NS&OC OPA Energy and Utilities Statement

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1. INTRODUCTION Peter Brett Associates LLP has been engaged by Beyond Green Developments Ltd to prepare a utilities statement for new supplies and constraints to development in support of the planning application of up to 3,520 dwellings and a mixture of commercial, retail/service units, a hotel development, education and other community developments at land north of Norwich known as NSOC. A site location plan is included within Appendix A of the main energy statement, for information. Issues relating to surface water and foul drainage and potable water supply are addressed within the Water Statement supporting the application. Options and opportunities with regard to renewable energy and energy efficiency measures are contained within the main body of the Energy Statement.

1.1 Approach This technical report sets out proposals for providing new utility infrastructure (National Grid Gas and UKPN electricity) directly from the incumbent utility providers, to supply the proposed development quantum and highlights the options available. It also provides the potential requirements for diversion or accommodation within the scheme for existing and future infrastructure.

1.2 Background Information Information contained within this report has been obtained via formal applications to the incumbent utility providers, for information, leading to consultation and negotiations with their representatives to gain an understanding of new utility supply and management of existing infrastructure strategies and outline budget costs. This report only considers a direct connection for each new building to the incumbent utility network at this stage based on standard energy demands. Future discussions with the network operators will require consideration of reduced energy demand through building design, which in turn will reduce the peak requirements for the incumbent providers’ network(s) and the potential impact of smarter electrical infrastructure at the scheme (as discussed in the main body of the energy statement). In addition, PBA LLP have reviewed the available information on the local telephone exchanges (SamKnows website resource) to evaluate the suitability of the local network to supply the development with next generation broadband.


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