Best Lawyers: The Family Law Issue 2021

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Led by a father-and-son team of Family Law lawyers and trial advocates, with the support and assistance of family members, Blevans & Blevans, LLP continues its tradition of excellence serving the Northern California Bay Area in 2020 and beyond. BY JUSTIN SMULISON


What will family law look like in the “coronaverse” of 2020 and beyond?

“LAWYER OF THE YEAR” HONOREES Featuring family law and trusts and estates.


How to plan your pandemic preparedness estate—all from the safety of home. B Y: J E N N I F E R S TAV R O S


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Determining biological parenthood is as easy as getting a DNA test. Determining legal parenthood is more complicated altogether—especially as the composition of the American family continues to evolve.


Prenups aren’t always bulletproof, but there’s hope if you end up exposed in a divorce. B Y: L AU R A W H E AT M A N H I L L

MY HUSBAND DIDN’T WANT TO STAY MARRIED… BUT HE DIDN’T WANT A DIVORCE Patience—and the law—prevails when an uncooperative partner avoids divorce proceedings. B Y: J E N N I F E R B I L LO C K







B Y: R E B E C C A R U S H

There’s hope for families to recover—a good lawyer is key.

Here’s how to ensure your children are respected during a custody battle.

B E S T L AW Y E R S ® . P U R E LY P E E R R E V I E W T M . BL Rankings, LLC has used its best efforts in assembling material for this list but does not warrant or represent that the information contained herein is complete or accurate. BL Rankings, LLC (and its affiliates, employees, officers, directors or agents) does not assume, and hereby expressly disclaims, any liability to any person for any loss or damage caused by errors or omissions herein, whether such errors or omissions result from negligence, accident or any other cause. This magazine includes paid attorney advertising. Consumers should contact the state bar for verification and additional information prior to securing the legal services of any attorney, and nothing herein should be construed as the provision of legal advice. This publication is an excerpt of The Best Lawyers in America 2021® edition, which is available from the publisher, and does not constitute a complete list. For more information email or visit “The Best Lawyers in America” and “Best Lawyers” are registered trademarks of BL Rankings, LLC.

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A New Era in Matrimonial Law K

atz & Stefani, LLC, is a family law firm committed to efficiently helping clients resolve emotional family issues in a calm and dignified manner. Recognizing that divorce is “a very personal business,” the firm’s lawyers limit their caseload, allowing them to give clients significant personal attention. “You need to be comfortable with your divorce lawyer and you need to know you can get in touch with him or her,” explains founding partner Daniel R. Stefani. Combining their more than 50 years working in family law at some of the largest firms in Illinois, Stefani j o i n e d P. A n d r é Kat z to form Kat z & Stefani in 20 08. Serving high-profile and high-netwo r th in di v i dual s in premari t al and divorce matters, the f irm’s law yers are particularly attentive to maintaining the privacy of these individuals. Its partners’ strong business, financial, P. André Katz tax, and accounting backgrounds provide a valuable resource for understanding the complexities of business valuations, employee benefits, retirement planning, and other financial issues that arise in divorces involving high-networth individuals. Although skilled and experienced litigators, Katz and Stefani’s founders believe that not every case needs to be litigated. The firm’s lawyers

strive to resolve cases “in the conference room rather than the courtroom,” utilizing alternative dispute resolution methods. Katz & Stefani lawyers are experienced in navigating the complicated waters of interstate and international custody disputes implicating the laws of multiple jurisdictions, the Hague Convention and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction Enfo r c em ent Ac t . Sensitive to issues of parental alienation, the firm works with mental health professionals to identify and address the is sue as so on as possible. Katz & Stef ani law yer s are also adept at negotiating and crafting both premarital and postnuptial agreements. The firm’s 10 -attorney Daniel R. Stefani roster includes par tners David Ainley, Amanda Clayman, Shawn Bersson, and other experienced litigators in high stakes divorce cases. Both Katz and Stefani take a leadership role within their specialty, lecturing and publishing frequently on the topic of family law. Stefani writes a regular column on family law for the Chicago Lawyer. The Illinois Governor signed into law a new divorce statute ef fec tive Januar y 1, 2016, which was based primarily upon recommendations made by the Illinois Family Law Study Committee, which was chaired by Katz.

, LLC LLC ,, LLC 222 North LaSalle Street, Suite 2150  Chicago, IL 60601 phone 312.364.9000  fax 312.364.9035

2201 Waukegan Road, Suite 160  Bannockburn, IL 60015 phone 847.914.0500  fax 847.914.0501




elcome to the First Edition of Best Lawyers: The Family Law Issue


ORONAVIRUS, CIVIL R IGH T S , A N D T H E EL ECT ION may have dominated the headlines in 2020, but I’d argue that the family unit bore the brunt of the shockwaves t h at reverberated f rom l a st February on. Family is, after all, where all things begin. And, for better or worse, our family is whom we release our day-to-day stress with. Although the definition of family has evolved significantly over time, its significance on our individual and collective lives remains paramount. W h e t h e r i t ’s w e l c o m i n g new members into the family, dissolving familial bonds that no longer fortify us, or looking out

for those most important to us as we plan our exits from this earth, every decision regarding family deserves clarity, and the value of skilled advocacy and legal guidance can’t be overstated. In this issue, we present an array of f i rst-person stor ies f rom individuals who overcame some heavy challenges in their own families. The common takeaway? Effective lega l representation provides a guiding light while weathering the storm. As I personally look forward to 2021 with optimism for a better tomorrow (because let’s face it, we can really only go up from here, right?) it’s my wish this guide will help some people get there.

Nancy Lippincott Director of Content

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Jennifer Billock is an award-winning writer, best-selling author, and editor, generally covering some combination of food, travel, and history. She edits the Kitchen Witch Newsletter and co-hosts the Macabre Traveler podcast. She is currently dreaming of an aroundthe-world trip with her Boston terrier. Check out her website at and follow her on Twitter @jenniferbillock. Paul Hewett is a partner with family law firm Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson. He is board certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization, has been recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer every year since 2013, and is a member of the Family Law sections of both state and local associations. Laura Wheatman Hill lives in Portland, Oregon with her two children. She blogs about parenting, writes about everything, and teaches English and drama when not living in an apocalyptic dystopia. Her work has appeared on Parents, JSTOR Daily, Parent Map, She Knows, and others. You can find her at and on Twitter and Instagram @lwheatma. Ashley Jones is a freelance writer from Houston, Texas. She studied journalism at Kilgore College and the University of Houston. Her writing focuses mainly on family, health, business, and lifestyle topics, and has appeared across various print and online publications, including Romper, Cancer Today, Ladders News, Elite Daily, and Let Grow. Brittney Miller is a member of Moss & Barnett’s Family Law group. She assists clients in all family-related matters, including parenting, support, division of assets, stepparent and same -sex adoptions, antenuptial agreements, and many other issues confronting modern families. Brittney has extensive experience with cases involving complex social and financial issues at both the trial and appellate court levels. Rebecca Rush is a comedian and writer who has appeared on Viceland and Funny or Die. She hosts The Vulnerability Show and Comic’s Book Club Podcast and is a regular contributor to Workit Health. She is currently finishing a collection of essays. She lives in Los Angeles with a tiny dog and gigantic kitten. Justin Smulison is a professional writer who proudly contributes to Best Lawyers. He was a reporter for the New York Law Journal for three years and also served as the Content Manager for the ALM Custom Projects Group. In addition to various credited and uncredited writing projects, he has developed global audiences hosting and producing podcasts and audio interviews for professional organizations and music sites Jennifer Stavros is a journalist based in Los Angeles who writes about politics, culture, relationships, and the often-quiet assorted nuances in between. She has been published on a multitude of major outlets including Playboy, The Independent, Cosmopolitan, Bitch, Business Insider, Marie Claire, and more. She is also currently writing a book about the intersection of life, death, and poverty. Jim Vedder is a member Moss & Barnett’s Family Law group. He has significant trial and settlement experience in complex marital dissolution matters including the division of marital and nonmarital assets, the division of closely held businesses, spousal maintenance, child support, and custody issues. Jim brings a compassionate approach to difficult family law cases in both alternative dispute resolution forums and litigation.

OUR TEAM Chief Executive Officer: Phillip Greer

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For almost four decades, Best Lawyers lists have been compiled by conducting exhaustive peer-review surveys in which tens of thousands of leading lawyers confidentially evaluate their professional peers. If the votes for an attorney are positive enough for inclusion in Best Lawyers, that attorney must maintain those votes in subsequent polls to remain on the list for each edition. Lawyers are not permitted to pay any fee to participate in or be included on our lists.

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Lawyers can be nominated by anyone but themselves.



FEEDBACK Current listed lawyers provide Results are feedback on the calculated and nominee’s work. feedback is reviewed.


Nominees are confirmed to be in good standing with their local bar associations.


Firms are informed of results and the list is published.

QUESTIONS? COMMENTS? For additional copies, more information on Best Lawyers or to subscribe to your regional edition of Best Lawyers magazine, please email or call 718.509.6095.


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Managing Editor and Director of Research & Development: Elizabeth Petit Senior Research Manager: Kristen Greer Research Specialist: Kimberly Welsh Email Communications Coordinator: Allis Yang Research Assistant ll: Mika Lathrop Research Specialist ll & Training Coordinator: De’Andrea Youmans Research Specialist l: James Miley Research Assistant l: Michaella Grissett Best Law Firms Research Manager: Valerie Smith Public Relations Manager: Katie Morgan Public Relations Assistant: Nick Nyhoff Director of Sales: Josh Rupall Sales Manager & Legal Media Specialist: Manny Candal Legal Media Specialists: Ian Brady Kelly Brown Robert Gault Aris Hamparsumyan Corinne Lang Michael Pratt Navita Ramprasad Amanda Sullivan Sales Coordinator: Polly Zhou


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To nominate an attorney for the next edition, please visit

Director of IT: Larry Meadows Software Architects: Caroline Chonko Gordon Creel Software Engineers: Phillip Dominy Randall Guenther Cindy Pham Software Developer: Kimberly Jackson Quality Assurance Test Engineer: Benjamin Hepner Software Engineer Intern: Destin Buck Product Owner: Jennifer Nichols Executive Assistant: Jessica Le Chief Financial Officer: Alysa Carmichael, CPA Human Resources Manager: Melody Thomas Senior Financial Analyst: Nicholas Elston Staff Accountant: Persa Rhoden Finance Intern: Christine Jordan Headquarters: 801 Broad Street, Suite 950 Augusta, GA 30901 803.648.0300




Led by a father-and-son team of Family Law lawyers and trial advocates, with the support and assistance of family members, Blevans & Blevans, LLP continues its tradition of excellence serving the Northern California Bay Area in 2020 and beyond. By Justin Smulison



EN YEARS AGO, two lawyers separated by 22 years of “Being named ‘Lawyer of the Year’ is one of the most humbling legal experience but related by blood, departed their own achievements of my career,” said Brandon, who practiced as a established practices to work together. Housed in a 1900s labor and employment litigator prior to teaming up with his Victorian in the Napa Valley, the father-son practice of Blevans father. “I have a deep respect for previous recipients, many & Blevans, LLP began. Today they continually strengthen their of whom I have known and looked up to for years. To share reputation for fashioning creative settlements for their clients that same achievement with them, as well as my father, is and, when litigation is necessary, their courtroom successes. extremely gratifying.” This has garnered both Robert and Brandon Blevans recognition A seasoned practitioner who has tried hundreds of family law by The Best Lawyers of America© for their work in the field of cases to favorable resolutions, Robert Blevans began practicing family law since 2006 and 2019 respectively. law in Southern California and moved his practice to the Napa Blevans & Blevans, LLP is comprised of family law attorneys Valley in 1995. Among his many accolades, he is one of only two known for successfully resolving the most complex family California attorneys to have been a Fellow in both the Northern matters in and out of the courtroom. These skills, coupled with and Southern California Chapters of the American Academy their experience with the of Matrimonial Lawyers. Family Law issues involved Robert was quick to point i n equ it y compensation, “The quick pivot proved vital, as the Firm out that joining forces with business valuation, and the received a surge of new matters even as the Brandon has been a rewarding range of other details related that provided him pandemic impacted law firms nationally.” experience to high net-worth divorces with a renewed enthusiasm has served the Firm well in for practicing family law. 2020 – a year that has challenged law firms to innovate. “Our combined expertise and leadership attract referrals from Partner Brandon R. Blevans noted that the Firm had other family lawyers, particularly in complex circumstances contingencies in place which enabled a seamless transition to or where the case cannot be settled and must be tried,” Robert remote capabilities amid the COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns. noted. “Those clients now benefit from our team’s exceptional The quick pivot proved vital, as the Firm received a surge trial experience.” of new matters even as the pandemic impacted law firms Looking to the future, Brandon and Robert have enjoyed nationally. “Whether clients were considering prenuptial mentoring their younger associates and the resulting team agreements or dissolving marriages, the pandemic had created spirit that has developed. Despite the uncertain times the an opportunity to consider the long-term,” he said. world faces, this family-run firm of family law practitioners Brandon was recognized as a Best Lawyers® “Lawyer of the looks forward with continued optimism. Year” for Family Law in Santa Rosa in 2021, an honor his father, “The familial atmosphere is not limited to our lawyers and Robert received in 2019. This marked one of the few times in Best staff,” Robert said. “Every client’s trust is sacred, and they Lawyers history when a father and son received the same award are treated like family as soon as we meet them – virtually in the same practice area. or in-person.” W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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What will family law look like in the “coronaverse” of 2020 and beyond? By Paul Hewett


ivorce is a highly stressful moment in a person’s life, even in the best of times. Combined with our present-day pandemic, clashing political views, and racial tensions, emotion can easily override logic when navigating the important decisions inherent in divorce proceedings. The coronavirus pandemic has forced courts and practitioners to adapt quickly, resulting in both temporary and long-term changes in the practice of family law. Family law issues are governed by the laws of each state, and each has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic with individual emergency orders that affect the unique framework of each state’s family laws. HOW THE PANDEMIC HAS IMPACTED POSSESSION ORDERS In Texas, the Supreme Court ruled the pandemic will not abate or alter a court-ordered possession schedule. When the pandemic first hit, some parents in possession of their children refused to surrender them to the other parent for fear of possible exposure to the virus. The Texas Supreme Court resolved this problem by letting every parent know that the pandemic was no excuse to ignore a court’s possession order. However, other problems quickly emerged. What is a parent to do when the other parent 10 |


has tested positive for COVID? Can a parent be forced to send their children to a household where family members are actively suffering from the virus? Following the Texas Supreme Court’s order in this scenario directly puts the child’s health in jeopardy and ultimately exposes at least two households to the disease. Thankfully, most possession schedules in Texas orders are prefaced by a paragraph stating the parents may exercise possession of the children at any times agreed to, in advance, by the parents. This renders most courtordered possession schedules as the default schedule. As long as there is an agreement, parents are free to make possession decisions that are in the best interest of their children. Even so, there are still new custody cases being filed daily in which one parent has tested positive and is actively experiencing COVID symptoms, yet demanding they take possession of their child, per the court’s possession order. These situations are unfortunately left to the courts to decide on a case-by-case basis. TAKING FAMILY LAW CASES ONLINE The pandemic has also moved family law cases from the courtroom to behind a computer. To prevent courtroom hearings from becoming virus spreader events, a video


“One point to consider is that couples who might otherwise start the divorce process are choosing to stay together because of economic uncertainty.” conferencing platform, such as Zoom, is often employed. To satisfy a state law requiring courtroom hearings be open to the public, courts live stream all virtual hearings on YouTube. People should know their hearing can be viewed by anyone live on YouTube. Fortunately, the platform does not allow recording or dissemination of a live-streamed hearing, so there is little chance of a hearing “going viral.” Many Texas district court judges will offer some, or all, of their hearings via Zoom, which is effective and keeps cases moving through the dockets. In addition to resolving legal issues with no potential virus exposure, Zoom hearings have other benefits, such as allowing witnesses from outof-town to avoid travel and screen-sharing for attorneys to offer exhibits just as they would in person. Zoom video conferencing is not limited solely to courtroom proceedings. It’s also effectively used for mediations and client consultations. However, parties should be aware there are potential pitfalls with this revolutionary use of technology. Confidentiality and cybersecurity are of primary concern. Zoom, like any video conferencing platform, is vulnerable to hackers. Privileged information, such as attorney-client communications and confidential medical and health-related information, is discussed during Zoom attorney-client conferences, mediations, and

hearings. Because of this, attorneys, clients, mediators, judges, and courtroom personnel should do everything possible to ensure security measures have been taken, such as using meeting passwords, disabling guest chat, guest screen-sharing, and preventing others from joining the meeting before the host. DIVORCE DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC Has the pandemic led to more divorce filings? Several memes are circulating on social media about divorce lawyers thriving because of the pandemic, playing on a belief that too much togetherness will ruin a marriage. These memes are funny but in a sad way. My analysis shows there was a temporary drop in divorce filings after the pandemic arrived. But after a couple of months, as we all adjusted to a new normal, the number of cases filed steadily rose back to previous levels, where it seems to remain. So, despite social media memes foreshadowing a divorce explosion, I have not witnessed a spike in family law cases. One point to consider is that couples who might otherwise start the divorce process are choosing to stay together because of economic uncertainty. Even if married partners no longer love each other, remaining together and sharing expenses W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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It’s worth noting that each state has its constitution, statutes, codes, and case law that considers and resolves family law issues. Some of those laws, for example, regarding child custody issues, may be uniform across the country. Others will be different. Property issues may vary from state to state. Texas, for instance, is only one of nine “community property” states in the country. Therefore, each spouse facing a family law issue is advised to seek legal counsel in their state, particularly from an attorney who specializes in family or matrimonial law. PIVOTING AND MOVING AHEAD IN THE NEW “CORONAVERSE” When our judicial system, along with the rest of the world, suddenly understood we’re not in Kansas anymore, but that we’re in the Coronaverse, time did stand still. Yet gradually courts, lawyers, and litigants alike have all found a way to continue life and the process of filing, litigating, and resolving family law issues. The legal process, security measures, and safety protocols are continuously evolving in each state. We should all concentrate on being part of the solution. In the history books, perhaps 2020 will be a year recalled as a time Americans came together, persevered, and made it our finest hour.

“A contingency plan that has been carefully considered and agreed upon is paramount.”



could be their best option for a long while. Other family law attorneys across the country will have their own experiences, perhaps contrary to mine. If a couple with children is considering divorce in the foreseeable future, it is advisable to pre-plan how to care for the children should a family member contract the virus. A contingency plan that has been carefully considered and agreed upon is paramount. The plan should specifically address who will care for the children, for how long, and what safety protocols will be followed. If possible, decisions for the care of a child are best made by fit parents, before anticipated litigation. Except in the most egregious circumstances, parents should not leave these decisions for litigation. If a contingency plan is agreed upon by the parents entering the divorce process, the plan should be made part of the final divorce decree. This helps assure each parent can be held accountable for the safety and welfare of their children. Divorcing spouses should not let the fear of the virus or the unknown lead to irrational behavior. Don’t withdraw all your money from the bank, don’t hoard essential items, and don’t go off the grid. Instead, realize education is key. Talk to your doctor, your law yer, with a counselor, and learn from trusted sources.

Best LawyersÂŽ highlights one attorney in a particular location and practice area who received the highest votes from his or her peers in a given year.

We believe the best lawyers know who the best lawyers are.

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F A M I LY L A W Gregory L. Adams Cincinnati

Kristin Adamson Tallahassee

Virginia A. Albers Omaha

Debra C. Albiston Norfolk

Rebecca C. Alexander Denver

Kathleen T. Breckenridge Reno

Donald M. Briskman Mobile

Suzanne L. Brunsting Rochester-NY

Meredith DeJesus Caradimos

Southeastern/Cape and Islands Region

C. Ronald Baird

Allan Charlap

John W. Ballew, Jr.

Kim W. Cheatum

Roberta S. Batley

Cynthia L. Ciancio

Sarah E. Bennett

Bernard E. Clair

Michael E. Bertin

Cindy L. Cleous

Jane Binder

Cary E. Close

Michèle M. Bissada

Fredrick S. Cohen

William R. Biviano

Nancy L. Cross

Stevan L. Black

Jennifer Crum

Brandon R. Blevans

Jerry S. D’Aniello

Springfield-MO Lincoln

Albuquerque Santa Fe

Philadelphia Minneapolis San Jose Akron


Santa Rosa

Binghamton San Diego Boulder

New York City Wichita Raleigh

Sacramento Carmel

San Francisco Woodbridge

Ann T. Davies

Diane M. DeGiacomo

Meighan A. Harmon

James W. Lea III

Laurel S. Doheny

Ernest A. Harper

Anthony M. Doniger

David Haselden

Bradley C. LechmanSu

Priscilla B. Dubé

Cornelius B. Hayes

Angela Pence England

Paul M. Hebert, Jr.

Steven H. Everts

Margaret A. Herlitzka

G. Richard Fernambucq

Jennifer L. Holland

Shane R. Ford


Springfield-MA Louisville Boston

Burlington Houston




Charleston-SC Fort Wayne

Baton Rouge Eau Claire


John J. Hollins, Jr.

Birmingham Oakland

Carolyn S. Garvey Concord

Philip C. Gerard Phoenix

Rosemary E. Giuliano New Haven

C. Ray Grantham, Jr. Triad

Bradley A. Grundy Tulsa

Mark A. Hannah Kansas City-KS

Kristi A. Hanney

Samuel S. Jacobson Jacksonville

Roger L. Kleinman Cleveland

Gretchen S. Knight Wilmington-DE

Alison H. Krueger Milwaukee

Laurence A. Kutinsky Orange County

Steven J. Lane New Orleans

Margaret C. Lavoie Portland-ME

New London



Paul A. Lemcke Las Vegas

Natalie S. Lemos Miami

Jonathan R. Levine Atlanta

Ronald G. Lieberman Cherry Hill

Timothy Luria Honolulu

Mark T. Luttier West Palm Beach

Annalisa Moore Masunas Tucson

Carol S. Mills McCarthy Pittsburgh

Kevin P. McGoff Indianapolis

Robert T. Meadows III Montgomery

Sandra L. Meilton Harrisburg

David F. Minton Austin


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Christopher W. Nicholson Baltimore

Norman J. Ogilvie, Jr. Columbus-OH

Mary Burkey Owens Richmond

Sandra R. Parise Columbia-SC

William A. Parker Asheville

Timothy G. Pearson Des Moines

Pamela A. Peterson Manchester

R. Alan Peterson Sioux Falls

Ronald A. Phillips

Diana Raimi

Kurt E. Schnelz

Michelle Spirn

Bruce J. Wagner

Tera Reese-Beisbier

Sheryl J. Seiden

Vincent F. Stempel, Jr.

Jeffrey A. Weissman

James P. Renda

Lisa Ann Sharpe

Tate K. Sterrett

Aidan R. Welsh

Anita I. Rodarte

Frederick J. Sikora

Julie A. Sullivan

Richard D. West

Gary B. Rogers

Georganna L. Simpson

Jeanne T. Tate

Brooke C. Rosen

L. David Sims

Martha A. Rosenberg

Brian A. Sommers

Kristal Cordova Thomson

Christine M. Whitehead Randall B. Willman

Kevin M. Schaeffer

Howard B. Soypher

Noel S. Tonneman

Howard J. Woronov

Charles O. Schem

Lance S. Spiegel

Thomas W. Traxler

William R. Wright

Amanda S. Trigg

Brent D. Young

Ann Arbor

Greater Atlanta Buffalo

Kansas City-MO Little Rock Roanoke



Oklahoma City


Newark Seattle


Dallas/Fort Worth Fort Myers Dayton

Washington, D.C. Los Angeles

White Plains

St. Louis

Long Island Charlotte

Kalamazoo Tampa

San Antonio Toms River Greenville



Fort Lauderdale Stamford Orlando


Cedar Rapids Syracuse


Salt Lake City

F A M I LY L A W A R B I T R AT I O N Barry L. Brody Phoenix

Jessica N. Mazur Woodbridge

Richard J. Rotole

Christopher W. Schinstock

William F. Ward Pittsburgh

Dina Warner Chicago

Washington, D.C.


F A M I LY L A W M E D I AT I O N Clara M. Martone Bereston Annapolis

Julie R. Colton Pittsburgh

Charles W. Coltrane Triad

Mary C. Corporon Salt Lake City

Laurence J. Cutler Newark

Jennifer deGraauw Albuquerque

Christine L. Derr Tampa

Mary Cushing Doherty

Eva Kogut

Fred M. Morelock

Helen C. Shreves

Amy M. Feldman

Sammye Oden Kok

Dan C. O’Connell

Ketan P. Soni

Barry J. Fisher

Abraham D. Kuhl

David Wade Peck

Heidi S. Tuffias

Alan E. Freed

Amy Lambert

Deborah L. Webb

Aris J. Gallios

Jeralyn L. Lawrence

Marie Mendelson Piccarreta

Susan A. Hansen

Ronald W. Little

Barbara Zicht Richmond

Alison C. Weinger

J. William Hargreaves

Scott M. Mann

Richard A. Roane

Jeanne Diane Woods

Douglas E. Johnston

Robert J. Matlock

Kyle W. Sanders

Amos A. Workman

Philadelphia Baltimore

Long Island St. Louis Phoenix

Milwaukee San Diego

Fort Wayne



Kansas City-MO Austin

Woodbridge Tulsa

Kansas City-KS

Dallas/Fort Worth


Minneapolis Cincinnati



Grand Rapids Houston



Los Angeles

Washington, D.C.

Nancy S. Weber Orlando Miami

Greater Atlanta Greenville

L I T I G AT I O N - T R U S T S A N D E S TAT E S Angela McClendon Adams St. Petersburg

Holmes S. Adams Jackson-MS

John W. Allen Kalamazoo

Cora A. Alsante Syracuse

Stephen G. Amato Lexington

Mike Bartolacci St. Louis

James B. Betterman Kansas City-MO

David T. Black Knoxville

Daniel F. Blanchard III Charleston-SC

David C. Blickenstaff Chicago

John E. Bos Lansing

Stephen M. Brainerd Denver

Robert M. Buckel Fort Myers

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David J. Callahan

W. Curtis Elliott, Jr.

Mark E. House

R. David Massey

Patricia A. Carpenter

Brian J. Felcoski

Glenn M. Karisch

John R. McGinley, Jr.

Greg Carwie

Jonathan W. Fitch

Calvin J. Karlin

James C. Milton

Marc D. Chapman

Gregory L. Franken

Catherine H. Kennedy

Jeremiah Moffit

Robert W. Cockren

Alan D. Freer

Robert M. Kincaid, Jr.

Laura E. Morris

John P. Cole

Rudy A. Garza

Jan K. Kitchel

Mark A. Conway

Adam R. Gaslowitz

Steven R. Klein

R. Donavon Munford, Jr.

Robert R. Cross

James R. George

Sharon R. Kresha

Christopher A. DiPasquale

Jeffrey S. Glaser

Stephen R. Lancaster

Tiffany R. Gorton

Judy Yuriko Lee

William R. Graf

Gregory W. MacKenzie

John J. Heflin III

R. Peyton Mahaffey

John A. Herbers

Franklin C. Malemud


Stamford Mobile

Orlando Newark

Jacksonville Dayton

San Francisco


Thomas M. Dixon Detroit

Bruce K. Dudley Louisville

Greg J. Duncan Indianapolis

Steven Ellenberg San Jose

Charlotte Miami



Las Vegas

San Antonio Atlanta

Fort Lauderdale Baltimore Seattle

Cincinnati Memphis


Scottsdale Austin



Columbus-OH Portland-OR Hackensack Omaha

Little Rock Honolulu


Washington, D.C. Cleveland


Pittsburgh Tulsa

San Diego

Grand Rapids


Christy L. Murphy Norfolk

Pamela J. Newkirk Manchester

Michael A. Ogline Akron

Stephen J. Oppenheim Woodbridge

Sarah Patel Pacheco Houston

Bill P. Parkas Long Island

Kelley Galica Peck Hartford

Michaelle D. Rafferty

Paul M. Sanford

Wayne E. Reames

Alan I. Silver

Jacqueline W. Rider

Michael D. Simon

John K. Round

Charles M. Sims

Daniel S. Rubin

Amy J. Sine


Des Moines


Dallas/Fort Worth New York City


Benjamin Siracusa Hillman Concord


West Palm Beach Richmond

David E. Sloan Salt Lake City

Wyatt S. Stevens Asheville

Nina B. Stryker

Michael J. Tucker

Gregory J. Weinig

Joseph H. Uberuaga II

Molly Anne Whitlatch

Thomas Van Dusen

Sharon L. Wick

Gabrielle A. Vidal

Brian T. Williams

Edward Dirk Wegmann

Gwynne A. Young

Virginia Symmes Sheehan

Phoenix Boise Troy

Los Angeles


Daniel L. Sullivan

Oklahoma City


Wilmington-DE Triad


Birmingham Tampa

New Orleans

T R U S T S A N D E S TAT E S George A. Aguilar

William J. Dale, Jr.

Miriam Wogan Henry

Scott K. Martinsen

David J. Akins

A. Kimbrough Davis

John M. Hickey

J. Timothy Maximoff

Michael J. Amoruso

Lora G. Davis

Elizabeth T. High

Paige P. Baker

Martin C. Davis

Thomas E. Simmons

Christopher A. Ballard

Darin DeAngeli

Deborah L. HildebranBachofen

Jennifer Justice McEwen Craig R. McKinney

K. Russell Simpson

Marc R. Berman

H. Michael Deneka

Thomas J. Holmes

Christopher G. Mehne

Douglas C. Smith

Marc J. Bloostein

Cressida A. Dixon

David A. Holstein

John J. Metzke

Leon C. Boghossian III

Cyrus A. Dolph IV

Richard H. HowardSmith

J. Patrick Meyer Jr.

Rebecca L. Smitherman

Marla DeVicente Bohlander

Mark W. Dost

Richard A. Hudson


Gilbert F. Dukes III

Laura S. Hundley

Brian W. Durrell

Kurt O. Hunsberger

Guy S. Emerich

J. Tod Hyche

Patrick L. Emmerling

Charles A. Janssen

Charles M. Finn

Garon Jones

Richard R. Gans

Robert D. Kaplow

Rita J. Gassaway

Timothy J. Kay

Eugene H. Gillin

Helen Lewis Kemp

Holger Gleim

Woodbridge Orlando

White Plains

Greater Atlanta Ann Arbor

Hackensack Boston



Taylor S. Boone San Antonio

Max K. Boyer Scottsdale

Christopher W. Boyett Miami

Christine P. Brown Portland-OR

James J. Brown San Diego

Elaine M. Bucher West Palm Beach

Anna F. Buckner Montgomery

Benjamin J. Burnside Tucson

Dean V. Butler Seattle

Ray A. Byrd Morgantown

John Ledyard Campbell Cincinnati

Patricia A. Campbell Austin

Indianapolis Atlanta

Dallas/Fort Worth Corpus Christi Boise


Rochester-NY Norfolk

New Haven Mobile

Anchorage Fort Myers Buffalo

Knoxville Sarasota Tulsa


St. Petersburg

Jeffrey K. Gonya Baltimore

Michael N. Gooen Newark

Daniel R. Gordon Fort Wayne

William H. Gosline Toledo

Brian K. Carroll

J. Gardner Govan

Karin Armen Carson

J. Michael Grant

Evansville El Paso



Terry A. Cavett

William L. Guy III

Richard D. Cirincione

Albert G. Handelman

Chattanooga Albany


Santa Rosa

Timothy F. Clare

Jennifer A. Hannon

Ilene S. Cooper

Michael O. Hartz


Long Island

Steven St. L. Cox Akron

Madison Chicago

Paul C. Hayes Nashville

Thomas M. Culbertson

Glenn A. Henkel

Kevin C. Curry

Kelly S. Henry


Baton Rouge

Cherry Hill

New Orleans Santa Fe



Pocatello Syracuse


Charleston-WV Boulder Reno

Greenville Lansing Yakima

Kansas City-KS San Jose

Birmingham Topeka

Worcester Cheyenne Macon

Kent A. Meyerhoff Lee Moore Fayetteville

M. Read Moore San Francisco

R. Hal Moorman Houston

Paul P. Morf Cedar Rapids

Peter T. Mott Stamford

Elizabeth P. Mullaugh


Elizabeth H. Sillin Springfield-MA Sioux Falls Savannah Honolulu


William A. Snyder Fort Lauderdale

David C. Sojourner Jr. Columbia-SC

David L. Starbuck Denver

David A. Straus Las Vegas

Scott E. Swenson Wilmington-DE

Ivan Taback New York City

John C. Urness Eugene

Virginia Palmer

John G. Van Slambrouck

Nicole M. Pearl

Joel B. Voran

Bridget A. Logstrom Koci

Scott B. Peatross

Jack L. Walkey

Duncan A. Peete

Mark A. Langan

Jana Luttenegger Weiler

Jill L. Peters Kaess


Orange County Richmond

Minneapolis Burlington

J. Leslie LaReau Oklahoma City

John C. Larsen Waterloo

T. James Lee Phoenix

David T. Lewis Charlotte

Gordon F. Litt Columbus-OH

Herbert C. Livsey Salt Lake City

Mark T. Macdonald Lexington

J. Thomas MacFarlane Troy

Raj A. Malviya Grand Rapids

Kateena E. Manners Jacksonville

Leonard C. Martin

Harrisburg Oakland

Los Angeles Memphis Billings


Kansas City-MO Carmel

Des Moines

Gary A. Powell

K. Coleman Westbrook, Jr.

Adam W. Randle

Beth E. Westfall

E. Lowry Reid Jr.

Steven A. Widdes

Heather J. Rhoades

Kate Willcox

Kevin G. Robertson

Jeffrey A. Winwood

Jonathan M. Schmerling

Alexander J. Wolf

Wilmington-NC Springfield-MO St. Louis

Columbus-GA Hartford



Frederick L. Schmidt

Little Rock


Washington, D.C. Sacramento Dayton


William H. Yoes Beaumont

Green Bay

Judith D. Schrandt Albuquerque

Andrea L. Sennott Manchester

Adam L. Shealy Asheville




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How to plan your pandemic preparedness estate—all from the safety of home. By Jennifer Stavros


he quiet space of the global pandemic is bringing forward a lot of time for reflection about the frailty of life. Perhaps this might also be a good time to think about something important alongside it: end of life matters and digital estate planning…no matter what age you are. There are several resources that allow for folks to start their journey into expressing their final wishes for their end-of-life matters. Online estate-planning services like Final Roadmap and Aftervalt can help with organizing these documents and can be a great place to start. But given that legal matters vary by jurisdiction and focus, it is advisable to talk with a professional to ensure that documentation is ready, secure, and compliant in the event of an unexpected or untimely death. Most attorneys offer virtual appointments so planning doesn’t have to wait until pandemic restrictions lift. YOUR LEGAL DOCUMENT LINEUP Documentation is the ultimate goal of digital estate plan discussions, and much of this needs to be handled proactively throughout life. While creating an estate plan, there are three major documents to get solidified: a healthcare directive (pre-death), a durable power of attorney (also known as an advance directive for both pre-death and after death matters), and a will. Each of these documents plays an important role in estate planning. “They are your legal PPE right now…your pandemic preparedness estate” says attorney Kem Marks,

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founder of Just In Time Legal Solutions in Alabama. A healthcare directive is useful in the events that lead up to death and is often used in conjunction with other documents in the estate-planning portfolio. Healthcare directives convey wishes to loved ones regarding medical matters and can communicate specific wishes in the event of health downfalls such as COVID-19 or other potentially lethal prognoses. “Without a healthcare [directive or] proxy, the decisions of your medical matters will be left to the [attending] medical staff.” Marks explains. Secondly, a power of attorney form is useful for addressing healthcare wishes and can be invoked while you are alive, but it does considerably more than that. It assigns a designated person to make choices on your behalf in the event that you are not able to or prefer not to make them yourself. A power of attorney is especially important when it comes to management of business items such as safety deposit boxes, assets, and other commodities that might need to be accessed, released, or otherwise designated. The third, and debatably “the most important document, is the will.” says Peter Mott, a trusts and estates attorney in Connecticut. Wills come into play after someone dies, and they contain designations for both your property and digital assets. “It is not a single document.” Marks clarifies. The complexity of a will can and often does vary. “It is the document that is the legacy of [an individual’s] personal power,” he explains. As such, the wording on it can be critical.


“Many wills are set up with specific values. Pursue the most elastic ones for their current circumstances.”

The approach to writing a will can involve fairly informal language or very specific details. Someone can write something as simple as they’d like to leave their estate to their daughter. Alternatively, some choose to be much more specific—like detailing they’d like to leave their estate to their 4-year-old daughter Anita, their partner Aldo, their niece Tricia—with finite language regarding designees and assets. “Many wills are set up with specific values. Pursue the most elastic ones for their current circumstances,” cautions Marks. “When a will might be written originally, a client might have a young child but there might not be several children at the time.” A client can choose to add a line that leaves their estate to the then-known child with the addition and any other minor children I might have at the time of my death. This slight note can boost the document’s reach. In more intensive estate-planning matters, a fourth document comes into a play: the trust. “Trusts are not part of a basic estate plan,” Marks says. Trusts are more specialized estate plans that are for people with major assets and complex matters. “These are for people with situations like owning houses in different states and celebrities.” Marks says. While they are not necessary for most individuals, you should consult a legal professional and ask them if you are unsure.

THE DEVIL IS IN THE (EVERYDAY) DETAILS All of these documents are important when it comes to the formal estate-planning process, but you should also pay close attention to signatures and contracts that come up

in the everyday course of your lifetime. Failure to do so could have catastrophic results as some contracts can even override your end-of-life documentation. Things like beneficiaries from deeds, joint bank accounts, and life insurance policies cannot be amended without getting changes in before death occurs. They often require specific permissions and layers of requirements to make changes. Removals can sometimes require multiple parties to sign off and can even result in escalation to litigation and court orders. For instance, if someone forgets to take off their first spouse on a life insurance policy and then later remarries but doesn’t change the policy to have the first spouse removed, the first spouse will legally be entitled to the life insurance benefits upon the death. Some states also have contracts which include a “right of survivorship” in the deeds of their homes. This can by default designate a home to go to whoever doesn’t pass first. “It can even override the will!” Marks cautions. KEEP TIME—AND A LAWYER—ON YOUR SIDE Ultimately, estate planning can be a very complex and layered affair. With all the unpredictability caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, now is the best time to start those conversations. The best step forward is a proactive one. A legal professional can help guide you go through and make the process a straightforward and fruitful endeavor. You and your loved ones deserve to have things in order; consider making a call and getting things in place. You never know when you might need it. W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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Determining biological parenthood is as easy as getting a DNA test. Determining legal parenthood is more complicated altogether—especially as the composition of the American family continues to evolve. By Brittney M. Miller and James J. Vedder


onder this attention-grabbing headline: “Man Forced to Pay Child Support Even Though DNA Test Proves Child Is Not His.” It’s an arresting illustration of the reality that the parent-child relationship is not always strictly biological. Depending on the circumstances, in fact, the law might treat an individual as a child’s legal parent even if there’s no biological connection whatsoever between them. In other cases, someone not biologically related to a child might seek to establish parental rights over a biological parent’s objection. The considerable moral, social, and financial obligations of raising children make it important to understand when the law presumes someone is a parent and, if necessary, what can be done to challenge the presumption of parenthood. TYPES OF PARENTAGE PRESUMPTIONS A legal “presumption” is, simply, a shortcut that helps a court reach a conclusion. In family law, the most important presumption is the presumption of parentage—when an individual is legally considered to be a child’s parent. Presumptions of parentage can generally be divided into three categories: marital, biological, and intentbased. Let’s take a look. Marital: The oldest and most common parentage presumption. It assumes that a child born of a marriage is the biological offspring of the mother and her husband. 20 |


It was created out of necessity: Before the advent of DNA paternity testing, courts relied on the marital relationship to establish biological connections—a presumption that also served to reinforce societal norms and public-policy goals, including keeping the traditional family unit intact and shielding children from the social stigma associated with “illegitimacy.” One of the best-known examples of the marital presumption is the 1989 Supreme Court case Michael H. v. Gerald D., in which a child’s biological father, who was not married to the mother when the child was born, attempted to establish parental rights. Because California had a marital-presumption statute, however, the mother’s husband was already presumed to be the child’s father. To challenge the presumption with a genetic test, the biological father was required to commence a court action within two years of the child’s birth, which he failed to do. As a result, the court determined that the biological father could not establish any parental rights to the child despite the innate biological connection. Most state parentage laws feature some version of the marital presumption, and family courts continue to rely on it even though its public-policy rationale—about which more below—is increasingly outdated. Biological: Commonly used today in contestedparentage proceedings. Widely accessible DNA testing makes it possible to know, with scientific certainty, the


identity of a child’s biological parents. It’s tempting to view genetic testing as the best, most efficient way to determine parentage, but with many individuals and couples now opting for assisted reproductive technology of various kinds to start a family, there are instances when a child’s biological parents do not necessarily want to be the legal parents. Some surrogacy arrangements, for instance, create both biological and what are called “intended” parents. The surrogate may have a biological connection to the child (or she may not, if a donor egg is used), but she likely has no intention of parenting the child once she gives birth—she is instead simply carrying the child for the intended parents. Using strict biological connections to establish parentage here is obviously not the right call. Intent-based: Focuses on the actions and wishes of the parent seeking to establish parentage, not on his or her marital relationship or biological connection to the child. The Uniform Parentage Act of 2017 (UPA) offers an example of an intent-based approach. All states have adopted some form of the UPA, but only a handful have enacted the most recent version. Under the act, an individual is presumed to be the parent if he or she lived in the same household as the child for the first two years of the child’s life and, during that time, “openly held out the child as the individual’s child.” This presumption applies even if the individual is not married

to the child’s mother and has no biological connection to the child. Another way someone can help establish parentage is by signing a voluntary acknowledgment of parentage or being listed as a parent on the child’s birth certificate. The legal significance of these two factors, however, varies by state. PARENTAGE PRESUMPTIONS AND SAME-SEX MARRIAGE Parentage is one area of American law that has not kept pace with the evolving modern family. Many state parentage laws use gender-specific language and appear to apply only to heterosexual couples; they refer to “paternity” instead of “parentage” because the focus is on identifying a child’s father. The child is presumed to have one mother—the woman who gave birth to the child—which does not reflect reality for many families today. The use of gender-specific language creates uncertainty for same-sex couples, because it’s unclear which parentage presumptions apply to their family. In 2017, the Arizona Supreme Court addressed a gender-specific parentage statute in McLaughlin v. Jones, in which a married lesbian couple had a child via artificial insemination. Even though only one of the women had a biological connection to the child, the couple held themselves out as the child’s parents and entered into a co-parenting agreement. W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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CHALLENGING THE PRESUMPTION OF PARENTAGE Once parentage has been presumed, circumstances or relationships may change such that a presumed parent or third party wants to challenge the presumption. Depending on the facts of the case and in which state the action is brought, a presumption of parentage can be rebutted by: • rescinding the voluntary acknowledgment of parentage within the required time frame; • contesting parentage on the basis of fraud, duress, or material mistake of fact; • proving that the presumed father and mother never cohabited or engaged in sexual intercourse during the probable time of conception; • establishing that the presumed parent never openly held out the child as his or her own; or • submitting to a genetic test. However, even if an individual can successfully rebut parentage, a court is not required to allow it. Family courts generally have discretion to do what is in the child’s best interests, which may include refusing to disestablish parentage. To evaluate the child’s best interests, family courts look at how much time has passed since parentage was established, and what emotional and financial impact disestablishing parentage would have on the child. In sum, significant rights and obligations attach to the presumption of parentage. It’s precisely because of these rights and obligations that parents and third parties are motivated to establish parentage (or disestablish it, depending on the circumstances). In such cases, the courts must look beyond a child’s biological connections and consider the parental rights and financial obligations at stake, the intended family structure, and the child’s best interests. Given the legal complexity and timesensitive nature of parentage cases, it’s important to consult with a qualified family-law attorney when parentage is in question.

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“Family courts generally have discretion to do what is in the child’s best interests, which may include refusing to disestablish parentage.”

When the couple later separated, the child’s biological mother attempted to terminate her former partner’s right to contact with the child. The non-biological mother argued that the marital presumption that would apply to a heterosexual couple who had a child during marriage should also apply to their relationship. The Arizona Supreme Court agreed, holding that the nonbiological mother was entitled to the same parental rights as the biological mother. The latter sought review of the Arizona decision by the U.S. Supreme Court, which denied it. Because this issue varies by state, many same-sex couples decide to formalize the parent-child relationship through adoption instead of relying on parentage statutes. This ensures that the non-biological parent will be accorded the same rights as the biological one.









WITH OVER 50 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE, THE LAWYERS OF GRENADIER, DUFFETT, LEVI, WINKLER & RUBIN, PC understand the importance of personalized attention when it comes to sensitive family law matters. The firm exclusively handles family law matters, including divorce, child custody, child and spousal support, and property distribution, and routinely negotiates both pre- and post-marital agreements. We take great care in developing an individual strategy for each case. In addition to Ilona Grenadier, Benton Duffett and Lisa Levi will be included in the 2021 edition of Best Lawyers® for Family Law, and Katherine Smith has been included in the new 2021 Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch list for Family Law. The firm serves many jurisdictions throughout Virginia: the cities of Alexandria, Falls Church, and the counties of Arlington, Loudoun, Fairfax, Stafford, Prince William, and others. Please call us at 703-683-9000 to schedule a confidential conference with one of our attorneys, or read more about our attorneys at

RESTON OFFICE: 12359 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 230 Reston, VA 20191

ALEXANDRIA OFFICE: 649 South Washington Street Alexandria, VA 22314



Prenups aren’t always bulletproof, but there’s hope if you end up exposed in a divorce. By Laura Wheatman Hill


t the age of 23, I had a trust fund of nearly $200 thousand from my grandfather. He built a very successful career as an attorney, and the trust fund was his way of allowing each of his grandchildren an opportunity to pursue a law degree. I decided on a different path, opting instead for an M.A. in teaching. The trust fund paid for my degree in full with a sizeable amount left over. The year I completed my degree, I became engaged to my boyfriend of five years. I was young and very much in love. THE EARLY DAYS OF OUR MARRIAGE – AND WHERE THINGS WENT WRONG My mother, though she loved my fiancé, insisted on paying for a lawyer to draw up a prenuptial agreement. Other than my trust fund, my fiancé and I had no other valuable assets. My husband-to-be was planning to go to dental school and my mother’s concern was that, if the trust fund was used for his education, I would be in a tough spot if the marriage ever fell apart. Indeed, she was right to be concerned. He went to dental school and received federal loans to cover tuition. I was a full-time public school teacher. We used money from my trust fund to pay our bills, as one teacher’s salary didn’t cover all of our living expenses. We lived in a safe, nice apartment, and we went out from time to time. We traveled home to the West Coast multiple times a year and took weekend trips. The money went fast, but at the end of dental school, I still had a chunk of my trust left. We used it on a down 24 |


payment on our first home, a large, half-million-dollar ranch house in Portland, Oregon. My husband worked as an associate dentist for several years before establishing his dental practice near our home. Then he left me. He had several reasons, most importantly that he didn’t love me, but as we began to navigate mediation and lawyers, one thing became very clear. This was a good time for him to leave me, financially.

INTO THE FOG OF DIVORCE When we were married, my ex-husband’s income as a dentist was not what most would expect. Our income every month went toward our mortgage, living expenses, and my husband’s student loans. He hired me at the dental practice to handle the marketing and social media tasks, and I earned a little extra money as a freelance tutor and writer. For the most part, my primary occupation was caring for our two children. If he had left our marriage a few more years down the road, his portion of our income would have been far more significant. But instead, when he left, he was in debt and earned under $200 thousand a year in an expensive West Coast city. We were living paycheck to paycheck, and his spousal support calculation was going to reflect that. In the aftermath of his decision to leave our marriage, I was upset that he was leaving me after I supported him financially through dental school and was the primary caregiver for our children. I could not understand his insinuations that I didn’t contribute enough. I was also upset with myself—feeling duped, heartbroken, and cheated out of a career that I worked hard to build for myself. Here I was staring into the abyss of my future—and off in the distance was the man who vowed to love and support me for the rest of our lives. I never thought my mother’s concerns would ever become my life. The prenup that she insisted we set up existed as a paper copy in my father’s file cabinet. I asked him to scan it and send it over to my attorney. I came into this marriage with my trust fund, and I was going to leave it with my trust fund.

sell my house if I didn’t want to. My name was on the title as much as his, and I had to consent before anything was sold. Still, I wanted a fresh start…but how? Luckily my father had a few ideas—although I felt like I was being sent back to him with the goat that had been my dowry. I would rent from him and have a safe place for my kids to live, close enough to our old neighborhood that they didn’t have to change schools. So no, my prenup did not save me. But it was all going to be alright. THE BENEFIT OF SKILLFULL NEGOTIATION Working with an attorney, I learned that I could negotiate. Even though my prenup was not going to help me, I could ask for maintenance and compensatory spousal support. I had a good case for both because of the money I contributed during dental school from the trust, my earned income during our marriage, and my role as caregiver to our children these last few years. My soonto-be ex-husband might not have found my contributions valuable, but the Oregon courts did. Also, I found that I could negotiate money from the sale of our home. There were some challenges my attorney and I encountered. Oregon is a no-fault state, which means that, although my estranged husband appeared to be the villain in our story, that didn’t necessarily mean I’d win in court. After some back-andforth, we agreed to spousal support that would cover my basic living expenses as well as money from the house sale to make up for the depleted trust fund. The logic was that I would no longer be getting the benefit of his high income so I would require more money up front to start a savings plan for myself, going forward, with my low-paying career.


“My soon-to-be ex-husband might not have found my contributions valuable, but the Oregon courts did.”

COULD MY PRENUP SAVE ME? Just as I was feeling better, because of the prenup in place, my attorney explained that it would not do me any good with our circumstances. All the money covered in it was gone—spent on joint marital property, which included items such as our rent, our bills, and the house. As one would imagine, this was a very disappointing setback. As I was learning this news, my ex-husband-to-be wanted to put our house on the market. I expressed to him that I wouldn’t be able to qualify for a mortgage, nor would I be a good candidate as a renter. After all, I was an unemployed single mom. In his mind, I could have found a job and all my problems would go away. But in my mind, it was going to take time to rebuild my career after the sacrifices I made to put our family first. Regardless of what his personal opinions were of my financial situation, the fact remained that I did not have to

FINAL THOUGHTS ON PRENUPS Just because my prenup was not helpful for me, does not mean they are worthless across the board. But what do you do if a prenup fails to protect your assets? In my case, I had a loving familial support system that provided my kids and me with a home. I also had a skilled lawyer who was able to navigate me through my divorce with creative problem solving, negotiation, and logic that made a strong case for my out-of-court settlement. Although my life changed overnight, and my vision for what my life would be did not turn out like I hoped it would, I’m able to work toward providing a better future for myself and my children. W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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Patience—and the law—prevails when an uncooperative partner avoids divorce proceedings. By Jennifer Billock

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couple of years ago, I returned home from a work trip to a half-emptied house. The day before, I texted my husband letting him know our home security camera was offline, and he assured me that it was probably just an internet glitch. But I realized, when I walked through the door that night, that the real reason our security camera was offline was that he unplugged it so I couldn’t see that he was abandoning our marriage and taking half of our possessions with him. Suffice it to say, I was confused about why this was happening—until I checked my email and found a message from him. He wrote that he moved to Minnesota to start a new life with someone else and was filing for divorce. That day was the beginning of a long and frustrating process of getting divorced from an uncooperative partner. My story, although painful, is not unique. As I later learned, it is common for one of the partners in an ending marriage to be resistant throughout the process of divorce. After all, divorce is typically stressful, expensive, and time-consuming. There were things I learned from my own experience that I hope will be helpful to anyone going through the process of divorce with an uncooperative partner. Here are some of the common ways a partner can delay the divorce process—and advice from family law attorneys on how to handle it.

YOUR PARTNER COULD IGNORE THE PROCESS SERVER I was fortunate in that my ex-husband went to the courthouse and filed for divorce himself. But usually, one spouse is served with divorce papers, and the process of divorce is initiated. If the served party is uncooperative, they will sometimes avoid the process server at all costs. For example, they may refuse to sign for them, pretend they’re not home, or move to an address where locating them may be difficult. If you’ve exhausted all options to get your spouse to accept the divorce papers, you can ask the court to do a last-resort service by publication, says Tami Kamin Meyer, a solo practitioner in Ohio who works with clients on domestic relations and personal bankruptcy cases. The notice of divorce is published in a newspaper and is a substitute for serving the papers to your spouse in person. The divorce process then continues. YOUR PARTNER COULD INTERFERE IN THE PROCESS When I reviewed the court documents for my divorce, I was surprised to see that my ex-husband provided false information regarding his address and hid several bank accounts from me. Both perjury and interference with discovery can cause a significant delay in the divorce process. According to Kamin Meyer, it’s better to leave this one up to your lawyer who can file for contempt W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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“When my ex-husband discovered that I hired a lawyer, he began to call and threaten to take my house, my car, and my dog.”

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of court against your spouse or push harder as needed. And don’t be afraid to switch lawyers if you feel yours isn’t going to bat for you. YOUR PARTNER COULD MAKE UNDUE ACCUSATIONS REGARDING YOUR CHILDREN According to Michael Mosberg, a family lawyer with Aronson Mayefsky & Sloan in New York, the single biggest time delay in divorce cases is when children are involved, and the spouses can’t come to an agreement on custody. Or worse, one of the spouses levels serious accusations toward the other about their conduct with the children. Mosberg advises that if you cannot amicably agree on a resolution about custody and access for your children, or if undue accusations are made, there’s going to be an appointment of an attorney or a guardian for the children as well as some form of a professional therapist to do a forensic evaluation. Not only is that time-consuming, but it is also expensive. Mosberg suggests trying to find a dynamic that would make an uncooperative spouse more cooperative, whether that’s discussing custody in a meeting with lawyers, without lawyers, with a mediator, letting the lawyers handle everything, or something else. “It’s about assessing the spouse’s personality and then figuring out what dynamic is best to move the process forward.”


YOUR PARTNER COULD MAKE PRIVATE THREATS When my ex-husband discovered that I hired a lawyer, he began to call and threaten to take my house, my car, and my dog. Nothing ever came of those threats, but it was concerning enough that I worked with my lawyer to relinquish his claim to my belongings. Kamin Meyer says there are a few options here: First, get every communication in writing. Don’t answer their calls and don’t speak to them in person. Do everything over text or email so there’s a written record of what they’re saying. You should also make a list and take photos of your property so if anything goes missing, you have a record of that as well. And if it comes to it, bring all your documentation to the court to show a track record of poor behavior on your spouse’s behalf. YOUR PARTNER COULD SKIP COURT DATES When I arrived at the courthouse for our scheduled divorce hearing, I realized quickly that my ex-husband was going to be a no-show. After 10 minutes of waiting for him to arrive, the judge called to find out where he was. My ex-husband let us all know that he was not planning to come to court that day. His reason? It was simply because he didn’t feel like it. Although the judge wasn’t happy about my ex-husband’s decision, he did what typically happens in this situation. He gave my ex-husband a second chance. “Oftentimes the court may give them a couple more chances,” Mosberg said. “But if the person just simply refuses to appear or respond, then you would seek a default judgment which gives you all the relief you’ve asked for. The party who refuses to participate has waived their right to assert anything to the contrary.” This is a rare situation though, Mosberg concedes. Most people will take some sort of action once the divorce case heads to the court because they are afraid of potential consequences. In my situation, the judge allowed my exhusband to call in to our new court date a month later and be present at the hearing over the phone, provided he signed and emailed the divorce papers ahead of time. My divorce was finalized at our second court date.

“The party who refuses to participate has waived their right to assert anything to the contrary.”

SEEING IT THROUGH TO THE END Although it may seem like a struggle with an uncooperative partner will never end, all divorce proceedings do eventually conclude. “It is imperative to be patient,” Kamin Meyer said. “[Divorce] can take years depending on assets, anger, and financial resources. Or it can be quick if both parties are amenable and honest about their assets and intentions. But one party cannot prevent a divorce from happening. They can prolong it, but they can’t prevent it.”



HOW TO NAVIGATE FALSE ABUSE CLAIMS IN A CHILD CUSTODY CASE There’s hope for families to recover—a good lawyer is key. By Ashley Jones


laims of abuse, neglect, and the like can send families into a tailspin during child custody cases. When such allegations against a parent or family member are untrue, knowing how to navigate false abuse claims can help address the accusations in a way that does not escalate the situation further. During an ongoing custody dispute and evaluation, my husband’s ex-wife accused our then 4-year-old son of inappropriately touching his 12-year-old half-sister and 10-year-old half-brother. Although my son was far too young to understand the implications of these allegations, the impact on our family, post-accusation, was unfathomable. My heart crumbled reading the words in the message that my husband’s ex-wife sent in OurFamilyWizard, which is the child custody and co-parenting app we were using at the time. Was this some sort of misunderstanding? How could anyone be so low as to accuse a child, especially one so young, of something so heinous? The emotions of the entire situation made it difficult to clearly process the next steps to take once these allegations were made. Our family leaned heavily on the advice of my husband’s attorney, but looking back, it would have been helpful to have been informed about why false abuse claims happen during child custody cases and how to process this distressing event.

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WHY DO PARENTS MAKE FALSE CLAIMS? “False sexual abuse allegations are generally fueled by anger and/or a desire for revenge, and the accusing parent uses the child to get back at their former partner,” Jann Blackstone, Psy.D., a retired superior court child custody mediator and co-author of CoParenting Through Separation and Divorce: Putting Your Children First explains. “The motive is usually to prevent visitation and gain full custody. A child may be asked to lie, fooled into lying, or even brainwashed into supporting the false allegation. Studies show there may be a mental health component to consider when a parent knowingly lies or conducts a campaign of degradation in order to undermine the other parent in the child’s eyes.” This phenomenon of making false abuse claims during a custody case is sometimes known as a “silver bullet,” because the parent making the accusation knows their claims will need to be investigated and, in the meantime, they will likely not be penalized by the courts for keeping the children from the other parent. The court may even impose restrictions like an order of supervised visitation or even a suspension of visitation on the accused abuser while investigations are pending. Prior to making claims of abuse, my husband’s exwife had repeatedly kept the children with her during our court-ordered visitation time. These actions


“The motive is usually to prevent visitation and gain full custody. A child may be asked to lie, fooled into lying, or even brainwashed into supporting the false allegation.”

are the primary reason my husband initially filed an enforcement motion against his ex-wife, as well as a modification of custody to begin with which included the involvement of a child custody evaluator and an amicus attorney for the children. Various reasons were given over the years as to why the children would not be visiting us—from being overscheduled to the children simply not wanting to come—but this was the first time that such harmful claims of abuse had been made. In this instance, it seemed as if the “silver bullet” of an abuse claim was being used to validate keeping the children yet again during the pending case. “Another reason [for claims to be made] is when a party has been blinded by anger at the other party,” Christine Fitzgerald of Seiden Family Law explains. “Finally, there are parents who are perpetually the victim, and they are able to convince themselves that the other parent is abusing the children despite the fact that there is no abuse.” In our situation, I believed my husband’s ex-wife was attempting to make up what sounded like a logical excuse for why she would be keeping the children with her for the weekend. There was already a pattern of this behavior, especially when my husband and I would make plans that conflicted with her plans with the children. Although I expected this pattern of behavior

to continue, I never imagined she would sink to the level of accusing our 4-year-old of abuse. RESPONDING TO ALLEGATIONS The onslaught of consequences when false abuse allegations are made during a high-conflict custody dispute can be overwhelming, and investigations into these claims are often costly. Mental health evaluations, medical examinations, and family protective services investigations can take a toll on the entire family. These intrusive investigations can cause mental anguish, relationship strain, and a host of other issues. That is why it’s important to know how to respond when such claims are made. “Since every case is different, the parent who has been accused should consult with their family law attorney about how best to deal with the allegations,” Fitzgerald says. “Depending on the specific allegations, I may have my client also address the issue with a criminal attorney. In most cases where the allegations of abuse are not serious, the accused parent should not leave an allegation out there without a response, which should be vetted through the parent’s family law attorney. “ Although it may feel less than instinctive to cooperate with the requests of attorneys, judges, and health professionals involved in lieu of defending yourself or


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“They were children who had been alienated and were not responsible for the unrest caused by their mother.”



a loved one with fiery vigor, it is best to comply with the investigations and yield to the advice of professionals. I believe that this is ultimately what helped us overcome the false claims made against our 4-year-old. “Additionally, do not stoop to the other parent’s level and make false accusations back. It is never beneficial to you or your children,” Fitzgerald recommends. Your attorney may recommend that you gather evidence and statements from those who can speak to your parenting, as this can help support your stance. As groundless as the claims might be, if they were true and the shoe was on the other foot, you would likely want every action taken to ensure that your child was not being harmed in any way. “If the parent making the accusation is spreading this in the community, another potential option, depending on the circumstances, to handling an allegation is to file an application to restrain the other parent from making false allegations,” Fitzgerald says. PERSONAL & FAMILIAL RAMIFICATIONS When false abuse allegations were made against our son, it took two weeks for me to muster the strength to acknowledge the accusations out loud. I let my husband tell the story to anyone who would listen, but I could not verbally make my mouth form the words. Sitting in my therapist’s office where I had already told so many terrible stories throughout the first two years of our custody case, I let it all out. My words spilled out like vomit in a jumbled mess of phrasing that made my mind melt. Although I knew I had not done anything wrong, nor had my husband or my son, I had so much guilt and emotional pain. I was also infuriated that this was happening to us. We did nothing to hurt anyone, yet we were being treated as if we had.


Once allegations of abuse have been said, they cannot be unheard. In our case, the allegations were untrue, but to anyone who heard the accusations, questions had to be raised. Had my son experienced any abuse? Was my son ever alone with his half-siblings? The answers were all no, but at the same time, it felt intrusive and defeating. I spoke with a therapist regularly, continued to be actively involved in the lives of my two biological sons, and did my best to interact with my stepchildren as normally as possible when finally allowed to, but this was all done under a constant cloud of worry. It was not easy, but I had to remind myself that none of this was my stepchildren’s fault. They were children who had been alienated and were not responsible for the unrest caused by their mother. CLOSING THOUGHTS Unfortunately, false abuse allegations are not uncommon in the world of shared custody where some divorced parents will use any means necessary to hurt one another. These types of alienating tactics are often discussed in hushed whispers behind closed doors, but


when they were used to target my own child, it turned our world upside down. “Something that parents must remember: Your child deserves a relationship with both of his or her parents,” Blackstone advises. “You are not the best parent just because you think so or know the most about your child. The best parent is the parent that shares that information with their co-parent to ensure their child is safe, happy, and secure at both homes. A true co-parent puts their child first, works with their co-parent, and uses their children’s best interest as the criteria for all decision making.” For us, when co-parenting was near non-existent and false abuse claims were made, seeking legal guidance, professional help, and keeping emotions in check during the entire ordeal was the only thing that got us through. “Consult with an attorney as soon as the accusation surfaces, whether in writing to you personally, spoken to you, in the court document, or to the authorities,” Fitzgerald says. “You should always know your rights, know what options you have to combat the false accusation, and know how to handle the false accusation. Knowledge is power.”

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Roberta G. Stanley

Yueh-Mei Kim Nutter

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MY LAWYER FAILED ME AS AN ADVOCATE IN MY PARENTS’ DIVORCE Here’s how to ensure your children are respected during a custody battle. By Rebecca Rush




ccording to the Children’s Law Center of Connecticut, back in November 1992, a 6-year-old girl was shot to death by her father during a supervised visitation session at the office of the Child Protection Council of Northeastern Connecticut. In the aftermath of this tragic event, both law professionals and parents sought to examine the way the system had failed. One major way was the absence of legal services specifically for children. This was how the Children’s Law Center was founded. My parents’ divorce was not this contentious—my sister and I are still very much alive. But it was contentious enough that 10 years later, when I went to see a therapist in the town we lived in during the divorce, he brought it up numerous times. Their divorce took over two years, much of which revolved around a custody battle for me. I wanted to live with my father. My father wanted me to live with him. But I was terrified of my mother, who was verbally and emotionally abusive. She would come home from a long day in court, yelling into the darkness, “They are saying that I’m an alcoholic! You have to go to court and tell them that I am not and that you want to live with me.” My mother is, in fact, an alcoholic. I could not do what she asked. But I couldn’t go against her either. She told me one night that if I went to live with my father, that she would never talk to me again. That I would no longer have a mother. I was 12 years old at the time and did not feel prepared to make that kind of life-altering decision.


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THE JOURNEY TOWARD FINDING MY VOICE A lawyer was appointed by the court to represent my sister and me. We met her for pizza on a snowy winter night in the center of town while she told us that her job was to fight for us. To the best of my knowledge, that meeting was the extent of her fight. I texted my dad recently to ask him if he could get me in touch with the woman who represented my sister and me, as I began to think about writing this piece. “Why would you want to get in touch with her? She sucked,” he texted back. Harsh as his words were, a weight lifted off me. All these years, I’ve thought that my inability to speak up and state what I wanted, what I knew would be best for me, was my failure. Now I know that I was just a child. It wasn’t my job. I am in recovery from addiction and work a 12-step program. In my first year of recovery, when I still did not feel safe standing up for myself in situations, my sponsor would tell me to say it was their idea. It was easier to say no when I could point to someone else and say, “They think this is best.” I think a good child advocate is able to do that, to build trust with children in order to present their recommendations to the judge as their own. And for the children, that piece could be the dif fe re n ce b et we e n silence and having a voice. For some children, it’s the difference between life and death.

point. When I represented kids, I met with them on multiple occasions,” she continued. In these cases, kids need an adult they can trust to prioritize their best interests, or they will see no point in sharing their wants and needs. Beyond that, they need to feel confident that their parents won’t get upset about what they have said. “There were times when I wouldn’t share certain things that a child said with the parents and then there were other times where I felt the parents absolutely needed to hear what their child was saying. A good attorney for children will know when sharing information is appropriate and when it will destroy the relationship between the attorney and the child,” she concluded. RESPECTING CHILDREN THROUGHOUT THE DIVORCE PROCESS Although I am no longer a child, and my parents’ divorce was decades ago, hearing that the system put in place does work was heartening. That perhaps my case was the exception rather than the rule. It is not enough to want to do right. One needs the proper training, effort, and the power to carry it out. “ It ’s re ally ab out respect,” says Jeanne Milstein, former State Child Advocate of Connecticut. “The goal has to be to promote the best possible outcomes for children and families in transition or crisis by providing quality, affordable access to resources and legal support. We need to create safe and stable environments for kids, whose parents are in crisis or conflict, so they feel safe, heard, and like their voices matter. And in some cases, we need to give the parents the necessary tools to communicate. It’s most important to listen to the children and try to diffuse conflict as much as possible,” she continued. Divorce isn’t easy for anyone. But it’s hardest on children, who lack agency and understanding. The ability to gain a child’s trust, to help ease communication, to seek out and present what is truly in their best interests is a complicated mission. It can, however, be carried out with grace and compassion.

“A good attorney for children will know when sharing information is appropriate and when it will destroy the relationship between the attorney and the child.”

A CHILD ADVOCATE’S TAKE I asked a former staff attorney at The Children’s Law Center, Kathryn Bissonnette, who currently works at Brown, Paindiris & Scott, LLP, in Glastonbury, CT, to weigh in. “Typically, the parents aren’t in a good position to explain these things to their kids. While a parent may have good intentions, they may end up being too direct and enter the realm of telling the child what to tell the lawyer in order to further their own positions in a custody dispute context,” she said. Bissonnette agrees that taking kids out to pizza once is not sufficient to establish rapport. “The attorney should speak with the parents about their child’s interests first so that they have a jumping-off

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Key to Abbreviations In order to ensure that clients and referring lawyers can more easily locate the precise expertise that they are seeking, we have subdivided several practice areas. A listing without an annotation indicates the lawyer is listed in the general practice area.

* A SINGLE ASTERISK indicates lawyer is listed in litigation. ** TWO ASTERISKS indicate a lawyer is listed in both litigation and non-litigation categories.

Data Accurate as of 12/9/2020

ALABAMA ���������������������������������� 42 ALASKA �������������������������������������� 42 ARIZONA ������������������������������������ 42 ARKANSAS �������������������������������� 44 CALIFORNIA ������������������������������ 44 COLORADO �������������������������������� 47 CONNECTICUT �������������������������� 49 DELAWARE ���������������������������������� 51 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA ���������� 51 FLORIDA �������������������������������������� 52 GEORGIA ������������������������������������ 56 HAWAII ���������������������������������������� 57 IDAHO ���������������������������������������� 57 ILLINOIS �������������������������������������� 57 INDIANA ������������������������������������ 60 IOWA ������������������������������������������ 61 KANSAS �������������������������������������� 61 KENTUCKY ���������������������������������� 62 LOUISIANA �������������������������������� 62 MAINE ���������������������������������������� 63 MARYLAND �������������������������������� 63 MASSACHUSETTS ���������������������� 66 MICHIGAN ���������������������������������� 69 MINNESOTA ������������������������������ 70 MISSISSIPPI �������������������������������� 71 MISSOURI ���������������������������������� 71 MONTANA ���������������������������������� 72 NEBRASKA ���������������������������������� 73 NEVADA �������������������������������������� 73 NEW HAMPSHIRE ���������������������� 73 NEW JERSEY ������������������������������ 74 NEW MEXICO ���������������������������� 76 NEW YORK ���������������������������������� 76 NORTH CAROLINA �������������������� 82 NORTH DAKOTA ������������������������ 83 OHIO ������������������������������������������ 84 OKLAHOMA ������������������������������ 85 OREGON ������������������������������������ 87 PENNSYLVANIA �������������������������� 87 RHODE ISLAND �������������������������� 89 SOUTH CAROLINA �������������������� 89 SOUTH DAKOTA ������������������������ 90 TENNESSEE �������������������������������� 90 TEXAS ������������������������������������������ 91 UTAH �������������������������������������������� 96 VERMONT ���������������������������������� 96 VIRGINIA ������������������������������������ 96 WASHINGTON �������������������������� 99 WEST VIRGINIA ������������������������ 100 WISCONSIN ���������������������������� 100 WYOMING �������������������������������� 101


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5 POINTS LAW GROUP 205-358-4054 Heather Fann BOYD, FERNAMBUCQ & DUNN 205-930-9000 J. Ronald Boyd, G. Richard Fernambucq CANDACE B. PEEPLES 205-403-5577 Candace B. Peeples CHRISTIAN & SMALL 205-795-6588 R.A. Ferguson, Jr. DOMINICK FELD HYDE 205-536-8888 Sammye Oden Kok, Denise J. Pomeroy DURWARD & DURWARD, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 205-791-7260 G. John Durward, Jr., Gerard J. Durward FULLAN & FULLAN 205-251-8596 James Guy Fullan KIRK DRENNAN LAW 205-803-3500 Jessica Kirk Drennan LISA L. WOODS 205-870-8776 Lisa L. Woods MASSEY, STOTSER & NICHOLS 205-649-3673 Randall W. Nichols MAXWELL H. PULLIAM 205-314-0620 Maxwell H. Pulliam, Jr. REDDEN, MILLS, CLARK & SHAW 205-322-0457 William N. Clark, Stephen W. Shaw ROBIN L. BURRELL 205-602-4495 Robin L. Burrell SIROTE & PERMUTT 205-930-5100 Jack Held TERRY M. CROMER 205-352-0100 Terry M. Cromer WHITE ARNOLD & DOWD 205-323-1888 Stephen R. Arnold


CHRISTIAN & SMALL 205-795-6588 R.A. Ferguson, Jr.


CHRISTIAN & SMALL 205-795-6588 R.A. Ferguson, Jr. DOMINICK FELD HYDE 205-536-8888 Sammye Oden Kok FULLAN & FULLAN 205-251-8596 James Guy Fullan ROBIN L. BURRELL 205-602-4495 Robin L. Burrell TERRY M. CROMER 205-352-0100 Terry M. Cromer

BRADLEY ARANT BOULT CUMMINGS 205-521-8000 Scott E. Adams, Nancy Williams Ball, William L. Hinds Jr., Bradley W. Lard, Ralph H. Yeilding BURR & FORMAN 205-251-3000 Bruce A. Rawls** BUTLER SNOW 205-297-2200 J. William Rose, Jr. CABANISS, JOHNSTON, GARDNER, DUMAS & O'NEAL 205-716-5200 Steven A. Benefield, C. Fred Daniels** CAMPBELL PARTNERS 205-224-0750 Andrew P. Campbell* CARNEY DYE 205-802-0696 Shannon Dye** DOMINICK FELD HYDE 205-536-8888 Gregory D. Hyde**, Douglas L. McWhorter, Vincent J. Schilleci III, Judy Bateman Shepura, Dale B. Stone**, Kathrine O. Wilburn**, Brian T. Williams** DUKE LAW FIRM 205-823-3900 J. Richard Duke FAWAL & SPINA 205-939-0590 Joseph A. Fawal** GARDNER LAW 205-383-2171 Robert T. Gardner** HAND ARENDALL 205-324-4400 I. Ripon Britton, Jr. HUGHES & SCALISE 205-871-0300 Nancy C. Hughes LEITMAN, SIEGAL & PAYNE 205-251-5900 Suzanne D. Paulson**, Jackson M. Payne MARK W. MACOY 205-795-2080 Mark Macoy MAYNARD COOPER & GALE 205-254-1000 Luther M. Dorr, Jr.*, Jessica Stetler Grover**, Cynthia G. Lamar-Hart**, Daniel H. Markstein III**, Jennifer Justice McEwen, James P. Naftel II**, Kirby Sevier RED MOUNTAIN LAW GROUP 205-328-9445 Brooke A. Everley SIROTE & PERMUTT 205-930-5100 Katherine N. Barr, Elizabeth H. Hutchins, Leigh A. Kaylor, Melinda M. Mathews, Howard W. Neiswender, Barry A. Ragsdale*, Tanya Shunnara, Craig M. Stephens, Peter M. Wright** THE COOMES LAW FIRM 205-552-1550 James J. Coomes


LANIER FORD SHAVER & PAYNE 256-535-1100 William P. Burgess Jr.


Ronald W. Wise


BALCH & BINGHAM 334-834-6500 Riley W. Roby, John G. Smith* BUCKNER LAW FIRM 334-246-5855 Anna F. Buckner CAPELL & HOWARD 334-241-8000 Chad W. Bryan*, D. Kyle Johnson, Debra D. MOBILE Spain** COPELAND, FRANCO, SCREWS & GILL 334-834-1180 FAMILY LAW Richard H. Gill*, Alan E. Rothfeder BRISKMAN & BINION 251-433-7600 RUSHTON, STAKELY, JOHNSTON & Donald M. Briskman GARRETT 334-834-8480 J. Theodore Jackson, Jr., Daniel L. Lindsey, Jr., HERNDON INGE 251-432-1444 Christopher S. Simmons, Helen Crump Wells Herndon Inge III J. JERRY PILGRIM & ASSOCIATES 251-432-7645 John Jerrel Pilgrim JOSEPH C. SULLIVAN 251-591-3607 Joseph C. Sullivan, Jr.



ARMBRECHT JACKSON 251-405-1300 Edward A. Dean*, Duane A. Graham** COALE, DUKES, KIRKPATRICK & CROWLEY 251-471-2625 Harwell E. Coale, Jr.**, John J. Crowley, Jr., Gilbert F. Dukes III DRUHAN & TYLER 251-202-5529 J. Michael Druhan, Jr. FRANK H. KRUSE LAW 251-438-9100 Frank H. Kruse HAND ARENDALL 251-432-5511 G. Porter Brock, Jr., Gregory L. Leatherbury, Jr. HAND ARENDALL 251-990-0079 G. Porter Brock, Jr., Gregory L. Leatherbury, Jr. HELMSING, LEACH, HERLONG, NEWMAN & ROUSE 251-432-5521 Robert H. Rouse JOHNSTONE ADAMS 251-432-7682 R. Gregory Watts PHELPS DUNBAR 251-432-4481 Britten L. Britt, Todd L. Denison, Thomas F. Garth** SIROTE & PERMUTT 251-432-1671 Greg Carwie*, Shirley M. Justice VIVIAN GAINES JOHNSTON III 251-343-3793 Vivian Gaines Johnston III


LANIER FORD SHAVER & PAYNE 256-535-1100 Robert T. Meadows III COPELAND, FRANCO, SCREWS & BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & GILL 334-834-1180 BERKOWITZ 205-328-0480 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION John A. Henig, Jr. Ross N. Cohen LANIER FORD SHAVER & PAYNE 256-535-1100 MELTON, ESPY & WILLIAMS 334-263-6621 BALCH & BINGHAM 205-251-8100 Joseph C. Espy III William P. Burgess Jr. Amy Davis Adams MINOR & OLSZEWSKI 334-265-6200 J. Floyd Minor

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BRADLEY ARANT BOULT CUMMINGS 256-517-5100 Scott E. Ludwig** JOHN BURNS ESTATE & ELDER CARE LAW 256-822-2177 John B. Burns WILMER & LEE 256-533-0202 S. Dagnal Rowe


TRUSTS AND ESTATES William P. Burgess Jr.


