Summer BUZZ 2014

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BEST.EU.ORG/COURSES Ediția martie 2014

FACEBOOK.COM/BEST.SEASON.EVENTS Oferta cursurilor de sezon pentru studenților Universității Tehnice Cluj-Napoca

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cursurile de sezon? Cursurile de sezon sunt cursuri gratuite organizate de B E S T în toată Europa, de 4 ori pe an: Winter, Spring, Summer şi Autumn.

Care sunt cursurile de vară la care poti aplica?


Vara aceasta BEST îţi pune la dispoziţie o listă cu 53 cursuri, competiţii sau evenimente de recreere. Tot ce trebuie să faci e să îţi alegi tema şi oraşul şi să le scrii o scrisoare de motivare colegilor noştri din oraşul respectiv, în care să le spui cât de mult îţi doreşti să participi la cursul lor, să îi vizitezi şi să te distrezi alături de ei!





Cuprins: Editorial...............................................4 Despre BEST.......................................5 Cursuri in Europa..........................6-18 Battle Lab Robotica.............................19 Cursuri in Romania.............................20 Jobshop.............................................21 Tips&Tricks...................................22-23


Diana Mone


Carmen Horghidan


Vlad Juncanariu


Editorial Cu toții știm că vara e perioada călătoriilor şi noilor oportunități. Dacă ai vrut mereu călătorești, dar nu ai știut cum să-ţi planifici timpul, locația sau bugetul, BESTCluj-Napoca îți sare în ajutor punând la dispoziție o lista de 53 de cursuri, competiții sau evenimente de relaxare ce au loc diferite locații din Europa .

Nu-i așa că fiind student/ă simți că ești mai liber, că puterea de a lua decizii care pot să-ți schimbe viața stă la îndemâna ta, că încerci să nu mai depinzi de părinți și să trăiești pe cont propriu, că simți nevoia să-ți cauți locul preferat în care să te regăsești ? Așa și trebuie să te simți, deoarece te afli într-o etapă definitorie a vieții tale, o etapa a deciziilor importante și a gândirii libere. Dar, te-ai gândit că ai putea fi și mai liber de atât ? Te-ai gândit să călătorești ? Cu siguranță te-ai gandit, însă odată cu gândul acesta au apărut și ezitările: ,,Nu pot economisi destui bani să călătoresc”, ,,Cum pot ajunge într-o altă țară ?”, ,,Mi-e frică să călătoresc singur/ă” și alte gânduri descurajatoare care te-ar putea face să te răzgândești. De ce să-ți lași gândurile negative și grijile să te țină în loc ? De ce să nu profiți de vară și să n-o luminezi cu gânduri bune ? „Poate totuși nu e așa greu să călătoresc, sunt destule oportunități”, ,,Cu siguranță ceilalți sunt la fel de emoționați și debusolați ca mine. Ne vom împrieteni ușor”, ,,Stiu puțină engleză. Sigur e de ajuns să mă pot descurca”. Dacă ai astfel de gânduri, înseamnă că ești pregătit să călătoresti. Așa că aplică cât mai curând, fă-ți bagajele, pune la punct planul de bătaie și fii pregătit să cunoști lumea, să descoperi locuri, oameni și obiceiuri noi, să-ți faci prieteni de neuitat. mai distrat până acum. Deschide-

ți aripile și mintea și fă ca vara aceasta să fie una memorabilă.


BEST, Board of European Students of Technology, este o organizație nonprofit și apolitică aflată în continuă creștere. Din 1989 BEST oferă oportunități de comunicare, cooperare și schimburi de experiență pentru studenți din toată Europa. Grupul Local BEST Cluj-Napoca este format din voluntari din cadrul Universităţii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, un grup de tineri entuziaşti cu viziuni îndrăzneţe, extrem de motivaţi să înveţe ce înseamnă munca în echipă, managementul unui proiect, dezvoltarea unor abilităţi complementare studiilor universitare, abilităţi care ne vor ajuta în tot ceea ce inseamnă viaţa post-universitară.

Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, universitate de cercetare avansată și educaţie conform Ordinului Ministerului Educaţiei Naţionale nr. 5262 din 5 septembrie 2011, este astăzi una dintre instituţiile de învăţămant superior cu tradiţie, recunoscută naţional și internaţional.


