2 minute read

Health Care Information

The Health Centre is located in Burnaby House, close to the Junior School. Students wishing to see the nurse during the School day must report to reception in the Junior or Senior School and the nurse will collect them. Students must not make their own way to the Health Centre.

A medical record for your daughter is kept at the Health Centre. If your daughter is taken ill during the school day, she will be sent to the Health Centre. One of our nurses will contact you if she feels that your daughter needs to come home.

Injuries sustained out of school hours and illnesses which develop at home should be assessed and treated by your individual GP services.


We try to discourage the bringing of medication of any kind into School. However, if absolutely necessary, prescribed medication can be brought to School. It must be in the original container and you should also send a letter to your daughter’s form tutor, stating what the medicine is for, the prescribed dosage and how frequently it should be taken. This will be stored at the Health Centre and administered by a school nurse. In the case of antibiotics, one dose of antibiotics will be given at lunchtime prior to, or following food, as required. Paracetamol may be given for the relief of pain, headaches and menstruation cramps. A note will be sent home with your daughter advising that paracetamol has been administered. In the Senior School, students are permitted to carry a single dose supply of paracetamol should they wish to.


Any student suffering from a known medical condition that may lead to a medical emergency, e.g diabetes or a student suffering from anaphylaxis, will require a care plan to be completed. Students who suffer from asthma are encouraged to carry their own inhaler on their person at all times. A spare inhaler can be kept in the Health Centre. Students who require an EpiPen should carry it with them at all times if prescribed to do so and a spare should kept in the Health Centre. Junior School students should give their EpiPen to their class teacher. If your daughter requires medication to be administered during the lesson (e.g, asthma or diabetes) she should have her medication available with her and should also provide spare medication (for emergencies) to be kept by the school nurse in the Health Centre. It should be clearly named and checked at the end of each term to make sure it is in date and that there is sufficient medication. Sugared food and drink may be kept in the PE Office if your daughter has diabetes.

For further information on medical policies, please refer to the Health Centre Policy or contact one of our school nurses on 01234 361925.


We have a full time in-house counsellor during term time who will work in conjunction with the nurses and Pastoral team to support students. All referrals are made via the Pastoral team. Consultations are confidential but students are always encouraged to keep their parents informed. We seek parental consent for all students below Year 9 before arranging any counselling services.