/ General Session Highlights
/ Networking Events
/ University Sessions
/ Sunshine Kids Benefit

/ General Session Highlights
/ Networking Events
/ University Sessions
/ Sunshine Kids Benefit
If you’ve been attending the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sales Convention for a few years, or even if this was your very first one, you probably know that every year begins with a theme. Our Global Conference & Meeting Services planning team selects the theme, we release a video about that theme, and each thoughtful detail of the conference reflects what that theme is meant to reveal – about real estate, about our brand, about business, about life.
In 2024, our theme was HERO, and we picked it before we knew exactly what the year would bring. Our theme was set well before the market got a little more challenging, before interest rates continued to be in flux, before economic complexities persisted, before inventory levels remained lower than we’d like …
But amid these unforeseen, somewhat unpredictable changes, we still knew the theme would work spectacularly.
Why? Because no matter what happens next, there will always be one professional who remains at the center of it all: The HERO. You.
When times are tough, a HERO gets tougher, and that was the overall message Sales Convention 2024 conveyed. From Chaunté Lowe’s inspiring win-against-all-odds life story, to Jeremy Gutsche’s innovation-focused takeaways, 2024 keynote speakers dazzled with wit and wisdom, University sessions imparted the knowledge you needed to know, REVEL let us have that much-needed chance to unwind, and Christina, well, Christina can sing.
This year, we had a lot of wins. And through stories and photos, the edition of REVISIT magazine you’re about to read was created to share those with you now. In New Orleans, we raised almost $94,000 for the Sunshine Kids, we learned, we networked and we celebrated the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices HERO, the Forever AgentSM always ready to save the day at a moment’s notice, with all the courage and bravery to face whatever comes your way.
So, thank you for joining us at Sales Convention 2024. You are a HERO.
“When you’re a hero, you’re made of different stuff,” said Christy Budnick, CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices, as the Sales Convention General Session spotlight shined. Then, she began recounting a story so moving, so personal that by its end, Budnick teared up as the crowd burst into applause.
“One of my personal HEROs is my sister, Kim, because of her biggerthan-life persona,” Budnick began. “When I think about her, four words immediately come to mind: relationships, fearless, visionary and heart, because she loved with her whole heart.”
Growing up, Kim – known to many as Kim Kong – was outgoing, funloving and determined to make everyone around her feel special. In college, she was introduced to the world of art history and never left, graduating at the top of her class, attending the prestigious Sotheby’s Institute of Art masters program in London, and again graduating No. 1 in her class.
After moving to Vail, Colorado, Kim worked in art galleries for a while, until it became clear there
was far more for her to do. She soon opened her own art advisory, the product of a beloved client base and a deep knowledge of art in its many forms, from the abstract work of Jackson Pollock to the artistic periods of Picasso. The business grew quickly, becoming the top 75 art advisories on the planet.
Years later, Kim’s husband Ben joined the firm and together, they hopped around the globe “representing artists and art galleries most people simply don’t have access to,” explained Budnick. “From Art Basel Switzerland to Frieze New York, the Gagosian and Hauser & Wirth, their access was unparalleled because of the trusting relationships that she built.”
But even as the business grew and grew, Kim’s devotion to family never wavered. “Her self-made career was something most people would dream of, but it wasn’t the most important thing to her,” said Budnick. “Her children, her husband, especially our mom, came first in every sense of the word. It didn’t matter if she was in Hong Kong or New York, Kim was always there for us.”
It was that same support Budnick felt this past October when Kim unexpectedly passed away during the Paris Art Basel. Immediately,
calls, texts, letters, posts flooded in, as thousands expressed just how profoundly Kim had impacted their lives. “We knew Kim was special and without a doubt, my HERO,” said Budnick. “She will always be our Kim Kong, placing relationships first, seizing opportunities fearlessly and loving with her whole heart.”
Kim’s life not only leaves a lasting legacy of fearlessness, relationships, vision and heart, Budnick said, but also a playbook that details how to show up in business while treating clients like family. “Some people might approach the sale of a home as just another transaction, but Forever AgentsSM, true HEROs, understand that this business is about the people we serve and the lifetime relationships that are built,” Budnick explained. “If you can take away one thing from this Sales Convention, my hope is that you leave here more inspired to become the very best version of you.”