Madrid (Spain) This is Start-Up! A guide to success 05 July 2014 – 14 July 2014 Are you thinking of developing a company, or want to know how they work so that you can dominate the financial and technological world? Here is your opportunity!! In this course you’ll have the chance to learn how to deal with the main problems startups face when they begin to work.

Zaporizhzhya (Ukraine) Fix the belt until it tight! It would be the BEST your flight! 10 June 2014 – 20 June 2014 Take all your creativity and knowledge to construct your own aircraft and solve the problems of modern aviation.We request that all passengers should take their smiles, open their minds, set up their mood on the positive wave and be ready to rock this summer!

Warsaw (Poland) Shoot Me Baby One More Time 17 July 2014 – 27 July 2014 Just take your camera and come to Warsaw this summer, because… we know that photography is a lot more than just pointing the camera at something and pressing the button. We are giving you a possibility to become a great photographer even if you are amateur right now! Vinnytsia (Ukraine) Spiders conquer the world! Would you join? 30 July 2014 – 07 August 2014 Do you wanna be aware how the global network works? Maybe you wanna design your personal network? Everything will be possible after attending our summer course! 6



Veszprem (Hungary) Lean Management – Do It the BEST Way! 18 July 2014 – 26 July 2014 During the course you will get an insight into different companies production and lean management system: how they use the tools and techniques, how they schedule their production efficiently, how they reduce cycle times, how they reach their highest potential and how they avoid breakdowns. Vienna (Austria) IT Sports – it’s on the field! 10 July 2014 – 19 July 2014 During this 10 day summer course, you will be introduced to theoretical and practical lectures regarding IT in Sports, Tactical Analysis (based on position data) along with Pervasive/Ubiquitous Computing in Sport.

Uppsala (Sweden) Save our planet now, come on! 08 June 2014 – 18 June 2014 The concept of sustainability has a different meaning depending on who you ask. The aim of this Summer Course is to gather, educate and discuss sustainable development so that we can clarify the importance of it, and hopefully take a step in the right direction towards a sustainable future. Tampere (Finland) BEST Materials for Energy Technologies 05 August 2014 – 16 August 2014 Do you want to solve the energy problems of the world?During this course you will find out the importance of materials in energy engineering!You will learn about currently used materials in the field of energy, greatest challenges and latest research and development achievements.


Tallinn (Estonia) Oh My Wood! 13 June 2014 – 22 June 2014 We’re going to give you a wonderful opportunity to learn by doing something practical. There are many things you can do with wood: smell it, feel it, test how hard it is.After you learn about it’s qualities, you can put the knowledge into practice.

Stockholm (Sweden) Soft Computing: Smart Ways of Being Inexact 06 June 2014 – 14 June 2014 Soft computing as a field of applied computer science emerged from an ambition to parallel the unique capability of human mind to approach difficult problems in the world full of uncertainty, complexity.

Skopje (Macedonia) Sustainability Games: Catching Power 03 July 2014 – 13 July 2014 Have you ever wondered how passive houses can help the environment? With a basic introduction you can learn how to save the energy using passive houses and how engineers and architects can help each other in this mission. Rome (Italy) BEST & COmpany – How to restart a business 26 July 2014 – 04 August 2014 We’ll be teaching you how to improve and restart a business and at the end of this course, students will be able to advise a real company, improving its image, through advertising techniques as well as graphical works and ideas, thus exploiting company’s strongest points.


Prague (Czech Republic) Czech out the power of 3D printing! 18 July 2014 – 27 July 2014 Are you bored of going shopping every time any small thing in your home breaks? Clothes pegs, cups or even your glasses? 3D printing is the solution! With a 3D printer, you can easily design and print almost anything from your fantasies!

Porto (Portugal) Porto Revealed! 26 August 2014 – 07 September 2014 Have you ever dreamed about creating an awesome building?Do you want to have lessons about territory planning and hints on landscape architecture?If the answer is an astonishing “YES!!”, come and spend 12 days with the most amazing people you can think of, and learn all the tips to get it done!

