & Co. KG, Gilching (VDMA) COI GmbH – Competence Center Pharma & Life Science, Erlangen (EMN) Colandis GmbH, Kahla (VDMA) Cologne Intelligence GmbH, Köln Coloplast GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) Coltène/Whaledent GmbH + Co. KG, Langenau (BVMed) Columbus Health Products GmbH, Düsseldorf Comcotec Messtechnik GmbH, Unterschleißheim (FMP) Comelec SA, La Chaux-de-Fonds (IVAM) Comline AG, Dortmund Compucase Europe GmbH, Hilden Compugraphics Jena GmbH, Jena (IVAM) CompuGroup Medical Deutschland AG, Hattingen Compumedics Germany GmbH, Singen (MM) ComputerKomplett SteinhilberSchwehr GmbH, Rottweil (MM) Comretix GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) comuny, Aachen Concept Laser GmbH, Lichtenfels (VDMA) Condor GmbH, Salzkotten (SPECTARIS) Confairmed GmbH, Dortmund CONFIANZA GmbH, München (FMP) confovis GmbH, Jena (IVAM) conplement AG, Nürnberg (FMP) Consical GmbH, Hemer Contec GmbH, Bochum Continental Trebbin GmbH + Co. KG, Eichstätt (VDMA) ConvaTec (Germany) GmbH, München (BVMed) CONZE Informatik GmbH, Lennestadt (FMP) COOK Deutschland GmbH, Mönchengladbach (BVMed) Cook Medical EUDC GmbH, Baesweiler COPT Zentrum Kˆln, Kˆln (IVAM) Corin GSA GmbH, Saarbrücken (BVMed) CORONA MEDICAL Vertriebs GmbH, Wesseling Corscience GmbH & Co. KG, Erlangen (EMN) CorTec GmbH, Freiburg (FMP, IVAM) Couplink Group AG, Aldenhoven Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH, Köln COWA Service Gebäudedienste GmbH, Gottmadingen (MM) CPE creative-precision-engineering GmbH, Krefeld CPR GmbH, Sarstedt (BVMed) CRE Rösler Electronic GmbH, Hohenlockstedt (LSN) Creamedix GmbH, Weingarten (MM) Creative Instruments GmbH, Weilheim (FMP) cresult GmbH, Bad Münstereifel CryoTherapeutics GmbH, Köln CSA Group, Frankfurt am Main (MM) CSC Deutschland Solutions GmbH, Köln csc unitools GmbH, Düsseldorf CSEM Zentrum Zentralschweiz, Alpnach Dorf (IVAM) CTC advanced GmbH, Saarbrücken (VDMA) curasan AG, Kleinostheim (BVMed) Curatec Services GmbH, Moers curea medical GmbH, Berlingerode (BVMed) CUREFAB Technologies GmbH, München (FMP) Curt Beuthel GmbH und Co. KG, Wuppertal Cyberdyne Care Robotics GmbH, Bochum (FMP) Cynteract, Aachen Cyomed Inc., Düsseldorf Cytox - Biologisches Prüflabor für Medizinprodukte, Bayreuth (FMP)
da:nova GmbH 4.0 – Die Präventionsexperten, Nürnberg (EMN) Dacor-Etiketten Dausend und Steuernagel GmbH & Co.KG, Wuppertal DanFlex GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) DANNORITZER Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) Das Trainingszentrum UG, Regensburg (FMP) Datatree AG, Düsseldorf datenstrom Medical-IT-Services, Remscheid DaThera Consumer Health, München (FMP) DATRON AG, Mühltal (VDMA) DBK EMS GmbH & Co. KG, Rülzheim (MM) DCI-Dental Consulting GmbH, Kiel (LSN) ddm hopt+schuler GmbH & Co. KG, Rottweil (MM) decema GmbH, Singen (MM) DECKEL MAHO Pfronten GmbH, Pfronten (VDMA) DECKEL MAHO Seebach GmbH, Seebach (VDMA) Decomplix AG, Bern (MM)
DEF- Dr. F. Immeyer GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Definiens AG, München (FMP) DeGIV GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort DEHAS Medizintechnik & Projektierung GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) DEKOM Engineering GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) delbramed GmbH, Frittlingen (MM) DELTA Vermittlungsgesellschaft mbH, Barbing (FMP) Delta-Vir, Leipzig (FMP) Deluwak UG, Kaarst DEMCON advanced mechatronics BV, Münster Dentaco GmbH & Co. KG, Essen Dental Innovation GmbH, Dortmund Dental Kontor GmbH, Stockelsdorf (LSN) Dentale Competence Germany KG, Bordesholm (LSN) Dentavenir GmbH & Co. KG, Nürnberg (EMN) Dentegris Deutschland GmbH, Duisburg Dentrade e.K., Köln DERU GmbH, Norderstedt (LSN) designaffairs GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) DESINO GmbH, Köln Deutsche Telekom Healthcare & Security Solutions GmbH, Bonn Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), Hamburg (LSN) Deutsches Inst. für Ergonomie und Usability (INERUS), Friedrichshafen (MM) Deutsches Telemedizin Zentrum e.V., Nürnberg (EMN) Devicor Medical GmbH, Norderstedt (LSN) DeVilbiss Healthcare GmbH, Mannheim (SPECTARIS) DEWE+CO Verbandstoff-Fabrik Dr. Wüsthoff GmbH & Co. KG, Wermelskirchen (BVMed) DGbW ® – Deutsche Gesellschaft für berufliche Weiterbildung, Bad Homburg (FMP) Diagenics SE, Essen Diagramm Halbach GmbH & Co. KG, Schwerte Diakonie Neuendettelsau, Neuendettelsau (EMN, FMP) Diamed Medizintechnik GmbH, Köln (BVMed) DiaMedCare GmbH, München (EMN) DiaMedic Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik mbH, Unna Diapharm GmbH & Co. KG, Münster DIASHOP GmbH, Germering (BVMed) DIBe Consulting, Erding (FMP) Diener Implants GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Digital Medics GmbH, Dortmund Dinger Werkzeugbau GmbH, Solingen diondo GmbH, Hattingen Discher Technik GmbH, Haan-Gruiter Dispomedica GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) DITF – Deutsche Inst. für Textil- und Faserforschung, Denkendorf (VDMA) DITG GmbH – Deutsches Institut für Telemedizin und Gesundheits förderung, Düsseldorf DITTEL ENGINEERING, Kochel am See/Ried (FMP) Dixion Vertrieb medizinischer Geräte GmbH, Düsseldorf DMB-Apparatebau GmbH, Wörrstadt (SPECTARIS) DMC International Trading GmbH, Düsseldorf DMG Chemisch Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) DMG MORI AG, Bielefeld (VDMA) DMI GmbH & Co. KG, Münster DMT Produktentwicklung GmbH, Nufringen (MM) Doceram GmbH, Dortmund (VDMA) DOCERAM Medical Ceramics GmbH, Dortmund (SPECTARIS) DOCUFY GmbH, Bamberg (VDMA) DOLATEL GmbH, Köln Domino Deutschland GmbH, Mainz-Kastel Doppkon GmbH & Co. KG, Spaichingen (MM) dörnemann - medizintechnische Service GmbH, Dinslaken Dornier MedTech Laser GmbH, Weßling (SPECTARIS) dp dreher partners gmbh & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) DQS Medizinprodukte GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (FMP, MM) DR . FOOKE – Achterrath Laboratorien GmbH, Neuss Dr. Arabin GmbH & Co. KG, Witten Dr. Ausbüttel & Co. GmbH, Dortmund (BVMed) Dr. Beckmann Pharma GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Dr. Collin GmbH, Ebersberg (FMP) Dr. Fooke Laboratorien GmbH, Neuss Dr. Fritz Faulhaber GmbH & Co. KG, Schönaich (MM) Dr. Gassner & Partner mbB Patentanwälte, Erlangen (EMN) Dr. Heinrich Schneider Messtechnik GmbH, Bad Kreuznach (VDMA) Dr. Hönle Medizintechnik GmbH, Kaufering (FMP) Dr. Jean Bausch Gmbh & Co. KG, Köln Dr. K. Hönle Medizintechnik GmbH, Gilching (SPECTARIS) Dr. Mach GmbH + Co., Ebersberg (SPECTARIS)
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Dr. Neumann & Kindler Ltd. & Co. KG, Bochum Dr. R. Pfleger Chemische Fabrik GmbH, Bamberg (FMP) Dr. Roschke medical marketing GmbH, Köln Dr. Wilfried Müller GmbH, Prittriching (FMP) Dr. Wolf, Beckelmann & Partner GmbH, Bottrop Dr. WOLFF ® Sports & Prevention GmbH, Arnsberg Dr.Becker Neurozentrum Nds, Bad Essen Dr.Ing. Ritter Apparatebau GmbH & Co.KG, Bochum Dr.Kraft Consultants GmbH, Düsseldorf Dr.Oestreich + Partner GmbH / Research + Marketing in Medicine + Pharmacy, Köln Dräger Medical AG & Co. KG, Lübeck (LSN) Dräger Medical ANSY GmbH, Essen (FMP) Dräger Medical Deutschland GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA, Lübeck (LSN, SPECTARIS) DREIGEIST GbR, Nürnberg (EMN) Dreve Otoplastik GmbH, Unna DRG-Control e. K., Forchheim (EMN) Drux rotierende Dentalinstrumente GmbH, Gummersbach DS Holding, Stapelfeld (LSN) DTZ Dialyse Trainings-Zentren GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) DUALIS MedTech GmbH, Seefeld (FMP) Dunker Medizin- und Röntgenbedarf, Hattingen Duresco GmbH, Witterswil (MM) Duria eG, Düren Dynamify GmbH, Garching (FMP)
e.Bavarian Health GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) eagleyard Photonics GmbH, Berlin (IVAM) EARLIEBIRDIE, Kolbermoor (FMP) ebm-papst St. Georgen GmbH & Co. KG, St. Georgen (MM) Ebnet Medical GmbH, Schwerin (IVAM) EBO Kunze Industriedesign – Chandler Loop System Neuffen, Neuffen (MM) EC Europ Coating GmbH, Hohenlockstedt (LSN) ECAD Electronic Components and Devices GmbH, Obernzell (FMP) ECE Training GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) Eckelmann AG, Wiesbaden (VDMA) Eckert & Ziegler BEBIG GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Ecomedis medizintechnik & sensorik GmbH, Münster EDAP TMS GmbH, Flensburg (LSN) EDT-Europe Aps, Farum, DK (FMP) Edwards Lifesciences Services GmbH, Unterschleißheim (BVMed, FMP) EEL GMBH, Neuss EFOMED GmbH, Henstedt-Ulzburg (LSN) EGT AG, Triberg im Schwarzwald (MM) Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik GmbH, Wendelsheim (IVAM) Eisele Pneumatics GmbH & Co. KG, Waiblingen (VDMA) Eisenhuth GmbH & Co.KG, Osterode (VDMA) Ekso Bionics Europe GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Electromag SA, Ecublens (IVAM) Elekta GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) elektron Systeme und Komponenten GmbH & Co. KG, Weißenohe (EMN) Element 22 GmbH, Kiel (LSN) Elident GmbH, Mettmann ELISCHA Projekt Management Medical, Witten Elma Schmidbauer GmbH, Singen (MM) ELMOS Semiconductor AG, Dortmund (IVAM) elobau GmbH & Co. KG, Leutkirch (VDMA) ELP GmbH European Logistic Partners, Wuppertal ElringKlinger Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Bietigheim-Bissingen (BVMed) ELSCHNER CONSULTING, Weil am Rhein (FMP) ELTRO GmbH, Baesweiler (VDMA) em-tec GmbH, Finning (FMP) embemed Bleckmann Medicalprodukte GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) embeX GmbH, Freiburg (MM) Emil Lange Zahnbohrerfabrik e.K., Engelskirchen EN Electronic Network Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) EN MediPart, Flensburg (LSN) Endo-Flex GmbH, Voerde Endoaccess GmbH, Garbsen (FMP) ENDOCOR GmbH, Glückstadt (LSN) EndoMobil GmbH, Großenaspe (LSN) Endosmart ® Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik mbH, Stutensee (MM) ENGEL AUSTRIA GmbH, Schwertberg (Österreich) (VDMA) ENGEL Deutschland GmbH, Wurmberg (MM) ENGESSER GmbH, Geisingen (MM) enmodes GmbH, Aachen
EnviroFALK GmbH, Westerburg (VDMA) EO-Elektronen- Optik- Service GmbH, Dortmund EOS Power India pvt. Ltd., Mumbai, IN (FMP) EOSWISS Engineering Sarl, Genf (IVAM, MM) EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH, Dettingen (MM) Epista Life Science Deutschland GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Epivios i.Gr., Düsseldorf Eppendorf AG, Hamburg (LSN) Eppendorf Instrumente GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Eppendorf Polymere GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) ePrax GmbH, München (FMP) Erbe Elektromedizin GmbH, Tübingen (MM) Erdmann Design AG, Brugg (MM) ERGO Computersysteme GmbH, Essen Ergo-Tec GmbH, Wilhelmsdorf (EMN) ergoMotix GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) ergoplan concept, Sprockhövel Ergosurg GmbH, Ismaning Erka Kallmeyer, Bad Tölz (SPECTARIS) Erlen GmbH, Recklinghausen ERMIS MedTech GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Ernst & Engbring GmbH, Oer-Erkenschwick Ernst Krauskopf – Fabrik für chirurgische und zahnärztliche Instrumente, Solingen (SPECTARIS) Ernst Rittinghaus GmbH, Halver Erwin Kowsky GmbH & Co. KG, Neumünster (LSN) ES Systems, Neo Psychico (IVAM) Esaote Biomedica Deutschland GmbH, Köln Eschweiler GmbH & Co. KG, Kiel (LSN) EsCo Orthopädie-Service GmbH, Remscheid (SPECTARIS) eSourceONE GmbH, Bamberg (EMN) ess Mikromechanik GmbH, Stockach (MM) Essity Germany GmbH, Mannheim (BVMed) Estoppey-Reber AG - Innosurf, Aegerten, CH (FMP) ETA Kunststofftechnologie GmbH, Troisdorf (VDMA) Etac GmbH, Marl Etchform BV, Hilversum (IVAM) ETO MAGNETIC GmbH, Stockach (VDMA) eucatech AG, Rheinfelden (FMP) Eurocor GmbH, Bonn EuroNorm GmbH, Berlin ev3 GmbH, Bonn Everhards GmbH, Meckenheim Everwind GmbH, Düsseldorf Evonik Industries AG, Marl EWAG AG, Etziken (IVAM) ewimed GmbH, Hechingen-Boll (BVMed) Exactech Deutschland GmbH, Kiel (LSN) EXAMION Medizin- und Röntgentechnik Gmb, Stuttgart EXCO GmbH, Frankenthal (FMP) Exergene Technologie GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) exeron GmbH, Oberndorf (MM) Eyetec GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) EZM Edelstahlzieherei Mark GmbH, Wetter