Jennifer M. Coughlin LAW OFFICES OF JANET D. PLATT 907-276-1515 Janet D. Platt LAW OFFICES OF JENNIFER L. HOLLAND 907-279-3333 Jennifer L. Holland LIMON LAW FIRM 907-279-2889 Lynda A. Limon


BANKSTON GRONNING BRECHT 907-276-1711 Christopher M. Brecht* DAVIS & MATHIS 907-561-4420 Trigg T. Davis DURRELL LAW GROUP 907-258-3224 Brian W. Durrell LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN E. GREER 907-561-5520 Stephen E. Greer MANLEY & BRAUTIGAM 907-334-5600 Peter B. Brautigam, Robert L. Manley** SHAFTEL LAW OFFICES 907-276-6015 David G. Shaftel STEVEN T. O'HARA 907-223-5911 Steven T. O'Hara**


ARIZONA MEDIATION INSTITUTE 602-852-5565 Aris J. Gallios, Andi Paus, Steven M. Serrano BARRY L. BRODY 602-381-0111 Barry L. Brody BISHOP LAW OFFICES 602-749-8500 Erik C. Bergstrom

ARIZONA BONNIE L. BOODEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW 602-252-4880 Bonnie L. Booden BURCH & CRACCHIOLO 602-274-7611 Thomas A. Longfellow DESHON LARAYE PULLEN 602-252-1968 DeShon L. Pullen DICKINSON WRIGHT 602-285-5000 Dana M. Levy, Marlene A. Pontrelli, Leonce A. Richard III, Robert L. Schwartz, Steven D. Wolfson FRANKS LAW OFFICE 602-230-1265 Todd Franks FROMM SMITH & GADOW 602-955-1515 Jennifer G. Gadow, Jared Sandler, Stephen R. Smith JABURG WILK 602-248-1000 Mervyn T. Braude, Laurence Hirsch, Mitchell Reichman, Carissa K. Seidl JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON 602-262-5911 Norma C. Izzo JENSEN SCHMIDT MCELWEE & GORDON 602-230-1118 Paul G. Schmidt JOHN E. HERRICK 602-264-1001 John E. Herrick MONTOYA, LUCERO & PASTOR 602-483-6869 Tiffani E. Lucero PARKER SCHWARTZ 602-282-0477 Susan M. Swick ROSE LAW OFFICE 602-340-8400 David L. Rose STERNBERG & SINGER 602-264-4965 Melvin Sternberg SWIREN & WITZLEB 480-504-1696 Sara Swiren THE BERKSHIRE LAW OFFICE 480-550-7000 Keith A. Berkshire THE CAVANAGH LAW FIRM 602-322-4000 Helen R. Davis, Philip C. Gerard, Christina S. Hamilton, Timea R. Hanratty THE LAW OFFICE OF JEFFREY G. POLLITT 602-852-5577 Jeffrey G. Pollitt TIFFANY & BOSCO 602-255-6000 Leonard J. Mark

DICKINSON WRIGHT 602-285-5000 Robert L. Schwartz FROMM SMITH & GADOW 602-955-1515 Jennifer G. Gadow JABURG WILK 602-248-1000 Mitchell Reichman JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON 602-262-5911 Norma C. Izzo

Has the Pandemic Changed the Way You Parent?


DICKINSON WRIGHT 602-285-5000 Les Raatz DYER BREGMAN & FERRIS 602-254-6008 Mark Bregman FENNEMORE CRAIG 602-916-5000 T. James Lee FRAZER RYAN GOLDBERG & ARNOLD 602-277-2010 Charles L. Arnold**, Scott A. Erickson, John R. Fitzpatrick**, Marsha Goodman, Joshua D. Moya*, Joshua N. Mozell, Philip R. Rupprecht, James W. Ryan, T.J. Ryan** HUSCH BLACKWELL 480-824-7900 Christopher E. Erblich, Benjamin J. Kelly JABURG WILK 602-248-1000 Lauren L. Garner** JENNINGS, HAUG & CUNNINGHAM 602-234-7800 Hillary P. Gagnon** JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON 602-262-5911 John R. Christian MARLENE APPEL 602-254-6008 Marlene Appel** MAYNARD CRONIN ERICKSON CURRAN & REITER 602-279-8500 Michael A. Cronin MICHAEL J. TUCKER 602-280-1500 Michael J. Tucker** OLSEN-SMITH 602-254-1040 Susan Kimsey Smith RYLEY CARLOCK & APPLEWHITE 602-440-4800 W John Lischer SCHMITT SCHNECK CASEY EVEN & WILLIAMS 602-277-7000 John B. Even SNELL & WILMER 602-382-6000 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Matthew K. Donovan, William A. Kastin, Robin L. Miskell, Prescott B. Pohl, John C. Vryhof**, ANNETTE T. BURNS, ATTORNEY AT David E. Weiss, Jr., L. Frederick Williams Jr. LAW 602-230-9118 Annette T. Burns SPENCER FANE 602-333-5430 David E. Funkhouser III* ARIZONA MEDIATION INSTITUTE 602-852-5565 STACEY L. JOHNSON 602-218-5445 Aris J. Gallios, Andi Paus Stacey L. Johnson* BARRY L. BRODY 602-381-0111 TIFFANY & BOSCO 602-255-6000 Barry L. Brody David L. Case**, James A. Fassold*, Alisa J. Gray* FROMM SMITH & GADOW 602-955-1515 Jennifer G. Gadow WARNER ANGLE HALLAM JACKSON & FORMANEK 602-264-7101 JABURG WILK 602-248-1000 Jerome K. Elwell** Mervyn T. Braude, Mitchell Reichman JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON 602-262-5911 Norma C. Izzo SCOTTSDALE ROSE LAW OFFICE 602-340-8400 David L. Rose FAMILY LAW SWIREN & WITZLEB 480-504-1696 BISHOP LAW OFFICES 480-893-6270 Sara Swiren William D. Bishop WARNER ANGLE HALLAM JACKSON & DONALDSON STEWART 480-792-9770 FORMANEK 602-264-7101 Monica H. Donaldson Stewart David N. Horowitz HILDEBRAND LAW 480-305-8300 Christopher S. Hildebrand FAMILY LAW MEDIATION PADISH LAW GROUP 480-422-4501 ARIZONA MEDIATION James E. Padish INSTITUTE 602-852-5565 STANLEY DAVID MURRAY, ATTORNEY AT Aris J. Gallios, Andi Paus LAW 480-305-2062 BARRY L. BRODY 602-381-0111 Stanley D. Murray Barry L. Brody UDALL SHUMWAY 480-461-5300 BURCH & CRACCHIOLO 602-274-7611 Barry C. Dickerson, Steven H. Everts Tonya K. MacBeth CANTOR LAW GROUP 602-254-8880 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Nicholas Boca BECKER & HOUSE 480-240-4020 CASTLE LAW 480-542-5885 John R. Becker, Mark E. House** Jason B. Castle

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BOYER BOHN 480-505-3480 Mark C. Bohn, Max K. Boyer, Ryan S. Boyer BRAUN SILER KRUZEL 480-951-8044 Bradley S. Braun, Gregory M. Kruzel** BREDEMANN & SHELLANDER 480-998-0999 Thomas W. Shellander CLARK HILL 480-684-1100 Darra L. Rayndon* DOLASINSKI MILLER MARTIN 480-290-7590 Brian P. Dolasinski HOOPES, ADAMS & SCHARBER 480-345-8845 Ronald P. Adams SACKS TIERNEY 480-425-2600 Phoebe Moffatt**, Allyson J. Teply SHERMAN & HOWARD 480-624-2710 Hope E. Leibsohn


KARP & WEISS 520-325-4200 Laura Belleau, Leonard Karp, Marissa L. Sites, Nanette M. Warner LAW OFFICE OF SANDRA TEDLOCK 520-885-9301 Sandra L. Tedlock LIBERTY, AUDETTE AND MANZI 520-322-9003 Jennifer Manzi MCNORTON FOX 520-327-3122 Erin K. Fox, Lisa C. McNorton MOORE, MASUNAS AND MOORE 520-318-0001 Annalisa Moore Masunas THE MCCARTHY LAW FIRM 520-623-0341 Kathleen A. McCarthy


WATERFALL, ECONOMIDIS, CALDWELL, HANSHAW & VILLAMANA 520-790-5828 John R. Bolt, Peter Economidis, Lisa Schriner Lewis


KARP & WEISS 520-325-4200 Nanette M. Warner


KARP & WEISS 520-325-4200 Nanette M. Warner LIBERTY, AUDETTE AND MANZI 520-322-9003 Pamela A. Liberty OLD PUEBLO MEDIATION SERVICES 520-881-2021 Marie Mendelson Piccarreta WATERFALL, ECONOMIDIS, CALDWELL, HANSHAW & VILLAMANA 520-790-5828 Peter Economidis


BOGUTZ & GORDON 520-321-9700 Benjamin J. Burnside, Craig H. Wisnom DECONCINI MCDONALD YETWIN & LACY 520-322-5000 James A. Jutry DUFFIELD ADAMSON & HELENBOLT 520-792-1181 Johnny N. Helenbolt FLEMING & CURTI 520-622-0400 Robert B. Fleming FLETCHER STRUSE FICKBOHM & WAGNER 520-575-5555 Ronna L. Fickbohm*, Timothy M. Struse GADARIAN & CACY 520-529-2242 Gregory V. Gadarian MESCH CLARK ROTHSCHILD 520-624-8886 J. Emery Barker*


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ARIZONA · ARKANSAS · CALIFORNIA RIMON 520-979-3839 Brent W. Nelson WATERFALL, ECONOMIDIS, CALDWELL, HANSHAW & VILLAMANA 520-790-5828 John D. Kendall, Gordon G. Waterfall, Jill D. Wiley


MATTHEWS, CAMPBELL, RHOADS, MCCLURE & THOMPSON 479-282-2586 David R. Matthews, Larry Thompson




CLARK LAW FIRM 479-856-6380 Suzanne G. Clark* DAVIS, BUTT, TAYLOR & CLARK 479-521-7600 William Jackson Butt II** MITCHELL, WILLIAMS, SELIG, GATES & WOODYARD 479-464-5650 Craig Cockrell, Christopher T. Rogers OVERBEY, STRIGEL, BOYD & WESTBROOK 479-442-3554 Thomas L. Overbey RMP 479-443-2705 Collier Moore, Lee Moore, John Neihouse, Joseph D. Reece, Denton Woods SMITH HURST 479-301-2444 Rebecca B. Hurst, James W. Smith


GOODWIN MOORE 870-239-2225 Harry Truman Moore HOUSTON LAW FIRM 870-935-3730 Noyl Houston WADDELL, COLE & JONES 870-931-1700 Pamela A. Haun


WADDELL, COLE & JONES 870-931-1700 Robert S. Jones** WOMACK PHELPS PURYEAR MAYFIELD & MCNEIL 870-932-0900 Tom D. Womack


COPLIN & HARDY 501-707-0300 Barry E. Coplin DAVID W. KAMPS 501-708-2911 David W. Kamps DODDS, KIDD, RYAN & ROWAN 501-386-9508 Judson C. Kidd DOVER DIXON HORNE 501-375-9151 Adrienne Griffis, Gary B. Rogers GILL RAGON OWEN 501-376-3800 Beth Echols HENRY HODGES 501-375-0400 Henry Hodges HICKS & LICKERT 501-771-1817 Carrol Ann Hicks HILBURN, CALHOON, HARPER, PRUNISKI & CALHOUN 501-372-0110 Sam Hilburn, Scott Hilburn KNOLLMEYER LAW OFFICE 501-985-1760 Michael Knollmeyer LEGACY LAW GROUP 501-525-3130 Bryan J. Reis MANN & KEMP 501-299-9328 Angela Mann 44 |


STEPHEN ENGSTROM LAW OFFICE 501-375-6453 Stephen C. Engstrom WAGONER LAW FIRM (501) 663-5225 Jack Wagoner III

ELKINS KALT WEINTRAUB REUBEN GARTSIDE 310-746-4400 Thomas Paine Dunlap, Anne C. Kiley FEINBERG, MINDEL, BRANDT & KLEIN 310-447-8675 Ronald W. Anteau, Robert C. Brandt, Wallace S. Fingerett, Megan E. Green, Jeremy Kline, TRUSTS AND ESTATES Steven A. Mindel BRIDGES LAW FIRM 870-534-5532 FOX ROTHSCHILD 310-598-4150 Ted N. Drake, James C. Moser, Jr. Scott N. Weston CORLEY LAW FIRM 501-801-0035 FREID AND GOLDSMAN 310-552-2700 M. Gayle Corley Manley Freid DOVER DIXON HORNE 501-375-9151 GREENBERG GLUSKER FIELDS CLAMAN & Michael O. Parker, John B. Peace MACHTINGER 310-553-3610 FRIDAY ELDREDGE & CLARK 501 376 2011 Marc M. Stern W. Thomas Baxter, J. Lee Brown, Allison J. HARRIS-GINSBERG 310-444-6333 Cornwell**, Byron M. Eiseman, Jr., Sarah Cotton Patterson**, K. Coleman Westbrook, Jr. Andrea Fugate Balian, Larry A. Ginsberg, Suzanne Harris, Evan C. Itzkowitz, Fahi Takesh HAUGHT & WADE 501-375-5257 Hallin William Dixon Haught, John Cogan Wade HERSH MANNIS 310-786-1910 JOSEPH HICKEY 870-862-3478 Neal Raymond Hersh Joseph Hickey JAFFE FAMILY LAW GROUP 310-550-7477 KUTAK ROCK 501-975-3000 Daniel J. Jaffe, William S. Ryden David A. Smith KIBRE & HORWITZ 310-557-1213 LAX, VAUGHAN, FORTSON, ROWE & Joseph Kibre THREET 501-376-6565 KLEEMAN & KREMEN FAMILY Robert B. Beach LAWYERS 310-247-0727 MITCHELL, WILLIAMS, SELIG, GATES & Dena Kleeman WOODYARD 501-688-8800 KOLODNY LAW GROUP 310-271-5533 Trav Baxter, Jennifer R. Pierce William J. Glucksman, Stephen A. Kolodny, RAMSAY, BRIDGFORTH, ROBINSON & Lauren S. Petkin, Jeff M. Sturman RALEY 870-535-9000 LAUZON PALUCH 310-432-7188 Anthony A. Hilliard Peter A. Lauzon RICHARD F. HATFIELD 501-374-9010 LAW & MEDIATION OFFICE OF DIANE M. Richard F. Hatfield* GOODMAN 818-386-2889 RMP 501-954-9000 Diane Goodman John C. Lessel LAW OFFICE OF SORRELL ROSE LAW FIRM 501-375-9131 TROPE 310-207-8228 Steve Bauman, C. Brantly Buck, Adam H. Sorrell Trope Crow**, Wilson Jones, Dan C. Young LAW OFFICES OF DANIEL R. WRIGHT LINDSEY & JENNINGS 501-371-0808 BARBAKOW 310-571-1777 Stephen R. Lancaster* Daniel Richard Barbakow LAW OFFICES OF JUDITH R. 310-444-8840 MEMPHIS FORMAN Judith R. Forman LEICHTER LEICHTER-MAROKO 310-278-3112 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Alexandra Leichter, Ariel Leichter-Maroko RITA REED HARRIS 870-633-9900 LEWITT HACKMAN SHAPIRO MARSHALL & Rita Reed Harris* HARLAN 818-990-2120 Lynn Soodik & SPIRITO 310-465-1000 CALIFORNIA MCGAUGHEY Mcgaughey, Joseph P. Spirito, Jr. FRESNO Erin MEYER, OLSON, LOWY & MEYERS 310-277-9747 FAMILY LAW Lisa Helfend Meyer LAW OFFICE OF EDWARD J. MOORE, BRYAN, SCHROFF & THOMAS 661-322-1777 INOUE 310-540-8855 Edward J. Thomas Sharon A. Bryan ROBERT S. KAUFMAN 310-567-3885 INLAND EMPIRE Robert S. Kaufman RONALD D. ROSEN 310-278-8855 Ronald D. Rosen TRUSTS AND ESTATES SKARIN LAW GROUP 310-975-3161 SLOVAK BARON EMPEY MURPHY & Matthew K. Skarin PINKNEY 760-322-2275 STANTON LAW CORPORATION 818-501-4224 H. Neal Wells III Harold J. Stanton THE REAPE-RICKETT LAW FIRM 661-288-1000 LOS ANGELES James P. Reape VAN OORSCHOT LAW GROUP 310-820-3414 FAMILY LAW Marlo Van Oorschot WALZER MELCHER 818-591-3700 BERGMAN LAW GROUP 818-999-9100 Christopher C. Melcher, Peter M. Walzer, Daniel A. Bergman Steven K. Yoda BLANK ROME 424-239-3400 WASSER, COOPERMAN & Glenn S. Buzard, Stacy D. Phillips MANDLES 310-277-7117 BROT GROSS FISHBEIN 818-594-0800 Bruce E. Cooperman, John A. Foley, Laura S. Ronald F. Brot Landesman, Melanie D. Mandles, Dennis M. Wasser, Laura A. Wasser CUNEO & HOOVER 310-442-9945 J. Nicholas Cuneo WEBSTER KAPLAN SPRUNGER 310-282-9494 Neil H. Freedman DECAROLIS FAMILY LAW GROUP 310-405-7373 WENDER LAW 818-722-3177 Patrick DeCarolis, Jr. Fern Z. Wender DLA PIPER 310-595-3000 YOUNG, SPIEGEL & LEE 310-887-5100 Scott K. Robinson Lance S. Spiegel ZONDER FAMILY LAW GROUP 818-877-0001 Lisa R. Zonder


DLA PIPER 310-595-3000 Scott K. Robinson ENENSTEIN PHAM & GLASS 310-899-2070 David J. Glass FRANKLIN R. GARFIELD 310-277-1981 Franklin R. Garfield LAW AND MEDIATION OFFICE OF HEIDI S. TUFFIAS 310-207-2500 Heidi S. Tuffias MICHELLE KATZ 310-472-2835 Michelle Katz WENDY FORRESTER MEDIATION CENTER 818-225-7039 Wendy Forrester


BARRY LAW GROUP 818-789-9444 Jared A. Barry* BIRD, MARELLA, BOXER, WOLPERT, NESSIM, DROOKS, LINCENBERG & RHOW 310-201-2100 Joel E. Boxer* BLANK ROME 424-239-3400 William Finestone CARICO MACDONALD KIL & BENZ 310-545-0010 William Benz*, Christopher D. Carico** COHEN LAW PARTNERS 323-746-8531 Paul F. Cohen* CONOVER & GREBE 310-776-9028 Sibylle Grebe COX LAW GROUP 310- 798-6150 Cynthia R. Pollock EDWARDS, ASHTON & GIN 818-247-7380 Eric A. Ashton, Jr. ERVIN COHEN & JESSUP 310-273-6333 Mayer Nazarian FEINBERG, MINDEL, BRANDT & KLEIN 310-447-8675 Irwin B. Feinberg*, Donna L. Shapiro FREEMAN, FREEMAN & SMILEY 310-255-6100 Thomas C. Aikin*, Jeryll S. Cohen**, H. Jacob Lager, Stephen M. Lowe**, Rebekah E. Swan*, Kathleen Unger, Kenneth S. Wolf**, Geraldine A. Wyle* GREENBERG GLUSKER FIELDS CLAMAN & MACHTINGER 310-553-3610 Darryl Cluster, Stefanie J. Lipson, Benazeer Roshan*, Marc M. Stern**, Laura A. Zwicker GREENBERG TRAURIG 310-586-7700 Lawrence H. Heller, Lisa C. McCurdy*, Eric V. Rowen* GREINES, MARTIN, STEIN & RICHLAND 310-859-7811 Robin Meadow HENDERSON, CAVERLY, PUM & TRYTTEN 858-755-3000 M. Katharine Davidson** HILL, FARRER & BURRILL 213-620-0460 Robert C. Eroen* HINOJOSA & FORER 310-893-0309 Lynard C. Hinojosa* HOCHMAN SALKIN TOSCHER PEREZ 310-281-3200 Avram Salkin HOFFMAN LAW FIRM 310-651-8677 Nathan B. Hoffman* HOFFMAN, SABBAN & WATENMAKER 310-470-6010 Chang H. Chae, Paul Gordon Hoffman, Erin L. Prouty, Mary K. Ramsden, Eric Masaki Tokuyama, Alan S. Watenmaker HOLLAND & KNIGHT 213-896-2400 Roger B. Coven*, Vivian Lee Thoreen** IRELL & MANELLA 310-277-1010 Steven E. Thomas JEFFER MANGELS BUTLER & MITCHELL 310-203-8080 Neil C. Erickson, Burton A. Mitchell** KARLIN & PEEBLES 323-852-0030 Jane Peebles KATTEN 310-788-4400 Abby L.T. Feinman**, Carol A. Johnston KEYSTONE LAW GROUP 310-444-9060 Shawn Kerendian**

CALIFORNIA KLAPACH & KLAPACH 310-461-3750 Tali Z. Klapach KRAMER + DRESBEN 323-843-7100 Zachary S. Dresben LAW OFFICE OF SUSAN A. BEVERIDGE 310-442-4885 Susan A. Beveridge LAW OFFICES OF JACK A. RAMESON, III 818-703-7500 Jack A. Rameson III LAW OFFICES OF LEANNE E. MAILLIAN 818-817-9200 LeAnne Maillian LAW OFFICES OF LINDA J. RETZ 310-944-9700 Linda J. Retz LEWITT HACKMAN SHAPIRO MARSHALL & HARLAN 818-990-2120 Kira S. Masteller LOEB & LOEB 310-282-2000 Leah M. Bishop, Linda N. Deitch, Paul N. Frimmer, Andrew S. Garb*, Rachel J. Harris**, Rodney C. Lee*, Jeffrey M. Loeb**, Danielle E. Miller, David C. Nelson*, Ronald C. Pearson**, Alyse N. Pelavin, Stuart P. Tobisman, Gabrielle A. Vidal** MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 310-277-4110 Elizabeth R. Glasgow, Nicole M. Pearl, Michael Rosen-Prinz MITCHELL SILBERBERG & KNUPP 310-312-2000 Allan B. Cutrow**, Jeffrey D. Davine, Karl De Costa*, Jeffrey K. Eisen**, Peter B. Gelblum*, Seth W. Krasilovsky, David Wheeler Newman, Autumn Ronda MOORE, BRYAN, SCHROFF & INOUE 310-540-8855 Rebecca Lee Tomlinson Schroff MUSICK, PEELER & GARRETT 213-629-7600 James M. Hassan NIELSEN & ROGERS 818-227-8010 John E. Rogers, Jr. OLDMAN, COOLEY, SALLUS, BIRNBERG & COLEMAN 818-986-8080 Susan J. Cooley*, Justin B. Gold*, Peta-Gay Gordon*, Marshal A. Oldman, Marc L. Sallus** OVERTON, LYMAN & PRINCE 213-683-5281 Richard L. Stack PARKER MILLIKEN CLARK O'HARA & SAMUELIAN 213-683-6500 Michael B. Luftman PROSKAUER ROSE 310-557-2900 Mitchell M. Gaswirth, Andrew M. Katzenstein** RMO, 424-320-9444 Scott E. Rahn* RODRIGUEZ, HORII, CHOI & CAFFERATA 213-892-7700 Reynolds T. Cafferata** ROGERS TRUST LAW 213-986-3400 John T. Rogers, Jr.** SACKS, GLAZIER, FRANKLIN & LODISE 213-617-2950 Terrence Franklin*, Kenneth Glazier**, Margaret G. Lodise*, Matthew W. McMurtrey*, Robert N. Sacks* SCHINDLER EYRICH 310-473-1656 John F. Eyrich*, Trudi Schindler* SEYFARTH SHAW 213-270-9600 Jeffrey S. Cohen**, Bruce S. Ross**, Alan T. Yoshitake** SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON 213-620-1780 Nancy Howard, Nancy Baldwin Reimann**, Adam F. Streisand*, Nicholas J. Van Brunt** SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON 310-228-3700 Nancy Howard, Nancy Baldwin Reimann**, Adam F. Streisand*, Nicholas J. Van Brunt** SMITH, GAMBRELL & RUSSELL 213-358-7242 John D. Pettker** THOMPSON COBURN 310-282-2500 Jon Karp TISSER LAW GROUP 818-528-5553 Doron M. Tisser

TLD LAW 877-923-0971 Jennifer Lumsdaine* VALENSI ROSE 310-277-8011 Brad Kuenning*, M. Laurie Murphy* VENABLE 310-229-9900 Jonathan C. Lurie, Michelle M. Mulrooney WEINSTOCK MANION 310-553-8844 Jessica G. Babrick, Gary M. Borofsky, Jonathan S. Forster, Jeffrey P. Geida, Martin A. Neumann, Diane Y. Park*, Blake A. Rummel*, Sussan H. Shore**, Neil Solarz**, Robert E. Strauss WITHERSWORLDWIDE 310-277-9930 Elizabeth A. Bawden, Paul A. Sczudlo WRIGHT KIM DOUGLAS 626-356-3900 Lauriann C. Wright**

LAW OFFICES OF STEVEN E. BRIGGS 949-673-7410 Steven Ernest Briggs MINYARD MORRIS 949-724-1111 Mark E. Minyard, Michael A. Morris, Lonnie K. Seide PHILLIPS WHISNANT GAZIN GORCZYCA & CURTIN 949-644-4007 William S. Cizmadia, Judith Anne Curtin, Leslie B. Evans, Michael H. Gazin, Gary S. Gorczyca, Kathleen C. Paone, John B. Phillips, Paula J. Swensen, Jacqueline A. Whisnant QUINN & DWORAKOWSKI 949-660-1400 David Dworakowski SEASTROM TUTTLE & MURPHY 949-763-3306 Brian G. Seastrom, Philip G. Seastrom, Thomas W. Tuttle OAKLAND STEGMEIER, GELBART, SCHWARTZ & BENAVENTE 949-337-4050 Robert A. Benavente, Saul M. Gelbart, Joan FAMILY LAW E. Loos, Jason M. Schwartz, Eleanor Ann BLUM, GIBBS, DAVIES & OWEN 510-465-3927 Stegmeier Donna T. Gibbs, Laura M. Owen THE LAW OFFICES OF LAURENCE A. KUTINSKY 949-706-1706 DEBORAH J. MARX 510-763-5611 Laurence A. Kutinsky Deborah J. Marx THOMAS E. WALLEY, INC. (949) 679-8833 FORD FAMILY LAW (510) 561-1837 Thomas E. Walley Shane R. Ford TLD LAW 949-756-0684 FOX & BANK 925-933-9000 Daniel Gold Brigeda D. Bank, A. Kathryn Fox


DICK & WAGNER 916-920-9504 Anthony S. Dick, Stephen J. Wagner DOWNEY BRAND 916-444-1000 Mary J. Martinelli HEMMER BARR 916-922-8500 Camille H. Hemmer LAW OFFICES OF FREDRICK S. COHEN 916-900-1126 Fredrick S. Cohen PERKOVICH LAW OFFICES 916-973-1122 Julia Perkovich, Nancy Perkovich WOODRUFF, O'HAIR, POSNER & SALINGER 916-920-0211 Robert J. O'Hair, D. Thomas Woodruff


BOUTIN JONES 916-321-4444 Kent W. Silvester, Kate Willcox DONALD P. MADSEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW 916-923-9347 Donald P. Madsen DOWNEY BRAND 916-444-1000 James L. Deeringer, Jeffrey S. Galvin* FRAYDA BRUTON ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OF CINDY FRAZIER LAW 916-444-8826 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Frayda L. Bruton BILSBOROUGH 925-934-5000 Cindy Frazier Bilsborough PHILLIPS WHISNANT GAZIN GORCZYCA & GORALKA LAW FIRM 916-571-9155 CURTIN 949-644-4007 LAW OFFICE OF GRADSTEIN & John M. Goralka Paula J. Swensen GORMAN (925) 392-8800 LEGACY LAW GROUP 916-643-2000 Marc H. Gradstein Tracy M. Potts FAMILY LAW MEDIATION LAW OFFICE OF JOHN E. WEINTRAUB TOBIN 916-558-6000 MANOOGIAN 925-930-6585 KAUFMAN STEINBERG 949-757-9000 Kay U. Brooks, Janet Z. Chediak, Edward J. John E. Manoogian Jordon P. Steinberg Corey, Jr.*, Kelly E. Dankbar* LAW OFFICES OF DAVID M. PHILLIPS WHISNANT GAZIN GORCZYCA & LEDERMAN 866-463-2149 CURTIN 949-644-4007 David M. Lederman Judith Anne Curtin, Paula J. Swensen, SAN DIEGO Jacqueline A. Whisnant LAW OFFICES OF GARRETT C. DAILEY 510-465-3920 SEASTROM TUTTLE & MURPHY 949-763-3306 FAMILY LAW Garrett C. Dailey Brian G. Seastrom ABC FAMILY LAW 619-234-8585 LAW OFFICES OF JOHN S. MAY 925-787-0799 Sharon Ann Blanchet John S. May TRUSTS AND ESTATES ANDREW P. JOHNSON 760-639-0187 WHITING, FALLON, ROSS & BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON Andrew P. Johnson ABEL 925-296-6000 PAISNER 949-223-7000 Andrew Ross, William F. Whiting BICKFORD BLADO & BOTROS 858-793-8884 Renee M. Gabbard Nancy Bickford JEFFER MANGELS BUTLER & BROWN & BROWN 858-453-1215 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION MITCHELL 949-623-7200 Meredith L. Brown Gordon A. Schaller** FOX & BANK 925-933-9000 A. Kathryn Fox CAGE & MILES 858-943-2060 MICHELLE WEST 714-703-1500 Shannon B. Miles Michelle West LAW OFFICES OF THOMAS G. BORST 925-718-8201 CALDARELLI HEJMANOWSKI PAGE & MURTAUGH MEYER NELSON & Thomas Borst LEER 858-720-8080 TREGLIA 949-794-4000 Lee E. Hejmanowski Michael V. Vollmer GORDON D. CRUSE 619-431-4523 TRUSTS AND ESTATES SNELL & WILMER 714-427-7000 Gordon D. Cruse Timothy J. Kay, William S. O'Hare* DONAHUE FITZGERALD 925-746-7770 Wilfrid F. Roberge, Jr. GREENMAN, LACY, KLEIN, HINDS & THE LAW OFFICE OF FAY BLIX 949-544-7211 WEISER 760-722-1234 Fay Blix HARTOG, BAER & HAND 925-253-1717 Janet Bledsoe Lacy Margaret M. Hand, John A. Hartog**, John L. McDonnell, Jr. HARGREAVES & TAYLOR 619-238-5501 PASADENA J. William Hargreaves, Nancy A. Taylor ROISMAN HENEL + ADAMS 510-466-6000 Margaret R. Roisman HENDERSON, CAVERLY, PUM & FAMILY LAW TRYTTEN 858-755-3000 WENDEL ROSEN 510-834-6600 Hildy L. Fentin, Richard V. Hyatt Monica Dell'Osso**, Virginia Palmer LAW OFFICES OF BOBETTE HIGGS FLETCHER & MACK 619-236-1551 FLEISHMAN 805-379-2010 Christine De Santis, Daniel C. Herbert Bobette Fleishman ORANGE COUNTY SALISBURY, LEE & TSUDA 626-449-4812 HUGUENOR MATTIS 858-736-9309 Thomas M. Huguenor Lee W. Salisbury FAMILY LAW THE LAW OFFICES OF DONALD P. JONES BARNES 619-544-7090 Julie R. Barnes SCHWEITZER 626-788-5225 BREMER WHYTE BROWN & Donald P. Schweitzer O'MEARA 949-221-1000 KAREN M. HEFFRON 760-214-9500 Nicole Whyte Karen M. Heffron TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW OFFICE OF KIM W. CASTLE & MONARCH 949-305-9900 Dale A. Castle, Michael J. Monarch CHEATUM 619-233-9977 HAHN & HAHN 626-796-9123 Kim W. Cheatum Clark R. Byam*, Karl I. Swaidan HOLSTROM, BLOCK & PARKE 949-763-5916 James R. Parke LAW OFFICE OF RENKIN & HENDERSON, CAVERLY, PUM & ASSOCIATES 619-299-7100 TRYTTEN 626-365-6000 KAUFMAN STEINBERG 949-757-9000 Richard Renkin Steven E. Trytten Jordon P. Steinberg LAW OFFICES OF COLLEEN A. MICHAEL R. WHALEN 626-765-9343 LAW OFFICES OF JOHN R. WARREN 858-275-2810 Michael R. Whalen SCHILLING 949-833-8833 Colleen A. Warren John R. Schilling


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Richard M. Renkin, Esq., CFLS, has been assisting clients in San Diego County with Family Law matters since 1991. Richard is wellversed in negotiating, mediating, and litigating agreements and conflicts relating to marriages and dissolution. His personal attentiveness and legal acumen make him a trusted advisor and powerful advocate for clients who are serious about protecting their assets and enforcing their legal rights. Richard M. Renkin is a Certified Family Law Specialist, certified by the California State Bar Legal Specialization program.

SULLIVAN, MCGIBBONS & ASSOCIATES 858-792-1190 Philip J. Sullivan VELLA LAW 858-299-0123 Debra J. Vella WEST COAST RESOLUTION GROUP 619-238-2400 Richard A. Heller* WHITE AND BRIGHT 760-747-3200 Mary V.J. Cataldo* WINGERT, GREBING, BRUBAKER & JUSKIE 619-232-8151 Alan K. Brubaker* WITHERSWORLDWIDE 858-756-4410 Jenny Hill Bratt, Steven J. Chidester, Jeremy B. Crickard, Mary F. Gillick**, Michelle B. Graham, Carol K. Kao, Carol K. Kao, Louis A. Mezzullo, Jeremiah Moffit* WITHERSWORLDWIDE 858-367-7676 Jenny Hill Bratt, Steven J. Chidester, Jeremy B. Crickard, Mary F. Gillick**, Michelle B. Graham, Carol K. Kao, Carol K. Kao, Louis A. Mezzullo, Jeremiah Moffit*

GREENE TAUBMAN DIAS CHERNUS SIMBORG & DOMINGUEZ 415-485-9290 Madeleine Simborg LAW OFFICE OF KRISTI COTTON SPENCE 650-350-1110 Kristi Cotton Spence LAW OFFICES OF ANGELA STEEL 415-397-1110 Angela M. Steel


ADLER & COLVIN 415-421-7555 Erik D. Dryburgh ADR SERVICES 415-772-0900 Bette B. Epstein* BAKER BOTTS 415-291-6200 Jon D. Feldhammer BANCROFT & MCALISTER 415-464-8855 Genevieve M. Moore COBLENTZ, PATCH, DUFFY & BASS 415-391-4800 Philip B. Feldman**, James P. Mitchell EVANS, LATHAM & CAMPISI 415-421-0288 Andrew Zabronsky* BRAUN + MARTEL 415-954-4400 SAN FRANCISCO FARELLA George T. Argyris, R. Frederick Caspersen, Lara N. Gilman, Anthony P. Vecino, Mark Weaver FAMILY LAW FRIEDMAN MCCUBBIN LAW BERRA STROSS WALLACKER & GROUP 415-434-1363 Brandi P. Chavin, Donald J. McCubbin, George MASS 650-212-7861 RENKIN & ASSOCIATES provides professional, aggressive Richard C. Berra, Ellen Winick Stross, Gretchen F. Montgomery II, Michael A. Roosevelt, Philip representation to high asset individuals in all areas of Family Law. M. Wallacker F. Spalding, Thomas B. Worth Renkin & Associates is committed to finding the most workable CALIFORNIA APPELLATE LAW HANSON BRIDGETT 415-777-3200 solutions through negotiation and mediation, however, when Theodore A. Hellman, William J. Hoehler GROUP 415-649-6700 Robert A. Roth necessary, is prepared to litigate and aggressively represent HOLLAND & KNIGHT 415-743-6900 Stacie Polashuk Nelson* EMLEY LAW OFFICE 415-392-1991 clients in trial. Renkin & Associates will provide you with options Christopher F. Emley JEFFER MANGELS BUTLER & tailored to the specific elements of your family law case. GREENE TAUBMAN DIAS CHERNUS SIMBORG MITCHELL 415-398-8080 Bridget McInerney Harris & DOMINGUEZ 415-485-9290 Madeleine Simborg LAW OFFICE OF RENKIN & ASSOCIATES JOHNSTON, KINNEY & ZULAICA 415-693-0550 320 ENCINITAS BOULEVARD, SUITE B • ENCINITAS, CALIFORNIA 92024 Dominic J. Campisi* HANSON CRAWFORD CRUM 650-524-2144 PHONE: (619)299-7100 • EMAIL: RENKINLAW@RENKINLAW.COM Joseph P. Crawford, Jennifer Crum, Belinda LAW OFFICES OF CHARLOTTE Hanson WWW.RENKINLAW.COM ITO 415-223-8250 KAYE MOSER HIERBAUM FORD 415-296-8868 Charlotte K. Ito Barbara W. Moser LOEB & LOEB 415-903-3200 Audrey Scott, Myron G. Sugarman MILLIGAN & MITCHEL 619-303-4200 TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW AND MEDIATION OFFICES OF SUZAN BARRIE AIKEN 415-332-9400 Heather L. Milligan MANATT, PHELPS & PHILLIPS 415-291-7400 ABBENE & ALCOCK 619-236-1323 Suzan Barrie Aiken Jill S. Dodd** MOORE, SCHULMAN & MOORE 858-492-7968 Meredith G. Alcock** LAW OFFICE OF KRISTI COTTON Kevin A. Polis, John H. Tannenberg MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 628-218-3800 BATTAGLIA & WALTARI 858-689-0613 SPENCE 650-350-1110 M. Read Moore Carol Battaglia PARKS & SOLAR 619-501-2700 Kristi Cotton Spence Sandra L. Mayberry ORRICK, HERRINGTON & BEAMER, LAUTH, STEINLEY & LAW OFFICE OF STACI C. SUTCLIFFE 415-773-5700 BOND 619-235-6800 PROCOPIO, CORY, HARGREAVES & SIMONTON 415-408-8972 Raymond Ellis Stephen A. Bond**, Susan Fox, James E. Lauth, Staci C. Simonton SAVITCH 619-238-1900 Martin H. Steinley Michele B. Brown, Lionel P. Hernholm, Jr., PERKINS COIE 415-344-7000 LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN David M. Zachry Paula Leibovitz Goodwin, Susan von Herrmann BRENNAN & ROLAND 858-454-4233 MONTALVO 650-839-0900 Edward V. Brennan SANDRA JOAN MORRIS 858-674-1492 ROBB & ROSS 415-332-3831 Stephen J. Montalvo Sandra Joan Morris Sterling L. Ross, Jr. BRIERTON, JONES & JONES 619-696-7066 LAW OFFICES OF ANGELA STEEL 415-397-1110 SCHAFFER FAMILY LAW GROUP 858-509-7907 Gregory Borawski, James H. Garrett, Hilary SHARTSIS FRIESE 415-421-6500 Angela M. Steel J. Vrem* Leslie A. Ryland Debra L. Kasper, Sarah M. King, Richard S. LAW OFFICES OF JOHN P. Kinyon**, Patrick R. McCabe, April Hopkins DLA PIPER 858-677-1400 SMITH & SCATIZZI 619-344-0440 MCCALL 415-991-5881 Rox, Charles G. Stephenson S. Andrew Pharies, Lawrence I. Tannenbaum, Marnie Smith John P. McCall Ellen H. Whelan SIDEMAN & BANCROFT 415-392-1960 STOCKS & COLBURN 619-231-2085 MAH WEI LAW 415-454-9680 Ellen I. Kahn, Hilary C. Pierce Kristine Pogalies Colburn DLA PIPER 619-699-2700 Sharon F. Mah S. Andrew Pharies, Lawrence I. Tannenbaum, SKOOTSKY & DER 415-979-9800 MORADI SASLAW 415-872-1080 Ellen H. Whelan Robert R. Cross*, Seth M. Skootsky FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Jennifer Saslaw GOODWIN BROWN GROSS & WEINTRAUB TOBIN 415-433-1400 LAW OFFICE OF RENKIN & NORRIS FAMILY LAW 650-622-3500 LOVELACE 858-750-3580 Gary D. Rothstein* ASSOCIATES 619-299-7100 Lana L. Norris James J. Brown**, James R. Goodwin** Richard Renkin WITHERSWORLDWIDE 415-872-3200 PIERSON, COATS, PALASH & HAHN LOESER & PARKS 619-810-4300 Genevieve Larson PAUL 415-495-4499 Danielle Humphries** FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Susan Stephens Coats HENDERSON, CAVERLY, PUM & ANDREW P. JOHNSON 760-639-0187 SAN JOSE SCHAPIRO THORN 415-431-5772 TRYTTEN 858-755-3000 Andrew P. Johnson Kristen E. Caverly*, M. Katharine Davidson**, Suzie S. Thorn GORDON D. CRUSE 619-431-4523 Nancy G. Henderson, Shirley L. Kovar** SILVESTRI SILVESTRI & FAMILY LAW Gordon D. Cruse MIALOCQ 650-367-0442 HIGGS FLETCHER & MACK 619-236-1551 ALLAN & MARTELLE 408-267-5300 HARGREAVES & TAYLOR 619-238-5501 Roland H. Achtel*, Susan A. Mercure, Bruce M. Philip Silvestri Eva M. Martelle J. William Hargreaves O'Brien, Brian P. Tsu SUCHERMAN INSALACO 415-357-5050 FLICKER, KERIN, KRUGER & Lowell H. Sucherman HENDERSON, CAVERLY, PUM & HUGHES & PIZZUTO 619-239-1211 BISSADA 650-289-1400 TRYTTEN 858-755-3000 Ralph E. Hughes*, Robert P. Pizzuto Michèle M. Bissada, Rolf D. Kruger, Marisa Hildy L. Fentin FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION San Filippo JAMES D. MILLER 619-236-1323 PARKS & SOLAR 619-501-2700 James D. Miller LAW OFFICES OF ANGELA STEEL 415-397-1110 GRANBERG LAW OFFICE 831-422-6565 Sandra L. Mayberry Angela M. Steel JAMES GRAHAM LAW 619-237-8800 Ronald S. Granberg SMITH & SCATIZZI 619-344-0440 James S. Graham HOGE, FENTON, JONES & Marnie Smith FAMILY LAW MEDIATION APPEL 408-287-9501 SELTZER CAPLAN MCMAHON VITEK 619-685-3003 Natasha M. Parrrett BERRA STROSS WALLACKER & James H. Siegel MASS 650-212-7861 Richard C. Berra 46 |


CALIFORNIA · COLORADO LAKIN SPEARS 650-328-7000 Jessica F. Arner, Jennifer F. Wald LAW OFFICES OF B J FADEM & ASSOCIATE 408-280-1220 B J Fadem LAW OFFICES OF CLIFFORD ROSS CHERNICK 650-327-5570 Clifford Ross Chernick LAW OFFICES OF SHERRY PETERSON 925-833-6990 Sherry J. Peterson MADDEN, REDDING & FISCHER 408-275-8100 Robert C. Redding MORGAN TIDALGO SUKHODREV & AZZOLINO 408-244-4570 Donelle C. Morgan THE LAW OFFICE OF ANE MURPHY 408-244-9200 Ane R. Murphy THE LAW OFFICE OF NANETTE S. STRINGER 650-812-1800 Nanette S. Stringer

HOGE, FENTON, JONES & APPEL 408-287-9501 Denise E. Chambliss*, J. Timothy Maximoff HOPKINS & CARLEY 650-804-7600 Darin Donovan, Steven Ellenberg*, John Golden, Peter LaBoskey, Ellen McKissock*, Charles H. Packer HOPKINS & CARLEY 408-286-9800 Darin Donovan, Steven Ellenberg*, John Golden, Peter LaBoskey, Ellen McKissock*, Charles H. Packer LAW OFFICE OF ALAN PINNER 408-406-8473 Alan J. Pinner LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL G. DESMARAIS 408-356-6886 Michael G. Desmarais** MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 650-815-7400 Laurelle M. Gutierrez, Julie Miraglia Kwon MCMANIS FAULKNER 408-279-8700 William Faulkner* PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW PITTMAN 650-233-4500 Kim T. Schoknecht FLICKER, KERIN, KRUGER & BISSADA LLP FAMILY LAW MEDIATION RAMSBACHER PROKEY LEONARD 408-293-3616 GRANBERG LAW OFFICE 831-422-6565 John W. Prokey, John F. Ramsbacher DELIVERS UNPARALLELED REPRESENTATION Ronald S. Granberg RIMON 650-461-4433 IN THE MOST COMPLEX FAMILY LAW CASES. LAW OFFICES OF B J FADEM & Scott D. Ross ASSOCIATE 408-280-1220 B J Fadem With more than 150 years of collective in TEMMERMAN,experience CILLEY & KOHLMANN 408-780-1912 LAWSilicon OFFICES OF CLIFFORD ROSS Valley, the attorneys atJames FKKB, a firm specializing inE. P. Cilley, Patrick A. Kohlmann, Robert CHERNICK 650-327-5570 Temmerman, Jr.** law specialists*, family law and stacked with certified family Clifford Ross Chernick


ANDREW M. WALLET, ATTORNEY AT LAW 805-987-7198 Andrew M. Wallet SANDRA J. CHAN 805-969-4286 Sandra J. Chan SINSHEIMER JUHNKE MCIVOR & STROH 805-541-2800 Warren A. Sinsheimer III

TANSIL 707-524-1900 Albert G. Handelman


CIANCIO CIANCIO BROWN 303-872-8919 L. Ciancio, Kyle Martelon, Melinda SANTA ROSA Cynthia Moses FRANK A. DEVINCENT 303-442-2625 FAMILY LAW Frank A. DeVincent BLEVANS & BLEVANS 707-690-9350 FRASCONA JOINER GOODMAN & Brandon R. Blevans, Robert E. Blevans GREENSTEIN 303-494-3000 Gregg A. Greenstein CONNER, LAWRENCE, RODNEY, OLHISER & BARRETT 707-523-0480 LENORE B. FOX 303-443-2757 Catherine A. Conner, Amy Rodney Lenore Fox GREGORY F. JILKA 707-546-4677 MICHAEL E. MINER 303-447-2055 Gregory F. Jilka Michael E. Miner LEWIS FAMILY LAW 707-226-8900 STAHLY 303-797-2900 Roger J. Lewis in these financial matters, Todd A.including Stahly experts forensic PERRY, JOHNSON, ANDERSON, MILLER & accountants, valuation experts, financial advisors, MOSKOWITZ 707-525-8800 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Lawrence A. Moskowitz economists, and vocational evaluators. FKKB is 303-872-8919 also CIANCIO CIANCIO BROWN Cynthia L. Ciancio, Melinda Moses recognized for their work in complex and high-conflict FAMILY LAW MEDIATION STEVEN MEYRICH 303-440-8238 custody cases, which often require creative solutions for Steven Meyrich WILLIAM B. DOTY 707-542-1150 William Doty interests of the children and involve working the

with parenting and child development experts.TRUSTS AND ESTATES

TRUSTS AND ESTATES CAPLAN AND EARNEST 303-443-8010 Kristofer M. Simms ANDERSON ZEIGLER 707-545-4910 FKKB to use their alternative dispute resolution Margaret M. strives Elliott HOLLAND & HART 303-473-2700 BERLINER COHEN 408-286-5800 FKKB is one of the largest family law firms in the Bay Area, FRIEDEMANN skills to efficiently resolve most cases as amicably asS. Hundley Margot Summers Edwards, Laura GOLDBERG WARGO Jonathan D. Wolf* LAW HESS 707-543-4900 and they have experience with the most complicatedFAMILY family possible. FKKB’s reputation forHUTCHINSON excellence—borne of the BLACK AND CRIST, BIORN, SHEPHERD & Steven M. Goldberg, Ronald P. Wargo II HERRING LAW GROUP 805-983-6452 COOK 303-442-6514 ROSKOPH 650-321-5000 law issues. Through internal collaboration, they offer quality of the team’s work, awards and accolades, Gregory W. Herring Constance T. Eyster, Jane Caddell Paddison RICHARD BURGER, ATTORNEY AT Kristofer W. Biorn* 707-765-6926 clients extensive expertise in complex, high-asset KIRKER WRIGHT LAW GROUP 805-964-5105 LAW business acumen, and solid relationships with&aLOVE network KINGSBERY, JOHNSON 303-443-4694 FERRARI OTTOBONI CAPUTO & Richard A. Burger Vanessa Kirker Wright Eric V. Love WUNDERLING 800-761-0432 dissolution cases, which include hedge funds, venture of professionals—rounds out the advantages of working Clarence J. Ferrari, Jr.

are up for any challenge.



capital, cryptocurrencies, hidden assets, and complex executive compensation. FKKB works with a wide array of

with the firm’s attorneys.

*Certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization


Silicon Valley Office 120 Santa Margarita Avenue, Suite B Menlo Park, CA 94025 650-289-1400 East Bay Office 3130 Crow Canyon Place, Suite 405 San Ramon, CA 94583 925-327-6200

FLICKER, KERIN, KRUGER & BISSADA LLP DELIVERS UNPARALLELED REPRESENTATION IN THE MOST COMPLEX FAMILY LAW CASES. With more than 150 years of collective experience in Silicon Valley, the attorneys at FKKB, a firm specializing in family law and stacked with certified family law specialists*, are up for any challenge. FKKB is one of the largest family law firms in the Bay Area, and they have experience with the most complicated family law issues. Through internal collaboration, they offer clients extensive expertise in complex, high-asset dissolution cases, which include hedge funds, venture capital, cryptocurrencies, hidden assets, and complex executive compensation. FKKB works with a wide array of

experts in these financial matters, including forensic accountants, valuation experts, financial advisors, economists, and vocational evaluators. FKKB is also recognized for their work in complex and high-conflict custody cases, which often require creative solutions for the best interests of the children and involve working with parenting and child development experts.

FKKB strives to use their alternative dispute resolution skills to efficiently resolve most cases as amicably as possible. FKKB’s reputation for excellence—borne of the quality of the team’s work, awards and accolades, business acumen, and solid relationships with a network of professionals—rounds out the advantages of working with the firm’s attorneys. *Certified by the State Bar of California Board of Legal Specialization


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COLORADO LASS MOSES RAMP & COOPER 303-296-9412 Patricia A. Cooper, Steven C. Lass, Katharine Elena Lum, Marie Avery Moses, Jerremy M. Ramp LAW OFFICE OF GRETCHEN E. LIPMAN 303-861-3022 Gretchen Lipman LAW OFFICE OF RACHEL CATT 303-756-3867 Rachel Catt LITTMAN FAMILY LAW 303-800-3114 Congratulations to our family law David Littman, Whitney Manning LITVAK LITVAK MEHRTENS AND attorneys who were named CARLTON 303-837-0757 Diane Michele Carlton, Ronald Litvak, Timothy to the 2021 Edition of R.J. Mehrtens, Paula J. Smith © MILLER & STEIERT 303-798-2525 Benjamin Currier MONTGOMERY LITTLE & SORAN 303-773-8100 William Benjamin King James S. Bailey PHILIP GOLDBERG 720-608-1010 Philip Eric Goldberg E. Michael Canges PLOG & STEIN 303-781-0322 Stephen J. Plog Riley W. Madden POLIDORI FRANKLIN MONAHAN & BEATTIE 303-936-3300 Robin Lutz Beattie, Peter L. Franklin, Lesleigh Wiggs Monahan, Natalie C. Simpson, Hannah J. Westmont PREEO SILVERMAN GREEN & Our family law group provides comprehensive EGLE 303-296-4440 Jersey M. Green representation in complex family law REILLY POZNER 303-893-6100 matters and works with our clients Mary Kelly to achieve effective results. ROBINSON WATERS & O'DORISIO 303-297-2600 Jennifer C. Alldredge ROTOLE, ROTOLE & BLANCHARD 303-399-1600 Jessica Rotole, Richard J. Rotole 1700 Lincoln Street, Suite 4300 303-298-1122 SENN VISCIANO CANGES 303-298-1122 Denver, Colorado 80203 James S. Bailey, E. Michael Canges, Riley Madden SHERMAN & HOWARD 303-297-2900 Rebecca C. Alexander, Jordan M. Fox, Kelly K. LYONS GADDIS 303-776-9900 FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & Robinson Jennifer M. Spitz REATH 303-607-3500 Heather K. Strack SHERR PUTTMANN AKINS S.D. MERRITT & ASSOCIATES 303-413-3477 LAMB 303-741-5300 Shelly D. Merritt FEINGOLD HORTON 303-292-0788 Tanya Akins, Erica R. Kemmerley, David A. Jennifer G. Feingold, Lorna Horton VINCENT, ROMEO & Lamb, Courtney R. McConomy, Catherine H. RODRIGUEZ 303-720-7260 FOLKESTAD FAZEKAS BARRICK & Puttmann, Megan M. Sherr Thomas A. Rodriguez* PATOILE 303-688-3045 SPRINGER & STEINBERG 303-861-2800 Matt Patton Jeffrey A. Springer FONTANA & ASSOCIATES 303-468-2668 DENVER Frances C. Fontana THE HARRIS LAW FIRM 303-622-5502 Richard Harris, Jennie Wray, Richard I. Zuber GARTS LAW 719-930-5190 THE LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL F. FAMILY LAW James Garts III DIMANNA 303-320-4848 BASLER FAMILY LAW 303-771-3638 GEBHARDT EMERSON MOODIE Michael F. DiManna Chris R. Basler BONANNO 303-317-3239 Elizabeth A. Bonanno, Ashley G. Emerson, Erika THE LAW OFFICES OF BRENDA L. BELTZ & WEST 719-473-4444 STOREY 720-583-2325 A. Gebhardt Daniel A. West Brenda L. Storey GRAHAM.LAW 719-630-1123 BROWNSTEIN HYATT FARBER TIERNEY LAWRENCE 720 242 7577 Carl O. Graham SCHRECK 303-223-1100 Martha M. Tierney Mark F. Leonard GREENBERG TRAURIG 303-572-6500 TIMOTHY B WALKER, ATTORNEY AT Robert C. Kaufman BROXTERMAN ALICKS LAW 303-730-0067 MCFARLANE 303-331-6432 GRIFFITHS LAW 303-586-6924 Timothy B. Walker Heather Broxterman Suzanne Griffiths, Ann Gushurst, Leslie Hansen WILLOUGHBY & ASSOCIATES 303-839-1770 CAGE BUCAR LEWIS 303-848-3277 HARRINGTON BREWSTER MAHONEY Kimberly R. Willoughby Nathan F. J. Bucar, Jamie L. Cage, Kate M. Lewis SMITS 303-831-0808 WOODY LAW 303-968-1711 Katherine Lyons Reckman CIANCIO CIANCIO BROWN 303-395-4773 Danaé D. Woody Carrie Chaille Eckstein, Lynne A. Weitzel HECKENBACH SUAZO 720-644-8142 David W. Heckenbach, C. Darin Jensen, Ian Z. CICCOLELLA FAMILY LAW 719-636-1561 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Shea, G. Aaron Suazo John B. Ciccolella HINDS & HINDS FAMILY LAW 303-900-4788 CAGE BUCAR LEWIS 303-848-3277 CLAWSON & CLAWSON 719-602-5888 Nathan F. J. Bucar, Jamie L. Cage, Kate M. Lewis Robert T. Hinds, Jr., Frank L. McGuane Jr. Matthew C. Clawson CIANCIO CIANCIO BROWN 303-395-4773 HOGAN OMIDI 303-691-9600 COX BAKER & PAGE 303-688-8588 Lynne A. Weitzel Kathleen Ann Hogan Mary C. Baker, Mary Jane Cox, Laura L. Page GEBHARDT EMERSON MOODIE JAMES J. KEIL, JR. 303-422-0700 DAILEY LAW 719-473-0884 BONANNO 303-317-3239 Paula A. Holt, James J. Keil, Jr. Lisa M. Dailey Elizabeth A. Bonanno JOHN G. OTTO LAW OFFICES 719-390-7811 DIVORCE MATTERS 720-463-1232 GRIFFITHS LAW 303-586-6924 John G. Otto William E. Smith Suzanne Griffiths, Leslie Hansen JOHNSON KUSH 719-471-4034 ECKELBERRY LAW FIRM 303-434-1131 HARRINGTON BREWSTER MAHONEY David M. Johnson, Joi G. Kush John L. Eckelberry SMITS 303-831-0808 JUDICIAL ARBITER GROUP 303-572-1919 Terri Harrington EPSTEIN PATIERNO 303-893-3111 Angela Arkin Steven B. Epstein, John H. Tatlock HINDS & HINDS FAMILY LAW 303-900-4788 KAPLAN LAW 303-458-5500 Robert T. Hinds, Jr. Marc J. Kaplan


48 |


LASS MOSES RAMP & COOPER 303-296-9412 Jerremy M. Ramp LITTMAN FAMILY LAW 303-800-3114 David Littman ROTOLE, ROTOLE & BLANCHARD 303-399-1600 Richard J. Rotole SHERR PUTTMANN AKINS LAMB 303-741-5300 David A. Lamb, Catherine H. Puttmann, Megan M. Sherr


CAGE BUCAR LEWIS 303-848-3277 Nathan F. J. Bucar DISPUTE MANAGEMENT 303-321-1115 Daniel C. Himelspach ELIZABETH HENSON, ATTORNEY MEDIATOR 303-346-3700 Elizabeth Henson GRIFFITHS LAW 303-586-6924 Suzanne Griffiths, Ann Gushurst HARRINGTON BREWSTER MAHONEY SMITS 303-831-0808 Terri Harrington HELEN C. SHREVES, ATTORNEYMEDIATOR 720-701-1846 Helen C. Shreves HINDS & HINDS FAMILY LAW 303-900-4788 Robert T. Hinds, Jr. JAMES J. KEIL, JR. 303-422-0700 James J. Keil, Jr. LASS MOSES RAMP & COOPER 303-296-9412 Jerremy M. Ramp LAW OFFICE OF BONNIE M.J. SCHRINER 303-458-5100 Bonnie M.J. Schriner MCWILLIAMS MEDIATION GROUP 303-830-0171 Joan H. McWilliams REILLY POZNER 303-893-6100 Mary Kelly ROTOLE, ROTOLE & BLANCHARD 303-399-1600 Richard J. Rotole SHERR PUTTMANN AKINS LAMB 303-741-5300 Catherine H. Puttmann, Megan M. Sherr THE LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL F. DIMANNA 303-320-4848 Michael F. DiManna WZW FAMILY LAW 303-458-0415 Tia M. Zavaras


AMBLER KEENAN MITCHELL JOHNSON 303-407-1542 Erica L. Johnson, Elizabeth D. Mitchell ATLASS PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 303-329-5900 Theodore B. Atlass BAKER & HOSTETLER 303-861-0600 David L. Starbuck, Michael R. Stiff, Raymond L. Sutton Jr.** BALSON & FAIX 720-974-6350 Merry H. Balson, Josie M. Faix BARBARA ANN DALVANO, ESQ. 719-963-2933 Barbara Ann Dalvano BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON PAISNER 303-861-7000 Michael J. Bland BRYANT & RITSICK 720-845-1690 Elizabeth A. Bryant CAERUS LAW 719-433-7670 Constance D. Smith CHAPMAN & ROTH 303-759-4004 Jay H. Chapman COAN, PAYTON & PAYNE 303-861-8888 Richard M. Hess Jr., James P. Stouffer DAVIS GRAHAM & STUBBS 303-892-9400 Stephen M. Brainerd**, William N. Krems FAIRFIELD AND WOODS 303-830-2400 Bruce A. Fowler** GLATSTEIN & O'BRIEN 303-731-3986 M. Carl Glatstein, Mark D. Masters

COLORADO · CONNECTICUT GODDARD & HAWKINS 303-292-3228 Susan B. Goddard GOODSPEED & MERRILL 720-473-7644 Leia G. Ursery** HOFFMAN NIES DAVE 303-860-7140 Denise Hoffman White HOLLAND & HART 303-295-8000 Adam M. Cohen, David E. Crandall**, Laura A. Dinan, Arthur A. Hundhausen, Chelsea L. May, Kami Pomerantz, Helen Rogers, Rebecca Klock Schroer*, Carol Warnick**, Morgan Wiener*, John R. Wilson HUTCHINS & ASSOCIATES 303-893-6500 Nancy R. Crow JEAN STEWART 303-209-9355 C. Jean Stewart JONES & KELLER 303-573-1600 Dylan H. Metzner KELLY DICKSON COOPER 303-299-1314 Kelly Dickson Cooper** KIRCH ROUNDS BOWMAN & DEFFENBAUGH 303-671-7726 David W. Kirch, Charles Rounds LATHROP GPM 720-931-3200 Douglas J. Traeger*, Alison E. Zinn LAW OFFICES OF JOHN DEBRUYN 303-919-4840 John W. DeBruyn LAW OFFICES OF JOSEPH G. HODGES JR. 303-377-0070 Joseph G. Hodges Jr. LEWIS ROCA ROTHGERBER CHRISTIE 303-623-9000 James R. Walker** MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH 720-240-9515 Sarah N. Ehrhardt MILLER & STEIERT 303-798-2525 Walter M. Kelly II** OVERTON LAPUYADE 303-832-1120 Keith D. Lapuyade** POSKUS, CATON & KLEIN 303-835-0049 Kerri L. Klein* ROBINSON, DISS AND CLOWDUS 303-861-4154 Richard B. Robinson SHARON A. HIGGINS 719-471-2911 Sharon A. Higgins SHERMAN & HOWARD 303-297-2900 Jessica L. Broderick, Christopher Cole, Joseph M. Dencker, Gregory T. Densen**, Kathleen M. Johnson, Bridget K. Sullivan, Katherine Dawson Varholak* SPENCER FANE 303-839-3800 Steven C. Hoth, Stephen P. Rickles STANLEY C. KENT 719-577-4414 Stanley C. Kent STEENROD, SCHWARTZ & MCMINIMEE 303-534-5100 Marcie R. McMinimee, Melissa R. Schwartz SUSAN R. HARRIS & ASSOCIATES 303-741-4776 Susan R. Harris THE PURPOSEFUL PLANNING INSTITUTE 720-458-7777 John A. Warnick TUTHILL & HUGHES 303-243-3100 Daniela Ronchetti, Michelle M. Rose-Hughes, Stephanie M. Tuthill WADE ASH WOODS HILL & FARLEY 303-322-8943 Laurie A. Hunter, Kevin D. Millard, Herbert E. Tucker IV**, James R. Wade** WILLIAMS, WEESE, PEPPLE & FERGUSON 303-861-2828 Taylor M. Dix ZISMAN, INGRAHAM & MONG 303-320-0023 James F. Ingraham ZUSPANN & ZUSPANN 303-759-4871 Eugene P. Zuspann II

OATES, KNEZEVICH, GARDENSWARTZ, KELLY & MORROW 970-920-1700 Ted D. Gardenswartz THE LAW FIRM OF ANDERSON & BAKER 970-259-1211 Deborah Anderson

Ranked Tier 1 in Colorado for Family Law

by U.S. News - Best Lawyers ® “Best Law Firms” 2021


BROWN PAINDIRIS & SCOTT 860-266-4278 Kate W. Haakonsen BUDLONG & BUDLONG 860-727-9900 Gerald A. Roisman CARLO FORZANI 860-841-5808 Carlo Forzani FLAHERTY LEGAL GROUP 860-904-2034 James T. Flaherty FREED MARCROFT 860-560-8160 Seth J. Conant LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTINE WHITEHEAD 860-241-7797 Christine M. Whitehead LOUDEN, KATZ & MCGRATH 860-231-7150 Robert B. Katz, Wm. Bruce Louden, David A. McGrath MURPHY, LAUDATI, KIEL & RATTIGAN 860-674-8296 John L. Laudati PULLMAN & COMLEY 860-424-4300 Campbell D. Barrett ROME CLIFFORD KATZ & KOERNER 860-764-2920 John P. Clifford Jr., Alan J. Rome

“Experienced, Compassionate and Discreet Representation for the Most Important Things in Life.”


BROWN PAINDIRIS & SCOTT 860-266-4278 Kate W. Haakonsen 303-893-3111 •


ACKERLY BROWN 860-567-0828 Mary M. Ackerly ATLAS AND HUDON 860-521-7800 Paul A. Hudon** COHN BIRNBAUM & SHEA 860-493-2200 Jeanmarie B. Shea** CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 860-313-4900 Patricia R. Beauregard, Paul L. Bourdeau, Caroline Demirs Calio, Robert B. Fawber, Kelley Galica Peck**, Heather J. Rhoades DAY PITNEY 860-313-5700 B. Dane Dudley, Steven M. Fast** DREW & COHEN 860-677-1974 Jason W. Cohen, Christopher S. Drew EY 860-247-3100 N. Todd Angkatavanich MURTHA CULLINA 860-240-6000 Alfred R. Casella, Richard A. Marone, Suzanne Brown Walsh PULLMAN & COMLEY 860-424-4300 Alan S. Parker REID AND RIEGE 860-278-1150 John R. Ivimey, Frederick J. Mullen Jr., Barbara A. Taylor SHIPMAN & GOODWIN 860-251-5000 James T. Betts, Danielle P. Ferrucci, Bryon W. Harmon, Lyn Gammill Walker, Robert L. Wyld* TRUSTLAWYER 860-257-4330 Jeffrey L. Crown**


BILLER, SACHS, ZITO & LEMOULT 203-281-1717 Louise R. Zito DUFFY & FASANO 203-405-3100 WESTERN COLORADO Michael A. Fasano, Sr. GIULIANO RICHARDSON & SFARA 203-263-0330 FAMILY LAW Rosemary E. Giuliano, Randolph E. Richardson II GARFIELD & HECHT 970-925-1936 Robert E. Kendig

BRENDA L. STOREY FAMILY LAW BRENDA L. STOREY is recognized among the best custody and divorce lawyers in Colorado. Ms. Storey has been specializing in family law for 26 years. She has been selected to The Best Lawyers in America© for family law every year since 2013, chosen to the Colorado Super Lawyers list, and named a Top Lawyer by Denver Magazine. She is well respected by judges, attorneys, and forensic experts. She works directly with sponsors, drafters, and lobbyists of family law-specific proposed legislation. She chaired the Family Law Section of the Colorado Bar Association, and has worked closely with practitioners, judicial officers, and experts to improve the domestic relations practice and its impact on the families it is meant to protect and serve. THE LAW OFFICES OF BRENDA L. STOREY, P.C 4582 South Ulster Street Parkway Suite 1210 | Denver, CO 80237 phone 720.583.2325 | fax 720.475.1169 W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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LEE MARLOW, COUNSELLOR AT LAW 203-823-9040 Lee Marlow ROSENBERG, WHEWELL & HITE 203-870-6700 Christopher D. Hite RUBIN & ELDRICH 203-821-3023 Sarah D. Eldrich, Kenneth B. Rubin WELTY ESPOSITO & WIELER 203-781-0877 Thomas A. Esposito, Jean L. Welty, Martha Anne Wieler WOLF & SHORE LAW GROUP 203-745-3151 Kristen Wolf


LAW OFFICE OF KRISTI A. HANNEY 860-691-1969 Kristi A. Hanney LAW OFFICES OF KENNETH E. CAISSE 860-859-1390 Kenneth E. Caisse MARIANI RECK LANE 860-910-1048 Jonathan T. Lane, Linda L. Mariani, Stephen E. Reck FAMILY LAW MEDIATION SUISMAN SHAPIRO ATTORNEYS-ATLAW 800-499-0145 RUBIN & ELDRICH 203-821-3023 Jeffrey W. Hill, Robert G. Tukey Kenneth B. Rubin


CARMODY TORRANCE SANDAK & HENNESSEY 203-777-5501 Matthew R. Peterson, Michael J. Reardon CARMODY TORRANCE SANDAK & HENNESSEY 203-573-1200 Matthew R. Peterson, Michael J. Reardon DAY PITNEY 203-752-5000 Keith Bradoc Gallant** GIULIANO RICHARDSON & SFARA 203-263-0330 David L. Sfara TINLEY, RENEHAN & DOST 203-596-9030 Mark W. Dost WIGGIN AND DANA 203-498-4400 Charles C. Kingsley, William H. Prout, Jr.* WITHERSWORLDWIDE 203-789-1320 Constance Shields, Karen E. Yates ZANGARI COHN CUTHBERTSON DUHL & GRELLO 203-789-0001 Robert F. Cohen




CIPPARONE & ZACCARO 860-442-0150 Joseph Cipparone, Jack Reardon TEDFORD LAW FIRM 860-572-4707 Deborah J. Tedford


BRODER & ORLAND 203-222-4949 Eric J. Broder, Sarah E. Murray, Carole Topol Orland COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 Richard L. Albrecht, Annmarie P. Briones, Jocelyn B. Hurwitz, Rachel A. Pencu

FERRO & BATTEY 203-424-0260 Janet A. Battey, Gaetano Ferro FOGARTY COHEN RUSSO & NEMIROFF 203-661-1000 Andrew P. Nemiroff GRABERROBERTS 203-590-1070 Anthony L. Cenatiempo, Howard R. Graber, Norman A. Roberts II LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD KENT 203-255-9410 Richard G. Kent LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD NUSBAUM 203-226-8181 Edward Nusbaum LAW OFFICES OF GARY I. COHEN 203-622-8787 Gary I. Cohen PARRINO SHATTUCK 203-557-9755 Randi R. Nelson, Thomas P. Parrino, Laura R. Shattuck PIAZZA, SIMMONS & GRANT 203-348-2465 Anthony A. Piazza PULLMAN & COMLEY 203-330-2000 Anne C. Dranginis, Lynda B. Munro REICH & TRUAX 203-254-9877 Louise T. Truax RUCCI LAW GROUP 203-202-9686 George A. Reilly RUTKIN, OLDHAM & GRIFFIN 203-227-7301 David W. Griffin, Sarah Stark Oldham, Arnold H. Rutkin SCHOONMAKER, GEORGE, COLIN, BLOMBERG, BRYNICZKA & WELSH 203-990-1563 Jill Heitler Blomberg, Peter M. Bryniczka, Thomas D. Colin, Cynthia Coulter George, Aidan R. Welsh THE LAW OFFICES OF AMY CALVO MACNAMARA 203-542-2896 Amy Calvo MacNamara

WAYNE D. EFFRON 203-622-1160 Wayne D. Effron WOFSEY ROSEN KWESKIN & KURIANSKY 203-327-2300 Eric M. Higgins


COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 Jocelyn B. Hurwitz PULLMAN & COMLEY 203-330-2000 Lynda B. Munro


COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 Rachel A. Pencu COSTELLO, BRENNAN AND DEVIDAS 203-254-3340 Kieran J. Costello PULLMAN & COMLEY 203-330-2000 Lynda B. Munro


BLAIR & POTTS 203-327-2333 Arthur G. Potts, Jr. BRODY WILKINSON 203-319-7100 Douglas R. Brown**, Peter T. Mott, Ronald B. Noren COHEN AND WOLF 203-222-1034 Richard J. Di Marco, Greta E. Solomon COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 Richard J. Di Marco, Greta E. Solomon CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 203-869-1200 Laura Weintraub Beck, B. Cort Delany, Margaret A. Deluca, Daniel P. Fitzgerald, Jessie A. Gilbert, Daniel G. Johnson, Michael P. Kaelin*, John R. Musicaro, Jr., Douglas H. Olin, Edward F. Rodenbach, Rachel B.G. Sherman, Gina D. Silvestri, Conrad Teitell, Howard S. Tuthill III



L-R, Marcia Kuntz, Michelle Locey, Theresa Mihalik, Christopher Locey, Paul Smollar. (Makia Weaver not pictured).


202.331.7522 |

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ver its 40-year

history, Kuder, Smollar, Friedman & Mihalik has built a preeminent family law practice that has a reputation throughout DC, Maryland and Virginia for its extensive knowledge and compassionate service to clients experiencing challenging life events. The year 2020 has proven to be extraordinarily challenging for families, and especially for families going through separation, divorce, or custody disputes. The financial uncertainties of the world during and after the coronavirus pandemic, including job loss, income reduction, and school closures, further complicates the resolution of these disputes. In light of the changes in the world, KSFM remains ready and available to assist in all matters, using alternative strategies – such as negotiation, mediation, and collaborative law – as well as litigation to resolve disputes. The firm has employed technology designed to seamlessly handle family law matters from afar, and has implemented regimented safety protocols for our personnel and guests visiting our office. Our firm continues to be committed to facilitating the best resolution possible for our clients and their families. We would like to announce that Makia Weaver, Esq. has joined our team as an associate. Prior to joining KSFM, Makia served as a public defender in Maryland for three years, where she honed valuable skills in client-centered advocacy, case negotiations, and conflict resolution. We extend our best wishes to everyone as we navigate this new landscape and we hope that you and your loved ones remain safe and healthy.


Divorce, Separation, Property Division, Custody Matters, Child and Spousal Support, Same Sex and International Family Matters, Prenuptial and Postnuptial Agreements, Mediation, Collaborative Law

AWARDS 2020 Washingtonian Top Lawyers; 2021 U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” Tier 1 DC - Family Law; 2020 Northern Virginia Magazine Top Lawyers; Martindale-Hubbell AV Preeminent Rating


CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 203-327-1700 Laura Weintraub Beck, B. Cort Delany, Margaret A. Deluca, Daniel P. Fitzgerald, Jessie A. Gilbert, Daniel G. Johnson, Michael P. Kaelin*, John R. Musicaro, Jr., Douglas H. Olin, Edward F. Rodenbach, Rachel B.G. Sherman, Gina D. Silvestri, Conrad Teitell, Howard S. Tuthill III DAVIDSON, DAWSON & CLARK 203-966-8759 Matthew A. Bovino, Beth Ann Brunalli DAY PITNEY 203-977-7300 Gregory A. Hayes**, Amy K. Wilfert DAY PITNEY 203-862-7800 Gregory A. Hayes**, Amy K. Wilfert HERMENZE & MARCANTONIO 203-226-6552 James D. Funnell, Jr., David R. Hermenze, Edward Marcantonio KEOGH, BURKHART & VETTER 203-866-2535 Stephen B. Keogh MCLAUGHLIN & STERN 203-227-1515 Amy L.Y. Day PATRICIA A. CARPENTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 203-422-0755 Patricia A. Carpenter* PULLMAN & COMLEY 203-330-2000 Deborah S. Breck, James B. Stewart SMITH & GRANT 203-661-1110 Elizabeth M. Grant, George L. Smith WHITMAN BREED ABBOTT & MORGAN 203-869-3800 Charles W. Pieterse* WIGGIN AND DANA 203-363-7600 Daniel L. Daniels**, Leonard Leader, Carolyn A. Reers WIGGIN AND DANA 203-363-7680 Daniel L. Daniels**, Leonard Leader, Carolyn A. Reers

CONNOLLY GALLAGHER 302-757-7300 Trisha W. Hall, Scott E. Swenson**, Gregory J. Weinig** DUANE MORRIS 302-657-4900 Jocelyn Margolin Borowsky FAMILY LAW GORDON, FOURNARIS & BAYARD 302-655-5000 MAMMARELLA 302-652-2900 Curtis P. Bounds, Kara M. Swasey Peter S. Gordon**, Kimberly Gill McKinnon COPELAND TAYLOR 302-281-5545 MARTIN & LUNGER 302-888-2501 Bonnie Egan Copeland William H. Lunger GAWTHROP GREENWOOD 302-777-5353 MCCOLLOM D'EMILIO SMITH Carl W. Heckert UEBLER 302-468-5960 Matthew P. D'Emilio, Thomas A. Uebler* HARTNETT & HARTNETT 302-239-4220 Jennifer A. Hartnett MORRIS JAMES 302-888-6800 James J Gallagher II, Bruce W. Tigani KELLEHER & LAFFEY 302-651-7999 Kathryn J. Laffey MORRIS, NICHOLS, ARSHT & TUNNELL 302-658-9200 MACELREE HARVEY 302-654-4454 Thomas W. Briggs, Jr.*, Todd A. Flubacher**, Marie I. Crossley Thomas R. Pulsifer** MORRIS JAMES 302-888-6800 Gretchen S. Knight, Jill Spevack Di Sciullo OLD CAPITAL LAW FIRM 302-221-3000 Beverly J. Wik OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & POLSINELLI 302-252-0920 HIPPEL 302-238-6947 Robert A. Penza** Leslie Spoltore RICHARDS, LAYTON & FINGER 302-651-7700 PARKOWSKI, GUERKE & F. Peter Conaty, Jr., Beth Knight, Chad SWAYZE 302-678-3262 Shandler*, W. Donald Sparks II Clay T. Jester WEIK, NITSCHE & DOUGHERTY 302-655-4040 SEITZ, VAN OGTROP & GREEN 302-888-0600 James S. Green, Sr.* Shawn Dougherty YOUNG CONAWAY STARGATT & FAMILY LAW MEDIATION TAYLOR 302-571-6600 Richard J. A. Popper, Vincent C. Thomas BAYARD 302-655-5000 Curtis P. Bounds, Kara M. Swasey OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 302-238-6947 Leslie Spoltore




AIN & BANK 202-530-3300 Sanford K. Ain, Matthew Edwards, Sarah E. Mancinelli, Lauren E. Shea, Natalia C. Wilson ALAN B. SOSCHIN, ESQUIRE 202-638-4264 Alan B. Soschin BURR LAW FIRM 202-347-9002 Barbara A. Burr, Erin C. Golding FELDESMAN TUCKER LEIFER FIDELL 202-466-8960 Emily C. Baker, Marina S. Barannik, Jonathan M. Dana, Jennifer A. Davison, Katherine A. O'Rourke, Mary S. Pence, Molly McGuinness Saxon, Marna S. Tucker, Sarah J. Zimmerman HENRIKSON LAW 202-489-0726 Kristin Henrikson JAMS 202-942-9180 Richard A. Levie KUDER, SMOLLAR, FRIEDMAN & MIHALIK 202-331-7522 Theresa M. Mihalik, Paul R. Smollar LIOTTA, DRANITZKE & ENGEL 202-797-7700 Robert Case Liotta MILES & STOCKBRIDGE 202-737-9600 Stephen J. Cullen, Kelly A. Powers MK FAMILY LAW 201-713-5165 Melissa Kucinski WENDY H. SCHWARTZ & ASSOCIATES 202-243-7800 Wendy H. Schwartz ZAMANI & ASSOCIATES 202-510-9112 Alisa N. Yasin, Sogand Zamani

BIGGS AND BATTAGLIA 302-655-9677 Victor F. Battaglia, Sr.*

Wendy H. Schwartz & Associates, PLLC FAMILY LAW Wendy H. Schwartz and Associates, PLLC is a boutique family law practice serving clients in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia. Our team of dedicated and knowledgeable attorneys and staff help our clients through the emotional and financial aspects of their family law matters. We are knowledgeable about the effect of mental health and substance abuse issues and their impact on custody, support and the division of assets. We provide clients with personal attention and creative solutions and most often settle most disputes through negotiation, mediation, and collaboration. If we are unable to settle disputes, our reputation as strong advocates and litigators in the courtroom is widely recognized. Wendy has been named a top lawyer by the Washingtonian Magazine including most recently in the 2020 Top Lawyers list. 202.243.7800 /

AREAS OF PRACTICE • Divorce • Asset valuation and division • Custody and support issues • Spousal support • Premarital & postnuptial agreements • Collaborative practice and Mediation AFFILIATIONS & AWARDS Member, Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC); board member of Maryland Chapter; member, International Academy of Collaborative Law and D.C. Chapter; recognized in Best Lawyers® since 2017 in Family Law.

