Bingwa Issue 8

Page 1


Issue 8

Term 2, 2012 one morning, moses, brian and gloria are playing scrabble outdoors...

when suddenly...

The Magazine for the Children of Africa

sorry children... i am a warder from the animal sanctuary. that ostrich escaped this morning.


what was that?!

CHI KALI there is a reward out, anyone who catches the ostrich will get two thousand shillings!

wait a minute... is that ostrich a “he” or a “she”?

well, then, i will catch him!

well, then, i will catch


she is female.





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Trevor’s Journey to Movie Stardom

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One on One

with Githinji Mwangi

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Free Tree


Win A Bingwa T-shirt

1st TERM

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the sun ! nice feels

the air nice smells too!


















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BINGWA readers


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Hello Everyone!

The Magazine for the Children of Africa

m The TBea an oard Chairm Editorial Rino Solberg

rd Editorial Boa ri hi uc M a di Mun Wanja Gathu rins Jean-Paul Dep g er lb So Julie itor Managing Ed hu at G ja Wan g h@bingwa.or Email: elizabet keting Sales & Mar Winnie Anyona Email: winnie@

ns & Promotio Distribution himbi Claudiah Gac ah di au cl Email: Layout Design and edia Ltd M ss re Centrep ntrepressmed Email: info@ce

Contributors Nderitu Christine Festus Mateso Ian Arunga Jeff Mundia Joseph Barasa de Maurice Ode do en W ea Nab (KWS) Paul Mbugua ma ya an W Timothy uo Th i Wangu bogori Kabeeria M’m Lwande gs lin James Raw

We hope that you are having a great time in school and, as we come closer to the middle of the year 2012, we hope you can look back in pride and say you have learnt a lot. Has Bingwa magazine been of any help to you? Please let us know. We at BINGWA can say for sure that you, young readers have taught us a lot. You have inspired us and sometimes moved us to tears with your very thoughtful letters. You have also, through your dedicated participation in the various activities here in, spurred us to work harder and even faster just to make sure you receive your favorite magazine in good time. We anticipate that you will now have more time to read your magazine from cover to cover and enter into the competitions so that you can earn a prize. It is always a pleasure to share these gifts with you! In this issue, we introduce two new pages, one on Life skills where you can ask questions about almost anything bothering you in school or home and get answers from our expert Child Psychologist. We have also added a Heath and Nutrition page that endeavors to inform and educate you about healthy eating habits and exercise, so that you can be a wholesome, healthy and happy individual, just as your creator intended. And, guess who is gracing this new page? It is none other than the hilarious Comedian, Erick Omondi. Erick is the new ‘Eat right ambassador.’ He and two other celebrities will lead a campaign by the Ministry of Health, to make sure that infants and young people like you eat healthy food at all times. Enjoy! Bingwa Team

BINGWA is published every school term by Child Africa Media. Opinions in the articles are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the publisher or any other participating partner.

Editorial, Production and Advertising Child Africa Media Ltd. P.O. BOX 823 - 00606 Nairobi, Kenya +254 20 434 268/020 232 4374 +254 719 619 006 email:



Inside The Audacity of a dream

celebrity profile

Githinji Mwangi aka Mbusi

A boys’s journey to stardom page 6

page 12 Its a Wild Wild Life

The truth about Hyaenas page 10

regulars 16 Janet 19 Life Skills 22 Pictorial 28 DIY 31 Magic with numbers


The king’s feast

32 Sports 34 Money sense 35 Sara & Chet

page 14

36 Know your heroes 38 Mechi kali


The magazine for the children of Africa

amazing stuff to think about

40 Your Continent

page 8

48 Creative writing

43 Career advice 47 Success Story


The World of

WHAT’S ON BINGWA ONLINE You can now read selected copies of bingwa magazine online. Visit and click on the view bingwa magazine online. To donate bingwa to schools, click donate on the top right section of the website. See who’s responsible for the stories and artwork you love so much in the behind bingwa section.

Prticipate and win

By Claudia Gachimbi


he Bingwa team would like to sincerely thank all the schools who welcomed us this term; the teachers, pupils, general readers and all who helped to make our activities successful. We do not take your continued support for granted. Special thanks go to all the host schools and those schools that participated in our joint Aim and Bingwa Activations in Embu: Chesternel, Lions Pry, S.A Gakuuri, S.A Kiarimui, Ena Pry. Meru: Chogoria Girls, Meru Pry, Nkubu Pry, Gikumene Pry. Nyeri: Nyeri Pry, Wema Central, Riamukurwe Pry. Muruguru Pry. Kisii County: Getembe Sch, Pace Boarding, Kamagambo Adventist Pry. Kisumu County: Migosi Pry School, Migosi SDA Pry School, Kings & Queens Academy, Kibosi road Pry, Kondele Primary School, Kisumu Pentecostal Academy, Good Shepherd Academy. Kakamega: Muraka primary School, Munasio pry Sch, Muhonje pry Evunyiro and Serario Pry schools. Eldoret: SOS HG Pry School, Cornerstone School, Munyaka Pry School, Hill School,

Out and About Bingwa was in Sacred Heart Mombasa

Nakuru: Moi Pry School, Mlimani Pry, Crater Academy, Lenana Pry School. Mombasa: Sacred Heart, Tudor, Makupa, Makande, Qubaa Academy, Majengo Pry, Liwatoni, Al Zaab, Al Farsli,Mvita, Ziwani Boys, St Kevin schools (all eight of them). Kajiado county: St Johns, Kajiado hills, Kajiado Township, Sambell Academy. Machakos County: Mung’ala Pry, Kyumba Pry, Kiangini, Kathese and Kasinga pry. And Nairobi schools and all other schools not mentioned here.

We would also like to thank the teachers especially for their cooperation and support. We wouldn’t have done it without you!

The Star School is

Chesternel Schools, Embu

Note: If you would like us to visit your school for activations, please let us know through telephone no. 0719619006. Your school hall must be able to accommodate a minimum of 5 schools. The activations last 2hrs. Activities include; Motivational talks by selected, Star students; a trivia session and talent show. We come bearing gifts for all winners. Call us we will make it happen! To order extra copies of the magazine or to subscribe call 0719 619006 / or email For Uganda, email: or call +25677006484. Follow bingwa magazine on facebook to know more about our upcoming events and activities. Do not forget to leave a comment. Send us your articles and drawings and let us know about your events. issue 8


ki Michu ohn J e inspired m

Tribute to the fallen heroes Last year Kenya mourned deeply the death of Professor Wangari Maathai. This year, Kenya woke up to a sad start with the death of two more great heroes. This is a real heartbreak. Kenyans let us pay tribute to John Michuki, Njenga Karume and Wangari Maathai. Kenya the land of happiness is now filled with sadness. The passing away of our heroes is deeply saddening our motherland, But oh, our fallen heroes, you have left a gap that can never be filled. Theothosils Thiongo, 12 years Chesternel Schools.

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ra and p d n a We st is winning g Bingwa West a in o v w t o g l t n i s d B a n uth, E ring a Chee rth, to So e world No f th From ner o r o c olling Every ely Bingwa s a ball r a v Our lo goes round ot l a Keny gwa a n i B g n Praisi ely Bingwa v Our lo ri anga W e c Ali 5 Class ary im Moi pr

I am proud to be a Kenyan and grateful to the lord for my motherland, Kenya. As a true Kenyan I am mourning the death of John Michuki. If it were not for him Kenya would not be the way it is. My admiration for him began when he introduced safety belts because of the many accidents that occurred taking the lives of ordinary Kenyans, doctors, teachers and even journalists. By so doing, he saved the lives of many. You have gone so soon but your honour will remain. May you rest in peace. ‘Nitakuwepo kukuwakilisha.’ Kenyans let the deeds of John Michuki inspire you. Fellow Kenyans, who will be a great warrior to honor in the next generation, Is it you or is it me? Let’s find out. Jeff Muchiri, 13 years Chesternel School

e in z a g a M Bingwa is refreshing Wow! Bingwa is just different. It helps us know more about our world and the animal kingdom. It opens up our minds in different ways, showing us how to excel in our studies. I really congratulate the editors. I have had the privilege of reading it several times and I know it is just perfect for children of Africa. Migaliza Trazy Viviane Moi Primary Nakuru.

Have a comment, suggestion or anything you’d like to share? Write to Bingwa Magazine, P.O. Box 823-00606, Nairobi, Kenya. You can also email us at Please include your full names, address and a telephone number. The winning letter will receive a free Bingwa t-shirt.


The magazine for the children of Africa

Dear Bingwa, I wrote a poem for my dad that I would like to share

Letters from Uganda

OH! A Father’s Struggle

The happiest day of my life Dear Bingwa, The day my teacher told me that Bingwa would like us to write letters, I was very happy. I started writing letters. I love Bingwa’s stories, jokes, drawings and much more. Thank you Bingwa Nalutaaya Cathy, 10 Years Nakasero Primary Uganda Dear Bingwa with d to share them te an w I d an ts I know my righ your readers, to Food, cation, Right u Ed to t h ig R to Talk, They are the Name, Right a to t h ig R r, rents. Right to Shelte t to caring Pa h ig R d an y la and P s to respect Right to Pray meone refuse so en h w is ingwa Child abuse . Thank you B d il ch e th f o the rights ernce Besigye Pati ary Nakasero Prim a d Ugan

Excerpts from the Winning Entry, Aim Competition issue 2, 2012 anyota, 13years By Abdullah Omar Mw unity School mm Co AN SO Mombasa y school. I used was when I was in nurser My first writing experience e shape of my Th ly. per pro w how to write a pencil but I did not kno to fit in the lines. n and they were too big to practice letters appeared upside dow agi s kept on encour ng me My teacher and my parent ed slightly. rov imp ng riti dw ndard one, my han harder. When I joined sta par my ents and to hold a pencil and also My teacher showed me how te well when wro I hold my hand as I wrote. my elder brother used to l wrote stil I n, ow my en left to write on write as I they held my hand but wh to me left and me of cher got tired shapeless letters. My tea and ing asked my give up. I kept on practic understood but I did not ch myself how to tea to ng book that I used riti dw han a buy to s ent par a lot. ers well. The book helped write and arrange my lett got worse because I in aga ng riti dw han But in standard four, my