F. & M. Lautenschläger GmbH & Co. KG, Köln (SPECTARIS) F. Reyher Nchfg. GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (VDMA) F. Sodermanns Automobile GmbH, Wassenberg F.H. Papenmeier GmbH & Co.KG, Schwerte F&W Frey & Winkler GmbH, Königsbach-Stein (MM) Fachhochschule Aachen, Jülich (IVAM) Fachhochschule Westküste, Heide (LSN) FairImplant GmbH, Bönningstedt (LSN) Falk Medizinische Datenverarbeitung, Lübeck (LSN) Falken Apotheke, Erlangen (EMN) FANUC Deutschland GmbH, Neuhausen (VDMA) FAQ Consulting GmbH, Langenfeld FARMAVITA Regulanet d.o.o, Samobor, HR (FMP) FAULHABER Drive Systems, Schönaich (MM) Feet Control GmbH, Gummersbach FEG Textiltechnik Forschungs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Aachen (BVMed) FEG Textiltechnik, Aachen femtos GmbH, Bochum FERCHAU Engineering GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) FERREX Solutions GmbH, Bottrop Kirchhellen Ferromatik Milacron GmbH, Malterdingen (VDMA) Festo AG & Co. KG, Esslingen (VDMA)
Fetzer Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) FG-ELEKTRONIK GmbH, Rückersdorf (EMN) FIA Biomed GmbH, Emsdetten ficonTEC Service GmbH, Achim (VDMA) Fidia Pharma GmbH, Monheim (BVMed) FiHH Das Fortbildungsinstitut Harste-Westendorf GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) FINK NUMRICH Patentanwälte PartmbB, München (EMN) FISBA AG, St. Gallen (IVAM, SPECTARIS) Fischer QMS, Tuttlingen (MM) Fisher & Paykel Healthcare GmbH, Schorndorf (SPECTARIS) Fleischhacker GmbH & Co. KG, Schwerte FLG Automation AG, Karben (VDMA) FLO Medizintechnik GmbH, Melle (SPECTARIS) Florian Dieterle Markenmanagement, Düsseldorf FLUIGENT Deutschland GmbH, Jena (IVAM) Fluoron GmbH, Ulm (FMP) FMB Care GmbH, Salzkotten (SPECTARIS) FOR LIFE – Produktions- und Vertriebsgesellschaft für Heil- und Hilfsmittel mbH, Berlin (BVMed) for your eHealth GmbH, Weiden (EMN) Förde Medic, Kiel (LSN) FORÉCREU Deutschland GmbH, Troisdorf (VDMA) Fork Labs, Lübeck (LSN) forumOphthalmologicum, Hamburg (LSN) FRAMOS GmbH, Pullach (VDMA) Frank Scheil Industrievertretungen, Waghäusel (IVAM) Franz Binder GmbH & Co. Elektrische Bauelemente KG, Neckarsulm (MM) Franz Kalff GmbH, Euskirchen (BVMed) Fraunhofer IIS, Erlangen (EMN) Fraunhofer IPA, Stuttgart (MM) Fraunhofer IVV Dresden, Dresden (VDMA) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Standort Lübeck, Lübeck (LSN) Fraunhofer-Allianz Vision, Fürth (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Additive Produktionstechnologien IAPT, Hamburg (LSN) Fraunhofer-Institut für Arbeitswirtschaft + Organisation IAO, Stuttgart (VDMA) Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS, Chemnitz (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Elektronische Nanosysteme ENAS, Paderborn (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Bremen (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Fertigungstechnik und Angewandte Materialforschung IFAM, Dresden (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, Dresden (VDMA) Fraunhofer-Institut für Lasertechnik ILT, Aachen (IVAM, SPECTARIS) Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikroelektronische Schaltungen und Systeme IMS, Duisburg (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Mikrotechnik und Mikrosysteme IMM, Mainz (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Organische Elektronik, Elektronenstrahl- und Plasmatechnik FEP, Dresden (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Photonische Mikrosysteme IPMS, Dresden (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Siliziumtechnologie ISIT, Itzehoe (IVAM) Fraunhofer-Institut für Zuverlässigkeit und Mikrointegration IZM, Berlin (IVAM) Free life medical GmbH, Aachen Frelu GmbH, Much FRESENIUS SE & Co. KGaA, Bad Homburg (BVMed) Freudenberg IT SE & Co. KG, Weinheim (VDMA) Freudenberg Medical Europe GmbH, Kaiserslautern (BVMed MM) Freudenberg Sealing Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Weinheim (VDMA) Friedrich Alexander Universität, Erlangen (EMN) Friedrich Alexander Universität Dekanat Medizinische Fakultät, Erlangen (EMN) Friedrich Alexander Universität Dekanat Technische Fakultät, Erlangen (EMN) Frimed Medizintechnik GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Fritz Ruck Ophthalmologische Systeme GmbH, Eschweiler Fritz Stephan GmbH, Gackenbach (SPECTARIS) FRIWO Gerätebau GmbH, Ostbevern FRIZ Biochem Gesellschaft für Bioanalytik mbH, Neuried (FMP) Frör Kunststofftechnik GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) FRT GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach (IVAM) FSR.Consulting Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) FUCHS SCHMIERSTOFFE GmbH, Mannheim (VDMA) Fuhrmann GmbH, Much (BVMed) FUJIFILM Deutschland, Düsseldorf Fumedica Medizintechnik GmbH, Hechingen (BVMed) Fürstenberg-Gymnasium Donaueschingen, Donaueschingen (MM)
G-SURG GmbH, Seeon (FMP) G. Albert Storz, Wurmlingen (MM) G. Heinemann Medizintechnik GmbH, Kaltenkirchen (LSN) G.A.S. Gesellschaft für analytische Sensorsysteme mbH, Dortmund GADV, Böblingen (MM) Gaedigk GmbH Feinmechanik & Systemtechnik, Bochum Galifa Contactlinsen AG, St. Gallen (SPECTARIS) Galilei Software GmbH, Bad Tölz (FMP) Gambro Dialysatoren GmbH, Hechingen (BVMed) GAMC, Krefeld Garz & Fricke GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) GATTAquant GmbH, Hiltpoltstein (FMP) GAUDLITZ GmbH, Coburg (FMP) gb Implantat-Technologie GmbH, Essen GBN Systems GmbH, Buch am Buchrain (EMN, FMP) GE Global Research – Zweigniederlassung Deutschland, Garching (FMP) GE Healthcare GmbH, Solingen Gebr. Becker GmbH, Wuppertal (VDMA) Gebr. Brasseler GmbH & Co. KG, Lemgo Gebr. Schwarz GmbH, Rottweil-Neukirch (MM) Gebr. Tigges GmbH & Co. KG, Oelde (VDMA) Gebrüder Eberhard GmbH & Co. KG, Nordheim (VDMA) Gebrüder Martin GmbH & Co.KG, Tuttlingen (SPECTARIS) GEERS Hörakustik AG & Co. KG, Dortmund GEFAZ mbH, Forchheim (EMN, FMP) Gefeg-Neckar Antriebssysteme GmbH, Gosheim (MM) Gemalto GmbH, München (FMP) General Electric Deutschland Holding GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (VDMA) Gerhard Schubert GmbH, Crailsheim (VDMA) Gerl Dental GmbH (Anton Gerl GmbH), Köln Gerresheimer item GmbH, Münster GerroMed Pflege- und Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) Gesellschaft für Produktionshygiene und Sterilitätssicherung mbH, Aachen Gesundheitsforum Segeberg e.V., Bad Segeberg (LSN) Gesundheitsnetz Qualität und Effizienz eG, Nürnberg (EMN) GETEMED Medizin- und Informationstechnik AG, Teltow (SPECTARIS) GEUDER AG, Heidelberg (FMP) Geuder Aktiengesellschaft, Heidelberg (MM) GEWATEC GmbH & Co. KG, Wehingen (MM) GFA Steriltechnik GmbH & Co KG, Hückeswagen GFH GmbH, Deggendorf (IVAM, MM) GfPS mbH, Aachen GFS Gesellschaft für orthopädische Schienen mbH, Kummerfeld (LSN) GFS Gesellschaft für Sensorik GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) GHC – German Health Care GmbH, Wees (LSN) GHD GesundHeits GmbH Deutschland, Ahrensburg (BVMed) Gimmi GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM, SPECTARIS) Gindele GmbH, Neuhausen (MM) Ginolis Ltd., Oulunsalo (IVAM) GIRA Giersiepen GmbH & Co. KG, Radevormwald Given Imaging GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) GKM Gesellschaft für Therapieforschung mbH, München (FMP) Gläser GmbH, Horb (VDMA) Glastechnik Ströhmann, Herborn Global-dent GmbH, Bargteheide (LSN) Globalmind GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Globus Medical Germany GmbH, Düsseldorf (BVMed) GLOOR MEDICAL GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) GMA Gesellschaft für medizinische Ausbildung, Erlangen (EMN) GMC-I Messtechnik GmbH, Nürnberg (VDMA) GML Medizinische Informationstechnologie, Köln GNA Biosolutions GmbH, Martinsried (FMP) GO German Orthopedic Implants GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) goDentis, Köln GP Medical Instruments GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) GPE Plast Engineering GmbH, Neumünster (LSN) GPS Physiotherpieschule Bergkamen GmbH, Bergkamen GRÄSSLIN SÜD GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) GREEN TEXTILE SOLUTIONS, Bonn Greggersen Gasetechnik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Greiner GmbH, Pleidelsheim (SPECTARIS) Greisen Produkt Service GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Greive GmbH &Co. KG, Senden-Ottmarsbocholt Grey Innovation Pty. Ltd., Oberhaching (EMN) Grey Innovation Pty. Ltd., Richmond, AUS (FMP) Grimm – GFG GmbH, Gosheim (MM) Grönemeyer Medical Service GmbH, Bochum
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Grossenbacher Systeme AG, St. Gallen, CH (FMP) GRT GmbH & Co. KG, Hamm (IVAM) Gruneworld GmbH / Gooddrs, Bonn GRW Gebr. Reinfurt GmbH & Co. KG, Rimpar (VDMA) GS1 Germany GmbH, Köln (VDMA) GSG mbH, Essen GTI medicare GmbH, Hattingen (SPECTARIS) Gude Analog- und Digitalsysteme, Köln Gühring KG, Albstadt (VDMA) Günter Bissinger Medizintechnik GmbH, Teningen (MM) Günther Wesarg GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) GVB-geliMED E.Kfm, Bad Segeberg (LSN) GWQ ServicePlus AG, Düsseldorf
H. P. Zenner Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Tübingen (MM) H.+H. Maslanka Chirurgische Instrumente GmbH, Tuttlingen (FMP, MM) H.C. Grosse GmbH & Co. KG, Daldorf (LSN) H.E.I.N.E. Medizin GmbH, Düsseldorf HAAG-STREIT DEUTSCHLAND GmbH, Wedel (LSN) Haag-Streit Surgical GmbH, Wedel (LSN) Haas Schleifmaschinen GmbH, Trossingen (VDMA) Haemochrom Diagnostica GmbH, Essen HAEMONETICS GmbH, München (BVMed) Hahn-Schickard-Gesellschaft für angewandte Forschung e.V., Villingen-Schwenningen (IVAM, MM) Haimer GmbH, Igenhausen (VDMA) Hainbuch GmbH, Marbach (VDMA) HAKOS Präzisionswerkzeuge Hakenjos GmbH, Freiburg (VDMA) Haller-Jauch GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) HÄLSA Pharma GmbH, Lübeck (SPECTARIS) halstrup-walcher GmbH, Kirchzarten (VDMA) Hamamed Klinik-Spezialprodukte GmbH, Reinbek (LSN) Hamburg Wasser, Hamburg (LSN) HämorrhFried Vertrieb UG, Düsseldorf HAMTEC GmbH, Hamm Handelsvertretung Eibl, Velden (FMP) Handicare GmbH, Porta Westfalica (SPECTARIS) Handwerkskammer Konstanz, Konstanz (MM) HANS HEPP GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) Hans Müller HMP Medizintechnik GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN, SPECTARIS) HANS O. MAHN GmbH & Co. KG, Stapelfeld (LSN) Hansaton Akustik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Hanse-Medizintechnik Dipl.-Ing. P. Hettmer GmbH, Ratekau (LSN) Harmonic Drive AG, Limburg (FMP, VDMA) HARTING AG - Mitronics, Biel/Bienne 6 (IVAM, MM) Hauschild & Co.KG, Hamm HAW Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg, Hamburg (LSN) HAWE Altenstadt Holding GmbH, Altenstadt (VDMA) HAWE Micro Fluid GmbH, Barbing (VDMA) HAWK Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaft und Kunst, Hildesheim (VDMA) HB Technologies AG, Tübingen (FMP) HB-Therm GmbH, Siegburg (MM) HDI Global SE, München (FMP) HE System Electronic GmbH, Veitsbronn (FMP) HealthCapital – Cluster Healthcare Industries Berlin-Brandenburg, Berlin Healthcare IT Solutions GmbH, Aachen Healthy Projects GmbH, Düsseldorf Heart-Tec Medizintechnik GmbH, Dorsten Heberlein AG, Wattwil (MM) HEBUmedical GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Hechinger Automotive GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) HECHT Contactlinsen GmbH, Au (SPECTARIS) Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, Heidelberg (SPECTARIS) HEIKO WILD GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Heimbeatmungsservice Brambring Jaschke GmbH, Landberg/Lech (EMN) HEIMOMED Heinze GmbH & Co. KG, Kerpen Hein & Oetting Feinwerktechnik GmbH, Hamburg (VDMA) Heine Medizin GmbH, Düsseldorf Heinen + Löwenstein GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) Heinrich Burghart Elektro- und Feinmechanik GmbH, Wedel (LSN) Heinrich Ziegler GmbH, Forchheim (EMN) Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf (IVAM) Heinz Herenz Medizinalbedarf GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Heinz Kurz GmbH, Dußlingen (MM) Heinz Meise GmbH Medizintechnik, Schalksmühle Heise Medizintechnik Vertriebs GmbH, Dortmund HEITEC AG Systemhaus für industrielle Lösungen, Erlangen (VDMA)