818 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 315, Washington, D.C. 20006 W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH 561-483-7000 Carl S. Rosen OLIVE JUDD 954-334-2250 Robert B. Judd** FAMILY LAW PROSKAUER ROSE 561-241-7400 ANDREW L. SALVAGE 954-525-6727 Albert W. Gortz, David Pratt** Andrew L. Salvage RICKY J. WEISS 954-757-1650 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION BOIES SCHILLER FLEXNER 954-924-0300 Ricky J. Weiss BURR LAW FIRM 202-347-9002 Charles Fox Miller, James Fox Miller Barbara A. Burr, Erin C. Golding ROSE M. LA FEMINA 954-332-2377 BRAWER HIRSCH & ASSOCIATES 877-895-7572 Rose M. La Femina FELDESMAN TUCKER LEIFER Marc H. Brawer FIDELL 202-466-8960 SNYDER & SNYDER 954-475-1139 BRINKLEY MORGAN 954-522-2200 Sarah J. Zimmerman William A. Snyder Kenneth A. Gordon, John N. Lambros, YuehKUDER, SMOLLAR, FRIEDMAN & Mei Kim Nutter, Jonathan Z. Schiller, Roberta WINTTER LAW 954-920-7014 Christopher Q. Wintter* MIHALIK 202-331-7522 G. Stanley Paul R. Smollar GLADSTONE & WEISSMAN 561-447-2274 Heather L. Apicella, Peter L. Gladstone, Denise FORT MYERS TRUSTS AND ESTATES L. Schneider, Jeffrey A. Weissman ANN GARFINKLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTOPHER W. LAW 202-966-3200 FAMILY LAW RUMBOLD 954-914-7866 Ann M. Garfinkle Christopher W. Rumbold HENDERSON, FRANKLIN, STARNES & HOLT 239-344-1100 ARENT FOX 202-857-6000 LAW OFFICES OF DAVID L. L. David Sims, Beth T. Vogelsang Holly M. Bastian, Lynn K. Pearle HIRSCHBERG 561-288-8620 David Hirschberg LONG, MURPHY & ZUNG 239-963-2142 ARNOLD & PORTER 202-942-5000 John E. Long, Jr., Edwin F. Murphy, Rebecca Thomas W. Richardson LAW OFFICES OF JONATHAN S. Zung ROOT 561-998-3232 BAKER & HOSTETLER 202-861-1500 Jonathan S. Root LUIS E. INSIGNARES 239-274-6000 Edward J. Beckwith**, Michael P. Vito Luis E. Insignares SANDERS MEDIATIONS 954-467-8710 BESSEMER TRUST 202-659-3330 Dale R. Sanders RUBINSTEIN & HOLZ 239-790-4314 Ronald D. Aucutt, Benjamin H. Pruett Rana Holz, Alan J. Rubinstein SIDWEBER & WEINTRAUB 954-563-3477 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & Robert W. Sidweber ROONEY 202-452-7900 Elizabeth Carrott Minnigh TRUSTS AND ESTATES W.L. GARDINER LAW FIRM 954-635-2665 William L. Gardiner III AKERMAN 239-449-5600 CAPLIN & DRYSDALE 202-862-5000 Joe B. Cox, Jonathan E. Gopman Beth Shapiro Kaufman, Anne J. O'Brien, WILLIAM H. STOLBERG 954-798-6203 Stafford C. Smiley William H. Stolberg BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 239-659-3800 Adam C. Kerlek CARR MALONEY 202-310-5500 YOUNG, BERMAN, KARPF & Kevin M. Murphy KARPF 954-809-3300 COHEN & GRIGSBY 239-390-1900 Brian M. Karpf Henry C. Cohen CRAIGHILL, MAYFIELD, FENWICK & CROMELIN 202-364-4242 COLEMAN, YOVANOVICH & Paul B. Cromelin III, Francis E. Fenwick FAMILY LAW MEDIATION KOESTER 239-435-3535 William M. Burke CURTIN LAW ROBERSON DUNIGAN & GLADSTONE & WEISSMAN 561-447-2274 SALANS 202-530-3300 Jeffrey A. Weissman CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 239-262-8311 Michael F. Curtin**, Laurence E. Salans** Todd L. Bradley, Mary Beth Crawford, Alison K. Douglas, Grace Gutierrez, William N. Horowitz, DAY PITNEY 202-218-3900 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Howard M. Hujsa, Kenneth D. Krier, Robert L. Michael G. Pfeifer BENTZ LAW FIRM 954-839-8366 Lancaster, David A. Ludgin, Deborah L. Russell FISHERBROYLES 866-211-5914 Douglas B. Kniskern CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 239-947-8811 Gal N. Kaufman BERGER SINGERMAN 954-525-9900 Todd L. Bradley, Mary Beth Crawford, Alison K. FOLEY & LARDNER 202-672-5300 Sheldon S. Polish Douglas, Grace Gutierrez, William N. Horowitz, John M. Lynham, Jr.** Howard M. Hujsa, Kenneth D. Krier, Robert L. BRINKLEY MORGAN 561-241-3113 Lancaster, David A. Ludgin, Deborah L. Russell FRANKLIN KARIBJANIAN & Ronald L. Siegel LAW 202-857-3434 DAVID M. PLATT 239-472-5400 BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & Richard S. Franklin David M. Platt** ROONEY 954-468-2300 HOLLAND & KNIGHT 202-955-3000 Jesse H. Diner* DAVID P. BROWNE 239-498-1191 Alban Salaman FRANKLIN KARIBJANIAN & LAW 561-208-1272 David P. Browne IVINS, PHILLIPS & BARKER 202-393-7600 George Karibjanian DENTONS COHEN & GRIGSBY 239-390-1900 H. Carter Hood GOLDMAN FELCOSKI & STONE 561-395-0400 Alan F. Hilfiker JACKSON & CAMPBELL 202-457-1600 Deborah Packer Goodall** DUNWODY WHITE & LANDON 239-263-5885 William E. Davis** Daniel K. Capes, Robert D.W. Landon II**, GREENBERG TRAURIG 954-765-0500 Alfred J. Stashis, Jr. KOZUSKO HARRIS VETTER WAREH James R. George*, Paul B. McCawley DUNCAN 202-457-7200 FARR, FARR, EMERICH, HACKETT, CARR AND GREENSPOON MARDER 561-994-2212 Donald D. Kozusko**, George P. Levendis** Laurence I. Blair, Alan B. Cohn, Gene K. Glasser, HOLMES 941-639-1158 Guy S. Emerich LAW OFFICE OF LEWIS J. SARET 202-965-7748 Brian S. McHugh*, Carl Schuster Lewis J. Saret GOLDMAN FELCOSKI & STONE 239-436-1988 GREENSPOON MARDER 954-491-1120 LAW OFFICES OF CATHERINE MARY Laurence I. Blair, Alan B. Cohn, Gene K. Glasser, Robert W. Goldman* RAFFERTY 202-246-8445 Brian S. McHugh*, Carl Schuster GOODMAN BREEN 239-403-3000 Catherine Mary Rafferty Dorothy M. Breen, Kenneth D. Goodman GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & LAW OFFICES OF JANE C. STEWART 954-462-2000 GRANT FRIDKIN PEARSON 239-514-1000 BERGNER 202-448-5187 James B. Davis, Steven A. Lessne* Jeffrey D. Fridkin*, M. Travis Hayes**, William Jane C. Bergner M. Pearson**, Michael T. Traficante*, D. Keith GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & Wickenden* LOEB & LOEB 202-618-5000 STEWART 561-961-8010 Mary Ann Mancini, Todd I. Steinberg James B. Davis, Steven A. Lessne* HAHN LOESER & PARKS 239-254-2900 MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 202-756-8000 GUTTER CHAVES JOSEPHER RUBIN FORMAN Juan D. Bendeck, Curtis Cassner, Jeffrey M. Leigh-Alexandra Basha, Scott A. Bowman, Folkman*, John D. Gast*, Mark Klym**, Andrew FLEISHER MILLER 561-998-7847 Ellen K. Harrison** Norman A. Fleisher*, Peter J. Forman*, Richard J. Krause, Theodore L. Tripp, Jr.* A. Josepher, Lawrence J. Miller**, Charles D. VENABLE 202-344-4000 HAHN LOESER & PARKS 239-337-6722 Jeanne L. Newlon, Brian L. Schwalb*, Douglas Rubin** Juan D. Bendeck, Curtis Cassner, Jeffrey M. L. Siegler, Stefan F. Tucker Folkman*, John D. Gast*, Mark Klym**, Andrew HARGROVE LAW GROUP 561-376-9750 J. Krause, Theodore L. Tripp, Jr.* John R. Hargrove* WILLIAMS & CONNOLLY 202-434-5000 Lon E. Musslewhite* HENDERSON, FRANKLIN, STARNES & KATZ BASKIES & WOLF 561-910-5700 HOLT 239-344-1100 Jeffrey A. Baskies**, Jerome L. Wolf ZUCKERMAN SPAEDER 202-778-1800 Eric Gurgold, Guy E. Whitesman Mark W. Foster* LAW OFFICE OF ALVIN C. JOHN L. STINZIANO 239-404-5645 MARTIN 561-866-2782 John L. Stinziano Alvin C. Martin KOTLER LAW FIRM 239-325-2333 MORRIS LAW GROUP 561-750-3850 A. Stephen Kotler Stuart R. Morris

FELDESMAN TUCKER LEIFER FIDELL 202-466-8960 Sarah J. Zimmerman ZAMANI & ASSOCIATES 202-510-9112 Alisa N. Yasin

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LAIRD A. LILE 239-649-7778 Laird A. Lile** MYERS LAW FIRM 239-272-1230 William H. Myers NICI LAW FIRM 239-449-6150 James R. Nici PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & ARTHUR 239-593-2900 Marve Ann M. Alaimo** QUARLES & BRADY 239-262-5959 T. Robert Bulloch, Kimberley A. Dillon, Kimberly Leach Johnson, Bradley G. Rigor ROBERT J. STOMMEL 239-398-9705 Robert J. Stommel ROETZEL & ANDRESS 239-649-6200 Lisa H. Lipman, Brian V. McAvoy**, Jamie B. Schwinghamer** S. DRESDEN BRUNNER 239-580-8104 S. Dresden Brunner SHEPPARD, BRETT, STEWART, HERSCH, KINSEY & HILL 239-334-1141 Craig R. Hersch THE LAW OFFICE OF MARCY L. SHAW 239-267-5547 Marcy Shaw WILSON & JOHNSON 239-436-1500 F. Edward Johnson, Jennifer J. Nackley, George A. Wilson II WOOD, BUCKEL & CARMICHAEL 239-552-4100 Robert M. Buckel** WOODS, WEIDENMILLER, MICHETTI, & RUDNICK 239-325-4070 Gregory Woods*


BLEDSOE, JACOBSON, SCHMIDT, WRIGHT & WILKINSON 904-398-1818 Samuel S. Jacobson DATZ & DATZ 904-296-7440 Lawrence C. Datz ROBERTS & REITER 904-353-7305 James G. Roberts ROGERS TOWERS 904-473-1400 Sandra J. Mathis SPOHRER DODD 904-420-6861 Roger J. Dodd ZISSER FAMILY LAW 904-353-3222 Elliot Zisser


AKERMAN 904-798-3700 John B. Macdonald* AMANDA FERRELLE 904-891-8779 Amanda Ferrelle* BEDELL, DITTMAR, DEVAULT, PILLANS & COXE 904-353-0211 Charles P. Pillans III* DONAHOO & MCMENAMY 904-354-8080 Thomas M. Donahoo FISHER, TOUSEY, LEAS & BALL 904-356-2600 Harris Bonnette, Anne Buzby-Walt, Robert A. Dawkins, Beverly H. Furtick, John E. Lawlor III, Kateena E. Manners, Robert N. Miller, Clay B. Tousey III, Clay B. Tousey, Jr. FISHER, TOUSEY, LEAS & BALL 904-285-2601 Harris Bonnette, Anne Buzby-Walt, Robert A. Dawkins, Beverly H. Furtick, John E. Lawlor III, Kateena E. Manners, Robert N. Miller, Clay B. Tousey III, Clay B. Tousey, Jr. GRIMSLEY MARKER & ISELEY 904-354-9900 John G. Grimsley** GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & STEWART 904-354-1980 John P. Cole* HOLLAND & KNIGHT 904-353-2000 Richard L. Stockton KELLEY AND KELLEY 904-819-9706 Sean W. Kelley**, Shane Kelley** LIPPES MATHIAS WEXLER FRIEDMAN 904-660-0020 Alessandro A. Apolito*, Kathleen H. Cold

left to right

Joshua L. Plager, Melissa P. Rivera, Denise L. Schneider, Peter L. Gladstone, Jeffrey A. Weissman, Heather L. Apicella, Tova N. Verchow, Milton Muller

Gladstone & Weissman, P.A. congratulates our attorneys listed in The Best Lawyers in America© and Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch for 2021

Peter L. Gladstone ®

Best Lawyers Family Law 2005-2021 Best Lawyers® Family Law “Lawyer of the Year” 2020 – Boca Raton Florida Bar Board Certified in Martial & Family Law

Jeffrey A.®Weissman

Best Lawyers Family Law 2007-2021, Family Law Mediation 2017-2021 Best Lawyers® Family Law “Lawyer of the Year” 2014 – Miami Best Lawyers® Family Law “Lawyer of the Year” 2016, 2018, and 2021 – Fort Lauderdale Florida Bar Board Certified in Martial & Family Law

Heather L. Apicella ®

Best Lawyers Family Law 2018-2021 Florida Bar Board Certified in Martial & Family Law

Denise L.®Schneider

Best Lawyers Family Law 2019-2021 Florida Bar Board Certified in Martial & Family Law

Joshua L. Plager

Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch Family Law 2021

Tova N. Verchow

Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch Family Law 2021 BOCA RATON OFFICE: 101 Renaissance Centre 101 N. Federal Highway, Suite 702 Boca Raton, FL 33432 P: 561-447-2274 | F: 561-447-2275

FORT LAUDERDALE OFFICE: 110 E. Broward Boulevard, Suite 1700 Fort Lauderdale, W W W . B FL E S 33301 TL AW YERS.COM P: 654-761-9994 | F: 654-761-9969

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FLORIDA PURCELL, FLANAGAN, HAY & GREENE 904-355-0355 Timothy L. Flanagan, Brian J. Hershorin ROGERS TOWERS 904-398-3911 K. Mac Bracewell, Betsy C. Cox*, Nawal B. McDaniel, Joseph Clay Meux*, David H. Peek SALTER FEIBER 352-376-8201 Jack Bovay SMITH HULSEY & BUSEY 904-359-7700 David J. Hull STONEBURNER BERRY PURCELL & CAMPBELL 904-930-4084 Gresham R. Stoneburner TAYLOR, STEWART, HOUSTON & DUSS 904-354-9000 Clarence H. Houston, Jr. THE COLEMAN LAW FIRM 904-448-1969 C. Randolph Coleman THE KELLEY LAW FIRM 904-819-9706 Rohan Kelley** WHITE, CROUCH & MILLS 352-372-1011 Richard M. White, Jr.


A.J. BARRANCO & ASSOCIATES 305-371-8575 Anthony J. Barranco, Jr. AKERMAN 305-374-5600 Richard C. Milstein BARRY S. FRANKLIN & ASSOCIATES 305-940-4000 Barry S. Franklin BERGER SINGERMAN 305-755-9500 Hugo E. Acebo BOYD RICHARDS PARKER COLONNELLI 786-425-1045 Dolly Hernandez BUCKNER, SHIFRIN, ETTER, DUGAN & BRADFUTE 305-679-9744 Jeannie M. Etter, Deanna S. Shifrin CARLTON FIELDS 305-530-0050 Edith G. Osman CAROLAN FAMILY LAW FIRM 305-358-2330 Aliette H. Carolan COFFEY BURLINGTON 305-858-2900 Albert G. Caruana DAVIS SMITH & JEAN 786-206-4410 Laura Davis Smith FOGEL & RUBIN 305-577-4905 Terry L. Fogel, Scott Rubin FOSTER-MORALES SOCKELSTONE 305-577-0090 Dori Foster-Morales, Bonnie Sockel-Stone FREIDIN BROWN 305-371-3666 Joel H. Brown HAROLD BLUESTEIN 305-859-9200 Harold Bluestein KLUGER, KAPLAN, SILVERMAN, KATZEN & LEVINE 305-379-9000 Deborah S. Chames, Alan J. Kluger, Jason R. Marks KOHLMANLAW 305-606-7319 Robert F. Kohlman KORNREICH & ASSOCIATES 305-579-9111 Amber Kornreich, Gerald I. Kornreich LAW OFFICE OF ALAN E. WEINSTEIN 305-534-8666 Alan E. Weinstein LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT J. MERLIN 305-448-1555 Robert J. Merlin LEINOFF & LEMOS 305-661-1556 Andrew M. Leinoff, Max Leinoff, Paul Leinoff, Natalie S. Lemos MARCIA SOTO 305-446-9791 Marcia Soto MARKS & WEST 305-374-0210 Evan Marks

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ORSHAN, SPANN & FERNANDEZMESA 305-858-0220 Robert Orshan, Steven P. Spann PEREZ-ABREU & MARTINLAVIELLE 305-443-8794 Ana Martin-Lavielle RCC FAMILY LAW 305-351-9522 Richard J. Preira SANDY B BECHER 305-860-5811 Sandy B. Becher SANDY T. FOX 305-932-6542 Sandy Fox STEARNS WEAVER MILLER WEISSLER ALHADEFF & SITTERSON 305-461-7400 Barry M. Wayne THE ESTEVEZ-PAZOS LAW FIRM 305-697-3391 Maritza Estevez-Pazos THE HAMILTON LAW FIRM 305-371-3788 Kathryn DeVane Hamilton THE PADRON LAW GROUP 305-377-9666 Brian D. Fell, Luis M. Padron VALDESPINO & ASSOCIATES 305-442-1200 Jacqueline M. Valdespino YOUNG, BERMAN, KARPF & KARPF 305-945-1851 Cynthia L. Greene, Mitchell K. Karpf


KLUGER, KAPLAN, SILVERMAN, KATZEN & LEVINE 305-379-9000 Jason R. Marks THE ESTEVEZ-PAZOS LAW FIRM 305-697-3391 Maritza Estevez-Pazos


ALISON C. WEINGER 305-505-6564 Alison C. Weinger CAROLAN FAMILY LAW FIRM 305-358-2330 Aliette H. Carolan KLUGER, KAPLAN, SILVERMAN, KATZEN & LEVINE 305-379-9000 Jason R. Marks RCC FAMILY LAW 305-351-9522 Richard J. Preira THE ESTEVEZ-PAZOS LAW FIRM 305-697-3391 Maritza Estevez-Pazos

HELLER ESPENKOTTER 305-777-3765 Alex Espenkotter, Dan P. Heller HOLLAND & KNIGHT 305-374-8500 Christopher W. Boyett**, J. Raul Cosio*, Patrick C. Emans, Kevin E. Packman, Andrew H. Weinstein JEROME M. HESCH 305-502-9504 Jerome M. Hesch JONES WALKER 305-679-5700 Mark D. Rich LEHTINEN SCHULTZ RIEDI DE LA FUENTE 305-760-8544 Thomas G. Schultz* LEVINE KELLOGG LEHMAN SCHNEIDER + GROSSMAN 305-403-8788 Lawrence A. Kellogg* MARIAN ANCHETA 305-974-1904 Marian Ancheta MULLER LEBENSBURGER & SCHWARTZ 305-670-6770 Charles E. Muller II NELSON & NELSON 305-932-2000 Barry A. Nelson PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW PITTMAN 786-913-4900 Michael Kosnitzky RASCO KLOCK PEREZ & NIETO 305-476-7100 Salomón B. Esquenazi SANCHEZ-MEDINA, GONZALEZ, QUESADA, LAGE, GOMEZ & MACHADO 305-377-1000 Roland Sanchez-Medina Jr. SHUTTS & BOWEN 305-358-6300 Patrick J. Lannon, Francis E. Rodriguez STOKES MCMILLAN ANTÚNEZ MARTINEZLEJARZA 305-379-4008 Juan C. Antúnez*, Paul M. Stokes STROOCK & STROOCK & LAVAN 305-789-9300 Lewis F. Murphy* THE NGUYEN LAW FIRM 786-600-2530 Hung V. Nguyen* WELLS & WELLS 305-444-0016 Thomas O. Wells WHITE & CASE 305-371-2700 Michael E. Kavoukjian WICKER SMITH O'HARA MCCOY & FORD 305-448-3939 Nicholas E. Christin**

O'MARA LAW GROUP 407-634-6604 Bert Barclay REBECCA L. PALMER LAW GROUP 407-757-2883 Rebecca L. Palmer, Cynthia M. Winter SASSER & WEBER 407-896-0491 N. Lee Sasser, Jr., Nancy S. Weber SCHWAM-WILCOX & ASSOCIATES, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW 407-245-7700 Camy Schwam-Wilcox SHANE T. HERBERT LAW 407-236-4852 Shane T. Herbert THE AIKIN FAMILY LAW GROUP 407-644-4040 Wendy L. Aikin, Brenda Lee London THE HESKIN MARTINEZ LAW GROUP 407-403-5990 Keersten Heskin Martinez THE VELIZ LAW FIRM 407-849-7072 Norberto S. Katz WEST FAMILY LAW GROUP 407-425-8878 Richard D. West WINDLE FAMILY LAW 407-514-2780 Andrew Windle


REBECCA L. PALMER LAW GROUP 407-757-2883 Rebecca L. Palmer WEST FAMILY LAW GROUP 407-425-8878 Richard D. West


GREEN FAMILY LAW 407-403-5558 Caryn M. Green REBECCA L. PALMER LAW GROUP 407-757-2883 Rebecca L. Palmer SASSER & WEBER 407-896-0491 N. Lee Sasser, Jr., Nancy S. Weber WEST FAMILY LAW GROUP 407-425-8878 Richard D. West


AKERMAN 407-423-4000 Stacey Prince-Troutman BLOODWORTH LAW 407-777-8541 TRUSTS AND ESTATES ORLANDO Reed Bloodworth* AKERMAN 305-374-5600 Richard C. Milstein** DEAN, MEAD, EGERTON, BLOODWORTH, & BOZARTH 407-841-1200 BERGER SINGERMAN 305-755-9500 FAMILY LAW CAPOUANO David J. Akins, Marc D. Chapman*, Lauren Y. Nancy K. Watkin CORTES & MEDINA 407-915-4700 Detzel**, Brian M. Malec Michael Cortes BILZIN SUMBERG 305-374-7580 ESTATE PLANNING AND LEGACY LAW Hal J. Webb, Mitchell E. Widom*, Jennifer J. DONNA HUNG LAW GROUP 407-999-0099 CENTER 407-647-7526 Wioncek Donna C. Hung Charles D. Wilder CARLTON FIELDS 305-530-0050 DUSTY TWYMAN-MOREY FAMILY G. CHARLES WOHLUST 407-644-3206 Thomas J. Meeks* LAW 352-742-0583 G. Charles Wohlust** Dusty L. Twyman CHEPENIK TRUSHIN 305-981-8889 GARGANESE, WEISS D'AGRESTA & Bart H. Chepenik FAMILY COMPLEX LITIGATION & SALZMAN 407-425-9566 COLLABORATIVE GROUP 407-757-2877 DAVID R. CARLISLE 786-523-0223 Gary Salzman* John W. Foster David R. Carlisle* GOULD COOKSEY FENNELL 772-231-1100 FRANK FAMILY LAW PRACTICE 407-629-2208 Todd W. Fennell DAY PITNEY 305-373-4000 Jennifer C. Frank Charles H. Johnson** GRAYROBINSON 407-843-8880 GRAY, GORENFLO & PARTLOW 407-324-0778 W. Michael Clifford, Rex E. Moule, Pamela O. DUANE MORRIS 305-960-2200 Harvey W. Gurland, Jr.*, Marsha G. Madorsky Rachel A. Gorenflo Price, Erik P. Shuman DUNWODY WHITE & LANDON 305-529-1500 GRAYROBINSON 407-843-8880 GRAYROBINSON 321-727-8100 Mayanne Downs, Nicole Park, Jenny Kim Frank T. Adams**, Neil R. Chrystal**, Jack A. W. Michael Clifford, Rex E. Moule, Pamela O. Falk, Jr.*, John J. Grundhauser, William T. Muir Sullivan Price, Erik P. Shuman GOLDMAN FELCOSKI & STONE 305-446-2800 GREEN FAMILY LAW 407-403-5558 HEUSTON LEGAL 321-428-2820 Caryn M. Green, Susan W. Savard Brian J. Felcoski**, Bruce M. Stone** Stephen P. Heuston GREENSPOON MARDER 407-425-6559 GREENBERG TRAURIG 305-579-0500 LAURENCE C. HAMES, ESQ. 407-622-4500 Mark Rabinowitz, Elizabeth Tener Norman J. Benford, Martin Kalb, Diana S.C. Laurence C. Hames Zeydel** HAMLIN FAMILY LAW 407-543-8645 LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN D. Amy C. Hamlin GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & DUNEGAN 407-654-9455 STEWART (800) 615-1980 Stephen D. Dunegan KAREN PERSIS 407-228-2864 Mary E. Karr, Thomas M. Karr*, Alexander L. Karen Persis LAW OFFICES OF HOYT & Nostro Jr. BRYAN 407-977-8080 MICHAEL R. WALSH 321-356-7796 HARPER MEYER PEREZ HAGEN ALBERT Randy Bryan Michael R. Walsh DRIBIN & DELUCA 305-577-3443 LOSEY 407-986-0406 MORGAN & MORGAN 407-452-6990 Michael A. Dribin** Virginia B. Townes* Felipe Mavromatis

FLORIDA FISHER & SAULS 727-822-2033 Bruce Marger** GASSMAN, CROTTY & DENICOLO 727-442-1200 Alan S. Gassman JOHNSON, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & BURNS 727-461-1818 Brandon D. Bellew*, Bruce H. Bokor, Joel D. Bronstein, Holger Gleim, Michael G. Little, Charles A. Samarkos* JOHNSON, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & BURNS 727-800-5980 Brandon D. Bellew*, Bruce H. Bokor, Joel D. Bronstein, Holger Gleim, Michael G. Little, Charles A. Samarkos* LAW OFFICE OF WM. FLETCHER BELCHER 727-821-1249 Angela McClendon Adams** LEGACY PROTECTION LAWYERS 727-471-5868 Joseph W. Fleece III*, William B. McQueen LINDA SUZZANNE GRIFFIN 727-449-9800 Linda Suzzanne Griffin MACFARLANE FERGUSON & SARASOTA MCMULLEN 727-441-8966 Andrew B. Sasso ZUROWESTE 727-796-7666 FAMILY LAW PERSANTE Zackary T. Zuroweste* ICARD, MERRILL, CULLIS, TIMM, FUREN & THE DIAMOND LAW FIRM 727-823-1400 GINSBURG 941-366-8100 Sandra F. Diamond Jaime L. Wallace WILLIAM FLETCHER BELCHER 727-821-1249 LAW OFFICE OF LARRY K. William F. Belcher* COLEMAN 941-747-1234 Larry K. Coleman WILLIAMSON, DIAMOND & CATON 727-398-3600 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Benjamin F. Diamond* ADAMS AND REESE 941-316-7600 David L. Boyette* TALLAHASSEE ARCHBOLD LAW FIRM 941-960-8825 J. Allison Archbold FAMILY LAW BLALOCK WALTERS 941-748-0100 AUSLEY MCMULLEN 850-224-9115 Robert G. Blalock James P. Judkins, Thomas J. Schulte, Jr. EASTMOORE CRAUWELS & KRISTIN ADAMSON, ATTORNEY AT DUBOSE 941-366-8888 LAW 850-224-2000 A. Lamar Matthews, Jr.* Kristin Adamson FERGESON SKIPPER 941-957-1900 LINDA A. BAILEY 850-514-3333 James O. Fergeson, Jr., Richard R. Gans, J. Linda A. Bailey Ronald Skipper NOVEY + GONZALEZ FAMILY SPIVEY & FALLON 941-840-1991 LAW 850-224-4000 Barry F. Spivey** Jerome M. Novey, Shannon L. Novey THE PAYNE LAW GROUP 941-487-2800 PENNINGTON 850-222-3533 L. Howard Payne Dina Foster WILLIAMS PARKER HARRISON DIETZ & PILAR PRINZ 866-237-2955 GETZEN 941-366-4800 John T. Berteau, Ric Gregoria, James L. Turner Pilar Prinz THOMAS L. POWELL 850-224-1452 Thomas L. Powell LOWNDES, DROSDICK, DOSTER, KANTOR & REED 407-843-4600 Julia L. Frey, Norma Stanley NASH & KROMASH 321-984-2440 Keith S. Kromash, Charles Ian Nash NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH 407-839-4200 Regina Rabitaille SHUFFIELD, LOWMAN & WILSON 407-581-9800 Gregory W. Meier THE VELIZ LAW FIRM 407-849-7072 Norberto S. Katz* WINDERWEEDLE, HAINES, WARD & WOODMAN 407-423-4246 Harold A. Ward III, W. Graham White YOUR CARING LAW FIRM 407-622-1900 Merrell Bailey ZIMMERMAN, KISER & SUTCLIFFE 407-425-7010 Laura K. Sundberg**

HARRIS, HUNT & DERR 813-223-5421 Christine L. Derr, Nancy Hutcheson Harris, Joseph Hunt, Katherine C. Scott JAMES P. KNOX 813-254-9874 James P. Knox JEANNE T. TATE 813-258-3355 Jeanne T. Tate MANEY, DAMSKER, JONES & KUHLMAN 813-228-7371 David A. Maney NELSON LAW GROUP 813-350-7890 Seth R. Nelson ST. PETERSBURG OLDER LUNDY ALVAREZ & 813-254-8998 TRUSTS AND ESTATES KOCH Dominic Baccarella, Richard DePippo, Kim A. FAMILY LAW DUDLEY, SELLERS, HEALY, HEATH, & Hamill, Ky M. Koch, Jeffrey Koster, Michael DESMOND 850-583-3852 Lundy, Susan Stromberg GREENE & GREENE 727-821-2900 Frederick R. Dudley Raleigh W. Greene III PROBASCO LAW 813-254-3735 HIGHTOWER LAW FIRM 850-222-3363 Eliane I. Probasco KLK FAMILY LAW 727-216-6865 Robert S. Hightower Kim L. Kaszuba QUINN LAW FIRM 813-773-0687 ROBERT D. MENDELSON 850-224-2000 Mary Elizabeth Quinn MEROS SMITH LAZZARA, BREENNAN & Robert D. Mendelson OLNEY 727-822-4929 ROBERT SPARKS ATTORNEYS 813-336-3348 Peter N. Meros Ellen D. Ostman REESER & ZDRAVKO 727-787-5919 TAMPA RONALD J. RUSSO 813-221-9400 Ty Zdravko Ronald J. Russo THE LAW FIRM FOR FAMILY SAVAGE VILLOCH LAW 813-251-4890 FAMILY LAW LAW 727-531-8737 Victoria Cruz-Garcia Gary E. Williams ALLEN DELL 813-223-5351 SESSUMS BLACK CABALLERO Miriam E. Mason, Marian P. McCulloch, Amy WEBER, CRABB & WEIN 727-828-9919 FICARROTTA 813-251-9200 D. Singer Kelli Hanley Crabb Alexander Caballero, Caroline Black Sikorske BLAIR H. CHAN, III 813-280-5301 ZACUR, GRAHAM & COSTIS 727-328-1000 SESSUMS LAW GROUP 863-226-0095 Blair Chan III Richard A. Zacur Mark A. Sessums BOWES LAW GROUP 813-642-6603 TAMPA BAY FAMILY LAW & Brian S. Bowes, Courtney Bowes FAMILY LAW MEDIATION MEDIATION 813-251-6222 FRASER HIMES 813-261-4700 Scott Paul Davis GREENE & GREENE 727-821-2900 John Fraser Himes Raleigh W. Greene III THE MCKINNEY LAW FIRM 813-906-0048 GIVENS LAW GROUP 813-999-0707 Damien McKinney Christian M. Givens, Stann W. Givens TRUSTS AND ESTATES GRAYROBINSON 863-284-2200 BASKIN EISEL RIGHTMYER 727-572-4545 C. Richard Nail Hamden H. Baskin III*


BOWES LAW GROUP 813-642-6603 Courtney Bowes HARRIS, HUNT & DERR 813-223-5421 Christine L. Derr SOUTH TAMPA LAW GROUP 813-295-7854 Chris E. Ragano THE MCKINNEY LAW FIRM 813-906-0048 Damien McKinney


ALLEN DELL 813-223-5351 Amy D. Singer BLAIR H. CHAN, III 813-280-5301 Blair Chan III BOWES LAW GROUP 813-642-6603 Courtney Bowes GRAYROBINSON 863-284-2200 C. Richard Nail HARRIS, HUNT & DERR 813-223-5421 Christine L. Derr MOCKLER LEINER 813-331-5699 Richard Mockler III SBAR MEDIATION 813-831-5290 Tamlyn S. Sbar THE LAW OFFICE OF AMBER BOLES 813-237-6633 Amber N. Boles


ALLEN DELL 813-223-5351 Donna L. Longhouse, Frank J. Rief III BARNETT, KIRKWOOD, KOCHE, LONG & FOSTER 813-253-2020 Leslie J. Barnett, Peter T. Kirkwood, Rachel Albritton Lunsford BAUMANNKANGAS ESTATE LAW 813-223-2202 Phillip A. Baumann


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FLORIDA · GEORGIA BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY 813-222-8180 Rose K. Wilson BUSH ROSS 813-224-9255 Jolyon D. Acosta, Samuel B. Dolcimascolo, Peter J. Kelly CARLTON FIELDS 813-223-7000 Gwynne A. Young* CRAIG A. MUNDY 863-647-3778 Craig A. Mundy DISPUTE RESOLUTION AND LAW OFFICES OF JAYNE M. LAMBERT 813-248-5004 Jayne M. Lambert FOLEY & LARDNER 813-229-2300 Natalie C. Annis GARDNER LAW FIRM 813-288-9600 Merritt A. Gardner GRAYROBINSON 863-284-2200 Sandra G. Sheets, John K. Vreeland GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & STEWART 813-228-9080 Debra L. Boje**, Brian C. Sparks** HILL WARD HENDERSON 813-221-3900 Charles W. Callahan III, Amelia M. Campbell, Linda D. Hartley** HOLLAND & KNIGHT 813-227-8500 Shane A. Hart, Edward F. Koren, Jr.**, Edward F. Koren, Jr.**, William R. Lane, Jr., Robert W. Lang* HOLLAND & KNIGHT 863-682-1161 Shane A. Hart, Edward F. Koren, Jr.**, Edward F. Koren, Jr.**, William R. Lane, Jr., Robert W. Lang* J. RICHARD CASKEY 813-443-5709 J. Richard Caskey** JOHNSON, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & BURNS 813-225-2500 Jeffrey M. Gad, Scott C. Ilgenfritz*, William Kalish, Michael J. Nolan II LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT J. KLINE 813-251-2212 Robert James Kline** LINDA C. HANNA 813-251-1666 Linda C. Hanna MACFARLANE FERGUSON & MCMULLEN 813-273-4200 James W. Goodwin II OLDER LUNDY ALVAREZ & KOCH 813-254-8998 Harry Teichman SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 813-229-7600 Bruce H. Gordon, William R. Swindle SHUTTS & BOWEN 813-229-8900 Jordan G. Lee** TAE KELLEY BRONNER 813-907-6643 Tae Kelley Bronner** TRENAM LAW 813-223-7474 Marla DeVicente Bohlander, Jennifer L. Griffin, Charles F. Ketchey, Jr.*, Karen E. Lewis, J. Eric Taylor YATES & TAYLOR 813-254-6516 Ann-Eliza Musoke Taylor

THE LAW OFFICE OF ABIGAIL BEEBE 561-370-3691 Abigail Beebe VICTORIA CALEBRESE 561-624-2110 Victoria A. Calebrese WARD DAMON 561-842-3000 Eddie E. Stephens III

DEARTHGALAT 404-341-5848 Bryan Galat DOFFERMYRE SHIELDS CANFIELD & KNOWLES 404-881-8900 Everette L. Doffermyre* EVERSHEDS SUTHERLAND (US) 404-853-8000 Larry J. White GALARDI LAW 404-812-9220 Mary Galardi GASLOWITZ FRANKEL 404-892-9797 Craig M. Frankel*, Adam R. Gaslowitz* L. LIN WOOD 404-891-1402 L. Lin Wood* MCCURDY & CANDLER 404-373-1612 Brian M. Deutsch* MELISSA P. WALKER 404-500-4987 Melissa P. Walker SMITH, GAMBRELL & RUSSELL 404-815-3500 James H. Morgan, Jr. STEIN LAW 770-804-4888 Douglas W. Stein TAYLOR ENGLISH DUMA 770-434-6868 John C. Sawyer** THE BOWDEN LAW FIRM 404-941-1370 Henry L. Bowden Jr., Kristen M. Lewis THE BOWDEN SPRATT LAW FIRM 404-523-8337 Nikola R. Djuric, Patricia D. Friedman, James Dean Spratt Jr. FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION THE ELDER LAW PRACTICE OF DANIEL D. CALDWELL, PROPST & MUNSTER 404-920-0521 DELOACH 404-843-1956 Daniel D. Munster Peter A. Rivner TROUTMAN PEPPER 404-885-3000 LEVINE SMITH SNIDER & David F. Golden WILSON 404-237-5700 WALLACE MORRISON & Deborah B. Koslin CASTEEL 404-872-8160 MARPLE RUBIN FAMILY LAW 770-796-4000 Ralph R. Morrison**, John A. Wallace Kevin J. Rubin MERIWETHER & THARP 678-527-5188 Todd A. Orston AUGUSTA-GA

HEDGEPETH HEREDIA FAMILY LAW 404-846-7025 Jon W. Hedgepeth HOELTING & MCCORMACK 404-596-8094 Rebecca Hoelting J. STEPHEN CLIFFORD 404-233-2800 J. Stephen Clifford LAW OFFICE OF NANCY TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAWLER 678-478-5848 Nancy F. Lawler BOYES FARINA AND MATWICZYK 561-694-7979 LEVINE SMITH SNIDER & Peter Matwiczyk** WILSON 404-237-5700 Paul J. Coburn, David A. Garfinkel, Deborah B. COMITER, SINGER, BASEMAN & Koslin, Jonathan R. Levine, Kelly K. Schiffer, BRAUN 561-626-2101 Alvah O. Smith, Rachel Anderson Snider, John Alan H. Baseman, Keith B. Braun, Richard B. P. Wilson III Comiter, Lisa Z. Hauser, Michael S. Singer** CRITTON, LUTTIER & COLEMAN 561-842-2820 MARPLE RUBIN FAMILY LAW 770-796-4000 David Marple, Kevin J. Rubin Robert D. Critton, Jr.* NAGGIAR & SARIF 404-816-2004 CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 561-214-8500 David Sarif David M. Halpen RICHARD W. SCHIFFMAN, JR. 404-835-0195 DAY PITNEY 561-803-3500 Richard W. Schiffman, Jr. Tasha K. Dickinson RICHARDSON BLOOM & LINES 404-888-3730 DEAN, MEAD, EGERTON, BLOODWORTH, Melody Z. Richardson CAPOUANO & BOZARTH 772-464-7700 Michael D. Minton STERN & EDLIN 404-256-0010 Shiel G. Edlin, Carla F. Stern DOANE & DOANE 561-656-0200 Randell C. Doane WARNER BATES 770-766-8148 Edward E. Bates, Jr., Barry B. McGough, C. DOWNEY MCELROY 561-691-2043 Wilbur Warner, Jr. Robert. Lee McElroy IV* GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & STEWART (561) 655-1980 Elaine M. Bucher, Daniel A. Hanley, William T. Hennessey**, John C. Moran**, John B.T. Murray, Jr.*, Stephen C. Page*, Mitchell D. Schepps, Lisa A. Schneider, Michael D. Simon* GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & STEWART 772-288-1980 Elaine M. Bucher, Daniel A. Hanley, William T. Hennessey**, John C. Moran**, John B.T. Murray, Jr.*, Stephen C. Page*, Mitchell D. Schepps, Lisa A. Schneider, Michael D. Simon* JAMES W. BEASLEY 561-835-0900 James W. Beasley, Jr.* JONES FOSTER 561-659-3000 David E. Bowers, Theodore S. Kypreos*, Peter A. Sachs* MCDONALD HOPKINS 561-472-2121 Peter M. Bernhardt* NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH 561-832-3300 Jacqueline S. Miller PRESSLY, PRESSLY, RANDOLPH & PRESSLY 561-659-4040 James G. Pressly, Jr.** REID BURMAN LEBEDEKER XENICK 561-659-7700 J. Michael Burman* SHUTTS & BOWEN 561-835-8500 David A. Gart


CALDWELL, PROPST & DELOACH 404-843-1956 Peter A. Rivner COLLARD SHOCKLEY 404-760-7300 Dennis G. Collard MARPLE RUBIN FAMILY LAW 770-796-4000 David Marple MERIWETHER & THARP 678-527-5188 Todd A. Orston SHEWMAKER & SHEWMAKER 770-939-1939 James E. Holmes


ABRAMS DAVIS MASON LONG 404-815-6060 A. Kimbrough Davis, Mary Balent Long, Suzanne G. Mason, Haley A. Schwartz & BIRD 404-881-7000 GEORGIA ALSTON G. Edge, Margaret Ward Scott, ATLANTA Robert Benjamin T. White**, R. Mark Williamson ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY 404-873-8500 WEST PALM BEACH FAMILY LAW Jack K. Holland, Bertram L. Levy, Suzanne Tucker Plybon, Michael L. Van Cise, Jeremy BERRYMAN FAMILY LAW 770-937-0012 T. Ware FAMILY LAW R. Scott Berryman CRITTON, LUTTIER & COLEMAN 561-842-2820 BODKER, RAMSEY, ANDREWS, WINOGRAD & BARNES & THORNBURG 404-846-1693 James R. Robinson Mark T. Luttier WILDSTEIN 404-351-1615 Stephen C. Andrews BODKER, RAMSEY, ANDREWS, WINOGRAD & GREENSPOON MARDER 561-227-2370 WILDSTEIN 404-351-1615 Cindy A. Crawford BOYD COLLAR NOLEN TUGGLE & Stephen C. Andrews RODDENBERY 770-953-4300 JOHN F. SCHUTZ 561-228-7100 Robert D. Boyd, John L. Collar Jr., Richard M. BONDURANT MIXSON & John F. Schutz Nolen, Tina Shadix Roddenbery, Jonathan J. ELMORE 404-881-4100 LAW OFFICE OF R.T. WHITE 561-623-5310 Tuggle H. Lamar Mixson* Ralph White, Jr. COLLARD SHOCKLEY 404-760-7300 BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON LAW OFFICES OF JOHN T. Dennis G. Collard PAISNER 404-572-6600 CHRISTIANSEN 561-689-1888 Kimberly E. Civins** CONNELL CUMMINGS 678-616-2263 John T. Christiansen Kathleen B. Connell, Leigh F. Cummings BURR & FORMAN 404-815-3000 MARTIN L. HAINES III 561-863-5400 DAVIS, MATTHEWS & QUIGLEY 404-261-3900 James M. McCarten Martin L. Haines III Emily S. Bair, Elizabeth Green Lindsey CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 404-659-1410 MICHAEL P. WALSH 561-659-3989 Thomas E. Jones, Jr., J. Scot Kirkpatrick EITTREIM MARTIN CUTLER 770-225-7000 Michael P. Walsh Alexander R. Cutler, Theodore S. Eittreim, COHEN POLLOCK MERLIN SASSER, CESTERO & SASSER 561-689-4378 Pamela J. Gray, Margaret R. Martin TURNER 770-858-1288 Jorge M. Cestero, Thomas J. Sasser H. Stephen Merlin, William Anthony Turner

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FULCHER HAGLER 706-724-0171 Mark C. Wilby STEPHEN H. HAGLER 706-860-9060 Stephen Hilley Hagler


DONSBACH LAW GROUP 706-650-8750 Judith M. Becker FULCHER HAGLER 706-724-0171 Russell V. Mobley TROY A. LANIER 706-550-1941 Troy A. Lanier*


HALL BOOTH SMITH 706-494-3818 John M. Sheftall**, Charles T. Staples PAGE, SCRANTOM, SPROUSE, TUCKER & FORD 706-324-0251 Charles H. Ford Jr., E. Lowry Reid Jr., Alan F. Rothschild, Jr. PERRY & WALTERS 229-439-4000 James E. Reynolds, Jr.** WATSON SPENCE 229-436-1545 Gregory L. Fullerton


ANDERSEN, TATE & CARR 770-822-0900 Trinity Hundredmark, Patrick J. McDonough B. WAYNE PHILLIPS 770-528-0154 Bruce Wayne Phillips DUPREE, KIMBROUGH & CARL 770-424-7171 Blake R. Carl, Hylton B. Dupree Jr., M. Scott Kimbrough

GEORGIA · HAWAII · IDAHO · ILLINOIS MAHAFFEY PICKENS TUCKER 770-232-0000 Gerald Davidson, Jr. MEADOWS, MACIE & SUTTON 770-957-1199 James J. Macie, Terri S. Sutton MOORE INGRAM JOHNSON & STEELE 770-429-1499 Stephen C. Steele REESE-BEISBIER & ASSOCIATES 678-947-2988 Tera Reese-Beisbier THE GLEKLEN LAW FIRM 678-236-0444 Adam Gleklen THE PLATT LAW FIRM 404-255-3434 Rachel Platt

HUNTERMACLEAN 912-236-0261 Frank S. Macgill, M. Lane Morrison, John M. Tatum* MEYERS & SAYERS 912-598-5151 Paul D. Meyer OLIVER MANER 912-236-3311 David Herschel Dickey, Robert W. Schivera, Lee A. Summerford SIMPSON LAW 912-925-7200 K. Russell Simpson

LAW OFFICES OF CURTIS B. K. YUEN 808-532-3103 Curtis B. K. Yuen LAW OFFICES OF ERIC S.T. YOUNG 808-427-1406 Eric S.T. Young** LODEN & CONAHAN 808-524-8099 Heather K. L. Conahan MACDONALD RUDY O'NEILL & YAMAUCHI 808-523-3080 Michael D. Rudy* LAW GROUP 808-548-5700 HAWAII MATSUMOTO John K. Matsumoto HONOLULU NG & NIEBLING 808-732-7788 Jeffrey R. Niebling FAMILY LAW MEDIATION FAMILY LAW SCHLACK ITO 808-523-6040 DUPREE, KIMBROUGH & CARL 770-424-7171 Regan M. Iwao*, Derek R. Kobayashi* ASHFORD & WRISTON 808-539-0400 Hylton B. Dupree Jr. Paul A. Tomar STARN O'TOOLE MARCUS & F. MARIAN WEEKS 770-218-2600 FISHER 808-537-6100 HAMILTON & CHAN 808-377-4030 F. Marian Weeks Trevor A. Brown* Geoffrey Hamilton HUFF, WOODS & STEELE 770-429-1001 TAYLOR, LEONG & CHEE 808-913-0355 JOHN W. SCHMIDTKE JR. 808-599-4100 Jeanne Diane Woods Carroll S. Taylor** John W. Schmidtke, Jr. LINDA WADE GETTLE 770-795-8000 THE LAW OFFICES OF STEPHEN B. KLEINTOP & LURIA 808-524-5183 Linda Wade Gettle YIM 808-524-0251 Charles T. Kleintop, Timothy Luria, Naoko C. THE GLEKLEN LAW FIRM 678-236-0444 Stephen B. Yim Miyamoto Susan A. Hurst TOM PETRUS & MILLER 808-792-5800 LAW OFFICES OF EDWARD R. Lyle M. Ishida* LEBB 808-524-9000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Edward R. Lebb YEE & KAWASHIMA 808-524-4501 KANNER BAKER 678-273-3983 Jared N. Kawashima*, Randall M. L. Yee MANCINI WELCH & GEIGER 808-871-8351 Paige P. Baker, James R. Kanner Rosalyn Loomis MORGAN AND DISALVO 678-720-0750 REZENTS & CROWLEY 808-531-6789 IDAHO Richard M. Morgan Stephanie A. Rezents BOISE SCROGGIN & COMPANY 770-884-7197 John J. Scroggin FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION THE GRAHAM FIRM 706-232-4797 FAMILY LAW DOI /LUKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 808-593-2199 John M. Graham III** Gavin K. Doi CARNAHAN LAW OFFICES 208-338-1420 Debrha J. Carnahan TISINGER VANCE 770-834-4467 MITSUYAMA + REBMAN 808-545-7035 J. Thomas Vance Alethea Kyoko Rebman COSHO HUMPHREY 208-344-7811 Stanley W. Welsh MACON FAMILY LAW MEDIATION GOSS GUSTAVEL GOSS 208-514-4497 DOI /LUKE, ATTORNEY AT LAW 808-593-2199 David D. Goss Gavin K. Doi FAMILY LAW FAMILY LAW MEDIATION JAMES K. HOENIG 808-523-1234 LISE S. KAPLAN 478-207-5124 James K. Hoenig GOSS GUSTAVEL GOSS 208-514-4497 Lise S. Kaplan David D. Goss STONE FAMILY LAW 478-741-0060 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kice H. Stone TRUSTS AND ESTATES BAYS LUNG ROSE & VOSS 808-523-9000 Adrian L. Lavarias*, Crystal K. Rose* AHRENS DEANGELI LAW TRUSTS AND ESTATES GROUP 208-639-7799 CADES SCHUTTE 808-521-9200 ANDERSON, WALKER & Edward D. Ahrens**, Darin DeAngeli Rhonda L. Griswold**, Summer G. Shelverton, REICHERT 478-743-8651 Daniel Vermillion EBERLE, BERLIN, KADING, TURNBOW & Albert P. Reichert, Jr.** MCKLVEEN 208-344-8535 CARLSMITH BALL 808-523-2500 BARNESLAW 229-244-7774 L. Victoria Meier, Joseph H. Uberuaga II** Joy M. Miyasaki, Harry Y. Oda** Richard E. Barnes ELAM & BURKE 208-343-5454 CHUN KERR 808-528-8200 HALL, BLOCH, GARLAND & Loren C. Ipsen Adrienne S. Yoshihara MEYER 478-745-1625 HAWLEY TROXELL 208-344-6000 J. Patrick Meyer Jr. DAMON KEY LEONG KUPCHAK John Stanley McGown, Jr. HASTERT 808-531-8031 HARRIS & JAMES 478-745-9661 Mark M. Murakami**, Douglas C. Smith**, SANDRA L. CLAPP & John Burke Harris III Madeleine M. V. Young* ASSOCIATES 208-938-2660 JAMES-BATES-BRANNANSandra L. Clapp** DEELEY KING PANG & VAN GROOVER 478-742-4280 ETTEN 808-533-1751 W. Carter Bates III, John F. Kennedy* James A. Kawachika* COEUR D'ALENE JONES CORK 478-745-2821 ELLIOT H. LODEN 808-561-8099 Timothy K. Adams, H. Jerome Strickland* Elliot H. Loden SMITH, HAWKINS, HOLLINGSWORTH & TRUSTS AND ESTATES EST8PLANNING COUNSEL 808-587-8227 REEVES 478-743-4436 WALLACE & KUSTER 208-667-2264 Scott A. Makuakane* George Boone Smith III Marc E. Wallace FRANK T. KANEMITSU 808-534-4960 Frank T. Kanemitsu SAVANNAH GOODSILL ANDERSON QUINN & EAGLE STIFEL 808-547-5600 Yuriko Lee**, Raymond K. Okada**, FAMILY LAW Judy TRUSTS AND ESTATES Rosemarie S. J. Sam** JOHNSON KRAEUTER 912-421-2900 SHARON D. POWERS 208-297-0512 HASTINGS LAUN & HOUSER 808-885-4554 K. Paul Johnson, R. Scot Kraeuter Sharon D. Powers Robert William Hastings II OLIVER MANER 912-236-3311 HOSODA & BONNER 808-524-3700 Andrew M. Wilkes Lyle Hosoda* POCATELLO TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTOPHER A. DIAS 808-524-4600 BOUHAN FALLIGANT 912-232-7000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Christopher A. Dias* Melanie L. Marks BEARD ST. CLAIR GAFFNEY 208-232-5911 LAW OFFICE OF RUSSELL A. Thomas J. Holmes GILBERT, HARRELL, SUMERFORD & OTA 808-532-3100 MARTIN 912-265-6700 Russell A. Ota ECHO HAWK & OLSEN 208-478-1624 Janet A. Shirley, Rees M. Sumerford Eric L. Olsen

MARTIN & ESKELSON 208-523-6644 Stephen E. Martin RACINE OLSON 208-232-6101 Randall C. Budge STEPHAN, KVANVIG, STONE & TRAINOR 208-733-2721 Russell G. Kvanvig


ALLEN & GLASSMAN 312-853-3000 Gemma B. Allen ANDREW CORES FAMILY LAW GROUP 630-871-1002 Andrew P. Cores ARAMI LAW OFFICE 312-212-1399 Kourosh Arami ARIANO, HARDY, RITT, NYULI, RICHMOND, LYTLE & GOETTEL 847-695-2400 Lisa M. Nyuli ARONBERG GOLDGEHN DAVIS & GARMISA 312-828-9600 Elizabeth Lazzara ATTORNEY SULLIVAN & ASSOCIATES 312-782-3456 Peter Sullivan AVERY KILL 312-648-9707 Annemarie E. Kill BEATTIE FREEMAN ONORATO FAMILY LAW GROUP 312-360-1503 Stacy R. Freeman BEERMANN 312-621-9700 Miles N. Beermann, Leonidas L. Bezanis II, John M. D'Arco, Howard A. London, Beth F. McCormack, Kathryn Mickelson, Enrico J. Mirabelli, Karen Paige, James B. Pritikin, James M. Quigley, Morgan L. Stogsdill BENNETT & BANGSER 312-788-2770 Bradford L. Bennett BERGER SCHATZ 312-782-3456 Jason G. Adess, Michael J. Berger, Brian J. Blitz, Jennifer Cantrell, Andrew D. Eichner, Leon I. Finkel, Claudia Gallo, Brendan J. Hammer, Margaret E. Keane, Marcelle Kott, Karen Krehbiel, Kurt S. Kwidzinski, David H. Levy, Craig M. Mandell, Kathleen M. McNamara, Sharon S. Mobley, Zora Ristanovic, Lauren Goodkin Roth, Michael S. Sabath, Barry A. Schatz, Eric J. Schwab, Dina Warner BERGER SCHATZ 847-405-9500 Jason G. Adess, Michael J. Berger, Brian J. Blitz, Jennifer Cantrell, Andrew D. Eichner, Leon I. Finkel, Claudia Gallo, Brendan J. Hammer, Margaret E. Keane, Marcelle Kott, Karen Krehbiel, Kurt S. Kwidzinski, David H. Levy, Craig M. Mandell, Kathleen M. McNamara, Sharon S. Mobley, Zora Ristanovic, Lauren Goodkin Roth, Michael S. Sabath, Barry A. Schatz, Eric J. Schwab, Dina Warner BERLIN MELZER LAW LLC 312-602-9789 Rebecca Berlin Melzer BOTTI LAW FIRM 630-573-8585 Aldo E. Botti, Michael R. Botti BRIGITTE SCHMIDT BELL 847-733-0933 Brigitte Schmidt Bell CAESAR & BENDER 312-236-1500 Michael Ian Bender CALABRESE ASSOCIATES 630-393-3111 Michael J. Calabrese CARDER LAW FIRM 630-364-3223 Deborah A. Carder CHAWLA & RAVANI 630-325-5557 T. Paul S. Chawla DAVID KIRSH LAW AND MEDIATION 312-216-5101 David P. Kirsh DAVIS FRIEDMAN 312-782-2220 Marc A. Bangser, Andrew M. Engle, Pamela J. Hutul, Timothy Jasper, Dorene Marcus, James L. Rubens, Vincent J. Stark, Errol Zavett DOWNS LAW OFFICES 312-781-1963 Robert K. Downs


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IDAHO · ILLINOIS ILLINOIS DUSSIAS WITTENBERG KOENIGSBERGER 312-226-8840 Dean S. Dussias, Michael F. Koenigsberger FEINBERG SHARMA 312-376-8860 Joy M. Feinberg FISCHEL & KAHN 312-726-0440 Julie P. Brett, Suzanne Glade, David W. Inlander FRUMM & FRUMM 312-726-0144 David B. Frumm GOOSTREE LAW GROUP 630-584-4800 Tricia D. Goostree GRIFFIN MCCARTHY & RICE 312-782-4244 Nanette A. McCarthy GROTTA & ASSOCIATES 708-789-9479 Thomas E. Grotta GRUND & LEAVITT 312-640-0500 Arthur M. Berman, David Grund, Adam C. Kibort, Marvin J. Leavitt, Alyssa Mogul HAID & TEICH 312-585-6604 Pamela J. Kuzniar HARRISON & HELD 312-332-1111 Michael C. Craven, Jason L. Hurst, Frances H. Krasnow HOFFENBERG & BLOCK 312-853-8000 Vanessa L. Hammer JENNER & BLOCK 312-222-9350 James H. Feldman KALCHEIM HABER 312-236-9445 Cara M. Gaziano, Michael A. Haber KAMERLINK, STARK, POWERS & MCNICHOLAS 312-855-0324 Jami M. Buzinski KATZ & STEFANI 312-364-9000 David C. Ainley, Shawn D. Bersson, Erin B. Bodendorfer, Amanda B. Clayman, P. André Katz, Daniel R. Stefani, Kathryn McMahon Vivanco, Ashley D. Wood

KATZ, GOLDSTEIN & WARREN 847-317-9500 Marc R. Fisher, Ilene B. Goldstein, Todd R. Warren KIRSH AND ASSOCIATES 312-981-0109 Matthew Kirsh KOGUT & WILSON 312-565-4100 Eva Kogut, Bryan J. Wilson LAKE TOBACK DIDOMENICO 312-288-8985 Michael DiDomenico, Steven R. Lake, Alan J. Toback LAW FIRM OF MARTIN OSINSKI 312-961-8823 Martin Osinski LAW OFFICE OF JENNIFER GUIMONDQUIGLEY 312-754-1319 Jennifer Guimond-Quigley LAW OFFICE OF KENNY & KENNY 630-462-1620 Michael H. Kenny, Thomas G. Kenny LAW OFFICE OF PAUL L. FEINSTEIN 312-346-6392 Paul L. Feinstein LAW OFFICES OF ANNETTE M. FERNHOLZ 312-683-0308 Annette Fernholz LAW OFFICES OF BENEDICT SCHWARZ, II 847-428-7725 Benedict Schwarz II LAW OFFICES OF JEFFERY M. LEVING 312-702-0862 James M. Hagler LAW OFFICES OF JONATHAN MEREL 312-487-2795 Jonathan Merel LAW OFFICES OF STEWART J. AUSLANDER 312-332-3558 Stewart Auslander LAW OFFICES OF STUART A. REID 847-906-3755 Stuart A. Reid




58 |


LAW OFFICES OF UMBERTO S. DAVI 708-246-7277 Umberto S. Davi LEVIN & ASSOCIATES 312-546-5100 Joel J. Levin LEVIN & BREND 312-726-4440 Jennifer M. Fletchall MASSUCCI, BLOMQUIST, ANDERSON & DUNN 847-253-8100 Raymond R. Massucci MASTERS LAW GROUP 312-609-1700 Erin E. Masters MEDIATE NORTH SHORE 847-260-7030 Amy L. Gertler MIRABELLA, KINCAID, FREDERICK & MIRABELLA 630-665-7300 Henry D. Kass, Lynn M. Mirabella PALMISANO LAW GROUP 708-966-4311 James A. Palmisano PAUL J. BARGIEL 312-263-0888 Paul J. Bargiel PESKIND LAW FIRM 630-444-0701 Steven N. Peskind RITTER LAW OFFICES 312-722-2547 Elisabeth Ritter ROSENFELD FARMER 312-372-6058 Howard H. Rosenfeld SAXE LAW 224-800-1351 David Saxe SCHAFFER FAMILY LAW 630-922-4500 David N. Schaffer

ver her extensive legal career, Fran Krasnow has developed a reputation as a powerful advocate. Fran is a talented litigator who is also highly empathetic. Fran approaches matters as amicably as possible, and she is also an arbitrator providing litigants with an excellent dispute resolution alternative. Fran represents clients in all areas of complex family law. Her practice encompasses all aspects of divorce, custody, child support and maintenance, property division, locating and allocating assets, and the preparation and defense of prenuptial and postnuptial agreements. Fran also offers her clients the added benefit of Harrison & Held LLP’s diverse expertise which, in addition to its highly respected family law practice, includes sophisticated representation in estate planning, tax, real estate, and transactional law—all areas which

SCHILLER DUCANTO & FLECK 312-641-5560 Allison B. Adams, Brett M. Buckley, Kimberly A. Cook, Jay P. Dahlin, Timothy M. Daw, Jennifer L. Dillon, Charles J. Fleck, Kara Francis-Berry, Meighan A. Harmon, Burton S. Hochberg, Jessica Bank Interlandi, Joshua M. Jackson, Michele M. Jochner, Benjamin Mackoff, Gregory C. Maksimuk, Carlton R. Marcyan, Claire R. McKenzie, Andrea K. Muchin, Eric R. Pfanenstiel, Karen Pinkert-Lieb, Patrick T. Ryan, Karen M. Schetz, Amy Schiller, Donald C. Schiller, Eric L. Schulman, Jason N. Sposeep, Tanya J. Stanish, Arnold B. Stein, Anita M. Ventrelli, Thomas F. Villanti, Jane D. Waller, Evan D. Whitfield, Erika N. Wyatt, Adam Zebelian SCHILLER DUCANTO & FLECK 847-615-8300 Allison B. Adams, Brett M. Buckley, Kimberly A. Cook, Jay P. Dahlin, Timothy M. Daw, Jennifer L. Dillon, Charles J. Fleck, Kara Francis-Berry, Meighan A. Harmon, Burton S. Hochberg, Jessica Bank Interlandi, Joshua M. Jackson, Michele M. Jochner, Benjamin Mackoff, Gregory C. Maksimuk, Carlton R. Marcyan, Claire R. McKenzie, Andrea K. Muchin, Eric R. Pfanenstiel, Karen Pinkert-Lieb, Patrick T. Ryan, Karen M. Schetz, Amy Schiller, Donald C. Schiller, Eric L. Schulman, Jason N. Sposeep, Tanya J. Stanish, Arnold B. Stein, Anita M. Ventrelli, Thomas F. Villanti, Jane D. Waller, Evan D. Whitfield, Erika N. Wyatt, Adam Zebelian

frequently arise in family law matters. Fran has been included in The Best Lawyers in America© for Family Law since 2008, and she has received the prestigious AV Preeminent rating from Martindale-Hubbell for more than 25 consecutive years. Fran has been a frequent CLE presenter, and she sits on the board of her alma mater, Northwestern University Pritzker School of Law. Fran is also a national Commissioner of the Anti-Defamation League, and she is active on additional charitable boards as well as a corporate board. Fran is an American Bar Foundation Fellow, a peer-selected global honorary society which is limited to 1% of licensed attorneys in each jurisdiction. In recognition of Fran’s leadership in the Chicago community, she received the ADL Women of Achievement Award and the AFHU Leaders of Distinction Award, among other honors.

333 West Wacker Drive, Suite 1700 • Chicago, IL 60606 312.332.1111 • •

Ranked Tier 1 in the 2021 edition of U.S. News - Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” for Family Law in Chicago

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ILLINOIS · INDIANA SCHILLER DUCANTO & FLECK 630-665-5800 Allison B. Adams, Brett M. Buckley, Kimberly A. Cook, Jay P. Dahlin, Timothy M. Daw, Jennifer L. Dillon, Charles J. Fleck, Kara Francis-Berry, Meighan A. Harmon, Burton S. Hochberg, Jessica Bank Interlandi, Joshua M. Jackson, Michele M. Jochner, Benjamin Mackoff, Gregory C. Maksimuk, Carlton R. Marcyan, Claire R. McKenzie, Andrea K. Muchin, Eric R. Pfanenstiel, Karen Pinkert-Lieb, Patrick T. Ryan, Karen M. Schetz, Amy Schiller, Donald C. Schiller, Eric L. Schulman, Jason N. Sposeep, Tanya J. Stanish, Arnold B. Stein, Anita M. Ventrelli, Thomas F. Villanti, Jane D. Waller, Evan D. Whitfield, Erika N. Wyatt, Adam Zebelian SHAW FAMILY LAW 630-584-5550 Matt Shaw SLOAN & ASSOCIATES 312-332-3771 Maol M. Sloan SUSAN E. KAMMAN & ASSOCIATES 847-241-4156 Susan E. Kamman SWANSON, MARTIN & BELL 312-321-9100 Steven H. Klein, Christopher D. Wehrman THE GITLIN LAW FIRM 815-338-9401 Gunnar J. Gitlin THE LAW FIRM OF DEBRA J. BRASELTON 800-569-5371 Debra J. Braselton THE LAW OFFICE OF MICHELLE A. LAWLESS 312-741-1092 Michelle A. Lawless THE LAW OFFICE OF MIRIAM COOPER 847-995-8800 Miriam Cooper TORSHEN LAW GROUP 312-219-9658 Jacqueline J. Torshen VEDDER PRICE 312-609-7500 Thomas P. Cimino, Jr. VENTRELLI SIMON 847-505-0807 Neal A. Simon, Mario R. Ventrelli WEILER & LENGLE 630-587-5600 Rory T. Weiler WHITE SCOTT & WHITE 847-234-6680 Christopher A. White WINTERS FAMILY LAW FIRM 312-523-2192 Lena Goretsky Winters YAVITZ & LEVEY 312-924-4400 Ross S. Levey


BERGER SCHATZ 312-782-3456 Jason G. Adess, Leon I. Finkel, Brendan J. Hammer, Marcelle Kott, David H. Levy, Barry A. Schatz, Dina Warner CAESAR & BENDER 312-236-1500 Michael Ian Bender


BERGER SCHATZ 312-782-3456 Jason G. Adess, Marcelle Kott GRIFFIN MCCARTHY & RICE 312-782-4244 Nanette A. McCarthy KATZ & STEFANI 312-364-9000 Daniel R. Stefani, Kathryn McMahon Vivanco KOGUT & WILSON 312-565-4100 Eva Kogut MASTERS LAW GROUP 312-609-1700 Erin E. Masters SCHILLER DUCANTO & FLECK 312-641-5560 Jason N. Sposeep


BAKER MCKENZIE 312-861-8000 Debra M. Doyle, John W. Newlin III BARNES & THORNBURG 312-357-1313 Stephanie H. Denby BUCKLEY FINE 847-381-0011 David P. Buckley, Jr. BURKE, WARREN, MACKAY & SERRITELLA 312-840-7000 Karen K. MacKay CLARK HILL 312-985-5900 Ray J. Koenig III 60 |


DENTONS U.S. 312-876-8000 Thomas G. Opferman FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH 312-569-1000 Quin R. Frazer FOLEY & LARDNER 312-832-4500 John T. Brooks*, James R. Hellige FREEBORN & PETERS 312-360-6000 Eileen B. Trost**, Michael D. Whitty GOULD & RATNER 312-236-3003 Jeffrey C. Rambach GRESHAM PARTNERS 312-327-5020 Kim A. Kamin** HAMILTON THIES & LORCH 312-650-8650 William J. Fairbanks HARRISON & HELD 312-332-1111 Michael R. Friedberg, Louis S. Harrison, Jason S. Ornduff, Bernard T. Wall HOLLAND & KNIGHT 312-263-3600 Christine L. Albright, Andrew R. Gelman HORWOOD MARCUS & BERK 312-606-3200 Richard M. Horwood**, Jeffrey A. Zaluda KATTEN 312-902-5200 David M. Allen, Charles Harris, Michael O. Hartz, Tye J. Klooster KIRKLAND & ELLIS 312-862-2000 David A. Handler LATIMER LEVAY FYOCK 312-422-8000 Kenneth M Bloom LAW OFFICE OF JOHN D. ENGLISH 847-692-4500 John D. English LEVENFELD PEARLSTEIN 312-346-8380 Robert A. Romanoff, Lauren J. Wolven LEVIN SCHREDER & CAREY 312-332-6300 Carleen L. Schreder LOEB & LOEB 312-464-3100 James W. Hitzeman, Jordan A. Klein, Kathleen O'Hagan Scallan MAYER BROWN 312-782-0600 Richard A. Campbell**, James A. Casey, Daniel W. Luther**, Donna E. Morgan MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 312-372-2000 David A. Baker**, Bobbi J. Bierhals, William J. Butler, Jared R. Cloud, Richard L. Dees, L. Timothy Halleron, Carol A. Harrington, David A. Herpe, Jeanette S. Hunter, Neil T. Kawashima, Richard A. Lang, Joseph O. Rubinelli, Jr. NEAL, GERBER & EISENBERG 312-269-8000 Scott J. Bakal, Susan L. Goldenberg, Lawrence I. Richman, Martin H. Tish PERKINS COIE 312-324-8400 Sandra K. Newman, Domingo P. Such III QUARLES & BRADY 312-715-5000 Kirk A. Hoopingarner REED SMITH 312-207-1000 Robert D. LoPrete, Michael LoVallo RICHARD J. PRENDERGAST 312-641-0881 Richard J. Prendergast* ROTHMAN LAW GROUP 312-578-0900 Joel S. Rothman SCHIFF HARDIN 312-258-5500 Thomas W. Abendroth**, Susan T. Bart, David C. Blickenstaff*, Harmon A. Brown, David R. Hodgman**, Michael K. Moyers, Robert R. Pluth, Jr., Christine Quigley, Sarah Kerr Severson, Debra L. Stetter** SIDLEY AUSTIN 312-853-7000 Paul A. Svoboda THOMPSON COBURN 312-346-7500 Scott Bieber WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER 312-728-9000 Barbara R. Grayson



FLYNN GUYMON AND GARAVALIA 618-233-0480 Anthony R. Garavalia THE SHAW LAW GROUP 618-655-0555 Jennifer A. Shaw

ZIEMER, STAYMAN, WEITZEL & SHOULDERS 812-424-7575 Clay W. Havill


KOLB ROELLGEN & KIRCHOFF 812-882-2280 J. David Roellgen


BARBER & BAUER 812-618-1940 Steven T. Barber INDIANA JOHNSON, CARROLL, NORTON, KENT & CARMEL GOEDDE 812-205-2661 Brian K. Carroll FAMILY LAW KAHN, DEES, DONOVAN & KAHN 812-423-3183 CATE, TERRY & GOOKINS 317-564-0016 Allison K. Comstock, Shannon S. Frank, Brian Stephanie K. Gookins P. Williams* CHURCH CHURCH HITTLE + KOLB ROELLGEN & KIRCHOFF 812-882-2280 ANTRIM 317-773-2190 Jeffrey B. Kolb** Leslie Craig Henderzahs LAW OFFICES OF RANDALL K. COOTS, HENKE & WHEELER 317-844-4693 CRAIG 812-477-3337 Brandi A. Gibson Randall K. Craig CROSS GLAZIER BURROUGHS 317-669-9134 STOLL KEENON OGDEN 812-425-1591 Kathryn Hillebrands Burroughs, Nancy L. John P. Broadhead Cross, Bruce M. Pennamped


BAYLIFF, HARRIGAN, CORD, MAUGANS, & COX 765-274-0517 C. Michael Cord CATE, TERRY & GOOKINS 317-564-0016 Stephanie K. Gookins CROSS GLAZIER BURROUGHS 317-669-9134 Kathryn Hillebrands Burroughs


BARRETT MCNAGNY 260-423-9551 Emily S. Szaferski BECKMAN LAWSON 260-422-0800 John H. Brandt DENISE ALEXANDER-PYLE 765-662-3008 Denise Alexander-Pyle TRUSTS AND ESTATES HAMPSHIRE & ASSOCIATES 260-423-3637 BALL EGGLESTON 765-742-9046 Sherie L. Hampshire John K. McBride, Jack L. Walkey HAYES & HAYES 260-420-1800 CREMER & CREMER 317-636-8182 Cornelius B. Hayes John A. Cremer* KRIEG DEVAULT 317-566-1110 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Rodney S. Retzner** HELMKE BEAMS 260-422-7422 LAW OFFICES OF GERALD L. Daniel J. Borgmann, Suzan Rutz COWAN 317-459-5100 SHAMBAUGH, KAST, BECK & Gerald L. Cowan** WILLIAMS 260-423-1430 ROLLISON ESTATE & TRUST Edward E. Beck LAW 317-863-9000 TOURKOW, CRELL, ROSENBLATT & Kent A. Rollison JOHNSTON 260-357-3107 Douglas E. Johnston



Charles Backs BARRETT MCNAGNY 260-423-9551 James Koday, Trisha J. Paul BECKMAN LAWSON 260-422-0800 Mark Witmer GORDON & ASSOCIATES 260-824-9377 Daniel R. Gordon HALLER & COLVIN 260-426-0444 Melanie L. Farr*, Frank J. Gray* LONGSWORTH LAW 260-436-1555 Jeanne E. Longsworth ROTHBERG LOGAN & WARSCO 260-422-9454 COLUMBUS-IN Cindy Wolfer SHAMBAUGH, KAST, BECK & WILLIAMS 260-423-1430 FAMILY LAW Robert A. Wagner, Stephen J. Williams MALLOR GRODNER 812-332-5000 TROYER & GOOD 260-440-3241 Kendra G. Gjerdingen, Andrew C. Mallor, Dustin Tracy Troyer Plummer BURKE COSTANZA & CARBERRY 219-769-1313 Paul A. Leonard, Jr. GIORGI & BEBEKOSKI 219-738-1133 Geoffrey G. Giorgi LAW OFFICES OF J. DOUGLAS ANGEL 219-836-3133 J. Douglas Angel LEVY & DUBOVICH 219-794-1200 Debra L. Dubovich SACHS & HESS 219-227-4259 Robert M. Hess


MALLOR GRODNER 812-332-5000 Kendra G. Gjerdingen, Andrew C. Mallor


BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS 317-684-5000 Timothy J. O'Hara TRUSTS AND ESTATES EVANSVILLE HINSHAW & CULBERTSON 217-528-7375 BROYLES, KIGHT & RICAFORT 317-571-3600 James M. Lestikow** Melissa J. Avery, Nissa Ricafort FAMILY LAW COHEN & MALAD 317-636-6481 JEROLD I. HORN ATTORNEY AT LAW 309-676-2778 KOLB ROELLGEN & KIRCHOFF 812-882-2280 Brian K. Zoeller Jerold I. Horn J. David Roellgen COHEN GARELICK & GLAZIER 317-573-8888 THE PEITHMANN LAW OFFICE 217-586-6102 STOLL KEENON OGDEN 812-425-1591 Jill E. Goldenberg Schuman, Deborah Farmer William A. Peithmann Kelly A. Lonnberg Smith

INDIANA · IOWA · KANSAS DARRYN L. DUCHON 317-685-3970 Darryn L. Duchon DENTONS BINGHAM GREENEBAUM 317-635-8900 Kevin P. McGoff, James Reed FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH 317-237-0300 Andrew Z. Soshnick KIRSH & KIRSH 800-333-5736 Steven M. Kirsh MALLOR GRODNER 317-453-2000 Katherine Harmon, Amy L. Stewart MITCHELL DICK MCNELIS 317-633-7676 Marvin H. Mitchell PATRICIA L. MCKINNON, ATTORNEY AT LAW 317-686-1900 Patricia L. McKinnon

SHUTTLEWORTH & INGERSOLL 319-365-9461 Allison M. Heffern SIMMONS PERRINE MOYER BERGMAN 319-366-7641 Matthew J. Brandes


SHUTTLEWORTH & INGERSOLL 319-365-9461 Allison M. Heffern SIMMONS PERRINE MOYER BERGMAN 319-366-7641 Matthew J. Brandes, Jacob R. Koller


BRADLEY & RILEY 319-363-0101 Patrick M. Courtney, Maureen G. Kenney, Janice J. Kerkove MEARDON, SUEPPEL & FAMILY LAW MEDIATION DOWNER 319-338-9222 Robert N. Downer** COHEN & MALAD 317-636-6481 Brian K. Zoeller O'CONNOR & THOMAS 563-557-8400 John C. O'Connor, Joshua P. Weidemann TRUSTS AND ESTATES PHELAN TUCKER LAW 319-354-1104 Gary J. Schmit ALINE F. ANDERSON 317-888-8868 Aline F. Anderson SHUTTLEWORTH & INGERSOLL 319-365-9461 Dean R. Einck, William S. Hochstetler, Donald L. BARNES & THORNBURG 317-236-1313 Johnson, Michael O. McDermott, Gary J. Streit Bradley J. Dougherty, John Olivieri SIMMONS PERRINE MOYER BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS 317-684-5000 R.J. McConnell, J. Gregory Shelley**, C. Daniel BERGMAN 319-366-7641 J. Scott Bogguss, Philip D. Brooks, Travis M. Yates Cavanaugh, Stephen J. Holtman*, Darrel A. COHEN GARELICK & GLAZIER 317-573-8888 Morf, Paul P. Morf**, Travis J. Schroeder, Kyle MaryEllen K. Bishop**, Michael P. Bishop* W. Wilcox DALE & EKE 317-844-7400 William J. Dale, Jr. DAVENPORT DENTONS BINGHAM GREENEBAUM 317-635-8900 Greg J. Duncan** FAMILY LAW WHITFIELD & EDDY 319-385-9522 FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & Diana L. Miller REATH 317-569-9600 John A. Gardner FROST BROWN TODD 317-237-3800 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Jeffrey S. Dible** NEPPLE LAW 563-264-6840 James A. Nepple HEWITT LAW & MEDIATION 317-922-2822 Brian C. Hewitt ICE MILLER 317-236-2100 DES MOINES Kristine J. Bouaichi, Gina M. Giacone, Andrew N. Vento** FAMILY LAW INDIE ASSET PARTNERS 317-428-6600 Kevin M. Alerding** BRICK GENTRY 515-274-1450 Thomas J. Levis LEWIS WAGNER 317-237-0500 Jarrell B. Hammond** CASHATTWARREN FAMILY LAW 515-421-9290 Brent Cashatt SMITH & MILLER 812-882-0222 Bruce A. Smith* DICKINSON, MACKAMAN, TYLER & TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 317-713-3500 HAGEN 515-244-2600 Mary A. Zambreno Tracy N. Betz* JAMES M. MEADE 515-868-0163 WOODEN MCLAUGHLIN 317-639-6151 James M. Meade Kent M. Broach, Ronald G. Salatich LADEN & PEARSON LAW 515-266-6000 SOUTH BEND OFFICE Robert H. Laden, Timothy G. Pearson NYEMASTER GOODE 515-283-3100 FAMILY LAW Steven H. Lytle BRAJE, NELSON & JANES 219-872-2100 SHOFF SALSBERY LAW FIRM 515-208-9280 Craig V. Braje Patricia A. Shoff HEPPENHEIMER & KORPAL 574-232-5883 WHITFIELD & EDDY 515-288-6041 Mitchell R. Heppenheimer Anjela A. Shutts