Kotor or Podgorica (Montenegro) Bridge the obstacles, build your future! 04 July 2014 – 11 July 2014 The main theme of this course are bridges, or to be specific the concept of designing bridges.Because we wanted this course to be available to everyone, we organized lectures to get you familiar with: construction materials, seismology and management. Patras (Greece) App Wars: Attack of the UbiComps 14 July 2014 – 23 July 2014 Get ready for obtaining knowledge about human centered pervasive mobile systems and how to best use this methodology to develop new and exciting ideas into products without even writing any kind of code!!Get ready for the greek summer! Don’t forget your 9 lightsabers!

Nis (Serbia) C.O.D.E – Create Opportunities, Dream Excitement 20 July 2014 – 30 July 2014 Find out what the world of IT has to offer you, and what is the future of mobile applications. Enter the exciting world of information technology, developing web products and multimedia! Level up your programming and software design skills, create the perfect app! Messina (Italy) THINK GREEN! Look at the future of green & sustainable energy and chemistry 27 July 2014 – 05 August 2014 We will introduce you to the concepts and methods of green and sustainable energy and chemistry, the new energy vectors the advances in solar cells and devices, the last developments in artificial leaves, and the new possibilities offered by bio-refineries and bio-economy.

Madrid (Spain) Be witty, design a smart city! 16 July 2014 – 25 July 2014 The smart crew of LBG Madrid will help you to build a smart community, take the smartest decisions and integrate your ideas smartly!!! You will learn how to approach a project about smart cities by acquiring and merging multidisciplinary perspectives. Lviv (Ukraine) Shut Up – Start Up by LBG Lviv 28 July 2014 – 07 August 2014 Have you ever thought of independent life? It’s time! Life has dropped you a lemon ? make lemonade from it! Have a banana ? pare and eat it! Have you understood the hint? Use every opportunity, which life gives you! One of this is to apply to our course!


Lund (Sweden) I’m sweet like candy, hot as chilli and healthy like vitamins 04 June 2014 – 14 June 2014 In Sweden we believe in an old saying which states: “You are what you eat”. Is it really that simple? Imagine the possibility to strengthen certain abilities in us depending on what you eat, to be able to think more clearly or remembering things better when you eat a specific substance. Innovation in the field of food technology is the topic we invite you all to join us for this summer in Lund. Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium) future… Let’s build it together! 16 July 2014 – 25 July 2014


Are you eager to learn about Massive constructions in what we can easily call a crazy atmosphere. Have you ever wondered about good looking/bad ass constructions but still always loved mother nature beauty?

Łódź (Poland)Beauty and the BEaST, Chemistry does not take a rest! 10 July 2014 – 19 July 2014 After 10 days of training you will become an attractive and fragrant expert about how to keep your inner beauty last forever. You will also know how cosmetics are made and what from. Remember – what doesnt kill you, makes you pretty! Ljubljana (Slovenia) BEST and Furious: Drive Me Crazy, From Carriage to a Supercar 11 July 2014 – 20 July 2014 How nature preserving is NOS fuel injection? What are the modern design trends in car industry? Who should give me the BEST information? Where do they cover all this topics? It’s the Ljubljana’s summer course! 11

Lisbon (Portugal) My Way Is The Bioway! 01 August 2014 – 14 August 2014 Are your eager to know more about the world we live in? Do you think you are awesome enough to grow a successful business from what Nature provides? “My Way is The Bioway” is exactly what you want and need to attend this summer. Liège (Belgium) Understanding the world of renewable energy and the energy challenges faced by the planet 15 July 2014 – 25 July 2014 During this summer course, we offer you a unique possibility to understand the energy challenges that our planet is facing and get a sneak peek at top notch ongoing research projects in the domain.