HEITEC AG, Eckenthal (EMN, FMP) HEITEC PTS GmbH, Kuchen (VDMA) HEK medical GmbH, Ascheberg (LSN) HEKUMA GmbH, Eching (VDMA) Helbling Technik GmbH, München (FMP) Helion GmbH, Duisburg HELIOS-PREISSER GmbH, Gammertingen (MM) Helmut C. Hartwig Feinwerktechnik, Alveslohe (LSN) Helvoet (Tilburg) B.V., Tilburg, NL (FMP) Hemoteq AG, Würselen Hemovent GmbH, Aachen (SPECTARIS) Henke-Sass, Wolf GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Henkel Beiz- & Elektropoliertechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Neustadt-Glewe (FMP, VDMA) Hennig Agentur für Kommunikation GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) Henry Schein Dental Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Hepa Wash GmbH, München (FMP) Hepako GmbH Präzisionsgummiartikel, Raisting (FMP, VDMA) Heraeus Medical GmbH, Wehrheim (BVMed, FMP) Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co. KG, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Hermann Bock GmbH, Verl (SPECTARIS) Hermes Schleifmittel GmbH, Hamburg (VDMA) Herzog Intertec GmbH, Mahlstetten (MM) Hesto-Med Nord GmbH, Stockelsdorf (LSN) Heuser Apparatebau GmbH, Haan Hexagon Metrology GmbH, Wetzlar (VDMA) HäCKER Automation GmbH, Waltershausen (IVAM) HICAT GmbH, Bonn Hill-Rom GmbH, Witten (SPECTARIS) HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co. KG, Brühl (VDMA) HIMED GmbH, Münster Hinze Optoengineering GmbH & Co., Hamburg (LSN) Hipp Präzisionstechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Kolbingen (MM) Hirtz & CO. KG, Köln HITADO GmbH, Möhnesee HiTec Zang GmbH, Herzogenrath Hittech Prontor GmbH, Bad Wildbad (MM, SPECTARIS) HMG Systems Engineering GmbH, Fürth (EMN, FMP) HMM Deutschland GmbH, Moers HMT Medizintechnik GmbH, Maisach (BVMed) HNC HerzNetzCenter GmbH, Köln HNE Huntleigh Nesbit Evans Healthcare GmbH, Kempen HNP Mikrosysteme GmbH, Schwerin (IVAM) Hobe GmbH, Baienfurt (VDMA) Hochschule Furtwangen (HFU), Furtwangen (MM) Hochschule Furtwangen Kompetenzzentrum für spanende Fertigung, Villingen-Schwenningen (VDMA) Hochschule Niederrhein, Krefeld (IVAM) Hoehle-medical GmbH, Erftstadt Höfelmeyer Waagen GmbH, Georgsmarienhütte (VDMA) Hoffmann Medical Service GmbH, Gelsenkirchen Hoffrichter Medizintechnik GmbH, Schwerin (SPECTARIS) Hofmann GmbH, Gräfenberg (EMN, MM) Hollister Incorporated Niederlassung Deutschland, München (BVMed) HOLOEYE Photonics AG, Berlin (IVAM) Holthaus Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Remscheid (BVMed) HOMANN-MEDICAL GmbH u. Co. KG, Stolzenau (BVMed) Homoth Medizinelektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Kaltenkirchen (LSN) Hörkonzepte Vertriebs GmbH & Co. KG, Marl (BVMed) Hornik OHG, Gummersbach Hörniß Medizintechnik GmbH, Leverkusen Horst Scholz GmbH & Co. KG, Kronach (FMP) HörTech gGmbH, Oldenburg hospicall GmbH, Wiehl Hospigate GmbH, Essen Hospiz-Akademie Bamberg gGmbH, Bamberg (EMN) HOT Screen GmbH, Reutlingen (FMP) Hottinger Baldwin Messtechnik GmbH, Darmstadt (VDMA) HOYA Surgical Optics GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (BVMed) HP Labortechnik GmbH, Oberschleißheim (SPECTARIS) HP Medizintechnik GmbH, Oberschleißheim (FMP) HRK medical UG, Hamburg (LSN) HTI bio-X GmbH, Ebersberg (FMP) Hu-Friedy Mfg.Co., LLC., Tuttlingen (SPECTARIS) HUBER + SUHNER GmbH, Taufkirchen (FMP) Hubert Causemann GmbH, Wermelskirchen Huf Tools GmbH Velbert, Velbert (VDMA) Hugo Kern und Liebers GmbH & Co. KG, Schramberg (MM) Hugo Rost & Co. GmbH, Kiel (LSN)
HUM Gesellschaft für Homecare und Medizintechnik GmbH, Lünen HumanOptics AG, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) HUPFER Metallwerke GmbH & Co. KG, Coesfeld HWI regulatory services GmbH, Planegg (FMP) HygDos GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Hypertech Laser Systems GmbH, Lübeck (LSN)
I-Dynamometer GmbH, Bocholt i-mation GmbH, Rottweil (MM) I-Motion GmbH, Fürth (FMP) i-SOLUTIONS Health GmbH, Bochum i3 Membrane GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) iATROS GmbH, München (FMP) ICPDAS Europe GmbH, Reutlingen (MM) id+tm GmbH, Bochum iDAE MedTech Co., Ltd., BEIJING, CHINA (EMN) IDTM GmbH, Castrop-Rauxel IEF Werner GmbH, Furtwangen (VDMA) IET GmbH & Co. KG, Trossingen (MM) Iftest AG, Wettingen, CH (FMP) IFU Institut für Unternehmensforschung OR GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) igus ® GmbH, Köln IGZ Würzburg, Würzburg (FMP) IHK Nürnberg für Mittelfranken, Nürnberg (EMN) IHK Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) IhrArzt24 GmbH, Düsseldorf Ilg Medizintechnik GmbH, Durchhausen (MM) ILO electronic GmbH, Quickborn (LSN) IMA GmbH, Bochum imbus AG, Möhrendorf (EMN) iMDsoft GmbH, Düsseldorf imess Optische Mess- u. Prüfanlagen GmbH, Witten Impetus Plastics Engineering GmbH, Aachen implantcast GmbH, Buxtehude (BVMed) Impreglon Material Technology GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) Impuls Medizintechnik GmbH, Schermbeck Impulse Dynamics Germany GmbH, Stuttgart (BVMed) IMS Gear SE & Co. KGaA, Donaueschingen (MM) IMS GmbH Berlin, Berlin IMST GmbH, Kamp-Lintfort IMSTec GmbH, Klein-Winternheim (VDMA) IMT Masken und Teilungen AG, Greifensee (IVAM) IMTEK Institut für Mikrosystemtechnik, Freiburg (IVAM) INDEX-Werke GmbH & Co. KG Hahn & Tessky, Esslingen (VDMA) INDUS Holding AG, Bergisch Gladbach (VDMA) Industrieverband Schneid- und Haushaltswaren e.V., Solingen (SPECTARIS) INEXCEL CCO UG., Nürnberg (FMP) INFAI GmbH, Bochum InfanDx AG, Köln infinitas medical GmbH, Bonn INFOkontor GmbH, Köln Infors GmbH Deutschland, Stuttgart (SPECTARIS) infoteam Software AG, Bubenreuth (EMN, FMP) Ing.-Büro Egon Frank, Theres (FMP) Ingenieurbüro PlusPuls Durchblutungsstimulation, Kiel (LSN) Ingenieurbüro Rodriguez, Mannheim (EMN) Ingpuls GmbH, Bochum inHaus GmbH, Duisburg Inkutec GmbH, Barsbüttel (LSN, MM) inmess GmbH, Bremen (VDMA) INNOCARE PRODUCTS GmbH, Metelen Innolume GmbH, Dortmund InnoME GmbH, Espelkamp InnoRa GmbH, Berlin (FMP) Innovatec Microfibre Technology, Troisdorf Innovations Medical GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Innovative Tomography Products GmbH, Bochum InnoView GmbH, Eichstetten (MM) InovisCoat GmbH, Monheim am Rhein InPro Intraokulare Prothetik GmbH, Norderstedt (LSN) Insitut Agira e.V., Waldsassen (EMN) INSPIRATION Medical GmbH, Bochum Inspire Medical Systems, Inc., Eyendorf (BVMed) Inspired Medical Systems (IMS) GmbH, Dortmund Institut für Krebsepidemiologie e.V., Lübeck (LSN) Institut für Pharmakogenetik und Genetische Disposition (IPGD), Peine (FMP) Institut für Textil- und Verfahrenstechnik (ITV), Denkendorf (MM)
Institut für Textilmaschinen und Textile Hochleistungswerkstofftechnik, Dresden (VDMA) Institut für Werkstofftechnik – Universität Kassel, Kassel (VDMA) Insulet Germany GmbH, München (SPECTARIS) Integra GmbH, Ratingen (BVMed) intelligent motion GmbH, Wartberg an der Krems, AT (EMN) inteqmed GmbH, Wermelskirchen INTER MEDICAL Medizintechnik GmbH, Lübbecke interacoustics GmbH, Wermelskirchen INTERCO GmbH, Eitorf (SPECTARIS) Intercus GmbH, Bad Blankenburg (BVMed) InterKlinika GmbH, Essen interLock Medizintechnik GmbH, Lensahn (LSN) intermedic Dudzinski Medizintechnik, Hamberge (LSN) International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Braga (IVAM) Interratio-MediTec Medizintechnik Vertriebs GmbH, Steinach/Münster (FMP) INTERSPIRO GmbH, Hamburg (SPECTARIS) Intersurgical GmbH, Sankt Augustin InterSystems GmbH, Darmstadt (FMP) Intertek Deutschland GmbH, Kaufbeuren (FMP) Intrinsic Therapeutics, Inc., Düsseldorf (BVMed) Intuitive Surgical Deutschland GmbH, Freiburg (BVMed) Invacare Deutschland GmbH, Porta Westfalica Invacare GmbH, Isny (SPECTARIS) INVATECH GmbH & Co. KG Gesellschaft für fortschrittliche Medizintechnik mbH & Co KG, Hamburg (LSN) Invotec GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) iO life science GmbH, München (EMN) Iolution GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) ipp. Dr. Volker Klügl, Nürnberg (FMP) IQ.medworks GmbH, Freyung (EMN) IQfy GmbH, Meinerzhagen IQVIA Commercial GmbH & Co. OHG, München (FMP) Irmato Group, Aachen ISAP AG, Herne (VDMA) ISCUE Michael Schmid e. K., Nürnberg (EMN) ISDSG / DATATREE AG, Düsseldorf iSEKS diagnostics, Hamburg (LSN) ISG Intermed Service GmbH & Co. KG, Geesthacht (LSN) Isodose Control GmbH, Bochum Isra Surface Vision GmbH, Herten ISS AG, Integrated Scientific Services, Biel/Bienne (MM) IST METZ GmbH, Nürtingen (FMP) IST Metz GmbH, Nürtingen (VDMA) IT-Labs GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) it.conex GmbH, Reutlingen (MM) it@business GmbH & Co. KG, Spaichingen (MM) IT4process GmbH, Herzogenrath ITA Technologietransfer GmbH, Aachen iThera Medical GmbH, München (FMP) ITK Engineering GmH, Rülzheim (FMP) ITS Industrie- und Technozentrum Schaffhausen, Schaffhausen (MM) ITV Denkendorf Produktservice GmbH (ITVP), Denkendorf (MM) ITZ Medicom GmbH & Co. KG, Willich iX-factory GmbH, Dortmund
J&J Vision AMO Germany GmbH, Ettlingen (SPECTARIS) Jäckering Processing GmbH, Hamm Jauch Quartz GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) JCD Technology GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Jenaer Antriebstechnik GmbH, Jena (VDMA) JenaValve Technology GmbH, München (BVMed) JENOPTIK Advanced Systems GmbH, Wedel (LSN) JENOPTIK Optical Systems GmbH, Jena (IVAM) JFR Medical Instruments GmbH, Kiel (LSN) Jinvator Biomed GmbH, Bad Honnef Joachim Hackbarth KMU-Beratung, Dortmund Jobst Technologies GmbH, Freiburg (IVAM) Joh. Stiegelmeyer GmbH & Co. KG, Herford Johnson & Johnson GmbH, Neuss Johnson & Johnson Medical GmbH, Norderstedt (BVMed, FMP, LSN, SPECTARIS) Johnson & Johnson Vision, AMO Germany GmbH, Ettlingen (BVMed) Johnson Matthey Piezo Products GmbH, Redwitz (FMP) Jommi - Healhy Life. Simply Done., Düsseldorf Jongen Werkzeugtechnik GmbH, Willich (VDMA) Jopp Electronics GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Juka Pharma GmbH, Zeutern (BVMed)
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Jüke Systemtechnik GmbH, Altenberge (FMP, IVAM, SPECTARIS) Julius vom Hofe GmbH & Co KG, Lüdenscheid JUMBO-Textil GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal jung diagnostics GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) JÜRGEN GADKE SERVICES GmbH, Gengenbach (MM) JVS Sales & Technical Consultants GmbH, Königswinter