ANNE E. BURKE graduated with her Bachelor of Arts degree with honors and her Juris Doctorate degree from the University of Kansas. Ms. Burke served as Chair of the Kansas Supreme Court Nominating Commission, which evaluates applicants for vacancies on the Kansas Appellate Courts, from 2009-2017. Ms. Burke is a fellow in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, a nationwide organization of lawyers carefully selected and acknowledged to abe premiere matrimonial attorneys. She has been listed in The Best Lawyers in America© since 1995 for Family Law and has been a Super Lawyer since 2005. She has served on the Board of Governors of the Kansas Bar Association and has served as President of the Kansas Bar Foundation. She is also a Fellow of the American Bar Foundation. She is AV rated in MartindaleHubbell, which is the highest rating given by the bench and bar for legal ability and ethical standards. 9401 Indian Creek Parkway 40 Corporate Woods, Suite 220 Overland Park, Kansas 66210

PH: (913) 242-7522 FX: (913) 242-7517

BROWN, WINICK, GRAVES, GROSS AND BASKERVILLE 515-242-2400 Paul E. Carey, Robert D. Hodges DAVIS BROWN LAW FIRM 515-288-2500 William A. Boatwright, Thomas J. Houser**, Elizabeth R. Meyer*, Margaret Van Houten, Jana Luttenegger Weiler DICKINSON, MACKAMAN, TYLER & HAGEN 515-244-2600 David M. Repp DUNCAN GREEN 515-288-6440 James B. Langeness HOPKINS & HUEBNER 515-993-4545 James E. Van Werden NYEMASTER GOODE 515-283-3100 Robert A. VanOrsdel WILSON DEEGE DESPOTOVICH RIEMENSCHNEIDER & RITTGERS 515-327-1000 J. Michael Deege**




BEECHER, FIELD, WALKER, MORRIS, HOFFMAN & JOHNSON 319-234-1766 Theresa E. Hoffman BROWN, KINSEY, FUNKHOUSER & LANDER 641-423-6223 Scott D. Brown* HEINY, MCMANIGAL, DUFFY, STAMBAUGH & ANDERSON 641-423-5154 Gerald M. Stambaugh REDFERN, MASON, LARSEN & MOORE 319-277-6830 John C. Larsen THE LAW FIRM OF C. KEVIN MCCRINDLE 319-234-0535 C. Kevin McCrindle


BURKE MCCLASKY STEVENS 913-242-7522 Anne E. Burke, Jason C. M. McClasky, Shea SIOUX CITY Stevens ERKER LAW FIRM 913-490-0180 TRUSTS AND ESTATES J. Ryan Erker AHLERS & COONEY 515-243-7611 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Mark W. Beerman GATES SHIELDS FERGUSON SWALL IOWA KLASS LAW FIRM 712-252-1866 HAMMOND 913-661-0222 BELIN MCCORMICK 515-243-7100 Barbara F. Orzechowski Thomas E. Hammond II CEDAR RAPIDS Mark McCormick*, Wayne E. Reames**, Steven VRIEZELAAR, TIGGES, EDGINGTON, E. Zumbach LAW FIRM OF MARK HANNAH 913-782-7477 BOTTARO, BODEN & ROSS 712-252-3226 Mark A. Hannah FAMILY LAW BRADSHAW, FOWLER, PROCTOR & Ray Edgington LAW OFFICES OF REED WALKER 913-214-0235 FAIRGRAVE 515-243-4191 BRAY & KLOCKAU 319-338-7968 H. Reed Walker Seth R. Delutri*, Christine Fleming Halbrook, Daniel L. Bray, Lori L. Klockau Edward E. Johnson, Christine B. Long MANNTUCKERMUIR 913-534-8099 LEFF LAW FIRM 319-338-7551 Scott M. Mann, Stephanie Tucker Muir BRICK GENTRY 515-274-1450 Randall B. Willman Stephanie L. Brick Drey, Erin Herbold-Swalwell HEPPENHEIMER & KORPAL 574-232-5883 Mitchell R. Heppenheimer TUESLEY HALL KONOPA 574-232-3538 Greta Roemer Lewis

BRICK GENTRY 515-274-1450 Thomas J. Levis


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KANSAS · KENTUCKY · LOUISIANA MANSON & KARBANK 913-498-8080 T. Bradley Manson PARKSCLEVENGER 913-951-4545 Dana L. Parks RONALD W. NELSON 913-312-2500 Ronald W. Nelson THILGES & BERNHARDT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 913-562-1283 Jacquelyn P. Bernhardt, Amanda A. Thilges

LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN J. BLAYLOCK 316-263-4958 Stephen J. Blaylock MARTIN PRINGLE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 316-265-9311 Martin W. Bauer PENNER LOWE LAW GROUP 316-847-8847 Jeffrey N. Lowe STINSON, LASSWELL, & WILSON 316-264-9137 T. Michael Wilson FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION WARD POTTER 316-260-3120 T. Lynn Ward MANNTUCKERMUIR 913-534-8099 Scott M. Mann


LAW FIRM OF MARK HANNAH 913-782-7477 Mark A. Hannah MANNTUCKERMUIR 913-534-8099 Scott M. Mann, Stephanie Tucker Muir THILGES & BERNHARDT, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 913-562-1283 Jacquelyn P. Bernhardt


KIRKLAND WOODS & MARTINSEN 913-469-0900 Scott K. Martinsen**, Richard D. Woods LATHROP GPM 913-451-5100 Peter W. Brown, Courtney M. Conrad, Lyle D. Pishny PAYNE & JONES 913-469-4100 Jodde Olsen Lanning ROUSE FRETS WHITE GOSS GENTILE RHODES 913-387-1600 Steven C. Willman SHEPHERD ELDER LAW GROUP 913-333-3533 Samantha Shepherd WENDY MARVIN LAW OFFICE 913-312-5667 Wendy Byers Marvin


BARBER EMERSON 785-843-6600 Jane M. Eldredge SLOAN, EISENBARTH, GLASSMAN, MCENTIRE & JARBOE 785-357-6311 James R. McEntire STEVENS & BRAND 785-843-0811 Sherri E. Loveland


BARBER EMERSON 785-843-6600 Terrence J. Campbell*, Calvin J. Karlin**, Richard L. Zinn CLUTTER & AADALEN 785-266-5121 Michael L. Clutter COFFMAN, DEFRIES & NOTHERN 785-234-3461 H. Hurst Coffman FOULSTON SIEFKIN 785-233-3600 Jeremy L. Graber GOODELL, STRATTON, EDMONDS & PALMER 785-233-0593 Arthur E. Palmer* MCKINNEY & MCKINNEY 785-233-1321 Craig R. McKinney RIORDAN, FINCHER & BECKERMAN 785-783-8323 Douglas C. Fincher STEVENS & BRAND 785-843-0811 Webster L. Golden, Matthew H. Hoy*, Rebecca J. Wempe

Jeffrey N. Lowe


ADRIAN & PANKRATZ 316-283-8746 Thomas A. Adrian BEVER DYE 316-263-8294 Jeffrey D. Arbuckle, Eric V. Calvert**, Gregory L. Franken**, Gregg C. Goodwin, Hellen L. Haag, Robert M. Hughes, Eric J. Larson, Eric S. Parkhurst, R. Chris Robe, Brian A. Turney, Amanda R. Walker CLARK, MIZE & LINVILLE 785-823-6325 Eric N. Anderson, Peter L. Peterson COY MARTIN LAW 316-689-4248 Coy M. Martin* DEPEW GILLEN RATHBUN & MCINTEER 316-262-4000 Kimberly A. Vining FLEESON, GOOING, COULSON & KITCH 316-267-7361 Jason R. Bock*, John R. Gerdes, Kent A. Meyerhoff, William P. Tretbar* FOULSTON SIEFKIN 316-267-6371 Stanley G. Andeel, Matthew W. Bish, Jay F. Fowler*, Timothy P. O'Sullivan, Stewart T. Weaver HINKLE LAW FIRM 316-267-2000 Ryan D. Farley, Hugh W. Gill**, Dan C. Peare MARTIN PRINGLE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 316-265-9311 Brent A. Mitchell, Zach K. Wiggins MORRIS, LAING, EVANS, BROCK & KENNEDY 316-262-2671 Robert K. Anderson, Shannon M. Braun, Robert I. Guenthner STINSON 316-265-8800 John A. Vetter TRIPLETT WOOLF GARRETSON 316-630-8100 Theron E. Fry, Rachael K. Pirner**, Thomas C. Triplett


THE MILLER LAW FIRM 270-544-0051 Karen Scent Tosh


ENGLISH LUCAS PRIEST & OWSLEY 270-781-6500 Charles E. English, Sr.* WHITLOW, ROBERTS, HOUSTON & STRAUB 270-443-4516 Gary B. Houston



BLAND AND BIRDWHISTELL 270-769-2234 Barry Birdwhistell DIANA L. SKAGGS + PARTNERS 502-562-0050 CINCINNATI Michelle Eisenmenger-Mapes, Diana L. Skaggs GOLDBERG SIMPSON 502-589-4440 Troy D. DeMuth FAMILY LAW HOGE PARTNERS 502-583-2005 GRAYDON FAMILY LAW 859-578-2423 William L. Hoge III WICHITA Mark A. Ogle STRAW-BOONE DOHENY BANKS & MUDD 502-568-4700 FAMILY LAW EVANSVILLE Laurel S. Doheny

CINDY L. CLEOUS 316-262-4550 Cindy L. Cleous JOSEPH, HOLLANDER & CRAFT 316-262-9393 Julia Craft

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THACKER HODSKINS & KNIGHT 270-926-4500 George Thacker II


DENTONS BINGHAM GREENEBAUM 502-589-4200 R. Cummins**, Janet P. Jakubowicz*, John FAMILY LAW John S. Lueken, Mark H. Oppenheimer BRITTON JOHNSON 859-963-2241 DINSMORE & SHOHL 502-540-2300 Anita M. Britton Robert L. Hallenberg**, Katherine Langan, DEVINE AND DOMINICK 859-368-0779 Wayne F. Wilson* Carl Devine, Anna Dominick FROST BROWN TODD 502-589-5400 DINSMORE & SHOHL 859-425-1000 F. Gerald Greenwell** Glen S. Bagby PARRENT & OYLER 502-584-7500 FOWLER BELL 859-252-6700 Homer J. Parrent III** Susan S. Kennedy STOLL KEENON OGDEN 502-333-6000 GESS MATTINGLY & ATCHISON 859-252-9000 John W. Bilby*, D. Randall Gibson Lori B. Shelburne TACHAU MEEK 502-238-9900 KERSHAW & BAUMGARDNER 859-381-1145 Dustin E. Meek*, David B. Tachau* Suzanne M. Baumgardner, Kami C. Brumley, WYATT, TARRANT & COMBS 502-589-5235 Valerie S. Kershaw Turney P. Berry**, Bruce K. Dudley**, Kelly LAW OFFICE OF W. STOKES HARRIS, S. Henry**, Gordon B. Wright, Jefferey M. JR. 859-255-2039 Yussman W. Stokes Harris, Jr. LISA L. JOHNSON 859-255-0048 LOUISIANA Lisa Johnson BATON ROUGE MILLER, GRIFFIN & MARKS 859-255-6676 Catesby Woodford OSBORNE FLETCHER 859-551-4000 FAMILY LAW Kate Fletcher, Crystal L. Osborne BREAZEALE, SACHSE AND THE LAW OFFICES OF MARTHA A. WILSON 225-387-4000 ROSENBERG 859-233-7972 Paul M. Hebert, Jr., James R. Raines Martha A. Rosenberg BUTLER SNOW 225-325-8700 Thomas G. Hessburg FAMILY LAW MEDIATION NANCY SUE GREGORIE 225-922-9142 KERSHAW & BAUMGARDNER 859-381-1145 Nancy S. Gregorie Valerie S. Kershaw MILLER, GRIFFIN & MARKS 859-255-6676 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Catesby Woodford BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & THE LAW OFFICES OF MARTHA A. BERKOWITZ 225-381-7000 ROSENBERG 859-233-7972 Alton E. "Biff" Bayard III** Martha A. Rosenberg BUTLER SNOW 225-325-8700 Sidney M. Blitzer, Jr.** TRUSTS AND ESTATES JONES WALKER 225-248-2000 DICKINSON WRIGHT 859-899-8700 John C. Blackman IV, B. Michael Mauldin Jeffrey L. Gehring, Henry C.T. Richmond III KEAN MILLER 225-387-0999 DINSMORE & SHOHL 859-425-1000 Kevin C. Curry, Carey J. Messina Glen S. Bagby**, Robert W. Fleming**, Wade TAYLOR, PORTER, BROOKS & C. Lawson PHILLIPS 225-387-3221 FROST BROWN TODD 859-231-0000 Eugene R. Groves*, Mary C. Hester, Rebecca M. Barton T. Rogers Hinton, John F. McDermott MCBRAYER 859-231-8780 Stephen G. Amato*, Robert E. Maclin III*, W. LAFAYETTE Terry McBrayer*, Terri R. Stallard MORGAN POTTINGER MCGARVEY 859-253-1900 TRUSTS AND ESTATES C. Edward Hastie** GOLD WEEMS BRUSER SUES & RANSDELL ROACH & ROYSE 859-276-6262 RUNDELL 318-445-6471 David T. Royse* Dorrell J. Brister STITES & HARBISON 859-226-2300 Richard M. Wehrle LAKE CHARLES STURGILL, TURNER, BARKER & MOLONEY 859-255-8581 Kevin G. Henry* FAMILY LAW FUERST, CARRIER, & OGDEN 337-436-3332 WYATT, TARRANT & COMBS 859-233-2012 Randy J. Fuerst Kevin L. Johns, Mark T. Macdonald, Walter R. Morris, Jr. JOHN GREEN, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW 337-990-0060 Green, Jr. LOUISVILLE John THE SANCHEZ LAW FIRM 337-433-4405 Walter Marshall Sanchez


LORENZI & BARNATT 337-513-0886 Theresa Ann Barnatt SIGLER, ARABIE & CANNON 337-439-2033 David L. Sigler


DEUTSCH KERRIGAN 504-581-5141 Kermit L. Roux III HERMAN HERMAN & KATZ 504-581-4892 Steven J. Lane

LOUISIANA · MAINE · MARYLAND LOWE, STEIN, HOFFMAN, ALLWEISS & HAUVER 504-517-8160 Jeffrey M. Hoffman, Robert C. Lowe, David M. Prados MR. PHILIP RIEGEL JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW 504-834-5345 Philip R. Riegel, Jr. TRANCHINA & MANSFIELD 985-892-1313 Mark J. Mansfield, Frank P. Tranchina, Jr.

STEVENS & DAY 207-430-3288 Daniel J. Stevens*


EATON PEABODY 207-947-0111 Nathaniel S. Putnam HALE & HAMLIN 207-667-2561 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Melissa M. Hale TRANCHINA & MANSFIELD 985-892-1313 JONES, KURILOFF & SARGENT 207-664-0002 Mark J. Mansfield, Frank P. Tranchina, Jr. Jeffrey W. Jones



TRANCHINA & MANSFIELD 985-892-1313 Mark J. Mansfield



ADAMS AND REESE 504-581-3234 Mark S. Embree BALDWIN HASPEL BURKE & MAYER 504-569-2900 Joel A. Mendler, Jerome J. Reso, Jr., Leon H. Rittenberg III, John A. Rouchell CHEHARDY, SHERMAN, WILLIAMS, MURRAY, RECILE, STAKELUM & HAYES 985-269-7220 Patrick K. Reso ELKINS 504-529-3600 Gary J. Elkins HICKEY & RIESS, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 504-525-1120 F. Kelleher Riess** JONES WALKER 504-582-8000 David F. Edwards**, Miriam Wogan Henry**, Rose S. Sher, Edward Dirk Wegmann* LISKOW & LEWIS 504-581-7979 Marguerite L. Adams, James A. Brown*, John D. Wogan MCGLINCHEY STAFFORD 504-586-1200 Ricardo A. Aguilar* PEREZ, MCDANIEL, FAUST & ADAMS 504-309-3848 Deborah C. Faust, Robert L. Perez ROME LAW 504-432-9367 Brianne S. Rome SESSIONS, FISHMAN, NATHAN & ISRAEL 504-582-1500 Carole Cukell Neff SHER GARNER CAHILL RICHTER KLEIN & HILBERT 504-299-2100 Steven I. Klein** STONE PIGMAN WALTHER WITTMANN 504-581-3200 Hirschel T. Abbott, Jr.**, Laura Walker Plunkett

ALTSHULER 207-773-0275 Kenneth P. Altshuler KELLY, REMMEL & ZIMMERMAN 207-775-1020 Barry Zimmerman LIBBY O'BRIEN KINGSLEY & CHAMPION 207-985-1815 Gene R. Libby MILLER LAW & MEDIATION 207-899-3544 Catherine C. Miller MITTELASEN 207-775-3101 Michael P. Asen, Diane Dusini ROACH HEWITT RUPRECHT SANCHEZ & BISCHOFF 207-747-4870 David S. Bischoff, Margaret C. Lavoie SKELTON TAINTOR & ABBOTT 207-784-3200 Ronald P. Lebel, Sarah C. Mitchell VERRILL DANA 207-774-4000 David S. Abramson, Karen Frink Wolf


MILLER LAW & MEDIATION 207-899-3544 Catherine C. Miller VERRILL DANA 207-774-4000 Karen Frink Wolf


VERRILL DANA 207-774-4000 Karen Frink Wolf


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BERGEN & PARKINSON 207-985-7000 Christian L. Barner, Milda Castner DRUMMOND WOODSUM 207-772-1941 David J. Backer, Parke A. Burmeister EPSTEIN & O'DONOVAN 207-772-4100 Jennifer L. Kruszewski**, Dennis J. SHREVEPORT O'Donovan** HUNTERCHAIKEN 207-775-6341 Susan E. Hunter FAMILY LAW JENSEN BAIRD GARDNER & LOVE, RIGBY, DEHAN & HENRY 207-775-7271 MCDANIEL 318-226-1880 Tudor Goldsmith*, R. Lee Ivy**, Deborah M. Hani E. Dehan Mann*, Brendan P. Rielly* LEBLANC & YOUNG 207-772-2800 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Abigail K. Diggins, Elizabeth T. High, Justin D. LeBlanc, Matie B. Little, Eliza Nichols COOK, YANCEY, KING & GALLOWAY 318-221-6277 MCCANDLESS & COBURN 207-523-3434 William C. Kalmbach III Sarah B. Coburn, Elizabeth T. McCandless WIENER, WEISS & MADISON 318-226-9100 PERKINS THOMPSON 207-774-2635 Allen P. Jones Philip C. Hunt** PIERCE ATWOOD 207-791-1100 Putnam Liddell, Barbara K. MAINE Marianna Wheaton** AUGUSTA-ME VAN MEER & BELANGER 207-871-7500 Betts Gorsky, Thomas J. Van Meer FAMILY LAW VERRILL DANA 207-774-4000 Kurt E. Klebe**, William C. Knowles*, Mary GUSTAFSON FAMILY LAW 207-621-0693 McQuillen, Jacqueline W. Rider** Kristin A. Gustafson WEINSTEIN, LOVELL & LIPMAN & KATZ 207-622-3711 ORDWAY 207-283-4546 Roger J. Katz Karen B. Lovell BRANN & ISAACSON 207-786-3566 Martha E. Greene

We solve family law problems like yours.


NOLAN 410-268-6600 Kevin M. Schaeffer CYNTHIA H. CLARK & ASSOCIATES 410-990-0090 Paula J. Peters LAW OFFICES OF ALLEN J. KRUGER 410-224-1332 Allen J. Kruger STEPHEN P. KROHN 410-974-6026 Stephen P. Krohn THE LAW OFFICE OF DAVID V. DIGGS 410-244-1189 David Diggs TRAINOR, BILLMAN, BENNETT & MILKO 410-280-1700 Leslie G. Billman

TRAINOR, BILLMAN, BENNETT & MILKO 410-280-1700 E. Todd Bennett, Leslie G. Billman


FRANKE BECKETT 410-263-4876 Frederick R. Franke, Jr.** THE WRIGHT FIRM 410-224-7800 Richard T. Wright


ADELBERG, RUDOW, DORF & HENDLER 410-539-5195 Michael G. Hendler AMOS & MUFFOLETTO 410-465-4665 Karen D. Amos BROWN GOLDSTEIN LEVY 410-962-1030 Dana McKee FELDMAN LAW 410-296-6100 Amy M. Feldman FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION GORDON FEINBLATT 410-576-4000 Jerrold A. Thrope COUNCIL, BARADEL, KOSMERL & NOLAN 410-268-6600 HOOPER & JACOBS 410-821-8718 Kevin M. Schaeffer Ilene B. Glickman, Richard B. Jacobs KAUFMAN, RIES & ELGIN 410-828-6100 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Susan Carol Elgin, Kathryn E. Hummel, Thomas C. Ries CLARA MARTONE BERESTON 410-295-3350 Clara M. Martone Bereston LAW OFFICE OF MARLA ZIDE 443-557-4153 Marla Zide CORBIN, SCHAFFER & AVILES 410-544-0314 William L. Corbin MILES & STOCKBRIDGE 410-727-6464 Stephen J. Cullen, Kelly A. Powers COUNCIL, BARADEL, KOSMERL & NOLAN 410-268-6600 OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT Kevin M. Schaeffer LAW 410-209-6400 Alex M. Allman THE LAW OFFICES OF STACEY B. RICE (410) 709-8971 PESSIN KATZ LAW 410-938-8800 Stacey B. Rice Aidan F. Smith RODIER FAMILY LAW 410-803-1839 Samantha P. Rodier W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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SCHWARTZ & GREENBAUM 410-321-8400 David Greenbaum, Thomas D. Wolfe SHAPIRO SHER GUINOT & SANDLER 410-385-0202 Eric Harlan SILVERMAN THOMPSON SLUTKIN & WHITE 410-385-2225 Monica L. Scherer SPENCER & STAHL 410-203-2223 Thomas Stahl THE LAW FIRM OF HILL, BARNES & MCINERNEY 410-848-7500 Zoa Barnes THE LAW OFFICES OF SALLY B. GOLD 410-962-8343 Sally B. Gold TURNBULL, NICHOLSON & SANDERS 410-339-4100 Rebecca A. Fleming, Christopher W. Nicholson, Mary Roby Sanders WRIGHT, CONSTABLE & SKEEN 410-659-1300 Renee Bronfein Ades, Mollie G. Caplis, Frederick Kobb

OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 410-209-6400 Alex M. Allman WRIGHT, CONSTABLE & SKEEN 410-659-1300 Frederick Kobb

NEUBERGER, QUINN, GIELEN, RUBIN & GIBBER 410-332-8550 Allan J. Gibber** PESSIN KATZ LAW 410-938-8800 Kevin F. Bress ROSENBERG MARTIN TRUSTS AND ESTATES GREENBERG 410-727-6600 Benjamin Rosenberg* ADELBERG, RUDOW, DORF & HENDLER 410-539-5195 SAUL EWING ARNSTEIN & LEHR 410-332-8600 David B. Rudow Jeffrey S. Glaser**, Sheldon S. Satisky BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & STEWART, PLANT & BERKOWITZ 410-685-1120 BLUMENTHAL 410-347-0506 John P. Edgar, Yale M. Ginsburg, Matthew A. Max E. Blumenthal, Hugh A. Mitchell, Jr., A. Mace, Donald R. Mering, Kelly M. Preteroti* MacDonough Plant DLA PIPER 410-580-3000 THOMAS & LIBOWITZ 410-752-2468 Jonathan D. Eisner**, Sandra P. Gohn, Charles B. Jones Marianne Schmitt Hellauer, Stephen L. Owen, TYDINGS & ROSENBERG 410-752-9700 Shale D. Stiller Brian A. Balenson FEDDER & GARTEN 410-539-2800 VENABLE 410-244-7400 Morris Garten Jeffrey K. Gonya, Sarah H. B. Kahl GALLAGHER EVELIUS & JONES 410-727-7702 WHITEFORD TAYLOR PRESTON 410-832-2000 Ward B. Coe III*, Peter E. Keith* Edwin G. Fee, Jr., Robert Sloan III GORDON FEINBLATT 410-576-4000 TAYLOR PRESTON 410-347-8700 Kenneth S. Aneckstein, F. Kirk Kolodner*, Lynn WHITEFORD Edwin G. Fee, Jr., Robert Sloan III FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION B. Sassin WRIGHT, CONSTABLE & SKEEN 410-659-1300 WRIGHT, CONSTABLE & SKEEN 410-659-1300 HERMAN 410-774-4474 Michael I. Gordon, Mary Alice Smolarek Frederick Kobb Lowell G. Herman LAW OFFICE OF JONATHAN WASHINGTON, D.C. FAMILY LAW MEDIATION ACKERMAN 410-363-1187 Jonathan Ackerman FELDMAN LAW 410-296-6100 Amy M. Feldman LAW OFFICES OF STUART FAMILY LAW LEVINE 410-630-4422 HOOPER & JACOBS 410-821-8718 AVERY & UPTON 301-576-0950 Stuart Levine Richard B. Jacobs Bruce E. Avery, Prudence Avery Upton MILES & STOCKBRIDGE 410-727-6464 KAUFMAN, RIES & ELGIN 410-828-6100 BELLI, WEIL & GROZBEAN 301-738-5700 Jeffrey D. Renner, George K. Reynolds III, Thomas C. Ries Stuart H. Grozbean William E. Sauser MCCABE RUSSELL 443-812-1435 MILES & STOCKBRIDGE 301-662-5155 Heather McCabe Jeffrey D. Renner, George K. Reynolds III, William E. Sauser

BRODSKY RENEHAN PEARLSTEIN & BOUQUET 301-869-1700 Kristina Badalian, Edouard Bouquet, Brian K. Pearlstein, Bryan Renehan BULMAN, DUNIE, BURKE & FELD 301-656-1177 Megan N. Rosan DELANEY MCKINNEY 301-913-5236 Linda A. Delaney, Margaret J. McKinney, Michele Zavos DRAGGA HANNON 240-399-7900 Patrick W. Dragga, Jeffrey Hannon ETHRIDGE, QUINN, KEMP, MCAULIFFE, ROWAN & HARTINGER 301-762-1696 Aindrea M. Conroy, Kathleen M. Dumais FAIT & DILIMA 301-251-0100 Marjorie DiLima, Dorothy R. Fait FELDMAN JACKSON 301-715-8110 Darryl Feldman, Anne Marie Jackson FELSEN & SARGENT 301-251-4010 Jon W. Sargent FIERST & FINK 301-762-8872 Stephanie L. Fink HESS FAMILY LAW 240-389-4377 Geraldine Welikson Hess HOSTETTER STRENT 301-657-0010 Rachel Grossberg, Heather Q. Hostetter, Sheila J. Kadagathur, Amy B. Strent JENNIFER FAIRFAX 240-863-2441 Jennifer Fairfax JO BENSON FOGEL 301-468-2288 Jo Benson Fogel JOEHL LAW 301-605-7887 Virginia B. Joehl JOSEPH GREENWALD & LAAKE 240-399-7900 David Bulitt, Reza Golesorkhi, Jeffrey N. Greenblatt, Anne E. Grover, Allison Mcfadden, Rami Taib-Lopez

Family Law Practice:

By Your Side Our family law team focuses on high-net-worth divorces and the valuation of complex business and family assets, high-conflict custody and interstate custody, international child abduction, Authorized by Nancy Greene, Chairman

and federal court and state court appeals. The team is highly respected in the legal community for their focus on resolution through mediation and arbitration before having to proceed to litigation and trial.


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JOSEPH GREENWALD & LAAKE 301-220-2200 David Bulitt, Reza Golesorkhi, Jeffrey N. Greenblatt, Anne E. Grover, Allison Mcfadden, Rami Taib-Lopez KRUM, GERGELY & OATES 301-603-3480 David J. Marquardt KUWAMURA LAW GROUP 301-587-2241 Heather Sunderman LAW OFFICE OF WALTER HERBERT 301-627-8200 Walter A. Herbert, Jr. LAW OFFICES OF DAVID R. BACH 301-738-7655 David R. Bach LERCH, EARLY & BREWER 301-986-1300 Erik P. Arena, Heather S. Collier, Casey W. Florance, Erin L. Kopelman, Deborah E. Reiser, Christopher W. Roberts, Donna E. Van Scoy MARKHAM LAW FIRM 240-396-4373 Jessica Markham MILES & STOCKBRIDGE 301-762-1600 Rachel T. McGuckian NEW & LOWINGER 301-907-7000 Jeff Evan Lowinger, Cheryl M. New, Melissa Schefkind OAKLEY & ECKSTEIN 301-424-8081 Suzy Eckstein OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 240-507-1700 Sandra A. Brooks, Sara M. Donohue, Emily B. Gelmann, Cheryl L. Hepfer, Catherine H. McQueen, Pilar C. Nichols, Ronald L. Ogens PALEY ROTHMAN 301-656-7603 Tracey Coates, Glenn M. Cooper, Lynette Kleiza, Carlos Lastra PARADISO, TAUB, SINAY, OWEL & KOSTECKA 301-986-7900 Joseph C. Paradiso, Robin B. Taub

PASTERNAK & FIDIS 301-656-8850 Linda J. Ravdin, Vicki Viramontes-LaFree, Anne (Jan) W. White REINSTEIN, GLACKIN & HERRIOTT 301-383-1525 Sarah Broder, Maureen Glackin, Randall S. Herriott, Paul J. Reinstein, Daniel Renart SACHITANO & ASSOCIATES 301-657-8808 Nancy A. Sachitano SHULMAN ROGERS 301-230-5200 Hadrian N. Hatfield, Geoffrey S. Platnick, Scott M. Strickler STEIN SPERLING BENNETT DE JONG DRISCOLL 301-340-2020 Julie Christopher, Kathryn Deckert, David C. Driscoll, Jr., Monica G. Harms, Paul T. Stein STUART SKOK LAW 301-216-3822 Stuart K. Skok WAMPLER & SOUDER 240-833-2284 Eugene L. Souder WEBB SOYPHER MCGRATH, LLC 301-298-8401 Rhian McGrath, Howard B. Soypher, Deborah L. Webb

LERCH, EARLY & BREWER 301-986-1300 Deborah E. Reiser OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 240-507-1700 Ronald L. Ogens PASTERNAK & FIDIS 301-656-8850 Linda J. Ravdin, Vicki Viramontes-LaFree REINSTEIN, GLACKIN & HERRIOTT 301-383-1525 Paul J. Reinstein SHULMAN ROGERS 301-230-5200 Geoffrey S. Platnick STEIN SPERLING BENNETT DE JONG DRISCOLL 301-340-2020 Paul T. Stein WEBB SOYPHER MCGRATH, LLC 301-298-8401 Howard B. Soypher, Deborah L. Webb


FUREY, DOOLAN & ABELL 301-652-6880 Charles S. Abell, Stephen W. Nealon, Julia L. O'Brien, Philip L. O'Donoghue JOSEPH GREENWALD & LAAKE 301-220-2200 Timothy P. O'Brien FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION LAW OFFICE OF RICHARD L. JOSEPH GREENWALD & LAAKE 240-399-7900 LYON 301-770-2200 Anne E. Grover Richard L. Lyon** OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LERCH, EARLY & BREWER 301-986-1300 LAW 240-507-1700 Frank S. Baldino**, Eric M. Core, Michael J. Sandra A. Brooks, Ronald L. Ogens Goecke*, William A. Goldberg* MCMILLAN METRO 301-251-1180 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Lawrence S. Jacobs HOSTETTER STRENT 301-657-0010 MILLER, MILLER & CANBY 301-762-5212 Heather Q. Hostetter Donna E. Mcbride* JOSEPH GREENWALD & LAAKE 301-220-2200 Barbara Jorgenson

PALEY ROTHMAN 301-656-7603 Paula A. Calimafde, Michelle Chapin, Deborah A. Cohn, Wayne D. Eig, Jeffrey A. Kolender, Robert H. Maclay, Paul G. Marcotte, Jr., Roy Niedermayer* PASTERNAK & FIDIS 301-656-8850 Anne W. Coventry, Stephanie T. Perry, Adam P. Swaim SHULMAN ROGERS 301-230-5200 Jay M. Eisenberg STEIN SPERLING BENNETT DE JONG DRISCOLL 301-340-2020 Ann G. Jakabcin, Steven A. Widdes THE LAW OFFICES OF JAMES A. HYATT 301-540-3300 James A. Hyatt WEST & FEINBERG 301-951-1500 Marc R. Feinberg


ARENT FOX 617-973-6100 James E. O'Connell, Jr. ATWOOD & CHERNY 617-262-6400 David E. Cherny, Erin Moran Shapiro, Mark T. Smith, Rachel M. Soun, Mary Beth L. Sweeney, Dawn Young BASSIL & BUDREAU 617-366-2200 Janice Bassil BRICK, JONES, MCBRIEN & HICKEY 617-494-1227 Wendy O. Hickey BURNS & LEVINSON 617-345-3000 Ronald P. Barriere, Brian D. Bixby, Elizabeth G. Crowley, Lisa M. Cukier, Francine Gardikas

Strategic Solutions FOR COMPLEX FAMILY LAW NEEDS Scott M. Stickler

The best way to settle any case, inside or outside the courtroom, is to be better prepared than the other side. We believe in strategic rather than reactive thinking. We recognize that every case is unique and that our approach must be distinct and tactical. People turn to us when they are facing challenging situations involving their marriage, custody of their children, or other legal concerns involving their family. These issues are often complicated and the stakes are high. Clients benefit from our inventive solutions. Opponents are unable to predict our approach. We help clients obtain winning outcomes.

Geoffry S. Platnick

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CASNER & EDWARDS 617-426-5900 Joanne E. Romanow CLAPP FAMILY LAW 781-263-7320 Jennifer R. Clapp, Rachel B. Goldman CONN KAVANAUGH ROSENTHAL PEISCH & FORD 617-482-8200 George M. Ford, Kirsten Z. Young CONSILIUM DIVORCE CONSULTATIONS 781-259-1500 Heidi R. Webb DANGERLAW 617-340-3231 Deborah Danger DAVID APTAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 781-438-5222 David Aptaker DAY PITNEY 617-345-4600 Alisa L. Hacker ESDAILE, BARRETT, JACOBS & MONE 617-482-0333 Mary M. Ferriter, Norman I. Jacobs FERNANDEZ, SOCCI & NIEVES 978-681-5454 Patricia S. Fernandez, Nicole K. Socci FIELDS AND DENNIS 781-489-6776 Sheryl J. Dennis, Jonathan E. Fields FITCH LAW PARTNERS 617-542-5542 Lacey L. Brantley, Barbara L. Drury, Steven E. Gurdin, Carlos Maycotte, Kelly Schwartz, Jeffrey A. Soilson GIBBS & HEINLE 781-371-4940 Laura E. Gibbs, Calvin J. Heinle GINSBURG & LESHIN 781-235-3332 Michael L. Leshin GOLDSTEIN & BILODEAU 617-964-8559 Howard I. Goldstein GRINDLE ROBINSON 781-235-3300 Steven H. Grindle

HASTINGS, JAMIESON & LIPSCHUTZ FAMILY LAW GROUP 978-681-5665 Cynthia Grover Hastings, Peter J. Jamieson, Kristen Lipschutz HEALY, FISKE, RICHMOND & MATTHEW 617-354-7133 Regina Healy, Susan J. Matthew, Barbara Zicht Richmond ISRAEL, VAN KOOY & DAYS 617-277-3774 Karen L. Van Kooy KAJKO, WEISMAN & COLASANTI 978-296-5107 Peter J. Kajko KATES & BARLOW 617-412-4200 Peter M. Barlow, Kevin M. Corr KATZ LEGAL GROUP 781-328-1133 Deborah A. Katz KAUFFMAN LAW & MEDIATION 617-577-1505 Joyce Kauffman KAZAROSIAN COSTELLO 978-372-7758 Marc Moccia KILLEEN LAW OFFICE 781-431-8776 Elizabeth D. Killeen KOILES PRATT FAMILY LAW GROUP 978-744-7774 Jennifer Koiles Pratt LAW OFFICE OF CYNTHIA T. RUNGE 617-399-8751 Cynthia T. Runge LEE & RIVERS 617-266-6262 Jessica M. Dubin, David H. Lee, Robert J. Rivers, Jr. LEGASEY & ASSOCIATES 978-745-6600 John S. Legasey LES WALLERSTEIN, COUNSELOR AT LAW & MEDIATOR 781-862-1099 Les Wallerstein LODOLCE FAMILY LAW 508-583-2424 Ann C. LoDolce

Six recognitions for Family Law in The Best Lawyers in America© 2021

MAVRIDES LAW 617-723-9900 Marcia J. Mavrides MCGRATH & KANE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 617-523-5600 Martin F. Kane II, Paul M. Kane, Joan E. Kolligian, Karen Sweeney Shea MIRICK, O'CONNELL, DEMALLIE & LOUGEE 617-261-2417 Fern L. Frolin MURTHA CULLINA 617-457-4000 James R. DeGiacomo NOVICK AND MEYERS 978-256-4500 JoAnne Meyers PARTRIDGE ANKNER 617-859-9999 Terri L. B. Partridge PRINCE LOBEL TYE 617-456-8000 Nancy A. Freed, Kristin Dulong Kuperstein, Peter A. Kuperstein, Michael G. Xavier RA JAWORSKI 978-777-1010 Rudolf A. Jaworski ROBERTS & SAUER 781-825-8400 Kelly N. Griffin, Elizabeth A. Roberts, Nan Sauer RUBIN AND RUDMAN 617-330-7000 Paul G. Gitlin, Alan K. Posner RYAN FAENZA CAREY 508-668-9112 Marilynne R. Ryan SAPONARO BINGHAM 781-776-3090 Jennifer A. Bingham, Tannaz N. Saponaro SCHMIDT & FEDERICO 617-695-0021 Phyllis E. Federico SMITH DUGGAN BUELL & RUFO 617-228-4400 Kenneth M. Wright SUGARMAN, ROGERS, BARSHAK & COHEN 617-227-3030 Anthony M. Doniger TARLOW, BREED, HART & RODGERS 617-218-2000 Michelle Rothman

THE LAW OFFICES OF JAMES J. RICHARDS 508-861-7225 James J. Richards TODD & WELD 617-720-2626 Elaine M. Epstein, Richard M. Novitch, Gary Owen Todd TOMASINO LEGAL GROUP 781-713-3110 Alisha S. Tomasino TRACEY & ASSOCIATES 617-236-1800 Theresa B. Ramos VERRILL DANA 617-309-2600 Gene D. Dahmen, Kristin S. Doeberl, David M. Friedman, Regina M. Hurley, Kyle T. MacDonald, Robin D, Murphy WESTON PATRICK 617-742-9310 Martha R. Bagley WILSON, MARINO & BONNEVIE 617-964-8090 Lisa M. Wilson WITMER, KARP, WARNER & RYAN 617-423-7250 Steven J. Ryan, Mark J. Warner, Ronald A. Witmer ZALKIND DUNCAN & BERNSTEIN 617-742-6020 Rachel Stroup


FITCH LAW PARTNERS 617-542-5542 Jeffrey A. Soilson


BOSTON LAW COLLABORATIVE 617-439-4700 David A. Hoffman CLAPP FAMILY LAW 781-263-7320 Rachel B. Goldman FITCH LAW PARTNERS 617-542-5542 Jeffrey A. Soilson

Ranked in U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” 2021 BOSTON – TIER 1 – FAMILY LAW



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SCHMIDT & FEDERICO, P.C. specializes in serving individual clients, and focuses on providing legal solutions in family law, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, taxation, trusts & estates, probate law and litigation. Our attorneys practice in courts throughout Massachusetts, including courts in Suffolk County, Middlesex County, Norfolk County, Bristol County, Essex County, Plymouth County, Dukes County, Nantucket County and Barnstable County. Sharing their expertise, Mary and Phyllis contribute to legal publications, are editors of legal resource manuals, lecture, and have served in leadership roles in local organizations. MARY SCHMIDT has a broad range of experience in trusts and estates, domestic relations and probate litigation at the trial and appellate levels. The areas of her practice include sophisticated gift, estate and income tax planning, trust and estate planning, prenuptial and post nuptial agreement preparation, negotiation and litigation, and estate administration. PHYLLIS FEDERICO’s practice encompasses all aspects of matrimonial and domestic relations law, including divorce, custody, modifications, prenuptial agreements, postnuptial agreements, and paternity. She handles high-conflict disputes with an emphasis on business valuation and custody litigation. 200 BERKELEY STREET, 17TH FLOOR• BOSTON, MA 02116 TEL. 617.695.0021 • FAX 617.695.0665 INFO@SCHMIDT-FEDERICO.COM • WWW.SCHMIDT-FEDERICO.COM

GIBBS & HEINLE 781-371-4940 Laura E. Gibbs, Calvin J. Heinle GINSBURG & LESHIN 781-235-3332 Michael L. Leshin HEALY, FISKE, RICHMOND & MATTHEW 617-354-7133 John A. Fiske, Barbara Zicht Richmond JOHN A. MOOS 978-677-7274 John A. Moos KATZ LEGAL GROUP 781-328-1133 Deborah A. Katz LODOLCE FAMILY LAW 508-583-2424 Ann C. LoDolce LYNDA J. ROBBINS 781-944-0156 Lynda J. Robbins MCGRATH & KANE ATTORNEYS AT LAW 617-523-5600 Martin F. Kane II, Joan E. Kolligian, Karen Sweeney Shea PRINCE LOBEL TYE 617-456-8000 Peter A. Kuperstein, Michael G. Xavier ROBERTS & SAUER 781-825-8400 Elizabeth A. Roberts, Nan Sauer TARLOW, BREED, HART & RODGERS 617-218-2000 Patricia Saint James WILSON, MARINO & BONNEVIE 617-964-8090 Lisa M. Wilson

BURNS & LEVINSON 617-345-3000 Brian D. Bixby**, Clifford R. Cohen, Lisa M. Cukier, Steven C. Goodwin CASNER & EDWARDS 617-426-5900 Oliver F. Ames, Jr. CASTLEMAN LAW 617-877-7635 Howard J. Castleman* CHOATE HALL & STEWART 617-248-5000 Kristin T. Abati, Charles A. Cheever, John M. Cornish, A. Silvana Giner, William A. Lowell, Brian W. Monnich, Jennifer C. Snyder CONN KAVANAUGH ROSENTHAL PEISCH & FORD 617-482-8200 George M. Ford CORREIRA & CORREIRA 617-723-5040 David J. Correira CURRIER LAW OFFICES 617-419-3300 Diane L. Currier CUSHING & DOLAN 617-523-1555 Leo J. Cushing, Todd E. Lutsky DAVID APTAKER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 781-438-5222 David Aptaker DAY PITNEY 617-345-4600 Kenneth L. Grinnell, Alisa L. Hacker*, Amy R. Lonergan, Leiha Macauley, Barbara Freedman Wand, Stephen Ziobrowski FITCH LAW PARTNERS 617-542-5542 Jonathan W. Fitch*, Steven E. Gurdin*, Kurt S. Kusiak*, Jeffrey A. Soilson* HOAG 617-832-1000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES FOLEY Stefanie D. Cantor** BLOCK & ROOS 617-223-1900 GILMORE REES & CARLSON 781-431-9788 George P. Field* Bruce J. Bettigole, Christopher T. Carlson BOB GOLDMAN LAW 978-594-4500 GOODWIN 617-570-1000 Robert P. Goldman Susan L. Abbott, Mary-Kathleen O'Connell BOVE & LANGA 617-720-6040 GOULSTON & STORRS 617-482-1776 Alexander A. Bove, Jr., Melissa Langa Mark D. Balk, Mark M. Christopher, Magda Lukl BRIER, MARANDETT & Fleckner, Laurie J. Hall, Nancy B. Samiljan ROSSETTI 781-453-0030 HEMENWAY & BARNES 617-227-7940 Kenneth P. Brier Nancy E. Dempze**, Arthur B. Page, Kurt F. Somerville 68 |


HIRSCH LAW 617-663-5398 Jillian B. Hirsch* HOLLAND & KNIGHT 617-523-2700 Meredeth A. Beers, Nancy T. Hegarty, Shari A. Levitan**, David Scott Sloan JENNIFER CIVITELLA HILARIO, ATTORNEY AT LAW 617-329-9616 Jennifer Civitella Hilario LOURIE & CUTLER 617-742-6720 David R. Andelman, Kelly Aylward, Leslie Crane Slavin MARGOLIS & BLOOM 617-267-9700 Harry S. Margolis MCLANE MIDDLETON 781-904-2700 George L. Cushing**, Jon E. Steffensen MCLANE MIDDLETON 617-523-7935 George L. Cushing**, Jon E. Steffensen MICHAEL H. RILEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW 781-237-0150 Michael H. Riley* MINTZ, LEVIN, COHN, FERRIS, GLOVSKY AND POPEO 617-542-6000 Peter M. Miller, Kurt R. Steinkrauss, Reena I. Thadhani MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS 617-341-7700 George P. Mair, Thomas E. Peckham, Sara Wells MURTHA CULLINA 617-457-4000 James R. DeGiacomo NIXON PEABODY 617-345-1000 Deborah L. Anderson, John H. Clymer, Lawrence B. Cohen, Sarah T. Connolly, Evelyn V. Moreno, Jay D. Rosenbaum NUTTER MCCLENNEN & FISH 617-439-2000 Peter R. Brown, Natalie B. Choate, Julia Satti Cosentino, Sara Goldman Curley, Thomas P. Jalkut, William D. Kirchick, Deborah J. Manus, Kevin M. Meuse, Jeffrey Roberts O'CONNOR, CARNATHAN, AND MACK 781-359-9000 Sean T. Carnathan* PRATT, BATOR & POPOV 617-523-6800 Thomas E. Bator, Patricia D. Popov RACKEMANN, SAWYER & BREWSTER 617-542-2300 Ellen M. Harrington, Matthew J. Leonard RIMON 617-860-2264 Patricia M. Annino ROPES & GRAY 617-951-7000 Marc J. Bloostein, Cameron Casey, Kimberly E. Cohen, Brenda S. Diana, Jennifer S. Ewing, Martin Hall RUBIN AND RUDMAN 617-330-7000 Robert A. Vigoda** SCHMIDT & FEDERICO 617-695-0021 Mary H. Schmidt** SQUILLACE & ASSOCIATES 617-716-0300 Scott E. Squillace SULLIVAN & WORCESTER 617-338-2800 Henry W. Comstock Jr., Lisa N. Mingolla, Cornelius J. Murray III TARLOW, BREED, HART & RODGERS 617-218-2000 Richard P. Breed III, Albert DeNapoli*, Mark S. Furman*, Melissa E. Sydney, Edward D. Tarlow TODD & WELD 617-720-2626 Gary Owen Todd* VACOVEC, MAYOTTE & SINGER 617-964-0500 Ruth Mattson VERRILL DANA 617-309-2600 Michael L. Fay, David M. Friedman* WILCHINS COSENTINO & NOVINS 781-235-5500 Stephen N. Wilchins WITMER, KARP, WARNER & RYAN 617-423-7250 Mark J. Warner*


LAW OFFICE OF SUSAN A. HUETTNER 508-888-0049 Susan A. Huettner MICHAEL I. FLORES 508-240-1115 Michael I. Flores WILKINSON & FINKBEINER 508-316-9720 Meredith DeJesus Caradimos


PETER R. HICKEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW 508-771-3363 Peter R. Hickey


LA TANZI, SPAULDING & LANDRETH 508-255-2133 Lawrence O. Spaulding, Jr.


ATTORNEY RINA M. MILLER 413-454-4485 Rina M. Miller BACON WILSON 413-781-0560 Stephen N. Krevalin CAIN HIBBARD & MYERS 413-443-4771 Diane M. DeGiacomo LESSER NEWMAN ALEO & NASSER 413-584-7331 Merry L. Nasser MARK I. BERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW 413-522-4795 Mark I. Berson ROBINSON DONOVAN 413-732-2301 Carla W. Newton ZURN, SHARP & HEYMAN 413-586-0264 Marianne G. Zurn


AMHERST MEDIATION SERVICES 413-256-1575 Oran E. Kaufman


ALBERT GORDON, ATTORNEY AT LAW 413-301-0856 Albert F. Gordon BULKLEY RICHARDSON AND GELINAS 413-272-6200 Elizabeth H. Sillin CREAR, CHADWELL, DOS SANTOS & DEVLIN 413-747-5440 Bruce E. Devlin EGAN, FLANAGAN & COHEN 413-737-0260 Theodore C. Brown, Paula C. Tredeau* ROBINSON DONOVAN 413-732-2301 Richard M. Gaberman, Jeffrey W. Roberts SHATZ, SCHWARTZ AND FENTIN 413-737-1131 Michele J. Feinstein THE LAW OFFICE OF RONDA G. PARISH 413-301-0850 Ronda G. Parish


CATALDO LAW OFFICES 508-570-2025 Paul A. Cataldo HART LAW OFFICES 508-485-5400 Patrick M. Hart SUSAN ROSSI COOK, ATTORNEY AND MEDIATOR 508-507-8742 Susan Rossi Cook


BOWDITCH & DEWEY 508-791-3511 Michael D. Brockelman, Christopher G. Mehne, John F. Shoro CHRISTOPHER, HAYS, WOJCIK & FAMILY LAW MAVRICOS 508-425-4032 Stuart A. Hammer**, Marvin S. Silver FARRELL MENARD LAW 508-548-4111 Paul G. Farrell FLETCHER TILTON 508-459-8000 Richard C. Barry, Jr., Dennis F. Gorman

MASSACHUSETTS · MICHIGAN VARNUM 616-846-7100 Jeffrey W. Beswick, Christopher J. Caldwell, Linsey Gleason, Dirk Hoffius, John M. Huff, Thomas G. Kyros**, Marilyn Lankfer, Laura E. FAMILY LAW Radle, Fredric A. Sytsma MICHIGAN GRUEL MILLS 616-235-5500 VARNUM 616-336-6000 Jeffrey W. Beswick, Christopher J. Caldwell, ANN ARBOR William F. Mills Linsey Gleason, Dirk Hoffius, John M. Huff, JAMES W. ZERRENNER 616-774-4414 Thomas G. Kyros**, Marilyn Lankfer, Laura E. James W. Zerrenner FAMILY LAW Radle, Fredric A. Sytsma JOHNSEN & WIKANDER 616-233-9160 JAFFE RAITT HEUER & WEISS 734-222-4776 Jennifer Johnsen, Erica Wikander WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 616-752-2000 Diana Raimi Carl W. Dufendach, Mark K. Harder, Laura A. JOSEPH H. DOELE 616-540-3133 Jeltema, Susan Gell Meyers, Laura E. Morris*, NICHOLS, SACKS, SLANK, SENDELBACH, Joseph H. Doele Jeffrey B. Power, Jennifer L. Remondino, David BUITEWEG & SOLOMON 734-994-3000 MIKA MEYERS 616-632-8000 L.J.M. Skidmore*, James J. Steffel, W. Michael Karen S. Sendelbach Elizabeth K. Bransdorfer Van Haren VARNUM 248-567-7400 MILLER JOHNSON 616-831-1700 WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 616-396-9800 Julia A. Perkins Michael B. Quinn Carl W. Dufendach, Mark K. Harder, Laura A. VERONIQUE LIEM LAW & MEDIATION Jeltema, Susan Gell Meyers, Laura E. Morris*, RHOADES MCKEE 616-235-3500 OFFICE 734-369-3394 Jeffrey B. Power, Jennifer L. Remondino, David Stephanie S. Fekkes, Thomas L. Saxe, Suanne Veroniqué Liem L.J.M. Skidmore*, James J. Steffel, W. Michael Watt Stay Van Haren LAW FAMILY LAW MEDIATION RUTGERS WHEELER UPHAM 616-459-7100 Robert C. Rutgers, Jr. Kenneth E. Tiews** VERONIQUE LIEM LAW & MEDIATION SARNACKI LAW FIRM 616-988-9500 OFFICE 734-369-3394 David C. Sarnacki Veroniqué Liem KALAMAZOO SCHOLTEN FANT 616-842-3030 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Robert E. Sullivan SHON COOK LAW 231-246-4807 DYKEMA GOSSETT 734-214-7660 FAMILY LAW Shon Anne Cook Marie R. Deveney, Robert P. Tiplady** KOTZ SANGSTER 269-591-6915 SMITH HAUGHEY RICE & Mowitt S. Drew III MITZEL LAW GROUP 734-668-4100 ROEGGE 616-774-8000 Dennis M. Mitzel LEWIS REED & ALLEN 269-388-7600 Mary R. Pigorsh William A. Redmond VARNUM 734-372-2900 VARNUM 616-336-6000 Christopher A. Ballard MILLER JOHNSON 269-226-2950 Anthony P. Gauthier, Nicholas B. Missad Julie A. Sullivan WESTERMAN & MORRISSEY 734-995-9731 VELZEN LAW OFFICES 616-588-5455 Amy N. Morrissey, Susan S. Westerman VARNUM 269-382-2300 Randall L. Velzen John W. Allen, Erika Leuffen Salerno WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 616-752-2000 DETROIT Kevin G. Dougherty, Richard A. Roane MIRICK, O'CONNELL, DEMALLIE & LOUGEE 508-791-8500 Tracy A. Craig, Janet W. Moore




BREITMEYER CUSHMAN 313-962-4600 Carol F. Breitmeyer CHIAMP & ASSOCIATES 313-962-4600 Carole L. Chiamp JAFFE RAITT HEUER & WEISS 248-351-3000 Susan S. Lichterman WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 248-784-5000 Nazli G. Sater

LEWIS REED & ALLEN 269-388-7600


MILLER JOHNSON 616-831-1700 Michael B. Quinn WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 616-752-2000 Richard A. Roane

MILLER JOHNSON 269-226-2950 Julie A. Sullivan



FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Michele C. Marquardt, William B. Millard

JOHNSEN & WIKANDER 616-233-9160 Jennifer Johnsen, Erica Wikander MILLER JOHNSON 616-831-1700 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Michael B. Quinn WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 248-784-5000 SARNACKI LAW FIRM 616-988-9500 David C. Sarnacki Nazli G. Sater SHON COOK LAW 231-246-4807 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Shon Anne Cook BARRIS, SOTT, DENN & DRIKER 313-965-9725 SMITH HAUGHEY RICE & ROEGGE 616-774-8000 Robert E. Kass Mary R. Pigorsh BELLANCA BEATTIE 313-882-1100 VARNUM 616-336-6000 James V. Bellanca, Jr. Nicholas B. Missad BERRY MOORMAN 313-496-1200 WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 616-752-2000 Harvey B. Wallace II Richard A. Roane BODMAN 313-259-7777 Andrew H. Curoe, David M. Hempstead, David P. Larsen**, Marguerite Munson Lentz TRUSTS AND ESTATES BAAR & LICHTERMAN 616-965-2221 BUTZEL LONG 313-225-7000 Michael G. Lichterman Mark T. Nelson* CLARK HILL 616-608-1100 CHALGIAN & TRIPP LAW Steven J. Tjapkes** OFFICES 248-799-2711 John D. Mabley**, James P. Spica** HOLTVLUWER LAW 616-552-4601 Wendy P. Holtvluwer CLARK HILL 313-965-8300 Thomas M. Dixon** MCSHANE & BOWIE 616-732-5000 Todd M. Neckers JAFFE RAITT HEUER & WEISS 248-351-3000 Joel S. Golden, Shirley A. Kaigler, Aaron H. MIKA MEYERS 616-632-8000 Sherbin, Susan M. Sutton Neil P. Jansen, Neil L. Kimball MADDIN, HAUSER, ROTH & MILLER JOHNSON 616-831-1700 HELLER 248-354-4030 Robert D. Brower**, Christopher L. Edgar**, Robert D. Kaplow, Richard F. Roth Raj A. Malviya, Lauretta K. Murphy MANSFIELD LAW 248-515-2216 MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND Mary K. Mansfield STONE 616-454-8656 Robert L. DeJong* PRICEWATERHOUSECOOPERS LEGAL 313-394-6000 RHOADES MCKEE 616-235-3500 Jeffrey Barringer Pamela Cross**, James Schipper* SEYBURN KAHN 248-353-7620 SMITH HAUGHEY RICE & Joel H. Serlin* ROEGGE 616-774-8000 WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 248-784-5000 Nicholas A. Reister Jay A. Kennedy

MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE 269-381-7030 John G. Van Slambrouck** SCHUITMAKER, COOPER & CYPHER 269-657-3177 Harold G. Schuitmaker VARNUM 269-382-2300 John W. Allen*, David M. Thoms** WILLIS LAW 269-492-1040 Michael J. Willis*


ROBIN L. OMER 517-316-2100 Robin L. Omer THE GALLAGHER LAW FIRM 517-853-1500 Carrie E. Huff


BUHL, LITTLE, LYNWOOD & HARRIS 517-853-6900 Rosemary Buhl, Nancy L. Little**, Katie Lynwood**, Michelyn E. Pasteur CHALGIAN & TRIPP LAW OFFICES 517-332-3800 John E. Bos**, Douglas G. Chalgian** FOSTER SWIFT COLLINS & SMITH 517-371-8100 Anna K. Gibson, Charles A. Janssen, Douglas A. Mielock** FRASER TREBILCOCK DAVIS & DUNLAP 517-482-5800 Marlaine C. Teahan LOWE LAW FIRM 517-908-0900 Diane L. Bernick, Richard C. Lowe, Patricia M. Ouellette**, Christine M. Savage


NAN ELIZABETH CASEY (517) 648-1035 Nan Elizabeth Casey NUMINEN, DEFORGE & TOUTANT 906-226-2580 Karl P. Numinen WILSON KESTER 231-922-6800 Shelley A. Kester


JOHN A. SCOTT 231-933-5322 John A. Scott KENDRICKS, BORDEAU, KEEFE, SEAVOY & LARSON 906-226-2543 Kenneth J. Seavoy


DICKINSON WRIGHT 989-791-4646 Michael H. Allen**


BANK RIFKIN 248-480-8333 Mark A. Bank, B. Andrew Rifkin BUTZEL LONG 248-258-1616 T. Gordon Scupholm II CLARK HILL 248-642-9692 Randi P. Glanz, Ada Snyder Kerwin DICKINSON WRIGHT 248-433-7200 Lynn Capp Sirich EISENBERG & SPILMAN 248-358-8880 Laura E. Eisenberg FRYHOFF & LYNCH 248-644-1366 Timothy T. Fryhoff, William O. Lynch GIARMARCO, MULLINS & HORTON 248-457-7000 Matthew S. Weaver, LeRoy H. Wulfmeier III HERTZ SCHRAM 248-494-4486 Gerald P. Cavellier, Delia Miller HONIGMAN 248-566-8300 Joseph Aviv, Amy B. Folbe IAFRATE & SALASSA 586-263-1600 Jeffrey Salassa JOELSON ROSENBERG 248-626-9966 Marc Drasnin KEMP KLEIN 248-528-1111 Amy A. Stawski LAW OFFICE OF SUSAN E. COHEN 248-644-5600 Susan E. Cohen LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL A. ROBBINS 248-646-7980 Michael A. Robbins LAW OFFICES OF MIRIAM Z. WOLOCK 248-633-2630 Miriam Z. Wolock LIPPITT O'KEEFE GORNBEIN 248-646-8292 Henry S. Gornbein MARK E. CRANE LAW 248-909-0956 Mark E. Crane MCGINNIS CHIAPPELLI SPRESSER 248-643-6002 Donald E. McGinnis, Jr., Lise M. Spresser PAYNTER & ASSOCIATES 248-851-7555 Ellen Paynter ROBERT Z. FELDSTEIN 248-689-3800 Robert Z. Feldstein ROTTER & STONE 248-855-5200 Harriet B. Rotter SCHNELZ WELLS 866-344-3812 Kurt E. Schnelz SEIKALY, STEWART & BENNETT 248-785-0102 William M. Brukoff THE BASKIN LAW FIRM 248-646-3300 Henry Baskin W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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MICHIGAN · MINNESOTA THE GOLD LAW FIRM 248-530-3600 Edward D. Gold, Lorne B. Gold THE LAW FIRM OF HAUER & SNOVER 248-258-0800 Harvey I. Hauer, Mark A. Snover THE LAW FIRM OF JOHN F. SCHAEFER 248-642-6655 John F. Schaefer THE LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD S. VICTOR 248-646-7177 Richard S. Victor THE MENDELSON LAW FIRM 248-646-8277 David S. Mendelson WILLIAMS, WILLIAMS, RATTNER & PLUNKETT 248-642-0333 James P. Cunningham

NEAL NUSHOLTZ 248-646-0123 Neal Nusholtz PATRICIA E. KEFALAS DUDEK & ASSOCIATES 248-254-3462 Patricia E. Kefalas Dudek PRINCE LAW FIRM 248-419-1968 Shaheen I. Imami** STROBL & SHARP 248-540-2300 Alan C. Rudzewicz THOMAS J. MOHAN 248-726-1094 Thomas J. Mohan VARNUM 248-567-7800 Thomas H. Bergh** WARNER NORCROSS + JUDD 248-784-5199 Frank E. Henke WILLIAMS, WILLIAMS, RATTNER & PLUNKETT 248-642-0333 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Robert B. Labe CLARK HILL 248-642-9692 WOLFSON BOLTON 248-247-7100 Ada Snyder Kerwin Lara Fetsco Phillip*


CLARK HILL 248-642-9692 Ada Snyder Kerwin GIARMARCO, MULLINS & HORTON 248-457-7000 Matthew S. Weaver


BARRON, ROSENBERG, MAYORAS & MAYORAS 248-494-4577 Jonathan M. Colman*, Andrew W. Mayoras*, Don L. Rosenberg BODMAN 248-743-6000 Anthony P. Cracchiolo, Michael B. Lewiston*, Thomas Van Dusen* BUTZEL LONG 248-258-1616 William A. Penner, Robert P. Perry, John D. Selesko, David W. Sommerfeld** CLARK HILL 248-642-9692 J. Thomas MacFarlane** DAWDA, MANN, MULCAHY & SADLER 248-642-3700 Henry P. Lee, Christopher M. Mann, Curtis J. Mann, Jeffrey D. Moss, Glenn Ross DENHA & ASSOCIATES 248-265-4100 Randall A. Denha DICKINSON WRIGHT 248-433-7200 Henry M. Grix, Robert B. Joslyn**, Judith Fertel Layne, Elizabeth L. Luckenbach, Sara B. Rubino DYKEMA GOSSETT 248-203-0700 Michael G. Cumming, Dennis M. Haffey* FRANCIS G. SEYFERTH & ASSOCIATES 248-583-2300 Francis G. Seyferth GAGGOS FLAGGMAN 248-646-7700 William H. Gaggos GIARMARCO, MULLINS & HORTON 248-457-7000 Thomas P. Cavanaugh*, Julius H. Giarmarco HONIGMAN 248-566-8300 Joseph Aviv*, Regis A. Carozza, Charles Nida, Linda A. Wasserman JERROLD M. BIGELMAN 248-514-9043 Jerrold M. Bigelman KEMP KLEIN 248-528-1111 William B. Acker, Joseph P. Buttiglieri*, George W. Gregory**, Brian R. Jenney, Alan A. May**, Thomas V. Trainer, Michael D. Umphrey, Robert S. Zawideh* LIPSON NEILSON 248-593-5000 Kevin M. Bernys LOPRETE & LYNEIS 248-594-5770 James H. LoPrete** MALL MALISOW & COONEY 248-538-1800 Arthur L. Malisow, Sanford J. Mall**, Harley D. Manela* MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE 248-879-2000 Gregory V. Di Censo**, Kal Goren, Kenneth E. Konop*, Dawn M. Schluter MORRIS, ROWLAND, PREKEL, FREDERICK & LEWINSKI 248-649-2910 Leonard J. Prekel NANCY H. WELBER 248-932-1230 Nancy H. Welber 70 |


HENSCHEL MOBERG 612-326-6000 Ben M. Henschel, Joani C. Moberg HENSON & EFRON 612-339-2500 Jaime Driggs, Alan C. Eidsness, Kathryn A. Graves, Melissa J. Nilsson, Lisa T. Spencer HONSA MARA LANDRY 612-767-7300 Anne M. Honsa, Mylene A. Landry, Kristy A. Mara JOHNSON/TURNER LEGAL 651-371-9117 Katie Jarvi, Eric Parker KATZ & MANKA 612-333-1671 A. Larry Katz KOHLMEYER HAGEN LAW OFFICE 507-625-5000 Jason C. Kohlmeyer LESLIE L. KIMES 763-219-4395 Leslie Kimes LINDER, DITTBERNER & WINTER 952-896-1099 Michael D. Dittberner MACK & SANTANA LAW OFFICES 612-200-2822 MINNESOTA Laurie A. Mack-Wagner, Lymari J. Santana DULUTH MARSH 612-767-8763 Zachary Marsh C. LAUHEAD 651-426-0870 FAMILY LAW MARY Mary Catherine Lauhead HANFT FRIDE 218-722-4766 MCCULLOUGH & ASSOCIATES 651-772-3446 Cheryl M. Prince D. Patrick McCullough RUDY LAW FIRM 218-879-3363 MEDIATION SERVICES OF SOUTHERN Dennis J. Korman MINNESOTA 507-387-3989 Herbert Kroon TRUSTS AND ESTATES MESSERLI KRAMER 612-672-3600 HANFT FRIDE 218-722-4766 Vija L. Brookshire, Gary A. Debele, Debra E. Jennifer L. Carey Yerigan MARK T. SIGNORELLI 218-722-5380 MICHAEL C. BLACK LAW OFFICE 651-222-2587 Mark T. Signorelli Michael C. Black MOSS & BARNETT 612-877-5000 Aune Deach, Susan C. Rhode, James J. MINNEAPOLIS Jana Vedder NANCY ZALUSKY BERG 612-335-4282 FAMILY LAW Nancy Zalusky Berg BARNA, GUZY & STEFFEN 763-780-8500 R. LEIGH FROST LAW 612-286-8537 Douglas G. Sauter R. Leigh Frost BARNES & THORNBURG 612-333-2111 REMINGTON & ASSOCIATE 952-215-3192 Michael P. Boulette, Sonja Trom Eayrs, Karen Suzanne M. Remington L. Schreiber SWADEN RESOLUTION BECKMAN STEEN & SERVICES 612-284-6922 LUNGSTROM 952-938-3411 Martin L. Swaden Jennifer A. Beckman TERZICH & ORT 763-391-7354 BEST & FLANAGAN 612-339-7121 Shannon Leigh Ort, Jodi Marie Terzich Cathy E. Gorlin TUFT, LACH, JERABEK & BINDER LAW OFFICES 612-335-5056 O'CONNELL 651-771-0050 Jane Binder Alexandra M. Connell, John M. Jerabek, Susan M. Lach, Dan C. O'Connell, Lindsey E. O'Connell, BOWDEN CYR 612-254-6409 Lisa Watson Cyr Thomas W. Tuft, Letty Van Ert CAPISTRANT LAW 612-827-6300 VOEGELE LAW FIRM 507-334-2045 Theresa A. Capistrant, Jill Meyer Gary L. Voegele CLAUSEN & HASSAN 651-647-0087 WILLIAMS DIVORCE & FAMILY Brian Clausen, Farhan Hassan LAW 651-332-7650 Gerald O. Williams COLLINS, BUCKLEY, SAUNTRY & HAUGH 651-227-0611 WOLF, ROHR, GEMBERLING & Victoria J. Brenner ALLEN 651-222-6341 Samantha J. Gemberling DESMIDT RABUSE 612-335-3232 Nathalie S. Rabuse FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION DEWALT CHWALA SAKSENA 612-361-6180 John DeWalt BEST & FLANAGAN 612-339-7121 Cathy E. Gorlin DEWITT 612-305-1400 Robert W. Due, Kathleen M. Newman CAPISTRANT LAW 612-827-6300 Theresa A. Capistrant DOVE FRETLAND 952-479-4376 Laura K. Fretland GALOWITZ OLSON 651-777-6960 Susan Olson EL-GHAZZAWY LAW OFFICES 612-659-0199 Karim G. El-Ghazzawy TERZICH & ORT 763-391-7354 Shannon Leigh Ort ELIZABETH B. BRYANT LAW OFFICE 952-204-3320 Elizabeth B. Bryant FAMILY LAW MEDIATION ANDREA NIEMI DISPUTE FREDRIKSON & BYRON 612-492-7000 Judy S. Engel RESOLUTION 612-333-2400 Andrea K. Niemi GALOWITZ OLSON 651-777-6960 Susan Olson BINDER LAW OFFICES 612-335-5056 Jane Binder GRANDCHAMP & GUYETTE 952-475-0402 Rebecca J. Guyette CAPISTRANT LAW 612-827-6300 Theresa A. Capistrant HEIMERL & LAMMERS 612-294-2200 Kathryn M. Lammers

CONFLICT MANAGEMENT & RESOLUTION 507-288-6653 Kathryn M. Snyder DOLAN MEDIATION 952-921-5850 Cary E. Miller-Dolan EL-GHAZZAWY LAW OFFICES 612-659-0199 Karim G. El-Ghazzawy GALOWITZ OLSON 651-777-6960 Susan Olson HENSON & EFRON 612-339-2500 Alan C. Eidsness, Kathryn A. Graves KOHLMEYER HAGEN LAW OFFICE 507-625-5000 Jason C. Kohlmeyer MCGRATH DISPUTE RESOLUTION 612-424-6505 Kevin McGrath MICHAEL C. BLACK LAW OFFICE 651-222-2587 Michael C. Black MOSS & BARNETT 612-877-5000 Susan C. Rhode STEVEN SCHMIDT MEDIATION 952-876-4001 Steven B. Schmidt SWADEN RESOLUTION SERVICES 612-284-6922 Martin L. Swaden TERZICH & ORT 763-391-7354 Shannon Leigh Ort TUFT, LACH, JERABEK & O'CONNELL 651-771-0050 John M. Jerabek, Susan M. Lach, Dan C. O'Connell, Thomas W. Tuft


ANDREWS LAW OFFICE 952-836-2724 Todd D. Andrews BALLARD SPAHR 612-371-3211 Thomas Woessner BARNES & THORNBURG 612-333-2111 Bradley Frank, Howard J. Rubin BASSFORD REMELE 612-333-3000 Lewis A. Remele, Jr.*, Alan I. Silver*, Steven M. Sitek* BENDER-KELNER WILLS, TRUSTS & ESTATES 952-930-3700 Nancy S. Bender-Kelner BEST & FLANAGAN 612-339-7121 John A. Burton, Jr., Steven R. Kruger, E. Joseph LaFave, Jennifer A. Lammers, Kim RuckdaschelHaley*, Mary E. Shearen DORSEY & WHITNEY 612-340-2600 William J. Berens**, Bridget A. Logstrom Koci**, Barry Newman FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH 612-766-7000 Charles T. Parks, Jr., David J. Shannon FOX ROTHSCHILD 612-607-7000 Kathy S. Kimmel*, Robin R. Tutt FREDRIKSON & BYRON 612-492-7000 William J. Brody**, Joseph J. Cassioppi*, Bronwen L. Cound, David B. Gollin**, Mark W. Greiner**, Christopher B. Hunt**, Karen Sandler Steinert*, Dale J. Schoonover**, Cameron R. Seybolt HANSEN DORDELL 651-482-8900 Randall W. Sayers HENSON & EFRON 612-339-2500 Court J. Anderson*, Christopher J. Burns** HVISTENDAHL, MOERSCH, DORSEY & HAHN 507-645-9358 Sally Silk* INRELEX LAW GROUP 651-604-2949 E. Burke Hinds LATHROP GPM 612-632-3000 Ann B. Burns, James D. Lamm**, Marya P. Robben, Matthew Shea MASLON 612-672-8200 Susan J. Link, Michael P. Sampson, Julian C. Zebot* MOSS & BARNETT 612-877-5000 Cindy J. Ackerman, Yuri B. Berndt, Dave F. Senger OLSON & BRECKNER 612-284-2027 Andrea S. Breckner, Gene C. Olson QUINLIVAN & HUGHES 320-200-4928 Bradley W. Hanson

MINNESOTA · MISSISSIPPI · MISSOURI ROBINS KAPLAN 612-349-8500 Steve A. Brand** STINSON 612-335-1500 David R. Crosby*, Eileen M. Day, Laura E. Halferty**, Stephen R. Litman, Timothy J. Pabst, Lowell V. Stortz**, Shane Swanson TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 612-977-8400 Gregory A. Kvam, Alison J. Midden, Terry L. Slye, Patrick S. Williams* WEYANDT MEDIATION 612-695-3008 Gregory M. Weyandt* WINTHROP & WEINSTINE 612-604-6400 Thomas H. Boyd*, Justin H. Jenkins*, Douglas S. Wolgamot YANOWITZ LAW FIRM 507-252-8997 Alan J. Yanowitz

BIGGS, PETTIS, INGRAM & SOLOP 601-713-1192 Barry K. Jones FAMILY LAW BRUNINI, GRANTHAM, GROWER & HEWES 601-948-3101 CHINN & ASSOCIATES 601-202-5594 Lynne K. Green, William C. Penick IV, Leonard D. Mark A. Chinn Van Slyke, Jr.**, Joseph E. Varner III JAMES & O'BRIEN FAMILY LAW BUTLER SNOW 601-948-5711 GROUP 601-952-0050 Ronald I. Loeb, J. Paul Varner L. C. James, Danna A. O'Brien FRASCOGNA COURTNEY 601-987-3000 LAW OFFICES OF JOHN R. Richard A. Courtney REEVES 601-355-9600 JONES WALKER 601-949-4900 John R. Reeves William E. Dossett, Linda Bounds Keng ROBERTS, BRIDGES, & PHELPS DUNBAR 601-352-2300 BOYDSTON 601-607-4144 F. M. Bush III, Chad A. Davidson, A.M. Edwards Richard C. Roberts III III ROBERTSON & EASTERLING 601-898-8655 STUBBLEFIELD & YELVERTON 601-936-4910 M. Craig Robertson Robert T. Van Uden III MISSISSIPPI THOMPSON ADDISON 601-850-8000 WATKINS & EAGER 601-965-1900 GULFPORT Matthew Thompson Jamie G. Houston III**, Clark C. Luke, William F. WATKINS & EAGER 601-965-1900 Ray*, Stephanie M. Rippee* Susan Latham Steffey FAMILY LAW WELLS MARBLE & HURST 601-605-6900 WILLIAM LARRY LATHAM 601-856-5880 R. David Marchetti, R. James Young BOYCE HOLLEMAN & William Larry Latham ASSOCIATES 228-863-3142 WILLIFORD, MCALLISTER & WRIGHT, GREGG & PROCTOR 601-366-8090 JACOBUS 601-991-2000 L. Dean Holleman, Timothy C. Holleman William R. Wright Robert E. Williford MEADOWS LAW FIRM 228-547-5070 Joseph R. Meadows WISE CARTER CHILD & FAMILY LAW MEDIATION CARAWAY 601-968-5500 W. McDonald Nichols** THOMPSON ADDISON 601-850-8000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Matthew Thompson YOUNG WELLS WILLIAMS 601-948-6100 NEWTON LAW FIRM 228-863-8827 Sean Wesley Ellis, Don H. Goode WATKINS & EAGER 601-965-1900 Paul M. Newton, Jr.** Susan Latham Steffey WILLIAM LARRY LATHAM 601-856-5880 TUPELO HATTIESBURG William Larry Latham


TRAVIS & TRAVIS 601-582-5591 J. Kearney Travis, Jr.



ADAMS AND REESE 601-353-3234 Holmes S. Adams** BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ 601-351-2400 Leslie Bounds, William O. Brown, Jr., Leonard C. Martin, James A. Norris III, C. Ted Sanderson, Jr.


PHELPS DUNBAR 662-842-7907 Gregory D. Pirkle


CARSON & COIL 573-636-2177 Carla G. Holste WALTHER, ANTEL & STAMPER 573-442-2454 Gary L. Stamper WILLIAMS, ROBINSON, RIGLER & BUSCHJOST 573-341-2266 J. Kent Robinson


HERBERT C. WILLBRAND FIRM 573-442-3181 Herbert C. Willbrand


BERKOWITZ COOK GONDRING DRISKELL & DROBECK 816-753-5000 James T. Cook BLUE SPRINGS LAW OFFICE 816-224-9500 Paul E. Evans CUTRERA LAW FIRM 816-525-5226 Nick A. Cutrera FINLEY & LAUBER 816-781-6595 Christina D. Finley FAMILY LAW JACKOBOICE LAW FIRM 816-751-0570 Jill C. Jackoboice FARESE, FARESE & FARESE 662-224-6211 John S. Farese KISKE LAW OFFICE 816-256-5440 Anne Kiske UNIVERSITY OF MISSISSIPPI SCHOOL OF LAW 662-915-7361 LAW OFFICE OF SUSAN GREEN 816-655-5080 Deborah H. Bell Susan Green LAW OFFICE OF YOUNG & KUHL 816-246-9981 Abraham D. Kuhl, James H. Young

Providing Legal Assistance to Modern Families Moss & Barnett’s Family Law Team offers an unparalleled blend of creativity, common sense, and compassion, backed by decades of experience in the most personal of legal practices.