Las Palmas (Spain) Interfering with the flow of Vargas Beach 19 July 2014 – 31 July 2014 The mission is to find a concept idea that will shape a sketch proposal for a landscape intervention. This intervention has to take a strong attitude and set the rules for usage of the beach, its materiality and its dialogue with nature that so strongly determine the intervention. Leuven (Belgium) Bio’nd Technology 05 July 2014 – 18 July 2014 So you’re an engineer, but you don’t know how to engineer nature yet? Or you do, but are hungry for more information? In this series of classes you will find out! A team of professors will guide you through the tiny world of cells and how to manipulate them into useful applications. 12

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Kraków (Poland)Disturb the Sound of Silence! 10 July 2014 – 21 July 2014 During our course you can gain basic knowledge about Sound and Audio Engineering, discover secrets of music production and recording, go to a place where you can hear only your thoughts, understand the process of creating human speech and other things connected with the topic. Istanbul (Turkey)beKEBAB: Taste it, learn it, cook it! 15 June 2014 – 24 June 2014 This is the BEST À la carte course you will find this summer.Take a closer look at our Menu and get ready to be delighted! Thousand-year-old history,culture and heritage- FREE Most excited and amusing orgaNicersFREE

Istanbul Yildiz (Turkey)Stop Robotizing Your Soul, Create Them to Solve! 29 June 2014 – 07 July 2014 Hey You ! Yes , YOU ! Just imagine the whole world is being formed using Robotics! All things that you see around you, Everything, Every single thing ! Gothenburg (Sweden) Sports and Technology, what’s the analogy? 07 June 2014 – 19 June 2014 We invite you to participate in our summer course on a brand-new topic: Technology in Sport. Together with Chalmers University of Technology we will be among the first in Sweden who combine the incompatible: engineering and sport. 13

Gliwice (Poland) Trust me, I’m a Beergineer! 09 July 2014 – 18 July 2014

I bet you drink a lot of beer, but have you ever made one? Prepare yourself for probably the craziest experience of your life with LBG Gliwice. Ghent (Belgium) Saving The Last Elements: Recycle the Past, Build the Future! 01 July 2014 – 11 July 2014 Nowadays, we are becoming more and more aware of the fact that the material and energy resources on Earth are limited. Moreover, for some elements we are reaching the limit of what Earth can offer us and these elements are now officially identified as ?critical?. OH NO!

Gdansk (Poland) LINK: Let’s Introduce the Network of Knowledge 28 June 2014 – 05 July 2014 BEST Academics and Companies Forum provides you with opportunities of having an impact on the new trends in European Engineering Education. During interactive sessions, you will generate ideas and provide suggestions on an international project. Faro Algarve (Portugal) R²: Rehabilitation and Renewability 24 July 2014 – 02 August 2014 If you are interested in urban rehabilitation this is the place for you! Why? Because this is a very practical course in which you will learn in a very active and practical way how to reha14 bilitate a building, for example!


Erlangen (Germany)Energy-Remix: Be tomorrow’s power DJ! 10 June 2014 – 17 June 2014 Do you think “Energiewende” is some kind of potato? Do you want to know more about the world famous German energy secrets?And besides that you want to go to a place where there is a huge variety of different beers? Then don´t look no further because LBG Erlangen is ready for you to live, learn and party for 7 days Copenhagen (Denmark) The model, the threat and the insider. 19 July 2014 – 02 August 2014 Have you ever wondered why James Bond is so successful?Whether the security precautions in big organisations work?How to actually break them? Understanding the threats posed by insiders and protecting against them is one of the big challenges for the future.

Coimbra (Portugal)WateR u doing? Give me your Energy! 23 July 2014 – 02 August 2014 In these 10 days you will have the opportunity to: explore hydroelectric production and see how it works by visiting a big company,meet new forms of energy production from water and establish contact with great companies and their last projects. Chania (Greece)Working on product lines 10 July 2014 – 21 July 2014 A key for entering the market? A weapon of the middle and small enterprises? A demand of the society? A tool for effective administration? The aim of this SC is to examine the various perspectives of quality, its role in the present and future society and the effect it has on everyday 16 business activities.