He wakes up early, before I am up, he is already gone. He struggles all day to make me happy and to brighten my future, Despite his love and plans for me, he is abused by fellow men, To make me smile, some days he resists burdening me with His problems that is actually myself Even when I discourage him with my poor performance, He keeps firm and struggles for me. Well, it is a father’s love that never fades and keeps on soothing my soul I know how much I want deep in my heart, not to disappoint him. I hope he realizes my appreciation. Namusime Daisy Class 5, Nakasero Primary Uganda

Bingwa T-shirt winners 1. Abdalla Omar Mwanyota, Soan Community School, Likoni, Mombasa 2. Faith Abuti, Soan Community School, Likoni, Mombasa 3. Nicholas Ebeneza, St. Kevin Hill School. Likoni, Mombasa 4. Megaliza Trazy Viviane, Chesternel Schools, Embu 5. Nalutaya Cathy, Nakasero Primary School, Kampala 6. Yenenesh Lynn, Moi Primary, Nakuru 7. Besigye Patience Nakasero Primary Kampala 8. Solomon Wachira, Pace Primary, Kisii 9. Sandra Jepkemoi, Moi primary, Nakuru 10. Namusime Daisy, Nakasero Primary, Kampala 11. Jeff Muchiri, Chesternel Schools, Embu 12. Gasper Kokonya, Moi primary, Nakuru 13. Eva Gumbe, Moi primary, Nakuru

issue 8


a M’mbogori

ords by Kabeeri Photos and W

Would you say that stars are born or made? I dare say there is an element of both in anyone who ever makes it in life. In this issue we meet a teenager who has done what few people do in their entire lifetime, yet he is not even 20 years old.


The magazine for the children of Africa


ifteen-year-old Trevor Gitonga, is the star of a locally produced movie called LEO that premiers in April. The feature film tells the story of a boy called Leo (Trevor Gitonga), growing up in an informal settlement in Nairobi. Leo believes that he and his cousin Renna, are super heroes. However, Leo struggles to understand himself, his situation in life - Issues of faith, sanity, drugs, alcohol and their impact on his family against his dream of rescuing the weak and the underprivileged in society. He plays alongside Gowi Odera, who plays Leo’s father and Paddy Mwangi (his brother) and Nina (Alice Odera Leo’s on screen mother - The movie is directed by Jinna Mwangi. In real life, Trevor is an only child and a form two student at Light Academy Karen, who professes a deep love for entertainment -he enjoys good music, film among other performing arts. Trevor has been in the limelight since he was eight, hosting the ‘Angels café program on Citizen TV between 2006-2009 and a presenter on Know Zone that airs on the same station. This experience he says laid the foundation for his career on the big screen because it shaped his on stage presence and boosted his confidence in front of the camera. Trevor has also starred in Makutano Junction and ‘Changes’ on M-net where he has recurring roles. He has also done a few commercials. He represented African children at a United Nations forum in South Africa and South Korea where he delivered keynote speeches on Climate change in 2010. So how did he land this role? He says the role of Leo happened by coincidence. “ I do a lot of auditions so when the producers saw my profile they asked me to try for the role and I got it but, it is not as easy as it sounds” he says Trevor dreams of being a

successful actor, director and screenwriter and as demonstrated by his exploits on the big screen, has laid a solid foundation for success in this endeavour. Playing Leo is however his hardest role yet in terms of depth and complexity of the character he plays but he says, a really good experience. “One scene we shot in the very beginning where I run through a settlement with my co actor (Wema Njoroge), there were millions of eyes around the set and I struggled to impress and not embarrass myself. The challenge was playing an awkward boy with a powerful story, who alongside great actors must inspire and communicate the message. I had to make more Leo than Trevor show through, even

week. We ended up leaving really late, since the right moment, feeling and action had be captured or otherwise, another take was needed.” Q&A Q: What is the best thing about being a movies star? A: When people appreciate your craft and want to follow in your footsteps. It feels great being able to help younger actors and actresses. Q: What did you enjoy most when shooting this movie? A: The two-day shoot in the Maasai Mara working alongside my on screen mother and other lead actors was very intense but so much fun. Q: What does it take for one so young to accomplish so much?

“Remember fame can be your best friend and your worst enemy, so appreciate every step and everybody that supports you. One day you will look and be glad to see just how it came to be.” when the mindset, behaviour and nature of Leo, is really not a part of me.” Trevor admits he found it harder being in a major production. “Waking up as early as 4 am can’t be easy. Some days we would shoot up to twelve scenes in 10 hours for 5 days a

Trevor’s Career Advice

• If acting is what you really want, give it 100 percent because someone is watching. • There are many auditions you may not pass. Still, you should not give up. Act wherever you can, be it in church or school to build your talent. • The support of your family and friends is very important. • Remember fame can be your best friend and your worst enemy. So appreciate every step and everybody that supports you. One day you will look back and be glad to see just how it came to be.

A: You must be focused on giving your best. This takes passion, sacrifice, dedication, good timing and perseverance. Good acting take years of practice. I still have a lot to learn. It is also good to choose the right roles for you, so that you can deliver a great performance.

issue 8


We all know too much of anything is poisonous. No doubt, doing the same thing the same way too many times can be deadly boring. Your favorite pages will keep changing slightly to introduce varied content and design. We hope you like it. Please let us know what you think.

How charming is the snake? Yes, a snake can be charming, as Adam and Eve discovered, but can a snake be charmed? Snakes, contrary to common belief, cannot be charmed. As a matter of fact, when a “snake charmer” puts on a show for people to see a snake charmed, he is merely cheating them out of their money. Snakes, though deaf, are highly sensitive to vibrations, so the scam artist diverts peoples’ attention by swaying to the music he is playing, all the while tapping on the basket containing the snake. As the snake rises, aroused by the vibrations from the toe tapping he also shimmies to the music, not because of the tune, but because he is watching the wily “snake charmer’s” every movement, and is following suit. Ah...snake eyes!

Does a centipede really have one hundred feet? Yes, centipede really does mean “100-footed,” and yes, some centipedes actually do have 100 feet, but no, not all do. Some have more than 100 feet, and some as few as 30. Perhaps mathematicians not scientists, should have done the calculations, and should have named this species “Myriapoda,” Latin for many footed. Yes, the millepede also belongs to this ancient species, but does it really have 1,000 feet, as the name implies? Think about it or better still, go count the feet and let us know what you discover.

Does a camel’s hump hold water? No! The humps on a camel’s back are actually huge heaps of fat and flesh that can weigh as much as 80 pounds (45kg) in a healthy camel. These humps help camels survive for weeks without food and water. When water and food become scarce on the deserts where camels roam, the fatty humps serve as stored food and are used for nourishment. As the camel’s body metabolizes or uses up the stored fat, the hump becomes smaller and flabbier. So the longer the camel goes without eating, the smaller its hump gets.

What animal has the largest eyes? The eyes of the giant squid can be up to 25 centimeters (ten inches) across, about the size of a volleyball. Those large, sensitive eyes are useful in the dark waters where the giant squid lives, 200-700 meters (660-2,300 feet) below the surface of the ocean. A squid can grow up to 18 m (59 ft) and weigh up


The magazine for the children of Africa

to 900 kg (1,980 lb, nearly 1 ton) Giant squids are among the world’s most mysterious megafauna (large animals). So far, no live specimen has been captured. They live in deep oceans all around the world, along with at least ten other species of very large squid.

By Evra Gumbe Class 5, Moi Primary

By Sandra Jepkemoi 11 Yrs, Moi Primary

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By Casper Kokonya Class 6, Moi Primary

By Yenenesh Lynn, Class 6, Moi Primary By Ian Muntet, 11 Yrs, Moi Primary issue 8


Its a Wild Wild Life Photos and story paul Mbugua, Kenya Wildlife service


yaenas are carnivores of the family Hyaenidae. The family has four species namely Striped Hyaena, Spotte d hyaenaCrocuta crocuta, Brown hyaena, Hyaena brunnea and Aardwolf Prosteles cristata. In this article reference will be made of the spotted hyaena the most common specie in Kenya.

to come across. Females are larger than the males and act as family leaders.

How to identify Hyaenas They are long legged, long necked with large eyes. They have a hairy spotted coat and a short hairy tail. Fore legs are longer than the hind legs giving the animal a sloping appearance.

Diet Hyaenas’ enjoy a meal of meat and bones. Their digestive system is capable of digesting bones in a few hours. They prey mainly on ungulates including antelopes. They are aggressive hunters and occasional scavengers.

Distribution Found in a wide sub-Saharan range. They live in savannah and light wooded forestlands. They kill the most vulnerable and not the most abundant species hence the slower the prey in escape the better. They live communally in burrows, crevices and in caves. Large groups of up to 100 are easy


The magazine for the children of Africa

Gestation Lasts for four months where two cubs are born. The cubs are suckled by their own mother until they are 18 months old. Weight; They weigh between 60-80 kilograms.

... Did you know re a s ena Female Hya oms? l u wonderf m ellent care They take exc s, and most of their babie g le their youn Hyaenas suck ke year unli for over one who wean dogs and cats nly a few of young after o months.

Why should we conserve hyaenas? Hyaenas deserve protection because they perform valuable services in the ecosystems they inhabit. They are also essential indicators of ecosystem health throughout much of their range. Aardwolves consume termites, which can be terribly destructive to wooden structures that we build. threats to hyaena conservation Lions have over time represented the primary source of mortality for hyaenas; this situation is rapidly changing as humans now kill more Hyaenas than any other source. Livestock keepers commonly

retaliate, using one of these methods.

of other species also killed by vehicles.

Snaring Use of wire nooses set at small openings in the fences or in livestock enclosures. If a hyaenas blunders into such a snare, then they are killed.