Jana Aune Deach

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612-877-5303 Listed in Best Lawyers® since 1997 in Family Law

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MISSOURI · MONTANA LAWSON NORRIS SORENSEN 816-524-3838 Leslie L. Lawson LEONARD RODARTE SIEGEL 816-836-9950 Rebecca L. Leonard, Anita I. Rodarte LEVY CRAIG LAW FIRM 816-474-8181 Nathalie C. Elliott MORENO LAW 816-200-0467 Anthony J. Moreno MURPHY, TAYLOR, SIEMENS & ELLIOTT 816-364-6677 Michael L. Taylor SCHAFFER, MCINTOSH & EFFERTZ 816-373-5590 Michael C. McIntosh SHELDON BERNSTEIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW 816-444-7280 Sheldon Bernstein THE GORDON LAW FIRM 816-569-6925 Robert Gordon WAITS LAW FIRM 816-283-3337 Courtney Waits


LAW OFFICE OF YOUNG & KUHL 816-246-9981 Abraham D. Kuhl, James H. Young LEVY CRAIG LAW FIRM 816-474-8181 Nathalie C. Elliott


BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON PAISNER 816-374-3200 Shannon K. Barks**, B. John Readey III DAVIS, SANDS & COLLINS 816-221-8188 Heywood H. Davis** DYSART TAYLOR COTTER MCMONIGLE & MONTEMORE 816-931-2700 Christopher J. Anderson HUMPHREY FARRINGTON & MCCLAIN 816-398-7435 Buford L. Farrington KIRKLAND WOODS & MARTINSEN 816-792-8300 Robert K. Kirkland**, Daniel P. Wheeler** LATHROP GPM 816-292-2000 James B. Betterman**, Gretchen M. Gold, Maurice J. O'Sullivan, Jr., Nancy Schmidt Roush, Joel B. Voran LAW OFFICE OF H. ELVIN KNIGHT, JR. 913-663-0820 H. Elvin Knight, Jr.** LEWIS RICE 816-421-2500 Michael R. Thiessen, Lisa A. Veselich POLSINELLI 816-753-1000 John S. Schmidt SEIGFREID BINGHAM 816-421-4460 Mark H. Gilgus, Cindy A. McClannahan SPENCER FANE 816-474-8100 Scott E. Blakesley** STINSON 816-842-8600 Kent V. Stallard SWANSON BERNARD 816-410-4600 Roger T. Hurwitz UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI - KANSAS CITY SCHOOL OF LAW 816-235-1644 Christopher R. Hoyt VAN OSDOL 816-421-0644 Melinda M. Ward


BAIRD LIGHTNER MILLSAP 417-887-0133 C. Ronald Baird, Mark J. Millsap

CARVER, CANTIN & MYNARICH 417-831-6363 Shane Cantin HENRY & WILLIAMS 417-256-8133 Roy E. Williams, Jr. LOWTHER JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AT LAW 417-866-7777 Thomas M. Benson, David A. Fielder PRATT GRISHAM 417-883-8200 Shannon D. Grisham, John S. Pratt VAN PELT & VAN PELT 417-886-9080 F. Richard Van Pelt 72 |



SANDBERG PHOENIX & VON GONTARD 314-231-3332 Patricia D. Gray, Bhavik R. Patel**, Edward F. Reilly, James Rixey Ruffin** SCHORMANN LAW FIRM 636-875-7653 Carrie S. Schormann FAMILY LAW MEDIATION SHANDS, ELBERT, GIANOULAKIS & GILJUM 314-241-3963 AMATO FAMILY LAW 314-727-7122 Franklin F. Wallis Susan L. Amato SPENCER FANE 314-863-7733 BLACKETER LAW FIRM 636-916-1800 Jeff D. Figge ST. LOUIS Crystal L. Blacketer STINSON 314-863-0800 CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 Charles A. Redd** Joyce M. Capshaw FAMILY LAW FRANKEL, RUBIN, KLEIN, SIEGEL, PAYNE & SUMMERS COMPTON WELLS 314-991-4999 William H. Hobson, Gary E. True BARDOL LAW FIRM 314-918-0100 PUDLOWSKI 314-343-1388 Stephen Bardol Leonard J. Frankel, Elaine A. Pudlowski THOMPSON COBURN 314-552-6000 Mike Bartolacci*, Thomas R. Corbett**, BLACKETER LAW FIRM 636-916-1800 KRAMER, HAND, BUCHHOLZ & Stephen E. Cupples, Jacqueline A. Dimmitt, Crystal L. Blacketer PARTNEY 363-797-3004 Laura M. Duncan, Steven B. Gorin, Lawrence P. Jennifer Graves Borcherding CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 Katzenstein, Lacey R. Searfoss Joyce M. Capshaw, James P. Carmody, Joseph PAGE LAW 314-322-8515 THURMAN LAW FIRM 636-789-2601 Kodner, Cary J. Mogerman, Mary E. Niemira, Tonya D. Page John W. Howald Jordan A. Poole PAULE, CAMAZINE & WREN BOTTINI 314-677-1288 COULTER LAMBSON 314-309-2377 BLUMENTHAL 314-727-2266 Nichole Y. Wren Joseph A. Lambson Alan E. Freed CURTIS, HEINZ, GARRETT & RAZA & JONES 314-449-8830 O'KEEFE 314-725-8788 Sophya Q. Raza MONTANA Patricia Susi THE CENTER FOR FAMILY LAW 314-721-8844 BILLINGS DAVID B. LACKS 314-863-4100 Ann E. Bauer David B. Lacks FAMILY LAW FAMILY ALLY 314-449-9800 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Jennifer R. Piper KASTING, KAUFFMAN & AFFINITY LAW GROUP 314-872-3333 MERSEN 406-586-4383 FAULSTICH LAW FIRM 314-260-7823 Kathleen W. Bilderback Kent M. Kasting Lisa Faulstich BLITZ, BARDGETT & DEUTSCH 314-863-1500 PARKER, HEITZ & COSGROVE 406-245-9991 FRANKEL, RUBIN, KLEIN, SIEGEL, PAYNE & Bridget Nave Shawn P. Cosgrove, Casey Heitz PUDLOWSKI 314-343-1388 BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON Elaine A. Pudlowski PAISNER 314-259-2000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES GROWE EISEN KARLEN EILERTS 314-725-1912 Lawrence Brody, Stephen B. Daiker, Jeanne Mathew G. Eilerts, Richard J. Eisen ANDERSON & HEARD 406-869-8869 Mattingly Miller, John D. Schaperkotter, Eric K. Anderson Kathleen R. Sherby**, Douglas J. Stanley** HAAR & WOODS 314-241-2224 Pete Woods CHRISTENSEN FULTON & FILZ 406-248-3100 CAPES, SOKOL, GOODMAN & Angus B. Fulton SARACHAN 314-721-7701 HAEFNER LAW OFFICE 314-200-6101 Lisa M. Adams, Harvard W. Muhm Mark W. Haefner CROWLEY FLECK 406-252-3441 Richard A. Brekke, Ashley Burleson, Lance R. CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 KRAMER, HAND, BUCHHOLZ & Hoskins Meghan M. Lamping*, Leo H. MacDonald, Jr., PARTNEY 363-797-3004 Mark A. Mulchek, Meg Marshall Thomas, Kevin Jennifer Graves Borcherding CROWLEY FLECK 406-556-1430 J. Williams Richard A. Brekke, Ashley Burleson, Lance R. MOSS POCIASK 314-963-0500 Hoskins GREENSFELDER, HEMKER & Melissa Moss GALE 314-241-9090 GOETZ, BALDWIN & GEDDES 406-587-0618 PAGE LAW 314-322-8515 Jennifer Clump Davis, Keith A. Herman, James H. Goetz* Tonya D. Page Thomas H. Mug, Betty Schaefer MOULTON BELLINGHAM 406-248-7731 PAULE, CAMAZINE & HAAR & WOODS 314-241-2224 John T. Jones, Duncan A. Peete BLUMENTHAL 314-727-2266 Susan E. Bindler* Alisse C. Camazine, Alan E. Freed, Bruce E. Friedman, Amy Hoch Hogenson, Lisa G. Moore HUSCH BLACKWELL 314-480-1500 GREAT FALLS Raymond S. Kreienkamp, Mark R. Leuchtmann, RAZA & JONES 314-449-8830 Jill M. Palmquist, Matthew G. Perlow, James Stephanie L. Jones, Sophya Q. Raza R. Strong TRUSTS AND ESTATES REINKER, HAMILTON & FENLEY 314-333-4140 JOHN DOOLING LAWYER 314-503-6222 CHURCH, HARRIS, JOHNSON & John R. Fenley, Robert N. Hamilton John E. Dooling, Jr.** WILLIAMS 406-761-3000 RIEZMAN BERGER 314-727-0101 KIMBERLY N. SPRINGER, ATTORNEY AT W. Bjarne Johnson Justin W. Ruth LAW 314-962-6500 JARDINE, STEPHENSON, BLEWETT & Kimberly N. Springer SOWERS ERNST 314-690-1744 WEAVER 406-727-5000 Zofia Garlicka Sowers KIRKLAND WOODS & Gary W. Bjelland MARTINSEN 314-944-5200 SPIRN FAMILY LAW 314-451-1700 John M. Challis*, Andrew M. Mitchell** Michelle Spirn MISSOULA LATHROP GPM 314-613-2800 STEWART, MITTLEMAN & Bennett S. Keller, Scott H. Malin O'ROURKE 314-863-8484 Allan F. Stewart LEWIS RICE 314-444-7600 FAMILY LAW Matthew J. Madsen**, Marian V. Mehan, Jaime BOONE KARLBERG 406-543-6646 THE BETZ LAW FIRM 314-801-8488 R. Mendez, Michael D. Mulligan, Albert S. Rose, David Betz Cynthia K. Thiel Joel L. Weeks, Robert J. Will* THE CENTER FOR FAMILY LAW 314-721-8844 GAIL H. GOHEEN 406-363-2722 MGD LAW 314-721-7778 Ann E. Bauer, Penny Robinson, Alan N. Gail H. Goheen Adrienne J. Davis, Lisa D. McLaughlin Zvibleman LAIRD CROWLEY 406-541-7400 THE E. REX BRADLEY LAW FIRM 573-560-3114 PAULE, CAMAZINE & Jane E. Cowley BLUMENTHAL 314-727-2266 E. Rex Bradley Donald W. Paule THE MARKS LAW FIRM 314-993-6300 TRUSTS AND ESTATES POLSINELLI 314-889-8000 Jonathan D. Marks BJORNSON JONES MUNGAS 406-721-8896 George E. Diehr Jr., Adam W. Randle, Robert THE SCHECHTER LAW FIRM 314-727-7289 Nick Jones, Craig Mungas J. Selsor* Anne Lageson, Michael L. Schechter CROWLEY FLECK 406-523-3600 RIEZMAN BERGER 314-727-0101 THURMAN LAW FIRM 636-789-2601 Dirk A. Williams Robert G. Oesch, Mark J. Temkin David P. Senkel GOODRICH & REELY 406-541-9700 ROSSITER & BOOCK 314-754-1500 Shane N. Reely Matthew J. Rossiter* FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION THIEL LAW OFFICE 406-543-1550 SANDBERG PHOENIX & VON CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 Matthew B. Thiel* GONTARD 314-725-9100 Joyce M. Capshaw Patricia D. Gray, Bhavik R. Patel**, Edward F. Reilly, James Rixey Ruffin** CARNAHAN, EVANS, CANTWELL & BROWN 417-447-4400 Douglas R. Nickell, Thomas D. Peebles, Jr. KIRKLAND WOODS & MARTINSEN 417-893-5288 Emily J. Kembell** SPENCER FANE 417-888-1000 Gary A. Powell

Tonya D. Page PAULE, CAMAZINE & BLUMENTHAL 314-727-2266 Alan E. Freed



ROSS, SCHROEDER & GEORGE 308-237-5187 Kent A. Schroeder


JEWELL & COLLINS 402-371-4844 Dennis W. Collins** SCHROEDER & SCHROEDER 308-367-4141 Jon S. Schroeder

LINCOLN ANDERSON CREAGER AND WITTSTRUCK 402-477-8800 Amie C. Martinez BALLEW HAZEN 402-436-3030 John W. Ballew, Jr. JOHNSON FLODMAN GUENZEL & WIDGER 402-817-6721 Steven J. Flodman KEATING, O'GARA, NEDVED & PETER 402-475-8230 Con M. Keating PERRY, GUTHERY, HAASE & GESSFORD 402-476-9200 Rex R. Schultze



KEATING, O'GARA, NEDVED & PETER 402-475-8230 Con M. Keating


BALL, LOUDON, EBERT, & BROSTROM 402-420-6091 Christina L. Ball, Andrew M. Loudon CLINE WILLIAMS WRIGHT JOHNSON & OLDFATHER 402-474-6900 Don R. Janssen ENDACOTT PEETZ AND TIMMER 402-904-3629 Kent E. Endacott, Jeffery T. Peetz, Patrick D. Timmer OLSON ZALEWSKI WYNNER 402-438-2500 William E. Olson, Jr. O'NEILL, HEINRICH, DAMKROGER, BERGMEYER & SCHULTZ 402-434-3000 Rick A. Damkroger PERRY, GUTHERY, HAASE & GESSFORD 402-476-9200 Thomas M. Haase REMBOLT LUDTKE 402-475-5100 Timothy F. Clare

BADURA & WINTZ LAW 402-398-3040 Margaret A. Badura, Daniel J. Wintz BAIRD HOLM 402-344-0500 Ronald C. Jensen, Sharon R. Kresha**, Gary W. Radil, Michael C. Schilken, Michael L. Sullivan BARKDOLL & VON AHSEN 402-281-3101 Mary A. Donovan Martello CARLSON & BURNETT 402-810-8611 Adam J. Wintz* DVORAK LAW GROUP 402-934-4770 David M. Dvorak ELLICK, JONES, BUELT, BLAZEK & LONGO 402-390-0390 Michael D. Jones ERFTMIER LAW 402-504-1600 Donald L. Erftmier, Jr. ERICKSON SEDERSTROM 402-397-2200 Daniel Dittman, David J. Nielsen FITZGERALD, SCHORR, BARMETTLER & BRENNAN 402-342-1000 Susan J. Spahn**, Nick R. Taylor** GROSS & WELCH 402-392-1500 William J. Lindsay, Jr. KOLEY JESSEN 402-390-9500 Brandon D. Hamm, Lisa M. Lehan, James A. Tews, Kurt F. Tjaden, Alexander J. Wolf LAMSON DUGAN AND MURRAY 402-397-7300 Daniel J. Waters MARK JOHN MALOUSEK LAW OFFICE 402-341-9931 Mark John Malousek* MCGILL, GOTSDINER, WORKMAN & LEPP 402-492-9200 Mary Hewitt MCGRATH NORTH MULLIN & KRATZ 402-341-3070 Austin C. Bradley, Jonathan L. Grob, David L. Hefflinger, Nicholas K. Niemann, Matthew R. Ottemann, Daniel C. Pape, Jeffrey J. Pirruccello, James D. Wegner PANSING HOGAN ERNST & BACHMAN 402-397-5500 Thomas R. Pansing, Jr. VANDENACK WEAVER 402-504-1300 RUSHFORTH FIRM 702-255-4552 Mary E. Vandenack Layne T. Rushforth** SOLOMON DWIGGINS & FREER 702-997-7714 NEVADA Dana A. Dwiggins*, Alan D. Freer**, Mark A. LAS VEGAS Solomon**


ECKER LAW GROUP 702-384-1700 Howard N. Ecker KAINEN LAW GROUP 702-823-4900 Edward L. Kainen LAW OFFICE OF DANIEL MARKS 702-386-0536 Daniel Marks PECOS LAW GROUP 702-388-1851 Paul A. Lemcke, Bruce I. Shapiro


KATHLEEN T. BRECKENRIDGE 775-786-5055 Kathleen T. Breckenridge LAW OFFICE OF RONALD J. LOGAR 775-786-5040 Ronald J. Logar LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD W. YOUNG 775-322-9477 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Richard W. Young OMAHA GARMAN TURNER GORDON SILVERMAN KATTELMAN 725-777-3000 SPRINGGATE 775-322-3223 Kristin M. Tyler* Michael V. Kattelman, Gary R. Silverman FAMILY LAW GOLDSMITH & GUYMON 702-475-9463 VILORIA, OLIPHANT, OSTER & Dara J. Goldsmith ASTLEY PUTNAM 402-932-7900 AMAN 775-210-8178 Adam E. Astley HEJMANOWSKI & MCCREA 702-834-8777 Raymond E. Oster BRODKEY, CUDDIGAN, PEEBLES, BELMONT & Paul R. Hejmanowski* LINE 402-397-2000 HUTCHISON & STEFFEN 702-385-2500 Benjamin M. Belmont FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Mark A. Hutchison* WOODBURN AND WEDGE 775-688-3000 CAMPAGNA LAW 402-995-9170 JEFFREY BURR 702-433-4455 Shawn B. Meador Patrick A. Campagna Jeffrey L. Burr KINNEY MASON 402-905-2220 LAW OFFICES OF DAVID A. John Kinney TRUSTS AND ESTATES STRAUS 702-474-4500 AGUIRRE RILEY 775-376-9477 David A. Straus LUSTGARTEN & ROBERTS 402-346-1920 Soraya Tabibi Aguirre Michael B. Lustgarten, Donald A. Roberts MCDONALD CARANO 702-873-4100 FENNEMORE CRAIG 775-788-2200 Aaron D. Shipley*, Scott A. Swain SLOWIACZEK ALBERS 402-930-1000 Ann Morgan* Virginia A. Albers, John S. Slowiaczek MICHAELSON & ASSOCIATES 702-731-2333 J. DOUGLAS CLARK ATTORNEY AT John P. Michaelson VACANTI SHATTUCK 402-235-6070 LAW 775-324-1818 Christopher A. Vacanti MORRIS ESTATE PLANNING J. Douglas Clark* ATTORNEYS 702-706-0795 MAUPIN, COX & LEGOY 775-827-2000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Gregory J. Morris Kurt O. Hunsberger, G. Barton Mowry**, OSHINS & ASSOCIATES 702-341-6000 ABRAHAMS KASLOW & Michaelle D. Rafferty**, Gustave J. Rossi Heidi Freeman, Richard A. Oshins, Steven J. CASSMAN 402-392-1250 Oshins, Kristen E. Simmons Howard J. Kaslow, Thomas J. Malicki

MCDONALD CARANO 775-788-2000 Robert E. Armstrong, John Galvin, Leigh T. Goddard*, Mark W. Knobel**, William A. S. Magrath II*, John B. Mulligan SNELL & WILMER 775-785-5440 Stephanie B. Casteel, William E. Peterson* WOODBURN AND WEDGE 775-688-3000 Don L. Ross


DOUGLAS, LEONARD & GARVEY 603-224-1988 Carolyn S. Garvey ORR & RENO 603-224-2381 Judith A. Fairclough, Margaret R. Kerouac PASTORI KRANS 603-369-4769 Heather E. Krans ROUSSEAU LAW AND MEDIATION 603-715-2824 Debbie Martin-Demers SHAHEEN & GORDON 603-819-4231 Tracey Goyette Cote SHEEHAN LAW OFFICE 603-715-2560 Patrick J. Sheehan SULLOWAY & HOLLIS 603-223-2800 Ronna F. Wise THE CRISP LAW FIRM 603-225-5252 Sara B. Crisp THE STEIN LAW FIRM 603-228-1109 Robert A. Stein


ORR & RENO 603-224-2381 Margaret R. Kerouac


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ANNIS & ZELLERS 603-224-5800 Tina L. Annis, Jeffrey J. Zellers CALDWELL LAW 603-643-7577 Timothy W. Caldwell DEVINE MILLIMET & BRANCH 603-226-1000 Michelle M. Arruda DOWNS RACHLIN MARTIN 603-448-2211 Thomas C. Csatari**, Willemien Dingemans Miller FLOOD, SHEEHAN & TOBIN 603-415-4200 Ann Meissner Flood, Marcia Hennelly Moran, Virginia Symmes Sheehan, Laura E. Tobin MCDONALD & KANYUK 603-228-9900 Amy K. Kanyuk, Megan C. Knox, Joseph F. McDonald III MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-226-0400 Alexandra T. Breed MYSKOWSKI & MATTHEWS 603-227-6342 Jan P. Myskowski RANSMEIER & SPELLMAN 603-290-5104 Thomas N. Masland, John C. Ransmeier, Nelson A. Raust SHAHEEN & GORDON 603-819-4231 Benjamin Siracusa Hillman* STEBBINS BRADLEY 603-643-3737 Nicholas D.N. Harvey, Jr. STEINER LAW 603-345-6440 R. James Steiner* SULLOWAY & HOLLIS 603-223-2800 Elise H. Salek** THE STEIN LAW FIRM 603-228-1109 Robert A. Stein*


FERRO LAW & MEDIATION GROUP 603-836-5400 James V. Ferro, Jr. MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-625-6464 R. David Depuy TENN AND TENN 603-624-3700 James J. Tenn, Jr.


ARONSOHN WEINER SALERNO & KAUFMAN 201-487-4747 Richard H. Weiner CLANCY & ESPOSITO 201-488-7800 Charles M. DeFuccio TRUSTS AND ESTATES COHN LIFLAND PEARLMAN HERRMANN & KNOPF 201-845-9600 ANSELL & ANDERSON 603-644-8211 Amanda S. Trigg Christine S. Anderson KORNITZER FAMILY LAW 201-292-8444 BARRADALE, O'CONNELL, NEWKIRK & Robert B. Kornitzer DWYER 603-644-0275 Pamela J. Newkirk*, Colleen D. O'Connell ROBERT T. CORCORAN 201-342-5151 Robert T. Corcoran BUTENHOF & BOMSTER 603-296-0428 Judith L. Bomster SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA DEVINE MILLIMET & BRANCH 603-669-1000 COSTA 201-488-3366 Charles C. Abut, Joseph V. Maceri Steve Cohen, David P. Eby*, Anu R. Mullikin JOHN KITCHEN LAW OFFICES 603-669-6541 John S. Kitchen FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION COHN LIFLAND PEARLMAN HERRMANN & MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-436-2818 KNOPF 201-845-9600 Denis P. Dillon, Ralph F. Holmes*, John E. Mary Ann Stokes Hughes, Mary Susan Leahy, Robert A. Wells, David Wolowitz*, William V.A. Zorn KORNITZER FAMILY LAW 201-292-8444 Robert B. Kornitzer MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-625-6464 Denis P. Dillon, Ralph F. Holmes*, John E. PHILLIPS NIZER 201-487-3700 Hughes, Mary Susan Leahy, Robert A. Wells, Jan L. Bernstein David Wolowitz*, William V.A. Zorn MULHERN & SCOTT 603-436-1211 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION David Mulhern, Sally Mulhern COHN LIFLAND PEARLMAN HERRMANN & PIERCE ATWOOD 603-433-6300 KNOPF 201-845-9600 Cynthia L. Worthen Mary Ann Stokes ROBINSON, BOESCH, SENNOTT & KORNITZER FAMILY LAW 201-292-8444 MASSE 603-427-5380 Robert B. Kornitzer MANCHESTER William S. Boesch, Andrea L. Daly*, Kathleen M. SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA Robinson, Andrea L. Sennott COSTA 201-488-3366 Charles C. Abut FAMILY LAW SHEEHAN PHINNEY BASS & GREEN 603-668-0300 BRENNAN LENEHAN IACOPINO & Bradford E. Cook, Michael P. Panebianco HICKEY 603-734-5461 TRUSTS AND ESTATES William E. Brennan, Kathleen A. Hickey, William COLE SCHOTZ 201-489-3000 J. Quinn NEW JERSEY Marc R. Berman**, Michael H. Forman**, Glenn Kazlow*, Steven R. Klein*, Steven D. Leipzig, DEVINE MILLIMET & BRANCH 603-669-1000 ATLANTIC CITY R.Samuel Weiner, Lori I. Wolf Ronald J. Caron, William F. Gramer, Crystal M. Maldonado, Pamela A. Peterson HARWOOD LLOYD 201-487-1080 FAMILY LAW David M. Repetto* ELLEN JOSEPH LAW 603-836-5200 Ellen M. Joseph BIEL & STILES 609-344-1173 Mark Biel FERRO LAW & MEDIATION NEWARK GROUP 603-836-5400 James V. Ferro, Jr. CHERRY HILL FAMILY LAW HAMBLETT & KERRIGAN 603-883-5501 Kevin Rauseo BRACH EICHLER 973-228-5700 FAMILY LAW Sean Alden Smith, Carl J. Soranno INTEGRAL BUSINESS COUNSEL 603-766-0408 ADINOLFI, LIEBERMAN, BURICK, Jaime I. Gillis CADICINA LAW 973-270-9166 FALKENSTEIN, ROBERTO & Joseph P. Cadicina, Angela M. Scafuri LAW OFFICE OF MANNING & MOLOTSKY 856-428-8334 ZIMMERMAN 603-671-3156 CANDACE R. SCOTT 973-292-4700 Robert J. Adinolfi, Ronald G. Lieberman Anna Goulet Zimmerman Candace R. Scott ARCHER & GREINER 856-795-2121 MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-625-6464 CECONI & CHEIFETZ 908-273-6300 Lee M. Hymerling, William J. Thompson R. David Depuy Lizanne J. Ceconi, Cary B. Cheifetz GOLDSTEIN & MIGNOGNA 856-890-9400 MORNEAU LAW 603-943-5647 CHASAN LAMPARELLO MALLON & Amy C. Goldstein Katherine Morneau CAPPUZZO 201-348-6000 KLINEBURGER & NUSSEY 856-428-7000 Mollie F. Hartman Lustig, Cindy Nan Vogelman PRIMMER PIPER EGGLESTON & D. Ryan Nussey CRAMER 603-626-3300 DAY PITNEY 973-966-6300 OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & L. Jonathan Ross Hope S. Cone HIPPEL 856-795-3300 SHANELARIS & SCHIRCH 603-594-8300 DONAHUE, HAGAN, KLEIN, & Jennifer L. Iseman, Shari B. Veisblatt Catherine E. Shanelaris WEISBERG 973-467-5556 SHERMAN, SILVERSTEIN, KOHL, ROSE & Francis W. Donahue, Debra S. Weisberg SHEEHAN PHINNEY BASS & PODOLSKY 856-662-0700 GREEN 603-668-0300 EINHORN BARBARITO 973-627-7300 Matthew Podolnick James F. Ogorchock Patricia M. Barbarito, Jhanice V. Domingo, WEINBERG, KAPLAN & SMITH 856-795-9400 Bonnie C. Frost, Stephen P. Haller, Cimmerian TENN AND TENN 603-624-3700 Michael A. Weinberg A. Morgan, Matheu D. Nunn, Jennie L. Osborne, James J. Tenn, Jr., Mary Elizabeth Tenn Thomas J. Snyder TOBER LAW OFFICES 603-431-1003 TRUSTS AND ESTATES FOX ROTHSCHILD 973-992-4800 Stephen L. Tober Sandra C. Fava, Eric Solotoff ARCHER & GREINER 856-795-2121 WEIBRECHT LAW 603-842-5525 Gerald E. Darling, Frank R. Demmerly, Jr., Peter FREEMAN LAW CENTER 201-222-7765 Kimberly Weibrecht E. Driscoll, Steven K. Mignogna* Brian C. Freeman KULZER & DIPADOVA 856-795-7744 GOMPERTS PENZA MCDERMOTT & VON FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Arthur A. DiPadova, Glenn A. Henkel** ELLEN 973-258-1440 FERRO LAW & MEDIATION Gerri Gomperts GROUP 603-836-5400 GOMPERTS, PENZA, MCDERMOTT & VON James V. Ferro, Jr. ELLEN 973-258-1440 Jamie K. Von Ellen

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GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & DAVIS 973-535-1600 Dennis F. Feeney, Lisa P. Parker, Jacqueline M. Printz, Daniel M. Serviss, Mark H. Sobel, Dina M. Vanides HABER SILVER SIMPSON & RUSSONIELLO 973-828-0313 Karin Duchin Haber JACOBS BERGER 973-718-7705 Sarah J. Jacobs LAUFER, DALENA, JENSEN, BRADLEY & DORAN 973-975-4043 Laurence J. Cutler, Christine M. Dalena, William M. Laufer LAZOR RANTAS 973-457-8844 Jennifer Lazor LUM, DRASCO & POSITAN 973-403-9000 Gina M. Sorge MANDELBAUM SALSBURG 973-736-4600 David S. Carton, Lynne Strober NEWMAN, MCDONOUGH, SCHOFEL & GIGER 973-403-9292 Gary Newman NEWSOME O'DONNELL 973-692-6317 Rebecca E. Frino, Lynn Fontaine Newsome RIKER DANZIG SCHERER HYLAND & PERRETTI 973-538-0800 Allen J. Scazafabo, Jr. RUVOLO LAW GROUP 973-993-9960 Melissa M. Ruvolo, Laura Ruvolo Lipp SCHWARTZ VINHAL & LOMURRO FAMILY LAW 908-219-4219 Brian M. Schwartz SEIDEN FAMILY LAW 908-324-5400 Christine C. Fitzgerald, Donald Schumacher, Sheryl J. Seiden SKOLOFF & WOLFE 973-992-0900 Patrick T. Collins, Gary N. Skoloff, Jonathan W. Wolfe SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 973-274-5200 Stacey A. Cozewith, Scott D. Danaher, Laura Guinta Gencarelli, Angelo Sarno, Edward S. Snyder STARR, GERN, DAVISON & RUBIN 973-403-9200 Bruce M. Pitman, Charles F. Vuotto, Jr. TANYA FREEMAN LAW 973-939-0100 Tanya L. Freeman WEINSTEIN FAMILY LAW 973-403-6000 Cynthia Borsella Lindemann, Jeffrey P. Weinstein


BRACH EICHLER 973-228-5700 Carl J. Soranno CADICINA LAW 973-270-9166 Joseph P. Cadicina HABER SILVER SIMPSON & RUSSONIELLO 973-828-0313 Karin Duchin Haber JACOBS BERGER 973-718-7705 Sarah J. Jacobs LUM, DRASCO & POSITAN 973-403-9000 Richard C. Camp NEWSOME O'DONNELL 973-692-6317 Rebecca E. Frino SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 973-274-5200 Thomas Zampino WEINBERGER DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW GROUP 973-520-8822 Bari Zell Weinberger


CADICINA LAW 973-270-9166 Joseph P. Cadicina, Angela M. Scafuri DONAHUE, HAGAN, KLEIN, & WEISBERG 973-467-5556 Phyllis S. Klein EINHORN BARBARITO 973-627-7300 Bonnie C. Frost

NEW JERSEY MCCARTER & ENGLISH 973-622-4444 Gerard G. Brew** MCMANUS & ASSOCIATES 908-898-0100 John O. McManus ORLOFF, LOWENBACH, STIFELMAN & SIEGEL 973-622-6200 Philip C. Corbo**, Susan M. Holzman**, Joel D. Siegel PORZIO, BROMBERG & NEWMAN 973-538-4006 Joseph G. Dolan, Charles Edward Falk RANDALL & STEIN 973-994-4710 Sam Stein SAIBER 973-622-3333 Nino A. Coviello, Robert L. Ritter* SCHENCK, PRICE, SMITH & KING 973-539-1000 Gary Mazart, Shirley B. Whitenack SHERMAN WELLS SYLVESTER & TRUSTS AND ESTATES STAMELMAN 973-302-9700 Jane L. Brody, Tracy M. Child, Sandra Brown BERKOWITZ, LICHTSTEIN, KURITSKY, Sherman, Andrew J. Stamelman GIASULLO & GROSS 973-325-7800 Lance T. Eisenberg, Richard S. Finkelstein, SIEGEL & BERGMAN 973-285-5007 Jonathan M. Gross, Lawrence T. Neher* Anita J. Siegel BORTECK & CZAPEK 973-994-2050 SILLS CUMMIS & GROSS 973-643-7000 Robert D. Borteck**, Christine Socha Czapek Allan C. Bell BRACH EICHLER 973-228-5700 STARR, GERN, DAVISON & Susan Dromsky-Reed, Stuart M. Gladstone, RUBIN 973-403-9200 David J. Ritter Ronald L. Davison* BRESSLER, AMERY & ROSS 973-514-1200 TOMPKINS, MCGUIRE, WACHENFELD & Paul I. Rosenberg, Frederick K. Schoenbrodt II, BARRY 973-622-3000 Jordan Weitberg Howard G. Wachenfeld CHIESA SHAHINIAN & TORZEWSKI & MCINERNEY 973-532-2868 Thomas N. Torzewski GIANTOMASI 973-325-1500 Adam K. Derman*, Arthur S. Goldstein*, David VENTURA, MIESOWITZ, KEOUGH & L. Schlossberg, Daniel A. Swick WARNER 908-277-2410 Sean L. Rankin CONNELL FOLEY 973-535-0500 Brad D. Shalit, Anthony F. Vitiello** WILSON ELSER MOSKOWITZ EDELMAN & COUGHLIN DUFFY 973-267-0058 DICKER 973-624-0800 James B. Garland, James P. Wyse William D. Lipkind DAY PITNEY 973-966-6300 Angela Titus McEwan, Mary Lou Parker PRINCETON DENTONS U.S. 973-912-7100 Robert W. Cockren** FAMILY LAW DONNELLY MINTER & KELLY 973-200-6400 ALTMAN, LEGBAND & Linda Nash Engleby MAYRIDES 609-921-8070 EINHORN BARBARITO 973-627-7300 Jane R. Altman Gary R. Botwinick** DALE E. CONSOLE 609-683-0003 ELIAS SELLITTI 973-845-2676 Dale E. Console John M. Elias DETORRES & DEGEORGE 908-691-2104 FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & Rosanne S. DeTorres REATH 973-549-7000 FOX ROTHSCHILD 609-896-3600 Edward A. Gramigna, Jr.** Mark Z. Segal FOX ROTHSCHILD 973-992-4800 FREDERICK J. SIKORA ESQUIRE 908-755-8700 Jerome A. Deener* Frederick J. Sikora GENOVA BURNS 973-533-0777 STARK & STARK 609-896-9060 Judson M. Stein** John S. Eory GIBBONS 973-596-4500 SZAFERMAN, LAKIND, BLUMSTEIN & Michael R. Griffinger* BLADER 609-275-0400 GREENBERG DAUBER EPSTEIN & Brian G. Paul, Barry D. Szaferman TUCKER 973-643-3700 THE LAW OFFICE OF RAJEH A. Stanley A. Epstein SAADEH 908-864-7884 GREENBERG TRAURIG 973-360-7900 Rajeh A. Saadeh Martin L. Lepelstat ULRICHSEN ROSEN & FREED 609-730-3850 HELLRING LINDEMAN GOLDSTEIN & Derek M. Freed, Barbara Ulrichsen SIEGAL 973-621-9020 Jonathan L. Goldstein* FAMILY LAW MEDIATION LINDABURY, MCCORMICK, ESTABROOK & ALTMAN, LEGBAND & COOPER 908-233-6800 MAYRIDES 609-921-8070 John R. Blasi, James K. Estabrook, David G. Donna P. Legband Hardin, Anne Marie Robbins ULRICHSEN ROSEN & FREED 609-730-3850 LINDABURY, MCCORMICK, ESTABROOK & Derek M. Freed COOPER 908-273-1212 John R. Blasi, James K. Estabrook, David G. Hardin, Anne Marie Robbins TRUSTS AND ESTATES LOWENSTEIN SANDLER 973-597-2500 FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & John L. Berger, Michael N. Gooen, Kenneth J. REATH 609-716-6500 Slutsky, Ashley Steinhart**, Jeffrey J. Wild Lisa S. Presser LUM, DRASCO & POSITAN 973-403-9000 STARK & STARK 609-896-9060 Dennis J. Drasco* Steven L. Friedman, Lewis J. Pepperman* MANTELL, PRINCE & REYNOLDS 908-464-5900 Bruce E. Mantell, Gary A. Prince, Jr. HABER SILVER SIMPSON & RUSSONIELLO 973-828-0313 Karin Duchin Haber LAUFER, DALENA, JENSEN, BRADLEY & DORAN 973-975-4043 Laurence J. Cutler, Christine M. Dalena LAZOR RANTAS 973-457-8844 Jennifer Lazor LUM, DRASCO & POSITAN 973-403-9000 Richard C. Camp NEWSOME O'DONNELL 973-692-6317 Rebecca E. Frino SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 973-274-5200 Thomas Zampino WEINBERGER DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW GROUP 908-845-5000 Allison E. Holzman

Schwartz Vinhal & Lomurro Family Law, LLC

Experienced Divorce and Family Law Attorneys 47 MAPLE STREET ATRIUM 3RD FLOOR SUMMIT, NE ERSE 07901

70 HUDSON STREET SUITE 3E HOBOKEN, NE ERSE 07030 908-219-4219 Brian Schwartz, Es%. has been recognized by The Best Lawyers in America for Family Law since 2012 The firm has been recognized by U.S. News - Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” with a Tier 1 ran ing in New ersey for Family Law since 2013 ©



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NEW JERSEY · NEW MEXICO · NEW YORK GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & DAVIS 732-549-5600 Michael A. Backer**, Michael K. Feinberg GREENBERG & SCHULMAN 732-636-8800 Richard H. Greenberg HEROLD LAW 908-647-1022 Kevin J. O'Donnell LINDABURY, MCCORMICK, ESTABROOK & COOPER 732-741-7777 Mary Patricia Magee** NEFF AGUILAR 732-224-1200 George A. Aguilar**, Stuart T. Cox, Jr.**, Andrew J. DeMaio**, Robert C. Neff**, Stephen J. Oppenheim** NORRIS MCLAUGHLIN 908-722-0700 Victor S. Elgort, Kenneth D. Meskin PURCELL, MULCAHY, HAWKINS, FLANAGAN & LAWLESS 908-658-3800 Robert B. Haines** WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & SPITZER 732-636-8000 Richard F. Lert**

When divorce is messy, best to have a law firm that can handle all the ingredients.

international custody disputes

surrogacy-conceived children closely held businesses

art & antiques deferred compensation trusts Substantial Separate Assets contested relocations same sex unions tracing interstate finances w w


— New M ex ico — SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 908-927-0200 Jerry S. D’Aniello, Michael J. Stanton, John J. Trombadore FAMILY LAW THE FAMILY LAW OFFICES OF MEGAN S. GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & MURRAY 732-847-9896 DAVIS 732-476-2780 Megan S. Murray Frank A. Louis, Jeanette Russell WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & HORN LAW GROUP 732-736-9300 SPITZER 732-636-8000 Jeff J. Horn Joseph J. Russell Jr., David M. Wildstein LAROCCA HORNIK ROSEN GREENBERG & PATTI 732-246-2112 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Frank J. LaRocca DWYER, BACHMAN & NEWMAN 732-431-0150 TONNEMAN & CONNORS 732-696-2500 Glynn J. Dwyer, Jr. Noel S. Tonneman HOAGLAND, LONGO, MORAN, DUNST & WEINBERGER DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW DOUKAS 732-545-4717 GROUP 732-252-0000 Jessica N. Mazur, Brian McFadden-DiNicola Robyn N. Howlett LAWRENCE LAW 908-645-1000 Jeralyn L. Lawrence WOODBRIDGE SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 908-927-0200 Jerry S. D’Aniello



GIORDANO, HALLERAN & CIESLA 732-741-3900 James M. Andrews GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & DAVIS 732-549-5600 Paul A. Rowe LAWRENCE LAW 908-645-1000 Jeralyn L. Lawrence PAONE, ZALESKI & MURPHY 732-750-9797 John P. Paone, Jr. PARAS, APY & REISS 732-219-9000 Peter C. Paras SHIMALLA, WECHSLER, LEPP & D'ONOFRIO 908-753-3833 Michele E. D'Onofrio, Sarah Mahony Eaton, Amy Zylman Shimalla, Amy Wechsler

76 |



HOAGLAND, LONGO, MORAN, DUNST & DOUKAS 732-545-4717 Jessica N. Mazur LAWRENCE LAW 908-645-1000 Jeralyn L. Lawrence SHIMALLA, WECHSLER, LEPP & D'ONOFRIO 908-753-3833 Michele E. D'Onofrio, Heidi Ann Lepp, Amy Zylman Shimalla, Amy Wechsler SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA COSTA 908-927-0200 Jerry S. D’Aniello, John J. Trombadore


GIORDANO, HALLERAN & CIESLA 732-741-3900 Timothy J. Dengler**


KENNETH C. LEACH & ASSOCIATES 505-883-2702 Kenneth C. Leach LAFLIN PICK & HEER 505-883-0679 Daniel E. Pick LAWRENCE W. KAY 505-254-0600 Lawrence W. Kay MARGARET A. FOSTER 505-280-1562 Margaret A. Foster MARRS GRIEBEL LAW 505-433-3926 Clinton W. Marrs* MARY ANN GREEN ATTORNEY AT LAW 505-254-0600 Mary Ann Green MCCONNELL LAW FIRM 505-254-0600 Gaelle D. McConnell MODRALL SPERLING 505-848-1800 Marjorie A. Rogers PREGENZER BAYSINGER WIDEMAN & SALE 505-872-0505 Nell Graham Sale RODEY, DICKASON, SLOAN, AKIN, & ROBB 505-765-5900 Richard C. Minzner, R. Tracy Sprouls**, Robert M. St. John SMIDT, REIST & KELEHER 505-830-2200 Thomas Smidt II**, Thomas Smidt III**


ATKINSON & KELSEY 505-886-2551 Jon A. Feder, Denise E. Ready BATLEY POWERS FAMILY LAW 505-246-0500 Roberta S. Batley, Randy W. Powers, Jr. BISHOP LAW 505-244-0242 Julie Bishop GEER WISSEL & LEVY 505-243-1733 Kathryn M. Wissel LEIGH & DOUGHERTY 505-492-2096 Tiffany Oliver Leigh NEW MEXICO LEGAL GROUP 505-843-7303 Twila B. Larkin SHOEMAKER LAW FIRM 505-246-1669 Brian L. Shoemaker SUTIN, THAYER & BROWNE 505-883-2500 Maria Montoya Chavez TERRY & DEGRAAUW 505-206-5044 Jennifer deGraauw WALTHER FAMILY LAW 505-889-8242 Gretchen M. Walther

OFFICES 505-883-4993 Susan K. Tomita SWAIM DANNER & CARLOW 505-237-0064 Donald E. Swaim THE EAVES LAW FIRM 505-238-2751 John M. Eaves WILCOX & MYERS 505-554-1115 Vickie R. Wilcox**


CUDDY & MCCARTHY 505-988-4476 Julie A. Wittenberger EGOLF + FERLIC + MARTINEZ + HARWOOD 505-986-9641 Kristina Martinez KATHRIN KINZER-ELLINGTON 505-986-0677 Kathrin M. Kinzer-Ellington WALTHER BENNETT MAYO HONEYCUTT 505-795-7117 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Sarah E. Bennett, Michael J. Golden, David L. ATKINSON & KELSEY 505-886-2551 Walther Jon A. Feder SUTIN, THAYER & BROWNE 505-883-2500 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Maria Montoya Chavez KATHRIN KINZER-ELLINGTON 505-986-0677 Kathrin M. Kinzer-Ellington FAMILY LAW MEDIATION WALTHER BENNETT MAYO ATKINSON & KELSEY 505-886-2551 HONEYCUTT 505-795-7117 Jon A. Feder Michael J. Golden SUTIN, THAYER & BROWNE 505-883-2500 Maria Montoya Chavez TRUSTS AND ESTATES TERRY & DEGRAAUW 505-206-5044 CANEPA & VIDAL 505-982-9229 Jennifer deGraauw Timothy J. Vidal WALTHER FAMILY LAW 505-889-8242 SCHEUER LAW FIRM 505-982-9911 Gretchen M. Walther Ralph H. Scheuer SOMMER UDALL LAW FIRM 505-982-4676 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kurt A. Sommer** BETZER ROYBAL & EISENBERG 505-797-0105 THOMPSON, HICKEY, CUNNINGHAM, CLOW, Gary D. Eisenberg APRIL & DOLAN 505-988-2900 Patrick J. Dolan, John M. Hickey BURTON LAW LTD. 505-344-2255 Eric L. Burton HURLEY, TOEVS, STYLES, HAMBLIN & NEW YORK PANTER 505-888-1188 ALBANY Gregory W. MacKenzie** JUDITH D. SCHRANDT 505-842-5363 Judith D. Schrandt FAMILY LAW ASSAF & SIEGAL 518-431-1000 KELEHER & MCLEOD 505-346-4646 David M. Siegal Richard K. Barlow, W. Spencer Reid*, Kurt Wihl*, Chad F. Worthen GORDON, TEPPER & DECOURSEY 518-399-5400 KENDALL O. SCHLENKER 505-244-0090 Eleanor M. DeCoursey, Lawrence Gordon, Kendall O. Schlenker Jennifer Rutkey, Eric A. Tepper

NEW YORK JAMES P. RENDA 716-885-4335 James P. Renda LIPSITZ GREEN SCIME CAMBRIA 716-849-1333 Patrick C. O'Reilly TRUSTS AND ESTATES MATTINGLY CAVAGNARO 716-854-2915 Melissa A. Cavagnaro, Christopher S. Mattingly BARTLETT, PONTIFF, STEWART & RHODES 518-792-2117 PAUL D. PEARSON 716-632-2728 Paul E. Pontiff Paul D. Pearson BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 518-533-3000 PETER J. FIORELLA, JR. & Jennifer M. Boll, Thomas W. Simcoe ASSOCIATES 716-200-1380 Peter J. Fiorella, Jr. FITZGERALD MORRIS BAKER FIRTH 518-745-1400 THE VANCE LAW FIRM 716-854-4474 Carl T. Baker Paul A. Vance HIGGINS, ROBERTS & SUPRUNOWICZ 518-631-5609 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Michael R. Suprunowicz BARCLAY DAMON 716-759-9759 HINMAN STRAUB 518-436-0751 Victoria L. D'Angelo, Jennifer Flannery*, David Philip T. Dunne Luzon, Catherine T. Wettlaufer HODGSON RUSS 518-465-2333 BARCLAY DAMON 716-856-5500 Thomas J. Collura Victoria L. D'Angelo, Jennifer Flannery*, David Luzon, Catherine T. Wettlaufer MARTIN, SHUDT, WALLACE, DILORENZO & JOHNSON 518-272-6565 BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 716-416-7000 Robert Wm. Johnson III** Patrick L. Emmerling O'CONNELL & ARONOWITZ 518-462-5601 BREVORKA LAW FIRM 716-332-3740 Karen Martino Valle Peter J. Brevorka** PIERRO, CONNOR & STRAUSS 518-459-2100 ED NORTHWOOD AND Louis W. Pierro ASSOCIATES 716-332-3456 Edward C. Northwood R.A. FUERST LAW GROUP 518-374-2397 Richard Fuerst GROSS SHUMAN 716-854-4300 David H. Alexander**, John F. Leone RIVKIN RADLER 518-462-3000 Richard A. Frankel HARRIS BEACH 716-200-5050 Judy N. Cuzzacrea Wagner WHITEMAN OSTERMAN & HANNA 518-487-7600 HODGSON RUSS 716-856-4000 James B. Ayers**, Richard D. Cirincione, Lucy Katherine E. Cauley, Catherine B. Eberl, Kevin Kats, Amy S. O'Connor, Robert S. Reynolds K. Gluc, Thomas R. Hyde, James M. Wadsworth WHITEMAN OSTERMAN & HURWITZ & FINE 716-849-8900 HANNA 518-487-7621 Robert P. Fine, Lawrence C. Franco James B. Ayers**, Richard D. Cirincione, Lucy LAW OFFICES OF LISA J. ALLEN 716-580-3113 Kats, Amy S. O'Connor, Robert S. Reynolds Lisa J. Allen WILCENSKI & PLEAT 518-881-1621 LIPPES MATHIAS WEXLER Tara Anne Pleat, Edward V. Wilcenski FRIEDMAN 716-853-5100 Charles E. Telford III BINGHAMTON LIPSITZ GREEN SCIME CAMBRIA 716-849-1333 George E. Riedel, Jr.** FAMILY LAW PHILLIPS LYTLE 716-847-8400 Holly A. Beecher, Sharon L. Wick** CHARLAPLAW FIRM 607-271-9089 Allan Charlap COUGHLIN & GERHART 607-821-2202 LONG ISLAND Bruno Colapietro GARUFI LAW 607-722-5000 FAMILY LAW Carman M. Garufi ABRAMS, FENSTERMAN, FENSTERMAN, HINMAN, HOWARD & KATTELL 607-723-5341 EISMAN, FORMATO, FERRARA, WOLF & Michael S. Sinicki CARONE 516-328-2300 Samuel J. Ferrara MARIETTE GELDENHUYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW 607-273-2272 BARNES, CATTERSON, LOFRUMENTO & Mariette Geldenhuys BARNES 516-222-6500 Amanda L. Carlson SUKLOFF LAW OFFICES 607-723-7913 Donald M. Sukloff BARROCAS, MINTZ, MISURACA & RECORD 516-246-9790 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Emily Shaw Record ASWAD & INGRAHAM 607-722-3495 GASSMAN BAIAMONTE Angelina Cutrona GRUNER 516-228-9181 Stephen Gassman COUGHLIN & GERHART 607-821-2202 Robert R. Jones*, Kristen Luce, Beth E. Westfall GLENN KOOPERSMITH 516-873-1000 HINMAN, HOWARD & KATTELL 607-723-5341 Glenn S. Koopersmith James M. Hayes KEITH, SHAPIRO, & FORD 516-222-0200 Richard P. Ford LEVENE GOULDIN & THOMPSON 607-763-9200 LAW OFFICES OF BARRY J. John G. Grall, Kathryn Grant Madigan, Cynthia FISHER 516-280-5065 Ann K. Manchester*, Caroline A. Vadala Barry J. Fisher SAYLES & EVANS 607-734-2271 MORAN & BRODRICK 516-253-4548 Clover M. Drinkwater** Robert H. Brodrick REISMAN PEIREZ REISMAN & CAPOBIANCO 516-746-7799 BUFFALO Michael J. Angelo, Glenn S. Forstner, Seymour J. Reisman FAMILY LAW RIEGER 516-280-8880 Kieth I. Rieger HOGANWILLIG 716-636-7600 Denis A. Scinta ROBERT M. PRESTON 516-361-4900 Robert M. Preston J. ADAMS & ASSOCIATES 716-568-8200 Joan Casilio Adams RUBIN & ROSENBLUM 631-462-5888 Debra L. Rubin WHITEMAN OSTERMAN & HANNA 518-487-7621 Michelle L. Haskin, Bruce J. Wagner

LEE ROSENBERG Lee Rosenberg is a trial and appellate litigator with more than 20 years of experience in all phases of matrimonial and family law practice. This includes representing clients at trial in complex custody, support and equitable matters, negotiating settlements, and drafting of intricate prenuptial, postnuptial, separation and settlement agreements. He is also trained in Divorce Mediation and Collaborative Law. He is a Fellow of the prestigious American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, where he serves as a National Vice President and is a Member of the AAML New York Chapter Board. Lee is a former Chair of the Nassau County Bar Association Matrimonial Law Committee and is Editor-in-Chief of the NY State Bar Association’s Family Law Review. Lee’s contributions to the legal profession have earned him recognition from many leading legal organizations and is again listed The Best Lawyers in America© for 2021 in Family Law. He is AV® Preeminent™ Peer Review Rated by Martindale-Hubbell® with a 5.0 out of 5 rating for his legal abilities and dedication to ethics and continues to be selected as a New York Super Lawyer in family law. SALTZMAN CHETKOF & ROSENBERG LLP 300 Garden City Plaza, Suite 130, Garden City, New York 11530 phone 516.873.7200

IN JUST TWO DECADES, Abrams Fensterman has become a go-to full-service New York law firm with offices throughout New York. The firm’s matrimonial and family law group led by co-directors RoseAnn C. Branda and Samuel J. Ferrara includes a team of lawyers with the expertise to successfully represent clients with sophisticated financial needs. When dealing with high asset divorces or other complex family law litigation, our attorneys work closely with accountants, actuaries and other forensic experts to analyze complex financial issues and develop strategies to maximize their clients' best interests.

RoseAnn C. Branda

Branda, an Executive Partner and named one of The Best Lawyers in America© since 2018 in Family Law, is an experienced and skilled lawyer in both settlement negotiation and, where necessary, aggressive trial litigation.

Samuel J. Ferrara

Ferrara, an Executive Partner and named one of The Best Lawyers in America© since 2015 in Family Law, has particular experience with contested custody and high net-worth cases and is also well-versed in ADR, serving as mediation counsel as well as mediator in multiple disciplines. We also congratulate Andrea M. Brodie, partner, who was named to the inaugural 2021 Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch for Family Law.


3 Dakota Drive, Suite 300 Lake Success, NY 11042 516.328.2300 516.328.6638



1 MetroTech Center. Suite 1701 Brooklyn, NY 11201 718.215.5300 718.215.5304




| 77


Rebecca A. Provder 212.554.7628

Recognized in the 2021 edition of Best Lawyers® for Family Law. Experience • Hard work • Dedication





Rebecca practices in New York City and its surrounding areas. Contact her for a consultation.

The Chrysler Building | 405 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10174 |

SALTZMAN CHETKOF & ROSENBERG 516-873-7200 Michael Chetkof, Lee Rosenberg SAMUELSON HAUSE & SAMUELSON 516-584-4685 Richard L. Hause SCHLISSEL OSTROW KARABATOS 516-877-8000 Elena Karabatos, Stephen W. Schlissel, Lisa R. Schoenfeld THE LAW FIRM OF A.J. TEMSAMANI 516-307-1666 AJ Temsamani THE LAW OFFICE OF VESSA WILENSKY 516-248-8010 Kenneth B. Wilensky THE SAUL LAW FIRM 516-794-1000 Gail Saul VINCENT F. STEMPEL, JR. 516-742-8620 Vincent F. Stempel, Jr. WINKLER KURTZ 631-928-8000 James R. Winkler WINTER & GROSSMAN 516-745-1700 Robert S. Grossman WISSELMAN, HAROUNIAN & ASSOCIATES 516-406-8500 Jerome Wisselman

REISMAN PEIREZ REISMAN & CAPOBIANCO 516-746-7799 Michael J. Angelo SAMUELSON HAUSE & SAMUELSON 516-584-4685 Wendy B. Samuelson TABAT, COHEN, BLUM & YOVINO 631-587-5100 Alita McKinnon WINKLER KURTZ 631-928-8000 James R. Winkler WISSELMAN, HAROUNIAN & ASSOCIATES 516-406-8500 Jerome Wisselman

RUSSO LAW GROUP 800-680-1717 Marie Elena Puma

MOSES & SINGER 212-554-7800 Rebecca A. Provder MOSES ZIEGELMAN RICHARDS & NOTARO 212-354-0808 NEW YORK CITY Robert H. Moses, Andrea Ziegelman MYRNA FELDER 212-752-3668 FAMILY LAW Myrna Felder ABRAMS, FENSTERMAN, FENSTERMAN, NEWMAN & DENNEY 212-486-3200 EISMAN, FORMATO, FERRARA, WOLF & Louis I. Newman CARONE 718-215-5300 PARMET ZHOU & DENNEY 212-819-0555 RoseAnn C. Branda Briana Denney ALLEGAERT BERGER VOGEL 212-571-0550 PAUL ERIC RUDDER, ESQ. 212-826-9900 John F. Zulack Paul Rudder ALTER, WOLFF & FOLEY 212-218-5375 Eleanor B. Alter, Alan R. Feigenbaum, Jenifer J. PHILLIPS NIZER 212-977-9700 Elliot J. Wiener Foley, Adam John Wolff PRYOR CASHMAN 212-421-4100 AMY SALTZMAN 212-691-6171 Karen M. Platt, Judith L. Poller, Donald L. Amy Saltzman Schuck ARONSON MAYEFSKY & SLOAN 212-521-3500 David Aronson, Allan E. Mayefsky, Michael A. ROSENTHAL & HERMAN 212-370-4900 Mosberg, Karen L. Robarge, Pamela M. Sloan William C. Herman ROWER 646-437-7740 BENDER & ROSENTHAL 646-741-3805 Alyssa Rower Susan L. Bender, Karen B. Rosenthal SCHWARTZ SLADKUS REICH GREENBERG BERKMAN BOTTGER NEWMAN & ATLAS 212-743-7000 SCHEIN 866-521-6653 Barry Abbott, Alton L. Abramowitz, Leigh Barry Berkman, Jacqueline Newman Baseheart Kahn, Harold A. Mayerson BIKEL & SCHANFIELD 212-682-6222 STORCH AMINI 212-490-4100 Dror Bikel Eric A. Seiff BLANK ROME 212-885-5000 STUTMAN STUTMAN & Marilyn B. Chinitz, Donald Frank, Norman S. LICHTENSTEIN 212-226-6644 Heller, Sheila G. Riesel Dana M. Stutman, Michael D. Stutman BRONSTEIN VAN VEEN 212-956-8300 TAUB & LEWIS 212-265-8600 Peter E. Bronstein Malcolm S. Taub BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & THE LAW OFFICES OF MARK I. ROONEY 212-440-4400 PLAINE 718-268-0279 Daniel Z. Rivlin Mark I. Plaine COHEN CLAIR LANS GREIFER THORPE & WARSHAW BURSTEIN 212-984-7700 ROTTENSTREICH 212-300-1100 Sophie Jacobi-Parisi, Eric I. Wrubel Bernard E. Clair, Robert Stephan Cohen, Jad Greifer, Deborah E. Lans, Howard P. Roy, Mara T. Thorpe FAMILY LAW MEDIATION BERKMAN BOTTGER NEWMAN & DOBRISH MICHAELS GROSS 212-532-4000 Robert Z. Dobrish, Nina S. Gross, Robert S. SCHEIN 866-521-6653 Jacqueline Newman Michaels

GARR SILPE 212-750-1333 Ira E. Garr GOLDMAN & GREENBAUM 212-953-9500 Sheldon M. Greenbaum GOLDWEBER EPSTEIN 917-809-7669 Nina S. Epstein, Elyse S. Goldweber GRANT + APPELBAUM 212-308-2200 Patricia A. Grant GREENSPOON MARDER 212-524-5000 Arthur D. Ettinger, Diane Steiner HENNESSEY & BIENSTOCK 212-512-0808 Peter Bienstock JOHN A. GEMELLI 718-261-2323 John A. Gemelli TRUSTS AND ESTATES KASOWITZ BENSON TORRES 212-506-1700 Jennifer Falstrault, Kelly A. Frawley, Emily S. DAVIDOW, DAVIDOW, SIEGEL & Pollock STERN 631-234-3030 Lawrence Eric Davidow KATSKY KORINS 212-953-6000 Marcy L. Wachtel FARRELL FRITZ 516-227-0700 John J. Barnosky**, Ilene S. Cooper**, Patricia KENNETH DAVID BURROWS, ATTORNEY-ATC. Marcin, John R. Morken*, Eric W. Penzer* LAW 212-980-6922 Kenneth D. Burrows GARFUNKEL WILD 516-393-2200 Roy W. Breitenbach LAW OFFICES OF JOHN A. KORNFELD 212-753-6880 MCCOYD, PARKAS & RONAN 516-877-7000 John Kornfeld Bill P. Parkas* LEE ANAV CHUNG WHITE KIM RUGER & MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN & RICHTER 212-271-0664 BREITSTONE 516-747-0300 Aimee L. Richter, Judith E. White FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Stephen Breitstone, Jeffrey A. Galant**, Avi Z. Kestenbaum MANTEL MCDONOUGH RISO 212-599-1515 SAMUELSON HAUSE & Allan D. Mantel, Kevin M. McDonough SAMUELSON 516-584-4685 RIVKIN RADLER 516-357-3000 Richard L. Hause, Wendy B. Samuelson Scott A. Eisenmesser**, Wendy H. Sheinberg MCLAUGHLIN & STERN 212-448-1100 Linda Rosenthal RONALD FATOULLAH & MICHELE A. KATZ 212-485-9889 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION ASSOCIATES 516-466-4422 Michele A. Katz Ronald Fatoullah** LAW OFFICES OF BARRY J. FISHER 516-280-5065 RUSKIN MOSCOU FALTISCHEK 516-663-6600 MICHELE TORTORELLI, ESQ. 212-207-4006 Michele D. Tortorelli Barry J. Fisher Michael K. Feigenbaum**

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ABRAMS, FENSTERMAN, FENSTERMAN, EISMAN, FORMATO, FERRARA, WOLF & CARONE 718-215-5300 Ellyn S. Kravitz AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD 212-872-1000 Seth D. Slotkin ALBRIGHT LAW OFFICE 917-836-3606 Tina E. Albright BAKER MCKENZIE 212-626-4100 Glenn G. Fox** BLANK ROME 212-885-5000 Richard J. Miller, Jr.**, Peter C. Valente CADWALADER, WICKERSHAM & TAFT 212-504-6000 Robert C. Lawrence III CAHILL GORDON & REINDEL 212-701-3000 Joan Murtagh Frankel CARTER LEDYARD & MILBURN 212-732-3200 Jerome J. Caulfield, Michael I. Frankel**, Stephen F. Lappert, Daniel J. McSwiggan, Theodore R. Wagner CLEARY GOTTLIEB STEEN & HAMILTON 212-225-2000 Judith Kassel, Steven M. Loeb COLE SCHOTZ 212-752-8000 Gary A. Phillips COOPER LEVENSON 212-372-7400 Joseph C. Mahon CRAVATH, SWAINE & MOORE 212-474-1000 David S. Finkelstein CURTIS, MALLET-PREVOST, COLT & MOSLE 212-696-6000 Robert W. Sheehan

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NEW YORK DAVIDSON, DAWSON & CLARK 212-557-7700 Eric Hager, Jayne M. Kurzman, Gloria S. Neuwirth, Alan D. Seget DAY PITNEY 212-297-5800 Dina Kapur Sanna, G. Warren Whitaker DECHERT 212-698-3500 Lee D. Caney DENTONS U.S. 212-768-6700 Ralph M. Engel**, Brit L. Geiger, Brian E. Raftery DLA PIPER 212-335-4500 Bruce J. Wein DORSEY & WHITNEY 212-415-9200 Jonathan M. Herman* DUANE MORRIS 212-692-1000 Michael D. Grohman

MILBANK 212-530-5000 Austin Bramwell, Georgiana J. Slade**, James S. Sligar**, David J. Stoll** MOSES & SINGER 212-554-7800 Gideon Rothschild**, Daniel S. Rubin** NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT 212-318-3000 Philip J. Michaels, Leslie J. Schreyer OLSHAN FROME WOLOSKY 212-451-2300 Stephen L. Ferszt PATTERSON BELKNAP WEBB & TYLER 212-336-2000 Christopher C. Angell, Dana W. Hiscock, John Sare PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, WHARTON & GARRISON 212-373-3000 Alan S. Halperin, Loretta A. Ippolito, John J. O'Neil EMERY CELLI BRINCKERHOFF & PERKINS COIE 212-262-6900 ABADY 212-763-5000 Lois Tilton Daniel J. Kornstein* PHILLIPS NIZER 212-977-9700 FARRELL FRITZ 212-687-1230 Michael W. Galligan, Donald P. Perry Brian Corrigan* PIERRO, CONNOR & STRAUSS 212-661-2480 FORMAN & SHAPIRO 212-515-8040 Peter J. Strauss** Stuart L. Shapiro* PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW FOX ROTHSCHILD 212-878-7900 Jerald David August, John D. Dadakis**, Abbe PITTMAN 212-858-1000 Elizabeth H.W. Fry G. Shapiro PROSKAUER ROSE 212-969-3000 FRANKFURT KURNIT KLEIN & Stephanie Heilborn, Henry J. Leibowitz, Jay D. SELZ 212-980-0120 Waxenberg** Barbara E. Shiers, Linda J. Wank PRYOR CASHMAN 212-421-4100 FRIED, FRANK, HARRIS, SHRIVER & Richard L. Kay, Daniel L. Kesten JACOBSON 212-859-8000 Brad J. Richter PUTNEY, TWOMBLY, HALL & HIRSON 212-682-0020 FULTON VITTORIA 212-586-0700 Charles J. Groppe, Andrea Hyde** David P. Callahan REDDY, LEVY & ZIFFER 212-925-9100 GOLDFARB ABRANDT SALZMAN & John J Reddy, Jr. KUTZIN 212-387-8400 Michael Kutzin REED SMITH 212-521-5400 Cheryl E. Hader GREENBERG TRAURIG 212-801-9200 Linda B. Hirschson SCHIFF HARDIN 212-753-5000 Gerald I. Carp**, Brian K. Janowsky HODGSON RUSS 212-751-4300 Paul R. Comeau SCHLESINGER LAZETERA & AUCHINCLOSS 212-652-3800 HOLLAND & KNIGHT 212-513-3200 Andrew S. Auchincloss**, Thomas P. Gannon, Donald A. Goldsmith, Mark E. Haranzo Jr., Lianne Lazetera, Richard S. Rothberg, JOHN SILBERMAN ASSOCIATES 212-319-3737 Sanford J. Schlesinger**, Jonnie Strong Martha Gray Billman SCHULTE ROTH & ZABEL 212-756-2000 KATSKY KORINS 212-953-6000 Robert M. Abrahams*, Susan C. Frunzi, Barbara Lynn Pedersen Catherine Grevers Schmidt, Howard F. Sharfstein, William D. Zabel** KATTEN 212-940-8800 Neil V. Carbone, Ronni G. Davidowitz, Joshua S. SHEARMAN & STERLING 212-848-4000 Rubenstein, Kathryn von Matthiessen C. Jones Perry, Jr. KELLEY DRYE & WARREN 212-808-7800 SKADDEN, ARPS, SLATE, MEAGHER & Carolyn R. Caufield**, Robert E. Crotty*, FLOM 212-735-3000 William C. Heck*, Christina M. Mason Amy E. Heller, Ivan Taback KIRKLAND & ELLIS 212-446-4800 SOLOMON BLUM HEYMANN 212-267-7600 Christiana Lazo Charles F. Gibbs** KLEINBERG, KAPLAN, WOLFF & STEPTOE & JOHNSON 212-506-3900 COHEN 212-986-6000 Jasmine Campirides, Beth Tractenberg Jeffrey B. Kolodny, James R. Ledley, Bruce D. STERN TANNENBAUM & BELL 212-792-8484 Steiner Jonathan R. Bell KOZUSKO HARRIS VETTER WAREH STROOCK & STROOCK & LAVAN 212-806-5400 DUNCAN 212-980-0010 Etta Brandman*, Kevin Matz M.D., J.D, Anita S. Rebecca Holloway Dent, Rashad Wareh Rosenbloom** LAW OFFICES OF ALBERT SULLIVAN & CROMWELL 212-558-4000 KALTER 212-964-5485 James I. Black III, Zena M. Tamler, Basil P. Albert Kalter Zirinis III** LAWRENCE NEWMAN 212-833-1185 SULLIVAN & WORCESTER 212-660-3000 Lawrence Newman Constantine P. Ralli, Marc L. Stern LOEB & LOEB 212-407-4000 TANNENBAUM HELPERN SYRACUSE & Jerome L. Levine**, Jonathan J. Rikoon**, HIRSCHTRITT 212-508-6700 Laurie S. Ruckel, Cristine M. Sapers, Bruce J. Yolanda Kanes*, Dana L. Mark Wexler WHITE & CASE 212-819-8928 LOWENSTEIN SANDLER 212-262-6700 Cecily P. Maguire, Winthrop Rutherfurd Jr.** Warren K. Racusin MARKEWICH AND ROSENSTOCK 212-542-3156 WIGGIN AND DANA 212-490-1700 Robert W. Benjamin Eve Rachel Markewich* WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER 212-728-8000 MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 212-547-5400 David J. McCabe, David J. Posner Elyse Kirschner, Carlyn S. McCaffrey, Jay E. Rivlin WINDELS MARX LANE & MITTENDORF 212-237-1000 MCLAUGHLIN & STERN 212-448-1100 T. Randolph Harris**, James M. Kosakow, John Denise L. Iocco C. Novogrod**, Barbara A. Sloan** WITHERSWORLDWIDE 212-848-9800 Ivan A. Sacks

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BARCLAY DAMON 315-425-2700 Marcy R. Dembs BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 315-218-8000 FAMILY LAW James E. Mackin, Martin A. Schwab, James N. Seeley AFFRONTI 585-978-7870 BOUSQUET HOLSTEIN 315-422-1500 Francis C. Affronti Christine Woodcock Dettor, David A. Holstein BARNEY & BARNEY 585-248-0142 BOYLE & ANDERSON 315-253-0326 Brian J. Barney John P. McLane DAVIDSON FINK 585-546-6448 COSTELLO, COONEY & FEARON 315-422-1152 Gregory J. Mott Alicia S. Calagiovanni, Michael E. O'Connor** HEISMAN NUNES & HULL 585-270-6922 HANCOCK ESTABROOK 315-565-4500 Lewis J. Heisman Cora A. Alsante**, Michael L. Corp** INCLIMA LAW FIRM 585-730-5900 MACKENZIE HUGHES 315-474-7571 Charles P. Inclima Gay M. Pomeroy KAMAN, BERLOVE, MARAFIOTI, JACOBSTEIN MELVIN & MELVIN 315-422-1311 & GOLDMAN 585-325-7440 Richard M. Storto Richard G. Curtis, Stephen M. Jacobstein OSBORN, REED & BURKE 585-454-6480 Vincent M. Ferrero WHITE PLAINS SUZANNE L. BRUNSTING 585-244-4239 Suzanne L. Brunsting


FAMILY LAW 914-997-2500 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION BODNARMILONE Peter O. Bodnar, John P. Frucco, Pamela J.

SUZANNE L. BRUNSTING 585-244-4239 Suzanne L. Brunsting

Jenson, Erik Kristensen, Lydia A. Milone, Tamara A. Mitchel, Benjamin E. Schub BRAUNSTEIN & ZUCKERMAN 914-997-6220 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Lawrence Jay Braunstein ADAMS LECLAIR 585-327-4100 CARTON & ROSOFF 914-949-6700 Anthony J. Adams, Jr.* Robin D. Carton BARCLAY DAMON 585-295-4400 ELLIOTT SCHEINBERG 212-490-0009 Terrance W. Emmens, Rachelle Nuhfer, Karen Elliott Scheinberg Schaefer FREDMAN BAKEN & KOSAN 914-997-9070 BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 585-362-4700 Ellen Jancko-Baken Cressida A. Dixon, Mary V. Fisher, Edward C. GOLDSCHMIDT & GENOVESE 914-681-6006 Radin Donna M. Genovese, Sylvia Goldschmidt BOYLAN CODE 585-232-5300 Michael F. Buckley, Ralph J. Code III, Warren H. JOHNSON & COHEN 877-807-1472 Mitchell Y. Cohen, Martin T. Johnson Heilbronner LAW OFFICE OF NANCY D. GALLO & IACOVANGELO 585-454-7145 KELLMAN 914-328-0900 Elena Cariola, Eugene M. O'Connor** Nancy D. Kellman HARRIS BEACH 585-419-8800 LAW OFFICE OF RONALD A. Edward D. Bloom**, Christopher A. PHILLIPS 845-875-4376 DiPasquale**, Barbara R.H. James, David M. Ronald A. Phillips Mehalick, Audrey Patrone Peartree NOLLETTI LAW GROUP 914-831-7000 HARTER SECREST & EMERY 585-232-6500 James J. Nolletti David R. Ferris, Anthony T. Lee, Martin W. O'Toole FAMILY LAW MEDIATION LAW OFFICES OF PULLANO & FARROW 585-730-4773 LAW OFFICES OF ELIZABETH A. Jason P. Livingston, Christian N. Valentino* DOUGLAS 914-615-9058 Elizabeth A. Douglas MCCONVILLE CONSIDINE COOMAN & MORIN 585-546-2500 Michael F. McConville TRUSTS AND ESTATES NIXON PEABODY 585-263-1000 AMORUSO & AMORUSO 914-253-9255 Stephanie T. Seiffert Michael J. Amoruso THE CICERO LAW FIRM 585-385-3100 BERTINE, HUFNAGEL, HEADLEY, ZELTNER, Jill M. Cicero DRUMMOND & DOHN 914-472-7700 Frank M. Headley, Jr. TREVETT CRISTO 585-454-2181 Don H. Twietmeyer BLEAKLEY PLATT & SCHMIDT 914-949-2700 Mary Ellen Manley*, Nancy J. Rudolph** WOODS OVIATT GILMAN 585-987-2800 Philip L. Burke**, Gordon S. Dickens**, R. DANZIGER & MARKHOFF 914-948-1556 Thompson Gilman**, Robert W. Kessler, John Harris E. Markhoff, Michael Markhoff F. Liebschutz DORF & NELSON 914-381-7600 Jonathan B. Nelson* SYRACUSE ENEA, SCANLAN & SIRIGNANO 914-269-2367 Anthony J. Enea EISENBERG CORBIN & FAMILY LAW KURZMAN LEVER 914-285-9800 ALDERMAN AND ALDERMAN, ATTORNEYS AT Michael H. Friedman*, Jessica Galligan LAW 315-422-8131 Goldsmith Edward B. Alderman, Richard B. Alderman LITTMAN KROOKS 914-684-2100 FIELD & CUSTER 315-422-0420 Bernard A. Krooks, Amy C. O'Hara Deborah K. Field MCCARTHY FINGAR 914-946-3700 MACHT, BRENIZER & GINGOLD 315-849-2319 Gail M. Boggio** Jon W. Brenizer, Harlan B. Gingold MELVIN & MELVIN 315-422-1311 Howard J. Woronov


BALDWIN & SUTPHEN 315-477-0100 Robert F. Baldwin, Jr.**

BodnarMilone LLP B

ODNARMILONE LLP OFFERS A UNIQUE DEP TH OF RESOURCES and experience in marital dissolution and post-divorce matters. Indeed, seven at torneys at the eight-at torney firm were recognized by Best Law yers® for 2021, including several at torneys who are AV Preeminent rated by Mar tindale -Hubbell. Many are also Fellows of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and past Chairs of the Family L aw Sections of the New York State Bar Association and Westchester County Bar Association and current members of their Executive Commit tees, as well as designated as Super Law yers and included in Who’s Who in America, Who’s Who in American Law and Who’s Who in the World. T he i s sue s e nc omp as s e d w i t hin matrimonial and family practice reflect

the most fundamental of concerns, namely peoples’ children, their homes, their life savings, possibly business interests or professional practices, and their financial futures. BodnarMilone’s practice is devoted to working closely with its clients to resolve these issues, preferably through negotiated settlement or Collaborative Divorce, if possible—though when that is not possible, through vigorous and def t litigation. BodnarMilone is highly regarded by the Bench and Bar alike for its level of expertise and professionalism, attention to detail, integrity, and responsiveness. These qualities are brought to bear in the firm’s representation of each client. The firm serves not only as an advocate for its clients, but also as a counselor at law for them. Clients are counseled as to the “bigger picture” so they can

better understand the ramifications of the different options or actions and thereby make better, more informed choices and avoid unintended consequences which might be borne of emotion-based decision-making. “Our experience allows us to help our clients develop and achieve realistic goals, translating their concerns into concrete solutions,” notes Lydia Milone, who has been practicing law for over three decades. “By approaching each case with ingenuity and integrity, we’ve been able to make a real difference in the lives of people.” “BodnarMilone shepherds its clients through both marital dissolution and post-divorce matters, working with them to achieve results tailored to their unique situations,” says Peter Bodnar, who brings more than 45 years of experience to his practice.