...Myhopeisthatyou leave heremoreinspired tobecometheverybest versionofyou.”
For Budnick that means following in her sister’s cherished footsteps: We show up, we commit and we love with our whole heart ... forever.
It’s hard to talk about the current real estate landscape without talking about the Sitzer-Burnett case and the ongoing legal battles around agent compensation. Onstage, Budnick addressed the topic with all the frankness, clarity and authenticity you’d expect from a true leader. “Every franchise and independent brokerage is affected,” she said. “This is an attack on our industry and … we’re especially concerned about the impact on firsttime and lower income buyers. They already have a tough time and making it more difficult for them to afford quality representation from experts like you will make it even harder for them to buy a home to call their own.”
Amid the noise and speculation, she explained, it’s crucial to not only set the record straight but also find a way to continue serving clients with excellence.
So, how does business carry on through these challenges?
First, with education – industry education and client education. Budnick recommended attending University panels and sessions to hone buyer’s agent skills, and with clients, continuing to reiterate the limitless value of a real estate agent for buyers and sellers alike.
Second, make sure to focus on the listing side, too. Why? Budnick provided five reasons:
1. Cash Flow. Listings generate cash flow because 90% to 95% sell within three months, giving listing agents a better ability to forecast cash flow.
2. Lead Generation. Listings create more listings, from the social media posts to the signage and property marketing you’ll do.
3. Buyers. Sellers turn into buyers at least 50% – or more – of the time.
4. Time Off. Listings create paid time off, as agents happily cover your open houses as an opportunity to build their business and capture buyers.
5. Less Competition. Typically, listing agents only compete with 10% to 20% of all agents within their marketplace and most sellers say they only interview one agent before making the decision to list with them.
Budnick said that ultimately, it comes down to a willingness to evolve and collaborate. “I learned that so much of my success depended upon being open to new ideas and being generous with sharing ideas,” she said. “It’s something all of you do and I appreciate it so much.”
During her presentation, Budnick shared powerful ways to win listings with AI-driven strategies from Jimmy Burgess, president and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Beach Properties Florida. Click here to download the full presentation.
Before a listing presentation, use ChatGPT to generate:
• MLS descriptions
• Instagram and Facebook posts
• LinkedIn articles
• YouTube Shorts video scripts
• Comprehensive marketing plans
MLS Description (if you have a previous description): Rewrite the following MLS marketing description in a more conversational tone.
MLS Description (if you don’t have a previous description): Write an MLS marketing description from this amenities list [add in amenities e.g. 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, sauna/steam room, landscaping, etc.]
Luxury MLS Description: Now write the MLS description in a luxury tone.
Instagram/Facebook Post: Write an SEO optimized post announcing this listing [on Instagram/on Facebook].
LinkedIn Article: Write an SEO optimized LinkedIn article for this listing.
YouTube Shorts Script: Write a YouTube Shorts script with suggested graphics and keywords to improve organic views.
Comprehensive Marketing Plan: Write 25 unique ideas for marketing this listing to sell this home for the most amount of money in the least amount of time.
Spend a few minutes to review your materials to make sure they’re accurate, in compliance with fair housing, and reflective of your personality,” Budnick said. “Then take this powerful presentation to your appointment with prospective sellers and show them all of these great custom materials you’ve already created!”
Jeremy Gutsche started and ended his keynote the very same way: by talking about change. Onstage, the founder/CEO of TrendHunter and New York Times best-selling author, illustrated various ways to spark innovation. Progress, as Gutsche described it, isn’t a battle waged within a rapidly changing world; it’s fought within our own minds.
“Your next breakthrough is closer in your grasp than you might think,” said Gutsche during Monday morning’s keynote on General Session, Day 1. “We are experiencing history’s highest rate of change, disruption, ambition and opportunity.”
Gutsche peppered his presentation with spirited personal anecdotes –his father was basically the original “ugly produce” reseller, on a mission
to eliminate food waste – and quick but effective takeaways, like the Three Traps of Dependency, based on social psychology:
1. A different path less traveled can be tougher to see.
2. We don’t always invest time in creating future options.
3. Our brains like to think in linear ways, despite the exponential world around us, so it becomes uncomfortable to try something new.