K-LINE Praxislösungen GmbH, Kiel (LSN) K. Lancki und M. Lancki, Berlin (IVAM) K.-H. Dewert GmbH, Bielefeld K&S Röntgenwerk Bochum, Bochum Kaasa health GmbH, Düsseldorf KABE LABORTECHNIK GmbH, Nümbrecht-Elsenroth Kaeser Kompressoren SE, Coburg (VDMA) Käfer Werkzeugbau GmbH, Besigheim (VDMA) Kairos GmbH, Bochum KAISER-AMM GmbH, Forchheim (EMN) Kammerer MedTec GmbH, Bodman-Ludwigshafen (MM) Kaneka Pharma Europe N.V., Eschborn (BVMed) Kanon.Systems GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Kantar Health GmbH, München (FMP) kanyo® – Fachverlag Gesundheit & Medizin GmbH & Co. KG, Nürnberg (EMN) Karl Kaps GmbH & Co.KG, Aßlar / Wetzlar (SPECTARIS) Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Mühlheim (MM, SPECTARIS) KARL MAYER Textilmaschinenfabrik GmbH, Obertshausen (VDMA) Karl Otto Braun GmbH & Co. KG, Wolfstein (BVMed) KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (FMP, MM, SPECTARIS) Karl-Heinz Thiele GmbH, Schenefeld (LSN) Kaymogyn GmbH, Wiesbaden (BVMed) KCI Medizinprodukte GmbH, Wiesbaden (BVMed) Kendrion (Villingen) GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Kendrion Kuhnke Automation GmbH, Malente (SPECTARIS, VDMA) Kettenbach GmbH & Co. KG, Eschenburg (BVMed) keytech Süd GmbH, Sulz (MM) Kiefel GmbH, Freilassing (VDMA) Kinova Europe GmbH, Bonn Kirchner & Wilhelm GmbH + Co. KG, Asperg (SPECTARIS) Klaas consulting. Market Entry and Development Medical Devices, Köln Kläger Spritzguss GmbH & Co. KG, Dornstetten (MM) Klingel medical metal GmbH, Pforzheim Klinikum Bayreuth GmbH, Bayreuth (EMN) Klinikum Fürth, Fürth (EMN) Klinikum Nürnberg, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) Klocke Nanotechnik GmbH, Aachen (IVAM) Kluba Medical GmbH, Düsseldorf KME Klinik Medizintechnik Eppendorf GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Knocks Fluid-Technik GmbH, Selm (VDMA) knoell Germany GmbH, Mannheim (FMP) Knowledge Department GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) knowledgepark GmbH, Neu-Isenburg (FMP) Kobayashi Film GmbH, Bochum Koberg & Tente GmbH + Co. KG, Münster (SPECTARIS) KOEPFER Engineering GmbH, Furtwangen (MM) kommunikationsoptimierer.de, Salzgitter (VDMA) Kompetenzzentrum für Spanende Fertigung (KSF) an der Hochschule Furtwangen, Tuttlingen (MM) Kontaktstelle Wissens- und Technologietransfer (WTT-Stelle), Erlangen (EMN) KONZELMANN GmbH, Löchgau (VDMA) Koop Industrial Design, Hamburg (LSN) Körber AG, Hamburg (VDMA) Korsch AG, Berlin (VDMA) Korth Kristalle GmbH, Altenholz (LSN) Körting Nachf. Wilhelm Steeger GmbH & Co.KG, Wuppertal Kosmas und Damian GmbH, Essen Kowa Optimed Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf (SPECTARIS) KPTEC Components GmbH, Schorndorf (VDMA) Krämer Engineering GmbH, Jevenstedt (LSN) KRAMER MT GmbH & Co. KG, Wardenburg (BVMed) Krankenhaus Rummelsberg GmbH, Schwarzenbruck (EMN) KraussMaffei Technologies GmbH, München (MM) Krauth + Timmermann GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) KRAUTH Invest GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (BVMed) KRAUTH Spine GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) KREIENBAUM Neoscience GmbH, Langenfeld KREWI Medical Produkte GmbH, Willich (BVMed) KRM Bethanien, Moers Kröber Medizintechnik GmbH, Dieblich (SPECTARIS)
Krömker Spezialvertrieb GmbH, Schwerte Kruse Medical Hamburg, Hamburg (LSN) KS SYSTEC Dr. Schmidbauer GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal KUBIVENT GmbH Medizinische Polstersysteme, Urbach (BVMed) Kugel medical GmbH & Co. KG, Regensburg (FMP) KUKA Aktiengesellschaft, Augsburg (VDMA) KUKA Deutschland GmbH, Augsburg (VDMA) KUKA Roboter GmbH, Augsburg (FMP) KUMAVISION AG, Markdorf (MM, VDMA) Kundo XT GmbH / OTG Obergfell Technology Group AG, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald (MM) Kunststoff Christel GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Dürrheim (MM) Kunststoff-Institut Südwest GmbH & Co. KG, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Kunststoff-Zentrum in Leipzig gGmbH, Leipzig (IVAM) Kuratorium Deutsche Altershilfe, Köln Kurt Grützmann Feinmechanik GmbH, Reinfeld (LSN)
L.C.M.A. S.A., Ehlerange (MM) L.N. Schaffrath DigitalMedien GmbH, Geldern LA2 GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, MM) Lab-on-Fiber GmbH, Sonnefeld (EMN) Labomedic GmbH, Bonn Labor Dr. Spranger, Ingolstadt (FMP) Labor LS SE & Co. KG, Bad Bocklet (FMP) Labotect Labor-Technik Göttingen GmbH, Rosdorf (SPECTARIS) LACROIX Electronics Deutschland, Willich Lakèl Translation, Landshut (FMP) Landesinnung Chirurgiemechanik, Tuttlingen (MM, SPECTARIS) Landkreis Rottweil, Rottweil (MM) Landratsamt Schwarzwald-Baar-Kreis, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Landratsamt Tuttlingen, Tuttlingen (MM) LAP GmbH Laser Applikationen, Lüneburg (SPECTARIS) Laroma Schlafsysteme Vertriebs- und Entwicklungsgesellschaft mbH, Schleswig (LSN) LAROMED GmbH, Schleswig (LSN) Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V., Hannover (IVAM) Laser-Innovations GmbH & CoKG, Lohmar Laser-Laboratorium Gˆttingen e.V., Göttingen (IVAM) LASERVORM GmbH, Altmittweida (VDMA) LCL-Biokey GmbH, Herzogenrath Lead Discovery Center GmbH (LDC), Dortmund LECHLER GmbH, Metzingen (VDMA) LEE Hydraulische Miniaturkomponenten GmbH, Sulzbach (IVAM) LEGE.A Consulting, Heikendorf (LSN) Leguano GmbH, Sankt Augustin Leibniz Uni Hannover IFW, Garbsen (VDMA) Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V., Dortmund (IVAM) Leica Biosystems Deutschland GmbH, Norderstedt (BVMed) Leica Microsystems CMS GmbH, Wetzlar (SPECTARIS) Leichtbau-Zentrum Sachen GmbH, Dresden (VDMA) Leidel & Kracht Schaumstoff-Technik GmbH, Köln LEINA-WERKE GmbH, Windeck (BVMed) Leineweber Electronics, Duisburg LEISTRITZ AG, Nürnberg (VDMA) LEISTRITZ PRODUKTIONSTECHNIK GmbH, Nürnberg (VDMA) Leitblick GmbH, Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler Lennartz GmbH Medizintechnik, Hamburg (LSN) LEONI Kabel GmbH, Roth (EMN) LEUKOCARE AG, München (FMP) Leuze electronic GmbH + Co. KG, Owen (VDMA) Leybold GmbH, Köln (VDMA) Libify Technologies GmbH, München (FMP) LICHER MT GmbH, Wedemark (BVMed) LIEVEN GMBH, Neuss LIFE & BRAIN GmbH, Bonn LightGuideOptics Germany GmbH, Meckenheim (BVMed) LightPulse – Laser Precision, Stuttgart (IVAM) LIMO Lissotschenko Mikrooptik GmbH, Dortmund LINDE Gas Therapeutics GmbH, Oberschleißheim (SPECTARIS) Lingroup GmbH, Karlsruhe (MM) LioniX International BV, Enschede (IVAM) LipoCoat B.V., Enschede (IVAM) Lippe Wissen & Wirtschaft, Detmold LISA Laser Products GmbH, Katlenburg-Lindau (MM) litos/ GmbH, Ahrensburg (LSN) LivaNova Deutschland GmbH, München (BVMed) LLS ROWIAK LaserLabSolutions GmbH, Hannover (MM)
LMT Medical Systems GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) LOCALITE GmbH, St. Augustin Locate Solution GmbH, Essen LOGICA Medizintechnik GmbH, Oldenburg / Holstein (LSN) Logima Software GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) Lohmann & Rauscher International GmbH & Co. KG, Neuwied (BVMed) Lohmann X-Ray GmbH, Leverkusen Lophius Biosciences GmbH, Regensburg (FMP) Louvrette GmbH, Kierspe Löwenstein Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Bad Ems (SPECTARIS) Löwenstein medical innovation GmbH & Co. KG, Kronberg (SPECTARIS) Lowteq GmbH, Köln LP – Medical Branding GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) LPKF Laser & Electronics AG, Garbsen (IVAM) LPKF WeldingQuipment GmbH, Fürth (FMP) LPW Reinigungssysteme GmbH, Riederich (MM) lr pure systems, Stuttgart (MM) LRE Medical GmbH, München (FMP) LTB Germany Limited, Lübeck (LSN) Lti Motion GmbH, Lahnau (VDMA) Ludwig Bertram GmbH, Isernhagen (BVMed) Luneau Technology Deutschland GmbH, Ratingen (SPECTARIS) LUNOVU GmbH, Herzogenrath (IVAM) Luoro GmbH, Köln Luttermann GmbH, Essen Lutz GmbH & Co. KG, Solingen
M-O-T Mikro- und Oberflächentechnik GmbH, Saarbrücken (IVAM) m-u-t GmbH Meßgeräte für Medizin- und Umwelttechnik, Wedel (LSN) M.C.S. ConPharm GmbH, Oststeinbek (LSN) m.Doc GmbH, Köln M.G.Kurth GmbH, Schwarzenbek (LSN) M.TEC Medical, Herzogenrath M&P Unternehmensberatung GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) m2 Handels- u. Vertriebs GmbH, Engelskirchen (SPECTARIS) m2p-Labs GmbH, Aachen M3i GmbH, München (FMP) MABAG Medizinische Apparate Bau Aktiengesellschaft, Barsbüttel (LSN) Mach 4 Automatisierungstechnik GmbH, Bochum MACHEREY-NAGEL GmbH & Co. KG, Düren macio GmbH, Kiel (VDMA) MagForce AG, Berlin (BVMed, FMP) Magnet-Schultz GmbH & Co. KG, Memmingen (VDMA) Magnetum GmbH, Köln Magonovum ® GmbH & Co. KG, Engen (MM) Mahr GmbH, Göttingen (VDMA) MAICO Diagnostics GmbH, Berlin (SPECTARIS) MAICO Elektroapparate-Fabrik GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Maier Werkzeugmaschinen, Wehingen (VDMA) Mainstay Medical GmbH, München (BVMed) majimo UG & Co. KG, Bochum Managementberatung Ambrosy, Anröchte Manfred Quast Röntgentechnik, Hamburg (LSN) Manz AG, Reutlingen (VDMA) MAPAL Dr. Kress KG, Aalen (VDMA) MAQUET Cardiopulmonary GmbH, Rastatt (BVMed) MaRhyThe-Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Gröbenzell (FMP) Marposs GmbH, Weinstadt (VDMA) Marquardt GmbH, Rietheim-Weilheim (MM) März Internetwork Services AG, Essen MAS GmbH, Leonberg (VDMA) Maschinenbau Kitz GmbH, Troisdorf (VDMA) Matachana Germany GmbH, Selmsdorf (SPECTARIS) Matern Consulting, Buchenberg (MM) Mathys AG Bettlach, Bochum MATHYS Orthopädie GmbH, Bochum (BVMed) Matricel GmbH, Herzogenrath MATTES Instrumente GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Mauser-Werke Oberndorf Maschinenbau GmbH, Oberndorf (VDMA) Max Hauser Süddeutsche Chirurgiemechanik GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) maxiDoc GmbH, Siegen Maximal Dental GmbH, Bamberg (EMN) MAXIMED Medizinische Geräte und Praxiseinrichtungen Handels GmbH, Spardorf (FMP) Mayr Power Transmission, Mauerstetten (VDMA) MBR Optical Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal MCD Medical Computers Deutschland GmbH, Mönchengladbach MEAS Deutschland GmbH, Dortmund