Habitat loss Change in land use is causing loss of habitats. Without prey, hyaena population also diminishes.

Poisoning Some people apply poison to a carcass of a goat or cow and leave this out for hyaenas to eat. Use of poison results in the deaths, of many carnivores and scavenger birds. Road kills Hyaenas of all types are commonly killed by speeding vehicles on highways. This happens as they eat carcasses

Myths Busted Hyaenas are misunderstood. Our folklores are full of misleading myths about them. Unless we change the way we see these amazing animals, we soon won’t see them at all. They may become extinct. Let us demystify some of these myths. Myth No 1: Spotted hyaenas are hermaphrodites. Reality: This is not true. The myth undoubtedly arose because hyaena appears to have both male and female genitalia. The females have a pseudopenis which resembles the penis of the males thus the myth. Myth No 2: It is not possible to distinguish male from female spotted hyaenas without dissecting them. Reality: It is in fact possible to

What we can do to conserve hyaenas Education Educate people about hyaenas in order to conserve these wonderful animals. Research To know more about their basic biology, in order to understand and conserve them.

distinguish the sexes when they are at least 3 months of age. It is however virtually impossible to identify an individual’s sex based on its body size. Myth No 3: Hyaenas only eat carrion. Reality: Hyaenas are excellent hunters. Unlike the cats, they kill their prey by disemboweling them rather than with a “killing bite.” They are resilient runners and can attain speed of up to 55km per hour. The aardwolf eats mainly insects. Myth No 4: Hyaenas often drive other large predators from their prey. Reality: Spotted hyaenas do sometimes steal food from smaller predators like cheetah and wild dogs. However most of the time spotted hyaenas kill a large prey, lions steal it from them.

issue 8


Celebrity Profile By Christine Nderitu

The Broadcaster Githinji Mwangi aka Mbusi A unique voice against drug use among Kenyan youth His rise to fame has much to do with the popular show he hosts on Ghetto radio but BINGWA shines the spotlight on this young man today because of the unique way he has chosen to use his immense popularity and influence to turn young people against drugs.


s a rehabilitated drug user, Githinji knows only too well the downside of using drugs. This is why he has made the fight against drugs a personal war. Early this year he staged a week long anti drug vigil outside the Hilton hotel. During this campaign he and other radio presenters sat in a glass studio for seven straight days without food playing music and speaking to anyone who would listen, about the dangers


The magazine for the children of Africa

of drug use. The problem is worse among urban youth but that is not to say however that children up country are not at risk.


Given the risks involved, any voice that can be listened to by the youth in particular, could help reverse this dangerous trend and Mbusi’s is one such voice.

NACADA, the anti drug agency says drug peddlers now target children as young as 10-14 years and are packaging drugs for as little as Ksh10 Specifically for this market. These drugs include, bhang, heroine, cocaine and prescription drugs like amphetamine: Eight percent of youth aged between10-14 years have used alcohol, 13 percent have used cigarettes. NACADA identified the School environment as the place where drug habits are formed and nurtured.

Radio fanatics call him “Mbusi”. He is a radio presenter in the only station in Kenya that broadcasts in ‘Sheng’ (street slang that evolved out of corrupting Kiswahili, English and a host of local vernacular dialects). Ghetto radio 89.5 fm is a hit with a wide cross section of Kenyan youth. His real name is Githinji Mwangi, 27, described by some as modest, handsome and very gifted. He is also strikingly short in stature. He has extremly long dreadlocks but these he keeps well covered under a woolen cap. As a young boy growing up in Korogocho slums, Kijana Mpyenga mwenye mapoz, (Little man with swag), as he is commonly known had undeterred passion for acting. His broadcast talent was evident at the age of 12 years and on several occasions his playmates surrounded him and cheered him on as he belted out the bulletin. He grew up in a very humble Christian background. He went to Maina Wanjigi high

“Besides getting caught by the police and going to jail drug abusers are bad with money and pushers will break your neck just to prove appoint.” school, where he bagged coveted awards for best actor at national level. He was destined for greatness and raised his bar even higher after O-levels. He began appearing in shows like Crazy Kenyans and in theatre dramatizing high school set books where he used his height

to add rib-cracking comedy to the shows. But circumstances forced Githinji to peddle drugs just to make ends meet. He also used drugs. Drug peddling he says, is risky business. Besides getting caught by the police and going to jail drug abusers are bad with money and pushers will break your neck just to prove appoint. He regrets greatly the years he wasted using drugs and selling them and is quick to caution youngsters against drugs very strongly, every chance he gets.

Words of Wisdom • Don’t ever give up in life. Nurture your talent steadily until something happens • It is always wise to listen to your seniors and keep off bad company Things to know about Mbusi • He loves watching documentaries • He loves listening to music and promoting local artists. • He travels a lot doing research • His favorite meal is kuku choma • He is married with one child, Tracy • He loves to mentor and counsel youths against abusing drugs • His ambition is to open a rehabilitation centre for people with drug and substance abuse problems.

issue 8


Fiction By Christine Nderitu


(Sequel to ‘The Magical Land of Yenka’)

fter a very blessed and successful year, King Garuna decided to throw a great feast for all the people of Yenka, because if it wasn’t for their hard work and cooperation, then Yenka would not have had such a successful year! The king summoned his council of elders and high priests to discuss this great event. The discussions lasted quite a number of hours but when they were done they came out of the meeting glowing with smiles! It was easy to tell that everyone was pleased with what the king had said, when the meeting was


The magazine for the children of Africa

done, the royal massagers we’re sent to all corners of Yenka to spread word of this great feast that the king was throwing. It would be a feast like none other; each and every citizen of Yenka was invited. They were also expected to play a role in the planning and organizing of the feast! They needed a lot of food, plenty of brews, the best entertainment, gorgeous ushers and hostesses, the most beautiful decorations and let’s not forget the security detail. So all the people of Yenka were invited to the king’s feast! The king was going to open his granaries, give a generous

portion of his life stock and dig deep into his treasures just to ensure that his people enjoyed this feast! It was going to be a feast to give thanks to the heavens and to celebrate life! In deed it was going to a feast like none other; one that would be discussed for generations to come. Soon the messengers returned carrying good news, the people excited to participate in the feast. Verily the hand that gives is the hand that receives. Preparations were underway, the kings jester set out on a mission to organise the most impressive entertainment detail. He would

comb through all of Yenka auditioning and eliminating participants till he had nothing but the best. Princess Malaika was elected head planner, after all; it only makes sense that the king would want to keep a close eye on the planning of his feast. Meanwhile, the infamous bandit king had heard rumors of King Garuna’s feast and was very excited about the news! You see, the Bandit king had always held a grudge on the wise and charismatic king Garuna for having captured and punished him for trying to bring war to Yenka. Now that the whole of Yenka was caught up in this national feast and paying little attention to the bandit Kingdom, he would finally be able to strike and take over Yenka! “Muhahahaha!”, laughed the bandit king at his own evil plans! The big day for the people of Yenka was drawing closer, though the days seemed to be longer than usual as everybody eagerly awaited the great feast! Everything was coming along perfectly. On the other side of the land the Bandit king was scheming wildly; his son- Junior Terror would go befriend Princess Malaika and convince her to serve some of their exotic coffee brew, which would then put them into a deep sleep and the Bandit king would strike! “Oh these poor lot; so ignorant and unsuspecting of my clever plan” Said the Bandit King “muhahahaha!” He handed Junior Terror the barrels of the exotic coffee and sent him on his way. He passed the security check

at the border rather easily since the warriors on duty were too preoccupied with talks of the great feast! He proceeded on to the heart of Yenka and arrived on the eve of the Kings feast. He immediately made his way to the planning committee and demanded to speak with the leader. When princess Malaika presented herself to Junior Terror, he got so distracted by her beauty that he forgot the speech that he’d memorized to convince her to add the exotic coffee brew onto the menu. In fact he was tongue tied. He had never seen a creature so graceful. Now princess Malaika being busy with all the

planning didn’t have time to stand around with a young man who just stared rudely at her saying absolutely nothing! So she summoned her assistant to deal with the matter.

Junior terror having regained his power of speech, was acting very stubborn demanding that he would only speak to royalty as he too was royalty! Now this greatly amused the royal assistant as Junior Terror looked anything but smart let alone royal! So she mocked and ridiculed him harshly to the point where Junior Terror couldn’t take it anymore and started blurting out words uncontrollably! “I’ll have you know that I am the Bandit Kings only son and my father will punish you for the disrespect you just exhibited!” Yelled Junior Terror! These words were followed by an awkward silence and stares of disbelief from everyone. Now Junior Terror realized that he’d blown he’s cover. The princess got the warriors to capture Junior Terror and take him and his gifts to King Garuna. At the Palace, Junior Terror was questioned by the king and his council of elders who came to discover that coffee was poisoned. They threw Junior Terror in Jail and came up with a plan to capture the bandit King. The next day the Kings feast took place as planned and everybody was totally enjoying themselves. At some point Malaika ordered everyone to play dead so that there was a long silence. The bandit king took the silence to mean that his evil plan had worked! He ordered his men to attack but to their surprise they met a strong, alert and skilled warriors! They were captured and thrown in jail. Yenka remained a peaceful and successful kingdom!

issue 8


janet! what’s wrong? are you crying?

hey! janet! you are back from school!

i’m sad mum. the teacher gave us weekend work...

nobody wanted to work with chung lee because he is chinese. they laughed at me because i was paired with chung lee!


The magazine for the children of Africa

but the teacher always gives you weekend work!

this time we have to do it in pairs. the teacher said i will work with chung lee...

hahahahaha! you are with the chinese!


listen, janet. chung lee may be chinese, but he is just a human being like you and I. and we should not discriminate people based on the colour of their skin or where they come from. alright?

that weekend...

you are very good at this, chung lee! i have always loved art and crafts.

okay, mum. i guess i should not feel bad about working with him.

that monday...

that was very good! janet and chung lee have the best project, and i will give them the top marks!

for our project, we made a tv from old boxes...

if you turn this handle like this, the pictures move...


hey! chung lee! can we work together another time?

yes, it feels so good when people stop discriminating against you!

sure! no problem!


i think they like you now!

mum, thanks for teaching me not to discriminate. i have learned an important lesson today!

the end The Magazine for the children of Africa issue 8


Children of Africa Speak...