Falling into these traps, Gutsche explained, can cause us to miss out, especially in today’s era of AI, global power shifts and generational divergences (for instance, as Millennials, not Boomers, become the prevalent home-buying demographic).
“There’s more chaos and uncertainty ahead,” Gutsche told the crowd with surprising optimism. “This reshuffles the deck, changes the rules and creates new opportunities if you know where to look.”
For Gutsche, the first place to look is our mind. Specifically, he says we must decode our brain to rewire the neural pathways that have replaced imagination with conventional wisdom. “We peak at our creative imagination when we’re young,” said Gutsche. “While we’re getting more intelligent, we lose aspects of our raw creativity and that narrows down our thinking into the things we’ve always done.”
It’s perfect for making fast decisions but terrible for innovation, and Gutsche proved it with a paperclip. Walking around the crowd, he asked
attendees to quickly list a few uses for what a paperclip could do.
“Pick a lock!” One Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network member exclaimed.
“Pop a SIM card,” another said. “A tie clip …”
There were about 15 or so uses for a paper clip generated among the audience, to which Gutsche –notably impressed by the wide array of responses – said: “You got to 15 ideas really quick but did you know the average group of kindergarten kids gets to 200?”
The point was proven: Innovation is a constant fight against matterof-fact knowledge to tap into that childlike curiosity once again. To inspire this innovation, Gutsche says try something new. How? Go to a real estate conference like the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sales Convention where you’ll gain new perspectives, he explained. Find a mentor. Enact changes in your systems to create more options for yourself. Say “yes” to something uncomfortable, even though it might be easier to say “no.” Be curious, insatiable and willing to destroy old ways of thinking. Break rules, fail faster and never give up because, “you are capable of more than you think.”
Finally, Gutsche brought it home with some final notes on change, and how confident he was Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices HEROs are truly agents of change. “Most people don’t break from the past but you are a disruptive thinker and you will create the future,” he said, adding one final reminder: “It’s not always about the big idea, it’s about the little ideas that you make big.”
Chaunté Lowe, four-time Olympian and world-record high jumper, made her Sales Convention 2024 General Session debut just as you’d expect: dancing to Destiny Child’s “Survivor.” And from the moment she took center stage until she thanked the audience with a final bow, Lowe’s sparkling energy never waned.
“Heyyyy, I like this song!” The keynote speaker declared with hands up in the air, a warm smile on her face. In the audience, there was an immediate feeling of kinship. Lowe was undeniably likable even before she began to speak. Then, she did speak, and the stories told – poignant, uplifting, relevant – had the crowd thoroughly captivated to be in the presence of not only a survivor, but also a thriver.
“Many people know me as the high jumper,” Lowe said. “The one with the six pack abs, the American record holder in women’s high jump … and I’m just going to answer your burning question right now: Yes, I can jump over Lebron’s head.”
With humor and eloquence, Lowe shared her story. At four years old, she first watched the Olympics, saw the iconic Florence Delorez Griffith Joyner (“Flo-Jo”) secure her title as the fastest woman, ever … and that
was it. Lowe knew exactly what she wanted to be: an Olympian on the highest podium, with a gold medal around her neck. But how?
“By working hard and persevering no matter how hard or how long it takes,” her mother said.
“By eating dirt,” her sister replied. Lowe did a little of both. She trained, practiced, built up her muscle and skills, and was fast turning dreams into reality … until she wasn’t. After a series of complications, Lowe and her family found themselves homeless, living from motel to motel, if they had a place to sleep at all. But when life gave her lemons, Lowe was given a grandmother who knew exactly what to do: take her granddaughter to a high school football game.
“She was six feet tall, size 11 shoe, drove a yellow Cadillac and carried a gigantic purse,” Lowe described. “Inside this purse she had two things I knew of for sure: One was a brick, which I didn’t know what that was for, and the other thing was her own megaphone.”
When they took their seats among the stands, Lowe’s grandmother turned away from the field, pulled out her megaphone and used it to lead several spirited cheers. The crowd went wild. Later, during a
break in the game, the field cleared for a short ceremony, as athletes were presented with scholarships.