Mebitech GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) mecora Medizintechnik GmbH, Aachen MED-EL Worldwide Headquarters, Innsbruck, AT (FMP) Medabidu GmbH, Unna medac Gesellschaft für klinische Spezialpräparate mbH, Wedel (BVMed) MEDCERT Zertifizierungs- und Prüfgesellschaft für die Medizin GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Medco Vertriebsgesellschaft für medizinische Produkte mbH, Dülmen Medcoo GmbH, Münster MedEcon Ruhr GmbH, Bochum (IVAM) MEDEL GmbH Medicine Electronics, Hamburg (LSN) medfacilities Betrieb GmbH, Köln medi GmbH & Co. KG, Bayreuth (BVMed, EMN) medi-G GmbH, Leibertingen (MM) Medi-Globe Technologies GmbH, Rohrdorf OT Achenmühle (BVMed, FMP) Mediagnost Gesellschaft für Forschung und Herstellung von Diagnostika GmbH, Reutlingen (FMP) medibase GmbH, Troisdorf Medic-Center-Nürnberg, Nürnberg (EMN) Medical Adhesive Revolution GmbH, Aachen Medical Device Services – DR. ROSSBERGER GmbH, Gilching (MM) Medical Highlights Germany GmbH, Rohrdorf (MM) Medical Magnesium GmbH, Aachen (FMP) Medical Mountains GmbH, Tuttlingen (IVAM) Medical Scapes GmbH & Co. KG, Düsseldorf Medical TEC Bernd Schmitt, Übach Palenberg Medical Valley Center Erlangen GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) MedicalContact AG, Essen MedicalMountains GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) MEDICARE Medizinische Geräte GmbH, Aurach (SPECTARIS) Medicon eG, Tuttlingen (MM, SPECTARIS) MEDICRO GmbH, Petersaurach (FMP) medicut StentTechnology GmbH, Pforzheim (FMP) Medidee Services (Deutschland) GmbH, Triberg (FMP) Medidee Services SA, LAUSANNE (EMN, MM) medifa-hesse GmbH & Co. KG, Finnentrop medigration GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) mediIT GmbH, Lübeck (FMP) MEDIK Hospital Design GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) medimex GmbH, Limburg (BVMed) Meding GmbH, Halver Medipee, Bonn MEDIPLAN Krankenhausplanungs GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Mediq Holding Deutschland GmbH, Dresden (BVMed) Medisana AG, Neuss Medisize Deutschland GmbH, Siegburg (BVMed) Mediso GmbH - Medical Imaging Systems, Münster MEDITEC SOURCE GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen-Nendingen (MM) MEDITECH IT & Röntgensysteme GmbH, Gütersloh Medithermo, Versmold MEDIWISS Analytic GmbH, Moers Medizin-Mechanik-Nord GmbH, Kiel (LSN) Medizinisches Kompetenzzentrum ‘Medizin im Grünen’, Wendisch Rietz (FMP) Medizinisches Laserzentrum Lübeck GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) Medizintechnik & Sanitätshaus, Harald Kröger GmbH, Massen (BVMed) Medizintechnik Akademie, Reinbek (FMP) Medizintechnik Jürgen Claßen, Mechernich Medizintechnik Kaasen GmbH, Lünen Medizintechnik Patz GmbH, Dorsten Medizintechnik Promedt GmbH, Tornesch (LSN) Medline International Germany GmbH, Kleve medmehr GmbH, Dortmund MedNet GmbH, Münster Medset Medizintechnik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) MedSurv GmbH, Nidderau (FMP) MedTec & Science GmbH, Ottobrunn (FMP) MedtecLIVE, Nürnberg (BVMED, EMN, FMP) Medtronic GmbH, Meerbusch (BVMed) MedWorld Advisors, MA 01810 (IVAM) MegaWave GmbH, Bad Wörishofen (FMP) megro GmbH & Co. KG Medizintechnischer Großhandel, Wesel (BVMed) Meihack u. Sellwig Messebau GmbH, Neuhausen ob Eck (MM) Meise Medizintechnik GmbH, Schalksmühle Meiser Medical GmbH, Neuenstein (MM) mekontor GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg MEKU Technologie GmbH, Dauchingen (MM) MEKU Technologie GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) MELAG Medizintechnik oHG, Berlin (SPECTARIS) Memmert GmbH + Co.KG, Schwabach (SPECTARIS)
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Memo Design, Finning (FMP) Meotec GmbH & Co. KG, Aachen Merete GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Merz Dental GmbH, Lütjenburg (LSN) Messer Group GmbH, Bad Soden (SPECTARIS) Metecon GmbH, Mannheim (EMN, FMP, MM) metek Medizin-Technik-Komponenten GmbH, Roetgen Method Park Holding AG, Erlangen (EMN) Metoba, Lüdenscheid Metronus GbR, Hamburg (LSN) MEVA bildgebende Systeme GmbH & co.KG, Gevelsberg MEYER-HAAKE GmbH OBERMÖRLEN, Ober Mörlen (SPECTARIS) MF Consulting, Erlangen (EMN) mfd Diagnostics GmbH, Wendelsheim (FMP) MGS Meine-Gesundheit-Services GmbH, Koblenz Michael Flussfisch GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Michelfelder GmbH, Fluorn-Winzeln (MM) Micon Medizintechnik GmbH, Quickborn (LSN) Micreon GmbH, Hannover (IVAM) Micro Center Central-Switzerland AG, Alpnach (IVAM) Micro Lasertec Deutschland GmbH, Kirchhain (IVAM) Micro MIM Japan Holdings Inc. EU Representative Office, Offenburg (IVAM, MM) microfluidic ChipShop GmbH, Jena (IVAM) MicroGenesis TechSoft GmbH, München (FMP) microLIQUID S.L., Arrasate-MondragÛn (IVAM) Micromed Medizintechnik GmbH, Wurmlingen (MM) MICROMETAL GmbH, Müllheim/Baden (IVAM) Micromotion GmbH, Mainz (IVAM) Micronit GmbH, Dortmund (IVAM) Micronit Microtechnologies B.V., Enschede (IVAM) MicroPort CRM GmbH, München (BVMed) MicroPort Scientific GmbH, Ratingen (BVMed) microsensys GmbH, Erfurt (IVAM) Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, Köln microsonic GmbH, Dortmund Microsystems Center Bremen (MCB), Bremen (IVAM) midge medical GmbH, Berlin (FMP) Miditec Leverkusen V&S GmbH, Leverkusen MiE medical imaging electronics GmbH, Seth (LSN) Miele & Cie. KG, Gütersloh (SPECTARIS) mikrolab – Entwicklungsgesellschaft für Elektroniksysteme mbH, Fürth (FMP) Mikron GmbH, Rottweil (VDMA) Mikrop AG, Wittenbach (SPECTARIS) Mikrotek Laborsysteme GmbH, Overath Milestone People, Köln Miller Präzisionswerkzeuge GmbH, Altenstadt (VDMA) Miltenyi Biotec B.V. & Co. KG, Bergisch Gladbach (BVMed) Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach Minebea Intec Bovenden GmbH & Co. KG, Bovenden (VDMA) Minova Technology GmbH, Rottweil (MM) Mint Medical GmbH, Heidelberg (FMP) MIP Europe GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) MiQ GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) miro Verbandstoffe GmbH, Wiehl-Drabenderhöhe Mitsubishi Electric Europe B.V., Ratingen (VDMA) MK-dent GmbH, Bargteheide (LSN) mkf GmbH, Lederhose (VDMA) MKK GmbH, Oldenburg (MM) MLM Medical Labs Moenchengladbach GmbH, Mönchengladbach MMID GmbH, Essen MMS Medicor Medical Supplies GmbH, Kerpen MMT Micro Mechatronic Technologies GmbH, Siegen (IVAM) Mobile Function GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) model-tray GmbH für rationellen Dental-Bedarf, Hamburg (LSN) MÖDLHAMMER UG (haftungsbeschränkt), Lübeck (LSN) Moeck & Moeck GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Mohage Mommsen Handels Gesellschaft mbH, Berlin (BVMed) MOIO GmbH, Fürth (EMN, FMP) MOJE-Keramik-Implantate GmbH & Co.KG, Petersberg (FMP) Molecular Health GmbH, Heidelberg (BVMed) Möller Medical GmbH, Fulda (FMP) MÖLLER-WEDEL GmbH & Co. KG, Wedel (LSN, SPECTARIS) Mölnlycke Health Care GmbH, Düsseldorf (BVMed) Montwill GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach Moriz Medizintechnik GmbH, Leverkusen Morphoplant GmbH, Bochum Morphose HealthCare GmbH, Neumarkt (EMN) moskitofish UG, Bielefeld
motan Holding GmbH, Konstanz (VDMA) Motion Solutions GmbH / moso® Easystand, Remscheid move it GmbH & Co. KG, Essen MPDV Mikrolab, Mosbach (VDMA) MPV MEDICAL GmbH, Putzbrunn (SPECTARIS) mr:comp GmbH, Gelsenkirchen (FMP) MRI Ultrasound GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) MS Westfalia GmbH, Troisdorf MS3 Life Science Analytic, Köln MTC Medical Technology Consultants GmbH, München (MM) MTH Medizintechnische Handels GmbH, Hamm MTM Medizn Technik Mauk, Norderstedt (LSN) MTS Medical UG, Konstanz (MM) MTS Meditel Service GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) MTS Medizintechnische Serviceges. mbH, Marl mtt Medizintechnik GmbH, Tornesch (LSN) Münchener Medizin Mechanik MMM GmbH, Planegg/München (SPECTARIS) MUL Systems GmbH, Köln Müllenschläder GmbH, Wermelskirchen Müller Meßinstrumente GmbH, Meckenheim multi-com GmbH & Co. KG, Ahrensburg (LSN) multi-service-monitoring, Regensburg (FMP) Multiphoton Optics GmbH, Würzburg (IVAM) MULTIVAC Sepp Haggenmüller GmbH Co. KG, Wolfertschwerden (VDMA) Murata Electronics Europe B.V., Hoofddorp, NL (EMN, FMP) Murtfeldt Kunststoffe GmbH + Co. KG, Dortmund (VDMA) MVZ LABOR LIMBACH NÜRNBERG GMBH, Nürnberg (EMN) mynoise GmbH, Duisburg MzM Zerspanungstechnik, Horst (LSN)
n:aip Deutschland GmbH, Fürth (EMN) Nabertherm GmbH, Lilienthal (VDMA) NAGEL Maschinen- und Werkzeugfabrik GmbH, Nürtingen (VDMA) nal von minden GmbH, Moers Nano-Zentrum Euregio Bodensee e. V., Konstanz (MM) Nano4Imaging GmbH, Aachen nanoAnalytics GmbH, Münster NanoFocus AG, Oberhausen (IVAM) Nanogate Medical Systems GmbH, Kierspe (VDMA) nanosonics, Hamburg (LSN) nass magnet GmbH, Hannover (VDMA) National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Bucharest (IVAM) NAWA HEILMITTEL GmbH, Nürnberg (BVMed, FMP) NB GmbH, Gronau (IVAM) NDI Europe GmbH, Radolfzell (SPECTARIS) NEO New Oncology GmbH, Köln Nestlé Health Science Deutschland GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (BVMed) Netscouts gGmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) Netzwerk NanoMat, Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen (IVAM) Neumaier Logistics GmbH, Aschheim (FMP) NeurOp German Branch Ltd., Würzburg (EMN) Neurotherapies Reset GmbH, Jülich Nevro Germany GmbH, München (BVMed) NIBERA Kunststoff GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Niemöller & Abel GmbH & Co. KG, Gütersloh Nijdra Engineering BV, Middenbeemster, NL (FMP) NIKKISO Europe GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Nipro D.Med Germany GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Nipro Diagnostics Germany GmbH, Ratingen (BVMed) NIRLUS Engineering AG, Lübeck (LSN) NIT Northern Institute of Technology Management gGmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Nitzbon AG, Hamburg (LSN) NMI Naturwissenschaftliches und Medizinisches Institut, Reutlingen (VDMA) NMI, Reutlingen (MM) NOBA Verbandmittel Danz GmbH u. Co KG, Wetter NOBAMED Paul Danz AG, Wetter/Ruhr (BVMed) Nobel Biocare Deutschland GmbH, Köln nobocom GmbH, Mönchengladbach noma-med GmbH, Harsum, OT Asel (BVMed) NOPA Instruments Medizintechnik GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) nordcom medical systems GmbH, Heikendorf (LSN) Nordmeditech medizinisch technische Geräte GmbH, Wees (LSN) Norgren GmbH, Alpen (VDMA) northh medical GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) nova motum Services & Consulting GmbH, Berlin (SPECTARIS) nova:med GmbH & Co. KG, Lonnerstadt (SPECTARIS)
Novapump GmbH, Jena (FMP) Novar GmbH, Neuss Novartis Pharma GmbH, Nürnberg Novo Klinik-Service GmbH, Bergheim (BVMed) Novo Nordisk Pharma GmbH, Mainz NOVOTERGUM AG, Essen NRI Medizintechnik GmbH, München (FMP) NSF PROSYSTEM GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) NTI Kailer GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) numares AG, Regensburg (FMP) nuova GmbH, Ratzeburg (LSN) Nürnberger Messe GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) NürnbergMesse GmbH, Nürnberg (FMP) Nutricia GmbH, Erlangen (BVMed) Nutriplate GmbH, St. Augustin NuVasive Germany GmbH, Bremen (BVMed) NW Medsales Consulting, Neumarkt (EMN) nxtbase technologies GmbH, Wiehl
OAV – Ostasiatischer Verein e.V., Hamburg (IVAM) Oberender & Partner München, Bayreuth (EMN) OBERON GmbH Fiber Technologies, Wildau (SPECTARIS) Octum GmbH, Ilsfeld (VDMA) Oculus Optikgeräte GmbH, Wetzlar (SPECTARIS) ODS GmbH, Kisdorf (LSN) OECHSLER AG, Ansbach (EMN, FMP) Oerlikon Balzers Coating AG, Balzers (MM) OFA Bamberg GmbH, Bamberg (SPECTARIS) Okuvision GmbH, Reutlingen (BVMed) Olympus Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Olympus Europa Holding GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) OLYMPUS EUROPA SE & CO. KG, Hamburg (LSN, SPECTARIS) Olympus Surgical Technologies Europe, Hamburg (LSN) OLYMPUS Winter & Ibe GmbH, Hamburg (SPECTARIS) OMT GmbH & Co. KG, Minden Oncare GmbH, München (BVMed) Oncotherm GmbH, Troisdorf oneIDentity+ GmbH, Ismaning (VDMA) ontec automation GmbH, Naila (VDMA) Ontex Healthcare Deutschland GmbH, Lotte (BVMed) OPED GmbH, Valley/Oberlaindern (BVMed) OPEN MIND Technologies AG, Wessling (VDMA) OPHTEC GmbH, Emmerich am Rhein opta data Abrechnungs GmbH, Essen OptaSensor GmbH, Nürnberg (IVAM) Optek - Danulat GmbH, Essen Optence e.V., Wörrstadt (IVAM) Opticus GmbH & Co. KG, Kellinghusen (LSN) Optik und Akustik Belting GmbH, Rees optimed Medizinische Instrumente GmbH, Ettlingen (BVMed) OPTIMUM datamanagement solutions GmbH, Karlsruhe (VDMA) Optiplan Gesellschaft für optische Planungsgeräte mbH, Düsseldorf OPTIPRINT AG, Berneck (IVAM) Opto GmbH, Gräfelfing (VDMA) OPTOFLUX GmbH, Nürnberg (IVAM) OptoMedical Technologies GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) opwoco GmbH, Schöppingen Orgamed Dortmund, Dortmund ORGMED-Unternehmensberatung, Erlangen (EMN) Orion Surgical Vertriebsges. mbH, Quickborn (LSN) ORIPLAST Krayer GmbH, Neunkirchen (BVMed) ORISOS GmbH, Ehningen (MM) Ortho Mobile GmbH, Hattingen Orthobion GmbH, Konstanz (FMP) Orthopädie Technik Bauche GmbH, Neustadt i. H. (LSN) Orthopädie-Technik-Nord GmbH, Neumünster (LSN) ORTHOPARC GmbH, Köln ORTHOS Orthopädietechnik GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) OSD Medical GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Oskar Frech GmbH + Co. KG, Schorndorf (VDMA) OSM Gesellschaft für offene Systeme in der Medizin mbH, Essen Össur Deutschland GmbH, Frechen Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden, Weiden (EMN) Osthus GmbH, Aachen Ostsee-Medizintechnik GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) OT-Kiel GmbH & Co.KG, Kiel (LSN) Oticon Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Otsuka Pharma GmbH, Frankfurt am Main (BVMed)