What I love about my country In the last issue of Bingwa, we asked you to tell us what makes a good leader. Today we ask children living in Kenya but are not necessarily Kenyan, what they love about Kenya and their countries of origin and, what they think we can learn from each other.

t St. , a pupil a Amir Ali is e H . rimary Georges P d n a n Kenya id you of mixed e said, “D H t. n ts for e sc e e elephan d Indian d ri le p o e for these dia p know in In e people who care like ? Th houts. I transport called ma re a ts n ia l and has gentle g is beautifu also long it se u a c e Kenya b roads are like a l cars. The e. I would and many coo ic n re a s ome ved roads, e and the h ith impro w a y n hav n e K re childre better e h w , n o cati better edu s to read. k o o more b

I like most the Kenyan culture, the people and the wildlife - Tanya

Favour Saigbe is a pupil at Cavina School. Favour is from Nigeria, but he really likes Kenya since it is quiet and has many fun places to play in. “Nigeria is rough, noisy and has bad roads. In one place near Lagos the bridge could not be finished. Still, my friends are close to my home in Nigeria, but the beatings in school are very harsh.

Elijah Sc hofeild, is a pupil Internatio at the nal of Afro-Am School of Kenya. E lijah is erican and descent. “ S I come fro ierra Leonean m Africa. I re ally like m Freetown in West y school, on safari a going nd snorke lling at th Sierra Leo e bea ne it gets very also has nice beach ch. es but hot. I like the parks and the p in Kenya eople. Th eb between Kenya and iggest dif ference Sierra Leo weather a ne is the nd the siz e. Sierra Leo ne is so sm all on some maps it is indicated just as SL.

Tanya Makio Egbe, a pupil at Loreto Conve nt Valley road is half Kenyan an d half Nigeria n. “I like most th e Kenyan cult ure, the people an d the wildlife. Nigeria has b eautiful beach es and hotels. Th e hotel food is okay but the traditional fo od is dif ferent fro m that in Ken ya. Nigerians enjo y fufu (yams) , gari (a type of uga li with a chee sy taste) and eg usi (ver y spic y stew). I would like Nigerians to experience a new culture an d visit new place s. I would real ly like to help th e poor and gi ve them clothes and food. Als oI would reduce the traffic jam s since sometim es it delays m e and I have no time to finish my homework!”

Kenya is pretty cool, but sometimes too hot. I like the animals and also the cool cars - Idriss


The magazine for the children of Africa

eer attends Idriss Leenh is in class 5. Braeside and tty cool, but “Kenya is pre e o hot. I like th sometimes to also the cool animals and s lands it snow cars. In Nether r ea we have to w in winter and . to stay warm heavy clothes y uch fun to pla Still it is so m d enjoy snow in the snow an s gest dif ference cones. The big herlands and between Net d ther, roads an Kenya are wea icer n ich are much buildings, wh ge like to chan there. I would e, so that they the traffic polic o ple better. Als can serve peo ea the sun, cl n I would reduce d make it free er an the dir ty wat life. since water is for ever yone n re Dutch child I would teach e lik s fly over road how to make the Chinese!”

Life Skills By Warucu Kijuu

School Life


eing in school is part learning, part play and part social interaction. It is also a time to grow and venture into new territories. Many pupils today are however finding themselves ill prepared to deal with the demands and challenges that come with being in school. Some find themselves unable to relate well with other pupils and some find schoolwork overwhelming. For others, the examinations are too hard to pass. Some pupils like we have read in the news lately cannot deal with failure and therefore take drastic action like taking their own lives or running away from school. Read on and see how Atieno has been coping with life at her school; see if you have something in common. Atieno loves going to school but she is finding it difficult to handle her emotions and feelings lately. On the one hand, she is happy to have good friends and she loves the many activities she get’s involved in while in school. She is in standard six and is beginning to understand and, appreciate what she is good at. She is also accepting her limitations. But she has become more sensitive to

How well equipped are you to deal with it’s challenges? what her friends say about her. Sometimes she is excited and sometimes she feels sad especially when her peers don’t say kind things to her. Atieno wants to be accepted by her friends she wants to feel she belongs but she does no know

emotions and feelings are a reaction to the events that happen around you. Knowing how to cope with the different feelings and situations is very important. Remember you cannot control what is beyond you but you

how to best express that need. She decides to seek the help of her guidance and counseling teacher. Do you think she did the right thing? Would you do the same thing if you were in her place? It is important to understand why you feel the way you do about different situations. It is important to know that

can control what is within you. Do you feel you have the right skills to cope with School Life? The writer is a Child Psychologist and a trained teacher. Ms Kijuu has taught primary school pupils like yourselves for more than ten years so rest assured, your concerns will be handled with expertise.

Your favorite Magazine recognizes the challenges you face as a pupil and a young person with varying needs, anxieties and concerns this is why we are introducing this section where you can get expert advice on any thing that may be bothering you, be it of an emotional academic or social nature. Bingwa invites you to send your questions about life in school and your life in general. Our expert will pick and answer a few questions at a time and publish the answers here. Send your questions by email to or by post to P.O Box 823-00606 Nairobi.

issue 8


Adventure Photos and story BY Kabeeria M’mbogori

The Kenya U ganda Railway has a colourful history. Here stories of man-eating li ons, Shetani caves, liv ing springs and car topp ling snakes abound and if you are a born sleuth like me, you can’t shake the urge to investigate.

amazing tsavo


he railway cuts right across a very special place - the Tsavo National Park where you can explore this untamed wilderness in a timeless adventure. Tsavo is the 2nd largest game park in Africa, found some 300km West of Nairobi. The park is teeming with 60 different species of mammals, 400 bird types and over 1000 plant species. Tsavo is the land of giants and lava and, like every park where animals and humans coexist, there are rules: Stay in your car and when walking, stick to the beaten track. Be silent and stay alert.

1 2

Okay? Let’s go! With the help of a game ranger we enter the Mtito Andei gate past dry bush lands and scrub. Strangely many trees have been uprooted and lie broken


The magazine for the children of Africa

on the ground. I wonder if this is evidence of an angry giant lurking in the bushes. My younger sister wonders loudly whether an elephant could ever be bigger than daddy. Her answer is just around the corner. There the first red bull stands towering over us. To our amazement Dad switches off the car, but soon reverses to give way to this 7 tonne heavyweight. I am too shaken and unable to snap the image, so there’s no picture that could describe what we saw but my sister’s ‘WOW!’ explains just how awesome this animal really is. You see Tsavo is full of surprises, sometimes the thick vegetation and tall grass makes it hard to see the wildlife or perhaps your car gets blocked by a massive python whose body is so firm that it could overturn your car if you run it over.

va Flow Shetani la Nuggets of wisdom •

Our first stop is the ‘Shetani flow’. This plane of lava spreads out in what the local Taita and Kamba describe as the devil’s garden. This lava came from an eruption of Shetani cone that poured out red-hot lava, which cooled into a hard black cone over 200 years ago. It is said that anyone who dared climb to the summit of Shetani cone never came back. This we left untested and went on with our journey. The Shetani caves were our next challenge. A few meters into the dungeons and our torches flick on and those turning back had only

then to decide. Inside the cool damp caves we walk over slippery soft earth and guano. The rocky cave creaks heavy with bats as waters drips all around us! Farther in, the air is heavy and our adventure takes a dark turn. Remains of trapped hyena and porcupine make us rush to find the way out. Our subterranean trek nears its end with light at the top of a ladder climbing out of the cave. We climb up over a bottomless chasm where we shudder to imagine the mighty fall down so we just do not look down! Finally we make it out safely.

The ‘Man eaters’ were a pair of male lions without a mane, who almost stopped construction of the Kenya Uganda railway since they ate and scared away so many workers before they too were killed. Researchers say the lack of a mane caused the male lions to become hyper aggressive. Can you believe it! They could have suffered from a hormonal imbalance! Guano is a Spanish word for bat or bird droppings. These droppings can be used as fertilizer. Over 180 million litres of water flows underground from Chyulu hills for 40Kms, to surface at Mzima Springs. Mombasa town has drawn its water here for over 40 years!

Hippos bathin

g near the so

Our adventure continues and we find graceful giraffes grazing the treetops, buffalo in between the tall grass as we noted different birds. Tsavo has a sanctuary for endangered black Rhinocerous who have no natural enemy except man. The loose soil covers everything red in this hot landscape. Our drive soon enters a green retreat. We hear a loud grunting of Hippopotamus. There must be water near here! And voila! We are at Mzima springs, an

oasis of real mineral water. Remember that dangerous wild animals are all around, and you are the visitor so we stick to the path and keep our ears to the ground and eyes wide open. The marvel; how the park can be so alive yet so dry, is answered by the water that wells forth, bringing life through river Tsavo. Here you can drink from the same waters that all of Tsavos’ giants and ants sip. It is really fresh and all the animals come down here at sunrise and sunset to drink, hunt and play.

urce of River Tsavo

issue 8


e exuberant to ingishu county ar as U in y ar im pr SOS HG am Quizes answer Bingwa Te

A pupil from Moi primary, Nakuru County receives a prize from an Equity scholar, Emillien

Pupils from the Blue house singing during the competitions St Peter’s Primar y School, Nsamby a invited Bingwa school’s Music G to the ala and inter-ho use competition. house performs H er e Green a traditional folk song.

rned cited to have ea sa County are ex ba om M , ys Bo ni ine Pupils from Ziwa of Bingwa magaz personal copies

Greenhill pupils reading Bingwa in their school library


The magazine for the children of Africa

Here pupils from Blue house gettin g down to busine the traditional fo ss in lk song category .

primary Nakuru Pupils from Moi

Pupils at Pace primary are awarded for winning the trivial Pupils in a play showcasing the difficulties the ordinary child encounters

Pupils from various schools in Likoni pose with their prizes

A pupil from Tudor primary Mombasa shows off his dance moves The publishers reserve the right to use photographs taken during our activities. Any person appearing in photographs we publish cannot claim any compensation whatsoever.