“What’s a scholarship?” Lowe asked. Her grandmother grabbed her hand and said: “Chaunté, the life that you are living right now does not necessarily dictate the life that you will live when you get older. With education, you can change your life forever.”
That day, Lowe was given something that would define her career, her mindset and her life thereafter: hope.
“Sometimes we face adversities and we see those as stopping points but instead, we have to give ourselves permission to hope forward,” Lowe explained.
After winning a national title in high school, Lowe received several offers for full scholarships, and chose to continue her track and field career at Georgia Tech. By sophomore year, she had the opportunity to try out for the Olympic team … and made it.
Over the next few years, Lowe went to the Olympics four times, continually falling just short of a medal. Instead of quitting, she trained harder, determined to
return to the games and win. (Coincidentally, nine years after the 2008 Beijing Olympics, Lowe was upgraded to a bronze medal in high jump after it was revealed three women who placed in front of her had cheated.) Through marriage, the birth of three children and a shocking cancer diagnosis, Lowe never, ever gave up, even as the goalpost completely changed.
Lowe trained for her fifth and final Olympic games through chemotherapy and a double mastectomy. Unlike that four-year old who wanted to eat dirt and win gold, this time Lowe was in it to inspire others, reminding them that it’s not about the prizes or accolades but about how you can be of service. It was exactly, Lowe said, what real estate agents do for clients every day, providing them with the gift of home.
“When you lead with service, you become the sunlight, the rays of hope that enables [people] to walk forward and withstand some of the most difficult challenges,” she said. “Having a home is one of the most fundamental rights I believe each and every child and person should have … and you make sure that dream is accessible to each and every member of this world.”
While days at Sales Convention were filled with learning and skillbuilding, nights in New Orleans were all about recharging and having fun.
On Monday night, REVEL New Orleans took over the historic Sugar Hill and Mississippi Heritage Park, transforming both venues into a Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices version of the city’s beloved “Jazz Fest.” (Even attendees who were local to the area said REVEL perfectly captured the essence of this annual festival, and that they’d never seen the park used quite that way before.)
It took a full two days to load-in and set up the epic event, which a survey respondent later described as “one of the best REVEL parties yet.”
So, what made it so phenomenal?
More than 2,000 charbroiled oysters were served, along with delicious local bites, as attendees enjoyed two stages of entertainment, four live bands, including Rockin’ Dopsie Jr & The Zydeco Twisters, a DJ and a jazz band that performed as guests arrived. (Fun fact: The zydeco band that closed out REVEL was just featured in the new “Road House" movie!)
“A spectacular event,” another survey respondent wrote, and if the dance floor was any indication – packed with attendees until the very last note played – it was a night that gave new meaning to laissezlesbonstempsrouler … let the good times roll!
For Tuesday night’s Sunshine Kids Benefit, Christina Aguilera wowed the crowd with powerhouse vocals and a lengthy set of chart-topping songs. Attendees sang along to every lyric, excitedly snapping photos and videos—“Thanks for makingmeafighter!”— as the star sparkled bright.
Amid the music, the dancing and the crowd’s supportive roar, attendees never forgot exactly why they were there: to support and raise money for the Sunshine Kids. The concert raised about $94,000 for the Sunshine Kids Foundation, which after the glitter settled and the songs were all sung, is truly one of the most beautiful memories of all.
The 2024 Exhibitor Showcase had a total of 94 vendors – including five international booths and 16 new companies – displaying their business-building, gamechanging products and services for thousands of Sales Convention attendees. The Tech Talk Bar was back again, with attendees receiving answers to their toughest and most pressing tech questions. (Fun fact: Our staff actually put together the furniture and set up the Tech Talk booth, so yes, they really are a technical team!)
“From Hawaii to New England, connections were amazing,” one attendee remarked about the Networking Exhibitor Reception.
“I made an effort to talk to agents who I did not go to the event with,” said another. “It was great.”
Thank you to Xpressdocs for hosting Sunday’s Networking Exhibitor Reception and to Homes.com for sponsoring the Sunshine Kids Benefit featuring Christina Aguilera!
There are a whole lot of reasons to attend Sales Convention – the skills sharpened, the techniques honed, the award milestones celebrated, the inspiration obtained – but one of the very best reasons is this: expanding your network. Because at the end of the day, the business of real estate is about people, isn’t it? And the more people you know, the more people you can serve.