140 Grand Street, Suite 401 • White Plains, NY 10601 • phone 914.997.2500 • fax 914.997.8155 W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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NORTH CAROLINA HATCHER LAW GROUP 704-769-2566 Paul A. DeJesse, Jr., J. Gregory Hatcher, Daniel A. Lewis JAMES, MCELROY & DIEHL 704-372-9870 Jonathan D. Feit, Beth T. Hondros, G. Russell FAMILY LAW Kornegay III, Caroline T. Mitchell, Gena Graham Morris, John Paul Tsahakis, Neya Warren BRENDA T. COPPEDE 828-707-1288 Brenda Coppede OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 704-377-2500 COWARD, HICKS & SILER 828-524-6475 Elizabeth T. Hodges, Elizabeth J. James, K. Monty C. Beck Mitchell Kelling, William T. Medlin IV, Tate K. GUM HILLIER MCCROSKEY & Sterrett AMBURGEY 828-258-3368 Janet H. Amburgey, Patrick S. McCroskey SAUNDERS LAW 704-560-0039 Chase B. Saunders LONG, PARKER, WARREN, ANDERSON, PAYNE SELLERS, AYERS, DORTCH & & MCCLELLAN 828-258-2296 William A. Parker LYONS 704-377-5050 Dorian H. Gunter MICHAEL W. DRYE 828-298-1484 Michael W. Drye SODOMA LAW 704-442-0000 Penelope L. Hefner, Nicole H. Sodoma MONTFORD FAMILY LAW 828-505-7081 Jacob C. Ehrmann SONI BRENDLE 704-686-7300 Ketan P. Soni SIEMENS FAMILY LAW GROUP 828-252-5080 A. James Siemens THE JONAS LAW FIRM 704-666-1210 Johnathan L. Rhyne, Jr. THE VAN WINKLE LAW FIRM 828-258-2991 Katherine E. Fisher TIN FULTON WALKER & OWEN 704-338-1220 Courtney Hamer Smith TUORTO FAMILY LAW 828-552-4226 Shannan Tuorto WOFFORD LAW 704-626-6672 J. Huntington Wofford WARD AND SMITH 828-348-6070 William S. Durr



MICHAEL W. DRYE 828-298-1484 Michael W. Drye TUORTO FAMILY LAW 828-552-4226 Shannan Tuorto


CAROLINE KNOX LAW OFFICE 828-513-1600 Caroline T. Knox GILREATH SHEALY LAW 828-692-4333 Adam L. Shealy MCGUIRE, WOOD & BISSETTE 828-254-8800 Andrew D. Atherton, Mary E. Euler*, Richard A. Kort, Harris M. Livingstain, Doris Phillips Loomis, Sarah Sparboe Thornburg PATLA, STRAUS, ROBINSON & MOORE 828-348-7638 Richard S. Daniels ROBERTS & STEVENS 828-252-6600 Mary Robinson Hervig, Gregory D. Hutchins, Dennis L. Martin, Jr.*, Wyatt S. Stevens* THE VAN WINKLE LAW FIRM 828-258-2991 Stephen J. Grabenstein**, Robert H. Haggard**, John G. Kelso, John Veazey THE VAN WINKLE LAW FIRM 828-697-6196 Stephen J. Grabenstein**, Robert H. Haggard**, John G. Kelso, John Veazey WARD AND SMITH 828-348-6070 Zachary F. Lamb

Rick Elkins HATCHER LAW GROUP 704-769-2566 J. Gregory Hatcher WOFFORD LAW 704-626-6672 J. Huntington Wofford


ESSEX RICHARDS 704-377-4300 Robert S. Blair, Jr., Rick Elkins OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 704-377-2500 Tate K. Sterrett SONI BRENDLE 704-686-7300 Ketan P. Soni TIN FULTON WALKER & OWEN 704-338-1220 Courtney Hamer Smith WOFFORD LAW 704-626-6672 J. Huntington Wofford


CRANFORD, BUCKLEY, SCHULTZE, TOMCHIN, ALLEN & BUIE 704-442-1010 Brooks F. Jaffa** CULP ELLIOTT & CARPENTER 704-372-6322 John J. Carpenter**, William R. Culp, Jr.**, W. Curtis Elliott, Jr.**, Carl L. King, William L. Mills IV, Mark L. Richardson DAVIES LAW 704-295-1001 Janice L. Davies DEBRA L. FOSTER 704-375-0600 CHARLOTTE Debra L. Foster ESSEX RICHARDS 704-377-4300 FAMILY LAW Jonathan Edward Buchan CHURCH WATSON LAW 704-200-2489 HARKEY LAMBETH & GUNTER 704-968-5078 Kary Church Watson Averill C. Harkey* CLAIRE SAMUELS LAW 704-743-8896 HEIDI E. ROYAL LAW 704-817-8920 Claire J. Samuels Heidi E. Royal DAVID SELF FAMILY LAW 980-441-1110 JAMES C. HARDIN III 704-944-4286 David Self James C. Hardin III** DAVIS & DAVIS ATTORNEYS AT JOHNSTON, ALLISON & HORD 704-332-1181 LAW 704-639-1900 S. Kyle Agee, Ray S. Farris**, David T. Lewis**, James A. Davis Holly B. Norvell**, J. Darrell Shealy, N. Lucille DI SANTI WATSON CAPUA WILSON & Siler GARRETT 828-264-6126 JOSEPH B. HENNINGER 704-954-8609 Andrea N. Capua Joseph B. Henninger, Jr.** DOZIER MILLER LAW GROUP 704-372-6373 K&L GATES 704-331-7400 Robert P. Hanner II, Scott T. Pollard, Richard Michael S. Hawley D. Stephens KIRK PALMER & THIGPEN 704-332-8000 ESSEX RICHARDS 704-377-4300 Robert S. Blair, Jr., Rick Elkins, Lauren V. Lewis Carolyn G. Shaw MCGUIREWOODS 704-343-2000 FRED A. HICKS 704-907-7596 Andrea C. Chomakos, E. Graham McGoogan, Jr. Fred A. Hicks

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MEG D. GOLDSTEIN 704-846-3607 Meg D. Goldstein MILAZZO WEBB LAW 704-464-0460 Steve C. Horowitz MOORE & VAN ALLEN 704-331-1000 Robert C. Bowers*, Mark R.A. Horn, Christopher J.C. Jones, Matthew R. Kain, Neill G. McBryde, Bradley T. Van Hoy ROBINSON BRADSHAW & HINSON 704-377-2536 Julie Zydron Griggs, Jessica Mering Hardin**, Graham D. Holding, Jr. SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 704-375-0057 Lynn F. Chandler, Stephanie C. Daniel STEWART LAW 704-552-5160 Todd A. Stewart WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON (US) 704-331-4900 G. Michael Barnhill*, Debbie W. Harden* YAEGER LAW 704-358-4984 Laura L. Yaeger

SALLENGER & BROWN 252-243-7800 Thomas R. Sallenger SANDLIN FAMILY LAW GROUP 919-850-9199 Deborah Sandlin SMITH DEBNAM NARRON DRAKE SAINTSING & MYERS 919-250-2000 Alicia Jurney, Lynn Wilson McNally, John W. Narron, Rose H. Stout THARRINGTON SMITH 919-821-4711 Lynn P. Burleson, Evan Horwitz, Steven D. Mansbery, Jaye Meyer, Fred M. Morelock, Alice C. Stubbs THE ARMSTRONG LAW FIRM 919-934-1575 Marcia H. Armstrong VITALE FAMILY LAW 919-841-5680 Lorion M. Vitale, Kimberly A. Wallis WAKE FAMILY LAW GROUP 919-787-4040 Nancy L. Grace, Julianne B. Rothert, Michael F. Schilawski, Marc W. Sokol WARD AND SMITH 252-215-4000 John M. Martin WARD FAMILY LAW GROUP 919-655-1990 RALEIGH Ryan M. Tarrant WARREN & WARREN 919-778-3877 S. Reed Warren FAMILY LAW WILLIAM LUNSFORD LONG, ATTORNEY AT BAREFOOT FAMILY LAW 919-828-8880 LAW 919-971-1914 D. Caldwell Barefoot, Jr., Mariana Godwin William Lunsford Long III BARRI PAYNE FAMILY LAW & WOODMANSEE & MEDIATION 919-808-2826 SZOMBATFALVY 919-403-0900 Barri Payne Julianna C. Woodmansee BATTLE, WINSLOW, SCOTT & WYRICK ROBBINS YATES & WILEY 252-937-2200 PONTON 919-781-4000 Katherine Wiggins Fisher Heidi C. Bloom, Charles W. Clanton, Robert A. Ponton, Jr. BENTON FAMILY LAW 919-736-3076 Shelby D. Benton FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION BOSQUEZ PORTER FAMILY LAW 919-834-3699 MONTGOMERY FAMILY LAW 919-348-2317 Andrea Bosquez-Porter Charles H. Montgomery, Scott Montgomery CARY CLOSE FAMILY LAW 919-834-8484 PARKER BRYAN FAMILY LAW 919-833-3115 Cary E. Close Bradley C. Jones DAUGHTRY, WOODARD, LAWRENCE & STARLING 919-300-6982 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Kelly K. Daughtry MAXWELL, FREEMAN & ELLIS FAMILY LAW 919-688-9400 BOWMAN 919-493-6464 Gray Ellis John A. Bowman FOIL LAW OFFICES 919-688-9631 MONTGOMERY FAMILY LAW 919-348-2317 N. Joanne Foil, Laura E. Windley Charles H. Montgomery, Scott Montgomery FOX ROTHSCHILD 919-755-8700 PARKER BRYAN FAMILY LAW 919-833-3115 Michelle D. Connell, Wesley P. Gelb Bradley C. Jones FRYE LAW OFFICES 919-846-8807 THARRINGTON SMITH 919-821-4711 Katherine A. Frye Fred M. Morelock GAILOR HUNT DAVIS TAYLOR & GIBBS 919-629-1585 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Carole S. Gailor, Stephanie Gibbs, S. Nicole BADDOUR, PARKER, HINE & Taylor HALE 919-735-7275 GRIFFITHS FAMILY LAW 919-573-4855 Philip A. Baddour Jr.*, John C. Hine Debra Griffiths BATTS, BATTS & BELL 252-977-6450 HARDIN LAW FIRM 910-849-2356 Jeffrey A. Batts, Michael S. Batts Victoria Hardin COLOMBO KITCHIN ATTORNEYS 252-321-2020 JACKSON FAMILY LAW 919-576-2450 Michael A. Colombo Jill Schnabel Jackson DAVID C. FRANKLIN, ATTORNEY AT LAW OFFICES OF JONATHAN G. LAW 919-323-3586 MCGIRT 919-665-8058 David C. Franklin Jonathan G. McGirt LYNCH & EATMAN 919-571-3332 LEWIS, DEESE, NANCE AND Maria M. Lynch BRIGGS 910-323-3500 MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER 919-787-8880 Renny W. Deese Stephen T. Byrd, Ansley Chapman Cella, Sandra MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER 919-787-8880 Martin Clark, Deborah L. Hildebran-Bachofen, Michael S. Harrell W. Gerald Thornton MAXWELL, FREEMAN & MCGUIREWOODS 919-755-6600 BOWMAN 919-493-6464 Jean Gordon Carter John A. Bowman MCPHERSON, ROCAMORA, NICHOLSON & MONTGOMERY FAMILY LAW 919-348-2317 WILSON 919-493-0584 Charles H. Montgomery, Scott Montgomery Larry H. Rocamora NICHOLSONPHAM 919-883-4900 NARRON, O'HALE, AND Meredith Nicholson, Sharon A. Thompson WHITTINGTON 919-934-6021 James W. Narron PARISH & COOKE 910-728-4606 James H. Cooke Jr. POYNER SPRUILL 919-783-6400 David W. Long* PARKER BRYAN FAMILY LAW 919-833-3115 Amy Lynn Britt, Kimberly W. Bryan, Stephanie ROBBINS MAY & RICH 910-692-4900 T. Jenkins, Bradley C. Jones John M. May

NORTH CAROLINA · NORTH DAKOTA SMITH, ANDERSON, BLOUNT, DORSETT, MITCHELL & JERNIGAN 919-821-1220 R. Donavon Munford, Jr.**, Walter R. Rogers, Jr., Kimberly Quarles Swintosky SUSAN K. ELLIS 252-237-6610 Susan K. Ellis THE WOOTEN LAW FIRM 919-719-2727 Louis E. Wooten III WALKER LAMBE 919-493-8411 Edwin Walker Jr. WARD AND SMITH 919-277-9100 John R. Cella, Jr. WHITE & ALLEN 252-527-8000 C. Gray Johnsey WILLIAMS MULLEN 919-981-4064 Elizabeth Davenport Scott* WILLIFORD MCCAULEY, ATTORNEY AT LAW 910-401-5900 R. Williford McCauley WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON (US) 919-755-2100 Elizabeth K. Arias**, Johnny M. Loper*, Lawrence Moye IV WYRICK ROBBINS YATES & PONTON 919-781-4000 Madison E. Bullard, Jr. YOUNG MOORE AND HENDERSON 919-782-6860 Alexander R. Atchison, Stephen A. Brown, John N. Hutson, Jr.*, Rudy L. Ogburn


ALLMAN SPRY DAVIS LEGGETT & CRUMPLER 336-722-2300 Kim R. Bonuomo, Joslin Davis, Anna Warburton Munroe, Kyla Sipprell BELL, DAVIS & PITT 336-722-3700 Robin J. Stinson COLTRANE & OVERFIELD 336-279-8707 Charles W. Coltrane FOX ROTHSCHILD 336-378-5200 Marilyn Feuchs-Marker GABRIEL BERRY WESTON 336-275-9381 M. Douglas Berry GATTO LAW OFFICES 336-768-2345 Joseph J. Gatto HALVORSEN FAMILY LAW GROUP 336-760-8500 Kristin K. Broyles, Deborah S. Halvorsen HARRISON WHITAKER 336-517-0087 James Wade Harrison, Hillary D. Whitaker HATFIELD & HATFIELD 336-273-0589 Kathryn K. Hatfield HILL EVANS JORDAN & BEATTY 336-379-1390 Elaine Hedrick Ashley, William W. Jordan JOHNSON-PARRIS LAW 336-221-3335 Afi S. Johnson-Parris KIRKMAN LAW FIRM 336-274-7898 John W. Kirkman, Jr. KURTZ EVANS WHITLEY GUY & SIMOS 336-768-1515 Caleigh H. Evans, Monica R. Guy, Jon B. Kurtz, Susan S. Simos, Elise M. Whitley LAW FIRM CAROLINAS 336-378-1899 T. Keith Black LAW OFFICE OF DAVID PISHKO 336-310-0088 David C. Pishko LAW OFFICE OF JULIA PENDLETON 336-355-8796 Julia Pendleton LEE M. CECIL 336-878-7450 Lee M. Cecil MORGENSTERN & ASSOCIATES 336-203-9110 Barbara R. Morgenstern ROBERSON, HAWORTH & REESE 336-889-8733 Lee C. Hawley, Arlene M. Zipp ROBINSON & LAWING 336-631-8500 C. Ray Grantham, Jr.

SUSAN GRAY LAW 336-701-6521 Susan H. Gray WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON (US) 336-721-3600 Mary Craven Adams WOODRUFF FAMILY LAW GROUP 336-272-9122 Jessica S. Bullock, Jonathan D. Csuka, Carolyn J. Woodruff WYATT EARLY HARRIS WHEELER 336-884-4444 A. Doyle Early, Jr.


BELL, DAVIS & PITT 336-722-3700 Robin J. Stinson COLTRANE & OVERFIELD 336-279-8707 Charles W. Coltrane GABRIEL BERRY WESTON 336-275-9381 M. Douglas Berry HARRISON WHITAKER 336-517-0087 Hillary D. Whitaker KIRKMAN LAW FIRM 336-274-7898 John W. Kirkman, Jr. LAW FIRM CAROLINAS 336-378-1899 T. Keith Black MORGENSTERN & ASSOCIATES 336-203-9110 Barbara R. Morgenstern

JAMES W. LEA has been practicing law for 40 years. For the last 20 years he has concentrated in family and civil litigation. Mr. Lea has been AV rated by MartindaleHubbell since 1996. He has been recognized to Super Lawyers for over 20 years and in The Best Lawyers in America© for 15 years for Family Law. His firm is ranked in U.S. News – Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms” with a Tier 3 in Family Law in Wilmington-NC for 2021.


ALLMAN SPRY DAVIS LEGGETT & CRUMPLER 336-722-2300 Edward E. Raymer, Jr. BELL, DAVIS & PITT 336-722-3700 John A. Cocklereece, Jr., James M. Iseman Jr., Amy K. Smith, Kevin G. Williams* BLANCO TACKABERY & MATAMOROS 336-293-9000 Caroline C. Munroe, Neal E. Tackabery BRINKLEY WALSER STONER 336-249-2101 David E. Inabinett BROOKS, PIERCE, MCLENDON, HUMPHREY & LEONARD 336-373-8850 William G. McNairy, Adam P.M. Tarleton BROWN ESTATE PLANNING & ELDER LAW 336-447-8056 Charlie D. Brown CARRUTHERS & ROTH 336-379-8651 J. Aaron Bennett, Gregory S. Williams CRAIGE JENKINS LIIPFERT & WALKER 336-725-2900 Gordon W. Jenkins**, Rebecca L. Smitherman DAVID B. MCLEAN, ATTORNEY AT LAW 336-455-9500 David B. McLean EDWARDS CRAVER VEACH 336-607-7310 Comann Penn Craver, Jr., Robert Leon Edwards, Marcus L. Moxley FOX ROTHSCHILD 336-378-5200 Carole W. Bruce, Amy Smith Klass HAGAN BARRETT & LANGLEY 336-232-0650 Robert D. Douglas III* MARTIN & VAN HOY 336-751-2171 Henry P. Van Hoy II SCHELL BRAY 336-370-8800 Michael H. Godwin, Amy H. Kincaid, Jennifer L. J. Koenig, Paul H. Livingston, Jr. SHARPLESS MCCLEARN LESTER DUFFY 336-333-6400 Pamela S. Duffy*, Molly Anne Whitlatch* TUGGLE DUGGINS 336-378-1431 Bradley L. Jacobs WELLS LAW 336-283-8700 R. Michael Wells, Sr. WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON (US) 336-721-3600 Ranlet S. Bell, Edward W. Griggs**, Christopher N. Hewitt, Jeffrey T. Lawyer, Elizabeth L. Quick**, Kimberly H. Stogner**, C. Mark Wiley

THE LEA SCHULTZ LAW FIRM, P.C. 1612 Military Cutoff STE 300 | Wilmington, NC 28403 phone 910-239-5990 | fax 910-239-5992 email


ALFRED DECATUR WARD, JR. 252-633-1101 Alfred D. Ward, Jr. CARLTON S. PRICKETT, JR. 910-762-1845 Carlton S. Prickett, Jr. GREENE WILSON 252-634-9400 Kelly L. Greene J. RANDAL HUNTER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 252-638-3222 J. Randal Hunter LAW OFFICE OF LANA S. WARLICK 910-347-4400 Lana S. Warlick PEACOCK FAMILY LAW 252-633-6613 Carolyn Peacock THE LEA SCHULTZ LAW FIRM 910-239-5990 James W. Lea III WARD AND SMITH 252-672-5400 Lauren Taylor Arnette Quinn



FARGO PARVEY, LARSON, AND MCLEAN 701-532-0702 Jason W. McLean VOGEL LAW FIRM 701-237-6983 Jerilynn Brantner Adams



FREDRIKSON & BYRON 701-237-8200 William L. Guy III, F. John Williams III** OHNSTAD TWICHELL 701-282-3249 David L. Wanner TRUSTS AND ESTATES SERKLAND LAW FIRM 701-232-8957 Timothy G. Richard KOHUT & ADAMS 910-815-4066 Paula A. Kohut VOGEL LAW FIRM 701-237-6983 Robert G. Manly*, C. Nicholas Vogel LEE KAESS 910-832-9254 Jill L. Peters Kaess MURCHISON, TAYLOR & GRAND FORKS GIBSON 910-763-2426 G. Stephen Diab, Brian G. Morrison FAMILY LAW ROUNTREE LOSEE 910-763-3404 George Rountree III* CAMRUD, MADDOCK, OLSON & LARSON 701-775-5595 WARD AND SMITH 910-794-4800 Scott D. Jensen Jenna Fruechtenicht Butler*, Gregory T. Peacock**, John R. Sloan ZIMNEY FOSTER 701-772-8111 Carol E. Johnson WARD AND SMITH 252-672-5400 Jenna Fruechtenicht Butler*, Gregory T. Peacock**, John R. Sloan


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FROST BROWN TODD 513-651-6800 Patricia D. Laub, Bernard L. McKay GRAF COYNE 513-618-7800 FAMILY LAW Kenneth P. Coyne**, William R. Graf** GRAYDON HEAD & RITCHEY 513-621-6464 FAMILY LAW BARBARA J. HOWARD 513-421-7300 William J. Baechtold, Christine A. Buttress Barbara J. Howard BIVIANO LAW FIRM 330-392-5000 HELMER, MARTINS, RICE & William R. Biviano BARRON PECK BENNIE & POPHAM 513-421-2400 SCHLEMMER 513-721-1350 GRISI & BUDDE 330-535-8171 James B. Helmer, Jr.* David Wade Peck Charles E. Grisi JOHN W. EILERS, COUNSELOR AND BETH SILVERMAN & KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & ATTORNEY 513-871-1136 ASSOCIATES 513-241-9844 DOUGHERTY 330-497-0700 John W. Eilers** Beth I. Silverman David E. Butz KATZ TELLER 513-721-4532 BRUCE HUNTER 513-761-0600 LARIBEE & HERTRICK 330-725-0531 Joel S. Brant, William F. Russo Bruce A. Hunter Marc R. Hertrick KEATING MUETHING & CROSWELL & ADAMS 513-241-5670 RANDAL A. LOWRY & KLEKAMP 513-579-6400 Gregory L. Adams ASSOCIATES 330-576-3363 James H. Brun**, Margaret G. Kubicki, Claire V. Randal A. Lowry DINSMORE & SHOHL 513-977-8200 Parrish, Joseph P. Rouse** Timothy A. Tepe ROBERT H. BROWN 330-376-3000 KOHNEN & PATTON 513-381-0656 Robert H. Brown ESSIG & EVANS 513-455-4700 John Ledyard Campbell, Keith D. Meyer, Ellen S. Essig Michael J. Stegman THE DOHNER LAW FIRM 330-376-6300 John M. Dohner GOLDBERG EVANS 513-655-3500 PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & Shawn M. Evans ARTHUR 513-381-4700 TZANGAS PLAKAS MANNOS 330-453-5466 T. Stephen Phillips Peter T. Cahoon, Denise K. Houston, James G. KATZ TELLER 513-721-4532 Mannos, Marietta M. Pavlidis Guy M. Hild ROLCIK LAW 513-443-6230 Karen A. Rolcik TZANGAS PLAKAS MANNOS 330-784-5466 KEATING MUETHING & Peter T. Cahoon, Denise K. Houston, James G. KLEKAMP 513-579-6400 SANTEN & HUGHES 513-721-4450 Mannos, Marietta M. Pavlidis Mary Ellen Malas, Adrienne J. Roach Katrina Z. Farley** MOORE, MOORE & MOORE 513-232-1700 SCHWARTZ MANES RUBY & TRUSTS AND ESTATES John K. Daggett SLOVIN 513-579-1414 Stanley L. Ruby BLACK MCCUSKEY SOUERS & PHYLLIS G. BOSSIN & ARBAUGH 330-456-8341 ASSOCIATES 513-421-4420 TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 513-381-2838 Todd S. Bundy*, James P. Kamerer Phyllis G. Bossin Daniel J. Hoffheimer, Julia B. Meister**, Mary L. Rust, Timothy C. Sullivan*, Julia E. Tarvin, BRENNAN, MANNA & ROLLMAN, HANDORF & Susan E. Wheatley DIAMOND 330-253-5060 CONYERS 513-300-4882 Richard W. Burke** Jeffrey M. Rollman THOMPSON HINE 513-352-6700 David R. Valz BROUSE MCDOWELL 330-535-5711 SANTEN & HUGHES 513-721-4450 Richard H. Harris III, Michael A. Sweeney William A. DeCenso, Sallee M. Fry ULMER & BERNE 513-698-5000 Stuart R. Susskind** BUCKINGHAM, DOOLITTLE & SCHIMPF, GINOCCHIO, AND BURROUGHS 330-376-5300 KEHRES 513-977-5570 VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND Robert W. Briggs, Cathy C. Godshall, Jeffrey A. Ralph P. Ginocchio PEASE 513-723-4000 Halm, David Kern, Patricia A. Pacenta, Patrick David A. Groenke, Michael G. Schwartz, SHERRI GOREN SLOVIN 513-399-6262 J. Weschler Elizabeth E. W. Weinewuth* Sherri Goren Slovin BUCKINGHAM, DOOLITTLE & WOOD & LAMPING 513-852-6074 STAGNARO HANNIGAN KOOP 513-241-0500 BURROUGHS 330-492-8717 Jennifer Griffin Anstaett, Thomas J. Breed, Erinn McKee Hannigan Robert W. Briggs, Cathy C. Godshall, Jeffrey A. Jan M. Frankel, Mark S. Reckman, Howard L. Halm, David Kern, Patricia A. Pacenta, Patrick STRAUSS TROY 513-621-2120 Richshafer, Kenneth J. Schneider, Scott M. Timothy B. Theissen J. Weschler Slovin TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 513-381-2838 DAVID J. SIMMONS 330-499-8899 Aimee L. Keller David J. Simmons CLEVELAND WAGNER & BLOCH 513-751-4420 DAY KETTERER 330-455-0173 Randal S. Bloch, Deborah L. McPartlin, Gayle Richard W. Arnold** M. Warm FAMILY LAW HORWITZ & DAMICONE 330-670-5300 Stuart M. Horwitz* BAKER & HOSTETLER 216-621-0200 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Suzanne M. Jambe, James A. Loeb KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 513-381-2838 CAVITCH FAMILO & DURKIN 216-621-7860 DOUGHERTY 330-497-0700 Aimee L. Keller Dianne Blocker Braun, James F. Contini II**, Roger L. Kleinman Richard E. Davis, David J. Lewis COYNE STAHL JANSEN 440-891-8388 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Richard J. Stahl III KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & DOUGHERTY 330-364-3472 BARRON PECK BENNIE & DARAY LAW 440-482-0801 Dianne Blocker Braun, James F. Contini II**, SCHLEMMER 513-721-1350 Stephen E.S. Daray Richard E. Davis, David J. Lewis David Wade Peck FRANTZ WARD 216-515-1660 KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & SHERRI GOREN SLOVIN 513-399-6262 Kaitlyn D. Arthurs DOUGHERTY 330-535-4830 Sherri Goren Slovin Dianne Blocker Braun, James F. Contini II**, KOHRMAN JACKSON & STAGNARO HANNIGAN KOOP 513-241-0500 Richard E. Davis, David J. Lewis KRANTZ 216-696-8700 Erinn McKee Hannigan Sarah J. Gabinet, John D. Ramsey LAYMAN LAW GROUP 330-493-8833 WAGNER & BLOCH 513-751-4420 Brian C. Layman LAUBACHER & CO. 440-356-5700 Randal S. Bloch Eric R. Laubacher LOGEE, HOSTETLER, STUTZMAN & LEHMAN 330-264-6115 LAW OFFICES OF CARA L. TRUSTS AND ESTATES SANTOSUOSSO 440-892-3368 Ralph Lehman** Cara L. Santosuosso ARONOFF, ROSEN & HUNT 513-241-0400 ROBINSON & MCELWEE 330-821-1430 Stanton H. Vollman Michael A. Ogline** MCCARTHY, LEBIT, CRYSTAL & BECKMAN WEIL SHEPARDSON 513-621-2100 LIFFMAN 216-696-1422 ROETZEL & ANDRESS 330-376-2700 Richard A. Rabb Brenda Mayes Kloos Steven St. L. Cox** PAUL DAIKER LAW 440-888-2770 COHEN, TODD, KITE & STARK & KNOLL 330-376-3300 Paul B. Daiker STANFORD 513-421-4020 Philip S. Kaufmann James J. Chalfie** ROSENTHAL THURMAN LANE 216-589-9600 TZANGAS PLAKAS MANNOS 330-453-5466 James L. Lane, Adam J. Thurman DINSMORE & SHOHL 513-977-8200 David L. Dingwell* Bonnie G. Camden**, J. Michael Cooney, Mary SCHNEIDER SMELTZ SPIETH J. Healy, David P. Kamp*, Jill M. Scherff, Lee M. BELL 216-696-4200 Stautberg** Ryan P. Nowlin


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SEELEY, SAVIDGE, EBERT & GOURASH 216-566-8200 Kimrey D. Elzeer SKIRBUNT & SKIRBUNT 216-363-1313 James R. Skirbunt TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 216-241-2838 Jill Friedman Helfman, Carl A. Murway THE NICKOLLS LAW FIRM 440-710-0988 Lindsay Nickolls WEGMAN HESSLER 216-642-3342 Tanja M. Holecek WOLF AND AKERS 216-623-9999 Deborah Akers-Parry, Marshall J. Wolf ZASHIN & RICH 216-696-4441 Deanna L. DiPetta, Amy M. Keating, Christopher R. Reynolds, Jonathan A. Rich, Kyleigh A. Weinfurtner, Andrew A. Zashin


DARAY LAW 440-482-0801 Stephen E.S. Daray LAUBACHER & CO. 440-356-5700 Eric R. Laubacher WEGMAN HESSLER 216-642-3342 Tanja M. Holecek


DARAY LAW 440-482-0801 Stephen E.S. Daray FRANTZ WARD 216-515-1660 Kaitlyn D. Arthurs WEGMAN HESSLER 216-642-3342 Tanja M. Holecek


BAKER & HOSTETLER 216-621-0200 Robert R. Galloway, Chad W. Makuch, Lisa A. Roberts-Mamone, Kevin G. Robertson BENESCH, FRIEDLANDER, COPLAN & ARONOFF 216-363-4500 David W. Mellott* BUCKINGHAM, DOOLITTLE & BURROUGHS 216-621-5300 Ronald F. Wayne** CALFEE 216-622-8200 Amy K. Friedmann, Jean M. Hillman, Joseph M. Mentrek**, Fran Mitchell Schaul CAVITCH FAMILO & DURKIN 216-621-7860 James S. Aussem, James G. Dickinson**, Roy A. Krall** FRANTZ WARD 216-515-1660 William A. Duncan, Ralph P. Higgins, Jr., Matthew F. Kadish, Dean M. Rooney*, David G. Weibel HAHN LOESER & PARKS 216-621-0150 Douglas C. Carlson, M. Patricia Culler**, Dana Marie DeCapite, Christina D'Eramo Evans, Stephen H. Gariepy, Joan M. Gross, Matthew E. Henoch, Frank C. Krasovec, Jr., Dennis R. Rose* HERBERT L. BRAVERMAN 216-407-4938 Herbert L. Braverman** HICKMAN & LOWDER 216-861-0360 David S. Banas, Janet L. Lowder** KGH CONSULTING 216-373-2505 Kenneth G. Hochman KOEHLER FITZGERALD 216-539-9370 Kevin R. Keogh MCCARTHY, LEBIT, CRYSTAL & LIFFMAN 216-696-1422 Kimon P. Karas, John S. Seich** MCDONALD HOPKINS 216-348-5400 Jeffrey P. Consolo**, David L. Drechsler*, Brian J. Jereb, Bernard L. Karr, Michael G. Riley, Roger L. Shumaker, Katherine E. Wensink REMINGER 216-687-1311 Adam M. Fried**, Barbara Bellin Janovitz, Franklin C. Malemud**, Allison M. McMeechan, Russell J. Meraglio, Jr.*, John Patrick, Leon A. Weiss** ROETZEL & ANDRESS 216-623-0150 David W. Woodburn


BECKER & LILLY 614-469-4778 Phillip G. Lilly CARLILE PATCHEN & MURPHY 614-228-6135 Brandon A. Borgmann, Bryan K. Hogue, Geoffrey S. Kunkler, Jane Higgins Marx DICKINSON WRIGHT 614-744-2570 J. Troy Terakedis DINSMORE & SHOHL 614-628-6880 Thomas J. Bonasera**, Michael A. Renne EASTMAN & SMITH 614-564-1445 Stephen E. Chappelear* ICE MILLER 614-462-2700 Miranda E. Morgan KEGLER BROWN HILL & RITTER 614-462-5400 Charles J. Kegler, Mark Reitz, Thomas J. Sigmund MCLEOD LAW OFFICE 614-228-1717 Mark A. McLeod PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & ARTHUR 614-227-2000 David S. Bloomfield, Jr.*, C. Andrew Ireton, Jr., Lori-Lou Kimm, Edward M. Segelken ROETZEL & ANDRESS 614-463-9770 Erika L. Haupt**, Edward C. Hertenstein PATTON BOGGS 614-365-2700 COLUMBUS-OH SQUIRE Lee A. Wendel STEPTOE & JOHNSON 614-221-5100 FAMILY LAW William M. Lane BABBITT & DAHLBERG 614-228-4200 TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 614-221-2838 G. Jay Babbitt J. Anthony Kington, Meredith K. Sugar DAGGER LAW 740-653-6464 TAPS & SUTTON 614-443-8000 Norman J. Ogilvie, Jr. Robert C. Rafferty DOUGLAS W. WARNOCK 740-363-3100 THOMPSON HINE 614-469-3200 Douglas W. Warnock Jerry Vande Werken, Amie L. Vanover EINSTEIN LAW 614-734-0000 VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND Dianne DiNapoli Einstein PEASE 614-719-4976 Victor J. Ferguson, John F. Furniss III, Karen M. FRIEDMAN & MIRMAN 614-221-0090 Moore**, David A. Swift, Mark E. Vannatta Scott N. Friedman, Denise M. Mirman WILLIAM A. MORSE 614-436-8010 GARY J. GOTTFRIED 614-297-1211 William A. Morse Gary J. Gottfried WRIGHTSEL & WRIGHTSEL 614-255-3388 GROSSMAN LAW OFFICES 614-221-7711 R. Douglas Wrightsel** Anthony R. Auten, Andrew S. Grossman, Jeffrey A. Grossman, Tracy A. Younkin ISAAC WILES BURKHOLDER & DAYTON TEETOR 614-221-2121 Christopher J. Geer, Frederick M. Isaac FAMILY LAW JEFFERSON LISTON 614-407-9630 KIRKLAND & SOMMERS 937-223-0697 Jefferson Edward Liston James R. Kirkland, Brian A. Sommers KEMP LAW GROUP 614-389-1991 LOWE LAW OFFICES 937-222-8091 Jacqueline L. Kemp Charles D. Lowe MCKINLAY LAW OFFICES 614-407-7722 RITTGERS & RITTGERS 513-932-2115 Amy McKinlay Ellen B. Rittgers MOWERY YOUELL & GALEANO 614-764-1444 ROGERS & GREENBERG 937-223-8171 Judith E. Galeano Keith R. Kearney R. CHRIS HARBOLD & ASSOCIATES 614-255-1140 R. Chris Harbold TRUSTS AND ESTATES TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 614-221-2838 BIESER GREER & LANDIS 937-223-3277 David C. Greer*, David P. Williamson* Eugene B. Lewis COOLIDGE WALL 937-608-9464 THE BEHAL LAW GROUP 614-643-5050 Rodney Scott Blackburn, Jeffrey A. Winwood Robert J. Behal CUSACK LAW OFFICE 937-912-9252 THE LAW OFFICE OF NICHOLAS W. David J. Cusack YAEGER 614-224-4114 Nicholas W. Yaeger DINSMORE & SHOHL 937-449-6400 Frederick J. Caspar**, Ralph E. Heyman, David THE NIGH LAW GROUP 614-379-6444 R. Wickham** Joseph Nigh DUNGAN & LEFEVRE 937-889-9314 TRENEFF COZZA LAW 614-891-4230 William McGraw III Craig P. Treneff FREUND, FREEZE & ARNOLD 937-222-2424 WEIS LAW GROUP 614-428-0266 Neil F. Freund* Amy J. Weis GOTTSCHLICH & PORTUNE 937-802-2397 WOLINETZ & HORVATH 614-362-8847 Gary W. Gottschlich*, Mary E. Lentz* Dennis E. Horvath, Barry H. Wolinetz KREHBIEL LAW OFFICE 513-934-3200 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Anne Einspanier Krehbiel PICKREL, SCHAEFFER & EBELING 937-223-1130 BAILEY CAVALIERI 614-221-3155 John E. Clough, Donald G. Schweller Robert R. Dunn ROGERS & GREENBERG 937-223-8171 BAKER & HOSTETLER 614-228-1541 Michelle S. Vollmar Robert M. Kincaid, Jr.*, Gordon F. Litt

SCHNEIDER SMELTZ SPIETH BELL 216-696-4200 Charles F. Adler**, James R. Bright, J. Paul Fidler**, David M. Lenz**, M. Elizabeth Monihan**, Ryan P. Nowlin*, Jennifer A. Savage, J. Talbot Young, Jr. SQUIRE PATTON BOGGS 216-479-8500 Ellen Meehan**, James P. Oliver THOMPSON HINE 216-566-5500 Patrick J. Saccogna**, James Spallino Jr. TUCKER ELLIS 216-592-5000 H. William Beseth III, Erica E. McGregor, Susan L. Racey** ULMER & BERNE 216-583-7000 James A. Goldsmith**, John R. Harrison**, Linda DelaCourt Summers, Michael N. Ungar*, Frederick N. Widen VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND PEASE 216-479-6100 Lisa Babish Forbes* WALTER HAVERFIELD 216-781-1212 Lacie L. O'Daire, John E. Schiller* WICKENS HERZER PANZA 440-695-8000 Arthur E. Gibbs III**

The principals of FRIEDMAN & MIRMAN are fellows of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and are listed in The Best Lawyers in America© in Family Law for 2021. They provide clients with a combination of integrity and compassion, blended with finely-honed legal skills and solid judgment. Both Denise Mirman and Scott Friedman are active supporters of many non-profit organizations in the Central Ohio community.

It’s all in the Principals. 1320 Dublin Road, Suite 101, Columbus, OH 43215 PH: (614) 221-0090 • FX: (614) 221-7213

SEBALY SHILLITO & DYER 937-222-2500 Michael P. Moloney SHERRETS LAW OFFICES 937-229-9607 Carl D. Sherrets THOMPSON HINE 937-443-6600 Mark A. Conway**

SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 419-241-9000 John H. Burson**, William H. Gosline, David J. Rectenwald, Kathryn J. Woodward WEBER & STERLING 419-893-3360 Robert V. Sterling, Dennis P. Williams





ARNOLD D. FAGIN 405-810-5177 Arnold D. Fagin BALL MORSE LOWE 405-701-5355 Christopher Smith ECHOLS & ASSOCIATES 405-691-2648 David W. Echols HALL ESTILL 405-553-2828 John W. Gile, Matthew R. Gile HARTZOG CONGER CASON 405-235-7000 Laura McConnell-Corbyn, Ashley Powell HENRY & DOW LAW 405-605-0681 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kaitlyn Allen, Allyson Dow ANSPACH LAW 419-246-5757 HESTER SCHEM HESTER & Scott T. Janson DIONISIO 405-705-5900 Monica A. Dionisio, Jon L. Hester, Charles O. BAKER LAW 567-806-5190 Chad R. Baker Schem EASTMAN & SMITH 419-241-6000 KIRK & CHANEY 405-235-1333 John H. Boggs, Frank D. Jacobs, David C. Krock Allen Campbell, Thomas J. Daniel IV, James A. Kirk FREDERICKSON, HEINTSCHEL & KING 419-242-5100 MICHELLE K. SMITH ATTORNEY AT Craig F. Frederickson** LAW 405-759-2333 Michelle K. Smith LAW OFFICES OF NIRAKAR THAKUR 419-242-8900 MULLINS MULLINS SEXTON & Nirakar C. Thakur REAVES 405-235-2335 Michael L. Mullins, Jamie K. Sexton DIXON HAYES WITHERELL & WARD 419-536-8600 Jill L. Hayes JUDE AUBRY 419-242-1400 Jude Thaddeus Aubry LAW OFFICE OF RON L. RIMELSPACH 419-885-2153 Ron L. Rimelspach SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 419-241-9000 John L. Straub


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OKLAHOMA PHILLIPS MURRAH 405-235-4100 Nicholle Jones Edwards PHM LAW GROUP 405-329-3307 Catherine H. Petersen PIZZINI LAW FIRM 405-265-2845 Linda Pizzini VIRGINIA HENSON LAW 405-642-0970 Virginia Dee Henson

GABLEGOTWALS 405-235-5500 Leo J. Portman* HALL ESTILL 405-553-2828 James C. Shaw** HARTZOG CONGER CASON 405-235-7000 Len Cason, Steven C. Davis, J. Leslie LaReau, Amy J. Sine**, Stacey D. Spivey** MCAFEE & TAFT 405-235-9621 T. Michael Blake, Steven P. Cole**, Richard D. Craig**, Alan G. Holloway, Richard D. Johnson, FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION Mark W. Malone**, Dee A. Replogle, Jr., John N. PHILLIPS MURRAH 405-235-4100 Schaefer, Susan B. Shields** Nicholle Jones Edwards MCALISTER, MCALISTER, BAKER & NICKLAS 405-359-0701 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Lloyd G. McAlister HENRY & DOW LAW 405-605-0681 PHILLIPS MURRAH 405-235-4100 Allyson Dow Elizabeth K. Brown**, Sally A. Hasenfratz, LARRY M. SPEARS, ATTORNEY 405-235-5605 Dawn M. Rahme, D. Craig Story Larry M. Spears THE BETHANY LAW CENTER 405-787-6911 Mark H. Price VIRGINIA HENSON LAW 405-642-0970 Virginia Dee Henson THE MORAN LAW FIRM 405-947-2024 Susan P. Moran

FRY & ELDER 918-585-1107 Robert G. Fry, Jr. GABLEGOTWALS 918-595-4800 Deborah C. Shallcross GOTCHER & BEAVER 918-423-0412 P. Warren Gotcher HALL ESTILL 918-594-0400 Heather Flynn Earnhart, Richard A. Wagner II HENRY & DOW LAW 918-933-4333 Benjamin D. Aycock, M. Shane Henry JAMES R. GOTWALS & ASSOCIATES 918-599-7088 James R. Gotwals KEITH A. JONES 918-367-8500 Keith A. Jones LAW OFFICE OF AARON D BUNDY 918-208-0129 Aaron D. Bundy LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD J. EAGLETON 918-878-8091 Richard J. Eagleton MCAFEE & TAFT 918-587-0000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Christian D. Barnard, Brita Haugland Cantrell, BASS LAW 405-262-4040 TULSA Ronald W. Little John A. Bass** MEGAN M. BECK 918-295-6418 BROWN & ASSOCIATES ATTORNEY AND Megan M. Beck FAMILY LAW COUNSELORS AT LAW 580-234-6600 N. SCOTT JOHNSON & Gary L. Brown III BARROW & GRIMM 918-584-1600 ASSOCIATES 918-794-3333 David A. Sturdivant CONNER & WINTERS 405-272-5711 N. Scott Johnson Amanda M. Swain BLEVINS LAW OFFICE 918-825-4750 ROBINETT, SWARTZ & AYCOCK 918-592-3699 Paul E. Blevins CROWE & DUNLEVY 405-235-7700 Jacob Aycock Allen D. Evans, Lauren Ottaway Johnson, CONNER & WINTERS 918-586-5711 SMAKAL MUNN 918-582-3400 Brad K. Cunningham, Bradley A. Grundy, Cynda C. Ottaway, Julie D. Stanley Justin B. Munn Angela Smoot DURBIN LARIMORE & BIALICK 405-235-9584 TAMERA A. CHILDERS 918-574-8990 Jennifer K. Christian DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL & Tamera A. Childers ANDERSON 918-582-1211 ELLIS & ELLIS 405-334-5378 James R. Bullard, Moura A. J. Robertson TULSA FAMILY LAW CENTER 918-582-8001 Hal W. Ellis FRANDEN, FARRIS, QUILLIN, GOODNIGHT & David A. Tracy FELLERS SNIDER 405-232-0621 ROBERTS 918-583-7129 Mark K. Stonecipher* Joseph R. Farris


CONNER & WINTERS 918-586-5711 Brad K. Cunningham, Bradley A. Grundy DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL & ANDERSON 918-582-1211 Moura A. J. Robertson HENRY & DOW LAW 918-933-4333 M. Shane Henry JAMES R. GOTWALS & ASSOCIATES 918-599-7088 James R. Gotwals MCAFEE & TAFT 918-587-0000 Ronald W. Little


BARBER & BARTZ 918-599-7755 Curtis J. Shacklett BARROW & GRIMM 918-584-1600 Allen E. Barrow, Jr. CONNER & WINTERS 918-586-5711 Katherine G. Coyle, Tony W. Haynie*, John W. Ingraham, Beverly K. Smith DOERNER, SAUNDERS, DANIEL & ANDERSON 918-582-1211 Philip R. Feist, Harry V. Rouse ERIN DONOVAN & ASSOCIATES 918-747-3788 Erin Donovan GABLEGOTWALS 918-595-4800 LeAnn Drummond Ellis*, Jeffrey D. Hassell*, David B. McKinney GASSAWAY LAW FIRM 918-592-6800 Rita J. Gassaway HALL ESTILL 918-594-0400 Samantha Weyrauch Davis, Daniel R. Ketchum II, James C. Milton*, Andrew M. Wolov LOGAN & LOWRY 918-256-7511 Mark W. Curnutte** MOYERS MARTIN 918-582-5281 D. Faith Orlowski


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OKLAHOMA · OREGON · PENNSYLVANIA PRAY WALKER 918-581-5500 Robert J. Winter* ROBINETT, KING, ELIAS, BUHLINGER, BROWN & KANE 918-336-4132 Bruce W. Robinett ROSENSTEIN, FIST & RINGOLD 918-585-9211 Jerry L. Zimmerman

SAMUELS YOELIN KANTOR 503-226-2966 Christine R. Costantino SCHULTE ANDERSON DOWNES ARONSON & BITTNER 503-223-4131 Thomas A. Bittner, Michael J. Fearl SORENSEN-JOLINK TRUBO 503-224-0900 Scott Sorensen-Jolink STAHANCYK, KENT & HOOK 503-222-9115 C. Friedhoff, Laurel P. Hook, Bradford F. OREGON Anna Miller, Arthur K. Saito EUGENE STEPHENS & MARGOLIN 503-360-9318 Daniel S. Margolin, C. Sean Stephens FAMILY LAW WEISSER FAMILY LAW 503-464-1072 Herb Weisser MERRILL O'SULLIVAN 541-389-1770 Richard W. Funk YATES FAMILY LAW 503-505-6009 Jacqueline Alarcon, Michael A. Yates STAHANCYK, KENT & HOOK 541-318-9115 Joel J. Kent ZIMMER, BOND, FAY & OVERLUND 503-295-6191 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Sarah H. Bond GLEAVES SWEARINGEN 541-686-8833 Howard F. Feinman HERSHNER HUNTER 541-686-8511 Arthur J. Clark** KARNOPP PETERSEN 541-382-3011 Thomas J. Sayeg LUVAAS COBB ATTORNEYS AT LAW 541-484-9292 Janice E. Hatton THORP PURDY JEWETT URNESS & WILKINSON 541-747-3354 John C. Urness

Kristin Winnie Eaton, Attorney/Mediator 21790 Willamette Falls Drive · P.O. Box 446 · West Linn, Oregon 97068 Tel. 503.850.6994

Fax 503.980.7889


GEVURTZ MENASHE 503-227-1515 Jessica A. Flint SAMUELS YOELIN KANTOR 503-226-2966 Christine R. Costantino STEPHENS & MARGOLIN 503-360-9318 Daniel S. Margolin


DWYER MEDIATION CENTER 503-564-0218 J. Michael Dwyer JIM O'CONNOR 503-473-8242 PORTLAND-OR James P. O'Connor SAMUELS YOELIN KANTOR 503-226-2966 Christine R. Costantino FAMILY LAW SHARON A. WILLIAMS 503-224-5775 BRADLEY C. LECHMAN-SU ATTORNEY AT Sharon A. Williams LAW 503-984-1350 Bradley C. Lechman-Su TRUSTS AND ESTATES CRAIG M. COWLEY 503-505-7511 BROWNSTEIN RASK 503-221-1772 Craig M. Cowley Lisa C. Alan EASLEY FAMILY LAW 503-493-2300 CABLE HUSTON 503-224-3092 Saville W. Easley Katherine O. VanZanten EATON FAMILY LAW & CAROLYN W. MILLER 503-241-2801 MEDIATION 503-850-6994 Carolyn W. Miller Kristin Winnie Eaton, Jennifer B. Sackett ELIZABETH CHRISTY LAW FIRM 503-847-2900 CATALYST LAW 503-207-1711 Kate Kilberg Elizabeth Christy Taylor DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 503-241-2300 FISCHER FAMILY LAW 503-635-3548 Patrick J. Green** Samantha Hazel DRANEAS & HUGLIN 503-496-5500 FOUR POINT LEGAL 503-770-5900 John H. Draneas, Mark L. Huglin Paige A. De Muniz, Alex P. Sutton DUFFY KEKEL 503-226-1371 GAZZOLA & HULL 503-295-3025 Shannon M. Connelly, Philip N. Jones**, Charles D. Gazzola, David E. Hull Stephen J. Klarquist, D. Charles Mauritz, Holly GEARING, RACKNER & N. Mitchell, Timothy J. Wachter MCGRATH 503-222-9116 David C. Gearing, Michael T. McGrath, Andrew DUNN CARNEY 503-224-6440 Heather L. Guthrie W. Newsom, Laura E. Rackner FARLEIGH WADA WITT 503-228-6044 GEVURTZ MENASHE 503-227-1515 Dean T. Sandow Mark R. Barzda, Robert F. Demary, Jessica A. Flint, Zachary J. Fruchtengarten, Julia M. FOSTER GARVEY 503-228-3939 Hagan, William J. Howe III, Tiffany J. Jensen, Christine P. Brown Jeffrey S. Matthews, Albert A. Menashe, Shawn N. Menashe, Kathryn S. Root, Marshal GEVURTZ MENASHE 503-227-1515 Steven M. Zipper P. Spector, Robin J. Wright HAN LEGAL 503-224-0499 GOLDBERG JONES 503-731-8888 Hilary A. Newcomb* Liam McGill HOLLAND & KNIGHT 503-243-2300 JOHN H. TUTHILL & Joshua E. Husbands ASSOCIATES 503-842-6601 John H. Tuthill JAN KITCHEL 503-730-0685 KELL, ALTERMAN & RUNSTEIN 503-360-0554 Jan K. Kitchel* Ted E. Runstein KATHERINE M. ZELKO 503-517-9205 Katherine M. Zelko MCKEAN SMITH 503-567-7967 Annelisa D. Smith MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN 503-224-5858 MORRIS, STANNARD & BATALDEN FAMILY C. Marie Eckert*, Peter C. Richter* LAW 503-461-0244 Mindy S. Stannard PARSONS FARNELL & GREIN 503-222-1812 OREGON MEDIATION CENTER 503-664-3643 John D. Parsons* Caryn Jones RICHARDSON WRIGHT 503-546-4637 Bonnie Richardson* QUACH FAMILY LAW 503-224-1640 Kimberly A. Quach SAMUELS YOELIN KANTOR 503-226-2966 Victoria Blachly*, Denise Gorrell*, Stephen E. RICK ALLEN SATURN 503-235-7770 Kantor, Eric J. Wieland Rick A. Saturn



SCHWABE, WILLIAMSON & WYATT 503-222-9981 Robert D. Dayton SOHLER WHITMAN 503-662-7880 Matthew W. Whitman* STOEL RIVES 503-224-3380 Nancy L. Cowgill, Emily V. Karr, Penny H. Serrurier THE STRADER LAW FIRM 503-478-2015 Timothy R. Strader THEDE CULPEPPER MOORE MUNRO & SILLIMAN 503-416-6160 David M. Munro, Amy L. Silliman, Jeffrey C. Thede TONKON TORP 503-221-1440 Ryan M. Bledsoe*, Gwendolyn Griffith, Shouka D. Rezvani, John H. Rosenfeld WILLIAMS KASTNER 503-228-7967 Donald H. Grim* WYSE KADISH 503-228-8448 Amy E. Bilyeu



BRIAN J. CALI & ASSOCIATES 570-344-2029 Brian J. Cali KING, SPRY, HERMAN, FREUND & FAUL 610-332-0390 Donald F. Spry II NORRIS MCLAUGHLIN 610-391-1800 Lauren L. Sorrentino


KING, SPRY, HERMAN, FREUND & FAUL 610-332-0390 Kirby G. Upright**


COGNETTI & ASSOCIATES 717-909-4060 Maria P. Cognetti FAMILY LAW DALEY ZUCKER MEILTON & MINER 717-674-8797 FEIBLEMAN CASE WILSON 503-399-9218 John H. Case, Gilbert B. Feibleman, Stephanie Susan E. Good, Tina Laudermilch, Sandra L. Meilton Wilson HOWETT, KISSINGER & HOLST 717-234-2616 SAUCY & SNOW 503-362-9330 John C. Howett, Jr. Paul Saucy JOHNSON DUFFIE 717-761-4540 Melissa P. Greevy TRUSTS AND ESTATES MCNEES WALLACE & NURICK 717-232-8000 SAALFELD GRIGGS 503-399-1070 J. Paul Helvy Hunter B. Emerick*, Jeffrey G. Moore


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DALEY ZUCKER MEILTON & MINER 717-674-8797 Sandra L. Meilton JOHNSON DUFFIE 717-761-4540 Melissa P. Greevy


BARLEY SNYDER 717-299-5201 Nancy Mayer Hughes, Michael L. Mixell, Stanley A. Smith BARLEY SNYDER 610-376-6651 Nancy Mayer Hughes, Michael L. Mixell, Stanley A. Smith BARLEY SNYDER 717-231-6603 Nancy Mayer Hughes, Michael L. Mixell, Stanley A. Smith JOHNSON DUFFIE 717-761-4540 Wayne M. Pecht KEEFER WOOD ALLEN & RAHAL 717-255-8000 Robert R. Church** MARSHALL, PARKER & WEBER 570-321-9008 Jeffrey A. Marshall, Tammy A. Weber MCNEES WALLACE & NURICK 717-232-8000 Timothy M. Finnerty, Kendra D. McGuire*, Elizabeth P. Mullaugh** MCNEES WALLACE & NURICK 717-291-1177 Timothy M. Finnerty, Kendra D. McGuire*, Elizabeth P. Mullaugh** METTE, EVANS & WOODSIDE 717-232-5000 Gary J. Heim NAUMAN, SMITH, SHISSLER & HALL 717-236-3010 Spencer G. Nauman, Jr. SCHIFFMAN, SCHIFFMAN & BROWN 717-540-9170 Neil E. Hendershot SPENCER LAW FIRM 717-394-1131 Patti S. Spencer STEINBACHER, GOODALL & YURCHAK 814-237-4100 H. Amos Goodall STEVENS & LEE 610-478-2000 C. Thomas Work** SULLIVAN ROGERS & FEICHTEL 717-612-5800 Elyse E. Rogers**, Daniel L. Sullivan*


ANTHEIL MASLOW & MACMINN 215-230-7500 Lynelle A. Gleason ASTOR, WEISS, KAPLAN & MANDEL 215-790-0100 Judy M. Springer BERNBAUM FAMILY LAW 610-667-7902 Joel B. Bernbaum BERNER KLAW & WATSON 215-790-8800 Joni J. Berner, Margaret Klaw, Eileen G. Murphy, Lisa M. Shapson, Megan E. Watson COZEN O'CONNOR 610-941-5400 Jonathan T. Hoffman CURTIN & HEEFNER 267-898-0570 Melanie J. Wender DISCHELL, BARTLE & DOOLEY 215-362-2474 Mark B. Dischell ECKELL, SPARKS, LEVY, AUERBACH, MONTE, SLOANE, MATTHEWS & AUSLANDER 610-565-3700 David E. Auerbach FISHER FAMILY LAW 484-243-6338 Lise A. Fisher FOX ROTHSCHILD 215-299-2000 David S. Rasner, Jacqueline G. Segal FOX ROTHSCHILD 610-458-7500 David S. Rasner, Jacqueline G. Segal GAWTHROP GREENWOOD 610-696-8225 Walter P. Eells

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William L. Goldman, Jr. GOLDSMITH, HARK & HORNAK 215-722-5850 Ned Hark GONZALEZ FERRANDEZ LAW 215-650-4970 Stephanie A. Gonzalez Ferrandez HAMBURG, RUBIN, MULLIN, MAXWELL & LUPIN 215-661-0400 Douglas I. Zeiders HANGLEY ARONCHICK SEGAL PUDLIN & SCHILLER 610-313-1670 Cheryl L. Young HIGH SWARTZ 610-275-0700 Melissa M. Boyd, Mary Cushing Doherty, Elizabeth C. Early HOFSTEIN WEINER & MEYER 215-561-1100 Ellen Goldberg Weiner, David N. Hofstein, Charles J. Meyer KILKENNY LAW 484-679-8150 Lisa Kane Brown KLEHR HARRISON HARVEY BRANZBURG 215-569-2700 Helen Haney Lafferty, David J. Steerman LAMB MCERLANE 610-430-8000 Carla Marino LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTINA M. DEMATTEO 484-322-5616 Christina M. DeMatteo LAW OFFICES OF JACK A. ROUNICK 484-684-6055 Jack A. Rounick LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL E. FINGERMAN 215-731-1300 Michael E. Fingerman MACELREE HARVEY 610-436-0100 William J. Gallagher, Lance J. Nelson MOMJIAN ANDERER 267-546-3700 Meredith Brennan, Catherine M. McFadden, Mark A. Momjian, Carolyn Moran Zack OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 215-665-3000 Michael E. Bertin, David L. Ladov, Hillary J. Moonay, Adam H. Tanker, Robert I. Whitelaw, Stephanie H. Winegrad OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 610-825-3634 Michael E. Bertin, David L. Ladov, Hillary J. Moonay, Adam H. Tanker, Robert I. Whitelaw, Stephanie H. Winegrad OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 215-606-0760 Michael E. Bertin, David L. Ladov, Hillary J. Moonay, Adam H. Tanker, Robert I. Whitelaw, Stephanie H. Winegrad POTTS FAMILY LAW 610-840-2626 Julie M. Potts RAFFAELE PUPPIO 610-891-6710 Michael A. Raffaele REPKO LAW 215-348-9500 Robert T. Repko SAUL LEVIT 610-687-1777 Kimberly Dudick, Saul D. Levit SHAINBERG LAW 215-988-9700 Charles C. Shainberg SHEMTOB DRAGANOSKY TAYLOR 215-542-2105 David J. Draganosky, Lori K. Shemtob, Cynthia Weiss Stein, Andrew D. Taylor SPEAR WILDERMAN 215-732-0101 Theodore P. DiMuzio SWEENEY & NEARY 610-892-7500 Patrick T. Daley, Colleen M. Neary THE LAW OFFICES OF LISA KANE BROWN 484-370-4070 Lisa Kane Brown TIMONEY KNOX 215-646-6000 James M. Jacquette VETRANO VETRANO & FEINMAN 610-265-4441 Kathleen Bilotta Vetrano

WEBER GALLAGHER 610-272-5555 Carolyn R. Mirabile WILLIAMS FAMILY LAW 215-340-2207 Robert J. Salzer, Susan J. Smith, Jeffrey M. Williams WISLER PEARLSTINE 610-825-8400 Mason Avrigian, Sr., Amy P. De Shong


EDWARD BLUMSTEIN MEDIATION SERVICES 215-790-9666 Edward Blumstein HIGH SWARTZ 610-275-0700 Melissa M. Boyd, Mary Cushing Doherty KLEHR HARRISON HARVEY BRANZBURG 215-569-2700 David J. Steerman LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL E. FINGERMAN 215-731-1300 Michael E. Fingerman SHEMTOB DRAGANOSKY TAYLOR 215-542-2105 David J. Draganosky, Lori K. Shemtob, Andrew D. Taylor


BERNER KLAW & WATSON 215-790-8800 Joni J. Berner, Margaret Klaw, Megan E. Watson EDWARD BLUMSTEIN MEDIATION SERVICES 215-790-9666 Edward Blumstein GAWTHROP GREENWOOD 610-696-8225 Walter P. Eells HIGH SWARTZ 610-275-0700 Mary Cushing Doherty LAW OFFICES OF MICHAEL E. FINGERMAN 215-731-1300 Michael E. Fingerman SHEMTOB DRAGANOSKY TAYLOR 215-542-2105 David J. Draganosky, Lori K. Shemtob, Andrew D. Taylor VETRANO VETRANO & FEINMAN 610-265-4441 Kathleen Bilotta Vetrano


ALEXANDER & PELLI 215-564-6400 Eugene H. Gillin BALA LAW GROUP 610-624-3390 Marianna F. Schenk BALLARD SPAHR 215-665-8500 Lindsey Ermey, Ann T. Loftus, Marilyn C. Sanborne, Heike K. Sullivan, Regina O'Brien Thomas** BLANK ROME 215-569-5500 Lawrence S. Chane BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY 215-665-8700 Richard L. Fox BUCKLEY, BRION, MCGUIRE & MORRIS 610-436-4400 Anthony Morris CARROLL & KARAGELIAN 610-892-9800 Stephen Carroll** CONRAD O'BRIEN 215-864-9600 John A. Guernsey* COZEN O'CONNOR 215-665-2000 Leonard J. Cooper, Amanda DiChello, Robert I. Friedman, Edward M. Glickman, Matthew H. Kamens, Lester E. Lipschutz, Margaret Gallagher Thompson** COZEN O'CONNOR 610-941-5400 Leonard J. Cooper, Amanda DiChello, Robert I. Friedman, Edward M. Glickman, Matthew H. Kamens, Lester E. Lipschutz, Margaret Gallagher Thompson** DECHERT 215-994-4000 Amy S. Ufberg

DILWORTH PAXSON 215-575-7000 John P. Crampton, John R. Latourette EASTBURN AND GRAY 215-345-7000 D. Rodman Eastburn ECKELL, SPARKS, LEVY, AUERBACH, MONTE, SLOANE, MATTHEWS & AUSLANDER 610-565-3700 Joseph E. Lastowka, Jr. FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & REATH 215-988-2700 Larissa R. Whitman FLAMM WALTON HEIMBACH 267-419-1500 Richard W. Stevens FLASTER GREENBERG 215-576-1730 Jonathan H. Ellis FOX ROTHSCHILD 215-299-2000 Gerald M. Hatfield GADSDEN SCHNEIDER & WOODWARD 484-683-2600 Tracy B. DeVlieger, Christopher H. Gadsden, Pam H. Schneider, W. Steven Woodward GAWTHROP GREENWOOD 610-696-8225 Kevin Holleran GILBOY & GILBOY 267-861-0531 Kevin P. Gilboy HECKSCHER TEILLON TERRILL & SAGER 610-940-2600 Kim D. Fetrow, Jill R. Fowler, Marjorie E. Gallagher, Adam T. Gusdorff**, Martin A. Heckscher, Thomas O. Hiscott, Margaret E. W. Sager**, Bradley D. Terebelo, John A. Terrill II KLEINBARD 215-568-2000 William C. Hussey II LAMB MCERLANE 610-430-8000 Stacey Willits McConnell LAW OFFICE OF TERRANCE A. KLINE 610-566-3330 Terrance A. Kline LAW OFFICES OF DEBRA G. SPEYER 215-238-1980 Debra G. Speyer MACELREE HARVEY 610-436-0100 Robert A. Burke*, John F. McKenna*, Louis N. Teti MANNION PRIOR 610-265-7800 Obadiah G. English*, Jennifer DiVeterano Gayle*, James F. Mannion*, Karl Prior* MONTGOMERY MCCRACKEN WALKER & RHOADS 215-772-1500 Leonard A. Busby, M. Howard Vigderman** MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS 215-963-5000 Daniel R. Cooper, Christina Mesires Fournaris, Francis J. Mirabello** OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 215-665-3000 Paul C. Heintz, Nina B. Stryker** ROSS & MCCREA 215-247-3550 Daniel R. Ross RUBIN, GLICKMAN, STEINBERG & GIFFORD 215-822-7575 Jay C. Glickman SAILE & SAILE 215-860-5800 Michael J. Saile SCHNADER HARRISON SEGAL & LEWIS 215-751-2000 Roberta A. Barsotti*, Bruce A. Rosenfield, Roy S. Ross, Ralph G. Wellington* SMITH KANE HOLMAN 610-407-7215 Timothy J. Holman* SMITH, AKER, GROSSMAN & HOLLINGER 610-275-8200 James L. Hollinger, Frances A. Thomson STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG 215-564-8000 Edwin R. Boynton**, John C. Hook, Russell J. Ressler**, David J. Winkowski STRADLEY RONON STEVENS & YOUNG 610-640-5800 Edwin R. Boynton**, John C. Hook, Russell J. Ressler**, David J. Winkowski


TEETERS HARVEY MARRONE & KAIER 215-567-2030 Edmund L. Harvey, Jr., Edward J. Kaier, Ralph N. Teeters TIMONEY KNOX 215-646-6000 Thomas A. Boulden*, George M. Riter TROUTMAN PEPPER 215-981-4000 Justin H. Brown, Vincent V. Carissimi* UNRUH, TURNER, BURKE & FREES 610-933-8069 David M. Frees III


BUNDE & ROBERTS 412-391-4330 Robb D. Bunde, Reid B. Roberts BURNS WHITE 412-995-3000 Dorothy C. O'Neil CORDELL & CORDELL 412-434-5555 Jamie L. Spero FRANK, GALE, BAILS, MURCKO & POCRASS 412-944-2739 Frederick N. Frank, Christine Gale

GENTILE, HOROHO & AVALLI 412-261-9900 Charles J. Avalli, Kerri Lee Cappella, Harry J. Gruener, Kenneth J. Horoho, Jr., Robert D. Weinberg GOEHRING, RUTTER & BOEHM 412-281-0587 Lea E. Anderson, Jessica L. Crown GOODRICH & GEIST 412-766-1455 William F. Goodrich JONES, GREGG, CREEHAN & GERACE 412-261-6400 C. Kurt Mulzet MACDONALD, ILLIG, JONES & BRITTON 814-870-7600 Kimberly A. Oakes MCCARTHY MCENROE ROSINSKI & JOY 412-471-9900 Margaret P. Joy, Carol S. Mills McCarthy NOTARO & ASSOCIATES 412-281-1944 Bethany L. Notaro OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 412-566-1500 Julie R. Colton POLLOCK BEGG 412-471-9000 Todd M. Begg, Daniel H. Glasser, Candice L. Komar, David S. Pollock, Heather Trostle Smith, Brian C. Vertz, Joseph R. Williams RAPHAEL, RAMSDEN & BEHERS 412-471-8822 Carol A. Behers, Mary Sue Ramsden SILVERMAN, TOKARSKY, FORMAN & HILL 814-792-2412 Randi J. Silverman STEINER & BLECHMAN 412-263-3700 Jay A. Blechman, William L. Steiner STRASSBURGER MCKENNA GUTNICK & GEFSKY 412-281-5423 Gerri L. Sperling THE LYNCH LAW GROUP 724-776-8000 Liberty J. Weyandt WILDER MAHOOD MCKINLEY & OGLESBY 412-261-4040 James E. Mahood


OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 412-566-1500 Julie R. Colton POLLOCK BEGG 412-471-9000 Todd M. Begg, Daniel H. Glasser, David S. Pollock, Brian C. Vertz, Joseph R. Williams ROTHMAN GORDON 412-338-1100 William F. Ward


FRANK, GALE, BAILS, MURCKO & POCRASS 412-944-2739 Ann Lee Begler

OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 412-566-1500 Julie R. Colton POLLOCK BEGG 412-471-9000 Candice L. Komar, David S. Pollock, Brian C. Vertz, Joseph R. Williams ROTHMAN GORDON 412-338-1100 William F. Ward

Gulf Tower Suite 3300 707 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 (412) 471-3000


BRENLOVE & FULLER 412-221-0640 Aubrey H. Glover BUCHANAN INGERSOLL & ROONEY 412-562-8800 E. David Margolis, Joseph F. McDonough* CLARK HILL 412-394-7711 Sara A. Mercer, Keith H. West DENTONS COHEN & GRIGSBY 412-297-4900 Samuel W. Braver*, Christopher F. Farrell**, Samuel J. Goncz, C. Eric Pfeil, Richard D. Rosen, Mario Santilli, Jr.**, Jonathan M. Schmerling, Jeffrey P. Ward* ECKERT SEAMANS CHERIN & MELLOTT 412-566-6000 John R. McGinley, Jr.*, John F. Meck**, Nancy L. Rackoff, Raymond C. Vogliano** FOX ROTHSCHILD 412-391-1334 Linda Rhone Enion, Susan Foreman Jordan GALANTER TOMOSOVICH 412-802-2690 R. Douglas DeNardo, K. Sidney Neuman GENTILE, HOROHO & AVALLI 412-261-9900 Charles J. Avalli** GOEHRING, RUTTER & BOEHM 412-281-0587 Lea E. Anderson* HOUSTON HARBAUGH 412-281-5060 Heidi Rai Stewart JONES DAY 412-391-3939 Francis A Muracca II K&L GATES 412-355-6500 Andrew L. Gespass**, Charles F. Pegher, Paul W. Schwendeman KNOX MCLAUGHLIN GORNALL & SENNETT 814-459-2800 Thomas Hoffman II, Jerome C. Wegley LOVETT BOOKMAN HARMON MARKS 412-392-2220 Mark Bookman, John Campbell Harmon, Robert G. Lovett, Jan A. Marks, Stephen P. Paschall, Lance A. Whiteman MACDONALD, ILLIG, JONES & BRITTON 814-870-7600 Shaun B. Adrian METZ LEWIS BRODMAN MUST O'KEEFE 412-918-1100 Steven H. Seel MEYER, UNKOVIC & SCOTT 412-456-2800 Martin J. Hagan PIETRAGALLO GORDON ALFANO BOSICK & RASPANTI 412-263-2000 Peter St. Tienne Wolff* ROTHMAN GORDON 412-338-1100 James W. Ummer SAUL EWING ARNSTEIN & LEHR 412-209-2500 David R. Berk STRASSBURGER MCKENNA GUTNICK & GEFSKY 412-281-5423 Laura Beth Gutnick TUCKER ARENSBERG 412-566-1212 Nora Gieg Chatha, Gary P. Hunt*, William Campbell Ries, Charles J. Vater WILLIAMS, COULSON, JOHNSON, LLOYD, PARKER & TEDESCO 412-454-0200 Daniel P. Johnson, Raymond P. Parker, Edward P. Wojnaroski, Jr.**

Frank, Gale, Bails, Murcko & Pocrass, PC congratulates its shareholders Frederick N. Frank & Christine Gale for again being named to The Best Lawyers in America ® in Family Law for 2021

Providing Exceptional Legal Representation Since 1990

HOWLAND EVANGELISTA KOHLENBERG 401-283-1234 Renée A. R. Evangelista, Kinnaird Howland**, A. Max Kohlenberg LAW OFFICE OF KAREN FAMILY LAW PELCZARSKI 401-323-8920 Karen A. Pelczarski* MCINTYRE TATE 401-351-7700 Jerry L. McIntyre, Deborah Miller Tate LAW OFFICE OF SJOBERG & VOTTA 401-737-9696 PETRARCA AND MCGAIR 401-821-1330 Mark A. Sjoberg Joseph J. McGair PAUL M SANFORD TJC ESQ 401-400-4254 Paul M. Sanford* Timothy J. Conlon THE BERREN LAW FIRM 401-437-4450 FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION A. Larry Berren


LAW OFFICE OF STEPHEN G. LINDER 401-521-6800 Stephen G. Linder


ADLER POLLOCK & SHEEHAN 401-274-7200 Joseph R. Marion III, David T. Riedel** BARDORF & BARDORF 401-845-8900 Brian G. Bardorf CAMERON & MITTLEMAN 401-331-5700 Nancy Fisher Chudacoff, Karen G. DelPonte CHACE RUTTENBERG & FREEDMAN 401-453-6400 Nathan W. Chace DUFFY & SWEENEY 401-455-0700 Stacey P. Nakasian* HINCKLEY ALLEN 401-274-2000 Leon C. Boghossian III, Doris J. Licht, Craig M. Scott*, Paul A. Silver


JOHNSON, JOHNSON, WHITTLE & LANCER, ATTORNEYS 803-649-5338 Paige Weeks Johnson


ANDREWS MEDIATION & LAW FIRM 843-881-8886 Mark O. Andrews HEARN & HEARN 843-248-3172 George M. Hearn, Jr. RAMSDALE FAMILY LAW FIRM 843-849-8744 Marie-Louise Ramsdale


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SOUTH CAROLINA · SOUTH DAKOTA · TENNESSEE ROSEN HAGOOD 843-577-6726 Alex Cash ROSEN LAW FIRM 843-377-1700 David Haselden, Robert N. Rosen


ADAMS AND REESE 803-254-4190 John F. Beach* CALLISON TIGHE & ROBINSON 803-404-6900 William Bert Brannon**, W. Alex Weatherly, Jr. FAMILY LAW MEDIATION HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 803-779-3080 Frank W. Cureton, J. Donald Dial, Jr., John M. ANDREWS MEDIATION & LAW Scott III FIRM 843-881-8886 Mark O. Andrews HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 843-669-6002 Frank W. Cureton, J. Donald Dial, Jr., John M. ROSEN LAW FIRM 843-377-1700 Scott III Robert N. Rosen KIRBY LAW 803-256-6401 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Angela M. Kirby MERLINE & MEACHAM 803-814-0027 BUTLER SNOW 843-277-3700 W. Verne McGough, Jr. Robert E. Sumner IV* MILLENDER ELDER LAW 803-733-3433 DUGAN WYNN LAW FIRM Franchelle C. Millender Shawn M. Flanagan NEWSOME LAW 803-218-9441 EVANS, CARTER, KUNES & William G. Newsome III BENNETT 843-577-2300 Edward G. R. Bennett, T. Heyward Carter, Jr., NEXSEN PRUET 803-771-8900 Andrew W. Chandler**, Robert M. Kunes**, F. J. David Black*, Fred L. Kingsmore, Jr. Patricia Scarborough PAULLING & JAMES 843-393-3881 GRANT & KUYK 843-723-5200 John Jay James II J. Michael Grant, James K. Kuyk ROBINSON GRAY STEPP & HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 843-722-3366 LAFFITTE 803-929-1400 John R. Chase Robert E. Tyson Jr.* HOOD LAW FIRM 843-577-4435 SOJOURNER CAUGHMAN & Mary Agnes Hood Craig* THOMAS 803-978-5500 George S. Bailey**, Rita Bragg Caughman**, LESTER S. SCHWARTZ, ATTORNEY AT Jonathan P. Lee, Jennifer R. MacLeod, David C. LAW 843-571-7919 Sojourner Jr., Karen Hudson Thomas Lester Schwartz SWEENY, WINGATE & BARROW 803-256-2233 MOORE & VAN ALLEN 843-579-7000 Kenneth B. Wingate** Jenny M. Heichelbech, Paul M. Lynch TODD & JOHNSON 803-252-1500 NELSON MULLINS RILEY & W. Steven Johnson SCARBOROUGH 843-853-5200 Jennifer Williams Davis, James F. McCrackin TURNER PADGET GRAHAM & LANEY 803-254-2200 NELSON MULLINS RILEY & Catherine H. Kennedy** SCARBOROUGH 843-448-3500 Jennifer Williams Davis, James F. McCrackin PEARCE ROBERTS BUSINESS GREENVILLE LAW 843-408-0195 Michael G. Roberts FAMILY LAW RICHARD M. SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LAW 843-833-4183 CARTER, SMITH, MERRIAM, ROGERS & Richard M. Smith* TRAXLER 864-242-3566 Thomas W. Traxler ROSEN HAGOOD 843-577-6726 Daniel F. Blanchard III* DEAL & DEAL 864-654-1669 SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 843-996-1997 Pamela E. Deal G.P. Diminich, Felix C. Pelzer HARRISON WHITE 864-585-5100 John B. White, Jr. TURNER PADGET GRAHAM & LANEY 843-213-5500 HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 864-240-3200 R. Wayne Byrd* Reid T. Sherard WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON HOLLAND & USRY 864-582-0416 (US) 843-722-3400 Robert M. Holland Laurel R.S. Blair**, Kenneth F. Smith KENNETH C. PORTER 864-325-3311 YOUNG CLEMENT RIVERS 843-577-4000 Kenneth C. Porter C. Michael Branham LAW OFFICES OF R. SCOTT DOVER 864-878-0662 COLUMBIA-SC R. Scott Dover MITCHELL RAMSEUR 864-469-4569 Joseph M. Ramseur, Jr. FAMILY LAW THE STEVENS LAW FIRM 864-598-9172 CAROL SANDERS 803-799-7666 J. Benjamin Stevens Carol H. Sanders KEN H. LESTER. ATTORNEY AT FAMILY LAW MEDIATION LAW 803-252-4700 CARTER, SMITH, MERRIAM, ROGERS & Ken H. Lester TRAXLER 864-242-3566 KINARD & JONES 866-942-5848 Thomas W. Traxler Ashby Jones TEMPLE & MANN 864-671-2115 MCDOUGALL, SELF, CURRENCE & Bobby H. Mann, Jr. MCLEOD 803-883-5838 WYCHE 864-242-8200 John O. McDougall Amos A. Workman MCLAREN & LEE 803-799-3074 James T. McLaren TRUSTS AND ESTATES NEXSEN PRUET 803-771-8900 BROWN, MASSEY, EVANS, MCLEOD & Victoria L. Eslinger HAYNSWORTH 864-271-7424 PARISE & NOE LAW FIRM 803-252-8722 R. David Massey** Sandra R. Parise BURR & FORMAN 864-271-4940 STROM FAMILY LAW 803-988-9800 W. Jake Rea Susan Strom

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Daniel A. Collins DENNIS, SHAW, DRENNAN & PACK 864-582-0708 James B. Drennan III**, James W. Shaw DOBSON, JONES, BALL, PHILLIPS & BRIDGES 864-271-8171 Michael B. Bridges, Richard A. Jones, Jr.**, Virginia M. Phillips FOX ROTHSCHILD 864-751-7600 William L. Dennis, J. Tod Hyche FREEMAN AND MOORE 864-236-8500 Lesley R. Moore HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 864-240-3200 Arthur F. McLean III* MERLINE & MEACHAM 864-242-4080 Robert E. August, Keith G. Meacham**, David A. Merline, Jr.**, Marie Monroe, Douglas B. O'Neal NELSON MULLINS RILEY & SCARBOROUGH 864-373-2300 Charles S. Verdin IV NEXSEN PRUET 864-370-2211 B. Joel Stoudenmire SCHUMACHER LAW 864-404-2800 J. Kurt Schumacher, Jr. THOMAS, FISHER & EDWARDS 864-232-0041 Matthew B. Edwards, Randy E. Fisher**


BALLARD SPAHR 605-978-5200 Mary A. Akkerman DAVENPORT, EVANS, HURWITZ & SMITH 605-336-2880 P. Daniel Donohue, Sarah Richardson Larson, Terry N. Prendergast, Catherine A. Tanck LEGACY LAW FIRM 605-231-9520 Jayna M. Voss MAY & JOHNSON 605-336-2565 Richard Moe SIMMONS LAW 605-659-1174 Thomas E. Simmons WOODS, FULLER, SHULTZ & SMITH 605-336-3890 Bradley C. Grossenburg


LAWRENCE & LAWRENCE 423-756-5031 Jennifer H. Lawrence RAMER & HEDRICK 423-855-4444 Glenna M. Ramer


BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & ROCK HILL BERKOWITZ 423-756-2010 Virginia C. Love, Philip B. Whitaker TRUSTS AND ESTATES CHAMBLISS, BAHNER & STOPHEL 423-756-3000 MORTON & GETTYS 803-366-3388 Dana B. Perry, Gregory D. Willett Joseph L. Raad GEARHISER, PETERS, ELLIOTT & SIPE LAW FIRM 803-329-2222 CANNON 423-756-5171 W. Henry Sipe III Lee Ann Adams, R. Wayne Peters** HUSCH BLACKWELL 423-266-5500 SAVANNAH Alan L. Cates** MILLER & MARTIN 423-756-6600 Donald E. Morton TRUSTS AND ESTATES PIERCE & HUISMAN 423-648-4303 JOLLEY LAW GROUP 843-681-6500 Martin L. Pierce John M. Jolley SPEARS, MOORE, REBMAN & WILLIAMS 423-756-7000 SOUTH DAKOTA Terry A. Cavett, Mark Allen Ramsey RAPID CITY THE KENDALL LAW FIRM 423-499-9863 Hugh F. Kendall DOLSON LAW FIRM 423-645-3478 FAMILY LAW VAN Randall D. Van Dolson THE LAW OFFICES OF CLAYBORNE, LOOS & SABERS 605-593-4637 Michael K. Sabers KNOXVILLE VIKEN & RIGGINS LAW FIRM 605-721-7231 Linda Lea M. Viken


KENNERLY MONTGOMERY & TRUSTS AND ESTATES FINLEY 865-546-7311 BANGS MCCULLEN LAW FIRM 605-343-1040 Douglas J. Toppenberg John H. Raforth**, Charles L. Riter LEWIS THOMASON 865-546-4646 COSTELLO PORTER HILL HEISTERKAMP Sarah Y. Sheppeard BUSHNELL & CARPENTER 605-343-2410 Edward C. Carpenter* FAMILY LAW MEDIATION DEMERSSEMAN JENSEN TELLINGHUISEN & LEWIS THOMASON 865-546-4646 HUFFMAN 605-342-2814 Sarah Y. Sheppeard Richard E. Huffman, Curtis S. Jensen



EGERTON, MCAFEE, ARMISTEAD & DAVIS 865-546-0500 Newman Bankston, Dan W. Holbrook, FAMILY LAW P. Jonathan D. Reed KADING, KUNSTLE & FRANTZ, MCCONNELL & GOODHOPE 605-336-1730 SEYMOUR 865-546-9321 Scott D. Kading Reggie E. Keaton LYNN, JACKSON, SHULTZ & GENTRY, TIPTON & MCLEMORE 865-525-5300 LEBRUN 605-332-5999 Timothy M. McLemore, Joel D. Roettger R. Alan Peterson HODGES, DOUGHTY & CARSON 865-292-2307 STRANGE, FARRELL, JOHNSON & Donald J. Farinato BREWERS 605-339-4500 Gregory T. Brewers KENNERLY MONTGOMERY & FINLEY 865-546-7311 Marshall H. Peterson