The desire to wi n drives champion s. Bingwa was at World Cup held the Mini at the Internatio nal School of Ke February, where ny a this budding footballe rs competed.

More photos inside back cover

issue 8



The magazine for the children of Africa

The Brand Kenya competition is still open. You have one last chance to send in your drawings. Hurry, don’t get left out.

The magic world of numbers You are wrong if you think mathematics is not fun

BRAIN BINDERS Sticky Shapes The following shapes equal the numbers 1, 2, 4 and 6 Can you find which symbols match up with which numbers so that these two math problems both work?

Fact Math

Can you move just TWO toothpicks and create SEVEN squares?


Use four nines in a math equation that equals 100. The Ruwenzori Mountains of Uganda are 120 km long and 65 km wide. How much area do they cover in hectares?

KICC in Nairobi has 28 floors. If each floor is 3m high, how high is the building?

MATH HUMOUR Teacher: If 1+1=2 and 2+2=4, what is 4+4 ? Pupil: That’s not fair you answer the easy ones and leave us with the hard one ! Teacher: Now class, whatever I ask, I want you to all answer at once. How much is six plus 4 ? Class: At once ! Teacher: How much is half of 8 Pupil: Up and down or across ? Teacher: What do you mean ? Pupil: Well,up and down makes a 3 or across the middle leaves a 0 answers on page 46 issue 88 issue

25 25


Anwani: Kunguru na Panzi Mwandishi: Angelina Mdari Matibaa: East African Educational Publishers, Nairobi Chapo ya kwanza: 1995 Kunguru na Panzi ni kitabu kilicho na hadithi sita huru za kuteremesha. Mojawapo ya hadithi hizi ni Kisa cha Kunguru na Panzi. Hadithi hii inahusu kunguru mzee aliyekuwa mgonjwa akakonda na kukondeana kwa kukosa chakula. Hata panzi aliokuwa akifanya kitoweo hapo awali waligeuka watu wa kumsuta na kumdhihaki. Ni katika hali hii ambapo wazo lilimjia kwamba ‘umoja ni nguvu na utengano ni udhaifu.’ Kusudi afaulu kuwala panzi, aligutuka, alihitaji kuwagombanisha. Aliwachochea dada dhidi ya dada, kaka dhidi ya kaka na wazazi dhidi ya watoto. Punde si punde, vita vikali vilichacha na panzi wakauana kwa maelfu. Kufikia muda walipogutuka kuwa walikuwa wamelaghaiwa na kunguru mzee, kunguru alikuwa amekula mizoga chungu nzima mpaka akanona. Hadithi hii ya kusisimua inatufundisha kuwa ‘wajinga ndio waliwao.’ Kitabu hiki kadhalika kina hadithi nyingine murua kama vile Me Kazi, Fisi na Mkono wa Mtu, Kunusurika, Hasara Aliyoleta Maneno na; Mvua, Jua na Upepo Walivyokosana. Mwishoni mwa kitabu pana maelezo kuhusu msamiati mgumu ambayo yatamfaidi pakubwa mwanafunzi.

MCHONGOANO Ujinga ni kusema budako mslow juu hawezi kula fast food. Flavian Wangechi, 14yrs Chesternel Schools Kichwa yako ni subway hadi ukithink, kichwa inavibrate Kelvin Mutugi, Chesternel School Ati budako Mfupi hadi akipoket, mikono zianaingia kwa socks Sinclair Wamithi, chesternel School Weweni mblack, mapaka blood yako inatumia torch kusaculate Patrick Macharia, Chesternel School


The magazine for the children of Africa

Eti una meno subway subway mpaka unatumia msumari kama tooth pick. Kelvin Mwangi, Chesternel School

Nyinyi mko msoto hadi hamuwezi afford kupay attention Laban Ondiek, Moi primary

Wewe ni mchafu, hadi una mashiringi kwa roho. Brian Njuguna, Moi Primary

Ati siz yako ni mfat hadi akivaa tsho ya safcom anafanana na kibanda ya mpesa Maxwell Kariuki, Moi primary

Wewe ni ndanda mpaka slippers zako zimeandikwavaa hapa Nicholas Nganga, 12, Moi primary Atinyinyi ni walafi,mpaka mkipika chapo mnakaranga omena ndio mconfuse maneighbor Ati uko na forehead kubwa hadi yako inaitwa five head

Wewe ni mblack hadi ulianguka kwa baro hiyo place ikaitwa black spot Ann Mumbi,12yrs Moi primary Ati dame yako ni m-slim hadi ukitembea naye wasee wanazusha, ‘chunga hiyo mkuki’

SHAIRI Balaa ya Ulevi

Paka Rangi

Nisemayo si dhihaka, tahadhari binadamu, Mvuta bangihakika,alozivutawazimu Avuta akizunguka, huku zapandaatimu, Bangi zinapomshika, huwapa mbuzi salamu. Bangi zikikuthibit, ulevi wake tumbaku, Kofia hufanya koti,bata ukadhani kuku, Kikakacha kbiriti, ukafikiri sanduku. Tamati ni miujiza, uwapo usakarani, Akilihukugeuza, hujui wafanya nini, Na ungi wa kuyajaza masimbi mwakotumboni, Na lugha ya kinigereza kama mtu wa landani. Falvian Wangeci, 14 years

Methali MAFUMBanOga yai. Nina moto,viungovyote ninavyohitaji Ninataka kuka mekosa nini? navyo hitaji. Je, ni na vivaa vyote ni katikati ya umba yamsonge ny a ng ije al la he itaka kutaga 1. BwanaMac ia. Kuku wake al an nz Ta na a ny i hilio lilianguka mpaka wa Ke ya msonge. Jeya yo hi ba um ny mayai juu ya auTanzania? nchi gani; Kenya e linaenda kwa a nguvu za umem ashariki. 2. Gari liendalo kw haribi kwenda m ag m ka to ku li re kasu kwenye liunaelekeawapi? Jemoshiwagari hi


Jeremia Wach Clas

s 6, Moi primary

1. Nyani haoni__________ 2. Ujanja wa Nyani huishia___________ 3. Meno ya____________ haiumani 4. Asiya sikia la_________ huvunjika_________ 5. Pole pole ya_________ humfukisha__________

issue 8


x o B e g a r o t S gwa



mu by jeff

Step 1

cutting s of the box by Trim the edge use the ps. You should off the side fla . ep is st scissors for th

Step 4

n y empty carto o you have an se u o h r u ound yo boxes lying ar , o d u yo If ood? or neighbourh hile w ve ti ea to be cr ce an ch a is e then her t! e environmen cleaning up th d: carton, the What you nee e thinner the h -t ox b n o rt 1. A ca work with. easier it is to er- they mbossed pap /e er ap p a ill , so choose 2. Man pes of colours ty l al in e m co at pleases lour range th co er ev h ic h w uy coloured n’t want to b o d u yo If . u yo aint your n choose to p ca u yo , er ap p g your ite paper usin h w in la p n ow u have to r. However, yo u lo co ed ir es d oroughly aper to dry th p e th r fo t ai w it. before using per Pa t 3. Transparen 4. Glue 5. Scissors er , 6. Steel cutt vity outdoors to do this acti d se , vi d ar ad h e A ar . You house damaging the so as to avoid crete floor is n co a e such as ac rf su le b ra du ideal.


Step 2

rton box base of the ca Trace out the paper. ila/embossed onto your man the k ic ape, and st Cut out the sh rton. ca ur yo e base of paper onto th e base, n paper for th “I used brow lour e whichever co ill w but you can us rs so is sc best. The that suits you .” ity tiv ac is th work well for

Step 5

/embossed more manila Cut out some onto the es ec pi e k th paper and stic box. ur yo tside of inside and ou per for pa ed ss bo em red r the “Here, I used fo r pe pa d cream the inside an outside.” x further, the storage bo e iz al on rs To pe work on t ar e me creativ you can do so write your n ca u Yo . es sid the front and even draw a end’s name or name, your fri ” funny cartoon!


The magazine for the children of Africa

like r objects you Place whateve box. e ag or st e ad ly m elry into your new w je ur to store yo You can use it c. et rs pe pa pens/pencils,

Step 3

box more seeTo make your e top out part of th through, cut t paper the transparen flap and stick flap. e th rside of onto the unde ue bl ed us ,I “For this step out r. You can cut pe pa t en ar d transp ad to s m the side le more pieces fro ab en ill w is ency. Th t more transpar ou the box with you to see into ould The cutter sh it. having to open .” re he ce choi be the tool of

book review Title: The forbidden marriage Author: Paul Palia Kiapi Illustrations: Justin Osupelem Monitor Primary Readers Series Publishers: Monitor Publications Limited Reviewed by Sajjabi Aloysius Francis The forbidden marriage is a story set in the riverside village of Laropi. It’s bout a boy – Lagoba and a girl – Sabina who hailed from families with an age-old quarrel. This quarrel was so fierce that even after numerous appeals by village elders for reconciliation, their hatred for each other just increased. One day Lagoba set out to go and hunting. On his way he was surprised to be led to a girl under a fierce attack from a leopard by his faithful dogs Oche and Lunyenye. He courageously attacked and killed the leopard but was shocked to realise that the girl he saved was the daughter of Agassi the family enemy. He never the less escorted the girl to their home and though the mother of the girl scolded him, he went on with his business knowing the girl he had rescued was grateful. Soon Achiga – Lagoba’s father became worried of his son’s delay to get married yet he had already attained fame as one who killed the leopard single handedly. Every girl in the village admired him and even the married women too though they never showed it. Lagoba however could not think of marrying any other girl except Sabina who caught his eye right from day one when he rescued her from the leopard’s jaws. He soon informed her of his love to which she agreed but their families could not hear of it. But, as love would have it, the two lovebirds soon hatched a plan to elope to a far away land of Metu. Years later, the village of Laropi was struck by floods and all crops were destroyed forcing people to flee to Metu. They were surprised to find a settlement and were further surprised to learn it belonged to their estranged children Lagoba and Sabina, who welcomed them.


