Seiya M.

Page 6

Lexicon Organizer By Seiya M. together because of their gravitational effect on each other.

through space don’t get dragged into a distant black hole.”

comes in it sweeps it all up. It’s an example of showing how strong a black hole is.


According to Newton’s theory, a naturally occurring pulling force between any two objects.

“Gravity is the source of a black hole’s super pull.”

It’s the source We are held to of a black the ground by hole’s pull. gravity.


Limitless or endless.

“At this point,

The amount of gravity is infinite in a black hole. This is why they have such a strong pull compared to other things.


Unable to be seen;; not visible to the eye.

“There’s more to invisibility than what doesn’t meet the eye.”

Black Holes In Harry Potter, are invisible to there was an our eyes. invisibility cloak.


The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible

“A large and dense enough object could require the spaceship to go faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles (299,000 kilometers) per second.”

Light is the fastest thing that exists. Black holes can suck light in and even light can’t get out

Light is bouncing off you this moment. Ha.


The distance which light can travel in a year, which is about 6 trillion miles.

“A light year is

The closest black hole is about 1600 light years away from us. Wow.

I’m pretty sure nobody can sprint a light year. Even in their lifetime.

1. The amount of material, matter, or substance that something contains. 2. Another word for matter.

“Newton also noted that in any situation, the strength of the pull depends on how much matter, or mass, is involved.”

Mass=Gravity Black holes= Massive Gravity Zone. Black Holes= Lots of Mass.

“I have more mass than you!!” Iron yells at Hydrogen.

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Gravity Pg 13

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Infinite UXL Encyclopedia of Science

Invisibility Pg 33

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Light UXL Encyclopedia of Science

Light Year Pg 29

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Mass Pg 14-­15

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole


pressure and density are infinite.”

about 31 quadrillion feet, or 6 trillion miles.”



The are infinite stars in the universe.

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