Seiya M.

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To the Left: Sagittarius A. Black hole at the center of our galaxy. This black hole is in the Supermassive Class. Down: What a black hole would look like with light around it.

What are black holes?

from place to place. They stay in one spot and wait for something to come near enough it so the gravity pulls it in. When the object comes into the black hole, it gets crunched onto the singularity to increase the mass of the singularity. More mass means more gravity so the area of the super gravitational increases because the strength of the pull increases.

Obviously holes that are black. Thats what you’d think right? Actually a black hole is an area in space which has a ton of gravity. There’s a very dense piece of matter called the singularity at the center of the area. Another thing is that nothing can escape the gravitational zone. If I want to go and see a black hole, Nothing. Not even light which is the fastest Okay... so what? thing that we know of existence. We know how long would it take me? that we can’t travel faster than light, or even Im sorry to let you down but that would as fast as light. So black holes are just areas be literally impossible. This is because the that suck in everything, like a vacuum cleaner, closest black hole to Earth is about 1600 light and the things can’t come out. years away. It is said that nothing can go faster than light so… Hmm, even if you ride light, it’ll take you If Black holes are so powerful, why isn’t the 1600 years, and by then you would be dead. If we Earth sucked in yet? make technology faster than light (which will probably Right. So the reason why black holes don't just not be made in your lifetime) then we might be able to suck up everything is because they don’t move around get there.


Where do black holes come from? Good Question. A black hole comes from a star with about 25 times or more mass than our Sun. When the star is about 25-40 times the size of our Sun, they run out of gas and turn into a supernova. When something like a supernova bursts out, then the gravity resists on the supernova, and causes a fallback on the matter. Then the gravity crunches all the mass of the star into a ball and makes the singularity of a black hole. We now know how a star with 25-40 times the mass of our

Vacuums of the universe.


Sun makes a black hole. So what if a star has more than 40 times the mass of our Sun? Haha. When it runs out of gas/fuel, the star will collapse on itself. No supernova just all the matter gets compressed into a singularity. Any star with mass less than 25 times the mass of our Sun normally wouldn’t turn into a black hole. The mass wouldn’t be enough to be one. Even if it could turn into a black hole, the black hole would be extremely small. It wouldn’t have enough gravity probably to keep light in.

Cycle to Black Hole Top: Star. Middle: Supernova Bottom: Black Hole As I said, you can skip the supernova if the star is big enough.


“BLACK” HOLE? I thought they weren’t black?

Yes yes. They aren’t black. outside it is. Color is a True, the naming is kind of confusing concept. It depends confusing. No they aren’t black. on how the light hits off an They just don’t have light object. coming out of them or shining off them, so they look black. Black is also the absence of color so it is Yes they debatable are called Yes. This is because the whether black “Black” Holes. gravitational pull of a Don’t argue with holes are black black hole makes it so we Steven Hawking or not, but right cant see from the outside. now they’re Problem is, if we go into a classified as not black hole, we’d probably be black. crushed into pieces fast. You probably would see other things inside for like a sudden, and you’re matter/mass would be added to the black hole. Also Cause the light isn’t coming another thing is that you might out!! Everything that occurs not be able to see anything, inside the Event Horizon isn’t because scientists say that you visible to us. The light doesn’t would be stretched out in a reflect off a black hole, it gets theory called Spaghettification. sucked in and we can’t see from the outside. So, it’s black! Well not black black, but from the

So if I was in a black hole, everything would have color?

But why do they look black in pictures?

About the Author

• This Bottom thing is a Space Waster.

Above: Look at the diagram. The light is going past the event horizon, and gets stuck in. This is why we can’t see the light from the outside, and there’s no color.That’s why Steven Hawking named them “Black” Holes.

Black holes

Falmouth, Maine 04105

This magazine was made by Seiya Matsumoto, who is a 7th grade student at

Falmouth Middle School

Falmouth Middle School. This was his first magazine he made so just saying: This may be bad.

Told you.


Lexicon Organizer By Seiya M. Word Page #

Part of speech


Sentence from book

A place in space with an extremely strong gravity zone that surrounds very dense matter at the center. The gravitational effect is so strong that once in this zone, nothing can exit-­not even light.

