The modern ayurvedic cookbook

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In addition, orange peels and cloves can be simmered on a stove to balance Vata and Kapha. Lavender can be sprinkled on a pillow or placed in a bowl (fresh or dry) to balance both Vata and Pitta. Shells or rocks can be sprinkled with any oil and left in a room; these can be refreshed from time to time. Carrier oils are generally cold-pressed vegetable oils that are used to dilute essential oils for aromatherapy, massages, or baths, and also can be used on their own to soothe your dosha: to reduce Vata, use sesame, castor, or flaxseed oil; to reduce Pitta, use coconut or olive oil; to reduce Kapha, use sweet almond or safflower oil. These oils should always be cold-pressed to retain their vitamins.

Color Therapy Using the colors of the light spectrum to stimulate the body’s own healing process, color therapy balances energy wherever our bodies may be lacking, be it physically, emotionally, spiritually, or mentally. With Ayurveda, you can use different colors according to your dosha. If you are new to color therapy, have fun experimenting with how colors affect your moods and energy levels. Notice how different colors in nature make you feel: compare gazing on a bright blue ocean to a deep orange sunset; or a dark starry sky or a somber gray morning to a dark green forest. Looking at differently colored paint chips can be another effective way to become more conscious of how color affects you. Once attuned, you can increase your energy, serenity, and sense of well-being as a result of color choices in your clothing, home, or workplace. Vata can be balanced with white, green, violet, magenta, turquoise, and red. Pitta can be balanced with white, green, deep ocean blue, violet, magenta, pale pinks, and turquoise. (Avoid strong colors such as red and black.) Kapha can be balanced with red, orange, and magenta. Turquoise and green are also beneficial.

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