Ottenwälder und Ottenwälder, Schwäbisch Gmünd (MM) OTTO Luft- und Klimatechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Köln Otto Röhrig Gesenkschmiede GmbH, Solingen (MM) Otto Rüttgers GmbH + Co.KG, Solingen (SPECTARIS) Ottobock SE & Co. KGaA, Duderstadt (BVMed, SPECTARIS) oxaion GmbH, Ettlingen (FMP) Oxaion Gmbh, Ettlingen (MM, VDMA) OxyCon Medizin & Rehatechnik, Gummersbach
P.J. Dahlhausen & Co. GmbH, Köln (BVMed) PA & C GmbH, Düsseldorf paconsult Swiss GmbH, Neuhausen am Rheinfall (MM) PAION AG, Aachen Pajunk GmbH, Geisingen (MM) PAJUNK Medical Produkte GmbH, Geisingen (BVMed) Paku Med medical products GmbH, Essen Pall GmbH, Dreieich (BVMed) Panasonic Electric Works Europe AG, Ottobrunn (VDMA) Panasonic Industry Europe, Ottobrunn (VDMA) Paradigm Spine GmbH, Wurmlingen (BVMed MM) PARAM GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed) PARI GMBH, Starnberg (SPECTARIS) Parker Hannifin GmbH, Bielefeld (VDMA) Parmaco Metal Injection Molding AG, Fischingen (MM) PATH medical GmbH, Münster PathoPlan GbR, Lübeck (LSN) PAUL HARTMANN AG, Heidenheim (BVMed) Paul Horn GmbH Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrik, Tübingen (VDMA) Paul Jilani, Hamburg (LSN) Paul Weber GmbH & Co. KG Drehteile, Bösingen (MM) PC Fresh Hygienische Systemreinigung und -desinfektion, Lübeck (LSN) PCE Deutschland GmbH, Meschede Pedilay Care GmbH, München (BVMed, FMP) PENTA Services GmbH & Co. KG, Bochum Pentax Europe GmbH, Hamburg (LSN, SPECTARIS) Pereg GmbH, Waldkraiburg (FMP) PeriEye, Köln PerkinElmer chemagen Technologie GmbH, Baesweiler Permobil GmbH, Ratingen PETER BREHM GmbH, Weisendorf (BVMed, EMN, FMP) Peter Lazic GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Petermann GmbH, Dombühl (EMN) Pfaff GmbH, Waldkirch (MM) pfm medical ag, Köln (BVMed) pfm medical titanium gmbh, Nürnberg (FMP) PHADIMED HomeCare GmbH & Co KG, Herne PHADIMED Pharma-Medica Vertriebs-GmbH, Herne (BVMed) Phalcon Consulting, Niederrohrdorf (FMP, MM) Pharecon – Management Consultants in Life Science, Überlingen (MM) Pharm-Allergan GmbH, Frankfurt/Main (BVMed) Pharm-Olam International Deutschland GmbH, München (FMP) Pharmacelsus GmbH, Saarbrücken (FMP) Pharmaplan GmbH, Bad Homburg (VDMA) Pharmpur GmbH, Königsbrunn (FMP) phase21, Herne phenox GmbH, Bochum (SPECTARIS) phi-med Gesellschaft für Medizintechnik mbH, Jülich Philips GmbH Innovation Services, Aachen Philips GmbH Innovative Technologies, Hamburg (LSN) Philips GmbH Market DACH, Hamburg (LSN) Philips GmbH Respironics, Herrsching (SPECTARIS) Philips Medical Systems DMC GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) PHILIPS Research Clinical Hub Aachen, Aachen Philips Technologie GmbH, Aachen Philips Volcano International, Garching (BVMed) Philyra, Berlin (FMP) PHOTON ENERGY GmbH, Ottensoos (MM) photonIQ Technologies GmbH, Bochum Physiomed Elektromedizin AG, Schnaittach/Laipersdorf (FMP) PhysioNova GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) Pioneer Medical Devices AG, Bochum Pirisec Orthopedic Prayer Rug, Schwentinental (OT Raisdorf) (LSN) PISANA Orthopädie Technik GmbH, Wermelskirchen piu products©, Essen piur imaging GmbH, Düsseldorf pixolus GmbH, Köln PKS Systemtechnik GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) Plan Optik AG, Elsoff (IVAM)
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PLATO AG, Lübeck (LSN, VDMA) Pluradent AG & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) PM DM – Precision Motors Deutsche Minebea GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) PMT Präzision-Medizin-Technik GmbH, Weiskirchen (BVMed) POEM – Accentuate The Positive!, Dortmund Polymaterials AG, Kaufbeuren (FMP) polyoptics GmbH, Kleve Polytech Domilens GmbH, Roßdorf (BVMed) POLYTECH Health & Aesthetics GmbH, Dieburg (BVMed) Porex Technologies GmbH, Aachen Portabiles HealthCare Technologies GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) Potthoff GmbH, Erkrath PPH GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) PPHealthcare Consulting GmbH, Ammersbek (LSN) PRAEZIMED Service GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Praxisnetz Nürnberg Süd e.V., Nürnberg (EMN) Precipart SA, Lyss (MM) Precisis AG, Heidelberg (BVMed) PressFinish Electronics GmbH, Germering (EMN) Primepulse SE, Grassau (FMP) privadis GmbH, Köln pro-beam AG & Co. KGaA, Planegg (VDMA) Proacting Management Partner GmbH, Olpe Project Solutions GmbH, Ludwigshafen (FMP) Prolinx GmbH, Düsseldorf PROMEDIA MEDIZINTECHNIK A. Ahnfeldt GmbH, Siegen Promedica Dental Material GmbH, Neumünster (LSN) ProMediPac Medical Packaging Technology, Mengen (MM) promoprompt GmbH, Witten ProSyst Software GmbH, Köln Protagen AG, Dortmund protected dialog experts Deutschland GmbH, Dorsten Protron Mikrotechnik GmbH, Bremen (IVAM) PROvendis GmbH, Mülheim an der Ruhr provita medical gmbh, Wermelskirchen PROXESS GmbH, Rietheim-Weilheim (MM) PS Biotech GmbH, Aachen PSM Medical Solutions, Gunningen (MM) Psyma Health & CARE GmbH, Rückersdorf (FMP) PTA Pharma-Technischer-Apparatebau GmbH & Co. KG, Mauern (FMP) PTW Darmstadt, Darmstadt (VDMA) PubliCare GmbH, Köln (BVMed) PÜG Prüf- und Überwachungsgesellschaft mbH, Gäufelden (MM) PÙle des Microtechniques, BesanÁon (IVAM) Pulmokard GmbH, Herdecke PulmonX GmbH, Freising (BVMed) Pulmotree Medical GmbH, München (FMP) Pulse Fitness GmbH, Bochum PULSION Medical Systems SE, Feldkirchen (BVMed) PURE, Bochum
QIAGEN GmbH, Hilden QlikTech GmbH, Düsseldorf (FMP) QM-Beratung Jürgen Will, Neuhausen (MM) QRM GmbH, Möhrendorf (EMN) QRVisio UG, Hürth qtec consult GmbH, Lübeck (MM) Qualitätsplan 24 GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) Quality Analysis GmbH, Nürtingen (MM) QualityLabs BT GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) Qualitype GmbH, Dresden (FMP) QUANTIS GmbH, Karlsruhe (MM) QuintilesIMS, Frankfurt/M.
R-Dental Dentalerzeugnisse GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) R. Cegla GmbH & Co. KG, Montabaur (BVMed) R&D Technology, Monswiller (Frankreich) (VDMA) R&R Med GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) RACKETTE Patentanwälte PartG mbB, Freiburg (MM) RADIMED, Bochum (SPECTARIS) Radiology Research & Consulting, Marburg (FMP) Radiometer GmbH, Willich RAFI Eltec GmbH, Überlingen (MM) Raguse Gesellschaft für medizinische Produkte mbH, Ascheberg-Herbern (BVMed) Rampf Production Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Zimmern ob Rottweil (MM)
Raphael Frasch GmbH, Erlangen-Tennenlohe (EMN) RAS AG, Regensburg (FMP) RAUMEDIC AG, Helmbrechts (BVMed, EMN, FMP, MM) Rauschert Heinersdorf Pressig GmbH, Pressig (MM) Raylytic GmbH, Leipzig (BVMed, SPECTARIS) Rayner Surgical GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Realizer GmbH, Borchen recusana GmbH, Stuttgart (BVMed) REGER Medizintechnik GmbH, Villingendorf (MM) Regina Lange -– Medizintechnik, Dortmund Regionalverband Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) rego X-Ray GmbH, Augsburg (FMP) Rehaforum Medical GmbH, Elmshorn (LSN) rehaVital Gesundheitsservice GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed) Rehder / Partner GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Reimbursement Institute, Hürth (FMP) Reinhold Medizintechnik, Arnsberg ReinVAD GmbH, Aachen RelaxBogen GmbH, Hameln REMARK GmbH Pharma Services & Consulting, München (FMP) Renishaw GmbH, Pliezhausen (VDMA) Repado Ltd, Athen, GR (FMP) reputation engineering, Wörth/Wifling (FMP) ResMed (Filiale Düsseldorf Grand Arc), Düsseldorf ResMed Deutschland GmbH, Bremen (SPECTARIS) ResMed GmbH & Co.KG, Martinsried (SPECTARIS) Resorba Medical GmbH, Nürnberg (EMNl, FMP) Retina Implant AG, Reutlingen (FMP) ReWalk Robotics GmbH, Berlin (SPECTARIS) Rheinisch-Bergisches TechnologieZentrum GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach (IVAM) RHOMBUS Rollen Holding-GmbH, Hückeswagen Richard Wolf GmbH, Knittlingen (SPECTARIS) Richardson Electronics GmbH, Donaueschingen (MM) Ridom GmbH, Münster Riegler GmbH, Mühltal Risse & Co. GmbH, Warstein Ritex GmbH, Bielefeld (BVMed) Ritter GmbH, Schwabmünchen (FMP) Ritzi Industriedrucktechnik GmbH, Trossingen (MM) RKT Rodinger Kunststoff-Technik GmbH, Roding (FMP) RMT GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) Roche Diagnostics GmbH, Penzberg (FMP) Röchling Medical Neuhaus GmbH & Co. KG, Neuhaus am Rennweg (FMP) Rodenstock GmbH, München (FMP) Rodriguez GmbH, Eschweiler (VDMA) ROESER Medical GmbH, Essen Roesys GmbH, Espelkamp ROFIN-SINAR Laser GmbH, Bergkirchen (VDMA) ROHDE KG, Röttenbach (EMN) Roland STANGL INNOVATIONS, Moosburg (FMP) Roland Stangl Innovations, Moosburg (IVAM) Rölke Pharma GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Rollon GmbH, Düsseldorf röntgen bender GmbH & Co. KG, Siek (LSN) rose plastic medical packaging GmbH, Hergensweiler (MM) RoweMed AG, Parchim (VDMA) Rowiak GmbH, Hannover (FMP, SPECTARIS) RS Beratung, Meschede RSR Reha-Service-Ring GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed) RTA Reinraumtechnik Alb GmbH, Trochtelfingen (MM) RUDOLF Medical GmbH + Co. KG, Fridingen an der Donau (MM) Rudolf Michael GmbH, Eppingen (MM) Rudolf Riester GmbH, Jungingen (SPECTARIS) Rudolf Storz GmbH, Emmingen-Liptingen (MM) ruf-Konstruktionsbüro und CNC-Frästechnik, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum (IVAM) ruhrmed GmbH, Duisburg Rupp + Hubrach Optik GmbH, Bamberg (SPECTARIS)
S + T Software Technic GmbH, Paderborn S-Techs GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) S&V Technologies GmbH, Hennigsdorf (BVMed) SAB Bröckskes GmbH & Co KG, Viersen Sachtleben GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Sachverständigenbüro IT, Nürnberg (FMP) SAE GmbH, Weng (VDMA)
