BESTFIT Magazine issue 41

Page 13

“Dieting can be especially hard when the weather starts getting cold and you’d much rather be wrapped up inside by a fire than outside being active” mood. Remember that you are on this journey to look and feel better. How much you weigh is a good measure of fat loss progress long term, but do remember it is not your sole goal. Don’t become fixated on it. What you can do, how you look and most importantly how you feel, is far more important than what you weigh. Winter fuel Dieting can be especially hard when the weather starts getting cold and you’d much rather be wrapped up inside by a fire than outside being active.

Hunger tends to increase during the cold weather too, which makes sense from an evolutionary stand point, as staying warm in the cold demands more energy. We also tend to crave comfort foods to keep us warm. But these don’t have to ruin your diet. Good options are: • Soups • Stews • Roasted vegetables Conveniently, these are all easy to prepare and can be made in bulk and then heated up and eaten throughout the week. Add seasoning to make your food extra tasty without the extra calories that


Fish is good for us, we know this. Here Amy Wright (Itsu) reveals six ways salmon can improve our overall health. Chow down! Transform your skin “Fatty fish such as salmon and tuna are high in omega-3 fatty acids, which assist moisture retention in the skin barrier. Salmon is also a very hearthealthy form of protein, essential for skin repair.” Kiss stress goodbye “The omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help to boost our ‘good mood’ serotonin levels and protect the nervous system. Its B vitamin content also helps to support brain function, energy, memory and fight stress.” Healthy happy hair “Omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for scalp and hair health. Salmon also contains vitamin D. The role of vitamin D in the human hair cycle is still unclear, however vitamin D deficiency has been linked to female hair loss.” No more afternoon slumps “Salmon is a vitamin-dense food and its omega-3 fatty acids are not only beneficial for your wellbeing, but also for your brain. A healthy brain influences many aspects of our wellbeing, including our energy, mood, mental health and motivation.” Slow down the process of needing specs “Salmon is a rich source of antioxidants, carotenoids and one of the key omega-3 fatty acids, DHA. All of these contribute to optimum function of the eye.” Heart friendly fish “Salmon is often referred to as one of the ‘heart-friendly’ fish and rightly so. It’s full of healthy and essential fats and nutrients.”

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