“Way out there, trillions, quadrillions, and even more -­illions of miles away, are special places called black holes.”

Power derived from the utilization of physical or chemical resources.

“If so, the ring is


A theoretical boundary around a black hole beyond which no light or other radiation can escape.

“Any matter that crosses the event horizon is drawn in by the black hole's gravity and cannot escape, vanishing across the boundary like water down a drain.”

It’s the boundary of a black hole’s massive gravity zone.

Once entering the event horizon, there’s no going back.


One of the ways in which the black hole can form. Fallback happens after a supernova, when leftover star material falls back on itself in a sudden collapse, crunching together into a tight singularity.

“If the star was about twenty-­five to forty times the size of our Sun, then what’s left of the star’s center goes into a sudden collapse, called fallback.”

It’s the action that sometimes creates a black hole.

Black Hole A: Haha you didn’t have enough mass to fallback on yourself before making yourself a supernova. Black Hole B: Oh yeah? Well you were too fat you fell on yourself all together!!


The resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another

“The X-­rays are generated by plain old

We use X-­ray light to find black holes. So friction is helping us find black holes.

When shuttles come back into the atmosphere, they start burning because of the heat from friction.

A group of billions and billions of stars, clustered

“Galaxies and

Haha. Galaxies are pretty big right? Well if a black hole

We live in the Milky Way

Black Hole Noun Pg 5

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole



Pg 34

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Event Horizon UXL Encyclopedia of Science

Fallback Pg 23

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Friction Pg 34

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Galaxy Pg 8


Relevance Use the word or in a new importance sentence. to topic. (your own!) It’s my Main Topic.

Nothing can escape a pull of a black hole.

Lot’s of energy energy released by is consumed by super-­heated matter a black hole. spiraling just outside Not kidding.

We use electrical energy to turn on the lights at our house. We used to use heat and candles.

of the event horizon.”


stardust drifting [5]

Lexicon Organizer By Seiya M. together because of their gravitational effect on each other.

through space don’t get dragged into a distant black hole.”

comes in it sweeps it all up. It’s an example of showing how strong a black hole is.


According to Newton’s theory, a naturally occurring pulling force between any two objects.

“Gravity is the source of a black hole’s super pull.”

It’s the source We are held to of a black the ground by hole’s pull. gravity.


Limitless or endless.

“At this point,

The amount of gravity is infinite in a black hole. This is why they have such a strong pull compared to other things.


Unable to be seen;; not visible to the eye.

“There’s more to invisibility than what doesn’t meet the eye.”

Black Holes In Harry Potter, are invisible to there was an our eyes. invisibility cloak.


The natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible

“A large and dense enough object could require the spaceship to go faster than the speed of light, 186,000 miles (299,000 kilometers) per second.”

Light is the fastest thing that exists. Black holes can suck light in and even light can’t get out

Light is bouncing off you this moment. Ha.


The distance which light can travel in a year, which is about 6 trillion miles.

“A light year is

The closest black hole is about 1600 light years away from us. Wow.

I’m pretty sure nobody can sprint a light year. Even in their lifetime.

1. The amount of material, matter, or substance that something contains. 2. Another word for matter.

“Newton also noted that in any situation, the strength of the pull depends on how much matter, or mass, is involved.”

Mass=Gravity Black holes= Massive Gravity Zone. Black Holes= Lots of Mass.

“I have more mass than you!!” Iron yells at Hydrogen.

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Gravity Pg 13

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Infinite UXL Encyclopedia of Science

Invisibility Pg 33

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Light UXL Encyclopedia of Science

Light Year Pg 29

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Mass Pg 14-­15

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole


pressure and density are infinite.”

about 31 quadrillion feet, or 6 trillion miles.”



The are infinite stars in the universe.

Lexicon Organizer By Seiya M. Matter


Stuff, substance, or material.

“No matter what it is, if it’s made of matter, then it possesses the power to pull on anything else.”

No matter can escape a black hole. Technically saying that nothing can escape a black hole.

Haha. You’re made of matter too you know.


