6 minute read


“ Let me keep an open mind so I understand as much as I can in my lifetime and not reach the limits of my imagination ”

Prayer to a Telescope, a poem by Diana Syder


Our students soar; they are the creative thinkers, the change-makers, and the problem-solvers of the future. We strive to deliver a future-inspired education: Innovative teaching practices, technology and compassionate care combine to empower our students with the attributes and self-confidence to seize opportunities and tackle the challenges of a complex world.


The three values which are central to our philosophy are:

Bold, Imaginative and Reflective

These values are complex, and inherent in their meaning are the qualities of the key attributes we wish to develop in our students, so that they become communicators, thinkers, knowledgeable, inquirers, risk-takers, caring, open-minded, balanced, reflective and principled.

These values and aims have been built into every aspect of our ethos at Bedford Girls’ School and are the basis on which our school flourishes. At Bedford Girls’ School we want to create a culture where everyone feels truly valued and is proud to be part of the School. We are kind to each other and respectful to all members of the community; the atmosphere is purposeful and learning in all areas of the curriculum is prized.


We have high expectations of our students. We aim to teach our students to make a positive contribution to our community and the world beyond. They are expected to behave in a courteous manner at all times when in school uniform or representing Bedford Girls’ School. We believe in creating a positive, rewarding learning environment where everyone will flourish. By establishing these expectations we create the best possible climate for learning, teaching and working collaboratively.

We expect our community to be purposeful, kind and mutually respectful. To this end, we rely on the acceptance by all its members of an agreed code of expectations. We expect our students to show common sense and respect for themselves, for others and for their environment.

These expectations exist to protect not only the safety and comfort of our community, but also the good name of our School. All members of the School are expected to observe them. Our day-to-day life in School should reflect positive and joyful attitudes to work, relationships and behaviour.

This code is discussed at the beginning of each year through a process of consultation with students and staff. Our expectations fall into the following categories:


Students should: • be punctual and arrive at lessons, registrations, assemblies and clubs in an orderly manner. • maintain a positive approach to lessons, complete the work set to the best of their ability and allow others to do the same.

• settle quickly in lessons, bringing all the necessary equipment. • listen carefully to instructions and not talk whilst others are talking, allowing others to hear and learn.


Students should: • embrace and engender the whole school values, striving to be bold, imaginative and reflective in all aspects of their lives.

• celebrate and value everyone, regardless of gender, race or status. • welcome visitors into our community. • lift each other up with nurture and challenge. • always be kind and remain constantly curious to the perspectives of others. • be respectful of the world around us. • always remember that when they are wearing their Bedford Girls’ School uniform, students are representing the whole School. Our uniform helps to give a sense of belonging to the

School and is also important in helping to establish a good working atmosphere. It should be worn correctly and with a sense of pride.


• Movement around the School should be orderly and courteous. A ‘keep to the left’ system operates in order to allow for calm ease of movement.

• Silence should be observed when approaching assembly to encourage an atmosphere of calm reflection.

• The front entrance of the Senior School is reserved for staff and visitors at the start and the end of the day. Students should use their year group entrance and exit points, to help minimise crowding.


• Litter bins are provided throughout the site.

• Food and snacks should only be consumed in the Dining Hall or the

Green Room, and rubbish placed in the bins provided.

• Students should be proud of their form room, keeping it pleasant and tidy and conserving electricity whenever possible.


• Students must remain within the School grounds during the whole of the school day, except when special permission has been given to leave the premises.

Students leaving School with permission must sign out at the School office and may leave by the front door.

• In the Junior School, students only move between sites with adult supervision.

• By 4.15pm, students not taking part in supervised activities should normally be on their way home. They are not permitted to wait unsupervised outside the front entrance after this time. If they have not been collected they should wait in the Learning Resources Centre (LRC) or Junior School late care.

• After sports activities, students should go to the Learning Resources Centre if not picked up immediately.

• A member of staff remains at

School until all students leave late care.

Students should:

• take care of their personal belongings by using and locking their lockers. It is essential that they use their padlocks to keep their possessions secure in their lockers.

• never leave cash around the School.

• ensure that these items are clearly named. All items of personal belongings are brought into the school at the pupil’s own risk and must be kept securely in their lockers.

• take care also of books, iPads and equipment on loan from the School.

They are the responsibility of the students who should use the storage facilities provided. • in line with the School’s positive behaviour policy, do not bring into school smoking materials, illegal substances or hazardous items capable of causing injury or harm.

Please refer to the Positive Behaviour policy on the School’s website.


We recognise our moral and statutory responsibility to safeguard and promote the welfare of all students. We endeavour to provide a safe and welcoming environment where children are respected and valued. We are alert to the signs of abuse and neglect and follow our procedures to ensure that children receive effective support, protection and care.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families and carers has a role to play in safeguarding children. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all professionals make sure their approach is child-centred.

This means that they consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined as: protecting children from maltreatment; preventing impairment of children’s health or development; ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care; and taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

The Designated Safeguarding Lead is Elaine Teale (Deputy Head Pastoral).

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Gemma Gibson (Headmistress). Carolyn Howe (Junior School Head).

All Heads of Year have also received DSL training.