Brussels (Belgium)Why all this commotion about Corrosion? Discover corrosion in the context of a durable society 06 July 2014 – 15 July 2014 Tired of corroding keys and cars? Interested in solving a problem that consumes up to 1-5% of a nation’s GNP and induces both health and safety issues?Then don’t hesitate and apply to get the BEST summer experience of your life! Brno (Czech Republic)How Nature Designs Your Body 20 June 2014 – 30 June 2014 Join us for a course about one of the most interesting fields that mixes technology and medicine. Take a look into the world of human anatomy and the signals of our bodies. We will find out how to help people and fix injuries and mistakes of nature. Bratislava (Slovakia)Flood Protection: How not to get wet! 29 June 2014 – 07 July 2014 In this summer course, water will not be the one who needs protection. It will be us, our homes, cities and the whole country. You will learn about the power of the water, about all hydrologic, hydraulic and environmental aspects of flood protection. Ankara (Turkey) Wind Turbines: What does the wind say? 25 August 2014 – 03 September 2014 Have you ever blown air to a pin wheel? Have you ever seen a 60 meter tall wind turbine and wondered how they harvest energy from wind? Do you wanna know how these beautiful giants are build? 17 Then this course is definitely for you!

Almada (Portugal)Follow the Signals of Your Summer 05 July 2014 – 12 July 2014 What do you think about signals? What do you think about biomedical signal processing? Our bodies are constantly sending signals about our health. Those signals are very weak electrical signals, which must somehow be captured and converted into information that can be computed by software to provide real-time data. Aalborg (Denmark)Brewmeister’s Guide to BEER brewing 23 July 2014 – 02 August 2014 Have you ever after drinking a BEER thought: That’s one awesome BEER!!Have you ever wondered how to brew delicious BEER?Do you want to learn how to brew your own BEER? Do you dream of becoming a BREWMEISTER yourself? Do not hesitate apply today! Become a BREWMEISTER!

Ekaterinburg (Russia)B13: In the yellow submarine 25 July 2014 – 03 August 2014 Do you want to feel something new? Do you like nature, rowing the river and climbing the mountains? Have you ever chopped wood for fire in the night? If you answered YES – don’t be shy – APPLY! This event is especially for you! Chisinau (Moldova) IT-lligent Manager – How to lead? 06 July 2014 – 15 July 2014 Did you ever want to be the leader of your own project in the area of IT? Are you interested in how to lead and work with a team of developers? Then try to become an IT-lligent Manager and learn How to lead a team at the 18 Summer Course in Chisinau.


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Cursuri în Romania Timisoara (Romania) Make it, test it, try to break it! 09 July 2014 – 20 July 2014 We offer you the chance to study Strength of Materials and Finite Element Analysis and find out the details we never see about why our everyday world doesn’t fall apart!

Iasi(Romania) Build me up Buttercup! 13 July 2014 – 27 July 2014 Can you step outside your comfort zone?Tapping into your true potential is no idle endeavor.It demands creativity, dedication, and a whole lot of hustle. We provide art and design lovers, architects and everyone in between a way to discover a piece of Romania! Brasov (Romania) Level Up Your Robotics 13 July 2014 – 27 July 2014 This really is the course for you if you have ever wondered about the application of robotics. I mean, just look around you! Robots, robots everywhere. Robots have a big impact on our everyday life, it makes manufacturing more easy and more precise. Brasov (Romania) Highlanders of Transylvania v3.0 13 July 2014 – 27 July 2014 This July, we’re going on 3 different mountains here in Transylvania, one more beautiful & challenging than the other. It’s going to be a wild ride so put on your best boots and gear because you’re going to need it! Have you ever been climbing? No? Well, there’s a first for everything!