An act of taking hold of something and exerting force to draw it toward one

“A black hole’s pull is

The kind of force from a black hole.

“I will pull you to my singularity!!”-­ Mr. Blackhole.

A type of invisible light energy

“Radio energy from

Supermassive black holes are huge sources of radio light.

We use radio waves to listen to the;; radio!!


The single point at the center of a black hole where all of its tremendously dense matter is concentrated. The rest of a black hole is the powerful gravity zone that surrounds the tiny spot.

“The matter is so densely packed that it forms a single point, called a singularity”

It’s the spot where the gravity is coming from. Also it’s the center of a black hole.

The singularity is all of the gravity in a black hole. Black holes are areas that have an extreme gravitational pull. The singularity is causing the gravity.


The process by which (in some theories) an object would be stretched and ripped apart by gravitational forces on falling into a black hole.

“Scientists call this phenomenon,

You saw it in the definition. Things would be stretched apart by the gravitational pull of a black hole.

We’ll never be able to see something spaghettified and we don’t want to.

A spiral curve, shape, or pattern.

“Spirals of water

It’s the shape/pattern of a black hole.

I made spiral art for my art project.

A large, extremely hot ball of glowing gas and plasma.

“It pulls in nearby stars and even starlight.” Pg

It’s technically a black hole’s dad. If it has enough mass, the gravity pulls the star in to make a black hole’s singularity.

Every night when we look up we can see the stars if the clouds are out of the way.

Pg 14

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Pull Pg 5

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole



Pg 39

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Singularity Pg 16-­17

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole


Pg 51

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Pg 8

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Star Pg 5

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole


the strongest in the entire universe.”

outer space was interfering with the phone signals.”

spaghettification, or the noodle effect.”

flow toward the center.”


“Black holes come from stars.” Pg 19


Lexicon Organizer By Seiya M. A star that suddenly increases greatly in brightness because of a catastrophic explosion that ejects most of its mass.

“As the star material rushes outward, the star grows and grows until it is a


All existing matter and space considered as a whole.

“A black hole’s pull is the strongest pull in the entire universe.”

Black holes exist in the Universe. I put this in my lexicon because black holes exist in the universe.

Look around yourself. Everything you see is part of the universe.


Closest black hole to Earth. (By the way it’s a binary system.)

“V4641 Sagittarii is actually a binary system with one visible star and one black hole circling around each other.”

It’s a black hole and it’s the closest to Earth. (By the way it’s a binary system.)

Try to look for the V4641 Sagittarii. You’ll only see the star.


A small very dense star that is typically the size of a planet. A white dwarf is formed when a low-­mass star has exhausted all its central nuclear fuel

“Average-­sized stars, like the Sun, shrink to become white dwarfs (small, extremely dense stars having low brightness) about the size of Earth.”

Another solution that happens to a star instead of becoming a black hole.

Earth:“Haha Mr. Whitedwarf. We’re the same size!!”

Electromagnetic radiation of high energy and very short wavelength (between ultraviolet light and gamma rays) that is able to pass through many materials opaque to light.

“X-­rays can mark the spot of a black hole, but what generates them?

Used to find black holes.

X-­ray is used to see if we have broken bones or not.

Supernova Noun Pg 22

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

Universe Pg 5

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole

V4641 Sagittarii Pg 47

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole White Dwarf UXL Encyclopedia of Science

X-­ray Pg 34

A Black Hole Is NOT a Hole


supernova, or super star.”


Sometimes “Look in the sky! when a star is It’s a supernova a supernova, dad!!” it collapses on itself to make a black hole.

Mr. Whitedwarf: “Yes but I am much more dense compared to you.

Bibiography DeCristofano, Carolyn Cinami., and Michael W. Carroll. A Black Hole Is Not a Hole. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge, 2012. Print. "Black Hole." UXL Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. Rob Nagel. 2nd ed. Vol. 2. Detroit: UXL, 2002. 322-326. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. "Black hole." The Gale Encyclopedia of Science. Ed. K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner. 4th ed. Vol. 1. Detroit: Gale, 2008. 607-611. Gale Virtual Reference Library. Web. 27 Feb. 2014.


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