SafetyKon, Freiburg (MM) Salcon, Heidelberg (IVAM) Sanavita Pharmaceuticals GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed) SANDER Chemisch-Pharmazeutische Fabrik GmbH, Berlin (BVMed) Sandvik Tooling Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf (VDMA) Sangel Systemtechnik GmbH, Bielefeld (VDMA) sangro medical service GmbH, Erkrath-Unterfeldhaus (BVMed) SANICARE-PVM Reha- und Medizintechnik, Bielefeld SANIMED GmbH, Ibbenbüren (BVMed) Sanitätshaus Aktuell AG, Vettelschoß (BVMed) Sanitätshaus Kurda GmbH, Kiel (LSN) Sanitätshaus müller betten GmbH & Co. KG, Engelskirchen (BVMed) Sanitätshaus Urban & Kemmler GmbH, Weiden (FMP) Sanitop GmbH, Mannheim (BVMed) SANMEDICA GmbH Medicare · Logistics · Consulting, Pinneberg (LSN) Santen GmbH, München (BVMed) Sapio Life GmbH & Co. KG, Homburg (SPECTARIS) SAPIOTEC GmbH, Würzburg (EMN) SARIX SA, Sant’Antonino (IVAM) Sarstedt AG & Co., Nümbrecht Sartorius Lab Instruments GmbH & Co. KG, Göttingen (SPECTARIS) SASSE Elektronik GmbH, Schwabach (EMN, FMP) SAUER GmbH, Stipshausen (VDMA) Savuna GmbH, Augsburg (FMP) SBS-Feintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Schonach (MM) Schaeffler Technologies AG & Co. KG, Homburg (VDMA) Scheidegg GmbH Systemtechnik, Salem (MM) Schellenberger Bürstenfabrik GmbH, Bechhofen (FMP) Schellinger Zerspantechnik GmbH, Sipplingen (MM) SCHEMA Gruppe, Nürnberg (EMN) Scheugenpflug AG, Neustadt (FMP) Schindler Krankenhausentwicklung GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Schlösser & Co. Marketing GmbH, Bayreuth (EMN, FMP) Schlumbohm GmbH & Co. KG, Brokstedt (LSN) Schlumbohm Medizin-Labor-Technologie GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Schmidt+Haensch GmbH & Co., Berlin (SPECTARIS) Schmitz u. Söhne GmbH & Co. KG, Wickede (SPECTARIS) Schneider Schreibgeräte GmbH, Schramberg-Tennenbronn (MM) SCHÖLLY FIBEROPTIC GMBH, Denzlingen (MM) SCHOTT AG, Lightening and Imaging, Mainz (FMP) Schrievers Kulturmanagement, Bochum Schülke & Mayr GmbH, Norderstedt (BVMed) SCHULTE-ELEKTRONIK GmbH, Olsberg Schultes Medacta GmbH & Co. KG, Herten Schulz GmbH, Meinerzhagen SCHUNK GmbH & Co. KG, Lauffen (VDMA) Schupp GmbH & Co. KG, Dornstetten (MM) Schütt & Grundei Orthopädietechnik GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) Schütt und Jahn GmbH, Handewitt Weding (LSN) Schwäbische Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, Schramberg-Waldmössingen (MM, VDMA) Schwanog Siegfried Güntert GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (VDMA) Schwarzer Precision GmbH + Co. KG, Essen SCHWIND eye-tech-solutions GmbH, Kleinostheim (FMP, SPECTARIS) Scienion AG, Dortmund SCILO Vertriebs GmbH, Langenfeld SDL Multilingual Services GmbH & Co. KG, Stuttgart (VDMA) sealprene, Lindlar seca gmbh & co. Kg, Hamburg (LSN, SPECTARISl, VDMA) Seco Tools GmbH, Erkrath (VDMA) Sectra Medical Systems GmbH, Köln seeITnow GmbH, Tönisvorst Segeberger Kliniken GmbH, Bad Segeberg (LSN) Sekisui Diagnostics GmbH, Pfungstadt (FMP) Seleon GmbH, Heilbronn (FMP) Selimed GmbH, Meinerzhagen Sellas medizinische Geräte GmbH, Gevelsberg SEMASU GmbH, Ismaning (FMP) Semeda GmbH, Bad Bodenteich (SPECTARIS) senetics healthcare group GmbH & Co. KG, Ansbach (EMN, FMP) Sensirion AG, Stäfa ZH (IVAM) Sensor Basierte Neuronal Adaptive Prothetik GmbH (SNAP GmbH), Bochum SENTECH Gesellschaft für Sensortechnik GmbH, Krailing (IVAM) Sentiero Logistics Ltd, Hamburg (LSN) sepp.med gmbh, Röttenbach (EMN, FMP, MM) SERAG-WIESSNER GmbH & Co. KG, Naila (BVMed) Serend-ip GmbH, Münster Service Center Wirtschaft, Castrop-Rauxel Servo-Dental GmbH & Co. KG, Hagen
Servona GmbH, Troisdorf (FMP) servoprax GmbH, Wesel (BVMed) SES Systemtechnik & uv-electronic GmbH, Balgheim (MM) sfm medical devices GmbH, Wächtersbach (BVMed, MM) SGL Carbon SGS Germany GmbH - EMC & Product Safety, München (FMP) Shimadzu Europa GmbH, Duisburg Shiseido Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf SHL Telemedizin GmbH, Düsseldorf Si-tec GmbH, Herdecke SICAT GmbH, Bonn SICK STEGMANN GmbH, Donaueschingen (MM) Siemens AG RD Hanse, Hamburg (LSN) SIEMENS AG, München (VDMA) Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) Siemens Healthcare GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Siemens Healthineers GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) Sigma Dental Systems - Emasdi GmbH, Handewitt (LSN) SIGMA Elektro GmbH, Neustadt (FMP) signum pr GmbH, Köln SIGNUS Medizintechnik GmbH, Alzenau (BVMed MM) Sigrid Triebfürst medtech-seminare & Coaching, Erlangen (FMP) Siloah St. Trudpert Klinikum, Karlsruhe (MM) SIM Automation GmbH, Heilbad Heiligenstadt (VDMA) SIMEX Medizintechnik GmbH, Deisslingen-Lauffen (MM) SIMFO Spezielle Immunologie Forschung + Entwicklung GmbH,Bayreuth (FMP) Simon Hegele GmbH, Karlsruhe (EMN) Simon Nann GmbH & Co. KG, Böttingen (MM, VDMA) SIMON Systemtechnik GmbH, Ulm-Lehr (MM) SIMPEX-OBJEKT Klaus-Uwe Hintz e.K., Wahlstedt (LSN) SinfoMed GmbH, Frechen Singulus Technologies AG, Kahl am Main (VDMA) Sioux High Tech Systems GmbH, Iserlohn Sirtex Medical Europe GmbH, Bonn (BVMed) SITEC Industrietechnologie, Chemnitz (VDMA) Sividon Diagnostics GmbH, Köln SKF GmbH, Schweinfurt (VDMA) SLK Vertriebs GmbH, Dortmund Smart Living – Anwendungen für Service-Wohnen GmbH, Dortmund smart optics Sensortechnik GmbH, Bochum SmartMembranes GmbH, Halle (Saale) (IVAM) SMC Deutschland GmbH, Egelsbach (VDMA) Smith & Nephew GmbH, Marl (BVMed, LSN) Smiths Medical Deutschland GmbH, Grasbrunn (BVMed) SMS group GmbH, Düsseldorf (VDMA) SNAP GmbH, Bochum SOEHNLE Industrial Solutions GmbH, Backnang (VDMA) Soft Intelligent Therapeutics (SIT) Biotech GmbH & Co KG, Dortmund softgate gmbh, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) softwareproduktiv Schwarzwald GmbH, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald (MM) SOHARD Software GmbH, Fürth (EMN) Solectrix GmbH, Fürth (EMN, FMP) Solidpro Informationssysteme GmbH, Langenau (MM) Solnovis GmbH, Eggolsheim (EMN, FMP) Soluventis GmbH, Bochum SomnoMed ® Germany GmbH, Zellingen (SPECTARIS) Sonic Technology AG, Stuttgart (MM) Sonormed GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) SONOTEC Ultraschallsensorik Halle GmbH, Halle (VDMA) Sonovum AG, Leipzig (BVMed, FMP, SPECTARIS) Sonowied GmbH, Marl Sony Europe B.V., Zweigniederlassung Deutschland, Berlin (MM) sorbion GmbH, Senden Söring GmbH, Quickborn (LSN, SPECTARIS) Sozialstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg (EMN) spark.ID GmbH & Co. KG, Dinslaken Sparkasse Forchheim, Forchheim (EMN) SPECTARIS, Berlin (IVAM) Spectranetics Deutschland GmbH, Würzburg (BVMed) SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH, Kleve spectrumK Holding GmbH Niederlassung Essen, Essen SpeechCare GmbH, Leverkusen Speedy Reha-Technik GmbH, Delbrück speziMED GmbH, Radeberg OT Großerkmannsdorf (BVMed) Spiegelberg GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) Spiggle & Theis Medizintechnik GmbH, Overath Spirit Link GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) Sports Innovation Technologies GmbH & Co.KG, Forchheim (EMN) Spreitzer GmbH & Co. KG, Gosheim (MM)
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SPRING Technologies GmbH, Wetzlar (VDMA) St. Georgener Technologiezentrum GmbH, St. Georgen im Schwarzwald (MM) St. Jude Medical GmbH, Eschborn Stadt Ansbach, Ansbach (EMN) Stadt Erlangen, Erlangen (EMN) Stadt Forchheim, Forchheim (EMN) Stadt Tuttlingen, Tuttlingen (MM) Stadt Villingen-Schwenningen, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Stadt- und Kreissparkasse Erlangen, Erlangen (EMN) Stahlbau Bruno Rattey GmbH & Co. KG, Oberhausen Staiger GmbH & Co. KG, Erligheim (VDMA) STAR Healthcare Management GmbH, Köln Star-Ream Pharma Import und Export Großhandel UG, Hamburg (LSN) Starkey Laboratories (Germany) GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Starrag GmbH, Chemnitz (VDMA) STATICE, BesanÁon (IVAM) Stäubli Tec-Systems GmbH, Bayreuth (VDMA) steco-system-technik GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN) STEIN Automation GmbH & Co KG, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Steinbeis Transfer Center Tribology, Karlsruhe (MM, VDMA) Steinbeis-Transferzentrum Infothek, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) STEMA Medizintechnik GmbH, Stockach (MM) steripac GmbH, Calw-Altburg (MM) Steris Deutschland GmbH, Köln Sterman Technische Systeme GmbH, St. Georgen (MM) SternMed GmbH, Ravensburg (MM) STERO Medizinische Geräte, Prof. Dr. H. Stegat GmbH & Co. KG, Münster steute Schaltgeräte GmbH & Co. KG, Löhne steute Technologies GmbH & Co. KG, Löhne (VDMA) Stiegelmeyer GmbH & Co. KG, Herford (SPECTARIS) Stiftung Endoprothetik, Hamburg (LSN) Stirnal Medizin-Elektronik GmbH, Ammersbek (LSN) Stolmár & Partner Patentanwälte, München (MM) Stolz & Seng Kunststoffspritzguss und Formenbau GmbH, Donaueschingen (MM) Stortz Köln GmbH, Köln STORZ Medical AG, Tägerwilen (MM) STRATEC Consumables GmbH, Anif, Salzburg (IVAM) STRATIFYER Molecular Pathology GmbH, Köln Strub Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Neuhausen (MM) STRUBL GmbH & Co. KG Kunststoffverpackungen, Wendelstein (EMN) Stryker GmbH & Co. KG, Duisburg (BVMed) Stryker Leibinger GmbH & Co. KG, Freiburg (MM) Stuckenbrock Medizintechnik GmbH, Tuttlingen (MM) Suisse Technology Partners AG, Neuhausen am Rheinfall (MM) Sumitomo (SHI) Demag Plastics Machinery GmbH, Schwaig (VDMA) SUMITOMO ELECTRIC HARTMETALLFABRIK GMBH, Lauchheim (VDMA) Summary Seven GmbH, Münster Sundwiger Drehtechnik GmbH, Hemer Sunrise Medical GmbH, Malsch/Heidelberg (BVMed) Superblau GmbH, Köln Supporting Healthcare Deutschland GmbH, Pinneberg (LSN) Surfix BV, Wageningen (IVAM) SurgicEye GmbH, München (FMP) SurgiTAIX AG Aachen, Herzogenrath SURGITENT GmbH, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) Sutter Medizintechnik GmbH, Freiburg (SPECTARIS) SVA System Vertrieb Alexander GmbH, Düsseldorf Sven Krüger Reha-technik, Todesfelde (LSN) SWG SportWerk GmbH & Co. KG, Dortmund SWIFT Trainingssystem GmbH, Köln Sylacon Engineering Team GmbH, Uetersen (LSN) Symbios Deutschland GmbH, Mainz (BVMed) symmedia GmbH, Bielefeld (VDMA) Synagon GmbH, Aachen synlab Weiden – Medizinisches Versorgungszentrum für Laboratoriums medizin und Mikrobiologie, Weiden (FMP) Synma Healthcare, Münster SynOpt GmbH, Stuttgart (MM) Syntellix AG, Hannover (BVMed) Sysmex Europe GmbH, Norderstedt (LSN) Systam SAS France, Saarbrücken (BVMed) SysTeam GmbH, Dortmund Systec Elektronik & Software GmbH, Münster SYSTECS Informationssysteme GmbH, Leinfelden-Echterdingen (MM) System Industrie Electronic GmbH, Lustenau, AT (FMP) systema Deutschland GmbH, Koblenz Systemtechnik LEBER GmbH & Co. KG, Nürnberg (EMN) Systemtechnik LEBER GmbH & Co. KG, Schwaig (FMP)
T-Systems Business Services GmbH, Mülheim T&O LabSystems GmbH & Co. KG, Kaltenkirchen (LSN) t+h ingema ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Aachen T4M – Technology for Medical Devices (Messe Stuttgart), Stuttgart take-off GewerbePark Betreibergesellschaft mbH, Neuhausen (MM) Talkingeyes&more GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) TAMPOPRINT AG, Korntal-Münchingen (MM) tantum AG, Neumünster (LSN) TapMed Medizintechnik Handels GmbH, Habichtswald-Ehlen (BVMed) Tavla, Köln TBN Public Relations GmbH, Fürth (FMP) TE Connectivity Sensors Germany GmbH, Dortmund (IVAM) TEBIT Medizintechnik GmbH, Meinerzhagen Technetics Group Germany GmbH, Neuss TechniaTranscat GmbH, Karlsruhe (MM) Technische Universität Chemnitz, Chemnitz (IVAM) Technische Universität Hamburg Harburg (TUHH), Hamburg (LSN) Technologie-Campus an der Hochschule Amberg-Weiden e.V., Amberg (EMN) technotrans AG, Sassenberg (VDMA) TECOmedical GmbH, Bünde TEKON Prüftechnik GmbH, Kernen (VDMA) TELBA AG, Düsseldorf Teleflex Medical GmbH, Fellbach (BVMed) Telepaxx Medical Data GmbH, Büchenbach (EMN) Teltra GmbH, Bochum Tem Innovations GmbH, München (FMP) temicon GmbH, Dortmund (IVAM) Tente-Rollen GmbH, Wermelskirchen TePe D-A-CH GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) terraplasma medical GmbH, Garching (FMP) Terumo Deutschland GmbH, Eschborn (BVMed) TesT GmbH, Erkrath (VDMA) Textilforschungsinstitut Thüringen-Vogtland e.V., Greiz (EMN) TGE-gTrägergesellschaft mbH, Neumarkt (EMN) The Caretakers, Kaarst The ROHO Group Ratingen (BVMed) Thieme Compliance GmbH, Erlangen (FMP) Thiemt GmbH, Dortmund THM Consulting, Meerbusch THM-Medizintechnik, Stockelsdorf (LSN) Thomas Hilfen für Körperbehinderte GmbH & Co. Medico KG, Bremervörde (BVMed) Thomas Krahl techn. Beratungs- und Vertriebsbüro, Wuppertal Thomas Magnete GmbH, Herdorf (VDMA) Thomashilfen für Behinderte GmbH & Co. Medico KG, Bremervörde (SPECTARIS) Thoratec Europe Ltd., Essen THORLABS GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) ThyssenKrupp Elevator AG, Rottweil (MM) tic Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Dorsten TIGGES-Zours GmbH, Hattingen TIP GROUP Deutschland, Düsseldorf tk pharma trade GmbH, Hasbergen (BVMed) TMH Medizinhandel GmbH & Co. KGl, Duisburg (BVMed) Tobit Software AG, Ahaus TomTec Imaging Systems GmbH, Unterschleißheim (FMP) Tontarra Medizintechnik GmbH, Wurmlingen (MM) Tool Pool Technischer Handel, Essen Topic Embedded Projects B.V., Best, NL (FMP) Tornier GmbH, Burscheid TOSHIBA Medical Systems GmbH, Neuss Tourismus NRW e.V., Düsseldorf Trägergesellschaft Kunststoff-Institut Lüdenscheid, Lüdenscheid (IVAM) trackle GmbH, Bonn TRACOE medical GmbH, Nieder-Olm (BVMed) Tradex-Services GmbH, Münsing Transcodent GmbH & Co. KG, Kiel (LSN) TransMIT Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer mbH, Gießen Trelleborg Sealing Solutions Germany GmbH, Stuttgart (VDMA) TRIALOG Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Münster Trials24 GmbH, München (FMP) TRiCares GmbH, Aschheim (BVMed) tricumed Medizintechnik GmbH, Kiel (LSN) TRIGA-S, Habbach (FMP) TRILUX Medical GmbH & Co. KG, Arnsberg TRIOPTICS GmbH, Wedel (LSN) TriOptoTec GmbH, Regensburg (FMP) TriSolution, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM)