Each year as we’re putting together our Sales Convention agenda, we carve out specific time for networking, chances to create new memories and connections with thousands of
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network attendees. In 2024, the networking receptions proved just as beneficial as always, demonstrating with every delicious cheese plate devoured and meaningful conversation shared that there’s real value in coming together for the betterment of all.
Award winners in the top 2% of the network and network members from top producing offices were invited to this special Tuesday evening reception held at the
historic Generations Hall. Originally built as a sugar mill in the 1820s, the venue now showcases eyecatching artwork that depicts the New Orleans jazz scene. After mixing and mingling, award winners joined the traditional New Orleans Second Line Parade – created just for them – where the streets of Nola were shut down as everyone marched from Generations Hall to the convention center for the Sunshine Kids Benefit featuring Christina Aguilera. The roar of the parade reverberated through the streets, one final chance to take in the spirit of New Orleans before Sales Convention was through.
Proudly celebrating real estate professionals who represent or market to multicultural and LGBTQ+ communities, this reception offered attendees the opportunity to connect and share their experiences bringing the gift of home to everyone.
The networking event formerly known as the Luxury Collection Specialist Reception was completely transformed in 2024 to a luxurious, Big Easy speed networking extravaganza. The all-new format allowed Luxury Collection Specialists to meet as many people as possible against the excitement of a racing clock. Three, two, one … network!
Hosted by the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Military and Veteran Committee, this reception was organized for veterans or those with family and friends who have served. During the event in New Orleans, each brand of the military received a special fun photo opportunity.
The National REthink Council hosted the aptly named REthink Council Networking Mixer, where next gen Council members networked with attendees from across the globe. (Not sure what the REthink Council is? It’s a global Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices group of next generation future leaders in real estate who collaborate on best practices, develop industry resources and provide feedback to brand leaders. Follow along here: @rethinkcouncil.)
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chairman Gino Blefari’s 5 REASONS TO ATTEND SALES CONVENTION 1
You’ll leave with one new idea that will be good for at least one new transaction, especially at the Mastermind sessions, which deliver a customized experience for each award level that relates to you and the business you do.
You’ll meet at least one person who will share a positive habit you can incorporate into your routine.
You’ll make a special connection that will turn into a referral down the road.
You’ll have an opportunity— through post-event social media and marketing—to let people know you’re dedicated to improvement and growth.
You’ll have a chance to recharge and have some fun!
In2023,theBerkshireHathawayHomeServicesnetworkraised$1.9MillionDollars.... Andsince1991...nearly$42MILLION.
Giving back isn’t just what we do, it’s who we are, and this year’s incredible support of the Sunshine Kids in New Orleans showed why Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices will shine a spotlight on philanthropy forever.
1 2 3 4 7 5 8 6 9 10
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England Properties/New York Properties/Hudson Valley Properties Wallingford, CT
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties Roswell, GA $252,917.17
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Commonwealth Real Estate/ Robert Paul Properties Natick, MA
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Fox & Roach, REALTORS® Devon, PA $143,910.48
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Ambassador Real Estate Omaha, NE $119,700.32
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Select Properties Saint Louis, MO $78,399.00
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties Torrance, CA $77,438.10
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty Alexandria, VA $76,666.74
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Premier Properties Fargo, ND $68,387.23
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Starck Real Estate Palatine, IL $67,794.57
In January 2003, Hunter DeMauro, network member with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Key Real Estate | Knight & Gardner Realty, was a senior in high school, a soccer star, a young athletic phenom. She was also just diagnosed with cancer. Instead of district finals or senior events with friends, DeMauro found herself sitting in a hospital room with her mom, sad to be missing out on her final year of high school, when suddenly everything turned around: The Sunshine Kids Foundation asked if she’d like to attend the Sunshine Kids Mardi Gras FunTime Fantasy trip.
After getting the OK from her mom and doctors, DeMauro set out for New Orleans with a group of children who were also fighting cancer. Together, they toured the city, attended Mardi Gras celebrations, dined on Louisiana food and shared a whole lot of laughs.