Brain Teaser

issue 8


Hadithi imesimuliwa na Njue Kamunde

Nyanya alianza kama ilivyo kuwa kawaida yake huko mashambani wakati wa likizo. Ilikuwa ni wakati mwezi wa saba mabapo baridi ilikuwa imchacha kweli, kweli. Nyanya alifahamu kwa ufasaha kwamba hadithi ilikuwa funzo kwetu watoto kwa Maisha hapo usoni. “Hadithi ndio mwanzo wa kuwa mtu!” nyanya alipenda kusema kwa tabasamu...

30 30

The magazine for the children of Africa The magazine for the children of Africa


apo kale, pali kuwepo Fisi na Ndama. Wote waliishi mbugani, kila moja huru na shuguli zake, bila wasiwasiiii wowoteee. Utulivu huu ulifikia kikomo siku moja; wahenga husema “Kiko na mwanzo, mwisho sharti.” Kiangazi cha ajabu, kikatokea; chakula, majani,maji yakawa hoi,

Wanyama wakafa kwa maelfu. Miti, Malisho kupatikana ikawa miujiza! Fisi kama kawaida yake, ulafi wake silaha kubwa, ukame huu ulimchanganya ajabu! ’Sasa mimi, nitakula nini? Mizoga nime kula yote hata mizoga ya watoto na mama yao. Sasa chakula kitatoka wapi?’alijiuliza fisi. Baada ya kuzunguka kila

mahali mbugani bila ya kuona kifungua kinyua chochote wiki, badaa ya wiki, na kukonda kweli kweli! “Ahh! Mungu wangu, nimetembea kote kote bila kuweka kitu tumboni. Mwili ume dhoofika! Sina nguvu, kiu ni kingi, nifanye nini? Mungu naahidi kwamba ukinipa chakula,hakika ASANTE! Nitasema” fisi alisema na kuzirai papo,hapo. Baada ya muda, fisi alipata fahamu na kuamka huku ajikokota kwa unyonge na kuteremka mlimani alipoenda maombi yake. Moo!Moo!alisikia. ‘Aieee! masikio haya yangu yananicheza au vipi? Ama nini hiyo nasikia kama ngombe!? Ngombe atoka wapi katika hili Jangwa? Nina uhakika ngombe wote niliwala.’ Aliwaza kwa mshangao mkubwa Punde alipochomoka kando ya kivuli, alimuona Ndama mmoja mnene, aliyeshiba vizuri. Hakuyaamini macho yake. Ilimbidi afunge na kufungua, kufunga na kufungua macho ‘na kweli, ni ndama’, alisema, mate huku ya mtiririka kwa tamaa. ‘Eti sasa Mungu muumba, wewe ndiye umeileta nyama hii? Wewe Mungu wacha kupenda sifa za wenyewe. Ndama ile ilikuwa imefungwa kamba, huku ya kula nyasi. Fisi kuona hivi, furaha ili mjaa

“ahh hata ndama hawezi kimbia. Leo ni leo, msema kesho ni muongo. Ndama kuona fisi akaribia, ali papatika na kujaribu kukimbia lakini wapi, kamba ile ilishika vilivyo. Fisi alimzunguka pole, pole, huku, anacheka na Kunusa, ile kamba.Kupata kufahamu kuwa kamba ilikuwa imetengenezwa na ngozi ya mbuzi, Jambo hilo lilimpendeza fisi sana. ‘Ndio Mungu afahamu siye aliye nipa hii ngombe, nitaanza kwa kula kamba kwanza’ alisema fisi. Fisi aliishika ile kamba kwa meno yake makali na kuanza kuitafuna, huku ndama aruka, huku, na kule, kwa woga. He! He! He! Wewe ndama wacha hayo, wewe ni kitoeo changu leo, upende, usipende’ huku naye ndama ni kulia tu! Moo! Moo! Moo! Kwa woga mwingi. Fisi naye huku ni kucheka tu! nakuendelea kula kamba. Lakini Kufumba na kufumbua, macho, ndama aliivuta kamba na kuwa huru. Mbio!, alitoka kichakani na

mbugani! Fisi alipata, mshangao mkubwa kuona ndama amekimbia, alijaribu kumkimbiza lakini kazi bure. Fisi mnyonge na mthaifu kwa njaa, alianguka chini PUTU! Na kufa. “Wajukuu wangu, kumbukeni kusema ASANTE kwa vyote mlivyo navyo,na hapo maisha yatakuwa Barabara kabisa.

Kilicho na mwanzo, mwisho sharti

issue 8 issue 8


Sports Photos and story BY Kaveeria Mbogori

o and women als en m e is W ? ee e tr fall far from th . One of them is t o 10 n er es d o n d u le rs p p lle a a otb rts. e saying, an s to 3 budding fo lk ta a w ck ground in spo Ever heard of th g a in b B o e n r su o is e is tl th lit e hav pays. In . The other boys er say hard work y la p is n n te the owned es and perhaps en the son of a ren g e th s a h is n ed ten ose father play same set of ques h e w th y o b em e th th f o t a ll a ight say th soccer, we asked it and discipline. d ir n a sp is m n But, while one m a n te te , rk th o o w to excel in b again were, hard er v o d n exposure needed a u. er v o s we heard ids to inspire yo k rd e o w es th ey k w e llo h a T d s. n tion Please read on a Player: ngemi oro’ Wa Nesta ‘R

er, midfielder Position: Strik cer Club: Sags Soc top scorer, once Award: 2 time World cup MVP ISK Mini


The magazine for the children of Africa

Player: a id Wekes v a D

Position: School Club: German r ISK Valuable Playe Award: Most - 2012 Mini World cup

Player: yasi evo’ Man ‘K Kevin

er, midfielder Position: Strik a Club: Ujuzi Sok orld rer ISK Mini W Award: Top Sco cup - 2012

Bingwa: Tell us how it felt like to win at the ISK Mini world Cup? David: This was my first, prize it felt so good. Kevin: Last year we came second, this year we were first. It felt nice. I scored more than 14 goals. Nesta: Good! Bingwa: What did it take to win? David: We had to play and work as a team. I also train on Monday, Friday and Saturday. Kevin: We had to be cooperative, always passing and believing that we would win. We train on Saturday and Sunday, plus I play at my school, Makini everyday. Nesta: When you have talent you must work hard and train seriously. Bingwa: How do you balance the training and your schoolwork? David: I usually have all my homework for the week done in one day, so I can have time to study and to train. Kevin: I finish my homework at school. So when I reach home I can play. Nesta: I must do my homework before I can train. Also Sags coaches usually check my performance in school. Question: How long have you played? David: Ever since I could walk. Kevin: 5 years now. Nesta: Since 2007 Question: Who has helped you develop most in sports? David: My coach. I have also been to football camp with Micheal Rummenigge in Germany for 3 days. It was really fun.

Kevin: My club and my coach. Nesta: My parents and coaches, Ernest and Sags. Question: How do you deal with losing a game? Bingwa: At the mini-world cup we were knocked out at the semi-finals. I felt sad, but I look forward to the next game. I work hard because I want to be better prepared to win next time. Nesta: Last year we lost at the quarterfinals. It was painful after working so hard, but this is part of the game and we had a chance to go back and take gold. So we never gave up. Bingwa: Which player do you admire and where would you love to play professional sport when you grow up? David: I like Messi since he is the best player. I would like to play in the Bundesliga with Schalke 04! Kevin: I like Ronaldo since

he has skill and speed. In the Kenyan Premiere League(KPL), I would like to play for Tusker they are a good team. In Europe I could play for Barcelona or Manchester United. Nesta: Christiano Ronaldo, that’s why I’m nick named ‘roro’, I play just like him. I know I will play for Manchester United. Bingwa: What are the secrets to being the best at your level? Kevin: Try to score many goals and have fun. Believe in yourself and pass. David: Don’t think the other team is not tough enough. They may just win. We pray to God to help us to create good chances and score goals. Nesta: When you pass the ball, don’t show the opponent where the ball is going, then you can beat them with your skills. It’s important to improve your talent always because then, you can go far.

Football trivia question by Kevin

Question: When you have a chance in the box, should you pass or shoot? Answer: Don’t keep passing because your teammates will be marked. Question: When you are running at speed near the line and there is too much pressure, what should you do? Answer: Try and cross the line before you reach it.

issue 8


Your Money Wangui Wachira

dilema of shrinking money The price of the things we buy will always go up a little. Sometimes however, the price will be very high and it is not easy anymore to buy the same things. We can only buy fewer items or things that cost less.


because the price of milk and bread has been inflated or increased, yet she still has Ksh100.

Inflation This word simply means you get less for your money than you used to. A lot of times, the things we buy become more expensive one month after another, but we are not given more money. We still use the same amount of money we have been using. So if mommy used to buy two packets of milk and bread for Ksh100 in November last year, this year in March, she will only buy one packet of milk and a loaf of bread with the same amount of money,

Why not print more money? Imagine if every single person was given a lot of money by the government. Some would save, some will pay their bills but many of the people will buy, buy and buy. You and your friends and all the kids in your neighbourhood, would run to the store and buy all the Ben 10 stuff you have ever wanted. The shopkeeper would then say “Wow, since I am getting all these customers, I will raise the price!� When you go back to the shop the next day, you find that you can only buy a few items because the prices are higher, so you run back to get more money and the shopkeeper again raises the

or example, with your pocket money, you used to buy a sweet or sugar cane and a video game a year ago. But now, even when you budget, you only have enough money for a video game and candy and your money is finished. What is happening to your money is called inflation.

price and it will go on and on. So you must know how to use the money you have, even when there is inflation.