TRIZAX The 3D-Channel, Erlangen (EMN) Trollplast Kunststoff Vertriebs GmbH, Kasseburg (LSN) Trotec Laser Automation GmbH, Markdorf (VDMA) TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG, Ditzingen (VDMA) TRUMPF Laser- und Systemtechnik GmbH, Ditzingen (IVAM) TRUMPF Schweiz AG Lasertechnik, Grüsch (Schweiz) (VDMA) TTI GmbH - TGU Light Pulse, Stuttgart (VDMA) TU Kaiserslautern FBK, Kaiserslautern (VDMA) TU München, Lehrstuhl für Mikrotechnik und Medizingerätetechnik, München (VDMA) Tunstall GmbH, Telgte TURCK duotec GmbH, Halver (IVAM) TURCK duotec S.A., Delémont (MM) Tutogen Medical GmbH (RTI Surgical), Neunkirchen am Brand (EMN) Tutogen Medical GmbH, Neunkirchen am Brand (BVMed) TÜV Rheinland LGA Products GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH, München (FMP) TÜV SÜD Akademie GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) TÜV SÜD Product Service GmbH, München (FMP) TÜV Technische Überwachung Hessen GmbH, Darmstadt (FMP) TV Konzepte, Köln TWE Group GmbH, Emsdetten Tyco Fire & Security Holding Germany GmbH, Ratingen Tyrolit Construction Products GmbH, Maisach (VDMA)
UB-Software Entwicklungs- und Vertriebs- GmbH, Spaichingen (MM) UG Systems GmbH & Co. KG, Bamberg (EMN) Uhrenfabrik Junghans GmbH & Co.KG, Schramberg (MM) UL International Germany GmbH, Neu-Isenburg (MM) ulrich GmbH & Co. KG, Ulm (BVMed) UNISENSOR AG, Attikon, CH (FMP) United Industries Plastic Private Limited, Chennai, Tamil Nadu (MM) United Parcel Service Deutschland Inc. & Co. OHG UniTransferKlinik Lübeck GmbH, Lübeck (LSN, SPECTARIS) UNITY AG, Büren (VDMA) Universität Siegen, Siegen (IVAM) Universität Bayreuth – LS Wirtschaftsinformatik, Bayreuth (EMN) Universität Hamburg, Hamburg (LSN) Universität zu Lübeck, Lübeck (LSN) Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Erlangen (EMN) Universitätsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein (UKSH), Lübeck (LSN) unizell Medicare GmbH, Ratekau / Kreuzkamp (LSN) Unternehmerfabrik Landkreis Roth GmbH, Roth (EMN) URGO GmbH, Sulzbach (BVMed) UROMED Kurt Drews KG, Oststeinbek (LSN) UroTiss Europe GmbH, Neuss URSAPHARM Arzneimittel GmbH, Saarbrücken (BVMed) Use-Lab GmbH, Steinfurt User Interface Design GmbH, Ludwigsburg (FMP, VDMA) UST – Umweltsensortechnik GmbH, Geschwenda (IVAM) UTAX DocForms GmbH, Dortmund UTK Solution GmbH, Lüdenscheid UXMA GmbH & Co. KG, Kiel (LSN)
V-ART Agentur für Digital & Printmedien, Neuhausen (MM) VACOM Vakuum Koponenten & Messtechnik GmbH, Jena (VDMA) VacuTec Meßtechnik GmbH, Dresden (SPECTARIS) Vargus Deutschland GmbH, Knittlingen (VDMA) VARIOVAC PS SystemPack GmbH, Zarrentin am Schaalsee (VDMA) Vascutek Deutschland GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) Vassilli Deutschland GmbH, Löhne VBM Medizintechnik GmbH, Sulz am Neckar (MM) VDC - Virtual Dimension Center Technologiezentrum St. Georgen e.V., St. Georgen im Schwarzwald (MM) VDI Technologiezentrum GmbH, Düsseldorf (FMP) Velamed GmbH, Köln Veldlaser, s-Heerenberg (IVAM) vendiSG GmbH, Dettingen (MM) Venner Medical (Deutschland) GmbH, Dänischenhagen (BVMed, LSN) VentureNet GmbH, Witten Verhaert New Products & Services, Kruibeke, BE (FMP) vFM Dentallabor GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) vi2parts, Herdwangen-Schönach (MM) Viehoff Medizintechnik, Oberhausen vierviertel – Agentur für Kommunikationsdesign GmbH, Köln VIGORIS HEALTHCARE MANAGEMENT, Datteln Viktor Hegedüs GmbH, Wehingen (MM)
Vimecon GmbH, Herzogenrath Viscofan Bioengineering, Weinheim ViscoTec Pumpen- u. Dosiertechnik GmbH, Töging am Inn (VDMA) visidoo eHealth Solutions GmbH, Köln VisioCraft GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) Visiomed AG, Bielefeld Visionet GmbH, Fürth (FMP) Visotec GmbH, Lübeck (LSN) VISTEC AG, Olching (SPECTARIS) VISUS Health IT GmbH, Bochum vitabook GmbH, Jesteburg (FMP) VitalAire GmbH, Norderstedt (LSN, SPECTARIS) Vitaphone GmbH, Köln (FMP) Vitro Laser Solutions UG, Minden VITRONIC Dr.-Ing. Stein Bildverarbeitungssysteme GmbH, Wiesbaden (VDMA) Vivactis Deutschland, Düsseldorf Vivisol Deutschland GmbH, Arnstadt (SPECTARIS) VMR GmbH & Co. KG, Mönchweiler (MM) VMT Vision Machine Technic Bildbearbeitungssysteme GmbH, Mannheim (VDMA) Vogel Communications Group GmbH & Co. KG, Würzburg (FMP) Voha-Tosec Werkzeuge GmbH, Lindlar (VDMA) Voigtmann GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) Völker GmbH, Hitzhusen (LSN, SPECTARIS) Vollack GmbH & Co. KG, Offenburg (MM) VOMED Volzer Medizintechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Tuttlingen (MM) Voss Medizintechnik GmbH, Schenefeld (LSN) VOSTRA GmbH, Aachen (BVMed) VRNZ Service GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) VTplus GmbH – virtual therapy + research systems, Würzburg (EMN, FMP) VTS GmbH Kunststoffe, Zimmern ob Rottweil (MM) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, Oulu (IVAM) VYGON GmbH & Co. KG, Aachen (BVMed)
W. L. GORE & Associates GmbH, Putzbrunn (BVMed) W. Söhngen GmbH, Taunusstein-Wehen (BVMed) W. Zepf-Lasertechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Seitingen-Oberflacht (MM) W.K.W. Willi K. Wagner GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) waaf.net GmbH, Forchheim (EMN) Wachendorff-Chemie GmbH, Troisdorf Wagner Lasertechnik GmbH, Dauchingen (MM) WAKO Chemicals GmbH, Neuss Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg (BVMed, LSN) Walter AG, Tübingen (VDMA) Walter Binde Optik GmbH & Co.KG, Minden (SPECTARIS) Walter H. Becker GmbH, Triftern (SPECTARIS) Walter Mauch Consulting & Engineering e. K., Dunningen (MM) WALTHER Spritz- und Lackiersysteme GmbH, Wuppertal (VDMA) WAS WerbeAgenturSchinke GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Wassermann Dental-Maschinen GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) watercat GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) WaveLight GmbH, Erlangen (EMN, FMP) Wearable Solutions GmbH, Schrobenhausen (EMN) Weber GmbH & Co. KG – Kunststofftechnik – Formenbau, Dillenburg (FMP) Weber Instrumente GmbH & Co. KG, Emmingen-Liptingen (MM) WECO Optik GmbH, Düsseldorf Weco Visionix GmbH, Düsseldorf Wegamed GmbH, Essen WEILER Werkzeugmaschinen GmbH, Emskirchen (VDMA) Weinberg & Ruf, Filderstadt (MM) Weineck GmbH & Co. KG, Kunreuth (EMN) WEINMANN Emergency Medical Technology GmbH + Co. KG, Hamburg (LSN, SPECTARIS) Weiss Klimatechnik GmbH, Reiskirchen (MM, SPECTARIS) Weißer + Grieshaber GmbH, Mönchweiler (MM) Wellspect HealthCare Dentsply IH GmbH, Elz (BVMed) Wenzel Metrology GmbH, Wiesthal (VDMA) Werkzeugbau Ruhla GmbH, Seebach (VDMA) WERMA Signaltechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Rietheim-Weilheim (MM) Werner Bauser GmbH, Wehingen (MM) WERO GmbH & Co. KG, Taunusstein (BVMed) Westfalen AG, Spezialgase, Münster Westfalenhallen Dortmund GmbH, Dortmund Westphal, Mussgnung & Partner Patentanwälte mit beschränkter Berufshaftung, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Weyer GmbH, Kürten Weyergans High Care AG, Düren
Guide to German Medtech Companies 2020
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WIBU-Systems AG, Karlsruhe (VDMA) Wickert Maschinenbau GmbH, Landau (VDMA) WIEPRO Messtechnik, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Wiha Werkzeuge GmbH, Schonach (MM) WILAmed GmbH, Kammerstein (FMP, SPECTARIS) WILD Electronics, Wernberg (SPECTARIS) WILD Group, Völkermarkt (SPECTARIS) WILDDESIGN GmbH & Co. KG, Gelsenkirchen (FMP, MM) Wilddesign GmbH & Co. KG, NL München, München (EMN) WILDSMILE (Medinfotec, Action, Lda.), Portalegre, Portugal (EMN) Wilhelm Weisweiler GmbH & Co. KG, Münster Wilhelm Werner GmbH, Leverkusen (FMP) Willmann & Pein GmbH, Barmstedt (LSN) Winicker Norimed GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN) Winkel Rufleitsysteme GmbH, Lüdenscheid Winkler Bildungszentrum GmbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) Winter Science, Bochum Wipotec GmbH, Kaiserslautern (VDMA) WIPOTEC-OCS GmbH, Schwäbisch Hall (VDMA) Wirtschaft und Tourismus Villingen-Schwenningen GmbH, Villingen- Schwenningen (MM) Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Schwarzwald-Baar-Heuberg mbH, Villingen-Schwenningen (MM) wissner-bosserhoff GmbH, Wickede (Ruhr) WITT-Gasetechnik GmbH & Co. KG, Witten (VDMA) Wittenstein intens GmbH, Igersheim (FMP) Wittmann Battenfeld GmbH, Kottingbrunn (IVAM, VDMA) Wöhlk-Contact-Linsen GmbH, Schönkirchen (LSN) Wölfel Engineering GmbH + Co. KG, Höchberg (EMN, FMP) World Courier (Deutschland) GmbH, Düsseldorf Worldline an atos company, Aachen WPE, Essen WSS AKTIV BERATEN GmbH & Co. KG, Rottweil (MM) WULFF MED TEC GmbH, Fedderingen (LSN)
X-Alliance GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) X-FAB MEMS Foundry Itzehoe GmbH, Itzehoe (LSN) X-Spectrum GmbH, Hamburg (LSN) X3.Net GmbH, Moers XanTec bioanalytics GmbH, Düsseldorf
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Xenios AG, Heilbronn (SPECTARIS) xevIT GmbH, Leverkusen XrayMediConnect, Ebermannstadt (FMP) XRSB-Röntgensysteme Barwig GmbH, Wendelstein (FMP)
YES Medical Device Services GmbH, Friedrichsdorf (FMP) YPSOMED GmbH, Liederbach (BVMed) Yxlon International GmbH, Hamburg (LSN)
Z-LASER Optoelektronik GmbH, Freiburg (VDMA) Zahntechnisches Labor Claudia Wolcke, Tangstedt (LSN) ZAHORANSKY AG, Todtnau (VDMA) Zecha Hartmetall-Werkzeugfabrikation GmbH, Königsbach-Stein (VDMA) ZELTWANGER Automation GmbH, Dußlingen (VDMA) ZELTWANGER Dichtheits- und Funktionsprüfsysteme GmbH, Dußlingen (VDMA) Zentralverband Elektrotechnik und Elektroindustrie e.V. (ZVEI), Frankfurt am Main (IVAM) Zepf Medical Instruments GmbH, Seitingen-Oberflacht (MM) Zertinum GmbH, Erlangen (EMN) Zhongde Metal Group GmbH, Hilden Ziehm Imaging GmbH, Nürnberg (EMN, FMP) Zimmer Biomet Deutschland GmbH, Freiburg (BVMed) ZINDEL AG - Technische Dokumentation und Multimedia, Hamburg (VDMA) ZL-Microdent-Attachment GmbH & Co. KG, Breckerfeld ZNS - Hannelore Kohl Stiftung, Bonn znt Zentren für Neue Technologien GmbH, Grünwald (IVAM, VDMA) Zolitron Technology, Bochum ZOLL CMS GmbH, Köln (BVMed) ZOLL Medical Deutschland GmbH, Köln Zollner Elektronik AG, Zandt (FMP) ZORN Maschinenbau GmbH, Stockach (MM) Zühlke Engineering GmbH, Hamburg (LSN, VDMA)
(All data is provided without guarantee.)
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ISBN 978-3-928383-74-5