Children of seasonal migrant workers

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have been weighed, given iron, vitamins or deworming

spend more time with their children, important gains

medicine, and to have spent fewer days in bed.

could be obtained from increasing fathers’ involvement and interactions. This might be particularly relevant in

Furthermore, in 2008 the households assigned to

the context we study in Nicaragua, where fathers – and

receive only the basic treatment did not have higher

to a lesser extent mothers – frequently migrate for work.

expenditures than those in the control group, yet these

This may bring in the needed financial resources, but

households continued to show significant differences in

at the same time it causes fathers to be absent from the

these early childhood investments. These effects cannot

daily lives of their young children for long stretches of

easily be explained by the earlier cash transfers. Rather,

time. Does increasing awareness of good early childhood

they suggest that the Atención a Crisis programme had an

practices in such a context increase their investment in

effect on behaviour even 2 years after the programme

their young children?

had been discontinued. Two pilot interventions were designed to analyse these This, in turn, can help explain why programme impacts

questions. The first intervention relied on home visits by

were sustained 2 years after the programme ended. The

trained educators, who visited young children’s homes

lack of fade-out stands in contrast with evaluations

on a regular basis to teach parents about good parenting

of a number of interventions in both developed and

practices, focusing on play, praise and a caring home

developing countries. Indeed, many other interventions,

environment, and including messages on nutrition

whether nutritional supplements or centre-based

and hygiene (Macours et al., 2012a). In a random subset

interventions, only target the child directly. The fact

of villages they worked only with mothers and their

that fade-out of impacts appears to occur for many

children, while in the other randomly selected subset,

early childhood programmes, but not for Atención a Crisis,

they tried to actively engage the fathers.

suggests that the behavioural changes made by parents might be important in obtaining lasting gains in

Engaging the fathers, not surprisingly, was

childhood development.

challenging, given their frequent absences from the home. Nevertheless, the results show that

Can information alone work?

interventions that included the fathers were more

If changes in parental investment behaviour through

effective in increasing early childhood cognitive and

information directed towards mothers were important

socio-emotional skills, and this was especially strong

to understand the impact of the ccts, what then is

for boys. The evidence also shows that the intervention

the potential of intensive interventions providing

changed knowledge and attitudes regarding early

information only, and not cash? And does the impact

childhood practices, motivated parents and children

of such information interventions differ depending

to engage in more joint activities, led to less physical

on whether they target mothers or fathers in the

punishment and more praise, and improved nutrition

households? We set out to investigate these questions

practices. In terms of magnitude, the impact on

in a context where seasonal migration constitutes an

cognitive and socio-emotional skills of this information

important part of the livelihood of poor households.

intervention achieved impacts similar to those of the cct programme.

The question about fathers is especially pertinent, as early childhood interventions typically target mothers,

A second pilot intervention, currently in the planning

but in poor rural households in developing countries it

phase, will investigate whether providing information

might often be the fathers who manage most financial

about parenting practices to mothers and fathers of

resources and make decisions on possible investments

young children can also be effective when sent through

in early childhood. And while mothers might possibly

daily text messages. The text message approach has the


• E a r l y Ch i l d h o o d M a t t e r s • N o v e m b e r 2013

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