Scrisoarea de motivare Pentru orice curs vă decideţi să aplicaţi, trebuie să ştiţi că este necesară o scrisoare de motivare, în funcţie care Grupurile Locale dinfacea toată Europa i omniaes dedema dolo cum sedBEST estrum îşi vor selecta participanţii. Criteriile variază de la un grup dellaut odi sitam de selecţie vendest, officipsunt et la altul, re parionsedi quos non nem dar scrisoarea de motivare are cu siguranţădolorum cea maiilibusam, mare pondere în alegerea quae peroritateNon et que nihitis exeribus peratur participanţilor. catur? Landunti re multitudinii rem assit ulparupta Nu există reo consedi reţetă perfectă, datorită de criterii, darverempor cu siguranţă ornobis aut doluptur? Ibusdae amusdaest apernam nestibus, ganizatoriivolo vor min vreaconsentis să ştie: et offictis ommolende remporum venem CINE EŞTI? maiorempe dessit volupta quo exped mo voluptatus. Care îţi sunt studiile, pasiunile,incipit care sunt cunoştinţele tale în domeniul tiisciam dolecab Offic te pe parions equisit cursuant telacerum ut eiunt, cumqui sentior lui şi cum estruntur îţi place să distrezi.etPrezentarea ta nu trebuiebea să fie lungă, dar să hillaudae rem. Hicimi, tem re ehenihit hicatia sin preiciati cuprindă informaţii relevante despre preocupările tale, şi despre cum ai putea quam, sa simo velit libus ditis odignim faccum, cus. Ones solo contribui tu la formarea unui grup de participanţi diversificat şi receptiv. porehenet pro cuptae. Nos beaturem as nos quoditaspera De asemenea, nu uita că persoanele care selectează participanţii dipsumq uaerchicti comni sit la vel magnia nobisquosunt int studenţi ca şi tine. odi Convinge-i că eşti destul şi amuzant încât să vrea să te occus natur? Quiate sam,de interesant que plaborerum sequat volore vadă şi peandel viu. O mică molupicit doză de aut ciudăţenie șirera de mister nu strică! erspero et es a sinusa non repe sa vent.CURSUL Pa quo dolesectium nobis ent minci blatiatem quo DE CE AIraALES ACESTA? venihildescrierea ibuscil isquam sumet şi ai grijă, optust magnimolupta sapeles. Citeşte cuet atenţie cursului în cazul în care aplici la mai multe aut qui que non cus doloribust cursuri să nu le încurci. Grupurile BEST vor fi curioase să audă motivarea ta şi de multe ori aceasta cântăreşte cel mai mult în decizia lor. Scrie motive specifice! Aşa vor şti că scrisoarea ta nu e una standard cu care aplici la toate cursurile şi interesul tău e real! DE CE AI ALES ORAŞUL/ŢARA ACEASTA? Vrei sau nu, cei care vor face selecţia, întotdeauna se vor simţi puţin gâdilaţi în orgoliu dacă le dai şi un motiv legat de ţara lor pentru care vrei să mergi acolo! Nu insista însă prea mult căci există riscul să dai impresia că mergi acolo ca turist şi cursurile cad pe locul doi. Dacă la aceste informaţii adaugi şi puţină originalitate în formulare, cu siguranţă că vei avea o şansă în plus. Oricine apreciază simţul umorului şi creativitatea aşa că nu ezita să le foloseşti când ai ocazia. Pe langă scrisoarea de intenţie, la unele cursuri trebuie sa răspunzi si la câteva întrebări (de regulă 3), prin care organizatorii vor să îţi testeze creativitatea. Fii cât mai original când răspunzi la aceste întrebări! Gândeşte-te la nişte răspunsuri pe care niciun alt aplicant nu le poate da înafară de tine! Acum nu mai rămâne decât să aplici! Fă-ţi curaj, apucă-te de scris şi îţi poţi petrece iarna cum nici nu ai îndrăznit să speri. :) Dacă ai fost acceptat la curs, vei fi contactat de către echipa BEST Cluj. Rezervăţi din timp bilete pentru destinaţia aleasă şi pregăteşte-ți bagajele!



CUM APLICI ? Intră pe și urmează instrucțiunile. Vei avea nevoie și de o scrisoare de motivare (în engleză). Vei găsi tips&tricks utile pentru a avea parte de o vară fără griji !


“Viața de student e faină dar poți s-o faci și mai faină dacă te duci la un curs BEST. Aventură, distracție, petreceri tematice, cursuri, prieteni, multiculturalitate, călătorit, poze, tradiții, jocuri, activități sociale sunt doar câteva cuvinte care îmi trec acum prin cap când mă gândesc la cursul din Izmir la care am participat. În plus, cum altcumva mai poți petrece timp de 1-2 săptămâni gratis în alte orașe din Europa? “-Mihai Natea “Nu vezi doar studenti din orasul in care se desfasoara cursul,ci interactionezi si cu studenti din toata Europa. Probabil cursul la care participi nu va fi exact pe specialitatea ta,eu sunt student la Electronica si Telecomunicatii si cursul a fost despre energetica si mi s-a parut mai interesant decat cursurile de la facultate. As putea spune ca iti ofera o perspectiva si asupra altor cariere.”-Mario Moinar


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