“I’ve always been a firm believer that laughter is the best medicine,” DeMauro explained in a video published on Facebook. “I know attending that trip and being away from what I was going through helped push me the rest of the way through those few months of treatment I had left.”
DeMauro said she owes the Sunshine Kids Foundation “more than they will ever know.”
Fast forward 21 years later, and New Orleans was DeMauro’s destination once again, and this time she was visiting for the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sales Convention … as a network professional. In a poignant Instagram post, DeMauro reflected on her Big Easy return, “now working for a company that supports the very organization that brought me here for the first time.”
“What an amazing full-circle experience for me,” DeMauro wrote, describing the moment she stood in front of the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Sales Convention stage, where it was announced at Monday morning’s General Session that since 1991, the network raised more than $42 million for the Sunshine Kids, for children just like her.
At Sales Convention 2024, Everett “Rev” Regan (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Preferred Realty in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania) had a singular mission: collect a business card from every state.
How? Attend multiple networking events. Utilize the chat feature in the mobile app. Make conversation with as many network members as possible.
By the time Christina Aguilera took to the stage for the Sunshine Kids Benefit, Regan was missing just three states. When asked why he embarked on this geological scavenger hunt, Regan’s answer was as poignant as it was profound: “Your network is your net worth.”
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Realty Professionals, based in East Longmeadow, Massachusetts, was recognized on the General Session stage as a first-time
Berkshire Elite Company this year. A very proud Realty Professionals Broker/Owner Bob Molta beamed with excitement, celebrating the achievement alongside the Realty Professionals executive management team of Stephanie Lepsch and Lou Mayo.
It’s 2007, and the real estate market isn’t all that’s in dire straits for Kim Stevens, now broker/owner and chief visionary at Hawley, Pennsylvania-based Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Pocono Real Estate. Her finances were in trouble. Her marriage was falling apart. She was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Stevens had reached a critical crossroads: change or selfdestruct. So, she chose change. “I can’t live like this,” she said. “I’m meant for something more.”
She soon realized her life’s purpose, the impact she wanted to make on the world, was to help people find a new perspective, just as she had done to pull herself out of a dark, bleak time.
And from this mission to help others, Stevens’ “Unique Perspectives” series was born. Each week, Stevens publishes an email, a social media post and a video, sharing a unique perspective that has helped her find how powerful she is, how magical life can be and how ultimately, she can choose to be happy.
For her own life, Stevens turned her brokerage into a success and in 2018, joined the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices network. She’s also been cancer-free for 16 years. In finding her Unique Perspectives, Stevens found herself, a gift she now gives others week after week. Her messages serve as a reminder that you can always see the magic and the beauty of this world no matter what, because in the end, you can always be your own HERO.
Military heroes were saluted, and their valor was sung during Sales Convention 2024! During the Military and Networking Reception, the crowd recognized Antonio Merkenson, network member with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties, who would be deploying to Qatar later that month. At the opening of General Session Day 1, Catherine Giordano, a marine veteran and network member with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Chicago, carried the flag as the national anthem played.
After Sales Convention ended, Jennifer Wisler, executive director of the Sunshine Kids Foundation, shared her gratitude for the events in New Orleans, praising the Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Global Conference and Meeting Services team’s ability to “put your heart into every detail when creating unforgettable moments for the kids and their parents.”
The dedication to detail, Wisler said, didn’t go unnoticed. Wednesday morning, while waiting for airport transportation with a Sunshine Kids SpokesKid and his mom, they told Wisler in unison they’d already decided this was their favorite family vacation ever.
Wisler added: “Seeing the smiles on the moms’ faces and the tears throughout Convention, as they witnessed their kids experience milestone moments and blossom before their eyes, was like a dream.”
After Sales Convention, we send attendees a survey, asking them to share their experience and thoughts with our Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices team. It’s how we continue to craft meaningful experiences year after year, planned with your needs in mind. And do you know what tied for the number one spot when we asked you to rank the “best part of Sales Convention” in our 2024 survey? University.
Yes, you loved the industry insights, practical knowledge and tactical takeaways our University speakers provided. Let’s break down the lessons learned.