KIZER & BLACK, ATTORNEYS 865-982-7650 David T. Black* KRAMER RAYSON 865-525-5134 Charles M. Finn, Jackson G. Kramer**, Wayne R. Kramer LONDON & AMBURN 865-637-0203 James H. London LONG, RAGSDALE & WATERS 865-584-4040 Lee A. Popkin MCKINNEY & TILLMAN 865-525-8700 Anne M. McKinney WOOLF, MCCLANE, BRIGHT, ALLEN & CARPENTER 865-215-1000 Richard S. Matlock


AMUNDSEN LEGAL CONSULTING 901-292-4004 Amy Amundsen BLACK MCLAREN JONES RYLAND & GRIFFEE 901-762-0535 Stevan L. Black BURCH, PORTER & JOHNSON 901-524-5000 Scott J. Crosby, Joe M. Duncan SHEA MOSKOVITZ & MCGHEE 901-821-0044 Charles W. McGhee, Mitchell D. Moskovitz TAYLOR & BEAN 901-818-8600 Daniel Loyd Taylor


EVANS PETREE 901-525-6781 Caren Beth Nichol HOFFMAN LAW AND MEDIATION OFFICE 901-754-9994 Sheree L. Hoffman MCDONALD KUHN 901-526-0606 Loys A. Jordan III


APPERSON CRUMP 901-756-6300 Thomas R. Buckner**, Bruce M. Kahn, Tara Ryan Kostakis**, Lynn W. Thompson** BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ 901-526-2000 Benjamin C. Adams, Jr., Christopher J. Coats, William H.D. Fones, Jr., R. Mark Glover*, James R. Hall, Jr.** BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ 901-579-3100 Benjamin C. Adams, Jr., Christopher J. Coats, William H.D. Fones, Jr., R. Mark Glover*, James R. Hall, Jr.** BOURLAND HEFLIN ALVAREZ MINOR & MATTHEWS 901-683-3526 David L. Bourland, John J. Heflin III*, Scott B. Peatross BURCH, PORTER & JOHNSON 901-524-5000 Beth Weems Bradley, Joe M. Duncan** BUTLER SNOW 901-680-7200 Joseph B. Walker** EVANS PETREE 901-525-6781 C. Michael Adams, Jr., Frank N. Stockdale Carney, John F. Murrah, W. Lytle Nichol IV, William L. Nichol V, M. Andrew Wohlfarth FARRIS BOBANGO 901-259-7100 Stephen L. Anderson, Robert F. Miller*, Marye Helen Owen, Alexander W. Wellford, Jr.* GLANKLER BROWN 901-525-1322 Kevin C. Cox, Paul R. Lawler, Steven H. McCleskey, George J. Nassar, Jr.** HARKAVY SHAINBERG KAPLAN & DUNSTAN 901-761-1263 Jason D. Salomon HARRIS SHELTON HANOVER WALSH 901-525-1455 G. Rice Byars, Jr., Susan Callison MAGIDS COTTAM 901-682-6431 Charles C. Cottam

EVANS, JONES & REYNOLDS 615-259-4685 Winston S. Evans*, J. Allen Reynolds III GOODMAN CALLAHAN BLACKSTONE 615-712-8669 Joe Goodman GULLETT SANFORD ROBINSON & MARTIN 615-244-4994 Robert J. Hazard, Andra J. Hedrick HOLTON & MAYBERRY 615-823-7633 Richard D. Holton, Brian C. Mayberry HOWARD MOBLEY HAYES & GONTAREK 615-627-4444 Paul Gontarek*, Paul C. Hayes, Bryan Howard NASHVILLE III**, Jeffrey Mobley** MANIER & HEROD 615-244-0030 FAMILY LAW Tommy C. Estes RILEY WARNOCK & JACOBSON 615-320-3700 BATES & BATES LAW OFFICE 931-729-4085 Gregory S. Reynolds*, Steven A. Riley* Douglas T. Bates III SHERRARD ROE VOIGT & CHEATHAM, PALERMO & GARRETT HARBISON 615-742-4200 LAW 615-244-4270 William L. Harbison**, Carla L. Lovell, Carolyn Rose T. Palermo W. Schott** HARTZOG & SILVA 615-790-1500 SUSAN S. WEISS 615-377-1209 Edward P. Silva Susan Weiss HAYES THOMAS 615-256-2602 WALLER LANSDEN DORTCH & Larry G. Hayes, Jr. DAVIS 615-244-6380 JACKSON, KWELLER, & HAYES 615-256-2602 Richard Johnson, G. Michael Yopp Robert L. Jackson WYATT, TARRANT & COMBS 615-244-0020 JAMES H. DRESCHER, ATTORNEY AT Edwin S. Pyle LAW 615-620-1660 James H. Drescher TRI-CITIES-TN LAW OFFICE OF GRANT C. GLASSFORD 615-376-9800 Grant C. Glassford TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW OFFICES OF CYNTHIA JONES, KING, DOWNS & PEEL 423-764-5535 CHAPPELL 615-620-3272 Nell King Bieger, Erin Downs** Cynthia Chappell WILSON WORLEY MOORE GAMBLE & MTR FAMILY LAW 615-341-0070 STOUT 423-723-0400 Marlene Eskind Moses Joel A. Conkin ROBERT TODD JACKSON 615-376-9800 Robert Todd Jackson TEXAS STITES & HARBISON 615-782-2200 Rebecca McKelvey Castañeda, Gregory D. AUSTIN Smith STORY, ABERNATHY & FAMILY LAW CAMPBELL 615-790-1778 BURNETTTURNER 512-472-5060 Joanie Abernathy, Virginia Lee Story Michael L.R. Burnett, Travis L. Turner THOMPSON BURTON 615-465-6000 COBLE FAMILY LAW & John J. Hollins, Jr., Cathy Speers Johnson MEDIATION 512-477-4700 TRAUGER & TUKE 615-256-8585 Kathleen Coble Robert D. Tuke COLDWELL BOWES 512-472-2040 WALLER LANSDEN DORTCH & Charles F. Bowes, Bradley M. Coldwell, D. DAVIS 615-244-6380 Micah Royer III Lew Conner FARRIS & GREEN 512-940-0803 Janice L. Green FAMILY LAW MEDIATION FRIDAY MILNER LAMBERT WALLER LANSDEN DORTCH & TURNER 512-420-0555 DAVIS 615-244-6380 Jonathan P. Friday, Amy Lambert, J. Scott Lew Conner Milner, Joe D. Milner, Jami Milner Turner MARTIN, TATE, MORROW & MARSTON 901-522-9000 W. Price Morrison, Jr., Jeffrey E. Thompson RAINEY, KIZER, REVIERE & BELL 731-423-2414 William C. Bell, Jr. TUAL GRAVES DORKOWSKI 901-474-1222 Blanchard E. Tual** WILLIAMS MCDANIEL 901-766-0887 A. Stephen McDaniel** WISEMAN BRAY 901-372-5003 Lindsay A. Jones**


TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kristen A. Algert, Thomas L. Ausley, Kelly

BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & BERKOWITZ 615-726-5600 Steven K. Wood BASS, BERRY & SIMS 615-742-6200 James C. Gooch, Blaine H. Smith**, Michael D. Sontag** BRADLEY ARANT BOULT CUMMINGS 615-244-2582 Joseph W. Gibbs CARTER SHELTON JONES 615-800-7150 Stephanie J. Edwards, Brian S. Shelton** CBC LAW GROUP 800-396-1073 David J. Callahan* D. JEFFERSON HERRING 615-259-9594 D. Jefferson Herring DODSON PARKER BEHM & CAPPARELLA 615-254-2291 Harlan Dodson**, Paul Parker ELDER LAW OF NASHVILLE 615-852-5602 Barbara J. Moss*

Ausley-Flores, P. Lindley Bain, Kelly Caperton Fischer, Robert C. Frazer, Eric A. Robertson GRAY & BECKER 512-482-0061 Patricia J. Dixon, Ryan Dougay, Richard E. Gray III, Nathan L. Kennedy LAW OFFICE OF NIKKI HUDMAN 512-827-8529 Nikki Hudman LAW OFFICES OF JENNIFER TULL 512-472-1919 Jennifer Tull LAW OFFICES OF MARY E. JONES 512-474-4400 Mary E. Jones LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT B. LUTHER 512-477-2323 Robert B. Luther LAW OFFICES OF WILLIAM D. POWERS 512-610-6199 Jamie Kerr

MINTON, BASSETT, FLORES & CARSEY 512-476-4873 David F. Minton NOELKE MAPLES ST. LEGER BRYANT 512-480-9777 Judith Bryant, Sam D. Colletti, Leigh de la Reza, Keith D. Maples, Lea C. Noelke, Andrea (Andi) St. Leger RIVERS MCNAMARA 512-439-7000 Mary Evelyn McNamara, Richel Rivers SHERIDAN FAMILY LAW 512-482-8193 JoAl Cannon Sheridan STINSON MOYLE 512-948-3688 Rachel Moyle THE ILANA R. TANNER LAW FIRM 512-814-7013 Ilana Tanner THE LAW OFFICE OF JANET MCCULLAR 512-355-1123 Janet McCullar THOMPSON SALINAS LONDERGAN 512-201-4083 Lisa A. Londergan, Carlos G. Salinas, Marshall A. Thompson VAUGHT LAW FIRM 512-342-9980 James A. Vaught WALTERS GILBREATH 512-598-1740 James W. Piper


COBLE FAMILY LAW & MEDIATION 512-477-4700 Kathleen Coble FRIDAY MILNER LAMBERT TURNER 512-420-0555 Jonathan P. Friday, Joe D. Milner


COBLE FAMILY LAW & MEDIATION 512-477-4700 Kathleen Coble COLDWELL BOWES 512-472-2040 Charles F. Bowes, D. Micah Royer III FARRIS & GREEN 512-940-0803 Janice L. Green FRIDAY MILNER LAMBERT TURNER 512-420-0555 Jonathan P. Friday, Amy Lambert, Joe D. Milner GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 512-596-5190 Kristen A. Algert, Thomas L. Ausley, Kelly Ausley-Flores GRAY & BECKER 512-482-0061 Patricia J. Dixon LAW OFFICES OF MARY E. JONES 512-474-4400 Mary E. Jones NOELKE MAPLES ST. LEGER BRYANT 512-480-9777 Sam D. Colletti, Leigh de la Reza, Keith D. Maples THOMPSON SALINAS LONDERGAN 512-201-4083 Lisa A. Londergan


BAIRD, CREWS, SCHILLER & WHITAKER 254-743-7300 Thomas C. Baird BARNES LIPSCOMB STEWART & OTT 512-328-8355 John R. Ott** BARTON LAW OFFICE 512-494-1314 Thomas Orr Barton BECKETT TACKETT & BAGWELL 512-436-9102 Steven J. Tackett BLAZIER, CHRISTENSEN, BROWDER & VIRR 512-476-2622 Thomas F. Virr BRINK BENNETT 512-643-3338 Frances H. Bennett, Rhonda H. Brink, Alvin J. Golden


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DONALD F. CARNES 512-474-7054 Donald F. Carnes DUBOIS BRYANT & CAMPBELL 512-457-8000 Michele A. Mobley ECCLES & MCINTOSH 512-617-1974 Beth Ann Eccles** ELIZABETH MORGAN & ASSOCIATES 512-370-2750 Elizabeth L. Morgan FLAHERTY JONES THOMPSON 512-407-9871 Jason R. Flaherty, Jerry Frank Jones** GIORDANI BAKER GROSSMAN & RIPP 512-767-7100 Leslie C. Giordani, Michael H. Ripp, Jr. GRAVES DOUGHERTY HEARON & MOODY 512-480-5600 Patricia A. Campbell, Kevin Holcomb HOPPER MIKESKA 512-615-6195 J. Craig Hopper, D'Ana H. Mikeska HOWRY, BREEN & HERMAN 512-430-4844 Randy R. Howry* HUGHES VANDERBURG WILLIAMS BOOTH 512-480-0400 H. David Hughes, T. Lee Vanderburg, James A. Williams IKARD LAW 512-472-6696 Frank N. Ikard, Jr.** JACKSON WALKER 512-236-2000 Samuel K. Hildebrand**, Michelle Rosenblatt, Erin N. Tuggle KUPERMAN, ORR & ALBERS 512-473-4100 David I. Kuperman MCGINNIS LOCHRIDGE 512-495-6000 E. Clark Lutz, Douglas J. Paul OSBORNE, HELMAN, KNEBEL & SCOTT 512-542-2000 Duncan E. Osborne**, Mark E. Osborne, Jason S. Scott*, Lois Ann Stanton PHELAN BAY 512-213-2444 Kathleen Ford Bay** SAUNDERS, NORVAL, PARGAMAN & ATKINS 512-472-7111 William D. Pargaman** SCOTT DOUGLASS & MCCONNICO 512-495-6300 Cindy Saiter* THE KARISCH LAW FIRM 512-328-6346 Glenn M. Karisch** THE LAW OFFICE OF DAVID H. GOODMAN 512-457-5009 David H. Goodman WINSTEAD 512-370-2800 Jordan Ware YTTERBERG DEERY KNULL 713-980-7700 Graham Kenney


COOVER & COOVER 361-882-2100 Ann E. Coover LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM A. DUDLEY 361-884-3488 William A. Dudley LISA L. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW 956-412-4900 Lisa L. Taylor


BRANSCOMB LAW 361-886-3800 Omar J. Leal, Scott L. Sherman**, Michael W. Stukenberg DAVIS, HUTCHINSON & WILKERSON 361-882-2272 Martin C. Davis HARTLINE BARGER 361-866-8000 Darrell L. Barger* HUSEMAN & STEWART 361-883-3563 F. Van Huseman* WELDER LESHIN 361-561-8000 Richard L. Leshin


ALBANO LAW 972-987-0963 Christine G. Albano ALBIN OLDNER LAW 214-423-5100 Chris Oldner ALDRICH 817-336-5601 Robert E. Aldrich, Jr. ARMSTRONG DIVORCE AND FAMILY LAW 214-741-9906 Rebecca L. Armstrong, Reagan Riddle, Lindsey Underwood ATKINS O'TOOLE & BRINER 214-346-9550 Polly Rea O'Toole BAILEY & GALYEN 844-402-3900 Gene Leposki BALEKIAN HAYES 214-828-2800 Kris Balekian Hayes BEAL LAW FIRM 817-261-4333 Eric D. Beal BROUSSEAU NAFTIS & MASSINGILL 214-220-1220 Elayna Naftis Erick CALABRESE BUDNER 214-939-3000 Dawn Ryan Budner, Carla M. Calabrese CAMILLE MILNER 940-383-2674 S. Camille Milner BEAUMONT CARLOCK GORMLEY HIGHT (214) 346-0306 Jere H. Hight FAMILY LAW CARRINGTON, COLEMAN, SLOMAN & BLUMENTHAL 214-855-3000 DAVID E. GROVE 409-835-5500 Carmen E. Eiker David E. Grove CLEAVES FAMILY LAW 972-403-0333 THE COFFMAN LAW FIRM 409-833-7700 Rhonda S. Cleaves Sonya Coffman COKER, ROBB & CANNON, FAMILY 940-293-2313 TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAWYERS Jacqueline Cannon, Duane L. Coker CREIGHTON, FOX, JOHNSON & COLLINS LAW GROUP 214-379-0950 MILLS 409-833-0062 Michael J. Collins John Creighton III CONNATSER FAMILY LAW 214-306-8441 MEHAFFYWEBER 409-835-5011 Aubrey M. Connatser, Michael R. DeBruin, Joseph E. Broussard IV Abby Gregory, Douglas A. Harrison, Jana THE YOES LAW FIRM 409-241-8615 Wickham Paul William H. Yoes COWLES & THOMPSON 214-672-2000 WELLS, PEYTON, GREENBERG, & George A. "Tony" Mallers HUNT 409-838-2644 CRUZ LAW GROUP 214-661-1500 S.L. Greenberg, John B. Quigley Monica M. Cruz CUNNINGHAM SWAIM 214-646-1495 Thomas J. O'Brien

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DAWN E. FOWLER 214-871-9100 Dawn E. Fowler DEMENT STERN 214-272-9429 Barrett A. Stern DENNIS A. FULLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW 972-852-8500 Dennis A. Fuller DUFFEE + EITZEN 214-416-9010 Lisa Greenwood Duffee, Melinda Eitzen, Marilea W. Lewis, T. Hunter Lewis DUNNAM & DUNNAM 254-753-6437 Jim Dunnam, Vance Dunnam, Sr., Merrilee L. Harmon EAMES LAW GROUP 940-484-8200 Robert N. Eames EDWIN W. DAVIS 214-856-0027 Edwin W. Davis ESTES THORNE & CARR 214-599-4000 Lindsay Daye Barbee, Abby L. Ewing, Jessica W. Thorne FAMILY LAW FIRM OF DONNA J. SMIEDT 817-539-6609 Donna J. Smiedt FOX ROTHSCHILD 972-991-0889 Laura S. Hayes FULLER MEDIATIONS 214-954-1212 Kevin R. Fuller, Sharla J. Fuller GEARY, PORTER & DONOVAN 972-931-9901 Michael P. Geary, Larry L. Martin GEORGANNA L. SIMPSON 214-905-3739 Georganna L. Simpson GODWIN BOWMAN 214-939-4400 Laci Bowman, Whitney Keltch Green GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-744-3983 Angeline Lindley Bain, Kyle G. Basinger, Angel J. Berbarie, Hayley B. Collins, Jeff V. Domen, Esther R. Donald, Diana S. Friedman, Thomas P. Goranson, Thomas A. Greenwald, Curtis W. Harrison II, Aimee Pingenot Key, Paula Larsen, Beth E. Maultsby, Kathryn J. Murphy, Kathryn Flowers Samler, Jeffrey Shore, Clint J. Westhoff GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-903-4798 Angeline Lindley Bain, Kyle G. Basinger, Angel J. Berbarie, Hayley B. Collins, Jeff V. Domen, Esther R. Donald, Diana S. Friedman, Thomas P. Goranson, Thomas A. Greenwald, Curtis W. Harrison II, Aimee Pingenot Key, Paula Larsen, Beth E. Maultsby, Kathryn J. Murphy, Kathryn Flowers Samler, Jeffrey Shore, Clint J. Westhoff GRAY REED & MCGRAW 214-954-4135 Clint C. Brown, Kevin R. Davidson HANCE LAW GROUP 469-374-9600 Larry Hance, Bryce Hopson, Jonathan James HARGRAVE FAMILY LAW 214-420-0100 Jennifer S. Hargrave, Zachary M. Kafoglis JENNY L. WOMACK 214-935-3310 Jenny L. Womack JODY LYNN JOHNSON 972-464-2727 Jody L. Johnson KEVIN J. SCHMID AND ASSOCIATES 817-377-3000 Kevin J. Schmid KINSER & BATES 214-438-1100 Jonathan J. Bates, Katherine A. Kinser KOONSFULLER 940-442-6677 Sean P. Abeyta, Fred Adams Jr., Charla H. Bradshaw, Julie Crawford, Ike Vanden Eykel, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Neda Garrett, Richard Gray, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King, James Logue, Brian S. Loughmiller, Dana Manry, Robert McEwan, Chris Meuse, Liz Porter, Sally L. Pretorius, Rick Robertson, Kevin Segler, Deron L. Sugg

KOONSFULLER 214-871-2727 Sean P. Abeyta, Fred Adams Jr., Charla H. Bradshaw, Julie Crawford, Ike Vanden Eykel, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Neda Garrett, Richard Gray, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King, James Logue, Brian S. Loughmiller, Dana Manry, Robert McEwan, Chris Meuse, Liz Porter, Sally L. Pretorius, Rick Robertson, Kevin Segler, Deron L. Sugg KOONSFULLER 972-769-2727 Sean P. Abeyta, Fred Adams Jr., Charla H. Bradshaw, Julie Crawford, Ike Vanden Eykel, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Neda Garrett, Richard Gray, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King, James Logue, Brian S. Loughmiller, Dana Manry, Robert McEwan, Chris Meuse, Liz Porter, Sally L. Pretorius, Rick Robertson, Kevin Segler, Deron L. Sugg KOONSFULLER 817-481-2710 Sean P. Abeyta, Fred Adams Jr., Charla H. Bradshaw, Julie Crawford, Ike Vanden Eykel, Lindsey Vanden Eykel, Neda Garrett, Richard Gray, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King, James Logue, Brian S. Loughmiller, Dana Manry, Robert McEwan, Chris Meuse, Liz Porter, Sally L. Pretorius, Rick Robertson, Kevin Segler, Deron L. Sugg LAURENCE A. DEPLAZA 972-380-4222 Laurence A. DePlaza LAW OFFICE OF CAROL A. WILSON 214-303-0142 Carol A. Wilson LAW OFFICE OF CRAIG JACKSON 817-873-3525 Craig Jackson LAW OFFICE OF DAVID BOUSCHOR II 940-202-8323 David S. Bouschor II, Jennifer Ramos LAW OFFICE OF GARY L. NICKELSON 817-735-4000 Gary L. Nickelson LAW OFFICE OF MICHAEL P. GRANATA 214-977-9050 Michael Granata LAW OFFICE OF REX R. MCCARLEY 972-884-0448 Rex R. McCarley LAW OFFICE OF SHANNON R. LYNCH 214-720-1331 Shannon R. Lynch LAW OFFICE OF V. WAYNE WARD 817-789-4436 V. Wayne Ward LISA E. MCKNIGHT 866-586-5149 Lisa E. McKnight LOVELESS & LOVELESS 940-387-3776 Curtis M. Loveless, Darcy E. Loveless LUCE LAW 972-632-1300 Joe Luce MCCLURE LAW GROUP 214-692-8200 Robert Epstein NAVARRETTE BOWEN 940-202-2644 Eric A. Navarrette NAYLOR & NAYLOR 817-348-0007 Kimberly M. Naylor, Stephen J. Naylor NEAL ASHMORE FAMILY LAW GROUP 972-436-8000 L. James Ashmore, William F. Neal NUNNELEY FAMILY LAW 817-485-6431 Barbara Nunneley O'NEIL WYSOCKI FAMILY LAW 972-852-8000 Michelle May O'Neil, Jennifer Satagaj ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & ANDERSON 214-273-2400 Jeffrey O. Anderson, Holly Rampy Baird, Paula A. Bennett, R. Scott Downing, Paul Hewett, Ryan Kirkham, Brad M. LaMorgese, James M. Loveless, Lon M. Loveless, Keith M. Nelson, William M. Reppeto III


ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & ANDERSON 972-963-5459 Jeffrey O. Anderson, Holly Rampy Baird, Paula A. Bennett, R. Scott Downing, Paul Hewett, Ryan Kirkham, Brad M. LaMorgese, James M. Loveless, Lon M. Loveless, Keith M. Nelson, William M. Reppeto III ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & ANDERSON 817-831-6800 Jeffrey O. Anderson, Holly Rampy Baird, Paula A. Bennett, R. Scott Downing, Paul Hewett, Ryan Kirkham, Brad M. LaMorgese, James M. Loveless, Lon M. Loveless, Keith M. Nelson, William M. Reppeto III PALMER & MANUEL 214-242-6444 Leota H. Alexander, Charles H. Robertson PRUITT LAW GROUP 469-888-8829 Kathryn L. Pruitt QUAID FARISH 214-373-9100 Christopher M. Farish, Charles J. Quaid, Julie H. Quaid QUILLING, SELANDER, LOWNDS, WINSLETT & MOSER 214-871-2100 Lisa Marquis RAGGIO & RAGGIO 214-880-7500 Kenneth G. Raggio, Thomas L. Raggio RIVON LAW FIRM 214-997-4073 Ebony R. Rivon RULE LAW 214-578-0941 Keeli L. Rule SCHLENKER LAW FIRM 214-923-5071 Laura Schlenker SCHNEIDER LAW FIRM 817-755-1852 P. Micheal Schneider SCHORSCH & ASSOCIATES 214-888-3324 John B. Schorsch, Jr. SCOTT H. PALMER 214-891-3382 David P. Housel Jr. SHACKELFORD, BOWEN, MCKINLEY & NORTON 214-780-1400 Mary Johanna McCurley, Mike McCurley, Joshua H. Northam SILVESTRI FAMILY LAW 469-519-1020 Carie P. Silvestri SMU DEDMAN SCHOOL OF LAW 214-768-2000 Christine Powers Leatherberry SULLIVAN & COOK 214-520-7494 Christopher Harding SUSAN VRANA FAMILY LAW 214-749-1530 Susan Vrana TELLER LAW FIRM 817-612-4298 Donald E. Teller Jr. THE JULIAN FIRM 972-459-4400 Jared W. Julian THE KING LAW FIRM 817-838-3338 J. Steven King THE PRICE LAW FIRM 817-338-4633 Richard Price THE WEBB FAMILY LAW FIRM 972-863-0279 Gregory S. Beane THE WRIGHT FIRM 469-635-6900 Patrick A. Wright, Paul F. Wright THE WRIGHT FIRM 972-353-4600 Patrick A. Wright, Paul F. Wright TURNER MCDOWELL ROWAN 214-780-0646 Ashley W. McDowell, Rebecca Tillery Rowan, Karen B. Turner VERNER BRUMLEY MUELLER PARKER 214-526-5234 Janet P. Brumley, Paul H. Brumley, Danny Carl Garner, J. Kermit Hill, Rob S. McAngus, James N. Mueller, George M. Parker, Jimmy L. Verner, Jr. VERNER BRUMLEY MUELLER PARKER 972-562-2212 Janet P. Brumley, Paul H. Brumley, Danny Carl Garner, J. Kermit Hill, Rob S. McAngus, James N. Mueller, George M. Parker, Jimmy L. Verner, Jr.

VICK CARNEY 817-596-5533 G. Thomas Vick, Jr. WILSON LAKE & SAVAGE 214-329-1976 Christopher Lake, Anita C. Savage, Charles M. Wilson III WILSON, WHITE & DOBY 817-820-3100 W. Weir Wilson

CANTEY HANGER 817-877-2800 Michael G. Appleman**, Harry E. Bartel, T. Allan Howeth, J. David Tracy CARRINGTON, COLEMAN, SLOMAN & BLUMENTHAL 214-855-3000 Robert H. Botts, Jr. CLARK HILL 214-651-4300 R. Bradley Fletcher, John K. Round** FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION CLARK HILL 469-287-3900 R. Bradley Fletcher, John K. Round** KOONSFULLER 940-442-6677 Sean P. Abeyta, Charla H. Bradshaw, Neda DAVIS STEPHENSON 214-396-8800 Garrett, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King Lora G. Davis KOONSFULLER 972-769-2727 DIAMOND MCCARTHY 214-389-5300 Sean P. Abeyta, Charla H. Bradshaw, Neda Mark K. Sales* Garrett, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King DUNN SHEEHAN 214-666-3338 Patrick K. Sheehan* KOONSFULLER 817-481-2710 Sean P. Abeyta, Charla H. Bradshaw, Neda ELLIOTT, THOMASON & Garrett, Jessica H. Janicek, Heather L. King GIBSON 214-922-9393 William D. Elliott ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & ANDERSON 214-273-2400 FOLEY & LARDNER 214-999-3000 Jeffrey O. Anderson Jack W. Hawkins, Keith V. Novick GLAST, PHILLIPS & MURRAY 972-419-8300 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Ronald R. Cresswell** ARMSTRONG DIVORCE AND FAMILY GRAY REED & MCGRAW 214-954-4135 LAW 214-741-9906 Norman A. Lofgren Rebecca L. Armstrong GUTHRIE LAW FIRM 214-550-8187 CONNATSER FAMILY LAW 214-306-8441 Shannon G. Guthrie Aubrey M. Connatser HAYNES AND BOONE 214-651-5000 DUFFEE + EITZEN 214-416-9010 John M. Collins, J. Mitchell Miller Melinda Eitzen, Marilea W. Lewis HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH 214-979-3000 FULLER MEDIATIONS 214-954-1212 Thomas H. Cantrill Kevin R. Fuller JACKSON WALKER 817-334-7200 GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-903-4798 M. Keith Branyon, Mark T. Josephs*, Michael Thomas A. Greenwald, Curtis W. Harrison II, L. Kaufman Paula Larsen, Beth E. Maultsby, Jeffrey Shore JACKSON WALKER 214-953-6000 GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-744-3983 M. Keith Branyon, Mark T. Josephs*, Michael Thomas A. Greenwald, Curtis W. Harrison II, L. Kaufman Paula Larsen, Beth E. Maultsby, Jeffrey Shore JORDAN MONK REBER 972-392-1123 HARRIS SOLUTIONS 972-412-5763 William D. Jordan, Roy J. Monk, Donald A. Frances A. Harris Swanson, Jr. KOONSFULLER 940-442-6677 KELLY HART & HALLMAN 817-332-2500 Charla H. Bradshaw, Heather L. King, Rick Dulaney G. Steer Robertson KONING RUBARTS 214-751-7900 KOONSFULLER 817-481-2710 Paul M. Koning* Charla H. Bradshaw, Heather L. King, Rick LACY MALONE STEPPICK RYDER & Robertson MENEFEE 817-349-8409 KOONSFULLER 972-769-2727 Kleber C. Miller* Charla H. Bradshaw, Heather L. King, Rick LAN SMITH SOSOLIK 972-386-8500 Robertson Donald P. Lan, Jr. LAW OFFICE OF ALEXANDRA M. LAW OFFICE OF BARBARA MCCOMAS GECZI 214-269-4256 ANDERSON 214-367-8090 Alexandra Geczi Barbara McComas Anderson LAW OFFICE OF SHANNON R. LAW OFFICE OF MARK A. LYNCH 214-720-1331 FANKHAUSER 214-746-5025 Shannon R. Lynch Mark A. Fankhauser** ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & LAW OFFICE OF NATHAN K. ANDERSON 214-273-2400 GRIFFIN 972-348-5529 Paula A. Bennett Nathan K. Griffin** ROTHWELL B. POOL 972-524-7585 LAW OFFICE OF R.J. WATTS, II 214-739-2382 Rothwell B. Pool Royce J. Watts II THE WRIGHT FIRM 972-353-4600 LAW OFFICES OF SHAWNA L. Patrick A. Wright BROWN 972-248-2519 TURNER MCDOWELL ROWAN 214-780-0646 Shawna L. Brown Rebecca Tillery Rowan LEU & PEIRCE 972-996-2540 WOODS & MATLOCK 972-972-8820 Lori A. Leu Robert J. Matlock LINDQUIST EISENBERG 469-917-5975 Philip M. Lindquist** TRUSTS AND ESTATES LOCKE LORD 214-740-8000 BARKLEY T. MILLER 972-934-0178 Stuart M. Bumpas, Raymond E. LaDriere II* Barkley T. Miller** LONNY D. MORRISON 940-322-6000 BISIGNANO HARRISON Lonny D. Morrison* NEUHOFF 214-360-9777 LYNN PINKER HURST & Santo Bisignano, Jr., Bob D. Harrison SCHWEGMANN 214-981-3800 BOURLAND, WALL & WENZEL 817-877-1088 Eric W. Pinker* Michael V. Bourland, Lisa H. Jamieson, Jeffrey MALOUF NAKOS JACKSON & N. Myers SWINSON 214-273-0600 BRACKETT & ELLIS 817-338-1700 Robert H. Kroney, Alexander E. Nakos Ron L. Adams

MARJORIE J. STEPHENS LAW OFFICE 214-373-7195 Marjorie J. Stephens MCDONALD SANDERS 817-336-8651 Kevin D. Kuenzli, John W. Wright MEADOWS, COLLIER, REED, COUSINS, CROUCH & UNGERMAN 214-744-3700 Alan K. Davis, Eric D. Marchand MINCEY-CARTER 469-916-1980 I. Scott Carter, James M. Mincey, Jr. NORRIS & WEBER 214-521-1520 John R. Norris III*, Scott D. Weber* SILVERMAN GOODWIN 214-987-1700 Ira W. Silverman STAUBUS & RANDALL 214-691-3411 Julie K. Blankenship THE BLUM FIRM 817-334-0066 David C. Bakutis, Marvin E. Blum, R. Keith Morris III* THE BLUM FIRM 214-751-2130 David C. Bakutis, Marvin E. Blum, R. Keith Morris III* THE GRAHAM LAW FIRM 214-599-7000 Michael L. Graham THE HARTNETT LAW FIRM 214-742-4655 James J. Hartnett, Jr.*, Will F. Hartnett** THOMPSON & KNIGHT 817-347-1700 R. Gordon Appleman, Barbara B. Ferguson, P. Mike McCullough, William R. Mureiko, Eric G. Reis THOMPSON & KNIGHT 214-969-1700 R. Gordon Appleman, Barbara B. Ferguson, P. Mike McCullough, William R. Mureiko, Eric G. Reis WHITAKER CHALK SWINDLE & SCHWARTZ 817-878-0500 Michael D. Kaitcer** WICK PHILLIPS 817-332-7788 Dan McCarthy WINSTEAD 214-745-5400 John F. Bergner WOLFISH & NEWMAN 972-248-7448 Lawrence M. Wolfish


DAVID R. MCCLURE 915-544-8181 David R. McClure


BECK & HALL 915-544-5545 E. Link Beck* GLUTH LAW 915-533-3563 Alan D. Gluth KARIN CARSON 915-351-9886 Karin Armen Carson KEMP SMITH 915-533-4424 Carl E. Ryan, C. Eugene Wolf Jr. LEILA S. HOBSON 915-351-9886 Leila Safi Hobson SCOTTHULSE 915-533-2493 R. Glenn Davis, David P. Hassler STANCY STRIBLING 915-351-9886 Stancy Stribling** THE GOLDFARB LAW FIRM 915-995-5950 Allan M. Goldfarb**


LAW OFFICE OF CYNTHIA BARELA GRAHAM 806-345-3150 Cynthia Barela Graham MOORE, LEWIS & RUSSWURM 806-935-9272 Kyle R. Lewis


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TEXAS UNDERWOOD LAW FIRM 806-376-5613 Christopher K. Wrampelmeier

ALVIN L. ZIMMERMAN & BRIAN W. ZIMMERMAN FAMILY LAW/CIVIL LITIGATION These attorneys listed in Best Lawyers®, father and son, practice in the Houston office of Spencer Fane LLP. Alvin has been listed since 2003 in Family Law, and Brian has been listed since 2013 in Employment Law – Management. Brian, the managing partner of the Spencer Fane Houston office, is board certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in civil litigation. His father, Hon. Alvin Zimmerman is a former Civil and Family District Judge of Harris County (two separate courts), is board certified in family law and practices in that and the ADR section of the firm with his other son Gary Zimmerman. Brian has won many verdicts in courts in and outside of Texas including a $5 million verdict. Hon. Alvin Zimmerman is a fellow in the IAM; CIArb; AAML, a TMCA Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in TX; panelist for AAA Complex Cases; and has mediated over 2000 cases and arbitrated over 375 cases. He is also the past chair of both the Family Law and ADR Sections of the Houston Bar Association and the ADR Section of the State Bar of TX. Alvin’s other son Gary, also with Spencer Fane LLP, concentrates his practice in family law with his father.

Spencer Fane LLP | 3040 Post Oak Blvd., Suite 1300 | Houston, TX 77056 P 713.552.1234 | F 713.963.0859

KOONSFULLER 713-789-5112 Sherri A. Evans LAURA DALE & ASSOCIATES 713-600-1717 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Laura D. Dale AMY STEWART SANDERS 915-539-7202 LAW OFFICE OF DIANE ST. YVES 281-501-1558 Amy Stewart Sanders Diane St. Yves LAW OFFICE OF NORMA LEVINE 713-961-0256 HOUSTON TRUSCH Norma L. Trusch LAW OFFICE OF REGINALD A. FAMILY LAW HIRSCH 713-961-7800 Reginald A. Hirsch BARBARA K. RUNGE 713-523-5363 Barbara K. Runge LAW OFFICE OF ROBERT S. HOFFMAN 713-333-8353 CANNON LAW 281-402-8336 Robert S. Hoffman Lennea M. Cannon LAW OFFICE OF STEVE A. CARTER MORRIS 713-626-3345 BAVOUSETT 713-871-9587 Patricia Nellenbach Carter, Adam J. Morris Steve A. Bavousett CHRIS A. SPOFFORD 713-526-2400 LINDAMOOD & ROBINSON 713-654-2112 Chris A. Spofford Thomas R. Conner, Steven Paul Lindamood FULLENWEIDER WILHITE 713-624-4100 LINDAMOOD LAW FIRM Michael C. Childs, Katie Custer, Donn C. Fullenweider, Susan F. McLerran, Stephen Post, Craig Jason Lindamood Steven H. Schweitzer, Randall B. Wilhite MYRES & ASSOCIATES 713-622-1600 Susan Myres GRAY REED & MCGRAW 713-986-7000 Amy C. Allen, Jack H. Emmott III, Kyle W. NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT 713-651-5151 Sanders Stewart W. Gagnon HINDS LAW 713-449-8008 ROBERT C. KUEHM 713-861-6166 Linda A. Hinds Robert C. Kuehm HOLMES, DIGGS & SADLER 713-802-1777 SCHLANGER SILVER 713-785-1700 Cynthia Thomson Diggs Wendy S. Burgower, Patricia A. Wicoff J. D. BUCKY ALLSHOUSE 713-951-0002 SPENCER FANE 713-552-1234 J. D. Bucky Allshouse Alvin L. Zimmerman J. LINDSEY SHORT, JR. AND THE HASTON LAW FIRM 281-653-7748 ASSOCIATES 713-626-0208 Craig Haston J. Lindsey Short, Jr., Jennifer Palmer Wells THE LAW OFFICE OF WARREN JENKINS & KAMIN 713-600-5500 COLE 713-275-4444 Adam W. Dietrich, Joan Foote Jenkins, Lynn Warren Cole Kamin, Aaron Reimer THE ROYALLS 713-462-6500 JOSEPH INDELICATO, JR. 713-952-1115 Donald R. Royall Joseph Indelicato Jr.

left to right Lynn Kuriger Stanton, Cody Bowman, Kelly H. Norsworthy, Aaron M. Reimer, John Flud, Jelena K. Kovacevic, Claire Rogers, Adam W. Dietrich, Maisie A. Barringer, Susan E. Oehl, Lynn Kamin, Joan F. Jenkins, Chase Weber, Erin R. Christopher, Elva C. Godwin, Lauren Heyde, Michael del Rio

Experience Matters. Compassion Counts. The Jenkins & Kamin team consists of 17 lawyers who are experienced in all areas of family law, including divorce, custody, complex marital property, collaborative law, mediation, parentage, support and post-divorce matters. JOAN FOOTE JENKINS, PARTNER / LISTED IN BEST LAWYERS® FOR FAMILY LAW 2001-2021 AND COLLABORATIVE LAW: FAMILY LAW 2012-2021 / BEST LAWYERS® FAMILY LAW “LAWYER OF THE YEAR” IN HOUSTON 2010 / BEST LAWYERS ® COLLABORATIVE LAW: FAMILY LAW “LAWYER OF THE YAER” IN HOUSTON 2014 LYNN KAMIN, PARTNER / LISTED IN BEST LAWYERS® FOR FAMILY LAW 2005-2021 / BEST LAWYERS® FAMILY LAW “LAWYER OF THE YEAR” IN HOUSTON 2017

HOUSTON Two Greenway Plaza, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77046 PH: (713) 600-5500 | FX: (713) 600-5501 CONROE 215 Simonton Street, Conroe, TX 77301 PH: (936) 703-3127 | FX: (936) 703-5244


CLEAR LAKE 2525 Bay Area Blvd., Suite 190, Houston, TX 77058 PH: (281) 825-3137 | FX: (281) 407-2853



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TEXAS TINDALL ENGLAND 713-622-8733 Angela Pence England, Jeryl A. Golub, Harry L. Tindall TRAVERS & TRAVERS 832-391-8824 Sherrie Haussner Travers TREY YATES LAW 713-932-7277 Sam M. Yates III UPTON FAMILY LAW 832-371-6177 Patrick Upton WADDELL LAW FIRM 713-505-1307 Lauren E. Waddell

JACKSON WALKER 713-752-4200 Scott A. Schepps JAMES E. BRILL 713-626-7272 James E. Brill LAW OFFICES OF W. ALVIN EARLY 713-266-2373 W. Alvin Early LAWTER & LAWTER 713-522-9400 Jack W. Lawter, Jr. LOCKE LORD 713-226-1200 Stephanie E. Donaho, Lauren Doughty, Mark A. Jacob FAMILY LAW ARBITRATION LORETTE BAUARSCHI, ATTORNEY AT LAW 713-460-1955 FULLENWEIDER WILHITE 713-624-4100 Lorette Bauarschi Randall B. Wilhite MACINTYRE MCCULLOCH & GRAY REED & MCGRAW 713-986-7000 STANFIELD 713-572-2900 Amy C. Allen, Kyle W. Sanders Robert S. MacIntyre, Jr.* TINDALL ENGLAND 713-622-8733 MARJORIE S. SCHULTZ & Jeryl A. Golub ASSOCIATES 713-521-3434 Marjorie S. Schultz FAMILY LAW MEDIATION MARRS ELLIS & HODGE 713-609-9503 FULLENWEIDER WILHITE 713-624-4100 Joseph Marrs* Randall B. Wilhite MOORMAN TATE 979-836-5664 GRAY REED & MCGRAW 713-986-7000 R. Hal Moorman** Amy C. Allen, Kyle W. Sanders NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT 713-651-5151 LAW OFFICE OF NORMA LEVINE Celeste C. Lawton, Joseph C. Sleeth, Jr. TRUSCH 713-961-0256 PORTER HEDGES 713-226-6000 Norma L. Trusch John O. Brentin LAW OFFICE OF STEVE A. ROBERT D. COLVIN & BAVOUSETT 713-871-9587 ASSOCIATE 713-666-6045 Steve A. Bavousett Robert D. Colvin THE LAW OFFICE OF WARREN SCHLANGER SILVER 713-785-1700 COLE 713-275-4444 Bridget O'Toole** Warren Cole STEPHENSON FOURNIER 713-629-9494 THE ROYALLS 713-462-6500 Jennifer Elskes Donald R. Royall THE BENTLEY LAW FIRM 281-946-6004 Kelley M. Bentley TRUSTS AND ESTATES WARE, JACKSON, LEE, O'NEILL, SMITH & ANDREASON LAW FIRM 281-265-1561 BARROW 713-659-6400 Kurt M. Andreason J. Don Jackson* BAKER BOTTS 713-229-1234 WINSTEAD 281-681-5900 Paige K. Ben-Yaacov, Stephen T. Dyer, John Jeffrey Chadwick, Cheryl Cain Crabbe, W. Porter* Stephanie Loomis-Price** BERNARD E. JONES 713-621-3330 WINSTEAD 713-650-8400 Bernard E. Jones Jeffrey Chadwick, Cheryl Cain Crabbe, BOYARMILLER 713-850-7766 Stephanie Loomis-Price** Christopher C. Burt*, Jill Willard Young* WRIGHT ABSHIRE, ATTORNEYS 713-660-9595 CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 713-658-1818 Molly Dear Abshire Lawrence M. Bass, Brett Berly, Carole Reed WRIGHT CLOSE & BARGER 713-572-4321 CLARK HILL 713-951-5600 Justin M. Campbell III*, Kenneth J. Fair* Michael J. Cenatiempo** YTTERBERG DEERY KNULL 713-980-7700 CRAIN CATON & JAMES 713-658-2323 G. Edward Deery**, Randall K. Glover, Yolanda Kathleen Tanner Beduze*, C. Vance C. Knull, R. Eric Viehman, Alan V. Ytterberg Christopher*, Chasity W. Cooper, Larry D. George, Sarah Patel Pacheco** SAN ANTONIO DAVIS & WILLMS 281-786-4500 Mickey R. Davis, Melissa J. Willms DINKINS KELLY LENOX LAMB & FAMILY LAW WALKER 713-759-0900 BASHARA & SCHWARTZ 210-227-1496 Linda L. Kelly Sam C. Bashara DITTA LAW 713-961-9977 BRAY, CHAPPELL, PATTERSON & Louis M. Ditta** OLSEN 210-828-2058 Clarence V. Bray FARNER & PERRIN 713-622-0900 Wendy M. Farner, Diane Perrin FORD MURRAY 210-731-6400 William H. Ford FISHER, BOYD, JOHNSON & HUGUENARD 713-400-4000 HIGDON, HARDY, & ZUFLACHT 210-349-9933 Wayne Fisher* Amy A. Geistweidt, Charles E. Hardy FIZER BECK WEBSTER BENTLEY & LANGLEY & BANACK 210-736-6600 SCROGGINS 713-840-7710 Moulton S. Dowler, Jr., Jo Chris Lopez, Kristal Stefnee D. Ashlock, Roger Q Beck, Wesley Cordova Thomson Bowers, Kristi N. Elsom, Jerry M. Scroggins, Jr. LAW OFFICE OF JAMES E. FOLEY & LARDNER 713-276-5500 MONNIG 210-224-5400 Lawrence J. Pirtle James E. Monnig GRAY REED & MCGRAW 713-986-7000 LAW OFFICE OF MARK UNGER 210-323-2341 Brian D. Cororve, T. Aaron Dobbs**, Glen T. Mark Unger Eichelberger, Mary Mason, Joseph W. Royce**, LAW OFFICES OF CHRISTINA Jeffrey D. Watters* MOLITOR 210-472-2200 GUS G. TAMBORELLO 713-659-7777 Christina Molitor Gus Tamborello** ORSINGER, NELSON, DOWNING & HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH 713-220-4200 ANDERSON 210-225-5567 Terri Lacy**, Emily Macey, William T. Miller* Amber Liddell Alwais, R. Porter Corrigan, Richard R. Orsinger


Legal Expertise You Can Rely On DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW

DIVORCE • CHILD CUSTODY • SUPPORT PRE/POST MARITAL AGREEMENTS Contact us today for a free consultation

210.812.4239 •

KEVIN PHILIP KENNEDY 210-824-0771 Kevin Philip Kennedy LANGLEY & BANACK 210-736-6600 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION James J. Aycock, Arthur H. Bayern**, William T. Bayern, Christopher T. Hodge*, Joyce W. BRAY, CHAPPELL, PATTERSON & Moore*, Bruce K. Spindler* OLSEN 210-828-2058 NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT 210-224-5575 Benjamin R. Chappell Nancy Nowlin Kerr, Robert G. Newman* KIM M. MUNSINGER 210-731-8500 SCHOENBAUM, CURPHY & Kim Munsinger SCANLAN 210-224-4491 Darin N. Digby, William Scanlan, Jr., Banks M. TRUSTS AND ESTATES Smith BRANSCOMB LAW 210-598-5400 UHL, FITZSIMONS, JEWETT & Joseph McKnight Davis* BURTON 210-829-1660 Harry W. Wolff, Jr. CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 210-253-8383 James M. McNeel** YALE LAW FIRM 866-461-9210 Glen A. Yale** CLARK HILL 210-250-6000 Taylor S. Boone, Martin I. Roos, David P. Stanush TYLER DAVIDSON TROILO REAM & GARZA 210-349-6484 James C. Woo FAMILY LAW DAVIS, CEDILLO & MENDOZA 210-822-6666 BAIN, FILES, JARRETT & Ricardo G. Cedillo* HARRISON 903-730-6637 Michael E. Jarrett DROUGHT, DROUGHT & BOBBITT 210-225-4031 LAW OFFICES OF BRUCE D. James L. Drought* BAIN 903-730-6671 Bruce D. Bain DUNCAN, BRESSLER & LIU 210-224-0781 Stephen A. Bressler, Edgar M. Duncan DYKEMA GOSSETT 210-554-5500 TRUSTS AND ESTATES David B. West* ALLEN LOTTMANN KIMMEL 903-534-0006 Michael D. Allen, Richard H. Lottmann FORD MURRAY 210-731-6400 S. Mark Murray* CAPSHAW GREEN 903-223-9544 HORNBERGER FULLER & GARZA 210-271-1700 Tina R. Green Rudy A. Garza*, Charles M. Hornberger** JACKSON WALKER 210-978-7700 Mark Comuzzie JEFFERSON CANO 210-988-1808 Lamont A. Jefferson* REUTER LAW GROUP 210-812-4239 Rachel Reuter


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PARSONS BEHLE & LATIMER 801-532-1234 Lawrence R. Barusch RAY QUINNEY & NEBEKER 801-532-1500 Angela E. Atkin, David J. Castleton, D. Jay Curtis, Clark P. Giles, Narrvel E. Hall**, Charles FAMILY LAW H. Livsey, Herbert C. Livsey, Gary L. Longmore, John R. Madsen, Gerald T. Snow BLACKBURN & STOLL 801-521-7900 Dena C. Sarandos, Pete B. Sarandos SLOAN & SLOAN 801-428-8160 David E. Sloan**, Stephen R. Sloan** BRENT D. YOUNG 801-360-1886 Brent D. Young THE MCCULLOUGH GROUP 801-530-7359 Leland S. McCullough, Mark J. Morrise CHRISTENSEN & JENSEN 801-323-5000 Mary C. Corporon CLYDE SNOW & SESSIONS 801-322-2516 VERMONT Dean C. Andreasen, Clark W. Sessions BURLINGTON DART, ADAMSON & DONOVAN 801-521-6383 Sharon A. Donovan, Amy Kennedy, John D. Sheaffer, Jr. FAMILY LAW DOLOWITZ HUNNICUTT 801-535-4340 BERGERON, PARADIS & James M. Hunnicutt FITZPATRICK 802-879-6304 Priscilla B. Dubé FABIAN VANCOTT 801-531-8900 Clark K. Taylor BROADFOOT 802-863-7020 HOWARD, LEWIS & PETERSEN 801-373-6345 Cynthia L. Broadfoot Don R. Petersen LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL 802-864-0217 Christopher L. Davis, Susan M. Murray JONES WALDO HOLBROOK & MCDONOUGH 801-521-3200 MURDOCH HUGHES TWAROG & TARNELLI, Stephen C. Clark ATTORNEYS AT LAW 802-864-9811 James W. Murdoch KIRTON MCCONKIE 801-328-3600 Oscar W. McConkie III FAMILY LAW MEDIATION LAW OFFICE OF FREDERICK N. GREEN 801-996-3893 LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL 802-864-0217 Frederick N. Green Christopher L. Davis, Susan M. Murray MARTIN W. CUSTEN 801-621-3662 Martin W. Custen TRUSTS AND ESTATES MCCONKIE, HALES & GUNN 801-883-9649 CLARKE, DEMAS & BAKER 802-652-1400 Bryant McConkie C. Kirk Clarke MOODY BROWN LAW 801-356-8300 DINSE 802-864-5751 Marilyn Moody Brown Mark A. Langan RAY QUINNEY & NEBEKER 801-532-1500 LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL 802-388-6356 Sally B. McMinimee F. Rendol Barlow, Sarah Gentry Tischler RICHARDS BRANDT MILLER LANGROCK SPERRY & WOOL 802-864-0217 NELSON 801-531-2000 F. Rendol Barlow, Sarah Gentry Tischler Michael Mohrman PRIMMER PIPER EGGLESTON & CRAMER 802-864-0880 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION Jon R. Eggleston CHRISTENSEN & JENSEN 801-323-5000 Mary C. Corporon MONTPELIER CLYDE SNOW & SESSIONS 801-322-2516 Dean C. Andreasen, Clark W. Sessions FAMILY LAW DART, ADAMSON & DONOVAN 801-521-6383 Sharon A. Donovan, John D. Sheaffer, Jr. DAVIS STEADMAN PERCY & SLUKA 802-295-5631 DURHAM JONES & PINEGAR 801-415-3000 Emily S. Davis Thomas J. Burns HOWARD, LEWIS & PETERSEN 801-373-6345 HERSHENSON, CARTER, SCOTT AND MCGEE 802-295-2800 Don R. Petersen P. Scott McGee LAW OFFICE OF FREDERICK N. THE LAW OFFICE OF EUGENE GREEN 801-996-3893 RAKOW 802-775-0242 Frederick N. Green Eugene F. Rakow MARTIN W. CUSTEN 801-621-3662 Martin W. Custen TRUSTS AND ESTATES WILLIAM DOWNES 801-201-4115 DOWNS RACHLIN MARTIN 802-748-8324 William W. Downes, Jr. James G. Wheeler, Jr. AND ALLEN 802-479-2552 TRUSTS AND ESTATES OTTERMAN David A. Otterman** BLACKBURN & STOLL 801-521-7900 Michael D. Blackburn VIRGINIA CHARLES M. BENNETT 801-883-8870 Charles M. Bennett* CHARLOTTESVILLE DIXON LAW OFFICE 801-538-2700 Steven John Dixon FAMILY LAW DURHAM JONES & PINEGAR 801-415-3000 ANNIE LEE JACOBS, ATTORNEY AT Gregory N. Barrick LAW 434-984-0221 FABIAN VANCOTT 801-531-8900 Annie Lee Jacobs Stephen D. Swindle DAVIDSON & KITZMANN 434-972-9600 HALE WOOD 801-930-5101 John Kitzmann Thomas Christensen, Jr., James F. Wood HOOVER PENROD 540-433-2444 KIRTON MCCONKIE 801-328-3600 David A. Penrod Brent A. Andrewsen, Thomas A. Mecham JOSEPH & MISCHE 434-984-1118 PARR BROWN GEE & LOVELESS 801-532-7840 Ann W. Mische Kent H. Collins, Stanley D. Neeleman


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LAW OFFICE OF WILLIAM C. SCOTT IV 434-944-7273 William C. Scott IV MICHIEHAMLETT 434-951-7200 Jason P. Seiden, Ronald R. Tweel RAYNOR & FARMER 434-220-6066 Steven L. Raynor ROYER CARAMANIS 434-260-8767 Ernest A. Harper SUSAN DAVIS WHITE 434-977-0563 Susan Davis White TREMBLAY & SMITH 434-977-4455 John K. Taggart III WHARTON ALDHIZER & WEAVER 540-434-0316 P. Marshall Yoder

WOLCOTT RIVERS GATES 757-497-6633 W. Brantley Basnight III


KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-491-4000 Debra C. Albiston


COMMANDER LAW 757-533-5400 Mary G. Commander KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-491-4000 Debra C. Albiston


BISCHOFF MARTINGAYLE 757-233-9991 Christy L. Murphy* CLARKE, DOLPH, HULL & TRUSTS AND ESTATES BRUNICK 757-466-0464 Cyrus A. Dolph IV BLACK, NOLAND, & READ 540-885-0888 N. Douglas Noland, Jr. COOPER, SPONG & DAVIS 757-397-3481 Gregory Pomije** FLORA PETTIT 540-437-3100 John W. Flora, Richard H. Howard-Smith HOOK LAW CENTER 757-399-7506 Andrew H. Hook FLORA PETTIT 434-979-1400 John W. Flora, Richard H. Howard-Smith KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-873-6300 Philip L. Hatchett, David Kamer, Edward Stolle, FRANK A. THOMAS, III 540-672-2711 Frank A. Thomas III Lewis W. Webb III JULIE A. KING 434-825-4172 KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-624-3000 Julie A. King** Philip L. Hatchett, David Kamer, Edward Stolle, Lewis W. Webb III LITTEN & SIPE 540-434-5353 Stephen T. Heitz KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-491-4000 Philip L. Hatchett, David Kamer, Edward Stolle, MCCALLUM & KUDRAVETZ 434-293-8191 Lewis W. Webb III Kathy Donovan Abell, Jane Champion Clarke, David W. Kudravetz MAHONEY & RICHMOND 757-447-3800 L. Ashley Brooks MCGUIREWOODS 434-977-2500 Charles D. Fox IV** MIDGETT PRETI OLANSEN 757-687-8888 John T. Midgett**, Nathan R. Olansen**, Todd MICHIEHAMLETT 434-951-7200 J. Preti, Stephanie C. Smith, Alison R. Zizzo** James P. Cox III** OAST & TAYLOR 757-452-6200 SMITH BAIN MANUEL & M. Bradley Brickhouse, William H. Oast III**, HORVATH 434-293-1200 Sandra L. Smith Kristen E. Smith Bain PARKS ZEIGLER 757-453-7744 VIRGINIA WILLS, TRUSTS & Caryn R. West ESTATES 434-817-4001 Thomas G. Nolan, Wendall L. Winn, Jr. PENDER & COWARD 757-490-3000 Jo Ann Blair-Davis, H. Alexander Johnson, WHARTON ALDHIZER & Burke W. Margulies, E. Diane Thompson WEAVER 540-434-0316 Donald E. Showalter PENDER & COWARD 757-502-7345 Jo Ann Blair-Davis, H. Alexander Johnson, Burke W. Margulies, E. Diane Thompson NORFOLK RACK LAW 757-605-5000 Kevin B. Rack** FAMILY LAW WILKS, ALPER, HARWOOD & MCINTYRE 757-623-6500 CHRISTIE, KANTOR, GRIFFIN & Susan C. Alper**, Steven J. Harwood SMITH 757-499-9222 J. Roger Griffin, Jr., Mark S. Smith WILLCOX & SAVAGE 757-628-5500 Allan G. Donn, Peter M. Huber, Neil L. Rose COMMANDER LAW 757-533-5400 Mary G. Commander WILLCOX & SAVAGE 757-628-5600 Allan G. Donn, Peter M. Huber, Neil L. Rose GARRIOTT MAURER 757-530-9595 Richard E. Garriott, Jr. WILLIAMS MULLEN 757-499-8800 George H. Bowles*, Thomas R. Frantz, Christine GREEN HAMPTON & KELLY 757-548-2323 Nguyen Piersall A. Bartlett Keil HOFHEIMER FAMILY LAW FIRM 757-785-9761 WILLIAMS MULLEN 757-622-3366 George H. Bowles*, Thomas R. Frantz, Christine Sheera R. Herrell Nguyen Piersall KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-491-4000 WOLCOTT RIVERS GATES 757-497-6633 Debra C. Albiston, Dale Truitt Berrett M. Powell Peters, C. Arthur Robinson II MAHONEY & RICHMOND 757-447-3800 Reeves W. Mahoney, Andrew T. Richmond, Nicole Thurston RICHMOND PARKS ZEIGLER 757-453-7744 Allison W. Anders, Kellam T. Parks, Larachelle FAMILY LAW Wood, Brandon H. Zeigler BARNES & DIEHL 804-796-1000 PARKS ZEIGLER 757-312-0211 Edward D. Barnes, Ann Brakke Campfield, Allison W. Anders, Kellam T. Parks, Larachelle Lawrence D. Diehl, Ronald S. Evans, Brian H. Wood, Brandon H. Zeigler Jones, John Karanian, Harris W. Leiner, Craig PENDER & COWARD 757-490-3000 Sampson, Melissa S. VanZile Anne C. Lahren, Patrick L. Maurer BOWEN TEN 804-767-6850 PHILLIPS & PETERS 757-320-4133 Nupur S. Bal, Scott Cardani Corrynn Peters, Kimberly Phillips CLIFFORD & DUKE 804-379-2119 THE LAW OFFICE OF SHANTELL S. Scott I. Bemberis NASHATKA 757-427-4343 Shantell S. Nashatka


FREED & SHEPHERD 804-330-5528 Robert L. Freed HIRSCHLER FLEISCHER 804-771-9500 Andrew K. Clark*, John R. Walk* HUNTON ANDREWS KURTH 804-788-8200 Thomas McNally Millhiser, William L. S. Rowe KAPLAN VOEKLER CUNNINGHAM & FRANK 804-823-4000 Stephen E. Baril* KIMBERLY A. PINCHBECK 804-320-2439 Kimberly A. Pinchbeck MAUCK & BROOKE 804-512-3522 Andrea S. Gould*, Andrew G. Mauck* MCGUIREWOODS 804-775-1000 J. William Gray Jr., Kristen Frances Hager, Michele A. W. McKinnon, John B. O'Grady** O'HAGAN MEYER 804-662-5777 Alan D. Albert*, Charles M. Sims* SANDS ANDERSON 804-648-1636 Bruce L. Mertens SUSAN K. STONEMAN 804-643-7062 Susan Katherine Stoneman THOMPSONMCMULLAN 804-649-7545 Hugh T. Antrim* FAMILY LAW MEDIATION TIMOTHY H. GUARE 804-288-8480 OWEN & OWENS 804-594-1911 Timothy H. Guare Mary Burkey Owens TURNER LUMPKINS & BLACKWELL 804-893-4068 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Mark S. Shepard, John H. Turner III ARMSTRONG, BRISTOW, FARLEY & VICTORIA J. ROBERSON 804-893-3000 SCHWARZSCHILD 804-282-6170 Victoria J. Roberson Maureen C. Ackerly, Michael Armstrong, VIRGINIA ESTATE & TRUST John D. Bristow, Matthew M. Farley**, J. LAW 804-565-2300 Garrett Horsley, Molly D. McEvoy, Jane L. Sarah E. Brownlow, Helen Lewis Kemp, Schwarzschild Katherine E. Ramsey, Nancy Newton Rogers, CHRISTIAN & BARTON 804-697-4100 Derek L. Smith, Heather Szajda, David W. C. Daniel Stevens Whitehead

COMMONWEALTH LAW GROUP 804-894-9027 Mark D. Dix EVOLUTION DIVORCE & FAMILY LAW 804-793-8200 Christopher H. Macturk HIRSCHLER FLEISCHER 804-771-9500 Mahlon G. Funk, Jr. LAW OFFICES OF DEANNA D. COOK 804-273-6415 Deanna D. Cook LOCKE & QUINN 804-285-6253 Shannon S. Otto, Colleen M. Quinn OWEN & OWENS 804-594-1911 Julie M. Cillo, Mary Burkey Owens POOLE AND POOLE 804-358-6669 Rodney M. Poole STILES EWING POWERS 804-545-9800 Mollie C. Barton, Michael S. Ewing, Robert E. Henley III, Mark B. Michelsen, Player B. Michelsen, Charles E. Powers, Andrea R. Stiles THOMPSONMCMULLAN 804-649-7545 Sherry A. Fox, Christopher M. Malone

WHITEFORD TAYLOR PRESTON 804-977-3300 D. Shane Smith* WILLIAMS MULLEN 804-420-6000 David D. Addison, Farhad Aghdami, Daniel J. Durst, W. Benjamin Pace*, Julious P. Smith, Jr., Fielding L. Williams, Jr.

OSTERHOUDT, PRILLAMAN, NATT, HELSCHER, YOST, MAXWELL & FERGUSON 540-989-0000 Rhona Levine SPILMAN THOMAS & BATTLE 540-512-1800 Carter R. Brothers WHITLOW & YOUELL 540-904-7830 ROANOKE Michael S. Whitlow* WILLS ON WHEELS 540-774-0044 Robert S. Bersch FAMILY LAW WOODS ROGERS 434-846-9000 ANNE EDENFIELD ATTORNEY AT Bernard C. Baldwin III*, Neil V. Birkhoff, LAW 540-342-1527 Talfourd H. Kemper, Sr., J. Lee E. Osborne, V. Anne Edenfield Alexander I. Saunders CLEMENT WHEATLEY 434-793-8200 WOODS ROGERS 540-983-7600 Sandra T. Chinn-Gilstrap Bernard C. Baldwin III*, Neil V. Birkhoff, JOHNSON, ROSEN & O'KEEFFE 540-904-1619 Talfourd H. Kemper, Sr., J. Lee E. Osborne, Alexander I. Saunders Brooke C. Rosen SPILMAN THOMAS & BATTLE 540-512-1800 Lori D. Thompson WEAVER LAW FIRM 540-767-7611 David G. Weaver


FAMILY LAW KINNEY & KORMAN 703-525-4000 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION BEAN, Lynn E. Hawkins, James W. Korman, Christian

CHERYL WATSON SMITH 540-265-9022 Cheryl Watson Smith PHILLIPS MORRISON & FERRELL 434-384-0946 Frank West Morrison

M. Lapham, Jennifer L. McCammon BITTEL & ANTHONY 703-591-1320 Beth A. Bittel BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH 703-691-1235 David Rust Clarke, Richard J. Colten, Thomas M. Cusick TRUSTS AND ESTATES COOPER GINSBERG GRAY 703-934-1480 DENEKA LAW FIRM 540-725-5800 Heather A. Cooper, David L. Ginsberg, Daniel H. Michael Deneka L. Gray FERRIS & EAKIN 540-685-1533 COTTRELL FLETCHER & Lenden A. Eakin COTTRELL 703-836-2770 James Ray Cottrell, John K. Cottrell, David H. GENTRY LOCKE ATTORNEYS 540-983-9300 Fletcher Bruce C. Stockburger


AVID MASTERMAN AND CAROLÉ KROGMANN pursue their clients’ objectives in a variety of ways. They obtain desired results through court decisions, mediated settlements, and other types of negotiations. Their clientele includes a broad range, from couples facing struggles early in their marriage to those who have been married for decades. They regularly handle custody disputes, which are among the most difficult issues for clients to resolve.

David Masterman

Carolé C. Krogmann

Masterman is the 2020 recipient of the Betty A. Thompson Lifetime Achievement Award for his work in family law. He is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law and has been practicing family law for over 35 years. He has been AV Preeminent rated by Martindale-Hubbell. A fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, he has held several bar leadership positions in the field of family law, and he now serves on the Board of Governors of the Diversity Conference of the Virginia State Bar. Krogmann has been practicing family law for over two decades. Also holding an AV Preeminent rating from Martindale-Hubbell, she serves as Vice Chair of the Virginia Trial Lawyers Association’s Family Law Section and is a member of the Board of Governors for the Family Law Section of the Virginia State Bar.

Ciara A. Miller

Melissa Dragone

Masterman and Krogmann, who have both been selected for inclusion in the 2021 edition of The Best Lawyers in America© in the area of Family Law, are joined in practice by Ciara A. Miller, Melissa A. Dragone, and Young E. Ko 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 310 McLean, Virginia 22102 phone



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Three Flint Hill, 3201 Jermantown Road, Suite 200 Fairfax, VA 22030

The attorneys at Hicks Crandall Juhl, PC understand that during the client’s time of crisis, it is their role to keep a balanced view of the situation and offer guidance. The firm handles a multitude of family law matters, from premarital agreements to complex divorce cases with business valuations, deferred compensation issues, and volatile custody disputes. While each case is unique, the firm operates under the premise that achieving resolution without litigation is almost always optimal for the client. However, when negotiations fail, the attorneys are prepared to litigate at trial and on appeal, vigorously advocating for our client. Our attorneys are seasoned litigators with experience arguing before courts throughout Virginia. We provide our clients with the support and knowledge to navigate the tough decisions they face during the divorce process. We have routinely been recognized in Washingtonian Magazine, Super Lawyers and Virginia Business Legal Elite. Susan Hicks was named 2017 “Lawyer of the Year” for Family Law in Washington, DC by The Best Lawyers in America© , and she is a Fellow in the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.

phone 703.691.4848

THE LAWYERS AT ROOP XANTTOPOULOS BABOUNAKIS understand that three of the perils of divorce are harm to the children, the parties, and the parties’ net worth. We attempt to resolve the matter efficiently and concern ourselves with the cost of litigation, so as to protect from harm the children, the parties’ relationship, and the parties’ net worth. Many of our peers do not. Whether it is via litigation, mediation, or collaborative law, we are on your side. We are proudly ranked Tier 1 in Washington, D.C. for Family Law in the 2021 Edition of U.S. News - Best Lawyers® “Best Law Firms.”


Divorce, child custody, visitation, litigation, mediation, collaborative divorce, child and spousal support; cases involving business valuation, complex assets and estates.


Preeminent rating of the Martindale-Hubbell Bar Register, two lawyers listed for 2021 in The Best Lawyers in America© in Family Law, Northern Virginia, Ten Leaders, Super Lawyers & Washingtonian.

703.442.0040 • • 1604 Spring Hill Road, #460 • Tysons, VA 22182

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CULIN SHARP AUTRY & DAY 703-934-2940 Julie Hottle Day CURRAN MOHER WEIS 571-328-5020 Gerald R. Curran, Steven Goldman, Grant T. Moher, Jason A. Weis DUFF & KRONFELD 703-352-1300 Adam Kronfeld FAMILY LAW & MEDIATION CENTER 703-691-3066 Leslie Weber Hoffman, Amy L. Mirabile FAYEZ GORIUP MCRAE 571-364-7030 Mehagen D. McRae GRAHAM LAW FIRM 703-443-9360 Cheryl K. Graham GRENADIER, DUFFETT, LEVI, WINKLER & RUBIN 703-683-9000 Benton S. Duffett III, Ilona Ely Grenadier, Lisa L. Levi HALE BALL CARLSON BAUMGARTNER MURPHY 703-386-7434 Dana James Carlson HICKS CRANDALL JUHL 703-468-0193 Susan Massie Hicks, Kelly M. Juhl, Sarah A. Piper HIRSCH & EHLENBERGER 703-481-6063 Carol L. Ehlenberger, Brian M. Hirsch HITE KAMINSKY FAMILY LAW & MEDIATION 703-766-0732 Kelly S. Hite JOSEPH & MISCHE 703-297-8567 Nan M. Joseph KELLY BYRNES & DANKER 703-224-0888 John E. Byrnes, Maureen Danker, Sean P. Kelly LAW OFFICE OF JENNIFER S. JOFFE 703-373-4800 Jennifer S. Joffe LAW OFFICES OF ABBE REIS 703-434-2084 Abbe L. Reis LEE LOPEZ LAW 703-651-5316 Kara Lee LIVESAY & MYERS 703-865-4746 Matthew H. Smith, Andrew Tank LIVESAY & MYERS 703-746-9103 Matthew H. Smith, Andrew Tank MADDOX & GEROCK 703-883-8035 Karrie M. B. Dodson, Julie C. Gerock, Kabara Korth Praskavich, Katharine Maddox, Scott M. Weinbaum MALINOWSKI HUBBARD 703-935-4222 Christopher F. Malinowski MARC A. ASTORE 703-273-5100 Marc A. Astore MASTERMAN KROGMANN 703-827-5500 Carolé C. Krogmann, David D. Masterman MCCANDLISH LILLARD 703-273-2288 Virginia C. Haizlip, Douglas J. Sanderson MCCARTHY LAW 703-237-3777 Courtney K. McCarthy MCQUADE BYRUM 703-548-4200 Martha JP McQuade MEYER & BOWDEN 703-722-8692 Tracy A. Meyer MULLETT DOVE MEACHAM & BRADLEY 703-522-8100 Jennifer A. Bradley, Laura C. Dove, Augusta Meacham, Jennifer A. Mullett NICHOLS ZAUZIG 703-492-4200 Cassandra Chin, Paul F. Nichols ODIN, FELDMAN & PITTLEMAN 703-215-2913 Kristina Cruz Skidmore OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 703-745-1800 Joseph A. Condo, Shirley F. Keisler POWELL RADOMSKY 866-368-2617 Sonya L. Powell, Cynthia M. Radomsky REDMON, PEYTON & BRASWELL 703-684-2000 Colleen M. Haddow

REESE LAW 703-279-5140 Christine P. Hissong, Catherine M. Reese ROOP XANTTOPOULOS BABOUNAKIS 703-442-0040 David E. Roop, Jr., Alexander H. Xanttopoulos SCHINSTOCK & BARTOL 571-551-2678 Kyle F. Bartol, Christopher W. Schinstock SEVILA, SAUNDERS, HUDDLESTON & WHITE 703-468-0432 Craig Elliott White SHARON K. LIEBLICH 703-683-6300 Sharon K. Lieblich SHOUNBACH 703-222-3333 Albert M. Bonin, Susan M. Butler, Molly M. Garrett, Roberta K. Henault, Sarah J. Knapp, Carrie M. Patterson, Hope F. Rosen SMOLENPLEVY 703-790-1900 Kyung N. Dickerson, Alan B. Plevy SUROVELL ISAACS & LEVY 703-570-6392 David M. Levy, Robert J. Surovell, Scott A. Surovell TAYLOR HUGULEY POWERS 703-879-6500 K. Leigh Taylor THE BOWEN LAW FIRM 703-273-0711 Valerie E. Hughes THE HAVRILAK LAW FIRM 703-591-1515 Sandra L. Havrilak WADE, GRIMES, FRIEDMAN, MEINKEN & LEISCHNER 703-836-9030 Carolyn M. Grimes, Jessica Leischner, Rebecca J. Wade WALKER JONES 540-347-9223 Amy E. Totten WEXELL MILMAN 703-539-5398 Richard M. Wexell


SCHINSTOCK & BARTOL 571-551-2678 Christopher W. Schinstock SMOLENPLEVY 703-790-1900 Alan B. Plevy WADE, GRIMES, FRIEDMAN, MEINKEN & LEISCHNER 703-836-9030 Jessica Leischner


ARLINGTON COLLABORATIVE LAW 703-528-1991 Karen L. Keyes BEAN, KINNEY & KORMAN 703-525-4000 Lynn E. Hawkins BITTEL & ANTHONY 703-591-1320 Beth A. Bittel BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH 703-691-1235 David Rust Clarke COOPER GINSBERG GRAY 703-934-1480 David L. Ginsberg FAMILY LAW & MEDIATION CENTER 703-691-3066 Leslie Weber Hoffman MULLETT DOVE MEACHAM & BRADLEY 703-522-8100 Jennifer A. Bradley, Laura C. Dove ODIN, FELDMAN & PITTLEMAN 703-215-2913 Leslye S. Fenton SCHINSTOCK & BARTOL 571-551-2678 Christopher W. Schinstock SHOUNBACH 703-222-3333 Susan M. Butler SMOLENPLEVY 703-790-1900 Kyung N. Dickerson, Alan B. Plevy


BABCOCK & JENSEN 703-518-8400 William L. Babcock, Jr. BASKIN, JACKSON & LASSO 703-534-3610 John G. Jackson


BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH 703-691-1235 John A.C. Keith**, Elizabeth C. Morrogh, Robert E. Scully, Jr.* CAMERON/MCEVOY 703-273-8898 John P. Dedon CHARLES E. TAYLOR 703-506-1405 Charles E. Taylor COCHRAN ALLAN 703-847-4480 Natanya H. Allan, Deborah D. Cochran, Aen Walker Webster FARR LAW FIRM 703-243-3200 Evan H. Farr FERGUSON WALTON & SHANSAB 703-860-8520 Mark G. Ferguson, Yama A. Shansab** FREDERICK J. TANSILL & ASSOCIATES 703-847-1359 Brooke C. Tansill, Frederick J. Tansill GENE ROBINSON LAW 703-224-8282 Gene D. Robinson III HALE BALL CARLSON BAUMGARTNER MURPHY 703-386-7434 James L. Boring, John Callahan Hale, Kimberley Ann Murphy** HOLLAND & KNIGHT 703-720-8600 Cynthia L. Gausvik LAW OFFICE OF BRIAN V. ELBERT 703-281-9000 Karl W. Pilger* LAW OFFICE OF C.L. DIMOS 540-687-3392 C.L. Dimos LAW OFFICES OF JOHN L. LASTER 703-659-4093 John L. Laster MANNING & MURRAY 703-532-5400 Donald O. Manning, William G. Murray MCCANDLISH LILLARD 703-273-2288 R. Peyton Mahaffey*, Lawrence J. McClafferty*

MCCARTHY LAW 703-237-3777 Courtney K. McCarthy MCGUIREWOODS 703-712-5000 Gino Zaccardelli PETERSON SAYLOR 703-225-3620 George O. Peterson*, Tania M. L. Saylor* REED SMITH 703-641-4200 Calvin H. Cobb III**, James E. McNair REES BROOME 703-790-1911 John E. Ritzert, Jr. SMOLENPLEVY 703-790-1900 Daniel H. Ruttenberg**, Jason D. Smolen SUZANNE W. DOGGETT 703-299-1782 Suzanne W. Doggett THOMPSON WILDHACK 703-237-0027 Kelly A. Thompson VAUGHAN, FINCHER & SOTELO 703-506-1810 Donna Esposito Fincher, Martha Leary Sotelo, C. Daniel Vaughan WADE, GRIMES, FRIEDMAN, MEINKEN & LEISCHNER 703-836-9030 Foster S. B. Friedman**, Gretchyn G. Meinken** WILLIAMS MULLEN 703-760-5200 James Philip Head YATES CAMPBELL & HOEG 703-273-4230 Thomas H. Campbell, A. Mark Christopher, A. Everett Hoeg III, Lisa M. Hughes, Thomas D. Yates ZELL LAW 703-879-0050 Wayne M. Zell

LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & EBBERSON 206-624-1230 Linda Kelley Ebberson, Jamie Polito Johnston, Tara K. Richardson, Maya Trujillo Ringe, Justin Sedell, Lisa Ann Sharpe FAMILY LAW LAW OFFICE OF J. MARK WEISS 206-622-6707 J. Mark Weiss HOWARD MARSHACK LAW FIRM 360-699-0500 LAW OFFICES OF CARL T. Howard H. Marshack EDWARDS 206-467-6400 Carl T. Edwards MCKEAN SMITH 360-502-7022 Deanna L. Rusch LAW OFFICES OF KEVIN SCUDDER 206-524-7828 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Kevin R. Scudder LAW OFFICES OF MOLLY B. LANDERHOLM 360-696-3312 T. Randall Grove**, Philip B. Janney KENNY 425-460-0550 Molly B. Kenny OFFICES OF SHERRI M. ANDERSON, SEATTLE LAW INC. 206-254-1234 Sherri M. Anderson, Kristine Linn FAMILY LAW MCKINLEY IRVIN 253-256-1265 Marc T. Christianson, Janet A. George, AMAYA FAMILY LAW 425-256-4400 Elizabeth A. Michelson, Jennifer Payseno, Araceli Amaya Laura Sell, David B. Starks, Jamie R. Walker, ANDERSON, FIELDS, MCILWAIN & Gordon W. Wilcox EUBANKS 206-905-4290 MCKINLEY IRVIN 206-397-0399 Wolfgang R. Anderson Marc T. Christianson, Janet A. George, BREWE LAYMAN 425-252-5167 Elizabeth A. Michelson, Jennifer Payseno, Kenneth E. Brewe Laura Sell, David B. Starks, Jamie R. Walker, Gordon W. Wilcox CAMDEN HALL 206-749-0200 Camden M. Hall MCKINLEY IRVIN 425-276-6878 Marc T. Christianson, Janet A. George, ENVISION FAMILY LAW 425-598-0501 Elizabeth A. Michelson, Jennifer Payseno, Natalie K. Roberts Laura Sell, David B. Starks, Jamie R. Walker, GOURAS & AMIS 253-395-5552 Gordon W. Wilcox Mark Gouras S.L. PITTS 206-395-3490 HELSELL FETTERMAN 206-292-1144 Stella L. Pitts Lisa Gilmore SEATTLE DIVORCE SERVICES 206-784-3049 Michael V. Fancher SKELLENGER BENDER 206-623-6501 Rita L. Bender



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SOCIUS LAW GROUP 206-838-9100 Jason C. Holloway THOMPSON HOWLE VAUGHN ATTORNEYS AT LAW 206-682-8400 Carol Vaughn WHITAKER KENT ORDELL 206-382-0000 Thomas Gerard Hamerlinck

LAW OFFICES OF KRISTINA C. UDALL 206-625-0739 Kristina C. Udall MCCUTCHEN GROUP 206-816-6833 Renée P. Ryan MILLER NASH GRAHAM & DUNN 206-624-8300 Marcia K. Fujimoto FAMILY LAW MEDIATION PERKINS COIE 206-359-8000 LAW OFFICE OF J. MARK WEISS 206-622-6707 Colonel F. Betz, Janis A. Cunningham, Thomas C. Gores, Robert S. Mucklestone, Deborah J. J. Mark Weiss Phillips*, Steven Schindler, Akane R. Suzuki, Scott H. Wallace TRUSTS AND ESTATES PERKINS COIE 425-635-1400 AHRENS DEANGELI LAW Colonel F. Betz, Janis A. Cunningham, Thomas GROUP 206-652-0101 C. Gores, Robert S. Mucklestone, Deborah J. Stephen L. Pruss Phillips*, Steven Schindler, Akane R. Suzuki, Scott H. Wallace BARRON SMITH DAUGERT 360-733-0212 Andrew W. Heinz PETERSON RUSSELL KELLY 425-462-4700 Patrick M. Moran* CARNEY BADLEY SPELLMAN 206-622-8020 Dean V. Butler REED LONGYEAR MALNATI & AHRENS 206-624-6271 CIRRUS LAW 206-489-5608 Michael Longyear, Mary A. Vance Lori Rath RIMON 206-971-9763 CLAUDIA A. GOWAN 206-443-2733 Filmore E. Rose Claudia A. Gowan RYAN, SWANSON & DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 425-646-6100 Rhys M. Farren*, James A. Flaggert, Richard A. CLEVELAND 206-464-4224 Derek D. Crick, Nancy E. Kennedy Klobucher, Dana M. Reid SANDRA LYNN PERKINS 206-381-8500 DAVIS WRIGHT TREMAINE 206-622-3150 Rhys M. Farren*, James A. Flaggert, Richard A. Sandra Lynn Perkins Klobucher, Dana M. Reid SAVITT BRUCE & WILLEY 206-749-0500 Miles A. Yanick* DORSEY & WHITNEY 206-903-8800 Walter Q. Impert STOEL RIVES 206-624-0900 Wendy S. Goffe EVAN O. THOMAS III, ATTORNEY AT LAW 206-230-9866 STOKES LAWRENCE 206-626-6000 Evan O. Thomas III Katie Groblewski, Karolyn A. Hicks*, Douglas C. Lawrence, RoseMary Reed FOX ROTHSCHILD 206-624-3600 Michael D. Carrico STORLI LAW 206-892-2139 Carolann O'Brien Storli GORDON THOMAS HONEYWELL 206-676-7500 THOMPSON HOWLE VAUGHN ATTORNEYS AT Julie E. Dickens, Alan D. Macpherson, Eileen S. LAW 206-682-8400 Peterson Suzanne C. Howle*, Carol Vaughn** GORDON THOMAS WATSON BLAIR 206-654-5500 HONEYWELL 253-620-6500 Watson B. Blair Julie E. Dickens, Alan D. Macpherson, Eileen S. WILLIAMS KASTNER 206-628-6600 Peterson Stanbery Foster, Jr.** HARLOWE & FALK 253-284-4410 Alfred M. Falk SPOKANE HELSELL FETTERMAN 206-292-1144 Laura E. Hoexter, Kameron Kirkevold* JEPPESEN GRAY SAKAI 425-454-2344 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Janet Gray LUKINS & ANNIS 509-455-9555 Thomas M. Culbertson**, Gerald A. Rein K&L GATES 206-623-7580 Mark W. Roberts PAINE HAMBLEN 509-455-6000 Frederic G. Emry II KARR TUTTLE CAMPBELL 206-223-1313 Kirsten L. Ambach, John E. Poffenbarger, RANDALL DANSKIN 509-747-2052 James K. Treadwell Donald K. Querna KELLER ROHRBACK 206-623-1900 William L. Fleming YAKIMA KUTSCHER HEREFORD BERTRAM BURKART 206-382-4414 Karen R. Bertram**, Tiffany R. Gorton** TRUSTS AND ESTATES LANE POWELL 206-223-7000 MINNICK HAYNER 509-527-3500 Gary M. Kirk, Sarah MacLeod, Gail E. James K. Hayner Mautner**, Heidi L.G. Orr, Charles W. Riley Jr., PONTI & WERNETTE 509-525-5090 Dawn S. Spratley John M. Reese LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & SPEIDEL LAW FIRM 509-662-1211 EBBERSON 206-624-1230 Ronald E. Braley, George S. Holzapfel, Darin T. Russell J. Speidel Jensen, Quentin Wildsmith* STOKES LAWRENCE 509-853-3000 Garon Jones LAW OFFICE OF LORA L. BROWN 206-344-8600 Lora L. Brown LAW OFFICES OF ANN T. WILSON 206-701-6093 Ann T. Wilson**

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DAVIS & KUELTHAU 920-435-9378 Adrian T. Ulatowski DEMPSEY LAW FIRM 920-235-7300 FAMILY LAW Timothy M. Dempsey LAW FIRM OF CONWAY, OLEJNICZAK & PEPPER & NASON 304-346-0361 JERRY 920-437-0476 Andrew S. Nason Frederick L. Schmidt LAW FIRM 920-731-6631 TRUSTS AND ESTATES MENN Joseph A. Bielinski BOWLES RICE 304-485-8500 MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH 920-686-2800 Richard A. Hudson, Marc A. Monteleone Phillip R. Maples BOWLES RICE 304-347-1100 REMLEY & SENSENBRENNER 920-725-2601 Richard A. Hudson, Marc A. Monteleone James L. Cummings, Wyon F. Wiegratz CAMPBELL WOODS 304-529-2391 VON BRIESEN & ROPER 920-702-5300 Howard R. Crews, Jr. Robert A. Mathers KAY CASTO & CHANEY 304-345-8900 Craig M. Kay** MADISON RAY, WINTON, & KELLEY 304-342-1141 Christopher J. Winton SPILMAN THOMAS & BATTLE 304-340-3800 FAMILY LAW John F. Allevato BALISLE FAMILY LAW LEGAL COUNSEL 608-765-1001 MORGANTOWN Linda S. Balisle BELL, MOORE & RICHTER 608-257-3764 David E. Joanis FAMILY LAW BOARDMAN & CLARK 608-257-9521 DELBY B. POOL 304-623-9711 Marta T. Meyers Delby B. Pool DEWITT 608-255-8891 Hugh J. Hayes, Christopher S. Krimmer, TRUSTS AND ESTATES Theresa L. Roetter BOWLES RICE 304-264-4200 LAROWE GERLACH TAGGART 608-524-8231 Michael E. Caryl, David A. DeJarnett** Katherine E. Campbell BYRUM LAW OFFICE 304-242-1936 MICHAEL S. HEFFERNAN 608-238-3860 Thomas G. Byrum Michael S. Heffernan JACKSON KELLY 304-624-6555 MURPHY DESMOND 608-257-7181 Marcia Allen Broughton** Sarah H. DeKraay PHILLIPS, GARDILL, KAISER & PINES BACH 608-807-0752 ALTMEYER 304-232-6810 Steven A. Bach, Ann T. Davies, Elise Clancy Ray A. Byrd Ruoho, Holly Slota, Alison TenBruggencate STEPTOE & JOHNSON 304-598-8000 STAFFORD ROSENBAUM 608-256-0226 Michael W. Barill, Thomas A. Vorbach Janice N. Bensky, Anthony J. Menting, Daphne Webb



BALISLE FAMILY LAW LEGAL COUNSEL 608-765-1001 FAMILY LAW Linda S. Balisle BOSSHARD PARKE 608-433-9534 BOARDMAN & CLARK 608-257-9521 Sabina Bosshard Marta T. Meyers HALE, SKEMP, HANSON, SKEMP & PINES BACH 608-807-0752 Steven A. Bach SLEIK 608-784-3540 Margaret A. Herlitzka STAFFORD ROSENBAUM 608-256-0226 Daphne Webb MOEN SHEEHAN MEYER 608-784-8310 G. Jeffrey George O'FLAHERTY LAW 608-784-1605 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Patricia M. Heim BOARDMAN & CLARK 608-257-9521 Carl J. Rasmussen, Paul M. Schmidt** TRUSTS AND ESTATES CERTUS LEGAL GROUP 608-729-7330 Thomas A. Hoffner LAW OFFICE OF JOHN F. WILCOX 715-832-6645 DEWITT 608-255-8891 John F. Wilcox Brian L. Anderson, Jeff A. Goldman, Stuart C. Herro, Wrede H. Smith, Jr., Michael W. Wilcox GREEN BAY FOLEY & LARDNER 608-257-5035 David W. Reinecke & KAHN 608-257-3911 FAMILY LAW GODFREY Jennifer A. Hannon, Kendall W. Harrison* REMLEY & SENSENBRENNER 920-725-2601 HILL GLOWACKI 608-244-1354 Jolene D. Schneider Angela M. Paulsrud TEIGEN 608-273-8609 FAMILY LAW MEDIATION JOHNSON Mark T. Johnson REMLEY & SENSENBRENNER 920-725-2601 MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH 608-257-3501 Jolene D. Schneider Richard J. Langer, Sheila Boothby Stevens NEIDER & BOUCHER 608-661-4500 Ronald C. Berman, Marilyn L. Crowley, Susan M. De Groot, Patricia McKinney-Lins


REINHART BOERNER VAN DEUREN 608-229-2200 Christine Rew Barden, Gregory F. Monday** SELINGER & BRUNETTE 608-960-4514 Melissa Cover Selinger STAFFORD ROSENBAUM 608-256-0226 Johanna J. Allex, Janice N. Bensky STROUD, WILLINK & HOWARD 608-257-2281 Carolyn A. Hegge, Charity A. McCarthy, Robert J. Schwab, Robert R. Stroud VON BRIESEN & ROPER 608-441-0300 Megan Jerabek



VON BRIESEN & ROPER 414-276-1122 Judith O'Connell


A team of experienced lawyers with more A team of experienced lawyers with more than 47 years of experience. than 47 years of experience.