4 things you can do to help 1. Make and follow a budget. 2. When you want to buy something for example a book, look in different shops first. Looking around helps you buy a cheaper yet good quality item. 3. Find new ways to have fun. 4. Make some extra pocket money by selling your old things that are still in good shape to your friends. These could be toys, sports gear, books and clothes. Remember to get permission form your parents before selling.


The magazine for the children of Africa

issue 8


Know Your Heroes BY Bingwa Writer

Vivian Cheruiyot A true heroine indeed

The dictionary defines a heroine as a remarkably brave woman; one admired by many because of her achievement. Vivian Cheruiyot is a true heroine; she is a champion in her chosen sport. She is also a career policewoman. It takes great courage and commitment to excel in two very demanding jobs.


ivian was on February 5, 2012 named the Laureus Sports woman of the year. She has been described as one of the greatest long distance runners of our time. Bingwa celebrates her. Her love affair with the ‘fast lane’ first began and if her winning streak is anything to go by, then she, has gotten better with age. When I first read her story, I visualised the girl nicknamed pocket rocket running bare foot and jumping playfully over the hills and the ridges of her spectacularly beautiful village in Keiyo Nandi County. Here I am told ‘the altitude causes the lungs of people there to expand such that they are better able


The magazine for the children of Africa

to run fast without tiring out’ that reportedly explains why the region produces unbeatable long distance runners. The Pocket rocket She is a petite 5ft tall girl who weighs a lightweight 37kg and standing next to the towering figure of Kipchoge Keino, the legendary former athlete who handed her the trophy, Vivian could have been mistaken for a small girl fresh out of high school. Prior to her recognition on February 5, hers was the best women’s 5000-meter run in history. She has made Kenya truly proud. The Chinese say, a journey of

a thousand miles begins with one step. Vivian’s began years ago. Below is a sneak preview into her trail blazing career. • At the tender age of 14 when many girls struggle with adolescence, Vivian had cut her niche in the Junior World Cross Country Championships, by finishing 5th. This was in 1998 • In 1999 when she turned 15, she out deed herself when she came second in the Junior World Cross Country Championships Title in 2000 and by so doing, Vivian earned her place in the National Olympic team the same year. • She was only 17 when she was ranked 14th world wide

in the 5000 meters. • Between 2003-2005 Vivian stayed away from the racetrack to finish school and when she reemerged, it was like she had never left. • She came 5th in 5000 meters in Beijing Olympics in 2008. • In 2010, at the age of 27 when many female sports persons are preparing to retire Vivian claimed the Diamond League 5000-meter championship and by then, she was a pro and very hard if not impossible to beat. • Cheruiyot was the world’s top 5000-meter performer in 2010. In addition to winning the Diamond League title, she won the African Championships and the Commonwealth Games title. She also earned a silver medal in the 3000 meters at the World Indoor Championships. • She began 2011 by earning her first Senior Cross Country Championship, finishing the Punta Umbria course in 24:58 (24 minutes and 58 seconds).

A journey of a thousand miles, begins with the first step

Stats t-1 Height: 5-fee ounds Weight: 84 p (37kgs) ept. 11, Bir th date: S 1983 Keiyo, Hometown: Kenya st : Personal be 0 4:06.65 (150 2.51 meters); 14:2 .02 (5000); 31:07 (10,000)

issue 8


one morning, moses, brian and gloria are playing scrabble outdoors...

when suddenly...

sorry children... i am a warder from the animal sanctuary. that ostrich escaped this morning.

what was that?!

there is a reward out, anyone who catches the ostrich will get two thousand shillings!


The magazine for the children of Africa

well, then, i will catch him!

wait a minute... is that ostrich a “he” or a “she”? she is female.

well, then, i will catch


i will catch her and get the reward!

no, i will catch her!

then brian...

moses goes first...


oh, so is this a competition? we shall see!

there she is!

kwek! kwek!

and gloria... she too strong! this is like pulling a train!

ooomf! she kicked my nose!


augh! i missed! she dodged me!

this is harder than we thought!

that is one tough bird!

we need to work together to catch her.

alright, we have her cornered!

let’s all tackle her together...



thank you, children. you managed to get the ostrich to the ground! i will call someone to bring a vehicle to carry her to the sanctuary. come over there and you will receive your two thousand shilling reward!

now tell me, how will you divide two thousand shillings into three?

the end.

issue 8



en n i t n o C


The magazine for the children of Africa


Daudi karungi

master artist & businessman

Most people are inspired when things go well but Daudi Karungi is one man who strangely draws his inspiration from lack... He spoke to James R. Lwande.


t thirty three, Daudi Karungi, is a celebrated Artist, Curator & Businessman. BINGWA spoke to him in his art gallery called Afriart in Kampala Uganda about his life and work. “I have exhibited my work all over the world, in cities like New York, Copenhagen, Tokyo. I also own a chain of wine shops in Uganda called The Wine Garage. I started this venture to develop a wine drinking culture in Uganda,” Karungi prides himself for being a self-made entrepreneur who has achieved all he has through focus and determination. “I have to succeed at everything I put my hands on.” He says of his mental attitude. His first love is however creating Art. He is the youngest in a family of three children. “My father died when I was 1 year old so I was raised by my Mother with my brother and sister. My mother also later died when I was 14 and my siblings and I moved in with our grand father, James Mulwana who became our guardian until after University when we all found our own homes. Asked what influences have shaped his career today, he said, “I truly liked Art, Geography and History when I was in school. I went to Budo Junior School for my primary and then to many secondary schools because I was very stubborn while in high school but when I joined Makerere University for my degree program I became more focused. I always wanted to make something of myself so I created an independent lifestyle which led to my career

today”. Interestingly however, Karungi told Bingwa that his childhood dream was to be a lawyer! “ As a matter of fact, I actually wanted to be a lawyer when I grew up but my priorities changed when I noticed that I had other talents”. How did he start the art gallery? “ When I finished art training at the University, I needed a place to sell my artwork, but there were very few art galleries in Kampala at the time yet our year class had released many artists, so I decided to create a gallery where my former classmates and I could sell our art work. That’s how I got start with Afriart Gallery”. Ten years on, Afriart is the No.1 art gallery in Uganda and he says he is working to make the gallery

number one in the region. My inspiration comes from the absence of a service or product because I like to be part of the process of introducing new things to my community. I would like to meet Warren Buffet (American entrepreneur), and Damien Hirst (the richest artist alive). What they have achieved is tremendous.

Daudi, in his Afriart gallery in Kampala

Things to know about Daudi He is a patient man who believes everything happens for a reason. Whatever problem you may have is not the first, always solve the problem by breaking it down into small manageable pieces. If it has worked for me then it will definitely work for you! Daudi likes to have conversations with intelligent people because it enriches his mind. He plans to retire at 40. He believes that one should make mistakes while they are young because then, they can experiment. Daudi has just published a coffee table book titled: ‘Extraordinary’ showcasing the significant women of Uganda.

issue 8


Left-Right: Ngige and other experts inside a transmission cubical

Bingwa Writer


eter Njoroge Ngige works with a government agency Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK). He has the responsibility of planning, allocating and licensing radio frequencies to user including, Radio stations, mobile phone service providers, security firms, seafarers and others who use radio waves for communication and other functions. He is Radio Frequency Spectrum Manager. Ngige, know that radio waves are a very valuable natural resource that should not be allowed to go to waste. Its use he says must be regulated and maximized to benefit as many people as possible and bring maximum returns to the Kenya government, the custodian of this resource and


The magazine for the children of Africa

by extension, the people of Kenya. To understand just how important a resource Radio waves are, consider this; Meteorologists need them to measure and predict weather patterns; they are used in remote sensing exploration for minerals like gold, oil and even underground water and also in aeronautical navigation by pilots and space scientists. Astronaughts use them to communicate through space. You would not even be able to browse the Internet or watch are n Engineers C areer Opportunities Communicatio d nt ce an re gy of lo e ualified Techno e world becaus

Q d th gineers are d in Kenya an experienced en in high deman t bu gy lo no in tech Kenya and the advancement like the CCK in dy bo ice a ith w k or ile phone serv few. One can w dcast and mob oa br ith w d an ITU in Geneva g others. providers amon

your favorite programme on TV, listen to music on radio or use your cell phone to call a friend without them. Given the above, people involved in Radio frequency Spectrum management must be brilliant; be highly trained and must constantly interact with other experts around the world to know what is happening in the sector because like Ngige says, the industry is highly dynamic and technology keeps changing very, very fast. Ngige is a qualified Communication Engineer. He graduated with top honors from Moi University - Bachelor of Technology and Communication Engineering. To take this course, one must be a straight A student in Math and Physics and one other Science. Geography is also important because Geographical features like hills, valleys and even rain affect Radio waves. He explains that rain drops absorb radio waves and can interfere with or cut communication. So now you know why your radio at home crackles and your TV signal appears rainy in bad weather.

Ngige’s Role Model

To do this job you must be good in English and study one or two other foreign languages; Spanish, Chinese or Russian or Arabic. Ngige explains that Radio Frequency Spectrum Managers work closely with international industry player and Spectrum Managers in other countries because Radio waves by nature do not respect country borders. Country representatives must therefore meet to plan and coordinate use. This explains why sometimes when you tune into a radio station you might pick up another signal as well. Broadcasters can often be heard saying mitambo imeshikana when this happens. Experts call it a frequency spill over. will enjoy Perk s you very well and ys pa b ities to learn • This jo ous opportun

numer • There are n skills ng, this job ca advance your keeps changi gy lo no ch te • Because boring. e routine and and while never becom travel widely to ity un rt any po op e unds of the m • One has th sights and so e th e nc rie at it, expe ne. Ngige has do cause the countries like influential be ry ve e ar e s er ag an m for example th • Spectrum termine how de e ak m ey th decisions erates. ry in Kenya op media indust

When Ngige as a young boy heard the story of Giovanni Marconi, that Italian Scientist who discovered that electro magnetic waves could transmit information through the air, he was fascinated. Marconi just like Ngige, came from a long line of Scientist. He discovered this when he was tinkering with things in his uncle’s lab. Marconi’s uncle was an Electrical Engineer and young Marconi had sought refuge in his home because his father insisted that he study medicine but his heart was in engineering. Marconi followed his heart and became the father of Telegraphy, as we know it today.