In total, there were 66 University sessions, 36 speakers and moderators, 38 panelists and 25 spotlight speakers. Some of the most popular sessions were:
• Agent Spotlight – How Video Transformed My Business, featuring Marie Boatsman (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Northwest Real Estate), Bru Krebs (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties), Michael Wong (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Hawai’i Realty) and moderated by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Manager and Business Consultant of Network Services Sandy Ciccarella
• Becoming a Luxury Agent: What It Takes to Get—and Stay—At the Top (Panel), featuring Cristal Clark (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties), Ian Gengos (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Baja Real Estate), Paul Grover (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Robert Paul Properties), Paula McCartney (Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Cayman Islands), and moderated by Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices SVP of Global Marketing & Communications Wendy Durand and Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Vice President of Global Luxury Marketing & Communications Laura Obagi
• Mastering Listing Lead Generation, featuring University speaker Jimmy Mackin
• Listing Magnet—(Modernist) Marketing Methods to Level Up on Listings, featuring University speaker Jason Pantana
• Tactical Strategies to Win New Listing Opportunities, featuring University speaker Jeff Lobb
Video, luxury real estate, lead generation and marketing were the most buzzed-about topics this year, along with everything Artificial Intelligence, from ChatGPT to AI strategies that can help close more deals. In fact, the ChatGPT prompts Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices CEO Christy Budnick shared onstage during her keynote were in such high demand, we sent them to all attendees via the mobile app, right after General Session ended!
Artificial Intelligence was also the topic of this year’s popular University session, led by CEO of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Beach Properties of Florida Jimmy Burgess, who covered basic to advanced strategies for harnessing the power of AI to supercharge business.
In a fitting description of not only Burgess’ classes but also the general sentiment of University sessions this year, one attendee wrote: “Phenomenal and so inspirational.”
Thepanelwasamazing, topqualityagents withexperienceand incredibletipsforthe fellownetworkagents.”
AboutBecomingaLuxury Agent:WhatItTakestoGet— andStay—AttheTop Bestspeaker,best presentation of the entire convention!”
About How to Harness the Power of AI in Your Real Estate Business
Relevant content and anengagingspeaker.”
AboutMasteringListing Lead Generation
Go to … Congratulations to our 2023 Award Winners!
After all that hard work and dedication, Sales Convention is your time to shine. Year after year, we love showcasing Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices award winners, real estate HEROES who inspire us all. Onstage in New Orleans, we recognized 35-year Legend Elayne Jassey of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England
Properties. Jassey wasn’t able to accept the award in person, so Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices New England, Westchester and New York Properties President and CEO Candace Adams accepted on her behalf.
“I am honored to be standing here to accept this 35-year Legend for our own HERO Elayne Jassey,” Adams said, adding: “Elaine promises to be here to accept the 40-year Legend!”
In a video message, Jassey shared her favorite quote with the crowd, words that have motivated her to make real estate an influential part of her life for almost five decades: “I work very hard,” she explained. “And the harder I work, the luckier I get.”
Yes, we saw that picture of the delicious, perfectly sugary Café du Monde beignets you tagged us in, and the cajun food, the museum trips, the creole coffee shops, the adorable sidewalk cafés …
You dined and delighted in all that New Orleans had to offer, and we’re sharing a few snapshots from your Big Easy escapades.
ThisismyfirstConvention. Superimpressedwiththe obvious attention to detail. Veryorganized.”
Everythingwasgreatthis year!Fromtheopening session to Christina Aguilera."
ThiswasmyfirstConvention andIthoughtitwasvery informative and the speakersweregreat!!”
I loved New Orleans!Very friendlypeople,greatenergy, greatmusicandgreatfood!”
Ilovedtheenergyduringthe General Sessions.”
Wonderful event.”
Itwasmyfirstexperience, as I’m new to real estate and now I can’t wait until nextyear. The AI sessions wereamazingandallthe presentersfantastic!”
This one was one of the best!”
Fun location, informative sessions,enjoyedREVEL!"
ThiswasmyfirstConvention withBerkshireHathaway HomeServices. It was amazing.Ilearnedalotand leftwithatonofthingsto growfrom.”
THANK YOU to our 2024 vendors who made it all possible. Because of you, we were able to deliver the best Sales Convention to our Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices global network. Thank You! THANK YOU TO OUR