HANSEN & HILDEBRAND 414-273-2422 Susan A. Hansen, Gregory M. Hildebrand MACGILLIS WIEMER 414-727-5150 Megann Hendrix VON BRIESEN & ROPER 414-276-1122 Judith O'Connell


CERTUS LEGAL GROUP 414-383-5000 Amy J. Krier, Catherine M. Priebe, Mark A. Shiller FAMILY LAW DAVIS & KUELTHAU 262-792-2400 BANDLE & ZAESKE 414-359-1424 Mark J. Andres, William H. Frazier, Charles G. Christie L. Bandle Maris, Jacqueline L. Messler, Ann M. Rieger, BECKER, HICKEY & POSTER 414-273-1414 Allen M. Salomon Margaret W. Hickey DAVIS & KUELTHAU 414-276-0200 BOOK LAW GROUP 414-930-1177 Mark J. Andres, William H. Frazier, Charles G. Barry J. Book Maris, Jacqueline L. Messler, Ann M. Rieger, Allen M. Salomon BURBACH & STANSBURY 414-359-9100 Carlton D. Stansbury FOLEY & LARDNER 414-271-2400 John F. Callan, George A. Dionisopoulos, Daniel GIMBEL, REILLY, GUERIN & M. Hess, Jason Kohout, Wayne R. Lueders BROWN 414-271-1440 Richard E. Reilly GODFREY & KAHN 414-273-3500 Jeffrey S. Billings, J. Gardner Govan, Joan D. HALLING & CAYO 414-271-3400 Klimpel, Kristi E. Leswing, David H. Patzer Angela Foy, James Guckenberg, Mark E. Sanders HALLING & CAYO 414-271-3400 Angela Foy HANSEN & HILDEBRAND 414-273-2422 Susan A. Hansen, Gregory M. Hildebrand HUSCH BLACKWELL 414-273-2100 Steven R. Allen, Philip J. Halley**, M. Rhett HAWKS QUINDEL 414-271-8650 Holland, Philip J. Miller Amy L. Shapiro KENNETH P BARCZAK 262-439-6200 JASKOLSKI & JASKOLSKI 414-321-6111 Kenneth P. Barczak James K. Jaskolski LAMBERT LAW 414-831-4866 KARP & IANCU 414-246-9143 Katherine W. Lambert Kelly M. Dodd, David N. Iancu, David B. Karp LAW OFFICE OF RUTH J. LAW OFFICE OF SHEILA L. IRVINGS 414-221-6314 ROMELL 414-476-6700 Ruth J. Irvings Sheila L. Romell MAWICKE & GOISMAN 414-224-0600 LEVY & LEVY 262-377-5555 Christopher C. Janson Donald A. Levy MAYER GALLIGAN LAW 414-982-4010 LOEB & HERMAN 414-272-5632 Steven D. Mayer Gregg Herman MEISSNER TIERNEY FISHER & MACGILLIS WIEMER 414-727-5150 NICHOLS 414-273-1300 Megann Hendrix Joseph E. Tierney III MAGER FAMILY LAW 414-346-7441 MICHAEL BEST & FRIEDRICH 414-271-6560 Gregory S. Mager Julie L. Gorens-Winston, Bradley J. Kalscheur MAGNER & HUENEKE 414-281-4529 O'NEIL, CANNON, HOLLMAN, DEJONG & Neil T. Magner LAING 414-276-5000 NELSON, KRUEGER & Carl D. Holborn, Dennis W. Hollman MILLENBACH 414-939-0529 Alison H. Krueger, Rebecca K. Millenbach, Teri QUARLES & BRADY 414-277-5000 John T. Bannen, James F. Daly, Noleta L. Jansen, M. Nelson John H. Lhost, Kathryn Muldoon, Kristin A. O'NEIL, CANNON, HOLLMAN, DEJONG & Occhetti**, Paul J. Tilleman, Amalia L. Todryk LAING 414-276-5000 REINHART BOERNER VAN Thomas A. Merkle DEUREN 414-298-1000 PECKERMAN, KLEIN & VAN Jennifer R. D'Amato**, John A. Herbers**, KIRK 414-271-9300 Nathan K. Johnson**, Jessica King, Wendy S. Thomas D. Klein, Bruce M. Peckerman, Jennifer Rusch, Caitlyn B. Sikorski Van Kirk REINHART BOERNER VAN PHILLIPS & GEMIGNANI 262-544-9998 DEUREN 262-951-4500 Cheryl A. Gemignani Jennifer R. D'Amato**, John A. Herbers**, Nathan K. Johnson**, Jessica King, Wendy S. SCHMIDT RUPKE TESS-MATTNER & Rusch, Caitlyn B. Sikorski FOX 262-814-0080 Kent A. Tess-Mattner STEPHEN M. FISHER & ASSOCIATES 414-359-9067 THE LAW OFFICE OF SHANNON Stephen M. Fisher CORALLO 414-375-0618 Shannon Corallo VON BRIESEN & ROPER 262-241-5600 Nancy M. Bonniwell, Terri Boxer, George A. VON BRIESEN & ROPER 414-276-1122 Evans, Jr., Randy S. Nelson, Peter J. Walsh Christy A. Brooks, Judith O'Connell VON BRIESEN & ROPER 414-276-1122 ZIMMERMANN LAW OFFICES 414-352-4400 Nancy M. Bonniwell, Terri Boxer, George A. Karen G. Zimmermann Evans, Jr., Randy S. Nelson, Peter J. Walsh WESSELS & LIEBAU 262-264-7702 Jessica Liebau

Linda S. Balisle, Attorney | Lindsey E. Cobbe, Attorney Linda S. Balisle, Attorney | Lindsey E. Cobbe, Attorney Ashleigh M. Hacker, Attorney Ashleigh M. Hacker, Attorney Our mission is to ensure that your rights and best interests are protected Our mission is to ensure that your rights and best interests are protected as you navigate the complexities of the legal system. as you navigate the complexities of the legal system.

Marital Property Agreements Marital Property Agreements Child Custody Disputes Child Custody Disputes Non-traditional Families Non-traditional Families Mediation Mediation

Divorce Divorce Power of Attorneys Power of Attorneys Partnership Agreements Partnership Agreements Wills Wills

608-259-8702 608-259-8702 || 131 131 West West Wilson Wilson St., St., Madison, Madison, WI WI 53703 53703

A team of experienced lawyers with more than 47 years of experience. WILLMS-O'LEARY 262-238-6996 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Maureen L. O'Leary, Andrew J. Willms WYANT LAW OFFICES 262-634-1203 Peter J. Wyant

CROWLEY FLECK 307-426-4100 Lindsay A. Woznick HIRST APPLEGATE 307-632-0541 John J. Metzke WAUSAU LONG REIMER WINEGAR BEPPLER 307-635-0710 Gregory C. Dyekman**, Thomas N. Long FAMILY LAW SCOTT W. MEIER 307-775-9696 ANDRASKI LAW OFFICES 715-842-1647 Scott W. Meier Kenneth J. Andraski



RUDER WARE 715-845-4336 Mark J. Bradley, Melissa S. Kampmann



GEITTMANN LARSON SWIFT 307-733-3923 Julie A. O'Halloran

SHERIDAN Linda S. Balisle, Attorney | Lindsey E. Cobbe, Attorney Ashleigh M. Hacker, Attorney FAMILY LAW

FAMILY LAW MACPHERSON, KELLY & BURG SIMPSON ELDREDGE HERSH & THOMPSON 307-324-2713 Catherine JARDINE OurMacPherson mission is to ensure that your rights and307-527-7891 best interests are protected Colin M. Simpson as you navigate the complexities of the legal system.


Divorce FAMILY LAW Power of Attorneys MCKELLAR,Partnership TIEDEKEN & Agreements SCOGGIN 307-637-5575 Wills Julie Nye Tiedeken

Marital Property Agreements Child Custody Disputes Non-traditional Families Mediation

608-259-8702 | 131 West Wilson St., Madison, WI 53703 W W W.BESTL AW Y ERS.COM

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LISTED BY STATE ALABAMA �������������������������������� 103 ARIZONA ���������������������������������� 103 ARKANSAS ������������������������������ 103 CALIFORNIA ���������������������������� 103 COLORADO ������������������������������ 103 CONNECTICUT ������������������������ 103 DELAWARE �������������������������������� 104 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA �������� 104 FLORIDA ������������������������������������ 104 GEORGIA ���������������������������������� 104 HAWAII �������������������������������������� 104 IDAHO �������������������������������������� 104 ILLINOIS ������������������������������������ 104 INDIANA ���������������������������������� 105 IOWA ���������������������������������������� 105 KANSAS ������������������������������������ 105 KENTUCKY �������������������������������� 105 LOUISIANA ������������������������������ 105 MAINE �������������������������������������� 105 MARYLAND ������������������������������ 105 MASSACHUSETTS �������������������� 105 MICHIGAN �������������������������������� 105 MINNESOTA ���������������������������� 106 MISSISSIPPI ������������������������������ 106 MISSOURI �������������������������������� 106 NEBRASKA �������������������������������� 106 NEVADA ������������������������������������ 106 NEW HAMPSHIRE �������������������� 106 NEW JERSEY ���������������������������� 106 NEW MEXICO �������������������������� 107 NEW YORK �������������������������������� 107 NORTH CAROLINA ������������������ 107 NORTH DAKOTA ���������������������� 107 OHIO ���������������������������������������� 107 OKLAHOMA ���������������������������� 108 OREGON ���������������������������������� 108 PENNSYLVANIA ������������������������ 108 RHODE ISLAND ������������������������ 108 SOUTH CAROLINA ������������������ 108 SOUTH DAKOTA ���������������������� 108 TENNESSEE ������������������������������ 108 TEXAS ���������������������������������������� 108 UTAH ������������������������������������������ 109 VIRGINIA ���������������������������������� 109 WASHINGTON ������������������������ 109 WEST VIRGINIA ������������������������ 109 WISCONSIN ���������������������������� 109 WYOMING �������������������������������� 109

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Key to Abbreviations In order to ensure that clients and referring lawyers can more easily locate the precise expertise that they are seeking, we have subdivided several practice areas. A listing without an annotation indicates the lawyer is listed in the general practice area.

* A SINGLE ASTERISK indicates lawyer is listed in litigation. ** TWO ASTERISKS indicate a lawyer is listed in both litigation and non-litigation categories.

Data Accurate as of 12/9/2020




WILKINSON & FINKBEINER 619-284-4113 Kyle Siems



FAMILY LAW ALBENCE & ASSOCIATES +1-858-454-0024 & HAUBERT 501-372-1212 FAMILY LAW WILSON Lucas A. Woodward Charlie Cunningham

DOMINICK FELD HYDE 205-536-8888 Christen D. Butler

TRUSTS AND ESTATES AID OF ARKANSAS 870-972-9224 TRUSTS AND ESTATES LEGAL Natalie E. Ramm BUTLER SNOW 205-297-2200 Sarah E. Hoffmann DOMINICK FELD HYDE 205-536-8888 Christen D. Butler* SIROTE & PERMUTT 205-930-5100 Winston Busby


CAPELL & HOWARD 334-241-8000 Faith Perdue Twiggs

ARIZONA PHOENIX JABURG WILK 602-248-1000 Natalya Ter-Grigoryan


MITCHELL, WILLIAMS, SELIG, GATES & WOODYARD 501-688-8800 David Biscoe Bingham, Ashley L. Gill QUATTLEBAUM, GROOMS & TULL 501-379-1700 C. Ryan O'Quinn WRIGHT LINDSEY & JENNINGS 501-371-0808 Kayleigh C. Dulaney


CAMARATA & MARREN 951-225-1540 Justine Marren



FENNEMORE CRAIG 602-916-5000 Kathleen Callaway, Brandon Gardner, Steven B. Hilton FRAZER RYAN GOLDBERG & ARNOLD 602-277-2010 Colleen C. Thomas* GUST ROSENFELD 602-257-7422 Samantha Winter McAlpin* JENNINGS, STROUSS & SALMON 602-262-5911 Sarah E. Epperson* SNELL & WILMER 602-382-6000 Kevin W. Wright* WARNER ANGLE HALLAM JACKSON & FORMANEK 602-264-7101 Phillip B. Visnansky* WATLAND & ALLEN 602-252-0115 Margo Allen


BERK LAW GROUP 480-607-7900 Afsanieh Rassti DANA AND ASSOCIATES 480-924-4424 Rilus M. Dana SHERMAN & HOWARD 480-624-2710 Jennifer Szkatulski


MITCHELL 310-203-8080 Matthew J. Landa, Andrew K. Steenbock* KEYSTONE LAW GROUP 310-444-9060 Lindsey F. Munyer LOEB & LOEB 310-282-2000 Sasha M. Bass, Alexandra A. Letzel* OLDMAN, COOLEY, SALLUS, BIRNBERG & COLEMAN 818-986-8080 Jamie N. Gonzalez* RODNUNSKY & ASSOCIATES 818-737-1090 Roxanne T. Jen SHEPPARD MULLIN RICHTER & HAMPTON 310-228-3700 Golnaz Yazdchi* VENABLE 310-229-9900 Rachel Bressi* WEINSTOCK MANION 310-553-8844 Rochelle H. Schultz WRIGHT KIM DOUGLAS 626-356-3900 Savannah Brutto*


ROISMAN HENEL + ADAMS 510-466-6000 Rachel A. Dodson


MINYARD MORRIS 949-724-1111 FAMILY LAW Alexander C. Payne, Janani S. Rana MCCURDY LAW & MEDIATION 479-439-8881 SEASTROM TUTTLE & MURPHY 949-763-3306 Andrea McCurdy Christina D. Jones, Mikita A. Weaver RMP 479-443-2705 Kasper Huber




BROXTERMAN ALICKS MCFARLANE 303-331-6432 HAHN LOESER & PARKS 619-810-4300 Steven Visioli Phillip W. Hilliard BURNHAM LAW 303-578-3314 PROCOPIO, CORY, HARGREAVES & Marlow B. Hooper SAVITCH 619-238-1900 COX BAKER & PAGE 303-688-8588 Raúl Villarreal Garza Darius T. Dugas Carter WITHERSWORLDWIDE 858-367-7676 DAUGHTERY LAW 719-215-0577 Matthew R. Owens* Mary Daugherty EPSTEIN PATIERNO 303-893-3111 SAN FRANCISCO Chandra Zdenek GEBHARDT EMERSON MOODIE FAMILY LAW BONANNO 303-317-3239 Meagan K. Moodie EMLEY LAW OFFICE 415-392-1991 Don B. Emley GRIFFITHS LAW 303-586-6924 KAYE MOSER HIERBAUM FORD 415-296-8868 Danielle N. Contos, Eliza Steinberg Sarah Nusinow MÁRQUEZ LAW 303-333-3363 Heather M. Landauer LAW OFFICE OF CHRISTINA SHERMAN 415-457-4367 SHERMAN & HOWARD 303-297-2900 Christina M. Sherman Kathryn DeVries, Elizabeth Ford, Kara Lyons Chrobak LAW OFFICES OF DAVID KORSUNSKY 415-857-5981 SHERR PUTTMANN AKINS David D. Korunsky LAMB 303-741-5300 Emily P. Koekkoek SADLER FAMILY LAW 415-362-0220 Liat Sadler THE HARRIS LAW FIRM 303-622-5502 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Hannah VanRoekel WZW FAMILY LAW 303-458-0415 AARON, RIECHERT, CARPOL & Erin Penrod, Jon Eric Stuebner RIFFLE 650-368-4662 Michelle Barnett FAMILY LAW: ARBITRATION COBLENTZ, PATCH, DUFFY & AND MEDIATION BASS 415-391-4800 SHERMAN & HOWARD 303-297-2900 Kadeidra Honey Kathryn DeVries, Kara Lyons Chrobak FARELLA BRAUN + MARTEL 415-954-4400 SHERR PUTTMANN AKINS Erin L. Fraser LAMB 303-741-5300 Emily P. Koekkoek FOLGER LEVIN ADAM SACHS 415-986-2800 Jenny Wendell Lentz TRUSTS AND ESTATES LOEB & LOEB 415-903-3200 BAKER & HOSTETLER 303-861-0600 Jessica D. Mills, Alison Sundberg Telleen Lisa B. Canarick, James S. Judd MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 628-218-3800 FAIRFIELD AND WOODS 303-830-2400 Chris Nason Anna E. Lanteleme MCGLASHAN & SARRAIL 650-341-2585 FORTIS LAW PARTNERS 303-295-9700 Katherine A. West Paige Justus PERKINS COIE 415-344-7000 HOLLAND & HART 303-295-8000 Laura Benson Desta Asfaw, Richard Kiely ROPES & GRAY 415-315-6300 KIRCH ROUNDS BOWMAN & Markus Glodek DEFFENBAUGH 303-671-7726 VENABLE 415-653-3750 Emily Bowman, Gerard F.B. Deffenbaugh Emily Foehr, Joanne J. Lue OGBORN MIHM 303-592-5900 James E. Fogg* & HOWARD 303-297-2900 SAN JOSE SHERMAN Curtis J. Bankers, Morwenna Borden, Jessica R. TRUSTS AND ESTATES Diaz, Elizabeth Ford HOGE, FENTON, JONES & APPEL 408-287-9501 WESTERN COLORADO Heather L. Boshears HOPKINS & CARLEY 650-804-7600 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Vernon Adkins, Martin Behn WOOD PEARCE NELSON 970-925-1551 PERKINS COIE 650-838-4300 Amelia G. Hastings Jody L. Bryson




OWENS MIXON AND GRAMLING 870-551-3989 Haley Smith

KAMINSKI 916-786-7272 JONESBORO MAXEY Kristin M. Kaminski FAMILY LAW TRAINOR FAIRBROOK 916-929-7000 Hannah A. Shakin WEINTRAUB TOBIN 916-558-6000 Daniel C. Kim*



Johanna S. Katz



CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 860-313-4900 Brianna L. Marquis, Andrew M. Nerney DAY PITNEY 860-313-5700 FAMILY LAW Joanna M. Targonski BURNHAM LAW SHIPMAN & GOODWIN 860-251-5000 SAN DIEGO Jennifer Scott Laura A. Schuyler KOTTKE & BRANTZ 303-449-6161 FAMILY LAW Jennifer C. Terry

GARWOOD FAMILY LAW AND MEDIATION 619-692-8100 Casey A. Reeves PROCOPIO, CORY, HARGREAVES & SAVITCH 619-238-1900 Sarah L. Taylor


WELTY ESPOSITO & WIELER 203-781-0877 Clifford Garnett


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CARMODY TORRANCE SANDAK & HENNESSEY 203-573-1200 Stephanie E. Cummings



JOHNSON, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & BURNS 727-461-1818 FAMILY LAW Nicholas Grimaudo, Caitlein Jammo*, Philip HENDERSON, FRANKLIN, STARNES & Nodhturft III, Caitlin M. Powell HOLT 239-344-1100 JOHNSON, POPE, BOKOR, RUPPEL & STAMFORD Kayla Richmond BURNS 727-800-5980 LAW OFFICE OF KEVYN NOONAN Nicholas Grimaudo, Caitlein Jammo*, Philip FAMILY LAW HAYES 239-591-6248 Nodhturft III, Caitlin M. Powell BRODER & ORLAND 203-222-4949 Kevyn Hayes Christopher DeMattie TRUSTS AND ESTATES COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 TALLAHASSEE AKERMAN 239-449-5600 Clifford A. Merin Anna E. Els FAMILY LAW RUTKIN, OLDHAM & GRIFFIN 203-227-7301 DORCEY LAW FIRM 239-449-8191 NOVEY + GONZALEZ FAMILY Karissa L. Parker Michael A. Scott, John C. Stewart LAW 850-224-4000 TRUSTS AND ESTATES GRANT FRIDKIN PEARSON 239-514-1000 Christin F. Gonzalez COHEN AND WOLF 203-368-0211 Marcie A. Charles TRUSTS AND ESTATES Tatiana F. DaSilva HAHN LOESER & PARKS 239-254-2900 & COLEMAN 850-270-0695 CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 203-869-1200 John Paul Bratcher, Allison Christensen*, Bonie WILLIAMS Jami A. Coleman Katherine Cotter Gent, Katherine A. McAllister S. Montalvo CUMMINGS & LOCKWOOD 203-327-1700 HENDERSON, FRANKLIN, STARNES & Katherine Cotter Gent, Katherine A. McAllister HOLT 239-344-1100 TAMPA DAY PITNEY 203-862-7800 Anthony J. Cetrangelo Amit Ochani FAMILY LAW PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & ALLEN DELL 813-223-5351 MURTHA CULLINA 203-653-5400 ARTHUR 239-593-2900 Zachary L. Bayne Patrick Coughlin Michael A. Sneeringer FLORIDA LAW ADVISERS 800-990-7763 PULLMAN & COMLEY 203-330-2000 QUARLES & BRADY 239-262-5959 Matthew Podolsky Kelly F. O'Donnell Jacqueline Johnson, Alicia L. Taylor HARRIS, HUNT & DERR 813-223-5421 WIGGIN AND DANA 203-363-7600 Cory A. Brandfon, Nicole M. Gehringer Kailtyn A. Pacelli JACKSONVILLE ROBERT SPARKS ATTORNEYS 813-336-3348 Kelly T. Candela




ZISSER FAMILY LAW 904-353-3222 Joseph A. Alvarez, Katherine Johnson


813-253-2020 TRUSTS AND ESTATES FOSTER Matthew L. Evans

MARKS GRAY 904-398-0900 M. Bradley Manning* TRUSTS AND ESTATES SMITH HULSEY & BUSEY 904-359-7700 Thomas R. Heekin CONNOLLY GALLAGHER 302-757-7300 Daniel R. Stanek FOX ROTHSCHILD 302-654-7444 Kasey DeSantis


COTNEY CONSTRUCTION LAW 813-579-3278 Jacqueline Feliciano FOLEY & LARDNER 813-229-2300 Michael Schwartz GRAYROBINSON 863-284-2200 MIAMI Katherine Schichtel* HILL WARD HENDERSON 813-221-3900 DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA FAMILY LAW Suzanne Eldridge Ward, Emily B. Weeks WASHINGTON, D.C. DADVOCACY LAW FIRM 925-328-4377 HOLLAND & KNIGHT 813-227-8500 Brian Prieto Patrick J. Duffey TRUSTS AND ESTATES TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT J. ARNOLD & PORTER 202-942-5000 DUANE MORRIS 305-960-2200 KLINE 813-251-2212 Dana M. Foley, Meredith Walsh Joanna Lardin, Gutman Skrande Charlotte Keeling IVINS, PHILLIPS & BARKER 202-393-7600 FOWLER WHITE BURNETT 305-789-9200 PHELPS DUNBAR 813-472-7550 Ken N. Jefferson Alyssa Razook Wan Derek Larsen-Chaney MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 202-756-8000 GREENBERG TRAURIG 305-579-0500 Carl William Rush Stephanie Jimenez, William E. Keenen VENABLE 202-344-4000 WEST PALM BEACH HOLLAND & KNIGHT 305-374-8500 Daniel J. Brick Mitchell Bottey* TRUSTS AND ESTATES NELSON MULLINS RILEY & GUNSTER, YOAKLEY & FLORIDA SCARBOROUGH 305-373-9400 STEWART (561) 655-1980 Elizabeth A. Bowers FORT LAUDERDALE TerryAnn Howell


GOOLSBY LAW FIRM 706-863-5281 James Blake Goolsby


MERIWETHER & THARP 678-527-5180 Jennifer N. Brannon, Jason W. Karasik


CADES SCHUTTE 808-521-9200 Pōhai Nuʻuhiwa Campbell CARLSMITH BALL 808-523-2500 Lucas K. Love, Shawn Yamada CARLSMITH BALL 808-935-6644 Lucas K. Love, Shawn Yamada GOODSILL ANDERSON QUINN & STIFEL 808-547-5600 Joelle B. Yamamoto YEE & KAWASHIMA 808-524-4501 Christin D. Kawada


ABRAMS LAW 208-401-9597 Nikeela R. Abrams


KOOTENAI LAW 208-765-6555 Robert J. Green, Corey J. Smith


BERGER SCHATZ 312-782-3456 Erica Bernstein, Zachary B. Cohen, Bridget Storrs Davis, Laura R. Gottlieb, Aura L. Lichtenberg, Hailee B. Zabrin KOGUT & WILSON 312-565-4100 Stephanie Tang LAW OFFICES OF LAUREN A. COHEN 847-989-1115 Lauren A. Cohen LAW OFFICES OF STEWART J. AUSLANDER 312-332-3558 FAMILY LAW ORLANDO GEORGIA Jennifer Schufreider AKILAH HARRIS 954-526-5336 Akilah A. Harris GOLDBERG 312-630-1111 ATLANTA MAMMAS FAMILY LAW Caidi Mammas Vanderporten BRINKLEY MORGAN 561-241-3113 FAMILY COMPLEX LITIGATION & Dominique Sciullo-Craig, Brent Trapana SCHILLER DUCANTO & FLECK 312-641-5560 FAMILY LAW COLLABORATIVE GROUP 407-757-2877 MARPLE RUBIN FAMILY LAW 770-796-4000 Kimberly Furrer, Bridget Maul BRINKLEY MORGAN 954-522-2200 Alessandra Manes Katie Leonard, Sana R. Rupani Dominique Sciullo-Craig, Brent Trapana SHAW FAMILY LAW 630-584-5550 GREEN FAMILY LAW 407-403-5558 Noely Alicea-Munoz NAGGIAR & SARIF 404-816-2004 GLADSTONE & WEISSMAN 561-447-2274 Jennifer Lawson William T. Davis Joshua L. Plager, Tova N. Verchow FAMILY LAW: ARBITRATION REBECCA L. PALMER LAW MARK E. SAWICKI 954-458-0005 AND MEDIATION GROUP 407-757-2883 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Mark E. Sawicki Cathleen M. Winter BERGER SCHATZ 312-782-3456 ALSTON & BIRD 404-881-7000 Erica Bernstein, Zachary B. Cohen, Bridget TRUSTS AND ESTATES TRUSTS AND ESTATES Jacob L. Kaplan Storrs Davis, Laura R. Gottlieb, Aura L. ARNALL GOLDEN GREGORY 404-873-8500 FIDUCIA LAW 561-299-0437 DEAN, MEAD, EGERTON, BLOODWORTH, Lichtenberg, Hailee B. Zabrin Kathryn Baldwin Hecker Fatima Hasan CAPOUANO & BOZARTH 321-259-8900 LAW OFFICES OF LAUREN A. ASBURY LAW FIRM 404-382-9942 Joseph K. Naberhaus* GREENSPOON MARDER 954-491-1120 COHEN 847-989-1115 Andrew Vazquez Ashley Steffen GOULD COOKSEY FENNELL 772-231-1100 Lauren A. Cohen CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 404-659-1410 Samathan R. Kelly, Dillon L. Roberts THE LEGACY LAW FIRM 954-906-9393 Christopher Steele Elizabeth G. Lutz* TRUSTS AND ESTATES CHAPMAN AND CUTLER 312-845-3000 THE BOWDEN LAW FIRM 404-941-1370 YOLOFSKY LAW 305-702-8250 ST. PETERSBURG John C. Luchristt Emma H. Barry A.J. Yolofsky CLARK HILL 312-985-5900 FAMILY LAW Adam M. Ansari, Ashley C. Coppola* GREENE & GREENE 727-821-2900 FREEBORN & PETERS 312-360-6000 Megan M. Greene Jessica Coutré

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GOULD & RATNER 312-236-3003 Ilana S. Bley KATTEN 312-902-5200 Jeffrey Glickman, Benjamin Lavin LEVENFELD PEARLSTEIN 312-346-8380 Carrie A. Harrington LOEB & LOEB 312-464-3100 Ryan T. Court MAYER BROWN 312-782-0600 Jennifer J. Goldfaden MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 312-372-2000 Jane Zhao QUARLES & BRADY 312-715-5000 Brigid Daugherty Fox SCHIFF HARDIN 312-258-5500 Kristen Hosack Pace, Allison K. Pfeifle THOMPSON COBURN 312-346-7500 Sarah Chang

MILLER, ZIMMERMAN & EVANS 515-809-9699 Robert W. Evans WHITFIELD & EDDY 515-288-6041 Tyler L. Coe




BELIN MCCORMICK 515-243-7100 Laura C. Ingram BRADSHAW, FOWLER, PROCTOR & FAIRGRAVE 515-243-4191 Brianna L. Vaughn BROWN, WINICK, GRAVES, GROSS AND BASKERVILLE 515-242-2400 Katheryn J. Thorson NYEMASTER GOODE 515-283-3100 Alicia Nicoletto WHITFIELD & EDDY 515-288-6041 Ashley F. Charnetski

INDIANA CARMEL ADLER ATTONEYS 317-773-1974 Seth R. Wilson KRIEG DEVAULT 317-566-1110 Micah J. Nichols



BALDWIN HASPEL BURKE & MAYER 504-569-2900 George Casanova, Jr. CHRISTIE TOURNET & ASSOCIATES 985-951-2177 Christie Lee Tournet LISKOW & LEWIS 504-581-7979 Joseph T. Wilson




JONES, MCCOY & LINCOLN 913-322-7200 Patricia L. Lincoln


THE SANCHEZ LAW FIRM 337-433-4405 Rebecca Hunter


Elyse B. Segovias


LEVEY, WAGLEY, PUTMAN & ECCHER 207-377-6966 Madelyn O. Breerwood



TRUSTS AND ESTATES LAW 785-234-7899 Heather Schrick

KRIEG DEVAULT 219-227-6100 Ann Marie Woolwine



BUNGER & ROBERTSON 812-332-9295 Kathryn Deweese DEPPE FREDBECK & YOUNT 317-736-5138 Ellen Fredbeck-Ramírez, David L. Yount


WOODEN MCLAUGHLIN 812-401-6151 Lauren E. Dimmitt


BEERS MALLERS BACKS & SALIN 260-426-9706 Ryan M. Gardner


ROTHBERG LOGAN & WARSCO 260-422-9454 Alex J. Platte

INDIANAPOLIS CIOBANU LAW 317-495-1090 Andrea Ciobanu




BOSE MCKINNEY & EVANS 317-684-5000 Jana Hageman TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 317-713-3500 Aaron P. Snellenbarger WOODEN MCLAUGHLIN 317-639-6151 Samantha R. Hargitt


DICKINSON, MACKAMAN, TYLER & HAGEN 515-244-2600 Regan Wilson HOPKINS & HUEBNER 515-993-4545 Eddie S. Fishman

BARBER EMERSON 785-843-6600 Matthew J. Rogers*



BURNS & LEVINSON 617-345-3000 Courtney D. Greenberg, Catherine E. Spanu, Lorraine P. Stark CASNER & EDWARDS 617-426-5900 Steven E. Maalouf CONN KAVANAUGH ROSENTHAL PEISCH & FORD 617-482-8200 Christina Pashou GIBBS & HEINLE 781-371-4940 Christie G. Jacobi, Christopher M. Walsh KATES & BARLOW 617-412-4200 Lauren S. Galloway MAVRIDES LAW 617-723-9900 Amy Abbott MIRICK, O'CONNELL, DEMALLIE & LOUGEE 617-261-2417 Grace C. Roessler PRINCE LOBEL TYE 617-456-8000 Brittany M. Darcy, Anna M. Martignetti TARLOW, BREED, HART & RODGERS 617-218-2000 David Mahoney TODD & WELD 617-720-2626 Lauren M. Bussey, Ryan P. McLaughlin WITMER, KARP, WARNER & RYAN 617-423-7250 Emily E. Nicholson WRIGHT FAMILY LAW GROUP 978-851-2291 Ellen Anna Wright


Meredith M. Maller


GIBBS & HEINLE 781-371-4940 Christie G. Jacobi, Christopher M. Walsh


Katherine E.M. Chlumsky, Rebecca Henry MORRIS, LAING, EVANS, BROCK & KENNEDY 316-262-2671 Grant A. Brazil

Mariah D. Mitchell EPSTEIN & O'DONOVAN 207-772-4100 Alexander D. Latendresse VERRILL DANA 207-774-4000 Anya F. Endsley

CASNER & EDWARDS 617-426-5900 Emily Beekman* CHOATE HALL & STEWART 617-248-5000 Christina S. Dawson GOULSTON & STORRS 617-482-1776 Eric R. Cunnane, Rebecca Tunney KENTUCKY MARYLAND MARGOLIS & BLOOM 617-267-9700 BOWLING GREEN Hartline BALTIMORE Sarah MCLANE MIDDLETON 617-523-7935 TRUSTS AND ESTATES FAMILY LAW Bradford Vezina* BELL, ORR, AYERS & MOORE 270-781-8111 OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT NIXON PEABODY 617-345-1000 Rebeka McKinney Bryce J. Helfer* LAW 410-209-6400 BERRY & MCGEHEE 270-793-9300 Rachel Mech NUTTER MCCLENNEN & FISH 617-439-2000 Ashley Gerughty TRUSTS AND ESTATES Caitlin Glynn, Andrew M. Golden, Nikki Marie Oliveira BAKER, DONELSON, BEARMAN, CALDWELL & LEXINGTON BERKOWITZ 410-685-1120 ROPES & GRAY 617-951-7000 Kelley Crisp, Emma Wright Courtney K. Brust FAMILY LAW HERMAN 410-774-4474 SMITH DUGGAN BUELL & RUFO 617-228-4400 BRITTON JOHNSON 859-963-2241 James E. Clancy IV Seth J. Herman Tamara Combs VENABLE 410-244-7400 MCBRAYER 859-231-8780 Christopher N. Moran WORCESTER Courtney M. Hampton WHITEFORD TAYLOR PRESTON 410-884-0700 TRUE GUARNIERI AYER 502-605-9900 Jessica M. Gorsky TRUSTS AND ESTATES Whitney True Lawson MIRICK, O'CONNELL, DEMALLIE & TRUSTS AND ESTATES LOUGEE 508-791-8500 WASHINGTON, D.C. Emily L. Crim STITES & HARBISON 859-226-2300 Taylor J. Stuckey


MARKHAM LAW FIRM 240-396-4373 Samantha Kravitz, Jillian S. Morris MCGANN, DEL PINA & HUGHES 301-652-7595 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Christina Hughes WYATT, TARRANT & COMBS 502-589-5235 OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT Mary Elizabeth Anderson LAW 240-507-1700 M. Jemi Cho




VARNUM 734-372-2900 Sam J. Vitale




Melissa A. Epstein MILLER, CANFIELD, PADDOCK AND STONE 734-663-2445 Samuel E. Nuxoll


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NEALE & NEWMAN 417-882-9090 C. Nathan Dunville PARKS & JONES, ATTORNEYS AT FAMILY LAW LAW 417-233-4709 BUTZEL LONG 313-225-7000 FAMILY LAW Kara N. Ransom Ivonne M. Soler CHESLEY LAW FIRM 507-625-3000 LEVINE BENJAMIN 248-352-5700 Lisa Chesley Caroline N. Gersch ST. LOUIS DEWITT 612-305-1400 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Barbara J. Seibel FAMILY LAW ACCESS LEGAL CARE 855-437-3704 HENSON & EFRON 612-339-2500 CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 Bert Tiger Whitehead IV Anne Haaland Brittany A. Brown BARRIS, SOTT, DENN & DRIKER 313-965-9725 MOSS & BARNETT 612-877-5000 RAZA & JONES 314-449-8830 Kathleen A. Cieslik Brittney M. Miller Kayte E. Rossi, Sarah J. Wittrock DAKROUB GROUP 313-315-6300 NANCY ZALUSKY BERG 612-335-4282 THE SCHECHTER LAW FIRM 314-727-7289 Hammed Dakroub Ruta Johnsen Ajla Alunovic





CHESLEY LAW FIRM 507-625-3000 Lisa Chesley FAMILY LAW DORSEY & WHITNEY 612-340-2600 DICKINSON WRIGHT 616-458-1300 Jennifer R. Colich Emily Rysberg FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & WN LAW 616-426-9491 REATH 612-766-7000 Renee Lynn Wagenaar Lauren G. Barron TRUSTS AND ESTATES FREDRIKSON & BYRON 612-492-7000 Jesse C. Beier ALLES LAW 616-365-5055 Timothy Robert Alles HENSON & EFRON 612-339-2500 Eric M. Friske*, Benjamin J. Hamborg*, Maria BODMAN 616-205-4330 Pitner* Lindsay Cummings MASLON 612-672-8200 DICKINSON WRIGHT 616-458-1300 Diana L. Marianetti* Alexandre M. Zucco MOSS & BARNETT 612-877-5000 VARNUM 616-336-6000 Susan A. King Janelle G. Haggadone ROBINS KAPLAN 612-349-8500 Timothy Billion*



KEILEN LAW 269-382-4818 Brett A. Cummings, Ross W. Keilen, Carrie E. Trempe


FOSTER SWIFT COLLINS & SMITH 517-371-8100 Mark J. DeLuca*

SCHMELTZER LAW 231-642-5225 Lori B. Schmeltzer STERLING LAW 231-486-0559 Agnes Jury



KUHN ROGERS 231-947-7900 James Praasterink


ABOOD LAW FIRM 248-549-0000 Jeffrey Lance Abood BEST INTEREST LAW 586-219-6454 Dennis M. Germain


BARRON, ROSENBERG, MAYORAS & MAYORAS 248-494-4577 Kimberly C. Browning BEARER LAW 313-575-9590 Caitlin Bearer CLARKSTON LEGAL 248-886-6600 Beth Schlosser* DYKEMA GOSSETT 248-203-0700 Nazneen S. Hasan KEMP KLEIN 248-528-1111 Kate L. Ringler

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DEMING LAW FIRM 228-331-4529 Robert L. Deming III




BALL, LOUDON, EBERT, & BROSTROM 402-420-6091 Kara E. Brostrom, Brett Ebert


CLEVELAND, WATERS AND BASS 603-224-7761 Dianne Ricardo*


DEVINE MILLIMET & BRANCH 603-669-1000 Theofilos Vougias MCLANE MIDDLETON 603-625-6464 Alexandra Cote*


ADINOLFI, LIEBERMAN, BURICK, FALKENSTEIN, ROBERTO & MOLOTSKY 856-428-8334 Thomas A. Roberto GOLDSTEIN & MIGNOGNA 856-890-9400 Melissa L. Mignogna


ARCHER & GREINER 856-795-2121 Sarah L. Cranston OBERMAYER REBMANN MAXWELL & HIPPEL 856-795-3300 Barbara E. Little


COLE SCHOTZ 201-489-3000 Michael J. Kearney, Jennifer M. Lota


CADICINA LAW 973-270-9166 Carly DiFrancisco EINHORN BARBARITO 973-627-7300 BAKER LAW FIRM 601-824-7455 FAMILY LAW Matthew S. Coleman, Dorothy J. Kenney, Jessie Adrian W. Mills M. Mills VACANTI SHATTUCK 402-235-6070 William L. Finocchiaro BRUNINI, GRANTHAM, GROWER & FOX ROTHSCHILD 973-992-4800 HEWES 601-948-3101 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Jessica Diamond, Lindsay Heller Drew C. Bigelow GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & FRASER STRYKER 402-341-6000 BUTLER SNOW 601-948-5711 DAVIS 973-535-1600 Jacqueline M. DeLuca*, Adam D. Grieser Blair Harden Jussely Lisa B. DiPasqua, Barry S. Sobel GOOSMANN LAW FIRM 402-280-7648 NEWSOME O'DONNELL 973-692-6317 Patrick McNamara, Nick Montague* Jenny R. Barry, Lauren E. Sharp JESSEN 402-390-9500 MISSOURI KOLEY P. DeLuca, Claire M. Osborne, Clark R. SNYDER SARNO D'ANIELLO MACERI & DA KANSAS CITY-MO Anthony COSTA 973-274-5200 Youngman, Lyndsay N. Zlomke Julie R. Katz, Michael J. Weil, Michelle A. TRUSTS AND ESTATES Wortmann KIRKLAND WOODS & NEVADA FAMILY LAW: ARBITRATION MARTINSEN 816-792-8300 LAS VEGAS AND MEDIATION Allison Evans Gottschalk* NEWSOME O'DONNELL 973-692-6317 LEWIS RICE 816-421-2500 FAMILY LAW Jenny R. Barry B. Joseph Harris KAINEN LAW GROUP 702-823-4900 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Andrew Kynaston BRESSLER, AMERY & ROSS 973-514-1200 KELLEHER & KELLEHER 702-384-7494 SPRINGFIELD-MO Saira Megan E. Cannella, Jaime B. Herrera Haseebullah CHIESA SHAHINIAN & FAMILY LAW TRUSTS AND ESTATES GIANTOMASI 973-325-1500 BAIRD LIGHTNER MILLSAP 417-887-0133 DAVID BINDRUP LAW FIRM 702-465-0888 Laura R. Feitelson J. Isaac Lightner Katie Bindrup EINHORN BARBARITO 973-627-7300 NEALE & NEWMAN 417-882-9090 DEVINE LAW FIRM 702-515-1500 Adam L. Sandler C. Nathan Dunville Courtney M. Devine TRUSTS AND ESTATES OSHINS & ASSOCIATES 702-341-6000 BUCHANAN WILLIAMS & WOODBRIDGE Courtney E. McCandless O'BRIEN 417-623-0900 SOLOMON DWIGGINS & FREER 702-997-7714 FAMILY LAW Emily Taylor Craig Friedel*, Joshua M. Hood* LAWRENCE LAW 908-645-1000 CARNAHAN, EVANS, CANTWELL & Kristyl M. Berckes, Daniel A. Burton, Ashley BROWN 417-447-4400 E. Edwards Andrew T. Peebles WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & LOWTHER JOHNSON ATTORNEYS AT SPITZER 732-636-8000 LAW 417-866-7777 Jenna N. Shapiro Megan N. Creson




BRYAN CAVE LEIGHTON PAISNER 314-259-2000 Andrew M. Bleyer*, Anne H. Jump, Elizabeth J. Schlesinger CARMODY MACDONALD 314-854-8600 Brad D. Zimmerman GREENSFELDER, HEMKER & GALE 314-241-9090 Cassie L. Barr, Leland R. Moloney*, Andrew V. Wolkiewicz HUSCH BLACKWELL 314-480-1500 Jared L. Dodd* LATHROP GPM 314-613-2800 Abbi H. Kirchner LEWIS RICE 314-444-7600 Brian J. Figueroa POLSINELLI 314-889-8000 Jeffrey M. Glogower





MARCELLINO & TYSON 704-919-1519 Tara A. Harrawood TRUSTS AND ESTATES OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW 704-377-2500 ARNOLD & PORTER 212-836-8000 Kyle A. Frost Sarah Constantine, Danielle M. Weiner, TEDDY, MEEKINS & TALBERT 704-487-1234 Daniella Wittenberg CARTER LEDYARD & MILBURN 212-732-3200 Allison Brook Garren WOFFORD LAW 704-626-6672 Preston C. Demouchet, Josephine J. Yoon Rebecca Wofford DENTONS U.S. 212-768-6700 Benjamin A. Friedman, Meghan Maier TRUSTS AND ESTATES JOHNSTON, ALLISON & HORD 704-332-1181 FAEGRE DRINKER BIDDLE & Heather G. Carson REATH 212-248-3140 Elizabeth M. Haag MOORE & VAN ALLEN 704-331-1000 Thomas A. Cooper, Kathryn E. Duffy, Caitlin FRANKFURT KURNIT KLEIN & N. Horne SELZ 212-980-0120 Christina M. Jenkins POYNER SPRUILL 704-342-5250 John Michael Durnovich* HERRICK, FEINSTEIN 212-592-1400 Ariel G. Nelson ROBINSON BRADSHAW & HINSON 704-377-2536 KATTEN 212-940-8800 John W. Forneris Rebecca H. Lomazow LOEB & LOEB 212-407-4000 Caitlin E. Cline RALEIGH MATHEY & STERN 917-960-7534 Sean Mathey FAMILY LAW NORTON ROSE FULBRIGHT 212-318-3000 BOSQUEZ PORTER FAMILY Jason Alexander Lederman LAW 919-834-3699 Emily Jeske PATTERSON BELKNAP WEBB & TYLER 212-336-2000 THARRINGTON SMITH 919-821-4711 Jessica E. Nachman Mary Aiken Barrow, Jeffrey R. Russell PAUL, WEISS, RIFKIND, WHARTON & WOODRUFF & FORTNER 919-934-4000 GARRISON 212-373-3000 Nicki Sanderson Rebecca M.G. Zuks TRUSTS AND ESTATES PILLSBURY WINTHROP SHAW MANNING, FULTON & SKINNER 919-787-8880 PITTMAN 212-858-1000 Andrew W. Blair Kelly Frisch, Avigail Goldglancz SMITH DEBNAM NARRON DRAKE SAINTSING PROSKAUER ROSE 212-969-3000 & MYERS 919-250-2000 Nat Birdsall*, Kimberly Ann Braun, Vanessa Andrew Bullard Maczko* WOMBLE BOND DICKINSON SCHIFF HARDIN 212-753-5000 (US) 919-755-2100 Tracy Adamovich Jesse A. Schaefer* STROOCK & STROOCK & LAVAN 212-806-5400 Jay J. Scharf TRIAD WACHTELL, LIPTON, ROSEN & KATZ 212-403-1000 FAMILY LAW Heather D. Casteel MORGENSTERN & ASSOCIATES 336-203-9110 WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER 212-728-8000 Ashley D. Bennington Sarah Abel, Sarah C. Fenstemaker WOODRUFF FAMILY LAW WINDELS MARX LANE & GROUP 336-272-9122 MITTENDORF 212-237-1000 Taylor Clay David Mehl, Ivan F. Sperber


Kristin K. Cheney

GREENBAUM, ROWE, SMITH & DAVIS 732-549-5600 Lauren M. Ahern WILENTZ, GOLDMAN & SPITZER 732-636-8000 Jo Ann Gambale


TERRY & DEGRAAUW 505-206-5044 Kristin Bradford


TERRY & DEGRAAUW 505-206-5044 Kristin Bradford


SUTIN, THAYER & BROWNE 505-883-2500 L. Curtis Vernon


WALTHER BENNETT MAYO HONEYCUTT 505-795-7117 Morgan Honeycutt, Amber Macias-Mayo


CORDELL & CORDELL 518-554-0000 Erica Waters MACK & ASSOCIATES 518-465-1451 Katelyn M. Pompey WHITEMAN OSTERMAN & HANNA 518-487-7621 J. Rochelle Cavanagh





KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & DOUGHERTY 330-497-0700 Stephanie A. Lehota, Benjamin T. Worsowicz KRUGLIAK, WILKINS, GRIFFITHS & DOUGHERTY 330-364-3472 Stephanie A. Lehota, Benjamin T. Worsowicz


BARBARA J. HOWARD 513-421-7300 Melissa Thompson Millard, Megan E. Wamsley BETH SILVERMAN & ASSOCIATES 513-241-9844 Diana M. Link, Maggie M. Netheide DINSMORE & SHOHL 513-977-8200 Melissa Spievack


DBL LAW 513-241-4110 Ryan Whitaker GRAYDON HEAD & RITCHEY 513-621-6464 Maria K. Moyer KEATING MUETHING & KLEKAMP 513-579-6400 Adam J. Centner TAFT STETTINIUS & HOLLISTER 513-381-2838 Aaron Kaplan ULMER & BERNE 513-698-5000 Erica N. Carducci VORYS, SATER, SEYMOUR AND PEASE 513-723-4000 Emily E. St. Cyr


BAKER & HOSTETLER 216-621-0200 Kevin R. McKinnis CALFEE 216-622-8200 Nicole K. Shafran HICKMAN & LOWDER 216-861-0360 A. Welch WILMINGTON-NC Ethan ROCHESTER-NY REMINGER 216-687-1311 LONG ISLAND Timothy J. Gallagher*, Paul R. Shugar* TRUSTS AND ESTATES WARD AND SMITH 910-794-4800FAMILY LAW SCHNEIDER SMELTZ SPIETH FAMILY LAW BOYLAN CODE 585-232-5300 BELL 216-696-4200 Paige E. Inman ABRAMS, FENSTERMAN, FENSTERMAN, Diane K. Donnelly Kimberly E. Stein EISMAN, FORMATO, FERRARA, WOLF & TRUSTS AND ESTATES WALTER HAVERFIELD 216-781-1212 WOODS OVIATT GILMAN 585-987-2800 CARONE 516-328-2300 DAVID E. ANDERSON 910-509-7287 Nicholas S. Proukou Sebastian Pascu Andrea M. Brodie David E. Anderson ZEA PROUKOU 585-423-9444 AIELLO & DIFALCO 516-747-1131 WARD AND SMITH 910-794-4800 Randi Proukou Michael Drew DiFalco Paige E. Inman* COLUMBUS-OH SALTZMAN CHETKOF & ROSENBERG 516-873-7200 WHITE PLAINS FAMILY LAW NORTH DAKOTA FRIEDMAN & MIRMAN 614-221-0090 Allyson D. Burger FAMILY LAW E. Garvey, Valeriya S. Kryvokolinska, SIK LAW 347-754-6267 FARGO Erin BODNARMILONE 914-997-2500 Robert A. Letson Seth I. Koslow Justin Contratto, Ivana Peric Laroche FAMILY LAW GROSSMAN LAW OFFICES 614-221-7711 TRUSTS AND ESTATES BRAUNSTEIN & ZUCKERMAN 914-997-6220 John H. Cousins IV, Nadia Khan-Ajam, Jodi R. GJESDAHL LAW 701-237-3009 BURNER LAW GROUP 631-941-3434 Chanah Brenenson Christel A. Croxen, Kari A. Losee Smilack Robin Burner Daleo, Kera Murphy Reed TRUSTS AND ESTATES MCKINLAY LAW OFFICES 614-407-7722 RIVKIN RADLER 516-357-3000 Kerry Hageman-Froelich Jeffrey Gorak* NORTH CAROLINA OHNSTAD TWICHELL 701-282-3249 WOOD & LONG 614-567-3031 Brent T. Boeddeker, Jeffrey R. Strom VISHNICK MCGOVERN MILIZIO 516-437-4385 ASHEVILLE Marcie A. Fronefield Meredith Chesler, Constantina S. Papageorgiou TRUSTS AND ESTATES TRUSTS AND ESTATES GRAND FORKS DINSMORE & SHOHL 614-628-6880 MCGUIRE, WOOD & BISSETTE 828-254-8800 Michael A. Tipton FAMILY LAW NEW YORK CITY Kathleen R. Rodberg PORTER WRIGHT MORRIS & KLEVEN LAW & ASSOCIATES 701-289-5707 ARTHUR 614-227-2000 Ariana D. Meyers FAMILY LAW CHARLOTTE Michelle H. Wong-Halabi BLANK ROME 212-885-5000 Anita Rooz FAMILY LAW MANTEL MCDONOUGH RISO 212-599-1515 EASTERLING LAW 980-272-1365 Melissa Mantel Lindsey Easterling BOND, SCHOENECK & KING 716-416-7000 Jay A. Organek* LIPPES MATHIAS WEXLER FRIEDMAN 716-853-5100 Jessica M. Peraza*


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KAPLIN STEWART MELOFF REITER & TRUSTS AND ESTATES STEIN 610-260-6000 HUSCH BLACKWELL 423-266-5500 Devin S. Fox Ariel M. Anthony TRUSTS AND ESTATES MORGAN, LEWIS & BOCKIUS 215-963-5000 EASTMAN & SMITH 419-241-6000 Benjamin C. Trayes Chad D. Huber KNOXVILLE SHUMAKER, LOOP & KENDRICK 419-241-9000 FAMILY LAW Nicolas A. Linares* PITTSBURGH MCDONALD, LEVY & TAYLOR 865-966-4343 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Katheryn M. Ogle OKLAHOMA CITRON ALEX 412-765-2720 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Daniel A. Seibel OKLAHOMA CITY KENNERLY MONTGOMERY & K&L GATES 412-355-6500 FINLEY 865-546-7311 FAMILY LAW Amanda Erlandson Michael Crowder GELONA-HENDRICKS LAW STRASSBURGER MCKENNA GUTNICK & LEWIS THOMASON 865-546-4646 Christina Genlona-Hendricks GEFSKY 412-281-5423 Andrea C. Anderson, Katherine Sanford Nicolas J. Sasso PHILLIPS MURRAH 405-235-4100 Goodner Molly E. Tipton MCDONALD, LEVY & TAYLOR 865-966-4343 RAHILL LAW FIRM 405-286-9619 RHODE ISLAND Carolyn Gilliam* Ashley D. Rahill



SPENCER FANE 405-844-9900 Sarah S. Clutts* WILSON LAW GROUP 405-332-5577 Allison J. Wilson


BARTON GILMAN 401-273-7171 Gregory N. Hoffman, Erica S. Janton MCINTYRE TATE 401-351-7700 Laura Ruzzo Reale



BUCKLEY LAW 503-620-8900 Katelyn Skinner GRAVES & SWANSON 503-406-2140 C.J. Graves KRISTA MANCUSO LAW Krista Mancuso MCKEAN SMITH 503-567-7967 Zach Walsh WRIGHT MCTAGGART 503-676-3064 Erin McTaggart WYSE KADISH 503-228-8448 Meagan E. Robbins



MARSHALL SALES ATTORNEY AT LAW 512-862-4233 Marshall Sales SANDOVAL FAMILY LAW 512-580-2449 Raul Sandoval


GLANKLER BROWN 901-525-1322 G. Hite McLean III LEITNER, WILLIAMS, DOOLEY & 901-527-0214 OREGON TRUSTS AND ESTATES NAPOLITAN Nelson T. Rainey & MITTLEMAN 401-331-5700 EUGENE CAMERON Meaghan E. Kelly TRUSTS AND ESTATES EVANS PETREE 901-525-6781 FAMILY LAW HINCKLEY ALLEN 401-274-2000 Regan S. Sherwood Kate N, Kishfy BAXTER HARDER 541-238-9210 FARRIS BOBANGO 901-259-7100 Erica Strader KIERNAN, PLUNKETT & Tomas Duck REDIHAN 401-414-5325 Brittanee N. Donley


MARSHALL SALES ATTORNEY AT LAW 512-862-4233 Marshall Sales NOELKE MAPLES ST. LEGER BRYANT 512-480-9777 Arielle Rosvall SANDOVAL FAMILY LAW 512-580-2449 Raul Sandoval THE LAW OFFICE OF TYRA PERKINS 512-640-9875 Tyra J. Perkins VAUGHT LAW FIRM 512-342-9980 Erin Leake



NEAL & HARWELL 615-244-1713 Callie K. Hinson TRUSTS AND ESTATES STITES & HARBISON 615-782-2200 HAYNSWORTH SINKLER BOYD 843-669-6002 Ashley Goins Alderson, Ann Ralls Brown Charles E. Ipock* THOMPSON BURTON 615-465-6000 SOJOURNER CAUGHMAN & Lauren Beth Mccullum THOMAS 803-978-5500 Ryan Wallace TRUSTS AND ESTATES BONE MCALLESTER NORTON 615-238-6300 Jonathan R. Burns GREENVILLE HOWARD MOBLEY HAYES & 615-627-4444 TRUSTS AND ESTATES GONTAREK Allie Bohannon TRUSTS AND ESTATES MERLINE & MEACHAM 864-242-4080 LOEB & LOEB 615-749-8300 DAVIS GALM LAW FIRM 503-644-9000 Andrew Merline Nathan Drake Mike Davis SHERRARD ROE VOIGT & KOCH LAW 503-706-7954 ROCK HILL HARBISON 615-742-4200 John C. Koch Amy Rao Mohan*, Andrea J. Sinclair*, Hannah MICHAEL WISE & ASSOCIATES 503-224-8422 FAMILY LAW J. Smith Blair Townsend LAW OFFICES OF MONTRIO STITES & HARBISON 615-782-2200 PRISM LEGAL 503-809-0902 BELTON 803-324-4529 Ann Ralls Brown Kristen A. Chambers Montrio M. Belton TAKACS MCGINNIS ELDER CARE RICHARDSON WRIGHT 503-546-4637 SHAW LAW FIRM 803-329-4200 LAW 615-824-2571 Melina Martinez* Ploomer E. Cochran Chris Johnson WINTER & RHODEN 864-489-8128 Anna-Karina Parker SALEM

MOODY 512-480-5600 Marianne W. Nitsch* IKARD LAW 512-472-6696 Adam Herron* JACKSON WALKER 512-236-2000 Amanda L. Neinast KIMBROUGH LEGAL 833-553-4251 Tychanika Kimbrough MCLEAN & HOWARD 512-328-2008 Laci Ehlers THE LAW OFFICE OF TYRA PERKINS 512-640-9875 Tyra J. Perkins


ORGAIN BELL & TUCKER 409-838-6412 Sara Norman


CHRISTIE M. PHAN 214-460-6933 Christie M. Phan COWLES & THOMPSON 214-672-2000 Claire James ESTES THORNE & CARR 214-599-4000 Stephanie L. Matherne GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-903-4798 Ryan Bauerle, Hayley B. Collins, Britney Harrison, Lindsey Obenhaus GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 214-744-3983 Ryan Bauerle, Hayley B. Collins, Britney Harrison, Lindsey Obenhaus LAW OFFICE OF JULIE JOHNSON 214-265-7630 Caleb McVicker MCCATHERN 214-741-2035 Erin R. Clegg TRI-CITIES-TN MOHR LAW GROUP Taylor Mohr FAMILY LAW SOUTH DAKOTA TRUSTS AND ESTATES NAVARRETTE BOWEN 940-202-2644 THE REYNOLDS LAW FIRM 541-738-1800 WILSON WORLEY MOORE GAMBLE & Lindsay A. Partridge Erin Duncan, Amy R. Spangler SIOUX FALLS STOUT 423-723-0400 O'NEIL WYSOCKI FAMILY LAW 972-852-8000 Drew Street TRUSTS AND ESTATES Erica A. Atkin, Karri Bertrand, Emily Hayes, PENNSYLVANIA BALLARD SPAHR 605-978-5200 Ryan Segall, Andrew Speer Jordan D. Veurink PHILADELPHIA TEXAS RICKER LAW FIRM 806-894-1719 GOOSMANN LAW FIRM 605-371-2000 Ricker AUSTIN Phil FAMILY LAW Matthew J. Abel* SHACKELFORD, BOWEN, MCKINLEY & KLEHR HARRISON HARVEY FAMILY LAW NORTON 214-780-1400 BRANZBURG 215-569-2700 Kristen R. Zerega TENNESSEE ANGELA FAYE BROWN & Stephanie Stecklair THE WRIGHT FIRM 972-712-7555 ASSOCIATES 844-854-5437 CHATTANOOGA TRUSTS AND ESTATES Christopher Lambert Angela Faye Brown EASTBURN AND GRAY 215-345-7000 WISENER NUNNALLY ROTH 972-530-2200 FAMILY LAW BURNETTTURNER 512-472-5060 Sarah Eastburn* Jacob Higgins Scott Nyitray LEITNER, WILLIAMS, DOOLEY & FOX ROTHSCHILD 215-345-7500 GORANSONBAIN AUSLEY 512-596-5190 NAPOLITAN 423-265-0214 FAMILY LAW: ARBITRATION Emma M. Kline Kristiana Butler, Angelica Rolong Cormier Terri L. Daugherty AND MEDIATION GILBOY & GILBOY 267-861-0531 KIMBROUGH LEGAL 833-553-4251 O'NEIL WYSOCKI FAMILY LAW 972-852-8000 George C. Deeney Tychanika Kimbrough Ryan Segall

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CLARK HILL 214-651-4300 Brooks Caston FARROW-GILLESPIE HEATH WITTER 214-361-5600 Jessica Dunne* FOLEY & LARDNER 214-999-3000 Nicholas A. Chamis JACKSON WALKER 214-953-6000 Jacqueline W. Davis JORDAN FLOURNOY 214-369-0361 Chad T. McLain* LEU & PEIRCE 972-996-2540 Laura J. Chavero, Lauren Olson MCDERMOTT WILL & EMERY 214-295-8000 Jessica Jensen NORRIS & WEBER 214-521-1520 Colin R. Byrne* PYKE & ASSOCIATES 214-866-0133 Ryan Trobee* SHACKELFORD, BOWEN, MCKINLEY & NORTON 214-780-1400 Kristen R. Zerega THE WRIGHT FIRM 940-387-5300 Julian Kehler THOMPSON & KNIGHT 214-969-1700 Rachel Deming, Sarah G. Marks VINSON & ELKINS 214-220-7700 Carson M. Dimick WICK PHILLIPS 214-692-6200 Ryan M. Moore WISENER NUNNALLY ROTH 972-530-2200 Jacob Higgins


SCOTTHULSE 915-533-2493 Lauren D. Serrano


SPROUSE SHRADER SMITH 806-468-3300 Suzannah McCord

LIVESAY & MYERS 703-865-4746 Shirin Afsous, Ariel L. Baniowski, Lindsay Connolly, Anneshia Miller Grant, Jonathan P. McHugh, Jamel Rowe, Amanda Stone Swart LIVESAY & MYERS 571-291-3190 Shirin Afsous, Ariel L. Baniowski, Lindsay Connolly, Anneshia Miller Grant, Jonathan P. McHugh, Jamel Rowe, Amanda Stone Swart & MYERS 540-370-4140 TYLER LIVESAY Shirin Afsous, Ariel L. Baniowski, Lindsay Connolly, Anneshia Miller Grant, Jonathan P. TRUSTS AND ESTATES McHugh, Jamel Rowe, Amanda Stone Swart POTTER MINTON 903-597-8311 OFFIT KURMAN, ATTORNEYS AT Patrick C. Bell LAW 703-745-1800 RAMEY & FLOCK 903-597-3301 Sharie Albers Archer Ramey* SIMMS SHOWERS 703-771-4671 William B. Mann UTAH WOEHRLE DAHLBERG JONES 703-829-6233 SALT LAKE CITY YAO Matthew J. Yao

KUTSCHER HEREFORD BERTRAM BURKART 206-382-4414 Anna M. Cashman, A. Paul Firuz LANE POWELL 206-223-7000 Manpreet Kaur*, Jamie R. Lanier LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & EBBERSON 206-624-1230 Konrad A. Miernowski METIS ESTATE PLANNING 206-408-8163 Alexandra Gerson PERKINS COIE 206-359-8000 William S. Friedman

Kimberly A. Ford DROUGHT, DROUGHT & BOBBITT 210-225-4031 Matthew Badders LANGLEY & BANACK 210-736-6600 Jobe S. Jackson*, Sasha N. Kiger*

JONES WALDO HOLBROOK & MCDONOUGH 801-521-3200 Taryn Nicolaides Evans



WITHERSPOON BRAJCICH MCPHEE 509-455-9077 Deanna M. Willman*


LIVESAY & MYERS 571-291-3190 Ariel L. Baniowski, Amanda Stone Swart





MICHIEHAMLETT 434-951-7200 Amy J. Inge

ARWOOD & BLUM 360-693-8471 Elizabeth A. Arwood TRUSTS AND ESTATES MCKEAN SMITH 360-502-7022 Jeffrey Ott ZUNKA, MILNOR & CARTER 434-977-0191 Ashleigh M. Pivonka MCKINLEY IRVIN 360-255-7602 Casey Sanders, Lisa M. Ward




MARTIN & RICHARDS 503-444-3449



DINSMORE & SHOHL 304-296-1100 Haley S. Hillen


STRATTON 206-728-2244 Evangeline Stratton, Daniel York CAMPBELL & MILLER 253-851-5924 Caroline Campbell GALLOWAY LAW GROUP 425-334-4400 Adam Strand HELSELL FETTERMAN 206-292-1144 Sarah Elerson RICHMOND JENNA BOLDT 253-581-0660 TRUSTS AND ESTATES Jenna Boldt BAKER BOTTS 713-229-1234 TRUSTS AND ESTATES LASHER HOLZAPFEL SPERRY & Emily Heasley THOMPSONMCMULLAN 804-379-1905 EBBERSON 206-624-1230 Lindsay Pickral CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 713-658-1818 Danielle L. LaBelle, James D. Stensel Kaili Cusack, Julie G. Edelman MCKINLEY IRVIN 206-397-0399 CLARK HILL 713-951-5600 ROANOKE Brent Bohan, Brian Edwards, Lindsay Noel, Kristina Kunz Samuel Page CRAIN CATON & JAMES 713-658-2323 FAMILY LAW MCKINLEY IRVIN 253-256-1265 Gabriela M. Barake*, Joshua R. Flores*, Joe R. WEAVER LAW FIRM 540-767-7611 Brent Bohan, Brian Edwards, Lindsay Noel, Savoie*, Calla M. Sprague* Melanie Peters Samuel Page GRAY REED & MCGRAW 713-986-7000 Trey Avant*, Scott Bayer, Emily M. Radke FAMILY LAW: ARBITRATION WASHINGTON, D.C. AND MEDIATION JACKSON WALKER 713-752-4200 ELISE BUIE FAMILY LAW 206-926-9848 Matthew R. Rodriguez, Austin Thomas FAMILY LAW Kathryn Silk LOCKE LORD 713-226-1200 BEAN, KINNEY & KORMAN 703-525-4000 Chelsea H. Overhuls TRUSTS AND ESTATES Michelle A. Bieber RAPP & KROCK 713-759-9977 DORSEY & WHITNEY 206-903-8800 BLANKINGSHIP & KEITH 703-691-1235 Emily B. Taylor TaraLynn A. Casperson, Mathew Teagarden Olivia M. F. Bean WINSTEAD 713-650-8400 ELDREDGE & ASSOCIATES 206-330-0501 COTTRELL FLETCHER & Abigail Rosen Earthman*, Kevin T. Keen Sharon Eldredge COTTRELL 703-836-2770 WINSTEAD 281-681-5900 ERIC C. REUTTER Amy W. Spain Abigail Rosen Earthman*, Kevin T. Keen Eric C. Reutter GRAHAM LAW FIRM 703-443-9360 HELSELL FETTERMAN 206-292-1144 Jason Knoster Kevin Khong* SAN ANTONIO GRENADIER, DUFFETT, LEVI, WINKLER & JOHN G. LLEWELLYN 206-923-2889 RUBIN 703-683-9000 Claire E. Bellefleur TRUSTS AND ESTATES Katherine D. Smith K&L GATES 206-623-7580 CHAMBERLAIN HRDLICKA 210-253-8383 HICKS CRANDALL JUHL 703-468-0193 Alexander E. Hurt F. Matthew Flores Dana M. Wolfson KAUFMAN & CANOLES 757-624-3000 Ellis H. Pretlow REAVESCOLEY 757-410-8066 HOUSTON Sarah J. Schmidt* WOLCOTT RIVERS GATES 757-497-6633 FAMILY LAW Jessica A. Hayes BEACHEM LAW FIRM 713-333-9794 Jermecia A. Beachem

DAVIS ARNEIL LAW FIRM 509-662-3551 David Law

JACKSON KELLY 304-340-1000 Valerie F. Gainer

FAMILY LAW Christie L. Martin, Gabrielle D. Richards*

HOFHEIMER FAMILY LAW FIRM 757-785-9761 Katherine Wilcox Carter, Caitlin Walters PENDER & COWARD 757-490-3000 Naveed Kalantar



NEIDER & BOUCHER 608-661-4500 Timothy C. Sugar


GIMBEL, REILLY, GUERIN & BROWN 414-271-1440 Max T. Stephenson PECKERMAN, KLEIN & VAN KIRK 414-271-9300 Erica Stoltz ZIMMERMANN LAW OFFICES 414-352-4400 Nathan I. Zimmermann


BECKER, HICKEY & POSTER 414-273-1414 Dayna J. Lefebvre FOLEY & LARDNER 414-271-2400 Stephanie J. Derks O'NEIL, CANNON, HOLLMAN, DEJONG & LAING 414-276-5000 Kelly M. Condon, Trevor Lippman* REINHART BOERNER VAN DEUREN 414-298-1000 Kelsey L. Berns WILLMS-O'LEARY 262-238-6996 T. Samuel Azinger


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A recognition awarded to associates and other lawyers who are earlier in their careers for their outstanding professional excellence in private practice in the United States.

K N OW A G R E AT L AW Y E R? N O M I N ATE TH E M BY JA N UA RY 1 5 , 2021 !

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