C areer Advice

Without ambition and drive, you can go nowhere in this industry. Those who excel here are self-motivated; they are innovative strategic thinkers and are independent workers who do not require supervision to work. These are people who read widely and do a lot of research. They do this because they realize that staying ahead is the only way to remain useful in an industry that changes so fast. issue 8


‘The Good Food Ambassador’ Popular stand up comedian Erick Otieno Omondi was recently appointed a Nutrition Advocate. He is part of a team of celebrities who will take part in a campaign to raise awareness over rising cases of malnutrition in infants and children in Kenya.


ingwa spoke to Erick about his role in the ‘eat right’ campaign, his love for children and his career in comedy of course. Who best to grace Bingwa’s brand new Health and Nutrition section than the ‘Good food Ambassador’ himself. Bingwa: Tell us about your involvement in the food and nutrition campaign. Erick: I am actually an advocate of child nutrition with the ministry of health and save the children UK. My mandate is to encourage responsible and healthy eating among children. Bingwa: How long is this campaign to last. Erick: It is to last as long as the


The magazine for the children of Africa

problem exists. That could be a long time. Bingwa: What is the objective of this campaign? Erick: To ensure all children from birth to 5 years get access breast milk and healthy food. Bingwa: Why do you think children particularly like you even though most of your jokes are intended for an adult audience?

Erick: Children are great ambassadors. My comedy is meant for the whole family. Children like me because am a bit hype jumpy, playful and jovial. Bingwa: Give us a brief background of yourself. Erick: I was born in Kisumu County at the new Nyanza General hospital on the 9th of March 1983. I went to lake primary and kondele primary in

kisumu before joining Kisumu Boys High School and then I went to Daystar University. Bingwa: Tell us about your career as a comedian. Erick: I started performing way back in primary school but professionally I started in 2008 in Churchill live. Bingwa: To what do you credit your success? Erick: I totally credit my success to God for giving me a talent and strength to use it. I also credit my mentor Churchill for his support and for giving me the opportunity to showcase my talent. Bingwa: As a child, did dream of becoming a comedian or an entertainer? Erick: Yes I always wanted to make people laugh when I was young. I was the official family entertainer. Bingwa: Who is your role model? Erick: Will smith. He used to be a comedian and now he is a renowned actor. That’s what I want to be. Bingwa: What in your view makes a great comedian? Erick: A great comedian must be observant and see things with a third eye. He or she must be able to mingle and interact with people easily. He or she must strive to be original. Bingwa: Would you say you have a rewarding career, why? Erick: My career is quite rewarding. I am doing what I love and that is satisfying plus it also pays my bills.

Bingwa: What lessons would you want Bingwa readers to learn from you? Erick: Determination and hard work pays. You should always believe in yourself, dream and see your success. Bingwa: Give us one original and really funny quote. Erick: It is a Chinese saying that goes like this; chung ching chong which means, the rain beats the leopard but does not wash away its spots. Why?

At a glance Malnutrition in pre-teens and young adults in Kenya • Malnutrition can be defined as an imbalance; either lack of enough healthy food or too much consumption of unhealthy food. Too much of good quality food is not good either. • According to experts Kenya could be facing a career and health crisis in just about five years because of lifestyle diseases. Recent research quoted online indicates that 16.7 per cent of town girls and 6.8 per cent of boys are overweight. • These youngsters are likely to carry their obesity into adulthood, consequently undermining their competitiveness in careers which demand high physical fitness” says the researcher • According to Dr Vincent Onywera, a lecturer at Kenyatta University, Exercise, Recreation and Sports Science Department, youth obesity is a major problem in Kenya and it is already affecting career choice and progression. • According to the report, five out of every 120 children in Kenya suffer from Type 2diabetes. • The high prevalence of Type 2diabetes among children has been attributed to obesity and lack of physical exercises. • Some medical experts now associate overweight and obesity as a trigger to some forms of arthritis in youngsters in their20’s.

Bingwa is running a special focus on Health and Nutrition. We invite players in this industry to support us by placing advertisements or running informative articles on this topic.

issue 8


answers Nines 99+(9รท9)=100

10. Lips 9. Bubbles 8. Collar bone 7. Mermaid fingers 6. Nose 5. Tail fin on mermaid 4. Scales on mermaid 3. Navel (belly button) 2. Fish lower fin 1. Earring answers: Spot the difference


The magazine for the children of Africa

Fact Math 780,000 hectares 84 metres

Sticky Shapes

MAFUMBO Yai Kuku hawezi kutaga juu ya paa la nyumba. Gari litumialo umemehalitoi moshi wowote. Methali Kundule Jangwani Meno Vitendawili Nyayo Macho Kitanda Kisogo

Success Story BY Bingwa Writer

One Chance


is all Paul needed

orn in 1989 in a family of nine in Mulago Kampala, to the late Mary Nakalema and the late James Musoke, Paul and his siblings were raised by their grandmother, Lovina Nampijja. Paul’s mother conceived while she was still in school so after birth Paul was left with his grandmother in Kyebando Kampala so that his mother could complete school. His grandmother’s home turned out to be the family home for him and his siblings when their parents died a few years later. Growing up, poverty is all they knew, it was like poverty was embedded in them but grandmother Lovina endeavored to at least enroll them in school despite the hardships. Paul started school at age 3, in Mulago Nursery School, then Omega Primary School and later Bright Trust Primary School in Mutundwe, Kampala where he sat his Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE). After completion, the future was so bleak since his grandmother had no money to pay for his school fees but the family kept faith in God, praying that He would perform a miracle upon them. That miracle came to pass in the form of Child Africa through Madam Julie Solberg.

Rino Solberg (Chairman - Child Africa), Paul & Julie Solberg

“It all happened when my grandmother told a friend about our school fees

“I had never received a gift in my life but when I joined the Child Africa family, gifts were the norm,” problems. Fortunately, her friend told her about Madam Julie and the noble work she was doing with Child Africa. My grandmother immediately went to the Child Africa offices and the rest is history,” narrates Paul. Madam Julie was kind enough to get Paul sponsor parents, namely Trevor and Jackie Totten, who religiously

paid his school fees till he graduated. Paul says that his family is so blessed to have met Madam Julie who has not only managed to get Paul sponsor parents but his siblings as well. They believe she is their miracle from God. “I had never received a gift in my life but when I joined the Child Africa family, gifts were the norm,” Paul continues. Through Child Africa, Paul was able to join Bishop Sisito Mazolid S.S.S, Lweza where he sat for his S.4 and then Kampala S.S.S from where he did S.6. Paul completed secondary education in 2009 and in May 2010 joined the Uganda Film and Television Institute where he pursued a Diploma in Audio Visual Production. He graduated in December last year and is currently an intern.

issue 8


Creative Writing Written by Grace Wambui, Class 5, Moi Primary, RiftValley

The Ugly little Duck


nce there was a duck and her eggs. It was the hot time of the year. The corn was tall and the grass was sitting in little hills in the hot sun. Far away were big hills and on the hills were tall trees. And the sun looked down on it all and the sun looked down on it all. It was a beautiful time of the year. On some very good land was a big old house. Near the house was a little river. Wild plants and bushes were growing at the side of the river and some plants were hanging down to the water. The plants were tall and thick; they were tall enough for little children to hide in them but for now, a duck was hiding in the plants. She was sitting on her eggs waiting for her babies to hatch. Mother duck was tired of waiting. It was taking a long time and she wanted to return to be with the other ducks. They did not come to see her much when she was in the bushes sitting on her eggs. At last, one after another the eggs started to open. As quickly as the babies put their heads out, they started to talk. “How big earth it is “ said the young ones as they looked under the green leaves. For them, this place under the green plants was very big after being in a little egg. “Do not think this is all of the earth” said the mother, who was much smarter than them. Earth goes all the way from here to the land by the church…but I have not travelled that far myself. Are you all here now? She asked as she was standing up. “No you are not. The biggest egg is here under me. How much longer must I wait? I am becoming very tired of waiting. I can tell


The magazine for the children of Africa

you…how are your eggs? Said a fat old mother duck, pushing her head through the plants. “You can see my babies for yourself,” said the proud mother. They are the most beautiful ducks I have looked at in all my days. They look like their father…that bad man. He has not come to see me here at any time. But one egg is taking a very long time to open” Can I see, said the old duck pushing mother duck to the side. Listen to me, she said after looking at the egg for a short time. “That is not a duck egg. I was tricked one time into sitting on some big eggs. The problems I had with the young ones’ come close and I will tell you about it. They were afraid of the water. Now, we all know that no duck is afraid of water. I tried biting them, talking to them, talking to hem’ nothing worked. Can I see again? No, it is clearly not a duck egg. Leave it there and teach the other children to swim. Do not use your time to sit on this one. But mother duck did not listen to her. End of part I

Writing tips 1. Ensure you write neatly so that reading your work is easy; if you use a pencil, make sure the point is sharp and clear and if using a pen, stay away from pens that streak and smudge easily. 2. When you make a mistake, rub or cross out the line and start over. Do not overwrite as this makes your work untidy. 3. Take your time to spell check your work and remove embarrassing spelling mistakes. If unsure of correct spelling, use a dictionary. This shows seriousness. As always, you are welcome to submit your story to or P.O BOX 823 00606 Nairobi

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Simeon kamunde, an equity scholar dances with kids from Tudor primary

Teachers assemble in Mung’ala primary, Machakos county to listen to the Bingwa team Bingwa was at Se rare schools’ sw imming gala. Ther e was water everywhere

g gala, schools’ swimmin re ra Se at ol po s a dive into the . A swimmer take held early March

The pupils from Getembe primary in Kisii county assemble to listen to the Bingwa team

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